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Marcus Jave Alcantara

Kurth Andrew Dizon

Ian Daryl Marco

Marie Therese Suarez

Earl John Tudas

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Department

La Salle College Antipolo

Practical Research 1
Ms. Elyssa Marie Daton

We hereby Approve the Research

Submitted by:
Marcus Jave Alcantara
Kurth Andrew Dizon
Ian Daryl Marco
Marie Therese Suarez
Earl John Tudas




As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For

The Completion of
Practical Research 1

Ms. Elyssa Marie Daton, LPT

Research Adviser

Mr. Angelo Paragas, LPT Ms. Analyn C. Ensano

HUMSS Coordinator STEM Coordinator

Ms. Paulette H. Dela Cruz, MBA, LPT

SHS – Vice Principal

First and foremost, we thank God for guiding us in our research and leading us to the

right path where we learned that imperfection is normal, as well as for showering us with

knowledge and understanding for us to keep going even through the ups and downs of our


We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our research teacher, Ms. Elyssa Daton,

for being patient, understanding, and giving us all of the right and logical constructive criticism

that could genuinely enhance the quality of our paper. We could not have done this without you.

We also want to express our appreciation to our panelists. We appreciate your honest

assessment and telling us what we could do to improve ourselves and our final output.

Lastly, we also thank our adviser, Ms. Regine Ambat, for being the caring and supportive

teacher that she is. You taught us to continue through hard times, so we extend our deepest

gratitudes to you, Miss.


ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………………………1

INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………2

Purpose of the Study ………..………………………………………………………..4

METHODOLOGY …………………………………………………………………………6-9

Research Design ……………..……………………………………………………….6

Participants and Sampling ………..…………………………………………………. 7

Instrument Used ………..………………………………………………………..….. 7

Data Collection and Analysis ………..…………………..………………………….. 8

Ethical Considerations ………..……………………………………………………. 9

FINDINGS & DISCUSSION ………………………………………………………………9

CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS ……………………………………………..17

REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………………..19

APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………………………21

CURRICULUM VITAE ……………………………………………………………………27


This study explored the importance of the study habits and lifestyle of top academic achievers in

maintaining their grades, particularly students from the STEM strand who are currently living in

Rizal. In this context, the study mapped the perceived (1) motivation of these students, (2) the

influence of their academic preparation on their overall performance, (3) habits they often avoid

to get distracted from studying, (4) other social activities that help them balance their lives, and

(5) how they deal with failures. We conducted an open-ended survey with the top academic

performers to answer some questions and discuss how they maintain their high marks despite the

different circumstances each achiever faces. The survey showed that high academic achievers

frequently exhibit better levels of drive, self-control, and enthusiasm for learning. Strong study

habits, such as goal-setting, task prioritization, organization, and concentration, are also

displayed by these people. This study concluded that proper and well established habits result in

better overall academic performance. In line with that, this study also showed the importance of

balancing academic life and social life.

Keywords: STEM students, top academic achievers, motivation, habits, dealing with academic
failures, balanced lifestyle, mental well-being


Academic institutions, such as schools and colleges, always aim to educate their students

through not only lectures but also assessments related to those lectures. Examinations,

worksheets, assignments, and recitations all serve to assess a student’s total understanding with

regards to the specific topics that they study. However, this type of work can overwhelm a

student and lead to negative effects on their mental state, such as increased pressure, anxiety, and

stress. According to Rahiem et al. (2021), the pressure and stress that schools impose on students

have an effect on their abilities. In other words, their mental state is directly proportional to their

capability to perform their tasks. The Hobsons and Hanover survey of 2021 revealed that

students face a variety of challenges, particularly amidst the pandemic. However, there are still

students who excel in their academic performance despite the immense workload and stress that

schools impose. In turn, the researchers would like to investigate the phenomenon of how

achieving students still perform more proficient than other students, more specifically within the

transition of learning modalities.

A survey (Kelly et al., 2021) revealed the relationship between the pandemic and

students’ mental state and academic performance. It was revealed that there were numerous

negative impacts; however, the reasoning was never discussed or only vaguely mentioned.

Similarly, a study conducted on achieving students (Mohta et al., 2021) revealed the struggles

that achieving students face, specifically the lack of academic stimulation, difficulty creating

relationships, being ensnared in an environment with high expectations for that student, and

often struggling with anxiety. This would pose problems when conducting this research further,

as it is important to know how these students cope with these problems in order to fully

understand the reasoning behind their habits. The majority of the related literature gathered

mostly tackles the habits themselves, but not the rationale behind them. It is something that must

be investigated further, as it could reveal other factors to take into account while further studying

this phenomenon.

There are general agreements from teachers that study habits and attitudes have a big

impact and considerable influence on a student’s academic performance. It is also understood

that a student with good study habits and discipline will most likely have a good academic record

at all levels of education. Having good study habits and discipline is important for one's success

because, from there, one can gauge a student's interaction with and response to special activities,

extracurricular activities, and more. According to Moriarty, M. (2021) High achieving students

are defined as students who consistently perform at a high level academically, often earning top

grades, participating in advanced coursework or programmes, and receiving recognition for their

achievements. It is said that a student with good discipline and study habits, such as a high

achiever, will set a time when they can do an activity at their most productive time. The most

productive time is when they feel productive after balancing their personal lifestyle.

The implication is that research should not be regarded as a static concept but rather as

an active process by which knowledge or learning is acquired. A student will study for a variety

of reasons, including academic achievement, pleasing parents, teachers, or classmates, and

recognition. studies as a way of achieving his or her long-term goals, to satisfy a natural longing

to learn knowledge for its own sake, or even to avoid punishment. Whatever his or her motives

for learning, he or she must have a desire to learn and a strong will to succeed, or a desire to

obtain knowledge. As a result, the research method must involve the student personally

activating the system. As Mace (1968) points out, “study is the key to success.” Self-directed

learning is not to say that the learner should be left on his or her own. Instruments in his or her

quest for knowledge or guidance on study techniques should not be made available to him or her

by his instructors or anybody else.


This research could be a solution to the knowledge gap as it investigates the habits of

these students in much more detail. It investigates their habits, mental state, past and current

experiences, capabilities in and out of school, and the methods they use during lessons and

schoolwork. These could be recognized as valuable data as they are qualities that students

possess that affect how they learn. Acknowledging the various factors that students have and/or

undergo would be essential information in understanding these students’ ideologies about their

academics, their priorities in their subjects, how it affects their academic credit and performance,

and how it affects their proficiency overall. While it is important to support all students, studying

high achievers has several benefits. According to Beuke C. (2011), high achievers can serve as

role models for other students, demonstrating the possibilities and rewards of academic success.

Another related study conducted by Mind Tools Content Tools (n.d.) states that high achievers

may be more likely to pursue advanced education and careers, making them an important group

to study in terms of their potential contributions to society. Their personal lives must be taken

into account when investigating how they behave, as it would be insufficient to only gather data

on their performance if this field of research aims to further investigate the means and methods

of these students and how they compare to those who achieve less than they do.

The goals of this study are to (1) determine what distinguishes high achievers from other

students, (2) identify the methods and techniques used by top achievers to keep their grades, and

(3) identify the difficulties that high achievers face and how they overcome them. This study also

seeks to provide answers to the following questions: (1) What are the routines that top academic

students follow to maintain their grades? (2) How do top academic students manage the different

academic challenges presented to them? (3) What are the motivations of top achiever students to

get better grades?



The phenomenology research design was used in this qualitative study. Phenomenology

is a field of study that focuses on and investigates how an individual experiences a particular

phenomenon. In addition to this, it provides researchers with the opportunity to take part in

adaptable activities that can describe and contribute to the understanding of complex phenomena,

such as the many different aspects of the human social experience (Alhazmi & Kaufmann, 2019).

Given that the purpose of our study is to learn about the routines of high achievers as well as the

strategies and methods that contribute to their success, this kind of research design would be

appropriate to use.


In order to receive the most accurate and substantial responses that are in line with our

research objectives, the participant must be a top academic achiever in a STEM field who resides

in Rizal. Therefore, the sampling method used for this study was a purposive sampling method.

This is done through the employment of criteria that have been created.

The selection of participants for our study was based on the outlined criteria.

● top achiever with an academic average of at least 95.

● a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) student.

● Students residing in Rizal that are currently enrolled in Senior High School (SHS)


Upon approval to conduct the study, the researchers administered survey questionnaires

for data gathering. The instrument used in the study was prepared by the researchers using

several open-ended questions aligned with the said objectives, and the problems of the study

were formulated for the respondents to answer via Google Forms. The questionnaire includes

demographic questions that seek to know the name and their preferred type of interview. The

total number of questions used was 11 in total. It aims to learn the following: (1) the motivation

of these students; (2) the influence of their academic preparation on their overall performance;

(3) habits they often avoid to get distracted from studying; (4) other social activities that help

them balance their lives; and (5) how they deal with failures.


A letter addressed to the Principal, Vice Principal, HUMMS Coordinator, and Research

Adviser of La Salle College Antipolo, was secured prior to the study. Upon approval, the

selection of participants who fit our given criteria was initiated. Consent letters were sent to their

respective Google addresses. Selected respondents who chose to participate were asked to sign

the consent letter as permission to voluntarily be part of the study. Those who opted not to

participate were not included in the study.

Upon receiving the signatures and completion of approvals, the 10 target participants

were identified and proceeded to answer open-ended survey questions that were sent and

provided by the researchers with the use of Google Forms. Respondents were given 7 days to

complete the survey. Due to the participants' understandably hectic schedules, the researchers

also had difficulty getting all the necessary responses immediately. In spite of this, the

researchers made an effort to collect the required number of survey responses. In order to make

sure that all of the study's key topics were covered and examined, researchers arranged the data

after replies had been completed using a table that was divided by domain, theme, description,

and example verbatim response. Each researcher was tasked with organizing and analyzing the

information obtained in a particular domain. After the table was completed, the researchers

performed a second level of analysis to check the accuracy and authenticity of the data.

The researchers conducted a meticulous data analysis using thematic analysis to gain a

deeper understanding of the habits and lifestyles of the 11th grade STEM students. The data

analysis began with the coding and categorization of the open-ended responses to observe the

repeating themes and patterns. Coding was done by the researchers to ensure objectivity and a

thorough analysis of the data.

Thematic analysis is a method of analyzing qualitative data. It is usually applied to a set

of texts, such as an interview or transcripts. The researcher closely examines the data to identify

common themes, topics, ideas, and patterns of meaning that come up repeatedly. This was used

in this study as it is more fitting since the study was all about knowing the patterns and repeated

behaviors/habits of the participants, which were relevant information to the study.


Prior to this study, consent letters were distributed to the respondents and sent to their

provided Google address. Upon confirmation, an open-ended survey was conducted via Google

Forms. The online survey has been utilized for protection and safety, as well as for the

convenience of the student researchers and the participants, making the study more feasible

despite the Covid19 health restrictions and the limited time given. For the sake of confidentiality,

the real names and other personal information of the respondents will not be disclosed. Only

researchers can access the data, and all information will be used for academic purposes only.

The following domains and themes are about the experiences and lifestyles of the top academic

STEM students residing in the province of Rizal.


Domain Themes Description Sample Verbatim Response

Domain 1: Reasons Influence of the Majority of the “My family, dreams, and the
why they are People Around participants pressure from everyone
classified as top Them stated that their around me.”
academic students family serves as
an important role “My future, my friends &
This domain refers to as the motivation family, and money.”
the reasons as to what of their studies
motivates them to “So that my parents will be
study hard under the proud of me.”
STEM strand.

Self-Satisfaction Some students “My desire to be someone

reported that they that I can be proud of.”
choose to be
hardworking to “Self-accomplishment and
satisfy their own accreditation from other
desires people.”

“The eventual goal of

becoming a successful
person in the future is what
keeps me going.”

Domain 2: Activities Relaxing/Restin Some “I always find time to relax,
they engage in to g participants especially when I feel
balance their mentioned that exhausted.”
lifestyle and studies not doing
anything at all “I always remind myself that
This domain refers to after doing any taking a break from time to
the activities they opt activities help time is an important part of
to do that help them them retain their working or studying.”
in maintaining a focus and keep
healthy lifestyle. their minds fresh. “Whenever I run out of
energy to do school stuff, I
immediately stop because I
know that forcing myself to
continue is not gonna end up
good. “

Time The participants “By making sure that I am

Management and found out that able to accomplish my
Prioritization being strict with schoolwork early.”
their schedules
and having time “Good time management
management skills, never procrastinate.”
really helped
them in “Actually, it's not hard to
accomplishing balance social life with
their tasks academics. With proper
efficiently. scheduling, sorting
priorities, and knowing the
important events that might
contribute to your life will
greatly help.

Spending Time The participants “Although I dedicate most of

with Loved Ones show the my time to
importance of academics/studying, I still
spending time find time to bond with my
with their loved friends and family by
ones after prioritizing finishing my
spending many school tasks first.”
hours alone.
“I don't just study 24/7
anyway so I find time to
socialize with my friends.”

Domain 3: Academic Studying in The participants “Study in advance and do
Habits and Advance stumbled upon school work ahead of time to
Preparation that studying avoid cramming.”
ahead of time and
This domain focuses being prepared at “Always prepare for what’s
on establishing all times had an to come.”
effective study impact on their
methods to assist performance. “Studying before a test.”
students in achieving
high test and quiz
scores and
performing well in
class. It can also help
to reduce the amount
of time spent
studying and make
learning more
comfortable and

Going through Writing notes and “Studying the lesson if I

and taking down analyzing them, didn't really understand it or
notes according to the asking questions about the
participants, lesson, taking notes, making
creates a study works that are
guide and a well-thought-out, reciting,
self-test to and studying for quizzes and
prepare for exams.”
exams, tests, and “Taking notes, making a
quizzes. to-do list and making a study

“Review and always

participate in activities I can

Being attentive Participants “Be active in school
and efficient pointed out that particularly during
through making paying attention, recitations and give enough
good use of participating in effort to your performance
one’s time class, and making tasks.”
the best possible
use of time “Some consistent habits I
helped them currently follow in order to
reduce maintain my grades are
procrastination avoiding any distractions,
and boost staying focused, being
productivity. organized, and avoiding
piling up activities so as not
to cram it.”

Domain 4: Refrained Scrolling Some “I guess too much exposure

habits that could through Social participants to social media.”
result in their Media greatly
underperformance emphasized that “I try not to open social
spending media while studying or
This domain refers to excessive time on doing work as it may affect
the habits that the social media will my focus and it will lead to
participants avoid to hinder you in me not being able to finish
do to help them be finishing your what I need to do at all. “
quick in tasks
accomplishing their

Procrastination Some of the “Procrastination and

participants cramming”
decide to
postpone their “Procrastinating and talking
task leading to while a lesson is ongoing”
cramming of
school works
“Slacking off, spending too
much time resting or on the

Domain 5: Dealing Acceptance Some of the “Accept it and then learn
with academic participants from it so that the next time
failures simply accept you face these tasks, you
their poor grade know how to finish them
This domain refers to and resolve to properly.”
the experiences of the perform better in
participants to the future.
overcome and also to “By accepting the result and
cope up with failures learning from it. Using it as
in their academics a motivation to do better
next time.”

“I let myself have time to

accept the fact that I failed
for like an hour and after
that, I'll continue with my

Perseverance Some of the “Clearing my mind and

participants just trying harder next time.”
choose to
persevere and “By promising myself to do
work harder better next time and not
despite the letting that failure affect my
failures. performance.”

“Do better in the next

activity, or talk to my friends
about it.”

Motivation Some of the “I pretty much don't care

participants are about it, my family also
motivated by doesn't care when I fail.
failure and others They'll just motivate me to
by other people. do best next time and that's
what i always do, so I don't
fail that much because of the
support they gave me”

“By using it as a motivation

to do better next time.”

Self-Reflection Some of the “I let myself have time to
participants take accept the fact that I failed
their time to for like an hour and after
reflect before that, I'll continue with my
they overcome life.”
their failures.
“I don’t dwell much on
academic failures because
for me, that’s normal. I may
sometimes feel down or
disappointed but I always
remind myself that there will
always be times where I’ll
fail but that doesn’t mean I
won’t get back up because
there’s always room for
improvement. I deal with it
by accepting, reflecting, and
doing better the next time.”

The people around top academic students can have a significant impact on their academic

and personal growth. Family members have a crucial role to play in creating a conducive

environment at home and providing support to the students. Friends can also influence academic

performance and should be chosen wisely. Additionally, teachers, mentors, and role models can

provide guidance, motivation, and inspiration to these students. Overall, a positive and

supportive network can contribute to the success of top academic students. All of these were

explained in domain 1.

In domain 2, top students have developed effective strategies for balancing their

academic and personal lives. They prioritize their studies while also making time for hobbies,

exercise, and social events. They maintain a schedule and set realistic goals, using time

management skills to stay organized and meet deadlines. Balancing these activities allows them

to maintain a well-rounded life and reduce stress. Top students understand the importance of a

healthy work-life balance and make it a priority in their daily routine. By following these

practices, they are able to achieve academic excellence while also enjoying their personal lives.

These students are organized, disciplined, and prioritize their time and efforts effectively.

They also have a strong work ethic and are consistent in their efforts, regularly reviewing and

practicing what they learn, as mentioned in the domain 3. In addition, they maintain a growth

mindset, always seeking ways to improve and learn more. Lastly, top students are proactive in

seeking resources and support when needed, including seeking guidance from mentors and

educators. Developing these academic habits and preparation strategies can help any student

achieve their academic goals and succeed in their studies.

These refrained habits made by the top academic students are often characterized by an

over-focus on academic performance and neglect of self-care and outside interests. Top students

can overcome these challenges by seeking support from peers, mentors or counselors, taking

breaks regularly, engaging in self-reflection, setting achievable goals, and establishing a healthy

work-life balance. By understanding the importance of self-care and balance, top students can

avoid underperformance and achieve long-term success in both their academic and personal

lives. (Domain 4)

And lastly in domain 5, it showed that top students deal with academic failures in a

mature and constructive manner. They tend to view failures as opportunities for growth and

learning, rather than as setbacks. They confront their mistakes and use them as opportunities to

identify areas of weakness and improve. Additionally, they seek assistance, advice, and guidance

from mentors or instructors to better understand their failures and develop strategies for success.

Top students also maintain a goal-oriented mindset and stay focused on achieving their academic

objectives despite setbacks. In the end, their resilience and determination enable them to rise

above academic failures and progress toward academic excellence.


Academic achievement is an important aspect of education and is often used as a measure

of success in life. Top academic achievers are those students who excel academically, often

achieving high grades, test scores, and other academic accolades. This research paper has

explored the academic and personal characteristics, study habits, and motivation of top academic

achievers in high school

The findings of this research paper suggest that top academic achievers exhibit several

common characteristics. Firstly, they tend to be highly intelligent, with above-average cognitive

abilities and academic aptitude. This supports previous research that suggests that intelligence is

a key factor in academic success (Gottfredson, 1997). Secondly, top academic achievers tend to

be highly motivated and achievement-oriented, with a strong desire to succeed academically.

This supports the self-determination theory, which suggests that intrinsic motivation is an

important factor in academic achievement (Deci & Ryan, 2000). Finally, top academic achievers

tend to have strong study habits, including effective time management skills, organization, and

discipline. This supports previous research that suggests that effective study habits are critical for

academic success (Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 2014).

In addition to these common characteristics, this research paper has also identified some

individual differences among top academic achievers. For example, some top academic achievers

are highly social and outgoing, while others are more introverted and prefer to work

independently. Similarly, some top academic achievers are highly self-confident and assertive,

while others are more modest and humble. These individual differences suggest that top

academic achievement is not only a function of intelligence, motivation, and study habits but

also of personality and social factors.

The findings of this research paper have several implications for parents and students.

Firstly, parents can use the findings to better support their children's academic success. For

example, they can provide a supportive home environment that encourages academic

achievement as well as resources and opportunities for enrichment. Finally, students themselves

can use the findings to better understand their own strengths and weaknesses and develop

effective study habits and motivation strategies.

These are some recommendations that future researchers can refer to when studying

similar studies like this. Future researchers should consider using a mixed-methods approach to

gather the richest data possible.considering using a mixed-methods approach to gather the richest

data possible. This could include quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, and direct

observation of top academic achievers in natural settings. The support system of top academic

achievers may play a crucial role in their success. Future researchers should consider surveying

parents and teachers to gain insight into the role that family and school play in high achievement.

Technology has transformed the way students learn and study. Future researchers should explore

how top academic achievers use technology and how it has affected their approach to academic

success. By understanding the study habits of top students, we can empower all students to strive

for academic excellence and achieve their full potential.


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1. How will you describe the current difficulty level of your education so far?

2. What do you think contributes to you being a high academic student?

3. What are the things that motivate you to do better in school?

4. Besides studying, what are the things you do most of the time?

5. How do you still find time to balance your social life with your academics?

6. What are the consistent habits that you currently follow in order to maintain your grades?

7. What are the academic preparations that you do during exams, quizzes and activities?

8. Do you prefer studying alone or having to do it with peers?

9. What subjects in particular do you find the most challenging? Why?

10. What are the habits you refrain from doing that will result in your underperformance in


11. How do you deal with academic failures?



To the participants:
Read this consent form and ask questions and clarifications before you decide to participate in
this study or not. You are also free to ask questions during your participation in this research.

Project Information


Researchers: Marcus Jave Alcantara marcusjave.alcantara@lsca.edu.ph

Marie Therese Suarez marietherese.suarez@lsca.edu.ph
Kurth Andrew Dizon kurthandrew.dizon@lsca.edu.ph
Ian Daryl Marco iandaryl.marco@lsca.edu.ph
Earl John Tudas earljohn.tudas@lsca.edu.ph

School: La Salle College Antipolo Department: Senior High School


There are five different tracks within the K–12 Senior High School (SHS) programme:
academic, arts and design, sports, and technical vocational. Since La Salle College Antipolo only
has a few tracks, our research will only focus on the academic track, which is Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The goal of this research is to gain a deeper
understanding of the behaviors, routines, and methods used by high achievers. This is done with
the goal of learning how high achievers deal with the pressures that are placed on them by their
schools as well as how they maintain a healthy balance between their personal lives and their

This study seeks to answer the following questions: (1) What are the routines top academic
students follow to maintain their grades? (2) How do top academic students manage different
academic challenges presented to them?

As a participant in this study, you will be asked to attend an online interview via Zoom or
answer questionnaires via Google Forms during the time that is the most convenient for you on
April 14, 2023. You may decide what date you want to conduct the interview. Prior to the
interview, the researcher will provide you with a set of questions related to our research for you
to answer. During the interview, the researcher will ask you about your experiences on the topic,
as well as any challenges you may have encountered. Again, you may opt to have the online
interview through Zoom meeting or answer the questionnaires via Google Forms on Friday,

April 14, 2023, within your desired time or in your free time, and will last for approximately
[10-15 mins]. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have during the interview. Thank you
for your participation in this study.

The expected duration of your participation is from April 11-14 2023.


The interview will be conducted during the agreed date and time, the participants may
have to clear some work to attend the agreed interview or leave right away if there are urgent
unprecedented matters. No possible risks can pose danger to you in any form during the conduct
of this study. The implementation of the interview may last for ten to fifteen minutes (10 - 15) or
more depending on the interview.

The findings of this research will benefit your co-students in formulating better study
habits and help them also by learning how to balance their studies to their social lives. This
study will not only be useful for Senior High School students, but also those under the K-12
curriculum as well. By taking part in this research, you are able to help other students
strengthen their foundation and develop a sense of discipline toward their study routines that
they can also use in college.

No amount will be required for you during your participation in this study.

Your identity in this study will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. The results will
be published for academic purposes only. However, any data obtained due to your participation
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Any further questions you have about the study will be answered by the researcher.

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Researcher Signature Over Printed Name and Date

Researcher Signature Over Printed Name and Date

Researcher Signature Over Printed Name and Date

Researcher Signature Over Printed Name and Date




Name: Marcus Jave V. Alcantara

Address: Happy Homes Corner Yakal Street Brgy, San Vicente Angono,


Phone Number: 09270351431

Email Address: marcusjave.alcantara@lsca.edu.ph


Age: 18

Birthdate: August 16, 2004

Birthplace: Angono, Rizal

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Mae

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 62 kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Alfredo T. Alcantara Jr.

Mother’s Name: Farrah Lyn V. Alcantara

Occupation: Student


Pre-School & Primary School: Gingergrace Academe and Angono Private High School

Elementary Department

Middle School: Angono Private High School

Secondary School: Lasalle College Antipolo

Name: Kurth Andrew Y. Dizon

Address: Blk 6 Lot 14 Simeon lacson St. Gloria Heights Brgy. Dalig

Phone Number: 09298040802

Email Address:kurthandrew.dizon@lsca.edu.ph


Age: 17

Birthdate: August 30, 2005

Birthplace: Abu Dhabi

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Male

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 90kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Romeo D. Dizon

Mother’s Name: Emmagline Y. Dizon

Occupation: Student


Pre-School: Unciano College Antipolo

Primary School & Middle school: Rich Golden Shower Montessori Center

Secondary School: La Salle College Antipolo

Name: Ian Daryl Marco

Address: 2 Brentwood Street Pines City Executive

Phone Number: 09214922961

Email Address: iandaryl.marco@lsca.edu.ph


Age: 17

Birthdate: August 13, 2005

Birthplace: Quezon City

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Male

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 55 kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Ferdinand R. Marco

Mother’s Name: Nova D. Marco

Occupation: Student


Pre-School & Primary School: Montessori Integrated School of Antipolo

Middle School: Montessori Integrated school of Antipolo

Secondary School: Lasalle College Antipolo

Name: Earl John M. Tudas

Address: 057 Aragoza st Batingan Binangonan, Rizal

Phone Number: 09998752441

Email Address: earljohn.tudas@lsca.edu.ph


Age: 17

Birthdate: October 5, 2005

Birthplace: Morong, Rizal

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Male

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 68 kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Alfredo M. Tudas

Mother’s Name: Annalyn M. Tudas

Occupation: Student


Pre-School & Primary School: Child Jesus Of Prague School

Secondary School: Lasalle College Antipolo

Name: Marie Therese Suarez

Address: Blk 11 Lot 26 Guyabano St. Town and Country Heights Brgy.

San luis Antipolo City

Phone Number: 09281827191

Email Address: marietherese@lsca.edu.ph


Age: 17

Birthdate: August 13, 2005

Birthplace: Morong, Rizal

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Height: 149 cm

Weight: 40kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Baltazar G. Suarez

Mother’s Name: Nadja L. Suarez

Occupation: Student


Pre-School & Primary School: Señra Dela Paz Academy

Middle School: Sumulong Memorial High School and Lasalle College Antipolo

Secondary School: Lasalle College Antipolo


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