Critical/Article Analysis
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In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful and Compassionate, praise to Allah, He is the Almighty.
External blessings and peace upon the Glory of the Universe, our Beloved Prophet Muhammad
S.A.W, His family, and companions
Firstly, upon completing of Individual assignment for Evaluation of Information Services (IMC651)
for semester 8 in University Technology of Mara (UiTM), Puncak Perdana Shah Alam Selangor.
I would like to express our gratitude to several people who helped us in completing this project.
And the first one, I would like to show our gratitude Course Instructor Profesor Madya Dr Norhayati
Binti Hussin, for giving us a good guideline for assignment throughout numerous consultations.
Thus, I am also like to expand our deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly
guided us in writing this assignment.
Special thanks to also to who give full cooperation and effort during this assignment, also want to
thanks to our classmates for helping in giving some more ideas to complete this task.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements....................................................................................................... 2
Article ............................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4
References ..................................................................................................................... 8
Lin, Lim & Ramaiah, Chennupati & Wal, Pitt. (2003). Problems in the preservation of
electronic records. Library Review. 52. 117-125. 10.1108/00242530310465924.
Terms such as medium preservation and technology preservation are now widely used
when discussing issues related to the preservation of electronic records. The advent of electronic
information introduces new preservation requirements. Medium preservation has been addressed
in discussions on environmental and handling concerns for tapes, magnetic disks, optical disks,
and the like. Greater attention should instead be directed to the obsolescence of technologies. It
is a challenge to imagine not only how to technically preserve electronic records indefinitely, but
also how to choose what to preserve and how to guarantee the electronic record’s reliability and
authenticity in the future.
The combined problems of immense volume, unstable storage media, and obsolete
hardware and software add up to some very tough problems, which must be dealt with. Digital
preservation is becoming a business issue. Not only are historians, librarians and archivists
alarmed by the loss of cultural and government records due to a lack in digital preservation, but
certain industries have also realised that they need to keep data longer and longer for regulatory
or business reasons.
As organisation rely more and more on digital technology to produce, process, store,
communicate, and use information in their activities, the quantity of records being created in
electronic form will increase exponentially.The Technological challenge is compounded by the
continuing extension of information technology, making records increasingly more diverse and
complex. This will create an impact not only on individual records but also on the archival fonds
as a structured who
The Analysis
From this article we can concluded the issues of record management system is happening in our
country and will become worst if not be handle properly from now on.
We also have identified and list all possible internal and external issue of electronic records
Based on the internal and external in the process of compiling this report the we identified the
following ways in which a comprehensive electronic records management program could benefit
the organization in the perspective of Managing risk and liability.
Thus, it’s shown that better tracking of the evidence of work performed and of company’s
acceptance at each stage in the process will facilitate risk management in legal, tax, and
accounting matters.
A comprehensive electronic records management program will also contribute to greater security
of files administration.
Electronic record-keeping will provide greater ability to perform data analysis to track efficiency
and throughput. From the file management perspective the utilization of metadata about files will
aid in the ability to locate those files, provide version control and a more secure back-up and
archiving" procedure, as well as facilitate their management as potentially re-usable resources.