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Đáp Án T1 LC Ets2019

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1(B) 2(C) 3(A) 4(A) 5(B)

6(D) 7(B) 8(C) 9(B) 10(C)

11(A) 12(B) 13(A) 14(A) 15(C)
16(B) 17(A) 18(C) 19(A) 20(C) (A) The man is switching off a lamp.
21(A) 22(C) 23(B) 24(C) 25(B) (B) The man is opening some curtains.
26(A) 27(A) 28(B) 29(B) 30(A) (C) Fhe man is sea\:ed by a winclow.
31(C) 32(C) 33(D) 31(A) 35(C) (D) The man is hanging some photographs on
36(B) 37(A) 38(C) 39(D) 40(A) the wall.
41(D) 42(D) 43(C) 44(C) US(C) (A)
46(B) 47(D) 48(B) 49(A) 50(D) (B)
51(A) 52(B) 53(D) 54(A) 55(C) (C)
56(B) 57(A) 58(C) 59(B) 60(D) (D)
61(D) 62(B) 63(A) +4(C) 65(B) 0]%| switch off cnf by ROI photograph [^!
66(B) 67(C) 68(A) +9(B) 70(A)
71(B) 72(A) 73(D) 74(C) 75(B) (A)
76(A) 77(C) 78(A) 79(B) 80(D)
81(A) 82(C) 83(D) BE(B) 85(B) (g)
86(D) 87(A) 88(C) 89(D) 90(B)
91(C) 92(C) 93(A) 74(B) 75(D) @. ^X[7[ @7}0|| 0[ % (seated by a window) 0 6
96(D) 97(B) 98(C) 99(A) 100(B)
(D) @'\[ '2@. @X 7[ A[^ |=(hanging some photographs)


(A) She’s searching in her handbag. (A) Some chains are attangocl in a circle.
Sho‘s |Citjl‹ing in a clisplay c‹ise. (B) Some stairs are being cleaned.
(C) She‘s paying for a purchase. (C) A roof is being repaired.
(D) She‘s holding some flowers. (D) A tree is being trimmed.

l%I search zl I display case ^I@é purchase T%(@)

(A) @A[ @. @X[7 ° 1" —@ |Z|w^ % (searching in he r

handbag) e 01 0[Lj% Q@
(B) ' /[/[ Z| a@E[ % (fo o ki ng in a d isplay
case)9 o/% . (B) @a[ 9s'. /|1f(stairs) @*o[c % (are being cleaned) A[@
(C) /t s'. @X 7[ 7| S[c %a(paying) Q 0| 0[L|% Q@ °R%0I M0lx|°°°TP
(D) @ t @. @X[7[ %a(holding some flowers) 9 0

(B) â”â. @Z 0| o# “g0]7[w %{=(walking toward a
4 M-Cn doorway) D 0| @ @.
(C)@Af 9@. @Z 7[ E[0|0] axj|o[w ,_(changing a bicycle
tire)9 0| 0[L|% Q”@
(D)@af 9”g. d[TL|(ba sket)a -r-Z||/—,—E] x|—,— wW %a(is
being removed)9 0| 0[L|% 9”@.

(A) One of the women is wearing a scarf.

(B) The women are talking to each other.
(C)The man is pouring coffee into a cup.
(D)The people are closing their menus.

(A) A shop assistant is giving a man some money.

(B) Some people are entering a supermarket.
(C) A cashier is putting merchandise into a bag.
(D) Some customers are waiting in line.

(B)@Af9 *. 6X 0| A#Z 0|0[7 |o[w^ a(talking to each

other) D 0| 0[L|E[ B|| % (studying the menus) 'Zj=/0| Q%l shop assistant â% enter a 0J7[U cashier â
% merchandise é% customer

(C)@Al 9ui. @X[7[ 7#It| II[+ ,_(pouring coffee) 'Zp0|

0}L| (A) @A[ 9@. @%0 | @X|0]|7]| Ta a(giving a man some
money)0 0| 0[L| @”@,
*I w^w a(holding a cup) Op0|% '2@,
(D)@al9 â. ‹t › o| q/ % âa % (closing their menus) D (B) Off 9â -n-BAB[ 0|l a0] %e(entering a supermarket)
Af â*0| to |x| °•* 9â'.
9”,-}. “,-[a 0| f%II ,_ ( p u t t i


n g merchandise into a bag)9 0| 0[L| @”@,

5 W-Am

(A) A notice is being hung on a post. 7
(B) The women are walking toward a doorway. M-Au When did you buy your new phone?
(C) The man is changing a bicycle tire. W-An (A) The store is close to my house.
(D) A basket is being removed from a cart. (B) Last week when it was on sale.
(C) I think it’s the same number.

9%I notice %fL# @7|% post 7 |o doorway %T basket

^fT^I remove x|%^f cart EU, m*tl
Q%l on sale z% o%

(A) 2^ %DIB.
(B) 0['-§L|E} *2 L|E[




(C) @ CIO] @ d. ^e2”-% phone0l|A1 ' 1@* 7 °? numbers 0|@ I ISI directory %Lg @% entrance %T

(A) fi[ <i &,_ 9”,-I. When % 0|| E§,_f ,-i0| 9”@.
(B) Yes/No @7[ 9â. Where â| 0I| Yes/No @”@0| @7 o[@
W-Br Do you know where Keiko’s office
is? M-Cn (A) That’s the official logo.
(B) To reserve a room.
(C) It’s on the second floor.
flloI*% ‹f-,-'= Vol 4^I ° ^I of‹ILfe?
M-Cn Who’s going to lead the
merger negotiations?
(C) 2@0II L|cf. W-Br (A) John Sanchez is.
(B) Thanks, I appreciate it.
(C) No, that’s.not mine.

(C) 0 L 0['- R|K[

0* 0 | 0 0

W-Am That was a short movie, wasn’t


it? M-Au (A) The theater on Glenn

(C) Yes/No @7[ 9,-i. Who %%0||e Yes/No ”g0| 7 o}%
(B) You’re right—it was only an hour!
(C) I must have misplaced it.

W-Am How do I contact the financial
consultant? M-Au (A) A free consultation.
(B) He left his business card.
(C) In a few more days.

Q financial (xJâ)% consultant é 'vf consultation é'<'

business card @°*



10 (A) all â^@ 9â. ”°I consultant9[ %^ñ% 0| A[

consultations 0|@ 9p'
W-Br Where can I find a building
directory? W-AM (A) In two weeks.
(B) No, thank you.
(C) Near the front entrance.

M-Ct1 When is the health inspector coming?
W-Br (A) Anytime this week.
(B) It’s good for your health.
(C) At the back door. (C) é*°a 24zla

W-Am Where will the company retreat be
Q%I health inspector %l Af
next year?
W-Br (A) Every year.
(B) It hasn’t been decided yet.

(C) Yes, I’ve been there.



L¿Wzh )o%i lL M°l M|*4°) tR7

W-Am Wasn‘t this assignment due last week?
M-'Au (A) It’s taking longer than we thought.
(B) Sign at the bottom of the page.
(C) No, you don’t need permission.
ol & *I“?T»f*I °1of zl JI olLI Lf°?

(C) Yes/No w7l 9â. Where % 0||a Yes/No %”,-}0| @7 o[@

bsl assignment %% due o[7|II|Q %{= bottom ¿ off

permission oJ7f
M-Au Let’s discuss the building designs this
morning. M-Cir (A) We can do it this afternoon


(B) The sign on the wall.

(C) Does he work in that building, too?

Q%I discuss t=%oWf instead ^1^!0I| sign Al“?, ’?%


W-Br Whose turn is it to buy

coffee? M-Cn (A) Two sugars
(B) In the kitchen.
(C) I already bought it.

W-Br Why is there a cake sitting out on the
front desk?
ISI turn x|2]I already 0|O | J]
W-AU› (A) The potted plant on the ground.
(B) I’ll answer the phone.
(C) Because Barb’s party is today.

W-Am Why don’t we start marketing to a
younger audience?
(C) ut% Zt}E|7f S'@0|7| Z.
M-Au (A) That’s a really good idea.
JSI front desk %L§ E#|^ potted VIII ^d plant (B) The film starts at nine.
(C) Fifteen should be enough.

•lSl audience ’?('â@) film 'BE


M-Cn How are we going to move all of these office Bt '?'1 *0] 9”,-}. % audience0]|I1 'Z1^ct 7 I films 0|@=,f
chairs? -”
W-Am (A) Sergio will help us, t /W” “d \}tt= 9”d. How many % 0l| Leaf ”@0| '2@.
(B) Across the hallway.
(C) Have a seat by the window.
M-Cn What kind of tablet computer do you
have? W-Br (A) I have a few more minutes.
(B) An electronics store nearby.
(C) Are you thinking of buying one?

l%l kind electronics store ^ñXf71la aâ^d

20 (B) 'Z1^g ”TO] 9”d. ^U”% tab let co mpute r0!|4 @^d ?
M-Au Have you gone to the leadership lzs°? electronics stored 0|@ I '2”@.
training yet?
W-Br (A) A new training manual.
(B) Sure, we can leave some for you.
(C) I didn’t know it was required.
W-Am Wouldn’t you rather travel somewhere
during your time off?
M-Au (A) A round-trip ticket for two thousand
&?I manual @A1 leave â2lcf require °JB(BT)Sfcf dollars.
(B) I’m planning to paint my house.
(C) I would follow up with Sahar.


M-Cn Would you like your receipt now, or shall I
put it in the bag?
(A) @@' *IO] 9”d. {-% travel0l|A1 @^,-} 7 =fi round-trip tickets W-Br (A) Just put it in my bag, thanks.
(B) About twenty-five euros.
M (C) That’s a great looking sweater.


xli ‘â* "?%IñOB, ofLla roll J4'=*J›/f9?

W-Br You gave the customers the bill, didn’t
you? M-Cn (A) A reliable delivery service.
(B) That’s an impressive offer.


(C) Hasn’t the payment arrived yet?

(B) 'Z1^g 1f0] 9”d. {-°| receipt0!|XJ 'Zoo* 7 @°¿(twenty-five
euros)@ 0|@,I 9@.
*|Ot0 r1IB
‹cv ol=-I xlsol clxl •°aLfe*
III customer â bill slit, flI^?A1 reliable "U %°ñ
delivery u§ impressive % ^fi% payment
EUR) 27

W-Am The registration deadline is on Friday.

(A) @o* 1*0] 9”,-}. % customers9l billo!|A1 @,-} 7 =? service M-Cn (A) Where did you hear that?
= 0!â * ”d (B) They arrived already.

25 Q%l registration at deadline o[â

M-Au How soon can you finish the Sterling
report? W-Am (A) He’s a reporter there. O

(B) I’ll be done before lunch.

(C) Please make ten copies.

TheyZ ” [w* °! € 9”d.

M-Au Your airline has an overnight flight to Delhi,
doesn’t it?
W-Am (A) The nearest train station.
(B) Yes, it departs at eight P.M.

(C) Usually at a hotel downtown.


fA) fi% oIx% lobe.
(B) @ Hla 4M% @L|E\
7[Z[ii °,j@ 7]ff{|B.

Q%l copy Ak ) budget 0I|^?(%*) order form million

100% laptop %cJ@( ) E]



(A) @ o OJ 9,-}. °| print copies0llAl @ @ 7 last pages
M-Cn I can’t seem to open the file you sent me.
M-Au (A) Yes, the post office is still open.
(B) @ ”?Q 9”d. I -°| bud getO|A1 'Z1^g 7 1% -4s(four
(B) Sorry—I’ll try sending it again. million dollars) 0|@• 9,-}.
(C) We can’t see that far either. (C)

All post office ”ñ1I€ still 0}^ far All



M-Cn Thanks for calling Riverside Auto Repair.

How can I help you?
W-BrI got my car repaired last week and used your shuttle se
M-Cir Yes, **unfortunately the cost of auto fuel has risen qui

W-Br Would you like to include breakfast in
room reservation?
W-Am (A) Sure, that’ll be fine.
(B) Check-in is at three o’clock.
(C) A view of the ocean, if
W-Br Well, I wasn’t expecting that.
possible. ’fi 0I°4l a^-i ys, f‹l aLIvf? M-Cn I’m sorry we didn’t inform you of this ahead of time. 34I

ISI include9 W[ reservation 0Il% check-in xJ|n%(”m

) view ^?%

(B) @@' ” 0] 9 â. ^Ja”% ro o m re se rvat i o n0||AJ

@@* 7 check-ink 0|@,_f 9'"g.
f/) â â ”fi0J 9d. ^,sla% room reservation0l|AJ @@* 7 a
view of the oceans 0|@,I 9@.

Should I print copies of the budget for the
meeting or e-mail it to everyone?

(A) The last page of the order form.
(B) Four million dollars this year.
(C) Everyone there will have a laptop.

Why is the woman calling?
(A) To make an appointment
(B) To rent a car
(C) 'T'o ask about a fee 35-37
(D) To apply for a position
W -Am 3^ ln sports news, our own Easton Jaguars won today’s
M- Au Thanks for having me. Today’s game was challenging
Well, you all played really well despite the weather. ^7Now, it’s


T*IO %?X|(Can you tell me why there’s a service charge

on my invoice for using the shuttle?) @e @â (C)0|E[

•• Paraphrasing ^# % a service charge -+ â@% a fee

According to the man, what has recently changed?

(A) Office hours
(B) Job requirements
(C) A computer system
(FJ) /\ company policy
“d^AI *I @, *| | %ool ^f7°' I?

olNl,% aP%ñcg»l%% â°¿ ’%il9 oil

^?*5 *la *1+l ^D| LgS# % m“fi[o[c %E[(unfortunately the
cost of auto fuel has risen quite a bit, so the company now
requires us to charge for the shuttle)tIl |Af"I @ 6 @el c1a1
°f-'— ”•!” ” ”- @- (D)0|E[.

What does the man agree to do?

(A) \/\/aive a fee
(B) Reschedule a meeting
What is the topic of the conversation?
(C) Sign a contract
(A) Health
(D) Repair a vehicle
(B) Traffic

(D) Finance


*N I:iHi
Paul, *81 know we were planning to work at the trade sh
Sure, that can probably be arranged. Can I ask why you‘re unab
3^My department recently hired several new people, and I want
I understand. ^0I‘II call Ramona and ask her if she‘d be able to

*lDl*# k[0|@10]| 0| E[(In sports news, our own Easton

Jaguars won today's soccer match against the Portville
7| 0| 0[I

a o[ 8[(Here to tell us about the game is Aaron Parker, the

goalkeeper for the Jaguars)*c °’ 7 @”d (C)0|c}

What caused a problem?
(A) A staffing change
(B) A rainstorm
(C) A t ypographical error Jale.
(D) A road closure
+’0 0

(C) 9E[

trade show %@ %’*’aI in one’s place*1^!Q| arrange >f SI*[ â*IuKf

rainstorm %% typographical

@^,_* Zti?-]X|X|7[ %E[(it started to rain early on, and the storm 88
didn’t let up for nearly an hour)w o* (B)0|E[. What does the woman notify the man about?
(A) She is unable to meet a deadline.
(B) She needs a replacement
laptop. (£\) She cannot attend a
What will the listeners hear next?
business trip.
(A) A Commercial
(D) She is planning to give a speech.
(B) A song
(C) A weather report
(D) A reading from a book
â1x vol ^%Dl â ’? ?
(A) ’
(B) 1*1 Q%l meet A|7 |*f replacement J|(%)
(D) 4 UI

Ej|, ^ 0| QUE[(I know we were planning to work at the

trade show together next week, but something has come
up)Dj o'Xf Ollfll z1l 85^? /l| 8[ A[ ' 'fi -r- %aZl(Do you
think you could find someone else to go in my place?)a
@w* ."! â

Oh. That sounds good. A friend of mine is
According to the woman, what recently happened visiting from out of town. He’ll like that.
in her department? Yes, but 4*we have to put in the order
(A) A corporate policy was updated. for the restaurant in advance. You have
(B) A supply order was mishandled. a choice between the chicken with
(C) Client contracts were renewed. vegetables or the beef with rice.
(IN) Nrw ciTiployees wcKe hired. i ‘.‹ i We’ll both have the chicken.
› Here are your tickets. And by the way,
we‘re expecting clear skies tonight. 43You‘ll
definitely want to bring your camera. You
won’t want to miss taking photos of the
city‘s skyline.
Q%l corporate aI4f% policy 'â â'? supply s
mishandle e*% z31Iafcf client IN renew Sfcf
4, wialoJ¿: f¿ol6 o)%L° ol ño¿ °T
%xG?4 â*)%t l=’*st**!l
*'Hl*4 l% °t*t Llct
(My department recently hired several new people)w °’ T

•• Pai aphrasing EU[°—| serveral new people

› ââ°| New employees

What does the man say he will do next?
(A) Speal‹ with a colleague Q%l book 0|%*uKf seat *}^? site %lzI(é*) order
(B) Conduct an interview in advance aIZI, f^?0I definitely “@S| miss
(C) Calculate a budget
(D) Draft a travel itinerary
='*f*f I ? °o |zf °?’? ? What does the man want to do?
(A) FOR} 0{O[7 |o[7
(A) Purchase an area map
(B) °I I
(B) See an event schedule
(D)M4 UN ^l7I
(C) Cancel a hotel reservation
(D) Book a bus tour
l%.I colleague @6 conduct 4°âaf*f calculate /|^?o[*f
budget O|“ñ draft a%* ^—i af*f itinerary (@ ) ^â

%e*|@0]Q C[(l'ff calf Ramona and ask her if she'd be able (D) uJ1 Vol el%
to attend the show instead)w* °! â (A)0|E}
Q%I cancel ?|*af*f reservation 0I| —,*
•• Paraphrasing LV f°I call Ramona and ask her
ââ"—| speak with a colleague


C}(I’d like to book two tickets for tonight's city bus tour)w
%! I (D)0|C[.

iv\ ' ^1 l’d like to book two tickets for tonight‘s

city bus tour. What is the man asked to choose?
Sure, we still have seats on the bus. This (A) When to arrive
tour will stop at five different sites and end (B) What to visit
up at the Seven Stars Restaurant. (C) How to pay
(I J) WI t‹t i. i.‹.› ‹'tt I


BE‹I gzNoML xBTM g dMWxioMg

§jQ|X1 -nE| £gO[ |{=E|


(we have to put in the order for the restaurant in

advance)@ #, *11a ñ % x|+I [ 1|w7|9} â a0]|AJ ^?’ -r-
E[(You have a choice between the chicken with vegetables
or the beef with rice)w ° ' (D)0|6[.
440]%| full 7 %* out of order 1é 1* stairs 7J|1* broke
What does the man
(break% offer to
fvJ=â) *f*fdo?
maintenance c7|
(A) Meet in the lobby
What does the woman suggest doing? (B) Contact, amC| repair 43|af*f apparently 00[
(A) Wearing a jacket (C) Carry some files
(B) Using a credit card (D) Delay a meeting
(C) Bringing a camera
(D) Looking for a coupon

(D) 'z|% 0| 7

(C) Fl0l|Z} 7[X{@y| ^I%l receptionist âT ’â*X delay |4*f


7[X19a 71| - E[(Y o u’l


definitely want to bring your camera)w °’ T @ p' (C)0 |u[


Hi, Siba. 4BDo you need help taking those files up to our office7 It looks like you have your hands full.
If you don‘t mind, that‘d be great. 45The elevator is still out of order, so we‘ll have to use the stairs.
*5'^^But that broke last week—the maintenance crew should have
•› Pai repaired
aphrasing that
LJ [% by now.
taking those files up to our office
Well, apparently a piece of hardware had to be custom made. â e'% Carry some files
Ah, I see. Well, at least our office is only on the second floor, so we don‘t have to climb too many stairs.
Th at‘s true. Thanks again for carrying some of these files—it would have taken
two trips to get them all without your help.
According to the man, what happened last week?
(A) An office door would not lock.
(B) A sink was installed incorrectly.
(C) An elevator stopped working.
(D) A document was lost.
â'^l0I *I1â, x|¿f-,-^q| o| & I?

Izs0| i9é)ñl’i? %' 0|*i 'ñ iD)O0| Uh’.

5% E @g NH8f âfi I ILI A|, g E!g ¿I b0|
ol fll k+f ’J8ffil’?
^fiEf(The elevator is still out of order, so we’ll have to use
the stairs)w* °fi 0|| @*X[7[ X|Lf 0]| a@ fiE[(that broke
last week)a °?C[. @7 UI that elevators X| @o[% ^@ (C)0

•• Paraphrasing LJs'}% broke › ââ I stopped working

46 What
All product are
clothing %Tthe speakers
respond discussing?
%*%af*f semiannual @
Why does the woman say, ”a piece of hardware 2 | I, %* ofcf% increase a7[ advertising -¿*^
(A) Electronics
had to be custom made”? budget 0II^? prefer ^?aa}*f decision â
(B) Office furniture
(A) To justify a price
(B) To explain a delay
(C) Calendars
(C) To illustrate a product’s age
(D) Clothing
(D) To express regret for a purchase

What does Donna suggest?
(A) Hiring additional staff
(B) Revising a budget
47-49 3°? +§g} (C) Posting some photos online
(D) Reducing prices
All right, 4’let’s start the meeting. How were our clothing sales for June7
Well, sales went up three percent from last month. But customers didn’t respond as well as usual to our big semiannual sale.
I was hoping for a five percent increase...
4 Donna, why do you think the increase was so small?
I think clothing sales weren‘t as strong because the advertising budget was cut this year. I’d like to see that money put back into our
Hmm... Let‘s wait another month. 4^lf sales are still low, we may have to increase the advertising budget, but I prefer to wait on that d
Q%l revise 4âo[cf post 7]|A|( c7)af*f reduce 1'TUf

Z[(Donna, why do you think the increase was so small?) L[7[

°I1 %^#*f fi8f*I +°e”? I-n- “w81 0||^fi0| ^>'@'*lv* I !*#a 0|
Z[w ,Ji*—i°tC[(I think clothing sales weren’t as strong because
the advertising budget was cut this year)6, U @" 0| E[A| %*|
0I|^fi% '?%Ilv @ E[(I'd like to see that money put back
into our budget)*w %^ T o' (B)0|c[.

What does the man propose?
(A) PoStponing a decision
(B) Conducting a survey
(C) Developing new products 50
(D) Opening another location Who most likely is the man?
(A) A manager
(B) A consultant
(C) A client
(D) A trainee

(A) ^§L .|X#

(B) * %|

(D) “-i@
ml %*I% 7lE[*Cf cola Al QUE[(If sales are still low, we
may have to increase the advertising budget, but I prefer
to wait on that decision)*w °’ @o'” (A)0|E[ 0[%Ef(You've been
training with us for a couple of months now)@AI é^?^| % AJ,
›• Paraphrasing EQU[II wait on that decision 7|+ 0| &| X| aw old[(as your mentor, I'd like to hear
â +'"—| Postponing a decision

‘”" ‘.› Hello, Dan. ^0You‘ ve been training with us for a couple of months now—”0'” 1as your mentor, I‘d like to hear how your apprentic
It’s been going well. I’ve enjoyed learning the different techniques does thewelding,
metal womanandaskI the
like man for?
seeing the finished products.
I‘m glad to hear that. There’re still a few weeks left in your training program
(A) Some — but you know, 52your work is so good that we‘v
' That’s great news! I’d be happy to be part of the team here.
(B) Some assistance
(C) Some references
(D) Some dates

What will the man receive?

(A) Extra time off

(IJ) A promuticn
(C) Bonus pay
(D) An award

(C) <'GH

8[1| 8#I ^l% XJ|%o[7|I @°fiC[(your work is so good that
we've decided to offer you a promotion when your training
is complete)c* °roa z2 (B)0|E[


Well, Dietrich, we’re looking forward to seeing you here in our Munich office next Tuesday. 3We can’t wait to see the latest d
Thanks! ’ 3'54There‘s one feature of the tablet that I‘m especially pleased with.
Really? 54 What is it?
” 4This model has our best battery life ever. It can now operate for three full days on a single charge.
That’s incredible— I’m excited to hear more about this during your presentation. By the way, ” S we made a dinner reservati
Actually, my favorite singer is performing that night.
That’s OK. We’ll see you soon. 84
Which product feature is the man most proud of?
(A) The battery life
(B) The color selection
(C) The sound quality
(D) The size
â^f 0 1Ia â â ^ -**Jé I?
(A) 8§E]Z| —/-@
(B) ^?@*

^I*£l°|, ^% T I’ DI % *Inn’ fi0l|X1 a"? %Lf
°I oolqlI‹faI ‹ yg g •fg’? g Ejo!l E8°¿ A£! NfiU @0| URL[@L@R.
^l°B! xplflo °J off- E8oNé€iN •ILI g=fiI-’.

Why does the man say, “my favorite singer
is performing that night”?
(A) To request a schedule change
(B) To explain a late arrival

(C) To decline an invitation


(D) To recommend a musician

latest *I^!% lightweight 7f6tablet
Uh* feature *I charge @^? incredible %
m^ presentation +*6 reservation 0I|%*

What type of product is being

(A) A musical instrument
(B) A kitchen appliance
(C) A power tool
(IN) A t‹sl3Ie £ comprtj:c r

What type of event is being planned?
(A) A trade show
%°ñE-[(we made a dinner reservation for our department
(B) An awards ceremony
that evening)w ° 0]|
(C) A film festival
(D) A wedding

56-58 3’¿i E§ [

W-Ai» Welcome to the Westfield Hotel! I‘m the event coordinator, and this is my associate, Diane. So, you’d like to host an ev
I'/I /\o Yes! I work for the National Journalists Association. ” 6We‘re planning our annual awards banquet for June—for about a
V\* I*i Well, we have a beautiful ballroom on this floor that I can show you. It’s been used for awards ceremonies before.
III i\ i Okay. Also, 5“‘about half of our guests will be coming from out of town.
Els'[ %-,-0||A# @X[? Do you
6%0|| @El|have
A|,-ienough roomsplanning
/| p(We’re available for them
W- Aim I’m sure we do, but we’ll check and send you a quote for a proup rate.
our annual
V\/- I h And additionally, ”owe do offer free shuttle service to and from theawards banquet for June)0|E w+ °
airport. @Ӊ (B)0|

›• Paraphrasing ^1 f% awards banquet

ââ% awards ceremony

What does the man ask about?

(A) Accommodations
(B) Entertainment
(C) Meal options
(D) Outdoor seating
“6xf ” 0I *5•J % 2f?

%@ %0| %o| %{=X|(Do you have enough rooms

available for them to stay here)a @w "! C (A)0|E[.

›• Paraphrasing E§ % rooms available for them to stay

Jâ% Accommodations

What does the hotel offer for free?

(A) Meals
I%I coordinator 1^âI[, ^?°âIf associate @6 host (B) Internet
(âAG) v^T|afcf journalist 7|Xf association access (€) ”\”i”ar
%@ annual @81I% banquet III spc›rtation
ballroom @ available 0|@ 7 quote ^-i(7b (D) Parking
rate @ additionally /l0[7[

(C) a9 vB
(D) Tx}

I fuel %6 empty ^lO %a appointment "’ wallet EU

%8[(We do offer free shuttle service to and from the
Els'[ ^%—,—0]| @*X[7[ EQ dgE]3|7[ C[ E| C[(My mobile phone is
out of power)*w ! (B)0|c[.
°?" ââ ‹c)oIct.
' ' Paraphrasing
shuttle service •• Paraphrasing EJ'zf°l out of power
S fi°l Transportation › ââ°I battery is empty

Excuse me. ^ My mobile phone is out of power. 60 Are there any tables here at the café that are near a wall socket, so I can charge m
Where are the speakers?
Well, we only have a few outlets. And... it looks like all the tables near them are occupied. I‘m sorry about that.
Hmm. In that case, 61can you suggest anywhere nearby where I (A) mightAtbe able to
a train sit for a few minutes and charge my phone, then?
You know, 61the public library would be perfect for that, and (B) it‘s justelectronics
At an a block up repair
the hill.
shopYou‘ll see it on the corner of Willow
(C) At a furniture store
(D) At a coffee shop


@7| 2}8J|0|| * 7 77K)|0|| E]|0| 0| %a7|(Are there any

tables here at the café that are near a wall socket, so I can
charge my

What does the woman suggest the man do?
(A) Check a Web site
(B) Call a taxi
(C) Return at a later time
(D) Go I:o the library

(C) L | E[A| '27

What problem does the man

mention? T^'?a1”dEl(can you suggest anywhere nearby where I might
be able to sit for a few minutes and charge my phone,
(A) His car is out of fuel.
then?) w^ ^ 0]| @Z[7[ 'ZA# f0| QUE (the public library would
(B) Flis phone battery is empty. be perfect for that)c X]|%°^ I (D)0|c[.
(C) He is late for an appointment.
(D) He forgot his wallet.

ml ‹ u Mary* ^2I‘m working on the bill for one of

Dr. Singh’s patients, and I keep getting an
error message for the code I‘m using...

\V /\i›i Oh! The billing codes recently changed. 62
You must be referring to the old list.
wk › i Do you have the updated one? What is the man having trouble with?
\’ /‘.i Yes, right here. ^3Which procedure is it? lvi ‹ in C3 A(A) blood test.
Conducting a test
t'/ /‘.i i i All right... Here’s the code you should use. l\‘l t i i Thanks! Could I get a ccpy of that Iist*
(R) Preparing u bill
‘i*! i'. i i Sure. But 641 heard they’ll be adding the codes to our billing software soon, so we won‘t need to deal with paper lists
anymore. (C) Contacting a patient
(D) Shipping an order

{=EJ|, A@o[a 0l| X 0l|Ej 0l|A|X|7l C[(I'm working on the

bill for one of Dr. Singh's patients, and I keep getting an
error message for the code I'm using -)w @o' (B)0|C}.

•• Paraphrasing L#s'f°l working on the bill

*eEj|0|a§§Q /|*I7)fl?
â+'% Preparing a bill
L{,B l°.‹M'%'

Look at the graphic. Which code should the

m?0l%.ñ l :)ill %C*4’U’ ° HTM man use?
(A) 018
(B) 019
(C) 020
(D) 021

Medical Lab ID code

Blood test 018 Js'f zs% 0!IAJ @Xf7 0]”? o% ’?%Xl(Which procedure is it?)a
Allergy test 019 @X p'7[7[ E]|^ +(A blood test)E}c s' ’E[. A|’<’ âQa Q@
Body Fat test 020

What does the woman say will happen soon?

(A) Some patients will be transferred to
another doctor.
(B) Some employees will join a medical
practice. (fi) A li’›i: will he ‹available
( xlXI%% l 020 (D) A doctor will be g› Fl • m €' dical procedure.
%1Z]|0 | 021

°J%l transfer 0|@A|fi K[ medical % % practice (%A[ @ [
I) *f% (ov”) electronically ^?Z[ %

@0|E[ Cg 0| 0| 0|@= w7[ ’?(I heard they’ll be

adding the codes to oui billing software soon, so we won't
need to deaf with paper lists anymore)0|Z[w %^ T @ m*
What does the woman say they will need to do?
(A) Rent storage space
(B) Increase production
Pedro, there‘s a lot of interest in our new (C) Organize a fashion show
line of women‘s dresses planned for the spring. ^”It looks like there will be a lot of demand, so we‘d better increase
production to be sure we have a supply of (D) Update some equipment
all garment sizes.
o1x ” s of %1 â I?
In that case, I CI suggest we let the human resources department know that we‘ll need more workers.
Right. I‘ll give them a call now. tA) *%
OK, great. And I was just working on the labels. In fact, the template for the label is up on my computer screen.
Can I see? Oh, wait! ^Vhese garments are 100 percent cotton, so they shouldn‘t be washed in warm water.
OK. I‘ll make that change now.
^I%l rent %L1(%zf)a[Et storage D organize a^ I(*^ñ) f*f
equipment old

What does the man suggest?

(A) Conferring with a client
(B) Contacting anon:her department
(C) Photographing some designs
(D) Changing suppliers

Q%I confer with 9f %"—|af*f supplier âs xJ|

interest *line (a*@II) demand4had

+4 Zj|%°fiE[(I suggest we let the human resources
better all 7JI *I increase +J|*f production
department know that we'll need more workers)c °’
^fi supply âo garment % human resources department %1 I label Jf%(â* , ) template
é (B)0|E[.

°› Pai aphi asing EJs'f% let the human resources

department know
› ââ°l Contacting another department

Logo: Anvi Designs

Size: Large
Material:100% Cotton
G’ Care lnstiuction$: Wash in Warm Water
Origin:Made in India

Tinley Aveiuic
Look at the graphic. Which section of the label
will the man need to revise? building 1 69g jjiIding 2
(A) The logo
(B) The material
(C) The care instructions Iluiltling 4

(D) The country of origin

*f’f ‘*I *1 *#*fDI*1 0| IT 10 0% @ U, e4DI*J *Jl1'

of@ % *}(These garments are 100 percent cotton, so they
shouldn't be washed in warm water)w %! T â (C)0 |E[.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?
W I h Hi, Mr. Foster. 6’ This is Kasumi lto, the hiring manager at Silverby Industries. We‘ve reviewed your job application and would
Thanks for getting back to me. Let me check my calendar.Yes, (A) AI can
job interview
do that.
W I \ i Good. Now, Silverby Industries is in a business complex.
(B) A Our
69 building
company is on Tinley Avenue, and we‘re right next to
Thanks. And am I able to park anywhere, or will I need a permit7
(C) An office relocation
W l:it ’ OJust make sure you’re in a space marked Visitor, and you won’t get a parking violation.
(D) A landscaping project

°l%l celebration all (â h relocation 0|^ 0|@ landscaping


Look at the graphic. Which building is Silverby

Industries located in?
L§0|| 0]@ —/-E|
(A) Building 1
(IJ) Building 2
(C) Building 3
(D) Building 4
% 40@ AA|3%/LAlfl ?)8}*|%, A) W%

7]0|| .

lA) TW1

hiring T@ review 1u[0[ job application %Af

*Ia**J available (*fâ'a % ) I’*0I %complex 1’^l permit aj7y mark u lul*f violation % %*

6*f’I ^T *#*QI*J m*I ’?wa *I UI %-'— —r- d[2 @(0Ur
building is on Tinley Avenue, and we're right next to the fit ’? *%! instructor â‘ I access % ’(âfi) skip 731*[ workout %routine
fake)0| zf %! â (B)0|c[.

What type of business is being advertised?

What does the woman tell the man about (A) A farmers market
(B) A fitness center
(A) He should park in a visitor‘s space. (C) A medical clinic
(B) He will have to pay at a meter. (D) A sporting goods store
(C) A parking pass is required.


(D) The parking area fills up quickly.


6=,f S¿ 0| %0[(Palmer's Gym now has several locations
in your area. We have everything you need to keep fit,
including exercise classes and fitness instructors ready to
help you!) '
at °' =+ â ' (B)olcf.

›• Paraphrasing 8J3[°—| a space marked Visitor ›r Paraphrasing @s'[°| gym › â <'°l fitness center
â +*"—I visitor’s space

What will the listeners be able to do starting in

PART 4 (A) Use multiple locations
71-73 II (B) Try free samples
(C) Meet with a nutritionist
1^* /\‹ i Attenti o n all listeners ! **Palmer’s Gym n ow h as several Iocatio ns i n your area. We have everything you need to keep
(D) Enter a contest
see a map of all the Palmer’s Gym locations across the nation!

All multiple Ef4% nutritionist @"’ I contest I

I O%%OI*1 8 m“*1, â| *0| %@@ ^?V Q*I*t- %*l +I â 0|

@°y —,— %Ef(Starting in April, your membership gives you
access to any of our locations across the country)a
9> ' (A)0|C .

Why does the speaker invite the listeners to visit a

Web site?

(A) To write a review


(B) To register for a class

(C) To check a policy
I Ta[ A|> fio 1 ^^? D- /J| â*AfSfa* âcf(I
Want to thank everyone for the extra hours you've put in
getting our new line of camera accessories ready for
I%l review ¿— (d| ) register for OSI a1a[P[ pofiry *? market)w* %? ”& (C)0|U[.

*IN @*f*US % o[L[(Visit our Web site to see a map of all the
Palmer's Gym locations across the nation|)a °^ T ^@ â,_ According to the speaker, what is scheduled for
(D) next month?
(A) A retirement celebration
(B) A ti ade show
(C) A factory tour
74-76 •I°I g4tl (D) A store opening
1ñ/ I It Befo re we e nd this meeting, *‘I want to thank everyone for the extra hours you’ve put in getting our new line of camera acc

ready in time for the trade show coming up next month in Shanghai. ”/G/ hat’s in addition to the accessories we usually display, but
the exhibition hall this year, and it’s a large space.


II % J t*fDl d| Ol| @(the new products will be ready in time
for the trade show coming up next month in Shanghai)0|B[w
T ^â o' (B)0|c[.

What does the speaker imply when she says, ”it’s a

large space”?
(A) l”here is ir›‹›m to display new merchandise.
(B) High attendance is anticipated.
(C) A venue is too expensive.
Q%I accessories “ willingness 2 |7/]0 | o[ 0[ (D)There is not enough staff for an event.
overtime *z[ fi% in time for4|’ Q| -II %7JI trade show %@ %***zI in addition to DI chalk display

) booth %i ?% of
exhibition hall

Why does the speaker thank the listeners?

(A) For submitting design ideas
(B) For training new employees
(C) For w orking overtime Zj| 0| d| 0|l @(the new products will be ready in time for
(D) For earning a certification the trade show coming up next month in Shanghai)0|Z[w ° w,
** f^f â^ ollfll â’*f•f *I?
(That's in addition to the accessories we usually display, but
it shouldn’t be a probfem)0|E[u_^ E[ IT[F'[A# ' 0| C['E[ %%

^I+°I submit xJ| af*f certification *@ -I

› "i Good evening. My name’s Mateo and I’ll be serving youWho is Natasha?
tonight. Since this is your first time here, let me tell you about o
(A) A business owner
(B) An interior decorator
(C) An event organizer
(D) A food writer

Z| p% 0]|A# L[E[A} 6| 7[z]|â| 1 (The owner of the café,

Natasha)B *w ’ fi @é (A)0|c[.

Why does the speaker say, ”I eat it all the time”?

(A) He wants to eat something different.
(B) He is recommending a dish.
(C) He knows the ingredients.
(D) He understands a dish is popular.

According to the speaker, what is special about

the restaurant?
(A) It has private outdoor seating.
(B) It has been recently renovated.
(C) It has a vegetable garden.
(D) It has weekly cooking classes.
80-82 ,IU

i\. i /.ii 80Welcome aboard this morning’s direct flight to Toronto

we have several meal options for purchase today. Our standard

0||A# 7| *I(All the vegetable products you see on the menu

come from our very own vegetable garden)w* %’ T (C)

According to the speaker, why should the listeners
talk with a staff member?
(A) To receive a voucher
(B) To reserve a seat
7 O1
(C) To btJy some food
(D) To get free headphones

80Q%I aboard â’ °? direct ^fi%*—I run out of 0|

Where is overhead
d[ L[0[ the announcement
+zI %l% bin @ being made?
carry-on (7 |L#)
(A) %E#@
On a bus7fé fit é'*f check ( S%) %T|uf
(B) baggage
On a ferryclaim 4S@ 'fi land' âf*f purchase Gal(uf*f)
(C) On a train^?”? v^ %
(D) On an airplane X|a 0l| ^ /BJofA|El@, % 0l|7]| @’Z1 etZ[(If you would like
%LJâ ol Lf9a â* o<I% I? to purchase a meal, please notify a flight attendant)w

(C) 7|x[ •• Paraphrasing c]s'f I purchase a meal

: â â°| buy some food
(D) d|°â!?|


83-85 •t 1I*I^I
(Welcome aboard this morning’s direct flight to Toronto)a
re ho uses. °fi@
I‘I I del iver the appliances to the other stores on my list, but while I‘m doing that, could you please get back to me
% â”d (D)o|ct.

What problem does the speaker mention?

(A) There is no more room for large bags.
(B) Too many tickets have been sold.
(C) Weather conditions have changed.
(D) A piece of equipment is being repaired.
+f^f =-*JI +o I?

l%l collaborate Z'1@/ f donate 7I%Slnf

(Unfortunately, we've run out of space in the overhead bins for Q%I be supposed to al7 IN all %Cf kitchen
larger carry—on bags)w %^ T @”d (A)0|c[ Who is appliances
the speaker?
^c% % branch II â according to
(A) A repair person
•• Paraphrasing 's'["—| run out of space
(B) A store clerk
ââ% no more room
(C) A factory worker
(l3) A truck driver

M-Cn Good afternoo n. My name is Lawrence WiIso n, an d 8^l’l

86-88 â’ I

What does the company sell?
(A) Household furniture
(B) Kitchen appliances
(C) Packaged foods

(D) Construction equipment

86141 conduct oKf particular -â°fi time zone

0[ °,fEf(I'm Supposed to deliver kitchen appliances to our What is the talk mainly
|’?^1 increasing 7fS about?
client c+
store branches in Syracuse)a 'z|A[a —i—^% poK=
(A) A mobile phoneapplication
model %, @
(B) An office security system
(C) High-speed Internet service
(D) Business scheduling software
What does the speaker imply when she says, “all I
see are houses ?
(A) She is concerned about some regulations.
(B) She thinks a mistake has been made.
(C) A loan application has been completed.
(D) A development plan cannot be approved.
[X[77[ “D0 l=*di+Un%0|Hlo°'
A@o a@o} E[(I’ll be conducting the training on how to

use our company's new scheduling software—Spark

=< ââ- (D)olcf.

Q%l concerned ’fi af regulation Wâ loan

application ^!'â, xI% development 7\ approve %aWf 87
Why did the company choose the product?
(A) It: mal‹es arrangin g meetings easy.
(B) It is reasonably priced.
(C) It has good security features.
(D) It has received positive reviews.

0|%,I arrange of*af*f reasonably ‘EI^?% security 0%*
J%I light-railfiE massive 7JEJ^* announcement GB federal @%^â%—
positive @â^?% review â7f major^* modificationtrack ^?.V,delay O|”Cf public LJo"—| divide *f
%#0|,7 7j Zg^m%) approve 'fiâslrf worth "ml 7fxl7f % passersby â% latest *I

*IN o%%0l‹J %zI7f ol *â ^””élOa ^fi*?°? I4 ojzJ of I

*I’? t0I % ‹I*‘ I I I ^â I 'dlfi will %l°? ?(The
reason we chose this particular software is because it makes it
easy for you to schedule meetings with people in different
time zones)0|E}a = T â (A)0|ut.

What does the speaker say has recently been

88 announced?
What does the speaker say is offered with (A) An increase in funding
the product?
(B) A factory opening
(A) An annual upgrade (C) A new venue for an event
(B) A money-back guarantee (D) A change in regulations
(C) A mobile phone application
(D) A customer-service help line

% to 7[It|Stcf(the annon ncement of new federal safety

regulations means that major modifications must be made
to the tracks)w* @o' (D)0|C[.


V'/ Iti This is Guo Lin with KDM TV News. Tonight, there’s news about thetoAshworth
the speaker, why doWo
City light-rail. some
rk copeople
nti nues on this ma s
op inio n a bo ut th e ra ilway is al rea dy div ided. dislike a construction project?
“0Som e residents say they don‘t app rove of how much money is being spent on the project, b ut ot h e rs say it’s wo rth th e cost.
(A) Because it caused a power outage
(U) Because it costs too much
(C) Because roads have been closed
(D) Because of the loud noise

X| °aC[(Some residents say they don't approve of how much

money is being spent on the ^@ 'a (B)0|c[.

•› Paraphrasing ' I°—I how much money is being
spent ‘ ^â â°l costs too much What does the speaker thank the listeners for?
(A) Reorganizing some files
(B) Cleaning a work area
(C) Worl‹ing on a Saturday
What will the speaker do next?
(D) Attending a training
(A) Introduce an advertiser
fxt % all JOB *âx I JI â‘*f *I?
(B) Attend a press conference
(C) Intei‘view some people
(D) End a broadcast
+f*f*f <@0l °? e” %1?
\%I reorganize /f*^?Sf*f

o[E-[(thanks for coming in to the warehouse today to work on a

Q%I advertiser ‘^^c press conference 7 IIfaI*? broadcast
Saturday)w* ’ T @o* (C)0|C[

*? *|^? 1^—i0l| E§oJ Q 7j| ’ Z| @Q!2 E[(I’m here at the In which division do the listeners most likely work?
Fourth Street station where I'll ask a few passersby how
(A) Shipping and Receiving
they feel about this latest development in the project)w °’
(B) Maintenance
(C)0|c[. (C) Sales and Marketing
(D) Accounting
•› Paraphrasing ' I°I ask a few passersby how they feel
*Jx ay- “*J0I*J I I?
› â+'% interview some people

92-94 a^I (D) 'z|Z|%

f›*I /\ i F i rst of al I, we kn ow yo u h a ve a bu sy schedule outside of work, so ^2thanks for coming in to the warehouse today to wo
which boxes you’ll be working on.
C[(we’re here b e cause this ext ra ship me nt was
delivered yesterday)@ 1, "? J°I âxf %0l ” I
%=*la J%°1*J 'â E1|0|E]d]|0|*0]| Zt @O 7 | a#0[ • P[(There
are hundreds of boxes, and we have to check what's inside
them and put the information into our warehouse database)w*
°ñ âX[{2” d#

<' (A)0|c .

What does the speaker say he will provide?

(A) A building name

(B) € roup nrirrthers

(C) Shift schedules
* éâ•? %% %%LcL é°ñaâé$Mâ %'% l W,°fDli u (D) A temporary password

I4l shift 1% |’?, fi%1 temporary °? l%

What event is being described?
(A) A sports competition
(B) A government ceremony
(C) A music festival
(D) A cooI‹ing contest

V\/ Air; And now, an event we’ve all been waiting for since last year — Danville’s Annual Cook-Off. H el d outside at City Par

Q%I competition 1a| ceremony °I^? contest ctrl

Z| @@E#s'| *^?(an event we’ve all been waiting for since
last year—Danville's Annual Cook-0ff)0|Z}^w ^â .^’ T (D)0|

» Pal aphrasing âs'f"l Cook—off ^â o‘% cooking contest

According to the speaker, what can the listeners

find on a Web site?
(A) A city map
(B) A list of vendors

(C) A demonstration video


(D) An entry form


AJ *% —i- BE[(If you're interested in participating, the contest
registration form is available on the city’s Web site)w %J T
e' (D)0|C[.

rr Paraphrasing o's'f°I contest registration form

› We'll entry form
Saturday ’ 7Sunday Monday Tuesday

Partly Cloudy Rain Rain Look at the graphic. Which day is the event
being held?
(B) Sunday

(A) %I
(C) g U

zf(keep in mind we're expecting a cloudy day for this
year’s event) °^ o‘ (B)0|c[.

^!%l confirm !%af*f policy " â offer xJl%*(Sf*f)

i'.I i This is Seung-ho Park from Pa rk lnvesto rs. We met last mo nth at the Westsi de Tech no logy Conference. I attended your inter
database more secure. I know you specialize in this type of work, and I‘m h opi ng yo u’II be interested in this project. ’ 00Could you
address on the business card I gave you. Thanks.
calling because I'd like to hire you to discuss ways to make my
company’s database more secure)w ° T @ (C)0|D[.

Look at the graphic. Who is the speaker calling?

(A) Carla Wynn
(B) Jae-Ho Kim
(C) Kaori Aoki
(D) Alex Lehmann


VIII investor ”X[Z[ conference ^*aI presentation ?6
afterward %0l investment “xf firm s'i I secure *^?%
specialize in ” ^?a% ul*f consultant fee Xfa
business card °*

Westside Technology Conference

What does the speaker ask the listener to do?
8:00 Protecting Your Data, Carla (A) Check a catalog
9:00 Learning to Code, Jae-Ho Kim (B) tend fee information
10:00 Latest Devices, Kaori Aoki (C) Submit a travel itinerary
11:00 Is Newer Better?, Alex Lehmann (D) Update a conference schedule
12:00 Lunch



10:00 *I^? â^I, l9zl ol9v I


^I= %%0I*J 'Off(you)•| ^f=”. °@ o|ol| U Q %=*I


1 2.00
(Could you please e-mail me a list of your consultant fees?)a
9B o i a a y @ p› (B)0|E[.

What is the purpose of the call?

'› Pai at›hi asiilg <*z}°l e-mail me a list of your consultant
(A) To confirm a deadline fees : ââ°—| Send fee information
(B) To explain a company policy
(C) ’IO inal‹e a juh off‹ r
(D) To discuss a new product

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