SL Particulars Valued of BDT
1 District- Moulvibazar, Upazila: Moulvibazar 7,27,28,000.00
Sadar, Mouja: Lalapur, J.L No. 66, S A
Khatian No. 1039 B.S DP- 781, Present
Mutation: 910, Plot No. S A- 1245, B.S Plot
No. 278 an area 6.4763 Six acre or Forty
Seven decimals Sixty Three Point House
type of land.
2 District- Moulvibazar, Upazila: Moulvibazar 4,26,64.000.00
Sadar, Mouja: Lalapur, J.L No. 66, S A
Khatian No. 1039 B.S DP- 781, Present
Mutation: 910, Plot No. S A- 1245, B.S Plot
No. 278 an area 6.4763 Six acre or Forty
Seven decimals Sixty Three Point House
type of land. and 8 storied commercial
shopping Center building standing thereon.
Total 11,53,92,000.00
Grand total present market valued of the aforesaid assets is Taka 11,53,92,000.00.