SPD Brochure
SPD Brochure
SPD Brochure
• No Pretreatment
• Minimal downtime
Rapid Weld Inspection Solutions
The SPD™ detector delivers reliable and cost-effective weld / metal stress inspections as an alternative to Ultrasonic, If the defect is evaluated as a surface defect, conduct
Radiography and Magnetic Particle Test. ISO 24497 semiconductor device indicating all level of stress and pretreatment and re-inspect with SPD
defects at the speed of 1 0 meters per minute . Find and Pinpoint defect location up to microscopic level and
provide accurate defect areas to perform. No more predicting and cross -checking areas to have inspected If defect continues to exist, perform UT or RT for detailed defect
when you have SPD to begin with. SPD provide a fastest means to inspect exact and accurate stress location then evaluation
to follow up with Ultrasonic and other defect sizing and precision inspection. With portable and easy-to-use
acquisition units, scanners, encoders, and software, these solutions can be put to work virtually anywhere. Intuitive If defect still not detected using UT/RT due to being microscopic
software makes the inspection of welds even easier,enabling you to complete your entire workflow more efficiently. degradation, classify the asset as special monitoring required.
How to use?
Inspection Requirement
• SPD technique can be applied to all metal equipment and structures during both operation and
maintenance period.
• SPD technique does not require surface or pretreatment.
• Inspection on an object covered with non-magnetic Insulation material is possible. The maximum
insulation thickness should be determined through experimentation. It is still better to have the insulation
• Inspectable maximum thickness of the object is based on metallic properties of the object. The average is
70mm per side. Scanning Methods
• The application limits of the SPD technique are as follows.
• Artificial Magnetization: After MT test-for example, affects the magnetic field measurement of the test
• Electric welding current within 1M from the test subject
• Mechanical sound vibration by the test object does not affect the test result.
◦ 5 Powerplants (#1,3,4,)
3 KEPCO Ha-dong Thermal Powerplant Re-heater coils, pipe Welds, Water wall tubes,
Pre Screening (Pre NDT Inspection) Connection Tube Welds
Perform SPD screening before NDT inspection, and pinpoint Re-heater coils, pipe Welds, Water wall tubes,
4 KEPCO Philippine Cebu Powerplant
Connection Tube Welds
out the exact defect location out for NDT inspectors to do a
thorough check on Depth & length sizing with UT/RT. This can Re-heater coils, pipe Welds, Water wall tubes,
5 Korea Western Power Co. Taean Thermal Powerplant
dramatically reduce inspection cost spent on NDT inspection Connection Tube Weld
for owners up to over 50 % because SPD’s speed is as 20 times Re-heater coils, pipe Welds, Water wall tubes,
as faster than NDT inspection. 6 Korea Western Power Co. Dangjin Powerplant
Connection Tube Weld
Replacement of Techniques
Stress Position Detector Package
. SPD can be used to replace a few NDT techniques such as
for object with lengthy object, curved, small gaps and
unreachable bundles which were not easy to inspect with Setup Software
existing techniques.
Setups for SPD imported into as a computer software™ SPDX flaw location detector.
Internal stress estimated by measuring the residual magnetization (self
magnetization) ΔM(H0, σbend)=ΔM0 (H0)+ΔMσ (H0, σbend) : ΔMσ>>ΔM0
Digital Map of Facility Stress Position Detector (SPD)-P
Sean Kim, Director, Overseas Sales
Tel. : +82(10)-5187-1819
E-mail : sean@komsgroup.com