Module 3 Upload S
Module 3 Upload S
Module 3 Upload S
Core Values
Core values help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their
goals by creating an unwavering guide.
These guiding principles dictate behavior and can help people understand the
difference between right and wrong.
Core Purpose
What makes you/organization different from everyone else in your field? What
differentiates you? A way to answer this and to do this is with your core values. You’ve
to be clear about what those are.
Do you believe in respect? If you do, it would expect your core beliefs to be a significant
source for the values you choose to live.
Lesson Objectives:
Have you been confused lately with a lot of choices and you can’t decide
which one to pick?
Decision making is a skill that needs to be learned and strengthened in our
day to day living. It is not an easy skill to master. Yet, the more often we
make decisions, the better we’ll get at it. And the more challenging problems
we’ll face each day, the better we’ll enhance it.
While easier decisions (e.g., which shoes to wear or which food to eat) don’t
require a detailed planning process, decisions such as picking a university or
college, choosing a career path, getting a job or just focusing on school,
figuring out if friends are true or not, or whether or not to report a bullying
incident or a crime usually require contemplation.
In this module, you will learn ways to arrive at good decisions and realize their
importance in setting your personal goals and in achieving them through your
Personal Mission Statement.
As you go through this module, you must be able to answer this essential
question: How can we have a self-directed life?