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Lesson 2 Subsea Production Systems

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Online from May 9th to 23rd

Introduction to Subsea Engineering
Presented by

Oseghale Lucas Okohue BEngr. Msc. CIPMP

/chesssubseaengineering /chesssubseaengineering
Part 2 : Subsea Production Systems
Subsea Production System
A subsea production system consists of:

 Subsea completed well,

 Seabed wellhead,

 Subsea production tree,

 Subsea tie-in to flowline system,

 Subsea equipment's i.e. jumpers, spool, PLEM, PLAT etc.

 Control facilities to operate the well

Subsea Production System
Its complexity can range from:
I. Single satellite well with a flowline linked to a fixed platform, FPSO
(Floating Production, Storage and Offloading), or onshore facilities.
Subsea Production System
II. Several wells on a template or clustered around a manifold that transfer
to a fixed or floating facility or directly to onshore facilities.
Subsea Production System
 The latest subsea technologies have been proven and formed into an
engineering system, namely, the subsea production system.

 Components of the Subsea Production Systems:

 Subsea Drilling Systems

 Subsea Christmas trees and wellhead systems;

 Umbilical & Riser systems;

 Subsea manifold and jumper systems;

Subsea Production System
 Tie in & flowline systems;

 Control systems;

 Subsea Installation;
Relationship among Major Component of a subsea Production System
Field Architecture
Field Architecture - Classification of Subsea Tree
Based on the position of the tree, a subsea system can be categorized as:

 dry tree production system

 wet tree production system

 Water depth can impact subsea field development.

 Christmas trees and other structures cannot be installed in water depths of

less than 30 m (100 ft). If less than, then jacket platforms can be used.
Subsea Field Development
 The goal of subsea field development is to safely maximize economic

gain using the most reliable, safe, and cost-effective solution.

 Factors to consider in Subsea Field Development

 Deepwater or shallow-water development;

 Dry tree or wet tree;
 Stand alone or tie-back development;
 Hydraulic and chemical units;
Factors to be Considered in Subsea Field Development cont….
 Subsea processing;
 Artificial lift methods;
 Facility configurations (i.e., template, well cluster, satellite wells,

 Wash out for the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of

the above issues on Chess Subsea Field Development module.

Subsea Distribution Systems
 The subsea system is associated with the overall process and all
equipment involved in the arrangement.

 It is designed in such a way that safety, environment protection,

flow assurance and reliability are taken into consideration.
Subsea Distribution Systems
 The subsea system is associated with the overall process and all
equipment involved in the arrangement.

 Subsea distribution systems consist of a group of products that

provide communication between subsea controls and topside
controls for all equipment via an umbilical system.
Subsea Distribution Systems
 Subsea distribution systems may include, but not be limited to, the
following major components:

 Topside umbilical termination assembly (TUTA);

 Subsea accumulator module (SAM);
 Subsea umbilical termination assembly (SUTA), which includes:
• Umbilical termination head (UTH);
• Hydraulic distribution manifold/module (HDM)
• Electric distribution manifold/module (EDM)
• Flying leads
Subsea Distribution Systems
 Subsea distribution assembly (SDA);
 Hydraulic flying leads (HFLs);
 Electric flying leads (EFLs);
 Multiple quick connector (MQC);
 Hydraulic coupler;
 Electrical connector;
 Logic caps.

See advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of the above components

On chess subsea distribution systems module.
Subsea Surveys
 Positioning and soil investigation is one of the main activities for
subsea field development.

 Subsea survey can be either geophysical or geotechnical.

Purpose of Subsea Surveys
 potential man-made hazards;

 natural hazard;

 Engineering constraints of a proposed subsea field area;

 Potential impact on biological communities;

 To determine the seabed and sub-bottom

In chess subsea surveys module the following courses will be discussed as

 Establishing vertical route profiles, a contour plan, and the seabed’s

features, particularly any rock outcrops or reefs;

 Obtaining accurate bathymetry, locating all obstructions, and

identifying other seabed factors that may affect the development of
the selected subsea field area including laying, spanning, and stability
of the pipeline
 Carrying out a geophysical survey of the selected subsea field and route
to define the shallow sub-seabed geology;

 Carrying out geotechnical sampling and laboratory testing in order to

evaluate precisely the nature and mechanical properties of soils at the
selected subsea field area and along the onshore and offshore pipelines
and platform locations;

 Locating existing subsea equipment (e.g., manifold, jumper, and

subsea tree), pipelines, and cables, both operational and redundant,
within the survey corridor;
 Determining the type of subsea foundation design that is normally used for
subsea field development.

Subsea Installation and Vessels
 The development of subsea production systems requires specialized
subsea equipment.

 The deployment of such equipment requires specialized and expensive


 These vessels are equipped with diving equipment for relatively shallow
equipment work, and robotic equipment for deeper water depths.
Subsea Installation and Vessels
 Subsea installation refers to the installation of subsea equipment and
structures in an offshore environment.
Subsea Installation and Vessels
 Subsea installation can be divided into two parts:

 Installation of subsea equipment

 Installation of subsea pipelines and subsea riser

Installation of subsea equipment such as trees and templates can be
done by a conventional floating drilling rig.

Subsea pipelines and subsea risers are installed by an installation

barge using S-lay, J-lay, or reel lay.
Subsea Installation and Vessels
 Subsea equipment to be installed is categorized based on:

 weight,
 shapes (volume versus line type),
 dimensions,
 water depth (deep versus shallow).
Subsea Installation and Vessels
See chess subsea installation and vessels module for installation of
subsea equipment such as trees, manifolds, flowlines, and umbilicals.
Also special vessels used to run the trees and rigless installation is
also discussed.

Subsea Cost Estimation
 Subsea cost is relatively flat with increasing water depth, when
considering subsea systems as a development option for specific
reservoir and numbers of well required.

 For rigid platform cost of development increases

with depth.

 Thus; deeper water favors the use of

subsea systems.
Subsea Cost Estimation
 Again, considering drilling cost, platform is relatively cheaper than
drillship or semi’s.

 Platform is limited for field development due to the following reasons:

 water depth,
 process requirements,
 environment.

 Similarly, the use of mobile ships for subsea well drilling increases its
Subsea Cost Estimation
 Again, the use of mobile drill ship units for subsea wells increases its
drilling cost.

 Therefore, situations where a relatively small number of wells are

needed favor the use of a subsea system.
Capex & Opex
 Subsea costs refer to the cost of the whole subsea project.

 Energy companies look at subsea cost in terms of capital expenditures

(CAPEX) and operating expenditures (OPEX).
 CAPEX is the total amount of investment necessary to put a project into

 Capex cost includes:

 cost of initial design,

 engineering,
 construction,
 installation
 OPEX is the expenses incurred during the normal operation of a facility, or
component after the installation labor, material, utilities, and other related

 Opex cost includes:

 Operational cost,
 Maintenance cost,
 Testing cost,
 Other related expenses
Note: Chess Subsea Module on Cost Estimations covers subsea cost
estimates in details.
Subsea Cost Estimation
Chess Subsea Module on Subsea Cost Estimations covers subsea cost
estimates in details.

Subsea Controls
“The subsea production control system is defined as the control system operating
a subsea production system during production operations according to ISO
Subsea Controls
 The subsea control system is the heart of any subsea production system.

 It is relatively cheap when compared to the cost of drilling, line pipe,

installation, etc.

 Thus, control systems are usually low on the list of initial project priorities.

 However, ignoring the complexity, the number of components and interfaces

can lead to problems with installation and commissioning and to long-term
reliability issues.
Subsea Controls
 The subsea control system is the heart of any subsea production system.

Chess Subsea Control System Module covers the principles and

characteristics of subsea production control systems. The advantages,
disadvantages, and limitations are also compared. The government
regulations, industry codes, recommended practices, and
environmental specifications that apply to subsea control systems are

Subsea Power Supply
 Power supply is a key factor in subsea processing.

 The subsea power supply is an important component in the systems

necessary for processing the well stream at the seabed close to the wells.

 Not having the power supply system in place can stop the development of
subsea processing.
Subsea Power Supply
Chess Subsea Power Supply Module focuses on the following three main areas:

 Electrical power unit (EPU);

 Uninterruptible power supply (UPS);
 Hydraulic power unit (HPU).

The power supply system’s components and technologies are also described in this

Subsea Project Execution and Interfaces
 The success of any project depends significantly on project execution.

 Project execution will allow for timely corrective action or redirection of the project.

 Project execution is relevant at all stages of a project.

 Project execution and interfaces become more intense and complex as

activities increase in number, diversity, and geographical spread.

 The project manager must set the expectation that the project management
team understand its project execution system and the quality of data available.
Project Execution and Interfaces
 Project execution does not have its own momentum and it is, therefore, critical
that it be proactively driven by the project manager.
Project Execution and Interfaces
Chess Subsea project execution and interface module covers the
requirements for subsea project execution and interfaces with the
accumulated knowledge and experience of project managers to guide all
involved parties in managing project activities.

Additionally, this module addresses the challenges of creating seamless

interfaces and establishes the methodology and tools for identifying
interface issues between the various functional groups.


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