QP 4114
QP 4114
QP 4114
Openion Provided to Tlre Maaager Ci:izen Derelopniert Busiae,ss Fraalcial PLC. E:nbilipitil'a
1.10 No
1.11 :oirr
1.13 importer
on Goverment Policies
Accessories Available
5.1 Transmission 5.7 Electrical System
5.1.1 Cear box l\{anual Sen iceable 5.7.1 S/Starter
5.1.2 Clutch Applicable Seiuriiea6ti 5.7.2 Wippers Fyrctioning
5.1.3 Shafting Seniceable 5.7.3 Horn Functioriing
5.1.4 Diff-erential Serviceable 5.7.4 Liglrts Functioning
5. 1.5 Gear selection In Order 5"7.5 Nleters Frrnctioninp
5.2 Suspenfion ).1.o Altefnator Fulciionrngr 12\'
5.2. 1 Front Good
5.2.2 Rear Good
5.3 Brakes
5.3.1 Foot Brakes Norual Eiheient Please Re - Confirrn
5.3.2 Hand Brakes Elficient
from our office to avoid
5.4 Steering Haudle Good
Forg efies.
5.5 Chassis Condition
Tel: O4S-2231531
5.6 Body Condition Good
5.8 Engine
5.8.1 Condition Good
5.8.2 Status Oyerhaul Overhaul done on
5.9 Tyres Size Wheels Nomral
5.9.1 Fro*t 40ilxB 30%
5.9.2 Rear 40Oxt 308/o
EQ ? (nerp -10{}xB iolu;
5.10 Major Repairs
5.10.1 Needed *,ithin a _\jear No
5.10.2 Bodv parts replaced
5.10.3 Accidents Accident Free
5.I0.4 \Yrite off bv irrsurers
5.10.5 Cornments
.5.11 Complience x,ifh enl.ironnrent regulatious
5.12 Maiatenancs
Market Value SE!'EN HUNDRED & FITTY THOUSAND ONLY (Rs,?50,0{X}l=;
Forced Value SEYEN IIUNDRED THOUSAND ONLy {Rs,700,0697=;
rial Motors
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i r m pe r i arM otors
of m.v
knowleclge.i also have given the above valuation after considering all relavent factors, which affer=t the value of
to Lhe h€st cf m_\, expertise knowledse.
oi / oal nQ*ot.e