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1. Who was Ibrahim? Why was he discontented with his works?

2. How did he remedy his contentment?

3. How was ibrahim able to live without working for his food?

4. How did he discover where the hall walking from?

On the 4th day of his journey he came upon a fair castle on an island on the midst of the river. A
hermit saw Ibrahim and they got aquainted. The hermit narrated to him the story of the castle. So he
learned that there is a princess who lived there with great lonliness because of her father’s woven
spell. Now Ibrahim wanted to free the princess because the princess was the reason why he ate
savory food since he witnessed it. With that grateful thoughts Ibrahim cast himself into a trance for
as a holy man he had acquired some knowledge of magical art. His spirit walked in the land of the

5. What is the moral of the story?

The lesson of the story "The Food of Paradise" is that while food is provided for everyone, its kind
and quality are determined by what each individual merits. Ibrahim in the story is very reliant and a
little lazy; he constantly begs Allah for sustenance but then does little to move toward his goal. He
realized that he didn't deserve the food following the princess's revelation because what he had
always done wasn't comparable to what hard-working men were doing. Even though Allah is kind,
not everyone will receive gifts of equal quality since some people do not earn the right to receive
high-quality things.

6. What popular character in Philippine folktales is similar to ibrahim? and how do they differ?

The popular character in Ph folktales that is similar to Ibrahim for me is Juan Tamad because like
Ibrahim all they wanted was food in order to eat but they did not do an action or effort into getting
that food. They are both lazy, I believed. Yes Ibrahim did pray but he did not make a move after that.
Juan Tamad did not do an action to get the guava instead he just lie down and wait for it to fall on his
mouth. They differ because the story of Ibrahim involves the presence of Allah, he relies to Allah so
much in short he is a religious man while in Juan Tamad story there is no God involved he was just a
lazy man.

7. what is the humor of the story?

I think the humor in the story is when he thanked the princess for the delicious food he received from
the river because that's where he could really eat. but the princess said about the foods that it is her
custom to bathe in milk and anoint and rub her limbs with almonds, sugar, sweet scented cosmetics
and after she uses that she puts it on the leaves and throws it in the river. If we try to imagine his face
after the revelation it is like you would feel sorry for him but deep inside you are laughing out loud It
is funny because Ibrahim enjoyed and savoured the food even though he didn't know where it came
from. And It is funny because it’s like he was pranked by the princess.
Thus, most research supports the "linguistic mismatch" theory—"that children cannot learn in a
language they do not understand"

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