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Student Number: 1305085142




Alhamdulilahirabbil’alamin. First of all, the researcher would like to express

gratitude to the Almighty God, Allah SWT, for his blessing and mercies in every

aspect of the completion of this thesis.

Secondly, she also would like to express he sincere appreciation and deep

gratitude to Dr. Saraka, M.pd as the first advisor, and Effendi Llimbong, M.Ed.,Ed.D

as the second advisor, for their endless patient and guidance in the process of

conducting this study from the beginning until the perfection of it.

She also delivers great Dra. Surya Sili, M.A.T., ph.D thanks to as the first examiner,

Drs. M.Natsir, M.pd as the second examiner, Drs. Yuni Utami Asih, M.pd as the third

examiner for their cares, corrections, critics, and revisions for her improvement.

The special thanks are dedicated to her beloved family especially for her

parents, H. Anwar and Hj. Emmi Patimah who always give motivation, support,

patience, never ending prayer and endless love. She also sends her thankful to her

beloved sisters and brother Raudiatul Zahra, Raudiatul Syifa Nur Nazla and

Muhammad Ibrahim Mappideceng for they supports, prayers, kindness, and love to


She also does not forget to say thanks to her beloved friend: Kartini, Kamelia,

Selviana Asis, Winda sari, Venny pricilia, Supranta Zaki Mafaza S.pd, Febry Hessa
Pangabdi S.pd, and M. Rizaldi Suryo Sumirt for their cares, loves, supports,

motivation and prays. She also thanks to her classmates in B Afternoon Class 2013

and all her friends in English Department of Mulawarman University. This study

might not be finished well if these wonderful people did not give their support.

May Allah SWT always give His blessings to those who are individually

mentioned and not mentioned by the writer with lots of goodness and happiness.

Samarinda, September 2019

Raudiatul Adawiah

Raudiatul Adawiah was born in Samarida, East Kalimantan on September,

17th 1995. She is the first child of Mr. Anwar and Mrs. Andi Emmi Patima She has a

sisters and brother named Raudiatl Zahra, Muhammad Ibrahim Mappideceng and

Raudiatul Syifa Nur Nazla.

She started her study at Elementary school at SDINPRES 680 Sanranggeng in

2001-2005 and then went to MIN No.4 Sailong until 2007. Then she continued her

study to Junior High School at SMP Negeri 2 Dua Boccoe and finished it in 2010. In

the same year, she entered Senior High school at Pondok Pesantren AL-IKHLAS

Ujung Bone and finished in 2013.

After that she continued her future study at English Education department in

faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mulawarman University, Samarinda for

Bachelor Degree. In 2016, she did her field work KKN Mandiri in Gunung Lingai

District, Sungai Pinang, Samarinda. Than she did PPL program at SMK TI


THESIS TITLE............................................................................................ i

PAGE OF APPROVAL............................................................................... ii

THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS................................................................ iii

ABSTRACT.................................................................................................. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS......................................................................... v

CURRICULUM VITAE.............................................................................. vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................. vii

LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................ ix

LIST OF FIGURE........................................................................................ x

LIST OF APPENDICES.............................................................................. xi


1.1. Background of the Study................................................................................... 1

1.2. Research Question............................................................................................. 3

1.3. Purpose of the Study......................................................................................... 3

1.4. Scope and Limitation of the Study.................................................................... 4

1.5. Significances of the Study................................................................................. 4

1.6. Definition of the Key Term............................................................................... 5


2.1. Sociolinguistic................................................................................................... 6

2.2. Bilingualism and Multingualism....................................................................... 7

2.3. The Concept of Code........................................................................................ 9

2.4. Concept of code switching ............................................................................... 10

2.5. Concept of Code Mixing................................................................................... 12

2.6. Types of Code Mixing....................................................................................... 13

2.7. Reason for Code Mixing and Code Switching.................................................. 15

2.6.1. Talking about the particular topic.......................................................... 15

2.6.2. Quoting somebody else.......................................................................... 16

2.6.3. Being empathic about something........................................................... 16

2.6.4. Interjaction (inserting sentences fillers or sentences connectors)........... 16

2.6.5. Repetition used for clarification............................................................. 17

2.6.6. Intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor..................... 17

2.6.7. Expressing group identity...................................................................... 17

2.8. Review of Previous Studies and Related Studies.............................................. 18


3.1. Research Design................................................................................................ 22

3.2. Data and Source of Data.................................................................................... 23

3.3. Research Instrument.......................................................................................... 23

3.4. Data Collection Technique................................................................................ 24

3.5. Dat Analysis Technique.................................................................................... 25

3.6. Triangulation..................................................................................................... 27




This chapter presents a background of the study followed by the purpose

and the significance of the study. The research questions are stated and the

limitations to the study are presented along with the definitions of key terms.

1.1 Background of the study

Nowadays people use developed some knowledge and ability in a second

language and so become bilingual. (Spolsky, 1998, p.45) defines that bilingual is

a person who has some functional ability in a second language. In bilingual

communication, two or more languages are often used along together. Sometimes

the language is mixed or they are switched to another one. These are known as

code mixing and code switching. The phenomena of code switching and code

mixing of languages have long intrigued scholar who have examined what

triggers such occurrences (Muysken, 2000). One of the bilingual phenomena is

code mixing.

(Spolsky, 1998, p.51). In bilingual and multilingual societies, people may

produce certain codes. They produce some code because they want to

communicate with other smoothly and as a result, the communication can run


Code is the term for any variety of language. There are two kinds of code

namely code-mixing and code-switching. (Jendra, 2010) state code mixing and

code switching are different. If utterance is switched from one language to another

language supporting by a distinctive function, it is called as code switching.

Conversely, if an utterance either phrase or clause, consist of a clause or phrase

does not support a distinctive function, it is called code mixing. Code mixing can

be seen in spoken or written language. Code mixing in spoken language can be

found in radio, television program and code mixing in written language such as

novel, newspaper, and magazine.

Code mixing occurs when lexical items and grammatical features from

two languages appear in one sentence (Muysken, 2000, p.1). Than another

definition by (Wardhaugh, 1986, p.103) says code mixing occur when conversant

use both languages together to the extend that they change from one language to

the other in the cour of a single utterance.

Poeple often mix their language especially mixed with English. They do

this for some reason such as bilingual societies, for the shake of prestige, even

habitual to impress other poeple. Poeple often use code mixing when they do their

job or just talking with others who also use it. This condition also happens on

broadcasting job. Some broadcaster are support to use code mixing to support

their performance, to help them easier to share the information globally. People

usually mix their language with English and than utter it with their own version.

The phenomena of code mixing can also be found in some of Indonesia

television programs. One of them is Breakout NET.TV. Breakout is an interesting

music program. This program has two talented presenter; they are Boy Williyam

and Sheila Dara. The host of music show breakout when they speak with the

audience, they can mix their language from one code to another or it is known as

code mixing.

Breakout music program on NET.TV show some video clips of music,

This is very interesting because in Breakout music program there are many code

mixing used by the presenters. Here are the utterances of code mixing between

two presenters in Break Out:

Boy :Anyway, tadi tadi lagunya dari Justin bieber yang udah kita medle
buat kalian yang merupakan satu dari lagunya Justin yang paling hits di
search banyak orang di youtube.

Sheila :But before that, kita mau bilangin kalau misalnya after this show
kita bakal umumin pemenang di acara kita sebelumnya.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in analyzing the code

mixing between Indonesian language and English in Breakout NET.TV program.

1.2 Research Question

Based on the background of the study that has been mentioned above, the

researcher formulates the problem of the study as follows:

1. What are types of code mixing between English and Indonesia used in

Breakout NET.TV Program?

2. Which types of code mixing are dominantly used in Breakout NET.TV


1.3 Purposes of the Study

Based on research question that have been formulated above, the purposes

of the study are:

1. To find out the types of code mixing used in Breakout NET.TV Program.

2. To know which types of code mixing are dominant used in Breakout

NET.TV Program.

1.4 Scopes and limitation

In order to focus in this study, there are some limitations of the study:

1. This writer focuses on the study of sociolinguistics in the area of code


2. The object of this study is focused in the analyses the phenomena of code

mixing when the presenters talk spontaneously in Breakout net television


3. The subjects of this study are the two presenters who are Boy William and

Sheila Dara.

4. The writer focuses in Hoffman (1991) theory to describe the types of code

mixing and to know the dominant types used by the two presenters.

1.5 Significances of Study

The writer hopes that the result of this research will be something

worthwhile both academically and practically:

1. Theoretically

a. The result of this research can be used as an additional

reference for sociolinguistic study especially in code mixing


b. The readers are able to understand the forms of code mixing.

c. The readers are able to know the purpose of code mixing.

2. Practically

The result of the study can give worthy contribution for

language learners and language teachers. The learners can be familiar

with any codes that can be used in their daily communication.

Meanwhile, for the teachers, they used code mixing to help the

students understand the teaching material. Moreover, code mixing also

helps the teacher to create an enjoyable situation during the teaching

learning activity. Furthermore, it can improve student’s awareness on

using English.

1.6 Definitions of Key Terms

In order to make clear of this study, the researcher gives the definition of

the key terms related to the concept of this study. As the following:

1. Code also known as language variation is often regarded as a system that

is used by people to communicate.

2. Code mixing refers to deliberate mixing of two language without an

associated topic change, in this mater, Indonesia language and English.

3. Breakout is one of music programs which are broadcasted on NET TV.



In this chapter, the researcher presents some theories which support the

study, namely: Concept of Language, Concept of Sociolinguistic, Concept of

Monolingual, Bilingual and Multilingual, Concept of Code Choosing, Concept of

Code Mixing, Types of Code Mixing, Reasons for Code Mixing and Code

Switching and the Previous Studies and related studies.

2.1 Sociolinguistic

Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics studies which discuses about the

relation between the language and society. As said by (Hudson, 1980, p.4) that

“sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society.” (Gumperz, 1971.

p.223) defines sociolinguistics as an attempt to find correlation between social

structures and linguistics structure and to observe any changes that occurs. While

(Wardhaugh, 2006, p.12) himself state that sociolinguistic is concerned with

investigating the relationship between language and society which the goal is to

create a better understanding of the structure of language and how languages

function in communication.

Sociolinguistics rangers from the study of the wide variety of dialects

across different region down to the analysis between the way man and woman

speak to another. Sociolinguistics discusses how language and social relation

affects to each another. (Holmes, 2001, p.1) says that sociolinguistics is branch of

linguistics which studies about the relationship between society and language. She

also says that “sociolinguistics are interested in explaining why we speak

differently in different social contexts, and they are concerned with identifying the

social function of language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning”.

While (Spolsky, 1998, p.3) defines sociolinguistics as the field that studies

relation between language and society between the uses of language and the social

structure in which the users of language live.

Sociolinguistics encompasses a broad range of concerns, including

bilingualism and pidgin languages, and other ways language use influenced by

contact among people of different language communities. It examines different

dialect, accents, and levels of diction depend social distinctions among people.

Although accent refers strictly to pronunciation, in practice a dialect can usually

be identified by the accent of its speakers as well as by distinctive words, usage,

idiomatic, expression, grammatical features. The varying language, accents,

dialects, diction, and other linguistics structure is called language variation or

code (Wardhaugh, 2006, p.88).

2.2 Bilingualism and Multilingualism

In this world we live in so many languages existed and it is a common

thing when one speaks in two or more different languages. The phenomenon of

people speaks in several languages is quite normal since they do it due to various

situation and purposes. (Wardhaugh, 2006, p.96) simply refers that phenomenon

which people having more than one language as bilingualism and multilingualism.

This condition makes one to be called a bilingual person. (Myers-Scotton, 2006,

p.2) simply defines bilingualism as “the term for speaking one or more language”.

As well as (Spolsky, 1998, p.45) defines bilingual as “a person who has some

functional ability in the second language”. This ability may vary from one

bilingual to another. As what (Sridhar, 1996, p.50) says in (wardhaugh, 2006,

p.96) that “multilingualism involving balanced, native like command of all

languages in the repertoires is rather uncommon.” Bilinguals or multilingual

might have different language competence.

In contrary (Bloomfield, 1993, p.56) defines bilingualism as “ability of a

speaker in using two languages, in case the using of the firs language as good as

the second language.” However many arguments towards Bloomfield’s concept of

bilingualism since it is rare to see a speaker which has the same capability in both

firs language and second language. Even though for one who has been bilingual

since birth, there is always one language which is dominant.

Bilingual speakers are able to choose which language (or varieties) that

they are going to use as (Spolsky, 1998, p.48) says that “bilingual have a

repertoire of domain-related rules of language choice. Speakers with bilingual or

multilingual abilities are able to choose which language they are going to use in

their communication depends on the situation in order to make the communication

become effective. There are some reason why someone becomes bilingual

(Hoffman, 1991, p.3) says there are three reason for bilingualism.

Meanwhile, there are some reasons why someone becomes bilingual.

(Hoffman, 1991, p.3) says that there are three reasons for bilingualism to

happened, namely membership, education, and administration. The example of

membership reason is the use of French by all European aristocracy to signal

membership of the elite. The example of education and administrative reason is

the use of English by Indonesians, Scandinavians, Germans and Ditches

discussing their technologies, academics, or business. Bilingualism is a normal

requirement for daily communication and not a sign of any particular reason in

many countries and communities (Hoffman, 1991, p.3) this is supported by

(wardhaugh, 2006, p.96) who says “in many parts of the world it is just a normal

requirement of daily living that people speak several language: perhaps one or

more at home, another in the village, still another for purposes of trade and yet

another for contact with the outside world of wider social or political


2.3 The Concept of Code

Sociolinguistics cover board range of concerns, including bilingualism and

pidgins language, and other ways were language use is influenced by contact

among people of different language communities. Bilingual speakers are able to

choose which language (or varieties) that they are going to use as state by

(Spolsky, 1998, p.46) that “bilingual have repertoire of domain related rule of

language choice”. Speaker with bilingual or multilingual abilities are able to

choose which language they are going to use in their communication become


In order to communicate to each other, people choose different coded

according to the situation. As stated by (Holmes, 2001, p.6) that variety (or code)

refers to any set of linguistics from which patterns according to social factors”. He

also defines codes as a set of linguistics forms used under specific social

circumstances, i,e. with a distinctive social distribution”. Different accents,

different linguistics style, different dialect and even different language are

considered as code. This is supported by (Wardhaugh, 2006, p.88) who also state

that code is a particular language, dialect, style, register or variety. Then, in order

to make their communication effective they usually choose variety (code) among

their language repertoire.

Referring to (Holmes, 2001, p.23) “three important social factors in code

choice are participants, setting, and topic”. Those factors mentioned before will

trigger additional reason contribute in the code (language) choice. The

contributing factors to the language (code) choice are social distance, status,

formality, and function or goal of interaction (Holmes, 2001, p.23). Social

distance can be indicated in: “how well the speaker?” and “are they strangers,

friends, or brother?” The status relation between the speakers also contributes in

language choice. The speaker often chooses an appropriate code to be used to talk

to other.

Social role may also be important and is often a factor contributing to

status differences between people. For example teacher-students, doctor-patient,

official-citizen, manager employee. Features of the setting and the dimension of

formality may also be important in selecting variety or code (Holmes, 2001, p.26).

For example, the variety or code which use on the formal ceremony must be

different from the variety or code which used in the church front porch and the

variety or code which use in the television’s news program and variety and code

which use in the advertisements during the commercial breaks. Then, the last

contributing factor mentioned by Holmes is the faction or goal of the interaction.

The faction factor is showing that what is the language being use for? Is the

speaker asking a favor or giving orders to someone? These all can contribute to

the language (variety/code) choice among speakers.

2.4 Concept of Code Switching

In bilingual and multilingual society, people are having more than one

variety. This situation makes them possible to alternate code (variety).

Sometimes, they change from one code (variety) to another, which is call

alternation. (spolsky, 1998, p.45) agrees, that bilingual like to shift their

language for convenience. Recently, many sociolinguists are interested in code

alternation (code switching and code mixing). They propose many theories

about the definition, types, and reason for switching and mixing codes.

(Wardhaugh, 2006, p.98) defines code switching as the process where

people “select a particular code whenever they choose to speak, and they may

also decide to switch from one code to another or to mix codes even within

sometimes very short utterances and there by create a new code.” (Poplack,

19880, p.583) defines code switching as “the alternation of two languages

within a single discourse, sentence or constituent.” This definition is supported

by (Wardhaugh, 2006, p.101) which said that “code switching can occur in

conversation between speakers’ turisn or within a single speaker’s turn.”

Because of this reason, enough knowledge about grammatical system is

needed by the speaker in code switching (Poplack, 1980, p.601).

A change in some social condition often triggers people to switch code to

communicate o each other (Holmes, 2001, p.35). (Myers, 2006, p.239)simply

defines code switching as “the use of two languages varieties in the same

conversation .” code switching is very common to happen in bilingual or

multilingual society.

2.5 Concept of Code Mixing

Code mixing refers to the mixture of two or more languages or language

varieties in speech. The concept of code mixing is used to refer to a more general

from of language contact that may conclude cases of code switching and the other

from of contacts which emphasizes the lexical item. (Muysken, 2000, p.1) defines

code mixing to “all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from two

languages appear in one sentence”. With the scope as found in the quotation, code

mixing can be used to identify almost any linguistic mixed forms resulting from

language contacts.

(Wardaugh, 2006, p.103) says, “code mixing occurs when conversant use

both language together to the extent that they change from one language to the

other in the course of single utterance.” It means that the conversant just change

some of the elements in their utterance. Code mixing takes place without changing

of topic and can involve levels of change.

Code mixing is the mixing of one language in another language by the

speaker in communication. (Gumperz, 1977, p.82) also states that code mixing is

the pieces of one language by a speaker while is basically using another language.

A piece of language refers to a word or phrase in one language that is mixed to

another language.

Beside code mixing there is also phenomenon that happens in biligual or

multilingual community called code switching, the difference between code

switching and code mixing is that code switching is the change of language from

one language to another at all. But if the speaker mix language a to b at the clause

or phrase level it is called code mixing. (Wei in Claros & Isharyanti, 2009, p.68)

differences code switching and code mixing as “if code alternation occurs at or

above clause level it is considered code switching, but if it occurs below clause

level than it is considered code mixing”.

(Hudson, 1996, p.53) states that “code mixing means where a fluent

bilingual talking to another fluent bilingual changes language without any change

at all in the situation”.

Based on the definition above, the reseaarcher takes conclution that code

mixing ia a phenomenon exist in bilingual or multilingual community where the

speakers when do a community process by using language (specially oral

communication) they mix their language to another language at the same

conversation’s topic.

2.6 Types of Code Mixing

According by (Hoffman, 1991, p.112) show that there are three types of

code mixing based on syntactical patterns. Those are intra-sentential code mixing,

intra-lexical code mixing and involving a change of pronunciation.

2.6.1. Intra-sentential code mixing

This kind of code mixing occurs within a phrase, a clause or sentence

boundary, for example English-Indonesia:

A : Never mind, aku bisa paham kok (never mind, I understand)

B : Hasilnya tergantung team work dan juga lucky (the result depends on

team work and also lucky)

In the exmple above the speakers, A and B mix the language between

indonesia and English the mixing is called intra-sentential code mixing

bacause they mix the languages in a sentence boundary where the speaker A

mix “never mind” in she/he utterance, and speaker B says “ team work”and

“lucky” in she/he utterance.

2.6.2. Intra-lexical code mixing

This kind of code mixing occurs within a word boundary. For example


A: Syarat pertama ikut lomba itu ya harus nge-follow instagramnya

dulu. (the first requirement to join the competition is to follow the

instagram first).

B: Kamu harus baca koran setiap hari untuk meng-update pengetahuan

tentang masalah-masalah yang terjadi di negara kita (you have to

raad the news paper every day to update your knowlidge about the

problems that happen in our country).

In the example above, the speaker A and B mix their language between

English and Indonesia at the lavel of word, so it is called intra-lexical code


2.6.3. Involving a change of pronunciation

The kind of code mixing occurs at the phonological level, as when

indonesia poeple say an English word, but modify it to indonesia phonological

structure. For intances, the word “telephone” is said “telpon” or the word

“television” is said “televisi” the word “download” is said to be “donlot” by

Indonesian people.

Furthermore (Muysken, 2000, p.3) classify the patterns of code mixing in

to three, the first is insertion, alternation, and the last is congruent

lexicalization each will be explained as follows:

1. Insertion

Insertion is when a bilingual insert some different language variation

in a sentence, “there is a considerable variation in what is or can be

inserted: in some language this consists mostly of adverbial phrases, in

other mostly single nouns, yet in others again determiner + noun


2. Alternation

Alternation is “true switch from one language to the other, involving

both grammar and lexicon” (Muysken, 2000, p.5) the speaker

alternates his code from one language in a sentence level.

3. Congruent Lexicalization

Congruent lexicalization is when a bilingual shared the grammatical

structure or lexicalized element from the two or more codes in to a

sentence (Muysken, 2005, p.5)

2.7 Reason for Code Mixing and Code Switching

(Hoffman, 1991), had formalized the reason to switch or mixes language:

2.7.1. Talking about the particular topic

People sometimes prefer to talk about a particular topic in one

language rather than in another. Sometimes, speaker feels like free and

more comfortable to express their emotional feelings in a language that is

not their everyday language (Hoffman, 1991).


Siap-siap denger conversationya. Di short conversation TOEFL, satu

audio satu pertanyaan. (Ansar, 2017)

2.7.2. Quoting somebody else

A speaker switches code to quote a famous expression, proverb, or

saying of some well-known figures. The switch involves just the words

that the speaker is claiming the quoted person said. The switch like set of

quotation marks. In Indonesia, those well-known figures are mostly from

some English speaking countries. Then, because many of the Indonesia

people nowadays are good in English, those famous expressions or saying

can be quoted intact in their original language (Hoffman, 1991).


Udah buat aja jurnalnya sekarng kata om ipin “Don’t be late”. (Ansar,


2.7.3. Being emphatic about something

As usual, when someone who is talking using a language that is not

his native language suddenly wants to be emphatic about something, he

either intentionally or unintentionally, will switch from his second

language to his first language. Or, on the other hand, he switch from his

second language to his first language because he feels more convent to be

emphatic in their second language rather than in their first language

(Hoffman, 1991).


Alright, gak usah takut salah kalau ngomong bahasa Inggris. (Ansar,


2.7.4. Interjaction (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors)

Interjaction is a words or expressions, which are inserted into a

sentence to convey surprise, strong emotion, or gain attention. Interjaction

is a short exclamation like : Darn!,Hey!, Well!, etc. they have no

grammatical value, but speaker uses them quite often, usually more in

speaking than in writing.

Language switching and language mixing among bilingual or

multilingual people can sometimes mark an interjection or sentence

connector. It may happen unintentionally or intentionally (Hoffman,



Oh man, jangan melamun aja, kerjakan! (Ansar, 2017)

2.7.5. Repetition used for clarification

When a bilingual wants to clarify his or her speech so that it will be

understood more by the listener, he or she can sometimes use both of

languages that be masters saying the same utterance (the utterance is said

repeatedly), (Hoffman, 1991).


Kalian mengerti? Do you understand? (Ansar, 2017)

2.7.6. Intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor

When bilingual or multilingual person talks to another bilingual or

multilingual, there will be lost of code switching and code mixing occurs.

It means to make the content of his or her speech runs smoothly and can

be understood by the listener (Hoffman, 1991).


Improve ability kalian dengan practice listening kalian tiap hari. (Ansar,


2.7.7. Expressing group identity

Code switching can also be used to express group identity, as it has

been mentioned previously, the way of communication of academic people

in their disciplinary grouping, are obviously different from other groups.

In other words, the way of communication one of community is different

from the people who are out of the community.


Kalau debat ESA (English Student Assosiation) memang juara (Ansar,


2.8 Review of Previous Studies and Related Studies

There are some researchers who have been conducted researches which

focus in code mixing. But, the researcher tried to review three researches. The

first is research that has conducted by Elisabet Sipayung with the title “The

Analysis Code Mixing in Film from Bandung with Love”. The second research is

Elvira Siahaan (2013) “The Code Mixing Used By An Announcer Of M Radio

102.7 FM Samarinda”. The third research is conducted by “ Erma novita sari

(2013) with the title “Code Switching and Code Mixing in My Stupid Boss 4:

Trust me no one, suspect everyone! by Chaos@work”.

The first previous research purpose was examining the code mixing in film

from Bandung with Love. This study was aimed to explore information of

Sociolinguistics about code mixing film titled from Bandung with Love. The data

are in forms of words or utterances used by all character of the film. To know the

types of code mixing found in the film from Bandung with love and to identify the

dominant types of code mixing in the film. The research used theories by

(Hoffman 1991, p.112) the data were taken from the script of film from Bandung

with love. The data were divided in to 35 scenes. She used the qualitative research

design her analysis. The result of this research are (1) There are three types of

code mixing in the film, (2) The most type which has big effect is lexical (3)

Lexical code mixing as the dominant type shows that the teenagers in Indonesia

like to mix their language per word to show that they are educated and modern.

The present study has similarity and differences with the previous study.

The similarity between the first previous study and the present study was both

studies aim to find out types of code mixing and the most dominant types of code

mixing. Moreover the present study and the previous study also used Hoffman,

1991) theory. The difference is the previous study also intended to find out the

reason of using code mixing. Another difference is present study will focus on

code mixing used in Breakout NET.TV Program, while the previous study

focused on code mixing used in film From Bandung with Love.

The second study was done by Elvira siahaan (2013) she examined the

code mixing used by an announcer of M Radio 102.7 FM Samarinda. The

researcher observed an announcer of M Radio 102.7 FM Samarinda. The aim of

the study is to know how the announcer used two languages, especially the

condition and the purpose of using code mixing. The design of the study is

descriptive qualitative, the material of the data come from observation, such as

recording, taking a note, and interview. The result showed that the process of code

mixing as sophisticated knowledge and familiarity. Moreover, it is also expected

to be useful way to make variation of radio broadcasting. All the words were very

simple for the announcer. Thus she was not feeling difficult to put those words.

Usually, she used code mixing in the middle of radio program time when he got

his good spirit to do radio broadcast. Besides, he knew the words well by listening

and memorizing.

The similarity between the present study and the second previous study is

that both the second study and the present study examine code mixing. Both study

is also examines to find out the types of code mixing. The difference is the

sample, the second study used by Announcer of M Radio 102.7 FM Samarinda as

the sample meanwhile the present study will examine the two presenters in

Breakout NET.TV Program. Another different is previous study also intended to

find out the reason of using code mixing.

The third research was conducted by Erma Novita Sari (2013) with the

title code switching and code mixing in my stupid boss 4: Trust No One, Suspect

Everyone! byChaos@work. The purpose was to find out the use of code switching

and code mixing in the nonfiction comedy book. This study investigated the types

of code switching and code mixing which occure in the story. This study used

qualitative design and also she used theory by (Hoffman 1991, p.112). The result

of this study showed that there are six types of code mixing found in this

nonfiction comedy book. The highest frequency was intra-sentential switching or

code mixing. Then the writer also found the reasons to switch or mix language in

this nonfiction – comedy book. The main reason is expressing group identity.

4. The present study has both similarities and differences with the previous

study. The similarity between the third study and the present study is that

both studies examine code mixing. Moreover the present study and the

previous study used (Hoffman, 1991) theory. The difference is the

previous study aimed to find out the types of code switching and also the

reason of the author switches her language in the story. Another difference

of both studies is about the data source used to be analyzed. The present

study will focus on code mixing used in Breakout TV program while the

previous study focused on code switching and code mixing used in

nonfiction comedy book my stupid boss 4: Trust No One, Suspect

Everyone! byChaos@work.



In this chapter, the researcher presents the methodology of the study. The

descriptions include: Research Design, Research Subject, Research Instrument,

Data Collection Technique, Data Analysis Technique and Triangulations.

3.1 Research Design

The research used qualitative research. Qualitative research is a method in

research to discover patterns and themes in life that concerns with social sciences

to describe something (Parse, 2001).

(Creswell, 2008) states that qualitative research is a types of educational

research in which the researcher relies on the views of participants, asks broad,

general question, collects the data consisting largely of words (or text) from

participants; describe and analyzes these words or themes; and conducts the

inquiry in subjective, biased manner. Furthermore, (Key, 1997) states that

descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the current status of

the phenomenon to describe “what exist” with the respect to variables or condition

a situation.

According (Bogdan and Biklen, 2003), divide characteristics of qualitative

research into:

1. Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of data and

researcher is the key instrument.

2. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of

words of pictures that number.

3. Qualitative research concerned with process rather than simply with

outcome or products.

4. Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively.

5. “Meaning” is of essential to the qualitative approach.

So it can be concluded the descriptive qualitative research is to collect and

interpret data by observing what people do, say and analyze the data through

describing the phenomena by using the words.

In this study, the writer focuses on observation of the data with the

purpose to describe the types and the dominant of code mixing used in Breakout

NET.TV Program.

3.2 Data and Source of Data

According to (Patton, 2002, p.47) Qualitative data consist of Quotation,

Observation, and Excerpts for documents. The source of data of the study were

the forms of words or utterances used by both of the presenters which is contain

code mixing based on (Hoffman, 1991) theory. Every utterance spoken by all

characters become the source for the writer to be analyzed. Then the data of the

study will be taken from the video of the Breakout, meanwhile the data is the

utterances of two presenters of the Breakout NET. TV Program.

3.3 Research Instrument

Bogdan and Baiklen (1982:27) state that the qualitative research has

natural setting as the direct source of data where the writer becomes the key

instrument. In this research the writer is the key (main) instrument of the research

because she is the one who can lead the process from the raw data collected to the

conclusion made. In order to support this research the writer will use the video of

the Break out NET TV program, which is taken from internet. Relevant source

from library and internet also used in analyze and describe the data. All sources

were combined carefully by the researcher to get the best result in analyzing the

data from Breakout NET TV Program.

3.4 Data Collection Technique

To collecting data, there were steps that conducted by the researcher.

Those steps are present as follows:

1. Watching the whole scene of the Breakout NET.TV Program on

youtube internet.

2. Transcribing the whole utterances used by both of the presenters.

3. Identifying the code mixing used in Breakout NET.TV Program.

4. Classifying the data based on the types of code mixing. The

researcher used three types of code mixing based on (Hoffman,

1991) theory, which is intra-sentential code mixing, intra-lexical

code mixing and involving a change of pronunciation.

5. Analyzing the types and dominant types of code mixing used in

Breakout NET.TV Program.

6. The writer will also limits five episodes of break music program

which is broadcasted every day in a week start on 16.30 to 17.30.

3.5 Data Analysis Technique

To analyze the data, the study uses a flow model of analysis made by

Miles and Huberman (1994). The flow for concurrent flows activity, as the

following data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing and verification.

Each the flow is described below:

Figure 3.7 Procedure of Data Analysis by Miles and Huberman (1994)

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, sorts, focuses,

discards, and organizes the data in such a way that “final” conclusion can

be drawn and verifies. Data reduction refers to the process of selecting,

focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data appear in

written-up field notes or transcription. (Miles and Huberman, 1994, p.10-


In this research the data is the form of video and transcription of

Breakout Net TV Program, in this step the writer firstly analyzing the data

by watching the video and transcribe the utterances used by both of the

presenters. Next the writer is selecting the sentence or utterances of the

presenters which contains code mixing to be analyzed. After that the writer

classifying the data base on three types of code mixing, those are intra

sentential code mixing, intra lexical code mixing and involving a change

of pronunciation. The writer will conclude the number of types of code

mixing to find out the dominant types code mixing occurs in Breakout Net

TV Program. The writer also makes summaries to make easy in analyzing

the data and continuing the next steps.

2. Data Display

The second major on flow analysis activity id data display.

Generally, a display is organized, compressed assembly of information

that permits conclusion drawing and action, (Miles and Huberman, 1994,


In this step, the writer shows or display the data which is contain

the types of code mixing, not only as generally but specifically and clearly.

The writer shows which sentences or utterances contain the types and the

dominant types of code mixing found in Breakout Net TV Program.

3. Drawing and Verifying Conclusion

The third step of analysis technique is drawing conclusion or

verification. From the start the data collection the qualitative analysis is

beginning to decide what things mean is nothing laguralities, patterns,

explanation, (Miles and Huberman, 994, p.11).

In this step, the conclusion made based on the result of the data

display. Related theories used to cross check whether the data convincing

and accurate so the conclusion could be valid.

3.6 Triangulation

Cambell & Fiake as citied in Chohen, Manison, & Mrrisson (2013)

believes that triangulation is a great way of demonstrating concurrent validity,

particularly in qualitative research. It supported independent research in order

to avoid bias of the information from the resources. In additional, it use to

confirm the ability of the researcher herself.

(Patton, 2002, p247) has identified four basic types of triangulation: (1) data

triangulation, the use of a variety data source in a study; (2) investigator

triangulation, the use of several different researchers or evaluators; (3) theory

triangulation, the use of multiple perspective to interpret a single set of data,

and (4) methodological triangulation, the use of multiple method to study a

single problem of program.

In this study theory triangulation will used two theories to discuss a problem.

In here, theory triangulation were used which she has consulted with the

advisors of her study by extending some explanation from the previous

researcher and some theories. Theories Hoffman and Muysken will used to

analyze the types of code mixing.



This chapter presents the finding and discussion of the study. It show the

types of code mixing used by the presenters in Breakout NET TV program and the

types of code mixing are dominatly used in Breakout Net TV Program.

4.1 Research Findings

The findings of this study were to know the types of code mixing used by

the presenters and which types of code mixing are dominantly used in Breakout

NET TV Program.

4.1.1 Types of code mixing

Based on the the theory applied in this research, there were types of code

mixing used by the presenters in Breakout NET TV Program. They were intra-

sentential code mixing, intra-lexical code mixing and involving a change of


a. Intra Sentential Code Mixing

Intra sentential mixing occurs within phrase or word boundary

(Haffman,1991) here same data of intra- sentential code mixing that used

bythe presenters in Breakout Net TV Program.

Data 1 : L1/APX.1

“Guys kita hari ini bakalan share playlist kita di tahun ini”

From the ufferance above,there were English Word “Share” and

“Playlist”. When there mixed code of another language in one sentence, in

the best language it can be said that there is a code mixing. It categorized

as intra-sentential code mixing, because the mixing code occuring in the

middle of the base languge, and they are in the from of frose and words.

The utterance explains about song list that will be played.

Data 2: L3/APX.1

“Let see let see ini dari Hani Juwita karna dia suka banget sama “Why

don’t we talk” ini baru rilis lagunya”

From the ufferance above, there were phrase “Let see let see” and

“why don’t we”. So it is define as intra sentential code mixing because the

english phrase and Indonesia phrase are in one sentence phrase “Let see let

see” that the ufferance by the speaker to inform that there is a song title

requested by one of the viewer of Breakout NET TV program namely

Hani Juwita, while the phrase “Why don’t we” is the song title.

Data 3 : L8/APX.1

“Sekarang kita mau nyanyi ini request lagu dari kalian semua”

From the ufferance above, there is English word “request” between

Indonesia phrase “sekarang kita mau nyanyi ini” and “lagu dari kalian

semua”. Based on the types of code mixing. It define as intra-sentential

code mixing. It is the word “request is in the middle of Indonesia sentence.

The ufferance above tells that both speakers (Boy and Sheila) will sing a

song requested by their viewers.

Data 4 : L5/APX.2

“Ok di nomor 15 ada Khalid and Norma with Love lies, ini lagu enak


From the ufferance above there is word “and” which is as the

connector between two singer “Khalid and Norma”. Also there is word

“with” before “Love lies”. According to the types of code mixing because

the words are in the middle of Indonesia sentence. The ufferance above

tells us that the speaker (Boy) mention the 15 rank of song based on the


Data 5 : L6/APX.2

“Ok enak banget gue bacain chart tapi lebih kepengen makan gimana”

From the ufferance above there is word “Chart” between Indonesia

phrase”ok enak banget gue mau bacain” and “tapi lebih kepengen makan

giman. The ufferance is define as intra-sensetial code mixing were english

wordis mixed with indonesia phrase. The ufferance informs that the

speaker (Sheila) us going to read the chart but is hungry and want

something to eat.

Data 6 : L8/APX.2

“Alright, itu dia tadi peringkat 10-6. I will back with top five”

From the ufferance above, we know that it is categories as intra-

sentensial code mixing because the speaker (Boy) mix the English word

with indonesian code. The first word “Alright” is English word followed

by Indonesia sentence “itu dia tadi peringkat 10-6” and English sentence “I

will backwith top five” the ufferance above informs that the speaker has

mentioned the song rank from 10-6, and be will tell the top five after the


Data 7: L3/APX.3

“That’s nice song berikutnya ada siapa?”

From the ufferance above, there is English phrase “That’s nice

song” followed by Indonesia phrase “berikutnya ada siapa?” means that

there is a mix between English and Indonesi code. So, it can be

categorized into intra-sentential code mixing. The ufferance tells the

compliment of the presenters about a song that how played and asks what

is the next song to be played.

Data 8: L4/APX.3

“Ada Bebe Recha “The way i are” ok this really good song”

According to the ufferance above, Indonesia phrase is followed by

English sentence. In other word, there are two codes used in the ufferance

so it can be defines as intra-sentential code mixing. The ufferance tell that

the presenter pralse the song sang by Babe Rexha entitled “The way i are”

Data 9: L5/APX.3

“Ok my turn di nomor 15-11, di nomor 15 ada DJ Khaled I’m the one”

From the ufferance above, there is English phrase “my turn” in

between Indonesia sentence. Based on the types of code mixing, it define

as intra sentential code mixing. It is because English phrase “my turn” is in

the middle of Indonesia word “Ok” and Indonesia sentence di nomor 15-

11, di nomor 15 ada DJ Shaked I’m the one. The ufferance tells that the

presenter pralse the song song by Babe Rexha entitled “The way i are”

Data 10: L3/APX.4

“Lagunya sudah keluar dan sudah masuk chart kita, congratulation”

From the ufferance above, there is English word “congratulation”

at the end of Indonesia sentence. The ufferance is defines as intra-

sentensial code mixing where English word is mixed with Indonesia

sentence. The ufferance inform that the presenter congratulate the singer

because the song has released.

Data 11: L7/APX.4

“Kita ada salah satu actress dan penyanyi, ada Haille Steinfeld with Most


From the ufferance above, we can see English word “actress” after

Indonedia phrase “kita ada salah satu” so the ufferance can be categorized

into intra-sentensial code mixing where there are two code used.

Thepresent tell the “actress” is Haille Steinfeld while “penyanyi” is most


Data 12: L11/APX.4

“Di nomor 12 ada ini take a listen”

From the ufferance above, there arae Indonesia phrase “Di nomor 12

ada ini” and English Phrase “take a listen” according to the types of code

mixing. The ufferance above tells that te presents is persualing the listener

of the program to listen the twelfth song list.

Data 16: L13/APX.5

“Anyway di nomor 11 kita ada Ellie Goulfing Diplo, Swae Lee with Close

to me”

It can be see from the ufferance above, we know that it is

categorized as intra-sententiqal code mixing because the speaker mix the

English code with Indonesia code. The first word “anyway” is English

word followed by Indonesia sentence “di nomor 11 kita ada” and English

sentence “close to me” is the song title. The ufferance above tell us that the

speaker mention the 11th rank of sing based on the chart.

Data 17: L4/APX.5

“Dan makanya biar kalian makin nggak penasarang langsung aja ambil

Handphone kalian”

From the ufferance above, there was a word English “Handphone”

within Indonesia sentence “dan makanya bair kalian makin nggak

penasaran langsung aja ambil” and “kalian” Based on the typeof code

micin, it defines as intra- sentential code mixin. It is because the presenter

tried to mix the indonesia code with English in the middle of Indonesia

sentence without changing the topic of the speaking. The ufferance above

asked the viewers to take their phones to join NET play.

Data 18: L15/APX.5\

“Di nomor 7 ada HIVI satu-satunya lagu special yang dibuat Febri dan

dibantu Ezra sebagai hadiah pernikahan Febri untuk calon istrinya loh


As can be seen from the ufferance above, there was English word

“special” within Indonesia sentence “di nomor 7 ada Hivi satu-satunya

lagu” and “yang dibuat Febri dan dibantu Ezra sebagai hadiah perniikahan

Febri untuk calon istrinya loh Sheila. So it can be categorizes into intra

sentential code mixing were there are two code used. The ufferance above

tell us that was a special song presented by Febri for his bride to be, and it

is in the seven rank.

Data 19: L22/APX.1

“Gue mau bikin drink buat Sheila”

From the ufferance above, there was English word “drink”

betweem Indonesia phrase “gue mau bikin” and “buat Sheila”. Based on

the types of code mixing, it is because the word drink in the middle of

Indonesia sentence. The ufferance above tell us that presenter (boy) will

make some of drink for Sheila.

Data 20: L8/APX.3

“Di nomor 8 ada Demi Lovato with Sorry not sorry”

From the ufferance above, we can see English word “with” after

Indonesia phrase “dinomor 8 ada Demi Lovato” .

b. Intra Lexical Code Mixing

Intra lexical code mixing occurswithina word boundary

(Hoffman,1991). The data were prefix and suffix with word boundary.

Here are some examples of intra-lexical code mixing that used by the

presenter of Breakout NET TV Program.

Data 20: L4/APX.1

“Ini lagu enak di dengerin kalau lagi summer, apalagi loe dengerin sambil

lihat musik video nya”

From the ufferance above, the presenter asked her audiance if the

song is easy to listen in the summer while watching the video clip. The

speaker put suffix “-nya” after “video” word. The presenter mix English

word within Indonesia sentence.

Data 21: L19/APX.1

“Ok gue akan nge share my own summer playlist”

It can be seen in ufferance that the presenter mixed her code in to

English. She adopted Indonesia’s prefix “nge_” before “share” word. The

sentence above informed that the presenter will share his own summer

playlist (song).

Data 13: L18/APX.1

“Di nomor 14 ada lagu favorite gue saat ini”

From the ufferance above,there were English went”favorite” when

there mixed code of another language in one sentence in the best language.

It can be said that there is a code mixing it was including into types of

intra sentensial mixing, because the mixing code occuring inthe middle of

the best language, and they are ini the favorite song list from the speaker

presenter at number fourteen.

Data 14: L11/APX.5

“Dan nggak ketinggalan juga kita bakalkasih update musik-musik favorite


In the ufferance above, there were English word “update” and

“favorite” in the middle of Indonesia sentence when there mixing code of

another language in one sentence in the base language it can be said that

there is a code mixing code occuring in the middleof the base language

and it is in the form of words. The ufferance tells that the presenter will

play the favorite song of the viewers.

Data 15: L14/APX.5

“Next kita masuk di nomor 10 sampai 5”

According to the ufferance above, we know that it is categorize as

intra sentential code mixing because the speaker mix the English code

with Indonesia sentence. The word “next” is English word followed by

Indonesia sentence “kita masuk di nomor 10 sampai 5” the ufferance

above informs that the speaker mentionthe 10th untul 5th rank of song base

on the chart.

Data 22: L29/APX.1

“Dan pastinya kalian nggak boleh lewatkan live performance-nya di


From the ufferance above, the presenter mix Indonesia sentence

with English word, the presenter put suffix “-nya” after the word

“performance”. The ufferance tells that the audiance have to see live

performance in WTM”

Data 23: L12/APX.2

“Gue suka banget sama video –nya”

It can be see from the ufferance that the presenter mix English

word with Indonesia sentense, the presenter added suffix “-nya” after word

“video”. This ufferance tells that the presenter is really like the video clip.

Data 24: L12/APX.3

“This sound to be old tapi banyak banget dari kalian yangnge-request

“cake by the ocean”.

In the ufferance above, the presenter mix Englishand Indonesia.

The presenter addede prefix “-nge” before the English word “reques” to

form an active sentence. The sentence explaine that the song is old but the

audiance still request the sing with the title “cake by the ocean”

Data 25: L15/APX.3

“guys di nomor 3,2,1 itu semua personil nya one direction”

It can be seen from the ufferance that the presenter mix English

word with Indonesia sentence. The speaker put suffix “-nya” after word

“personil”. This ufferance tell that the video clip from number 3,2, and 1 is

all personel from one direction.

Data 26: L1/APX.4

“kita akan ngumpulin lagu-lagu yang lagi nge-hits, siapa saja sih di nomor


According to the ufferance above the presenter mix Indonesia

sentemce amd English word “hits” the presenter put prefix “nge-“ before

the English word “hits”. The sentence explained that the presenter will

other hit song from chart 20-1”

Data 27: L3/APX.5

“Di NET Play ini kalian juga bakalan ngikutin banyak aktifita seru, bisa

ikutan quiz, nge-share playlist and vote chart”

In the ufferance above, the presenter mixed Indonesia sentence and

English word “shar”. The speaker put prefix “nge-“ before the English

word “share” to form an active sentence. The sentence explained that the

speaker informed that there are various activity in Net Play.

Data 28: L6/APX.5

“Koreografinya juga out cool, terus bajunya juga blink-blink gitu”

From the ufferance above, the presenter mix Indonesia sentense

with English word of the speaker added “-nya” after word “koreografi”.

This ufferance inform that the choreografi from the singer is out cool and

the clothes full of lint.

Data 29: L7/APX.6

“Nggak kalah nge- hits loh single ini”

It can be seen from the ufferance that the presenter mix word

within Indonesia sentence, the speaker put “nge-“ before English word

“hit”. This ufferance above tells that the speaker inform.

Based on the result of the data from the script of the ufferace that

used by the presenter. It showed that all types of code mixing such intra-

sententia mixing, intra lexical mixing, and involving achange of

pronunciation have different result. The highest frequency found in

Breakout NET TV Program is intra-sentential code mixing.it may because

there are some English words that are familiar to the presenters, so

presenter are easier to we the language they are comfortable with.

The lowest frequency in the table above is involving a change of

pronunciation because the presenter tend to pronounce the English word

correctly rather than change the pronunciation of the word.

c. Involving a change of pronuncation

This kind of code mixing occur at the phonological level, as when

indonesia people say an English word but modify it into Indonesia

Phonological Structure. Here is the example of involving a change of

pronounciation that used by the presenters in Breakout NET TV Program.

Data 30: L17/APX.1

“Exactly wah keren sih memang teknologi jaman sekarang”

From the ufferance above, the presenter modify the word

“Technology” in pronunciation structure, the presenter prononce

“Teknology” in to “Technology”

Data 31: L14/APX.2

“Dan setelah selesai sekarang kita pakai topping strawberry”

From the ufferance above, the presenter modify the word

“Strawberry” in pronounciation structure, he pronounce “stroberi” into


After following the procedures of data collection, the Researcher

found three types of code mixing that the presenter always switch and mix

Indonesia language into English or the other way around. The are show in

Table I.

Table I. Types of code mixing in Breakout NET TV Program

No. Types of Code Mixing Frequency Percentages

1. Intra Sentential Code Mixing 31 55,3%
2. Intra Lexical Code Mixing 23 41,1%
3. Involving a change of 2 3,6%

55 100%

4.1.2 Discussions

The section almed to dicuss the answer of the research

questions.there were two research question posted in this research. The

first questions is “what types of code to mixing use in Breakout NET TV

ptrogram. It can be seen that the presenter used two types of code mixing

in Breakout NET TV program based on theories of Hoffman (1991) and

(2000). They were intra-sentential mixing, intra lexical-mixing and a

change of pronouncation, intra-sentential mixing regularly occured when

there were some certain word of sentence that intentionally express by

presenters happened when the words combine with Indonesia prepix or

suffix. The last was change of pronouncation happened when the

presenter say an English word but modify it in phonological structured.

The second question is “which types of code mixing are dominant

use in Breakout NET TV program?”. Base on the result of data from the

script of the ufferances, that used by the presenters. The dominant types of

code mixing that used in Breakout NET TV program is intra sentential

code mixing with the total result of the presenters is 31 ufferances 55,3%

because all the presenters used halfway through English in their


Comparing withthe previouse study writer found that the previour

study has somedifferent focus with the present researcher. This study

analysed about phenomena of code mixing used in Breakout NET TV

program and another research,is by Elisabet Sipayuna (2014) with the a

thesis entitled “The Analysis of Code Mixing in Film From Bandung with

Love”. She deserved the fotm code mixing based on the it showed that all

types code mixing.

Based on the explanation above, it shows that each researcher has

different idea about language. So, language choice especially code mixing

are important to make a good relationship with other people.

In additon, code mixing should be though in order to make the

student become familiar and more understand about the second language

and can give the interpretation about bilingualism. So, the study about

code mixing is useful to student understanding about several forms and

several following function of code mixing used.



This chapter present the conciusions of this research and suggestions for

similar research which will be done probably by other researcher.

5.1 Conciusions

This study observed the ufferace which contain code mixingin Breakout

NET TV Program. Therefore there are two objectives of this study, first this study

almed to find the types od code mixing used in Breakout NET TV. Second, their

study is almed to find types of code mixing dominantly used in Breakout NET

TV. Based on the findings and discussion that tad been desc at previous chapter,

the researcher would like to make the conciusion as follow.

1. The types of code mixing used by the presenter in Breakout NET TV

Program were intra- sentential mixing 31 data (55,3%), intra- lexical

mixing 23 data (41,1%) and involving a change of pronounciation 2 data


2. The result showed that the most dominan types of code mixing used by the

presenter in Breakout NET TV program is intra-sentential code mixing,

because all the presenters used halfway through English in their


5.2 Suggestions

After doing this research, the researcher would like to present contribution

by giving some suggestions as folbous.

1. For the readers, their study gives the readers better understanding about

code mixing which is often used in daily conversation.

2. For future researchers, since this study does’nt involve all aspects of code

mixing it is suggest that the futire researcher analyze code mixing in

different point of view such ad function of code mixing. Further the

researches also suggest to analyze code mixing in formal situation because

it can be found in other object such as novel, speech or movie subtitle.

Hopefully this research can be a useful reference for the next research related

to the topic. It also can become, another point of views in doing linguistic



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