EJHC Volume 13 Issue 3 Pages 2100-2118
EJHC Volume 13 Issue 3 Pages 2100-2118
EJHC Volume 13 Issue 3 Pages 2100-2118
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
above mentioned study setting were Part II: Patient's clinical data: This
selected based on the epidemiology part was used to collect patient's
information statistical program (Epi clinical data regarding patient's past
info V7.0) which wasused to estimate medical health history as: onset of the
the minimum sample size required disease discovery, disease duration,
using the following parameters: length of time since diagnosis,
a) Population size: 150/year appearance of signs and symptoms,
b) Expected frequency: 50% associated medical diseases, previous
c) Acceptable error: 10% hospitalization from complications of
d) Confidence coefficient: 99% SLE, number of previous
e) Minimum sample size: 79 hospitalization, previous operations
Patients who fulfilled the following and exposure to radiation.
criteria were considered eligible to take Furthermore, patient's present health
part in the study: history as: chief complains, current
Adult patients age range from 20 to prescribed medications, side effects of
60 years. prescribed medications and compliance
Patient recently diagnosed with with medication regimens. Moreover,
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus family history as: diabetes, high blood
(from 1-3 years). pressure, heart disease, cancer,
Able to communicate verbally. rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus
Exclude the pregnant women as erythematosus.
pregnancy health related quality of Tool (II):- "Systemic Lupus
life may be overlapping with the Erythematosus Quality of Life
SLE quality of life. Interview Questionnaire".
The selected patients were then split (SLEQOLIQ) : This tool was
into two equal groups (control and developed by Leong et al., (2005) to
study), each with 40 individuals. assess the quality of life of SLE
Tools of the study: patients. Content validity was done and
Three tools were used, based on test-retest reliability was done, the
reviewing the related literature in order coefficient value was 0.83 by Leong et
to collect the necessary information al., (2005). It includes six main
Tool (I) "Demographic data categories namely; physical
structured interview schedule for functioning, social and occupational
patients with Systemic Lupus activities, symptoms, treatment, mood
Erythematosus" and self- image. The categories items
This tool was developed by the assembled into a questionnaire. These
researcher after review of related categories are:-
literature (Gheita et al., 2011; Reis & 1. Physical functioning: Included
Costa, 2010; Sliem et al., 2011). It six items namely: walking
was used to assess demographic outdoors on level ground,
characteristics of patients diagnosed shopping, turning taps on and
with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. off, going to the supermarket,
It includes two parts; bathing and drying themselves,
Part I: Demographic data: This part and walking continuously for 30
was used to collect patient's personal minutes.
data regarding: age, sex, level of 2. Social and Occupational
education, occupation, marital status, activities: Included nine items
area of residence, income adequacy, namely: work and school
source of income and treatment performance, interference with
payment system if present. the career or education, missing
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Score from 37- 46 indicate mild findings of the jury’s comments and
fatigue the pilot study, the tool was reviewed.
Score from 47- 55 indicate According to statistical analysis, some
moderate fatigue questions were clarified, others were
Score from 56- 63 indicate added and few were omitted.
severe fatigue Data collection: The data collection
Method: was initiated covering a period of 6
Approval: months (from February 2022 to July
An official letter was obtained 2022).
from the Faculty of Nursing; For the study group:
Damanhur University, then it was The researchers interviewed each
directed to the director of the patient in the study group individually
outpatient clinic after explanation of for around 45 minutes. The researchers
the aim of the study, in order to carry introduced themselves to the patient
out the research. and clarified the purpose of the study
Tool development: and then written consent was attained
Demographic data structured for participation in the study.
interview schedule for patients with Throughout this interview tool 1 was
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Tool I) used to collect demographic data from
to collect data about the demographic, the patient.
as well as patient's clinical data was The patient was instructed to sit down
developed by the researcher. Systemic in a comfortable position, close his
Lupus Erythematosus Quality of Life eyes, and maintain them closed (if
Interview Questionnaire (SLEQOLIQ) possible) until the treatment was
(Tool II) was translated into Arabic complete. The patient was asked to re-
language by the researcher after review demonstrate each phase of the PMR
of relevant literature. Tool III was procedure after the researchers had
adopted and translated into Arabic. previously demonstrated it, as the
Testing of content validity: The following steps:
content validity of the tools was The patient was encouraged to take
submitted to jury members of five deep breaths and inhale deeply
experts in the Medical-Surgical through the nose. As the patient
Nursing and community health nursing filled his or her body with air, the
field , to assure the content validity, abdomen rose. Next, slowly
completeness, and clarity of items, exhale through your lips, bringing
appropriateness of translations, and your navel in towards your spine
applicability on the Egyptian society. as you do so. Breathe deeply for
Reliability testing: was done using the 3-5 cycles (or as long as the
test-retest method within three weeks patient can handle it).
intervals on 8 patients by Alpha The patient was told to contract and
Cronbach'sfor the tool 2, and 3 were relax their muscles by the
α= 0.905, α= 0.855. researchers. Starting with your
Pilot study: Pilot study was carried feet, tighten your toes and push
out on 8 SLE patients at the previously your heels down. For a few
mentioned study setting to ascertain breaths, squeeze firmly, then let
the clarity and applicability of the go. Then, flex your feet inward
study tools and to identify obstacles with your toes pointing up
that may be faced during data towards your head. Hold for 10
collection. They are not included in seconds, then slowly release as
the actual study subjects. Based on the you count to 10.
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Keep tensing and releasing each daily in the morning and evening
muscle group. Counting to ten for one month
while slowly releasing the The patients was followed by
contractions in your thigh telephone calling for assuring
muscles as you work your way up compliance and outpatients
to your right leg. Repeat for the follow up after 2 and 4 weeks
left leg, buttocks (tighten by Tool II and III were completed at
pulling buttocks together, holding the second week and one month
for 10 seconds, and then slowly post intervention.
releasing while counting to 10), For the control group:
abdomen (tighten by inhaling The control group's patients were
deeply, holding for 10 seconds, left for routine care. Each patient
and then gradually releasing underwent a 15-minute individual
while counting to 10), chest interview with the researchers, who
(tighten by clenching fist, holding utilized tools 1, 2, and 3 to obtain
for 10 seconds, and then information from them. The patient
gradually releasing while was then interviewed by
counting to 10), hands (tighten researchers two weeks and one
fist), and right arm (tighten bicep), month later to conduct a post-test
for the muscles in the neck and using tools 2 and 3.
shoulders (raise shoulders up to Each patient in both groups
touch ears, holding for 10 seconds, underwent a private, one-on-one
and then slowly releasing while interview to receive written
counting for 10), mouth (open informed consent to participate in
mouth wide enough to stretch the the study and to receive an
hinges of the jaw, holding for 10 explanation of its aim. Patients
seconds, and then slowly were reminded of their ability to
releasing while counting for 10), refuse study participation, and they
and finally for the forehead (raise were guaranteed of the
eyebrows as high as possible, confidentiality and anonymity of
holding for 10 seconds, and then their responses. Additionally, it
slowly releasing while counting was guaranteed that they could
for 10). withdrawal from the study at any
The patient exhales deeply as the time.
procedure comes to a close, Statistical Analysis:
remarking how much calmer and After data collection was
more at ease they felt. completed, it was feed to SPSS to
According to the patient's needs, be analyzed. Data was coded and
the researchers conducted re categorized, number, percentage,
demonstration. The researchers mean and stander deviation were
also corrected the patient's used to describe the basic data.
incorrect use of the procedure. The used tests were:
The patient was invited to 1 - Chi-square test for categorical
demonstrate the PMR technique variables to compare between
again after the explanation was different groups
finished until he or she had 2 - Monte Carlo correction for chi-
mastered it. square when more than 20% of the
The patients then instructed to do cells have expected count less than
PMR technique for two sessions 5.
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Table V: Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique on the Study and Control Groups' Different Domains of Quality of Life:
Dimensions of quality of Before intervention After 15 day of intervention After 30 days of intervention
life Study Control Study Control Study Control
group group group group group group
8.35±1.732 8.025±1.073 14.10±1.316 8.61±0.877 15.95±1.218 8.92±0.720
Physical functioning
t= 0.479 P= 0.368 t=68.102 P=0.000 t=31.476 P=0.000
Social and 12.65±2.190 12.50±2.57 19.80±3.24 17.28±3.59 19.85±4.16 17.00±2.56
Occupational activities t=0.581 P=0.780 t=3.26 P=0.002 t=3.695 P=0.000
15.325±3.95 14.10±2.01 15.82±3.40 15.30±4.450 17.40±3.24 15.30±4.45
SLE Symptoms
t=1.74 P=0.086 t=0.593 P=0.555 t=2.413 P=0.018
6.40±1.19 6.40±1.10 8.205±1.56 7.65±1.83 9.32±2.15 7.80±1.84
t=0.000 P=1.00 t=0.985 P=0.328 t=3.404 P=0.001
8.45±1.35 7.97±1.95 8.92±1.92 8.350±2.66 10.750±1.192 8.85±1.67
t=1.262 P=0.211 t=1.106 P=0.273 t=5.84 P=0.000
8.45±1.35 7.97±1.95 17.67±3.51 16.70±3.87 24.27±2.38 17.50±3.4
Self- image
t=0.398 P=0.692 t=1.79 P=0.242 t=10.30 P=0.000
t= T test *Significant at P ≤ 0.05
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.3