•In 1945, after World War II, Maximo Jimenez, a •Restaurants – this establishment is devoted to
stanford University- educated teacher, befriended serving only food and beverages.
American occupation troops stationed in Quezon a. Coffee Shops- they offer coffee, snacks and
City. A few came to his nearby house for a drink. often-light meals through to supper items.
Soon, the Filipino public heard about the delicious They require fast service for the fast
chicken recipe and thus they came to the small turnover of their guests.Food is pre-plated
Restaurant and Max’s Restaurant was born. from the kitchen. The portion sizes are
fixed. The atmosphere is informal which
•Gerry Apolinario had a way of enjoying delicious means that guests can come in casual wear.
food with friends and relatives. After gathering his b. Fast Food Restaurants- also called quick-
folks for organizing, Gerry’s Grill was opened on service restaurants. It caters to people on
February 14, 1997. Their bestselling dish however is the go requiring fast, economical and
sisig. Gerry’s Grill has branches all over Luzon, portable foods. Fast food restaurants are
Visayas and Mindanao. ready to serve foods at reasonable rates.
c. Casual Dining Restaurant – also called
bistros, appearance and atmosphere •Transport Catering-refers to the provision of food
provide an environment for casual dining and beverages to passengers, before, during, and
where foods are served with waited table after a journey on different transport vehicles.
d. Bars and Pubs – this outlet serves alcoholic
and non-alcoholic beverages with limited a. Airline catering – caters to airline
food and good music. Bars have licenses to passengers on flights
serve liquor, as they have to follow strict b. Railway catering – caters to railway
laws and rules like closing time and serving passengers on trains. In-transit service can
underage persons. vary from fresh food provided to passengers
e. Fine Dining Restaurants -these types of at their seats by carefully planning supply
establishments require highly skilled points en-route.
employees for the superb service they offer, c. Ship catering- caters to passengers travelling
gearing up on ambiance, service and on sea. It is almost like catering in a hotel.
excellent foodservice. The challenge in cruise liners is the ability of
f. Specialty Restaurant – In such restaurant, stocking and storing the right quantity of
the entire atmosphere and décor are geared provisions and raw materials between ports
to a particular theme normally related to to ensure that food is available to
regional cuisine, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, passengers during their voyage.
Vietnamese and French restaurant are all
geared to the specialty food they offer. •Welfare Catering- provision of food and beverage
g. Food Bars – this collective name to cover to people to fulfil a social need, determined by a
informal snacks bars, milk tea bars, kiosks, recognized authority.
potato corner, shawarma, frozen yoghurt,
theatre counters, etc. People eat food at a a. Hospitals and Nursing Homes – the focus of
counter. These food bars have refrigerated these programs is to provide diet food
or heated glass counters displaying their supervised by qualified dietitians, to
wares. patients, who are unable to seek alternative
h. Discotheque- it is a restaurant, which is sources of food.
principally meant for dancing to recorded b. Prison catering – is another challenge, as
music. The music is driven by a qualified and inmates have to be fed nutritious and
experienced disc jockey (DJ) who responds wholesome food to avoid the spread of
to the moods of the guests. disease in a limited prison campus. prisons
have their own cooking programs, which are
supervised for hygiene and sanitation.
2. Secondary Catering Facilities/ Institutional c. Youth Hostels – provide food for the
Catering students on the move. They provide
Provides catering to institutions such as factories, wholesome and nutritious food to growing
business houses, schools, military, prisons, railways, age group who are always hungry. These
airlines etc. hostels need food programs to feed a
number of students at a time.
• Club Catering- this refers to the provision of food
and beverages to a restricted clientele (club
• Industrial Catering – provision of food and ✓Coordinates with the kitchen regarding out of
beverages to people at work, in industries and stock items and new promotions and disseminates
factories at highly subsidized rates. said information to all dining staff.
•Leisure-Linked Catering – provision of food and
beverages to people engaged in leisure. Example RESTAURANT MANAGER
are Theme Parks and Resorts, which offer great ✓Looks after the overall functioning of a
opportunity for food catering programs like restaurant.
restaurants, mobile vans, vending machines, kiosks ✓Manage the functions in the dining room
and dining rooms. ✓Supervises the safekeeping and inventory of
equipment and supplies
✓Prepares reports of staff and sales
Organizational Structures of Food & Beverage
✓Handle daily sales and coordinate with cashiers
Service Personnel
In foodservice operations today, the restaurant
operates with different positions, thereby defining
✓Oversees the set-up and delivery of service in
different jobs for different people. The employees
his/her area
in a restaurant are organized into a chain of
✓Supervises mis-en-place preparation, checks
command or organizational structure. Employees
availability of supplies.
are assigned activities in such a way
✓Monitors table service and the clearing of tables
that no work is duplicated or omitted.
in his area.
✓Takes the orders and carries out the service at
the table of the station;
✓Attends to guests complaints and requests;
Handling Food and Tableware: To keep tableware Formal Dinner napkins – 22 to 26 inches square
sanitary, always handle dishes by the rims, glasses Luncheons napkins- 14 to 16 inches square
by their bases and silver by the handles. Always use Tea napkins – 12 inches square
utensils, instead of your hands to handle foods. Cocktail napkins – 9 inches square
It includes any glass having all three features-
bowl, foot and stem
Refers to a tumbler with a handle or as a tall glass
cup. It is used for serving beer
Service Equipment & Supplies in Restaurant
Table Set-Up
Table Setting – refers to the manner in which the
table appointments and food are arranged on the
table or any surface for dining. The arrangement for
a single diner is called a place setting.
Cover or place setting refers to the space and all
equipment required by a diner, it varies between
20-30 inches wide.
Rules in Proper Flatware/Cutlery Placement — Cups and saucers are placed in line with the top
•Spoons go on the right of the cover and to the of the last piece of flatware on the right side. The
right of any knives, with the front up. In a formal handle of the cup should be to the right and slightly
set-up, a dinner spoon is not included in the place angled (pointing to about 4 o’clock or 5 o’clock
setting. position).
— Water goblets are placed to the right of the
cover, 1 inch above the tip of the dinner knife.