2023 Task 6.1P
2023 Task 6.1P
2023 Task 6.1P
Note: Queries should be forwarded to your respective tutor via email only. Give at least 2
business days for us to reply or give feedback.
In the previous tasks we have used minimal and custom topology to conduct the performance
evaluation of the small-scale emulated networks. In this task we will extend the network scale
from minimal to a large scale. To extend the network to large scale we use real world topology
data sets from The Internet Topology Zoo [1].
The Internet Topology Zoo has an extensive collection of publicly available network topologies
from various network providers. Approximately 250 different network topologies are stored in
the Internet Topology Zoo database. Every single topology portrays a network domain,
providing detailed information about the connectivity between different nodes and domains,
such as link types, speed, longitudes and latitudes of nodes, and classification of the network.
The Internet Topology Zoo uses an undirected graph to represent each topology in a GraphML
format [1], [2], [3].
You should use AARNet and DFN topology (as shown in Figure 1 and 2) in this work. AARnet
topology represents the actual network topology of the Australian Universities network. The
Internet Topology Zoo group collected it in 2010 and include 19 universities. The AARNet
topology represents the actual physical properties of the interconnected links, such as speed
and delay. The DFN topology consisting of 57 nodes. Use these two topologies to rigorously
conduct the network performance.
To do list:
Part A
Before you start, we strongly encourage you to read all the references.
• Get the data set of these topologies from Internet Topology Zoo [1], download
GML, GraphML files of DFN and AARNet topology. Using auto Mininet [4] convert them
into .py format.
• Use any one topology and connect it to any SDN controller.
• Please give a reason that what was the need of the Auto Mininet or parser?
Part B (Refer [5] and answer each question in maximum 250 words)
Q1. There is a push towards creating networking devices that are open, or run Linux inside,
such that software can be written to extend or enhance the capabilities of devices. What are
the ways in which this is a good idea? And are there ways in which this is a bad idea?
Q2. What is your understanding about policy-based security architectures?
Q3. In software-defined networks, policy-based security management or architecture (PbSA)
is an ideal way to dynamically control the network. We observe that this enables security
capabilities intelligently and enhance fine-grained control over end user behavior. Explain
more about PbSA.
Q4. Please give the generic workflow of most of the existing policy-based security management
Q5. Why the analysis of the policy based SDN security architecture is essential?
Q6. Explain how number of policy rules, rule matching probability of flow in policy-table, flow
arrival rate, and the impact of rule expressions on throughput impacts the performance of
To Submit
You are required to show that steps of the Part A. For part B, address each question in 250
words (maximum).
Submit all requirements in one pdf file.
[Highly] recommended study material for this task: -
1. http://www.topology-zoo.org/
2. S. Knight, H. X. Nguyen, N. Falkner, R. Bowden and M. Roughan, "The Internet Topology
Zoo," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 1765-
1775, October 2011, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2011.111002.
3. Großmann, Marcel, and Stephan JA Schuberth. "Auto-Mininet: Assessing the Internet
topology zoo in a software-defined network emulator." Messung, Mellierung un
Bewertung von Rechensystemen (MMBnet) 7 (2013): 1-10. Online:[ https://www.uni-
kationen/AutoMininet.pdf ]
4. https://github.com/sjas/assessing-mininet.git , see Appendix A as well, note that the
instructions in this Appendix are just some guidelines or hints, you may need to do some
troubleshooting to fix some syntax or some other issues (they are not the issues but
some points to think on). The issues are only because of variations in the ubuntu
versions, virtual Box version and specific laptop, etc. which are out of our control to fix
for individuals. Please spend time to fix those one.
5. K. Sood, K. K. Karmakar, V. Varadharajan, U. Tupakula and S. Yu, "Analysis of Policy-
Based Security Management System in Software-Defined Networks," in IEEE
Communications Letters, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 612-615, April 2019, doi:
10.1109/LCOMM.2019.2898864. (To download this paper, see week 5’s content).
Appendix A
Note that the instructions in this Appendix are just some guidelines or hints, you may need to
do some troubleshooting to fix some syntax or some other issues (they are not the issues but
some points to think on). These issues are due to variations in Ubuntu version, virtual box
version, specific laptop configurations/variations etc. which are out of our scope to fix for
Now that the whole above commands should work properly with <= Ubuntu 18.xx. On some
newer Ubuntu versions, especially Ubuntu 22, it might not work due to the python
environment. Please see the screenshot. So, one of the solutions is executing it by python3.
Or you can also fix the problem with Ubuntu 22 by add "#!/usr/bin/env python3" as the first