FISA 104 Fencing
FISA 104 Fencing
FISA 104 Fencing
❏ 41 Fix one end of the line wire securely to the strainer post Using petrol-driven chainsaws FISA301
before applying tension. Tractor units in tree work FISA501
ATV quad bikes FISA701
❏ 42 Knots may only be used on MS wire, otherwise suitable All-terrain vehicles FISA702
wire connectors must be used.
Emergency planning FISA802
❏ 43 When using ratchets, ensure the wire always has at least Electricity at work: Forestry FISA804
two full turns on the ratchet barrel. Training and certification FISA805
First aid at work: Your questions answered INDG214
Managing health and safety in forestry INDG294
❏ 44 Ensure wire strainers are securely attached and anchored These publications are available from the FISA and HSE websites.
before tensioning.
❏ 45 Do not stand on or astride wire while it is being tensioned.
❏ 47 To avoid recoil always ensure that the exposed ends of
wire are secured.
❏ 49 Take care not to spike the hands on loose ends. Checklist verified by:
AFTER WORK This guide sets out evidence of good practice for a specific forestry task.
For specific guidance on ATV quad bikes and other all-terrain ❏ 12 Organise the delivery of fencing materials to minimise manual ❏ 29 When using a stake/post driver do not allow it to be
vehicles see FISA leaflets 701 ATV quad bikes, and 702 All-terrain handling, eg mechanised unloading or team work at a lifted above the top of the post.
vehicles. prepared site.
❏ 30 When using a maul, ensure no one is close to or in line
You must also assess the effect of the site and the weather as ❏ 13 Organise the layout of materials on the site to minimise with the swing.
well as following this guidance. carrying. Where practical use an ATV or quad bike.
All operators must have had appropriate training in how to carry out ❏ 14 Get help with heavy or awkward materials. MECHANICAL POST/STAKE DRIVERS
the tasks required (see FISA leaflet 805 Training and certification).
❏ 31 This is a one-person operation.
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) ❏ 32 If the post/stake driver is mounted to a tractor via a
❏ 15 Check the proposed fence line for underground hazards three-point linkage, the tractor must be large enough to
❏ 1 Use the following PPE: and services, eg cables, water and gas mains. Where remain stable during post/stake driving.
present, ensure they are clearly marked.
• Gloves to protect against barbed wire, splinters, scratches etc. ❏ 33 The machine must be properly parked and braked before
• Non-snag outer clothing appropriate to the prevailing ❏ 16 Consult the local electricity company if working on fences post/stake driving begins.
weather conditions. The use of high-visibility clothing may within 40m of overhead power lines.
also be appropriate. ❏ 34 There is a risk of flying debris from the driven post/stake.
❏ 17 When dismantling fences check for vegetation growth Suitable face protection should be worn.
• Protective boots with good grip and ankle support which could make the behaviour of the wire and net
(complying with EN 345-1). unpredictable. Take particular care with old fences. ❏ 35 The post driver should be fitted with a gripping device to
remove the need for the operator to hold the post during
• Eye protection (safety glasses to EN 166) is strongly advised ❏ 18 Unload a trailer from the top side or the rear when it is on a operation of the machine.
because of the danger from flying debris, particularly when
side slope.
dismantling old fences.
❏ 2 Wear protective clothing appropriate to power tools if they TIMBER TREATED WITH PRESERVATIVE
are used, eg ear, face and eye protection. ❏ 36 Line wire may be of mild steel (MS), high tensile steel
❏ 19 Wear chemical-resistant gloves to handle timber which is (HT) or spring steel (SS). Barbed wire and woven wire
❏ 3 Each person should carry a first-aid kit including a large still wet with preservative. (Dried preservative, or dried mesh netting (eg hinge joint) may be of MS or HT and
wound dressing (see HSE leaflet INDG214 First aid at work: treated timber rewetted by rain is safe to handle.) all other netting (ie welded and hexagonal) is MS.
Your questions answered).
❏ 20 Do not use treated timber until the preservative has ❏ 37 SS is stronger than HT which is stronger than MS. SS and
❏ 4 Hand-cleaning material such as waterless skin cleanser or completely dried (up to 2-3 weeks after treatment). HT cannot normally be strained to breaking point
soap, water and paper towels should be available. manually. MS stretches before it breaks. Kinks, twists and
❏ 21 Do not burn off-cuts of treated timber on site – dispose of surface damage increase the risk of breakage in all types.
them via a licensed waste contractor.
TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT ❏ 38 HT and SS recoil much more dangerously than MS when
❏ 5 The tools and equipment selected will depend upon the
❏ 22 If wood preservatives approved for hand application are cut, broken or simply released.
used to treat cut surfaces, observe the safety instructions
type of fencing being erected/dismantled. Ensure that all
on the label – eye protection, gloves and overalls. Always
tools and equipment are serviceable.
use the least hazardous product. LINE WIRE DISPENSING
❏ 6 Tools and equipment must be well maintained with all ❏ 39 Use a dispenser when unrolling line wires to avoid
cutting edges adequately guarded when not in use. HAND SAW kinking and twisting.
❏ 7 Do not place hand tools on the top of posts/stakes. Use a ❏ 23 Make sure the material being cut is secured. ❏ 40 Ensure the wire is kept firmly in place on the dispenser.
tool belt.
❏ 24 When notch cutting, keep the free hand clear of the saw teeth.
❏ 8 Report any defects.
❏ 25 If a chainsaw is used, see FISA leaflet 301 Using petrol-
driven chainsaws.