Transport in Animals
Transport in Animals
Transport in Animals
The mammalian transport system has a dual / double circulation consisting of;
Pulmonary circulation
Systematic circulation
The pulmonary circuit supplies the lungs with deoxygenated blood and the systematic circuit
supplies oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. Therefore the blood pressure in the pulmonary
circuit is low since blood flows through a short distance and through delicate capillaries during
gaseous exchange and high in the systematic circuit where blood must be pumped over long
Aorta – main artery carrying oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body
Vena cava - carries deoxygenated from the rest of the body back to heart.
Pulmonary vein – carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
Pulmonary artery – conveys deoxygenated from the heart blood to the lungs
The heart is a muscular organ the size of a human fist. It is divided into the two sides (left & right
sides) and four chambers. The two upper chambers are called atria (or auricles) and the
remaining bottom chambers called ventricles
Right Atrium (right auricle)
Left Atrium (left auricle)
Right Ventricles
Left Ventricle
The role of the heart is to pump deoxygenated blood from the head & other body parts to the
lungs for oxygenation, and to pump oxygenated blood from the lungs to the head & the rest of the
Deoxygenated blood enters the heart from the head & other parts through the vena cava into right
atrium. This blood is then forced down into the right ventricle as the atrium contracts. The
tricuspid valve then closes to prevent backward flow of blood into from the right ventricle to the
right atrium. The muscles of the right ventricle contracts to push the blood into pulmonary artery
which carries it to the lungs. The semi-lunar valves in the pulmonary artery prevent the blood from
flowing back into the right ventricles.
Oxygenated blood from the lungs enters the heart at the left atrium through the pulmonary vein.
This blood then passes to the left ventricle when the left atrium contracts. The passage of blood
from the left atrium to left ventricle is controlled by the bicuspid valve. When the left ventricle
contracts blood is pushed into the aorta which carries it towards the head & other body parts. The
semi-lunar valves in the aorta also direct the flow of oxygenated blood.
Blood Vessels
a) Arteries
Have a smaller lumen as compared to veins
Have thick walls made of many fibrous elastic tissue
Arteries divide into arterioles (smaller vessels) which have less elastic tissue but more
muscle fibres than the larger arteries.
Largest artery is called the aorta
Muscle layer
Lining of lumen
All Arteries serve to carry oxygenated blood from the heart to different body parts, (except the
pulmonary artery)
b) Veins
All veins carry deoxygenated blood from various body tissues to the heart, (except the pulmonary
c) Capillaries
These are tiny vessels which are one cell thick (have diameter of about 0.001mm)
They are semi-permeable to allow tissue fluids and gases to escape through them.
Blood flows very slowly in the capillaries.
Capillaries supply all living cells with oxygen and food nutrients, and pick up substances from the
cells i.e. allows for the exchange of substances between the blood stream and body cells.
The blood pressure in the capillaries forces part of the plasma fluids out through the capillary
walls. This fluid is known as tissue fluids. The tissue fluid is similar to plasma but has fewer
proteins and it supplies the cells with dissolved food substances & O 2.
When the tissue fluid returns back to capillary it contains waste products e.g. CO 2 from
respiration. The deoxygenated blood then leaves the capillaries through the venules which
recombine to form veins.
Pulse, in physiology, is the rhythmic expansion of the arteries resulting from passage of
successive surges of blood, produced by continuing contractions of the heart.
(Or simply the expansion and contraction of the arterial walls that can be felt in all the arteries
near the surface of the skin).
The pulse may be felt wherever an artery passes over a solid structure, such as a bone or
cartilage. The crest of the pulse wave represents the systolic pressure whilst the trough is the
Pulse rate is the number of heart beats in a minute. The rate of the pulse varies from 150 beats
per minute in the embryo to about 60 in the aged; however the average pulse rate measures 72
beats per minute in a mature healthy person.
Physical activity e.g. taking an exercise increases the pulse rate. This is because the rate at
which the heart pumps blood is increased to provide the body with enough oxygenated blood to
cope with activity undertaken as well as to remove the CO 2 that may be accumulating in body
Blood clot
Lack of exercise
Atheroma (also called atherosclerosis) is a disease caused by deposits of fatty substances in the
lining of the arteries.
Blood clot
If the blood clots it blocks the coronary artery and starves the heart muscle of oxygen and
nutrients as a result the heart may stop beating. Due to this the brain is deprived of oxygen
resulting in stroke or death
Too much fatty foods taken result in excess fat accumulating in the lining of the arteries,
narrowing their lumen and eventually blocking them. If these fats become rough patches they
result in the formation of thrombus (blood clot) due to the breaking down of blood platelets. This
blockage of the artery again results in no oxygen & nutrient supply to the heart muscles.
Emotional stress (or when a person is immobilized for long time) often leads to a raised blood
pressure. High blood pressure may increase the rate at which thrombus is formed in the arteries.
Carbon monoxide and other chemicals in cigarette smoke may change the lining of the arteries,
allowing atheroma to form. These harden up the arteries resulting in breaking down of platelets
as they pass along the rough surfaces of the arteries. The platelets release enzymes which aid in
blood clotting & consequently lead to occlusion of the arteries.
Note; Smokers are 2 to 3 times more likely to die from a heart attack than non-smothers of the
same age.
Lack of Exercise
A sluggish blood flow resulting from lack of exercise may allow atheroma to form in the lining of
the arteries. Regular, vigorous exercise reduces the chances of a heart attack due to an improved
coronary blood flow.
Avoid being immobile or isolated, communicate your stressful situations to relief yourself.
Avoid smoking
Avoid fatty foods especially animal fat.
Take regular body exercises.
Blood Components
Red blood cells (erythrocytes)
White blood cells (leucocytes)
Platelets (thrombocytes)
Plasma - Is a pale yellow liquid part of the blood. It consists of 92% water and many important
dissolved substances including the products of digestion, albumin, fibrinogen, antibodies,
hormones, waste materials like urea & CO2. Plasma can be forced through the blood vessels
under high pressure, carrying with it food & O2 from the tissue fluid which bathes every cell in the
body. This fluid is constantly circulating among body cells supplying food & O 2 and removing
waste products.
Function of Plasma;
It transports blood cells, ions, end products of digestion, hormones, vitamins & plasma proteins. &
excretory materials like CO2 & urea.
Function of phagocytes.
They accumulate on the site of injury / infection in order to attack the invading bacteria. They
destroy bacteria & deed tissue cells by flowing around, engulfing and digesting them, and this
action is known as phagocytosis. This helps to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria &
accelerate the healing process.
Function of lymphocytes;
The lymphocytes produce chemical substances called antibodies which attack foreign substances
called antigens in the body. The antibodies can adhere to the surfaces of the microorganism,
making them clump together (agglutination) or cause them to disintegrate (lysis). The remains of
the microorganisms are then ingested by the phagocytes.
(Tissue rejection)
This happens if a living tissue is transplanted from an individual to another, and the recipient
recognizes the foreign antigens in the transplanted tissue and reject (destroys) it. Transplanted
organs such as kidneys & hearts are usually rejected unless the two individuals share exactly
similar antigens, i.e. when they are genetically identical.
These are tiny irregular shaped structures made in the bone marrow.
Function of platelets
They help in clotting in wounds or damaged blood vessels walls to prevent excessive loss of
blood & entry of germs. The formation of blood clot involves the following stages;
When the skin cut & blood is flowing out, the platelets are exposed to air, they
disintegrate & release an enzyme called thrombokinase, into the plasma.
Thrombokinase in the presence of calcium ions found in the blood can now change the
plasma protein prothrombin to an active enzyme thrombin.
Thrombin reacts with the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen and changes it to insoluble
fibrin which forms a network of fibres around the injured part.
The blood cells become trapped in the fibres, dry up, die and harden to form a scab
under which the wound can heal & prevent entry of foreign particles.
Although red blood cells look alike under a microscope, they may carry different substances
(antigens) called antigen A & antigen B on their cell surface. Plasma contains antibodies which
attack foreign red cell antigens but does not contain antigens which would attack a person’s own
red blood cell antigens.
The table below shows a possible combination of antibody-antigen combinations which would
otherwise determine a person’s blood group.
Before a person can receive blood transfusion it is important to know if the donor blood is
compatible with that of the patient. If it not, then the patient’s red blood cells will clump together in
the blood vessels causing serious harm.
If a donor’s blood causes the patient’s blood to clump (agglutination) their blood groups are said
to be incompatible.
The red cells from group O can be given to any other group because they have neither the A nor
B antigens, and so cannot be clumped, hence known as the universal donors
Group O can only receive blood from their own group because their plasma contains both ant-A
and anti-B antibodies. Although group O possesses a & b agglutinins (antibodies), there will be
very little agglutination of the recipient’s blood because the donated plasma is diluted so much by
the recipient’s cells that it is ineffective in agglutination activity.
Group AB people having neither anti-A and anti-B antibodies in their plasma, can receive blood
form any other group hence they are called Universal recipients.
1. Leukaemia
2. Aids
3. Anaemia
4. Malaria
This is a condition in which large numbers of immature white blood cells are produced & released
into the blood stream. Over production of abnormal white blood cells results in less formation of
the red blood cells and hence an imbalance in the composition of the blood cells. These immature
white blood cells will not be able to carry out their role effectively, i.e. being unable to protect the
body against infections. Leukaemia can also be termed “cancer of the blood”.
Radiation is the primary cause of this disease. Radiation may be from uv rays, nuclear power
stations & stored radioactive wastes.
Leukaemia can be treated using drugs such as interferon
Can also be treated by radiotherapy & chemotherapy
Avoid prolonged exposure to radiation.
(i) Cause
It is a disease which occurs as a result of deficiency of iron in the body, which results in
insufficient haemoglobin which will affect oxygen transportation.
(ii) Treatment
If the condition is not that serious, a person can be given iron supplementary tablets and
be advised to eat food rich in iron
If its serious he / she can be can be given iron syrup or an injection
Extreme cases are treated through blood transfusion
(iii) Prevention
Eating food rich in iron e.g. liver, meat and green vegetables.
(i) Cause
It is caused by a virus called Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
(ii) Treatment
AIDS has no treatment; however, its unpleasant effects can be alleviated through the use of
antiretroviral therapy.
Using a condom during sexual contact
Avoid sharing needles & blades
Screening of blood before transfusion.
Refer to the notes under biodiversity. (protozoa)
Courtesy of Lebsy Mb
Contact 71726846