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AI ML Scheme Syl Sem7 175 Credits

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College of Engineering, Bengaluru – 19

(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU | Approved by AICTE)
Scheme of Instructions Semester – VII (With effect from the Academic Year 2020-21: admitted batches and onwards)
Teaching Hours Examination
in Credits/Week

Total Credits
Sl. # Course Title


Duration in

Total Marks

SEE Marks

CIE Marks
Course Code

1 BS-7 22AM7BSDAI IPR in Artificial Intelligence 2 0 0 2 02 50 50 100
2 HS-8 22AM7HSRLF Reinforcement Learning in Finance 3 0 0 3 03 50 50 100
3 PC-17 22AM7PCDLL Deep Learning Laboratory 0 0 1 1 02 50 50 100
22AM7PECSS Cognitive Systems
4 PE-5 22AM7PEEHP Ethical Hacking Principles 3 0 0 3 03 50 50 100
22AM7PEAUR Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
22AM7OEBDA Introduction to Big Data Analytics
22AM7OEINN Introduction to Neural Networks
3 0 0 3 03 50 50 100
5 OE-2 22AM7OEISC Introduction to Soft Computing
22AM7OEJIR Jira Programming [ L : T : P = 1 : 1 : 1]
22AM7OEDRL Deep Reinforcement Learning
6 OE-3 22AM7OETSA Time Series Analysis 3 0 0 3 03 50 50 100
22AM7OENFL Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
7 PW-5 22AM7PWCPR Capstone Project – Phase I 0 0 3 3 06 50 50 100
Industry Motivated Course
8 SR-3 22AM7SRIMC 0 0 1 1 02 50 50 100
(Seminar/Technical Writing)
Personality Development and Communication
9 NC-7 22AM7NCPDC Non-credit mandatory Course
Skills or Aptitude Skills
Total 14 0 5 19 24 400 400 800
Note: HS: Humanities and Social Sciences/Management Course, BS: Basic Science Course, ES: Engineering Science Course, PC: Professional Core Course, PE: Professional
Elective Course, OE: Open Elective Course; PW: Project/Mini Project Work, SR: Seminar Technical / Seminar Internship, NC: Non-credit mandatory course
Course Code 22AM7HSRLF Credits 3 L-T-P 3-0-0
CIE 50 Marks SEE 100 Marks (50% Weightage)
Contact Hours / Week 3 Total Lecture Hours 36

UNIT – 1 7 Hrs
Introduction: Reinforcement Learning ,Examples ,Elements of Reinforcement Learning,
Limitations and Scope, An Extended Example: Tic-Tac-Toe, Summary , Early History of
Reinforcement Learning. Finite Markov Decision Processes : The Agent–Environment Interface,
Goals and Rewards, Returns and Episodes ,Unified Notation for Episodic and Continuing Tasks,
Policies and Value Functions ,Optimal Policies and Optimal Value Functions ,Optimality and
UNIT – 2 8Hrs
Dynamic Programming :Policy Evaluation (Prediction),Policy Improvement ,Policy Iteration
,Value Iteration ,Asynchronous Dynamic Programming ,Generalized Policy Iteration. Monte Carlo
Methods :Monte Carlo Prediction ,Monte Carlo Estimation of Action Values ,Monte Carlo Control
,Monte Carlo Control without Exploring Starts ,Off-policy Prediction via Importance Sampling,
Incremental Implementation, Off-policy Monte Carlo Control,*Discounting-aware Importance
Sampling ,*Per-decision Importance Sampling.
UNIT – 3 7Hrs
Temporal-Difference Learning :Advantages of TD Prediction Methods, Optimality of TD(0),
Sarsa: On-policy TD Control , Q-learning: O↵-policy TD Control ,Expected Sarsa ,Maximization Bias
and Double Learning ,Games, Afterstates, and Other Special Cases.
UNIT – 4 7 Hrs
On-policy Prediction with Approximation : Value-function ,The Prediction Objective (VE)
,Stochastic-gradient and Semi-gradient Methods ,Linear Methods ,Feature Construction for Linear
Methods, Selecting Step-Size Parameters Manually ,Nonlinear Function Approximation: Artificial
Neural Networks Least-Squares TD ,Memory-based Function Approximation , Kernel-based
Function Approximation ,Looking Deeper at On-policy Learning: Interest and Emphasis.
UNIT – 5 7 Hrs
Eligibility Traces : The ⅄-return, TD(⅄), n-step Truncated ⅄-return methods, Redoing Updates:
Online ⅄-return algorithm, True Online TD (⅄), * Dutch Traces in Monte Carlo Learning, Sarsa (⅄),
Variable ⅄ and ℽ , * Off-policy traces with control variates, Watkin’s Q(⅄) to Tree-Backup (⅄), Stable
Off-policy methods with traces, Implementation issues.
Policy Gradient Methods :Policy Approximation and its Advantages ,The Policy Gradient Theorem
,REINFORCE: Monte Carlo Policy Gradient ,REINFORCE with Baseline, Actor–Critic Methods , Policy
Gradient for Continuing Problems ,Policy Parameterization for Continuous Actions.
Text Books:
1. Reinforcement learning : An introduction, Richard S.Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, MIT Press,
Reference Books:
1. Reinforcement learning .Adaptation ,learning, and optimization 12, Wiering, Marco, and
Martijn Van Otterlo,2012.
2. Deep reinforcement learning, Li, Yuxi, arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.06339 (2018).

Course Code 22AM7PECHP Credits 3 L-T-P 3-0-0
CIE 50 Marks SEE 100 Marks (50% Weightage)
Contact Hours / Week 3 Total Lecture Hours 36

UNIT – 1 6 Hrs
Introduction to Hacking – Important Terminologies – Penetration Test – Vulnerability
Assessments versus Penetration Test – Pre-Engagement – Rules of Engagement -Penetration
Testing Methodologies – OSSTMM – NIST – OWASP – Categories of Penetration Test – Types of
Penetration Tests – Vulnerability Assessment Summary -Reports.

UNIT – 2 7Hrs
Information Gathering Techniques : Active and Passive mechanisms, sources, tools, interacting
with DNS servers, Target enumeration and port scanning techniques,

UNIT – 3 8Hrs
Network Attacks: Vulnerability Data Resources – Exploit Databases – Network Sniffing – Types of
Sniffing -Promiscuous versus Nonpromiscuous Mode – MITM Attacks – ARP Attacks – Denial of
Service Attacks -Hijacking Session with MITM Attack – SSL Strip: Stripping HTTPS Traffic -DNS
Spoofing – ARP Spoofing Attack Manipulating the DNS Records – DHCP Spoofing -Remote
Exploitation – Attacking Network Remote Services – Overview of Brute Force Attacks – Traditional
Brute Force – Attacking SMTP – Attacking SQL Servers – Testing for Weak Authentication.
UNIT – 4 7 Hrs
Exploitation: Remote Exploitation: Network protocols, Server protocols functions and
mechanism, real life examples.
Client-Side Exploitation: Emails, Pdf attacks
Post Exploitation: Privileges, backdoors, maintain access.
UNIT – 5 8 Hrs
Wireless and Web Hacking: Wireless Hacking – Introducing Aircrack- Cracking the WEP –
Cracking a WPA/WPA2 Wireless Network Using Aircrack-ng – Evil Twin Attack – Causing Denial of
Service on the Original AP – Web Hacking – Attacking the Authentication – Brute Force and
Dictionary Attacks – Types of Authentication – Log-In Protection Mechanisms – Captcha Validation
Flaw – Captcha RESET Flaw – Manipulating User-Agents to Bypass Captcha and Other Protection –
Authentication Bypass Attacks – Testing for the Vulnerability – Automating It with Burp Suite –
Session Attacks – SQL Injection Attacks – XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) -Types of Cross-Site Scripting –
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) – SSRF Attacks.
Text Books:
1. Rafay Baloch, “Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide”, CRC Press, 2014
Reference Books:
1. Kevin Beaver, “Ethical Hacking for Dummies”, Sixth Edition, Wiley, 2018.
2. Jon Erickson , “Hacking: The Art of Exploitation”, Second Edition, Rogunix, 2007.

Course Code 22AM7PEAUR Credits 3 L-T-P 3-0-0
CIE 50 Marks SEE 100 Marks (50% Weightage)
Contact Hours / Week 3 Total Lecture Hours 36

UNIT – 1 8 Hrs
Introduction to Augmented Reality (AR) : Definition and Scope, A Brief History of Augmented
Reality ,Displays (Multimodal Displays, Spatial Display Model, and Visual Displays) ,Strong vs Weak
AR ,Applications of AR ,Challenges in AR.
Introduction to Virtual Reality (VR): Definition and Scope , Types of VR , Characteristics of VR ,
Basic VR environments, Limitations of VR environments, Immersion Vs Presence, Key hardware
requirements for VR.
UNIT – 2 7Hrs
Interaction design for AR/VR environments: Interaction design process, Identifying user needs,
AR/VR design considerations, Typical AR/VR Interface Metaphors , Affordances in AR/VR , Human
Information Processing , Design for Perception and cognition , User experience(UX) guidelines for
AR/VR , UX challenges for AR/VR, Prototyping for AR/VR, Evaluation of the developed AR/VR
UNIT – 3 7 Hrs
Introduction to UNITY : Unity Overview: Windows, Interface, Navigation, Terminology, Game
Objects, Hierarchy, Parenting Objects ,Asset Store, Importing Plug-ins, Creating a Terrain, Materials,
Colors, Transparency, Introduction to Monobehaviors : Awake, Start, Update.
UNIT – 4 7 Hrs
Introduction to Vuforia and Physics in UNITY: Vuforia Overview: Interface, Navigation,
Terminology, Image Targeting, Custom Images, Overview of Physics in Unity , Introduction to
Scripting: Terminology, Creating Objects, Accessing Components, Debugging, Lists, Loops.
UNIT – 5 7 Hrs
Expanding on Scripting and Interactions: Creating Trigger Events ,Manipulating Components in
Scripts , Programming Interactions between Objects and Tracked Images , Designing a simple User
Interface in AR, Navigating World Space for Objects and User, Introduction to colliders and their
use: OnCollisionEnter , OnCollisionExit, OnCollisionStay, OnTrigger vs OnCollision, Rigidbodies and
how Colliders report to them.
Text Books:
1. Understanding virtual reality. San Francisco, Sherman, W. R., & Craig, A. B. (2003), CA: Morgan
2. Augmented reality: principles and practice. Addison-Wesley Professional, Schmalstieg .D &
Hollerer, T. (2016).
Reference Books:
1. A survey of augmented reality. Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, Azuma, R.T.
(1997). 6(4), 355–385.
2. Recent advances in augmented reality. IEEE computer graphics and applications ,Azuma, R.,
Baillot, Y., Behringer, R., Feiner, S., Julier, S., & MacIntyre, B. (2001)., 21(6), 34-47.
3. A cost-effective interactive 3D virtual reality system applied to military live firing training.
Virtual Reality, Bhagat, K. K., Liou, W.-K., & Chang, C.-Y. (2016), 20(2), 127-140.

Course Code 22AM7OEBDA Credits L-T-P 3-0-0
CIE 50 Marks SEE 100 Marks (50% Weightage )
Contact Hours /Week 3 Total Lecture Hours 36

UNIT – 1 6 Hrs
What is Big Data and Why Is It Important?:
A Flood of Mythic “Start-Up” Proportions, Big Data Is More Than Merely Big , Why Now? ,
A Convergence of Key Trends, Relatively Speaking , A Wider Variety of Data ,The
Expanding Universe of Unstructured Data.
Industry Examples of Big Data: Digital Marketing and the Non-line World, Database
Marketers, Pioneers of Big Data, Big Data and the New School of Marketing, Fraud and Big
Data, Risk and Big Data, Credit Risk Management, Big Data and Algorithmic Trading, Big
Data and Advances in Health Care, Pioneering New Frontiers in Medicine, Advertising and
Big Data: From Papyrus to Seeing Somebody, Using Consumer Products as a Doorway.
UNIT – 2 8 Hrs
Big Data Technology:
The Elephant in the Room: Hadoop’s Parallel World, Old vs. New Approaches, Data
Discovery: Work the Way People’s Minds Work, Open-Source Technology for Big Data
Analytics, The Cloud and Big Data, Predictive Analytics Moves into the Limelight, Software
as a Service BI, Mobile Business Intelligence is Going Mainstream, Crowdsourcing
Analytics, Inter- and Trans-Firewall Analytics, R&D Approach Helps Adopt New
Technology, Big Data Technology Terms, Data Size.
UNIT – 3 8 Hrs
Business Analytics: The Last Mile in Data Analysis, Geospatial Intelligence Will Make Your
Life Better, Listening: Is It Signal or Noise?, Consumption of Analytics, From Creation to
Consumption, Visualizing: How to Make It Consumable?, Organizations Are Using Data
Visualization as a Way to Take Immediate Action , Moving from Sampling to Using All the
Data, Thinking Outside the Box, 360° Modeling, Need for Speed, Let’s Get Scrappy , What
Technology Is Available?, Moving from Beyond the Tools to Analytic Applications.
UNIT – 4 8 Hrs
The People Part of the Equation: Rise of the Data Scientist, Using Deep Math, Science, and
Computer Science, The 90/10 Rule and Critical Thinking, Analytic Talent and Executive
Buy-in, Developing Decision Sciences Talent, Holistic View of Analytics, Creating Talent for
Decision Sciences, Creating a Culture That Nurtures Decision Sciences Talent, Setting Up
the Right Organizational Structure for Institutionalizing Analytics.
Data Privacy and Ethics: The Privacy Landscape, The Great Data Grab Isn’t New,
Preferences, Personalization, and Relationships, Rights and Responsibility, Playing in a
Global Sandbox, Conscientious and Conscious Responsibility, Privacy May Be the Wrong
Focus, Can Data Be Anonymized?, Balancing for Counterintelligence.
UNIT – 5 6 Hrs
Information Management: The Big Data Foundation, Big Data Computing Platforms (or
Computing Platforms That Handle the Big Data Analytics Tsunami), Big Data Computation,
More on Big Data Storage, Big Data Computational Limitations, Big Data Emerging
Big Data Analytics Tool- Hadoop, MongoDB, Cassandra, MapReduce, Hive, Pig, Jasper

Text Books:
1. Big Data, Big Analytics: Emerging Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends for
Today's Businesses, Michael Minelli ,Michele Chambers , Ambiga Dhiraj.

Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Business Analytics, R.N. Prasad, Seema Acharya, Wiley.
2. An Introduction to Data Science, Jeffery Stanton.
3. Big Data and Analytics, Seema Acharya, Subhashini Chellapan

Course Code 22AM7OEINN Credits 3 L-T-P 3-0-0
CIE 50 Marks SEE 100 Marks (50% Weightage)
Contact Hours /Week 3 Total Lecture Hours 36

UNIT – 1 7 Hrs
Introduction: A Neural Network, Human Brain, Models of a Neuron, Representing Neural
Network as Graphs, Network Architectures, Knowledge Representation, Artificial
Intelligence and Neural Networks.
Learning Process: Error Correction Learning, Memory Based Learning, Hebbian Learning,
Competitive, Boltzmann Learning, Credit Assignment Problem, Memory, Adaption,
Statistical Nature of the Learning Process.
UNIT – 2 7 Hrs
Single Layer Perceptron: Adaptive Filtering Problem, Unconstrained Optimization
Techniques, Linear Least Square Filters, Least Mean Square Algorithm, Learning Curves,
Learning Rate Annealing Techniques, Perceptron –Convergence Theorem.
Multilayer Perceptron: Introduction and preliminaries, XOR Problem, Output
Representation and Decision Rule.
UNIT – 3 8 Hrs
Back Propagation: Back Propagation Algorithm, Heuristics, Back Propagation and
Differentiation, Hessian Matrix, Generalization, Cross Validation, Network Pruning
Techniques, Virtues and Limitations of Back Propagation Learning, Accelerated
Convergence, Supervised Learning.
UNIT – 4 7 Hrs
Radial-Basis Function Networks: Cover’s Theorem, Interpolation Problem, Posed
Hypersurface Reconstruction problem, Regularization Theory, Generalized Radial-Basis
Function Networks, Approximation properties of Radial-Basis Function Networks,
Comparison of RBF Networks and Multi-layer Perceptron’s, Learning Strategies.
UNIT – 5 7 Hrs
Self-Organization Maps (SOM): Two Basic Feature-Mapping Models, Self-Organization
Map, SOM Algorithm, Properties of Feature Map, Computer Simulations, Learning Vector
Quantization, Adaptive Patter Classification, Hierarchical Vector Quantization, Contextual
Text Books:
1. Neural Networks a Comprehensive Foundations, Simon Haykin, PHI, 2nd Edition.

Reference Books:
1. Neural Networks and Learning Machines, Simon Haykin, PHI, 3rd Edition.
2. Neural Networks - A Classroom Approach, Sathish Kumar, McGraw Hill Education
2nd Edition.
3. Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jacek M. Zurada, JAICO Publishing House
Ed. 2006.

Course Code 22AM7OEISC Credits 3 L-T-P 3-0-0
CIE 50 Marks SEE 100 Marks (50% Weightage)
Contact Hours / Week 3 Total Lecture Hours 36

UNIT – 1 6 Hrs
Introduction to Soft Computing: Concept of computing systems, Soft and Hard computing,
Characteristics of Soft computing, Applications of soft computing techniques, Optimization and
Traditional Methods, Introduction to Genetic Algorithms (GA), Basic Terminologies, Simple GA,
Binary Coded GA, GA Parameter Setting, Constraints, Advantages and Disadvantages.
UNIT – 2 8 Hrs
Fuzzy System and Relations: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic, Classical Sets and Fuzzy Sets, Classical
Relations, Cartesian Product of Relation, Classical Relation, Fuzzy Relation, Tolerance & Equivalence
Relation, Membership Functions: Features, Fuzzification: Rules, Propositions, Implications and
inferences, Applications.
Defuzzification techniques: Introduction, Fuzzy logic controller design, Lambda – Cuts for fuzzy sets
& relations, Defuzzification methods, Applications.
UNIT – 3 8 Hrs
Genetic Algorithms (GA): Operators - Encoding, Selection, Cross Over, Mutation; Stopping
Condition for GA Flow, Problem Solving using GA, Schema Theorem, Classification of GA – Messy,
Adaptive, Hybrid, Parallel, Independent Sampling, Real Coded; Genetic Programming, Advantages,
Limitations & Applications of GA.
UNIT – 4 7 Hrs
Meta Heuristic, SWARM Intelligence and Rough Set Theory: Ant Colony Optimization, Bee Colony
Optimization, Particle SWARM Optimization, Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Rough Sets Knowledge
Representations, Rough Decision Making and Data Mining Techniques.
UNIT – 5 7 Hrs
Hybrid Systems: Sequential Hybrid Systems, Auxiliary Hybrid Systems, Embedded Hybrid Systems,
Neuro-Fuzzy Hybrid Systems, Neuro-Genetic Hybrid Systems, Fuzzy-Genetic Hybrid Systems, Fuzzy –
Rough set Systems.
Text Books:
1. Principles of Soft Computing, S N Sivanandam, S N Deepa, 3rd Edition, Wiley India, 2018.
2. Soft Computing, D. K. Pratihar, Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., (Revised Edition), 2015.

Reference Books:
1. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization & Machine Learning, David E Goldberg, Pearson
Education, 2013.
2. Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering, Nikola K. Kasabov,
MIT Press, 1998.
3. Soft computing, N. P Padhy and S P Simon, Oxford University Press, 2015.

Course Code 22AM7OEJIR Credits 3 L-T-P 1-1-1
CIE 50 Marks SEE 100 Marks (50% Weightage )
Contact Hours /Week 5 Total Lecture Hours 15

UNIT – 1 3 Hrs
Jira Fundamentals: Jira Overview- Project Boards, Enrich Issues, Kanban Boards, Scrum
Projects, Quick Search and Basic Search, JQL , Filters, Epics ,Dashboards.
Jira Essentials with Agile Mindset: Agile and Jira Overview, Project Boards, Enrich Issues,
Kanban Method, Lean and Agile Principles, Scrum, Searching, JQL, Filters, Epics, Dashboards
UNIT – 2 3 Hrs
Managing Agile Boards and Reports: Overview, Board Configuration, Agile Reports, Board
Jira and Confluence together: Course Overview , Why Integrate Jira and Confluence? , Linking
Issues and Pages, Creating Issues Using Confluence, Product Requirements Blueprint,
Reporting Jira Information in Confluence ,Simulation Challenge.
Managing Jira Projects: Course overview, Managing Projects ,Managing Roles and
UNIT – 3 3 Hrs
Managing Jira Projects: Managing Boards, Boards and Projects, Managing Issues,Automation,
Reports and Dashboards, Other Jira Features, Creating and Configuring team-managed
JQL For Admins: Overview ,JQL Syntax, Working with Dates & Times.
UNIT – 4 3 Hrs
Gain Project Insights through JQL: Introduction, , Using Basic Search, , Exploring the elements of
a Query, Building up your Query , Searching with Dates, Searching with Text, Searching with
Functions, Searching with Keywords and Operators, Displaying your search results, , Other use
cases of JQL.
Managing permissions in Jira Cloud:Permissions overview, Accessing Jira, Global permissions,
Company-managed projects, Team-managed projects, Issue permissions, Wrap up.
Jira Automation: Course Overview, Automation Overview, Creating More Rules, Administration.
UNIT – 5 3 Hrs
Jira Automation: Smart Values, Advanced Rules, Jira Service Management Rules, End Matter.
Jira Automation for Admins: Overview ,Configuration, Use cases, Tips, tricks and techniques,
Global admin settings.
Customizing Jira Workflows : Skillbuilder-Configuration techniques, best practices and
common pitfalls for all type of transition, advanced examples, troubleshooting and testing
advices. Jira Service Desk approvals and automation.
Jira Reporting Basics: How to use reporting in Jira ,Jira reports for Kanban projects ,Jira
reports for scrum projects, Work management reports and insights in Jira.
Text Books:
1. Gerardus Blokdyk , “Atlassian Jira Service Desk A Complete Guide”- 2020.
Reference Books:
1. David Harned ,“Hands-On Agile Software Development with JIRA: Design and manage
software projects using the Agile methodology”,2018.
2. Patrick Li , “Jira 8 Essentials: Effective issue management and project tracking with the
latest Jira features” , 5th Edition, 2019.

Course Code 22AM7OETSA Credits 23 L-T-P 3-0-0
CIE 50 Marks SEE 100 Marks (50% Weightage)
Contact Hours / Week 3 Total Lecture Hours 13

UNIT – 1 7 Hrs (L+T)

Components of Time Series: Additive and Multiplicative models - Resolving components of a Time
Series. Measuring Trend: Graphic, Semi-Averages, Moving Average and Least Squares Methods.

UNIT – 2 8 Hrs (L+T)

Seasonal variation: Measuring Seasonal Variation: Method of Simple Averages, Ratio-to- Trend
Method, Ratio-to-Moving Average Method and Link Relative Method, Cyclical and Random
Fluctuations, Variate Difference Method.
UNIT – 3 7 Hrs (L+T)
Index Numbers and their Definitions: Construction and Uses of Fixed and Chain based Index
Numbers, Simple and Weighted Index Numbers, Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s, Fisher’s, and Marshall -
Edgeworth Index Numbers, Optimum Tests for Index Numbers, Cost of Living Index Numbers.
UNIT – 4 7 Hrs (L+T)
Characteristics of Time Series: Introduction, Examples, Objectives and its nature, Statistical Models,
Measures of dependence, Stationary Time Series, Estimation of Correlation, Vector-Valued and
Multidimensional Series.
Time series Regression and Exploratory Data Analysis: Classical Regression, Exploratory Data
Analysis, Smoothing in the Time Series Context.
UNIT – 5 7 Hrs (L+T)
ARIMA Models: Autoregressive Moving Average Models, Differential Equations, Autocorrelation and
Partial Correlation, Forecasting, Estimation, Integrated Models for Nonstationary Data, Building
ARIMA Models, Regression with Autocorrelated Errors, Multiplicative Seasonal ARIMA Models.
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Statistics, A M Gun, M K Gupta, B Dasgupta, Volume 1, World Press, 2019.
2. Time Series Analysis and its Applications with R Examples, Robert H Shumway, David S Stoffer, 4th
Edition, Springer, 2017.
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, S C Gupta, V K Kapoor, 4th Edition, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2014.
2. Fundamentals of Statistics, S C Srivastava, Sangya Srivastava, Ammol Publisher, 2006.
3. Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting, Peter J Brokewell, Richard A Davis, 3rd Edition,
Springer, 2016.
4. The Analysis of Time Series – An Introduction, Chris Chatfield, 5th Edition, Chapman & Hall / CRC,
5. Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, Box, Jenkins and Reinsel, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 1994.

Course Code 22AM7OENFL Credits 3 L-T-P 3-0-0
CIE 50 Marks SEE 100 Marks (50% Weightage)
Contact Hours /Week 3 Total Lecture Hours 36

UNIT – 1 8 Hrs
From Fuzzy Sets to Fuzzy Systems: Fuzzy sets and fuzzy operations ,Fuzziness and
probability; conceptualizing in fuzzy terms; the extension principle, Fuzzy relations and
fuzzy implications; fuzzy propositions and fuzzy logic , Fuzzy rules, fuzzy inference
methods, fuzzification and defuzzification , Fuzzy systems as universal approximators;
Interpolation of fuzzy rules, Fuzzy information retrieval and fuzzy databases , Fuzzy
expert systems ,Pattern recognition and classification, fuzzy clustering, image and speech
processing, Fuzzy systems for prediction, Control, monitoring, diagnosis, and planning ,
Optimization and decision making.
UNIT – 2 7 Hrs
Neural Networks: Theoretical and Computational Models : Real and artificial neurons,
Supervised learning in neural networks: Perceptron and multilayer perceptron , Radial
basis functions, time-delay neural networks, recurrent networks, Neural network models
for unsupervised learning , Kohonen self-organizing topological maps, Neural networks as
associative memories, On the variety of neural network models, Fuzzy neurons and fuzzy
neural networks, Hierarchical and modular connectionist systems.
UNIT – 3 8 Hrs
Neural Networks for Knowledge Engineering and Problem Solving : Neural networks
as a problem-solving paradigm ,Connectionist expert systems, Connectionist models for
knowledge acquisition: One rule is worth a thousand data examples , Symbolic rules
insertion in neural networks: Connectionist production systems ,Connectionist systems for
pattern recognition and classification; image processing, Connectionist systems for speech
processing ,Connectionist systems for prediction , Connectionist systems for monitoring,
control, diagnosis, and planning , Connectionist systems for optimization and decision
making , Connectionist systems for modeling strategic games.
UNIT – 4 7 Hrs
Hybrid Symbolic, Fuzzy, and Connectionist Systems: Toward Comprehensive Artificial
Intelligence, the hybrid systems paradigm ,Hybrid connectionist production systems
,Hybrid connectionist logic programming systems, Hybrid fuzzy connectionist production
systems ,("Pure") connectionist production systems: The NPS architecture (optional)
,Hybrid systems for speech and language processing , Hybrid systems for decision making.
UNIT – 5 7 Hrs
Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Chaos: Toward
New Connectionist and Fuzzy Logic Models ,Chaos , Fuzzy systems and chaos: New
developments in fuzzy systems , Neural networks and chaos: New developments in neural
Text Books:
1. Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering, Nikola K. Kasabov,
MIT Press, 1998.
1. Neural Networks a Comprehensive Foundations, Simon Haykin, PHI, 2nd Edition.
2. Principles of Soft Computing, S N Sivanandam, S N Deepa, 3rd Edition, Wiley India, 2018.

Reference Books:
1. Neural Networks and Learning Machines, Simon Haykin, PHI, 3rd Edition.
2. Neural Networks - A Classroom Approach, Sathish Kumar, McGraw Hill Education 2nd
3. Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jacek M. Zurada, JAICO Publishing House
Ed. 2006.
4. Soft Computing, D. K. Pratihar, Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., (Revised Edition), 2015.

Course Title
Course Code 22AM7SRIMC Credits 1 L-T-P 0-0-1
CIE 50 Marks SEE 100 Marks (50% Weightage)
Contact Hours / Week 2 Total Lecture Hours

Module 1: Beginning typesetting using LaTeX. Basics: What is LaTeX, Basics for
document structuring, preamble preparation, saving a folder.

Module 2: Commands Latex commands for font colour, font size, make title, begin
document, new page, sectioning.

Module 3: Tables and Figures Creating Tables, inserting figures, enumeration list,
itemized list, font effects, inserting equations.

Module 4: Reference and Citation Inserting references, Manual reference, Reference

using BibTex, citing reference.

Module 5: LaTeX Graphics with TikZ.

Text Books:
1. LaTeX Beginner's Guide: Create visually appealing texts, articles, and books for
business and science using LaTeX, Packt Publishing; 2nd edition, 2021
2. LaTeX Graphics with TikZ: A practitioner's guide to drawing 2D and 3D images, diagrams,
charts, and plots, Stefan Kottwitz , Packt Publishing; 1st edition, June 2023.

Course Code 22AM7PWCPR CREDITS 3 L-T-P 0-0-3
CIE 50 Marks SEE 50 Marks
Contact Total Lecture
Hours/Week 6 Hrs./week Hours ---

Capstone Project: The capstone project is executed in two phases. Capstone project-1 is executed
during VII Semester and Capstone Project-II is executed during VIII Semester which is an
extension of Capstone project-1.

Capstone Project-1: During phase I, the project student team will initially identify a potential
engineering problem either from industry/research/societal perspective in the niche technology.
A detailed literature survey, requirements identification, requirements elicitation, high level
and low-level designs has to be carried out for the identified problem. The students also have to
prepare a project report.

Rules and regulation

• A team should comprise minimum of two and maximum of three members.
• Internship projects are not allowed.
• Simple database related projects are not allowed.
Scheme of Evaluation
The Capstone Project-1 CIE is evaluated in two phases based on the rubrics.
Review-1: will be evaluated for 20 marks based on the following parameters: Preliminary study,
Literature survey, problem formulation, Motivation and Objectives.

Review-2: will be evaluated for 30 marks based on the following parameters: Requirements
Identification and Elicitation, High level and Low level designs, documentation and presentation.
Change of title is permitted during review-2 only upon panel recommendations.

Marks spilt up are as follows:


Review1 20 Guide

Review2 30 Guide + UG Project Coordinator

+ Industry Person
Final CIE = SUM(Review1+Review2)
= 50M

The rubrics for Review 1 and Review 2 will be framed by the internal committee comprising ofHOD,
UG NBA Coordinator, UG Project Coordinator, One Professor, One Associate Professor and One
Assistant Professor.

SEE will be conducted for 50 marks.


At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO 1 Identify an engineering problem and conduct extensive PO2

CO 2 Analyze the required design constraints towards feasible solution/s. PO3

CO 3 Plan and monitor effectively the project schedules to meet the PO11
CO 4 Effectively work in the team and contribute to the team. PO9
CO 5 Communicate effectively through presentation and documentation. PO10

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