Course Syllabus - Statistics
Course Syllabus - Statistics
Course Syllabus - Statistics
Objective: The course will introduce you to many of the concepts and procedures used to
collect, present, and analyze data, particularly business data. The course will also
explore ways of effectively presenting and communicating the results of data
analysis. Students are encouraged to employ Microsoft Excel both in developing
their data analysis and in reporting the results of their analysis. A student who
successfully completes this course should have a good understanding of basic
statistical procedures.
Text: Basic Statistics for Business & Economics by Lind, Marchal, Wathen & Waite,
McGraw Hill – Canadian Edition
• Final date to withdraw from this course without academic penalty is November 3rd.
• Pass mark for this course is 60%.
• Assignment will only be considered once student has obtained a passing grade on the
midterm and final exam combined.
• There will be no supplementary exam in this course.
• The University Academic Regulations are required reading.
• Students will be required to sign an Honor Code statement acknowledging that they have
read, understood and agree to acting with academic integrity during the writing of the
Midterm and Final Exam.
Tentative Schedule
Method of Instruction
A typical class involves lecturing on a specific topic, covering some relevant examples,
completing one or more problems together with the class and then having students complete a
problem on their own while the professor remains available to answer questions or offer help.
The final exam will be given only on the date and at the time as specified by the registrar’s
office. There will be no supplemental exams in this course.
An assignment must be completed by the end of term as part of the course requirements.
Students will be allowed to work in groups of at most five to conduct statistical analysis and
perform statistical tests learned throughout the semester on dataset unique to their group. The use
of Excel is required for this project due to the size of the dataset and magnitude of the values.
Assignment will be posted after the midterm and the due date will be the day of the final exam.
Class Attendance
Students are expected to attend lectures on a weekly basis and participate in class activities.
While CBU does not have a mandatory attendance policy, attendance will be taken periodically
and may be considered when communicating to students or deciding final grades.
The usage of electronic devices in class (during lecture and testing periods), can lead to
distractions for the instructors and students and is not allowed in the academic class unless
specified by the instructor. Electronic devices include, but are not limited to, cell phones,
portable radio and music devices, electronic translators and laptop computers. Students using
electronic devices in contradiction to the wishes of the instructor may be asked to turn off and/or
to remove the device or may be asked to leave the class or examination room.
Academic Dishonesty
Students are responsible to read and familiarize themselves with all of the academic regulations
that are presented in the current edition of the academic calendar. In particular, students must
review the section on ethical behavior in academic matters. It is important that students
understand the consequences of their actions should they plagiarize, cheat, or commit any other
form of academic misconduct.
Assignments due or tests/midterms scheduled on a day that campus is closed due to inclement
weather will be automatically due or re-scheduled to the next scheduled class.