Os Syllabus
Os Syllabus
Os Syllabus
Introduction: The operating system is the most important program that runs on a computer.
Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs.
Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending
output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling
peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. This course covers the concept of operating
system and its applications
Course Outcome:
CO1 :
After learning the fundamental concepts in Operating system including how OS has evolved
over the years and different components of OS.
CO2 : students will continue to more significant functions of OS like Process management, storage
and memory management etc.
CO3 : This will provide the necessary information for students to extract maximum benefits out of
the OS while developing programs, working with applications
CO4 : OOP concepts like inheritance, Interface & package in real time situations.K3
CO5 : Develop Java application programs using sound OOP practices (e.g., interfaces and APIs) and proper
program structuring (e.g., by using access applet, multithreading)K3
Unit I: [ 12 periods ]
Introduction to Operating System
Introduction- Objectives and Functions of OS- Evolution of OS- OS Structures- OS
Components- OS Services- System calls- System programs- Virtual Machines.
History of UNIX- Features & Benefits- Versions of UNIX- Features of UNIX File System-
Commonly Used Commands and getting Started (Login/Logout) . Creating and viewing
files using cat- file comparisons- View files- disk related commands- checking disk free
Unit II : [ 12 periods ]
Process Management – Processes and Threads
Processes: Process concept- Process scheduling- Co-operating processes- Inter process
Threads: Introduction to Threads- Single and Multi-threaded processes
CPU Scheduling: Basic concepts- Scheduling criteria- Scheduling Algorithms- Multiple
Processor Scheduling- Real-time Scheduling.
UNIX Process Management
The Process Creation – Signals – Process Termination – Invoking other programs – PID &
PPID – Shell on a Shell.Structure of Processes: Process States and Transitions - Layout of
system memory - Context of a process.
Unit V: [ 12 periods ]
Protection and Security
Common administrative tasks- identifying administrative files configuration and log files-
Role of system administrator- Managing user accounts-adding & deleting users- changing
permissions and ownerships- Creating and managing groups- modifying group attributes-
Temporary disabling of user’s accounts- creating and mounting file system- checking and
monitoring system performance - file security & Permissions- becoming super user using su.
Getting system information with uname, host name, disk partitions & sizes, users, kernel,
installing and removing packages with rpm command
1. Milan Milonkovic, Operating System Concepts and design, II Edition, McGraw Hill 1992.
Reference :
1. Tanenbaum, Operation System Concepts, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.
2. Silberschatz / Galvin / Gagne, Operating System,6thEdition,WSE (WILEY Publication)
3. William Stallings,Operating System, 4th Edition, Pearson Education.
4. H.M.Deitel, Operating systems, 2nd Edition ,Pearson Education
5. Nutt: Operating Systems, 3/e Pearson Education 2004
6. Operating System by H.M.Deitel , 2nd Edition,Pearson Education