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Group3 CHE48A Experiment3

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Carl Anthony Cabigon, Ed Alison Pairat, Chelsea Kaye Salido, Kieth Elaine Valmores
Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, Chemical Engineering Department, Corrales Avenue, CDOC
200731680@my.xu.edu.ph | 20170012072@my.xu.edu.ph | 20150009771@my.xu.edu.ph | 20210022628@my.xu.edu.ph

Abstract - This study explores the production of soap from palm oil through the process of saponification. It delves into the chemical
reactions involved, emphasizing the significance of balanced pH levels and lathering ability in soap production. The experimental
results indicate a successful conversion of palm oil into soap, though with certain physical properties deviating from the norm.
Notably, the soap exhibited an extremely high pH level of 14, rendering it unsuitable for regular use. These findings highlight the
importance of precise control in the saponification process to ensure the safety and quality of soap products.
Keywords: soap, soap production, palm oil soap, saponification

I. INTRODUCTION the skin. Consistent pH monitoring in soap production ensures

quality and consumer safety. Balanced pH levels enhance soap
The production of soap from palm oil through the process of performance, promoting effective cleansing and lathering
saponification is a fascinating journey that combines chemistry, without skin irritation (Idoko et al., 2018).
craftsmanship, and a touch of artistry. Saponification, a chemical
reaction between fatty acids and an alkali (commonly sodium In this study, production of soap was made from palm oil and
hydroxide or lye), is the fundamental process that transforms testing of the pH and bubbling/foaming were done for the soap.
palm oil into soap. (Ogoshi & Miyawaki, 1985). This age-old
method has been refined over centuries to create the diverse II. EXPERIMENTAL
array of soaps available today, each tailored to specific cleansing
and skincare needs. Soap production is a critical process with substantial
implications for both personal and public health. At its core, soap
Palm oil, with its high content of saturated and unsaturated fats, is a product derived from fats, oils, or their constituent fatty
acids. In this experiment, the conversion of palm oil into soap is
provides the necessary base for soap production. Its unique
studied using common salt and a 20% sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
compositions makes it an ideal raw material for producing soaps solution as key reactants. The process entails a carefully planned
that effectively remove dirt, grease, and impurities from the skin series of steps that include mixing, heating, cooling, and
(Prasertsit et al., 2013). precipitation. These steps are all based on the principles of
saponification and the chemical characteristics of fatty acids.
At its core, saponification is a chemical reaction that results in Overall, this inquiry clarifies the intricate processes involved in
the formation of soap and glycerin. In this reaction, palm oil, making soap from a scientific standpoint, outlining how physical
which contains triglycerides (molecules consisting of glycerol and chemical processes interact.
and fatty acids), reacts with an alkali. The alkali breaks down the
triglycerides, releasing glycerin as a byproduct and forming
sodium or potassium salts of fatty acids, which we recognize as
soap (Helwani et al., 2009). This process not only yields soap's
cleansing properties but also maintains the natural moisturizing
qualities of glycerin, making soap gentle on the skin.

Certain parameters and tests are enforced to determine the

viability of the soap and this includes its pH and soap
foaming/bubbling. The soap foaming/bubbling test is a crucial
evaluation method used to assess a soap's lathering ability.
Lathering is the formation of soap bubbles or foam when the
soap comes into contact with water. It's an important
characteristic for consumers as it contributes to the perception of
a soap's cleansing effectiveness (Mishra, 2013).

On the other hand, pH level is crucial as this determines the

safety, soap performance, and quality control. Maintaining a safe
pH level in soap is crucial as it directly interacts with the skin. Figure 1. Block Flow Diagram of Soap Production from Palm
High alkaline (high pH) soaps can be harsh, causing dryness,
itching, or burns, while overly acidic (low pH) ones may irritate
Raw Material Procurement and Preparation. 25 mL of III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
commercial palm oil is measured in a graduated cylinder and set
aside for subsequent use. Then, a 20% NaOH solution is I. Soap Yield
prepared from 40 mL of distilled water and 10 g of solid NaOH.
From this solution, 30 mL is measured and is stored in a tightly After the saponification process and several days of drying, the
closed apparatus to avoid volatilization. A 15g of common salt, collected hardened soap product into the filter papers totaled to a
also known as sodium chloride (NaCl), is further weighed. weight of approximately 35 g. Considering the 25-mL volume of
the palm oil raw material that was utilized and converted into
Mixing and Saponification. In a beaker containing 25 mL of the soap, along with the NaOH solution and common salt addition,
palm oil, the 20% NaOH solution is added. The mixture is stirred the employed procedure was fortunately efficient in generating a
vigorously using a magnetic stirrer to ensure complete solubility. significant product weight of 35 g of palm oil-derived soap.
During the experimental procedure, it can be observed that the
beaker containing the mixture is hot. This is due to the II. Observable Physical Properties
exothermic nature of the saponification process (Ching et al,
2018). The saponification reaction involves the breaking of ester The produced soap product derived from palm oil was collected
bonds in the palm oil when in contact with a strong base, NaOH on a filter paper upon filtration of the salt-added soap paste.
in this case, to produce glycerol and soap molecules. This Upon drying, the collected product was physically observed to be
breaking and forming of chemical bonds release energy in the brittle and grainy in structure and texture, instead of the
form of heat. The heat generated during saponification is a key conventional smooth and silky nature of manufactured soaps.
indicator that the reaction is proceeding as desired, and it helps
ensure that the reaction goes to completion.

Heating. The beaker containing the mixture is subjected to

heating by placing it on a hot plate. Other heating technique
alternative may involve utilization of wire gauze, an iron stand
and a bunsen burner. Once the mixture mirrors the appearance of
a whitish paste, heating is stopped. In this specified part of the
experiment, heating aids in the complete saponification of the
substances, ensuring that the soap produced is not brittle
(University of Idaho, n.d.).

Cooling and Testing Initial Soap Properties. As the beaker is

removed from the hot plate, the aqueous whitish mixture is
allowed to cool. Subsequently, to test the alkalinity of the
mixture, a red and blue litmus paper is utilized. When dipped
into the solution, the red litmus paper turns blue, whereas the Figure 2-3. Physical Appearance of Soap Product
blue litmus paper retains the same color. The observed color
change asserts the alkaline nature of the soap solution, which is The prospected cause for this physical property outcome of the
due to the presence of hydroxide ions, consistent with the product could be the overheating of the soap mixture and
principles of acid-base chemistry (McMurry et al, 2015). extensive drying periods while the residue product is left on the
filter paper. During the experimental proper, the mixture was
Precipitation. The prepared 15g of common salt is then added to overheated at a high temperature due to the observation that the
the mixture and stirred well to aid in the precipitation reaction. It sodium hydroxide solution did not mix well with the palm oil
can be noted that heat is previously liberated during the raw material to bind into a white paste. Also, the excessive
saponification process, which implies that the soap formed drying periods prior to molding and testing could also be a
remains in suspension form in the mixture. Soap is sodium salt suspected reason behind its physical structure. Nevertheless, the
of higher fatty acids (RCOONa). On adding common salt, Na + saponification process was still deemed successful and soap was
ion concentration increases. Hence the equilibrium reaction shifts produced from palm oil.
in the backward direction, enabling the soap to precipitate out.
Moreover, the addition of salt to a soap solution disrupts the On another note, one of the most notable primary characteristics
micelle structure, leading to the formation of larger soap clusters of any type of soap product is its ability to form lather upon
that reduce the soap's solubility in water and increase its hardness agitation and with application of water. The reaction between the
(Rosen & Kunjappu, 2012). fatty acids derived from the oil raw material and the sodium
hydroxide solution, which is a base, forms molecules of crude
Filtration and Drying. A filter funnel with filter paper is set up soap as shown in the figure below.
for the filtration process of the soap solution. To separate the
liquid (glycerol and impurities) from the liquid soap, the soap
suspension is poured into the funnel. Owing to the fact that the
soap is in its wet form, it needs to undergo drying. Hence, the
soap is pressed in a filter paper and is left to dry for a couple of
days. The utilization of soap mold may be further employed for
this process.
of the soap and account for the pH level from the pH indicator.
From this test, it was inferred that the pH indicator reflected a pH
value of 14, which is very high and unfeasible for commercial
use and human skin application. Although no irritating sensation
was observed or experienced during the testing phase, the soap
yielding a 14 value for its pH level deems the product unsafe for
daily use. The reason behind this chemical property outcome of
the soap is the impartial or incomplete reactivity of the NaOH
Figure 4. Saponification Reaction to Produce Soap solution with the oil during the heating and mixing phase of the
experiment. The absence of white paste formation in the mixture
These soap molecules are structured and characterized to have upon heating leads to a conclusion that there was still lye that
both a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail. These ends was unreacted within the mixture, which is responsible for the
permit the attraction and bonding of water, and repulsion of high pH value of 14 reflected on the soap product.
water, respectively (Jabr, 2020). This simultaneous bonding and
repulsion of water by the soap molecules allows the formation of
micelles, which are the bubbles seen by the naked eye, consisting
of water encased in two layers of soap molecules.

During the testing phase for lathering the soap product sample, a
few grains and blocks of the soap product were transferred into a
small beaker and were added with distilled water in order to
observe micelle formation. Upon moderate swirling of the beaker
(agitation), the soap started to dilute into the water and formed
bubbles, which confirms the presence of soap molecules from the
generated product.
Figure 7. pH Indicator Test for Basicity of Soap Product

In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the
production of soap from palm oil through saponification. While
the experiment successfully yielded soap, the resulting product
exhibited an impractically high pH level of 14, indicating the
presence of unreacted sodium hydroxide. This outcome
underscores the need for meticulous control over the
saponification process to ensure safe and effective soap
production. Further refinements in the experimental procedure
are necessary to produce soap with appropriate physical
Figure 5-6. Lather Test for Presence of Soap Molecules properties and a balanced pH suitable for everyday use. Overall,
this study contributes to our understanding of soap production
III. pH Level and the importance of quality control in this chemical process.
A basic pH level test is essential in assessing the formulated soap
products to test for the product’s alkalinity and safety for
application on human skin and other uses. Ideally, a safe alkaline Immense gratitude and appreciation is expressed to Engr. Al
pH range for soap products is within 8-10 (Cheng, 2020). Marjorie Tating (Instructor) and Mr. Carl Angelo Fallares
Additionally, from various experimental tests, pH ranges of (Laboratory Technician) for their constant motivation and for
different soap products ranged from 9-10 (Tarun et al., 2014) and inputting their valuable contribution and sharing their expertise
9.6-10.4 (Arasaretnam and Venujah, 2019). The mechanism of in successfully accomplishing this experiment.
soap application is the raising of the pH level of human skin due
to its basic/alkaline composition. However, an exceeding pH VI. REFERENCES
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