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CS-23 Amdt 3

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

European Aviation Safety Agency

Certification Specifications
Normal, Utility, Aerobatic, and
Commuter Category


Amendment 3
20 July 2012

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CONTENTS (general layout)







ACCORDANCE WITH CS 23.853, 23.855 AND 23.1359





Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R


Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R



CS-23 Amendment 3
Effective: 20 July 2012

The following is a list of paragraphs affected by this amendment.

Book 1
Subpart D
 CS 23.851 Amended (NPA 2011-14)

Subpart E
 CS 23.1197 Amended (NPA 2011-14)

Book 2
AMC - Subpart D
 AMC 23.851(c) Amended (NPA 2011-14)

AMC - Subpart E
 AMC 23.1197 Created (NPA 2011-14)

CS-23 Amendment 2 (Corrigendum)

Effective: 28 September 2010

Subpart C Amended (rectification of administrative oversight)

CS-23 Amendment 2
Effective: 9 September 2010

The following is a list of paragraphs affected by this amendment.

Book 1
Subpart B
 CS 23.221 Amended (Editorial correction)

Subpart D
 CS 23.603 Amended (NPA 2009-06)
 CS 23.813(b)(4) Amended (Editorial correction)

Subpart E

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R


 CS 23.909 Amended (Editorial correction)

 Appendix D Amended (Editorial correction)

Book 2
Subpart C
 AMC 23.573(a)(1)&(3) Amended (NPA 2009-06)

Subpart D
 AMC 23.603 Deleted (NPA 2009-06)
 AMC 23.613 Amended (NPA 2009-06)
 AMC 23.629 Amended (NPA 2009-06 & Editorial correction)

Flight Test Guide (FTG)

 192 Paragraph 23.909 Amended (Editorial correction)
 207 Paragraph 23.959 Amended (Editorial correction)
 208 Paragraph 23.961 Amended (Editorial correction)
 307 Paragraph 23.1329 Amended (Editorial correction)

CS-23 Amendment 1
Effective: 12 February 2009

The following is a list of paragraphs affected by this amendment.

Book 1
Subpart B
 CS 23.49(c) Amended (NPA 2008-08)
 CS 23.49(d) Created (NPA 2008-08)
Subpart C
 CS 23.562(d) Created (NPA 2008-08)
 CS 23.562(e) Amended (NPA 2008-08)

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS­23 BOOK 1

EASA Certification Specifications

Normal, Utility, Aerobatic, and Commuter
Category Aeroplanes

Book 1

Airworthiness code

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS­23 BOOK 1


CS 23.1 Applicability
(a) This airworthiness code is applicable to –
(1) Aeroplanes in the normal, utility
and aerobatic categories that have a seating
configuration, excluding the pilot seat(s), of
nine or fewer and a maximum certificated take­
off weight of 5670 kg (12 500 lb) or less; and
(2) Propeller­driven twin­engined
aeroplanes in the commuter category that have a
seating configuration, excluding the pilot
seat(s), of nineteen or fewer and a maximum
certificated take­off weight of 8618 kg (19 000
lb) or less.

CS 23.3 Aeroplane categories

(a) The normal category is limited to non­
aerobatic operations. Non­aerobatic operations
include –
(1) Any manoeuvre incident to normal
(2) Stalls (except whip stalls); and
(3) Lazy eights, chandelles and steep
turns or similar manoeuvres, in which the angle
of bank is not more than 60°.
(b) The utility category is limited to any of the
operations covered under sub­paragraph (a); plus –

(1) Spins (if approved for the particular

type of aeroplane); and
(2) Lazy eights, chandelles, and steep
turns, or similar manoeuvres in which the angle
of bank is more than 60° but not more than 90°.
(c) The aerobatic category is without
restrictions, other than those shown to be
necessary as a result of required flight tests.
(d) Commuter category operation is limited to
any manoeuvre incident to normal flying, stalls
(except whip stalls) and steep turns in which the
angle of bank is not more than 60°.
(e) Except for commuter category, aeroplanes
may be certificated in more than one category if
the requirements of each requested category are

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 1

(i) The highest weight selected by
the applicant; or
CS 23.21 Proof of compliance
(ii) The design maximum weight,
(a) Each requirement of this subpart must be which is the highest weight at which
met at each appropriate combination of weight and compliance with each applicable
centre of gravity within the range of loading structural loading condition of CS-23
conditions for which certification is requested. (other than those complied with at the
This must be shown – design landing weight) is shown; or
(1) By tests upon an aeroplane of the (iii) The highest weight at which
type for which certification is requested, or by compliance with each applicable flight
calculations based on, and equal in accuracy to, requirement is shown, and,
the results of testing; and
(2) Not less than the weight with:-
(2) By systematic investigation of each
(i) Each seat occupied, assuming a
probable combination of weight and centre of
weight of 77kg (170 lbs) for each occupant
gravity, if compliance cannot be reasonably
for normal and commuter category
inferred from combinations investigated.
aeroplanes, and 86kg (190 lbs) for utility
(b) The following general tolerances are and acrobatic category aeroplanes, except
allowed during flight testing. However, greater that seats other than pilot seats may be
tolerances may be allowed in particular tests – placarded for a lesser weight; and
(A) Oil at full capacity, and
Item Tolerance (B) At least enough fuel for
maximum continuous power operation
Weight +5%, –10%
of at least 30 minutes for day-VFR
Critical items affected by weight +5%, –1% approved aeroplanes and at least 45
minutes for night-VFR and IFR
C.G. ±7% total travel
approved aeroplanes; or
(ii) The required minimum crew,
CS 23.23 Load distribution limits
and fuel and oil to full tank capacity.
(a) Ranges of weight and centres of gravity
(b) Minimum weight. The minimum weight
within which the aeroplane may be safely operated
(the lowest weight at which compliance with each
must be established and must include the range for
applicable requirement of CS-23 is shown) must
lateral centres of gravity if possible loading
be established so that it is not more than the sum
conditions can result in significant variation of
of –
their positions.
(1) The empty weight determined under
(b) The load distribution must not exceed –
CS 23.29;
(1) The selected limits;
(2) The weight of the required minimum
(2) The limits at which the structure is crew (assuming a weight of 77 kg (170 lb) for
proven; or each crew member); and
(3) The limits at which compliance with (3) The weight of –
each applicable flight requirement of this
(i) For turbojet powered
subpart is shown.
aeroplanes, 5% of the total fuel capacity
of that particular fuel tank arrangement
CS 23.25 Weight limits under investigation; and
(a) Maximum weight. The maximum weight (ii) For other aeroplanes, the fuel
is the highest weight at which compliance with necessary for one-half hour of operation
each applicable requirement of CS-23 (other than at maximum continuous power.
those complied with at the design landing weight)
is shown. The maximum weight must be
established so that it is –
(1) Not more than the least of –

1–B–1 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS-23 BOOK 1

(2) During a closed throttle glide at

VNE, the propeller may not cause an engine
CS 23.29 Empty weight and correspond-
speed above 110% of maximum continuous
ing centre of gravity
(a) The empty weight and corresponding
(c) Controllable pitch propellers without
centre of gravity must be determined by weighing
constant speed controls. Each propeller that can
the aeroplane with –
be controlled in flight, but that does not have
(1) Fixed ballast; constant speed controls, must have a means to
limit the pitch range so that –
(2) Unusable fuel determined under
CS 23.959; and (1) The lowest possible pitch allows
compliance with sub-paragraph (b)(1); and
(3) Full operating fluids, including –
(2) The highest possible pitch allows
(i) Oil;
compliance with sub-paragraph (b)(2).
(ii) Hydraulic fluid; and
(d) Controllable pitch propellers with
(iii) Other fluids required for constant speed controls. Each controllable pitch
normal operation of aeroplane systems, propeller with constant speed controls must have –
except potable water, lavatory precharge
(1) With the governor in operation, a
water, and water intended for injection in
means at the governor to limit the maximum
the engines.
engine speed to the maximum allowable take-
(b) The condition of the aeroplane at the time off rpm; and
of determining empty weight must be one that is
(2) With the governor inoperative, the
well defined and can be easily repeated.
propeller blades at the lowest possible pitch,
with take-off power, the aeroplane stationary,
CS 23.31 Removable ballast and no wind, either:-
Removable ballast may be used in showing (i) A means to limit the maximum
compliance with the flight requirements of this engine speed to 103 percent of the
subpart, if – maximum allowable take-off r.p.m., or
(a) The place for carrying ballast is properly (ii) For an engine with an
designed and installed, and is marked under approved overspeed, means to limit the
CS 23.1557; and maximum engine and propeller speed to
not more than the maximum approved
(b) Instructions are included in the aeroplane
flight manual, approved manual material, or
markings and placards, for the proper placement
of the removable ballast under each loading
condition for which removable ballast is
CS 23.45 General
CS 23.33 Propeller speed and pitch (a) Unless otherwise prescribed, the
limits performance requirements of this subpart must be
met for –
(a) General. The propeller speed and pitch
must be limited to values that will assure safe (1) Still air and standard atmosphere;
operation under normal operating conditions.
(2) Ambient atmospheric conditions, for
(b) Propellers not controllable in flight. For commuter category aeroplanes, for
each propeller whose pitch cannot be controlled in reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes of
flight – more than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) maximum weight
and for turbine engine-powered aeroplanes.
(1) During take-off and initial climb at
the all-engine(s)-operating climb speed (b) Performance data must be determined
specified in CS 23.65, the propeller must limit over not less than the following ranges of
the engine rpm, at full throttle or at maximum conditions –
allowable take-off manifold pressure, to a
(1) Aerodrome altitude from sea-level
speed not greater than the maximum allowable
to 3048 m (10 000 ft); and
take-off rpm; and

1–B–2 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS-23 BOOK 1

(2) For reciprocating engine-powered (4) Landing distance of CS 23.75.

aeroplanes of 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) or less
The effect on these distances of operation on
maximum weight, temperatures from standard
other types of surface (e.g. grass, gravel) when
to 30°C above standard; or
dry, may be determined or derived and these
(3) For reciprocating engine-powered surfaces listed in accordance with CS 23.1583 (p).
aeroplanes of more than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb)
(h) For commuter category aeroplanes, the
maximum weight and turbine engine-powered
following also apply:
aeroplanes, temperature from standard to 30°C
above standard, or the maximum ambient (1) Unless otherwise prescribed, the
atmospheric temperature at which compliance take-off, en-route, approach and landing
with the cooling provisions of CS 23.1041 to configurations for the aeroplane must be
23.1047 is shown, if lower. selected;
(c) Performance data must be determined (2) The aeroplane configuration may
with the cowl flaps or other means for controlling vary with weight, altitude and temperature, to
the engine cooling air supply in the position used the extent that they are compatible with the
in the cooling tests required by CS 23.1041 to operating procedures required by sub-paragraph
23.1047. (h) (3);
(d) The available propulsive thrust must (3) Unless otherwise prescribed, in
correspond to engine power, not exceeding the determining the critical-engine-inoperative
approved power, less – take-off performance, take-off flight path and
accelerate-stop distance, changes in the
(1) Installation losses; and
aeroplane’s configuration, speed and power
(2) The power absorbed by the must be made in accordance with procedures
accessories and services appropriate to the established by the applicant for operation in
particular ambient atmospheric conditions and service.
the particular flight condition.
(4) Procedures for the execution of
(e) The performance as affected by engine discontinued approaches and balked landings
power must be based on a relative humidity of – associated with the conditions prescribed in
CS 23.67 (c) (4) and 23.77 (c) must be
(1) 80% at and below standard
established; and
temperature; and
(5) The procedures established under
(2) 34% at and above standard
sub-paragraphs (h) (3) and (h) (4) must –
temperature plus 28°C (plus 50°F).
(i) Be able to be consistently
Between the two temperatures listed in sub-
executed by a crew of average skill in
paragraphs (e) (1) and (e) (2) the relative humidity
atmospheric conditions reasonably
must vary linearly.
expected to be encountered in service;
(f) Unless otherwise prescribed in
(ii) Use methods or devices that
determining the take-off and landing distances,
are safe and reliable; and
changes in the aeroplane’s configuration, speed
and power must be made in accordance with (iii) Include allowances for any
procedures established by the applicant for reasonably expected time delays in the
operation in service. These procedures must be execution of the procedures.
able to be executed consistently by pilots of
average skill in atmospheric conditions reasonably
CS 23.49 Stalling speed
expected to be encountered in service.
(a) VSO and VS1 are the stalling speeds or the
(g) The following, as applicable, must be
minimum steady flight speed (CAS) at which the
determined on a smooth, dry, hard-surfaced
aeroplane is controllable with –
runway –
(1) For reciprocating engine-powered
(1) Take-off distance of CS 23.53 (b);
aeroplanes, engine(s) idling, the throttle(s)
(2) Accelerate-stop distance of CS closed or at not more than the power necessary
23.55; for zero thrust at a speed not more than 110%
of the stalling speed; and
(3) Take-off distance and take-off run
of CS 23.59; and

1–B–3 Amendment 3
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CS-23 BOOK 1

(2) For turbine engine-powered expected conditions, including turbulence and

aeroplanes, the propulsive thrust may not be complete failure of the critical engine.
greater than zero at the stalling speed, or, if the
(b) For normal utility and aerobatic category
resultant thrust has no appreciable effect on the
aeroplanes, the speed at 15 m (50 ft) above the
stalling speed, with engine(s) idling and
take-off surface level must not be less than –
throttle(s) closed;
(1) For twin-engined aeroplanes, the
(3) Propeller(s) in the take-off position;
highest of –
(4) The aeroplane in the condition
(i) A speed that is shown to be
existing in the test in which V SO and VS1 are
safe for continued flight (or land-back, if
being used;
applicable) under all reasonably expected
(5) Centre of gravity in the position conditions, including turbulence and
which results in the highest value of V SO and complete failure of the critical engine; or
VS1 ; and
(ii) 1·10 VMC; or
(6) Weight used when VSO or VS1 are
(iii) 1·20 VS1
being used as a factor to determine compliance
with a required performance standard. (2) For single-engined aeroplanes, the
higher of –
(b) VSO and VS1 must be determined by
flight tests using the procedure and meeting the (i) A speed that is shown to be
flight characteristics specified in CS 23.201. safe under all reasonably expected
conditions, including turbulence and
(c) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (d)
complete engine failure; or
of this paragraph, VSO at maximum weight must
not exceed 113 km/h (61 knots) for – (ii) 1·20 VS1 .
(1) Single-engined aeroplanes; and (c) For commuter category aeroplanes the
following apply:
(2) Twin-engined aeroplanes of
2 722 kg (6 000 lb) or less maximum weight (1) V1 must be established in relation to
that cannot meet the minimum rate of climb VEF as follows:
specified in CS 23.67 (a) (1) with the critical
(i) VEF is the calibrated airspeed
engine inoperative.
at which the critical engine is assumed to
(d) All single-engined aeroplanes, and those fail. The VEF must be selected for the
twin-engined aeroplanes of 2722 kg (6 000 lb) or aeroplane, but must not be less than 1·05
less maximum weight, with a V SO of more than VMC determined under CS 23.149 (b) or,
113 km/h (61 knots) at maximum weight that do at the option of the applicant, not less than
not meet the requirements of CS 23.67(a)(1), must VMCG determined under CS 23.149(f).
comply with CS 23.562(d).
(ii) The take-off decision speed,
[Amdt 23/1] V1 , is the calibrated airspeed on the
ground at which, as a result of engine
failure or other reasons, the pilot is
CS 23.51 Take-off speeds
assumed to have made a decision to
(a) For normal utility and aerobatic category continue or discontinue the take-off. The
aeroplanes, the rotation speed V R, is the speed at take-off decision speed, V1 , must be
which the pilot makes a control input with the selected for the aeroplane but must not be
intention of lifting the aeroplane out of contact less than VEF plus the speed gained with
with the runway or water surface. the critical engine inoperative during the
time interval between the instant at which
(1) For twin-engined landplanes, V R
the critical engine is failed and the instant
must not be less than the greater of 1·05 V MC
at which the pilot recognises and reacts to
or 1·10 VS1 ;
the engine failure, as indicated by the
(2) For single engined landplanes, V R, pilot’s application of the first retarding
must not be less than V S1 ; and means during the accelerate-stop determi-
nation of CS 23.55.
(3) For seaplanes and amphibians
taking off from water, VR, must be a speed that (2) The rotation speed, VR, in terms of
is shown to be safe under all reasonably calibrated airspeed, must be selected for the

1–B–4 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS-23 BOOK 1

aeroplane and must not be less than the greatest altitude and temperature within the operational
of the following: limits established for take-off with –
(i) V1 ; or (1) Take-off power on each engine;
(ii) 1·05 VMC determined under (2) Wing flaps in the take-off
CS 23.149 (b); or position(s); and
(iii) 1·10 VSI; or (3) Landing gear extended.
(iv) The speed that allows attaining (c) For commuter category aeroplanes, take-
the initial climb-out speed, V 2 , before off performance as required by CS 23.55 to
reaching a height of 11 m (35 ft) above CS 23.59 must be determined with the operating
the take-off surface in accordance with engines within approved operating limitations.
CS 23.57 (c) (2).
(3) For any given set of conditions, CS 23.55 Accelerate-stop distance
such as weight, altitude, temperature and
For each commuter category aeroplane, the
configuration, a single value of V R must be
accelerate-stop distance must be determined as
used to show compliance with both the one-
engine-inoperative take-off and all-engine-
operating take-off requirements. (a) The accelerate-stop distance is the sum of
the distances necessary to –
(4) The take-off safety speed, V2 , in
terms of calibrated airspeed, must be selected (1) Accelerate the aeroplane from a
for the aeroplane so as to allow the gradient of standing start to VEF with all engines operating;
climb required in CS 23.67 (c) (1) and (c) (2)
(2) Accelerate the aeroplane from V EF
but must not be less than 1·10 V MC or less than
to V1 , assuming the critical engine fails at V EF;
1·20 VSI.
(5) The one-engine-inoperative take-off
(3) Come to a full stop from the point at
distance, using a normal rotation rate at a speed
which V1 is reached.
9.3 km/h (5 knots) less than VR established in
accordance with sub-paragraph (c)(2), must be (b) Means other than wheel-brakes may be
shown not to exceed the corresponding one- used to determine the accelerate-stop distances if
engine-inoperative take-off distance determined that means –
in accordance with CS 23.57 and 23.59 (a) (1)
(1) Is safe and reliable; and
using the established V R. The take-off,
otherwise performed in accordance with (2) Is used so that consistent results can
CS 23.57 must safely be continued from the be expected under normal operating
point at which the aeroplane is 11 m (35 ft) conditions.
above the take-off surface, at a speed not less
than the established V 2 minus 9.3 km/h (5
CS 23.57 Take-off path
For each commuter category aeroplane, the
(6) With all engines operating, marked
take-off path is as follows;
increases in the scheduled take-off distances
determined in accordance with CS 23.59 (a) (2) (a) The take-off path extends from a standing
may not result from over-rotation of the start to a point in the take-off at which the
aeroplane or out-of-trim conditions. aeroplane is 457 m (1 500 ft) above the take-off
surface, at or below which height the transition
from the take-off to the en-route configuration
CS 23.53 Take-off performance
must be completed; and
(a) For normal, utility and aerobatic category
(1) The take-off path must be based on
aeroplanes the take-off distance must be
the procedures prescribed in CS 23.45;
determined in accordance with sub-paragraph (b),
using speeds determined in accordance with (2) The aeroplane must be accelerated
CS 23.51 (a) and (b). on the ground to V EF at which point the critical
engine must be made inoperative and remain
(b) For normal, utility and aerobatic category
inoperative for the rest of the take-off; and
aeroplanes the distance required to take-off and
climb to a height of 15 m (50 ft) above the take- (3) After reaching VEF, the aeroplane
off surface must be determined for each weight, must be accelerated to V 2 .

1–B–5 Amendment 3
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CS-23 BOOK 1

(b) During the acceleration to speed V 2 , the the point at which the aeroplane is 11 m (35 ft)
nose gear may be raised off the ground at a speed above the take-off surface, determined under
not less than VR. However, landing gear CS 23.57; or
retraction must not be initiated until the aeroplane
(2) 115% of the horizontal distance,
is airborne.
with all engines operating, from the start of the
(c) During the take-off path determination, in take-off to the point at which the aeroplane is
accordance with sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) – 11 m (35 ft) above the take-off surface,
determined by a procedure consistent with
(1) The slope of the airborne part of the
CS 23.57.
take-off path must not be negative at any point;
(b) The take-off run is the greater of –
(2) The aeroplane must reach V2 before
it is 11m (35 ft) above the take-off surface and (1) The horizontal distance along the
must continue at a speed as close as practical take-off path from the start of the take-off to a
to, but not less than, V2 , until it is 122 m point equidistant between the lift off point and
(400 ft) above the take-off surface; the point at which the aeroplane is 11 m (35 ft)
above the take-off surface, determined under
(3) At each point along the take-off
CS 23.57; or
path, starting at the point at which the
aeroplane reaches 122 m (400 ft) above the (2) 115% of the horizontal distance,
take-off surface, the available gradient of climb with all engines operating, from the start of the
must not be less than 1·2%; and take-off to a point equidistant between the lift-
off point and the point at which the aeroplane is
(4) Except for gear retraction and
11 m (35 ft) above the take-off surface,
automatic propeller feathering, the aeroplane
determined by a procedure consistent with
configuration must not be changed, and no
CS 23.57.
change in power that requires action by the
pilot may be made, until the aeroplane is 122 m
(400 ft) above the take-off surface. CS 23.61 Take-off flight path
(d) The take-off path to 11 m (35 ft) above For each commuter category aeroplane, the
the take-off surface must be determined by a take-off flight path must be determined as follows:
continuous take-off.
(a) The take-off flight path begins 11 m
(e) The take-off flight path from 11 m (35 ft) (35 ft) above the take-off surface at the end of the
above the take-off surface must be determined by take-off distance determined in accordance with
synthesis from segments; and CS 23.59.
(1) The segments must be clearly (b) The net take-off flight path data must be
defined and must be related to distinct changes determined so that they represent the actual take-
in configuration, power or speed; off flight paths, as determined in accordance with
CS 23.57 and with sub-paragraph (a) , reduced at
(2) The weight of the aeroplane, the
each point by a gradient of climb equal to 0·8%.
configuration and the power must be assumed
constant throughout each segment and must (c) The prescribed reduction in climb
correspond to the most critical condition gradient may be applied as an equivalent reduction
prevailing in the segment; and in acceleration along that part of the take-off flight
path at which the aeroplane is accelerated in level
(3) The take-off flight path must be
based on the aeroplane’s performance without
ground effect.
CS 23.63 Climb: general
CS 23.59 Take-off distance and take-off (a) Compliance with the requirements of
run CS 23.65, 23.66, 23.67, 23.69 and 23.77 must be
shown –
For each commuter category aeroplane, the
take-off distance must be determined. The (1) Out of ground effect; and
determination of the take-off run is optional.
(2) At speeds which are not less than
(a) The take-off distance is the greater of – those at which compliance with the powerplant
cooling requirements of CS 23.1041 to 23.1047
(1) The horizontal distance along the
has been demonstrated.
take-off path from the start of the take-off to

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CS-23 BOOK 1

(3) Unless otherwise specified, with one (b) Each normal, utility and aerobatic
engine inoperative, at a bank angle not category reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes
exceeding 5 degrees. of more than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) maximum weight
and turbine engine-powered aeroplanes in the
(b) For normal, utility and aerobatic category
normal, utility and aerobatic category must have a
reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes of
steady gradient of climb after take-off of at least
2 722 kg (6 000 lb) or less maximum weight,
4% with –
compliance must be shown with CS 23.65 (a),
23.67 (a), where appropriate and CS 23.77 (a) at (1) Take-off power on each engine;
maximum take-off or landing weight, as
(2) The landing gear extended except
appropriate in a standard atmosphere.
that, if the landing gear can be retracted in not
(c) For normal, utility and aerobatic category more than 7 seconds, it may be assumed to be
reciprocating engined aeroplanes of more than retracted;
2 722 kg (6 000 lb) maximum weight and turbine
(3) The wing flaps in the take-off
engine-powered aeroplanes in the normal, utility
position(s); and
and aerobatic category, compliance must be
shown, at weights, as a function of aerodrome (4) A climb speed as specified in
altitude and ambient temperature, within the CS 23.65 (a) (4).
operational limits established for take-off and
landing respectively, with –
CS 23.66 Take-off climb: one-engine-
(1) CS 23.65 (b) and 23.67 (b) (1) and inoperative
(2), where appropriate, for take-off; and
For normal, utility and aerobatic category
(2) CS 23.67 (b) (2), where appropriate, reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes of more
and CS 23.77 (b), for landing. than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) maximum weight and
turbine engine-powered aeroplanes in the normal,
(d) For commuter category aeroplanes,
utility and aerobatic category, the steady gradient
compliance must be shown, at weights as a
of climb or descent must be determined at each
function of aerodrome altitude and ambient
weight, altitude and ambient temperature within
temperature within the operational limits
the operational limits established by the applicant
established for take-off and landing respectively,
with –
with –
(1) The critical engine inoperative and
(1) CS 23.67 (c) (1), 23.67 (c) (2) and
its propeller in the position it rapidly and
23.67 (c) (3) for take-off; and
automatically assumes;
(2) CS 23.67 (c) (3), 23.67 (c) (4) and
(2) The remaining engine at take-off
23.77 (c) for landing.
(3) The landing gear extended except
CS 23.65 Climb: all engines operating
that, if the landing gear can be retracted in not
(a) Each normal, utility and aerobatic more than 7 seconds, it may be assumed to be
category reciprocating engine-powered aeroplane retracted;
of 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) or less maximum weight
(4) The wing flaps in the take-off
must have a steady gradient of climb at sea level
of at least 8·3% for landplanes or 6·7% for
seaplanes and amphibians with – (5) The wings level; and
(1) Not more than maximum continuous (6) A climb speed equal to that
power on each engine; achieved at 15 m (50 ft) in the demonstration of
CS 23.53.
(2) The landing gear retracted;
(3) The wing flaps in the take-off
CS 23.67 Climb: one-engine-inoperative
position(s); and
(a) For normal, utility and aerobatic category
(4) A climb speed not less than the
reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes of
greater of 1·1 VMC and 1·2 VS1 for twin-
2 722kg (6 000 lb) or less maximum weight the
engined aeroplanes and not less than 1·2 V S1
following apply:
for single-engined aeroplanes.
(1) Each aeroplane with a V SO of more than
113 km/h (61 knots) must be able to maintain a

1–B–7 Amendment 3
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steady climb gradient of at least 1·5% at a (i) The critical engine in-
pressure altitude of 1524 m (5 000 ft) with – operative and its propeller in the
minimum drag position;
(i) The critical engine -in-
operative and its propeller in the (ii) The remaining engine at not
minimum drag position; more than maximum continuous power;
(ii) The remaining engine at not (iii) The landing gear retracted;
more than maximum continuous power;
(iv) The wing flaps retracted; and
(iii) The landing gear retracted;
(v) A climb speed not less than
(iv) The wing flaps retracted; and 1·2 VS1 .
(v) A climb speed not less than (c) For commuter category aeroplanes, the
1·2 VS1 . following apply:
(2) For each aeroplane with a V SO of (1) Take-off: landing gear extended.
113 km/h (61 knots) or less, the steady gradient The steady gradient of climb at the altitude of
of climb or descent at a pressure altitude of the take-off surface must be measurably
1524 m (5 000 ft) must be determined with – positive with –
(i) The critical engine in- (i) The critical engine inoperative
operative and its propeller in the and its propeller in the position it rapidly
minimum drag position; and automatically assumes;
(ii) The remaining engine at not (ii) The remaining engine at take-
more than maximum continuous power; off power;
(iii) The landing gear retracted; (iii) The landing gear extended, all
landing gear doors open;
(iv) The wing flaps retracted; and
(iv) The wing flaps in the take-off
(v) A climb speed not less than
1·2 VS1 .
(v) The wings level; and
(b) For normal, utility and aerobatic category
reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes of more (vi) A climb speed equal to V 2 .
than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) maximum weight and
(2) Take-off: landing gear retracted.
turbine engine-powered aeroplanes in the normal,
The steady gradient of climb at an altitude of
utility and aerobatic category –
122 m (400 ft) above the take-off surface must
(1) The steady gradient of climb at an be not less than 2·0% with –
altitude of 122 m (400 ft) above the take-off
(i) The critical engine inoperative
surface must be measurably positive with –
and its propeller in the position it rapidly
(i) The critical engine in- and automatically assumes;
operative and its propeller in the
(ii) The remaining engine at take-
minimum drag position;
off power;
(ii) The remaining engine at take-
(iii) The landing gear retracted;
off power;
(iv) The wing flaps in the take-off
(iii) The landing gear retracted;
position(s); and
(iv) The wing flaps in the take-off
(v) A climb speed equal to V 2 .
position(s); and
(3) En-route. The steady gradient of
(v) A climb speed equal to that
climb at an altitude of 457 m (1 500 ft) above
achieved at 15 m (50 ft) in the
the take-off or landing surface, as appropriate,
demonstration of CS 23.53.
must be not less than 1·2% with –
(2) The steady gradient of climb must not be
(i) The critical engine inoperative
less than 0·75% at an altitude of 457 m (1 500 ft)
and its propeller in the minimum drag
above the take-off or landing surface, as
appropriate with –
(ii) The remaining engine at not
more than maximum continuous power;

1–B–8 Amendment 3
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(iii) The landing gear retracted; CS 23.71 Glide (Single-engined

(iv) The wing flaps retracted; and
The maximum horizontal distance travelled in
(v) A climb speed not less than
still air, in km per 1000 m (nautical miles per
1·2 VSI.
1 000 ft) of altitude lost in a glide, and the speed
(4) Discontinued approach. The steady necessary to achieve this, must be determined with
gradient of climb at an altitude of 122 m the engine inoperative and its propeller in the
(400 ft) above the landing surface must be not minimum drag position, landing gear and wing
less than 2·1% with – flaps in the most favourable available position.
(i) The critical engine inoperative
and its propeller in the minimum drag CS 23.73 Reference landing approach
position; speed
(ii) The remaining engine at take- (a) For normal, utility and aerobatic category
off power; reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes of 2 722
kg (6 000 lb) or less maximum weight, the
(iii) The landing gear retracted;
reference landing approach speed, VREF, must not
(iv) The wing flaps in the approach be less than the greater of VMC, determined under
position(s) in which VSI for these CS 23.149 (b) with the wing flaps in the most
positions(s) does not exceed 110% of the extended take-off setting, and 1·3 V SO.
VSI for the related all-engines-operating
(b) For normal, utility and aerobatic category
landing position(s); and
reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes of more
(v) A climb speed established in than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) maximum weight and
connection with normal landing turbine engine-powered aeroplanes in the normal,
procedures but not exceeding 1·5 V SI. utility and aerobatic category, the reference
landing approach speed, V REF, must not be less
than the greater of VMC, determined under
CS 23.69 En-route climb/descent
CS 23.149 (c), and 1·3 V S0 .
(a) All engines operating
(c) For commuter category aeroplanes, the
The steady gradient and rate of climb must be reference landing approach speed, VREF, must not
determined at each weight, altitude and ambient be less than the greater of 1·05 VMC, determined
temperature within the operational limits under CS 23.149 (c), and 1·3 V SO.
established by the applicant with –
(1) Not more than maximum CS 23.75 Landing distance
continuous power on each engine;
The horizontal distance necessary to land and
(2) The landing gear retracted; come to a complete stop from a point 15 m (50 ft)
above the landing surface must be determined, for
(3) The wing flaps retracted; and
standard temperatures at each weight and altitude
(4) A climb speed not less than 1·3 V S1 . within the operational limits established for
landing, as follows:
(b) One-engine-inoperative
(a) A steady approach at not less than VREF,
The steady gradient and rate of climb/descent
determined in accordance with CS 23.73 (a), (b)
must be determined at each weight, altitude and
or (c) as appropriate, must be maintained down to
ambient temperature within the operational limits
15 m (50 ft) height and –
established by the applicant with –
(1) The steady approach must be at a
(1) The critical engine inoperative and
gradient of descent not greater than 5·2% (3°)
its propeller in the minimum drag position;
down to the 15 m (50 ft) height.
(2) The remaining engine at not more
(2) In addition, an applicant may
than maximum continuous power;
demonstrate by tests that a maximum steady
(3) The landing gear retracted; approach gradient, steeper than 5·2% (3°),
down to the 15 m (50 ft) height is safe. The
(4) The wing flaps retracted; and
gradient must be established as an operating
(5) A climb speed not less than 1·2 V S1 . limitation and the information necessary to

1–B–9 Amendment 3
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CS-23 BOOK 1

display the gradient must be available to the normal, utility and aerobatic category, the steady
pilot by an appropriate instrument. gradient of climb must not be less than 2·5%
with –
(b) A constant configuration must be main-
tained throughout the manoeuvre; (1) Not more than the power or thrust
that is available 8 seconds after initiation of
(c) The landing must be made without
movement of the power controls from the
excessive vertical acceleration or tendency to
minimum flight-idle position;
bounce, nose-over, ground loop, porpoise or water
loop. (2) The landing gear extended;
(d) It must be shown that a safe transition to (3) The wing flaps in the landing
the balked landing conditions of CS 23.77 can be position; and
made from the conditions that exist at the 15 m
(4) A climb speed equal to VREF, as
(50 ft) height, at maximum landing weight or the
defined in CS 23.73 (b).
maximum landing weight for altitude and
temperature of CS 23.63 (c) (2) or (d) (2), as (c) For each commuter category aeroplane,
appropriate. the steady gradient of climb must not be less than
3·2% with –
(e) The brakes must not be used so as to
cause excessive wear of brakes or tyres. (1) Not more than the power that is available
8 seconds after initiation of movement of the
(f) Retardation means other than wheelbrakes
power controls from the minimum flight idle
may be used if that means –
(1) Is safe and reliable;
(2) Landing gear extended;
(2) Is used so that consistent results can
(3) Wing flaps in the landing position; and
be expected in service; and
(4) A climb speed equal to VREF, as defined
(g) If any device is used that depends on the
in CS 23.73 (c).
operation of any engine, and the landing distance
would be increased when a landing is made with
that engine inoperative, the landing distance must
be determined with that engine inoperative unless
the use of other compensating means will result in
a landing distance not more than that with each CS 23.141 General
engine operating.
The aeroplane must meet the requirements of
CS 23.143 to 23.253 at all practical loading
CS 23.77 Balked landing conditions and all operating altitudes, not
exceeding the maximum operating altitude
(a) Each normal, utility and aerobatic
established under CS 23.1527, for which
category reciprocating engine-powered aeroplane
certification has been requested, without requiring
of 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) or less maximum weight
exceptional piloting skill, alertness or strength.
must be able to maintain a steady gradient of
climb at sea-level of at least 3·3% with –
(1) Take-off power on each engine;
(2) The landing gear extended;
(3) The wing flaps in the landing
position, except that if the flaps may safely be
retracted in two seconds or less without loss of
altitude and without sudden changes of angle of
attack, they may be retracted; and
(4) A climb speed equal to VREF, as
defined in CS 23.73 (a) .
(b) For normal, utility and aerobatic category
each reciprocating engine-powered aeroplane of
more than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) maximum weight
and turbine engine-powered aeroplanes in the

1–B–10 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
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CONTROLLABILITY AND Values in Newton (pounds Pitch Roll Yaw

MANOEUVRABILITY force) applied to the relevant
CS 23.143 General For temporary application –
(a) The aeroplane must be safely controllable Stick 267 N 133 N -
and manoeuvrable during all flight phases
including – (60 (30 –
lbf) lbf)
(1) Take-off; Wheel (two hands on rim) -
334 N 222 N
(2) Climb; –
(75 (50
(3) Level flight; Wheel (one hand on rim) -
lbf) lbf)
(4) Descent; –
222 N 111 N
(5) Go-around; and Rudder pedal 667 N
(50 (25
(6) Landing (power on and power off) lbf) lbf) (150lbf
with the wing flaps extended and retracted. )
For prolonged application – - -
(b) It must be possible to make a smooth 89 N
– –
transition from one flight condition to another (20
(including turns and slips) without danger of 44,5 N 22 N
exceeding the limit load factor, under any (10 (5 lbf)
probable operating condition, (including, for lbf)
multi-engined aeroplanes, those conditions
normally encountered in the sudden failure of any
engine). CS 23.145 Longitudinal control

(c) If marginal conditions exist with regard to (a) With the aeroplane as nearly as possible
required pilot strength, the control forces required in trim at 1·3 VS1 , it must be possible, at speeds
must be determined by quantitative tests. In no below the trim speed, to pitch the nose downward
case may the control forces under the conditions so that the rate of increase in airspeed allows
specified in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b), exceed prompt acceleration to the trim speed with –
those prescribed in the following table: (1) Maximum continuous power on
each engine;
(2) Power off; and
(3) Wing flaps and landing gear –
(i) Retracted; and
(ii) Extended.
(b) It must be possible to carry out the
following manoeuvres without requiring the
application of single handed control forces
exceeding those specified in CS 23.143 (c), unless
otherwise stated. The trimming controls must not
be adjusted during the manoeuvres:
(1) With landing gear extended and
flaps retracted and the aeroplane as nearly as
possible in trim at 1·4 VS1 , extend the flaps as
rapidly as possible and allow the airspeed to
transition from 1·4 VS1 to 1·4 VS0 , with –
(i) Power off; and
(ii) Power necessary to maintain
level flight in the initial condition.

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(2) With landing gear and flaps (e) By using normal flight and power
extended, power off and the aeroplane as nearly controls, except as otherwise noted in sub-
as possible in trim at 1·3 V SO, quickly apply paragraphs (e) (1) and (e) (2) , it must be possible
take-off power and retract the flaps as rapidly to establish a zero rate of descent at an attitude
as possible to the recommended go-around suitable for a controlled landing without
setting and allow the airspeed to transition from exceeding the operational and structural
1·3 VSO to 1·3 VS1 . Retract the gear when a limitations of the aeroplane, as follows:
positive rate of climb is established.
(1) For single-engined and twin-engined
(3) With landing gear and flaps aeroplanes, without the use of the primary
extended, power for and in level flight at 1·1 longitudinal control system;
VSO and the aeroplane as nearly as possible in
(2) For twin-engined aeroplanes;
trim, it must be possible to maintain
approximately level flight while retracting the (i) Without the use of the primary
flaps as rapidly as possible with simultaneous directional control; and
application of not more than maximum
(ii) If a single failure of any one
continuous power. If gated flap positions are
connecting or transmitting link would
provided, the flap retraction may be
affect both the longitudinal and
demonstrated in stages with power and trim
directional primary control system,
reset for level flight at 1·1 V S1 in the initial
without the primary longitudinal and
configuration for each stage –
directional control system.
(i) From the fully extended
position to the most extended gated
CS 23.147 Directional and lateral control
(a) For each twin-engined aeroplane, it must
(ii) Between intermediate gated
be possible, while holding the wings level within
positions, if applicable; and
5°, to make sudden changes in heading safely in
(iii) From the least extended gated both directions. This must be shown at 1·4 V S1
position to the fully retracted position. with heading changes up to 15° (except that the
heading change at which the rudder force
(4) With power off, flaps and landing
corresponds to the limits specified in CS 23.143
gear retracted and the aeroplane as nearly as
need not be exceeded), with the –
possible in trim at 1·4 VS1 , apply take-off
power rapidly while maintaining the same (1) Critical engine inoperative and its
airspeed. propeller in the minimum drag position;
(5) With power off, landing gear and (2) Remaining engine at maximum
flaps extended and the aeroplane as nearly as continuous power;
possible in trim at VREF, obtain and maintain
(3) Landing gear –
airspeeds between 1·1 VS0 and either 1·7 VS0
or VFE, whichever is lower, without requiring (i) Retracted; and
the application of two-handed control forces
(ii) Extended; and
exceeding those specified in CS 23.143 (c).
(4) Flaps retracted.
(6) With maximum take-off power,
landing gear retracted, flaps in the take-off (b) For each twin-engined aeroplane, it must
position and the aeroplane as nearly as possible be possible to regain full control of the aeroplane
in trim at VFE appropriate to the take-off flap without exceeding a bank angle of 45°, reaching a
position, retract the flaps as rapidly as possible dangerous attitude or encountering dangerous
while maintaining speed constant. characteristics, in the event of a sudden and
complete failure of the critical engine, making
(c) At speeds above VMO/MMO and up to the
allowance for a delay of 2 seconds in the initiation
maximum speed shown under CS 23.251, a
of recovery action appropriate to the situation,
manoeuvring capability of 1·5g must be
with the aeroplane initially in trim, in the
demonstrated to provide a margin to recover from
following conditions –
upset or inadvertent speed increase.
(1) Maximum continuous power on
(d) It must be possible, with a pilot control
each engine;
force of not more than 44·5 N (10 lbf), to maintain
a speed of not more than VREF during a power-off (2) Wing flaps retracted;
glide with landing gear and wing flaps extended.

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(3) Landing gear retracted; paragraph (a) must also be met for the landing
configuration with –
(4) Speed equal to that at which
compliance with CS 23.69 (a) has been shown; (1) Maximum available take-off power
initially on each engine;
(5) All propeller controls in the position
in which compliance with CS 23.69 (a) has (2) The aeroplane trimmed for and
been shown. approach with all engines operating at V REF at
an approach gradient equal to the steepest used
(c) For all aeroplanes, it must be shown that
in the landing distance demonstration of
the aeroplane is safely controllable without the use
CS 23.75;
of the primary lateral control system in any all-
engine configuration(s) and at any speed or (3) Flaps in the landing position;
altitude within the approved operating envelope.
(4) Landing gear extended; and
It must also be shown that the aeroplane’s flight
characteristics are not impaired below a level (5) All propeller controls throughout in
needed to permit continued safe flight and the the position recommended for approach with all
ability to maintain attitudes suitable for a engines operating.
controlled landing without exceeding the
(d) A minimum speed to intentionally render
operational and structural limitations of the
the critical engine inoperative must be established
aeroplane. If a single failure of any one
and designated as the safe, intentional, one-
connecting or transmitting link in the lateral
engine-inoperative speed, V SSE.
control system would also cause the loss of
additional control system(s), the above (e) At VMC, the rudder pedal force required
requirement is equally applicable with those to maintain control must not exceed 667 N
additional systems also assumed to be inoperative. (150 lbf) and it must not be necessary to reduce
power of the operative engine . During the
manoeuvre the aeroplane must not assume any
CS 23.149 Minimum control speed
dangerous attitude and it must be possible to
(a) VMC is the calibrated airspeed at which, prevent a heading change of more than 20°.
when the critical engine is suddenly made
(f) VMCG, the minimum control speed on the
inoperative, it is possible to maintain control of
ground, is the calibrated airspeed during the take-
the aeroplane, with that engine still inoperative,
off run, at which, when the critical engine is
and thereafter maintain straight flight at the same
suddenly made inoperative and with its propeller,
speed with an angle of bank not more than 5°.
if applicable, in the position it automatically
The method used to simulate critical engine failure
achieves, it is possible to maintain control of the
must represent the most critical mode of
aeroplane with the use of the primary aerodynamic
powerplant failure with respect to controllability
controls alone (without the use of nose-wheel
expected in service.
steering) to enable the take-off to be safely
(b) VMC for take-off must not exceed continued using normal piloting skill. The rudder
1·2 VS1 , (where VS1 is determined at the control force may not exceed 667 N (150 lbf) and,
maximum take-off weight) and must be until the aeroplane becomes airborne, the lateral
determined with the most unfavourable weight and control may only be used to the extent of keeping
centre of gravity position and with the aeroplane the wings level. In the determination of V MCG,
airborne and the ground effect negligible, for the assuming that the path of the aeroplane
take-off configuration(s) with – accelerating with all engines operating is along the
centreline of the runway, its path from the point at
(1) Maximum available take-off power
which the critical engine is made inoperative to
initially on each engine;
the point at which recovery to a direction parallel
(2) The aeroplane trimmed for take-off; to the centreline is completed, may not deviate
more than 9·1m (30ft) laterally from the centreline
(3) Flaps in the take-off position(s);
at any point. V MCG must be established, with:-
(4) Landing gear retracted; and
(1) The aeroplane in each take-off
(5) All propeller controls in the configuration or, at the option of the applicant,
recommended take-off position throughout. in the most critical take-off configuration;
(c) For all aeroplanes except reciprocating (2) Maximum available take-off
engine-powered aeroplanes of 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) power or thrust on the operating engines;
or less maximum weight, the requirements of sub-

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(3) The most unfavourable centre of (1) At 75% of maximum continuous

gravity; power for reciprocating engines or maximum
continuous power for turbine engines.
(4) The aeroplane trimmed for take-
off; and (2) In a turn, after the aeroplane is
trimmed with wings level, at the minimum
(5) The most unfavourable weight in
speed at which the required normal acceleration
the range of take-off weights.
can be achieved without stalling, and at the
maximum level flight trim speed except that the
CS 23.151 Aerobatic manoeuvres speed may not exceed VNE or VMO/MMO,
whichever is appropriate.
Each aerobatic and utility category aeroplane
must be able to perform safely the aerobatic (c) There must be no excessive decrease in
manoeuvres for which certification is requested. the gradient of the curve of stick force versus
Safe entry speeds for these manoeuvres must be manoeuvring load factor with increasing load
determined. factor.

CS 23.153 Control during landings CS 23.157 Rate of roll

It must be possible, while in the landing (a) Take–off. It must be possible, using a
configuration, to safely complete a landing favourable combination of controls, to roll the
without exceeding the one-hand control force aeroplane from a steady 30° banked turn through
limits specified in CS 23.143 (c) following an an angle of 60°, so as to reverse the direction of
approach to land – the turn within –
(a) At a speed of VREF –9.3 km/h (5 knots); (1) For an aeroplane of 2 722 kg
(6 000 lb) or less maximum weight, 5 seconds
(b) With the aeroplane in trim, or as nearly as
from initiation of roll; and
possible in trim and without the trimming control
being moved throughout the manoeuvre; (2) For aeroplanes of over 2 722 kg
(6 000 lb) maximum weight,
(c) At an approach gradient equal to the
steepest used in the landing distance W + 200
but not more than 10 seconds, where
demonstration of CS 23.75; 590
W is the weight in kg,
(d) With only those power changes, if any,
which would be made when landing normally from  W + 500
an approach at VREF.  but not more than 10 seconds, where
 1 300
W is the weight in lb.)
CS 23.155 Elevator control force in
manoeuvres (b) The requirement of sub-paragraph (a)
must be met when rolling the aeroplane in each
(a) The elevator control force needed to direction in the following conditions –
achieve the positive limit manoeuvring load factor
may not be less than – (1) Flaps in the take-off position;

(1) For wheel controls, W/10N (where (2) Landing gear retracted;
W is the maximum weight in kg) (W/100 lbf (3) For a single-engined aeroplane, at
(where W is the maximum weight in lb)) or maximum take-off power and for a twin-
89 N (20 lbf), whichever is greater, except that engined aeroplane, with the critical engine
it need not be greater than 222 N (50 lbf); or inoperative, the propeller in the minimum drag
(2) For stick controls, W/14N (where W position and the remaining engine at maximum
is the maximum weight in kg) (W/140 lbf take-off power; and
(where W is the maximum weight in lb)) or (4) The aeroplane trimmed at a speed
66·8 N (15 lbf), whichever is greater, except equal to the greater of 1·2 V S1 or 1·1 VMC or as
that it need not be greater than 156 N (35 lbf). nearly as possible in trim for straight flight.
(b) The requirement of sub-paragraph (a) (c) Approach. It must be possible using a
must be met with wing flaps and landing gear favourable combination of controls, to roll the
retracted under each of the following conditions – aeroplane from a steady 30° banked turn through

1–B–14 Amendment 3
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an angle of 60°, so as to reverse the direction of (2) For commuter category aeroplanes,
the turn within – at all speeds from 1·4 VSI to the lesser of VH or
(1) For an aeroplane of 2 722 kg
(6 000 lb) or less maximum weight, 4 seconds (c) Longitudinal trim. The aeroplane must
from initiation of roll; and maintain longitudinal trim under each of the
following conditions:
(2) For and aeroplane of over 2 722 kg
(6 000 lb) maximum weight, (1) A climb with;
W +1 300 (i) Take-off power, landing gear
but not more than 7 seconds retracted, wing flaps in the take-off
1 000
position(s), at the speeds used in
where W is weight in kg.
determining the climb performance
 W + 2 800 required by CS 23.65; and
 but not more than 7 seconds
 2 200 (ii) Maximum continuous power at
where W is weight in lb.) the speeds and in the configuration used
in determining the climb performance
(d) The requirement of sub-paragraph (c) required by CS 23.69 (a).
must be met when rolling the aeroplane in each
direction in the following conditions – (2) Level flight at all speeds from the
lesser of VH and either VNO or VMO/MMO (as
(1) Flaps in the landing position(s); appropriate), to 1·4 VS1 , with the landing gear
(2) Landing gear extended; and flaps retracted.

(3) All engines operating at the power (3) A descent at VNO or VMO/MMO,
for a 3° approach; and whichever is applicable, with power off and
with the landing gear and flaps retracted.
(4) The aeroplane trimmed at VREF.
(4) Approach with landing gear
extended and with –
TRIM (i) A 3° angle of descent, with
flaps retracted and at a speed of 1·4 V S1 ;
CS 23.161 Trim (ii) A 3° angle of descent, flaps in
(a) General. Each aeroplane must meet the the landing position(s) at V REF; and
trim requirements after being trimmed and (iii) An approach gradient equal to
without further pressure upon, or movement of, the steepest used in the landing distance
the primary controls or their corresponding trim demonstrations of CS 23.75, flaps in the
controls by the pilot or the automatic pilot. In landing position(s) at V REF.
addition, it must be possible, in other conditions
of loading, configuration, speed and power to (d) In addition, each twin-engined aeroplane
ensure that the pilot will not be unduly fatigued or must maintain longitudinal and directional trim
distracted by the need to apply residual control and the lateral control force must not exceed 22 N
forces exceeding those for prolonged application (5 lbf), at the speed used in complying with CS
of CS 23.143 (c). This applies in normal 23.67 (a) or (b) (2) or (c) (3) as appropriate,
operation of the aeroplane and, if applicable, to with –
those conditions associated with the failure of one (1) The critical engine in-operative and
engine for which performance characteristics are its propeller in the minimum drag position;
(2) The remaining engine at maximum
(b) Lateral and directional trim. The continuous power;
aeroplane must maintain lateral and directional
trim in level flight with the landing gear and wing (3) The landing gear retracted;
flaps retracted as follows: (4) The wing flaps retracted; and
(1) For normal, utility and aerobatic (5) An angle of bank of not more than
category aeroplanes, at a speed of 0·9 V H, VC 5°.
or VMO/MMO, whichever is lowest; and
(e) In addition, each commuter category
aeroplane for which, in the determination of the
take-off path in accordance with CS 23.57, the

1–B–15 Amendment 3
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CS-23 BOOK 1

climb in the take-off configuration at V 2 extends for the cruising conditions specified in
beyond 122 m (400 ft) above the take-off surface, CS 23.175 (b).
it must be possible to reduce the longitudinal and
(c) The stick force must vary with speed so
lateral control forces to 44·5 N (10 lbf) and 22 N
that any substantial speed change results in a stick
(5 lbf) respectively and the directional control
force clearly perceptible to the pilot.
force must not exceed 222 N (50 lbf) at V 2 with –
(1) The critical engine inoperative and
CS 23.175 Demonstration of static
its propeller in the minimum drag position;
longitudinal stability
(2) The remaining engine at take-off
Static longitudinal stability must be shown as
(3) Landing gear retracted;
(a) Climb. The stick force curve must have a
(4) Wing flaps in the take-off stable slope, at speeds between 85% and 115% of
position(s); and the trim speed, with –
(5) An angle of bank not exceeding 5°. (1) Flaps retracted;
(2) Landing gear retracted;
STABILITY (3) Maximum continuous power ; and
(4) The aeroplane trimmed at the speed
CS 23.171 General used in determining the climb performance
required by CS 23.69 (a).
The aeroplane must be longitudinally,
directionally and laterally stable under CS 23.173 (b) Cruise. With flaps and landing gear
to 23.181. In addition, the aeroplane must show retracted and the aeroplane in trim with power for
suitable stability and control “feel” (static level flight at representative cruising speeds at
stability) in any condition normally encountered in high and low altitudes, including speeds up to
service, if flight tests show it is necessary for safe VNO or VMO/MMO as appropriate, except that the
operation. speed need not exceed V H –
(1) For normal, utility and aerobatic
CS 23.173 Static longitudinal stability category aeroplanes, the stick force curve must
have a stable slope at all speeds within a range
Under the conditions specified in CS 23.175
that is the greater of 15% of the trim speed plus
and with the aeroplane trimmed as indicated, the
the resulting free return speed range, or 74
characteristics of the elevator control forces and
km/h (40 knots) plus the resulting free return
the friction within the control system must be as
speed range, above and below the trim speed,
except that the slope need not be stable –
(a) A pull must be required to obtain and
(i) At speeds less than 1·3 V SI; or
maintain speeds below the specified trim speed
and a push required to obtain and maintain speeds (ii) For aeroplanes with VNE
above the specified trim speed. This must be established under CS 23.1505 (a), at
shown at any speed that can be obtained, except speeds greater than VNE; or
that speeds requiring a control force in excess of
(iii) For aeroplanes with
178 N (40 lbf) or speeds above the maximum
VMO/MMO established under
allowable speed or below the minimum speed for
CS 23.1505 (c), at speeds greater than
steady unstalled flight, need not be considered.
(b) The airspeed must return to within the
(2) For commuter category aeroplanes,
tolerances specified when the control force is
the stick force curve must have a stable slope at
slowly released at any speed within the speed
all speeds within a range of 93 km/h (50 knots)
range specified in sub-paragraph (a) . The
plus the resulting free return speed range,
applicable tolerances are –
above and below the trim speed, except that the
(1) For all aeroplanes, plus or minus slope need not be stable –
10% of the original trim airspeed; and in
(i) At speeds less than 1·4 V SI; or
(ii) At speeds greater than
(2) For commuter category aeroplanes,
plus or minus 7·5% of the original trim airspeed

1–B–16 Amendment 3
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(iii) At speeds that require a stick (c) Sub-paragraph (b) does not apply to
force greater than 222 N (50 lbf). aerobatic category aeroplanes certificated for
inverted flight.
(c) Landing. The stick force curve must
have a stable slope at speeds between 1·1 V S1 and (d) In straight, steady sideslips at 1·2 V S1 for
1·8 VS1 with – any landing gear and flap positions and for any
symmetrical power conditions up to 50% of
(1) Flaps in the landing position;
maximum continuous power, the aileron and
(2) Landing gear extended; and rudder control movements and forces must
increase steadily (but not necessarily in constant
(3) The aeroplane trimmed at –
proportion) as the angle of sideslip is increased up
(i) VREF, or the minimum trim to the maximum appropriate to the type of
speed if higher, with power off; and aeroplane. At larger sideslip angles up to the
angle at which full rudder or aileron control is
(ii) VREF with enough power to
used or a control force limit contained in
maintain a 3° angle of descent.
CS 23.143 is reached, the aileron and rudder
control movements and forces must not reverse as
CS 23.177 Static directional and lateral the angle of sideslip is increased. Rapid entry
stability into, or recovery from, a maximum sideslip
considered appropriate for the aeroplane must not
(a) The static directional stability, as shown
result in uncontrollable flight characteristics.
by the tendency to recover from a wings level
sideslip with the rudder free, must be positive for
any landing gear and flap position appropriate to CS 23.181 Dynamic stability
the take-off, climb, cruise, approach and landing
(a) Any short period oscillation not including
configurations. This must be shown with
combined lateral-directional oscillations occurring
symmetrical power up to maximum continuous
between the stalling speed and the maximum
power and at speeds from 1·2 V S1 up to maximum
allowable speed appropriate to the configuration
allowable speed for the condition being
of the aeroplane must be heavily damped with the
investigated. The angle of sideslip for these tests
primary controls –
must be appropriate to the type of aeroplane. At
larger angles of sideslip up to that at which full (1) Free; and
rudder is used or a control force limit in
(2) In a fixed position, except when
CS 23.143 is reached, whichever occurs first, and
compliance with CS 23.672 is shown.
at speeds from 1·2 VS1 to Vo the rudder pedal
force must not reverse. (b) Any combined lateral–directional oscilla-
tions (“Dutch roll”) occurring between the stalling
(b) The static lateral stability, as shown by
speed and the maximum allowable speed
the tendency to raise the low wing in a sideslip,
appropriate to the configuration of the aeroplane
must be positive for all landing gear and flap 1
must be damped to 10 amplitude in 7 cycles with
positions. This must be shown with symmetrical
the primary controls –
power up to 75% of maximum continuous power
at speeds above 1·2 V S1 in the take-off (1) Free; and
configuration(s) and at speeds above 1·3 V S1 in
(2) In a fixed position, except when
other configurations, up to the maximum
compliance with CS 23.672 is shown.
allowable speed for the configuration being
investigated, in the take-off, climb, cruise and (c) Any long-period oscillation of the flight
approach configurations. For the landing path (phugoid) must not be so unstable as to cause
configuration, the power must be up to that an unacceptable increase in pilot workload or
necessary to maintain a 3° angle of descent in co- otherwise endanger the aeroplane. When, in the
ordinated flight. The static lateral stability must conditions of CS 23.175, the longitudinal control
not be negative at 1·2 V S1 in the take-off force required to maintain speeds differing from
configuration, or at 1·3 V S1 in other the trimmed speed by at least plus or minus 15% is
configurations. The angle of sideslip for these suddenly released, the response of the aeroplane
tests must be appropriate to the type of aeroplane must not exhibit any dangerous characteristics nor
but in no case may the constant heading sideslip be excessive in relation to the magnitude of the
angle be less than that obtainable with 10° bank, control force released.
or if less, the maximum bank angle obtainable
with full rudder deflection or 667 N (150 lbf)
rudder force.

1–B–17 Amendment 3
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STALLS may not be less than 50% maximum

continuous power.
CS 23.201 Wings level stall (5) Trim. The aeroplane trimmed at a
speed as near 1·5 VS1 as practicable.
(a) It must be possible to produce and to
correct roll by unreversed use of the rolling (6) Propeller. Full increase rpm
control and to produce and to correct yaw by position for the power off condition.
unreversed use of the directional control, up to the
time the aeroplane stalls.
CS 23.203 Turning flight and accelerated
(b) The wings level stall characteristics must turning stalls
be demonstrated in flight as follows. Starting
Turning flight and accelerated turning stalls
from a speed at least 18.5 km/h (10 knots) above
must be demonstrated in tests as follows:
the stall speed, the elevator control must be pulled
back so that the rate of speed reduction will not (a) Establish and maintain a co-ordinated
exceed 1.9 km/h (one knot) per second until a stall turn in a 30° bank. Reduce speed by steadily and
is produced, as shown by either – progressively tightening the turn with the elevator
until the aeroplane is stalled, as defined in
(1) An uncontrollable downward
CS 23.201 (b). The rate of speed reduction must
pitching motion of the aeroplane; or
be constant, and –
(2) A downward pitching motion of the
(1) For a turning flight stall, may not
aeroplane which results from the activation of a
exceed 1.9 km/h (one knot) per second; and
device (e.g. stick pusher); or
(2) For an accelerated turning stall, be
(3) The control reaching the stop.
5.6 to 9.3 km/h (3 to 5 knots) per second with
(c) Normal use of elevator control for steadily increasing normal acceleration.
recovery is allowed after the downward pitching
(b) After the aeroplane has stalled, as defined
motion of (b) (1) or (b) (2) has unmistakably been
in CS 23.201 (b) it must be possible to regain
produced, or after the control has been held
level flight by normal use of the flight controls but
against the stop for not less than the longer of 2
without increasing power and without –
seconds or the time employed in the minimum
steady flight speed determination of CS 23.49. (1) Excessive loss of altitude;
(d) During the entry into and the recovery (2) Undue pitch-up;
from the manoeuvre, it must be possible to prevent
(3) Uncontrollable tendency to spin;
more than 15° of roll or yaw by the normal use of
controls. (4) Exceeding a bank angle of 60° in
the original direction of the turn or 30° in the
(e) Compliance with the requirements must
opposite direction, in the case of turning flight
be shown under the following conditions:
(1) Wing flaps. Retracted, fully
(5) Exceeding a bank angle of 90° in
extended and each intermediate normal
the original direction of the turn or 60° in the
operating position;
opposite direction, in the case of accelerated
(2) Landing gear. Retracted and turning stalls; and
(6) Exceeding the maximum
(3) Cowl flaps. Appropriate to permissible speed or allowable limit load
configuration; factor.
(4) Power (c) Compliance with the requirements must
be shown under the following conditions:
(i) Power off; and
(1) Wing flaps. Retracted, fully
(ii) 75% maximum continuous
extended and each intermediate normal
power. If the power-to-weight ratio at
operating position;
75% of maximum continuous power
results in extreme nose-up attitudes, the (2) Landing gear. Retracted and
test may be carried out with the power extended;
required for level flight in the landing
(3) Cowl flaps. Appropriate to configu-
configuration at maximum landing weight
and a speed of 1·4 V S0 , but the power

1–B–18 Amendment 3
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(4) Power SPINNING

(i) Power off; and
CS 23.221 Spinning
(ii) 75% maximum continuous
power. If the power-to-weight ratio at (a) Normal Category aeroplanes. A single
75% of maximum continuous power engined, normal category aeroplane must be able
results in extreme nose-up attitudes, the to recover from a one-turn spin or a three-second
test may be carried out with the power spin, whichever takes longer, in not more than one
required for level flight in the landing additional turn, after initiation of the first control
configuration at maximum landing weight action for recovery. In addition –
and a speed of 1·4 V S0 , but the power
(1) For both the flaps-retracted and
may not be less than 50% maximum
flaps-extended conditions, the applicable
continuous power.
airspeed limit and positive limit manoeuvring
(5) Trim. The aeroplane trimmed at a load factor must not be exceeded;
speed as near 1·5 VS1 as practicable.
(2) No control forces or characteristic
(6) Propeller. Full increase rpm encountered during the spin or recovery may
position for the power off condition. adversely affect prompt recovery;
(3) It must be impossible to obtain
CS 23.207 Stall warning unrecoverable spins with any use of the flight
or engine power controls either at the entry into
(a) There must be a clear and distinctive stall
or during the spin; and
warning, with the flaps and landing gear in any
normal position, in straight and turning flight. (4) For the flaps extended condition,
the flaps may be retracted during the recovery
(b) The stall warning may be furnished either
but not before rotation has ceased.
through the inherent aerodynamic qualities of the
aeroplane or by a device that will give clearly (b) Utility category aeroplanes. A utility
distinguishable indications under expected category aeroplane must meet the requirements of
conditions of flight. However, a visual stall sub-paragraph (a). In addition, the requirements of
warning device that requires the attention of the sub-paragraph (c) and CS 23.807 (b) (6) must be
crew within the cockpit is not acceptable by itself. met if approval for spinning is requested.
(c) During the stall tests required by (c) Aerobatic category aeroplanes. An
CS 23.201 (b) and CS 23.203 (a) (1), the stall aerobatic category aeroplane must meet the
warning must begin at a speed exceeding the requirements of sub-paragraph (a) and CS
stalling speed by a margin of not less than 9.3 23.807 (b) (5). In addition, the following
km/h (5 knots) and must continue until the stall requirements must be met in each configuration
occurs. for which approval for spinning is requested –
(d) When following the procedures of (1) The aeroplane must recover from
CS 23.1585, the stall warning must not occur any point in a spin up to and including six
during a take-off with all engines operating, a turns, or any greater number of turns for which
take-off continued with one engine inoperative or certification is requested, in not more than one
during an approach to landing. and one-half additional turns after initiation of
the first control action for recovery. However,
(e) During the stall tests required by
beyond three turns, the spin may be
CS 23.203 (a) (2), the stall warning must begin
discontinued if spiral characteristics appear;
sufficiently in advance of the stall for the stall to
be averted by pilot action taken after the stall (2) The applicable airspeed limits and
warning first occurs. limit manoeuvring load factors must not be
exceeded. For flaps-extended configurations for
(f) For aerobatic category aeroplanes, an
which approval is requested, the flaps must not
artificial stall warning may be mutable, provided
be retracted during the recovery;
that it is armed automatically during take-off and
re-armed automatically in the approach (3) It must be impossible to obtain
configuration. unrecoverable spins with any use of the flight
or engine power controls either at the entry into
or during the spin; and

1–B–19 Amendment 3
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(4) There must be no characteristics CS 23.237 Operation on water

during the spin (such as excessive rates of
Allowable water surface conditions and any
rotation or extreme oscillatory motion) which
necessary water handling procedures for seaplanes
might prevent a successful recovery due to
and amphibians must be established.
disorientation or incapacitation of the pilot.
[Amdt No: 23/2]
CS 23.239 Spray characteristics
Spray may not dangerously obscure the vision
GROUND AND WATER HANDLING of the pilots or damage the propellers or other
CHARACTERISTICS parts of a seaplane or amphibian at any time
during taxying, take-off and landing.
CS 23.231 Longitudinal stability and
(a) A landplane may have no uncontrollable REQUIREMENTS
tendency to nose over in any reasonably expected
operating condition, including rebound during
CS 23.251 Vibration and buffeting
landing or take-off. Wheel brakes must operate
smoothly and may not induce any undue tendency There must be no vibration or buffeting severe
to nose over. enough to result in structural damage and each
part of the aeroplane must be free from excessive
(b) A seaplane or amphibian may not have
vibration, under any appropriate speed and power
dangerous or uncontrollable purpoising
conditions up to at least the minimum value of V D
characteristics at any normal operating speed on
allowed in CS 23.335. In addition there must be
the water.
no buffeting in any normal flight condition severe
enough to interfere with the satisfactory control of
CS 23.233 Directional stability and control the aeroplane or cause excessive fatigue to the
flight crew. Stall warning buffeting within these
(a) A 90° cross-component of wind velocity,
limits is allowable.
demonstrated to be safe for taxying, take-off and
landing must be established and must be not less
than 0·2 VS0 . CS 23.253 High speed characteristics
(b) The aeroplane must be satisfactorily If a maximum operating speed VM0 /MM0 is
controllable in power-off landings at normal established under CS 23.1505 (c), the following
landing speed, without using brakes or engine speed increase and recovery characteristics must
power to maintain a straight path until the speed be met –
has decreased to less than 50% of the speed at
(a) Operating conditions and characteristics
likely to cause inadvertent speed increases
(c) The aeroplane must have adequate (including upsets in pitch and roll) must be
directional control during taxying. simulated with the aeroplane trimmed at any likely
speed up to VM0 /MM0 . These conditions and
(d) Seaplanes must demonstrate satisfactory
characteristics include gust upsets, inadvertent
directional stability and control for water
control movements, low stick force gradient in
operations up to the maximum wind velocity
relation to control friction, passenger movement,
specified in sub-paragraph (a).
levelling off from climb and descent from Mach to
airspeed limit altitude.
CS 23.235 Operation on unpaved surfaces
(b) Allowing for pilot reaction time after
(a) The aeroplane must be demonstrated to occurrence of effective inherent or artificial speed
have satisfactory characteristics and the shock- warning specified in CS 23.1303, it must be
absorbing mechanism must not damage the shown that the aeroplane can be recovered to a
structure of the aeroplane when the aeroplane is normal attitude and its speed reduced to
taxied on the roughest ground that may reasonably VMO/MMO without –
be expected in normal operation and when take-
(1) Exceeding VD/MD, the maximum
offs and landings are performed on unpaved
speed shown under CS 23.251, or the structural
runways having the roughest surface that may
limitations; or
reasonably be expected in normal operation.

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(2) Buffeting that would impair the

pilot’s ability to read the instruments or to
control the aeroplane for recovery.
(c) There may be no control reversal about
any axis at any speed up to the maximum speed
shown under CS 23.251. Any reversal of elevator
control force or tendency of the aeroplane to
pitch, roll, or yaw must be mild and readily
controllable, using normal piloting techniques.

1–B–21 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 1

GENERAL CS 23.305 Strength and deformation

(a) The structure must be able to support limit
CS 23.301 Loads loads without detrimental, permanent deformation.
At any load up to limit loads, the deformation may
(a) Strength requirements are specified in
not interfere with safe operation.
terms of limit loads (the maximum loads to be
expected in service) and ultimate loads (limit loads (b) The structure must be able to support
multiplied by prescribed factors of safety). Unless ultimate loads without failure for at least three
otherwise provided, prescribed loads are limit seconds, except local failures or structural
loads. instabilities between limit and ultimate load are
acceptable only if the structure can sustain the
(b) Unless otherwise provided, the air, ground
required ultimate load for at least three seconds.
and water loads must be placed in equilibrium with
However, when proof of strength is shown by
inertia forces, considering each item of mass in the
dynamic tests simulating actual load conditions,
aeroplane. These loads must be distributed to
the three second limit does not apply.
conservatively approximate or closely represent
actual conditions. Methods used to determine load
intensities and distribution on canard and tandem CS 23.307 Proof of structure
wing configurations must be validated by flight (See AMC 23.307)
test measurement unless the methods used for
(a) Compliance with the strength and
determining those loading conditions are shown to
deformation requirements of CS 23.305 must be
be reliable or conservative on the configuration
shown for each critical load condition. Structural
under consideration.
analysis may be used only if the structure
(c) If deflections under load would conforms to those for which experience has shown
significantly change the distribution of external or this method to be reliable. In other cases,
internal loads, this redistribution must be taken substantiating load tests must be made. Dynamic
into account. tests, including structural flight tests, are
acceptable if the design load conditions have been
(d) Simplified structural design criteria may
be used if they result in design loads not less than
those prescribed in CS 23.331 to 23.521. For (b) Certain parts of the structure must be
aeroplanes described in appendix A, paragraph tested as specified in Subpart D of CS-23.
A23.1, the design criteria of Appendix A of CS-23
are an approved equivalent of CS 23.321 to
23.459. If Appendix A is used, the entire FLIGHT LOADS
Appendix must be substituted for the
corresponding paragraphs of this CS-23.
CS 23.321 General
(See AMC 23.321 (c))
CS 23.302 Canard or tandem wing
(a) Flight load factors represent the ratio of
the aerodynamic force component (acting normal
The forward structure of a canard or tandem to the assumed longitudinal axis of the aeroplane)
wing configuration must – to the weight of the aeroplane. A positive flight
load factor is one in which the aerodynamic force
(a) Meet all requirements of subpart C and
acts upward, with respect to the aeroplane.
subpart D of CS-23 applicable to a wing; and
(b) Compliance with the flight load
(b) Meet all requirements applicable to the
requirements of this subpart must be shown –
function performed by these surfaces.
(1) At each critical altitude within the
range in which the aeroplane may be expected
CS 23.303 Factor of safety
to operate;
Unless otherwise provided, a factor of safety of
(2) At each weight from the design
1·5 must be used.
minimum weight to the design maximum
weight; and
(3) For each required altitude and
weight, for any practicable distribution of
disposable load within the operating limitations
specified in CS 23.1583 to 23.1589.
1–C–1 Amendment 3
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(c) When significant the effects of flight. The resulting limit load factors must
compressibility must be taken into account. correspond to the conditions determined as
CS 23.331 Symmetrical flight conditions (i) Positive (up) and negative
(down) gusts of 50 fps at VC must be
(a) The appropriate balancing horizontal tail
considered at altitudes between sea level
load must be accounted for in a rational or
and 6096 m (20 000 ft). The gust velocity
conservative manner when determining the wing
may be reduced linearly from 50 fps at
loads and linear inertia loads corresponding to any
6096 m (20 000 ft) to 25 fps at 15240 m
of the symmetrical flight conditions specified in
(50 000 ft); and
CS 23.331 to 23.341.
(ii) Positive and negative gusts of
(b) The incremental horizontal tail loads due
25 fps at VD must be considered at
to manoeuvring and gusts must be reacted by the
altitudes between sea level and 6096 m
angular inertia of the aeroplane in a rational or
(20 000 ft). The gust velocity may be
conservative manner.
reduced linearly from 25 fps at 6096 m
(c) Mutual influence of the aerodynamic (20 000 ft) to 12·5 fps at 15240 m (50 000
surfaces must be taken into account when ft).
determining flight loads.
(iii) In addition, for commuter
category aeroplanes, positive (up) and
CS 23.333 Flight envelope negative (down) rough air gusts of 66 fps
at VB must be considered at altitudes
(a) General. Compliance with the strength
between sea level and 6096 m (20 000 ft).
requirements of this subpart must be shown at any
The gust velocity may be reduced linearly
combination of airspeed and load factor on and
from 66 fps at 6096 m (20 000 ft) to 38
within the boundaries of a flight envelope (similar
fps at 15240 m (50 000 ft).
to the one in sub-paragraph (d) ) that represents
the envelope of the flight loading conditions (2) The following assumptions must be
specified by the manoeuvring and gust criteria of made:
sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) respectively.
(i) The shape of the gust is –
(b) Manoeuvring envelope. Except where
limited by maximum (static) lift coefficients, the Ude ⎛ 2πs ⎞
U= ⎜1 − cos ⎟
aeroplane is assumed to be subjected to 2 ⎝ 25C ⎠
symmetrical manoeuvres resulting in the following
limit load factors: where –
(1) The positive manoeuvring load s= Distance penetrated into gust
factor specified in CS 23.337 at speeds up to (ft.);
(2) The negative manoeuvring load C = Mean geometric chord of wing
factor specified in CS 23.337 at VC; and (ft.); and
(3) Factors varying linearly with speed
from the specified value at VC to 0·0 at VD for U de = Derived gust velocity referred to
the normal and commuter category, and -1·0 at in sub-paragraph (1) linearly
VD for the aerobatic and utility categories. with speed between VC and VD.
(c) Gust envelope (ii) Gust load factors vary linearly
with speed between VC and VD.
(1) The aeroplane is assumed to be
subjected to symmetrical vertical gusts in level

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CS-23 BOOK 1

(d) Flight envelope

Note: Point G need not be investigated when the supplementary condition specified in CS 23.369 is investigated.

(1) VD/MD may not be less than

CS 23.335 Design airspeeds 1·25 VC/MC; and
(2) With VC min, the required
Except as provided in sub-paragraph (a) (4) ,
minimum design cruising speed, VD may not
the selected design airspeeds are equivalent air-
be less than –
speeds (EAS).
(i) 1·40 VC min for normal and
(a) Design cruising speed, VC. For VC the
commuter category aeroplanes;
following apply:
(ii) 1·50 VC min for utility
(1) VC (in knots) may not be less
category aeroplanes; and
than –
(iii) 1·55 VC min for aerobatic
(i) 33 W / S (for normal,
category aeroplanes.
utility and commuter category
aeroplanes); and (3) For values of W / S more than 20,
the multiplying factors in sub-paragraph (2)
(ii) 36 W/S (for aerobatic may be decreased linearly with W / S to a
category aeroplanes).
value of 1·35 where W / S = 100.
where W/S = wing loading at design
(4) Compliance with sub-paragraphs
maximum take-off weight lb/ft2.
(1) and (2) need not be shown if VD/MD is
(2) For values of W / S more than 20, selected so that the minimum speed margin
the multiplying factors may be decreased between VC/MC and VD/MD is the greater of
linearly with W / S to a value of 28·6 where the following:
W / S = 100. (i) The speed increase resulting
(3) VC need not be more than 0·9 VH when, from the initial condition of
at sea level. stabilised flight at VC/MC, the aeroplane
is assumed to be upset, flown for
(4) At altitudes where an MD is 20 seconds along a flight path 7·5°
established, a cruising speed MC limited by below the initial path and then pulled up
compressibility may be selected. with a load factor of 1·5 (0·5 g.
(b) Design dive speed, VD. For VD the acceleration increment). At least 75%
following apply: maximum continuous power for
reciprocating engines and maximum
cruising power for turbines, or, if less,

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the power required for VC/MC for both CS 23.337 Limit manoeuvring load
kinds of engines, must be assumed until factors
the pull-up is initiated, at which point
(a) The positive limit manoeuvring load
power reduction and pilot-controlled
drag devices may be used; and
factor n may not be less than –
24 000
(ii) Mach 0·05 for normal, utility, (1) 2.1 + for normal and
and aerobatic category aeroplanes (at W + 10 000
altitudes where MD is established). commuter category aeroplanes (where
W = design maximum take-off weight lb),
(iii) Mach 0·07 for commuter
except that n need not be more than 3·8;
category aeroplanes (at altitudes where
MD is established) unless a rational (2) 4·4 for utility category aeroplanes;
analysis, including the effects of or
automatic systems, is used to determine
(3) 6·0 for aerobatic category
a lower margin. If a rational analysis is
used, the minimum speed margin must
be enough to provide for atmospheric (b) The negative limit manoeuvring load
variations (such as horizontal gusts, and factor may not be less than –
the penetration of jet streams or cold
(1) 0·4 times the positive load factor
fronts), instrument errors, airframe
for the normal, utility and commuter
production variations, and must not be
categories; or
less than Mach 0·05.
(2) 0·5 times the positive load factor
(c) Design manoeuvring speed VA. For VA,
for the aerobatic category.
the following applies:
(c) Manoeuvring load factors lower than
(1) VA may not be less than VS n
those specified in this paragraph may be used if
where – the aeroplane has design features that make it
(i) VS is a computed stalling impossible to exceed these values in flight.
speed with flaps retracted at the design
weight, normally based on the maximum
CS 23.341 Gust load factors
aeroplane normal force coefficients, (See AMC 23.341 (b))
CNA; and
(a) Each aeroplane must be designed to
(ii) n is the limit manoeuvring withstand loads on each lifting surface resulting
load factor used in design. from gusts specified in CS 23.333(c).
(2) The value of VA need not exceed (b) The gust load for a canard or tandem
the value of VC used in design. wing configuration must be computed using a
(d) Design speed for maximum gust rational analysis, or may be computed in
intensity, VB. For VB, the following applies: accordance with sub-paragraph (c) provided that
the resulting net loads are shown to be
(1) VB may not be less than the speed conservative with respect to the gust criteria of
determined by the intersection of the line CS 23.333(c).
representing the maximum positive lift
CN MAX and the line representing the rough (c) In the absence of a more rational
air gust velocity on the gust V-n diagram, or analysis the gust load factors must be computed
VS1 n g , whichever is less, where – as follows:
kg ρo Ude Va
(i) ng the positive aeroplane gust n =1±
load factor due to gust, at speed VC (in
accordance with CS 23.341), and at the where –
particular weight under consideration;
and kg = = gust alleviation factor;
5.3 + μg
(ii) VS1 is the stalling speed with
the flaps retracted at the particular 2( W / S)
μg = = aeroplane mass ratio;
weight under consideration. ρCag
(2) VB need not be greater than VC.

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(2) The fatigue evaluation of the

Ude = Derived gust velocities referred to in structure must account for any increase in
CS 23.333 (c) (m/s); operating stresses resulting from the design
3 condition of sub-paragraph (c)(1).
ρo = Density of air at sea-level (kg/m )
3 (3) The flutter, deformation, and
ρ = Density of air (kg/m ) at the altitude
considered; vibration requirements must also be met with
zero fuel in the wings.
W/S = Wing loading due to the applicable
weight of the aeroplane in the
particular load case (N/m2); CS 23.345 High lift devices
C = Mean geometric chord (m); (See AMC 23.345 (d))
g = Acceleration due to gravity (m/sec2); (a) If flaps or similar high lift devices are to
V = Aeroplane equivalent speed (m/s); be used for take-off, approach or landing, the
and aeroplane, with the flaps fully extended at VF, is
assumed to be subjected to symmetrical manoeu-
a = Slope of the aeroplane normal force
vres and gusts within the range determined by –
coefficient curve CNA per radian if
the gust loads are applied to the (1) Manoeuvring, to a positive limit
wings and horizontal tail surfaces load factor of 2·0; and
simultaneously by a rational method.
(2) Positive and negative gust of
The wing lift curve slope CL per
7.62 m (25 ft) per second acting normal to the
radian may be used when the gust
flight path in level flight.
load is applied to the wings only and
the horizontal tail gust loads are (b) VF must be assumed to be not less than
treated as a separate condition. 1·4 VS or 1·8 VSF, whichever is greater, where—
(1) VS is the computed stalling speed
CS 23.343 Design fuel loads with flaps retracted at the design weight; and
(See AMC 23.343 (b))
(2) VSF is the computed stalling
(a) The disposable load combinations must speed with flaps fully extended at the design
include each fuel load in the range from zero fuel weight.
to the selected maximum fuel load.
However, if an automatic flap load limiting
(b) If fuel is carried in the wings, the device is used, the aeroplane may be designed
maximum allowable weight of the aeroplane for the critical combinations of airspeed and flap
without any fuel in the wing tank(s) must be position allowed by that device.
established as “maximum zero wing fuel weight”
(c) In determining external loads on the
if it is less than the maximum weight.
aeroplane as a whole, thrust, slip-stream and
(c) For commuter category aeroplanes, a pitching acceleration may be assumed to be zero.
structural reserve fuel condition, not exceeding
(d) The flaps, their operating mechanism
fuel necessary for 45 minutes of operation at
and their supporting structures, must be designed
maximum continuous power, may be selected. If
for the conditions prescribed in sub-
a structural reserve fuel condition is selected, it
paragraph (a) . In addition, with the flaps fully
must be used as the minimum fuel weight
extended at speed VF the following conditions,
condition for showing compliance with the flight
taken separately, must be accounted for:
load requirements prescribed in this sub-part
and:- (1) A head-on gust having a velocity
of 7.6 m (25 ft) per second (EAS), combined
(1) The structure must be designed to
with propeller slipstream corresponding to
withstand a condition of zero fuel in the wing
75% of maximum continuous power; and
at limit loads corresponding to:
(2) The effects of propeller slipstream
(i) 90 percent of the
corresponding to maximum take-off power.
manoeuvring load factors defined in CS
23.337, and
CS 23.347 Unsymmetrical flight
(ii) Gust velocities equal to 85
percent of the values prescribed in CS
(See AMC 23.347 (b))

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(a) The aeroplane is assumed to be CS 23.361 Engine torque

subjected to the unsymmetrical flight conditions
(a) Each engine mount and its supporting
of CS 23.349 and 23.351. Unbalanced
structure must be designed for the effects of –
aerodynamic moments about the centre of gravity
must be reacted in a rational or conservative (1) A limit engine torque
manner, considering the principal masses corresponding to take-off power and propeller
furnishing the reacting inertia forces. speed acting simultaneously with 75% of the
limit loads from flight condition A of
(b) Aerobatic category aeroplanes certified
CS 23.333 (d);
for flick manoeuvres (snap-roll) must be
designed for additional asymmetric loads acting (2) A limit engine torque
on the wing and the horizontal tail. corresponding to maximum continuous power
and propeller speed acting simultaneously
with the limit loads from flight condition A of
CS 23.349 Rolling conditions
CS 23.333 (d); and
The wing and wing bracing must be designed
(3) For turbo-propeller installations, in
for the following loading conditions:
addition to the conditions specified in sub-
(a) Unsymmetrical wing loads appropriate paragraphs (a) (1) and (a) (2) , a limit engine
to the category. Unless the following values torque corresponding to take-off power and
result in unrealistic loads, the rolling propeller speed, multiplied by a factor
accelerations may be obtained by modifying the accounting for propeller control system
symmetrical flight conditions in CS 23.333 (d) as malfunction, including quick feathering,
follows: acting simultaneously with 1g level flight
loads. In the absence of a rational analysis, a
(1) For the aerobatic category, in
factor of 1·6 must be used.
conditions A and F, assume that 100% of the
semi-span wing air load acts on one side of (b) For turbine-engine installations, the
the plane of symmetry and 60% of this load engine mounts and supporting structure must be
acts on the other side; and designed to withstand each of the following:
(2) For the normal, utility and (1) A limit engine torque load
commuter categories, in condition A, assume imposed by sudden engine stoppage due to
that 100% of the semi-span wing air load acts malfunction or structural failure (such as
on one side of the aeroplane and 75% of this compressor jamming); and
load acts on the other side.
(2) A limit engine torque load
(b) The loads resulting from the aileron imposed by the maximum acceleration of the
deflections and speeds specified in CS 23.455, in engine.
combination with an aeroplane load factor of at
(c) The limit engine torque to be considered
least two thirds of the positive manoeuvring load
under sub-paragraph (a) must be obtained by
factor used for design. Unless the following
multiplying the mean torque by a factor of –
values result in unrealistic loads, the effect of
aileron displacement on wing torsion may be (1) 1·25 for turbo-propeller
accounted for by adding the following increment installations;
to the basic airfoil moment coefficient over the
(2) 1·33 for engines with five or more
aileron portion of the span in the critical
cylinders; and
condition determined in CS 23.333 (d).
(3) Two, three, or four, for engines
Δ Cm = − 0 . 01δ where –
with four, three or two cylinders, respectively.
Δ Cm is the moment coefficient increment;
δ is the down aileron deflection in degrees CS 23.363 Sideload on engine mount
in the critical condition. (a) Each engine mount and its supporting
structure must be designed for a limit load factor
CS 23.351 Yawing conditions in a lateral direction, for the sideload on the
engine mount, of not less than –
The aeroplane must be designed for yawing
loads on the vertical surfaces resulting from the (1) 1·33; or
loads specified in CS 23.441 to 23.445. (2) One-third of the limit load factor
for flight condition A.
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(b) The sideload prescribed in sub- (3) The time history of the thrust
paragraph (a) may be assumed to be independent decay and drag build-up occurring as a result
of other flight conditions. of the prescribed engine failures must be
substantiated by test or other data applicable
to the particular engine-propeller
CS 23.365 Pressurised cabin loads
combination; and
For each pressurised compartment, the
(4) The timing and magnitude of the
following applies:
probable pilot corrective action must be
(a) The aeroplane structure must be strong conservatively estimated, considering the
enough to withstand the flight loads combined characteristics of the particular engine-
with pressure differential loads from zero up to propeller-aeroplane combination.
the maximum relief valve setting.
(b) Pilot corrective action may be assumed
(b) The external pressure distribution in to be initiated at the time maximum yawing
flight and any stress concentrations, must be velocity is reached, but not earlier than 2 seconds
accounted for. after the engine failure. The magnitude of the
corrective action may be based on the limit pilot
(c) If landings may be made, with the cabin
forces specified in CS 23.397 except that lower
pressurised, landing loads must be combined
forces may be assumed where it is shown by
with pressure differential loads from zero up to
analyses or test that these forces can control the
the maximum allowed during landing.
yaw and roll resulting from the prescribed engine
(d) The aeroplane structure must be strong failure conditions.
enough to withstand the pressure differential
loads corresponding to the maximum relief valve
CS 23.369 Rear lift truss
setting multiplied by a factor of 1·33, omitting
other loads. (a) If a rear lift truss is used, it must be
designed for conditions of reversed airflow at a
(e) If a pressurised cabin has two or more
design speed of –
compartments, separated by bulkheads or a floor,
the primary structure must be designed for the V = 8·7 W/S + 8·7(knots)
effects of sudden release of pressure in any
compartment with external doors or windows. where W/S = wing loading at design
This condition must be investigated for the maximum take-off weight (lb/ft2).
effects of failure of the largest opening in the
compartment. The effects of intercompartmental (b) Either aerodynamic data for the
venting may be considered. particular wing section used, or a value of CL
equalling -0·8 with a chordwise distribution that
is triangular between a peak at the trailing edge
CS 23.367 Unsymmetrical loads due to and zero at the leading edge, must be used.
engine failure
(a) Turbopropeller aeroplanes must be CS 23.371 Gyroscopic and
designed for the unsymmetrical loads resulting aerodynamic loads
from the failure of the critical engine including (See AMC 23.371 (a))
the following conditions in combination with a
single malfunction of the propeller drag limiting (a) Each engine mount and its supporting
system, considering the probable pilot corrective structure must be designed for the gyroscopic,
action on the flight controls. inertial and aerodynamic loads that result, with
the engine(s) and propeller(s), if applicable at
(1) At speeds between VMC and VD, maximum continuous rpm, under either –
the loads resulting from power failure because
of fuel flow interruption are considered to be (1) The conditions prescribed in
limit loads; CS 23.351 and 23.423; or

(2) At speeds between VMC and VC, (2) All possible combinations of the
the loads resulting from the disconnection of following:
the engine compressor from the turbine or (i) A yaw velocity of 2·5 radians
from loss of the turbine blades are considered per second;
to be ultimate loads;
(ii) A pitch velocity of 1·0 radian
per second;

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(iii) A normal load factor of 2·5; (2) K = 12 for horizontal surfaces; and
(3) W = weight of the movable
(iv) Maximum continuous thrust. surfaces.
(b) For aeroplanes approved for aerobatic
manoeuvres each engine mount and its CS 23.395 Control system loads
supporting structure must meet the requirements
(a) Each flight control system and its
of sub-paragraph (a) and be designed to
supporting structure must be designed for loads
withstand the load factors expected during
corresponding to at least 125% of the computed
combined maximum yaw and pitch velocities.
hinge moments of the movable control surface in
(c) For aeroplanes certificated in the the conditions prescribed in CS 23.391 to
commuter category, each engine mount and its 23.459. In addition, the following apply:
supporting structure must meet the requirements
(1) The system limit loads need not
of sub-paragraph (a) and the gust conditions
exceed the higher of the loads that can be
specified in CS 23.341.
produced by the pilot and automatic devices
operating the controls. However, autopilot
CS 23.373 Speed control devices forces need not be added to pilot forces. The
system must be designed for the maximum
If speed control devices (such as spoilers and
effort of the pilot or autopilot, whichever is
drag flaps) are incorporated for use in en-route
higher. In addition, if the pilot and the
conditions –
autopilot act in opposition, the part of the
(a) The aeroplane must be designed for the system between them may be designed for the
symmetrical manoeuvres and gusts prescribed in maximum effort of the one that imposes the
CS 23.333, 23.337 and 23.341 and the yawing lesser load. Pilot forces used for design need
manoeuvres and lateral gusts in CS 23.441 and not exceed the maximum forces prescribed in
23.443, with the device extended at speeds up to CS 23.397 (b).
the placard device extended speed; and
(2) The design must, in any case,
(b) If the device has automatic operating or provide a rugged system for service use,
load limiting features, the aeroplane must be considering jamming, ground gusts, taxying
designed for the manoeuvre and gust conditions downwind, control inertia and friction.
prescribed in sub-paragraph (a) at the speeds and Compliance with this sub-paragraph may be
corresponding device positions that the shown by designing for loads resulting from
mechanism allows. application of the minimum forces prescribed
in CS 23.397 (b).
(b) A 125% factor on computed hinge
movements must be used to design elevator,
aileron and rudder systems. However, a factor as
low as 1·0 may be used if hinge moments are
CS 23.391 Control surface loads based on accurate flight test data, the exact
reduction depending upon the accuracy and
The control surface loads specified in
reliability of the data.
CS 23.397 to 23.459 are assumed to occur in the
conditions described in CS 23.331 to 23.351. (c) Pilot forces used for design are assumed
to act at the appropriate control grips or pads as
they would in flight and to react at the
CS 23.393 Loads parallel to hinge line
attachments of the control system to the control
(See AMC 23.393 (a) and
surface horns.
AMC 23.393 (b))
(a) Control surfaces and supporting hinge
CS 23.397 Limit control forces and
brackets must be designed to withstand inertial
loads acting parallel to the hinge line.
(a) In the control surface flight loading
(b) In the absence of more rational data, the
condition, the air loads on movable surfaces and
inertia loads may be assumed to be equal to KW,
the corresponding deflections need not exceed
where –
those that would result in flight from the
(1) K = 24 for vertical surfaces; application of any pilot force within the ranges
specified in sub-paragraph (b) . In applying this
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criterion, the effects of control system boost and 4 D = wheel diameter ((metres)/
servo-mechanisms and the effects of tabs must be (inches)).
considered. The automatic pilot effort must be 5 The unsymmetrical force must be
used for design if it alone can produce higher
applied at one of the normal handgrip
control surface loads than the human pilot.
points on the control wheel.
(b) The limit pilot forces and torques are as
CS 23.399 Dual control system
(a) Each dual control system must be
Maximum forces Minimum designed to withstand the force of the pilots
or torques for forces or operating in opposition, using individual pilot
Control design weight, torques 2 forces not less than the greater of –
weight equal to or
(1) 0·75 times those obtained under
less than 2 268 kg
CS 23.395; or
(5 000 lb)1
(2) The minimum forces specified in
CS 23.397 (b).
Stick .............. 298 N (67 lbf) ........ 178 N (40 lbf) (b) Each dual control system must be
Wheel 3 .......... 222 DNm .............. 178 DNm designed to withstand the forces of the pilots
(50 D in lbf)4 (40 D in lbf)4 applied together in the same direction, using
individual pilot forces not less than 0·75 times
Elevator: those obtained under CS 23.395.
Stick .............. 743 N (167 lbf) ...... 445 N (100 lbf)
CS 23.405 Secondary control system
(See AMC 23.405)
(symmetrical) . 890N (200 lbf) ....... 445 N (100 lbf)
Secondary controls, such as wheel brakes,
Wheel (unsym-
spoilers and tab controls, must be designed for
metrical) 5 .... .............................. 445 N (100 lbf)
the maximum forces that a pilot is likely to apply
Rudder........... 890N (200 lbf) ....... 667 N (150 lbf) to those controls.
1 For design weight (W) more than
2 268 kg (5 000 lb), the specified CS 23.407 Trim tab effects
maximum values must be increased The effects of trim tabs on the control surface
linearly with weight to 1·18 times the design conditions must be accounted for only
specified values at a design weight of where the surface loads are limited by maximum
5 670 kg (12 500 lb), and for commuter pilot effort. In these cases, the tabs are
category aeroplanes, the specified values considered to be deflected in the direction that
must be increased linearly with weight would assist the pilot. These deflections must
to 1·35 times the specified values at a correspond to the maximum degree of “out of
design weight of 8 618 kg (19 000 lb). trim” expected at the speed for the condition
2 If the design of any individual under consideration.
set of control systems or surfaces makes
these specified minimum forces or CS 23.409 Tabs
torques inapplicable, values
corresponding to the present hinge Control surface tabs must be designed for the
moments obtained under CS 23.415, but most severe combination of airspeed and tab
not less than 0·6 of the specified deflection likely to be obtained within the flight
minimum forces or torques, may be envelope for any usable loading condition.
3 The critical parts of the aileron CS 23.415 Ground gust conditions
control system must also be designed for (a) The control system must be investigated
a single tangential force with a limit as follows for control surface loads due to
value of 1·25 times the couple force ground gusts and taxying downwind:
determined from the above criteria.
(1) If an investigation of the control
system for ground gust loads is not required
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by sub-paragraph (2) , but the applicant elects Surface K Position of controls

to design a part of the control system for these (a) Aileron 0·75 Control column locked or
loads, these loads need only be carried from lashed in mid-position.
control surface horns through the nearest (b) Aileron ±0·50 Ailerons at full throw;
stops or gust locks and their supporting + moment on one aileron,
structures. - moment on the other.
(2) If pilot forces less than the
minimums specified in CS 23.397 (b) are used

} Elevator ±0·75 { (c) Elevator full up (-).
(d) Elevator full down (+).
for design, the effects of surface loads due to
ground gusts and taxying downwind must be
investigated for the entire control system

} Rudder ±0·75
{ (e) Rudder in neutral.
(f) Rudder at full throw..
according to the formula –
(c) At all weights between the empty weight
H = KcSq
and the maximum weight declared for tie-down
where – stated in the appropriate manual, any declared
tie-down points and surrounding structure,
H = limit hinge moment (ft lbs);
control system, surfaces and associated gust
c = mean chord of the control surface locks must be designed to withstand limit load
aft of the hinge line (ft); conditions that exist when the aeroplane is tied-
down, and that result from wind speeds of up to
S = area of control surface aft of the
120 km/h (65 knots) horizontally from any
hinge line (sq ft);
q = dynamic pressure (psf) based on a
design speed not less than
14·6 W / S + 14·6 (fps) HORIZONTAL TAIL SURFACES
(where W / S = wing loading at
design maximum weight CS 23.421 Balancing loads
(lbs/ft2)) except that the design
speed need not exceed 88 (fps); (a) A horizontal surface balancing load is a
and load necessary to maintain equilibrium in any
specified flight condition with no pitching
K = limit hinge moment factor for acceleration.
ground gusts derived in sub-
paragraph (b) . (For ailerons and (b) Horizontal balancing surfaces must be
elevators, a positive value of K designed for the balancing loads occurring at any
indicates a moment tending to point on the limit manoeuvring envelope and in
depress the surface and a the flap conditions specified in CS 23.345.
negative value of K indicates a
moment tending to raise the CS 23.423 Manoeuvring loads
surface). (See AMC 23.423)
(b) The limit hinge moment factor K for Each horizontal surface and its supporting
ground gusts must be derived as follows: structure, and the main wing of a canard or
tandem wing configuration, if that surface has
pitch control, must be designed for manoeuvring
loads imposed by the following conditions:
(a) A sudden movement of the pitching
control, at the speed VA to the maximum aft
movement, and the maximum forward
movement, as limited by the control stops, or
pilot effort, whichever is critical.
(b) A sudden aft movement of the pitching
control at speeds above VA, followed by a
forward movement of the pitching control
resulting in the following combinations of
normal and angular acceleration:

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surfaces, unless its use elsewhere is shown to be

Normal Angular
acceleration acceleration
(n) (radian/sec.2)
ροKgUdeVahtSht ⎛ dε ⎞
ΔLht = ⎜1 − ⎟
Nose-up pitching 1·0 +
nm (nm − 1.5) 2 ⎝ dα ⎠
V where –
Nose-down nm 39 Δ Lht = Incremental horizontal tail load
− nm (nm − 1.5)
pitching V (N);
where - ρo = Density of air at sea-level
(1) nm = positive limit manoeuvring
load factor used in the design of the Kg = Gust alleviation factor defined
aeroplane; and in CS 23.341;

(2) V = initial speed in knots. Ude = Derived gust velocity (m/s);

The conditions in this paragraph involve loads V = Aeroplane equivalent speed

corresponding to the loads that may occur in a (m/s);
“checked manoeuvre” (a manoeuvre in which the aht = Slope of aft horizontal tail lift
pitching control is suddenly displaced in one curve (per radian);
direction and then suddenly moved in the
opposite direction). The deflections and timing Sht = Area of aft horizontal tail (m2);
of the “checked manoeuvre” must avoid and
exceeding the limit manoeuvring load factor.
⎛ dε ⎞
The total horizontal surface load for both nose- ⎜1 − ⎟ = Downwash factor
up and nose-down pitching conditions is the sum ⎝ dα ⎠
of the balancing loads at V and the specified
value of the normal load factor n, plus the
CS 23.427 Unsymmetrical loads
manoeuvring load increment due to the specified
value of the angular acceleration. (a) Horizontal surfaces other than main
wing and their supporting structure must be
designed for unsymmetrical loads arising from
CS 23.425 Gust loads
yawing and slipstream effects, in combination
(a) Each horizontal surface other than a with the loads prescribed for the flight conditions
main wing, must be designed for loads resulting set forth in CS 23.421 to 23.425.
from –
(b) In the absence of more rational data for
(1) Gust velocities specified in aeroplanes that are conventional in regard to
CS 23.333 (c) with flaps retracted; and location of engines, wings, horizontal surfaces
other than main wing, and fuselage shape –
(2) Positive and negative gusts of
7.62 m/s (25 fps) nominal intensity at VF (1) 100% of the maximum loading
corresponding to the flight conditions from the symmetrical flight conditions may be
specified in CS 23.345 (a) (2). assumed on the surface on one side of the
plane of symmetry; and
(b) Reserved.
(2) The following percentage of that
(c) When determining the total load on the
loading must be applied to the opposite side:
horizontal surfaces for the conditions specified in
sub-paragraph (a) , the initial balancing loads for % = 100-10 (n-1), where n is the
steady unaccelerated flight at the pertinent specified positive manoeuvring load factor,
design speeds, VF, VC and VD must first be but this value may not be more than 80%.
determined. The incremental load resulting from
the gusts must be added to the initial balancing
load to obtain the total load.
(d) In the absence of a more rational
analysis, the incremental load due to the gust
must be computed as follows only on aeroplane
configurations with aft-mounted, horizontal

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(c) For aeroplanes that are not conventional

(such as aeroplanes with horizontal surfaces Maximum Pilot Rudder Force
other than main wing having appreciable 1000
dihedral or supported by the vertical tail 890
surfaces) the surfaces and supporting structures 800

Rudder Force - N
must be designed for combined vertical and 594
horizontal surface loads resulting from each 600
prescribed flight condition taken separately.

CS 23.441 Manoeuvring loads Vs Va Vc Vd
(See AMC 23.441) Design Airspeed
(a) At speeds up to VA the vertical surfaces
must be designed to withstand the following
conditions. In computing the loads, the yawing (2) The rudder must be suddenly
velocity may be assumed to be zero: displaced from the maximum deflection to the
neutral position.
(1) With the aeroplane in
unaccelerated flight at zero yaw, it is assumed (c) The yaw angles specified in sub-
that the rudder control is suddenly displaced paragraph (a) (3) may be reduced if the yaw
to the maximum deflection, as limited by the angle chosen for a particular speed cannot be
control stops or by limit pilot forces. exceeded in –

(2) With the rudder deflected as (1) Steady slip conditions;

specified in sub-paragraph (1) , it is assumed (2) Uncoordinated rolls from steep
that the aeroplane yaws to the overswing side- banks; or
slip angle. In lieu of a rational analysis, an
overswing angle equal to 1·5 times the static (3) Sudden failure of the critical
sideslip angle of sub-paragraph (3) may be engine with delayed corrective action.
(3) A yaw angle of 15° with the CS 23.443 Gust loads
rudder control maintained in the neutral (See AMC 23.443)
position (except as limited by pilot strength). (a) Vertical surfaces must be designed to
(b) For commuter category aeroplanes, the withstand, in unaccelerated flight at speed VC,
loads imposed by the following additional lateral gusts of the values prescribed for VC in
manoeuvre must be substantiated at speeds from CS 23.333 (c).
VA to VD/MD. When computing the tail loads:- (b) In addition, for commuter category
(1) The aeroplane must be yawed to aeroplanes, the aeroplane is assumed to
the largest attainable steady state sideslip encounter derived gusts normal to the plane of
angle, with the rudder at maximum deflection symmetry while in unaccelerated flight at VB,
caused by any one of the following:- VC, VD and VF. The derived gusts and
aeroplane speeds corresponding to these
(i) Control surface stops; conditions, as determined by CS 23.341 and
(ii) Maximum available booster 23.345, must be investigated. The shape of the
effort; gust must be as specified in CS 23.333 (c) (2) (i).

(iii) pilot rudder force as shown (c) In the absence of a more rational
below:- analysis, the gust load must be computed as
ρo Kgt Ude V avt Svt
Lvt =
where –
Lvt = Vertical surface loads (N);
0·88 μgt
Kgt = = gust alleviation factor;
5·3 + μgt

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2W ⎛K⎞
2 on the horizontal surface and moments or forces
μgt = ⎜ ⎟ lateral mass ratio; exerted on the horizontal surfaces by the vertical
ρCtgavtSvt ⎝ 1vt ⎠
surfaces, must be applied simultaneously for the
ρo = Density of air at sea-level (kg/m ) structural loading condition.
Ude = Derived gust velocity (m/s);
W = the applicable weight of the
aeroplane in the particular load CS 23.455 Ailerons
case (N);
(a) The ailerons must be designed for the
Svt = Area of vertical surface (m2); loads to which they are subjected –
Ct = Mean geometric chord of vertical (1) In the neutral position during
surface (m); symmetrical flight conditions; and
avt = Lift curve slope of vertical surface (2) By the following deflections,
(per radian); except as limited by pilot effort, during
K = Radius of gyration in yaw (m); unsymmetrical flight conditions:
1v t = Distance from aeroplane c.g. to lift (i) Sudden maximum displace-
centre of vertical surface (m); ment of the aileron control at VA.
g = Acceleration due to gravity Suitable allowance may be made for
(m/sec2); and control system deflections.

V = Aeroplane equivalent speed (m/s) (ii) Sufficient deflection at VC,

where VC is more than VA, to produce a
rate of roll not less than obtained in sub-
CS 23.445 Outboard fins or winglets paragraph (a)(2)(i).
(a) If outboard fins or winglets are included (iii) Sufficient deflection at VD to
on the horizontal surfaces or wings, the produce a rate of roll not less than one-
horizontal surfaces or wings must be designed third of that obtained in sub-paragraph
for their maximum load in combination with (a)(2)(i).
loads induced by the fins or winglets and
moment or forces exerted on horizontal surfaces (See AMC 23.455(a)(2))
or wings by the fins or winglets.
(b) If outboard fins or winglets extend CS 23.459 Special devices
above and below the horizontal surface, the The loading for special devices using
critical vertical surface loading (the load per unit aerodynamic surfaces (such as slats and spoilers)
area as determined under CS 23.441 and 23.443) must be determined from test data.
must be applied to –
(1) The part of the vertical surfaces
above the horizontal surface with 80% of that GROUND LOADS
loading applied to the part below the
horizontal surface; and CS 23.471 General
(2) The part of the vertical surfaces The limit ground loads specified in this
below the horizontal surface with 80% of that subpart are considered to be external loads and
loading applied to the part above the inertia forces that act upon an aeroplane
horizontal surface; structure. In each specified ground load
(c) The endplate effects of outboard fins or condition, the external reactions must be placed
winglets must be taken into account in applying in equilibrium with the linear and angular inertia
the yawing conditions of CS 23.441 and 23.443 forces in a rational or conservative manner.
to the vertical surfaces in sub-paragraph (b) .
(d) When rational methods are used for CS 23.473 Ground load conditions and
computing loads, the manoeuvring loads of assumptions
CS 23.441 on the vertical surfaces and the one-g (a) The ground load requirements of this
horizontal surface load, including induced loads subpart must be complied with at the design

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maximum weight except that CS 23.479, 23.481 CS 23.477 Landing gear arrangement
and 23.483 may be complied with at a design
CS 23.479 to 23.483, or the conditions in
landing weight (the highest weight for landing
Appendix C, apply to aeroplanes with
conditions at the maximum descent velocity)
conventional arrangements of main and nose
allowed under sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) .
gear, or main and tail gear.
(b) The design landing weight may be as
low as –
CS 23.479 Level landing conditions
(1) 95% of the maximum weight if the
(a) For a level landing, the aeroplane is
minimum fuel capacity is enough for at least
assumed to be in the following attitudes:
one-half hour of operation at maximum
continuous power plus a capacity equal to a (1) For aeroplanes with tail wheels, a
fuel weight which is the difference between normal level flight attitude;
the design maximum weight and the design
(2) For aeroplanes with nose wheels,
landing weight; or
attitudes in which –
(2) The design maximum weight less
(i) The nose and main wheels
the weight of 25% of the total fuel capacity.
contact the ground simultaneously; and
(c) The design landing weight of a twin-
(ii) The main wheels contact the
engine aeroplane may be less than that allowed
ground and the nose wheel is just clear
under sub-paragraph (b) if –
of the ground.
(1) The aeroplane meets the one-
The attitude used in subdivision (i) of this
engine-inoperative climb requirements of CS
sub-paragraph may be used in the analysis
23.67; and
required under subdivision (ii) of this sub-
(2) Compliance is shown with the fuel paragraph.
jettisoning system requirements of
(b) When investigating landing conditions,
CS 23.1001.
the drag components simulating the forces
(d) The selected limit vertical inertia load required to accelerate the tyres and wheels up to
factor at the centre of gravity of the aeroplane for the landing speed (spin-up) must be properly
the ground load conditions prescribed in this combined with the corresponding instantaneous
subpart may not be less than that which would be vertical ground reactions, and the forward-acting
obtained when landing with a descent velocity horizontal loads resulting from rapid reduction of
(V), in feet per second, equal to 4·4 (W/S) ¼, the spin-up drag loads (spring-back) must be
except that this velocity need not be more than combined with vertical ground reactions at the
3.0 m (10 ft) per second and may not be less than instant of the peak forward load, assuming wing
2.1 m (7 ft) per second. lift and a tyre sliding coefficient of friction of
0·8. However, the drag loads may not be less
(e) Wing lift not exceeding two-thirds of
than 25% of the maximum vertical ground
the weight of the aeroplane may be assumed to
reaction (neglecting wing lift).
exist throughout the landing impact and to act
through the centre of gravity. The ground (c) In the absence of specific tests or a more
reaction load factor may be equal to the inertia rational analysis for determining the wheel spin-
load factor minus the ratio of the above assumed up and spring-back loads for landing conditions,
wing lift to the aeroplane weight. the method set forth in Appendix D must be
used. If Appendix D is used, the drag
(f) If energy absorption tests are made to
components used for design must not be less than
determine the limit load factor corresponding to
those given by Appendix C.
the required limit descent velocities, these tests
must be made under CS 23.723 (a). (d) For aeroplanes with tip tanks or large
overhung masses (such as turbo-propeller or jet
(g) No inertia load factor used for design
engines) supported by the wing, the tip tanks and
purposes may be less than 2·67, nor may the
the structure supporting the tanks or overhung
limit ground reaction load factor be less than 2·0
masses must be designed for the effects of
at design maximum weight, unless these lower
dynamic responses under the level landing
values will not be exceeded in taxying at speeds
conditions of either sub-paragraph (a) (1)
up to take-off speed over terrain as rough as that
or (a) (2) (ii) . In evaluating the effects of
expected in service.
dynamic response, an aeroplane lift equal to the
weight of the aeroplane may be assumed.
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CS 23.481 Tail down landing (a) The limit vertical load factor must be
conditions 1·33.
(a) For a tail down landing, the aeroplane is (b) The attitudes and ground contacts must
assumed to be in the following attitudes: be those described in CS 23.479 for level
(1) For aeroplanes with tail wheels, an
attitude in which the main and tail wheels (c) A drag reaction equal to the vertical
contact the ground simultaneously. reaction at the wheel multiplied by a coefficient
of friction of 0·8 must be applied at the ground
(2) For aeroplanes with nose wheels,
contact point of each wheel with brakes, except
a stalling attitude, or the maximum angle
that the drag reaction need not exceed the
allowing ground clearance by each part of the
maximum value based on limiting brake torque.
aeroplane, whichever is less.
(b) For aeroplanes with either tail or nose
CS 23.497 Supplementary conditions
wheels, ground reactions are assumed to be
for tail wheels
vertical, with the wheels up to speed before the
maximum vertical load is attained. In determining the ground loads on the tail
wheel and affected supporting structures, the
following applies:
CS 23.483 One-wheel landing
conditions (a) For the obstruction load, the limit
ground reaction obtained in the tail down landing
For the one-wheel landing condition, the
condition is assumed to act up and aft through
aeroplane is assumed to be in the level attitude
the axle at 45°. The shock absorber and tyre may
and to contact the ground on one side of the main
be assumed to be in their static positions.
landing gear. In this attitude, the ground
reactions must be the same as those obtained on (b) For the sideload, a limit vertical ground
that side under CS 23.479. reaction equal to the static load on the tail wheel,
in combination with a side component of equal
magnitude, is assumed. In addition –
CS 23.485 Sideload conditions
(1) If a swivel is used, the tail wheel is
(a) For the sideload condition, the aeroplane
assumed to be swivelled 90° to the aeroplane
is assumed to be in a level attitude with only the
longitudinal axis with the resultant ground
main wheels contacting the ground and with the
load passing through the axle;
shock absorbers and tyres in their static
positions. (2) If a lock, steering device, or
shimmy damper is used, the tail wheel is also
(b) The limit vertical load factor must be
assumed to be in the trailing position with the
1·33, with the vertical ground reaction divided
sideload acting at the ground contact point;
equally between the main wheels.
(c) The limit side inertia factor must be
(3) The shock absorber and tyre are
0·83, with the side ground reaction divided
assumed to be in their static positions.
between the main wheels so that –
(c) If a tail wheel, bumper, or an energy
(1) 0·5 (W) is acting inboard on one
absorption device is provided to show
side; and
compliance with CS 23.925 (b), the following
(2) 0·33 (W) is acting outboard on the applies:
other side.
(1) Suitable design loads must be
(d) The side loads prescribed in sub- established for the tail wheel, bumper, or
paragraph (c) are assumed to be applied at the energy absorption device; and
ground contact point and the drag loads may be
(2) The supporting structure of the tail
assumed to be zero.
wheel, bumper, or energy absorption device
must be designed to withstand the loads
CS 23.493 Braked roll conditions established in sub-paragraph (c) (1) .
Under braked roll conditions, with the shock
absorbers and tyres in their static positions, the
following applies:

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CS 23.499 Supplementary conditions CS 23.507 Jacking loads

for nose wheels
(a) The aeroplane must be designed for the
In determining the ground loads on nose loads developed when the aircraft is supported
wheels and affected supporting structures and on jacks at the design maximum weight assuming
assuming that the shock absorbers and tyres are the following load factors for landing gear
in their static positions, the following conditions jacking points at a three-point attitude and for
must be met: primary flight structure jacking points in the
level attitude.
(a) For aft loads, the limit force components
at the axle must be – (1) Vertical load factor of 1·35 times
the static reactions.
(1) A vertical component of
2·25 times the static load on the wheel; and (2) Fore, aft and lateral load factors of
0·4 times the vertical static reactions.
(2) A drag component of 0·8 times the
vertical load. (b) The horizontal loads at the jack points
must be reacted by inertia forces so as to result in
(b) For forward loads, the limit force
no change in the direction of the resultant loads
components at the axle must be –
at the jack points.
(1) A vertical component of
(c) The horizontal loads must be considered
2·25 times the static load on the wheel; and
in all combinations with the vertical load.
(2) A forward component of 0·4 times
the vertical load.
CS 23.509 Towing loads
(c) For sideloads, the limit force
The towing loads must be applied to the
components at ground contact must be –
design of tow fittings and their immediate
(1) A vertical component of attaching structure.
2·25 times the static load on the wheel; and
(a) The towing loads specified in sub-
(2) A side component of 0·7 times the paragraph (d) must be considered separately.
vertical load. These loads must be applied at the towing
fittings and must act parallel to the ground. In
(d) For aeroplanes with a steerable nose
addition –
wheel which is controlled by hydraulic or other
power, at design take-off weight with the nose (1) A vertical load factor equal to 1·0
wheel in any steerable position the application of must be considered acting at the centre of
1·33 times the full steering torque combined with gravity; and
a vertical reaction equal to 1·33 times the
(2) The shock struts and tyres must be
maximum static reaction on the nose gear must
in their static positions.
be assumed. However, if a torque limiting
device is installed, the steering torque can be (b) For towing points not on the landing
reduced to the maximum value allowed by that gear but near the plane of symmetry of the
device. aeroplane, the drag and side tow load
components specified for the auxiliary gear
(e) For aeroplanes with a steerable nose
apply. For towing points located outboard of the
wheel, that has a direct mechanical connection to
main gear, the drag and side tow load
the rudder pedals, the mechanism must be
components specified for the main gear apply.
designed to withstand the steering torque for the
Where the specified angle of swivel cannot be
maximum pilot forces specified in CS 23.397 (b).
reached, the maximum obtainable angle must be
CS 23.505 Supplementary conditions
(c) The towing loads specified in sub-
for ski-planes
paragraph (d) must be reacted as follows:
In determining ground loads for ski-planes
(1) The side component of the towing
and assuming that the aeroplane is resting on the
load at the main gear must be reacted by a
ground with one main ski frozen at rest and the
side force at the static ground line of the
other skis free to slide, a limit side force equal to
wheel to which the load is applied.
0·036 times the design maximum weight must be
applied near the tail assembly with a factor of (2) The towing loads at the auxiliary
safety of 1. gear and the drag components of the towing

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loads at the main gear must be reacted as (2) Loads corresponding to a limit
follows: vertical load factor of 1 and coefficient of
friction of 0·8, applied to the main gear and its
(i) A reaction with a maximum
supporting structure.
value equal to the vertical reaction must
be applied at the axle of the wheel to (b) Unequal tyre loads. The loads
which the load is applied. Enough established under CS 23.471 to 23.483 must be
aeroplane inertia to achieve equilibrium applied in turn, in a 60/40% distribution, to the
must be applied. dual wheels and tyres in each dual wheel landing
gear unit.
(ii) The loads must be reacted by
aeroplane inertia. (c) Deflated tyre loads. For the deflated
tyre condition –
(d) The prescribed towing loads are as
follows, where W is the design maximum (1) 60% of the loads established under
weight: CS 23.471 to 23.483 must be applied in turn
to each wheel in a landing gear unit; and
(2) 60% of the limit drag and
sideloads and 100% of the limit vertical load
Tow point Position Magnitude No. Direction established under CS 23.485 and 23.493 or
lesser vertical load obtained under sub-
Main gear 0·225 W per 1 Forward,
paragraph (1) , must be applied in turn to each
main gear parallel to
unit drag axis wheel in the dual wheel landing gear unit.

2 Forward, at
30° to drag WATER LOADS
3 Aft, parallel to
drag axis CS 23.521 Water load conditions

4 Aft, at 30° to (a) The structure of seaplanes and

drag axis amphibians must be designed for water loads
developed during take-off and landing with the
Auxiliary Swivelled 0·3W 5 Forward
seaplane in any attitude likely to occur in normal
Gear forward 6 Aft operation at appropriate forward and sinking
0·3W 7 Forward velocities under the most severe sea conditions
likely to be encountered.
Aft 8 Aft
(b) Unless a rational analysis of the water
Swivelled 0·15W 9 Forward, in loads is made, CS 23.523 through 23.537 apply.
45° from plane, of
forward wheel
CS 23.523 Design weights and centre
10 Aft, in plane
of wheel of gravity positions

Swivelled 0·15W 11 Forward, in (a) Design weights. The water load

45° from plane of requirements must be met at each operating
aft wheel weight up to the design landing weight except
12 Aft, in plane
that, for the take-off condition prescribed in
of wheel CS 23.531, the design water take-off weight (the
maximum weight for water taxi and take-off run)
must be used.
CS 23.511 Ground load; unsymmetrical
loads on multiple-wheel (b) Centre of gravity positions. The critical
units centres of gravity within the limits for which
certification is requested must be considered to
(a) Pivoting loads. The aeroplane is reach maximum design loads for each part of the
assumed to pivot about one side of the main gear seaplane structure.
with –
(1) The brakes on the pivoting unit
locked; and

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CS 23.525 Application of loads (5) W = seaplane design landing

weight in pounds.
(a) Unless otherwise prescribed, the
seaplane as a whole is assumed to be subjected to (6) Kl = empirical hull station
the loads corresponding to the load factors weighing factor, in accordance with figure 2
specified in CS 23.527. of Appendix I of CS-23.
(b) In applying the loads resulting from the (7) rx = ratio of distance, measured
load factors prescribed in CS 23.527, the loads parallel to hull reference axis, from the centre
may be distributed over the hull or main float of gravity of the seaplane to the hull
bottom (in order to avoid excessive local shear longitudinal station at which the load factor is
loads and bending moments at the location of being computed to the radius of gyration in
water load application) using pressures not less pitch of the seaplane, the hull reference axis
than those prescribed in CS 23.533 (b). being a straight line, in the plane of symmetry,
tangential to the keel at the main step.
(c) For twin float seaplanes, each float must
be treated as an equivalent hull on a fictitious (c) For a twin float seaplane, because of the
seaplane with a weight equal to one-half the effect of flexibility of the attachment of the floats
weight of the twin float seaplane. to the seaplane, the factor K1 may be reduced at
the bow and stern to 0·8 of the value shown in
(d) Except in the take-off condition of
figure 2 of Appendix I of CS-23. This reduction
CS 23.531, the aerodynamic lift on the seaplane
applies only to the design of the carry through
during the impact is assumed to be ²/3 of the
and seaplane structure.
weight of the seaplane.

CS 23.529 Hull and main float landing

CS 23.527 Hull and main float load
(a) Symmetrical step, bow, and stern
(a) Water reaction load factors nw must be
landing. For symmetrical step, bow, and stern
computed in the following manner:
landings, the limit water reaction load factors are
(1) For the step landing case those computed under CS 23.527. In addition –

C1 Vso 2 (1) For symmetrical step landings, the

nw =
(Tan 2/3
β W1/ 3
resultant water load must be applied at the
keel, through the centre of gravity, and must
(2) For the bow and stern landing be directed perpendicularly to the keel line;
cases (2) For symmetrical bow landings, the
C1 Vso K1 resultant water load must be applied at the
nw =
(Tan 2 / 3 β)W1/ 3 x (1 + rx 2 )2 / 3 keel, one-fifth of the longitudinal distance
from the bow to the step, and must be directed
(b) The following values are used: perpendicularly to the keel line; and

(1) nw = water reaction load factor (3) For symmetrical stern landings the
(that is, the water reaction divided by seaplane resultant water load must be applied at the
weight). keel, at a point 85% of the longitudinal
distance from the step to the stern post, and
(2) C1 = empirical seaplane operations must be directed perpendicularly to the keel
factor equal to 0·012 (except that this factor line.
may not be less than that necessary to obtain
the minimum value of step load factor of (b) Unsymmetrical landing for hull and
2·33). single float seaplanes

(3) Vso = seaplane stalling speed in Unsymmetrical step, bow, and stern landing
knots with flaps extended in the appropriate conditions must be investigated. In addition –
landing position and with no slipstream effect. (1) The loading for each condition
(4) β = Angle of dead rise at the consists of an upward component and a side
component equal, respectively, to 0·75 and
longitudinal station at which the load factor is
0·25 tan ß times the resultant load in the
being determined in accordance with figure 1
corresponding symmetrical landing condition;
of Appendix I of CS-23.

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(2) The point of application and (b) Local pressures. For the design of the
direction of the upward component of the load bottom plating and stringers and their
is the same as that in the symmetrical attachments to the supporting structure, the
condition, and the point of application of the following pressure distributions must be applied:
side component is at the same longitudinal
(1) For an unflared bottom, the
station as the upward component but is
pressure at the chine is 0·75 times the pressure
directed inward perpendicularly to the plane
at the keel, and the pressures between the keel
of symmetry at a point midway between the
and chine vary linearly, in accordance with
keel and chine lines.
figure 3 of Appendix I of CS-23. The
(c) Unsymmetrical landing; twin float pressure at the keel (psi) is computed as
seaplanes. The unsymmetrical loading consists follows:
of an upward load at the step of each float of
0·75 and a side load of 0·25 tan ß at one float C2K2 VS12
Pk =
times the step landing load reached under Tan βk
CS 23.527. The side load is directed inboard,
perpendicularly to the plane of symmetry
midway between the keel and chine lines of the Pk = pressure (psi) at the keel;
float, at the same longitudinal station as the
C2 = 0·00213;
upward load.
K2 = hull station weighing factor, in
accordance with figure 2 of Appendix I
CS 23.531 Hull and main float take-off
of CS-23;
VS1 = seaplane stalling speed (knots) at the
For the wing and its attachment to the hull or
design water take-off weight with flaps
main float –
extended in the appropriate take-off
(a) The aerodynamic wing lift is assumed to position; and
be zero; and βk = angle of dead rise at keel, in
(b) A downward inertia load, corresponding accordance with figure 1 of Appendix I
to a load factor computed from the following of CS-23.
formula, must be applied:
(2) For a flared bottom, the pressure at
CΤΟ VS1 2 the beginning of the flare is the same as that
(Tan β)W
2/3 1/ 3 for an unflared bottom, and the pressure
between the chine and the beginning of the
where– flare varies linearly, in accordance with figure
3 of Appendix I of CS-23. The pressure
n = inertia load factor
distribution is the same as that prescribed in
CTO = empirical seaplane operations factor sub-paragraph (b) (1) for an unflared bottom
equal to 0·004; except that the pressure at the chine is
computed as follows:
VS1 = seaplane stalling speed (knots) at the
design take-off weight with the flaps C3 K 2 VS1 2
extended in the appropriate take-off Pch = ×
Tan β
where –
β = angle of dead rise at the main step
(degrees); and Pch = pressure (psi) at the chine;
W = design water take-off weight in C3 = 0·0016;
K2 = hull station weighing factor, in
accordance with figure 2 of Appendix I
CS 23.533 Hull and main float bottom of CS-23;
VS1 = seaplane stalling speed (knots) at the
(a) General. The hull and main float design water take-off weight with flaps
structure, including frames and bulkheads, extended in the appropriate take-off
stringers, and bottom plating, must be designed position; and
under this paragraph.

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β = angle of dead rise at appropriate pressures not less than those prescribed in sub-
station. paragraph (g) .
The area over which these pressures are (b) Step loading. The resultant water load
applied must simulate pressures occurring during must be applied in the plane of symmetry of the
high localised impacts on the hull or float, but float at a point three-quarters of the distance
need not extend over an area that would induce from the bow to the step and must be
critical stresses in the frames or in the overall perpendicular to the keel. The resultant limit
structure. load is computed as follows, except that the
value of L need not exceed three times the
(c) Distributed pressures. For the design of
weight of the displaced water when the float is
the frames, keel, and chine structure, the
completely submerged;
following pressure distributions apply:
(1) Symmetrical pressures are C5 VS0 2 W 2 / 3
computed as follows:
C 4K 2 VS0 2
Tan 2/3
βs 1 + ry 2 )

Tan β where –
where – L = limit load (lb.);
P = pressure (psi); C5 = 0·0053;
C4 = 0·078 C1 (with C1 computed under VS0 = seaplane stalling speed (knots) with
CS 23.527); landing flaps extended in the
appropriate position and with no
K2 = hull station weighing factor, slipstream effect;
determined in accordance with figure
2 of Appendix I of CS-23; W = seaplane design landing weight in
VS0 = seaplane stalling speed (knots) with
landing flaps extended in the βs = angle of dead rise at a station ¾ of the
appropriate position and with no distance from the bow to the step, but
slipstream effect; and need not be less than 15°; and
β = angle of dead rise at appropriate ry = ratio of the lateral distance between
station. the centre of gravity and the plane of
symmetry of the float to the radius of
(2) The unsymmetrical pressure gyration in roll.
distribution consists of the pressures
prescribed in sub-paragraph (c) (1) on one (c) Bow loading. The resultant limit load
side of the hull or main float centreline and must be applied in the plane of symmetry of the
one-half of that pressure on the other side of float at a point one-quarter of the distance from
the hull or main float centreline, in accordance the bow to the step and must be perpendicular to
with figure 3 of Appendix I of CS-23. the tangent to the keel line at that point. The
magnitude of the resultant load is that specified
These pressures are uniform and must be in sub-paragraph (b) .
applied simultaneously over the entire hull or
main float bottom. The loads obtained must be (d) Unsymmetrical step loading. The
carried into the sidewall structure of the hull resultant water load consists of a component
proper, but need not be transmitted in a fore and equal to 0·75 times the load specified in sub-
aft direction as shear and bending loads. paragraph (a) and a side component equal to 3·25
tan β times the load specified in sub-paragraph
(b). The side load must be applied
CS 23.535 Auxiliary float loads
perpendicularly to the plane of symmetry of the
(a) General. Auxiliary floats and their float at a point midway between the keel and the
attachments and supporting structures must be chine.
designed for the conditions prescribed in this
(e) Unsymmetrical bow loading. The
paragraph. In the cases specified in sub-
resultant water load consists of a component
paragraphs (b) through (e) , the prescribed water
equal to 0·75 times the load specified in sub-
loads may be distributed over the float bottom to
paragraph (b) and a side component equal to
avoid excessive local loads, using bottom
0·25 tan β times the load specified in sub-

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paragraph (c) . The side load must be applied be designed as prescribed in this paragraph to
perpendicularly to the plane of symmetry at a protect each occupant under those conditions.
point midway between the keel and the chine.
(b) The structure must be designed to give
(f) Immersed float condition. The resultant each occupant every reasonable chance of
load must be applied at the centroid of the cross escaping serious injury when –
section of the float at a point one-third of the
(1) Proper use is made of seats, safety
distance from the bow to the step. The limit load
belts and shoulder harnesses provided for in
components are as follows:
the design;
vertical = p gV
(2) The occupant experiences the
static inertia loads corresponding to the
C x ρV 2/3 (K VS0 )2
aft = following ultimate load factors:
(i) Upward, 3·0g for normal,
C y ρV 2/3 (K VS0 )2 utility, and commuter category
side = aeroplanes, or 4·5g for aerobatic
category aeroplanes;
where –
(ii) Forward, 9·0g;
ρ = mass density of water (slugs/ft3)
(iii) Sideward, 1·5g; and
V = volume of float (ft.3);
(iv) Downward, 6·0g when
Cx = coefficient of drag force, equal to certification to the emergency exit
0·133; provisions of sub-paragraph
23.807(d)(4) is requested; and
Cy = coefficient of side force, equal to
0·106; (3) The items of mass within the
cabin, that could injure an occupant,
K = 0·8, except that lower values may
experience the static inertia loads
be used if it is shown that the floats
corresponding to the following ultimate load
are incapable of submerging at a
speed of 0·8 Vso in normal
operations; (i) Upward, 3·0g;
Vso = seaplane stalling speed (knots) with (ii) Forward, 18·0g; and
landing flaps extended in the
(iii) Sideward, 4·5g.
appropriate position and with no
slipstream effect; and (c) Each aeroplane with retractable landing
gear must be designed to protect each occupant
g = acceleration due to gravity (ft/sec2)
in a landing –
(g) Float bottom pressures. The float (1) With the wheels retracted;
bottom pressures must be established under
(2) With moderate descent velocity;
CS 23.533, except that the value of K2 in the
formulae may be taken as 1·0. The angle of dead
rise to be used in determining the float bottom (3) Assuming, in the absence of a
pressures is set forth in sub-paragraph (b) . more rational analysis –
(i) A downward ultimate inertia
CS 23.537 Seawing loads force of 3g; and
Seawing design loads must be based on (ii) A coefficient of friction of
applicable test data. 0·5 at the ground.
(d) If it is not established that a turnover is
unlikely during an emergency landing, the
structure must be designed to protect the
occupants in a complete turnover as follows:
CS 23.561 General
(1) The likelihood of a turnover may
(a) The aeroplane, although it may be be shown by an analysis assuming the
damaged in emergency landing conditions, must following conditions:

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(i) The most adverse aeroplane, peak deceleration must occur in not
combination of weight and centre of more than 0·05 seconds after impact and must
gravity position; reach a minimum of 19g. For all other
seat/restraint systems, peak deceleration must
(ii) Longitudinal load factor of
occur in not more than 0·06 seconds after
impact and must reach a minimum of 15g.
(iii) Vertical load factor of 1·0g;
(2) For the second test, the change in
velocity may not be less than 12.8 m (42 ft)
(iv) For aeroplanes with tricycle per second. The seat/restraint system must be
landing gear, the nose wheel strut failed oriented in its nominal position with respect to
with the nose contacting the ground. the aeroplane and with the vertical plane of
the aeroplane yawed 10°, with no pitch,
(2) For determining the loads to be
relative to the impact vector in a direction that
applied to the inverted aeroplane after a
results in the greatest load on the shoulder
turnover, an upward ultimate inertia load
harness. For seat/restraint systems to be
factor of 3·0g and a coefficient of friction
installed in the first row of the aeroplane, peak
with the ground of 0·5 must be used.
deceleration must occur in not more than 0·05
(e) Except as provided in CS 23.787 (c) the seconds after impact and must reach a
supporting structure must be designed to restrain, minimum of 26g. For all other seat/restraint
under loads up to those specified in sub- systems, peak deceleration must occur in not
paragraph (b) (3) , each item of mass that could more than 0·06 seconds after impact and must
injure an occupant if it came loose in a minor reach a minimum of 21g.
crash landing.
(3) To account for floor warpage, the
floor rails of attachment devices used to attach
CS 23.562 Emergency landing dynamic the seat/restraint system to the airframe
conditions structure must be preloaded to misalign with
(See AMC 23.562) respect to each other by at least 10° vertically
(i.e. pitch out of parallel) and one of the rails
(a) Each seat/restraint system must be
or attachment devices must be preloaded to
designed to protect each occupant during an
misalign by 10° in roll prior to conducting the
emergency landing when –
test defined by sub-paragraph (b)(2) .
(1) Proper use is made of seats, safety
(c) Compliance with the following
belts, and shoulder harnesses provided for the
requirements must be shown during the dynamic
design; and
tests conducted in accordance with sub-
(2) The occupant is exposed to the paragraph (b) .
loads resulting from the conditions prescribed
(1) The seat/restraint system must
in this paragraph.
restrain the ATD although seat/restraint
(b) Each seat/restraint system, for crew or system components may experience
passenger occupancy during take off and deformation, elongation, displacement, or
landing, must successfully complete dynamic crushing intended as part of the design.
tests or be demonstrated by rational analysis
(2) The attachment between the seat/
supported by dynamic tests, in accordance with
restraint system and the test fixture must
each of the following conditions. These tests
remain intact, although the seat structure may
must be conducted with an occupant simulated
have deformed.
by an anthropomorphic test dummy (ATD), as
specified in Appendix J or an approved (3) Each shoulder harness strap must
equivalent with a nominal weight of 77 kg (170 remain on the ATD’s shoulder during the
lb) and seated in the normal upright position. impact.
(1) For the first test, the change in (4) The safety belt must remain on the
velocity may not be less than 9.4 m (31 ft) per ATD’s pelvis during the impact.
second. The seat/restraint system must be
(5) The results of the dynamic tests
oriented in its nominal position with respect to
must show that the occupant is protected from
the aeroplane and with the horizontal plane of
serious head injury.
the aeroplane pitched up 60°, with no yaw,
relative to the impact vector. For seat/restraint (i) When contact with adjacent
systems to be installed in the first row of the seats, structure or other items in the
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cabin can occur, protection must be load factor for aerobatic category aeroplanes
provided so that head impact does not need not exceed 5·0g.
exceed a head injury criteria (HIC) of
(2) The seat/restraint system test
1 000.
required by sub-paragraph (b)(1) of this
(ii) The value of HIC is defined paragraph must be conducted in accordance
as – with the following criteria:

⎤ ⎫⎪
⎪ ⎡ 1 t2 (i) The change in velocity may
HIC = ⎨(t 2 − t1)⎢ ∫ a ( t )dt ⎥ ⎬
⎢⎣ (t 2 − t1) t1
not be less than 9·4 m (31 feet) per
⎪ ⎥⎦ ⎪
⎩ ⎭MAX second.
Where – (ii) (A) The peak deceleration
t1 is the initial integration time, (gp) of 19g and 15g must be increased
expressed in seconds, and multiplied by the square of the ratio
t2 is the final integration time, of the increased stall speed to 113 km/h
expressed in seconds, (61 knots):

(t 2 − t1) is the time duration of the major gp = 19·0 (VSO/113)2

head impact, expressed in seconds, or
gp = 15·0 (VSO/113)2
a(t) is the resultant deceleration at the
centre of gravity of the head form (B) The peak deceleration
expressed as a multiple of g (units need not exceed the value reached at a
of gravity). VSO of 146 km/h (79 knots).
(iii) The peak deceleration must
(iii) Compliance with the HIC occur in not more time than time (tr)
limit must be demonstrated by which must be computed as follows:
measuring the head impact during
dynamic testing as prescribed in sub- tr = 31 = 0·96
paragraphs (b) (1) and (b) (2) or by a 32·2 (gp) gp
separate showing of compliance with the Where gp = the peak deceleration
head injury criteria using test or analysis calculated in accordance with paragraph
procedures. (d)(2)(ii) of this section and tr = the rise
(6) Loads in individual shoulder time (in seconds) to the peak
harness straps may not exceed 794 kg (1 750 deceleration.
lb). If dual straps are used for retaining the (e) An alternate approach that achieves an
upper torso, the total strap loads may not equivalent, or greater, level of occupant
exceed 907 kg (2 000 lb). protection to that required by this paragraph may
(7) The compression load measured be used if substantiated on a rational basis.
between the pelvis and the lumbar spine of the [Amdt 23/1]
ATD may not exceed 680 kg (1 500 lb).
(d) For all single-engined aeroplanes with a
VSO of more than 113 km/h (61 knots) at FATIGUE EVALUATION
maximum weight, and those twin-engined
aeroplanes of 2722 kg (6000 lb) or less CS 23.571 Metallic pressurised cabin
maximum weight with a VSO of more than 113 structures
km/h (61 knots) at maximum weight that do not (See AMC to 23.571 and
comply with CS 23.67(a)(1); 23.572)
(1) The ultimate load factors of CS For normal, utility, and aerobatic category
23.561(b) must be increased by multiplying aeroplanes, the strength, detail design, and
the load factors by the square of the ratio of fabrication of the metallic structure of the
the increased stall speed to 113 km/h (61 pressure cabin must be evaluated under one of
knots). The increased ultimate load factors the following:-
need not exceed the values reached at a VSO
of 146 km/h (79 knots). The upward ultimate (a) A fatigue strength investigation in which
the structure is shown by tests, or by analysis
supported by test evidence, to be able to
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withstand the repeated loads of variable (1) Include typical loading spectra
magnitude expected in service; or (e.g. taxi, ground-air-ground cycles,
manoeuvre, gust);
(b) A fail safe strength investigation, in
which it is shown by analysis, tests, or both that (2) Account for any significant effects
catastrophic failure of the structure is not due to the mutual influence of aerodynamic
probable after fatigue failure, or obvious partial surfaces; and
failure, of a principal structural element, and that
(3) Consider any significant effects
the remaining structures are able to withstand a
from propeller slipstream loading, and buffet
static ultimate load factor of 75 percent of the
from vortex impingements.
limit load factor at Vc, considering the combined
effects of normal operating pressures, expected
external aerodynamic pressures, and flight loads. CS 23.573 Damage tolerance and
These loads must be multiplied by a factor of fatigue evaluation of
1.15 unless the dynamic effects of failure under structure
static load are otherwise considered. (See AMC 23.573 (a) (1) & (3)
and AMC 23.573 (b))
(c) The damage tolerance evaluation of CS
23.573(b). (a) Composite airframe structure.
Composite airframe structure must be evaluated
under this paragraph instead of CS paragraphs
CS 23.572 Metallic wing, empennage
23.571 and 23.572. The composite airframe
and associated structures
structure, the failure of which would result in
(See AMC to 23.571 and
catastrophic loss of the aeroplane, in each wing
(including canards, tandem wings, and winglets),
(a) For normal, utility, and aerobatic empennage, their carrythrough and attaching
category aeroplanes, the strength, detail design, structure, moveable control surfaces and their
and fabrication of those parts of the airframe attaching structure, fuselage, and pressure cabin
structure whose failure would be catastrophic must be evaluated using the damage-tolerance
must be evaluated under one of the following criteria prescribed in sub-paragraphs (a)(1)
unless it is shown that the structure, operating through (a)(4) unless shown to be impractical.
stress level, materials and expected uses are If the applicant establishes that damage-tolerance
comparable, from a fatigue standpoint, to a criteria is impractical for a particular structure,
similar design that has had extensive satisfactory the structure must be evaluated in accordance
service experience: with sub-paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(6) . Where
bonded joints are used, the structure must also be
(1) A fatigue strength investigation in
evaluated in accordance with sub-paragraph
which the structure is shown by tests, or by
(a)(5) . The effects of material variability and
analysis supported by test evidence, to be able
environmental conditions on the strength and
to withstand the repeated loads of variable
durability properties of the composite materials
magnitude expected in service; or
must be accounted for in the evaluations required
(2) A fail-safe strength investigation by this paragraph.
in which it is shown by analysis, tests, or
(1) It must be demonstrated by tests,
both, that catastrophic failure of the structure
or by analysis supported by tests, that the
is not probable after fatigue failure, or
structure is capable of carrying ultimate load
obvious partial failure, of a principal
with damage up to the threshold of
structural element, and that the remaining
detectability considering the inspection
structure is able to withstand a static ultimate
procedures employed.
load factor of 75 percent of the critical limit
load factor at Vc. These loads must be (2) The growth rate or no-growth of
multiplied by a factor of 1.15 unless the damage that may occur from fatigue,
dynamic effects of failure under static load are corrosion, manufacturing flaws or impact
otherwise considered. damage, under repeated loads expected in
service, must be established by tests or
(3) The damage tolerance evaluation
analysis supported by tests.
of CS 23.573(b).
(3) The structure must be shown by
(b) Each evaluation required by this
residual strength tests, or analysis supported
paragraph must:-
by residual strength tests, to be able to
withstand critical limit flight loads, considered
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as ultimate loads, with the extent of detectable residual strength capability must be
damage consistent with the results of the considered in the demonstration.
damage tolerance evaluations. For
(b) Metallic airframe structure. If the
pressurised cabins, the following loads must
applicant elects to use CS 23.571(c) or CS
be withstood:
23.572(a)(3), then the damage tolerance
(i) Critical limit flight loads evaluation must include a determination of the
with the combined effects of normal probable locations and modes of damage due to
operating pressure and expected external fatigue, corrosion, or accidental damage. The
aerodynamic pressures. determination must be by analysis supported by
test evidence and, if available, service
(ii) The expected external experience. Damage at multiple sites due to
aerodynamic pressures in 1g flight fatigue must be included where the design is
combined with a cabin differential such that this type of damage can be expected to
pressure equal to 1.1 times the normal occur. The evaluation must incorporate repeated
operating differential pressure without load and static analyses supported by test
any other load. evidence. The extent of damage for residual
(4) The damage growth, between strength evaluation at any time within the
initial detectability and the value selected for operational life of the aeroplane must be
consistent with the initial detectability and
residual strength demonstrations, factored to
subsequent growth under repeated loads. The
obtain inspection intervals, must allow
residual strength evaluation must show that the
development of an inspection program
remaining structure is able to withstand critical
suitable for application by operation and
limit flight loads, considered as ultimate, with
maintenance personnel.
the extent of detectable damage consistent with
(5) For any bonded joint, the failure of the results of the damage tolerance evaluations.
which would result in catastrophic loss of the For pressurised cabins, the following load must
aeroplane, the limit load capacity must be be withstood:
substantiated by one of the following (1) The normal operating differential
methods:- pressure combined with the expected external
(i) The maximum disbonds of aerodynamic pressures applied
each bonded joint consistent with the simultaneously with the flight loading
capability to withstand the loads in sub- conditions specified in this subpart, and
paragraph (a)(3) must be determined by (2) The expected external
analysis, test, or both. Disbonds of each aerodynamic pressures in 1g flight combined
bonded joint greater than this must be with a cabin differential pressure equal to 1.1
prevented by design features; or times the normal operating differential
(ii) Proof testing must be pressure without any other load.
conducted on each production article
that will apply the critical limit design CS 23.574 Metallic damage tolerance
load to each critical bonded joint; or and fatigue evaluation of
(iii) Repeatable and reliable non- commuter category
destructive inspection techniques must aeroplanes
be established that ensure the strength of For commuter category aeroplanes:-
each joint.
(a) Metallic damage tolerance. An
(6) Structural components for which evaluation of the strength, detail design, and
the damage tolerance method is shown to be fabrication must show that catastrophic failure
impractical must be shown by component due to fatigue, corrosion, defects, or damage will
fatigue tests, or analysis supported by tests, to be avoided throughout the operational life of the
be able to withstand the repeated loads of aeroplane. This evaluation must be conducted in
variable magnitude expected in service. accordance with the provisions of CS 23.573,
Sufficient component, subcomponent, except as specified in sub-paragraph (b), for each
element, or coupon tests must be done to part of the structure that could contribute to a
establish the fatigue scatter factor and the catastrophic failure.
environmental effects. Damage up to the (b) Fatigue (safe-life) evaluation.
threshold of detectability and ultimate load Compliance with the damage tolerance
requirements of sub-paragraph (a) is not required
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if it can be established that the application of

those requirements is impractical for a particular
structure. This structure must be shown, by
analysis supported by test evidence, to be able to
withstand the repeated loads of variable
magnitude expected during its service life
without detectable cracks. Appropriate safe-life
scatter factors must be applied.

CS 23.575 Inspections and other

Each inspection or other procedure, based on
an evaluation required by CS paragraphs 23.571,
23.572, 23.573 or 23.574, must be established to
prevent catastrophic failure and must be included
in the limitations section of the instructions for
continued airworthiness required by CS 23.1529.

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CS 23.609 Protection of structure
CS 23.601 General
Each part of the structure must –
The suitability of each questionable design
(a) Be suitably protected against deterioration
detail and part having an important bearing on
or loss of strength in service due to any cause,
safety in operations, must be established by tests.
including –
(1) Weathering;
CS 23.603 Materials and workmanship
(For composite materials see (2) Corrosion; and
AMC 20-29)
(3) Abrasion; and
(a) The suitability and durability of materials
used for parts, the failure of which could adversely (b) Have adequate provisions for ventilation
affect safety, must – and drainage.

(1) Be established by experience or

tests; CS 23.611 Accessibility provisions
(See AMC 23.611)
(2) Meet approved specifications that
For each part that requires maintenance,
ensure their having the strength and other
inspection, or other servicing, appropriate means
properties assumed in the design data; and
must be incorporated into the aircraft design to
(3) Take into account the effects of allow such servicing to be accomplished.
environmental conditions, such as temperature
and humidity, expected in service.
CS 23.613 Material strength properties
(b) Workmanship must be of a high standard. and design values
(See AMC 23.613)
[Amdt No: 23/2]
(a) Material strength properties must be based
on enough tests of material meeting specifications
CS 23.605 Fabrication methods
to establish design values on a statistical basis.
(a) The methods of fabrication used must
(b) The design values must be chosen to
produce consistently sound structures. If a
minimise the probability of structural failure due
fabrication process (such as gluing, spot welding,
to material variability. Except as provided in sub-
or heat-treating) requires close control to reach
paragraph (e) , compliance with this paragraph
this objective, the process must be performed
must be shown by selecting design values that
under an approved process specification.
assure material strength with the following
(b) Each new aircraft fabrication method must probability:
be substantiated by a test programme.
(1) Where applied loads are eventually
distributed through a single member within an
CS 23.607 Fasteners assembly, the failure of which would result in
(See AMC 23.607 (b)) loss of structural integrity of the component;
99% probability with 95% confidence.
(a) Each removable fastener must incorporate
two retaining devices if the loss of such fastener (2) For redundant structure, in which
would preclude continued safe flight and landing. the failure of individual elements would result
in applied loads being safely distributed to other
(b) Fasteners and their locking devices must
load carrying members; 90% probability with
not be adversely affected by the environmental
95% confidence.
conditions associated with the particular
installation. (c) The effects of temperature on allowable
stresses used for design in an essential component
(c) No self-locking nut may be used on any
or structure must be considered where thermal
bolt subject to rotation in operation unless a non-
effects are significant under normal operating
friction locking device is used in addition to the
self-locking device.

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(d) The design of structure must minimise the either magnetic particle, penetrant or other
probability of catastrophic fatigue failure, approved equivalent non-destructive
particularly at points of stress concentration. inspection method or
(e) Design values greater than the guaranteed (ii) Have a casting factor of not
minimum’s required by this paragraph may be less than 2·0 and receive 100% visual
used where only guaranteed minimum values are inspection and 100% approved non-
normally allowed if a “premium selection” of the destructive inspection. When an approved
material is made in which a specimen of each quality control procedure is established
individual item is tested before use to determine and an acceptable statistical analysis
that the actual strength properties of the particular supports reduction, non-destructive
item will equal or exceed those used in design. inspection may be reduced from 100%,
and applied on a sampling basis.
CS 23.619 Special factors (2) For each critical casting with a
casting factor less than 1·50, three sample
The factor of safety prescribed in CS 23.303
castings must be static tested and shown to
must be multiplied by the highest pertinent special
meet –
factors of safety prescribed in CS 23.621 to 23.625
for each part of the structure whose strength is – (i) The strength requirements of
CS 23.305 at an ultimate load corre-
(1) Uncertain;
sponding to a casting factor of 1·25; and
(2) Likely to deteriorate in service
(ii) The deformation requirements
before normal replacement; or
of CS 23.305 at a load of 1·15 times the
(3) Subject to appreciable variability limit load.
because of uncertainties in manufacturing
(3) Examples of these castings are
processes or inspection methods.
structural attachment fittings, parts of flight
control systems, control surface hinges and
CS 23.621 Casting factors balance weight attachments, seat, berth, safety
belt and fuel and oil tank supports and
(a) General. The factors, tests and
attachments and cabin pressure valves.
inspections specified in sub-paragraphs (b) to (d)
must be applied in addition to those necessary to (d) Non critical castings. For each casting
establish foundry quality control. The inspections other than those specified in sub-paragraph (c) or
must meet approved specifications. Sub- (e), the following apply:
paragraphs (c) and (d) apply to any structural
(1) Except as provided in sub-paragraph
castings except castings that are pressure tested as
(2) and (3), the casting factors and
parts of hydraulic or other fluid systems and do not
corresponding inspections must meet the
support structural loads.
following table:
(b) Bearing stresses and surfaces. The
casting factors specified in sub-paragraphs (c) and
(d) – Casting factor Inspection
(1) Need not exceed 1·25 with respect 2·0 or more 100% visual.
to bearing stresses regardless of the method of
Less than 2·0 but 100% visual and magnetic
inspection used; and
more than 1·5 particle or penetrant or
(2) Need not be used with respect to the equivalent non-destructive
bearing surfaces of a part whose bearing factor inspection methods.
is larger than the applicable casting factor.
1·25 to 1·50 100% visual, magnetic
(c) Critical castings. For each casting whose particle or penetrant and
failure would preclude continued safe flight and radiographic or approved
landing of the aeroplane or result in serious injury equivalent non-destructive
to occupants, the following apply: inspection methods.
(1) Each critical casting must either –
(2) The percentage of castings inspected
(i) Have a casting factor of not by non-visual methods may be reduced below
less than 1·25 and receive 100% that specified in sub-paragraph (1) when an
inspection by visual, radiographic and

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approved quality control procedure is withstand the inertia forces prescribed in CS

established. 23.561 multiplied by a fitting factor of 1·33.
(3) For castings procured to a
specification that guarantees the mechanical CS 23.627 Fatigue strength
properties of the material in the casting and
The structure must be designed, as far as
provides for demonstration of these properties
practicable, to avoid points of stress concentration
by test of coupons cut from the castings on a
where variable stresses above the fatigue limit are
sampling basis –
likely to occur in normal service.
(i) A casting factor of 1·0 may be
used; and
CS 23.629 Flutter
(ii) The castings must be inspected (See AMC 23.629)
as provided in sub-paragraph (1) for (a) It must be shown by the methods of (b)
casting factors of “1·25 to 1·50” and and either (c) or (d) , that the aeroplane is free
tested under sub-paragraph (c) (2) . from flutter, control reversal and divergence for
(e) Non-structural castings. Castings used any condition of operation within the limit V-n
for non-structural purposes do not require envelope and at all speeds up to the speed
evaluation, testing or close inspection. specified for the selected method. In addition –
(1) Adequate tolerances must be
CS 23.623 Bearing factors established for quantities which affect flutter;
including speed, damping, mass balance and
(a) Each part that has clearance (free fit) and
control system stiffness; and
that is subject to pounding or vibration, must have
a bearing factor large enough to provide for the (2) The natural frequencies of main
effects of normal relative motion. structural components must be determined by
vibration tests or other approved methods.
(b) For control surface hinges and control
system joints, compliance with the factors (b) Flight flutter tests must be made to show
prescribed in CS 23.657 and 23.693 respectively, that the aeroplane is free from flutter, control
meets paragraph (a) . reversal and divergence and to show by these tests
that –
CS 23.625 Fitting factors (1) Proper and adequate attempts to
induce flutter have been made within the speed
For each fitting (a part or terminal used to join
range up to VD;
one structural member to another), the following
applies: (2) The vibratory response of the
structure during the test indicates freedom from
(a) For each fitting whose strength is not
proven by limit and ultimate load tests in which
actual stress conditions are simulated in the fitting (3) A proper margin of damping exists
and surrounding structures, a fitting factor of at at VD; and
least 1·15 must be applied to each part of –
(4) There is no large and rapid
(1) The fitting; reduction in damping as VD is approached.
(2) The means of attachment; and (c) Any rational analysis used to predict
freedom from flutter, control reversal and
(3) The bearing on the joined members.
divergence must cover all speeds up to 1·2 VD.
(b) No fitting factor need be used for joint
(d) Compliance with the rigidity and mass
designs based on comprehensive test data (such as
balance criteria (pages 4-12), in Airframe and
continuous joints in metal plating, welded joints
Equipment Engineering Report No. 45 (as
and scarf joints in wood).
corrected) “Simplified Flutter Prevention Criteria”
(c) For each integral fitting, the part must be (published by the Federal Aviation
treated as a fitting up to the point at which the Administration) may be accomplished to show that
section properties become typical of the member. the aeroplane is free from flutter, control reversal,
or divergence if –
(d) For each seat, berth, safety belt and
harness, its attachment to the structure must be
shown, by analysis, tests, or both, to be able to

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(1) VD/MD for the aeroplane is less than damage for which residual strength is
482 km/h (260 knots) (EAS) and less than Mach demonstrated.
(i) For modifications to the type design
(2) The wing and aileron flutter which could affect the flutter characteristics
prevention criteria, as represented by the wing compliance with sub-paragraph (a) must be
torsional stiffness and aileron balance criteria, shown, except that analysis alone, which is based
are limited to use to aeroplanes without large on previously approved data, may be used to show
mass concentrations (such as engines, floats, or freedom from flutter, control reversal and
fuel tanks in outer wing panels) along the wing divergence for all speeds up to the speed specified
span; and for the selected method.
(3) The aeroplane –
(i) Does not have a T-tail or other WINGS
unconventional tail configurations;
(ii) Does not have unusual mass CS 23.641 Proof of strength
distributions or other unconventional
The strength of stressed skin wings must be
design features that affect the applicability
proven by load tests or by combined structural
of the criteria; and
analysis and load tests.
(iii) Has fixed-fin and fixed-
stabiliser surfaces.
(e) For turbo-propeller powered aeroplanes,
the dynamic evaluation must include –
CS 23.651 Proof of strength
(1) Whirl mode degree of freedom
which takes into account the stability of the (a) Limit load tests of control surfaces are
plane of rotation of the propeller and significant required. These tests must include the horn or
elastic, inertial and aerodynamic forces; and fitting to which the control system is attached.
(2) Propeller, engine, engine mount and (b) In structural analyses, rigging loads due to
aeroplane structure stiffness and damping wire bracing must be accounted for in a rational or
variations appropriate to the particular conservative manner.
(f) Freedom from flutter, control reversal and CS 23.655 Installation
divergence up to VD/MD must be shown as
(a) Movable surfaces must be installed so that
there is no interference between any surfaces, their
(1) For aeroplanes that meet the criteria bracing or adjacent fixed structure, when one
of sub-paragraphs (d) (1) to (d) (3) , after the surface is held in its most critical clearance
failure, malfunction, or disconnection of any positions and the others are operated through their
single element in any tab control system. full movement.
(2) For aeroplanes other than those (b) If an adjustable stabiliser is used, it must
described in sub-paragraph (f) (1) , after the have stops that will limit its range of travel to that
failure, malfunction, or disconnection of any allowing safe flight and landing.
single element in the primary flight control
system, any tab control system, or any flutter CS 23.657 Hinges
(a) Control surface hinges, except ball and
(g) For aeroplanes showing compliance with roller bearing hinges, must have a factor of safety
the fail-safe criteria of CS 23.571 and 23.572, the of not less than 6·67 with respect to the ultimate
aeroplane must be shown by analysis to be free bearing strength of the softest material used as a
from flutter up to VD/MD after fatigue failure, or bearing.
obvious partial failure of a principal structural
element. (b) For ball or roller bearing hinges, the
approved rating of the bearing may not be
(h) For aeroplanes showing compliance with exceeded.
the damage-tolerance criteria of CS 23.573, the
aeroplane must be shown by analysis to be free
from flutter up to VD/MD with the extent of
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CS 23.659 Mass balance (1) The aeroplane is safely controllable

when the failure or malfunction occurs at any
The supporting structure and the attachment of
speed or altitude within the approved operating
concentrated mass balance weights used on control
limitations that is critical for the type of failure
surfaces must be designed for –
being considered;
(a) 24g normal to the plane of the control
(2) The controllability and
manoeuvrability requirements of CS-23 are met
(b) 12g fore and aft; and within a practical operational flight envelope
(for example, speed, altitude, normal
(c) 12g parallel to the hinge line.
acceleration, and aeroplane configuration) that
is described in the Aeroplane Flight Manual;
(3) The trim, stability, and stall
characteristics are not impaired below a level
CS 23.671 General
(See AMC 23.671) needed to permit continued safe flight and
(a) Each control must operate easily,
smoothly and positively enough to allow proper
performance of its functions. CS 23.673 Primary flight controls
(a) Primary flight controls are those used by
(b) Controls must be arranged and identified
the pilot for the immediate control of pitch, roll
to provide for convenience in operation and to
and yaw.
prevent the possibility of confusion and
subsequent inadvertent operation.
CS 23.675 Stops
CS 23.672 Stability augmentation and (a) Each control system must have stops that
automatic and power positively limit the range of motion of each
operated systems movable aerodynamic surface controlled by the
If the functioning of stability augmentation or system.
other automatic or power-operated systems is (b) Each stop must be located so that wear,
necessary to show compliance with the flight slackness, or take-up adjustments will not
characteristics requirements of CS-23, such adversely affect the control characteristics of the
systems must comply with CS 23.671 and the aeroplane because of a change in the range of
following: surface travel.
(a) A warning, which is clearly (c) Each stop must be able to withstand any
distinguishable to the pilot under expected flight loads corresponding to the design conditions for
conditions without requiring the pilot’s attention, the control system.
must be provided for any failure in the stability
augmentation system or in any other automatic or
power-operated system that could result in an CS 23.677 Trim systems
unsafe condition if the pilot were not aware of the (a) Proper precautions must be taken to
failure. Warning systems must not activate the prevent inadvertent, improper, or abrupt trim tab
control system. operation. There must be means near the trim
(b) The design of the stability augmentation control to indicate to the pilot the direction of trim
system or of any other automatic or power- control movement relative to aeroplane motion. In
operated system must permit initial counteraction addition, there must be means to indicate to the
of failures without requiring exceptional pilot skill pilot the position of the trim device with respect to
or strength, by either the deactivation of the both the range of adjustment and, in the case of
system, or a failed portion thereof, or by lateral and directional trim, the neutral position.
overriding the failure by movement of the flight This means must be visible to the pilot and must
controls in the normal sense. be located and designed to prevent confusion.

(c) It must be shown that after any single The pitch trim indicator must be clearly marked
failure of the stability augmentation system or any with a position or range within which it has been
other automatic or power-operated system – demonstrated that take-off is safe for all centre of
gravity positions and each flap position approved
for take-off.
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(b) Trimming devices must be designed so CS 23.681 Limit load static tests
that, when any one connecting or transmitting
(a) Compliance with the limit load require-
element in the primary flight control system fails,
ments of CS-23 must be shown by tests in which –
adequate control for safe flight and landing is
available with – (1) The direction of the test loads
produces the most severe loading in the control
(1) For single-engine aeroplanes, the
system; and
longitudinal trimming devices; or
(2) Each fitting, pulley and bracket used
(2) For twin-engine aeroplanes, the
in attaching the system to the main structure is
longitudinal and directional trimming devices.
(c) Tab controls must be irreversible unless
(b) Compliance must be shown (by analyses
the tab is properly balanced and has no unsafe
or individual load tests) with the special factor
flutter characteristics. Irreversible tab systems
requirements for control system joints subject to
must have adequate rigidity and reliability in the
angular motion.
portion of the system from the tab to the
attachment of the irreversible unit to the aeroplane
structure. CS 23.683 Operation tests
(See AMC 23.683)
(d) It must be demonstrated that the aeroplane
is safely controllable and that the pilot can perform (a) It must be shown by operation tests that,
all the manoeuvres and operations necessary to when the controls are operated from the pilot
effect a safe landing following any probable compartment with the system loaded as prescribed
powered trim system runaway that reasonably in sub-paragraph (b) , the system is free from –
might be expected in service, allowing for (1) Jamming;
appropriate time delay after pilot recognition of
the trim system runaway. The demonstration must (2) Excessive friction;
be conducted at the critical aeroplane weights and (3) Excessive deflection.
centre of gravity positions.
(b) The prescribed test loads are –
CS 23.679 Control system locks (1) For the entire system, loads
corresponding to the limit air loads on the
If there is a device to lock the control system –
appropriate surface, or the limit pilot forces in
(a) It must give an unmistakable warning CS 23.397 (b), whichever are less; and
when the lock is engaged; and
(2) For secondary controls, loads not
(b) There must be a means to – less than those corresponding to the maximum
pilot effort established under CS 23.405.
(1) Automatically disengage the device
when the pilot operates the primary flight
controls in a normal manner; or CS 23.685 Control system details
(2) Limit the operation of the aeroplane, (a) Each detail of each control system must
when the device is engaged, in a manner that is be designed and installed to prevent jamming,
apparent to the pilot prior to take-off. chafing and interference from cargo, passengers,
loose objects, or the freezing of moisture.
(c) The device must have a means to preclude
the possibility of it becoming inadvertently (b) There must be means in the cockpit to
engaged in flight. prevent the entry of foreign objects into places
where they would jam the system.
(c) There must be means to prevent the
slapping of cables or tubes against other parts.
(d) Each element of the flight control system
must have design features, or must be distinctively
and permanently marked, to minimise the
possibility of incorrect assembly that could result
in malfunctioning of the control system.

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CS 23.687 Spring devices systems. For ball or roller bearings, the approved
ratings may not be exceeded.
The reliability of any spring device used in the
control system must be established by tests
simulating service conditions unless failure of the CS 23.697 Wing flap controls
spring will not cause flutter or unsafe flight
(a) Each wing flap control must be designed
so that, when the flap has been placed in any
position upon which compliance with the
CS 23.689 Cable systems performance requirements of CS-23 is based, the
flap will not move from that position unless the
(a) Each cable, cable fitting, turn-buckle,
control is adjusted or is moved by the automatic
splice and pulley used must meet approved
operation of a flap load limiting device.
specifications. In addition –
1 (b) The rate of movement of the flaps in
(1) No cable smaller than 3·2 mm ( 8
response to the operation of the pilot’s control or
in) diameter may be used in primary control
automatic device must give satisfactory flight and
performance characteristics under steady or
(2) Each cable system must be designed changing conditions of airspeed, engine power and
so that there will be no hazardous change in attitude.
cable tension throughout the range of travel
under operating conditions and temperature (c) If compliance with CS 23.145 (b) (3)
variations; and necessitates wing flap retraction to positions that
are not fully retracted, the wing flap control lever
(3) There must be means for visual settings corresponding to those positions must be
inspection at each fairlead, pulley, terminal and positively located such that a definite change of
turnbuckle. direction of movement of the lever is necessary to
(b) Each kind and size of pulley must select settings beyond those settings.
correspond to the cable with which it is used.
Each pulley must have closely fitted guards to
CS 23.699 Wing flap position indicator
prevent the cables from being misplaced or fouled,
even when slack. Each pulley must lie in the plane There must be a wing flap position indicator
passing through the cable so that the cable does for –
not rub against the pulley flange.
(a) Flap installations with only the retracted
(c) Fairleads must be installed so that they do and fully extended position, unless –
not cause a change in cable direction of more than
3°. (1) A direct operating mechanism
provides a sense of “feel” and position (such as
(d) Clevis pins subject to load or motion and when a mechanical linkage is employed; or
retained only by cotter pins may not be used in the
control system. (2) The flap position is readily determined
without seriously detracting from other piloting
(e) Turnbuckles must be attached to parts
duties under any flight condition, day or night;
having angular motion in a manner that will
positively prevent binding throughout the range of
travel. (b) Flap installation with intermediate flap
(f) Tab control cables are not part of the positions if –
primary control system and may be less than (1) Any flap position other than
3.2mm (1/8 inch) diameter in aeroplanes that are retracted or fully extended is used to show
safely controllable with the tabs in the most compliance with the performance requirements
adverse positions. of CS-23; and
(2) The flap installation does not meet
CS 23.693 Joints the requirements of sub-paragraph (a) (1) .
Control system joints (in push-pull systems)
that are subject to angular motion, except those in
ball and roller bearing systems, must have a
special factor of safety of not less than 3·33 with
respect to the ultimate bearing strength of the
softest material used as a bearing. This factor may
be reduced to 2·0 for joints in cable control
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CS 23.701 Flap interconnection LANDING GEAR

(a) The main wing flaps and related movable
surfaces as a system must – CS 23.721 General
(1) Be synchronised by a mechanical For commuter category aeroplanes that have a
interconnection between the movable flap passenger seating configuration, excluding pilot
surfaces that is independent of the flap drive seats, of 10 or more, the following general
system or by an approved equivalent means; or requirements for the landing gear apply:
(2) Be designed so that the occurrence (a) The main landing gear system must be
of any failure of the flap system that would designed so that if it fails due to overloads during
result in an unsafe flight characteristic of the take-off and landing (assuming the overloads to
aeroplane is extremely improbable; or act in the upward and aft directions), the failure
mode is not likely to cause the spillage of enough
(b) The aeroplane must be shown to have safe
fuel from any part of the fuel system to constitute a
flight characteristics with any combination of
fire hazard.
extreme positions of individual movable surfaces
(mechanically interconnected surfaces are to be (b) Each aeroplane must be designed so that,
considered as a single surface). with the aeroplane under control, it can be landed
on a paved runway with any one or more landing
(c) If an interconnection is used in twin-
gear legs not extended without sustaining a
engine aeroplanes, it must be designed to account
structural component failure that is likely to cause
for the unsymmetrical loads resulting from flight
the spillage of enough fuel to constitute a fire
with the engine on one side of the plane of
symmetry inoperative and the remaining engine at
take-off power. For single-engine aeroplanes and (c) Compliance with the provisions may be
twin-engine aeroplanes with no slipstream effects shown by analysis or test, or both.
on the flaps, it may be assumed that 100% of the
critical air load acts on one side and 70% on the
CS 23.723 Shock absorption tests
(a) It must be shown that the limit load
factors selected for design in accordance with
CS 23.703 Take-off warning system
CS 23.473 for take-off and landing weights,
For commuter category aeroplanes, unless it can respectively, will not be exceeded. This must be
be shown that a lift or longitudinal trim device that shown by energy absorption tests except that
affects the take-off performance of the aircraft analysis based on tests conducted on a landing
would not give an unsafe take-off configuration gear system with identical energy absorption
when selected out of an approved take-off characteristics may be used for increases in
position, a take-off warning system must be previously approved take-off and landing weights.
installed and must meet the following
(b) The landing gear may not fail, but may
yield, in a test showing its reserve energy
(a) The system must provide to the pilots an absorption capacity, simulating a descent velocity
aural warning that is automatically activated of 1·2 times the limit descent velocity, assuming
during the initial portion of the take-off roll if the wing lift equal to the weight of the aeroplane.
aeroplane is in a configuration that would not
allow a safe take-off. The warning must continue
CS 23.725 Limit drop tests
until –
(a) If compliance with CS 23.723 (a) is
(1) The configuration is changed to
shown by free drop tests, these tests must be made
allow safe take-off, or
on the complete aeroplane, or on units consisting
(2) Action is taken by the pilot to of wheel, tyre and shock absorber, in their proper
abandon the take-off roll. relation, from free drop heights not less than those
determined by the following formula:
(b) The means used to activate the system
h (m) = . 0.0132 (Mg/S) ½
must function properly for all authorised take-off
power settings and procedures and throughout the However, the free drop height may not be less
ranges of take-off weights, altitudes and than 0.234 m (9·2 inches) and need not be more
temperatures for which certification is requested. than 0.475 m (18·7 inches).

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(b) If the effect of wing lift is provided for in where –

free drop tests, the landing gear must be dropped
nj = the load factor developed in the drop
with an effective weight equal to –
test (that is, the acceleration (dv/dt) in
h  (1  L)d
Me  M g’s recorded in the drop test) plus 1·0;
hd and
where – Me, M and L are the same as in the drop test
Me = the effective weight to be used in
the drop test (kg); (f) The value of n determined in accordance
with sub-paragraph (e) may not be more than the
h = Specified free drop height (m); limit inertia load factor used in the landing
d = deflection under impact of the tyre conditions in CS 23.473.
(at the approved inflation pressure)
plus the vertical component of the CS 23.726 Ground load dynamic tests
axle travel relative to the drop mass
(m); (a) If compliance with the ground load
requirements of CS 23.479 to 23.483 is shown
M = MM for main gear units (kg), equal dynamically by drop test, one drop test must be
to the static weight on that unit with conducted that meets CS 23.725 except that the
the aeroplane in the level attitude drop height must be –
(with the nose wheel clear in the
case of the nose wheel type (1) 2·25 times the drop height
aeroplanes); prescribed in CS 23.725 (a); or
M = MT for tail gear units (kg), equal to (2) Sufficient to develop 1·5 times the
the static weight on the tail unit limit load factor.
with the aeroplane in the tail-down (b) The critical landing condition for each of
attitude; the design conditions specified in CS 23.479 to
M = MN for nose wheel units (kg), equal 23.483 must be used for proof of strength.
to the vertical component of the
static reaction that would exist at CS 23.727 Reserve energy absorption
the nose wheel, assuming that the drop tests
mass of the aeroplane acts at the
centre of gravity and exerts a force (a) If compliance with the reserve energy
of 1·0g downward and 0·33g absorption requirements in CS 23.723 (b) is shown
forward; and by free drop tests, the drop height may not be less
than 1·44 times that specified in CS 23.725.
L = the ratio of the assumed wing lift to
the aeroplane weight, but not more (b) If the effect of wing lift is provided for,
than 0·667. the units must be dropped with an effective mass
equal to
g = The acceleration due to gravity
 h  , when the symbols
(m/s2) Me  M  
(c) The limit inertia load factor must be and other details are the same as in CS 23.725.
determined in a rational or conservative manner,
during the drop test, using a landing gear unit
attitude and applied drag loads, that represent the CS 23.729 Landing gear extension
landing conditions. and retraction system
(See AMC 23.729 (g)
(d) The value of d used in the computation of
Me in sub-paragraph (b) may not exceed the value (a) General. For aeroplanes with retractable
actually obtained in the drop test. landing gear, the following apply:

(e) The limit inertia load factor must be (1) Each landing gear retracting
determined from the drop test in sub-paragraph (b) mechanism and its supporting structure must be
according to the following formula: designed for maximum flight load factors with
Me the gear retracted and must be designed for the
n  nj L combination of friction, inertia, brake torque
M and air loads, occurring during retraction at any

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CS-23 BOOK 1

airspeed up to 1·6 VS1 with flaps retracted and (2) A device that functions continuously
for any load factor up to those specified in when the wing flaps are extended beyond the
CS 23.345 for the flaps-extended condition. maximum approach flap position, using a
normal landing procedure, if the landing gear is
(2) The landing gear and retracting
not fully extended and locked. There may not
mechanism, including the wheel well doors,
be a manual shut-off for this warning device.
must withstand flight loads, including loads
The flap position sensing unit may be installed
resulting from all yawing conditions specified
at any suitable location. The system for this
in CS 23.351, with the landing gear extended at
device may use any part of the system
any speed up to at least 1·6 VS1 with the flaps
(including the aural warning device) for the
device required in sub-paragraph (1).
(b) Landing gear lock. There must be
(g) Equipment located in the landing gear
positive means (other than the use of hydraulic
bay. If the landing gear bay is used as the location
pressure) to keep the landing gear extended.
for equipment other than the landing gear, that
(c) Emergency operation. For a landplane equipment must be designed and installed to
having retractable landing gear that cannot be minimise damage.
extended manually, there must be means to extend
the landing gear in the event of either –
CS 23.731 Wheels
(1) Any reasonably probable failure in
(a) The maximum static load rating of each
the normal landing gear operation system; or
wheel may not be less than the corresponding
(2) Any reasonably probable failure in a static ground reaction with –
power source that would prevent the operation
(1) Design maximum weight; and
of the normal landing gear operation system.
(2) Critical centre of gravity.
(d) Operation test. The proper functioning of
the retracting mechanism must be shown by (b) The maximum limit load rating of each
operation tests. wheel must equal or exceed the maximum radial
limit load determined under the applicable ground
(e) Position indicator. If a retractable
load requirements of CS-23.
landing gear is used, there must be a landing gear
position indicator (as well as necessary switches to
actuate the indicator) or other means to inform the CS 23.733 Tyres
pilot that each gear is secured in the extended (or
(a) Each landing gear wheel must have a tyre
retracted) position. If switches are used, they must
whose approved tyre ratings (static and dynamic)
be located and coupled to the landing gear
are not exceeded –
mechanical system in a manner that prevents an
erroneous indication of either “down and locked” (1) By a load on each main wheel tyre
if each gear is not in the fully extended position, or (to be compared to the static rating approved for
of “up and locked” if each landing gear is not in such tyres) equal to the corresponding static
the fully retracted position. ground reaction under the design maximum
weight and critical centre of gravity; and
(f) Landing gear warning. For land-planes,
the following aural or equally effective landing (2) By a load on nose wheel tyres (to be
gear warning devices must be provided: compared with the dynamic rating approved for
such tyres) equal to the reaction obtained at the
(1) A device that functions continuously
nose wheel, assuming the mass of the aeroplane
when one or more throttles are closed beyond
to be concentrated at the most critical centre of
the power settings normally used for landing
gravity and exerting a force of 1·0 Mg
approach if the landing gear is not fully
downward and 0·31 Mg forward (where Mg is
extended and locked. A throttle stop may not
the design maximum weight), with the reactions
be used in place of an aural device. If there is a
distributed to the nose and main wheels by the
manual shut-off for the warning device
principles of statics and with the drag reaction
prescribed in this paragraph, the warning
at the ground applied only at wheels with
system must be designed so that, when the
warning has been suspended after one or more
throttles are closed, subsequent retardation of (b) If specially constructed tyres are used, the
any throttle to or beyond the position for normal wheels must be plainly and conspicuously marked
landing approach will activate the warning to that effect. The markings must include the
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CS-23 BOOK 1

make, size, number of plies and identification (e) In addition, for commuter category
marking of the proper tyre. aeroplanes, the rejected take-off brake kinetic
energy capacity rating of each mainwheel brake
(c) Each tyre installed on a retractable
assembly must not be less than the kinetic energy
landing gear system must, at the maximum size of
absorption requirements determined under either
the tyre type expected in service, have a clearance
of the following methods:
to surrounding structure and systems that is
adequate to prevent contact between the tyre and (1) The brake kinetic energy absorption
any part of the structure or systems. requirements must be based on a conservative
rational analysis of the sequence of events
expected during a rejected take-off at the design
CS 23.735 Brakes
take-off weight.
(See AMC 23.735 (c))
(2) Instead of a rational analysis, the
(a) Brakes must be provided. The landing
kinetic energy absorption requirements for each
brake kinetic energy capacity rating of each main
mainwheel brake assembly may be derived from
wheel brake assembly must not be less than the
the following formula:
kinetic energy absorption requirements determined
under either of the following methods: KE = ½ MV2/N
(1) The brake kinetic energy absorption where –
requirements must be based on a conservative
KE = Kinetic energy per wheel (Joules)
rational analysis of the sequence of events
expected during landing at the design landing M = Mass at design take-off weight (kg)
V = Ground speed in m/s associated with
(2) Instead of a rational analysis, the the maximum value of V1 selected in
kinetic energy absorption requirements for each accordance with CS 23.51 (c) (1)
main wheel brake assembly may be derived
N = Number of main wheels with brakes
from the following formula:
KE = ½MV2/N
where – CS 23.737 Skis
KE = Kinetic energy per wheel (Joules); The maximum limit load rating for each ski
must equal or exceed the maximum limit load
M = Mass at design landing weight (kg); determined under the applicable ground load
V = Aeroplane speed in m/s. V must be requirements of CS-23.
not less than VSO, the power off
stalling speed of the aeroplane at sea CS 23.745 Nose/tail-wheel steering
level, at the design landing weight,
and in the landing configuration; (a) If nose/tail-wheel steering is installed, it
and must be demonstrated that its use does not require
exceptional pilot skill during take-off and landing,
N = Number of main wheels with in cross-winds and in the event of an engine failure
brakes. or its use must be limited to low speed
(b) Brakes must be able to prevent the wheels
from rolling on a paved runway with take-off (b) Movement of the pilots steering control
power in the critical engine, but need not prevent must not interfere with correct retraction or
movement of the aeroplane with wheels locked. extension of the landing gear.

(c) During the landing distance determination

required by CS 23.75, the pressure in the wheel
braking system must not exceed the pressure
specified by the brake manufacturer.
(d) If anti-skid devices are installed, the
devices and associated systems must be designed
so that no single probable malfunction or failure
will result in a hazardous loss of braking ability or
directional control of the aeroplane.

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CS-23 BOOK 1


CS 23.751 Main float buoyancy
CS 23.771 Pilot compartment
(a) Each main float must have –
For each pilot compartment –
(1) A buoyancy of 80% in excess of the
buoyancy required by that float to support its (a) The compartment and its equipment must
portion of the maximum weight of the seaplane allow each pilot to perform his duties without
or amphibian in fresh water; and unreasonable concentration or fatigue;
(2) Enough watertight compartments to (b) Where the flightcrew are separated from
provide reasonable assurance that the seaplane the passengers by a partition, an opening or
or amphibian will stay afloat without capsizing openable window or door must be provided to
if any two compartments of any main float are facilitate communication between flightcrew and
flooded. the passengers; and
(b) Each main float must contain at least four (c) The aerodynamic controls listed in
watertight compartments approximately equal in CS 23.779, excluding cables and control rods,
volume. must be located with respect to the propellers so
that no part of the pilot or the controls lies in the
region between the plane of rotation of any
CS 23.753 Main float design
inboard propeller and the surface generated by a
Each seaplane main float must meet the line passing through the centre of the propeller hub
requirements of CS 23.521. making an angle of 5° forward or aft of the plane
of rotation of the propeller.
CS 23.755 Hulls
CS 23.773 Pilot compartment view
(a) The hull of a hull seaplane or amphibian
(See AMC 23.773)
of 680 kg (1 500 lb) or more maximum weight
must have watertight compartments designed and (a) Each pilot compartment must be –
arranged so that the hull, auxiliary floats and tyres
(1) Arranged with sufficiently extensive
(if used), will keep the aeroplane afloat without
clear and undistorted view to enable the pilot to
capsizing in fresh water when –
safely taxi, take-off, approach, land and
(1) For aeroplanes of 2 268 kg perform any manoeuvres within the operating
(5 000 lb) or more maximum weight, any two limitations of the aeroplane.
adjacent compartments are flooded; and
(2) Free from glare and reflections that
(2) For aeroplanes of 680 kg (1 500 lb) up could interfere with the pilot’s vision.
to, but not including 2 268 kg (5 000 lb) Compliance must be shown in all operations for
maximum weight, any single compartment is which certification is requested; and
(3) Designed so that each pilot is
(b) Watertight doors in bulkheads may be protected from the elements so that moderate
used for communication between compartments. rain conditions do not unduly impair the pilot’s
view of the flight path in normal flight and
while landing.
CS 23.757 Auxiliary floats
(b) Each pilot compartment must have a
Auxiliary floats must be arranged so that when
means to either remove or prevent the formation of
completely submerged in fresh water, they provide
fog or frost on an area of the internal portion of the
a righting movement of at least 1·5 times the
windshield and side windows sufficiently large to
upsetting moment caused by the seaplane or
provide the view specified in sub-paragraph (a) (1)
amphibian being tilted.
. Compliance must be shown under all expected
external and internal ambient operating conditions,
unless it can be shown that the windshield and side
windows can be easily cleared by the pilot without
interruption of normal pilot duties.

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CS 23.775 Windshields and windows (h) In addition for commuter category

(See AMC 23.775 and aeroplanes, the following applies:
AMC 23.775 (f) & (g))
(1) Windshield panes directly in front of
(a) The internal panels of windshields and the pilot(s) in the normal conduct of their
windows must be constructed of a nonsplintering duties, and the supporting structures for these
material, such as nonsplintering safety glass. panes must withstand, without penetration, the
(b) The design of windshields, windows and impact of a 0·91 kg (2 lb) bird when the
canopies in pressurised aeroplanes must be based velocity of the aeroplane relative to the bird
on factors peculiar to high altitude operation, along the aeroplane’s flight path is equal to the
including – aeroplane’s maximum approach flap speed.

(1) The effects of continuous and cyclic (2) The windshield panels in front of
pressurisation loadings; the pilot(s) must be arranged so that, assuming
the loss of vision through any one panel, one or
(2) The inherent characteristics of the more panels remain available for use by a pilot
material used; and seated at a pilot station to permit continued safe
(3) The effects of temperatures and flight and landing.
temperature gradients.
(c) On pressurised aeroplanes, if certification CS 23.777 Cockpit controls
for operation up to and including 7620 m (25 000 (a) Each cockpit control must be located and
ft) is requested, an enclosure canopy including a (except where its function is obvious) identified to
representative part of the installation must be provide convenient operation and to prevent
subjected to special tests to account for the confusion and inadvertent operation.
combined effects of continuous and cyclic
pressurisation loadings and flight loads, or (b) The controls must be located and arranged
compliance with the fail-safe requirement of sub- so that the pilot, when seated, has full and
paragraph (d) must be shown. unrestricted movement of each control without
interference from either his clothing or the cockpit
(d) If certification for operation above 7620 structure.
m (25 000 ft) is requested, the windshields,
window panels and canopies must be strong (c) Powerplant controls must be located –
enough to withstand the maximum cabin pressure (1) For twin-engined aeroplanes, on the
differential loads combined with critical pedestal or overhead at or near the centre of the
aerodynamic pressure and temperature effects after cockpit;
failure of any load-carrying element of the
windshield, window panel or canopy. (2) For single and tandem seated single-
engine aeroplanes, on the left side console or
(e) The windshield and side windows forward instrument panel;
of the pilot’s back when he is seated in the normal
flight position must have a luminous transmittance (3) For other single-engine aeroplanes
value of not less than 70% . at or near the centre of the cockpit, on the
pedestal, instrument panel, or overhead; and
(f) Unless operation in known or forecast
icing conditions is prohibited by operating (4) For aeroplanes with side-by-side
limitations, a means must be provided to prevent pilot seats and with two sets of powerplant
or to clear accumulations of ice from the controls, on left and right consoles.
windshield so that the pilot has adequate view for (d) The control location order from left to
taxi, takeoff, approach, landing, and to perform right must be power (thrust) lever, propeller (rpm
any manoeuvres within the operating limitations of control) and mixture control (condition lever and
the aeroplane. fuel cut-off for turbine-powered aeroplanes).
(g) In the event of any probable single failure, Power (thrust) levers must be at least 25 mm (one
a transparency heating system must be incapable inch) higher or longer to make them more
of raising the temperature of any windshield or prominent than propeller (rpm control) or mixture
window to a point where there would be controls. Carburettor heat or alternate air control
must be to the left of the throttle or at least 20 cm
(1) Structural failure so as to adversely (eight inches) from the mixture control when
affect the integrity of the cabin; or located other than on a pedestal. Carburettor heat
(2) A danger of fire or alternate air control, when located on a pedestal
must be aft or below the power (thrust) lever.
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Supercharger controls must be located below or aft (ii) Means must be provided to
of the propeller controls. Aeroplanes with tandem indicate to the flightcrew the tank or
seating or single-place aeroplanes may utilise function selected. Selector switch
control locations on the left side of the cabin position is not acceptable as a means of
compartment; however, location order from left to indication. The “off” or “closed” position
right must be power (thrust) lever, propeller (rpm must be indicated in red.
control) and mixture control.
(3) If the fuel valve selector handle or
(e) Identical powerplant controls for each electrical or digital selection is also a fuel shut-
engine must be located to prevent confusion as to off selector, the off position marking must be
the engines they control; coloured red. If a separate emergency shut-off
means is provided, it also must be coloured red.
(1) Conventional twin-engine
powerplant controls must be located so that the
left control(s) operates the left engine and the CS 23.779 Motion and effect of cockpit
right control(s) operates the right engine. controls
(2) On twin-engine aeroplanes with Cockpit controls must be designed so that they
front and rear engine locations (tandem), the operate in accordance with the following
left powerplant controls must operate the front movement and actuation:
engine and the right powerplant controls must
(a) Aerodynamic controls
operate the rear engine.
(1) Primary
(f) Wing flap and auxiliary lift device
controls must be located – Controls Motion and effect
(1) Centrally, or to the right of the Aileron Right (clockwise) for right
pedestal or powerplant throttle control wing down.
centreline; and
Elevator Rearward for nose up.
(2) Far enough away from the landing
Rudder Right pedal forward for nose
gear control to avoid confusion.
(g) The landing gear control must be located
to the left of the throttle centreline or pedestal (2) Secondary
Controls Motion and effect
(h) Each fuel feed selector control must
Flaps (or Forward or up for Flaps up or
comply with CS 23.995 and be located and
auxiliary auxiliary device stowed;
arranged so that the pilot can see and reach it
lift devices) rearward or down for flaps
without moving any seat or primary flight control
down or auxiliary device
when his seat is at any position in which it can be
Trim tabs Switch motion or mechanical
(l) For a mechanical fuel selector;
(or equiva- rotation or control to produce
(i) The indication of the selected lent) similar rotation of the
fuel valve position must be by means of a aeroplane about an axis
pointer and must provide positive parallel to the axis control.
identification and feel (detent, etc.,) of the Axis of roll trim control may
selected position. be displaced to accommodate
comfortable actuation by the
(ii) The position indicator pointer
pilot. For single-engined
must be located at the part of the handle
aeroplanes, direction of pilot’s
that is the maximum dimension of the
hand movement must be in the
handle measured from the centre of
same sense as aeroplane
response for rudder trim if
(2) For electrical or electronic fuel only a portion of a rotational
selector; element is accessible.
(i) Digital controls or electrical
(b) Powerplant and auxiliary controls
switches must be properly labelled.
(1) Powerplant

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Controls Motion and effect

Power (thrust) Forward to increase
lever) forward thrust and
rearward to increase
rearward thrust.
Propellers Forward to increase rpm.
Mixture Forward or upward for
Fuel Forward for open.
Carburettor air Forward or upward for
heat or cold.
alternate air
Supercharger Forward or upward for low (b) Powerplant control knobs must conform
blower. to the general shapes (but not
Turbosuper- Forward, upward, or necessarily the exact sizes of specific
chargers clockwise to increase proportions) in the following figures:
Rotary Clockwise from off to full
controls on.

(2) Auxiliary
Controls Motion and effect
Fuel tank Right for right tanks, left
selector for left tanks.
Landing gear Down to extend.
Speed brakes Aft to extend.

CS 23.781 Cockpit control knob shape

(a) Flap and landing gear control knobs must
conform to the general shapes (but not
necessarily the exact sizes or specific
proportions) in the following figure:

CS 23.783 Doors
(See AMC 23.783 (b))
(a) Each closed cabin with passenger
accommodations must have at least one adequate
and easily accessible external door.
(b) Passenger doors must not be located with
respect to any propeller disc or any other potential
hazard so as to endanger persons using that door.
(c) Each external passenger or crew door
must comply with the following requirements:
(1) There must be means to lock and
safeguard the door against inadvertent opening

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during flight by persons, by cargo, or as a result by a crew member using a flashlight or an

of mechanical failure. equivalent lighting source.
(2) The door must be openable from the (3) There must be a visual warning
inside and the outside when the internal locking means to signal a flight-crew member if the
mechanism is in the locked position. external door is not fully closed and locked.
The means must be designed so that any failure,
(3) There must be a means of opening
or combination of failures, that would result in
which is simple and obvious and is arranged
an erroneous closed and locked indication is
and marked inside and outside so that the door
improbable for doors for which the initial
can be readily located, unlocked, and opened,
opening movement is not inward.
even in darkness.
(f) In addition, for commuter category
(4) The door must meet the marking
aeroplanes, the following requirements apply:
requirements of CS 23.811.
(1) Each passenger entry door must
(5) The door must be reasonably free
qualify as a floor level emergency exit. This
from jamming as a result of fuselage
exit must have a rectangular opening of not less
deformation in an emergency landing.
than 0.61 m (24 in) wide by 1.22 m (48 in)
(6) Auxiliary locking devices that are high, with corner radii not greater than one-
actuated externally to the aeroplane may be third the width of the exit.
used but such devices must be overridden by the
(2) If an integral stair is installed at a
normal internal opening means.
passenger entry door, the stair must be
(d) In addition, each external passenger or designed so that, when subjected to the inertia
crew door, for a commuter category aeroplane, loads resulting from the ultimate static load
must comply with the following requirements: factors in CS 23.561(b)(2) and following the
collapse of one or more legs of the landing
(1) Each door must be openable from
gear, it will not reduce the effectiveness of
both the inside and outside, even though
emergency egress through the passenger entry
persons may be crowded against the door on the
inside of the aeroplane.
(g) If lavatory doors are installed, they must
(2) If inward opening doors are used,
be designed to preclude an occupant from
there must be a means to prevent occupants
becoming trapped inside the lavatory. If a locking
from crowding against the door to the extent
mechanism is installed, it must be capable of being
that would interfere with opening the door.
unlocked from the outside of the lavatory.
(3) Auxiliary locking devices may be
CS 23.785 Seats, berths, litters, safety
(e) Each external door on a commuter belts and shoulder harnesses
category aeroplane, each external door forward of
There must be a seat or berth for each occupant
any engine or propeller on a normal, utility, or
that meets the following:
aerobatic category aeroplane, and each door of the
pressure vessel on a pressurised aeroplane must (a) Each seat/restraint system and the
comply with the following requirements: supporting structure must be designed to support
occupants weighing at least 98 kg (215 lb) when
(1) There must be a means to lock and
subjected to the maximum load factors
safeguard each external door, including cargo
corresponding to the specified flight and ground
and service type doors, against inadvertent
load conditions, as defined in the approved
opening in flight, by persons, by cargo, or as a
operating envelope of the aeroplane. In addition,
result of mechanical failure or failure of a single
these loads must be multiplied by a factor of 1·33
structural element, either during or after
in determining the strength of all fittings and the
attachment of –
(2) There must be a provision for direct
(1) Each seat to the structure; and
visual inspection of the locking mechanism to
determine if the external door, for which the (2) Each safety belt and shoulder
initial opening movement is not inward, is fully harness to the seat or structure.
closed and locked. The provisions must be
(b) Each forward-facing or aft-facing seat/
discernible, under operating lighting conditions,
restraint system in normal, utility, or aerobatic
category aeroplanes must consist of a seat, safety
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belt and shoulder harness with a metal-to-metal they must comply with the occupant protection
latching device that are designed to provide the provisions of CS 23.562, as required in sub-
occupant protection provisions required in CS paragraphs (b) and (c) .
23.562. Other seat orientations must provide the
(j) Each seat track must be fitted with stops
same level of occupant protection as a forward-
to prevent the seat from sliding off the track.
facing or aft-facing seat with a safety belt and
shoulder harness, and must provide the protection (k) Each seat/restraint system may use design
provisions of CS 23.562. features, such as crushing or separation of certain
components, to reduce occupant loads when
(c) For commuter category aeroplanes each
showing compliance with the requirements of
seat and the supporting structure must be designed
CS 23.562; otherwise, the system must remain
for occupants weighing at least 77 kg (170 lb)
when subjected to the inertia loads resulting from
the ultimate static load factors prescribed in (l) For the purposes, a front seat is a seat
CS 23.561 (b) (2), and each seat/restraint system located at a flight crew member station or any seat
must be designed to provide the occupant located alongside such a seat.
protection provisions required in CS 23.562; and
(m) Each berth, or provisions for a litter,
each occupant must be protected from serious head
installed parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
injury when subjected to the inertia loads resulting
aeroplane, must be designed so that the forward
from the emergency landing dynamic conditions
part has a padded end-board, canvas diaphragm, or
by a safety belt and shoulder harness with a metal-
equivalent means that can withstand the load
to-metal latching device for the front seats; and a
reactions from a 98 kg (215 lb) occupant when
safety belt, or a safety belt and shoulder harness,
subjected to the inertia loads resulting from the
for each seat other than the front seats.
ultimate static load factors of CS 23.561 (b) (3).
(d) Each restraint system must have a single- In addition –
point release for occupant evacuation.
(1) Each berth or litter must have an
(e) The restraint system for each crew occupant restraint system and may not have
member must allow the crew member, when seated corners or other parts likely to cause serious
with the safety belt and shoulder harness fastened, injury to a person occupying it during
to perform all functions necessary for flight emergency landing conditions; and
(2) Occupant restraint system
(f) Each pilot seat must be designed for the attachments for the berth or litter must
reactions resulting from the application of pilot withstand the inertia loads resulting from the
forces to the primary flight controls as prescribed ultimate static load factors of CS 23.561 (b) (3).
in CS 23.395.
(n) Proof of compliance with the static
(g) There must be a means to secure each strength requirements for seats and berths
safety belt and shoulder harness, when not in use, approved as part of the type design and for seat
to prevent interference with the operation of the and berth installations may be shown by –
aeroplane and with rapid occupant egress in an
(1) Structural analysis, if the structure
conforms to conventional aeroplane types for
(h) Unless otherwise placarded, each seat in a which existing methods of analysis are known
utility or aerobatic category aeroplane must be to be reliable;
designed to accommodate an occupant wearing a
(2) A combination of structural analysis
and static load tests to limit load; or
(i) The cabin area surrounding each seat,
(3) Static load tests to ultimate loads.
including the structure, interior walls, instrument
panel, control wheel, pedals, and seats, within
striking distance of the occupant’s head or torso CS 23.787 Baggage and cargo
(with the restraint system fastened) must be free of compartments
potentially injurious objects, sharp edges,
(a) Each baggage and cargo compartment
protuberances, and hard surfaces. If energy
must –
absorbing designs or devices are used to meet this
requirement, they must protect the occupant from (1) Be designed for its placarded
serious injury when the occupant is subjected to maximum weight of contents and for the critical
the inertia loads resulting from the ultimate static load distributions at the appropriate maximum
load factors prescribed in CS 23.561 (b) (2), or
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load factors corresponding to the flight and rehearsal for the demonstration. Evacuation must
ground load conditions of CS-23. be completed within 90 seconds .
(2) Have means to prevent the contents (b) In addition, when certification to the
of any compartment from becoming a hazard by emergency exit provisions of CS 23.807(d)(4) is
shifting, and to protect any controls, wiring, requested, only the emergency lighting system
lines, equipment, or accessories whose damage required by CS 23.812 may be used to provide
or failure would affect safe operations. cabin interior illumination during the evacuation
demonstration required in sub-paragraph (a) .
(3) Have a means to protect occupants
from injury by the contents of any
compartment, located aft of the occupants and CS 23.805 Flight crew emergency exits
separated by structure, when the ultimate
For aeroplanes where the proximity of the
forward inertia load factor is 9g and assuming
passenger emergency exits to the flightcrew area
the maximum allowed baggage or cargo weight
does not offer a convenient and readily accessible
for the compartment.
means of evacuation for the flightcrew, the
(b) Aeroplanes that provide for baggage or following apply:
cargo to be carried in the same compartment as
(a) There must be either one emergency exit
passengers must have a means to protect the
on each side of the aeroplane, or a top hatch
occupants from injury when the baggage or cargo
emergency exit, in the flightcrew area;
is subjected to the inertia loads resulting from the
ultimate static load factors of CS 23.561 (b) (3), (b) Each emergency exit must be located to
assuming the maximum allowed baggage or cargo allow rapid evacuation of the crew and have a size
weight for the compartment. and shape of at least a 48-by 51 cm (19- by 20-in)
unobstructed rectangular opening; and
(c) For aeroplanes that are used only for the
carriage of cargo, the flight crew emergency exits (c) For each emergency exit that is not less
must meet the requirements of CS 23.807 under than 1·8 metres (6 ft) from the ground, an assisting
any baggage or cargo loading conditions. means must be provided. The assisting means may
be a rope or any other means demonstrated to be
suitable for the purpose. If the assisting means is a
CS 23.791 Passenger information signs
rope or an approved device equivalent to a rope, it
For those aeroplanes in which the flight crew must be-
members can not observe the other occupants seats
(1) Attached to the fuselage structure
or in which the crew compartment is separated
at or above the top of the emergency exit
from the passenger compartment, there must be at
opening or, for a device at a pilot's emergency
least one illuminated sign (using either letters or
exit window, at another approved location if
symbols) notifying all passengers when safety
the stowed device, or its attachment, would
belts must be fastened. Signs that notify when seat
reduce the pilot's view; and
belts should be fastened must –
(2) Able (with its attachment) to
(a) When illuminated, be legible to each
withstand a 1779 N (400 lbf) static load.
person seated in the passenger compartment under
all probable lighting conditions; and
CS 23.807 Emergency exits
(b) Be installed so that a flight-crew member
can, when seated at their station, turn the (a) Number and location. Emergency exits
illumination on and off. must be located to allow escape without crowding
in any probable crash attitude. The aeroplane must
have at least the following emergency exits:
CS 23.803 Emergency evacuation
(1) For all aeroplanes with a seating
(a) For commuter category aeroplanes, an
capacity of two or more, excluding aeroplanes
evacuation demonstration must be conducted
with canopies, at least one emergency exit on
utilising the maximum number of occupants for
the opposite side of the cabin from the main
which certification is desired. The demonstration
door specified in CS 23.783.
must be conducted under simulated night
conditions using only the emergency exits on the (2) Reserved
most critical side of the aeroplane. The
(3) If the pilot compartment is separated
participants must be representative of average
from the cabin by a door that is likely to block
airline passengers with no prior practice or
the pilot’s escape in a minor crash, there must
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be an exit in the pilot’s compartment. The three emergency exits, as defined in sub-
number of exits required by sub-paragraph (1) paragraph (b) , are required with one on the
must then be separately determined for the same side as the passenger entry door and
passenger compartment, using the seating two on the side opposite the door.
capacity of that compartment.
(2) A means must be provided to lock
(4) Emergency exits must not be located each emergency exit and to safeguard against its
with respect to any propeller disc or any other opening in flight, either inadvertently by
potential hazard so as to endanger persons using persons or as a result of mechanical failure. In
that exit. addition, a means for direct visual inspection of
the locking mechanism must be provided to
(b) Type and operation. Emergency exits
determine that each emergency exit for which
must be movable windows, panels, canopies, or
the initial opening movement is outward is fully
external doors, openable from both inside and
outside the aeroplane, that provide a clear
unobstructed opening large enough to admit a 48- (3) Each required emergency exit,
by-66 cm (19-by-26 in) ellipse. Auxiliary locking except floor level exits, must be located over
devices used to secure the aeroplane must be the wing or, if not less than 1.8 m (six feet)
designed to overridden by the normal internal from the ground, must be provided with an
opening means. The inside handles of emergency acceptable means to assist the occupants to
exits which open outwards must be adequately descend to the ground. Emergency exits must
protected against inadvertent operation. In be distributed as uniformly as practical, taking
addition, each emergency exit must – into account passenger seating configuration.
(1) Be readily accessible, requiring no (4) Unless the aeroplane complies with
exceptional agility to be used in emergencies; sub-paragraph (d)(1), there must be an
emergency exit on the side of the cabin opposite
(2) Have a method of opening that is
the passenger entry door, provided that:-
simple and obvious;
(i) For an aeroplane having a
(3) Be arranged and marked for easy
passenger seating configuration of nine or
location and operation, even in darkness;
fewer, the emergency exit has a rectangular
(4) Have reasonable provisions against opening measuring not less than 48 by 66
jamming by fuselage deformation; cm (19 by 26 in) high with corner radii not
greater than one-third the width of the exit,
(5) In the case of aerobatic category
located over the wing, with a step up inside
aeroplanes, allow each occupant to abandon the
the aeroplane of not more than 74 cm
aeroplane at any speed between VSO and VD.
(29 in) and a step down outside the
(6) In the case of utility category aeroplane of not more than 91 cm (36 in);
aeroplanes certificated for spinning, allow each
(ii) For an aeroplane having a
occupant to abandon the aeroplane at the
passenger seating configuration of 10 to 19
highest speed likely to be achieved in the
passengers, the emergency exit has a
manoeuvre for which the aeroplane is
rectangular opening measuring not less than
51 cm (20 in) wide by 91 cm (36 in) high,
(c) Tests. The proper functioning of each with corner radii not greater than one-third
emergency exit must be shown by tests. the width of the exit, and with a step up
inside the aeroplane of not more than 51 cm
(d) Doors and exits. In addition, for
(20 in). If the exit is located over the wing,
commuter category aeroplanes the following
the step down outside the aeroplane may not
requirements apply:
exceed 69 cm (27 in) and
(1) In addition to the passenger-entry
(iii) The aeroplane complies with the
additional requirements of CS
(i) For an aeroplane with a total 23.561(b)(2)(iv), CS 23.803(b), CS
passenger seating capacity of 15 or fewer, 23.811(c), CS 23.812, CS 23.813(b), and
an emergency exit, as defined in sub- CS 23.815.
paragraph (b) , is required on each side of
(e) For twin-engined aeroplanes, ditching
the cabin; and
emergency exits must be provided in accordance
(ii) For an aeroplane with a total with the following requirements, unless the
passenger seating capacity of 16 through 19,
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emergency exits required by sub-paragraph (a) or (5) Each passenger entry door operating
(d) s already comply with them: a handle must:-
(1) One exit above the waterline on (i) Be self-illuminated with an
each side of the aeroplane having the initial brightness of at least 0.51 micro
dimensions specified in sub-paragraph (b) or candela/m2 (160 microlamberts); or
(d), as applicable; and (ii) Be conspicuously located and
(2) If side exits cannot be above the well illuminated by the emergency lighting
waterline; there must be a readily accessible even in conditions of occupant crowding at
overhead hatch emergency exit that has a the door;
rectangular opening measuring not less than (6) Each passenger entry door with a
51 cm (20 in) wide by 91 cm (36 in) long, with locking mechanism that is released by rotary
corner radii not greater than one-third width of motion of the handle must be marked:-
the exit.
(i) With red arrow, with a shaft of
at least three-fourths of 25 mm (an inch)
CS 23.811 Emergency exit marking wide and a head twice the width of the
(a) Each emergency exit and external door in shaft, extending along at least 70 degrees of
the passenger compartment must be externally arc at a radius approximately equal to three-
fourths of the handle length;
marked and readily identifiable from outside the
aeroplane by – (ii) So that the centre line of the
exit handle is within : 25 mm (one inch) of
(1) A conspicuous visual identification
the projected point of the arrow when the
scheme; and
handle has reached full travel and has
(2) A permanent decal or placard on or released the locking mechanism; and
adjacent to the emergency exit which shows the
(iii) With the word "open" in red
means of opening the emergency exit, including letters, 25 mm (one inch) high, placed
any special instructions, if applicable. horizontally near the head of the arrow; and
(b) In addition, for commuter category (7) In addition to the requirements of
aeroplanes, these exits and doors must be sub-paragraph (a) , the external marking of each
internally marked with the word “exit” by a sign emergency exit must:-
which has white letters 25 mm (1 in) high on a red
background 51 mm (2 in) high, be self-illuminated (i) Include a 51 mm (2-inch)
or independently, internally-electrically colourband outlining the exit; and
illuminated, and have a minimum brightness of at (ii) Have a colour contrast that is
least 0.51 cd/m2 (160 microlamberts). The colour readily distinguishable from the surrounding
may be reversed if the passenger compartment fuselage surface. The contrast must be such
illumination is essentially the same. that if the reflectance (i.e. the ratio of the
(c) In addition, when certification to the luminous flux reflected by a body to a
emergency exit provisions of CS 23.807(d)(4) is luminous flux it receives) of the darker
requested, the following apply: colour is 15 percent or less, the reflectance
of the lighter colour must be at least 45
(1) Each emergency exit, its means of percent. When the reflectance of the darker
access, and its means of opening, must be colour is greater than 15 percent, at least 30
conspicuously marked; percent difference between its reflectance
(2) The identity and location of each and the reflectance of the lighter colour
emergency exit must be recognisable from a must be provided.
distance equal to the width of the cabin;
(3) Means must be provided to assist CS 23.812 Emergency lighting
occupants in locating the emergency exits in When certification to the emergency exit
conditions of dense smoke; provisions of CS 23.807(d)(4) is requested, the
(4) The location of the operating handle following apply:
and instructions for opening each emergency exit (a) An emergency lighting system,
from inside the aeroplane must be shown by independent of the main cabin lighting system,
marking that is readable from a distance of 76 cm must be installed. However, the source of
(30 in); general cabin illumination may be common to

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both emergency and main lighting system if the (3) Floor proximity emergency
power supply to the emergency lighting system is escape path marking that provides
independent of the power supply to the main emergency evacuation guidance for the
lighting system. aeroplane occupants when all sources of
illuminations more than 1.2 m (4 feet) above
(b) There must be a crew warning light
the cabin aisle floor are totally obscured.
that illuminates in the cockpit when power is on
in the aeroplane and the emergency lighting (i) The energy supply to each
control device is not armed. emergency lighting unit must provide the
required level of illumination for at least 10
(c) The emergency lights must be
minutes at the critical ambient conditions after
operable manually from the flightcrew station
activation of the emergency lighting system.
and be provided with automatic activation. The
cockpit control device must have "on," "off," and (j) If rechargeable batteries are used as
"armed" positions so that, when armed in the the energy supply for the emergency lighting
cockpit, the lights will operate by automatic system, they may be recharged from the main
activation. electrical power system of the aeroplane provided
the charging circuit is designed to preclude
(d) There must be a means to safeguard
inadvertent battery discharge into the charging
against inadvertent operation of the cockpit
circuit faults. If the emergency lighting system
control device from the "armed" or "on" position.
does not include a charging circuit, battery
(e) The cockpit control device must have condition monitors are required.
provisions to allow the emergency lighting
(k) Components of the emergency
system to be armed or activated at any time that it
lighting system, including batteries, wiring,
may be needed.
relays, lamps, and switches, must be capable of
(f) When armed, the emergency lighting normal operation after being subjected to the
system, must activate and remained lighted inertia forces resulting from the ultimate load
when:- factors prescribed in CS 23.561(b)(2).
(1) The normal electrical power of (l) The emergency lighting system must
the aeroplane is lost; or be designed so that after any single transverse
vertical separation of the fuselage during a crash
(2) The aeroplane is subjected to an
impact that results in a deceleration in
excess of 2g and a velocity change in excess (1) At least 75 percent of all
of 1.07 m/s (3.5 feet-per-second), acting electrically illuminated emergency lights
along the longitudinal axis of the aeroplane; required by this paragraph remain operative;
or and
(3) Any other emergency condition (2) Each electrically illuminated
exists where automatic activation of the exit sign required by CS 23.811(b) and (c)
emergency lighting is necessary to aid with remains operative, except those that are
occupant evacuation. directly damaged by the fuselage separation.
(g) The emergency lighting system must
be capable of being turned off and reset by the CS 23.813 Emergency exit access
flightcrew after automatic activation.
(a) For commuter category aeroplanes, access
(h) The emergency lighting system must to window-type emergency exits may not be
provide internal lighting, including:- obstructed by seats or seat backs.
(1) Illuminated emergency exit (b) In addition, when certification to the
marking and locating signs including those emergency exit provisions of CS 23.807(d)(4) is
required in CS 23.811(b); requested, the following emergency exit access
(2) Sources of general illumination must be provided:
in the cabin that provide an average (1) The passageway leading from the
illumination of not less than 0.5 lux (0.05 aisle to the passenger entry door must be
foot-candle) and an illumination at any point unobstructed and at least 51 cm (20 in) wide.
of not less than 0.1 lux (0.01 foot-candle)
when measured along the centre line of the (2) There must be enough space next to
main passenger aisle(s) and at the seat the passenger entry door to allow assistance in
armrest height; and evacuation of passengers without reducing the

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unobstructed width of the passageway below 51

Number of Less than 63 cm 63 cm (25 in)
cm (20 in).
Passenger (25 in) from floor and more from
(3) If it is necessary to pass through a Seats floor
cm (in)
passageway between passenger compartments to
reach a required emergency exit from any seat in cm (in)
the passenger cabin, the passageway must be Less than 10 30 (12) 38 (15)
unobstructed; however, curtains may be used if
they allow free entry through the passageway. 11 to 19 30 (12) 51 (20)

(4) No door may be installed in any A narrower width not less than 23 cm (9 in)
partition between passenger compartments unless may be approved when substantiated by tests
that door has a means to latch it in the open found necessary by the Agency.
position. The latching means must be able to
withstand the loads imposed upon it by the door
CS 23.831 Ventilation
when the door is subjected to the inertia loads
resulting from the ultimate static load factors (a) Each passenger and crew compartment
prescribed in CS 23.561(b)(2). must be suitably ventilated. Carbon monoxide
concentration may not exceed one part in 20 000
(5) If it is necessary to pass through a
parts of air.
door-way separating the passenger cabin from
other areas to reach a required emergency exit (b) For pressurised aeroplanes, the ventilating
from any passenger seat, the door must have a air in the flight crew and passenger compartments
means to latch it in the open position. The must be free of harmful or hazardous
latching means must be able to withstand the concentrations of gases and vapours in normal
loads imposed upon it by the door when the door operations and in the event of reasonably probable
is subjected to the inertia loads resulting from the failures or malfunctioning of the ventilating,
ultimate static load factors prescribed in CS heating, pressurisation, or other systems and
23.561(b)(2). equipment. If accumulation of hazardous
[Amdt No: 23/2] quantities of smoke in the cockpit area is
reasonably probable, smoke evacuation must be
readily accomplished starting with full
CS 23.815 Width of aisle pressurisation and without depressurising beyond
a) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (b), safe limits.
for commuter category aeroplanes, the width of the
main passenger aisle at any point between seats
must equal or exceed the values in the following PRESSURISATION
CS 23.841 Pressurised cabins
Minimum main passenger aisle (a) If certification for operation over 7620m
width (25 000 ft) is requested, the aeroplane must be able
Number of Less than 63 cm 63 cm (25 in)
to maintain a cabin pressure altitude of not more
Passenger (25 in) from floor and more from
than 4572m (15 000 ft) in event of any probable
Seats floor
failure or malfunction in the pressurisation system.
cm (in)
cm (in)
(b) Pressurised cabins must have at least the
following valves, controls and indicators, for
10 to 19....... 23 (9) 38 (15) controlling cabin pressure.
b) When certification to the emergency exit (1) Two pressure relief valves to
provisions of § 23.807(d)(4) is requested, the main automatically limit the positive pressure
passenger aisle width at any point between the differential to a predetermined value at the
seats must equal or exceed the following values: maximum rate of flow delivered by the pressure
source. The combined capacity of the relief
valves must be large enough so that the failure
of any one valve would not cause an
Minimum main passenger aisle appreciable rise in the pressure differential.
width The pressure differential is positive when the
internal pressure is greater than the external.

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(2) Two reverse pressure differential and flow regulators, indicators and warning
relief valves (or their equivalent) to signals, in steady and stepped climbs and
automatically prevent a negative pressure descents at rates corresponding to the maximum
differential that would damage the structure. attainable within the operating limitations of the
However, one valve is enough if it is of a aeroplane, up to the maximum altitude for
design that reasonably precludes its which certification is requested.
(4) Tests of each door and emergency
(3) A means by which the pressure exit, to show that they operate properly after
differential can be rapidly equalised. being subjected to the flight tests prescribed in
sub-paragraph (3) .
(4) An automatic or manual regulator
for controlling the intake or exhaust airflow, or
both, for maintaining the required internal
pressure and airflow rates.
(5) Instruments to indicate to the pilot
CS 23.851 Hand fire extinguishers
the pressure differential, the cabin pressure
(See AMC 23.851 (c))
altitude and the rate of change of cabin pressure
altitude. (a) There must be at least one hand fire
extinguisher for use in the pilot compartment that
(6) Warning indication at the pilot
is located within easy access of the pilot while
station to indicate when the safe or pre-set
pressure differential is exceeded and when a
cabin pressure altitude of 3048m (10 000 ft) is (b) There must be at least one hand fire
exceeded. extinguisher located conveniently in the passenger
(7) A warning placard for the pilot if the
structure is not designed for pressure (1) Of each aeroplane accommodating
differentials up to the maximum relief valve more than 6 passengers; and
setting in combination with landing loads.
(2) Of each commuter category
(8) A means to stop rotation of the aeroplane
compressor or to divert airflow from the cabin
(c) For hand fire extinguishers, the following
if continued rotation of an engine-driven cabin
compressor or continued flow of any
compressor bleed air will create a hazard if a (1) The types and quantity of each
malfunction occurs. extinguishing agent used must be appropriate to
the kinds of fire likely to occur where that agent
is to be used.
CS 23.843 Pressurisation tests
(2) Each extinguisher for use in a
(a) Strength test. The complete pressurised
personnel compartment must be designed to
cabin, including doors, windows, canopy and
minimise the hazard of toxic gas concentrations.
valves, must be tested as a pressure vessel for the
pressure differential specified in CS 23.365 (d). [Amdt No: 23/3]
(b) Functional tests. The following
functional tests must be performed: CS 23.853 Passenger and crew
compartment interiors
(1) Tests of the functioning and
capacity of the positive and negative pressure For each compartment to be used by the crew or
differential valves and of the emergency release passengers –
valve, to simulate the effects of closed regulator
(a) The materials must be at least flame-
(2) Tests of the pressurisation system to
(b) Reserved.
show proper functioning under each possible
condition of pressure, temperature and (c) If smoking is to be prohibited, there must
moisture, up to the maximum altitude for which be a placard so stating and if smoking is to be
certification is requested. allowed –
(3) Flight tests, to show the (1) There must be an adequate number
performance of the pressure supply, pressure of self-contained, removable ashtrays; and

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(2) Where the crew compartment is length may not exceed 15 cm (6 in) and
separated from the passenger compartment, the average flame time after removal of
there must be at least one illuminated sign the flame source may not exceed 15
(using either letters or symbols) notifying all seconds. Drippings from the test
passengers when smoking is prohibited. Signs specimen may not continue to flame for
which notify when smoking is prohibited must – more than an average of 3 seconds after
(i) When illuminated, be legible
to each passenger seated in the passenger (ii) Floor covering, textiles
cabin under all probable lighting (including draperies and upholstery), seat
conditions; and cushions, padding, decorative and non
decorative coated fabrics, leather, trays
(ii) Be so constructed that the crew
and galley furnishings, electrical conduit,
can turn the illumination on and off .
thermal and acoustical insulation and
(d) In addition, for commuter category insulation covering, air ducting, joint and
aeroplanes the following requirements apply: edge covering, cargo compartment liners,
insulation brakes, cargo covers and
(1) Each disposal receptacle for towels,
transparencies, moulded and
paper, or waste must be fully enclosed and
thermoformed parts, air ducting joints,
constructed of at least fire resistant materials
and trim strips (decorative and chafing),
and must contain fires likely to occur in it under
that are constructed of materials not
normal use. The ability of the disposal
covered in sub-paragraph (d) (3) (iv)
receptacle to contain those fires under all
must be self extinguishing when tested
probable conditions of wear, misalignment, and
vertically in accordance with the
ventilation expected in service must be
applicable portions of Appendix F of CS-
demonstrated by test. A placard containing the
23 or other approved equivalent methods.
legible words “No Cigarette Disposal” must be
The average burn length may not exceed
located on or near each disposal receptacle
20 cm (8 in) and the average flame time
after removal of the flame source may not
(2) Lavatories must have “No Smoking” exceed 15 seconds. Drippings from the
or “No Smoking in Lavatory” placards located test specimen may not continue to flame
conspicuously on each side of the entry door for more than an average of 5 seconds
and self-contained, removable ashtrays located after falling.
conspicuously on or near the entry side of each
(iii) Motion picture film must be
lavatory door, except that one ashtray may serve
safety film meeting the Standard
more than one lavatory door if it can be seen
Specifications for Safety Photographic
from the cabin side of each lavatory door
Film PH1.25 (available from the
served. The placards must have red letters at
American National Standards Institute,
least 13 mm (½ in) high on a white background
1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018)
at least 25 mm (1 in) high (a “No Smoking”
or an FAA approved equivalent. If the
symbol may be included on the placard).
film travels through ducts, the ducts must
(3) Materials (including finishes or meet the requirements of sub-paragraph
decorative surfaces applied to the materials (d) (3) (ii) .
used in each compartment occupied by the
(iv) Acrylic windows and signs,
crew or passengers must meet the following test
parts constructed in whole or in part of
criteria as applicable:
elastomeric materials, edge-lighted
(i) Interior ceiling panels, interior instrument assemblies consisting of two or
wall panels, partitions, galley structure, more instruments in a common housing,
large cabinet walls, structural flooring, seat belts, shoulder harnesses, and cargo
and materials used in the construction of and baggage tiedown equipment,
stowage compartments (other than including containers, bins, pallets, etc.,
underseat stowage compartments and used in passenger or crew compartments,
compartments for stowing small items may not have an average burn rate greater
such as magazines and maps) must be than 63 mm (2·5 in) per minute when
self-extinguishing when tested vertically tested horizontally in accordance with the
in accordance with the applicable portions applicable portions of Appendix F of
of Appendix F of CS-23 or by other CS-23 or by other approved equivalent
equivalent methods. The average burn methods.
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(v) Except for electrical wire cable (1) Be located where the presence of a
insulation, and for small parts (such as fire would easily be discovered by a pilot while
knobs, handles, rollers, fasteners, clips, at his station, or be equipped with a separate
grommets, rub strips, pulleys, and small smoke detector or fire detector system to give
electrical parts) that the Agency finds warning at the pilot station, and provide
would not contribute significantly to the sufficient access in flight to enable a pilot to
propagation of a fire, materials in items reach any part of the compartment with the
not specified in (d) (3) (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) contents of a hand-held fire extinguisher, or
may not have a burn rate greater than 10
(2) Be equipped with a separate smoke
cm (4 in) per minute when tested
detector or fire detector system to give warning
horizontally in accordance with the
at the pilot station and have floor panels and
applicable portions of Appendix F of CS-
ceiling and sidewall liner panels constructed of
23 or by other approved equivalent
materials which have been tested at a 45° angle
in accordance with the applicable portions of
(e) Lines, tanks, or equipment containing Appendix F of CS-23. The flame must not
fuel, oil, or other flammable fluids may not be penetrate (pass through) the material during
installed in such compartments unless adequately application of the flame or subsequent to its
shielded, isolated, or otherwise protected so that removal. The average flame time after removal
any breakage or failure of such an item would not of the flame source must not exceed 15 seconds
create a hazard. and the average glow time must not exceed 10
seconds. The compartment must be so
(f) Aeroplane materials located on the cabin
constructed as to provide fire protection not less
side of the firewall must be self-extinguishing or
than that required of its individual panels, or
be located at such a distance from the firewall, or
other-wise protected, so that ignition will not (3) Be constructed and sealed to contain
occur if the firewall is subjected to a flame any fire within the compartment.
temperature of not less than 1 093°C (2 000°F) for
15 minutes. For self-extinguishing materials
CS 23.859 Combustion heater fire
(except electrical wire and cable insulation and
small parts that the Agency finds would not
contribute significantly to the propagation of a (a) Combustion heater fire regions. The
fire), a vertical self-extinguishing test must be following combustion heater fire regions must be
conducted in accordance with Appendix F of CS- protected from fire in accordance with the
23 or an equivalent method approved by the applicable provisions of CS 23.1182 to 23.1191
Agency. The average burn length of the material and 23.1203:
may not exceed 15 cm (6 in) and the average flame
(1) The region surrounding the heater, if
time after removal of the flame source may not
this region contains any flammable fluid system
exceed 15 seconds. Drippings from the material
components (excluding the heater fuel system)
test specimen may not continue to flame for more
that could –
than an average of 3 seconds after falling.
(i) Be damaged by heater
malfunctioning; or
CS 23.855 Cargo and baggage compart-
ment fire protection (ii) Allow flammable fluids or
vapours to reach the heater in case of
(a) Sources of heat within each cargo and
baggage compartment that are capable of igniting
the compartment contents must be shielded or (2) The region surrounding the heater, if
insulated to prevent such ignition. the heater fuel system has fittings that, if they
leaked, would allow fuel vapour to enter this
(b) For normal, utility and aerobatic category
aeroplanes, each cargo and baggage compartment
must be constructed of materials which are at least (3) The part of the ventilating air
flame resistant. passage that surrounds the combustion chamber.
(c) In addition, for commuter category (b) Ventilating air ducts. Each ventilating air
aeroplanes, each cargo and baggage compartment duct passage through any fire region must be
must meet the provisions of CS 23.853 (d) (3), and fireproof. In addition –
either –
(1) Unless isolation is provided by
fireproof valves or by equally effective means,
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the ventilating air duct downstream of each for safe operation has been shut off by the
heater must be fireproof for a distance great automatic means prescribed in sub-
enough to ensure that any fire originating in the paragraph (i) .
heater can be contained in the duct; and
(2) The means for complying with sub-
(2) Each part of any ventilating duct paragraph (1) (i) for any individual heater
passing through any region having a flammable must –
fluid system must be constructed or isolated
(i) Be independent of components
from that system so that the malfunctioning of
serving any other heater whose heat
any component of that system cannot introduce
output is essential for safe operations; and
flammable fluids or vapours into the ventilating
airstream. (ii) Keep the heater off until
restarted by the crew.
(c) Combustion air ducts. Each combustion
air duct must be fireproof for a distance great (f) Air intakes. Each combustion and
enough to prevent damage from backfiring or ventilating air intake must be located so that no
reverse flame propagation. In addition – flammable fluids or vapours can enter the heater
system under any operating condition –
(1) No combustion air duct may have a
common opening with the ventilating airstream (1) During normal operation; or
unless flames from backfires or reverse burning
(2) As a result of the malfunctioning of
cannot enter the ventilating airstream under any
any other component.
operating condition, including reverse flow or
malfunctioning of the heater or its associated (g) Heater exhaust. Heater exhaust systems
components; and must meet the provisions of CS 23.1121 and
23.1123. In addition, there must be provisions in
(2) No combustion air duct may restrict
the design of the heater exhaust system to safely
the prompt relief of any backfire that, if so
expel the products of combustion to prevent the
restricted, could cause heater failure.
occurrence of –
(d) Heater controls: general. Provision must
(1) Fuel leakage from the exhaust to
be made to prevent the hazardous accumulation of
surrounding compartments;
water or ice on or in any heater control component,
control system tubing, or safety control. (2) Exhaust gas impingement on
surrounding equipment or structure;
(e) Heater safety controls
(3) Ignition of flammable fluids by the
(1) Each combustion heater must have
exhaust, if the exhaust is in a compartment
the following safety controls:
containing flammable fluid lines; and
(i) Means independent of the
(4) Restrictions in the exhaust system to
components for the normal continuous
relieve backfires that, if so restricted, could
control of air temperature, airflow and
cause heater failure.
fuel flow must be provided to
automatically shut off the ignition and (h) Heater fuel systems. Each heater fuel
fuel supply to that heater at a point remote system must meet each powerplant fuel system
from that heater when any of the requirement affecting safe heater operation. Each
following occurs: heater fuel system component within the
ventilating airstream must be protected by shrouds
(A) The heat exchanger
so that no leakage from those components can
temperature exceeds safe limits.
enter the ventilating airstream.
(B) The ventilating air
(i) Drains. There must be means to safely
temperature exceeds safe limits.
drain fuel that might accumulate within the
(C) The combustion airflow combustion chamber of the heater exchanger. In
becomes inadequate for safe addition –
(1) Each part of any drain that operates
(D) The ventilating airflow at high temperatures must be protected in the
becomes inadequate for safe same manner as heater exhausts; and
(2) Each drain must be protected from
(ii) Means to warn the crew when hazardous ice accumulation under any operating
any heater whose heat output is essential condition.
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CS 23.863 Flammable fluid fire CS 23.867 Electrical bonding and

protection protection against lightning
and static electricity
(a) In each area where flammable fluids or
vapours might escape by leakage of a fluid system, (a) The aeroplane must be protected against
there must be means to minimise the probability of catastrophic effects from lightning.
ignition of the fluids and vapours and the resultant
(b) For metallic components, compliance with
hazard if ignition does occur.
sub-paragraph (a) may be shown by –
(b) Compliance with sub-paragraph (a) must
(1) Bonding the components properly to
be shown by analysis or tests and the following
the airframe; or
factors must be considered:
(2) Designing the components so that a
(1) Possible sources and paths of fluid
strike will not endanger the aeroplane.
leakage and means of detecting leakage.
(c) For non-metallic components, compliance
(2) Flammability characteristics of
with sub-paragraph (a) may be shown by –
fluids, including effects of any combustible or
absorbing materials. (1) Designing the components to
minimise the effect of a strike; or
(3) Possible ignition sources, including
electrical faults, over-heating of equipment and (2) Incorporating acceptable means of
malfunctioning of protective devices. diverting the resulting electrical current so as
not to endanger the aeroplane.
(4) Means available for controlling or
extinguishing a fire, such as stopping flow of
fluids, shutting down equipment, fireproof
containment, or use of extinguishing agents.
(5) Ability of aeroplane components
CS 23.871 Levelling means
that are critical to safely of flight to withstand
fire and heat. There must be means for determining when the
aeroplane is in a level position on the ground.
(c) If action by the flightcrew is required to
prevent or counteract a fluid fire (e.g. equipment
shut-down or actuation of a fire extinguisher),
quick acting means must be provided to alert the
(d) Each area where flammable fluids or
vapours might escape by leakage of a fluid system
must be identified and defined.

CS 23.865 Fire protection of flight

controls, engine mounts and
other flight structure
(See AMC 23.865)
Flight controls, engine mounts, and other flight
structure located in designated fire zones, or in
adjacent areas that would be subjected to the
effects of fire in the designated fire zones, must be
constructed of fireproof material or be shielded so
that they are capable of withstanding the effects of
a fire. Engine vibration isolators must incorporate
suitable features to ensure that the engine is
retained if the non-fireproof portions of the
isolators deteriorate from the effects of a fire.



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GENERAL CS 23.903 Engines and auxiliary power

(See AMC 23.903 (a) (1) and
CS 23.901 Installation
AMC 23.903 (f))
(a) For the purpose of CS-23, the aeroplane
(a) Each turbine engine must either –
powerplant installation includes each component
that – (1) Comply with CS E-790 and
CS E-800, or
(1) Is necessary for propulsion; and
(2) Be shown to have a foreign
(2) Affects the safety of the major object ingestion service history in similar
propulsive units. installation locations which has not
(b) Each powerplant installation must be resulted in any unsafe condition.
constructed and arranged to – (b) Turbine engine installations. For turbine
(1) Ensure safe operation to the engine installations –
maximum altitude for which approval is (1) Design precautions must be taken to
requested. minimise the hazards to the aeroplane in the
(2) Be accessible for necessary event of an engine rotor failure or of a fire
inspections and maintenance. originating inside the engine which burns
through the engine case. (See AMC 20-128A)
(c) Engine cowls and nacelles must be easily
removable or openable by the pilot to provide (2) The powerplant systems associated
adequate access to and exposure of the engine with engine control devices, systems and
compartment for pre-flight checks. instrumentation must be designed to give
reasonable assurance that those operating
(d) Each turbine engine installation must be limitations that adversely affect turbine rotor
constructed and arranged to – structural integrity will not be exceeded in
(1) Result in carcass vibration service.
characteristics that do not exceed those (c) Engine isolation. The powerplants must
established during the type certification of the be arranged and isolated from each other to allow
engine. operation, in at least one configuration, so that the
(2) Provide continued safe operation failure or malfunction of any engine, or the failure
without a hazardous loss of power or thrust or malfunction (including destruction by fire in the
while being operated in rain for at least engine compartment) of any system that can affect
3 minutes with the rate of water ingestion being an engine will not –
not less than 4% by weight, of the engine (1) Prevent the continued safe operation
induction airflow rate at the maximum installed of the remaining engines; or
power or thrust approved for take-off and at
flight idle. (2) Require immediate action by any
crew member for continued safe operation of
(e) The powerplant installation must comply the remaining engine.
with –
(d) Starting and stopping (piston engine)
(1) The installation instructions
provided under – (1) The design of the installation must
be such that risk of fire or mechanical damage
(i) The engine type certificate, to the engine or aeroplane, as a result of starting
and the engine in any conditions in which starting is
(ii) The propeller type certificate to be permitted, is reduced to a minimum. Any
or equivalent approval. techniques and associated limitations for engine
starting must be established and included in the
(2) The applicable provisions of this
aeroplane flight manual or applicable operating
placards. Means must be provided for –
(f) Each auxiliary power unit installation (i) Restarting any engine in flight,
must meet the applicable portions of CS-23. and

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(ii) Stopping any engine in flight, speed of the engines, following the in-flight shut-
after engine failure, if continued engine down of all engines, is insufficient to provide the
rotation would cause a hazard to the necessary electrical power for engine ignition, a
aeroplane. power source independent of the engine-driven
(2) In addition, for commuter category electrical power generating system must be
aeroplanes, the following apply: provided to permit in-flight engine ignition for
(i) Each component of the
stopping system on the engine side of the (h) Auxiliary power units. Each APU must
firewall that might be exposed to fire must meet the requirements of CS-APU.
be at least fire resistant.
(ii) If hydraulic propeller CS 23.904 Automatic power reserve
feathering systems are used for this system
purpose, the feathering lines must be at
least fire resistant under the operating If installed, an automatic power reserve (APR)
conditions that may be expected to exist system that automatically advances the power or
during feathering. thrust on the operating engine, when either engine
fails during take-off, must comply with Appendix
(e) Starting and stopping (turbine engine). H of CS 23.
Turbine engine installations must comply with the
CS 23.905 Propellers
(1) The design of the installation must
be such that risk of fire or mechanical damage (a) (reserved)
to the engine or the aeroplane, as a result of (b) Engine power and propeller shaft
starting the engine in any conditions in which rotational speed may not exceed the limits for
starting is to be permitted, is reduced to a which the propeller is certificated.
minimum. Any techniques and associated
limitations must be established and included in (c) Each featherable propeller must have a
the aeroplane flight manual, or applicable means to unfeather it in flight.
operating placards. (d) Each component of the propeller blade
(2) There must be means for stopping pitch control system must meet the requirements of
combustion within any engine and for stopping CS-P-210.
the rotation of any engine if continued rotation (e) All areas of the aeroplane forward of the
would cause a hazard to the aeroplane. Each pusher propeller that are likely to accumulate and
component of the engine stopping system shed ice into the propeller disc during any
located in any fire zone must be fire resistant. operating condition must be suitably protected to
If hydraulic propeller feathering systems are prevent ice formation, or it must be shown that any
used for stopping the engine, the hydraulic ice shed into the propeller disc will not create a
feathering lines or hoses must be fire resistant. hazardous condition. (See AMC 23.905 (e))
(3) It must be possible to restart any (f) Each pusher propeller must be marked so
engine in flight. Any techniques and associated that the disc is conspicuous under normal daylight
limitations must be established and included in ground conditions.
the Aeroplane Flight Manual, or applicable
operating placards. (g) If the engine exhaust gases are discharged
into the pusher propeller disc, it must be shown by
(4) It must be demonstrated in flight tests, or analysis supported by tests, that the
that when restarting engines following a false propeller is capable of continuous safe operation.
start, all fuel or vapour is discharged in such a (See AMC 23.905 (g))
way that it does not constitute a fire hazard.
(h) All engine cowlings, access doors, and
(f) Restart envelope. An altitude and other removable items must be designed to ensure
airspeed envelope must be established for the that they will not separate from the aeroplane and
aeroplane for in-flight engine restarting and each contact the pusher propeller.
installed engine must have a restart capability
within that envelope.
(g) Restart capability. For turbine engine-
powered aeroplanes, if the minimum windmilling

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CS 23.907 Propeller vibration (3) Airflow through the intercooler must

(See AMC 23.907 (a)) not discharge directly on any aeroplane
component (e.g. windshield) unless such
(a) Each propeller other than a conventional
discharge is shown to cause no hazard to the
fixed pitch wooden propeller must be shown to
aeroplane under all operating conditions.
have vibration stresses, in normal operating
conditions, that do not exceed values that have (e) Engine power, cooling characteristics,
been shown by the propeller manufacturer to be operating limits, and procedures affected by the
safe for continuous operation. This must be shown turbocharger system installations must be
by – evaluated. Turbocharger operating procedures and
limitations must be included in the aeroplane flight
(1) Measurement of stresses through
manual in accordance with CS 23.1581.
direct testing of the propeller;
[Amdt No: 23/2]
(2) Comparison with similar
installations for which these measurements have
been made; or CS 23.925 Propeller clearance
(3) Any other acceptable test method or Propeller clearances with the aeroplane at the
service experience that proves the safety of the most adverse combination of weight and centre of
installation. gravity and with the propeller in the most adverse
pitch position, may not be less than the following:
(b) Proof of safe vibration characteristics for
any type of propeller, except for conventional, (a) Ground clearance. There must be a
fixed-pitch, wood propellers must be shown where clearance of at least 18 cm (7 in) (for each
necessary. aeroplane with nose wheel landing gear) or 23 cm
(9 in) (for each aeroplane with tail wheel landing
gear) between each propeller and the ground with
CS 23.909 Turbo charger systems
the landing gear statically deflected and in the
(See AMC 23.909 (d) (1))
level, normal take-off, or taxying attitude,
(a) Each turbo charger must be approved whichever is the most critical. In addition, for each
under the engine type certificate or it must be aeroplane with conventional landing gear struts
shown that the turbo charger system, while in its using fluid or mechanical means for absorbing
normal engine installation and operating in the landing shocks, there must be positive clearance
engine environment – between the propeller and the ground in the level
take-off attitude with the critical tyre completely
(1) Can withstand, without defect, an
deflated and the corresponding landing gear strut
endurance test of 150 hours that meets the
bottomed. Positive clearance for aeroplanes using
applicable requirements of CS-E 440, and
leaf spring struts is shown with a deflection
(2) Will have no adverse effect upon the corresponding to 1·5g.
(b) Aft mounted propellers. In addition to the
(b) Control system malfunctions, vibrations clearance specified in sub-paragraph (a) an
and abnormal speeds and temperatures expected in aeroplane with an aft mounted propeller must be
service may not damage the turbo charger designed such that the propeller will not contact
compressor or turbine. the runway surface when the aeroplane is in the
maximum pitch attitude attainable during normal
(c) Each turbo charger case must be able to
take-off and landings.
contain fragments of a compressor or turbine that
fails at the highest speed that is obtainable with (c) Water clearance. There must be a
normal speed control devices in-operative. clearance of at least 46 cm (18 in) between each
propeller and the water, unless compliance with
(d) Each intercooler installation, where
CS 23.239 can be shown with a lesser clearance.
provided, must comply with the following:
(d) Structural clearance. There must be –
(1) The mounting provisions of the
intercooler must be designed to withstand the (1) At least 25 mm (1 in) radial
loads imposed on the system; clearance between the blade tips and the
aeroplane structure, plus any additional radial
(2) It must be shown that, under the
clearance necessary to prevent harmful
installed vibration environment, the intercooler
will not fail in a manner allowing portions of
the intercooler to be ingested by the engine, and

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(2) At least 12·7 mm (½ in) longitudinal system will result in unwanted reverse thrust
clearance between the propeller blades or cuffs under any expected operating condition.
and stationary parts of the aeroplane; and Failure of structural elements need not be
considered if this kind of failure is extremely
(3) Positive clearance between other
rotating parts of the propeller or spinner and
stationary parts of the aeroplane. (2) Compliance with sub-paragraph
(b) (1) may be shown by failure analysis or
testing, or both, for propeller systems that allow
CS 23.929 Engine installation ice
propeller blades to move from the flight low-
pitch position to a position that is substantially
Propellers and other components of complete less than that at the normal flight low-pitch
engine installations must be protected against the position. The analysis may include or be
accumulation of ice as necessary to enable supported by the analysis made to show
satisfactory functioning without appreciable loss compliance with the requirements of CS-P for
of thrust when operated in the icing conditions for the propeller and associated installation
which certification is requested. components.
(3) For turbopropeller-powered,
CS 23.933 Reversing systems commuter category aeroplanes the requirements
(a) For turbojet and turbofan reversing of sub-paragraph (a) (2) apply. Compliance
systems – with this paragraph must be shown by failure
analysis, testing, or both, for propeller systems
(1) Each system intended for ground that allow the propeller blades to move from
operation only must be designed so that during the flight low-pitch position to a position thatis
any reversal in flight the engine will produce no substantially less than that at normal flight, low-
more than flight idle thrust. In addition, it must pitch stop position. The analysis may include,
be shown by analysis or test, or both, that – or be supported by, the analysis made to show
(i) Each operable reverser can be compliance for the type certification of the
restored to the forward thrust position; or propeller and associated installation
(ii) The aeroplane is capable of
continued safe flight and landing under
any possible position of the thrust CS 23.934 Turbojet and turbofan engine
reverser. thrust reverser system tests

(2) Each system intended for in-flight Thrust reverser systems of turbojet or turbofan
use must be designed so that no unsafe engines must meet the appropriate requirements of
condition will result during normal operation of CS-E 650 and CS-E 890.
the system, or from any failure (or likely
combination of failures) of the reversing CS 23.937 Turbopropeller-drag limiting
system, under any operating condition including systems
ground operation. Failure of structural
elements need not be considered if the (a) Turbopropeller-powered aeroplane
probability of this kind of failure is extremely propeller-drag limiting systems must be designed
remote. so that no single failure or malfunction of any of
the systems during normal or emergency operation
(3) Each system must have means to results in propeller drag in excess of that for which
prevent the engine from producing more than the aeroplane was designed under the structural
idle thrust when the reversing system requirements of CS-23. Failure of structural
malfunctions, except that it may produce any elements of the drag limiting systems need not be
greater thrust that is shown to allow directional considered if the probability of this kind of failure
control to be maintained, with aerodynamic is extremely remote.
means alone, under the most critical reversing
condition expected in operation. (b) As used in this paragraph, drag limiting
systems include manual or automatic devices that,
(b) For propeller reversing systems – when actuated after engine power loss can move
(1) Each system must be designed so the propeller blades toward the feather position to
that no single failure (or reasonably likely reduce windmilling drag to a safe level.
combination of failures) or malfunction of the

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CS 23.939 Powerplant operating its flow and pressure range with fuel initially
characteristics saturated with water at 27°C (80°F) and having
0·75cc of free water per 3.8 l (US-gallon) added
(a) Turbine engine powerplant operating
and cooled to the most critical condition for icing
characteristics must be investigated in flight to
likely to be encountered in operation.
determine that no adverse characteristics (such as
stall, surge, or flameout) are present, to a
hazardous degree, during normal and emergency CS 23.953 Fuel system independence
operations within the range of operating
(a) Each fuel system for a twin-engine
limitations of the aeroplane and of the engine.
aeroplane must be arranged so that, in at least one
(b) Turbocharged reciprocating engine system configuration, the failure of any one
operating characteristics must be investigated in component will not result in the loss of power of
flight to assure that no adverse characteristics, as a more than one engine or require immediate action
result of an inadvertent overboost, surge, flooding, by the pilot to prevent the loss of power of more
or vapour lock, are present during normal or than one engine.
emergency operation of the engine(s) throughout
the range of operating limitations of both
CS 23.954 Fuel system lightning
aeroplane and engine.
(c) For turbine engines, the air inlet system
The fuel system must be designed and arranged
must not, as a result of airflow distortion during
to prevent the ignition of fuel vapour within the
normal operation, cause vibration harmful to the
system by –
(a) Direct lightning strikes to areas having a
high probability of stroke attachment;
CS 23.943 Negative acceleration
(b) Swept lightning strokes on areas where
No hazardous malfunction of an engine, an
swept strokes are highly probable; and
auxiliary power unit approved for use in flight, or
any component or system associated with the (c) Corona or streamering at fuel vent outlets.
powerplant or auxiliary power unit may occur
when the aeroplane is operated at the negative
CS 23.955 Fuel flow
accelerations within the flight envelopes
prescribed in CS 23.333. This must be shown for (a) General. The ability of the fuel system to
the greatest value and duration of the acceleration provide fuel at the rates specified in this paragraph
expected in service. and at a pressure sufficient for proper engine
operation must be shown in the attitude that is
most critical with respect to fuel feed and quantity
FUEL SYSTEM of unusable fuel. These conditions may be
simulated in a suitable mock-up. In addition –
CS 23.951 General (1) The quantity of fuel in the tank may
not exceed the amount established as the
(a) Each fuel system must be constructed and
unusable fuel supply for that tank under
arranged to ensure fuel flow at a rate and pressure
CS 23.959 (a) plus that necessary to show
established for proper engine and auxiliary power
compliance with this paragraph;
unit functioning under each likely operating
condition, including any manoeuvre for which (2) If there is a fuel flowmeter, it must
certification is requested and during which the be blocked during the flow test and the fuel
engine or auxiliary power unit is permitted to be in must flow through the meter or its by-pass.
(3) If there is a flowmeter without a by-
(b) Each fuel system must be arranged so pass, it must not have any failure mode that
that – would restrict fuel flow below the level
required in this fuel flow demonstration;
(1) No fuel pump can draw fuel from
more than one tank at a time; or (4) The fuel flow must include that flow
needed for vapour return flow, jet pump drive
(2) There are means to prevent
flow and for all other purposes for which fuel is
introducing air into the system.
(c) Each fuel system for a turbine engine
must be capable of sustained operation throughout
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(b) Gravity systems. The fuel flow rate for (f) Turbine engine fuel systems. Each turbine
gravity systems (main and reserve supply) must be engine fuel system must provide at least 100% of
150% of the take-off fuel consumption of the the fuel flow required by the engine under each
engine. intended operation condition and manoeuvre. The
conditions may be simulated in a suitable mock-
(c) Pump systems. The fuel flow rate for each
up. This flow must –
pump system (main and reserve supply) for each
reciprocating engine, must be 125% of the fuel (1) Be shown with the aeroplane in the
flow required by the engine at the maximum take- most adverse fuel feed condition (with respect
off power approved under CS-23. to altitudes, attitudes and other conditions) that
is expected in operation; and
(1) This flow rate is required for each
main pump and each emergency pump, and (2) For twin-engine aeroplanes,
must be available when the pump is operating notwithstanding the lower flow rate allowed by
as it would during take-off; sub-paragraph (d), be automatically uninter-
rupted with respect to any engine until all the
(2) For each hand-operated pump, this
fuel scheduled for use by that engine has been
rate must occur at not more than 60 complete
consumed. In addition –
cycles (120 single strokes) per minute.
(i) For the purposes of this
(3) The fuel pressure, with main and
paragraph, “fuel scheduled for the use by
emergency pumps operating simultaneously,
that engine” means all fuel in any tank
must not exceed the fuel inlet pressure limits of intended for use by a specific engine.
the engine, unless it can be shown that no
adverse effect occurs. (ii) The fuel system design must
clearly indicate the engine for which fuel
(d) Auxiliary fuel systems and fuel transfer in any tank is scheduled.
systems. Sub-paragraphs (b), (c) and (f) apply to
each auxiliary and transfer system, except that – (iii) Compliance with this
paragraph must require no pilot action
(1) The required fuel flow rate must be after completion of the engine starting
established upon the basis of maximum phase of operations.
continuous power and engine rotational speed,
instead of take-off power and fuel consumption; (3) For single engine aeroplanes,
and require no pilot action after completion of the
engine starting phase of operations unless
(2) If there is a placard providing means are provided that unmistakenly alert the
operating instructions, a lesser flow rate may be pilot to take any needed action at least five
used for transferring fuel from any auxiliary minutes prior to the needed action; such pilot
tank into a larger main tank. This lesser flow action must not cause any change in engine
rate must be adequate to maintain maximum operation; and such pilot action must not
continuous power but the flow rate must not distract pilot attention from essential flight
overfill the main tank at lower engine power. duties during any phase of operations for which
(e) Multiple fuel tanks. For reciprocating the aeroplane is approved.
engines that are supplied with fuel from more than
one tank, if engine power loss becomes apparent CS 23.957 Flow between interconnected
due to fuel depletion from the tank selected, it tanks
must be possible after switching to any full tank,
in level flight, to obtain 75% maximum continuous (a) It must be impossible, in a gravity feed
power on that engine in not more than – system with interconnected tank outlets, for
enough fuel to flow between the tanks to cause an
(1) 10 seconds for naturally aspirated overflow of fuel from any tank vent under the
single-engine aeroplanes; conditions in CS 23.959, except that full tanks
(2) 20 seconds for turbocharged single- must be used.
engine aeroplanes, provided that 75% maximum (b) If fuel can be pumped from one tank to
continuous naturally aspirated power is another in flight, the fuel tank vents and the fuel
regained within 10 seconds; or transfer system must be designed so that no
(3) 20 seconds for twin-engine structural damage to any aeroplane component can
aeroplanes. occur because of overfilling of any tank.

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CS 23.959 Unusable fuel supply maximum ultimate acceleration with a full tank,
(See AMC 23.959 (a)) whichever is greater.
(a) The unusable fuel supply for each tank (2) For each integral tank, the pressure
must be established as not less than that quantity at developed during the maximum limit
which the first evidence of malfunctioning occurs acceleration of the aeroplane with a full tank,
under the most adverse fuel feed condition with simultaneous application of the critical
occurring under each intended operation and flight limit structural loads.
manoeuvre involving that tank. Fuel system
(3) For each non-metallic tank with
component failures need not be considered.
walls supported by the aeroplane structure and
(b) In addition, the effect on the unusable fuel constructed in an acceptable manner using
quantity as a result of a failure of any pump must acceptable basic tank material and with actual
be determined. or simulated support conditions, a pressure of
14 kPa (2 psi) for the first tank of a specific
design. The supporting structure must be
CS 23.961 Fuel system hot weather
designed for the critical loads occurring in the
flight or landing strength conditions combined
(See AMC 23.961)
with the fuel pressure loads resulting from the
Each fuel system must be free from vapour lock corresponding accelerations.
when using fuel at its critical temperature, with
(b) Each fuel tank with large, unsupported, or
respect to vapour formation, when operating the
unstiffened flat surfaces, whose failure or
airplane in all critical operating and environmental
deformation could cause fuel leakage, must be able
conditions for which approval is requested. For
to withstand the following test without leakage,
turbine fuel, the initial temperature must be 43oC –
0o, + 2.7o (110oF, -0o, +5o) or the maximum failure or excessive deformation of the tank walls:
outside air temperature for which approval is (1) Each complete tank assembly and its
requested, whichever is more critical. support must be vibration tested while mounted
to simulate the actual installation.
CS 23.963 Fuel tanks: general (2) Except as specified in sub-
(a) Each fuel tank must be able to withstand, paragraph (b) (4) , the tank assembly must be
without failure, the vibration, inertia, fluid and vibrated for 25 hours at a total displacement of
structural loads that it may be subjected to in not less than 0·8 of a mm ( 132 in) (unless another
operation. displacement is substantiated) while 2 3 filled
with water or other suitable test fluid.
(b) Each flexible fuel tank liner must be
shown to be suitable for the particular application. (3) The test frequency of vibration must
be as follows:
(c) Each integral fuel tank must have
adequate facilities for interior inspection and (i) If no frequency of vibration
repair. resulting from any rpm within the normal
operating range of engine or propeller
(d) The total usable capacity of the fuel tanks speeds is critical, the test frequency of
must be enough for at least ½ hour of operation at vibration is the number of cycles per
maximum continuous power. minute obtained by multiplying the
maximum continuous propeller speed in
(e) Each fuel quantity indicator must be
rpm by 0·9 for propeller-driven
adjusted, as specified in CS 23.1337 (b), to aeroplanes, except that for non-propeller
account for the unusable fuel supply determined driven aeroplanes, the test frequency of
under CS 23.959 (a). vibration is 2 000 cycles per minute.
(ii) If only one frequency of
CS 23.965 Fuel tank tests vibration resulting from any rpm within
(a) Each fuel tank must be able to withstand the normal operating range of engine or
the following pressures without failure or leakage: propeller speeds is critical, that frequency
must be the test frequency.
(1) For each conventional metal tank
and non-metallic tank with walls not supported (iii) If more than one frequency of
by the aeroplane structure, a pressure of 24 kPa vibration resulting from any rpm within
(3·5 psi), or that pressure developed during the normal operating range of engine or
propeller speeds is critical, the most

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critical of these frequencies must be the (6) Siphoning of fuel (other than minor
test frequency. spillage) or collapse of bladder fuel cells may
not result from improper securing or loss of the
(4) Under sub-paragraph (3) (ii) and
fuel filler cap.
(iii) , the time of test must be adjusted to
accomplish the same number of vibration cycles (b) Each tank compartment must be ventilated
that would be accomplished in 25 hours at the and drained to prevent the accumulation of
frequency specified in sub-paragraph (3) (i) . flammable fluids or vapours. Each compartment
adjacent to a tank that is an integral part of the
(5) During the test, the tank assembly
aeroplane structure must also be ventilated and
must be rocked at a rate of 16 to 20 complete
cycles per minute, through an angle of 15° on
either side of the horizontal (30° total), about an (c) No fuel tank may be on the engine side of
axis parallel to the axis of the fuselage, for 25 the firewall. There must be at least 13 mm (½ in)
hours. of clearance between the fuel tank and the firewall.
No part of the engine nacelle skin that lies
(c) Each integral tank using methods of
immediately behind a major air opening from the
construction and sealing not previously proven to
engine compartment may act as the wall of an
be adequate by test data or service experience must
integral tank.
be able to withstand the vibration test specified in
sub-paragraphs (1) to (4) of paragraph (b). (d) Each fuel tank must be isolated from
personnel compartments by a fume-proof and fuel-
(d) Each tank with a non-metallic liner must
proof enclosure that is vented and drained to the
be subjected to the sloshing test outlined in sub-
exterior of the aeroplane. The required enclosure
paragraph (5) of paragraph (b) , with the fuel at
must sustain any personnel compartment
room temperature. In addition, a specimen liner of
pressurisation loads without permanent
the same basic construction as that to be used in
deformation or failure under the conditions of
the aeroplane must, when installed in a suitable
CS 23.365 and 23.843. A bladder type fuel cell, if
test tank, withstand the sloshing test with fuel at a
used, must have a retaining shell at least
temperature of 43°C (110°F).
equivalent to a metal fuel tank in structural
CS 23.967 Fuel tank installation
(e) Fuel tanks must be designed, located and
(a) Each fuel tank must be supported so that installed –
tank loads are not concentrated. In addition –
(1) So as to retain fuel when subjected
(1) There must be pads, if necessary, to to the inertia loads resulting from the ultimate
prevent chafing between each tank and its static load factors prescribed in
supports; CS 23.561 (b) (2); and
(2) Padding must be non-absorbent or (2) So as to retain fuel under conditions
treated to prevent the absorption of fuel; likely to occur when an aeroplane lands on a
(3) If a flexible tank liner is used, it paved runway at a normal landing speed under
must be supported so that it is not required to each of the following conditions:
withstand fluid loads; (i) The aeroplane in a normal
landing attitude and its landing gear
(4) Interior surfaces adjacent to the liner
must be smooth and free from projections that
could cause wear, unless – (ii) The most critical landing gear
leg collapsed and the other landing gear
(i) Provisions are made for
legs extended.
protection of the liner at those points; or
In showing compliance with sub-
(ii) The construction of the liner
paragraph (e) (2) , the tearing away of an engine
itself provides such protection.
mount must be considered unless all the engines
(5) A positive pressure must be are installed above the wing or on the tail or
maintained within the vapour space of each fuselage of the aeroplane.
bladder cell under all conditions of operation
(3) For commuter category aeroplanes,
except for a particular condition for which it is
fuel tanks within the fuselage contour must be
shown that a zero or negative pressure will not
able to resist rupture and be in a protected
cause the bladder cell to collapse; and

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position so that exposure of the tanks to for electrically bonding the aeroplane to ground
scraping action with the ground is unlikely. fuelling equipment.
(e) For aeroplanes with engines requiring
CS 23.969 Fuel tank expansion space gasoline as the only permissible fuel, the inside
diameter of the fuel filler opening must be no
Each fuel tank must have an expansion space of
larger than 60 mm (2·36 in).
not less than 2% of the tank capacity, unless the
tank vent discharges clear of the aeroplane (in (f) For aeroplanes with turbine engines, the
which case no expansion space is required). It inside diameter of the fuel filler opening must be
must be impossible to fill the expansion space no smaller than 75 mm (2·95 in).
inadvertently with the aeroplane in the normal
ground attitude.
CS 23.975 Fuel tank vents and
carburettor vapour vents
CS 23.971 Fuel tank sump
(a) Each fuel tank must be vented from the
(a) Each fuel tank must have a drainable top part of the expansion space. In addition –
sump with an effective capacity, in the normal
(1) Each vent outlet must be located and
ground and flight attitudes, of 0·25% of the tank
constructed in a manner that minimises the
capacity, or 0·24 litres (0·05 Imperial
possibility of its being obstructed by ice or
gallon/ 116 US-gallon), whichever is greater.
other foreign matter;
(b) Each fuel tank must allow drainage of any
(2) Each vent must be constructed to
hazardous quantity of water from any part of the
prevent siphoning of fuel during normal
tank to its sump with the aeroplane in the normal
ground attitude.
(3) The venting capacity must allow the
(c) Each reciprocating engine fuel system
rapid relief of excessive differences of pressure
must have a sediment bowl or chamber that is
between the interior and exterior of the tank;
accessible for drainage; has a capacity of 30 cm3
(1 oz) for every 75·7 litres (16·7 Imperial (4) Airspaces of tanks with inter-
gallon/20 US-gallon) of fuel tank capacity; and connected outlets must be inter-connected;
each fuel tank outlet is located so that, in the
(5) There may be no points in any vent
normal flight attitude, water will drain from all
line where moisture can accumulate with the
parts of the tank except the sump to the sediment
aeroplane in either the ground or level flight
bowl or chamber.
attitudes unless drainage is provided .
(d) Each sump, sediment bowl and sediment
(6) No vent may terminate at a point
chamber drain required by sub-paragraphs (a), (b)
where the discharge of fuel from the vent outlet
and (c) must comply with the drain provisions of
will constitute a fire hazard or from which
CS 23.999 (b) (1) and (2).
fumes may enter personnel compartments; and
(7) Vents must be arranged to prevent
CS 23.973 Fuel tank filler connection
the loss of fuel, except fuel discharged because
(a) Each fuel tank filler connection must be of thermal expansion, when the aeroplane is
marked as prescribed in CS 23.1557 (c). parked in any direction on a ramp having a 1%
(b) Spilled fuel must be prevented from
entering the fuel tank compartment or any part of (b) Each carburettor with vapour elimination
the aeroplane other than the tank itself. connections and each fuel injection engine
employing vapour return provisions must have a
(c) Each filler cap must provide a fuel-tight
separate vent line to lead vapours back to the top
seal for the main filler opening. However, there
of one of the fuel tanks. If there is more than one
may be small openings in the fuel tank cap for
tank and it is necessary to use these tanks in a
venting purposes or for the purpose of allowing
definite sequence for any reason, the vapour vent
passage of a fuel gauge through the cap provided
line must lead back to the fuel tank to be used first,
such openings comply with the requirements of CS
unless the relative capacities of the tanks are such
23.975 (a).
that return to another tank is preferable.
(d) Each fuel filling point, except pressure
(c) For aerobatic category aeroplanes,
fuelling connection points, must have a provision
excessive loss of fuel during aerobatic
manoeuvres, including short periods of inverted
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flight, must be prevented. It must be impossible FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS

for fuel to siphon from the vent when normal flight
has been resumed after any aerobatic manoeuvre
CS 23.991 Fuel pumps
for which certification is requested.
(a) Main pumps. For main pumps, the
following apply:
CS 23.977 Fuel tank outlet
(1) For reciprocating engine
(a) There must be a fuel strainer for the fuel
installations having fuel pumps to supply fuel to
tank outlet or for the booster pump. This strainer
the engine, at least one pump for each engine
must –
must be directly driven by the engine and must
(1) For reciprocating engine-powered meet CS 23.955. This pump is a main pump.
aeroplanes, have 3 to 6 meshes per cm (8 to 16
(2) For turbine engine installations,
meshes per inch); and
each fuel pump required for proper engine
(2) For turbine engine-powered operation, or required to meet the fuel system
aeroplanes, prevent the passage of any object requirements of this subpart (other than those in
that could restrict fuel flow or damage any fuel sub-paragraph (b)), is a main pump. In
system component. addition –
(b) The clear area of each fuel tank outlet (i) There must be at least one
strainer must be at least five times the area of the main pump for each turbine engine;
outlet line. (ii) The power supply for the main
(c) The diameter of each strainer must be at pump for each engine must be
least that of the fuel tank outlet. independent of the power supply for each
main pump for any other engine; and
(d) Each strainer must be accessible for
inspection and cleaning. (iii) For each main pump, provision
must be made to allow the by-pass of each
positive displacement fuel pump other
CS 23.979 Pressure fuelling systems than a fuel injection pump approved as
For pressure fuelling systems, the following part of the engine.
applies: (b) Emergency pumps. There must be an
(a) Each pressure fuelling system fuel emergency pump immediately available to supply
manifold connection must have means to prevent fuel to the engine if any main pump (other than a
the escape of hazardous quantities of fuel from the fuel injection pump approved as part of an engine)
system if the fuel entry valve fails. fails. The power supply for each emergency pump
must be independent of the power supply for each
(b) An automatic shut-off means must be corresponding main pump.
provided to prevent the quantity of fuel in each
tank from exceeding the maximum quantity (c) Warning means. If both the main pump
approved for that tank. This means must – and emergency pump operate continuously, there
must be a means to indicate to the appropriate
(1) Allow checking for proper shut-off flight-crew members a malfunction of either pump.
operation before each fuelling of the tank; and
(d) Operation of any fuel pump may not
(2) For commuter category aeroplanes, affect engine operation so as to create a hazard,
provide indication at each fuelling station, of regardless of the engine power or thrust setting or
failure of the shut-off means to stop fuel flow at the functional status of any other fuel pump.
the maximum level.
(c) A means must be provided to prevent
damage to the fuel system in the event of failure of CS 23.993 Fuel system lines and fittings
the automatic shut-off means prescribed in sub- (a) Each fuel line must be installed and
paragraph (b). supported to prevent excessive vibration and to
(d) All parts of the fuel system up to the tank withstand loads due to fuel pressure and
which are subjected to fuelling pressures must accelerated flight conditions.
have a proof pressure of 1·33 times and an ultimate (b) Each fuel line connected to components of
pressure of at least 2·0 times, the surge pressure the aeroplane between which relative motion could
likely to occur during fuelling. exist must have provisions for flexibility.

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(c) Each flexible connection in fuel lines that for the selector to pass through the “OFF”
may be under pressure and subjected to axial position when changing from one tank to
loading must use flexible hose assemblies. another.
(d) Each flexible hose must be shown to be
suitable for the particular application. CS 23.997 Fuel strainer or filter
(e) No flexible hose that might be adversely There must be a fuel strainer or filter between
affected by exposure to high temperatures may be the fuel tank outlet and the inlet of either the fuel
used where excessive temperatures will exist metering device or an engine driven positive
during operation or after shut-down of an engine displacement pump, whichever is nearer the fuel
or auxiliary power unit. tank outlet. This fuel strainer or filter must –
(a) Be accessible for draining and cleaning
CS 23.994 Fuel system components and must incorporate a screen or element which is
easily removable;
Fuel system components in an engine nacelle or
in the fuselage must be protected from damage (b) Have a sediment trap and drain except that
which could result in spillage of enough fuel to it need not have a drain if the strainer or filter is
constitute a fire hazard as a result of a wheels-up easily removable for drain purposes;
landing on a paved runway.
(c) Be mounted so that its weight is not
supported by the connecting lines or by the inlet or
CS 23.995 Fuel valves and controls outlet connections of the strainer or filter itself,
unless adequate strength margins under all loading
(a) There must be a means to allow
conditions are provided in the lines and
appropriate flight-crew members to rapidly shut
connections; and
off, in flight, the fuel to each engine individually.
(d) Have the capacity (with respect to
(b) No shut-off valve may be on the engine
operating limitations established for the engine) to
side of any firewall. In addition, there must be
ensure that engine fuel system functioning is not
means to –
impaired, with the fuel contaminated to a degree
(1) Guard against inadvertent operation (with respect to particle size and density) that is
of each shut-off valve; and greater than that established for the engine during
its type certification.
(2) Allow appropriate flight-crew
members to reopen each valve rapidly after it (e) In addition, for commuter category
has been closed. aeroplanes, unless means are provided in the fuel
system to prevent the accumulation of ice on the
(c) Each valve and fuel system control must
filter, a means must be provided automatically to
be supported so that loads resulting from its
maintain the fuel flow if ice clogging of the filter
operation or from accelerated flight conditions are
not transmitted to the lines connected to the valve.
(d) Each valve and fuel system control must
CS 23.999 Fuel system drains
be installed so that gravity and vibration will not
affect the selected position. (a) There must be at least one drain to allow
safe drainage of the entire fuel system with the
(e) Each fuel valve handle and its connections
aeroplane in its normal ground attitude.
to the valve mechanism must have design features
that minimise the possibility of incorrect (b) Each drain required by sub-paragraph (a)
installation. and CS 23.971 must –
(f) Each valve must be constructed, or (1) Discharge clear of all parts of the
otherwise incorporate provisions, to preclude aeroplane;
incorrect assembly or connection of the valve.
(2) Have a drain valve –
(g) Fuel tank selector valves must –
(i) That has manual or automatic
(1) Require a separate and distinct means for positive locking in the closed
action to place the selector in the “OFF” position;
position; and (ii) That is readily accessible;
(2) Have the tank selector positions (iii) That can be easily opened and
located in such a manner that it is impossible closed;
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(iv) That allows the fuel to be an auxiliary control independent of the main
caught for examination; jettisoning control, the system may be designed to
jettison all the fuel.
(v) That can be observed for
proper closing; and (e) For turbine engine-powered aeroplanes,
(vi) That is either located or the jettisoning system must be designed so that it
protected to prevent fuel spillage in the is not possible to jettison fuel in the tanks used for
event of a landing with landing gear take-off and landing below the level allowing
retracted. climb from sea level to 3048 m (10 000 ft) and
thereafter allowing 45 minutes cruise at a speed
for maximum range.
CS 23.1001 Fuel jettisoning system
(f) The fuel jettisoning valve must be
(a) If the design landing weight is less than designed to allow flight-crew members to close the
that permitted under the requirements of valve during any part of the jettisoning operation.
CS 23.473 (b), the aeroplane must have a fuel
jettisoning system installed that is able to jettison (g) Unless it is shown that using any means
enough fuel to bring the maximum weight down to (including flaps, slots and slats) for changing the
the design landing weight. The average rate of airflow across or around the wings does not
fuel jettisoning must be at least 1% of the adversely affect fuel jettisoning, there must be a
maximum weight per minute, except that the time placard, adjacent to the jettisoning control, to warn
required to jettison the fuel need not be less than flight-crew members against jettisoning fuel while
10 minutes. the means that change the airflow are being used.

(b) Fuel jettisoning must be demonstrated at (h) The fuel jettisoning system must be
maximum weight with flaps and landing gear up designed so that any reasonably probable single
and in – malfunction in the system will not result in a
hazardous condition due to unsymmetrical
(1) A power-off glide at 1·4 VS1; and jettisoning of, or inability to jettison, fuel.
(2) A climb, at the speed at which one-
engine in-operative en-route climb data has
been established in accordance with OIL SYSTEM
CS 23.69(b), with the critical engine inoperative
and the remaining engine at maximum CS 23.1011 General
continuous power; and (See AMC 23.1011 (b))
(3) Level flight at 1·4 VS1, if the results (a) For oil systems and components that have
of the tests in the conditions specified in sub- been approved under the engine airworthiness
paragraphs (1) and (2) show that this condition requirements and where those requirements are
could be critical. equal to or more severe than the corresponding
(c) During the flight tests prescribed in sub- requirements of subpart E of CS-23, that approval
paragraph (b) , it must be shown that – need not be duplicated. Where the requirements of
subpart E of CS-23 are more severe, substantiation
(1) The fuel jettisoning system and its must be shown to the requirements of subpart E.
operation are free from fire hazard;
(b) Each engine and auxiliary power unit
(2) The fuel discharges clear of any part must have an independent oil system that can
of the aeroplane; supply it with an appropriate quantity of oil at a
(3) Fuel or fumes do not enter any parts temperature not above that safe for continuous
of the aeroplane; and operation.

(4) The jettisoning operation does not (c) The usable oil tank capacity may not be
adversely affect the controllability of the less than the product of the endurance of the
aeroplane. aeroplane under critical operating conditions and
the maximum oil consumption of the engine under
(d) For reciprocating engine powered the same conditions, plus a suitable margin to
aeroplanes, the jettisoning system must be ensure adequate circulation and cooling.
designed so that it is not possible to jettison the
fuel in the tanks used for take-off and landing (d) For an oil system without an oil transfer
below the level allowing 45 minutes flight at 75% system, only the usable oil tank capacity may be
maximum continuous power. However, if there is considered. The amount of oil in the engine oil

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lines, the oil radiator and the feathering reserve, temperature. No oil tank outlet diameter may be
may not be considered. less than the diameter of the engine oil pump inlet.
Each oil tank used with a turbine engine must have
(e) If an oil transfer system is used and the
means to prevent entrance into the tank itself, or
transfer pump can pump some of the oil in the
into the tank outlet, of any object that might
transfer lines into the main engine oil tanks, the
obstruct the flow of oil through the system. There
amount of oil in these lines that can be pumped by
must be a shut-off valve at the outlet of each oil
the transfer pump may be included in the oil
tank used with a turbine engine, unless the external
portion of the oil system (including oil tank
supports) is fire-proof.
CS 23.1013 Oil tanks
(f) Flexible liners. Each flexible oil tank
(a) Installation. Each oil tank must be liner must be of an acceptable kind.
installed to –
(g) Each oil tank filler cap of an oil tank that
(1) Meet the requirements of is used with an engine must provide an oil tight
CS 23.967 (a) and (b); and seal.
(2) Withstand any vibration, inertia and
fluid loads expected in operation. CS 23.1015 Oil tank tests
(b) Expansion space. Oil tank expansion Each oil tank must be tested under CS 23.965,
space must be provided so that – except that –
(1) Each oil tank used with a (a) The applied pressure must be 34 kPa
reciprocating engine has an expansion space of (5 psi) for the tank construction instead of the
not less than the greater of 10% of the tank pressures specified in CS 23.965 (a).
capacity or 1·9 litres (0·42 Imperial gallon/0·5
(b) For a tank with a non-metallic liner the
US-gallon) and each oil tank used with a
test fluid must be oil rather than fuel as specified
turbine engine has an expansion space of not
in CS 23.965 (d) and the slosh test on a specimen
less than 10% of the tank capacity; and
liner must be conducted with the oil at 121°C
(2) It is impossible to fill the expansion (250°F); and
space inadvertently with the aeroplane in the
(c) For pressurised tanks used with a turbine
normal ground attitude.
engine, the test pressure may not be less than
(c) Filler connection. Each oil tank filler 34 kPa (5 psi) plus the maximum operating
connection must be marked as specified in pressure of the tank.
CS 23.1557 (c). Each recessed oil tank filler
connection of an oil tank used with a turbine
CS 23.1017 Oil lines and fittings
engine, that can retain any appreciable quantity of
oil, must have provisions for fitting a drain. (a) Oil lines. Oil lines must meet CS 23.993
and must accommodate a flow of oil at a rate and
(d) Vent. Oil tanks must be vented as
pressure adequate for proper engine functioning
under any normal operating conditions.
(1) Each oil tank must be vented to the
(b) Breather lines. Breather lines must be
engine from the top part of the expansion space
arranged so that –
so that the vent connection is not covered by oil
under any normal flight condition. (1) Condensed water vapour or oil that
might freeze and obstruct the line cannot
(2) Oil tank vents must be arranged so
accumulate at any point;
that condensed water vapour that might freeze
and obstruct the line cannot accumulate at any (2) The breather discharge will not
point. constitute a fire hazard if foaming occurs, or
cause emitted oil to strike the pilot’s
(3) For aerobatic category aeroplanes,
there must be means to prevent hazardous loss
of oil during aerobatic manoeuvres, including (3) The breather does not discharge into
short periods of inverted flight. the engine air induction system;
(e) Outlet. No oil tank outlet may be (4) For aerobatic category aeroplanes,
enclosed by any screen or guard that would reduce there is no excessive loss of oil from the
the flow of oil below a safe value at any operating

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breather during aerobatic manoeuvres, (b) Have drain valves, or other closures,
including short periods of inverted flight; and employing manual or automatic shut-off means for
positive locking in the closed position; and
(5) The breather outlet is protected
against blockage by ice or foreign matter. (c) Be located or protected to prevent
inadvertent operation.
CS 23.1019 Oil strainer or filter
CS 23.1023 Oil radiators
(a) Each turbine engine installation must
incorporate an oil strainer or filter through which Each oil radiator and its supporting structures
all of the engine oil flows and which meets the must be able to withstand the vibration, inertia and
following requirements: oil pressure loads to which it would be subjected
in operation.
(1) Each oil strainer or filter that has a
by-pass must be constructed and installed so
that oil will flow at the normal rate through the
CS 23.1027 Propeller feathering system
rest of the system with the strainer or filter
completely blocked. (a) If the propeller feathering system uses
engine oil and that oil supply can become depleted
(2) The oil strainer or filter must have
due to failure of any part of the oil system, a
the capacity (with respect to operating
means must be incorporated to reserve enough oil
limitations established for the engine) to ensure
to operate the feathering system.
that engine oil system functioning is not
impaired when the oil is contaminated to a (b) The amount of reserved oil must be
degree (with respect to particle size and enough to accomplish feathering and must be
density) that is greater than that established for available only to the feathering pump.
the engine for its type certification.
(c) The ability of the system to accomplish
(3) The oil strainer or filter, unless it is feathering with the reserved oil must be shown.
installed at an oil tank outlet, must incorporate a
(d) Provision must be made to prevent sludge
means to indicate contamination before it
or other foreign matter from affecting the safe
reaches the capacity established in accordance
operation of the propeller feathering system.
with sub-paragraph (2) .
(4) The by-pass of a strainer or filter
must be constructed and installed so that the COOLING
release of collected contaminants is minimised
by appropriate location of the by-pass to ensure
CS 23.1041 General
that collected contaminants are not in the by-
pass flow path. The powerplant and auxiliary power unit
cooling provisions must maintain the temperatures
(5) An oil strainer or filter that has no
of powerplant components and engine fluids and
by-pass, except one that is installed at an oil
auxiliary power unit components and fluids
tank outlet, must have a means to connect it to
within the limits established for those components
the warning system required in
and fluids under the most adverse ground, water
CS 23.1305 (c)(9).
and flight operations to the maximum altitude and
(b) Each oil strainer or filter in a powerplant maximum ambient atmospheric temperature
installation using reciprocating engines must be conditions for which approval is requested, and
constructed and installed so that oil will flow at after normal engine and auxiliary power unit
the normal rate through the rest of the system with shutdown.
the strainer or filter element completely blocked.

CS 23.1043 Cooling tests

CS 23.1021 Oil system drains
(a) General. Compliance with CS 23.1041
A drain or drains must be provided to allow safe must be shown on the basis of tests, for which the
drainage of the oil system. Each drain must – following apply:
(a) Be accessible; (1) If the tests are conducted under
ambient atmospheric temperature conditions
deviating from the maximum for which
approval is requested, the recorded powerplant
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temperatures must be corrected under sub- CS 23.1045 Cooling test procedures for
paragraphs (c) and (d) , unless a more rational turbine engine-powered
correction method is applicable. aeroplanes
(2) Corrected temperatures (a) Compliance with CS 23.1041 must be
determined under sub-paragraph (a) (1) must shown for all phases of operation. The aeroplane
not exceed established limits. must be flown in the configurations, at the speeds
and following the procedures recommended in the
(3) The fuel used during the cooling
aeroplane flight manual for the relevant stage of
tests must be of the minimum grade approved
flight, corresponding to the applicable
for the engine(s).
performance requirements, which are critical
(4) For turbocharged engines, each relative to cooling.
turbocharger must be operated through that part
(b) Temperatures must be stabilised under the
of the climb profile for which operation with
conditions from which entry is made into each
the turbocharger is requested.
stage of flight being investigated, unless the entry
(5) For reciprocating engines the condition normally is not one during which
mixture settings must be the leanest component and engine fluid temperatures would
recommended for climb. stabilise (in which case, operation through the full
entry condition must be conducted before entry
(b) Maximum ambient atmospheric tempera-
into the stage of flight being investigated in order
ture. A maximum ambient atmospheric
to allow temperatures to reach their natural levels
temperature corresponding to sea-level conditions
at the time of entry). The take-off cooling test
of at least 38°C (100°F) must be established. The
must be preceded by a period during which the
assumed temperature lapse rate is 2°C (3·6°F) per
powerplant component and engine fluid
305 m (thousand feet) of altitude above sea-level
temperatures are stabilised with the engines at
until a temperature of -56·5°C (-69·7°F) is
ground idle. (See AMC 23.1045 (b))
reached, above which altitude the temperature is
considered constant at -56·5°C (-69·7°F). (c) Cooling tests for each stage of flight must
However, for winterisation installations, the be continued until –
applicant may select a maximum ambient
(1) The component and engine fluid
atmospheric temperature corresponding to sea-
temperatures stabilise; or
level conditions of less than 38°C (100°F).
(2) The stage of flight is completed; or
(c) Correction factor (except cylinder
barrels). Temperatures of engine fluids and (3) An operating limitation is reached.
powerplant components (except cylinder barrels)
for which temperature limits are established, must
CS 23.1047 Cooling test procedures for
be corrected by adding to them the difference reciprocating engine-powered
between the maximum ambient atmospheric aeroplanes
temperature for the relevant altitude for which
approval has been requested and the temperature Compliance with CS 23.1041 must be shown
of the ambient air at the time of the first for the climb (or descent, for twin-engined
occurrence of the maximum fluid or component aeroplanes with negative one-engine-inoperative
temperature recorded during the cooling test. rates of climb) stage of flight. The aeroplane must
be flown in the configurations, at the speeds and
(d) Correction factor for cylinder barrel following the procedures recommended in the
temperatures. Cylinder barrel temperatures must aeroplane flight manual, corresponding to the
be corrected by adding to them 0·7 times the applicable performance requirements, which are
difference between the maximum ambient critical relative to cooling.
atmospheric temperature for the relevant altitude
for which approval has been requested and the
temperature of the ambient air at the time of the
first occurrence of the maximum cylinder barrel LIQUID COOLING
temperature recorded during the cooling test.
CS 23.1061 Installation
(a) General. Each liquid-cooled engine must
have an independent cooling system (including
coolant tank) installed so that –

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(1) Each coolant tank is supported so (2) If flammable coolant is used, the air
that tank loads are distributed over a large part intake duct to the coolant radiator must be
of the tank surface; located so that (in case of fire) flames from the
nacelle cannot strike the radiator.
(2) There are pads or other isolation
means between the tank and its supports to (f) Drains. There must be an accessible drain
prevent chafing; and that –
(3) Pads or any other isolation means (1) Drains the entire cooling system
that is used must be non-absorbent or must be (including the coolant tank, radiator and the
treated to prevent absorption of flammable engine) when the aeroplane is in the normal
fluids; and ground attitude;
(4) No air or vapour can be trapped in (2) Discharges clear of the entire
any part of the system, except the coolant tank aeroplane; and
expansion space, during filling or during
(3) Has means to positively lock it
(b) Coolant tank. The tank capacity must be
at least 3·8 litres (0·83 Imperial gallon/1 US-
CS 23.1063 Coolant tank tests
gallon), plus 10% of the cooling system capacity.
In addition – Each coolant tank must be tested under
CS 23.965, except that –
(1) Each coolant tank must be able to
withstand the vibration, inertia and fluid loads (a) The test required by CS 23.965 (a) (1)
to which it may be subjected in operation; must be replaced with a similar test using the sum
of the pressure developed during the maximum
(2) Each coolant tank must have an
ultimate acceleration with a full tank or a pressure
expansion space of at least 10% of the total
of 24 kPa (3·5 psi), whichever is greater, plus the
cooling system capacity; and
maximum working pressure of the system; and
(3) It must be impossible to fill the
(b) For a tank with a non-metallic liner the
expansion space inadvertently with the
test fluid must be coolant rather than fuel as
aeroplane in the normal ground attitude.
specified in CS 23.965 (d) and the slosh test on a
(c) Filler connection. Each coolant tank filler specimen liner must be conducted with the coolant
connection must be marked as specified in at operating temperature.
CS 23.1557 (c). In addition –
(1) Spilled coolant must be prevented
from entering the coolant tank compartment or
any part of the aeroplane other than the tank
itself; and CS 23.1091 Air induction system
(2) Each recessed coolant filler (a) The air induction system for each engine
connection must have a drain that discharges and auxiliary power unit and their accessories
clear of the entire aeroplane. must supply the air required by that engine and
auxiliary power unit under the operating
(d) Lines and fittings. Each coolant system
conditions for which certification is requested.
line and fitting must meet the requirements of
CS 23.993, except that the inside diameter of the (b) Each reciprocating engine installation
engine coolant inlet and outlet lines may not be must have at least two separate air intake sources
less than the diameter of the corresponding engine and must meet the following:
inlet and outlet connections.
(1) Primary air intakes may open within
(e) Radiators. Each coolant radiator must be the cowling if that part of the cowling is
able to withstand any vibration, inertia and coolant isolated from the engine accessory section by a
pressure load to which it may normally be fire-resistant diaphragm or if there are means to
subjected. In addition – prevent the emergence of backfire flames.
(1) Each radiator must be supported to (2) Each alternate air intake must be
allow expansion due to operating temperatures located in a sheltered position and may not open
and prevent the transmittal of harmful vibration within the cowling if the emergence of backfire
to the radiator; and flames will result in a hazard.

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(3) The supplying of air to the engine (ii) 22°C (40°F), if a fluid de-icing
through the alternate air intake system may not system meeting the requirements of
result in a loss of excessive power in addition to CS 23.1095 to 23.1099 is installed;
the power loss due to the rise in air temperature.
(4) Each single-engine aeroplane with a
(4) Each automatic alternate air door sea-level engine using a carburettor tending to
must have an override means accessible to the prevent icing has a sheltered alternate source of
flight crew. air with a preheat of not less than that provided
by the engine cooling air downstream of the
(5) Each automatic alternate air door
cylinders; and
must have a means to indicate to the flight crew
when it is not closed. (5) Each twin-engined aeroplane with
sea-level engines using a carburettor tending to
(c) For turbine engine-powered aeroplanes –
prevent icing has a preheater that can provide a
(1) There must be means to prevent heat rise of 50°C (90°F) with the engines at
hazardous quantities of fuel leakage or overflow 75% of maximum continuous power.
from drains, vents or other components of
(6) Each aeroplane with sea level or
flammable fluid systems from entering the
altitude engine(s) using fuel injection systems
engine or auxiliary power unit and their
not having fuel metering components projecting
accessories intake system; and
into the airstream on which ice may form, and
(2) The aeroplane must be designed to introducing fuel into the air induction system
prevent water or slush on the runway, taxi way, downstream of any components or other
or other airport operating surfaces from being obstruction on which ice produced by fuel
directed into the engine or auxiliary power unit evapouration may form, has a sheltered
air intake ducts in hazardous quantities, and the alternate source of air with a preheat of not less
air intake ducts must be located or protected so than 16ºC (60ºF) with the engines at 75 percent
as to minimise the ingestion of foreign matter of its maximum continuous power.
during take-off, landing and taxying.
(b) Turbine engines
(1) Each turbine engine and its air inlet
CS 23.1093 Induction system icing
system must operate throughout the flight
power range of the engine (including idling),
(a) Reciprocating engines. Each without the accumulation of ice on engine or
reciprocating engine air induction system must inlet system components that would adversely
have means to prevent and eliminate icing. Unless affect engine operation or cause a serious loss
this is done by other means, it must be shown that, of power or thrust –
in air free of visible moisture at a temperature of
(i) Under the icing conditions
-1°C (30°F) –
specified in CS-Definitions; and
(1) Each aeroplane with sea-level (ii) In snow, both falling and
engines using conventional venturi carburettors blowing, within the limitations established
has a preheater that can provide a heat rise of for the aeroplane for such operation.
50°C (90°F) with the engines at 75% of
maximum continuous power; (2) Each turbine engine must idle for 30
minutes on the ground, with the air bleed
(2) Each aeroplane with altitude engines available for engine icing protection at its
using conventional venturi carburettors has a critical condition, without adverse effect, in an
preheater that can provide a heat rise of 67°C atmosphere that is at a temperature between -9°
(120°F) with the engines at 75% of maximum and -1°C (between 15° and 30°F) and has a
continuous power; liquid water content not less than 0·3 grams per
(3) Each aeroplane with altitude engines cubic metre in the form of drops having a mean
using carburettors tending to prevent icing has a effective diameter not less than 20 microns,
preheater that, with the engines at 60% of maxi- followed by momentary operation at take-off
mum continuous power, can provide a heat rise power or thrust. During the 30 minutes of idle
of – operation, the engine may be run up
periodically to a moderate power or thrust
(i) 56°C (100°F); or setting in a manner acceptable to the Agency.
(c) Reciprocating engines with
superchargers. For aeroplanes with reciprocating
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engines having superchargers to pressurise the air CS 23.1101 Induction air preheater design
before it enters the carburettor, the heat rise in the
Each exhaust-heated, induction air preheater
air caused by that supercharging at any altitude
must be designed and constructed to –
may be utilised in determining compliance with
sub-paragraph (a) if the heat rise utilised is that (a) Ensure ventilation of the preheater when
which will be available, automatically, for the the induction air preheater is not being used during
applicable altitudes and operating condition engine operation.
because of supercharging.
(b) Allow inspection of the exhaust manifold
parts that it surrounds; and
CS 23.1095 Carburettor de-icing fluid flow
(c) Allow inspection of critical parts of the
preheater itself.
(a) If a carburettor de-icing fluid system is
used, it must be able to simultaneously supply each
CS 23.1103 Induction system ducts
engine with a rate of fluid flow, expressed in
pounds per hour, of not less than 2·5 times the (a) Each induction system duct must have a
square root of the maximum continuous power of drain to prevent the accumulation of fuel or
the engine. moisture in the normal ground and flight attitudes.
No drain may discharge where it will cause a fire
(b) The fluid must be introduced into the air
induction system –
(b) Each duct connected to components
(1) Close to, and upstream of, the
between which relative motion could exist must
carburettor; and
have means for flexibility.
(2) So that it is equally distributed over
(c) Each flexible induction system duct must
the entire cross section of the induction system
be capable of withstanding the effects of
air passages.
temperature extremes, fuel, oil, water, and solvents
to which it is expected to be exposed in service
CS 23.1097 Carburettor de-icing fluid and maintenance without hazardous deterioration
system capacity or delamination.
(a) The capacity of each carburettor de-icing (d) For reciprocating engine installations,
fluid system – each induction system duct must be:-
(1) May not be less than the greater of – (1) Strong enough to prevent induction
system failures resulting from normal backfire
(i) That required to provide fluid
at the rate specified in CS 23.1095 for a conditions; and
time equal to 3% of the maximum (2) Fire resistant in any compartment
endurance of the aeroplane; or for which a fire extinguishing system is
(ii) 20 minutes at that flow rate; required.
and (e) Each inlet system duct for an auxiliary
(2) Need not exceed that required for power unit must be:-
two hours of operation. (1) Fireproof within the auxiliary power
(b) If the available preheat exceeds 28°C unit compartment;
(50°F) but is less than 56°C (100°F), the capacity (2) Fireproof for a sufficient distance
of the system may be decreased in proportion to upstream of the auxiliary power unit
the heat rise available in excess of 28°C (50°F). compartment to prevent hot gas reverse flow
from burning through the duct and entering any
other compartment of the aeroplane in which a
CS 23.1099 Carburettor de-icing fluid hazard would be created by the entry of the hot
system detail design gases;
Each carburettor de-icing fluid system must (3) Constructed of materials suitable to
meet the applicable requirements for the design of the environmental conditions expected in
a fuel system, except as specified in CS 23.1095 service, except in those areas requiring
and 23.1097. fireproof or fire resistant materials; and

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(4) Constructed of materials that will (b) The turbocharger supply air must be taken
not absorb or trap hazardous quantities of from a source where it cannot be contaminated by
flammable fluids that could be ignited by a harmful or hazardous gases or vapours following
surge or reverse-flow condition. any probable failure or malfunction of the engine
exhaust, hydraulic, fuel, or oil system.
(f) Induction system ducts that supply air to a
cabin pressurisation system must be suitably
constructed of material that will not produce CS 23.1111 Turbine engine bleed air
hazardous quantities of toxic gases or isolated to system
prevent hazardous quantities of toxic gases from
For turbine engine bleed air systems, the
entering the cabin during a powerplant fire.
following applies:
(a) No hazard may result if duct rupture or
CS 23.1105 Induction system screens
failure occurs anywhere between the engine port
If induction system screens are used on and the aeroplane unit served by the bleed air.
reciprocating engines –
(b) The effect on aeroplane and engine
(a) Each screen must be upstream of the performance of using maximum bleed air must be
carburettor or fuel injection system; established.
(b) No screen may be in any part of the (c) Hazardous contamination of cabin air
induction system that is the only passage through systems may not result from failures of the engine
which air can reach the engine, unless – lubricating system.
(1) The available preheat is at least
56°C (100°F); and
(2) The screen can be de-iced by heated
CS 23.1121 General
(c) No screen may be de-iced by alcohol
For powerplant and auxiliary power unit
alone; and
installations, the following applies:
(d) It must be impossible for fuel to strike any
(a) Each exhaust system must ensure safe
disposal of exhaust gases without fire hazard or
carbon monoxide contamination in any personnel
CS 23.1107 Induction system filters compartment.
On reciprocating-engine installations, if an air (b) Each exhaust system part with a surface
filter is used to protect the engine against foreign hot enough to ignite flammable fluids or vapours
material particles in the induction air supply-- must be located or shielded so that leakage from
any system carrying flammable fluids or vapours
(a) Each air filter must be capable of
will not result in a fire caused by impingement of
withstanding the effects of temperature extremes,
the fluids or vapours on any part of the exhaust
rain, fuel, oil, and solvents to which it is expected
system including shields for the exhaust system.
to be exposed in service and maintenance; and
(c) Each exhaust system must be separated by
(b) Each air filter must have a design feature
fireproof shields from adjacent flammable parts of
to prevent material separated from the filter media
the aeroplane that are outside of the engine and
from interfering with proper fuel metering
auxiliary power unit compartment.
(d) No exhaust gases may discharge
dangerously near any fuel or oil system drain.
CS 23.1109 Turbocharger bleed air
system (e) No exhaust gases may be discharged
where they will cause a glare seriously affecting
The following applies to turbocharged bleed air
pilot vision at night.
systems used for cabin pressurisation:
(f) Each exhaust system component must be
(a) The cabin air system may not be subject
ventilated to prevent points of excessively high
to hazardous contamination following any
probable failure of the turbocharger or its
lubrication system. (g) If significant traps exist, each turbine
engine and auxiliary power unit exhaust system

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must have drains discharging clear of the (a) Powerplant controls must be located and
aeroplane, in any normal ground and flight arranged under CS 23.777 and marked under
attitude, to prevent fuel accumulation after the CS 23.1555 (a).
failure of an attempted engine or auxiliary power
(b) Each flexible control must be shown to be
unit start.
suitable for the particular application.
(h) Each exhaust heat exchanger must
(c) Each control must be able to maintain any
incorporate means to prevent blockage of the
necessary position without –
exhaust port after any internal heat exchanger
failure. (1) Constant attention by flight-crew
members; or
(i) For the purposes of compliance with
CS 23.603 the failure of any part of the exhaust (2) Tendency to creep due to control
system will adversely affect safety. loads or vibration.
(d) Each control must be able to withstand
CS 23.1123 Exhaust system operating loads without failure or excessive
(a) Each exhaust system must be fireproof
and corrosion-resistant and must have means to (e) For turbine engine-powered aeroplanes,
prevent failure due to expansion by operating no single failure or malfunction, or probable
temperatures. combination thereof, in any powerplant control
system may cause the failure of any powerplant
(b) Each exhaust system must be supported to
function necessary for safety.
withstand the vibration and inertia loads to which
it may be subjected in operation. (f) The portion of each powerplant control
located in the engine compartment that is required
(c) Parts of the system connected to
to be operated in the event of fire must be at least
components between which relative motion could
fire resistant.
exist must have means for flexibility.
(g) Powerplant valve controls located in the
cockpit must have –
CS 23.1125 Exhaust heat exchangers
(1) For manual valves, positive stops or
For reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes
in the case of fuel valves suitable index
the following applies:
provisions, in the open and closed position; and
(a) Each exhaust heat exchanger must be
(2) For power-assisted valves, a means
constructed and installed to withstand the
to indicate to the flight crew when the valve –
vibration, inertia and other loads that it may be
subjected to in normal operation. In addition – (i) Is in the fully open or fully
closed position; or
(1) Each exchanger must be suitable for
continued operation at high temperatures and (ii) Is moving between the fully
resistant to corrosion from exhaust gases; open and fully closed position.
(2) There must be means for inspection
of critical parts of each exchanger; and CS 23.1142 Auxiliary power unit controls
(3) Each exchanger must have cooling Means must be provided on the flight deck for
provisions wherever it is subject to contact with the starting, stopping, monitoring, and emergency
exhaust gases. shutdown of each installed auxiliary power unit.
(b) Each heat exchanger used for heating
ventilating air must be constructed so that exhaust CS 23.1143 Engine controls
gases may not enter the ventilating air. (See AMC 23.1143 (g))
(a) There must be a separate power or thrust
control for each engine and a separate control for
each supercharger that requires a control.
(b) Power, thrust and supercharger controls
must be arranged to allow –
CS 23.1141 Powerplant controls: general
(See AMC 23.1041 (g) (2)) (1) Separate control of each engine and
each supercharger; and

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(2) Simultaneous control of all engines (1) The controls must be grouped and
and all superchargers. arranged to allow –
(c) Each power, thrust or supercharger (i) Separate control of each
control must give a positive and immediate engine; and
responsive means of controlling its engine or
(ii) Simultaneous control of all
supercharger. engines.
(d) The power, thrust or supercharger (2) The control must require a separate
controls for each engine or supercharger must be and distinct operation to move the control
independent of those for every other engine or towards lean or shut-off position.
(b) Each manual engine mixture control
(e) For each fluid injection (other than fuel) must be designed so that, if the control separates at
system and its controls not provided as part of the the engine fuel metering device, the aeroplane is
engine, it must be shown that the flow of the capable of continuing safe flight.
injection fluid is adequately controlled.
(f) If a power or thrust control, or a fuel CS 23.1149 Propeller speed and pitch
control (other then a mixture control) incorporates controls
a fuel shut-off feature, the control must have a
means to prevent the inadvertent movement of the (a) If there are propeller speed or pitch
control into the shut-off position. The means controls, they must be grouped and arranged to
must – allow –
(1) Have a positive lock or stop at the (1) Separate control of each propeller;
idle position; and and
(2) Require a separate and distinct (2) Simultaneous control of all
operation to place the control in the shut-off propellers.
position. (b) The controls must allow ready
(g) For reciprocating single-engine synchronisation of all propellers on twin-engine
aeroplanes, each power or thrust control must be aeroplanes.
designed so that if the control separates at the
engine fuel metering device, the aeroplane is CS 23.1153 Propeller feathering controls
capable of continuing safe flight.
If there are propeller feathering controls
installed, it must be possible to feather each
CS 23.1145 Ignition switches propeller separately. Each control must have
(a) Ignition switches must control and shut means to prevent inadvertent operation.
off each ignition circuit on each engine.
(b) There must be means to quickly shut off CS 23.1155 Turbine engine reverse thrust
all ignition on twin-engine aeroplanes by the and propeller pitch settings
groupings of switches or by a master ignition below the flight regime
control. For turbine engine installations, each control for
(c) Each group of ignition switches, except reverse thrust and for propeller pitch settings
ignition switches for turbine engines for which below the flight regime must have means to
continuous ignition is not required, and each prevent its inadvertent operation. The means must
master ignition control must have a means to have a positive lock or stop at the flight idle
prevent its inadvertent operation. position and must require a separate and distinct
operation by the crew to displace the control from
the flight regime (forward thrust regime for
CS 23.1147 Mixture controls turbojet powered aeroplanes).
(See AMC 23.1147 (b))
(a) If there are mixture controls, each engine CS 23.1157 Carburettor air temperature
must have a separate control and each mixture controls
control must have guards or must be shaped or
arranged to prevent confusion by feel with other There must be a separate carburettor air
controls. temperature control for each engine.

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CS 23.1163 Powerplant accessories (1) The condition of an inoperative

(a) Each engine mounted accessory must –
(2) The condition of a completely
(1) Be approved for mounting on the
depleted battery with the generator running at
engine involved and use the provisions on the
its normal operating speed; and
engines for mounting; or
(3) The condition of a completely
(2) Have torque limiting means on all
depleted battery with the generator operating at
accessory drives in order to prevent the torque
idling speed if there is only one battery.
limits established for those drives from being
exceeded; and (d) There must be means to warn appropriate
crew members if malfunctioning of any part of the
(3) In addition to sub-paragraphs
electrical system is causing the continuous
(a) (1) or (a) (2) , be sealed to prevent
discharge of any battery used for engine ignition.
contamination of the engine oil system and the
accessory system. (e) Each turbine engine ignition system must
be independent of any electrical circuit that is not
(b) Electrical equipment subject to arcing or
used for assisting, controlling or analysing the
sparking must be installed to minimise the
operation of that system.
probability of contact with any flammable fluids or
vapours that might be present in a free state. (f) In addition, for commuter category
aeroplanes, each turbopropeller ignition system
(c) Each generator rated at or more than
must be an essential electrical load.
6 kilowatts must be designed and installed to
minimise the probability of a fire hazard in the
event it malfunctions.
(d) If the continued rotation of any accessory
remotely driven by the engine is hazardous when
CS 23.1181 Designated fire zones;
malfunctioning occurs, a means to prevent rotation
regions included
without interfering with the continued operation of
the engine must be provided. Designated fire zones are –
(e) Each accessory driven by a gearbox that is (a) For reciprocating engines –
not approved as part of the powerplant driving the
(1) The power section;
gearbox must –
(2) The accessory section;
(1) Have torque limiting means to
prevent the torque limits established for the (3) Any complete powerplant compart-
affected drive from being exceeded; ment in which there is no isolation between the
power section and the accessory section.
(2) Use the provisions on the gearbox
for mounting; and (b) For turbine engines –
(3) Be sealed to prevent contamination (1) The compressor and accessory
of the gearbox oil system and the accessory sections;
(2) The combustor, turbine and tailpipe
sections that contain lines or components
CS 23.1165 Engine ignition systems carrying flammable fluids or gases.
(a) Each battery ignition system must be (3) Any complete powerplant compart-
supplemented by a generator that is automatically ment in which there is no isolation between
available as an alternate source of electrical energy compressor, accessory, combustor, turbine and
to allow continued engine operation if any battery tailpipe sections.
becomes depleted.
(c) Any auxiliary power unit compartment;
(b) The capacity of batteries and generators and
must be large enough to meet the simultaneous
(d) Any fuel burning heater and other
demands of the engine ignition system and the
combustion equipment installation described in
greatest demands of any electrical system
CS 23.859.
components that draw from the same source.
(c) The design of the engine ignition system
must account for –
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CS 23.1182 Nacelle areas behind firewalls unavailable to the remaining engine that would
(See AMC 23.1182) be available to that engine with that valve open.
Components, lines and fittings, except those (3) Operation of any shut-off means
subject to the provisions of CS 23.1351 (e), may not interfere with the later emergency
located behind the engine compartment firewall operation of other equipment such as propeller
must be constructed of such materials and located feathering devices.
at such distances from the firewall that they will
(4) Each shut-off must be outside of the
not suffer damage sufficient to endanger the
engine compartment unless an equal degree of
aeroplane if a portion of the engine side of the
safety is provided with the shut-off inside the
firewall is subjected to a flame temperature of not
less than 1093°C (2 000°F) for 15 minutes.
(5) No hazardous amount of flammable
fluid may drain into the engine compartment
CS 23.1183 Lines, fittings and
after shut-off .
(a) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (b) , (6) There must be means to guard
each component, line and fitting carrying against inadvertent operations of each shut-off
flammable fluids, gas or air in any area subject to means and to make it possible for the crew to
engine fire conditions must be at least fire reopen the shut-off means in flight after it has
resistant, except that flammable fluid tanks and been closed.
supports which are part of and attached to the (b) Turbine engine installations need not have
engine must be fireproof or be enclosed by a an engine oil system shut-off if –
fireproof shield unless damage by fire to any non-
(1) The oil tank is integral with, or
fireproof part will not cause leakage or spillage of
mounted on, the engine; and
flammable fluid. Components must be shielded or
located so as to safeguard against the ignition of (2) All oil system components external
leaking flammable fluid. Flexible hose assemblies to the engine are fireproof or located in areas
(hose and end fittings) must be shown to be not subject to engine fire conditions.
suitable for the particular application. An integral
(c) Power-operated valves must have means
oil sump of less than 23·7 Litres (5·2 Imperial
to indicate to the flight crew when the valve has
gallon/25 US-quarts) capacity on a reciprocating
reached the selected position and must be designed
engine need not be fireproof nor be enclosed by a
so that the valve will not move from the selected
fireproof shield.
position under vibration conditions likely to exist
(b) Sub-paragraph (a) does not apply to – at the valve location.
(1) Lines, fittings and components
which are already approved as part of a type CS 23.1191 Firewalls
certificated engine; and
(a) Each engine, auxiliary power unit, fuel
(2) Vent and drain lines and their burning heater and other combustion equipment
fittings, whose failure will not result in, or add must be isolated from the rest of the aeroplane by
to, a fire hazard. firewalls, shrouds or equivalent means.
(b) Each firewall or shroud must be
constructed, so that no hazardous quantity of
CS 23.1189 Shut-off means
liquid, gas or flame can pass from that
(See AMC 23.1189 (a) (5))
compartment to other parts of the aeroplane.
(a) For each twin-engined aeroplane the
(c) Each opening in the firewall or shroud
following apply:
must be sealed with close fittings, fireproof
(1) Each engine installation must have grommets, bushings or firewall fittings.
means to shut off or otherwise prevent
(d) Reserved.
hazardous quantities of fuel, oil, de-icing fluid
and other flammable liquids from flowing into, (e) Each firewall and shroud must be
within, or through any engine compartment, fireproof and protected against corrosion.
except in lines, fittings and components forming
(f) Compliance with the criteria for fireproof
an integral part of an engine.
materials or components must be shown as
(2) The closing of the fuel shut-off follows:
valve for any engine may not make any fuel
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(1) The flame to which the materials or (e) Each part of the cowling subjected to high
components are subjected must be 1093 ± 83°C temperatures due to its nearness to exhaust system
(2 000 ± 150°F). ports or exhaust gas impingement, must be fire-
(2) Sheet materials approximately 25
cm (10 in) square must be subjected to the flame (f) Each nacelle of a twin-engine aeroplane
from a suitable burner. with turbocharged engines must be designed and
constructed so that with the landing gear retracted,
(3) The flame must be large enough to
a fire in the engine compartment will not burn
maintain the required test temperature over an
through a cowling or nacelle and enter a nacelle
area approximately 13 cm (5 in) square.
area other than the engine compartment.
(g) Firewall material and fittings must resist
(g) In addition for commuter category
flame penetration for at least 15 minutes.
aeroplanes, the aeroplane must be designed so that
(h) The following materials may be used in no fire originating in any engine compartment can
firewalls or shrouds without being tested as enter, either through openings or by burn-through,
required by this paragraph: any other region where it would create additional
(1) Stainless steel sheet, 0·38 mm
(0·015 in) thick.
CS 23.1195 Fire extinguishing systems
(2) Mild steel sheet (coated with
aluminium or otherwise protected against (a) For commuter category aeroplanes, fire-
corrosion) 0·45 mm (0·018 in) thick. extinguishing systems must be installed and
compliance shown with the following:
(3) Terne plate, 0·45 mm (0·018 in)
thick. (1) Except for combustor, turbine and
tailpipe sections of turbine engine installations
(4) Monel metal, 0·45 mm (0·018 in)
that contain lines or components carrying
flammable fluids or gases for which a fire
(5) Steel or copper base alloy firewall originating in these sections is shown to be
fittings. controllable, there must be a fire extinguisher
system serving each designated fire zone.
(6) Titanium sheet, 0·41 mm (0·016 in)
thick. (2) The fire extinguishing system, the
quantity of the extinguishing agent, the rate of
discharge and the discharge distribution must be
CS 23.1192 Engine accessory compartment
adequate to extinguish fires. An individual
“one-shot” system may be used.
For air-cooled radial engines, the engine power
(3) The fire extinguishing system for a
section and all portions of the exhaust system must
nacelle must be able to simultaneously protect
be isolated from the engine accessory compartment
each zone of the nacelle for which protection is
by a diaphragm that meets the firewall
requirements of CS 23.1191.
(b) If an auxiliary power unit is installed in
any aeroplane certificated to CS-23, that auxiliary
CS 23.1193 Cowling and nacelle
power unit compartment must be served by a fire
(a) Each cowling must be constructed and extinguishing system meeting the requirements of
supported so that it can resist any vibration, inertia sub-paragraph (a) (2) .
and air loads to which it may be subjected in
CS 23.1197 Fire extinguishing agents
(b) There must be means for rapid and (See AMC 23.1197)
complete drainage of each part of the cowling in
For commuter category aeroplanes, the
the normal ground and flight attitudes. No drain
following applies:
may discharge where it will cause a fire hazard.
(a) Fire extinguishing agents must –
(c) Cowling must be at least fire-resistant.
(1) Be capable of extinguishing flames
(d) Each part behind an opening in the engine
emanating from any burning fluids or other
compartment cowling must be at least fire-resistant
combustible materials in the area protected by
for a distance of at least 61 cm (24 in) aft of the
the fire extinguishing system; and
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(2) Have thermal stability over the will not cause hazardous deterioration of the
temperature range likely to be experienced in pyrotechnic capsule.
the compartment in which they are stored.
(b) If any toxic extinguishing agent is used, CS 23.1201 Fire extinguishing system
provisions must be made to prevent harmful materials
concentrations of fluid or fluid vapours (from
For commuter category aeroplanes, the
leakage during normal operation of the aeroplane
following apply:
or as a result of discharging the fire extinguisher
on the ground or in flight) from entering any (a) No material in any fire extinguishing
personnel compartment even though a defect may system may react chemically with any
exist in the extinguishing system. This must be extinguishing agent so as to create a hazard.
shown by test except for built-in carbon dioxide
(b) Each system component in an engine
fuselage compartment fire extinguishing systems
compartment must be fireproof.
for which –
(1) 2.3 kg (five pounds) or less of
CS 23.1203 Fire detector system
carbon dioxide will be discharged, under
established fire control procedures, into any (a) There must be means that ensures the
fuselage compartment; or prompt detection of a fire in –
(2) Protective breathing equipment is (1) Each designated fire zone of –
available for each flight crew member on flight (i) Twin-engine turbine powered
deck duty. aeroplanes;
[Amdt No: 23/3] (ii) Twin-engine reciprocating
engine powered aeroplanes incorporating
CS 23.1199 Extinguishing agent turbochargers;
containers (iii) Aeroplanes with engine(s)
For commuter category aeroplanes, the located where they are not readily visible
following apply: from the cockpit; and

(a) Each extinguishing agent container must (iv) All commuter category
have a pressure relief to prevent bursting of the aeroplanes.
container by excessive internal pressures. (2) The auxiliary power unit
(b) The discharge end of each discharge line compartment of any aeroplane incorporating an
from a pressure relief connection must be located auxiliary power unit.
so that discharge of the fire extinguishing agent (b) Each fire detector system must be
would not damage the aeroplane. The line must constructed and installed to withstand the
also be located or protected to prevent clogging vibration, inertia and other loads to which it may
caused by ice or other foreign matter. be subjected in operation.
(c) A means must be provided for each fire (c) No fire detector may be affected by any
extinguishing agent container to indicate that the oil, water, other fluids, or fumes that might be
container has discharged or that the charging present.
pressure is below the established minimum
necessary for proper functioning. (d) There must be means to allow the crew to
check, in flight, the functioning of each fire
(d) The temperature of each container must be detector electric circuit.
maintained, under intended operating conditions,
to prevent the pressure in the container from – (e) Wiring and other components of each fire
detector system in a designated fire zone must be
(1) Falling below that necessary to at least fire-resistant.
provide an adequate rate of discharge; or
(2) Rising high enough to cause
premature discharge.
(e) If a pyrotechnic capsule is used to
discharge the extinguishing agent, each container
must be installed so that temperature conditions

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GENERAL and the horizon line beyond that necessary for

parallax correction.
CS 23.1301 Function and installation (g) In addition, for commuter category
Each item of installed equipment must –
(1) If airspeed limitations vary with
(a) Be of a kind and design appropriate to its
altitude, the airspeed indicator must have a
intended function;
maximum allowable airspeed indicator showing
(b) Be labelled as to its identification, the variation of VMO with altitude.
function or operating limitations, or any
(2) The altimeter must be a sensitive
applicable combination of these factors;
(c) Be installed according to limitations
(3) Having a passenger seating
specified for that equipment;
configuration of 10 or more, excluding the
(d) Function properly when installed. pilot’s seats and that are approved for IFR
operations, a third attitude instrument must be
provided that:
CS 23.1303 Flight and navigation
instruments (i) Is powered from a source
independent of the electrical generating
The following are the minimum required flight
and navigational instruments:
(ii) Continues reliable operation
(a) An airspeed indicator.
for a minimum of 30 minutes after total
(b) An altimeter. failure of the electrical generating system;
(c) A non-stabilised magnetic direction (iii) Operates independently of any
indicator . other attitude indicating system;
(d) For reciprocating engine-powered (iv) Is operative without selection
aeroplanes of more than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) after total failure of the electrical
maximum weight and turbine engine-powered generating system;
aeroplanes, a free air temperature indicator or an
(v) Is located on the instrument
air temperature indicator which provides
panel in a position acceptable to the
indications that are convertible to free air.
Authority that will make it plainly visible
(e) A speed warning device for – to and usable by any pilot at the pilot’s
station; and
(1) Turbine engine-powered aeroplanes;
and (vi) Is appropriately lighted during
all phases of operation.
(2) Other aeroplanes for which
VMO/MMO and VD/MD are established under
CS 23.335 (b) (4) and 23.1505 (c) if V MO/MMO CS 23.1305 Powerplant instruments
is greater than 0·8 V D/MD.
The following are required powerplant
The speed warning device must give effective instruments:
aural warning (differing distinctively from aural
(a) For all aeroplanes.-
warnings used for other purposes) to the pilots
whenever the speed exceeds V MO plus 11 km/h (1) A fuel quantity indicator for each
(6 knots) or MMO + 0·01. The upper limit of the fuel tank, installed in accordance with
production tolerance for the warning device may CS 23.1337(b).
not exceed the prescribed warning speed. The (2) An oil pressure indicator for each
lower limit must be set to minimise nuisance engine.
(f) When an attitude display is installed the (3) An oil temperature indicator for
instrument design must not provide any means, each engine.
accessible to the flight crew, of adjusting the (4) An oil quantity measuring device
relative positions of the attitude reference symbol for each oil tank which meets the requirements
of CS 23.1337(d).
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(5) A fire warning means for those (3) A fuel low pressure warning means
aeroplanes required to comply with for each engine.
CS 23.1203.
(4) A fuel low level warning means for
(b) For reciprocating engine-powered any fuel tank that should not be depleted of
aeroplanes. In addition to the powerplant fuel in normal operations.
instruments required by sub-paragraph (a), the
(5) A tachometer indicator (to indicate
following powerplant instruments are required:
the speed of the rotors with established
(1) An induction system air limiting speeds) for each engine.
temperature indicator for each engine equipped
(6) An oil low pressure warning means
with a preheater and having induction air
for each engine.
temperature limitations that can be exceeded
with preheat. (7) An indicating means to indicate the
functioning of the powerplant ice protection
(2) A tachometer indicator for each
system for each engine.
(8) For each engine, an indicating
(3) A cylinder head temperature
means for the fuel strainer or filter required by
indicator for-
CS 23.997 to indicate the occurrence of
(i) Each air-cooled engine with contamination of the strainer or filter before it
cowl flaps; reaches the capacity established in accordance
with CS 23.997(d).
(ii) Removed and reserved.
(9) For each engine, a warning means
(iii) Each commuter category
for the oil strainer or filter required by
CS 23.1019, if it has no bypass, to warn the
(4) A fuel pressure indicator for pump pilot of the occurrence of contamination of the
fed engines. strainer or filter screen before it reaches the
capacity established in accordance with
(5) A manifold pressure indicator for
CS 23.1019(a)(5).
each altitude engine and for each engine with a
controllable propeller. (10) An indicating means to indicate the
functioning of any heater used to prevent ice
(6) For each turbocharger installation:
clogging of fuel system components.
(i) If limitations are established
(d) For turbojet/turbofan engine-powered
for either carburettor (or manifold) air
aeroplanes. In addition to the powerplant
inlet temperature or exhaust gas or
instruments required by sub-paragraphs (a) and
turbocharger turbine inlet temperature,
(c), the following powerplant instruments are
indicators must be furnished for each
temperature for which the limitation is
established unless it is shown that the (1) For each engine, an indicator to
limitation will not be exceeded in all indicate thrust or to indicate a parameter that
intended operations. can be related to thrust, including a free air
temperature indicator if needed for this
(ii) If its oil system is separate
from the engine oil system, oil pressure
and oil temperature indicators must be (2) For each engine, a position
provided. indicating means to indicate to the flight crew
when the thrust reverser, if installed, is in the
(7) A coolant temperature indicator for
reverse thrust position.
each liquid-cooled engine.
(e) For turbopropeller-powered aeroplanes
(c) For turbine engine-powered aeroplanes
In addition to the powerplant instruments required
In addition to the powerplant instruments required
by sub-paragraphs (a) and (c) , the following
by sub-paragraph (a) , the following powerplant
powerplant instruments are required:
instruments are required:
(1) A torque indicator for each engine.
(1) A gas temperature indicator for
each engine. (2) A position indicating means to
indicate to the flight crew when the propeller
(2) A fuel flowmeter indicator for each
blade angle is below the flight low pitch
position, for each propeller, unless it can be

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shown that such occurrence is highly (i) The occurrence of any failure
improbable. condition that would prevent the
continued safe flight and landing of the
aeroplane must be extremely improbable;
CS 23.1309 Equipment, systems and
(ii) The occurrence of any other
(a) Each item of equipment, each system, and
failure condition that would significantly
each installation –
reduce the capability of the aeroplane or
(1) When performing its intended the ability of the crew to cope with
function, may not adversely affect the response, adverse operating conditions must be
operation, or accuracy of any – improbable.
(i) Equipment essential to safe (3) Warning information must be
operation; or provided to alert the crew to unsafe system
operating conditions and to enable them to take
(ii) Other equipment unless there
appropriate corrective action. Systems,
is a means to inform the pilot of the
controls, and associated monitoring and
warning means must be designed to minimise
(2) In a single-engine aeroplane, must crew errors that could create additional
be designed to minimise hazards to the hazards.
aeroplane in the event of a probable
(4) Compliance with the requirements
malfunction or failure.
of sub-paragraph (b) (2) may be shown by
(3) In a twin-engine aeroplane, must be analysis and, where necessary, by appropriate
designed to prevent hazards to the aeroplane in ground, flight, or simulator test. The analysis
the event of a probable malfunction or failure. must consider –
(4) In a commuter category aeroplane, (i) Possible modes of failure,
must be designed to safeguard against hazards including malfunctions and damage from
to the aeroplane in the event of their external sources;
malfunction or failure.
(ii) The probability of multiple
(b) The design of each item of equipment, failures, and the probability of undetected
each system, and each installation must be faults;
examined separately and in relationship to other
(iii) The resulting effects on the
aeroplane systems and installations to determine if
aeroplane and occupants, considering the
the aeroplane is dependent upon its function for
stage of flight and operating conditions;
continued safe flight and landing and, for
aeroplanes not limited to VFR conditions, if
failure of a system would significantly reduce the (iv) The crew warning cues,
capability of the aeroplane or the ability of the corrective action required, and the crew’s
crew to cope with adverse operating conditions. capability of determining faults.
Each item of equipment, each system, and each
(c) Each item of equipment, each system, and
installation identified by this examination as one
each installation whose functioning is required for
upon which the aeroplane is dependent for proper
certification and that requires a power supply, is
functioning to ensure continued safe flight and
an “essential load” on the power supply. The
landing, or whose failure would significantly
power sources and the system must be able to
reduce the capability of the aeroplane or the
supply the following power loads in probable
ability of the crew to cope with adverse operating
operating combinations and for probable
conditions, must be designed to comply with the
following additional requirements:
(1) Loads connected to the power
(1) It must perform its intended
distribution system with the system functioning
function under any foreseeable operating
(2) Essential loads after failure of –
(2) When systems and associated
components are considered separately and in (i) Any one engine on two-engine
relation to other systems – aeroplanes; or

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(ii) Any power converter or energy including direct sunlight, considering the
storage device. expected electronic display brightness level at
the end of an electronic display indicator’s
(3) Essential loads for which an
useful life. Specific limitations on display
alternate source of power is required by the
system useful life must be addressed in the
operating rules, after any failure or malfunction
instructions for continued airworthiness
in any one power supply system, distribution
requirements of CS 23.1529;
system, or other utilisation system.
(3) Not inhibit the primary display of
(d) In determining compliance with sub-
attitude, airspeed, altitude, or powerplant
paragraph (c) (2) , the power loads may be
parameters needed by any pilot to set power
assumed to be reduced under a monitoring
within established limitations, in any normal
procedure consistent with safety in the kinds of
mode of operation.
operations authorised.
(4) Not inhibit the primary display of
(e) In showing compliance with this
engine parameters needed by any pilot to
paragraph with regard to the electrical power
properly set or monitor powerplant limitations
system and to equipment design and installation,
during the engine starting mode of operation;
critical environmental and atmospheric conditions,
including radio frequency energy and the effects (5) Have an independent magnetic
(both direct and indirect) of lightning strikes, must direction indicator and an independent
be considered. For electrical generation, secondary mechanical altimeter, airspeed
distribution, and utilisation equipment required by indicator, magnetic direction indicator, and
or used in complying with this subpart, the ability attitude instrument, or individual electronic
to provide continuous, safe service under display indicators for the altimeter, airspeed,
foreseeable environmental conditions may be and attitude that are independent from the
shown by environmental tests, design analysis, or aeroplane’s primary electrical power system.
reference to previous comparable service These secondary instruments may be installed
experience on other aeroplanes. in panel positions that are displaced from the
primary positions specified by CS 23.1321 (d),
(f) As used in this paragraph, “systems”
but must be located where they meet the pilot’s
refers to all pneumatic systems, fluid systems,
visibility requirements of CS 23.1321 (a).
electrical systems, mechanical systems, and
powerplant systems included in the aeroplane (6) Incorporate sensory cues for the
design, except for the following: pilot that are equivalent to those in the
instrument being replaced by the electronic
(1) Powerplant systems provided as part
display indicators; and
of the certificated engine.
(7) Incorporate visual displays of
(2) The flight structure (such as wing,
instrument markings, required by CS 23.1541
empennage, control surfaces and their systems,
to 23.1553, or visual displays that alert the
the fuselage, engine mounting, and landing gear
pilot to abnormal operational values or
and their related primary attachments) whose
approaches to established limitation values, for
requirements are specific in Subparts C and D
each parameter required to be displayed by CS-
of CS-23.
(b) The electronic display indicators,
INSTRUMENTS: INSTALLATION including their systems and installations, and
considering other aeroplane systems, must be
designed so that one display of information
CS 23.1311 Electronic display
essential for continued safe flight and landing will
instrument systems
remain available to the crew, without need for
(a) Electronic display indicators, including immediate action by any pilot for continued safe
those with features that make isolation and operation, after any single failure or probable
independence between powerplant instrument combination of failures.
systems impractical, must –
(c) As used in this paragraph “instrument”
(1) Meet the arrangement and visibility includes devices that are physically contained in
requirements of CS 23.1321; one unit, and devices that are composed of two or
more physically separate units or components
(2) Be easily legible under all lighting
connected together (such as a remote indicating
conditions encountered in the cockpit,

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gyroscopic direction indicator that includes a effective under all probable cockpit lighting
magnetic sensing element, a gyroscopic unit, an conditions.
amplifier, and an indicator connected together).
As used in this paragraph “primary” display refers
CS 23.1322 Warning, caution and
to the display of a parameter that is located in the
advisory lights
instrument panel such that the pilot looks at it first
when wanting to view that parameter. If warning, caution or advisory lights are
installed in the cockpit, they must, unless
otherwise approved by the Agency, be –
CS 23.1321 Arrangement and visibility
(a) Red, for warning lights (lights indicating
(a) Each flight, navigation and powerplant
a hazard which may require immediate corrective
instrument for use by any required pilot during
take-off, initial climb, final approach, and landing
must be located so that any pilot seated at the (b) Amber, for caution lights (lights
controls can monitor the aeroplane’s flight path indicating the possible need for future corrective
and these instruments with minimum head and eye action);
movement. The powerplant instruments for these
(c) Green, for safe operation lights; and
flight conditions are those needed to set power
within powerplant limitations. (d) Any other colour, including white, for
lights not described in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c),
(b) For each twin-engined aeroplane,
provided the colour differs sufficiently from the
identical powerplant instruments must be located
colours prescribed in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) to
so as to prevent confusion as to which engine each
avoid possible confusion.
instrument relates.
(e) Effective under all probable cockpit
(c) Instrument panel vibration may not
lighting conditions.
damage, or impair the accuracy of, any instrument.
(d) For each aeroplane the flight instruments
CS 23.1323 Airspeed indicating system
required by CS 23.1303 and, as applicable, by the
Operating Rules must be grouped on the (a) Each airspeed indicating instrument must
instrument panel and centred as nearly as be calibrated to indicate true airspeed (at sea-level
practicable about the vertical plane of the pilot’s with a standard atmosphere) with a minimum
forward vision. In addition – practicable instrument calibration error when the
corresponding pitot and static pressures are
(1) The instrument that most effectively
indicates the attitude must be on the panel in
the top centre position; (b) Each airspeed system must be calibrated
in flight to determine the system error. The
(2) The instrument that most effectively
system error, including position error, but
indicates airspeed must be adjacent to and
excluding the airspeed indicator instrument
directly to the left of the instrument in the top
calibration error, may not exceed 3% of the
centre position;
calibrated airspeed or 9.3 km/h (5 knots),
(3) The instrument that most effectively whichever is greater, throughout the following
indicates altitude must be adjacent to and speed ranges:
directly to the right of the instrument in the top
(1) 1·3 VS1 to VMO/MMO or VNE,
centre position; and
whichever is appropriate with flaps retracted.
(4) The instrument that most effectively
(2) 1·3 VS1 to VFE with flaps extended.
indicates direction of flight, other than the
magnetic direction indicator required by (c) The design and installation of each airspeed
CS 23.1303(c), must be adjacent to and directly indicating system must provide positive drainage of
below the instrument in the top centre position. moisture from the pitot static plumbing.
(5) Electronic display indicators may be (d) If certification for instrument flight rules or
used for compliance with sub-paragraphs (d)(1) flight in icing conditions is requested, each airspeed
to (d)(4) when such displays comply with system must have a heated pitot tube or an equivalent
requirements in CS 23.1311. means of preventing malfunction due to icing.
(e) If a visual indicator is provided to (e) In addition, for commuter category
indicate malfunction of an instrument, it must be aeroplanes, the airspeed indicating system must be

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calibrated to determine the system error during the which the aeroplane is type certificated is
accelerate-take-off ground run. The ground run achieved. Without additional pumping
calibration must be obtained between 0.8 of the for a period of 1 minute, the loss of
minimum value of V1 and 1.2 times the maximum indicated altitude must not exceed 2% of
value of V1, considering the approved ranges of the equivalent altitude of the maximum
altitude and weight. The ground run calibration must cabin differential pressure or 30 m
be determined assuming an engine failure at the (100 ft), whichever is greater.
minimum value of V1.
(3) If a static pressure system is
(f) For commuter category aeroplanes, where provided for any instrument, device, or system
duplicate airspeed indicators are required, their required by the operating rules, each static
respective pitot tubes must be far enough apart to pressure port must be designed or located in
avoid damage to both tubes in a collision with a bird. such a manner that the correlation between air
pressure in the static pressure system and true
ambient atmospheric static pressure is not
CS 23.1325 Static pressure system
altered when the aeroplane encounters icing
(a) Each instrument provided with static conditions. An anti-icing means or an alternate
pressure case connections must be so vented that source of static pressure may be used in
the influence of aeroplane speed, the opening and showing compliance with this requirement. If
closing of windows, airflow variations, moisture, the reading of the altimeter, when on the
or other foreign matter will least affect the alternate static pressure system differs from the
accuracy of the instruments except as noted in reading of the altimeter when on the primary
sub-paragraph (b) (3) . static system by more than 15m (50 ft), a
correction card must be provided for the
(b) If a static pressure system is necessary for
alternate static system.
the functioning of instruments, systems, or
devices, it must comply with the provisions of (c) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (d) ,
sub-paragraphs (1) to (3) . if the static pressure system incorporates both a
primary and an alternate static pressure source, the
(1) The design and installation of a
means for selecting one or the other source must
static pressure system must be such that –
be designed so that –
(i) Positive drainage of moisture
(1) When either source is selected, the
is provided;
other is blocked off; and
(ii) Chafing of the tubing and
(2) Both sources cannot be blocked off
excessive distortion or restriction at bends
in the tubing, is avoided; and
(d) For unpressurised aeroplanes, sub-
(iii) The materials used are
paragraph (c) (1) does not apply if it can be
durable, suitable for the purpose intended
demonstrated that the static pressure system
and protected against corrosion.
calibration, when either static pressure source is
(2) A proof test must be conducted to selected, is not changed by the other static
demonstrate the integrity of the static pressure pressure source being open or blocked.
system in the following manner:
(e) Each static pressure system must be
(i) Unpressurised aeroplanes. calibrated in flight to determine the system error.
Evacuate the static pressure system to a The system error, in indicated pressure altitude, at
pressure differential of approximately sea-level, with a standard atmosphere, excluding
3.4⋅kPa (1 inch of mercury) or to a instrument calibration error, may not exceed ±9 m
reading on the altimeter, 305 m (1 000 ft) (± 30 ft) per 185 km/h (100 knot) speed for the
above the aircraft elevation at the time of appropriate configuration in the speed range
the test. Without additional pumping for between 1·3 VSO with flaps extended and 1·8 V S1
a period of 1 minute, the loss of indicated with flaps retracted. However, the error need not
altitude must not exceed 30 m (100 ft) on be less than ±9 m (± 30 ft).
the altimeter.
(f) Reserved.
(ii) Pressurised aeroplanes.
(g) For aeroplanes prohibited from flight
Evacuate the static pressure system until a
under instrument flight rules (IFR) or known icing
pressure differential equivalent to the
conditions in accordance with CS 23.1525, sub-
maximum cabin pressure differential for
paragraph (b) (3) does not apply.

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CS 23.1326 Pitot heat indication (2) Be sufficiently over-powered by one

systems pilot to let him control the aeroplane.
If a flight instrument pitot heating system is (b) If the provisions of sub-paragraph (a)(1)
installed to meet the requirements specified in are applied, the quick release (emergency) control
CS 23.1323(d), an indication system must be must be located on the control wheel (both control
provided to indicate to the flight crew when that pitot wheels if the aeroplane can be operated from
heating system is not operating. The indication either pilot seat) on the side opposite the throttles,
system must comply with the following requirements: or on the stick control (both stick controls if the
aeroplane can be operated from either pilot seat),
(a) The indication provided must incorporate an
such that it can be operated without moving the
amber light that is in clear view of a flightcrew
hand from its normal position on the control.
(c) Unless there is automatic synchronisation,
(b) The indication provided must be designed to
each system must have a means to readily indicate
alert the flight crew if either of the following
to the pilot the alignment of the actuating device
conditions exist:
in relation to the control system it operates.
(1) The pitot heating system is switched
(d) Each manually-operated control for the
system operation must be readily accessible to the
(2) The pitot heating system is switched pilot. Each control must operate in the same plane
“on” and any pitot tube heating element is and sense of motion as specified in CS 23.779 for
inoperative cockpit controls. The direction of motion must be
plainly indicated on or near each control.
CS 23.1327 Magnetic direction indicator (e) Each system must be designed and
adjusted so that, within the range of adjustment
(a) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (b):
available to the pilot, it cannot produce hazardous
(1) Each magnetic direction indicator loads on the aeroplane or create hazardous
must be installed so that its accuracy is not deviations in the flight path, under any flight
excessively affected by the aeroplane’s condition appropriate to its use, either during
vibration or magnetic fields; and normal operation or in the event of a malfunction,
assuming that corrective action begins within a
(2) The compensated installation may
reasonable period of time.
not have a deviation, in level flight, greater
than 10° on any heading. (f) Each system must be designed so that a
single malfunction will not produce a hardover
(b) A magnetic non-stabilised direction
signal in more than one control axis. If the auto-
indicator may deviate more than 10° due to the
matic pilot integrates signals from auxiliary
operation of electrically powered systems such as
controls or furnishes signals for operation of other
electrically heated windshields if either a magnetic
equipment, positive interlocks and sequencing of
stabilised direction indicator, which does not have
engagement to prevent improper operation are
a deviation in level flight greater than 10° on any
heading, or a gyroscopic direction indicator is
installed. Deviations of a magnetic non-stabilised (g) There must be protection against adverse
direction indicator of more than 10° must be interaction of integrated components, resulting
placarded in accordance with CS 23.1547 (c). from a malfunction.
(h) If the automatic pilot system can be
CS 23.1329 Automatic pilot system coupled to airborne navigation equipment, means
must be provided to indicate to the flightcrew the
If an automatic pilot system is installed, it must
current mode of operation. Selector switch
meet the following:
position is not acceptable as a means of indication.
(a) Each system must be designed so that the
automatic pilot can –
CS 23.1331 Instruments using a power
(1) Be quickly and positively source
disengaged by the pilots to prevent it from
For each instrument that uses a power source, the
interfering with their control of the aeroplane;
following apply:
(a) Each instrument must have an integral visual
power annunciator or separate power indictor to

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indicate when power is not adequate to sustain An indicator calibrated in appropriate units and
proper instrument performance. If a separate clearly marked to indicate those units, must be
indicator is used, it must be located so that the pilot used.
using the instruments can monitor the indicator with
In addition –
minimum head and eye movement. The power must
be sensed at or near the point where it enters the (1) Each fuel quantity indicator must be
instrument. For electric and vacuum/pressure calibrated to read “zero” during level flight
instruments, the power is considered to be adequate when the quantity of fuel remaining in the tank
when the voltage or the vacuum/pressure, is equal to the unusable fuel supply determined
respectively, is within approved limits. under CS 23.959 (a);
(b) The installation and power supply systems (2) Each exposed sight gauge used as a
must be designed so that- fuel quantity indicator must be protected
against damage;
(1) The failure of one instrument will not
interfere with the proper supply of energy to the (3) Each sight gauge that forms a trap in
remaining instrument; and which water can collect and freeze must have
means to allow drainage on the ground;
(2) The failure of the energy supply from
one source will not interfere with the proper (4) There must be a means to indicate
supply of energy from any other source. the amount of usable fuel in each tank when the
aeroplane is on the ground (such as by a stick
(c) There must be at least two independent
sources of power (not driven by the same engine on
twin-engine aeroplanes), and a manual or an (5) Tanks with interconnected outlets
automatic means to select each power source. and airspaces may be considered as one tank
and need not have separate indicators; and
CS 23.1335 Flight director systems (6) No fuel quantity indicator is
required for an auxiliary tank that is used only
If a flight director system is installed, means
to transfer fuel to other tanks if the relative size
must be provided to indicate to the flightcrew its
of the tank, the rate of fuel transfer and
current mode of operation. Selector switch
operating instructions are adequate to –
position is not acceptable as a means of indication.
(i) Guard against overflow; and
CS 23.1337 Powerplant instruments (ii) Give to the flight-crew
installation members a prompt warning if transfer is
not proceeding as planned.
(a) Instruments and instrument lines
(c) Fuel flowmeter system. If a fuel
(1) Each powerplant and auxiliary
flowmeter system is installed, each metering
power unit instrument line must meet the
component must have a means to by-pass the fuel
requirements of CS 23.993.
supply if malfunctioning of that component
(2) Each line carrying flammable fluids severely restricts fuel flow.
under pressure must –
(d) Oil quantity indicator. There must be a
(i) Have restricting orifices or means to indicate the quantity of oil in each tank –
other safety devices at the source of
(1) On the ground (such as by a stick
pressure to prevent the escape of
gauge); and
excessive fluid if the line fails; and
(2) In flight, if there is an oil transfer
(ii) Be installed and located so
system or a reserve oil supply system.
that the escape of fluids would not create
a hazard.
(3) Each powerplant and auxiliary ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT
power unit instrument that utilises flammable
fluids must be installed and located so that the
CS 23.1351 General
escape of fluid would not create a hazard.
(See AMC 23.1351 (a) (2) and
(b) Fuel quantity indicator. There must be AMC 23.1351 (b) (5) (iv))
means to indicate to the flight-crew members the
quantity of usable fuel in each tank during flight.

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(a) Electrical system capacity. Each probable faults or open circuits including
electrical system must be adequate for the faults in heavy current carrying cables;
intended use. In addition –
(ii) A means must be accessible in
(1) Electric power sources, their flight to the flight-crew members for the
transmission cables, and their associated individual and collective disconnection of
control and protective devices, must be able to the electrical power sources from the
furnish the required power at the proper voltage system;
to each load circuit essential for safe operation;
(iii) The system must be designed
so that voltage and frequency, if
(2) Compliance with sub-paragraph (1) applicable, at the terminals of the
must be shown as follows: essential load equipment can be
maintained within the limits for which the
(i) For normal, utility and
equipment is designed during any
aerobatic category aeroplanes, by an
probable operating conditions;
electrical load analysis, or by electrical
measurements, that account for the (iv) If two independent sources of
electrical loads applied to the electrical electrical power for particular equipment
system in probable combinations and for or systems are required, their electrical
probable durations; and energy supply must be ensured by means
such as duplicate electrical equipment,
(ii) For commuter category aero-
throwover switching, or multi-channel or
planes, by an electrical load analysis that
loop circuits separately routed; and
accounts for the electrical loads applied
to the electrical system in probable (v) For the purpose of complying
combinations and for probable durations. with sub-paragraph (b) (5) , the
distribution system includes the
(b) Functions. For each electrical system, the
distribution busses, their associated
following apply:
feeders, and each control and protective
(1) Each system, when installed, must device.
be –
(c) Generating system. There must be at
(i) Free from hazards in itself, in least one generator/alternator if the electrical
its method of operation, and in its effects system supplies power to load circuits essential
on other parts of the aeroplane; for safe operation. In addition –
(ii) Protected from fuel, oil, water, (1) Each generator/alternator must be
other detrimental substances and able to deliver its continuous rated power, or
mechanical damage; and such power as is limited by its regulation
(iii) So designed that the risk of
electrical shock to crew, passengers and (2) Generator/alternator voltage control
ground personnel is reduced to a equipment must be able to dependably regulate
minimum. the generator/alternator output within rated
(2) Electric power sources must
function properly when connected in (3) Automatic means must be provided
combination or independently. to prevent either damage to any
alternator/generator, or adverse effects on the
(3) No failure or malfunction of any
aeroplane electrical system, due to reverse
electric power source may impair the ability of
current. A means must also be provided to
any remaining source to supply load circuits
disconnect each generator/alternator from the
essential for safe operation.
battery and the other generators/alternators.
(4) Reserved.
(4) There must be a means to give
(5) In addition, for commuter category immediate warning to the flightcrew of a failure
aeroplanes, the following apply: of any generator/alternator; and
(i) Each system must be designed (5) Each generator/alternator must have
so that essential load circuits can be an overvoltage control designed and installed to
supplied in the event of reasonably prevent damage to the electrical system, or to
equipment supplied by the electrical system,

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that could result if that generator/alternator CS 23.1353 Storage battery design and
were to develop an overvoltage condition. installation
(d) Instruments. A means must exist to (a) Each storage battery must be designed
indicate to appropriate flight-crew members the and installed as prescribed in this paragraph.
electric power system quantities essential for safe
(b) Safe cell temperatures and pressures must
be maintained during any probable charging and
(1) For normal, utility, and aerobatic discharging condition. No uncontrolled increase
category aeroplanes with direct current systems, in cell temperature may result when the battery is
an ammeter that can be switched into each recharged (after previous complete discharge) –
generator feeder may be used and, if only one
(1) At maximum regulated voltage or
generator exists, the ammeter may be in the
battery feeder.
(2) During a flight of maximum
(2) For commuter category aeroplanes,
duration; and
the essential electric power system quantities
include the voltage and current supplied by (3) Under the most adverse cooling
each generator. condition likely to occur in service.
(e) Fire resistance. Electrical equipment (c) Compliance with sub-paragraph (b) must
must be so designed and installed that in the event be shown by tests unless experience with similar
of a fire in the engine compartment, during which batteries and installations has shown that
the surface of the firewall adjacent to the fire is maintaining safe cell temperatures and pressures
heated to 1 100°C (2 000°F) for 5 minutes or to a presents no problem.
lesser temperature substantiated for the aeroplane,
(d) No explosive or toxic gases emitted by
the equipment essential to continued safe
any battery in normal operation, or as the result of
operation and located behind the firewall will
any probable malfunction in the charging system
function satisfactorily and will not create an
or battery installation, may accumulate in
additional fire hazard.
hazardous quantities within the aeroplane.
(f) External power. If provisions are made
(e) No corrosive fluids or gases that may
for connecting external power to the aeroplane and
escape from the battery may damage surrounding
that external power can be electrically connected
structures or adjacent essential equipment.
to equipment other than that used for engine
starting, means must be provided to ensure that no (f) Each nickel cadmium battery installation
external power supply having a reverse polarity, capable of being used to start an engine or
or a reverse phase sequence, can supply power to auxiliary power unit must have provisions to
the aeroplane’s electrical system. The external prevent any hazardous effect on structure or
power connection must be located so that its use will essential systems that may be caused by the
not result in a hazard to the aeroplane or ground maximum amount of heat the battery can generate
personnel. during a short circuit of the battery or of its
individual cells.
(g) It must be shown by analysis, tests or both,
that the aeroplane can be operated safely in VFR (g) Nickel cadmium battery installations
conditions, for a period of not less than five minutes, capable of being used to start an engine or
with the normal electrical power (electrical power auxiliary power unit must have –
sources excluding the battery and any other stand-by
(1) A system to control the charging
electrical sources) inoperative, with critical type fuel
rate of the battery automatically so as to
(from the standpoint of flameout and restart
prevent battery overheating; or
capability), and with the aeroplane initially at the
maximum certificated altitude. Parts of the electrical (2) A battery temperature sensing and
system may remain on if:- over temperature warning system with a means
for disconnecting the battery from its charging
(1) A single malfunction, including a
source in the event of an over temperature
wire bundle or junction box fire, cannot result
condition; or
in loss of the part turned off and the part turned
on; and (3) A battery failure sensing and
warning system with a means for disconnecting
(2) The part turned on are electrically
the battery from its charging source in the event
and mechanically isolated from the parts turned
of battery failure.

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(h) In the event of a complete loss of the during emergency procedures, must be fire-
primary electrical power generating system, the resistant.
battery must be capable of providing 30 minutes
(c) Insulation on electrical wire and cable
of electrical power to those loads that are essential
must be self-extinguishing when tested at an angle
to continued safe flight and landing. The 30-
of 60° in accordance with the applicable portions
minute time period includes the time needed for
of Appendix F of CS-23 or other approved
the pilot(s) to recognise the loss of generated
equivalent methods. The average burn length
power and to take appropriate load shedding
must not exceed 76 mm (3 in) and the average
flame time after removal of the flame source must
not exceed 30 seconds. Drippings from the test
CS 23.1357 Circuit protective devices specimen must not continue to flame for more than
an average of 3 seconds after falling.
(a) Protective devices, such as fuses or
circuit breakers, must be installed in all electrical
circuits other than – CS 23.1361 Master switch arrangement
(1) The main circuits of starter motors (a) There must be a master switch
used during starting only; and arrangement to allow ready disconnection of each
electric power source from the power distribution
(2) Circuits in which no hazard is
systems, except as provided in sub-paragraph (b) .
presented by their omission.
The point of disconnection must be adjacent to the
(b) A protective device for a circuit essential sources controlled by the switch arrangement. A
to flight safety may not be used to protect any separate switch may be incorporated into the
other circuit. arrangement for each separate power source
provided the switch arrangement can be operated
(c) Each resettable circuit protective device
by one hand with a single movement.
(“trip free” device in which the tripping
mechanism cannot be over-ridden by the operating (b) Load circuits may be connected so that
control) must be designed so that – they remain energised when the master switch is
open; if –
(1) A manual operation is required to
restore service after tripping; and (1) The circuits are isolated, or
physically shielded, to prevent their igniting
(2) If an overload or circuit fault exists,
flammable fluids or vapours that might be
the device will open the circuit regardless of
liberated by the leakage or rupture of any
the position of the operating control.
flammable fluid systems; and
(d) If the ability to reset a circuit breaker or
(2) The circuits are required for
replace a fuse is essential to safety in flight, that
continued operation of the engine; or
circuit breaker or fuse must be so located and
identified that it can be readily reset or replaced in (3) The circuits are protected by circuit
flight. protective devices with a rating of five amperes
or less adjacent to the electric power source.
(e) For fuses identified as replaceable in
flight – In addition, two or more circuits installed in
accordance with the requirements of sub-
(1) There must be one spare of each
paragraph (b) (2) must not be used to supply a
rating or 50% spare fuses of each rating,
load of more than five amperes.
whichever is greater; and
(c) The master switch or its controls must be
(2) The spare fuse(s) must be readily
so installed that the switch is easily discernible
accessible to any required pilot.
and accessible to a crew member.

CS 23.1359 Electrical system fire

CS 23.1365 Electric cables and
(a) Components of the electrical system must
(a) Each electric connecting cable must be of
meet the applicable fire protection requirements of
adequate capacity.
CS 23.1182 and 23.863.
(b) Any equipment that is associated with any
(b) Electrical cables, terminals and
electrical cable installation and that would
equipment in designated fire zones, that are used
overheat in the event of a circuit overload or fault

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must be flame resistant and must not emit A cabin dome light is not an instrument light.
dangerous quantities of toxic fumes.
(c) Means of identification must be provided CS 23.1383 Taxi and landing lights
for electrical cables, connectors and terminals.
Each taxi and landing light must be designed
(d) Electrical cables must be installed such and installed so that –
that the risk of mechanical damage and/or damage
(a) No dangerous glare is visible to the
caused by fluids, vapours or sources of heat, is
(b) The pilot is not seriously affected by
(e) Main power cables (including generator
cables) must be designed to allow a reasonable
degree of deformation and stretching without (c) It provides enough light for night
failure and must – operations; and
(1) Be separated from flammable fluid (d) It does not cause a fire hazard in any
lines; or configuration.
(2) Be shrouded by means of
electrically insulated flexible conduit or CS 23.1385 Position light system
equivalent, which is in addition to the normal installation
cable insulations.
(a) General. Each part of each position light
(f) Where a cable cannot be protected by a system must meet the applicable requirements and
circuit protection device or other overload each system as a whole must meet the
protection it must not cause a fire hazard under requirements of CS 23.1387 to 23.1397.
fault conditions.
(b) Left and right position lights. Left and
right position lights must consist of a red and a
CS 23.1367 Switches green light spaced laterally as far apart as
practicable and installed on the aeroplane such
Each switch must be –
that, with the aeroplane in the normal flying
(a) Able to carry its rated current; position, the red light is on the left side and the
green light is on the right side.
(b) Constructed with enough distance or
insulating material between current carrying parts (c) Rear position light. The rear position
and the housing so that vibration in flight will not light must be a white light mounted as far aft as
cause shorting; practicable on the tail or on each wing tip.
(c) Accessible to appropriate flight-crew (d) Light covers and colour filters. Each
members; and light cover or colour filter must be at least flame-
resistant and may not change colour or shape or
(d) Labelled as to operation and the circuit
lose any appreciable light transmission during
normal use.

LIGHTS CS 23.1387 Position light system

dihedral angles
CS 23.1381 Instrument lights (a) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (e) ,
each position light must, as installed, show
The instrument lights must –
unbroken light within the dihedral angles
(a) Make each instrument and control easily described in this paragraph.
readable and discernible;
(b) Dihedral angle L (left) is formed by two
(b) Be installed so that their direct rays, and intersecting vertical planes, the first parallel to the
rays reflected from the windshield or other longitudinal axis of the aeroplane, and the other at
surface, are shielded from the pilot’s eyes; and 110° to the left of the first, as viewed when
looking forward along the longitudinal axis.
(c) Have enough distance or insulating
material between current carrying parts and the (c) Dihedral angle R (right) is formed by two
housing so that vibration in flight will not cause intersecting vertical planes, the first parallel to the
shorting. longitudinal axis of the aeroplane, and the other at

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110° to the right of the first, as viewed when (3) Intensities in overlaps between
looking forward along the longitudinal axis. adjacent signals. No intensity in any overlap
between adjacent signals may exceed the values
(d) Dihedral angle A (aft) is formed by two
in CS 23.1395, except that higher intensities in
intersecting vertical planes making angles of 70°
overlaps may be used with main beam
to the right and to the left, respectively, to a
intensities substantially greater than the minima
vertical plane passing through the longitudinal
specified in CS 23.1391 and 23.1393, if the
axis, as viewed when looking aft along the
overlap intensities in relation to the main beam
longitudinal axis.
intensities do not adversely affect signal clarity.
(e) If the rear position light, when mounted When the peak intensity of the left and right
as far aft as practicable in accordance with position lights is more than 100 candelas, the
CS 23.1385 (c), cannot show unbroken light maximum overlap intensities between them may
within dihedral angle A (as defined in sub- exceed the values in CS 23.1395 if the overlap
paragraph (d) ), a solid angle or angles of intensity in Area A is not more than 10% of
obstructed visibility totalling not more than peak position light intensity and the overlap
0·04 steradians is allowable within that dihedral intensity in Area B is not more than 2·5% of
angle, if such solid angle is within a cone whose peak position light intensity.
apex is at the rear position light and whose
(c) Rear position light installation. A single
elements make an angle of 30° with a vertical line
rear position light may be installed in a position
passing through the rear position light.
displaced laterally from the plane of symmetry of
an aeroplane if –
CS 23.1389 Position light distribution (1) The axis of the minimum cone of
and intensities illumination is parallel to the flight path in level
flight; and
(a) General. The intensities prescribed in
this paragraph must be provided by new (2) There is no obstruction aft of the
equipment with each light cover and colour filter light and between planes 70° to the right and
in place. Intensities must be determined with the left of the axis of maximum illumination.
light source operating at a steady value equal to
the average luminous output of the source at the
CS 23.1391 Minimum intensities in the
normal operating voltage of the aeroplane. The
horizontal plane of position
light distribution and intensity of each position
light must meet the requirements of sub-
paragraph (b) . Each position light intensity must equal or
exceed the applicable values in the following
(b) Position lights. The light distribution and
intensities of position lights must be expressed in
Dihedral angle Angle from right Intensity
terms of minimum intensities in the horizontal
(light included) or left of (candelas)
plane, minimum intensities in any vertical plane
longitudinal axis
and maximum intensities in over-lapping beams,
measured from
within dihedral angles L, R and A, must meet the
dead ahead
following requirements:
L and R................. 0° to 10°....... 40
(1) Intensities in the horizontal plane. (red and green). 10° to 20°...... 30
Each intensity in the horizontal plane (the plane 20° to 110°..... 5
containing the longitudinal axis of the A (rear white) ....... 110° to 180° .... 20
aeroplane and perpendicular to the plane of
symmetry of the aeroplane) must equal or
exceed the values in CS 23.1391. CS 23.1393 Minimum intensities in any
(2) Intensities in any vertical plane. vertical plane of position
Each intensity in any vertical plane (the plane lights
perpendicular to the horizontal plane) must Each position light intensity must equal or
equal or exceed the appropriate value in exceed the applicable values in the following
CS 23.1393, where I is the minimum intensity table:
prescribed in CS 23.1391 for the corresponding
angles in the horizontal plane.
Angle above or below Intensity
the horizontal plane

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0 1·00 I. “x” is not less than 0·300 and not greater than
0° to 5° 0·90 I. 0·540;
5° to 10° 0·80 I.
“y” is not less than “x–0·040” or “y°–0·010”,
10° to 15° 0·70 I.
whichever is the smaller; and
15° to 20° 0·50 I.
20° to 30° 0·30 I. “y” is not greater than “x+0·020” nor “0·636–
30° to 40° 0·10 I. 0·400x”;
40° to 90° 0·05 I.
Where “y°” is the “y” co-ordinate of the
Planckian radiator for the value of “x” considered.
CS 23.1395 Maximum intensities in
overlapping beams of CS 23.1399 Riding light
position lights
(a) Each riding (anchor) light required for a
No position light intensity may exceed the seaplane or amphibian, must be installed so that it
applicable values in the following table, except as can –
provided in CS 23.1389 (b) (3): (1) Show a white light for at least 3·2
Maximum intensity km (2 miles) at night under clear atmospheric
Overlaps Area A Area B conditions; and
(candelas) (candelas) (2) Show the maximum unbroken light
Green in dihedral angle L 10 1 practicable when the aeroplane is moored or
Red in dihedral angle R 10 1 drifting on the water.
Green in dihedral angle A 5 1 (b) Externally hung lights may be used.
Red in dihedral angle A 5 1
Rear white in dihedral
angle L 5 1 CS 23.1401 Anti-collision light system
Rear white in dihedral (a) General. The aeroplane must have an
angle R 5 1 anti-collision light system that –
Where – (1) Consist of one or more approved
(a) Area A includes all directions in the anti-collision lights located so that their light
adjacent dihedral angle that pass through the light will not impair the flight-crew members’ vision
source and intersect the common boundary plane or detract from the conspicuity of the position
at more than 10° but less than 20°; and lights; and

(b) Area B includes all directions in the (2) Meet the requirements of sub-
adjacent dihedral angle that pass through the light paragraphs (b) to (f) .
source and intersect the common boundary plane (b) Field of coverage. The system must
at more than 20°. consist of enough lights to illuminate the vital
areas around the aeroplane, considering the
CS 23.1397 Colour specifications physical configuration and flight characteristics of
the aeroplane. The field of coverage must extend
Each position light colour must have the in each direction within at least 75° above and 75°
applicable International Commission on below the horizontal plane of the aeroplane,
Illumination chromaticity co-ordinates as follows: except that there may be solid angles of obstructed
(a) Aviation red – visibility totalling not more than 0·5 steradians.

“y” is not greater than 0·335; and (c) Flashing characteristics. The
arrangement of the system, that is, the number of
“z” is not greater than 0·002. light sources, beam width, speed of rotation, and
(b) Aviation green – other characteristics, must give an effective flash
frequency of not less than 40, nor more than 100,
“x” is not greater than 0·440–0·320y; cycles per minute. The effective flash frequency is
“x” is not greater than y–0·170; and the frequency at which the aeroplane’s complete
anti-collision light system is observed from a
“y” is not less than 0·390-0·170x. distance, and applies to each sector of light
(c) Aviation white – including any overlaps that exist when the system
consists of more than one light source. In

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overlaps, flash frequencies may exceed 100, but loads resulting from the ultimate static load
not 180, cycles per minute. factors specified in CS 23.561 (b) (3).
(d) Colour. Each anti-collision light must be
either aviation red or aviation white and must meet CS 23.1415 Ditching equipment
the applicable requirements of CS 23.1397.
(a) Emergency flotation and signalling
(e) Light intensity. The minimum light equipment required by the operating rules must be
intensities in any vertical plane, measured with the installed so that it is readily available to the crew
red filter (if used) and expressed in terms of and passengers.
“effective” intensities, must meet the requirements
(b) Each raft and each life preserver must be
of sub-paragraph (f) . The following relation must
be assumed:
(c) Each raft released automatically or by the
∫t1 I ( t ) dt pilot must be attached to the aeroplane by a line to
Ie =
0·2 + (t 2 − t1) keep it alongside the aeroplane. This line must be
where – weak enough to break before submerging the
Ie = effective intensity (candelas). empty raft to which it is attached.

I(t) = instantaneous intensity as a (d) Each signalling device required by the

function of time. operating rules, must be accessible, function
satisfactorily and must be free of any hazard in its
(t 2 − t1) = flash time interval (seconds). operation.

Normally, the maximum value of effective CS 23.1416 Pneumatic de-icer boot

intensity is obtained when t2 and t1 are chosen so system
that the effective intensity is equal to the
instantaneous intensity at t 2 and t1. If certification with ice protection provisions is
desired and a pneumatic de-icer boot system is
(f) Minimum effective intensities for anti- installed –
collision lights. Each anti-collision light effective
intensity must equal or exceed the applicable (a) The system must meet the requirements
values in the following table: specified in CS 23.1419.

Angle above or below Effective intensity (b) The system and its components must be
the horizontal plane: (candelas) designed to perform their intended function under
any normal system operating temperature or
0° to 5° 400 pressure, and
5° to 10° 240 (c) Means to indicate to the flight crew that
10° to 20° 80 the pneumatic de-icer boot system is receiving
20° to 30° 40 adequate pressure and is functioning normally
30° to 75° 20 must be provided.

SAFETY EQUIPMENT CS 23.1419 Ice protection

(See AMC 23.1419)

CS 23.1411 General If certification with ice protection provisions is

desired, compliance with the following
(a) Required safety equipment to be used by requirements must be shown:
the flightcrew in an emergency, such as automatic
life-raft releases, must be readily accessible. (a) The recommended procedures for the use
of the ice protection equipment must be set forth
(b) Stowage provisions for required safety in the Aeroplane Flight Manual or in approved
equipment must be furnished and must – manual material.
(1) Be arranged so that the equipment is (b) An analysis must be performed to
directly accessible and its location is obvious; establish, on the basis of the aeroplane’s
and operational needs, the adequacy of the ice
(2) Protect the safety equipment from protection system for the various components of
damage caused by being subjected to the inertia the aeroplane. In addition, tests of the ice
protection system must be conducted to

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demonstrate that the aeroplane is capable of when the aeroplane is being operated when any
operating safely in continuous maximum and headset is being used. (See AMC 23.1431(e))
intermittent maximum icing conditions as
described in AMC-1.
CS 23.1435 Hydraulic systems
(c) Compliance with all or portions may be
(a) Design. Each hydraulic system must be
accomplished by reference, where applicable
designed as follows:
because of similarity of the designs to analysis and
tests performed for the type certification of a type (1) Each hydraulic system and its
certificated aircraft. elements must withstand, without yielding, the
structural loads expected in addition to
(d) When monitoring of the external
hydraulic loads.
surfaces of the aeroplane by the flight crew is
required for proper operation of the ice protection (2) A means to indicate the pressure in
equipment, external lighting must be provided each hydraulic system which supplies two or
which is adequate to enable the monitoring to be more primary functions must be provided to the
done at night. flightcrew.
(3) There must be means to ensure that
the pressure, including transient (surge)
pressure, in any part of the system will not
exceed the safe limit above design operating
CS 23.1431 Electronic equipment pressure and to prevent excessive pressure
resulting from fluid volumetric changes in all
(a) In showing compliance with
lines which are likely to remain closed long
CS 23.1309(b)(1) and (2) with respect to radio
enough for such changes to occur.
and electronic equipment and their installations,
critical environmental conditions must be (4) The minimum design burst pressure
considered. must be 2·5 times the operating pressure.
(b) Radio and electronic equipment, controls, (b) Tests. Each system must be substantiated
and wiring must be installed so that operation of by proof pressure tests. When proof-tested, no
any unit or system of units will not adversely part of any system may fail, malfunction, or
affect the simultaneous operation of any other experience a permanent set. The proof load of
radio or electronic unit, or system of units. each system must be at least 1·5 times the
maximum operating pressure of that system.
(c) For those aeroplanes required to have more
than one flight-crew member, or whose operation will (c) Accumulators. A hydraulic accumulator
require more than one flight-crew member, the or reservoirs may be installed on the engine side
cockpit must be evaluated to determine if the flight of any firewall if –
crew members, when seated at their duty station, can
(1) It is an integral part of an engine or
converse without difficulty under the actual cockpit
propeller system, or
noise conditions when the aeroplane is being
operated. If the aeroplane design includes provisions (2) The reservoir is non-pressurised and
for the use of communication headsets, the evaluation the total capacity of all such non-pressurised
must also consider conditions where headsets are reservoirs is one litre (one US-quart) or less.
being used. If the evaluation shows conditions under
which it will be difficult to converse, an
CS 23.1437 Accessories for twin-engine
intercommunication system must be provided.
(d) If installed, communication equipment
For twin-engine aeroplanes, engine-driven
incorporates transmitter “on-off” switching, that
accessories essential to safe operation must be
switching means must be designed to return from the
distributed among the two engines so that the
“transmit” to the “off” position when it is released
failure of any one engine will not impair safe
and ensure that the transmitter will return to the off
operation through the malfunctioning of these
(non-transmitting) state.
(e) If provisions for the use of communication
headsets are provided, it must be demonstrated that
the flight crew members will receive all aural
warnings under the actual cockpit noise conditions

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CS 23.1438 Pressurisation and CS 23.1443 Minimum mass flow of

pneumatic systems supplemental oxygen
(a) Pressurisation system elements must be (a) If continuous flow oxygen equipment is
burst pressure tested to 2·0 times, and proof installed, the installation must comply with the
pressure tested to 1·5 times, the maximum normal requirements of either sub-paragraphs (a) (1) and
operating pressure. (a) (2) or sub-paragraph (a) (3) .
(b) Pneumatic system elements must be burst (1) For each passenger, the minimum
pressure tested to 3·0 times, and proof pressure mass flow of supplemental oxygen required at
tested to 1·5 times, the maximum normal operating various cabin pressure altitudes may not be less
pressure. than the flow required to maintain, during
inspiration and while using the oxygen
(c) An analysis, or a combination of analysis
equipment (including masks) provided, the
and test, may be substituted for any test required
following mean tracheal oxygen partial
by sub-paragraph (a) or (b) if the Agency finds it
equivalent to the required test.
(i) At cabin pressure altitudes
above 3048m (10 000 ft) up to and
CS 23.1441 Oxygen equipment and
including 5639m (18 500 ft), a mean
tracheal oxygen partial pressure of 100
(a) If certification with supplemental oxygen mm Hg when breathing 15 litres per
equipment is requested, or the aeroplane is minute, Body Temperature, Pressure,
approved for operations at or above altitudes Saturated (BTPS) and with a tidal volume
where oxygen is required to be used by the of 700 cc with a constant time interval
operating rules, oxygen equipment must be between respirations.
provided that meets the requirements and
(ii) At cabin pressure altitudes
CS 23.1443 to 23.1449. Portable oxygen
above 5639m (18 500 ft) up to and
equipment may be used to meet the requirements
including 12192m (40 000 ft), a mean
of CS-23 if the portable equipment is shown to
tracheal oxygen partial pressure of 83·8
comply with the applicable requirements, is
mm H g when breathing 30 litres per
identified in aeroplane type design, and its
minute BTPS, and with a tidal volume of
stowage provisions are found to be in compliance
1100 cc with a constant time interval
with the requirements of CS 23.561.
between respirations.
(b) The oxygen system must be free from
(2) For each flight-crew member, the
hazards in itself, in its method of operation, and
minimum mass flow may not be less than the
its effect upon other components.
flow required to maintain, during inspiration, a
(c) There must be a means to allow the crew mean tracheal oxygen partial pressure of 149
to readily determine, during the flight, the quantity mm Hg when breathing 15 litres per minute,
of oxygen available in each source of supply. BTPS, and with a maximum tidal volume of
700 cc with a constant time interval between
(d) Each required flight-crew member must
be provided with –
(3) The minimum mass flow of
(1) Demand flow oxygen equipment if
supplemental oxygen supplied for each user
the aeroplane is to be certificated for operation
must be at a rate not less than that shown in the
above 7620m (25 000 ft).
following figure for each altitude up to and
(2) Pressure demand oxygen equipment including the maximum operating altitude of
if the aeroplane is to be certificated for the aeroplane.
operation above 12192m (40 000 ft).
(e) There must be a means, readily available
to the crew in flight, to turn on and shut off the
oxygen supply at the high pressure source. This
requirement does not apply to chemical oxygen

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(a) Except for flexible lines from oxygen

outlets to the dispensing units, or where shown to
5 be otherwise suitable to the installation, non-
4.2 LPM
40 000 metallic tubing must not be used for any oxygen
4 line that is normally pressurised during flight.
3.5 LPM
35 000 (b) Non-metallic oxygen distribution lines
3 must not be routed where they may be subjected to
elevated temperatures, electrical arcing, and
released flammable fluids that might result from
any probable failure.

0.8 LPM CS 23.1447 Equipment standards for
12 500
oxygen dispensing units
10 20 30 40 If oxygen dispensing units are installed, the
Cabin Pressure Altitude following apply:
Thousands of Feet (a) There must be an individual dispensing
(b) If demand equipment is installed for use unit for each occupant for whom supplemental
by flight-crew members, the minimum mass flow oxygen is to be supplied. Each dispensing unit
of supplemental oxygen required for each must –
crewmember may not be less than the flow (1) Provide for effective utilisation of
required to maintain, during inspiration, a mean the oxygen being delivered to the unit.
tracheal oxygen partial pressure of 122 mm Hg up
to and including a cabin pressure altitude of (2) Be capable of being readily placed
10668m (35 000 ft), and 95% oxygen between into position on the face of the user.
cabin pressure altitudes of 10668 and 12192m (3) Be equipped with a suitable means
(35 000 and 40 000 ft), when breathing 20 litres to retain the unit in position on the face.
per minute BTPS. In addition, there must be
means to allow the crew to use undiluted oxygen (4) If radio equipment is installed, the
at their discretion. flight crew oxygen dispensing units must be
designed to allow the use of that equipment and
(c) If first aid oxygen equipment is installed, to allow communication with any other required
the minimum mass flow of oxygen to each user crew member while at their assigned duty
may not be less than 4 litres per minute, STPD. station.
However, there may be a means to decrease this
flow to not less than 2 litres per minute, STPD, at (b) If certification for operation up to and
any cabin altitude. The quantity of oxygen including 5486m (18 000 ft) (MSL) is requested,
required is based upon an average flow rate of 3 each oxygen dispensing unit must –
litres per minute per person for whom first aid (1) Cover the nose and mouth of the
oxygen is required. user; or
(d) As used in this paragraph – (2) Be a nasal cannula, in which case
(1) BTPS means Body Temperature, one oxygen dispensing unit covering both the
and Pressure, Saturated (which is, 37°C, and nose and mouth of the user must be available.
the ambient pressure to which the body is In addition, each nasal cannula or its
exposed, minus 47 mm Hg, which is the connecting tubing must have permanently
tracheal pressure displaced by water vapour affixed –
pressure when the breathed air becomes (i) A visible warning against
saturated with water vapour at 37°C). smoking while in use;
(2) STPD means Standard, (ii) An illustration of the correct
Temperature, and Pressure, Dry (which is 0°C method of donning; and
at 760 mm Hg with no water vapour).
(iii) A visible warning against use
with nasal obstructions or head colds with
CS 23.1445 Oxygen distributing system resultant nasal congestion.

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(c) If certification for operation above 5486m generator that is capable of sustained operation by
(18 000 ft) (MSL) is requested, each oxygen successive replacement of a generator element
dispensing unit must cover the nose and mouth of must be placarded to show –
the user.
(1) The rate of oxygen flow, in litres
(d) For a pressurised aeroplane designed to per minute;
operate at flight altitudes above 7620m
(2) The duration of oxygen flow in
(25 000 ft) (MSL), the dispensing units must meet
minutes, for the replaceable generator element;
the following:
(1) The dispensing units for passengers
(3) A warning that the replaceable
must be connected to an oxygen supply
generator element may be hot, unless the
terminal and be immediately available to each
element construction is such that the surface
occupant, wherever seated.
temperature cannot exceed 38°C (100°F).
(2) The dispensing units for
crewmembers must be automatically presented
CS 23.1451 Fire protection for oxygen
to each crewmember before the cabin pressure
altitude exceeds 4572m (15 000 ft), or the units
must be of the quick-donning type, connected Oxygen equipment and lines must –
to an oxygen supply terminal that is
(a) Not be in any designated fire zone.
immediately available to crewmembers at their
station. (b) Be protected from heat that may be
generated in, or escaped from, any designated fire
(e) If certification for operation above 9144m
(30 000 ft) is requested, the dispensing units for
passengers must be automatically presented to (c) Be installed so that escaping oxygen
each occupant before the cabin pressure altitude cannot cause ignition of grease, fluid, or vapour
exceeds 4572m (15 000 ft). accumulations that are present in normal operation
or that may result from the failure or malfunction
(f) If an automatic dispensing unit (hose and
of any other system.
mask, or other unit) system is installed, the crew
must be provided with a manual means to make
the dispensing units immediately available in the CS 23.1453 Protection of oxygen equip-
event of failure of the automatic system. ment from rupture
(a) Each element of the oxygen system must
CS 23.1449 Means for determining use have sufficient strength to withstand the maximum
of oxygen pressure and temperature in combination with any
externally applied loads arising from
There must be a means to allow the crew to
consideration of limit structural loads that may be
determine whether oxygen is being delivered to
acting on that part of the system.
the dispensing equipment.
(b) Oxygen pressure sources and the lines
between the source and shut-off means must be –
CS 23.1450 Chemical oxygen generators
(1) Protected from unsafe temperatures;
(a) For the purpose of this paragraph, a
chemical oxygen generator is defined as a device
which produces oxygen by chemical reaction. (2) Located where the probability and
hazard of rupture in a crash landing are
(b) Each chemical oxygen generator must be
designed and installed in accordance with the
following requirements:
CS 23.1457 Cockpit voice recorders
(1) Surface temperature developed by
the generator during operation may not create a (a) Each cockpit voice recorder required by
hazard to the aeroplane or to its occupants. the operating rules must be approved and must be
installed so that it will record the following:
(2) Means must be provided to relieve
any internal pressure that may be hazardous. (1) Voice communications transmitted
from or received in the aeroplane by radio.
(c) In addition to meeting the requirements in
sub-paragraph (b) , each portable chemical oxygen

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(2) Voice communications of flight loudspeaker system, if its signals are not
crewmembers on the flight deck. picked up by another channel.
(3) Voice communications of flight- (5) And that as far as is practicable all
crew members on the flight deck, using the sounds received by the microphone listed in
aeroplane’s interphone system. sub-paragraph (c) (1), (2) and (4) must be
recorded without interruption irrespective of
(4) Voice or audio signals identifying
the position of the interphone-transmitter key
navigation or approach aids introduced into a
switch. The design must ensure that sidetone
headset or speaker.
for the flight crew is produced only when the
(5) Voice communications of flight- interphone, public address system, or radio
crew members using the passenger loudspeaker transmitters are in use.
system, if there is such a system and if the
(d) Each cockpit voice recorder must be
fourth channel is available in accordance with
installed so that –
the requirements of sub-paragraph (c) (4) (ii) .
(1) It receives its electric power from
(b) The recording requirements of sub-
the bus that provides the maximum reliability
paragraph (a) (2) must be met by installing a
for operation of the cockpit voice recorder
cockpit-mounted area microphone, located in the
without jeopardising service to essential or
best position for recording voice communications
emergency loads.
originating at the first and second pilot stations
and voice communications of other crewmembers (2) There is an automatic means to
on the flight deck when directed to those stations. simultaneously stop the recorder and prevent
The microphone must be so located and, if each erasure feature from functioning, within
necessary, the preamplifiers and filters of the 10 minutes after crash impact; and
recorder must be so adjusted or supplemented, so
(3) There is an aural or visual means for
that the intelligibility of the recorded
pre-flight checking of the recorder for proper
communications is as high as practicable when
recorded under flight cockpit noise conditions and
played back. Repeated aural or visual play-back (e) The record container must be located and
of the record may be used in evaluating mounted to minimise the probability of rupture of
intelligibility. the container as a result of crash impact and
consequent heat damage to the record from fire.
(c) Each cockpit voice recorder must be
In meeting this requirement, the record container
installed so that the part of the communication or
must be as far aft as practicable, but may not be
audio signals specified in sub-paragraph (a)
where aft mounted engines may crush the
obtained from each of the following sources is
container during impact. However, it need not be
recorded on a separate channel:
outside of the pressurised compartment.
(1) For the first channel, from each
(f) If the cockpit voice recorder has a bulk
boom, mask, or handheld microphone, headset,
erasure device, the installation must be designed
or speaker used at the first pilot station.
to minimise the probability of inadvertent
(2) For the second channel from each operations and actuation of the device during
boom, mask, or handheld microphone, headset, crash impact.
or speaker used at the second pilot station.
(g) Each recorder container must –
(3) For the third channel-from the
(1) Be either bright orange or bright
cockpit-mounted area microphone.
(4) For the fourth channel from –
(2) Have reflective tape affixed to its
(i) Each boom, mask, or handheld external surface to facilitate its location under
microphone, headset, or speaker used at water; and
the station for the third and fourth
(3) Have an underwater locating device,
when required by the operating rules, on or
(ii) If the stations specified in sub- adjacent to the container which is secured in
paragraph (c) (4) (i) are not required or if such manner that they are not likely to be
the signal at such a station is picked up by separated during crash impact.
another channel, each microphone on the
flight deck that is used with the passenger

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CS 23.1459 Flight recorders (d) Each recorder container must –

(See AMC 23.1459 (b))
(1) Be either bright orange or bright
(a) Each flight recorder required by the yellow;
operating rules must be installed so that –
(2) Have reflective tape affixed to its
(1) It is supplied with airspeed, altitude, external surface to facilitate its location under
and directional data obtained from sources that water; and
meet the accuracy requirements of CS 23.1323,
(3) Have an underwater locating device,
23.1325 and 23.1327, as appropriate;
when required by the operating rules, on or
(2) The vertical acceleration sensor is adjacent to the container which is secured in
rigidly attached, and located longitudinally such a manner that they are not likely to be
either within the approved centre of gravity separated during crash impact.
limits of the aeroplane, or at a distance forward
(e) Any novel or unique design or operational
or aft of these limits that does not exceed 25%
characteristics of the aeroplane must be evaluated
of the aeroplane’s mean aerodynamic chord;
to determine if any dedicated parameters must be
(3) It receives its electrical power from recorded on flight recorders in addition to or in
the bus that provides the maximum reliability place of existing requirements.
for operation of the flight recorder without
jeopardising service to essential or emergency
CS 23.1461 Equipment containing high
energy rotors
(4) There is an aural or visual means for
(a) Equipment containing high energy rotors
pre-flight checking of the recorder for proper
must meet sub-paragraphs (b), (c) or (d) .
recording of data in the storage medium.
(b) High energy rotors contained in
(5) Except for recorders powered solely
equipment must be able to withstand damage
by the engine-driven electrical generator
caused by malfunctions, vibration, abnormal
system, there is an automatic means to
speeds and abnormal temperatures. In addition –
simultaneously stop a recorder that has a data
erasure feature and prevent each erasure feature (1) Auxiliary rotor cases must be able
from functioning, within 10 minutes after crash to contain damage caused by the failure of high
impact; and energy rotor blades; and
(b) Each non-ejectable record container must (2) Equipment control devices, systems
be located and mounted so as to minimise the and instrumentation must reasonably ensure
probability of container rupture resulting from that no operating limitations affecting the
crash impact and subsequent damage to the record integrity of high energy rotors will be exceeded
from fire. In meeting this requirement the record in service.
container must be located as far aft as practicable,
(c) It must be shown by test that equipment
but need not be aft of the pressurised
containing high energy rotors can contain any
compartment, and may not be where aft-mounted
failure of a high energy rotor that occurs at the
engines may crush the container upon impact.
highest speed obtainable with the normal speed
(c) A correlation must be established between control devices inoperative.
the flight recorder readings of airspeed, altitude,
(d) Equipment containing high energy rotors
and heading and the corresponding readings
must be located where rotor failure will neither
(taking into account correction factors) of the first
endanger the occupants nor adversely affect
pilot’s instruments. The correlation must cover
continued safe flight.
the airspeed range over which the aeroplane is to
be operated, the range of altitude to which the
aeroplane is limited, and 360° of heading.
Correlation may be established on the ground as

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GENERAL and VD/MD or the maximum speed shown under

CS 23.251 may not be less than the speed margin
established between VC/MC and VD/MD under
CS 23.1501 General
CS 23.335(b), or the speed margin found
(a) Each operating limitation specified in necessary in the flight tests conducted under
CS 23.1505 to 23.1527 and other limitations and CS 23.253.
information necessary for safe operation must be
CS 23.1507 Manoeuvring speed
(b) The operating limitations and other
The maximum operating maneuvering speed,
information necessary for safe operation must be
VO, must be established as an operating limitation.
made available to the crew members as prescribed
VO is a selected speed that is not greater than VS√n
in CS 23.1541 to 23.1589.
established in CS 23.335(c).

CS 23.1505 Airspeed limitations

CS 23.1511 Flap extended speed
(a) The never-exceed speed VNE must be
(a) The flap extended speed VFE must be
established so that it is –
established so that it is –
(1) Not less than 0·9 times the minimum
(1) Not less than the minimum value of
value of VD allowed under CS 23.335; and
VF allowed in CS 23.345 (b); and
(2) Not more than the lesser of –
(2) Not more than VF established under
(i) 0·9 VD established under CS 23.345 (a), (c) and (d).
CS 23.335; or
(b) Additional combinations of flap setting,
(ii) 0·9 times the maximum speed airspeed and engine power may be established if
shown under CS 23.251. the structure has been proven for the
corresponding design conditions.
(b) The maximum structural cruising speed
VNO must be established so that it is –
CS 23.1513 Minimum control speed
(1) Not less than the minimum value of
VC allowed under CS 23.335; and The minimum control speed(s) VMC, determined
under CS 23.149 (b), must be established as an
(2) Not more than the lesser of – operating limitation(s).
(i) VC established under CS
23.335; or CS 23.1519 Weight and centre of gravity
(ii) 0·89 VNE established under The weight and centre of gravity ranges,
sub-paragraph (a) . determined under CS 23.23 must be established as
(c) Sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to operating limitations.
turbine aeroplanes or to aeroplanes for which a
design diving speed VD/MD is established under CS 23.1521 Powerplant limitations
CS 23.335 (b) (4). For those aeroplanes, a
maximum operating limit speed (VMO/MMO (a) General. The powerplant limitations pre-
airspeed or Mach number, whichever is critical at scribed in this section must be established so that
a particular altitude) must be established as a they do not exceed the corresponding limits for
speed that may not be deliberately exceeded in any which the engines or propellers are type
regime of flight (climb, cruise, or descent) unless a certificated.
higher speed is authorised for flight test or pilot (b) Take-off operation. The powerplant take-
training operations. VMO/MMO must be established off operation must be limited by –
so that it is not greater than the design cruising
speed VC/MC and so that it is sufficiently below (1) The maximum rotational speed
VD/MD and the maximum speed shown under (rpm);
CS 23.251 to make it highly improbable that the (2) The maximum allowable manifold
latter speeds will be inadvertently exceeded in pressure (for reciprocating engines);
operations. The speed margin between VMO/MMO
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(3) The maximum allowable gas (4) Communications,

temperature (for turbine engines);
(5) Operation and monitoring of all
(4) The time limit for the use of the essential aeroplane systems,
power or thrust corresponding to the limitations
(6) Command decisions, and
established in sub-paragraphs (1) to (3) ; and
(7) The accessibility and ease of
(5) The maximum allowable cylinder
operation of necessary controls by the
head (as applicable), liquid coolant and oil
appropriate crew member during all normal and
emergency operations when at the crew member
(c) Continuous operation. The continuous flight station.
operation must be limited by –
(b) The accessibility and ease of operation of
(1) The maximum rotational speed; necessary controls by the appropriate crew
member; and
(2) The maximum allowable manifold
pressure (for reciprocating engines); (c) The kinds of operation authorised under
CS 23.1525.
(3) The maximum allowable gas
temperature (for turbine engines); and
CS 23.1524 Maximum passenger seating
(4) The maximum allowable cylinder
head, oil and liquid coolant temperatures.
The maximum passenger seating configuration
(d) Fuel grade or designation. The minimum
must be established.
fuel grade (for reciprocating engines), or fuel
designation (for turbine engines), must be
established so that it is not less than that required CS 23.1525 Kinds of operation
for the operation of the engines within the
The kinds of operation (such as VFR, IFR, day
limitations in sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) . or night) and the meteorological conditions (such
(e) Ambient temperature. For all aeroplanes as icing) to which the operation of the aeroplane is
except reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes of limited or from which it is prohibited, must be
2 722 kg (6 000 lb) or less maximum weight, established appropriate to the installed equipment.
ambient temperature limitations (including
limitations for winterisation installations if CS 23.1527 Maximum operating altitude
applicable) must be established as the maximum
ambient atmospheric temperature at which (a) The maximum altitude up to which
compliance with the cooling provisions of operation is allowed, as limited by flight,
CS 23.1041 to 23.1047 is shown. structural, powerplant, functional, or equipment
characteristics, must be established.

CS 23.1522 Auxiliary power unit limitations (b) A maximum operating altitude limitation
of not more than 7620 m (25 000 ft) must be
If an auxiliary power unit is installed, the established for pressurised aeroplanes, unless
limitations established for the auxiliary power unit compliance with CS 23.775 (e) is shown.
must be specified in the operating limitations for
the aeroplane.
CS 23.1529 Instructions for continued
CS 23.1523 Minimum flight crew
Instructions for continued airworthiness in
The minimum flight crew must be established accordance with Appendix G must be prepared.
so that it is sufficient for safe operation
considering –
(a) The workload on individual crew
members and, in addition for commuter category
aeroplanes, each crew member workload CS 23.1541 General
determination must consider the following: (a) The aeroplane must contain –
(1) Flight path control, (1) The markings and placards specified
(2) Collision avoidance, in CS 23.1545 to 23.1567; and
(3) Navigation, (2) Any additional information,
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instrument markings and placards required for arc with the lower limit at VSO at the maximum
the safe operation if it has unusual design, weight and the upper limit at the flaps-extended
operating, or handling characteristics. speed VFE established under CS 23.1511.
(b) Each marking and placard prescribed in (5) For reciprocating twin-engine-
sub-paragraph (a) – powered aeroplanes of 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) or
less maximum weight, for the speed at which
(1) Must be displayed in a conspicuous
compliance has been shown with CS 23.69 (b)
place; and
relating to rate of climb, at maximum weight
(2) May not be easily erased, disfigured and at sea-level, a blue radial line.
or obscured.
(6) For reciprocating twin-engine-
(c) For aeroplanes which are to be certificated powered aeroplanes of 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) or
in more than one category – less maximum weight, for the maximum value
of minimum control speed (one-engine-
(1) One category upon which the
inoperative) determined under CS 23.149 (b),
placards and markings are to be based must be
VMC, a red radial line.
selected for the aeroplane; and
(c) If VNE or VNO vary with altitude, there
(2) The placards and marking
must be means to indicate to the pilot the
information for all categories in which the
appropriate limitations throughout the operating
aeroplane is to be certificated must be furnished
altitude range.
in the Aeroplane Flight Manual.
(d) Sub-paragraphs (b) (1) to (b) (3) and sub-
paragraph (c) do not apply to aircraft for which a
CS 23.1543 Instrument markings: general
maximum operating speed VMO/MMO is established
(See AMC 23.1543 (b))
under CS 23.1505 (c). For those aircraft there
For each instrument – must either be a maximum allowable airspeed
indication showing the variation of VMO/MMO with
(a) When markings are on the cover glass of
altitude or compressibility limitations (as
the instrument, there must be means to maintain
appropriate), or a radial red line marking for
the correct alignment of the glass cover with the
VMO/MMO must be made at lowest value of
face of the dial; and
VMO/MMO established for any altitude up to the
(b) Each arc and line must be wide enough maximum operating altitude for the aeroplane.
and located to be clearly visible to the pilot.
(c) All related instruments must be calibrated CS 23.1547 Magnetic direction indicator
in compatible units.
(a) A placard meeting the requirements of
this section must be installed on or near the
CS 23.1545 Airspeed indicator magnetic direction indicator.
(a) Each airspeed indicator must be marked as (b) The placard must show the calibration of
specified in sub-paragraph (b) , with the marks the instrument in level flight with the engines
located at the corresponding indicated airspeeds. operating.
(b) The following markings must be made: (c) The placard must state whether the
calibration was made with radio receivers on or
(1) For the never-exceed speed VNE, a
radial red line.
(d) Each calibration reading must be in terms
(2) For the caution range, a yellow arc
of magnetic headings in not more than 30°
extending from the red line specified in sub-
paragraph (1) to the upper limit of the green
arc specified in sub-paragraph (3) . (e) If a magnetic non-stabilised direction
indicator can have a deviation of more than 10°
(3) For the normal operating range, a
caused by the operation of electrical equipment,
green arc with the lower limit at VS1 with
the placard must state which electrical loads, or
maximum weight and with landing gear and
combination of loads, would cause a deviation of
wing flaps retracted, and the upper limit at the
more than 10° when turned on.
maximum structural cruising speed VNO
established under CS 23.1505 (b).
(4) For the flap operating range, a white

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CS 23.1549 Powerplant and auxiliary placard adjacent to the selector valve for that
power unit instruments tank; and
For each required powerplant and auxiliary (4) Each valve control for any engine of
power unit instrument, as appropriate to the type a twin-engine aeroplane must be marked to
of instruments – indicate the position corresponding to each
engine controlled.
(a) Each maximum and if applicable,
minimum safe operating limit must be marked with (d) Usable fuel capacity must be marked as
a red radial or a red line; follows:
(b) Each normal operating range must be (1) For fuel systems having no selector
marked with a green arc or green line not controls, the usable fuel capacity of the system
extending beyond the maximum and minimum safe must be indicated at the fuel quantity indicator.
(2) For fuel systems having selector
(c) Each take-off and precautionary range controls, the usable fuel capacity available at
must be marked with a yellow arc or a yellow line; each selector control position must be indicated
and near the selector control.
(d) Each engine, auxiliary power unit or (e) For accessory, auxiliary and emergency
propeller range that is restricted because of controls –
excessive vibration stresses must be marked with
(1) If retractable landing gear is used,
red arcs or red lines.
the indicator required by CS 23.729 must be
marked so that the pilot can, at any time,
CS 23.1551 Oil quantity indicator ascertain that the wheels are secured in the
extreme positions; and
Each oil quantity indicator must be marked in
sufficient increments to indicate readily and (2) Each emergency control must be red
accurately the quantity of oil. and must be marked as to method of operation.
No control other than an emergency control
shall be this colour.
CS 23.1553 Fuel quantity indicator
A red radial line must be marked on each
CS 23.1557 Miscellaneous markings and
indicator at the calibrated zero reading, as
specified in CS 23.1337 (b) (1).
(a) Baggage and cargo compartments and
ballast location. Each baggage and cargo
CS 23.1555 Control markings
compartment, and each ballast location, must have
(See AMC 23.1555 (e) (2))
a placard stating any limitations on contents,
(a) Each cockpit control, other than primary including weight, that are necessary under the
flight controls and simple push-button type starter loading requirements.
switches, must be plainly marked as to its function
(b) Seats. If the maximum allowable weight
and method of operation.
to be carried in a seat is less than 77 kg (170 lb), a
(b) Each secondary control must be suitably placard stating the lesser weight must be
marked. permanently attached to the seat structure.
(c) For powerplant fuel controls – (c) Fuel, oil and coolant filler openings. The
following apply:
(1) Each fuel tank selector control must
be marked to indicate the position (1) Fuel filler openings must be marked
corresponding to each tank and to each existing at or near the filler cover with –
cross feed position;
(i) For reciprocating engine-
(2) If safe operation requires the use of powered aeroplanes –
any tanks in a specific sequence, that sequence
(A) The word „Avgas“; and
must be marked on or near the selector for those
tanks; (B) The minimum fuel grade.
(3) The conditions under which the full (ii) For turbine engine-powered
amount of usable fuel in any restricted usage aeroplanes –
fuel tank can safely be used must be stated on a
(A) The words „Jet Fuel“; and
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(B) The permissible fuel occupants.

designations, or references to the
Aeroplane Flight Manual (AFM) for
CS 23.1563 Airspeed placards
permissible fuel designations.
There must be an airspeed placard in clear view
(iii) For pressure fuelling systems,
of the pilot and as close as practicable to the
the maximum permissible fuelling supply
airspeed indicator. This placard must list –
pressure and the maximum permissible
defuelling pressure. (a) The operating manoeuvring speed, Vo;
(2) Oil filler openings must be marked (b) The maximum landing gear operating
at or near the filler cover with – speed VLO; and
(i) The word „Oil“; and (c) For reciprocating engine-powered
[aeroplanes of more than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb)]
(ii) The permissible oil
maximum weight and turbine engine-powered
designation, or references to the
aeroplanes, the maximum value of the minimum
Aeroplane Flight Manual (AFM) for
control speed (one-engine-inoperative) determined
Permissible oil designations.
under CS 23.149 (b), VMC.
(3) Coolant filler openings must be
marked at or near the filler cover with the word
CS 23.1567 Flight manoeuvre placard
(a) For normal category aeroplanes, there
(d) Emergency exit placards. Each placard
must be a placard in front of and in clear view of
and operating control for each emergency exit
the pilot stating: „No aerobatic manoeuvres
must be red. A placard must be near each
including spins, approved“.
emergency exit control and must clearly indicate
the location of that exit and its method of (b) For utility category aeroplanes, there must
operation. be –
(e) The system voltage of each direct current (1) A placard in clear view of the pilot
installation must be clearly marked adjacent to its stating: „Aerobatic manoeuvres are limited to
external power connection. the following........“ (list approved manoeuvres
and the recommended entry speed for each);
CS 23.1559 Operating limitations placard
(2) For those aeroplanes that do not
(a) There must be a placard in clear view of
meet the spin requirements for aerobatic
the pilot stating –
category aeroplanes, an additional placard in
(1) That the aeroplane must be operated clear view of the pilot stating: „Spins
in accordance with the Aeroplane Flight Prohibited“.
Manual; and
(c) For aerobatic category aeroplanes, there
(2) The certification category of the must be a placard in clear view of the pilot listing
aeroplane to which the placards apply. the approved aerobatic manoeuvres and the
recommended entry airspeed for each. If inverted
(b) For aeroplanes certificated in more than
flight manoeuvres are not approved, the placard
one category, there must be a placard in clear view
must bear a notation to this effect.
of the pilot, stating that other limitations are
contained in the Aeroplane Flight Manual. (d) For aerobatic category aeroplanes and
utility category aeroplanes approved for spinning,
(c) There must be a placard in clear view of
there must be a placard in clear view of the pilot –
the pilot that specifies the kind of operations to
which the operation of the aeroplane is limited or (1) Listing the control actions for
from which it is prohibited under CS 23.1525. recovery from spinning manoeuvres; and
(2) Stating that recovery must be
CS 23.1561 Safety equipment initiated when spiral characteristics appear, or
after not more than 6 turns or not more than any
(a) Safety equipment must be plainly marked
greater number of turns for which the aeroplane
as to method of operation.
has been certificated.
(b) Stowage provisions for required safety
equipment must be marked for the benefit of

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CS-23 BOOK 1

AEROPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL CS 23.1583 Operating limitations

The Aeroplane Flight Manual must contain
CS 23.1581 General operating limitations determined under CS-23,
including the following:
(a) An Aeroplane Flight Manual must be
submitted to the Agency and it must contain the (a) Airspeed limitations
(1) Information necessary for the
(1) Information required by CS 23.1583 marking of the airspeed limits on the indicator
to 23.1589. as required in CS 23.1545, and the significance
of each of those limits and of the colour coding
(2) Other information that is necessary
used on the indicator.
for safe operation because of design, operating
or handling characteristics. (2) The speeds VMC, Vo, VLE and VLO
and their significance.
(3) Further information necessary to
comply with the relevant operating rules. (3) In addition, for turbine powered
commuter category aeroplanes –
(b) Approved information
(i) The maximum operating limit
(1) Except as provided in sub-paragraph
speed, VMO/MMO and a statement that this
(b)(2), each part of the Aeroplane Flight
speed must not be deliberately exceeded
Manual containing information prescribed in
in any regime of flight (climb, cruise or
CS 23.1583 to 23.1589 must be approved,
descent) unless a higher speed is
segregated, identified and clearly distinguished
authorised for flight test or pilot training;
from each unapproved part of that Aeroplane
Flight Manual. (ii) If an airspeed limitation is
based upon compressibility effects, a
(2) The requirements of sub-paragraph
statement to this effect and information as
(b) (1) do not apply to reciprocating engine-
to any symptoms, the probable behaviour
powered aeroplanes of 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) or
of the aeroplane and the recommended
less maximum weight, if the following is met:
recovery procedures; and
(i) Each part of the Aeroplane
(iii) The airspeed limits must be
Flight Manual containing information
shown in terms of VMO/MMO instead of
prescribed in CS 23.1583 must be limited
VNO and VNE.
to such information and must be
approved, identified and clearly (b) Powerplant limitations
distinguished from each other part of the
(1) Limitations required by CS 23.1521.
Aeroplane Flight Manual.
(2) Explanation of the limitations, when
(ii) The information prescribed in
CS 23.1585 to 23.1589 must be
determined in accordance with the (3) Information necessary for marking
applicable requirements of CS-23 and the instruments required by CS 23.1549 to
presented in its entirety in a manner 23.1553.
acceptable to the Agency.
(c) Weight
(c) The units used in the Aeroplane Flight
(1) The maximum weight; and
Manual must be the same as those marked on the
appropriate instruments and placards. (2) The maximum landing weight, if the
design landing weight selected by the applicant
(d) All Aeroplane Flight Manual operational
is less than the maximum weight.
airspeeds must, unless otherwise specified, be
presented as indicated Airspeeds. (3) For normal, utility and aerobatic
category reciprocating engine-powered
(e) Provisions must be made for stowing the
aeroplanes of more than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb)
Aeroplane Flight Manual in a suitable fixed
maximum weight and for turbine engine-
container which is readily accessible to the pilot.
powered aeroplanes in the normal, utility and
(f) Revisions and/or Amendments. Each aerobatic category, performance operating
Aeroplane Flight Manual must contain a means for limitations as follows:
recording the incorporation of revisions and/or
(i) The maximum take-off weight
for each aerodrome altitude and ambient
Amendment 3
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CS-23 BOOK 1

temperature within the range selected by section.

the applicant at which the aeroplane
(1) Normal category aeroplanes. No
complies with the climb requirements of
aerobatic manoeuvres, including spins, are
CS 23.63 (c) (1).
(ii) The maximum landing weight
(2) Utility category aeroplanes. A list
for each aerodrome altitude and ambient
of authorised manoeuvres demonstrated in the
temperature within the range selected by
type flight tests, together with recommended
the applicant at which the aeroplane
entry speeds and any other associated
complies with the climb requirements of
limitations. No other manoeuvre is authorised.
CS 23.63 (c) (2).
(3) Aerobatic category aeroplanes. A
(4) For commuter category aeroplanes,
list of approved flight manoeuvres
the maximum take-off weight for each
demonstrated in the type flight tests, together
aerodrome altitude and ambient temperature
with recommended entry speeds and any other
within the range selected by the applicant at
associated limitations.
which –
(4) Aerobatic category aeroplanes and
(i) The aeroplane complies with
utility category aeroplanes approved for
the climb requirements of
spinning. Spin recovery procedure established
CS 23.63 (d) (1); and
to show compliance with CS 23.221 (c).
(ii) The accelerate-stop distance
(5) Commuter category aeroplanes.
determined under CS 23.55 is equal to the
Manoeuvres are limited to any manoeuvre
available runway length plus the length of
incident to normal flying, stalls (except whip
any stopway, if utilised; and either,
stalls) and steep turns in which the angle of
(iii) The take-off distance bank is not more than 60°.
determined under CS 23.59 (a) is equal to
(f) Manoeuvre load factor. The positive limit
the available runway length; or
load factors in g’s, and in addition the negative
(iv) At the option of the applicant, limit load factor for aerobatic category aeroplanes.
the take-off distance determined under
(g) Minimum flight crew. The number and
CS 23.59 (a) is equal to the available
functions of the minimum flight crew determined
runway length plus the length of any
under CS 23.1523.
clearway and the take-off run determined
under CS 23.59 (b) is equal to the (h) Kinds of operation. A list of the kinds of
available runway length. operation to which the aeroplane is limited or from
which it is prohibited under CS 23.1525, and also
(5) For commuter category aeroplanes,
a list of installed equipment that affects any
the maximum landing weight for each
operating limitation and identification as to the
aerodrome altitude within the range selected by
equipment’s required operational status for the
the applicant at which –
kinds of operation for which approval has been
(i) The aeroplane complies with granted.
the climb requirements of CS 23.63(d)(2)
(i) Maximum operating altitude. The
for ambient temperatures within the range
maximum altitude established under CS 23.1527.
selected by the applicant.
(j) Maximum passenger seating
(ii) The landing distance
configuration. The maximum passenger seating
determined under CS 23.75 for standard
temperatures is equal to the available
runway length; and (k) Allowable lateral fuel loading. The
maximum allowable lateral fuel loading
(6) The maximum zero wing fuel weight
differential, if less than the maximum possible.
where relevant as established in accordance
with CS 23.343. (l) Baggage and cargo loading. The
following information for each baggage and cargo
(d) Centre of gravity. The established centre
compartment or zone:
of gravity limits.
(1) The maximum allowable load; and
(e) Manoeuvres. The following authorised
manoeuvres, appropriate airspeed limitations, and (2) The maximum intensity of loading.
unauthorised manoeuvres, as prescribed in this
(m) Systems. Any limitations on the use of
Amendment 3
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CS-23 BOOK 1

aeroplane systems and equipment. which a go-around can be performed safely, or

a warning against attempting a go-around.
(n) Ambient temperatures. Where appropriate
maximum and minimum ambient air temperatures (3) The VSSE determined in CS 23.149.
for operation.
(d) In addition to sub-paragraphs (a) and (b)
(o) Smoking. Any restrictions on smoking in or (c) as appropriate, for all normal, utility and
the aeroplane. aerobatic category aeroplanes, the following
information must be furnished.
(p) Types of surface. A statement of the types
of surface on which operation may be conducted (1) Procedures, speeds and
(see CS 23.45 (g) and CS 23.1587 (a) (4), (c)(2) configuration(s) for making a normal take-off in
and (d)(4)). accordance with CS 23.51 (a) and (b) and
CS 23.53 (a) and (b) and the subsequent climb
in accordance with CS 23.65 and 23.69 (a);
CS 23.1585 Operating procedures
(2) Procedures for abandoning a take-
(a) For all aeroplanes, information
off due to engine failure or other cause.
concerning normal, abnormal (if applicable) and
emergency procedures and other pertinent (e) In addition to sub-paragraphs (a), (c) and
information necessary for safe operation and the (d) for all normal, utility and aerobatic category
achievement of the scheduled performance must be twin-engined aeroplanes, the information must
furnished, including – include –
(1) An explanation of significant or (1) Procedures and speeds for
unusual flight or ground handling continuing a take-off following engine failure
characteristics; and the conditions under which take-off can
safely be continued, or a warning against
(2) The maximum demonstrated values
attempting to continue the take-off;
of crosswind for take-off and landing and
procedures and information pertinent to (2) Procedures, speeds and
operations in crosswinds; configurations for continuing a climb following
engine failure, after take-off, in accordance with
(3) A recommended speed for flight in
CS 23.67, or en-route, in accordance with
rough air. This speed must be chosen to protect
CS 23.69 (b).
against the occurrence, as a result of gusts, of
structural damage to the aeroplane and loss of (f) In addition to sub-paragraphs (a) and (c),
control (e.g. stalling); for commuter category aeroplanes, the information
must include –
(4) Procedures for restarting any engine
in flight, including the effects of altitude; (1) Procedures, speeds and
configuration(s) for making a normal take-off;
(5) Procedures, speeds and
configuration(s) for making a normal approach (2) Procedures and speeds for carrying
and landing in accordance with CS 23.73 and out an accelerate-stop in accordance with
23.75 and a transition to the balked landing CS 23.55;
(3) Procedures and speeds for continuing a
(b) In addition to sub-paragraph (a), for all take-off following engine failure in accordance
single-engined aeroplanes, the procedures, speeds with CS 23.59 (a) (1) and for following the flight
and configuration(s) for a glide following engine path determined in accordance with CS 23.57 and
failure in accordance with CS 23.71 and the 23.61 (a).
subsequent forced landing, must be furnished.
(g) For twin-engine aeroplanes, information
(c) In addition to sub-paragraph (a), for all identifying each operating condition in which the
twin-engined aeroplanes, the following fuel system independence prescribed in CS 23.953
information must be furnished: is necessary for safety must be furnished, together
with instructions for placing the fuel system in a
(1) Procedures, speeds and
configuration used to show compliance with that
configuration(s) for making an approach and
landing with one engine inoperative;
(h) For each aeroplane showing compliance
(2) Procedures, speeds and
with CS 23.1353 (g) (2) or (g) (3), the operating
configuration(s) for making a go-around with
procedures for disconnecting the battery from its
one engine inoperative and the conditions under
charging source must be furnished.
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CS-23 BOOK 1

(i) Information on the total quantity of usable runway slope and 50% of the headwind
fuel for each fuel tank and the effect on the usable component and 150% of the tailwind
fuel quantity as a result of a failure of any pump, component;
must be furnished.
(4) For twin reciprocating engine-
(j) Procedures for the safe operation of the powered aeroplanes of more than 2 722 kg
aeroplane’s systems and equipment, both in (6 000 lb) maximum weight and twin turbine-
normal use and in the event of malfunction, must engined aeroplanes, the one-engine-inoperative
be furnished. take-off climb/descent gradient, determined
under CS 23.66;
CS 23.1587 Performance information (5) For twin-engined aeroplanes, the en-
route rate and gradient of climb/descent with
Unless otherwise presented, performance
one engine inoperative, determined under CS
information must be provided over the altitude and
23.69 (b); and
temperature ranges required by CS 23.45 (b).
(6) For single-engine aeroplanes, the
(a) For all aeroplanes, the following
glide performance determined under CS 23.71.
information must be furnished:
(d) In addition to paragraph (a), for commuter
(1) The stalling speeds VSO, and VS1
category aeroplanes, the following information
with the landing gear and wing flaps retracted,
must be furnished:
determined at maximum weight under CS 23.49
and the effect on these stalling speeds of angles (1) The accelerate-stop distance
of bank up to 60°; determined under CS 23.55;
(2) The steady rate and gradient of (2) The take-off distance determined
climb with all engines operating, determined under CS 23.59 (a);
under CS 23.69 (a);
(3) At the option of the applicant, the
(3) The landing distance, determined take-off run determined under CS 23.59 (b) ;
under CS 23.75 for each aerodrome altitude and
(4) The effect on accelerate-stop
standard temperature and the type of surface for
distance, take-off distance and, if determined,
which it is valid;
take-off run, of operation on other than smooth
(4) The effect on landing distance of hard surfaces, when dry, determined under
operation on other than smooth hard surfaces, CS 23.45 (g);
when dry, determined under CS 23.45 (g); and
(5) The effect on accelerate-stop
(5) The effect on landing distance of distance, take-off distance and, if determined,
runway slope and 50% of the headwind take-off run, of runway slope and 50% of the
component and 150% of the tailwind headwind component and 150% of the tailwind
component. component;
(b) In addition to sub-paragraph (a), for all (6) The net take-off flight path
normal, utility and aerobatic category determined under CS 23.61 (b);
reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes of 2 722
(7) The en-route gradient of
kg (6 000 lb) or less maximum weight, the steady
climb/descent with one engine inoperative,
angle of climb/descent determined under
determined under CS 23.69 (b);
CS 23.77 (a) must be furnished.
(8) The effect, on the net take-off flight
(c) In addition to sub-paragraph (a) and
path and on the en-route gradient of
paragraph (b) if appropriate, for normal, utility and
climb/descent with one engine inoperative, of
aerobatic category aeroplanes, the following
50% of the headwind component and 150% of
information must be furnished:
the tailwind component;
(1) The take-off distance, determined
(9) Overweight landing performance
under CS 23.53 and the type of surface for
information (determined by extrapolation and
which it is valid;
computed for the range of weights between the
(2) The effect on take-off distance of maximum landing and maximum take-off
operation on other than smooth hard surfaces, weights) as follows:
when dry, determined under CS 23.45 (g);
(i) The maximum weight for each
(3) The effect on take-off distance of aerodrome altitude and ambient

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CS-23 BOOK 1

temperature at which the aeroplane

complies with the climb requirements of
CS 23.63 (d) (2); and
(ii) The landing distance
determined under CS 23.75 for each
aerodrome altitude and standard
(10) The relationship between IAS and
CAS determined in accordance with
CS 23.1323 (b) and (c); and
(11) The altimeter system calibration
required by CS 23.1325 (e).

CS 23.1589 Loading information

The following loading information must be
(a) The weight and location of each item of
equipment that can easily be removed, relocated,
or replaced and that is installed when the
aeroplane was weighed under CS 23.25.
(b) Appropriate loading instructions for each
possible loading condition between the maximum
and minimum weights established under CS 23.25,
to facilitate the centre of gravity remaining within
the limits established under CS 23.23.

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CS-23 BOOK 1


Appendix A – Simplified Design Load Criteria for Conventional, Single-Engine Airplanes of

2722 kg (6 000 Pounds) or Less Maximum Weight

A23.1 General
(c) Unless otherwise stated, the nomenclature
(See AMC A23.1)
and symbols in this Appendix are the same as the
(a) The design load criteria in this appendix corresponding nomenclature and symbols in CS-
are an approved equivalent of those in paragraphs 23.
23.321 through 23.459 of CS 23 for an aeroplane
having a maximum weight of 2722kg (6,000 lbs)
A23.3 Special symbols
or less and the following configuration:
n1 = aeroplane positive manoeuvring
(1) A single engine excluding turbine
limit load factor.
(2) A main wing located closer to the n2 = aeroplane negative manoeuvring
aeroplane’s centre of gravity than to the aft, limit load factor.
fuselage-mounted, empennage;
n3 = aeroplane positive gust limit load
(3) A main wing that contains a quarter-
factor at vc.
chord sweep angle of not more than 15 degrees
fore or aft;
n4 = aeroplane negative gust limit load
(4) A main wing that is equipped with factor at vc.
trailing-edge controls (ailerons or flaps, or
both); nflap = aeroplane positive limit load factor
with flaps fully extended at VF.
(5) A main wing aspect ratio not greater
than 7;
* VF min = minimum design flap speed
(6) A horizontal tail aspect ratio not = 11·0 n 1 W / S kts.
greater than 4;
(7) A horizontal tail volume coefficient * VA min = minimum design manoeuvring speed
not less than 0.34; = 15·0 n 1 W / S kts.
(8) A vertical tail aspect ratio not
greater than 2; * VC min = minimum design cruising speed
= 17·0 n 1 W / S kts.
(9) A vertical tail platform area not
greater than 10 percent of the wing platform
* VD min = minimum design dive speed
area; and
= 24·0 n 1 W / S kts.
(10) Symmetrical airfoils must be used in
both the horizontal and vertical tail designs. * Also see sub-paragraph A23.7 (e) (2) of this
(b) Appendix A criteria may not be used on Appendix.
any aeroplane configuration that contains any of
the following design features:- A23.5 Certification in more than one
(1) Canard, tandem-wing, close- category
coupled, or tailless arrangements of the lifting The criteria in this appendix may be used for
surfaces; certification in the normal, utility, and aerobatic
(2) Biplane or multiplane wing categories, or in any combination of these
arrangements; categories. If certification in more than one
category is desired, the design category weights
(3) T-tail, V-tail, or cruciform-tail (+) must be selected to make the term “n1W” constant
arrangements; for all categories or greater for one desired
(4) Highly-swept wing platform (more category than for others. The wings and control
than 15-degrees of sweep at the quarter-chord), surfaces (including wing flaps and tabs) need only
delta planforms, or slatted lifting surfaces; or be investigated for the maximum value of “n1W”,
or for the category corresponding to the maximum
(5) Winglets or other wing tip devices, design weight, where “n1W” is constant. If the
or outboard fins. aerobatic category is selected, a special

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CS-23 BOOK 1
Appendix A (continued)

unsymmetrical flight load investigation in loads (as determined from sub-paragraphs

accordance with sub-paragraphs A23.9 (c) (2) and A23.9 (b) and (c) of this Appendix) for the
A23.11 (c) (2) of this Appendix must be positive flight conditions and a magnitude equal
completed. The wing, wing carry-through, and the to the aeroplane normal loads for the negative
horizontal tail structures must be checked for this conditions. Each chordwise and normal
condition. The basic fuselage structure need only component of this wing load must be
be investigated for the highest load factor design considered.
category selected. The local supporting structure
(2) Minimum design airspeeds. The
for dead weight items need only be designed for
minimum design airspeed may be chosen by the
the highest load factor imposed when the
applicant except that they may not be less than
particular items are installed in the aeroplane. The
the minimum speeds found by using figure 3 of
engine mount, however, must be designed for a
this Appendix. In addition, VC min need not
higher sideload factor, if certification in the
exceed values of 0·9 VH actually obtained at
aerobatic category is desired, than that required for
sea-level for the lowest design weight category
certification in the normal and utility categories.
for which certification is desired. In computing
When designing for landing loads, the landing
these minimum design airspeeds, n1 may not be
gear and the aeroplane as a whole need only be
less than 3·8.
investigated for the category corresponding to the
maximum design weight. These simplifications (3) Flight load factor. The limit flight
apply to single-engine aircraft of conventional load factors specified in Table 1 of this
types for which experience is available, and the Appendix represent the ratio of the aerodynamic
Agency may require additional investigations for force component (acting normal to the assumed
aircraft with unusual design features. longitudinal axis of the aeroplane) to the weight
of the aeroplane. A positive flight load factor is
an aerodynamic force acting upwards, with
A23.7 Flight loads
respect to the aeroplane.
(a) Each flight load may be considered
independent of altitude and, except for the local
A23.9 Flight conditions
supporting structure for dead weight items, only
the maximum design weight conditions must be (a) General. Each design condition in sub-
investigated. paragraph (b) and (c) must be used to assure
sufficient strength for each condition of speed and
(b) Table 1 and figures 3 and 4 of this
load factor on or within the boundary of a V-n
Appendix must be used to determine values of n1,
diagram for the aeroplane similar to the diagram in
n2,, n3 and n4, corresponding to the maximum
figure 4 of this Appendix. This diagram must also
design weights in the desired categories.
be used to determine the aeroplane structural
(c) Figures 1 and 2 of this Appendix must be operating limitations as specified in
used to determine values of n3 and n4 CS 23.1501 (c) to 23.1513 and 23.1519.
corresponding to the minimum flying weights in
(b) Symmetrical flight conditions. The
the desired categories, and, if these load factors are
aeroplane must be designed for symmetrical flight
greater than the load factors at the design weight,
conditions as follows:
the supporting structure for dead weight items
must be substantiated for the resulting higher load (1) The aeroplane must be designed for
factors. at least the four basic flight conditions, “A”,
“D”, “E”, and “G” as noted on the flight
(d) Each specified wing and tail loading is
envelope of figure 4 of this Appendix. In
independent of the centre of gravity range.
addition, the following requirements apply:
However, a c.g. range must be selected, and the
basic fuselage structure must be investigated for (i) The design limit flight load
the most adverse dead weight loading conditions factors corresponding to conditions “D”
for the c.g. range selected. and “E” of figure 4 must be at least as
great as those specified in Table 1 and
(e) The following loads and loading
figure 4 of this Appendix, and the design
conditions are the minimum’s for which strength
speed for these conditions must be at least
must be provided in the structure:
equal to the value of VD found from
(1) Aeroplane equilibrium. The aerody- figure 3 of this Appendix.
namic wing loads may be considered to act
(ii) For conditions “A” and “G” of
normal to the relative wind, and to have a
figure 4, the load factors must correspond
magnitude of 1·05 times the aeroplane normal
Amendment 3
1–App A–2
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CS-23 BOOK 1
Appendix A (continued)

to those specified in Table 1 of this Where:

Appendix, and the design speeds must be
Cmres = resultant moment coefficient;
computed using these load factors with
the maximum static lift coefficient CNA Cm = moment coefficient of the wing
determined by the applicant. However, in basic airfoil;
the absence of more precise computations,
δu = up aileron deflection in degrees;
these latter conditions may be based on a
value of CNA = ± 1·35 and the design δd = down aileron deflection in
speed for condition “A” may be less than degrees.
VA min.
(both deflections must be taken
(iii) Conditions “C” and “F” of positive)
figure 4 need only be investigated when
(4) Δ critical, which is the sum of
n3 W/S or n4 W/S are greater than
δ u + δ d, must be computed as follows:
n1 W/S or n2 W/S of this Appendix,
respectively. (i) Compute Δ a and Δ b from
the formulae:
(2) If flaps or other high lift devices
intended for use at the relatively low airspeed of VA
Δa = × Δp and
approach, landing, and take-off, are installed, VC
the aeroplane must be designed for the two
flight conditions corresponding to the values of Δb = 0·5 ×Δp
limit flap-down factors specified in Table 1 of
this Appendix with the flaps fully extended at where Δ p = the maximum total
not less than the design flap speed VF min from deflection (sum of both aileron
figure 3 of this Appendix. deflections) at VA with VA, VC, and VD
described in sub-paragraph (2) of A
(c) Unsymmetrical flight conditions. Each
23.7 (e) of this Appendix
affected structure must be designed for
unsymmetrical loads as follows: (ii) Compute K from the formula:
(1) The aft fuselage-to-wing attachment (Cm − 0·01δb )VD 2
must be designed for the critical vertical surface K=
(Cm − 0·01δa )VC 2
load determined in accordance with sub-
paragraph A23.11 (c) (1) and (2) of this where δ a is the down aileron
Appendix. deflection corresponding to Δ a and δ b is
(2) The wing and wing carry-through the down aileron deflection corresponding
structures must be designed for 100% of to Δ b as computed in step (i).
condition “A” loading on one side of the plane (iii) If K is less than 1·0, Δ a is Δ
of symmetry and 70% on the opposite side for critical and must be used to determine δ u
certification in the normal and utility categories, and δ d. In this case, VC is the critical
or 60% on the opposite side for certification in speed which must be used in computing
the aerobatic category. the wing torsion loads over the aileron
(3) The wing and wing carry-through span.
structures must be designed for the loads (iv) If K is equal to or greater than
resulting from a combination of 75% of the 1·0, Δ b is Δ critical and must be used to
positive manoeuvring wing loading on both determined δ u and δ d. In this case, VD
sides of the plane of symmetry and the is the critical speed which must be used in
maximum wing torsion resulting from aileron computing the wing torsion loads over the
displacement. The effect of aileron aileron span.
displacement on wing torsion at VC or VA using
the basic airfoil moment coefficient modified (d) Supplementary conditions; rear lift truss;
over the aileron portion of the span, must be engine torque; side load on engine mount. Each
computed as follows: of the following supplementary conditions must be
(i) Cmres = Cm + 0.01δu (up aileron
side) (1) In designing the rear lift truss, the
special condition specified in CS 23.369 may be
(ii) Cmres = Cm - 0.01δd (down investigated instead on condition “G” of figure
aileron side) 4 of this Appendix. If this is done, and if
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1–App A–3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 1
Appendix A (continued)

certification in more than one category is (1) Simplified limit surface loadings for
desired, the value of W/S used in the formula the horizontal tail, vertical tail, aileron, wing
appearing in CS 23.369 must be that for the flaps and trim tabs are specified in figures (A)5
category corresponding to the maximum gross and (A)6 of this Appendix.
(i) The distribution of load along
(2) Each engine mount and its the span of the surface, irrespective of the
supporting structures must be designed for: chordwise load distribution, must be
assumed proportional to the total chord,
(i) the maximum limit torque
except on horn balanced surfaces.
corresponding to maximum take-off power
(MTO Power) and propeller speed acting (ii) The load on the stabiliser and
simultaneously with 75% of the limit loads elevator, and the load on fin and rudder,
resulting from the maximum positive must be distributed chordwise as shown in
manoeuvring flight load factor n1, Figure A7 of this Appendix.
(ii) the maximum limit torque (iii) In order to ensure adequate
corresponding to MCP (maximum torsional strength and also to cover
continuous power) and propeller speed manoeuvres and gusts, the most severe
acting simultaneously with the limit loads loads must be considered in association
resulting from the maximum positive with every centre of pressure position
manoeuvring flight load factor n1; and between leading edge and the half chord
of the mean chord of the surface
(iii) The limit torque must be
(stabiliser and elevator, or fin and rudder).
obtained by multiplying the mean torque by
a factor of 1·33 for engines with five or (iv) To ensure adequate strength
more cylinders. For 4, 3, and 2 cylinder under high leading edge loads, the most
engines, the factor must be 2, 3, and 4, severe stabiliser and fin loads must be
respectively further considered as being increased by
50% over the leading 10% of the chord
(3) Each engine mount and its
with the loads aft of this appropriately
supporting structure must be designed for the
decreased to retain the same total load.
loads resulting from a lateral limit load factor of
not less than 1·47 for the normal and utility (v) The most severe elevator and
categories, or 2·0 for the aerobatic category. rudder loads should be further considered
as being distributed parabolically from
three times the mean loading of the
A23.11 Control surface loads
surface (stabiliser and elevator, or fin and
(a) General. Each control surface load must rudder) at the leading edge at the elevator
be determined using the criteria of sub-paragraph and rudder respectively to zero at the
(b) and must lie within the simplified loadings of trailing edge according to the equation –
sub-paragraph (c) . 2
⎛ c−x⎞
(b) Limit pilot forces. In each control surface P ( x ) = 3.w⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
loading condition described in sub-paragraphs (c) ⎝ cf ⎠
to (e) , the airloads on the movable surfaces and leading edge
the corresponding deflections need not exceed 3.w of elevator
those which could be obtained in flight by and rudder
employing the maximum limit pilot forces respectively.
specified in the table in CS 23.397 (b). If the
surface loads are limited by these maximum limit
pilot forces, the tabs must either be considered x
to be deflected to their maximum travel in the P(x)
direction which would assist the pilot or the
deflection must correspond to the maximum
degree of “out of trim” expected at the speed for
the condition under consideration. The tab load, c
however, need not exceed the value specified in
Table 2 of this Appendix. leading trailing
edge edge
(c) Surface loading conditions. Each surface
loading condition must be investigated as follows:
Amendment 3
1–App A–4
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 1
Appendix A (continued)

Where – (c) Ground gust conditions. Ground gust

conditions must meet the requirements of
P(x) = local pressure at the chordwise
CS 23.415.
stations x
(d) Secondary controls and systems.
c = chord length of the tail surface,
Secondary controls and systems must meet the
cf = chord length of the elevator and requirements of CS 23.405.
rudder respectively, and
= average surface loading as TABLE 1-Limit flight load factors
specified in Figure A5
(vi) The chordwise loading LIMIT FLIGHT LOAD FACTORS
distribution for ailerons, wing flaps and Normal Utility Aerobatic
trim tabs are specified in Table 2 of this category category category
n1 3·8 4·4 6·0
(2) If certification in the aerobatic
category is desired, the horizontal tail must be -0·5n1
FLIGHT Flaps n2
investigated for an unsymmetrical load of 100%
w on one side of the aeroplane centreline and n3 Find n3 from Fig. 1
Load Up
50% on the other side of the aeroplane
centreline. n4 Find n4 from Fig. 2

A23.13 Control system loads nflap 0·5n1

(a) Primary flight controls and systems. Each nflap
Down Zero*
primary flight control and system must be
designed as follows: * Vertical wing load may be assumed equal to
(1) The flight control system and its zero and only the flap part of the wing need be
supporting structure must be designed for loads checked for this condition.
corresponding to 125% of the computed hinge
moments of the movable control surface in the
conditions prescribed in A23.11 of this
Appendix. In addition –
(i) The system limit loads need not
exceed those that could be produced by the
pilot and automatic devices operating the
controls; and
(ii) The design must provide a
rugged system for service use, including
jamming, ground gusts, taxying
downwind, control inertia, and friction.
(2) Acceptable maximum and minimum
limit pilot forces for elevator, aileron, and
rudder controls are shown in the table in
CS 23.397 (b). These pilots loads must be
assumed to act at the appropriate control grips
or pads as they would under flight conditions,
and to be reacted at the attachments of the
control system to the control surface horn.
(b) Dual control. If there are dual controls,
the systems must be designed for pilots operating
in opposition, using individual pilot loads equal to
75% of those obtained in accordance with sub-
paragraph (a) , except that individual pilot loads
may not be less than the minimum limit pilot
forces shown in the table in CS 23.397 (b).
Amendment 3
1–App A–5
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 1
Appendix A (continued)

TABLE 2 Average limit control surface loading



HORIZONTAL (a) Up and Down Figure A5 Curve (2)

TAIL 1 (b) Unsymmetrical 100% w on one side

loading (Up and aeroplane CL 65% w on
Down) other side aeroplane CL
for normal and utility See figure A7
categories. For aerobatic
category see A3.11(C)

VERTICAL Right and Left Figure A5 Curve (1) Same as above

AILERON III (a) Up and Down Figure A6 Curve (5) C
L Hinge

(c) W

WING FLAP (a) Up Figure A6 Curve (4)

IV (b) Down ·25 x Up Load (a) (D) 2W


TRIM TAB V (a) Up and Down Figure A6 Curve (3) Same as (D) above

NOTE: The surface loading I, II, III, and V above are based on speeds VA min and VC min. The loading of
IV is based on VF min. If values of speed greater than these minimum’s are selected for design, the
⎡ V selected ⎤
appropriate surface loadings must be multiplied by the ratio ⎢ ⎥ . For conditions I, II, III,
⎣ V min imum ⎦
2 2
⎡ VA sel. ⎤ ⎡ VC sel. ⎤
and V the multiplying factor used must be the higher of ⎢ ⎥ or ⎢ ⎥ .
⎣ VA min . ⎦ ⎣ VC min . ⎦

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1–App A–6
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 1
Appendix A (continued)


FIGURE A1 - Chart for finding n3 factor at speed VC

FIGURE A2 - Chart for finding n4 factor at speed VC.

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1–App A–7
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 1
Appendix A (continued)

VD min = 24·0 W but not


exceed 1·4 n1 VC min


VC min = 17·0 W but not exceed 0·9 VH


VA min = 15·0 W but not exceed VC used in design


VF min = 11·0 W

FIGURE A3 - Determination of minimum design speeds - equations.

(Speeds are in knots.)
CNA = 1·35 A

n1 n3

n2 n4

CNA = –1·35 G

1. Conditions “C” or “F” need only be investigated when n3 S
or n4
is greater than n1 S or n2 S , respectively.

2. Condition “G” need not be investigated when the supplementary

condition specified in CS 23.369 is investigated.

FIGURE A4 - Flight envelope.

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1–App A–8
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 1
Appendix A (continued)

W½ W
(1) w = 3·66 (n1 ) for n 1 < 47 and AR < 2·0
w = ·534 (n ) for n1 > 47
1 S S
(2) w = 4·8 + ·534 (n )
1 S
(1) (2)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120


FIGURE A5 - Average limit control surface loading.

(3) w = ·78 n 1 (C /·80)
S n
(4) w = ·64 n 1 W (Cn /1·6)
(5) w = ·466 n1 W
(3) TAB
(4) FLAP

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
FIGURE A6 - Average limit control surface loading.

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1–App A–9
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 1
Appendix A (continued)

ρ1 Elevator or rudder
leading edge

Leading Trailing
(1-E).C E.C
edge edge

ρ 2

⎛ 2 − E − 3d ' ⎞
ρ1 = 2 · w · ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ 1− E ⎠

ρ2 = 2 · w · (3d'+ E − 1)

where: w = average surface loading (as specified in figure A.5).

E = ratio of elevator (or rudder) chord to total stabiliser and elevator (or fin and rudder)

d’ = ratio of distance of centre of pressure of a unit spanwise length of combined stabiliser

and elevator (or fin and rudder) measured from stabiliser (or fin) leading edge to the
local chord.

c = local chord.

Note: Positive value of w , ρ1 and ρ2 are all measured in the same direction

Figure A7 Chordwise load distribution for stabiliser and elevator or fin and rudder.

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1–App A–10
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS-23 BOOK 1

Appendix C

Basic Landing Conditions

C23.1 Basic landing conditions

Tail wheel type Nose wheel type

Level landing Level landing Tail-down

Condition Level landing Tail-down with inclined with nose wheel landing
landing reactions just clear of

Reference paragraph 23.479(a)(1) 23.481(a)(1) 23.479(a) 23.479(a) 23.481(a)

(2)(i) (2)(ii) (2) and (b)

Vertical component at c.g. nW nW nW nW nW

Fore and aft component at c.g. KnW 0 KnW KnW 0
Lateral component in either direction at c.g. 0 0 0 0 0
Shock absorber extension (hydraulic shock
absorber) Note (2) Note (2) Note (2) Note (2) Note (2)
Shock absorber deflection (rubber or
spring shock absorber) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Tyre deflection Static Static Static Static Static

Main wheel loads (both wheels) { Vr


Tail (nose) wheel loads {Vf

Notes (1), (3), and (4) (1) (1), (3), and (3) and (4)
(4) (4)

NOTE (1) K may be determined as follows: K=0.25 for W=1361 kg (3,000 pounds) or less;
K=0.33 for W=2722 kg (6,000 pounds) or greater, with linear variation of K between these weights.

NOTE (2) For the purpose of design, the maximum load factor is assumed to occur throughout
the shock absorber stroke from 25% deflection to 100% deflection unless otherwise shown and the
load factor must be used with whatever shock absorber extension is most critical for each element of
the landing gear.

NOTE (3) Unbalanced moments must be balanced by a rational conservative method.

NOTE (4) L is defined in CS 23.725(b).

NOTE (5) n is the limit inertia load factor, at the c.g. of the aeroplane, selected under CS
23.475 (d), (f), and (g).

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1-App C-1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS-23 BOOK 1



Amendment 3
1-App C-2
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS-23 BOOK 1

Appendix D

Wheel Spin-Up Loads

D23.1 Wheel spin-up loads factor for the specified rate of descent and forward
velocity. For exceptionally large wheels, a wheel
(a) The following method for determining wheel
peripheral velocity equal to the ground speed may not
spin-up loads for landing conditions is based on
have been attained at the time of maximum vertical
NACA T.N. 863. However, the drag component
gear load. However, as stated above, the drag spin-
used for design may not be less than the drag load
up load need not exceed 0·8 of the maximum vertical
prescribed in CS 23.479 (b).
1 2Iw (VH−VC )n FV max
FH max = (c) Dynamic spring-back of the landing gear and
re tz adjacent structure at the instant just after the wheels
where – come up to speed may result in dynamic forward
acting loads of considerable magnitude. This effect
FH max = maximum rearward horizontal force acting
must be determined, in the level landing condition,
on the wheel (in pounds);
by assuming that the wheel spin-up loads calculated
re = effective rolling radius of wheel under by the methods of this appendix are reversed.
impact based on recommended operating Dynamic spring-back is likely to become critical for
tyre pressure (which may be assumed to be landing gear units having wheels of large mass or
equal to the rolling radius under a static high landing speeds.
load of njWe) in feet;
[Amdt No: 23/2]
Iw = rotation mass moment of inertia of rolling
assembly (in slug feet2);
VH = linear velocity of aeroplane parallel to
ground at instant of contact (assumed to be
1·2 VSO, in feet per second);
VC = peripheral speed of tyre, if pre-rotation is
used (in feet per second) (there must be a
positive means of pre-rotation before pre-
rotation may be considered);
n = effective coefficient of friction (0·80 may
be used);
FV max = maximum vertical force on wheel
(pounds = njWe, where We and nj) are
defined in CS 23.725;
tz = time interval between ground contact and
attainment of maximum vertical force on
wheel (seconds). However, if the value of
FH max, from the above equation exceeds
0·8 FV max, the latter value must be used
for FH max.

(b) This equation assumes a linear variation of

load factor with time until the peak load is reached
and under this assumption, the equation determines
the drag force at the time that the wheel peripheral
velocity at radius re equals the aeroplane velocity.
Most shock absorbers do not exactly follow a linear
variation of load factor with time. Therefore, rational
or conservative allowances must be made to
compensate for these variations. On most landing
gears, the time for wheel spin-up will be less than the
time required to develop maximum vertical load

Amendment 3
1–App D–1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS-23 BOOK 1

Appendix F

Test Procedure for Self-Extinguishing Materials in accordance with

CS 23.853, 23.855 and 23.1359

(a) Conditioning. Specimens must be conducted in a draft-free cabinet in accordance with

conditioned to 21° ± 3°C (70° ± 5°F), and at Federal Test Method Standard 191 Method 5903
50% ± 5% relative humidity until moisture (revised Method 5902) which is available from
equilibrium is reached or for 24 hours. Only one the General Services Administration, Business
specimen at a time may be removed from the Service Centre, Region 3, Seventh and D Streets
conditioning environment immediately before SW. Washington, D.C. 20407, or with some other
subjecting it to the flame. approved equivalent method. Specimens which are
too large for the cabinet must be tested in similar
(b) Specimen configuration. Except as provided
draft-free conditions.
for materials used in electrical wire and cable
insulation and in small parts, materials must be tested (d) Vertical test. A minimum of three specimens
either as a section cut from a fabricated part as must be tested and the results averaged. For fabrics,
installed in the aeroplane or as a specimen simulating the direction of weave corresponding to the most
a cut section such as: a specimen cut from a flat sheet critical flammability conditions must be parallel to
of the material or a model of the fabricated part. The the longest dimension. Each specimen must be
specimen may be cut from any location in a supported vertically. The specimen must be exposed
fabricated part; however, fabricated units, such as to a Bunsen or Tirrill burner with a nominal 9·5 mm
sandwich panels, may not be separated for test. The ( 3 8 -in) I.D. tube adjusted to give a flame of 38 mm
specimen thickness must be not thicker than the (1½ in) in height. The minimum flame temperature
minimum thickness to be qualified for use in the measured by a calibrated thermo-couple pyrometer in
aeroplane, except that: (1) thick foam parts, such as the centre of the flame must be 843°C (1550°F). The
seat cushions, must be tested in 13 mm (½-in) lower edge of the specimen must be 19 mm ( 3 4 in)
thickness; (2) when showing compliance with CS above the top edge of the burner. The flame must be
23.853 (d) (3) (v) for materials used in small parts applied to the centre line of the lower edge of the
that must be tested, the materials must be tested in no specimen. For materials covered by
more than 3 mm ( 1 8 in) thickness; (3) when showing CS 23.853 (d) (3) (i) and 23.853 (f), the flame must
compliance with CS 23.1359 (c) for materials used in be applied for 60 seconds and then removed. For
electrical wire and cable insulation, the wire and materials covered by CS 23.853 (d) (3) (ii), the flame
cable specimens must be the same size as used in the must be applied for 12 seconds and then removed.
aeroplane. In the case of fabrics, both the warp and Flame time, burn length, and flaming time of
fill direction of the weave must be tested to drippings, if any, must be recorded. The burn length
determine the most critical flammability condition. determined in accordance with sub-paragraph (h) of
When performing the tests prescribed in sub- this Appendix must be measured to the nearest 2·5
paragraphs (d) and (e) of this Appendix, the mm ( 110 in).
specimen must be mounted in a metal frame so that;
(e) Horizontal test. A minimum of three
(1) in the vertical tests of sub-paragraph (d), the two
specimens must be tested and the results averaged.
long edges and the upper edge are held securely; (2)
Each specimen must be supported horizontally. The
in the horizontal test of sub-paragraph (e), the two
exposed surface when installed in the aeroplane must
long edges and the edge away from the flame are
be face down for the test. The specimen must be
held securely; (3) the exposed area of the specimen is
exposed to a Bunsen burner or Tirrill burner with a
at least 5 cm (2 in) wide and 30 cm (12 in) long,
unless the actual size used in the aeroplane is nominal 9·5 mm ( 3 8 in) I.D. tube adjusted to give a
smaller; and (4) the edge to which the burner flame flame of 38 mm (1½ in) in height. The minimum
is applied must not consist of the finished or flame temperature measured by a calibrated
protected edge of the specimen but must be thermocouple pyrometer in the centre of the flame
representative of the actual cross-section of the must be 843°C (1550°F). The specimen must be
material or part installed in the aeroplane. When positioned so that the edge being tested is 19 mm (¾
performing the test prescribed in sub-paragraph (f) of in) above the top of, and on the centre line of, the
this Appendix, the specimen must be mounted in a burner. The flame must be applied for 15 seconds
metal frame so that all four edges are held securely and then removed. A minimum of 25 cm (10 in) of
and the exposed area of the specimen is at least the specimen must be used for timing purposes,
20 cm by 20 cm (8 in by 8 in). approximately 38 mm (1½ in) must burn before the
burning front reaches the timing zone, and the
(c) Apparatus. Except as provided in sub- average burn rate must be recorded.
paragraph (e) of this Appendix, tests must be
Amendment 3
1–App F–1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS-23 BOOK 1

(f) Forty-five degree test. A minimum of three consumption, charring, or embrittlement, but not
specimens must be tested and the results averaged. including areas sooted, stained, warped, or
The specimens must be supported at an angle of 45° discoloured, nor areas where material has shrunk or
to a horizontal surface. The exposed surface when melted away from the heat source.
installed in the aircraft must be face down for the
test. The specimens must be exposed to a Bunsen or
Tirrill burner with a nominal 9·5 mm ( 3 8 in) I.D. tube
adjusted to give a flame of 38 mm (1½ in) in height.
The minimum flame temperature measured by a
calibrated thermocouple pyrometer in the centre of
the flame must be 843°C (1550°F). Suitable precau-
tions must be taken to avoid drafts. The flame must
be applied for 30 seconds with one-third contacting
the material at the centre of the specimen and then
removed. Flame time, glow time, and whether the
flame penetrates (passes through) the specimen must
be recorded.
(g) Sixty-degree test. A minimum of three
specimens of each wire specification (make and size)
must be tested. The specimen of wire or cable
(including insulation) must be placed at an angle of
60° with the horizontal in the cabinet specified in
sub-paragraph (c) of this appendix with the cabinet
door open during the test or placed within a chamber
approximately 0.6 m (2 ft) high by 0.3 m by 0.3 m (1
ft by 1 ft), open at the top and at one vertical side
(front), that allows sufficient flow of air for complete
combustion but is free from drafts. The specimen
must be parallel to and approximately 15 cm (6 in)
from the front of the chamber. The lower end of the
specimen must be held rigidly clamped. The upper
end of the specimen must pass over a pulley or rod
and must have an appropriate weight attached to it so
that the specimen is held tautly throughout the
flammability test. The test specimen span between
lower clamp and upper pulley or rod must be 61 cm
(24 in) and must be marked 20 cm (8 in) from the
lower end to indicate the centre point for flame
application. A flame from a Bunsen or Tirrill burner
must be applied for 30 seconds at the test mark. The
burner must be mounted underneath the test mark on
the specimen, perpendicular to the specimen and at
an angle of 30° to the vertical plane of the specimen.
The burner must have a nominal bore of 9·5 mm
( 3 8 in), and must be adjusted to provide a 76 mm (3
in) high flame with an inner cone approximately one-
third of the flame height. The minimum temperature
of the hottest portion of the flame, as measured with
a calibrated thermocouple pyrometer may not be less
than 954°C (1750°F). The burner must be positioned
so that the hottest portion of the flame is applied to
the test mark on the wire. Flame time, burn length,
and flaming time of drippings, if any, must be
recorded. The burn length determined in accordance
with sub-paragraph (h) of this appendix must be
measured to the nearest 2·5 mm ( 110 in). Breaking of
the wire specimen is not considered a failure.
(h) Burn length. Burn length is the distance
from the original edge to the farthest evidence of
damage to the test specimen due to flame
impingement, including areas of partial or complete
Amendment 3
1–App F–2
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS-23 BOOK 1

Appendix G

Instructions For Continued Airworthiness

G23.1 General servicing, tow instructions and limitations,

mooring, jacking, and levelling information.
(a) This appendix specifies requirements for the
preparation of instructions for continued airworthi- (b) Maintenance Instructions
ness as required by CS 23.1529.
(1) Scheduling information for each part
(b) The instructions for continued airworthiness of the aeroplane and its engines, auxiliary power
for each aeroplane must include the instructions for units, propellers, accessories, instruments, and
continued airworthiness for each engine and equipment that provides the recommended periods
propeller (hereinafter designated ‘products’), for at which they should be cleaned, inspected,
each appliance required by CS-23, and any required adjusted, tested, and lubricated, and the degree of
information relating to the interface of those inspection, the applicable wear tolerances, and
appliances and products with the aeroplane. If work recommended at these periods. However,
instructions for continued airworthiness are not reference may be made to information from an
supplied by the manufacturer of an appliance or accessory, instrument, or equipment manufacturer
product installed in the aeroplane, the instructions for as the source of this information if it is shown that
continued airworthiness for the aeroplane must the item has an exceptionally high degree of
include the information essential to the continued complexity requiring specialised maintenance
airworthiness of the aeroplane. techniques, test equipment, or expertise. The
recommended overhaul periods and necessary
cross reference to the airworthiness limitations
G23.2 Format
section of the manual must also be included. In
(a) The instructions for continued airworthiness addition, an inspection programme that includes
must be in the form of a manual or manuals as the frequency and extent of the inspections
appropriate for the quantity of data to be provided. necessary to provide for the continued
airworthiness of the aeroplane must be included.
(b) The format of the manual or manuals must
provide for a practical arrangement. (2) Trouble-shooting information
describing probable malfunctions, how to
recognise those malfunctions, and the remedial
G23.3 Content
action for those malfunctions.
The contents of the manual or manuals must be
(3) Information describing the order and
prepared in a language acceptable to the Agency.
method of removing and replacing products and
The instructions for continued airworthiness must
parts with any necessary precautions to be taken.
contain the following manuals or sections, as
appropriate and information: (4) Other general procedural instructions
including procedures for system testing during
(a) Aeroplane maintenance manual or section
ground running, symmetry checks, weighing and
(1) Introduction information that includes determining the centre of gravity, lifting and
an explanation of the aeroplane’s features and data shoring, and storage limitations.
to the extent necessary for maintenance or
(c) Diagrams of structural access plates and
preventive maintenance.
information needed to gain access for inspections
(2) A description of the aeroplane and its when access plates are not provided.
systems and installations including its engines,
(d) Details for the application of special
propellers, and appliances.
inspection techniques including radiographic and
(3) Basic control and operation ultrasonic testing where such processes are specified.
information describing how the aeroplane
(e) Information needed to apply protective
components and systems are controlled and how
treatments to the structure after inspection.
they operate, including any special procedures and
limitations that apply. (f) All data relative to structural fasteners such
as identification, discard recommendations, and
(4) Servicing information that covers
torque values.
details regarding servicing points, capacities of
tanks, reservoirs, types of fluids to be used, (g) A list of special tools needed.
pressures applicable to the various systems,
(h) In addition, for commuter category
location of access panels for inspection and
aeroplanes, the following information must be
servicing, locations of lubrication points,
lubricants to be used, equipment required for
Amendment 3
1–App G–1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS-23 BOOK 1

(1) Electrical loads applicable to the

various systems;
(2) Methods of balancing control surfaces;
(3) Identification of primary and
secondary structures; and
(4) Special repair methods applicable to
the aeroplane.

G23.4 Airworthiness Limitations

The instructions for continued airworthiness must
contain a section titled airworthiness limitations that
is segregated and clearly distinguishable from the
rest of the document. This section must set forth
each mandatory replacement time, structural
inspection interval, and related structural inspection
procedure required for type certification. If the
instructions for continued airworthiness consist of
multiple documents, the section required by this
paragraph must be included in the principal manual.
This section must contain a legible statement in a
prominent location that reads: The airworthiness
limitations section is approved and variations must
also be approved.

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1–App G–2
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
CS-23 BOOK 1

Appendix H

Installation of an Automatic Power Reserve (APR) System

H23.1 General H23.3 Reliability and performance

(a) This appendix specifies requirements for
installation of an APR engine power control system (a) It must be shown that, during the critical
that automatically advances power or thrust on the time interval, an APR failure that increases or does
operating engine in the event an engine fails during not affect power on either engine will not create a
take-off. hazard to the aeroplane, or it must be shown that
such failures are improbable.
(b) With the APR system and associate systems
functioning normally, all applicable requirements (b) It must be shown that, during the critical
(except as provided in this appendix) must be met time interval, there are no failure modes of the APR
without requiring any action by the crew to increase system that would result in a failure that will
power or thrust. decrease the power on either engine or it must be
shown that such failures are extremely improbable.
H23.2 Terminology (c) It must be shown that, during the critical
time interval, there will be no failure of the APR
(a) Automatic power reserve system means the
system in combination with an engine failure or it
entire automatic system used only during take-off,
must be shown that such failures are extremely
including all devices both mechanical and electrical
that sense engine failure, transmit signals, actuate the
fuel control or the power lever on the operating (d) All applicable performance requirements
engine, including power sources, to achieve the must be met with an engine failure occurring at the
scheduled power increase and furnish cockpit most critical point during take-off with the APR
information on system operation. system functioning normally.
(b) Selected take-off power means the power
obtained from each initial power setting approved for H23.4 Power setting.
The selected take-off power set on each engine at
(c) Critical time interval, as illustrated in figure the beginning of the take-off roll may not be less
H1, means that period starting at V1 minus one than-
second and ending at the intersection of the engine
(a) The power necessary to attain, at V1, 90
and APR failure flight path line with the minimum
percent of the maximum take-off power approved for
performance all engine flight path line. The engine
the aeroplane for the existing conditions;
and APR failure flight path line intersects the one-
engine-inoperative flight path line at 122 m (400 (b) That required to permit normal operation of
feet) above the take-off surface. The engine and all safety-related systems and equipment that are
APR failure flight path is based on the aeroplane’s dependent upon engine power or power lever
performance and must have a positive gradient of at position; and
least 0.5 percent at 122 m (400 feet) above the take-
(c) That shown to be free of hazardous engine
off surface.
response characteristics when power is advanced
from the selected take-off power level to the
maximum approved take-off power.

H23.5 Powerplant control-general.

(a) In addition to the requirements of
CS 23.1141, no single failure or malfunction (or
probable combination thereof) of the APR, including
associated systems, may cause the failure of any
powerplant function necessary for safety.
(b) The APR must be designed to-
(1) Provide a means to verify to the flight
crew before take-off that the APR is in an
operating condition to perform its intended

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(2) Automatically advance power on the

operating engine following an engine failure
during take-off to achieve the maximum attainable
take-off power without exceeding engine
operating limits;
(3) Prevent deactivation of the APR by
manual adjustment of the power levers following
an engine failure;
(4) Provide a means for the flight crew to
deactivate the automatic function. This means
must be designed to prevent inadvertent
deactivation; and
(5) Allow normal manual decrease or
increase in power up to the maximum take-off
power approved for the aeroplane under the
existing conditions through the use of power
levers, as stated in CS 23.1141(c), except as
provided under paragraph (c) of H23.5 of this
(c) For aeroplanes equipped with limiters that
automatically prevent engine operating limits from
being exceeded, other means may be used to increase
the maximum level of power controlled by the power
levers in the event of an APR failure. The means
must be located on or forward of the power levers,
must be easily identified and operated under all
operating conditions by a single action of any pilot
with the hand that is normally used to actuate the
power levers, and must meet the requirements of
CS 23.777(a), (b), and (c).

H23.6 Powerplant instruments.

In addition to the requirements of CS 23.1305:
(a) A means must be provided to indicate when
the APR is in the armed or ready condition.
(b) If the inherent flight characteristics of the
aeroplane do not provide warning that an engine has
failed, a warning system independent of the APR
must be provided to give the pilot a clear warning of
any engine failure during take-off.
(c) Following an engine failure at V1 or above,
there must be means for the crew to readily and
quickly verify that the APR has operated

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CS-23 BOOK 1

Appendix I

Seaplane Loads

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CS-23 BOOK 1

Appendix I (continued)

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CS­23 BOOK 1

Appendix J

Anthropomorphic Test Dummies for showing compliance with 23.562

SUBPART A­GENERAL SA 150 M080­Right leg assembly

SA 150 M081­Left leg assembly
J23.1 Scope SA 150 M010­Head assembly
This Appendix describes the anthropomorphic SA 150 M020­Neck assembly
test dummies that are to be used for compliance SA 150 M030­Shoulder­thorax assembly.
testing of aeroplane and aeroplane equipment with
aeroplane safety standards. (b) The drawings and specifications referred to
in this Appendix that are not set forth in full are
incorporated by reference.
J23.2 Purpose
(c) Reserved.
The design and performance criteria specified in
this Appendix are intended to describe measuring (d) Adjacent segments are joined in a manner
tools with sufficient precision to give repetitive and such that throughout the range of motion and also
correlative results under similar test conditions and under crash impact conditions there is no contact
to reflect adequately the protective performance of between metallic elements except for contacts that
an aeroplane or item of aeroplane equipment with exist under static conditions.
respect to human occupants. (e) The structural properties of the dummy are
such that the dummy conforms to this Appendix in
J23.3 Application every respect both before and after being used in
aeroplane tests.
This Appendix does not in itself impose duties or
liabilities on any person. It is a description of tools
that measure the performance of occupant protection J23.6 Head
systems required by the safety standards that (a) The head consists of the assembly shown as
incorporate it. It is designed to be referenced by, number SA 150 M010 in Figure 1 and conforms to
and become a part of, the test procedures. each of the drawings subtended by number
SA 150 M010.
J23.4 Terminology (b) When the head is dropped from a height of
(a) The term “dummy”, when used in this 25 cm (10 inches) in accordance with subparagraph
Subpart A, refers to any test device described by this (c) , the peak resultant accelerations at the location
part. The term “dummy”, when used in any other of the accelerometers mounted in the head form in
subpart of this part, refers to the particular dummy accordance with J23.11(b) of this Appendix shall be
described in that part. not less than 210g, and not more than 260g. The
acceleration/time curve for the test shall be
(b) Terms describing parts of the dummy, such unimodal and shall lie at or above the 100g level for
as “head”, are the same as names for corresponding an interval not less than 0∙9 milliseconds and not
parts of the human body. more than 1∙5 milliseconds. The lateral acceleration
vector shall not exceed 10g.

SUBPART B­50TH PERCENTILE MALE (c) Test procedure:

(1) Suspend the head as shown in Figure
J23.5 General description. 2, so that the lowest point on the forehead is 13
mm (0∙5 inches) below the lowest point on the
(a) The dummy consists of the component
dummy’s nose when the midsagittal plane is
assemblies specified in Figure 1, which are
described in their entirety by means of
approximately 250 drawings and specifications that (2) Drop the head from the specified
are grouped by component assemblies under the height by means that ensure instant release onto a
following nine headings: rigidly supported flat horizontal steel plate, 51
SA 150 M070­Right arm assembly mm (2 inches) thick and 0.6 meter (2 feet) square,
which has a clean, dry surface and any
SA 150 M071­Left arm assembly
microfinish of not less than 0.2 μm (8
SA 150 M050­Lumbar spine assembly microinches) (rms) and not more than 2 μm (80
SA 150 M060­Pelvis and abdomen assembly microinches) (rms).

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(3) Allow a time period of at least 2 hours (i) Establish 5g and 20g levels on
between successive tests on the same head. the a­t curve.
(ii) Establish t1 at the point where
J23.7 Neck the rising a­t curve first crosses the 5g
level, t2 at the point where the rising a­t
(a) The neck consists of the assembly shown as curve first crosses the 20g level, t2 at the
number SA 150 M020 in Figure 1 and conforms to point where the decaying a­t curve last
each of the drawings subtended by number crosses the 20g level, and t4 at the point
SA 150 M020. where the decaying a­t curve first crosses
(b) When the neck is tested with the head in the 5g level.
accordance with subparagraph (c) , the head shall (iii) t2­t1 shall be not more than 3
rotate in reference to the pendulum’s longitudinal milliseconds.
centreline a total of 68° ± 5° about its centre of (iv) t3­t2 shall be not less than 25
gravity, rotating to the extent specified in the milliseconds and not more than 30
following table at each indicated point in time, milliseconds.
measured from impact, with a chordal displacement
(v) t4­t3 shall be not more than 10
measured at its centre of gravity that is within the
limits specified. The chordal displacement at time T
is defined as the straight line distance between (1) (vi) The average deceleration
the position relative to the pendulum arm of the between t2 and t3 shall be not less than 20g
head centre of gravity at time zero, and (2) the and not more than 24g.
position relative to the pendulum arm of the head (4) Allow the neck to flex without impact
centre of gravity at time T as illustrated by Figure 3. of the head or neck with any object other than the
The peck resultant acceleration recorded at the pendulum arm.
location of the accelerometers mounted in the head
form in accordance with J23.11(b) of this Appendix
shall not exceed 26g. The pendulum shall not J23.8 Thorax
reverse direction until the head’s centre of gravity (a) The thorax consists of the assembly shown
returns to the original zero time position relative to as number SA 150 M030 in Figure 1, and conforms
the pendulum arm. to each of the drawings subtended by number
Rotation Time (ms)± Chordal SA 150 M030.
(degrees) (2+∙08T) Displacement (b) The thorax contains enough unobstructed
mm ± 13 interior space behind the rib cage to permit the
(inches ±0∙5) midpoint of the sternum to be depressed 51 mm (2
0 ........................ 0 0∙0 inches) without contact between the rib cage and
30....................... 30 66 (2∙6) other parts of the dummy or its instrumentation,
60....................... 46 122 (4∙8) except for instruments specified in subparagraph
Maximum........... 60 140 (5∙5) (d)(7) .
60....................... 75 122 (4∙8)
30....................... 95 66 (2∙6) (c) When impacted by a test probe conforming
0 ........................ 112 0∙0 to J23.11(a) of this Appendix at 4.3 m/s (14 fps) and
at 6.7 m/s (22 fps) in accordance with subparagraph
(c) Test procedure: (d) , the thorax must resist with forces measured by
the test probe of not more than 6450 N (1450
(1) Mount the head and neck on a rigid pounds) and 10008 N (2250 pounds), respectively,
pendulum as specified in Figure 4, so that the and shall deflect by amounts not greater than 28 mm
head’s midsagittal plane is vertical and coincides (1∙1 inches) and 43 mm (1∙7 inches), respectively.
with the plane of motion of the pendulum’s The internal hysteresis in each impact shall not be
longitudinal centreline. Mount the neck directly less than 50% and not more than 70%.
to the pendulum as shown in Figure 4.
(d) Test procedure:
(2) Release the pendulum and allow it to
fall freely from a height such that the velocity at (1) With the dummy seated without back
impact is 7.2 ± 0.6 m/s (23∙5 ± 2∙0 feet per second support on a surface as specified in J23.11(i) of
(fps)), measured at the centre of the accelerometer this Appendix and in the orientation specified in
specified in Figure 4. J23.11(i) of this Appendix , adjust the dummy
arms and legs until they are extended horizontally
(3) Decelerate the pendulum to a stop forward parallel to the midsagittal plane.
with an acceleration­time pulse described as

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(2) Place the longitudinal centre line of Flexion (degrees) Force ± 27 N

the test probe so that it is 45 ± 0.3 cm (17∙7 ± 0∙1 (± 6 pounds)
inches) above the seating surface at impact. 0 .................................... 0
(3) Align the test probe specified in 20 .................................. 125 (28)
J23.11(a) of this Appendix so that at impact its 30 .................................. 178 (40)
longitudinal centreline coincides within 2° of a 40 .................................. 231 (52)
horizontal line in the dummy’s midsagittal plane. (c) Test procedure:
(4) Adjust the dummy so that the surface (1) Assemble the thorax, lumbar spine,
area on the thorax immediately adjacent to the pelvic, and upper leg assemblies (above the femur
projected longitudinal centre line of the test probe force transducers), ensuring that all component
is vertical. Limb support, as needed to achieve surfaces are clean, dry, and untreated unless
and maintain this orientation, may be provided by otherwise specified, and attach them to the
placement of a steel rod of any diameter not less horizontal fixture shown in Figure 5 at the two
than 6.3 mm (one­quarter of an inch) and not link rod pins and with the mounting brackets for
more than 9.5 mm (three­eights of an inch), with the lumbar test fixtures illustrated in Figures 6 to
hemispherical ends, vertically under the limb at 9.
its projected geometric centre.
(2) Attach the rear mounting of the pelvis
(5) Impact the thorax with the test probe to the pelvic instrument cavity rear face at the
so that its longitudinal centreline falls within 2° four ¼ in cap screw holes and attach the front
of a horizontal line in the dummy’s midsagittal mounting at the femur axial rotation joint.
plane at the moment of impact. Tighten the mountings so that the pelvic­lumbar
(6) Guide the probe during impact so that adapter is horizontal and adjust the femur friction
it moves with no significant lateral, vertical, or plungers at each hip socket joint to 27 Nm (240
rotational movement. inch­pounds) torque.

(7) Measure the horizontal deflection of (3) Flex the thorax forward 50° and then
the sternum relative to the thoracic spine along rearward as necessary to return it to its initial
the line established by the longitudinal centreline position in accordance with Figure 11
of the probe at the moment of impact, using a unsupported by external means.
potentiometer mounted inside the sternum. (4) Apply a forward force perpendicular
(8) Measure hysteresis by determining the to the thorax instrument cavity rear face in the
ratio of the area between the loading and midsagittal plane 38 cm (15 inches) above the top
unloading portions of the force deflection curve to surface of the pelvic­lumbar adapter. Apply the
the area under the loading portion of the curve. force at any torso deflection rate between ∙5 and
1∙5° per second up to 40° of flexion but no
further, continue to apply for 10 seconds that
J23.9 Lumbar spine, abdomen, and force necessary to maintain 40° of flexion, and
pelvis record the force with an instrument mounted to
(a) The lumbar spine, abdomen and pelvis the thorax as shown in Figure 5. Release all force
consist of the assemblies designated as numbers SA as rapidly as possible and measure the return
150 M050 and SA 150 M060 in Figure 1 and angle 3 minutes after the release.
conform to the drawings subtended by these (d) When the abdomen is subjected to
numbers. continuously applied force in accordance with
(b) When subjected to continuously applied force subparagraph (e) , the abdominal force­deflection
in accordance with subparagraph (c) , the lumbar curve shall be within the two curves plotted in
spine assembly shall flex by an amount that permits Figure 10.
the rigid thoracic spine to rotate from its initial (e) Test procedure:
position in accordance with Figure 11 by the number
of degrees shown below at each specified force level, (1) Place the assembled thorax, lumbar
and straighten upon removal of the force to within spine and pelvic assemblies in a supine position
12° of its initial position in accordance with Figure on a flat, rigid, smooth, dry, clean horizontal
11. surface, ensuring that all component surfaces are
clean, dry, and untreated unless otherwise
(2) Place a rigid cylinder 15 cm (6 inches)
in diameter and 46 cm (18 inches) long
transversely across the abdomen, so that the
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CS­23 BOOK 1

cylinder is symmetrical about the midsagittal (4) Impact the knee with the test probe
plane, with its longitudinal centreline horizontal moving horizontally and parallel to the
and perpendicular to the midsagittal plane at a midsagittal plane at the specified velocity.
point 23.4 cm (9∙2 inches) above the bottom line
(5) Guide the probe during impact so that it
of the buttocks, measured with the dummy
moves with no significant lateral, vertical, or
positioned in accordance with Figure 11.
rotational movement.
(3) Establish the zero deflection point as
the point at which a force of 44.5 N (10 pounds)
J23.11 Test conditions and
has been reached.
(4) Apply a vertical downward force
(a) The test probe used for thoracic and knee
through the cylinder at any rate between 6.3
impact tests is a cylinder 15 cm (6 inches) in
(0∙25) and 8.9 (0∙35) mm (inches) per second.
diameter that weighs 23.4 kg (51∙5 pounds)
(5) Guide the cylinder so that it moves including instrumentation. Its impacting end has a
without significant lateral or rotational flat right face that is rigid and that has an edge
movement. radius of 13 mm (0∙5 inches).
(b) Accelerometers are mounted in the head on
J23.10 Limbs the horizontal transverse bulkhead shown in the
drawings sub­referenced under assembly No. SA 150
(a) The limbs consist of the assemblies shown
M010 in Figure 1, so that their sensitive axes
as numbers SA 150 M070, SA 150 M071, SA 150
intersect at a point in the midsagittal plane 13 mm
M080, and SA 150 M081 in Figure 1 and conform
(0∙5 inches) above the horizontal bulkhead and 48
to the drawings subtended by these numbers.
mm (1∙9 inches) ventral of the vertical mating
(b) When each knee is impacted at 2.1 m/s (6∙9 surface of the skull with the skull cover. One
ft/sec.) in accordance with subparagraph (c) , the accelerometer is aligned with its sensitive axis
maximum force on the femur shall be not more than perpendicular to the horizontal bulkhead in the
11120 N (2500 pounds) and not less than 8229 N midsagittal plane and with its seismic mass centre at
(1850 pounds), with a duration above 4448 N (1000) any distance up to 7.6 mm (0∙3 inches) superior to
pounds of not less than 1∙7 milliseconds. the axial intersection point. Another accelerometer
is aligned with its sensitive axis parallel to the
(c) Test procedure:
horizontal bulkhead and perpendicular to the
(1) Seat the dummy without back support midsagittal plane, and with its seismic mass centre
on a surface as specified in J23.11(i) of this at any distance up to 33 mm (1∙3 inches) to the left
Appendix that is 44 ± 0.5 cm (17∙3 ± 0∙2 inches) of the axial intersection point (left side of dummy is
above a horizontal surface, oriented as specified the same as that of man). A third accelerometer is
in J23.11(i) of this Appendix , and with the hip aligned with its sensitive axis parallel to the
joint adjustment at any setting between 1g and 2g. horizontal bulkhead in the midsagittal plane, and
Place the dummy legs in planes parallel to its with its seismic mass centre at any distance up to 33
midsagittal plane (knee pivot centreline mm (1∙3 inches) dorsal to the axial intersection
perpendicular to the midsagittal plane) and with point.
the feet flat on the horizontal surface. Adjust the
(c) Accelerometers are mounted in the thorax
feet and lower legs until the lines between the
by means of a bracket attached to the rear vertical
midpoints of the knee pivots and the ankle pivots
surface (hereafter “attachment surface”) of the
are at any angle not less than 2° and not more
thoracic spine so that their sensitive axes intersect at
than 4° rear of the vertical, measured at the
a point in the midsagittal plane 20.3 mm (0∙8
centreline of the knee pivots.
inches) below the upper surface of the plate to which
(2) Reposition the dummy if necessary so the neck mounting bracket is attached and 81 mm
that the rearmost point of the lower legs at the (3∙2 inches) perpendicularly forward of the surface
level 25 mm (one inch) below the seating surface to which the accelerometer bracket is attached. One
remains at any distance not less than 13 cm (5 accelerometer has its sensitive axis oriented parallel
inches) and not more than 15 cm (6 inches) to the attachment surface in the midsagittal plane,
forward of the forward edge of the seat. with its seismic mass centre at any distance up to 33
mm (1∙3 inches) inferior to the intersection of the
(3) Align the test probe specified in
sensitive axes specified above. Another
J23.11(a) of this Appendix so that at impact its
accelerometer has its sensitive axis oriented parallel
longitudinal centreline coincides within ± 2° with
to the attachment surface and perpendicular to the
the longitudinal certreline of the femur.
midsagittal plane, with its seismic mass centre at
any distance up to 5 mm (0∙2 inches) to the right of

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the intersection of the sensitive axes specified above. posterior travel with their upper surfaces
A third accelerometer has its sensitive axis oriented horizontal.
perpendicular to the attachment surface in the
(4) The dummy is adjusted so that the
midsagittal plane, with its seismic mass centre at
rear surfaces of the shoulders and buttocks are
any distance up to 33 mm (1∙3 inches) dorsal to the
tangent to a transverse vertical plane.
intersection of the sensitive axes specified above.
Accelerometers are oriented with the dummy in the (5) The upper legs are positioned
position specified in J23.11(i) of this Appendix. symmetrically about the midsagittal plane so that
the distance between the knee pivot bolt heads is
(d) A force­sensing device is mounted axially in
29.5 cm (11∙6 inches).
each femur shaft so that the transverse centreline of
the sensing element is 10.8 cm (4∙25 inches) from (6) The lower legs are positioned in
the knee’s centre of rotation. planes parallel to the midsagittal plane so that the
lines between the midpoint of the knee pivots and
(e) The outputs of acceleration and force­
the ankle pivots are vertical.
sensing devices installed in the dummy and in the
test apparatus specified by this Part are recorded in (j) The dummy’s dimensions, as specified in
individual data channels, with channel classes as drawing number SA 150 M002, are determined as
follows: follows:
(1) Head acceleration ­ Class 1000. (1) With the dummy seated as specified in
(2) Pendulum acceleration ­ Class 60. subparagraph (i) , the head is adjusted and
(3) Thorax acceleration ­ Class 180. secured so that its occiput is 43 mm (1∙7 inches)
forward of the transverse vertical plane with the
(4) Thorax compression ­ Class 180.
vertical mating surface of the skull with its cover
(5) Femur force ­ Class 600. parallel to the transverse vertical plane.
(f) The mountings for sensing devices have no (2) The thorax is adjusted and secured so
resonance frequency within a range of 3 times the that the rear surface of the chest accelerometer
frequency range of the applicable channel class. mounting cavity is inclined 3° forward of vertical.
(g) Limb joints are set at 1g, barely restraining (3) Chest and waist circumference and
the weight of the limb when it is extended chest depth measurements are taken with the
horizontally. The force required to move a limb dummy positioned in accordance with
segment does not exceed 2g throughout the range of subparagraph (j)(1) and (2) .
limb motion.
(4) The chest skin and abdominal sac are
(h) Performance tests are conducted at any removed and all following measurements are
temperature from 19 °C (66°F) to 25.5 °C (78°F) made without them.
and at any relative humidity from 10% to 70% after
exposure of the dummy to these conditions for a (5) Seated height is measured from the
period of not less than 4 hours. seating surface to the uppermost point on the
head­skin surface.
(i) For the performance tests specified in J23.8,
J23.9 and J23.10 of this Appendix, the dummy is (6) Shoulder pivot height is measured
positioned in accordance with Figure 11 as follows: from the seating surface to the centre of the arm
elevation pivot.
(1) The dummy is placed on a flat, rigid,
smooth, clean, dry, horizontal, steel test surface (7) H­point locations are measured from
whose length and width dimensions are not less the seating surface to the centre of the holes in the
than 41 cm (16 inches), so that the dummy’s pelvis flesh covering in line with the hip motion
midsagittal plane is vertical and centred on the ball.
test surface and the rearmost points on its lower (8) Knee pivot distance from the backline
legs at the level of the test surface are at any is measured to the centre of the knee pivot bolt
distance not less the 13 cm (5 inches) and not head.
more than 15 cm (6 inches) forward of the
forward edge of the test surface. (9) Knee pivot distance from floor is
measured from the centre of the knee pivot bolt
(2) The pelvis is adjusted so that the head to the bottom of the heel when the foot is
upper surface of the lumbar­pelvic adapter is horizontal and pointing forward.
(10) Shoulder width measurement is taken
(3) The shoulder yokes are adjusted so at arm elevation pivot centre height with the
that they are at the midpoint of their anteroir­

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centreline between the elbow pivots and the

shoulder pivots vertical.
(11) Hip width measurement is taken at
widest point of pelvic section.
(k) Performance tests of the same components,
segment, assembly, or fully assembled dummy are
separated in time by a period of not less than 30
minutes unless otherwise noted.
(1) Surfaces of dummy components are
not painted except as specified in this part or in
drawings subtended by this part.

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1–App J–12
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CS–23 BOOK 2

EASA Certification
Normal, Utility, Aerobatic, and
Commuter Category

Book 2

Acceptable Means of
2­0­1 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


AMC 23.307
Proof of structure

In deciding the need for and the extent of testing including the load levels to be achieved the
following factors will be considered by the Agency.

a. The confidence which can be attached to the constructors' overall experience in respect to
certain types of aeroplanes in designing, building and testing aeroplanes.

b. Whether the aeroplane in question is a new type or a development of an existing type having
the same basic structural design and having been previously tested, and how far static strength
testing can be extrapolated to allow for development of the particular type of aeroplane.

c. The importance and value of detail and/or component testing including representation of
parts of structure not being tested, and

d. The degree to which credit can be given for operating experience.

Analyses including finite element models used in place of tests must be demonstrated to be reliable
for the structure under evaluation and the load levels that have to be covered. This would normally be
provided by correlation with experimental results on the same structure or through comparison with
other known and accepted methods and results or through a combination of both.

If the structure or parts thereof are outside the manufacturer's previous experience, the manufacturer
should establish a strength test programme. In the case of a wing, wing carry through, fuselage and
empennage this will usually involve ultimate load testing.

When ultimate load static tests are conducted it is recommended that preliminary tests to limit load
and back to zero are performed first, in order to demonstrate that no detrimental permanent
deformation has taken place. During the ultimate test however, the limit load need not be removed
provided that continuous readings of strains and deflections of the structure are measured at an
adequate number of points, and also provided that a close examination of the structure is maintained
throughout the tests with particular emphasis being placed upon close observation of the structure at
limit load for any indications of local distress, yielding buckles, etc.

Static testing to ultimate load may be considered an adequate substitute for formal stress analysis
where static loads are critical in the design of the component. In cases where a dynamic loading is
critical, dynamic load tests may be considered equivalent to formal stress analysis. An example of
components on which dynamic loading is usually critical is the landing gear and the landing gear
structure of an aeroplane. The same yield criteria apply to dynamic tests as to static tests.

Where proof of structure is being shown by an ultimate load test, the test article should conform to
the same design specifications as the production article.

The manufacturer should ensure through his quality assurance organisation that the strength (e.g.
material properties and dimensions) of the component tested conservatively represents the strength
of the components used in production aeroplanes.

Test correction factors should be used to allow for process and material variability during production.
This may be expected particularly when wood or composite-material is used. This factor may be
varied according to the coefficient of variation that the manufacturer is able to show for his product
(see Table 1).

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Test factor [Tf] vs. Coefficient of Variation [Cv%]

Cv% 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 20
Tf 1·00 1·03 1·06 1·10 1·12 1·15 1·22 1·30 1·33 1·55

Definition of Coefficient of Variation

For a population with mean M and standard deviation σ, the coefficient of variation expressed as a
percentage, Cv%, is defined by –

Cv% = 100 * σ /M

AMC 23.321(c)
Flight loads – General

For aeroplanes with an Md less than 0.5 the effects of compressibility are unlikely to be significant.

AMC 23.341(b)
Gust loads factors

The gust alleviation factor Kg as specified in CS 23.341(c) will not provide the conservatism required
by 23.341(b).

Using a gust alleviation factor of Kg = 1.2 in the calculation of the gust load of canard or tandem wing
configuration may result in conservative net loads with respect to the gust criteria of CS 23.333(c).

AMC 23.343(b)
Design fuel loads

Fuel carried in the wing increases the inertia relief on the wing structure during manoeuvres and
gusts which results in lower stresses and deflections. However, if the wing fuel tanks are empty the
inertia load of the wing is reduced which, depending on the particular design, may lead to an increase
of the bending stresses in the wing structure itself and in the wing attachments. In order not to over
stress the aeroplane's structure the maximum weight of the aeroplane without any fuel in the wing
tanks should therefore be established, taking into account the applicable manoeuvre and gust

ACJ 23.343(c)
Design fuel loads

In case of fuel tanks in the fuselage and in the wings, as much as possible of the reserve fuel
must be assumed in the fuselage tanks and only the rest of the reserve fuel should be assumed
in the wing tanks.

AMC 23.345(d)
High lift devices

The effect of propeller slipstream on the extended flaps may be limited to the flap area behind the
propeller circle area.

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AMC 23.347(b)
Unsymmetrical flight conditions

In establishing loading due to flick manoeuvres (snap roll), consideration should be given to the
aircraft response to full elevator and rudder deflection in combination.

In the absence of better data the air load resulting from an unchecked manoeuvre at Va should be
distributed as follows:

On one wing the aerodynamic load corresponding to CLmax, on the opposite wing no air load,
(100/0 percent of the semi-span wingload). On the horizontal tail the unsymmetrical distribution of the
balancing load as defined in CS 23.423(a) shall be obtained by multiplying the air load on one side of
the plane of symmetry by (1+X) and on the other side by (1–X). The value of X shall be 0.5 for point A
of the V–n envelope and for all points representing aerodynamic stall.

The unsymmetrical load acting on the wing and on the horizontal tail are assumed to be turning the
aeroplane in the same direction around the roll (X–X) axis.

The unbalanced aerodynamic loads (forces and moments) should be considered in equilibrium with
inertia forces.

AMC 23.371
Method of evaluation of gyroscopic loads

For a two-bladed propeller the maximum gyroscopic couple (in Nm) is given by 2Ipω1ω2. For three or
more evenly spaced blades the gyroscopic couple is Ipω1ω2, where:-

Ip (kg m2) is the polar moment of inertia of the propeller

ω1 (radians/second) is the propeller rotation, and

ω2 (radians/second) is the rate of pitch or yaw.

AMC 23.371(a)
Gyroscopic and aerodynamic loads

The aerodynamic loads specified in CS 23.371 include asymmetric flow through the propeller disc.
Experience has shown that the effects of this asymmetric flow on the engine mount and its supporting
structure are relatively small and may be discounted, if propellers are installed having diameters of
2.74 m (nine feet) or less.

AMC 23.393(a)
Loads parallel to hinge lines

On primary control surfaces and other movable surfaces, such as speedbrakes, flaps (in retracted
position) and all-moving tailplanes the loads acting parallel to the hinge line should take into account
the effect of wear and axial play between the surface and its supporting structure.

Compliance may be shown by analysis or by test.

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AMC 23.393(b)
Loads parallel to hinge lines

For control surfaces of a wing or horizontal tail with a high dihedral angle and of a V-tail configuration
the K-factor may be calculated as follows:

 3 
K = 12 x 4 −  
 1 + Tan ν 

where : ν = dihedral angle measured to the horizontal plane

As a simplification the following K-factors may be assumed:
for dihedral angles up to ±10° K = 12
and for dihedral angles between 80° and 90° K=2 4

AMC 23.405
Secondary control system

Hand and foot loads assumed for design of secondary control systems and engine controls should
not be less than the following:

1 Hand loads on small hand-wheels, cranks, etc., applied by finger or wrist-force;

P = 150 N

2 Hand loads on levers and hand-wheels applied by the force of an unsupported arm without
making use of the body weight;
P = 350 N

3 Hand loads on levers and hand grips applied by the force of a supported arm or by making
use of the body weight;
P = 600 N

4 Foot loads applied by the pilot when sitting with his back supported (e.g. wheel-brake
operating loads);
P = 750 N

AMC 23.423
Manoeuvring loads – Horizontal surfaces

a. For unpowered control surfaces, if a manoeuvre analysis is used to predict the manoeuvring
loads on the pitch control surfaces the time for sudden deflection from neutral position to the stops or
vice-versa may be assumed as:

for aerobatic category aeroplanes

0.1 sec for stick controlled surfaces
0.2 sec for wheel controlled surfaces

for normal, utility and commuter category aeroplanes

0.2 sec for stick controlled surfaces
0.3 sec for wheel controlled surfaces

b. For power-controlled surfaces the deflection time should be measured.

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AMC 23.441
Manoeuvring loads – Vertical surfaces

a. For unpowered control surfaces, if a manoeuvre analysis is used to predict the manoeuvring
loads on the yaw control surfaces the time for sudden deflection from neutral position to the stops or
vice-versa may be assumed as:

for aerobatic category aeroplanes

0.2 sec for pedal controlled surfaces;

for normal, utility and commuter category aeroplanes

0.3 sec for pedal controlled surfaces.

b. For power-controlled surfaces the deflection time should be measured.

c. For aeroplanes where the horizontal tail is supported by the vertical tail, the tail surfaces and
their supporting structure including the rear portion of the fuselage should be designed to withstand
the prescribed loadings on the vertical tail and the rolling moment induced by the horizontal tail acting
in the same direction.

d. For T-tails, in the absence of a more rational analysis, the rolling moment induced by sideslip
or deflection of the vertical rudder may be computed as follows:

Mr = 0 ⋅ 3Sh βV 2bh
Mr = induced rolling moment at horizontal tail (Nm)
Sh. = area of horizontal tail (m2)
bh. = span of horizontal tail (m)
β = effective sideslip angle of vertical tail (radians)

AMC 23.443
Gust loads – Vertical surfaces

For aeroplanes where the horizontal tail is supported by the vertical tail, the tail surfaces and their
supporting structure including the rear portion of the fuselage should be designed to withstand the
prescribed loading on the vertical tail and the rolling moment induced by the horizontal tail acting in
the same direction.

For T-tails, in the absence of a more rational analysis, the rolling moment induced by gust load may
be computed as follows:

Mr = 0 . 3S h VUb hK gt

Mr = induced rolling moment at horizontal tail

Sh = area of horizontal tail
Bh = span of horizontal tail
U = gust velocity (m/s) as specified in CS 23.333(c)
Kgt = gust alleviation factor of vertical tail as specified in CS 23.443(c)

In computing ‘Sh’ and ‘bh’ the horizontal tail root has to be assumed on a vertical plane through the
centreline of the aeroplane fuselage.

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AMC 23.455(a)(2)

a. For unpowered control surfaces, if a manoeuvre analysis is used to predict the manoeuvring
loads on the lateral control surfaces the time for sudden deflections from neutral position to the stops
or vice-versa may be assumed as :

for aerobatic category aeroplanes

0.1 sec for stick controlled surfaces
0.2 sec for wheel controlled surfaces

for normal, utility and commuter aeroplanes

0.2 sec for stick controlled surfaces
0.3 sec for wheel controlled surfaces

b. For power-controlled surfaces the deflection time should be measured.

AMC 23.562
Emergency landing dynamic conditions

FAA Advisory Circular No. 23.562–1 provides additional information and guidance concerning an
acceptable means of demonstrating compliance with the requirements of CS 23 regarding dynamic
tests of seat/restraint systems.

AMC to 23.571 and 23.572

Fatigue evaluation: metallic pressurised cabin structures, metallic wing, empennage and
associated structures

In assessing the possibility of serious fatigue failures, the design should be examined to determine
probable points of failure in service. In this examination, consideration should be given, as
necessary, to the results of stress analysis, static tests, fatigue tests, strain gauge surveys, test of
similar structural configurations, and service experience. Locations prone to accidental damage or to
corrosion should also be considered.

Unless it is determined from the foregoing examination that the normal operating stresses in specific
regions of the structure are of such a low order that serious damage growth is extremely improbable,
repeated load analysis or tests should be conducted on structure representative of components or
sub-components of the wing (including canard and tandem wings, winglets and control surfaces),
empennage, their carry-through and attaching structures, fuselage and pressurised cabin, landing
gear, and their related primary attachments.

Test specimens should include structure representative of attachment fittings, major joints, changes
in section, cut-outs and discontinuities.

Service experience has shown that special attention should be focused on the design details of
important discontinuities, main attachment fittings, tension joints, splices, and cut-outs such as
windows, doors, and other openings.

Any method used in the analyses should be supported, as necessary, by tests or service experience.
The nature and extent of tests on complete structures or on portions of the primary structure will
depend upon evidence from applicable previous design and structural tests, and service experience

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with similar structures. The scope of the analyses and supporting test programmes should be agreed
with the Agency.

AMC 23.573(a)(1)&(3)
Damage tolerance and fatigue evaluation of structure – composite airframe structure

In addition to the acceptable means of compliance and guidance material described in AMC 20-29
the following procedure may be adopted for residual strength tests of structure with built-in barely
visible impact damage (BVID) and visible damage. Tests should be performed up to limit load level,
then the visible damages may be repaired without substantially exceeding the original strength or
characteristics of the type design and the test should be continued up to at least* ultimate load level
in order to validate the BVID in the unrepaired structure.

* Experience has shown that continuation of testing to rupture should be considered in order to
identify failure modes. Extrapolation by analysis of residual strength tests would not normally be
acceptable for further development of the aeroplane.

[Amdt No: 23/2]

AMC 23.573(b)
Damage tolerance and fatigue evaluation of structure – Metallic airframe structure

The damage-tolerance evaluation of structure is intended to ensure that, if serious fatigue, corrosion,
or accidental damage occurs within the operational life of the aeroplane, the remaining structure can
withstand reasonable loads without failure or excessive structural deformation until the damage is

Design features which should be considered in attaining a damage-tolerant structure include the

– Multiple load path construction and the use of crack stoppers to control the rate of crack growth,
and to provide adequate residual static strength;

– Materials and stress levels that, after initiation of cracks, provide a controlled slow rate of crack
propagation combined with high residual strength. For single load path discrete items, such as
control surface hinges, wing spar joints or stabiliser pivot fittings the failure of which could be
catastrophic, it should be clearly demonstrated that cracks starting from material flaws,
manufacturing errors or accidental damage including corrosion have been properly accounted
for in the crack propagation estimate and inspection method;

– Arrangements of design details to ensure a sufficiently high probability that a failure in any
critical structural element will be detected before the strength has been reduced below the level
necessary to withstand the loading conditions specified in CS 23.573(b) so as to allow
replacement or repair of the failed elements.

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AMC 23.607(b)

Locking devices of fasteners installed in engine compartments or other compartments affected by

temperature and/or vibration should be of a type and material which is not influenced by such
temperatures encountered under normal operating conditions.

AMC 23.611
Accessibility provisions

1 Non-destructive inspection aids may be used to inspect structural elements where it is

impracticable to provide means for direct visual inspection if it is shown that the inspection is effective
and the inspection procedures are specified in the Maintenance Manual required by CS 23.1529.

2 For inspections repeated at short intervals (such as pre-flight or daily inspections) the means
of inspection should be simple, e.g. visual with the aid of easily removable or hinged access panels.
However, for inspections required only a few times, for example once or twice in the lifetime of the
aeroplane some disassembly of structure, e.g. deriveting a small skin panel may be acceptable.

AMC 23.613
Material strength properties and design values

1. Purpose. This AMC sets forth acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating
compliance with the provisions of CS-23 related to material strength properties and material design

2. Related Certification Specifications.

CS 23.603 “Materials”
CS 23.613 “Material strength properties and material design values”

For wooden structures, ANC-18 ‘Design of Wooden Aircraft Structures’ has been used for design

3. General.
CS 23.613 contains the requirements for material strength properties and material design values.

4. Material Strength Properties and Design Values.

4.1. Definitions.

Material strength properties. Material properties that define the strength related characteristics of any
given material. Typical examples of material strength properties are: ultimate and yield values for
compression, tension, bearing, shear, etc.

Material design values. Material strength properties that have been established based on the
requirements of CS 23.613(b) or other means, as defined in this AMC. These values are generally
statistically determined based on enough data that when used for design, the probability of structural
failure due to material variability will be minimised. Typical values for moduli can be used.

Aeroplane operating envelope. The operating limitations defined for the product under Subpart G of

4.2. Statistically Based Design Values.

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Design values required by CS 23.613(b) must be based on sufficient testing to assure a high degree of
confidence in the values. In all cases, a statistical analysis of the test data must be performed.

The "A" and "B" properties published in "The Metallic Materials Properties Development and
Standardization (MMPDS) handbook" or ESDU 00932 "Metallic Materials Data Handbook" are
acceptable, as are the statistical methods specified in the applicable chapters/sections of these
handbooks. Other methods of developing material design values may be acceptable to the Agency.

The test specimens used for material property certification testing should be made from material
produced using production processes. Test specimen design, test methods and testing should:

(i) conform to universally accepted standards such as those of the American Society for Testing
Materials (ASTM), European Aerospace Series Standards (EN), International Standard Organisation
(ISO), or other national standards acceptable to the Agency, or

(ii) conform to those detailed in the applicable chapters/sections of "The Metallic Materials
Properties Development and Standardization (MMPDS) handbook", "The Composite Materials
Handbook" CMH-17, ESDU 00932 "Metallic Materials Data Handbook" or other accepted equivalent
material data handbooks, or

(iii) be accomplished in accordance with an approved test plan which includes definition of test
specimens and test methods. This provision would be used, for example, when the material design
values are to be based on tests that include effects of specific geometry and design features as well as

The Agency may approve the use of other material test data after review of test specimen design, test
methods, and test procedures that were used to generate the data.

4.3. Consideration of Environmental Conditions.

The material strength properties of a number of materials, such as non-metallic composites and
adhesives, can be significantly affected by temperature as well as moisture absorption. For these
materials, the effects of temperature and moisture should be accounted for in the determination and
use of material design values. This determination should include the extremes of conditions
encountered within the aeroplane operating envelope. For example, the maximum temperature of a
control surface may include effects of direct and reflected solar radiation, convection and radiation from
a black runway surface and the maximum ambient temperature. Environmental conditions other than
those mentioned may also have significant effects on material design values for some materials and
should be considered.

4.4. Use of Higher Design Values Based on Premium Selection.

Design values greater than those determined under CS 23.613(b) may be used if a premium selection
process is employed in accordance with CS 23.613(e). In that process, individual specimens are tested
to determine the actual strength properties of each part to be installed on the aircraft to assure that the
strength will not be less than that used for design.

If the material is known to be anisotropic, then testing should account for this condition.

If premium selection is to be used, the test procedures and acceptance criteria must be specified on
the design drawing.

4.5. Other Material Design Values.

Previously used material design values, with consideration of the source, service experience and
application, may be approved by the Agency on a case by case basis (e.g. "S" values of "The Metallic

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Materials Properties Development and Standardization (MMPDS) handbook" or ESDU 00932 "Metallic
Materials Data Handbook").

4.6. Material Specifications and Processes. Materials should be produced using production
specifications and processes accepted by the Agency.

For composite structure AMC 20-29 contains acceptable means of compliance and guidance material
relevant to the requirements of CS 23.613.

[Amdt No: 23/2]

AMC 23.629

Flight flutter testing is the most satisfactory way of demonstrating freedom from flutter. Therefore CS
23.629 requires for new designed aeroplanes a rational flutter analysis, based on the results of a
ground vibration test, or a simplified analysis of rigidity and mass balance criteria (for specially defined
small aeroplanes), and flight flutter tests performed with well instrumented aeroplanes.

Unless the rational analysis or simplified analysis using Airframe and Equipment Engineering Report
No. 45, as specified in CS 23.629, and the model and assumption used therein have been verified by
some flight flutter tests, the validity of such analysis is unknown. The extent of flight flutter testing
depends on the analysis prepared and the experience with similar designs and should be agreed with
the Agency.

To show compliance with CS 23.629(g) and CS 23.629(h) needs an analysis using a verified basic

Full scale flight flutter test should be carried out when the adequacy of flutter analysis has not been
confirmed by previous experience with aeroplanes having similar design features, and when
modifications to the type design have such a significant effect on the critical flutter modes that only
limited confidence could be given to rational analysis alone.

For modifications to the type design which could effect the flutter characteristics, and for derivatives of
existing aeroplanes freedom from flutter, control reversal and divergence may be shown by rational
analysis alone, if this analysis (including any Finite Element Model used) has been verified during the
certification of the basic aeroplane model.

Aeroplanes showing compliance with the damage-tolerance criteria of CS 23.573 with the extent of
damage for which residual strength is demonstrated may alter their stiffness and their natural
frequencies of main structural elements; for composite structures this can also happen due to
environmental conditions (temperature and humidity). If no exact measurements are available a
variation in stiffness of at least +/– 20% should be assumed.

FAA Advisory Circular AC 23.629–1B and in addition for composite structures AMC 20-29 provide
additional acceptable means of compliance and guidance material to CS 23.629.

[Amdt No: 23/2]

AMC 23.671
Control systems – General

In designing and manufacturing control systems attention should be given to minimise friction in the
systems and to avoid jamming and interference with other parts in operation, due to vibration and

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AMC 23.683
Operation tests

One method, but not the only one, for showing compliance with the requirements of CS 23.683 is as

Conduct the control system operation tests by operating the controls from the pilot's compartment with
the entire system loaded so as to correspond to the limit control forces established by the regulations
for the control system being tested. The following conditions should be met:

(1) Under limit load, check each control surface for travel and detail parts for deflection. This may
be accomplished as follows:

(i) Support the control surface being tested while positioned at the neutral position.

(ii) Load the surface using loads corresponding to the limit control forces established in the

(iii) Load the pilot's control until the control surface is just off the support.
(iv) Determine the available travel which is the amount of movement of the surface from neutral
when the control is moved to the system stop.

(v) The above procedure should be repeated in the opposite direction.

(vi) The minimum control surface travel from the neutral position in each direction being measured
should be 10 percent of the control surface travel measured with no load on the surface.

Regardless of the amount of travel of the surface when under limit load, the aircraft should have
adequate flight characteristics as specified in paragraph 23.141. Any derivative aircraft of a previous
type certificated aircraft need not exceed the control surface travel of the original aircraft; however, the
flight characteristics should be fight tested to ensure compliance.

(2) Under limit load, no signs of jamming or of any permanent set of any connection, bracket,
attachment, etc., may be present.

(3) Friction should be minimised so that the limit control forces and torques specified by the
regulations may be met.

AMC 23.729(g)
Equipment Located in the Landing Gear Bay

In showing compliance with this requirement, consideration should include the effects that likely
damage from hazards arising from other items of equipment such as high brake temperature and
external sources such as slush, water and tyre burst/loose tyre tread will have on equipment/systems
located on the landing gear or in the landing gear bay that are essential to continued safe flight and

AMC 23.735(c)

As specified in the requirement, the pressure on the wheel brake must not exceed the pressure that is
specified by the brake manufacturer. The requirement does not specify how the force that is applied to
the brake pedals is transmitted to the brakes. This means may be mechanical, hydraulic or some other
system, such as an electronic control system. By clarifying the applicability of the requirements to the
force applied to the wheel brake assembly, it can be applied to any braking system that is included in
the aeroplane design.

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AMC 23.773
Pilot compartment view

See CS–23 Flight Test Guide Paragraph 23.773 Pilot Compartment View.

AMC 23.775(f)
Windshields and windows

For windshields and windows that include a transparency heating system, compliance with CS
23.775(f) should include the use of CS 23.1309. Compliance with 23.1309 should be established by
identifying all of the probable malfunctions or single failures that may occur in the system. Any of the
identified malfunctions or failures that would result in an increase of the windshield temperature should
be corrected so that the temperature rise will not occur, or there should be a means to limit the
temperature rise to a value that is less than the value where the windshield, or the materials around it,
will ignite and burn. The importance of avoiding overheat conditions for acrylic materials must be
strongly emphasised particularly for stretched acrylics in relation to the relaxation temperature for the
material. It should be shown that there will be no occurrences of temperature rise that will reduce the
structural integrity of the windshield or the structure around it below the requirements of 23.775.

AMC 23.775(g)
Windshields and windows

To comply with this requirement, side panels and/or co-pilot panels may be used, provided it can be
shown that continued safe flight and landing is possible using these panels only, whilst remaining
seated at a pilot(s) station.

The requirement to safeguard the aeroplane against a bird strike with a relative velocity up to the
‘maximum approach flap speed’ is intended to represent the most critical approach situation. For
clarification the speed to be applied should be the maximum VFE for normal operation.

AMC 23.783(b)

When considering door location, potential hazards should be taken to include hot surfaces or sharp
objects a person is likely to contact when entering and exiting the aeroplane.

AMC 23.851(c)
Hand fire extinguishers

Based on EU legislation1, in new installations of hand fire extinguishers for which the certification
application is submitted after 31 December 2014, Halon 1211, 1301 and Halon 2402 are unacceptable
extinguishing agents.

The guidance regarding hand fire extinguishers in FAA Advisory Circular AC 20-42D is considered
acceptable by the Agency. See AMC 23.1197 for more information on Halon alternatives.

[Amdt No: 23/3]

AMC 23.865
Commission Regulation (EU) No 744/2010 of 18 August 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 of
the European Parliament and of the Council on substances that deplete the ozone layer, with regard to the
critical uses of halon (OJ L 218, 19.8.2010, p. 2).

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Fire protection of flight controls, engine mounts and other flight structure

Engine mounts or portions of the engine mounts that are not constructed of fire proof material should
be shielded to provide an equivalent level of safety to that provided by the use of fireproof materials.
Care should be taken that any shielding does not invalidate the type certification of the engine.

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AMC 23.905(e)

Ice shed from the forward fuselage and the wings may cause significant damage to pusher propellers
that are very close to the fuselage and well back from the aeroplane nose. Simlarly, ice shed from the
wing may cause significant damage to wind mounted pusher propellers. Account should be taken of
these possibilities.

The term ‘during any operating condition’ may require tests also for intentional, or temporary
unintentional entry into icing conditions. This may also be shown by analysis or a combination of

AMC CS 23.905(g)

In most pusher propeller installations, the engine exhaust gases pass through the propeller disc.
Many factors affect the temperature of these gases when they contact the propellers and propeller
tolerance to these gases varies with propeller design and materials.

AMC CS 23.907(a)
Propeller Vibration

The definition of a conventional fixed pitch wooden propeller should be taken to include a propeller
with a wooden core and a simple cover of composite material, but not a propeller where the load
carrying structure is composite and the wood simply provides the form.

AMC CS 23.909(d)(1)
Turbo charger systems

Intercooler mounting provisions should have sufficient strength to withstand the flight and ground
loads for the aeroplane as a whole in combination with the local loads arising from the operation of
the engine.

AMC 23.959(a)
Unusable fuel supply

The term ‘most adverse fuel feed condition’ is not intended to include radical or extreme manoeuvres
not likely to be encountered in operation. Judgement should be used in determining what
manoeuvres are appropriate to the type of aeroplane being tested.

A tank that is not needed to feed the engine under all flight conditions should be tested only for the
flight regime for which is was designed (e.g. cruise conditions). Tests for this kind of tank should
include slips and skids to simulate turbulence. Suitable instructions on the conditions under which
the tank may be used should be provided in a placard or in the Aeroplane Flight Manual.

Analyse the fuel system and tank geometry to determine the critical manoeuvres for the specific tanks
being considered, e.g. main, auxiliary, or cruise tanks and conduct only those tests considered
applicable to the aeroplane being tested. Particular attention should be directed towards the tank or
cell geometry and orientation with respect to the longitudinal axis of the aeroplane and location of
supply ports. Care should be taken in planning how the critical altitude manoeuvres are tested so
that the test procedure does not result in unconservative unusable fuel. The test manoeuvres should

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be selected using good judgement with regard to the kind of manoeuvres the aeroplane under test
will be subjected to in operation.

Ground tests using equipment which accurately simulate the aeroplane fuel system and inflight
inertial effects may be considered acceptable.

The quantity of fuel to be used for the tests should be sufficient for determination of unusable fuel by
allowing the manoeuvres described herein to be performed. The manoeuvres are to be repeated until
first evidence of engine malfunction. Repeated manoeuvres may result in fuel refilling some bays or
tanks; therefore, minimum fuel should be used.

For the tests, a malfunction will be considered when engine roughness, partial or total loss of power,
fuel pressure loss of below minimum, or fuel flow fluctuations are experienced.

To assure the most conservative unusable fuel supply value for each tank, another tank should be
selected at the first indication of fuel interruption. The fuel remaining in the test tank at the time of
malfunction should be drained, measured and recorded as unusable fuel. If header tanks (small
tanks that accumulate fuel from one or more fuel tanks and supply the engine directly) are utilised,
the fuel remaining in the header tank should be added to the unusable fuel but would not be shown
on the fuel gauge marking.

All tests should be conducted at a minimum practical weight or weight determined to be critical for the
aeroplane being tested.

The flight testing of a single-engine aeroplane with a one-tank system requires a separate temporary
fuel system to supply the engine after fuel starvation occurs.

The flight tests for the unusable fuel determination should be conducted as follows :

a. Level flight at maximum recommended cruise –

– Maintain straight co-ordinated flight or bank angles not exceeding 5°, until a malfunction

– Simulate turbulent air with ± half-ball width oscillations at approximately the natural
yawing frequency of the aeroplane, until a malfunction occurs.

– Skidding turns with 1-ball skid. Hold for 30 seconds and then return to co-ordinated
flight for 1 minute.

Repeat until malfunction occurs. Direction of skidding turn should be in the direction most
critical with respect to fuel feed.

b. Climb with maximum climb power and at a speed in accordance with CS 23.65 –

– Straight co-ordinated flight or bank angle should not exceed 5°, until a malfunction

– Simulate turbulent air with ± half-ball width oscillations at approximately the natural
yawing frequency of the aeroplane, until a malfunction occurs.

– Skidding turns with 1-ball width skid or full rudder if 1-ball width cannot be obtained.
Hold for 30 seconds and then return to co-ordinated flight for 1 minute. Repeat until a
malfunction occurs.

Direction of skidding turn should be in the direction most critical with respect to fuel feed.

c. Descent and Approach.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Make a continuous power-off straight descent at VFE with gear and flaps down or follow emergency
descent procedures contained in the Aeroplane Flight Manual (AFM). Continue the test until the first
indication of interrupted fuel flow is observed.

Make a continuous power-off glide at 1.3 VSO until first indication of interrupted fuel flow is observed.
Simulate turbulent air or smooth air condition, whichever is most critical. Verify that with the
unusable fuel quantity established with critical tests no interruption of fuel flow will occur when
simultaneously making a rapid application of MCP and a transition to a speed in accordance with CS
23.65 from a power-off glide at 1.3 VSO.

Establish a power-off 1.3 VSO descent in a landing configuration. Maintain a 1½ ball sideslip in
direction found to be critical for fuel system design with sufficient aileron to maintain constant heading
(or utilise the maximum side slip anticipated for the type of aeroplane). The test should be conducted
by slipping for 30 seconds. Continue the test until the first indication of interrupted fuel flow is
observed. Verify that with the unusable fuel quantity established with critical tests no interruption of
fuel flow will occur when slipping for 30 seconds, followed by a maximum power straight ahead
baulked landing climb for 1 minute.

If there are any other conditions which will result in higher unusable fuel quantities, these conditions
should also be examined.

AMC 23.961
Fuel system hot weather operation

Any fuel system that uses aviation gasoline is considered conductive to vapour formation. However a
fuel system having a fuel pump with suction lift, is more critical with respect to vapour formation.

Critical operating conditions which need to be considered during evaluation of hot weather tests
should include at least the maximum fuel flow, high angles of attack, maximum fuel temperature, etc.

The weight of the aeroplane should be the weight with critical fuel level, minimum crew necessary for
safe operation, and the ballast necessary to maintain the centre of gravity within allowable limits.

The critical fuel level in most cases would be low fuel; however, in some cases, full fuel may be

A flight test is normally necessary to complete the hot weather operation tests, however, if a ground
test is performed, it should closely simulate flight conditions.

Several methods of heating the fuel are available, such as circulating hot water or steam through a
heat exchanger placed in the fuel tank to increase the fuel temperature, placing black plastic or other
material on the fuel tanks in bright sunlight, or blowing hot air over the fuel tank. The fuel should not
be agitated or handled excessively during the heating operation. The heating process should be
completed in the shortest time period possible without causing excessive local temperature
conditions at the heat exchanger.

Raise the temperature of the fuel to the critical value as follows :

– For aviation gasoline, 43 °C – 0 to + 3 °C (110° F – 0 to + 5° F)

– For turbine fuel, 43 °C – 0 to + 3 °C (110° F – 0 to + 5° F)

– For automobile gasoline, 43 °C – 3 to + 0 °C (110° F – 5 to + 0° F)

Testing should commence immediately after the fuel temperature reaches its required value.

The desirable outside air temperature measured 1.2 to 1.8 m (4 to 6 feet) above the runway surface
should be at least 29 °C (85° F). If tests are performed in weather cold enough to interfere with the

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

test results, steps should be taken to minimise the effects of cold temperature. This may be
accomplished by insulating fuel tank surfaces, as appropriate, fuel lines, and other fuel system
components from the cold air to simulate hot-day conditions.

The take-off and climb should be made as soon as possible after the fuel in the tank reaches the
required test temperature, and the engine oil temperature should be at least the minimum
recommended for take-off.

The airspeed in the climb should be the same as that used in demonstrating the requirements of CS
23.65, except the aeroplane should be at minimum weight with a critical quantity of fuel in the tanks.

Power settings should be maintained at the maximum approved levels for take-off and climb to
provide for the maximum fuel flow.

The climb should be continued to the maximum operating altitude approved for the aeroplane. If a
lower altitude is substantiated, appropriate limitations should be noted in the Aeroplane Flight

The following data should be recorded :

– Fuel temperature in the tank

– Fuel pressure at the start of the test and continuously during climb noting any pressure
failure, fluctuation, or variations

– Main and emergency fuel pump operation, as applicable

– Pressure altitude

– Ambient air temperature, total or static as applicable

– Airspeed

– Engine power, i.e. engine pressure ratio, gas generator speed, torque, rpm, turbine inlet
temperature, exhaust gas temperature, manifold pressure, and fuel flow, as appropriate

– Comments on engine operation

– Fuel quantities in the fuel tank(s) during take-off

– Fuel vapour pressure (for automobile gasoline only), determined prior to test

– Fuel grade or designation, determined prior to test

A fuel pressure failure is considered to occur when the fuel pressure decreases below the minimum
prescribed by the engine manufacturer or the engine does not operate satisfactorily.

The emergency fuel pump(s) should be inoperative if being considered for use as backup pump(s).
This test may be used to establish the maximum pressure altitude for operation with the pump(s) off.

If significant fuel pressure fluctuation occurs during testing of the critical flight condition but pressure
failure does not occur, additional testing should be considered to determine that pressure failure may
not occur during any expected operating mode. Also, the fuel system should be evaluated for vapour
formation during cruise flight at maximum approved altitude in smooth air at low to moderate power
setting and low fuel flow and idling approach to landing.

The hot weather tests may have to be repeated if the critical tank cannot be positively identified.

Any limitations on the outside air temperature as a result of hot weather tests should be included in
the Aeroplane Flight Manual.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

AMC 23.1011(b)
Oil System – General

The minimum allowable usable oil capacity can be determined from the endurance and the maximum
allowable oil consumption. For either wet or dry sump engines, the maximum allowable fuel/oil
supply ratio is equal to the minimum obtainable fuel/oil consumption ratio. This is expressed
mathematically as follows:

Maximum Allowable Usable Fuel Capacity Minimum Obtainable Specific Fuel Consumption

Minimum Allowable Usable Oil Capacity Maximum Allowable Specific Oil Consumptio n

Therefore, for both wet and dry sump engines, fuel/oil supply ratio equal to or less than the minimum
obtainable fuel/oil consumption ratios are considered acceptable.

For twin engine installations, unless an adequate oil reserve is provided, the endurance of a twin-
engined aeroplane employing a fuel crossfeed system or common fuel tank should be established on
the basis that 50% of the specific total initial fuel capacity provided for a shutdown engine will be
available to the other engine. The engine power levels to be considered for a twin engine aeroplane
having a crossfeed system are those that will allow maximum published endurance with both engines
operating and adjusted as necessary (including mixture setting) to complete safely the flight with one
engine inoperative after 50% of the fuel supply is consumed.

AMC 23.1045(b)
Cooling test procedures for turbine engine-powered aeroplanes

For the cooling tests, a temperature is ‘stabilised’ when its rate of change is less than 1°C (2° F) per

AMC 23.1141(g)(2)
Powerplant controls: general

The required means to indicate the valve position may be of –

– a system which senses directly that the valve has attained the position selected, or

– other indications in the cockpit which give the flight crew a clear indication, that the
valve has moved to the selected position.

Although a continuous display indicator would enable compliance with these requirements the
alternative use of lights showing the fully open and fully closed position or transit of the valves are
also acceptable means of compliance.

AMC 23.1143(g)
Engine controls

When throttle linkage separation occurs, the fuel control should go to a setting that will allow the pilot
to maintain level flight in the cruise configuration.

AMC 23.1147(b)
Mixture controls

When mixture linkage separation occurs, the mixture control should go to a full rich setting.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

AMC 23.1182
Nacelle areas behind firewalls

For each affected area that contains a retractable landing gear, compliance need only be shown with
the landing gear retracted.

AMC 23.1189(a)(5
Shut-off means

The hazardous amount of flammable fluid for this requirement is established as 1 l (one quart).

AMC 23.1197
Fire extinguishing agents

The Montreal Protocol, in existence since 1987, is an international agreement to phase out
production and use of ozone-depleting substances, including halogenated hydrocarbons also known
as Halon. A European Regulation 1, governing substances that deplete the ozone layer, was published
in 2000 containing initial provisions for Halon phase-out, but also exemptions for critical uses of
Halon, including fire extinguishing in aviation.

‘Cut-off’ (i.e. Halon no longer acceptable in new applications for type certification) and ‘end’ (i.e.
Halon no longer acceptable for use in aircraft) dates have been subsequently established by a new
Regulation in 20102, as presented in Table 4.1 below:

Table 4.1: ‘Cut-off’ and ‘end’ dates

Aircraft Type of Type of Dates

compartment extinguisher Halon
Cut-off End
Lavatory waste Built-in 31 December 31 December
receptacles 1211 2011 2020

Cabins and crew Hand (portable) 31 December 31 December
compartments 2014 2025
Propulsion systems Built-in 31 December 31 December
and Auxiliary Power 1211 2014 2040
Normally Built-in 31 December 31 December
unoccupied cargo 1211 2018 2040

Regulation (EC) No 2037/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 June 2000 on
substances that deplete the ozone layer.
Commission Regulation (EU) No 744/2010 of 18 August 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009
of the European Parliament and of the Council on substances that deplete the ozone layer, with regard
to the critical uses of halon (OJ L 218, 19.8.2010, p. 2).
Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

9.2 Lavatory extinguishing systems and agents

Historically, Halon 1301 has been the most widespread agent used in lavatory extinguishing (lavex)
systems to be used in the event of a Class A fire (i.e. originating from paper and other common
materials). Any alternative acceptable fire extinguishing agent must meet the Minimum Performance
Standards (MPS) laid down in Appendix D to Report DOT/FAA/AR-96/122 of February 1997, which
include the ability to extinguish a Class A fire and, in case of discharge, does not create an
environment that exceeds the chemical agent’s ‘No Observable Adverse Effect Level’ (NOAEL).
Research and testing has shown that there are suitable alternatives to Halon for built-in fire
extinguishers in aircraft lavatories meeting the MPS for effectiveness, volume, weight and toxicology.
Currently HFC-227ea or HFC-236fa are widely used on aeroplanes and are usually considered
acceptable by the Agency.

9.3 Hand fire extinguishers and agents

Historically, Halon 1211 has been the most widespread agent in handheld (portable) fire
extinguishers to be used in aircraft compartments and cabins. Minimum Performance Standards
(MPS) for the agents are laid down in Appendix A to Report DOT/FAA/AR-01/37 of August 2002,
while acceptable criteria to select the fire extinguishers containing said agents are laid down in the
FAA Advisory Circular AC 20-42D. Three agent alternatives to Halon are presently known meeting
the MPS: HFC-227ea, HFC-236fa and HCFC Blend B. However, these agents are heavier and
occupy a greater volume than Halon 1211. This may indirectly (i.e. additional weight of the fire
extinguisher and additional weight of the structures supporting it) increase CO2 emissions.
Furthermore, some of these agents have also been identified for having a global warming potential
that is much higher than Halon. Therefore, further research is underway to develop additional
alternatives to Halon 1211 for hand fire extinguishers.

Should an applicant wish to propose, even before the end of 2014, any alternative agent for hand fire
extinguishers meeting the mentioned MPS, the Agency will initiate a Certification Review Item
addressing the use of such an alternate fire extinguishing agent.

9.4 Fire protection of propulsion systems and APU

Historically, Halon 1301 has been the most widespread agent used in engine nacelles and APU
installations to protect against Class B fires (i.e. originating from fuel or other flammable fluids). The
MPS for agents to be used in these compartments are particularly demanding, because of the
presence of fuel and other volatile fluids in close proximity to high temperature surfaces, not to
mention the complex air flows and the extremely low temperatures and pressures surrounding the
nacelles. Various alternatives are being developed (e.g. FK-5-1-12), while the FAA is aiming at
issuing a report containing the MPS.

Should an applicant wish to propose, even before the end of 2014, any alternative agent for Class B
fire extinction in engine or APU compartments, even in the absence of a published MPS, the Agency
will initiate a Certification Review Item addressing the use of such an alternate fire extinguishing

9.5 Fire protection of cargo compartments

MPS for cargo compartment fire suppression systems have already been published in the Report
DOT/FAA/AR-00/28 of September 2000. However, to date there are no known and sufficiently
developed alternatives to Halon 1301.

[Amdt No: 23/3]

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

AMC - Subpart F

AMC 23.1351(a)(2)
Electrical Systems and Equipment, General

If for normal, utility or aerobatic category aeroplanes compliance is shown by electrical measurements,
the procedures should include sufficient testing to show that the electrical systems meet the
requirements of Paragraph 23.1351. When laboratory tests of the electrical system are conducted –

(1) The tests may be performed on a mock­up using the same generating equipment used in the

(2) The equipment should simulate the electrical characteristics of the distribution wiring and
connected loads to the extent necessary for rated test results; and

(3) Laboratory generator drives should simulate the actual prime movers on the aeroplane with
respect to their reaction to generator loading, including loading due to faults.’

AMC 23.1351(b)(5)(iv)
Electrical Systems and Equipment, General

‘Throwover switching’ refers to the means used for the selection of an alternative independent supply
to ensure the continued operation of equipment or systems. This system can be achieved by manual
or automatic means.

AMC 23.1419
Ice protection

Acceptance of FAA AC 23.1419­2 as AMC to CS 23.1419.

AMC 23.1431 (e)

Electronic equipment

For those installations where all warnings are not provided through the radio/audio equipment,
consideration should be given to the pilot(s) ability to hear and recognise warnings when headsets are
used, including noise cancelling headsets.

AMC 23.1459(b)
Flight Recorders

The phrase ‘as far aft as practicable’ should be interpreted as a position sufficiently aft as to be
consistent with reasonable maintenance access and in a position to minimise the probability of
damage from crash impact and subsequent fire.

2–F–1 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


AMC 23.1543(b)
Instrument Markings: General

FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 20­88A provides guidance on the marking of powerplant instruments.

AMC 23.1555(e)(2)
Control markings

Reciprocating engine mixture control and turbine engine condition levers incorporating fuel stopcocks,
or fuel stopcocks themselves, are considered to be emergency controls since they provide an
immediate means to stop engine combustion.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2





Definition of aspect ratio of wing, horizontal and vertical tail, and of the tail volume factor.

The design load criteria in Appendix A are limited to conventional aeroplanes of which wing and tail
surfaces do not exceed certain aspect ratio and of which the horizontal tail configuration has a tail
volume of not less than a specified value.

The aspect ratio of the wing and of the horizontal tail as specified in A23.1(c) and (d) is defined as
AR =

b = span of the particular surface
S = area of the particular surface

The aspect ratio of the vertical tail as specified in A23.1(e) is defined as follows:

AR =
2S vt

hvt = height of vertical tail
S vt = area of vertical tail

The tail volume is defined herein as:

S ht 1ht
Vt =


S ht = area of horizontal tail

Sw = area of wing
1ht = distance between neutral point of horizontal tail and the cg­point of the aeroplane
MAC = mean aerodynamic chord of the wing

As a simplification 1ht can be chosen as distance between 25% C of the wing and 25% C of the
horizontal tail.

Values for spans, areas and heights to be inserted in the formulae should be agreed with the Agency
in respect to the limits of applicability in Appendix A.

2–Appx A–1 Amendment 3

Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Control surface loads

Load distribution on tail surfaces

To ensure adequate bending and torsional strength of the tail structure, the most severe loads should
be considered in association with the most critical centre of pressure position for that structural part.

In most cases three centre of pressure positions may result in the most critical loads for the main parts
of the structure:

1 To cover the torsion load case select the centre of pressure at the leading edge.

2 To cover the bending load case for the main spar select the centre of pressure at the main
spar position.

3 To cover the bending load case for the auxiliary spar select the centre of pressure at the
auxiliary spar position.

2–Appx A–2 Amendment 3

Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R







Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2




Paragraph Referenced Book 1 Paragraph




Section 1 GENERAL










Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

CONTENTS (continued)

Paragraph .



Section 5 TRIM






Section 7 STALLS



Section 8 SPINNING


101–105 RESERVED



111–119 RESERVED

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

CONTENTS (continued)

Paragraph .



122–131 RESERVED


Section 1 GENERAL


133–137 RESERVED



144–153 RESERVED



156–160 RESERVED


161 PARAGRAPH 23.771

162 PARAGRAPH 23.773
162a PARAGRAPH 23.775
163 PARAGRAPH 23.777
163a PARAGRAPH 23.785
167–175 RESERVED

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

CONTENTS (continued)

Paragraph .



178–188 RESERVED


Section 1 GENERAL


197–206 RESERVED



209–220 RESERVED



222–237 RESERVED

Section 4 OIL SYSTEM


239–244 RESERVED

Section 5 COOLING


249–254 RESERVED

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

CONTENTS (continued)

Paragraph .



257–265 RESERVED



269–278 RESERVED



280–285 RESERVED


Section 1 GENERAL

293–299 RESERVED



311–318 RESERVED

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

CONTENTS (continued)

Paragraph .



324–328 RESERVED

Section 4 LIGHTS


331–335. RESERVED



340–349 RESERVED



357–364 RESERVED


Section 1 GENERAL



Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

CONTENTS (continued)

Paragraph .

377–386 RESERVED



400–409 RESERVED



415–424 RESERVED


Appendix 5 RESERVED

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS­23 BOOK 2



a. Explanation

(1) Aeroplane Categories. Paragraph 23.1(a) is introductory and prescribes the aeroplane
categories eligible for certification under CS­23. Applicants should refer to Part 21 for certification

(2) Design Data. Part 21.20 requires an applicant to demonstrate compliance by some
acceptable means even though the Agency has previously certificated an identical alteration for
someone else and has the supporting data on file. Design data submitted with an application for
certification is not releasable to the public or any other applicant without the consent of the data holder.


a. Explanation. For Normal/Utility Category as well as for Commuter Category Aeroplanes Stalls
(except whip stalls) are approved manoeuvres. In this context approved stalls are to be understood to
be stalls as defined in §§23.49, 23.201 and 23.203.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


Section 1 GENERAL


a. Explanation

(1) Determining Compliance. This paragraph provides a degree of latitude for the Agency test
team in selecting the combination of tests or inspections required to demonstrate compliance with the
regulations. Engineering tests are designed to investigate the overall capabilities and characteristics of
the aeroplane throughout its operating envelope and should include sufficient combinations of weight,
centre of gravity, altitude, temperature, airspeed, etc., necessary to define the envelope and show
compliance within. Testing should be sufficiently rigorous to define the limits of the entire operating
envelope and establish compliance with the regulations at these points. If compliance cannot be
established between these points, additional testing should be conducted to determine compliance.
Testing should confirm normal and emergency procedures, performance information, and operating
limitations that are to be included in the Aeroplane Flight Manual (AFM).

(2) Flight Tests. Part 21.35 requires, in part, that the applicant make flight tests and report the
results of the flight tests prior to official Agency Type Inspection testing. After the applicant has
submitted sufficient data to the Agency showing that compliance can be met, the Agency will conduct
any inspections, flight, or ground tests required to verify the applicant's test results. Compliance may
be based on the applicant's engineering data, and a spot check or validation through Agency flight
tests. The Agency testing should obtain validation at critical combinations of proposed flight variables
if compliance cannot be established using engineering judgement from the combinations investigated.

(3) Use of Ballast. Ballast may be carried during the flight tests whenever it is necessary to
achieve a specific weight and centre of gravity (c.g.) location. Consideration should be given to the
vertical as well as horizontal location of the ballast in cases where it may have an appreciable effect
on the flying qualities of the aeroplane. The strength of the supporting structures should be considered
to preclude their failure as a result of the anticipated loads that may be imposed during the particular

(4) Flight Test Tolerances. The purpose of the tolerances specified in 23.21(a)(5) is to allow for
variations in flight test values from which data are acceptable for reduction to the value desired. They
are not intended for routine test scheduling at the lower weights, or to allow for compliance to be
shown at less than the critical condition; nor are they to be considered as allowable inaccuracy of
measurement (such as in an airspeed calibration). Where variation in the parameter on which a
tolerance is allowed will have an effect on the results of the test, the result should be corrected to the
most critical value of that parameter within the operating envelope being approved. If such a
correction is impossible or impractical, the average test conditions should assure that the measured
characteristics represent the actual critical value.

(5) Following are additional tolerances that are acceptable:

Item Tolerance
Airspeed 5,6 km/h (3 kt) or ±3%, whichever is greater
Power ±5%
Wind (takeoff and As low as possible but not to exceed approximately 12% V S1
landing tests) or 19 km/h (10 kt), whichever is lower, along the runway
measured at a height of 1,8 m (6 ft) above the runway
surface. At higher wind velocities, the data may be
unreliable due to wind variations and non­smooth flight

(6) The following list indicates cases in which corrections to a standard value of the parameter are
normally allowed:

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Test Weight Density Power Airspeed Other

Takeoff Performance X X X X Wind, runway gradient

Landing Performance X X — X Wind, runway gradient
Stall Speed X — — —
Climb Performance X X X X Acceleration
Vmc — X X —

(7) Function and Reliability Test. Part 21.35(b)(2) specifies the requirements of Function and
Reliability Tests, which are required for aircraft with a Maximum Certificated Weight over 2 722 kg
(6 000 lb).

b. Procedures

(1) Test Plan. Efforts should begin early in the certification programme to provide assistance to
the applicant to ensure coverage of all certification requirements. The applicant should develop a test
plan which includes the required instrumentation.

(2) Instrument Calibration. Test instrumentation (transducers, indicators, etc.) should be

calibrated (removed from the aeroplane and bench checked by an approved method in an approved
facility) within 6 months of the tests. When electronic recording devices are used, such as
oscillographs, data loggers, and other electronic data acquisition devices, pre­flight and post flight
parameter re­calibrations should be run for each test flight to ensure that none of the parameters have
shifted from their initial zero settings. Critical transducers and indicators for critical tests (for example,
airspeed indicators and pressure transducers for flight tests to V D) should be calibrated within 60 days
of the test in addition to the other requirements mentioned above. The instrument hysteresis should be
known; therefore, readings at suitable increments should be taken in both increasing and decreasing
directions. Calibration records, like the one shown below, should be signed by the agent of the repair
or overhaul facility doing the work and be available to the test pilot prior to beginning test flying. It
should be emphasised that these calibrations must be accomplished at an approved facility. For
example, using a leak checker to ‘calibrate’ an airspeed indicator, whether in or out of the aeroplane,
is not acceptable.


P/N 1701DX8­04
S/N AF55­17044
Master Test Ascent Descent
Indicator Reads Indicator Reads
40 38∙0 39∙0
50 49∙0 50∙5
60 59∙5 61∙0
70 70∙0 71∙0
80 80∙0 81∙0

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.21 (continued)

(3) Use of Ballast

(i) Loading. Ballast loading of the aeroplane can be accomplished in a number of ways to
achieve a specific weight and c.g. location as long as the loading remains within the physical confines
of the aeroplane. In flight test work, loading problems will occasionally be encountered making it
difficult to obtain the desired c.g. location. Those cases may require loading in engine compartments
or other places not designed for load carrying. When this condition is encountered, care should be
taken to ensure that local structural stresses are not exceeded or that aeroplane flight characteristics
are not changed due to changes in moments of inertia caused by adding a very long arm (tail post,

(ii) Solid and Liquid Ballast. There are basically two types of ballast that may be used in
aeroplane loading: solid or liquid. The solids are usually high­density materials such as lead or
sandbags, while the liquid is usually water. In critical tests, the ballast should be loaded in a manner so
that disposal in flight can be accomplished and be located at a point which will produce a significant
c.g. shift when jettison takes place. In any case, the load should be securely attached in its loaded
position. In aeroplanes with multiple fuel tank arrangements, the fuel load and distribution should be
considered for weight and c.g. control.

(4) Function and Reliability Tests, for aeroplanes over 2722 kg (6 000 lb). Maximum Certificated

(i) A comprehensive and systematic check of all aircraft components should be made to assure
that they perform their intended function and are reliable.

(ii) Function and reliability (F&R) testing should be accomplished on an aircraft which is in
conformity with the approved production configuration. F&R testing should follow the type certification
testing to assure that significant changes resulting from type certification tests can be incorporated on
the aircraft prior to F&R tests.

(iii) All components of the aircraft should be periodically operated in sequences and combinations
likely to occur in service. Ground inspection should be made at appropriate intervals to identify
potential failure conditions; however, no special maintenance beyond that described in the aircraft
maintenance manual should be allowed.

(iv) A complete record of defects and failures should be maintained along with required servicing
of aircraft fluid levels. Results of this record should be consistent with inspection and servicing
information provided in the aircraft maintenance manual.

(v) A certain portion of the F&R test program may emphasise systems, operational conditions, or
environments found particularly marginal during type certification tests.


a. Explanation

(1) C.G. Envelope. The test tolerance of ±7% of the total c.g. range (given in 23.21) is intended
to allow some practical relief for in flight c.g. movement. This relief is only acceptable when the test
data general scatter is on either side of the limiting c.g. or when c.g. correction from test c.g. to limit
c.g. is acceptable. Sufficient points inside the desired weight and balance envelope should be
explored to ensure that the operational pilot will not be placed in an unsafe condition. Should
unsatisfactory flight characteristics be present, the limits of the envelope should be reduced to ensure
safe margins. Where variation in the c.g. position may have a significant effect on the result of a test
(e.g. Spins and V MCs), the result should be corrected to the most critical c.g. position within the
operating limits to be approved. If such a correction is impractical or may be unreliable, the actual test
should ensure that the measured characteristics represent the critical value.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.23 (continued)

(2) Narrow Utility C.G. Envelope. Some utility category aeroplanes, for which spin approval is
sought, may have a very narrow c.g. range. If a limited fuel load is required to achieve the narrow c.g.
envelope, the test pilot should ensure that loading instructions or aids (such as fuel tank tabs) will
enable the operational pilot to stay in the approved c.g. envelope.

(3) Gross Weight Effects. The test pilot is expected to determine the effect that gross weight,
including low­fuel state, may have on the aeroplane's flight characteristics. If it is found the flight
characteristics would be adversely affected, tests should be performed for trim, stability, and
controllability including V MC, stalls, and spins under the most adverse weight condition. Separate
loading restrictions may apply to certain flight operations, such as spins.

(4) Lateral Loads. If possible loading conditions can result in a significant variation of the lateral
centre of gravity, this lateral range of centre of gravity must be established:

(i) the limits selected by the applicant;

(ii) the limits for which the structure has been proven; or

(iii) the limits for which compliance with all the applicable flight requirements has been
demonstrated. The demonstrated weight and c.g. combinations should consider asymmetric loadings.
When investigating the effects of asymmetric lateral loads the following paragraphs in this FTG
represent applicable flight requirements:–

23.143 Controllability and Manoeuvrability, General

23.147 Directional and Lateral Control
23.151 Aerobatic Manoeuvres
23.157 Rate of Roll
23.149 Minimum Control Speed
23.161 Trim
23.177 Static Directional and Lateral Stability
23.201 Wings Level Stall
23.203(b)(1) Turning Flight and accelerated turning stalls
23.221 Spinning
23.233 Directional Stability and Control
23.701 Flap Interconnection

b. Procedures. None.


a. Explanation

(1) Maximum Weight Limits. The maximum weight may be limited in three ways: at the election
of the applicant, by structural design requirements, or by flight requirements.

(2) Maximum Weight Exceptions. The regulations concerning design maximum weight allows an
exception in that some of the structural requirements may be met at a lesser weight known as a design
landing weight which is defined in 23.473. Also, in many cases, due to changes in the operational
requirements of an owner/operator, the need arises to modify and substantiate the structure for an
increase in maximum weight and/or maximum landing weight. Any one of these increases affects the
aeroplane basic loads and structural integrity and could affect the limitations and performance.

If an aeroplane was certificated with maximum landing weight equal to maximum weight, some
applicants, via the supplemental type certificate (STC) process, take advantage of the 5 percent
difference between design landing and design maximum weight permitted by paragraph 23.473(b) so
that re­substantiation of the landing gear for landing loads is not required when increasing the

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.25 (continued)

maximum weight by as much as 5 percent. For those programs involving more than 5 percent
increase in maximum weight, some re­substantiation of the landing gear should be accomplished.

Other applicants are replacing piston engines with turbopropeller engines, thus requiring that gasoline
be replaced with jet fuel, which weighs as much as 17 percent more. In some cases, the quantity of
fuel is being increased at the same time as engine replacement, but the maximum zero fuel weight
remains the same.

All of the above types of modifications should be investigated to verify that critical loads have not
increased or that those loads which have increased are capable of being carried by the existing or
modified structure.

(3) Weight, Altitude, Temperature (WAT). For all aeroplanes with a maximum take­off weight
exceeding 2722 kg (6000 lb) and turbine engined aeroplanes a WAT chart may be used as a
maximum weight limitation.

(4) Ramp Weight. The applicant may elect to use a ‘ramp weight’ provided compliance is shown
with each applicable paragraph of CS 23. Ramp weight is the takeoff weight at brake release plus an
increment of fuel weight consumed during engine start, taxiing, and runup. Generally, this increment of
fuel should not exceed 1% of the maximum permissible flight weight up to a maximum of 57 kg (125
lb). The pilot should be provided a means to reasonably determine the aeroplane gross weight at
brake release for takeoff. A fuel totaliser is one way of providing the pilot with fuel on board.
Alternately, a mental calculation by the pilot may be used, if the pilot is provided the information to
make the calculation and the calculation is not too complex. Normally, fuel for engine start and runup
will be sufficiently close to a fixed amount that taxi can be considered as the only variable. If the pilot
is provided with taxi fuel burn rate in kg/minute (lb/minute), then the resulting mental calculation is
acceptable. The pilot will be responsible to ensure that the takeoff gross weight limitation is complied
with for each takeoff, whether it be limited by altitude, temperature, or other criteria. The maximum
ramp weight should be shown as a limitation on the Type Certificate (TC) Data Sheet and in the AFM.

(5) Lowest Maximum Weight. 23.25(a)(2)(i) and 23.25(a)(2)(ii) require that each of the two
conditions, (i) and (ii), must be considered and that the maximum weight, as established, not be less
than the weight under either condition. This has to be shown with the most critical combinations of
required equipment for the type of operation for which certification is requested.

(6) Placarding of Seats. When establishing a maximum weight in accordance with 23.25(a)(2)(i),
one or more seats may be placarded to a weight of less than 77 kg (170 lb) (or less than 86 kg (190
lb) for utility and aerobatic category aeroplanes). An associated requirement is 23.1557(b). The AFM
loading instructions, required by 23.1589(b), should be specific in addressing the use of the placarded

b. Procedures. None.


a. Explanation

(1) Fixed Ballast. Fixed ballast refers to ballast that is made a permanent part of the aeroplane
as a means of controlling the c.g.

(2) Equipment List. Compliance with 23.29(b) may be accomplished by the use of an equipment
list which defines the installed equipment at the time of weighing and the weight, arm, and moment of
the equipment.
b. Procedures. For prototype and modified test aeroplanes, it is necessary to establish a known
basic weight and c.g. position (by weighing) from which the extremes of weight and c.g. travel required
by the test program may be calculated. Normally, the test crew will verify the calculations.

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 (continued)


a. Explanation. This regulation is associated only with ballast which is installed in certificated
aeroplanes under specified conditions. The ballasting of prototype aeroplanes so that flight tests can
be conducted at certain weight and c.g. conditions is covered under 23.21, paragraph 6, of this AMC

b. Fluid Cargo. For those aeroplanes configured to carry fluid cargo (such as agricultural
chemical tanks, minnow tanks, slurry tanks, etc.), aeroplane handling qualities should be evaluated for
controllability and non exceedance of limitations at full and the most critical partial fluid loads. Also,
when so equipped, the effects of in­flight jettison or dumping of the fluid load should be evaluated to
establish that the pilot is able to exercise sufficient control to prevent unacceptably large flight path
excursions or exceedance of operational/structural limits.


a. General. Paragraph 23.33(a) requires that propeller speed and pitch be limited to values that
will ensure safe operation under normal operating conditions.

b. Procedures. The following applicable tests should be conducted:

(1) Fixed Pitch Propellers

(i) Maximum Revolutions per Minute (R.P.M.). The regulation is self­explanatory.

(ii) Static R.P.M. Determine the average static r.p.m. with the aeroplane stationary and the
engine operating at full throttle under a no­wind condition. The mixture setting should be the same as
used for maximum r.p.m. determination. If the wind is light (5 knots or less), this static r.p.m. can be
the average obtained with a direct crosswind from the left and a direct crosswind from the right.

(iii) Data Sheet R.P.M. Determination. For fixed pitch propellers, the static r.p.m. range is listed in
the TC Data Sheet; for example, not more than 2 200 r.p.m. and not less than 2 100 r.p.m. The
allowable static r.p.m. range is normally established by adding and subtracting 50 r.p.m. to an average
no­wind static r.p.m. An applicant may desire to obtain approval for one or more additional propellers
and retain only one r.p.m. range statement. An applicant may also choose to extend the propeller's
static r.p.m. range.

(A) Lower R.P.M. The static r.p.m. range may be extended on the low side by obtaining approval
for a propeller with a lower static r.p.m. In this case, the approval must be accomplished with due
consideration of performance requirements. The aeroplane with the new propeller installed must be
able to meet the minimum climb performance requirements.

(B) Higher R.P.M. If the static r.p.m. range is to be extended upward, the new propeller would
have to be tested to ensure that it did not cause an engine speed above 110% of maximum continuous
speed in a closed throttle dive at the never­exceed speed. It must not exceed the rated takeoff r.p.m.
of the engine up to and including the best rate of climb speed of the aeroplane. An engine cooling
climb test may also be required due to the additional power produced by the faster turning propeller.

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.33 (continued)

(2) Controllable Pitch Propellers Without Constant Speed Controls

(i) Climb R.P.M. With the propeller in full low pitch, determine that the maximum r.p.m. during a
climb using maximum power at the all­engine(s)­operating climb speed does not exceed the rated
takeoff r.p.m. of the engine.

(ii) Dive R.P.M. With the propeller in full high pitch, determine that the closed throttle r.p.m. in a
dive at the never­exceed speed is not greater than 110% of the rated maximum continuous r.p.m. of
the engine.

(3) Controllable Pitch Propellers With Constant Speed Controls

(i) Climb R.P.M. With the propeller governor operative and prop control in full high r.p.m.
position, determine that the maximum power r.p.m. does not exceed the rated takeoff r.p.m. of the
engine during takeoff and climb at the all­engine(s)­operating climb speed.

(ii) Static R.P.M. With the propeller governor made inoperative by mechanical means, obtain a
no­wind static r.p.m.

(A) Reciprocating Engines. Determine that the maximum power static r.p.m., with the propeller
blade operating against the low pitch stop, does not exceed 103% of the rated takeoff r.p.m. of the

(B) Turbopropeller Engines. Although this rule references manifold pressure, it has been
considered to be applicable to turbopropeller installations. With the governor inoperative, the propeller
blades at the lowest possible pitch, with takeoff power, the aeroplane stationary, and no wind, ensure
that the propeller speed does not exceed the maximum approved engine and propeller r.p.m. limits.
Propellers that go to feather when the governor is made inoperative need not be tested.

(iii) Safe Operation Under Normal Operating Conditions

(A) Reciprocating Engines. For Normal and Utility Category Aeroplanes. Descent at V NE or V MO
with full power, although within the normal operating range, is not a normal operating procedure.
Engine r.p.m., with propeller on the high pitch blade stops, that can be controlled by retarding the
throttle may be considered as acceptable in showing compliance with 23.33(a).

(B) Turbopropeller Engines. Perform a maximum r.p.m. at maximum torque (or power) descent
at V MO to ensure that normal operating limits for the propeller are not exceeded.

(4) Data Acquisition and Reduction. The observed r.p.m. data in each case must be corrected
for tachometer error. The airspeed system error must also be taken into consideration to determine
the proper calibrated airspeed. True airspeed may also need to be considered because propeller
angle of attack is a function of true airspeed.


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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 (continued)



a. Explanation

(1) Atmospheric Standards. The purpose of 23.45(a) is to set the atmospheric standards in which
the performance requirements should be met. The air should be smooth with no temperature
inversions, mountain waves, etc. This is essential to obtaining good data and repeatable results. Non­
standard conditions of temperature, pressure, etc., can be corrected to standard, but there are no
corrections to compensate for poor quality data due to turbulence or poor pilot technique. A thorough
knowledge of the limitations of the testing procedures and data reduction methods is essential so that
good engineering judgement may be used to determine the acceptability of any tests.

(i) Reciprocating engine­powered aeroplanes below 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) Maximum Weight.
Performance tests will normally be conducted in non­standard atmospheric conditions, but ideally for
accuracy in data reduction and expansion, tests should be conducted in still air and atmospheric
conditions as near those of a standard atmosphere as possible. Accounting for winds and non­
standard conditions requires testing procedures and data reduction methods that reduce the data to
still air and standard atmospheric conditions.

(ii) Reciprocating engine­powered aeroplanes of more than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) Maximum Weight
and Turbine­engined powered aeroplanes. Performance tests should be conducted in the range of
atmospheric conditions that will show compliance with the selected weight, altitude, and temperature
limits. See paragraph 19 of this AMC for guidance on extrapolation of takeoff data and paragraph 27
for extrapolation of landing data.

(2) Standard Atmosphere. The Standard Atmosphere is identical to the International Civil Aviation
Organisation (ICAO) Standard Atmosphere for altitudes below 19 812 m (65 000 ft). Appendix 7,
figure 1, gives properties of the Standard Atmosphere in an abbreviated format.

(3) Installed Power. The installed propulsive horsepower/thrust of the test engine(s) may be
determined using the applicable method described in Appendix 1, based on the power approved during
aeroplane certification. The methods in Appendix 1 account for installation losses and the power
absorbed by accessories and services. Consideration should also be given to the accuracy of the
power setting instruments/systems, and the pilot's ability to accurately set the power/thrust.

(4) Propeller Cut­off. If the aeroplane will be certificated with an allowable cut­off for the
propeller, then the performance flight testing should be done using the most critical propeller diameter.
In most cases this is expected to be the minimum diameter propeller allowed.

(5) Flight Procedures. The Flight procedures must not be unduly sensitive to less than ideal
atmospheric conditions. The atmospheric conditions ‘reasonably expected to be encountered in
service’ may be different depending on the class of aircraft but should cover at least the maximum
demonstrated crosswind component established in compliance with Paragraph 23.233(a).

(6) Flight Test Data. For calibrated engines, test day power would be the calibrated test day
power. For uncalibrated engines, an acceptable method is to assume that the test day power is the
upper tolerance chart brake horsepower. See Appendix 1 for further discussion. The performance
data required by 23.1587 is dependent on the horsepower assumed for the various temperature and
altitude conditions. Refer to Appendix 1, which deals both with test data reduction and expansion.

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.45 (continued)

(7) Humidity Correction. See appendix 1.

b. Procedures. See appendix I.

c. Time Delays. The reasonable time delays, required by Paragraph 23.45h(5)(iii), for different
procedures are covered in respective paragraphs, such as accelerate­stop and landing.

d. Operation on Unpaved Runways

(1) Small aeroplanes operations from grass runways. For aeroplanes less than 2 722 kg
(6 000 lb) maximum weight, the factors given below may be quoted in the flight manual, as an
alternative to the scheduling of data derived from testing or calculation. It should be noted that these
factors are intended to cover the range of types in this category, and are necessarily conservative.
Manufacturers are therefore encouraged to produce and schedule their own data in accordance with
below to obtain optimised performance for their aeroplane.

Take­off Dry Grass 1.2

Landing Dry Grass 1.2


1 Due to the uncertainty of knowing if the grass is dry or wet, it is suggested that the landing factor be
increased to 1.4

2 If the grass is known to be wet, the factors should be

Take­off 1.3

Landing 1.6

3 The above data are for a known smooth flat runway. If the runway is not smooth, the grass is very long
or very short, higher factors may be warranted.

(2) Aeroplanes with 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) or more MTOW

Aeroplanes operations on other than smooth dry hard runway surfaces require specific approval and
the scheduling of information on the effect of those surfaces on take­off and landing distances in the
flight manual. To obtain approval for take­off and landing operations on unpaved runway surfaces
compliance with the following should be shown:–

(i) Each type of surface must be defined so that it can be recognised in operations in service.
The identification should include specification of all characteristics of the surface necessary for safe
operation, such as:–

(A) surface and sub­base bearing strength;

(B) thickness, compactness and aggregate of the surface material;

(C) surface condition (e.g. dry or wet).

(ii) It should be determined that the aeroplane can be operated on each defined surface without
hazard from likely impingement or engine ingestion of any foreign objects that are constituent parts of
the surface.

(iii) If any special procedures or techniques are found to be necessary, these should also be
determined and scheduled.

(iv) The take­off and landing performance on each defined surface should be determined in
accordance with 23.53 and 23.75, as modified below.

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.45 (continued)

(v) Take­off and Landing Data. Take­off and landing data must be determined and scheduled for
each type of unpaved surface for which approval is requested.

(A) The test runways on which the take­off and landing distance measurements are conducted
should be chosen to be representative of the worst characteristics (i.e. high rolling friction, low braking
friction) of each of the types of runway under consideration.

(B) In establishing the operating limitations for a particular type of unpaved runway, the runway's
load bearing characteristics, rolling and braking friction, and impingement and ingestion characteristics
should be considered.


a. Explanation

(1) 113 km/h (61 Kt) Stall Speed. The 113 km/h (61 kt or 70 m.p.h.) stalling speed applies to the
maximum takeoff weight for which the aeroplane is to be certificated.

(2) Background. Since many of the regulations pertaining to performance, handling qualities,
airspeed indicator markings, and other variables which are functions of stall speeds, it is desirable to
accomplish the stall speed testing early in the programme, so the data are available for subsequent
testing. Because of this interrelationship between the stall speeds and other critical performance
parameters, it is essential that accurate measurement methods and careful piloting techniques be
used. Most standard aeroplane pitot­static systems have not been found to be acceptable for stall
speed determination. These tests require the use of properly calibrated instruments and usually
require a separate test airspeed system, such as a trailing bomb, a trailing cone, or an acceptable
nose or wing boom. The stall speed determinations necessary for marking the airspeed indicator are
in terms of indicated airspeed (lAS) corrected for instrument error. The other stall speeds are in terms
of calibrated airspeed (CAS). Thus, a production airspeed system should be available during stall
speed measurements to determine stall speeds in terms of IAS.

(3) Stall Definition. Paragraph 23.49(d) requires the V S0 and V S1 speeds to be determined using
the procedures specified in 23.201. See CS 1 and 23.49 for definitions of V S0 and VS1. Paragraph
23.201(b) defines when the aeroplane can be considered stalled, for aeroplane certification purposes
when one of three conditions occurs, whichever occurs first, the aeroplane is stalled. The conditions

(i) Uncontrollable downward pitching motion;

(ii) Downward pitching motion resulting from the activation of a device (e.g. stick pusher), or

(iii) The control reaches the stop.

For those aeroplanes where the control reaches the stop, V S is considered to be the minimum speed
obtained while the control is held against the stop. Elevator limited aeroplanes may or may not
develop a minimum steady flight speed. See figure 17–1 for a graphic representation of stall speed
time histories for various configurations. The time the control is held against the stop for stall speed
determination should be a minimum of 2 seconds and consistent with the time against the stop for stall
characteristics testing (paragraph 23.201). Additionally, for aeroplanes with a stall barrier system,
stick pusher operation has been considered as the stall speed. The term ‘uncontrollable downward
pitching motion’ is the point at which the pitching motion can no longer be arrested by application of
nose­up elevator and not necessarily the first indication of nose­down pitch.
(4) Reciprocating Engine Throttle position. For reciprocating engine aeroplanes, the stalling
speed is that obtainable with the propellers in the takeoff position and the engines idling with throttles
closed. As an alternative to ‘throttles closed’ the regulations allow the use of sufficient power to
produce zero propeller thrust at a speed not more than 10% above the stalling speed. The regulations

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph
Section 23.49

do not allow any alternative to the use of ‘propellers in the takeoff position,’ nor is any alternative
intended except that the use of a feathered propeller in certification stalling speed tests is acceptable
only when it has been determined that the resulting stalling speed is conservative (higher). If the
stalling speed tests are to be conducted with the propellers delivering zero thrust, some dependable
method, such as a propeller slipstream rake, should be available in flight. The practice of establishing
zero thrust r.p.m. by calculation is also acceptable. One calculation method is given in subparagraph
(5) below. Analytical corrections may be acceptable if satisfactory accounting is made for the effects
of propeller efficiency, slipstream, altitude, and other pertinent variables.

(5) Zero­Thrust R.P.M. Calculation

(i) Zero­thrust r.p.m. can be calculated by using the propeller manufacturer’s propeller
coefficient curves. The thrust will be zero when the propeller thrust coefficient is zero for the particular
propeller blade angle. Using the propeller coefficient curves, obtain or construct a chart like figure 17–

where CT = thrust coefficient

CP = power coefficient
ß = blade angle setting
J = advance ratio

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

1.1 Vs

Not elevator

Trim down
speed pitch

1.1 Vs

Entry control
rate limited *

speed Vs ( Minimum steady
1.1 Vs Flight speed)

Vs Artificial barrier
(pusher system)


* Aeroplanes may or may not develop a minimum steady flight speed.

Figure 17–1 STALL SPEED

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.49 (continued)

B =3
= ,1
25 o 8
CT = ,0
Cp ­ power coefficient

20 o CT = ,0
15 o ,04
CT =
10 o
CT =

CT =

J­Advance ratio


(ii) The propeller blade is usually against the low pitch stop position, in the speed range of
interest. Knowing the blade angle setting, the advance ratio J, can be determined to give zero­thrust
for the particular propeller under consideration. Knowing the value of J for zero­thrust, the propeller
r.p.m. for various velocities can be calculated as follows:

101 × 27 V
propeller r.p.m. =

Where: V = aeroplane true airspeed in knots

J = advance ratio
D = propeller diameter in feet

(iii) The calculated velocities and propeller r.p.m. for zero­thrust can be plotted as shown in figure

(6) Turbopropeller Thrust. For turbopropeller aeroplanes 23.49(e)(2) requires the propulsive
thrust not be greater than zero during stall speed determination, or as an alternative to zero thrust, if
idle thrust has no appreciable effect on stall speed, stall speed can be determined with the engines
idling. If the aeroplane has a flight idle position, this would be the appropriate throttle position. Flight
test experience has shown that some turbopropeller­powered aeroplanes may demonstrate a relatively
high positive propeller thrust at the stall speed with the engines at flight idle. This thrust condition may
yield an unconservative (lower) stall speed. Therefore, just as for piston­powered aeroplanes, some
dependable method to determine zero thrust should be available for comparison of zero thrust stall
speed and flight idle stall speed or for determination of zero thrust stall speed. Residual jet thrust
should be considered. Comparisons of zero thrust stall speed and flight idle stall speed should be
investigated at high and low altitudes. Use of feathered propellers is acceptable if the feathered stall
speeds are found to be conservative (higher).

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2Paragraph
2 Paragraph23.49


Figure 17–3 ZERO THRUST

(7) Fixed Shaft Turboprops. Experience on some fixed­shaft turboprop installations indicates that
stall speeds can be evaluated at mid­altitudes and appear to be totally conservative. However, if stalls
are conducted at altitudes of 1524 m (5 000 ft) or below, the stall speed can increase dramatically.
This occurs because the propeller drag characteristics are a function of true airspeed, and as true
airspeed decreases, the drag goes up substantially and the flow behind the propeller on wing­mounted
engines causes premature inboard wing airflow separation. In addition, if the horizontal tail and the
elevator are exposed to the same flow, the elevator power is decreased and tends to compound the
problem. It is recommended that stall speeds be re­evaluated at low altitudes on all fixed shaft
turboprops to assure that the stall speeds have not increased.

b. Procedures

(1) Instrumentation

(i) Test Systems. As previously mentioned, the production airspeed system is normally not
sufficiently predictable or repeatable at high angles­of­attack to accurately measure the performance
stall speeds of an aeroplane. However, a production airspeed system should be installed during stall
speed tests to define the airspeed indicator markings required by 23.1545. The performance stall
speed test system utilised in a type certification program should be calibrated to a minimum speed at
least as low as the predicted minimum stall speed anticipated on the test aeroplane. Test systems
that have been utilised to accurately define the performance stall speeds include, but not are limited to:

(A) Boom Systems. Swivel­head, boom­mounted, pitot­static systems with sufficient free­swivel
angle to cover the stall angle­of­attack range of the aeroplane have been found to be acceptable.
Some angle­of­attack compensated fixed pitot heads have also been found to be acceptable over a
wind tunnel defined angle­of­attack range. In all wing­mounted boom systems, the boom mounted
static source should be at least one chord length ahead of the wing leading edge. On nose­boom
mounted systems, it has been generally accepted that the static source should be at least one and
one­half fuselage diameters ahead of the nose. All boom systems should be installed in a manner
which assures that the boom and boom pitot­static head are structurally sound (both static and
dynamic) within the proposed operating range.

(B) Pitot­Static Bombs. Pitot­static bombs that are stable through the stall manoeuvres have
been found to provide acceptable data.

(C) Trailing Cones. A trailing cone static source dynamically balanced with a swivel head pitot
source, or dynamically balanced with a fixed pitot source of proven accuracy in the stall angle­of­attack
Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 22 Section
Chapter Paragraph

range has been acceptable. The stability of the cone should be verified during stall tests and
throughout its intended operating range. The length of the cone may need to be adjusted on individual
aeroplane installations to assure cone stability.

(ii) Lag Equalisation. All of the systems described in paragraph (i) could involve the use of long
lengths of pressure tubing and the associated pressure lags then occur whenever speed and/or altitude
are changed. Probably the most important consideration in these installations (on most small general
aviation aeroplanes) is that the test pitot­static systems should be dynamically balanced. This is easily
accomplished experimentally by putting both the total head and static orifices in a common chamber
and varying the pressure in the chamber at a rate corresponding to a 10,2 to 15,2 m/s (2 000 to 3 000
ft/min) rate of descent. Various volumes are inserted in the total head line until the airspeed indicator
has no tendency to move in either direction from zero during the simulated rate of descent. This
method results in approximately the same volume in both systems, and for the same size tubing, the
Reynolds Number of the flow through both lines will be the same. A dynamically balanced airspeed
system has equal lag in both the total and static sides. Use of a balanced system simplifies the
interpretation of recorded stall time histories.

(iii) Lag Correction. When a balanced test airspeed system is used, it is often unnecessary to
determine the actual amount of lag present. When such a determination is necessary, a method for
accounting for lag errors is described in NASA Reference publication 1046, ‘Measurement of Aircraft
Speed and Altitude’, by W. Gracey, May 1980.

(2) Test

(i) Stall Speed. The actual test should be commenced with the aeroplane in the configuration
desired and trimmed at approximately 1.5 V S1 or the minimum speed trim, whichever is greater. The
aeroplane should be slowed to about 19 km/h (10 knots) above the stall, at which time the speed
should be reduced at a rate of one knot per second or less until the stall occurs or the control reaches
the stop. Where exact determination of stalling speed is required, entry rate should be varied to
bracket one knot per second, and data should be recorded to allow the preparation of time histories
similar to those shown in figure 17–1. The indicated airspeed at the stall should be noted, using the
production airspeed system. Both the indicated airspeeds and the calibrated stall speeds may then be
plotted versus entry rate to determine the one knot per second values.

(ii) Bomb. When using a bomb, caution should be used in recovering from the stall so that the
bomb is not whipped off the end of the hose.

(iii) Weight and C.G. The stalling speed should be determined at all weight and c.g. positions
defining the corners of the loading envelope to determine the critical condition. The highest stall speed
for each weight will be forward c.g. in most cases except for unconventional configurations. Data
should be recorded so that the weight and c.g. at the time of the test can be accurately determined.
This can often be done by recording the time of takeoff, time of test, time of landing, and total fuel
used during the flight.

(iv) Power and Configuration. The stall should be repeated enough times for each configuration to
ensure a consistent speed. If a correction is to be made for zero thrust, then the stall speed and
power at several power settings may be recorded for later extrapolation to zero thrust.

(v) Control Stops. The elevator up stop should be set to the minimum allowable deflection. Flap
travels should be set to minimum allowable settings.

(3) Data Reduction. The correction involves:

(i) Correction for airspeed error – IAS to CAS (correct for instrument as well as position error)
when CAS is required.

(ii) Correction for weight – multiply the test calibrated stall speed times the square root of the
standard weight divided by the test weight.

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CS–23 BOOK 2

VS = VST Where V s = Stall speed (CAS)
V st = Test stall speed (CAS)
W s = Standard weight
W t = Test weight

(CAUTION — Do not use for minimum steady flight speed)

(iii) The correction for weight shown above applies only where the c.g. is not also changing with
weight. Where c.g. is changing with weight, such as between forward regardless and forward gross,
stall speed should account for this. A straight line variation between the measured stall speeds for the
two weight and c.g. conditions has been found to be an acceptable method.


a. Explanation. The primary objective of this paragraph is to determine the normal take­off
speeds for non­weight, altitude and temperature limited aeroplanes and for WAT limited aeroplanes to
determine the take­off speed schedules for all take­off configurations at weight, altitude and
temperature conditions within the operational limits selected by the applicant.

b. For Normal, Utility and Aerobatic category aeroplanes, the rotation speed, (V R) in terms of in­
ground effect calibrated airspeed, must be selected by the applicant. V R is constrained by 23.51 (a) as

(1) For twin­engine landplanes V R must not be less than the greater of 1.05 V MC or 1.10 V S1;

(2) For single­engined landplanes, V R must not be less than V S1; and

(3) For seaplanes and amphibians taking off from water, V R may be any speed that is shown to be
safe under all reasonably expected conditions, including turbulence and complete failure of the critical

c. For Normal, Utility and aerobatic category aeroplanes, the speed at 15 m (50 ft):

(1) Twin­engine 15 m (50­ft) Speed. For twin­engine aeroplanes, 23.51(b)(1) requires the speed
at the 15 m(50ft) point to be the higher of:

(i) a speed that is shown to be safe for continued flight (or land back, if applicable) under all
reasonably expected conditions, including turbulence and complete engine failure; or

(ii) 1.1 V MC, or

(iii) 1.2 V S1.

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Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.51 (continued)

(2) Single Engine 15 m(50 ft) Speed. For single­engine aeroplanes, 23.51(b)(2) requires the
speed at the 15 m (50 ft) point to be the higher of:

(i) a speed that is shown to be safe under all reasonably expected conditions, including
turbulence and complete engine failure; or

(ii) 1.2 V S1.

(3) Takeoff Speed Investigations – General

Investigation of the acceptability of the takeoff speed, and of the associated takeoff procedure, should
include a demonstration that controllability and manoeuvrability in the takeoff configuration are
adequate to safely proceed with the takeoff in turbulent crosswind conditions and maximum approved
lateral imbalance.

(4) Single­engine Aeroplane Takeoff Speeds. The takeoff speed investigation should include
demonstration that controllability and manoeuvrability following engine failure at any time between lift­
off and the 15 m (50 ft) point are adequate for safe landing.

(5) Twin­engine Aeroplane Takeoff Speeds. For twin­engine aeroplanes, the investigation should
include a demonstration that the controllability and manoeuvrability following critical engine failure at
any time between lift­off and the 15 m (50 ft) point are adequate for either safe landing or for safe
continuation of the takeoff. There will be some combinations of weight, altitude, and temperature
where positive climb at the 15 m (50 ft) height with one engine inoperative is not possible. Because of
this, a satisfactory re­land manoeuvre should be demonstrated. Rotation speed should be scheduled
so that the speed at 15 m (50 ft) is in accordance with 23.51(b)(1).

(6) Multiple Takeoff Weights. For those twin­engine aeroplanes for which takeoff distance data
are to be approved for a range of weights, and for which the takeoff distance is based upon takeoff
speeds which decrease as the weight decreases, the investigations of paragraph (3) also should
include consideration of the minimum control speed, V MC. The 1.2 V S design limit imposed on V MC by
23.149 is intended to provide a controllability margin below the takeoff speed that is sufficient for
adequate control of the aeroplane in the event of engine failure during takeoff. Hence, to maintain the
intended level of safety for the lower takeoff speeds associated with the lighter takeoff weights,
investigation of the acceptability of such speeds for compliance with 23.51(b)(1) should include
demonstration of acceptable characteristics following engine failure at any time between lift­off and the
15 m (50 ft) point during takeoff in accordance with the established takeoff procedures.

(7) Complete Engine Failure. The term ‘complete engine failure’, has been consistently
interpreted to require that for twin­engine aeroplanes which meet the powerplant isolation
requirements of paragraph 23.903(c) in the takeoff configuration, only one engine need be made
inoperative in the specified investigations.

d. Commuter Category Aeroplanes

(1) Takeoff Speeds. The following speed definitions are given in terms of calibrated airspeed.
The AFM presentations are required by 23.1581(d) in indicated airspeed (lAS).

(i) Paragraph 23.51(c)(1) – Engine Failure Speed V EF. The engine failure speed (V EF) is defined
as the calibrated airspeed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail and must be selected by the
applicant. V EF cannot be less than 1.05 V MC as determined in 23.149. Ground controllability should
also be determined to be adequate at V EF to ensure meeting the requirements of 23.51(c)(1), i.e.
speed adequate to safely continue the takeoff. During the demonstration, the aeroplane’s ground run
should not deviate more than 9 m (30 feet) from the pre­engine­cut projected ground track. V MCg
determined under CS 25.149(e) is acceptable in lieu of 1.05 V MC. At the applicant’s option, in
crosswind conditions, the runs may be made on reciprocal headings or an analytical correction may be
applied to determine the zero crosswind deviation. If nose wheel steering is an integral part of the
rudder system and is required to be operative, then nose wheel steering may be active. Otherwise,

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Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.51 (continued)

control of the aeroplane should be accomplished by use of the rudder only. If the applicant elects to
use V MCg then the nosewheel steering must be disconnected as changes in CS 25.149(e). All other
controls, such as ailerons and spoilers, should only be used to correct any alterations in the aeroplane
attitude and to maintain a wings level condition. Use of those controls to supplement the rudder
effectiveness should not be used.

(ii) Paragraph 23.51(c)(1) – Takeoff Decision Speed (V 1). The takeoff decision speed (V 1) may
not be less than V EF plus the speed gained with the critical engine inoperative during the time interval
between V EF and the instant at which the pilot recognises the engine failure. This is indicated by pilot
application of the first decelerating device such as brakes, throttles, spoilers, etc., during accelerate­
stop tests. The applicant may choose the sequence of events. V 1 should include any airspeed system
errors determined during accelerate­takeoff ground runs. Refer to the requirements of 23.1323(c).

(iii) Paragraph 23.51(c)(2) – Rotation Speed (V R)

(A) The rotation speed, (V R) in terms of in­ground effect calibrated airspeed, must be selected by
the applicant. V R is constrained by 23.51(c)(2), as follows:

(1) V 1, or

(2) 1.05 V MC determined under CS 23.149(b); or

(3) 1.10 V S1; or

(4) the speed that allows attaining the initial climb­out speed, V 2, before reaching a height of 11 m
(35 ft) above the takeoff surface in accordance with 23.57(c)(2).

(B) Early rotation, one­engine inoperative abuse test.

(1) In showing compliance with 23.51(c)(5), some guidance relative to the airspeed attained at a
height of 11 m (35 ft) during the associated flight test is necessary. As this requirement dealing with a
rotation speed abuse test only specifies an early rotation (V R – 9.3 km/h (5 knots)), it is assumed that
pilot technique is to remain the same as normally used for an engine­out condition. With these
considerations in mind, it is apparent that the airspeed achieved at a height of 11 m (35 ft) can be
somewhat below the normal scheduled V 2 speed. However, the amount of permissible V 2 speed
reduction should be limited to a reasonable amount as described in paragraphs (2) and (3) as follows:

(2) In conducting the flight tests required by 23.51(c)(5), the test pilot should use a normal/natural
rotation technique as associated with the use of scheduled takeoff speeds for the aeroplane being
tested. Intentional tail or tail skid contact is not considered acceptable. Further, the airspeed attained
at a height of 11 m (35 ft) during this test is required to be not less than the scheduled V 2 value minus
9.3 km/h (5 knots). These speed limits should not be considered or utilised as target V 2 test speeds,
but rather are intended to provide an acceptable range of speed departure below the scheduled V 2

(3) In this abuse test, the engine cut should be accomplished prior to the V R test speed (i.e.
scheduled V R –9.3 km/h (5 knots)) to allow for engine spin down. The normal one­engine­inoperative
takeoff distance may be analytically adjusted to compensate for the effect of the early engine cut.
Further, in those tests where the airspeed achieved at a height of 11 m (35 ft) is slightly less than the
V R –9.3 km/h (5 knots) limiting value, it is permissible, in lieu of re­conducting the tests, to analytically
adjust the test distance to account for the excessive speed decrement.

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Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.51 (continued)

(C) All­engines­operating abuse tests.

(1) Paragraph 23.51(c)(6) requires that there not be a ‘marked increase’ in the scheduled takeoff
distance when reasonably expected service variations such as early and excessive rotation and out­of­
trim conditions are encountered. This is considered as requiring takeoff tests with all engines
operating with:

(i) an abuse on rotation speed, and

(ii) out­of­trim conditions but with rotation at the scheduled V R speed.

NOTE: The expression ‘marked increase’ in the takeoff distance is defined as any amount in excess of 5% of the takeoff
distance as determined in accordance with 23.59. Thus, the abuse tests should not result in a takeoff distance of more
than 105% of the scheduled take­off distance.

(2) For the early rotation abuse condition with all engines operating and at a weight as near as
practicable to the maximum sea level takeoff weight, it should be shown by test that when the
aeroplane is over­rotated at a speed below the scheduled V R no ‘marked increase’ in the takeoff
distance will result. For this demonstration, the aeroplane should be rotated at a speed of 10 knots or
7%, whichever is less, below the scheduled V R. Tests should be conducted at a rapid rotation rate or
should include an over­rotation of 2 degrees above normal attitude after lift­off. Rapid rotation should
be taken to mean significantly above the normal pitch rate of rotation. It should be noted that 4 or 5
degrees per second have previously proved satisfactory. Tail strikes, should they occur during this
demonstration, are acceptable only if a fault analysis (structural, electrical, hydraulic, etc.) has been
accomplished and indicates no possible degradation in the control of aircraft, engines, or essential
systems necessary for continued safe flight after a reasonable, worst case tail strike.

(3) For out­of­trim conditions with all engines operating and at a weight as near as practicable to the
maximum sea level takeoff weight, it should be shown that with the aeroplane mis­trimmed, as would
reasonably be expected in service, there should not be a ‘marked increase’ in the takeoff distance when
rotation is initiated in a normal manner at the scheduled VR speed. The amount of mis­trim used should be
with the longitudinal control trimmed to its most adverse position within the allowable takeoff trim band as
shown on the cockpit indicator.

(iv) Lift­off Speed (VLOF). VLOF is the calibrated airspeed at which the aeroplane first becomes airborne.

(v) Paragraph 23.51(c)(4) – Takeoff Safety Speed (V2). V2 is the calibrated airspeed that is attained at
or before 11 m (35 ft) above the takeoff surface after an engine failure at VEF using an established rotation
speed (VR). During the takeoff speed demonstration, V2 should be continued to an altitude sufficient to
assure stable conditions beyond 11 m (35 ft). Paragraph 23.51(c)(4) requires V2 not be less than 1.1 VMC or
1.2 VS1. Attainment of V2 by 11 m (35 ft) should be substantiated by use of procedures consistent with those
which will be experienced in service with an actual engine failure i.e. if auto feather is required, then auto
feather should be activated as an integral part of testing.


a. Explanation

(1) Normal Utility and Aerobatic Category Aeroplanes

(i) Objective of Take­off Requirement. The primary objective of the take­off requirement is to
establish, for information of the operator, a take­off distance within which the aeroplane may be expected to
achieve a speed and height sufficient to ensure capability of performing all manoeuvres that may become
necessary for safe completion of the take­off, and for safe landing if necessitated by power failure. An
airspeed margin above stall in conjunction with a height of 15 m (50 feet) is presumed to assure the
desired manoeuvring capability.

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.53 (continued)

(ii) AFM Takeoff Distance. Paragraph 23.1587(c)(1) requires the takeoff distance determined
under this paragraph to be furnished in the AFM. The data should be furnished at the most critical c.g.
(usually forward). Paragraph 23.1587 further requires the effect of altitude from sea level to 3048 m
(10 000 ft); and

(A) temperature from standard to 30°C above standard; or

(B) for aeroplanes greater than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) and turbine­powered aeroplanes, temperature
from standard to 30°C above standard, or the maximum ambient atmospheric temperature at which
compliance with the cooling provisions of CS 23.1041 to 23.1047 is shown, if lower, be furnished in the
AFM. Propulsive thrust available should be accounted for in accordance with 23.45 and Appendix 1 of
this FTG. For turbine­powered aeroplanes, distances should be presented up to the maximum take­off
temperature limit. A data expansion method appropriate to the aeroplane’s features should be used.

(iii) AFM Takeoff Technique. For twin­engine aeroplanes, 23.1585 (d)(1) requires the AFM to
furnish the procedures for the 23.53 takeoff. The recommended technique that is published in the
AFM and used to achieve the performance should be one that the operational pilot can duplicate using
the minimum amount of type design cockpit instrumentation and the minimum crew.

(iv) Tyre Speed Limits. If TSOd tyres are used, it should be determined that, within the weight,
altitude, and temperature for which takeoff performance is shown in 23.1587, that the TSO tyre speed
ratings are not exceeded at V LOF. If the tyre speed rating would be exceeded under some
combinations of weight, altitude, and temperature, then the tyre speed limit should be established as
an operating limitation and a maximum takeoff weight limited by tyre speed chart should be included in
the AFM performance section in compliance with 23.1581(a)(2).

b. Procedures

(1) Takeoff Distance Tests. The take­off distance should be established by test, and may be
obtained either by take­offs conducted as a continuous operation from start to the 15 m (50 ft) height
or synthesised from acceleration segments and climb segment(s) determined separately. Recording
theodolite or electronic equipment that is capable of providing horizontal distance and velocity, and
height above the takeoff surface, is highly desirable for takeoff distance tests. Additional required
special ground equipment includes a sensitive anemometer capable of providing wind velocity and
direction, a thermometer capable of providing accurate free­air temperature under all conditions, and
an altimeter or barograph to provide pressure altitude.

(2) Segment Technique. For the segment technique, the aeroplane should be accelerated on the
surface from brake release to rotation speed (V R) and on to the speed selected for the 15 m (50 ft)
height point. Six acceptable runs are recommended to establish the takeoff acceleration segment. V R
should be selected so that the 15 m (50 ft) speed can be achieved. A climb segment based on the
rate of climb, free of ground effect, is added to the acceleration segment. See paragraph 25 of this
FTG and Appendix 2 for climb performance methods. Total distance is the sum of the acceleration
segment plus the climb segment. For AFM presentation, the ground run would be the ground
acceleration distance to V LOF, and the air distance would be the horizontal distance to climb at the 15
m (50 ft) speed for 15 m (50 ft) plus the ground acceleration distance from V LOF to the 15 m (50 ft)
speed. For those aeroplanes with retractable gear, the landing gear should be extended throughout,
or alternatively, retraction may be initiated at a speed corresponding to a safe speed for gear
retraction following lift­off in normal operations. If takeoff distance is determined using the
‘segmented’ method, actual takeoffs using the AFM takeoff speed schedule should be conducted to
verify that the actual takeoff distance to the 15 m (50 ft) height does not exceed the calculated takeoff
distance to the 15 m (50 ft) height.

(3) Weight. Takeoff distance tests should be conducted at the maximum weight, and at a lesser
weight if takeoff distance data for a range of weights is to be approved. The test results may be
considered acceptable without correction for weight if a ±0.5% weight tolerance is observed.

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.53 (continued)

(4) Nose wheel/Tail wheel. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the ‘critical’ c.g. position
for takeoff distance tests may be assumed to be forward.

(5) Wind. Wind velocity and direction should be measured adjacent to the runway during the time
interval of each test run. See paragraph 6a(5) of this FTG for wind velocity and direction tolerances.
For the ground run portion of the segment technique, the following relationship was developed
empirically and is an acceptable method for correction of low wind conditions:

æ V ö 1×85
S g = S gw çç 1 ± w ÷
è Vtow ø
Where: S g = no­wind take­off ground distance (ft)
S gw = takeoff ground distance at a known wind velocity (ft)
Vw = wind velocity (ft/s)
V tow = true ground speed at lift­off with a known wind velocity (ft/s)
+ is used for headwind and – for tailwind

Wind, then slope corrections should be applied before further data reduction.

(6) Runway Slope. The effect of runway gradient can be significant for heavy aeroplanes or for
low thrust­to­weight ratio aeroplanes even if the gradient of the runway is small. Gradient should be
controlled by proper runway selection. The correction is:
S Gs1
SG =
æ 2gS ö
ç 1± Gs1 ÷
sin q
ç 2 ÷
è to ø
Where: S Gs1 = ground distance on a sloping runway
g = acceleration of gravity, 32.17 ft./s2
V to = aeroplane velocity at lift­off in ft./s. (true)
θ = angle of the slope in degrees (not percent)
+ for upslope and – for downslope

c. Commuter Category Aeroplanes

(1) Objective of Takeoff Requirement. Paragraph 23.53(c) requires that performance be

determined that provides accountability for the selected operating weights, altitudes, ambient
temperatures, configurations, and corrected for various wind and runway gradient conditions.

(2) Takeoff Profile. Tests are required to determine the performance throughout the takeoff path
as specifically defined by 23.55 through 23.59 and as discussed in paragraphs 20 through 23 of this

(3) Expansion of Takeoff Data for a range of Airport Elevations

(i) These guidelines are applicable to expanding takeoff data above the altitude at which the
basic or verifying tests were obtained.

(ii) In general, takeoff data may be extrapolated above and below the altitude at which the basic
test data was obtained without additional conservatism within the following constraints.

(iii) When the basic takeoff tests are accomplished between sea level and approximately 914 m
(3000 ft), the maximum allowable extrapolation limits are 1829 m (6000 ft) above and 914 m (3000 ft)
below the test field elevation. If it is desired to extrapolate beyond these limits, one of two procedures
may be employed.
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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.53 (continued)

(A) Extrapolation of Performance Data for a Range of Altitudes When Verifying Tests are Not
Conducted. The approval of performance data for airport elevations beyond the maximum elevation
permitted by basic tests may be allowed without conducting verifying tests if the calculated data
include a conservative factor. This conservatism should result in an increase of the calculated takeoff
distance at the desired airport elevation by an amount equal to zero percent for the highest airport
elevation approved on the results of the basic tests and an additional cumulative 2 percent incremental
factor for each 305 m (1000 ft) of elevation above the highest airport elevation approved for zero
percent conservatism. The 2 percent incremental factor should have a straight line variation with
altitude. When performance data are calculated for the effects of altitude under this procedure, the
following provisions are applicable:

(1) Previously established calculation procedures should be used, taking into account all known

(2) The calibrated installed engine power for the pertinent speed and altitude ranges should be

(3) The brake kinetic energy limits established by aeroplane ground tests should not be exceeded.

(B) Extrapolation of Performance Data When Verifying Tests are Conducted

(1) If data approval is desired for a greater range of airport elevations, the performance may be
calculated from the basic test data up to the maximum airport elevation, provided verifying tests are
conducted at appropriate elevations to substantiate the validity of the calculations. The actual
aeroplane performance data from the verifying tests should correspond closely to the calculated
performance values.

(2) For the verifying tests, it has been found that normally three takeoffs at maximum weights for
the elevations tested will provide adequate verification.

(3) If verifying tests substantiate the expanded takeoff data, the data may be further expanded up
to 1829 m (6000 ft) above the altitude at which the verifying tests were conducted. At altitudes higher
than 1829 m (6000 ft) above the verifying test altitude, the 2 percent per 305 m (1000 ft) cumulative
factor discussed in paragraph (i) above should be applied starting at zero percent at the verifying test
altitude plus 1829 m (6000 ft).



a. Explanation. This paragraph describes test demonstrations necessary to determine

accelerate­stop distances for aeroplane performance required to be published in the Performance
Section of the AFM.

b. Procedures

(1) Accelerate­stop tests should be determined in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph.
(i) Number of Test Runs. A sufficient number of test runs should be conducted for each
aeroplane configuration desired by the applicant, in order to establish a representative distance that
would be required in the event of a rejected takeoff at or below the takeoff decision speed V 1.

(ii) Time Delays. The procedures outlined in paragraph 21b(12), as required by 23.45(f)(5), apply
appropriate time delays for the execution of retarding means related to the accelerate­stop operational
procedures and for expansion of accelerate­stop data to be incorporated in the AFM.

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph
Section 23.55

(iii) Reverse Thrust. The stopping portion of the accelerate­stop test may not utilise propeller
reverse thrust unless the thrust reverser system is shown to be safe, reliable, and capable of giving
repeatable results. See subparagraph c.

(2) Airport Elevation. Accelerate­stop runs at different airport elevations can be simulated at one
airport elevation provided the braking speeds used include the entire energy range to be absorbed by
the brakes. In scheduling the data for the AFM, the brake energy assumed should not exceed the
maximum demonstrated in these tests.

(3) Braking Speeds. The braking speeds referred to herein are scheduled test speeds and need
not correspond to the values to be scheduled in the AFM, since it is necessary to increase or decrease
the braking speed to simulate the energy range and weight envelope.

(4) Number of Runs. At least two test runs are necessary for each configuration when multiple
aerodynamic configurations are being shown to have the same braking coefficient of friction, unless
sufficient data is available for the aeroplane model to account for variation of braking performance with
weight, kinetic energy, lift, drag, ground speed, torque limit, etc. These runs should be made with the
aeroplane weight and kinetic energy varying throughout the range for which takeoff data is scheduled.
This will usually require at least six test runs. These tests are usually conducted on hard surfaced, dry

(5) Alternate Approvals. For an alternate approval with anti skid inoperative, nose wheel brakes
or one main wheel brake inoperative, autobraking systems, etc., a full set of tests, as mentioned in
paragraph 21b(4), should normally be conducted. A lesser number of tests may be accepted for
‘equal or better’ demonstrations, or to establish small increments, or if adequate conservatism is used
during testing.

(6) Maximum Energy Stop. A brake energy demonstration is needed to show compliance with the
brake energy requirements. A maximum energy stop (or some lesser brake energy) is used to
establish a distance that can be associated with the demonstrated kinetic energy. An applicant can
choose any level of energy for demonstration providing that the AFM does not show performance
beyond the demonstrated kinetic energy. The demonstration should be conducted at not less than
maximum takeoff weight and should be preceded by a 4.8 km (3 ml) taxi, including three full stops
using normal braking and all engines operating. Propeller pitch controls should be applied in a manner
which is consistent with procedures to be normally used in service. Following the stop at the maximum
kinetic energy level demonstration, it is not necessary for the aeroplane to demonstrate its ability to
taxi. The maximum kinetic aeroplane energy at which performance data is scheduled should not
exceed the value for which a satisfactory afterstop condition exists. A satisfactory afterstop condition
is defined as one in which fires are confined to tyres, wheels, and brakes, and which would not result in
progressive engulfment of the remaining aeroplane during the time of passenger and crew evacuation.
The application of fire fighting means or artificial coolants should not be required for a period of five
minutes following the stop.

(7) Maximum Energy Stop from a Landing. In the event the applicant proposes to conduct the
maximum energy RTO demonstration from a landing, a satisfactory accounting of the brake and tyre
temperatures that would have been generated during taxi and acceleration, required by paragraph
21b(6), should be made.
(8) Instrumentation. Either ground or airborne instrumentation should include a means to
determine the horizontal distance­time history.

(9) Wind Speed. The wind speed and direction relative to the active runway should be
determined. The height of the wind measurement should be noted, to facilitate corrections to
aeroplane wing level.

(10) Configurations. The accelerate­stop tests should be conducted in the following configurations:

(i) Heavy to light weight as required;

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CS–23 BOOK 2

(ii) Most critical c.g. position;

(iii) Wing flaps in the takeoff position(s).

(iv) Tyre pressure. Before taxi and with cold tyres, set to the highest value appropriate for the
takeoff weight for which approval is being sought.

(v) Engine. Set r.p.m. at applicant's recommended upper idle power limit, or the effect of
maximum idle power may be accounted for in data analyses. Propeller condition should also be
considered. See discussion in subparagraph (11), Engine Power.

(11) Engine Power. Engine power should be appropriate to each segment of the rejected takeoff
and account for thrust decay times. See discussion of 23.57(a)(2) in paragraph 22c(1). At the
selected speed that corresponds to the required energy, the aeroplane is brought to a stop employing
the acceptable braking means. The critical engine's propeller should be in the position it would
normally assume when an engine fails and the power levers are closed.

(i) High Drag Propeller Position. The high drag position (not reverse) of the remaining engines'
propellers may be utilised provided adequate directional control can be demonstrated on a wet
runway. Simulating wet runway controllability by disconnecting the nose wheel steering may be used.
The use of the higher propeller drag position (i.e. ground fine) is conditional on the presence of a
throttle position which incorporates tactile feel that can consistently be selected in service by a pilot
with average skill. It should be determined whether the throttle motions from takeoff power to this
ground fine position are one or two distinctive motions. If it is deemed to be two separate motions,
then accelerate­stop time delays should be determined accordingly and applied to expansion of data.

(ii) Reverse Thrust. See subparagraph c for discussion of when reverse thrust may be used.
Demonstration of full single engine reverse controllability on a wet runway and in a 18.5 km/h (10 knot)
adverse crosswind will be required. Control down to zero speed is not essential, but a cancellation
speed based on controllability can be declared and credit given for use of reverse above that speed.
The use of reverse thrust on one engine on a wet runway requires that the reverse thrust component
be equally matched by a braking component and rudder use on the other side. Experience has shown
that using reverse with one engine inoperative, requires brakes to be modulated differently between
left and right while applying only partial reverse thrust, even on dry pavement. Disconnecting nose
wheel steering will not adequately simulate a wet runway for a full reverse condition. The use of a
reverse thrust propeller position is conditional on the presence of a throttle position which incorporates
tactile feel that can consistently be selected in service by a pilot with average skill. Selection of
reverse thrust from take­off power typically requires the power level to be retarded to idle, a gate or
latching mechanism to be overcome and the power lever to be further retarded into the ground/reverse
range. This is interpreted as three ‘distinctive motions’, with each regarded as activation of a separate
deceleration device. Accelerate­stop time delays should be determined accordingly and applied to
expansion of data.

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.55 (continued)

(12) Accelerate­Stop Time Delays. Figure 21–1 is an illustration of the accelerate­stop time delays
considered acceptable for compliance with 23.45:

Engine Activation Activation Activation Demonstration

failure of first decel of second of third Time
device decel device decel device Delays
Engine failure

Dtrec Dta1 Dta2 Flight Manual

Expansion Time
V EF V1 Delays

Dtrec Dta1 + Dt Dta2 + Dt


(i) Dtrec = engine failure recognition time. The demonstrated time from engine failure to pilot
action indicating recognition of the engine failure. For AFM data expansion purposes, it has been
found practical to use the demonstrated time or 1 second, whichever is greater, in order to allow a
time which can be executed consistently in service.

(ii) Dta1 = the demonstrated time interval between activation of the first and second deceleration

(iii) Dta2 = the demonstrated time interval between activation of the second and third deceleration

(iv) Dt = a 1­second reaction time delay to account for in­service variations. For AFM calculations,
aeroplane deceleration is not allowed during the reaction time delays. If a command is required for
another crew member to actuate a deceleration device, a 2­second delay, in lieu of the
1­second delay, should be applied for each action. For automatic deceleration devices which are
approved for performance credit for AFM data expansion, established times determined during
certification testing may be used without the application of additional time delays required by this

(v) The sequence for activation of deceleration devices may be selected by the applicant. If, on
occasion, the desired sequence is not achieved during testing, the test need not be repeated; however,
the demonstrated time interval may be used.

(13) The procedures used to determine accelerate­stop distance should be described in the
Performance Information Section of the AFM.

c. Use of Reverse Thrust. Paragraph 23.55(b) permits means other than wheel brakes to be
used in determining the stopping distance, when the conditions specified in 23.55(b) are met. One of
the conditions is that the means be safe and reliable.

(1) Reliable. Compliance with the ‘reliable’ provision of the rule may be accomplished by an
evaluation of the pitch changing/reversing system in accordance with 23.1309. The methods of AC
23.1309–1 should be used in the evaluation even though type­certificated engine or propeller systems
may not have been subjected to the AC 23.1309–1 analysis during certification. Additionally, Society
of Automotive Engineers (SAE) document ARP–926A, ‘Fault/Failure Analysis Procedure’, will assist in
conducting reliability and hazard assessments. Additionally, 23.1309(d) requires the system to be
designed to safeguard against hazards to the aeroplane in the event the system or any component
thereof malfunctions or fails. An acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirement

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.55 (continued)

would be to conduct a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) of the system. An acceptable
analysis would show that the effects of any system or component malfunction or failure would not
result in a hazard to the aeroplane and that the propeller reversing system is reliable. SAE document,
ARP–926A, ‘Fault/Failure Analysis Procedure’, contains acceptable criteria for conducting such an

(2) Safe. Compliance with the ‘safe’ provisions of 23.55(b)(2) and 23.75(f)(1) will require an
evaluation of the complete system including operational aspects to ensure no unsafe feature exists.

Safe and reliable also means that it is extremely improbable that the system can mislead the flight
crew or will allow gross asymmetric power settings, i.e. forward thrust on one engine vs. reverse thrust
on the other. In achieving this level of reliability, the system should not increase crew work load or
require excessive crew attention during a very dynamic time period. Also, the approved performance
data should be such that the average pilot can duplicate this performance by following the AFM


a. Paragraph 23.57(a)

(1) Explanation

(i) The takeoff path requirements of 23.57 and the reductions required by 23.61 are established
so that the AFM performance can be used in making the necessary decisions relative to takeoff
weights when obstacles are present. Net takeoff flight path data should be presented in the AFM as
required by 23.1587(d)(6).

(ii) The required performance is provided in the AFM by either pictorial paths at various power­to­
weight conditions with corrections for wind, or by a series of charts for each segment along with a
procedure for connecting these segments into a continuous path.

(2) Procedures

(i) Paragraph 23.57(a) requires that the takeoff path extend to the higher of where the aeroplane
is 457 m (1500 ft) above the takeoff surface or to the altitude at which the transition to en route
configuration is complete and a speed is reached at which compliance with 23.67(c)(3) is shown.

(ii) Paragraph 23.66 requires the aeroplane not be banked before reaching a height of 15 m (50
ft) as shown by the net takeoff flight path data.

(iii) The AFM should contain information required to show compliance with the climb requirements
of 23.57 and 23.67(c)(3). This should include information related to the transition from the takeoff
configuration and speed to the en route configuration and speed. The effects of changes from takeoff
power to maximum continuous power should also be included.

(iv) Generally, the AFM shows takeoff paths which at low power to weight include acceleration
segments between 122 m and 457 m (400 and 1500 ft) and end at 457 m (1500 ft), and at high power
to weight extending considerably higher than 457 m (1500 ft) above the takeoff surface. On some
aeroplanes, the takeoff speed schedules and/or flap configuration do not require acceleration below
457 m (1500 ft), even at limiting performance gradients.

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.57 (continued)

b. Paragraph 23.57(a)(1) – Takeoff Path Power Conditions

(1) Explanation. The takeoff path should represent the actual expected performance at all points.
If the path is constructed by the segmental method, in accordance with 23.57(d)(2) and 23.57(d)(4), it
should be conservative and should be supported by at least one demonstrated fly­out to the completed
en route configuration. This is necessary to ensure all required crew actions do not adversely impact
the required gradients.

(2) Procedures

(i) To substantiate that the predicted takeoff path is representative of actual performance, the
power used in its construction must comply with 23.45. This requires, in part, that the power for any
particular flight condition be that for the particular ambient atmospheric conditions that are assumed to
exist along the path. The standard lapse rate for ambient temperature is specified in Appendix 7 of
this FTG under ‘Standard Atmosphere’ and should be used for power determination associated with
each pressure altitude during the climb.

(ii) Paragraph 23.57(c)(4) requires that the power up to 122 m (400 ft) above the take­off surface
represents the power available along the path resulting from the power lever setting established during
the initial ground roll in accordance with AFM procedures. This resulting power should represent the
normal expected variations throughout the acceleration and climb to 122 m (400 ft) and should not
exceed the limits for takeoff power at any point.

(iii) A sufficient number of takeoffs, to at least the altitude above the takeoff surface scheduled for
V 2 climb, should be made to establish the power lapse resulting from a fixed power lever. An analysis
may be used to account for various engine bleeds, e.g. ice protection, air conditioning, etc. In some
aeroplanes, the power growth characteristics are such that less than full rated power is required to be
used for AFM takeoff power limitations and performance.

(iv) Engine power lapse with speed and altitude during the takeoff and climb, at fixed power lever
settings, may be affected by takeoff pressure altitude.

(v) Most turboprop engines are sensitive to increasing airspeed during the takeoff roll. The
applicant's procedure should be evaluated and, if acceptable, the procedure should be reflected in the
AFM. The AFM takeoff field length and takeoff power setting charts are based on the approved
procedure. Approved procedures should be those that can be accomplished in service by pilots of
normal skill. For example, if a power adjustment is to be made after brake release, the power should
be adjustable without undue attention. Only one adjustment is allowed.

(vi) A typical ‘non­rolling’ takeoff procedure is as follows:

(A) After stopping on the runway, adjust all engines to a static takeoff power setting (selected by
the applicant).

(B) Release brakes.

(C) Upon reaching 93 to 111 km/h (50 to 60 knots), adjust power levers to maintain torque and
temperatures within limits. Only one adjustment is allowed.

(vii) A typical ‘rolling takeoff’ procedure is as follows:

(A) Release brakes.

(B) Adjust power levers to takeoff power in a smooth motion.

(C) As speed increases, make a small adjustment as necessary to preclude exceeding torque or
temperature limits.

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.57 (continued)

c. Paragraph 23.57(a)(2) Engine Failure

(1) Explanation. Propeller thrust/drag characteristics should represent conditions which occur
when the engine is actually failed. The power time history used for data reduction and expansion
should be substantiated by test results.

(2) Procedures. Sufficient tests should be conducted utilising actual fuel cuts to establish the
propeller thrust decay history.

d. Paragraph 23.57(c)(1) Takeoff Path Slope

(1) Explanation. For showing compliance with the positive slope required by § 23.57(c)(1), the
establishment of a horizontal segment, as part of the takeoff flight path, is considered to be
acceptable, in accordance with § 23.61(c). See figure 24­2. See paragraph 24(b)(2) for further

(i) The level acceleration segment in the AFM net takeoff profile should begin at the horizontal
distance along the takeoff flight path that the net climb segment reaches the AFM specified
acceleration height. See figure 24–2.

(ii) The AFM acceleration height should be presented in terms of pressure altitude increment
above the takeoff surface. This information should allow the establishment of the pressure altitude
‘increment’ (Hp) for off­standard ambient temperature so that the geometric height required for
obstacle clearance is assured. For example:


o Takeoff surface pressure altitude (Hp) = 610 m (2 000 ft)

o Airport std. temp. abs. (TS ) = 11°C+273.2 = 284.2°K
o Airport ambient temp. abs.(TAM) = –20°C+273.2 = 253.2°K
o D Geometric height required (Dh) – 457 m (1 500 ft) above the takeoff surface


o Pressure altitude increment (DHp) above the takeoff surface

DHp = Dh(TS/TAM) = 457 m (1 500 ft) (284.2°k/253.2°K)
DHp = 513,3 m (1 684 ft)

e. Paragraph 23.57(c)(2) – Takeoff Path Speed

(1) Explanation

(i) It is intended that the aeroplane be flown at a constant indicated airspeed to at least 122 m
(400 ft) above the takeoff surface. This speed should meet the constraints on V 2 of 23.51(c)(4).

(ii) The specific wording of 23.57(c)(2) should not be construed to imply that above 122 m (400 ft)
the airspeed may be reduced below V 2, but instead that acceleration may be commenced.

(1) Explanation

(i) The intent of this requirement is to permit only those crew actions that are conducted routinely
to be used in establishing the engine­inoperative takeoff path. The power levers may only be adjusted
early during the takeoff roll, as discussed under 23.57(a)(1) (paragraph 22b(2)(ii)), and then left fixed
until at least 122 m (400 ft) above the takeoff surface.

(ii) Simulation studies and accident investigations have shown that when heavy workload occurs in
the cockpit, as with an engine loss during takeoff, the crew might not advance the operative engines to
avoid the ground even if the crew knows the operative engines have been set at reduced power. This

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.57 (continued)

same finding applies to manually feathering a propeller. The landing gear may be retracted, because
this is accomplished routinely, once a positive rate of climb is observed. This also establishes the
delay time to be used for data expansion purposes.

(2) Procedures

(i) To permit the takeoff to be based on a feathered propeller up to 122 m (400 ft) above the
takeoff surface, automatic propeller feathering devices may be approved if adequate system reliability
is shown in accordance with 23.1309. Other automatic systems such as one which minimises drag of
the inoperative propeller by sensing negative torque may also be approved. Drag reduction for a
manually feathered propeller is permitted for flight path calculations only after reaching 122 m (400 ft)
above the takeoff surface.

(ii) For flap retraction above 122 m (400 ft) a speed of not less than the lesser of 1∙1 V MC or
1∙2V S1 should be maintained.

g. Paragraph 23.57(d) – Takeoff Path Construction

(1) Explanation. To take advantage of ground effect, AFM takeoff paths utilise a continuous
takeoff path from V LOF to 11 m (35 ft), covering the range of power to weight ratios. From that point,
free air performance, in accordance with 23.57(e), is added segmentally. This methodology may yield
an AFM flight path that is steeper with the gear down than up. The aeroplane should not be banked
before reaching a height of 15 m (50 ft) as shown by the net takeoff flight path. This requires
determination of climb data in the wings level condition.

(2) Procedures. The AFM should include the procedures necessary to achieve this performance.

h. Paragraph 23.57(e)(2) – Takeoff Path Segment Conditions

(1) Explanation. Paragraph 23.57(e)(2) requires that the weight of the aeroplane, the
configuration, and the power setting must be constant throughout each segment and must correspond
to the most critical condition prevailing in the segment. The intent is that for simplified analysis, the
performance be based on that available at the most critical point in time during the segment, not that
the individual variables (weight, approximate power setting, etc.) should each be picked at its most
critical value and then combined to produce the performance for the segment.

(2) Procedures. The performance during the takeoff path segments should be obtained using one
of the following methods

(i) The critical level of performance as explained in paragraph 22h(1);

(ii) The actual performance variation during the segment.

i. Paragraph 23.57(d)(4) – Segmented Takeoff Path Check

(1) Explanation. None.

(2) Procedures. The take­off path should be checked by continuous demonstrated takeoffs. A
sufficient number of these, using the AFM established takeoff procedures and speeds and covering the
range of power­to­weight ratios, should be made to ensure the validity of the segmented takeoff path.
The continuous takeoff data should be compared to takeoff data calculated by AFM data procedures
but using test engine power and test speeds.

j. Turboprop Reduced Power Takeoffs

(1) Reduced takeoff power is a power less than approved takeoff power for which power setting
and aeroplane performance is established by corrections to the approved power setting and

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.57 (continued)

performance, when operating with reduced takeoff power, the power setting which establishes power
for take­off is not considered a limitation.

(2) It is acceptable to establish and use a takeoff power setting that is less than the approved
takeoff power if:

(i) The establishment of the reduced power takeoff data is handled through the type certification
process and contained in the AFM;

(ii) The reduced takeoff power setting:

(A) Does not result in loss of systems or functions that are normally operative for takeoff such as
engine failure warning, configuration warning, autofeather, automatic throttles, rudder boost, automatic
ignition, or any other safety related system dependent upon a minimum takeoff power setting.

(B) Is based on an approved engine takeoff power rating for which aeroplane performance data is

(C) Does not introduce difficulties in aeroplane controllability or engine response/operation in the
event that approved takeoff power is applied at any point in the takeoff path.

(D) Is at least 75% of the approved takeoff power.

(E) Is predicated on a careful analysis of propeller efficiency variation at all applicable conditions.

(iii) Relevant speeds used for reduced power takeoffs are not less than those which will show
compliance with the required controllability margins with the approved takeoff power.

(iv) The AFM states, as a limitation, that reduced takeoff power settings may not be used:

(A) When the antiskid system (if installed) is inoperative.

(B) On runways contaminated with standing water, snow, slush or ice.

(C) On wet runways unless suitable performance accountability is made for the increased stopping
distance on the wet floor.

(D) Where items affecting performance cause a significant increase in crew workload. Examples
are inoperative equipment (e.g. inoperative engine gauges, reversers or engine systems resulting in
the need for additional performance corrections) or non­standard operations (i.e. any situation
requiring a non­standard take­off technique).

(v) Procedures for determining and applying the reduced takeoff power value are simple, and the
pilot is provided with information to obtain both the reduced power and approved takeoff power for
each ambient condition.

(vi) The AFM provides adequate information to conduct a power check, using the approved
takeoff power and if necessary, establish a time interval.

(vii) Procedures are given to the use of reduced power.

(viii) Application of reduced power in service is always at the discretion of the pilot.

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 (continued)


a. Takeoff Distance – Paragraph 23.59(a)

(1) Explanation. The takeoff distance is either of the two distances depicted in figure 23–1 and
23–2 and discussed in paragraph 23a(i) or (ii), whichever is greater. The distances indicated below
are measured horizontally from the main landing gears at initial brake release to that same point on
the aeroplane when the lowest part of the departing aeroplane is 11 m (35 ft) above the surface of the
runway and accomplished in accordance with the procedures developed for 23.57.

(i) The distance measured to 11 m (35 ft) with a critical engine failure recognised at V 1. See
figure 23–1.

Start V1 VLOF
11 m (35¢)

Takeoff Distance


Critical Engine Failure Recognised at V 1

(ii) One hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the distance measured to 11 m (35 ft) with all engines
operating. See figure 23–2.

Start V LOF
11 m (35¢)

All Engine Distance

Takeoff Distance = 1.15 * All Engine Distance to 11 m (35¢)


All Engines Operating

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.59 (continued)

b. Takeoff Run – Paragraph 23.59(b)

(1) Explanation

(i) Take­off run is a term used for the runway length when the takeoff distance includes a
clearway (i.e. where the accelerate­go distance does not remain entirely over the runway), and the
takeoff run is either of the two distances depicted in figure 23–1 and 23–2 and discussed in paragraph
23b(1)(i)(A) or (B), whichever is greater. These distances are measured as described in 23.59(a).
When using a clearway to determine the takeoff run, no more than one­half of the air distance from
V LOF to the 11 m (35 ft) point may be flown over the clearway.
(A) The distance from start of takeoff roll to the mid­point between lift­off and the point at which
the aeroplane attains a height of 11 m (35 ft) above the takeoff surface, with a critical engine failure
recognised at V 1. See figure 23–3.

Start V1 V LOF M id­point

11m (35 ¢)

G round R oll
Takeoff Run
Takeoff Distance

Figure 23–3 TAKEOFF RUN – Critical Engine Failure Recognised at V 1

(B) One hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the distance from start of roll to the mid­point between
lift­off and the point at which the aeroplane attains a height of 11 m (35 ft) above the takeoff surface,
with all engines operating. See figure 23–4.

Takeoff Path

Start VLQF Mid­point

11 m (35¢)

1.15 * Distance to Mid­point

Takeoff Run = Required Runway Clearway

Takeoff Distance = 1.15 * All Engine Distance to 11 m (35¢)

Figure 23–4 TAKEOFF RUN – All Engines Operating

(ii) There may be situations in which the one­engine­inoperative condition (paragraph 23b(1)(i)(A))
would dictate one of the distance criteria, takeoff run (required runway) or takeoff distance (required
runway plus clearway) while the all­engines operating condition (paragraph 23b(1)(i)(B)) would dictate
the other. Therefore, both conditions should be considered.

(iii) For the purpose of establishing takeoff distances and takeoff runs, the clearway plane is
defined in CS 1. The clearway is considered to be part of the takeoff surface, and a height of 11 m
(35 ft) may be measured from that surface. See figure 23–5.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2Paragraph 23.59 (continued)

Takeoff Path

Clearway Plane
11 m (35¢)



a. Take­off Flight Path – Paragraph 23.61(a). The takeoff flight path begins 11 m (35 ft) above the
takeoff surface at the end of the takeoff distance determined in accordance with 23.59 and ends when the
aeroplane's height is the higher of 457 m (1 500 ft) above the takeoff surface or at an altitude at which the
configuration and speed have been achieved in accordance with 23.67(c)(3). See figure 24–1.

b. Net Take­off Flight Path – Paragraph 23.61(b) and (c)

(1) The net takeoff flight path is the actual path diminished by a gradient of 0.8 percent for two­
engine aeroplanes. See figure 24–2.

(2) The net takeoff flight path is the flight path used to determine the aeroplane obstacle
clearance. Paragraph 23.61(b) states the required climb gradient reduction to be applied throughout
the flight path for the determination of the net flight path, including the level flight acceleration
segment. Rather than decrease the level flight path by the amount required by 23.61(b), 23.61(c)
allows the aeroplane to maintain a level net flight path during acceleration but with a reduction in
acceleration equal to the gradient decrement required by 23.61(b). By this method, the applicant
exchanges altitude reduction for increased distance to accelerate in level flight in determination of the
level flight portion of the net takeoff path.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.61 (continued)

Takeoff flight path

Height 1500 feet

> 1500 feet

Path 2
Takeoff distance >
­ 400 feet
(longer of 1 eng inop takeoff
or 1.15 all eng takeoff) Path 1
Heights are referenced to
VEF VLOF runway elevation at end
of takeoff distance
35 Ft

Segment * Ground Roll 1ST 2ND Acceleration Final

Landing Gear
Down Retraction Retracted
Flaps Takeoff Retracting See note position
Above 400 ft thrust can be reduced
if the requirements of 23.57(c)(3)
Power Takeoff See note continuous
can be met with less than taxeoff thrust

Airspeed Accelerating V2 Accelerating VEnroute

Engines All operating One inoperative

Propeller Takeoff One autofeathered or windmilling One feathered

Up to 400 feet 400 feet or greater

NOTE: The en route takeoff segment usually begins with the aeroplane in the en route configuration and with maximum
continuous thrust, but it is not required that these conditions exist until the end of the takeoff path when compliance with
23.67(c)(3) is shown. The time limit on takeoff thrust cannot be exceeded.

* Segments as defined by 23.67.


11 m (35¢)
³122 m (400¢) Net Flight Path

Obstacle Clearance

11 m (35¢)
Level from
Takeoff Surface


Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 (continued)


a. Explanation

(1) Objectives. The climb tests associated with this requirement are performed to establish the
aeroplane's all­engine performance capability for altitudes between sea level and not less than 3048 m
(10 000 ft) with wing flaps set to the takeoff position. This is necessary to enable comparison with the
minimum climb performance required, and also for AFM presentation of climb performance data of
3048 m (10 000 ft) and the effect of altitude and temperature (see 23.1587) and the effect of weight
for a/c over 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) MTOW and Turbine Engined a/c.

(2) Cooling Climbs. Applicants with single engine reciprocating powered aeroplanes may vary the
climb speeds to meet the requirements of 23.1047. If variations in climb speeds are required to meet
the cooling tests, the applicant may wish to establish the variation of rate of climb with speed.

(3) Sawtooth Climbs. A common method of determining climb performance is sawtooth climbs.
A series of climbs, known as sawtooth climbs, should be conducted at several constant indicated
airspeeds using a constant power setting and a prescribed configuration. A minimum of three series of
sawtooth climbs should be conducted. The mean altitudes through which the sawtooth climbs are
conducted should be:

(i) As near sea level as practical.

(ii) Close to the ceiling (where 30 m (100 ft)/minute can be maintained) for sea level engines.

(iii) An intermediate altitude, taking into consideration the power characteristics of the engine.

b. Procedures – Sawtooth Climbs

(1) Climb Technique. With the altimeter adjusted to a setting of 1 013 mb (pressure altitude), the
series of climbs should be initiated at a chosen altitude. Stabilise airspeed and power prior to
recording data. The time at the beginning of each run should be recorded for weight­accounting
purposes, and the stabilised climb should be continued for 3 minutes or 914 m (3 000 ft) minimum
while holding airspeed substantially constant. Climbs should be conducted 90° to the wind, and
alternately, on reciprocal headings to minimise the effects of windshear. Since the rate at which the
altitude changes is the primary consideration of the test, particular care should be taken to observe the
precise altimeter indication at precise time intervals. Time intervals of not more than 30 seconds are
recommended for altimeter readings. Airspeed, ambient temperatures, r.p.m. and other engine power
parameters also should be recorded, permissibly at longer intervals. Rates­of­climb/sink observed for
test conditions should be greater than +/­ 30 m (±100 ft.)/min. Rates of climb near zero tend to be
unreliable. A running plot of altitude­versus­time provides an effective means of monitoring
acceptability of test data as the run progresses, and a running plot of the observed rate of climb
obtained for each airspeed enables similar monitoring of the sawtooth program. This procedure is
recommended because of the opportunity it affords for promptly observing and economically rectifying
questionable test results.

(2) Air Quality. In order to obtain accurate results, it is essential that the sawtooth climbs be
conducted in smooth air. In general, the effects of turbulence are more pronounced in test data
obtained at lower rates of climb and, when testing for compliance with minimum climb requirements,
even slight turbulence may produce errors in observed climbs of such magnitude as to render the data
inconclusive with respect both to rate of climb and best climb speed. Less obvious but equally
unacceptable for climb testing is the presence of an inverse gradient in the ambient temperature.

(3) Test Airspeeds. The airspeeds selected for the sawtooth climbs should bracket the best climb
speed, which for preliminary purposes may be estimated as 140% of the power­off stalling speed.
The lowest climb test speed should be as near the stalling speed as can be flown without evidence of
buffeting, or necessity for abnormally frequent or excessive control movements, which might penalise
the climb performance. Although the example shown in figure 25–1 has 18.5 km/h (10 knot) intervals,

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph
Section 23.65

the interval between test speeds should be smaller at the low speed end of the range, and should
increase as the speed increases. Suggested intervals are 9.3 km/h (5 knots) at the low end, varying to
27.8 km/h (15 knots) at the high end. In addition, the maximum level flight speed and V S (or V MIN) at
the approximate midrange test altitude provide a useful aid in defining the curves in figure 25–2.

(4) Data Plotting. Sawtooth climb data is plotted on a graph using altitude and time as the basic
parameters as shown in figure 25–1. After the sawtooth data has been plotted, draw in the mean
altitude line. A tangent line can now be drawn to each of the sawtooth climb curves at the mean
altitude intersection. By determining the slope of the tangent lines, the observed rate of climb at the
mean altitude for each sawtooth can be determined.

5200 100 K CAS 110 K CAS

90 K CAS 120 K CAS

130 K CAS
Pressure altitude


Mean ALT


V = 165 K CAS

V = 72 K CAS
4000 min

Time minutes


(5) Data Corrections. For the density altitude method of data reduction (see appendix 2), it is
necessary to correct the data to standard atmospheric conditions, maximum weight, and chart brake
horsepower before proceeding any further with the observed data. These corrections sometimes
change the observed data a significant amount. The maximum level flight speed (V MAX ) data points
should also be corrected to assist in defining the curves in figure 25–2.

(6) Plotting of Corrected Data. After the observed data has been corrected to the desired
standards, it can be plotted as shown in figure 25–2 with the rate of climb versus calibrated airspeed at
various density altitudes. It should be noted that the stall speed points are not usually true stabilised
zero rate of climb data points. However, the stall speed points are useful in defining the asymptotic
character of the left hand part of the curve.

(7) Speed Schedule Data Points. From the curves of figure 25–2, it is now possible to determine
the aeroplane’s best rate of climb speed schedule, V Y. This is done by drawing a straight line through
the peaks (highest rate of climb point) of each of the previously drawn curves of R/C vs. CAS. Also, it
is possible to obtain from this graph the best angle of climb speed schedule V X . This is done by
drawing tangent lines to the R/C vs. CAS curves from the graph origin and connecting each of the
tangent intersect points with a straight line. It should be noted that the V X and V Y speed lines intersect
at ‘zero’ rate of climb. This is because zero rate of climb occurs at the aeroplane’s absolute ceiling
and V X , V Y, V MIN, and V MAX are all the same speed at this point.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.65 (continued)



Rate of climb ­ FT/min

1250 HD

4000 HD
9200 HD



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Calibrated airspeed ­ knots


(8) Speed and Rate of Climb. Directly from information obtained from figure 25–2, it is possible
to plot the climb performance of the aeroplane into a more usable form. By reading the rates of climb
at the VY intersect points and plotting them against altitude as shown in figure 25–3, it is possible to
determine the rate of climb from sea level to the absolute ceiling.

MP varying with SHP varying with altitude


15,000 Normaly aspirated engine












Density altitude


Constant SPH



Constant MP

“ ­”
ll t

Sea level
0 500 1,000 1,500 90 100
Rate of climb Airspeed. KCAS


Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 22 (continued)
Chapter Paragraph 23.65 (continued)

(9) Cowl Flap and Mixture. Cowl flaps should be in the position used for cooling tests. The
mixture setting should be set to that used during the cooling test.

(10) Weight and C.G. For climb performance tests, the aeroplane's test weight, load distribution
and engine power should be recorded. Usually, forward c.g. is critical for climb performance.

c. Extrapolation of Climb Data. The climb data expansion required by 23.1587 from sea level to
3048 m (10 000 ft) and from ISA to ISA + 30°C can be accomplished by the methods in appendix 2.
Normally, the same method used for data reduction should be used for data expansion. Use caution in
extrapolating beyond altitudes that have not been verified by flight tests. Generally, data should not be
extrapolated more than 914 m (3 000 ft) in altitude.

d. Special Equipment or Instrumentation. Climb performance tests require an airspeed indicator,

sensitive altimeter, and total air temperature indicator with a known recovery factor. For reciprocating
engine­powered aeroplanes, an induction air temperature gauge, engine tachometer, manifold
pressure gauge and cylinder head temperature indicator may be appropriate. For turbine­powered
aeroplanes, indicators of power parameters, such as torque meter, EGT, N1, N2, and propeller r.p.m.,
may be appropriate. A fuel counter and/or fuel flowmeter is useful. All instruments should be
calibrated, and the calibration data should be included with the test records. In addition, a stopwatch
and appropriate data recording board and forms are required.

e. Climb Performance After STC Modifications. (Reserved)


(1) For normal, utility and aerobatic category reciprocating engine­powered aeroplanes greater
than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) and turbine­engine powered aeroplanes in the normal, utility and aerobatic
category, the propeller of the inoperative engine is required to be in the position it ‘rapidly and
automatically assumes’ for the determination of one­engine inoperative take­off climb performance.
This allows performance credit for a reliable system which rapidly drives the propeller to a low drag
setting with no action from the pilot. If no such system is fitted, the propeller should be assumed to be
in the most critical condition.


a. Explanation

(1) Performance Matrix. For all twin­engine aeroplanes, 23.67 requires the one­engine­
inoperative climb performance be determined in the specified configuration. The requirements of
23.67 are summarised in the following table:

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Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

Regulation 23.67(a)(1) 23.67(a)(2) 23.67(b)(1) 23.67(b)(2) 23.67(c)(1) 23.67(c)(2) 23.67(c)(3) 23.67(c)(4)

Category Normal, Utility & Aerobatic Commuter

Engine type and Recip. £2712(6 000) Recip. >2712(6 000) & Turbine –
aeroplane weight
kg (lb)
VSO km/h (kt) >113 (61) £113 (61) – –


operative engine
Configuration Flap and gear Flap and gear Take­off flap, gear Flap and Take­off flap, Take­off Flap and gear Approach flap*,
retracted retracted retracted gear gear extended flap, gear retracted gear retracted
retracted retracted
Propeller position Minimum drag Minimum drag Minimum drag Minimum Position it Position it Minimum Minimum drag
on inoperative drag automatically automatically drag
engine and rapidly and rapidly
assumes assumes
Attitude – – – – Wings level – – –

Climb speed ³1. 2VS1 ³1. 2VS1 Equal to that ³1. 2VS1 V2 V2 ³1. 2VS1 As in
achieved at 15 m procedures but
(50 ft) in the ³1. 5VS1
demonstration of
Altitude m(ft) 1524(5 000) 1524(5 000) 122(400) 457(1 500) Take­off 122(400) 457(1 500) 122(400)
Required climb ³1. 5 no minimum but Measurably ³0. 75 Measurably ³2. 0 ³1. 2 ³2. 1
gradient (%) must determine positive positive

*Approach position(s) in which V S1 does not exceed 110% of the V S1 for the related all­engines­operating landing positions

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.67 (continued)

(2) Range of Tests. The primary objective of the climb tests associated with this requirement is to
establish the aeroplane's climb performance capability with one engine inoperative for altitudes
between sea level and 3048 m (10 000 ft) or higher and temperatures from ISA to ISA + 30°C. This is
necessary to enable comparison with the prescribed climb requirement at 1524 m (5 000 ft) altitude,
and also for AFM presentation of climb performance data for altitudes and temperatures as prescribed
in 23.1587. Secondary objectives are to establish the climb speed to be used in the cooling tests
required by 23.1041 through 23.1047, including the appropriate speed variation with altitude, and to
establish a climb speed (or descent speed, as appropriate) which, irrespective of the speed used in
demonstrating compliance with climb and cooling requirements, is required for presentation in the AFM
in accordance with 23.1587(c)(5).

(3) WAT Charts. For aeroplanes with a MTOW greater than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) and all turbine­
powered aeroplanes, a WAT chart is an acceptable means to meet the performance requirements.
See discussion in paragraph 8 of this FTG.

b. Procedure

(1) Critical Engine. To accomplish these objectives, it is necessary that sawtooth climbs be
conducted with the critical engine inoperative and with the prescribed configuration and power
condition. The ‘critical­inoperative­engine’ for performance considerations is that engine which, when
inoperative, results in the lowest rate of climb. The critical engine should be determined by conducting
a set of sawtooth climbs, one engine at a time.

(2) Test Technique. One­engine­inoperative climb tests should be conducted at airspeeds and at
altitudes as outlined for all­engine climbs under 23.65. The test technique and other considerations
noted under 23.65 also apply. In climb tests with one engine inoperative, however, trim drag can be a
significant factor and one­engine­inoperative climb tests should be conducted on a steady heading with
the wings laterally level or, at the option of the applicant, with not more than 5° bank into the good
engine in an effort to achieve zero sideslip. A yaw string or yaw vane is needed to detect zero
sideslip. The AFM should describe the method used, and the approximate ball position required to
achieve the AFM performance.

c. Commuter Category Aeroplanes

(1) Climb Gradient. The required climb gradients are specified in 23.67(c).

(2) Climb Performance Methods. Climb performance should be determined in the configurations
necessary, to construct the net takeoff flight path and to show compliance with the approach climb
requirements of 23.67(c). Some net takeoff flight path conditions will require wings level climb data.
See paragraph 22g(1). If full rudder with wings level cannot maintain constant heading, small bank
angles into the operating engine(s), with full rudder, should be used to maintain constant heading. For
all other conditions, climb performance may be determined with up to 5° bank into the good engine.
Two methods for establishing the critical one­engine­inoperative climb performance follow:

(i) Method No. 1. Reciprocal heading climbs are conducted at several thrust­to­weight conditions
from which the performance for the AFM is extracted.

(ii) Method No. 2. Drag polars and engine­out yaw drag data are obtained for expansion into
AFM climb performance. See appendix 2. Reciprocal heading check climbs are conducted to verify
the predicted climb performance.

(3) Landing Gear Position. The climb performance tests with landing gear extended in
accordance with 23.67(c) should be conducted with the landing gear and gear doors extended in the
most unfavourable in­transit drag position. It has been acceptable to consider that the critical
configuration is associated with the largest frontal area. For the landing gear, it usually exists with no
weight on the landing gear. For gear doors, it is usually with all the gear doors open. If it is evident
that a more critical transitional configuration exists, such as directional rotation of the gear, testing
should be conducted in that configuration. In all cases where the critical configuration occurs during a

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.67 (continued)

transition phase which cannot be maintained except by special or extraordinary procedures, it is

permissible to apply corrections based on other test data or acceptable analysis.

(4) Cooling Air. If means, such as variable intake doors, are provided to control powerplant
cooling air supply during takeoff, climb, and en route flight, they should be set in a position which will
maintain the temperature of major powerplant components, engine fluids, etc. within the established
limits. The effect of these procedures should be included in the climb performance of the aeroplane.
These provisions apply for all ambient temperatures up to the highest operational temperature limit for
which approval is desired.

(5) Power. See paragraph 22b.


a. Explanation

(1) Gliding Performance. CS 2371 requires the optimum gliding performance to be scheduled,
with the landing gear and wing flaps in the most favourable position and the propeller in the minimum
drag position.

(2) Background. The primary purpose of this information is to provide the pilot with the aeroplane
gliding performance. Such data will be used as an approximate guide to the gliding range that can be
achieved, but will not be used to the same degree of accuracy or commercial significance as many
other aspects of performance information. Hence some reasonable approximation in its derivation is

b. Means of compliance

(1) Engine­Inoperative Tests. Clearly the simplest way of obtaining accurate data is to perform
actual engine­inoperative glides. These tests should be carried out over an airfield, thereby permitting
a safe landing to be made in the event of the engine not restarting at the end of the test.

(i) Fixed Pitch Propeller. Most likely, the propeller will be windmilling after the fuel is shut­off. If
this is the case and the propeller does not stop after slowing to the best glide speed, then the gliding
performance should be based on a windmilling propeller. Stalling the aeroplane to stop the propeller
from windmilling is not an acceptable method of determining performance because the procedure
could cause the average pilot to divert attention away from the primary flight task of gliding to a safe

(ii) Constant­speed / Variable­pitch propeller aeroplanes. For these propellers, the applicant may
assume that the means to change propeller pitch is still operational and therefore the propeller should be set
at the minimum drag configuration. For most installations this will be coarse pitch or feather.

(2) Sawtooth Glides. If Sawtooth Glides are used to determine the glide performance, these
glides can be flown using the same basic procedures in paragraph 23.65 of this guidance material.
For simplification, the test need only be flown at an intermediate altitude and gross weight generating
one speed for the pilot to use. The best lift over drag speed is frequently higher than the best rate of
climb speed; therefore, the airspeed range to flight test may be bracketed around a speed 10 to 15%
higher than the best rate of climb speed.

(3) Performance Data. A chart or table should be constructed for the AFM that presents the literal
(over­the­ground) gliding distances for the altitude range expected in service, at the demonstrated
glide speed. As a minimum, a statement of NMs per 305 m (1 000 ft) loss of altitude at the
demonstrated configuration and speed at MTOW, standard day, no wind, has to be given.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 (continued)


a. Explanation

(1) Purpose. The purpose of this requirement is to evaluate the landing characteristics and to
determine the landing distance. The landing distance is the horizontal distance from a point along the
flight path 15 m (50 ft) above the landing surface to the point where the aeroplane has come to a
complete stop, or to a speed of 5.6 km/h (3 knots) for seaplanes or amphibians on water.

(2) Companion Requirements. Paragraphs 23.143(a)(6), 23.153, 23.231, and 23.233 are
companion requirements, and normally, tests to determine compliance would be accomplished at the
same time. Additionally, the requirements of 23.473 should be considered.

(3) Approach and Landing. The steady gliding approach, the pilot skill, the conditions, the vertical
accelerations, and the aeroplane actions in 23.75(a), (b), and (c) are concerned primarily with not
requiring particularly skilful or abrupt manoeuvres after passing the 15 m (50­ft) point. The phrase
‘steady gliding approach,’ taken in its strictest sense, means power off. However, it has generally
been considered that some power may be used during a steady gliding approach to maintain at least
1.3 V S1 control sink rate on final approach. For those aeroplanes using power during approach, power
may be decreased after passing the 15 m (50­ft) point and there should be no nose depression by use
of the longitudinal control. For those aeroplanes approaching with power off, the longitudinal control
may be used as necessary to maintain a safe speed for flare. In both cases, there should be no
change in configuration and power should not be increased. The landing distance and the procedure
specified in the AFM are then based on the power used for the demonstration. The power used and
the technique used to achieve the landing distances should be clearly stated in the AFM. This applies
to portions of the approach prior to and after the 15 m (50­ft) height. The aeroplane should be
satisfactorily controllable when landing under the most unfavourable conditions to be encountered in
service, including cross winds, wet runway surfaces and with one engine inoperative. Demonstration
of landing with an adverse cross­wind of at least 0.2 V S0 will be acceptable and operation on wet (but
not contaminated) runway surfaces may be simulated by disconnecting nosewheel steering. The
effect of weight on the landing distance due to its influence on controllability of reverse thrust should be

(4) Landing Gear Loads. Sink rate at touchdown during landing distance determination should be
considered and should not exceed the design landing gear loads established by 23.473(d).

(5) Landing Distance Credit for Disking Drag and Reverse Thrust. Most turboprop installations
embody provisions for reduction of propeller blade pitch from the ‘flight’ regime to a ‘ground’ regime to
produce a significant level of disking drag and/or reverse thrust following touchdown on landing. For
purposes of this discussion, disking drag is defined as not less than zero thrust at zero airspeed.
Paragraph 23.75(f) permits means other than wheel brakes to be used in determining landing distance,
when the conditions specified in 23.75(f) are met. Such disking drag or reverse thrust may be
acceptable in showing compliance with 23.75(f) provided the means is safe and reliable.

(i) Reliable. Compliance with the ‘reliable’ provision of the rule may be accomplished by an
evaluation of the pitch changing/reversing system in accordance with 23.1309. The methods of AC
23.1309–1 should be used in the evaluation even though type­certificated engine or propeller systems
may not have been subjected to the AC 23.1309–1 analysis during certification. Additionally, Society
of Automotive Engineers (SAE) document ARP–926A, ‘Fault/Failure Analysis Procedure’, will assist in
conducting reliability and hazard assessments.

For commuter category aeroplanes, 23.1309 requires the system to be designed to safeguard against
hazards to the aeroplane in the event the system or any component thereof malfunctions or fails. An
acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirement would be to conduct a Failure Modes
and Effects Analysis (FMEA) of the system. An acceptable analysis would show that the effects of
any system or component malfunction or failure would not result in a hazard to the aeroplane and that
the propeller reversing system is reliable. SAE document, ARP–926A, ‘Fault/Failure Analysis
Procedure’, contains acceptable criteria for conducting such an analysis.

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.75 (continued)

Safe and reliable should also mean that it is extremely improbable that the system can mislead the
flight crew or will allow asymmetric power settings, i.e. forward thrust on one engine vs. reverse thrust
on the other. In achieving this level of reliability, the system should not increase crew work load or
require excessive crew attention during a very dynamic time period in the landing phase. Also, the
approved performance data should be such that the average pilot can duplicate this performance by
following the AFM procedures.

(ii) Safe. Compliance with the ‘safe’ provisions of 23.75(f)(1) will require an evaluation of the
complete system including operational aspects to ensure no unsafe feature exists.

(iii) Disking Drag for Twin­engine Installations with Flight Idle and Ground Idle. Symmetrical
power/thrust may be used, with power levers at flight­idle position during air run, and at ground­idle
position after touchdown. Procedures for consistently achieving ground idle should be established to
ensure that the operational pilot gets the power lever back to ground idle, and thus providing consistent
results in service. Two of the designs that have been found acceptable for ground­idle positioning are
a dedicated throttle gate or tactile positioning of the throttle. In effecting thrust changes following
touchdown, allowance should be made for any time delays that reasonably may be expected in
service, or which may be necessary to assure that the aeroplane is firmly on the surface. See sub­
paragraph b(2) for commuter category time delays. Associated procedures should be included in the
AFM. If the disking drag or some other powerplant­related device has significant effect on the landing
distance, the effect of an inoperative engine should be determined and published in the AFM
Performance Section.

(iv) Disking Drag for Single­Engine Installations with Flight Idle and Ground Idle. Landing
distances should be determined with the power levers at flight­idle position during air run, and at
ground­idle position after touchdown. Procedures for consistently achieving ground idle should be
established. Two of the designs that have been found acceptable for ground­idle positioning are a
dedicated throttle gate or tactile positioning of the throttle. In effecting thrust changes following
touchdown, allowance should be made for any time delays that reasonably may be expected in
service, or which may be necessary to assure that the aeroplane is firmly on the surface. Associated
procedures should be included in the AFM.

(v) Reverse Thrust for Twin­engine Aeroplanes. In the approval of reverse thrust for turboprop
aeroplanes, due consideration should be given for thrust settings allowed, the number of operating
engines, and control of the aircraft with one engine inoperative. If landing distance depends on the
operation of any engine and if the landing distance would be noticeably increased (2% has been found
acceptable) when a landing is made with that engine inoperative, the landing distance should be
determined with that engine inoperative unless the use of compensating means (such as reverse thrust
on the operating engine) will result in a landing distance not more than that with each engine operating
(this assumes that there are no other changes in configuration, e.g. flap setting associated with one
engine inoperative, that will cause an increase in landing distance). In effecting thrust changes
following touchdown, allowance should be made for any time delays that reasonably may be expected
in service, or which may be necessary to assure that the aeroplane is firmly on the surface. See sub­
paragraph b(2) for commuter category time delays. Associated procedures should be included in the

(vi) Reverse Thrust for Single­Engine Aeroplanes. In effecting thrust changes following
touchdown, allowance should be made for any time delays that reasonably may be expected in
service, or which may be necessary to assure that the aeroplane is firmly on the surface. Associated
procedures should be included in the AFM.

(6) Balked Landing Transition. For the power conditions selected for the landing demonstration
(except one engine inoperative) and other steady state conditions of speed and rate of sink that are
established during the landing approach, it should be possible, at the 15 m (50­ft) point, to make a
satisfactory transition to the balked landing climb requirement of 23.77 using average piloting skill
without encountering any unsafe conditions.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph
Section 23.75

(7) Expansion of Landing Data for a Range of Airport Elevations. When the basic landing tests
are accomplished between sea level and approximately 914 m (3 000 ft), the maximum allowable
extrapolation limits are 1829 m (6 000 ft) above and 914 m (3 000 ft) below the test field elevation. If
it is desired to extrapolate beyond these limits, one of two procedures may be employed. These
procedures are given in paragraph 19c(3)(iii).

b. Procedures

(1) Technique. The landing approach should be stabilised on target speed, power, and the
aeroplane in the landing configuration prior to reaching the 15 m (50­ft) height to assure stabilised
conditions when the aeroplane passes through the reference height. The engine fuel control should be
adjusted to the maximum flight­idle fuel flow permitted on aeroplanes in service unless it is shown that
the range of adjustment has no effect on landing distance. A smooth flare should be made to the
touchdown point. The landing roll should be as straight as possible and the aeroplane brought to a
complete stop (or 5.6 km/h (3 knots) for seaplanes) for each landing test. Normal pilot reaction times
should be used for power reduction, brake application, and use of other drag/deceleration devices.
See sub­paragraph b(2) for commuter category time delays. These reaction times should be
established by a deliberate application of appropriate controls as would be used by a normal pilot in
service. They should not represent the minimum times associated with the reactions of a highly trained
test pilot.

(2) Commuter Category Time Delays

(i) The time delays shown in figure 27–1 should be used.

(ii) For approved automatic deceleration devices (e.g. autospoilers, etc.) for which performance
credit is sought for AFM data expansion, established times determined during certification testing may
be used without the application of the 1­second minimum time delay required in the appropriate
segment above.

(3) Applicant's Procedures. The procedures to be followed should be those recommended by the

Pilot actuation Pilot actuation

of first of second
deceleration device deceleration device
down Stop

1 2

Full braking
Transition from configuration
touchdown to full to stop
braking configuration

• – This segment represents the flight test measured average time from touchdown to pilot actuation of the first
deceleration device. For AFM data expansion, use 1 second or the test time, whichever is longer.

‚ – This segment represents the flight test measured average test time from pilot actuation of the first
deceleration device to pilot actuation of the second deceleration device. For AFM data expansion, see item •

Step ‚ is repeated until pilot actuation of all deceleration devices has been completed and the aeroplane is in the
full braking configuration.


Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.75 (continued)

(4) Number of Landings. At least six landings should be conducted on the same wheels, tyres,
and brakes to establish the proper functioning required by Part 21.35(b).

(5) Winds. Wind velocity and direction should be measured adjacent to the runway during the
time interval of each test run. See paragraph 6a(5) of this FTG for wind velocity and direction

(6) Weight. Landing tests should be conducted at maximum landing weight.

(7) Approach Angles Greater than 3°. If the applicant chooses an approach angle greater than
3°, landing distances which result from utilising a 3° approach angle should be determined and
published in the AFM to enable operators to comply with related operational rules.

c. Data Acquisition

(1) The data to be recorded for landing distance tests are:

(i) Vertical and horizontal path of the aeroplane relative to the runway. Two methods that have
been used are runway observers and time histories. Sink rate at touchdown and descent gradients
may be computed from time histories.

(ii) Pressure altitude.

(iii) Ambient air temperature.

(iv) Aeroplane weight (fuel used or time since engine start).

(v) Engine power or thrust data.

(vi) Cowl flap position.

(vii) Wing flap position.

(viii) Runway slope.

(ix) Direction of landing run.

(x) Wind direction and velocity at a height of 1.8 m (6 ft) adjacent to the runway near the touchdown

(xi) Landing procedures noted for inclusion in the AFM.

(2) Means of acquiring the required data are listed below:

(i) Time history data is obtained by use of a takeoff and landing camera, electronic equipment, or
a phototheodolite having a known surveyed location. If landing gear loads are a concern, sink rate at
touchdown may be computed, or alternately, vertical load factor may be measured by an
accelerometer at the c.g..

(ii) Pressure altitude may be obtained with a calibrated sensitive altimeter.

(iii) Ambient air temperature should be obtained with a calibrated temperature sensor.

(iv) The aeroplane weight may be computed from a known weight at start of test minus the fuel
used to the time of test.

(v) Engine power or thrust data may be determined using calibrated aeroplane powerplant
instruments to provide the basic parameters required.

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

(vi) Cowl flap position may be obtained from a calibrated indicator or a measured position.

(vii) Wing flap position may be obtained from a calibrated indicator or a measured position.

(viii) Slope of the runway can be obtained from the official runway survey or other suitable data
obtained using accepted survey practices.

(ix) Direction of the landing run will be the direction of the runway used, or an accurate compass

(x) The wind direction and velocity should be obtained with an accurate compass and a calibrated
anemometer. Wind data obtained from airport control towers should not be used.


a. Explanation (Normal, Utility, and Aerobatic Category. Reciprocating Engined aeroplanes

with a MTOW of 2 722 kg (6 000 lb) or less)

(1) Purpose. The configuration that is specified for this climb requirement ordinarily is used in the
final stages of an approach for landing, and the objective of requiring the prescribed climb capability is
to ensure that the descent may readily be arrested, and that the aeroplane will be able to ‘go around’
for another attempt at landing, in the event conditions beyond control of the pilot make such action
advisable or necessary.

(2) Flap Retraction. As an alternative to having the flaps in the landing position, compliance with
the balked landing climb requirement may be demonstrated with flaps in the retracted position,
provided the flaps are capable of being retracted in 2 seconds or less and also provided the
aeroplane's flight characteristics during flap retraction satisfy the constraints imposed by the
regulation; that is, flaps must be retracted with safety, without loss of altitude, without sudden change
in angle of attack, and without need for exceptional piloting skill. Evaluation should include satisfactory
demonstration of ability to promptly arrest the descent by application of takeoff power in conjunction
with rapid retraction of the flaps during final approach to landing.

(3) Flaps That Will Not Fully Retract in Two (2) Seconds. If the flaps will not fully retract in
2 seconds, the climb available with the flap position at the end of 2 seconds may be used as a
consideration in an equivalent level of safety finding. Other considerations should include flight
characteristics, ease of operation and reliability. If the flap is non mechanical, the flap mechanism
should be reliable in order to receive credit for a partially retracted flap.

b. Procedures. Climb performance tests are conducted to establish compliance with the prescribed
climb requirement and for inclusion in the AFM. The procedures outlined under 23.65 are equally applicable
to the balked landing climb, except that the cooling and other considerations that recommend exploration of
a speed range by conducting sawtooth climbs do not apply to the balked landing climb. In lieu of sawtooth
climbs, the balked landing climb performance may be established as the average of not less than three
continuous run pairs at the climb speed selected by the applicant.

c. Explanation. (Normal, Utility and aerobatic a/c with MTOW greater than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb)
and turbine engined a/c and Commuter Category a/c). Paragraph 23.77(b)(1)(b) states that the
engines are to be set at the power or thrust that is available 8 seconds after initiation of movement of
the power controls from minimum flight idle to the takeoff position. The procedures given are for the
determination of this maximum power for showing compliance with the climb requirements of 23.77.

d. Procedures. (A/c with a MTOW greater than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb). and Turbine Engined a/c)

(1) Engine Trim. Trim engines to the minimum idle speed/power to be defined in the aeroplane
maintenance manual.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 22 (continued)
Chapter Section

(2) Engine Power Tests. Engine power tests should be conducted at the most adverse landing
elevation and temperature condition, or the range of landing altitude and temperature conditions if the
most adverse cannot be readily determined.

(i) In the critical air bleed configuration, if applicable, stabilise the aeroplane in level flight with
symmetrical power on all engines, landing gear down, flaps in the landing position, at a speed of V REF,
at an altitude sufficiently above the selected test altitude so that time for descent to the test altitude
with all throttles closed will result in minimum flight­idle power at test altitude.

(ii) Retard throttles to flight idle and descend at VREF as defined in 23.73 to approximately the test
altitude. When power has stabilised, advance throttle(s) in less than 1 second to obtain takeoff power.

(iii) The power that is available 8 seconds after the initiation of movement of the power controls
from the minimum flight idle position is the maximum permitted for showing compliance with the
landing climb of 23.77 for each of the bleed combinations tested.

(iv) If AFM performance is presented so there is no accountability for various bleed conditions, the
power obtained with the most critical air bleed should be used for landing climb performance for all
operations, including the effects of anti­ice bleed.

e. Data Acquisition and Reduction. The information presented under 23.65 applies to the balked
landing climb.




a. Explanation

(1) Minimum Flight Characteristics. The purpose of these requirements is to specify minimum
flight characteristics which are considered essential to safety for any aeroplane. This paragraph deals
primarily with controllability and manoeuvrability. A flight characteristic is an attribute, a quality, or a
feature of the fundamental nature of the aeroplane which is assumed to exist because the aeroplane
behaves in flight in a certain consistent manner when the controls are placed in certain positions or are
manipulated in a certain manner. In some cases, measurements of forces, control surface positions,
or acceleration in pitch, roll, and yaw may be made to support a decision but normally it will be a
pass/fail judgement by the Agency test pilot.

(2) Exceptional Skills. The phrase ‘exceptional piloting skill, alertness, or strength’, is used
repeatedly throughout the regulations and requires highly qualitative judgements on the part of the test
pilot. The judgements should be based on the pilot’s estimate of the skill and experience of the pilots
who normally fly the type of aeroplane under consideration (that is, private pilot, commercial pilot, or
airline transport pilot skill levels). Exceptional alertness or strength requires additional judgement
factors when the control forces are deemed marginal or when a condition exists which requires rapid
recognition and reaction to be coped with successfully.

(3) Stall Speed Multipliers. For conventional configurations, all flying qualities and trim speeds
may only be based on the forward c.g. stall speeds.

b. Procedures. None.


Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 (continued)



a. Explanation

(1) Temporary Control Forces. Temporary application, as specified in the table, may be defined
as the period of time necessary to perform the necessary pilot motions to relieve the forces, such as
trimming or reducing power. The values in the table under 23.143 of CS 23 are maximums. There
may be circumstances where a lower force is required for safety. If it is found that a lower force is
necessary for safety, then that lower force should be established under Part 21.21(c)(3).

(2) Prolonged Control Forces. Prolonged application would be for some condition that could not
be trimmed out, such as a forward c.g. landing. The time of application would be for the final
approach only, if the aeroplane could be flown in trim to that point.

(3) Controllability. Controllability is the ability of the pilot, through a proper manipulation of the
controls, to establish and maintain or alter the attitude of the aeroplane with respect to its flight path. It
is intended in the design of the aeroplane that it be possible to ‘control’ the attitude about each of the
three axes, the longitudinal, the lateral, and the directional axes. Angular displacements about the
longitudinal axis are called ‘roll.’ Those about the lateral axis are called ‘pitch’ and those about the
directional axis are called ‘yaw’. Controllability should be defined as ‘satisfactory’ or ‘unsatisfactory’.
Unsatisfactory controllability would exist if the test pilot finds the controllability to be so inadequate that
a dangerous condition might easily occur and is unacceptable as a showing of compliance with the

(4) Manoeuvrability. Manoeuvrability is the ability of the pilot, through a proper manipulation of
the controls, to alter the direction of the flight path of the aeroplane. In order to accomplish this, it is
necessary that the aeroplane be controllable, since a change about one of the axes is necessary in
order to change a direction of flight. It should also be noted that any change in the direction of flight
involves an acceleration normal to the flight path. Manoeuvrability is so closely related to controllability
as to be inseparable in any real motion of the aeroplane. It is also similarly largely qualitative in its
nature and should be treated in the same manner as has been suggested for controllability above.

(5) Spring Devices. If a spring device is installed in the control system, 23.687 requires that the
aeroplane not have any unsafe flight characteristics without the use of the spring device, unless the
reliability of the device can be established by tests simulating service conditions.

b. Procedures

(1) Landing. Using the AFM recommended approach/landing speeds and power settings,
determine that aeroplane controllability is satisfactory with the wing flaps extended and retracted.
These tests should be accomplished at the critical weight/c.g. combination within the allowable landing
range. For turboprop aeroplanes, the engine fuel control should be adjusted to the minimum flight­idle
fuel flow permitted on aeroplanes in service unless it is shown that the range of adjustment permitted
on aeroplanes in service has no measurable effect on flight­idle sink rate.

(2) Other Flight Conditions. Controllability and manoeuvrability procedures for other flight
conditions, such as takeoff and V MC, are covered in their respective sections.

(3) Lateral imbalance. Lateral imbalance flight evaluations should be conducted on all aeroplanes
configured such that lateral trim and controllability may be affected. The following configurations
should be considered and evaluated as appropriate:

(i) Takeoff – All engine, one­engine­inoperative (twin­engine aeroplanes), V MC, and crosswind

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.143 (continued)

(ii) En Route – All engine, one­engine­inoperative (twin­engine aeroplanes), and autopilot coupled

(iii) Approach and Landing – All engine, one engine inoperative (twin­engine aeroplanes), V MC
(where applicable), crosswind, and autopilot coupled operations.

As a result of flight tests, appropriate lateral imbalance limitations and procedures should be
developed. Different values of imbalance for the various flight configurations may be required.
Imbalance limits, if any, should be included in the AFM.

c. Data Acquisition and Reduction. A qualitative determination by the test pilot will usually
suffice unless the control force limits are considered marginal. In this case, force gauges are used to
measure the forces on each affected control while flying through the required manoeuvres.


a. Explanation

(1) Elevator Power. This regulation requires a series of manoeuvres to demonstrate the
longitudinal controllability during pushovers from low speed, flap extension and retraction, and during
speed and power variations. The prime determinations to be made by the test pilot are whether or not
there is sufficient elevator power to allow pitching the nose downward from a minimum speed condition
and to assure that the required manoeuvres can be performed without the resulting temporary forces
becoming excessive.

(2) Speeds Below Trim Speeds. The phrase, ‘speeds below the trim speed’, as used in
23.145(a), means speeds down to V S1.

(3) Wing Flaps If gated flap positions are provided see paragraph 23.697.

(4) Loss of Primary Control Systems. Paragraph 23.145(e) is intended to cover a condition
where a pilot has sustained some failure in the primary longitudinal control system of the aeroplane
(for some twin­engine aeroplanes, also loss of the directional control system) and is required to land
using the power and trim system without the primary control. It is not intended that this test be
demonstrated to an actual landing; however, a demonstration may be performed using manipulation of
trim and power to a landing, if desired. 23.145(e) is the flight test to demonstrate compliance with the
requirement which specifies a failure of the primary control system.

(5) Analysis of System. An analysis of the control system should be completed before conducting
the loss of primary control system test. On some aeroplanes the required single longitudinal control
system failure could result in loss of both the downspring and the primary longitudinal control system.
If this failure occurred on an aeroplane utilising an extremely large downspring, the loss of the
downspring may result in a nose­up pitching moment at aft c.g. that could not be adequately countered
by the basic pitch trim system.

b. Procedures. The wording of the regulation sufficiently describes the manoeuvres required to
show compliance. The selection of altitudes, weights, and c.g. positions to be flight tested by the
Agency will depend on a study of the applicant’s flight test report. Normally, the following
combinations are checked during the certification tests:

(1) Altitude. A low altitude and an altitude near the maximum altitude capability of the aeroplane.
A high altitude may not be needed for normally aspirated engine aeroplanes.

(2) Weight. Maximum gross weight for all tests, except where otherwise described in sub­
paragraph (3) below.

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BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.145 (continued)

(3) C.G. For conventional configurations Paragraph 23.145(a), most aft c.g. and most aft c.g.
approved for any weight; 23.145(b) 1 through 6, most forward and most aft c.g.; 23.145(c), most
forward c.g.; 23.145(d), most forward c.g. and most forward c.g. approved for any weight; and
23.145(e), both the forward and aft c.g. locations. Paragraph 23.145(e) is sometimes more difficult to
achieve at the aft c.g. than the forward limit, particularly if the aeroplane exhibits neutral to divergent
phugoid tendencies.

(4) Power or Configuration. Pitching moments resulting from power or configuration changes
should be evaluated under all conditions necessary to determine the most critical demonstration

c. Data Acquisition. No special instrumentation is required. The exception to this would be the
44.5 N (10 lbf) in 23.145(d) which should be measured with a force gauge. All longitudinal forces
should be measured if the forces are considered marginal or excessive.


a. Explanation

(1) Yawed Flight. Paragraph 23.147(a) is intended as an investigation for dangerous

characteristics during sideslip, which may result from blocked airflow over the vertical stabiliser and
rudder. Rudder lock and possible loss of directional control are examples of the kinds of
characteristics the test is aimed at uncovering. Paragraph 23.177 also addresses rudder lock.
Compliance may be demonstrated if the rudder stop is reached prior to achieving either 15° of heading
change or the 667 N (150 lbf) limit providing there are no dangerous characteristics. The control stop
serves more effectively than the 667 N (150 lbf) to limit the pilot’s ability to induce a yaw beyond that
which has been demonstrated acceptable.

(2) Controllability following sudden engine failure. 23.147(b) requires a demonstration of

controllability following sudden engine failure during en­route climb.

b. Procedures

(1) Yawed Flight. The aeroplane configurations to be tested according to 23.147(a) are:

(i) One engine inoperative and its propeller in the minimum drag position;

(ii) The remaining engines at not more than maximum continuous power;

(iii) The rearmost allowable centre of gravity;

(iv) The landing gear:

– Retracted; and
– extended;

(v) The flaps retracted;

(vi) Most critical weight;

(vii) Aeroplane trimmed in the test condition, if possible.

(2) Controllability following sudden Engine Failure. In complying with the testing required by
23.147(b), from an initial climb condition of straight flight with wings level, zero sideslip and in trim
simulate a sudden and complete failure of the critical engine. In order to allow for an appropriate
delay no action should be taken to recover the aeroplane for two seconds following first indication of
engine failure. The recovery action should not involve movement of the engine, propeller or trimming

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.147 (continued)

controls. At no time until the completion of the manoeuvre should the bank angle exceed 45° or
excessive yaw be developed. The evaluation of dangerous attitudes and characteristics should be
based on each particular aeroplane characteristics and the flight test pilots evaluation.

The method used to simulate engine failure should be:

(i) for a reciprocating engine, closure of the mixture control; or

(ii) for a turbine engine, termination of the fuel supply by the means which results in the fastest
loss of engine power or thrust. Engine shut­off procedures would normally be sufficient.

c. Loss of Primary Control Systems (see also AC 23.17)

(1) Explanation. Paragraph 23.147(c) is intended to cover a condition where a pilot has sustained
some failure in the primary lateral control system of the aeroplane, and if a single failure in the primary
lateral control system could also cause the loss of additional control, then the loss of the additional
controls must be considered. It must be shown that with the loss of the primary lateral control that the
aeroplane is safely controllable in all configurations and could be landed without exceeding the
operational and structural limitations of the aeroplane. It is not intended that this test be demonstrated
to an actual landing however, a demonstration may be performed using manipulations of lateral trim
and or sideslip generated by the rudder and differential power, if available, to a landing. Paragraph
23.147(c) is the flight test to demonstrate compliance with the requirement which specifies a failure in
the primary lateral control system. This failure implies a disconnection on the primary control system
such that the ailerons are free to float and the lateral trim (if installed) is operational.

(2) Analysis of System. An analysis of the control system should be completed before conducting
the loss of the primary lateral control test. On some aeroplanes the required single lateral control
system failure could result in loss of a rudder aileron interconnect and perhaps loss of directional
control as well as the primary lateral control. The most critical linkage failure of the primary lateral
control system must be considered.

(3) Procedures. The wording of the regulation sufficiently describes the manoeuvres required to
show compliance. The selection of altitudes, weights, c.g. position, lateral imbalance and aircraft
configurations to be flight tested by the Agency will depend on the study of the applicants flight test
report and whether the aircraft has a Lateral Trim System or not. Use of the Lateral Trim System to
manoeuvre the aircraft and to hold wings level during an actual or simulated landing flare is authorised
to comply with CS 23.147(c).

Those aircraft that do not have a separate and independent lateral trim system could use the rudder or
differential power of a twin engine aircraft to generate a sideslip which would produce a rolling
movement to control the bank angle. The use of rudder or asymmetric power to control bank angle
implies that the aircraft exhibits lateral stability or dihedral effect. For those aircraft that use a rudder
aileron interconnect to obtain lateral stability for which it is possible for a single failure in the primary
lateral control system to disconnect the aileron rudder interconnect, compliance with CS 23.147(c)
must be performed for the most critical case. If compliance with the continued safe flight provisions of
CS 23.147(c) can only be demonstrated with flap, speed, power and/or procedures, these procedures
should be noted in the Aircraft Flight Manual, in the Emergency Section.

i. Altitude. A low altitude and an altitude near the maximum capability of the aeroplane. The
high altitude test is to determine controllability with decreased Dutch roll damping.

ii. Weight. Maximum gross weight for all tests except where otherwise described in sub­
paragraph (3) below.

iii. C.G. For conventional configuration paragraph 23.147(a) the most aft c.g. is critical, if the
rudder is used to roll the aeroplane. For unconventional configurations the most critical c.g. must be

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BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.147 (continued)

iv. Lateral Imbalance. The maximum lateral imbalance for which certification is requested must
be used when flight testing for compliance with Paragraph 147(c).

v. Configuration, Power and Speed. Lateral controllability must be demonstrated with all
practicable configurations and speeds. The maximum flaps used to demonstrate an actual or
simulated landing need not be the maximum deflection possible.


a. Background. Paragraph 23.149 requires the minimum control speed to be determined.

Paragraph 23.1545(b)(6) requires the airspeed indicator to be marked with a red radial line showing
the maximum value of one­engine­inoperative minimum control speed. Paragraph 23.1583(a)(2)
requires that V MC be furnished as an airspeed limitation in the AFM. These apply only to twin­engine
aeroplanes. A different V MC airspeed will normally result from each approved takeoff flap setting.
There are variable factors affecting the minimum control speed. Because of this, V MC should represent
the highest minimum airspeed normally expected in service. The variable factors affecting V MC testing

(1) Engine Power. V MC will increase as power is increased on the operating engine(s). Engine
power characteristics should be known and engine power tolerances should be accounted for.

(2) Propeller of the Inoperative Engine. Windmilling propellers result in a higher V MC than if the
propeller is feathered. V MC is normally measured with propeller windmilling unless the propeller is
automatically feathered or otherwise driven to a minimum drag position (e.g. NTS­System) without
requiring pilot action.

(3) Control Position. The value of V MC is directly related to the control surface travel available.
Normally, V MC is based on available rudder travel but may, for some aeroplanes, be based on aileron
travel. For these reasons, V MC tests should be conducted with rudder and aileron (if applicable)
controls set at minimum travel. In addition, rudder and aileron control cable tensions should be
adjusted to the minimum production tolerances. If during V MC tests, control force limits would be
exceeded at full deflection, then a lesser deflection should be used so as not to exceed §23.143 force

(4) Weight and C.G. For rudder limited aeroplanes with constant aft c.g. limits, the critical loading
for V MC testing is most aft c.g. and minimum weight. Aft c.g. provides the shortest moment arm
relative to the rudder and thus the least restoring moments with regard to maintaining directional
control. V MC should be determined at the most adverse weight. Minimum practical test weight is
usually the most critical, because the beneficial effect of banking into the operating engine is
minimised. Light weight may be necessary for V MC testing, because the stall speed is reduced.

(5) Lateral Loading. The maximum allowable adverse lateral imbalance (fuel, baggage etc.)
should be maintained.

b. Explanation

(1) Controllability. The determination of V MC is closely related to the controllability requirements.

It is one of the manoeuvres which generally requires maximum rudder and/or maximum aileron
deflection (unless limited by temporary control forces) to maintain aeroplane control. When minimum
control speed is determined using maximum rudder deflection, limited aeroplane manoeuvring is still
available using the ailerons and elevator. When minimum control speed is determined using maximum
aileron deflection, the aeroplane may be incapable of further manoeuvring in the normal sense.

(2) Critical Engine. The regulation requires that V MC determination be made ‘when the critical
engine is suddenly made inoperative’. The intent is to require an investigation to determine which
engine is critical from the standpoint of producing a higher V MC speed. This is normally accomplished
during static V MC tests.

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.149 (continued)

(3) Straight Flight. Straight flight is maintaining a constant heading. Paragraph 23.149(a) requires
the pilot to maintain straight flight (constant heading). This can be accomplished either with wings
level or, at the option of the applicant, with up to 5° of bank toward the operating engine. Normally, 2–
3° of bank allows the aeroplane to attain zero sideslip so that at 5° bank, the beneficial effects of
directional stability to counter the yaw produced by asymmetric thrust can be utilised.

(4) Control Forces. The rudder and aileron control force limits may not exceed those specified in

(5) Deicer Boots, Antennas and other External Equipment. The installation of deicer boots,
antennas, and other external gear could change the V MC speed significantly. Re­evaluation of the V MC
speed should be considered when these installations are made. See AC 23.1419–2 if a ‘flight into
icing’ approval is being sought.

(6) Variable V MC. For reciprocating engine­powered aeroplanes of more than 2 722 kg (6 000 lb)
maximum weight and for turbine­engine powered aeroplanes, a V MC which varies with altitude and
temperature is a permissible condition for use in determining 23.51 takeoff speeds, provided that the
AFM does not show a V R below the red radial line speed required by 23.1545(b)(6).

(7) Autofeather Annunciations. If autofeather is installed, there should be annunciations to advise

of the status. This will include at least green advisory anytime the system is armed. For some
aeroplanes, the autofeather system will be identified as a critical system. This could be because V MC
has been determined with an operative autofeather system or because commuter category takeoff
conditions were predicated on an operative autofeather system. For such installations, additional
annunciations may be necessary to ensure that the system is armed and that malfunctions are
immediately recognised. This could include caution/warning/advisory annunciations as follows:

(i) Caution or warning, if autofeather switch is not armed.

(ii) Caution or advisory if the autofeather is armed, then is subsequently disarmed because of a
system malfunction.

All annunciations should be evaluated to verify that they can be easily and quickly recognised. For
critical systems, the AFM limitations should require a satisfactory preflight check and that the
autofeather be armed for takeoff and landing.

c. Procedures

(1) Configuration. Prior to conducting V MC tests, rudder and aileron control travels should be set
to the minimum allowable production travels. Rudder and aileron control cable tensions should be
adjusted to the minimum value for use in service. The critical loading for V MC testing is generally
minimum weight and maximum aft c.g.; however, each aeroplane design should be evaluated
independently to be assured that tests are conducted under the critical loading conditions. Variable aft
c.g. limits as a function of weight, tip tanks, etc., can cause the critical loading condition to vary from
one aeroplane to another.

(2) Power. An aeroplane with a sea­level engine will normally not be able to produce rated
takeoff power at the higher test altitudes. Under these circumstances, V MC should be determined at
several power settings and a plot of V MC versus power will allow extrapolation to determine V MC at
maximum takeoff power. See sub­paragraph c(6) for a further explanation of extrapolation methods. If
tests are conducted at less than approximately 914 m (3 000 ft) density altitude, no corrections to V MC
are normally necessary. If tests are conducted above 914 m (3 000 ft) density altitude, then additional
tests should be conducted to allow extrapolation to sea level thrust. Because propeller thrust
decreases with increasing true airspeed, V MC will increase with decreasing altitude and temperature,
even at constant power.

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BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.149 (continued)

The results of testing are used to predict the V MC for a maximum takeoff power condition at sea level
unless, because of turbocharging or other reasons, some higher altitude prevails as the overall highest
V MC value.

(3) Propeller Controls. All propeller controls have to stay in the recommended takeoff or
approach position as appropriate throughout the whole procedure.

(4) Flap Settings. An applicant may want to specify more than one takeoff or landing flap setting
as appropriate which would require V MC investigation at each flap setting.

(5) Stalls. Extreme caution should be exercised during V MC determination due to the necessity of
operating with asymmetric power, full rudder and aileron at speeds near the aerodynamic stall. In the
event of inadvertent entry into a stall, the pilot should immediately reduce the pitch attitude, reduce
power on the operating engine(s) and return rudder and aileron controls to neutral to preclude possible
entry into a spin.

(6) Static Minimum Control Speed. The test pilot should select test altitude based on the
capability to develop takeoff power and consistent with safe practices. It will be necessary to
determine which engine is critical to the V MC manoeuvre by conducting static tests with first one then
the other engine inoperative to discover which produces the higher V MC. Power should be set to the
maximum available for the ambient condition. Test weights should be light enough to identify the limits
of directional control without stalling or being in prestall buffet.

For each test altitude condition, the following should be accomplished:

(i) Flaps and Gear. For the Take­off conditions, the gear should be retracted and the flaps in the
Takeoff position(s). For the landing conditions the gear should be extended and the flaps in the
landing position(s).

(ii) Trim. The aeroplane should be trimmed to the settings associated with normal symmetrical
power takeoff or approach as appropriate with all engines operating, as indicated.

(iii) Power. Render the one engine inoperative and set take­off power on the other engine. The
propeller on the inoperative engine should be windmilling, or in the condition resulting from the
availability of automatic feathering or other devices.

(iv) Test Techniques. Gradually reduce airspeed until it is no longer possible to prevent heading
changes with maximum use of the directional and/or maximum use of the lateral controls, or the limit
control forces have been reached. No changes in lateral or directional trim should be accomplished
during the speed reduction. Usually the 5° bank option will be used (see paragraph 48b(3)) to maintain
straight flight. A yaw string may be used to assist the test pilot in attaining zero sideslip (or minimum

(v) Critical Engine. Repeat steps (i) through (iv) to identify which inoperative engine results in the
highest minimum control speed.

(7) Extrapolation to Sea Level. The only V MC test data that can be extrapolated reliably are static
V MC data, where most of the variables can be carefully controlled to a constant value. Because V MC
data are typically collected in ambient conditions less critical than sea level standard day, extrapolation
is nearly always necessary. Therefore, the usual way to establish an AFM V MC is to extrapolate static
V MC data. When V MC is determined for an aeroplane with an automatically feathered propeller, special
techniques may be required. Appendix 3 shows one method for extrapolating static V MC from test
conditions to sea level standard day.

(8) Dynamic Minimum Control Speed. After determining the critical engine static V MC, and at
some speed above static V MC, make a series of engine cuts (using the mixture control or idle cut­off
control) dynamically while gradually working speed back toward the static speed. While maintaining
this speed after a dynamic engine cut, the pilot should be able to control the aeroplane and maintain

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.149 (continued)

straight flight without reducing power on the operating engine. During recovery, the aeroplane should
not assume any dangerous attitude nor should the heading change more than 20° when a pilot
responds to the critical engine failure with normal skill, strength, and alertness. The climb angle with
all engines operating is high, and continued control following an engine failure involves the ability to
lower the nose quickly and sufficiently to regain the initial stabilised speed. The dynamic V MC
demonstration will normally serve as verification that the numbers obtained statically are valid. If, in
fact, the dynamic case is more critical, then the extrapolated static V MC value should be increased by
that increment. Frequently, the dynamic V MC demonstration will indicate a lower V MC than is obtained
from static runs. This may be due to the fact that the inoperative engine, during spooldown, may
provide net thrust or that control force peaks exceed limit values for a short period and go undetected
or that due to high yaw and pitch angles and rates, the indicated airspeed values are erroneous.
Because of the twin­variable nature of the dynamic V MC demonstration, the AFM V MC value should
represent the highest of the static or dynamic V MC test data, corrected to critical conditions. Specially
in test conditions with a high thrust/weight ratio, a modified procedure may be applied to avoid extreme
pitch attitudes. In this case decelerate to below V MC, all engines, accelerate with 2 x MTOP to a
representative climb pitch attitude, cut the critical engine at static V MC (verify before that V MC is
acceptably above actual stall speed).

(9) Repeatability. Once determined, and if the dynamic V MC seems to be the critical one, the
dynamic V MC should be verified by running a series of tests to determine the speed is repeatable.

(10) AFM Minimum Control Speed Value. V MC is usually observed at several different power
settings and/or altitudes. Sufficient test data should be obtained such that the V MC for the highest
power and sea level density conditions may be determined. The V MC resulting from this extrapolation
to sea level is the one entered into the AFM and marked on the airspeed indicator. If this V MC is
determined with an autofeather system, the AFM required equipment list, as well as the Kind of
Operation List (KOEL), should list autofeather as a required item and the AFM may state the V MC with
the autofeather system inoperative (propeller windmilling) in the abnormal/emergency procedures
section. The normal procedures section should also require the autofeather to be armed (if applicable)
during takeoff and landing.

(d) Safe, Intentional, One­engine­Inoperative Speed, V SSE (RESERVED).


a. Explanation. This regulation requires each manoeuvre to be evaluated and safe entry speeds
established. Paragraph 23.1567(c), which is associated with this requirement, imposes a requirement
for a placard which gives entry airspeeds and approved manoeuvres. If inverted flight is prohibited,
the placard should so state.

b. Procedures. The applicant should fly each manoeuvre for which approval is sought. The
Agency test pilot should then evaluate those manoeuvres considered most critical.

c. Data Acquisition. A recently calibrated airspeed system, airspeed indicator, accelerometer,

and tachometer should be provided by the applicant for the test aeroplane. The following should be

(1) Load factor.

(2) Entry airspeeds.

(3) Maximum airspeeds.

(4) Maximum r.p.m.


a. Explanation
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BOOK 2 CS–23

(1) Purpose. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that aeroplanes do not encounter
excessive control forces when approaching at a speed of 9.3 km/h (5 knots) lower than normal landing
approach speed, also, a safe landing is required. Safe is considered to include having sufficient flare
capability to overcome any excessive sink rate that may develop.

(2) Landing Requirements. Paragraph 23.75 is a companion requirement and normally tests to
determine compliance would be accomplished at the same time.

b. Procedures. The procedures applicable to 23.75 would apply for 23.153 except that for
turbopropeller aeroplanes, the flight­idle fuel flow should be adjusted to provide minimum thrust.


a. Explanation

(1) Stick Force Per G. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that the positive stick force
per g levels in a cruise configuration are of sufficient magnitude to prevent the pilot from inadvertently
overstressing the aeroplane during manoeuvring flight. The minimum manoeuvring stability levels are
generally found at aft c.g. loadings. Both aft heavy and aft light loadings should be considered.
During initial inflight investigations, caution should be exercised in the event that pitch­up tendencies or
decreasing stick force per g conditions occur.

(2) Buffet Boundaries. Low speed buffet onset may occur during high altitude investigations. A
qualitative evaluation should be conducted beyond the boundary of buffet onset to ensure a capability
to manoeuvre out of the buffet regime.

b. Procedures. Compliance with the requirements of 23.155 may be demonstrated by measuring

the normal acceleration and associated elevator stick force in a turn while maintaining the initial level
flight trim speed. A descent may be required in the turn to maintain the level flight trim speed. As a
minimum, the following conditions should be investigated in the cruise configuration; that is, flaps up
and gear up (if retractable):

Condition Power Wings Level Altitude

Trim Speed

1 See note Trimmed (but not Low

to exceed VNE or

2 See note Trimmed Altitude for highest

dynamic pressure (q)

3 See note VA Low

4 See note VA Highest attainable

approved altitude

NOTE: 75% maximum continuous power (reciprocating engine) or maximum continuous power (turbine).

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.155 (continued)

Compliance may be demonstrated by measuring the normal acceleration achieved with the limiting
stick force (222 N (50 lbf) for wheel controls, 156 N (35 lbf) for stick controls) or by establishing the
stick force per g gradient and extrapolating to the appropriate limit. Linear stick force gradients may
be extrapolated up to 0.5 g maximum. Nonlinear stick force gradients that indicate a possible gradient
lightening at higher g levels should not be extrapolated more than 0.2 g.

c. Data Acquisition and Reduction. The following should be recorded for each test condition:

(1) Wt./c.g.

(2) Pressure altitude.

(3) Outside air temperature (OAT).

(4) Engine power parameters.

(5) Trim setting.

(6) Elevator force.

(7) Normal acceleration at c.g.

(8) Gear/flap position.

The test data should be presented in stick force versus g plots. Figure 51–1 shows a sample plot.
Test results should be compared to the requirements of 23.155(a).


LBS pull




0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Normal acceleration ­ G’s


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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.155 (continued)

d Stick Force per G. 23.155(c) An increase in pull force should be required to produce an
increase in normal acceleration throughout the range of required load factor and speed. Any reduction
in control force gradient with change in load factor should not be so large or abrupt as to significantly
impair the ability of the pilot to maintain control of normal acceleration and pitch rate. The local value
of control force gradient should not be less than 13 N (3 lbf)/g for stick­controlled aeroplanes or 18 N
(4 lbf)/g for wheel­controlled aeroplanes. The elevator control force should increase progressively with
increasing load factor.

Flight tests to satisfy the above must be performed at sufficient points to establish compliance with
23.155(c) throughout the normal flight envelope. During these tests the load factor should be
increased until either:

(1) the intensity of buffet provides a strong and effective deterrent to further increase of load
factor; or

(2) further increase of load factor requires an elevator control force in excess of 667 N (150 lbf)
for a wheel control or 556 N (125 lbf) for a stick control or is impossible because of the limitations of
the control system; or

(3) the positive limit manoeuvring load factor is achieved.


a. Explanation. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure an adequately responsive

aeroplane in the takeoff and approach configuration.

b. Procedures

(1) Bank Angle. The aeroplane should be placed in a 30° bank and rolled through an angle of
60°. For example, with the aeroplane in a steady 30° left bank, roll through a 30° right bank and
measure the time. Paragraphs 23.157(b) and (d) should be accomplished by rolling the aeroplane in
both directions.

(2) Controls. Paragraphs 23.157(a) and (c) permit using a favourable combination of controls.
The rudder may be used as necessary to achieve a co­ordinated manoeuvre.

(3) Weight. The ‘W’ in the formulas is the maximum Takeoff weight.


Section 5 TRIM


a. Explanation. The trim requirements ensure that the aeroplane will not require exceptional skill,
strength, or alertness on the pilot's part to maintain a steady flight condition. The tests require the
aeroplane to be trimmed for hands­off flight for the conditions specified. It should be noted that for
single­engine aeroplanes, lateral­directional trim is required at only one speed and thus, ground
adjustable tabs are acceptable. For lateral­directional testing, the tabs may be adjusted for the test
trim airspeed and readjusted for subsequent tests. For twin­engine aeroplanes, directional trim is
required for a range of speeds. Lateral baggage loading and fuel asymmetry should be considered in
this evaluation, if appropriate.

b. Procedures

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph
Section 23.161

(1) Actuator Settings. Trim actuator travel limits should be set to the minimum allowable.

(2) Altitude and Power. Tests for trim should be conducted in smooth air. Those tests requiring
use of maximum continuous power should be conducted at as low an altitude as practical to ensure
attaining the required power.

(3) Weight and C.G. Longitudinal trim tests should be conducted at the most critical combinations
of weight and c.g.. Forward c.g. is usually critical at slow speeds, and aft c.g. critical at high speeds.




a. Explanation

(1) Required Stability. The stability portion of CS 23 is primarily concerned with static stability.
No quantitative values are specified for the degree of stability required. This allows simple test
methods or qualitative determinations unless marginal conditions are found to exist. The regulations
merely require that the aeroplane be stable and that it have sufficient change in control force, as it is
displaced from the trimmed condition, to produce suitable control feel for safe operation.

(2) Forces. The magnitude of the measured forces should increase with departure from the trim
speed up to the speed limits specified in 23.175 or up to the 178 N (40 lbf) force limit specified in
23.173. The stick force variation with speed changes should be stable, i.e. a pull force required to fly
slower than trim and a push force required to fly faster than trim and the gradient should be clearly
perceptible to the pilot at any speed between 1.3 V S1 and V NE or V FC/MFC. Fig 70.1 below shows an
example of cruise configuration.

Pull FRSR + > 40 KTS or 15%TV


Fe Vi


FRSR + > 40 KTS OR 15% V T


Speed Range = Greater of + 74 km/h (40 kts) or 15% Vtrim + free return speed range (FRSR)

At speeds below 1.3 V S1 for normal, utility and aerobatic aeroplanes and at speeds below 1.4 V S1 for
commuter aeroplanes, the slope need not be stable, see Fig 70.2 and 70.3. The pull forces can
decrease in magnitude with speed decrease down to but not including the stall speed V S1, however,
the pull force should in no case fall below zero before the stall is reached.
Instrumented force measurements are required if there is any uncertainty in the qualitative assessment
of the force gradients.

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BOOK 2 CS–23

FRSR + > 40 KTS or 15% V



Fe V

V 1+3


Figure 70–2 LOW SPEED INSTABILITIES: (i) Normal, Utility and Aerobatic Aircraft

Pull V





Figure 70–3 (ii) Commuter Aircraft

b. Procedures. None required for this paragraph.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 (continued)


a. Explanation

(1) Demonstration Conditions. The general requirements of 23.173 are determined from a
demonstration of static stability under the conditions specified in 23.175.

(2) Control Frictions. Paragraph 23.173(b) effectively limits the amount of control friction that will
be acceptable since excessive friction would have a masking effect on stability. If autopilot or stability
augmentation systems are of such a design that they tend to increase the friction level of the
longitudinal control system, critical static longitudinal stability tests should be conducted with the
system installed. Control cable tensions should be set to the maximum.


x x x x

Stick force


1+3 VS1

Push VS1 V


x = FRSR + (> 74 km/h (40 kt) or 15% V TRIM )

Figure 70–4

(3) Stable Slope. Paragraph 23.173(c) is an extremely general requirement which requires the
test pilot's best judgement as to whether or not the stable slope of the stick force curve versus speed
is sufficiently steep so that perceptibility is satisfactory for the safe operation of the aeroplane.

(4) Maximum allowable speed. Should be taken to mean V FE , V LE , V NE and V FC/MFC as


b. Procedures. Refer to paragraph 72.


a. Explanation. Paragraph 23.175 requires, that for cruise configuration, static longitudinal
stability tests be conducted at representative cruising speeds at high and low altitude up to V NE or
V FC/MFC as appropriate, except that the trim speed need not exceed V H. Paragraph 23.173(a) states
that static longitudinal stability must be shown at any speed that can be obtained, therefore, the
longitudinal stability demonstration must cover the entire range from V S1 to V NE or V FC/MFC. Figure
72.1 shows typical coverage of the speed range in cruise with overlapping data. Midrange trim points
should include speed for best endurance, range and high speed cruise.

(1) Trim at V S1 + (> 74 km/h (40 kt) or 15%) + an estimate of the free return speed range (FRSR),
perform static longitudinal stability tests from the trim speed within the speed range ensuring that the
aircraft does not stall.

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.175 (continued)

(2) Determine V H at lowest altitude at maximum continuous power (MCP), perform longitudinal
static stability tests within the prescribed speed range but do not exceed V NE .

(3) Select additional trim points e.g. speed for best range and endurance, etc. until the speed
range covered by data, see figure 72.1.

(4) Go to highest operating altitude, depending on pressurisation, oxygen requirements etc. trim at
V H and repeat the test to a maximum speed of V FC/MFC or V NE whichever comes first. Note that a
stable slope above V NE or V FC/MFC is not required.

b. Procedures

(1) Paragraph 23.175(a) Climb

(i) Stabilised Method. The aeroplane should be trimmed in smooth air for the conditions required
by the regulation. Tests should be conducted at the critical combinations of weight and c.g. Normally,
light weight and aft c.g. are critical.

After observing trim speed, apply a pull force and stabilise at a slower speed. Continue this process in
appropriate increments (e.g. of 19 to 37 km/h (10 to 20 kt), depending on the speed spread being
investigated), until reaching minimum speed for steady unstalled flight. At some stabilised point, the
pull force should be very gradually relaxed to allow the aeroplane to slowly return toward trim speed
and zero stick force. Depending on the amount of friction in the control system, the eventual speed at
which the aeroplane stabilises will be somewhat less than the original trim speed. As required by
23.173, the new speed, called free­return speed, must be within 10% (7.5% for commuter category
aeroplanes in cruise) of the trim speed.

Starting again at the trim speed, push forces should be applied and gradually relaxed in the same
manner as previously described at speeds up to 115% of the trim speed and the same determination
should be made.

The flight test data band should be +/­ 610 m (± 2 000 ft) from the trim altitude to minimise changes in
power/thrust with altitude at a fixed throttle setting that could affect static longitudinal stability. High
performance aeroplanes in the climb configuration sometimes require a number of iterations to stay
within the data band.

(ii) Acceleration Deceleration Method. The stabilised flight test technique described in Paragraph
(i) above is suitable for low performance aeroplanes or aeroplane configurations with low climb
performance. The acceleration­deceleration method is particularly suitable for aeroplanes with high
cruise speed. The aeroplane is trimmed at the desired airspeed and the power/thrust setting noted.
Power/thrust is then increased to accelerate the aeroplane to the extreme speed of the desired data
band. The Power/Thrust is then reset to the original trim power setting and the aeroplane allowed to
decelerate at a constant altitude back to the original trim speed. Longitudinal static stability data is
obtained during the deceleration to trim speed with the power and the elevator trim position the same
as the original trim data point. The data below trim speed is obtained in a similar manner by reducing
power to decelerate the aeroplane to the lowest speed in the data band, reset the power to trim
conditions and record the data during the level acceleration back to trim speed. If because of
thrust/drag relationships, the aeroplane has difficulty returning towards the trim data point, small
altitude changes within +/­ 610 m (± 2 000 ft.) can also be used to coax an aeroplane
acceleration/deceleration back to trim speed, but level flight is preferred if possible. The data to be
measured approximately every 10 kts. would be speed and elevator stick force.
(2) Other Stability Test Procedures. The balance of the static longitudinal stability requirements is
flown using either the stabilised method or the acceleration/deceleration method, but using the
configurations, trim points and speed ranges prescribed in paragraph 23.175.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.175 (continued)

c. Data Acquisition and Reduction. Force readings can be made with a hand­held force gauge,
fish scale, or by electronic means, and plotted against calibrated airspeed to determine compliance
with the regulation. See figure 72–1 for an example of the data plot. Collect test data within a
reasonable altitude band of the trim point altitude, such as +/­ 610 m (±2 000 ft). Stick force
measurements must be made unless –

(1) Changes in speed are clearly reflected by changes in stick forces; and

(2) The maximum forces obtained under 23.173 and 23.175 are not excessive.



Trim speed
Stick force (pounds)


70 90 110 130 150 170 190
1.3 VS1 V NE

Calibrated Airspeed (knots)



a. Explanation

(1) Purpose. The purpose of this paragraph is to require positive directional and lateral stability,
and to verify the absence of rudder lock tendencies

(2) Directional Stability. In 23.177(a), the determination of ‘appropriate’ wings level sideslip
(previously referred to as skid) angles will depend on sound judgement in considering such things as
aeroplane size, manoeuvrability, control harmony, and forces to determine the magnitude of wings
level sideslip angles the aeroplane will probably experience in service. Tests are continued beyond
these ‘appropriate’ angles up to the point where full rudder control is used or a force limit of 667 N
(150 lbf), as specified in 23.143, is reached. The rudder force may lighten but may not reverse. The
rudder force tests are conducted at speeds between 1.2 V S1 and V A . The directional stability tests are
conducted at speeds from 1.2 V S1 to V NE or the maximum allowable speed for the configuration,
whichever is limiting.

(3) Lateral Stability (Dihedral Effect). The static lateral stability tests (reference 23.177(b)) take a
similar approach in that the basic requirement must be met at the maximum sideslip angles
‘appropriate to the type of aeroplane.’ Up to this angle, the aeroplane must demonstrate a tendency to
raise the low wing when the ailerons are freed. The static lateral stability may not be negative, but
may be neutral at 1.2 V S1 in the takeoff configuration and 1.3 V S1 in other configurations.

(4) Forces. The requirement of 23.177(d) is to be tested at a speed of 1.2 V S1 and larger than
‘appropriate’ sideslip angles. At angles up to those which require full rudder or aileron control, or until

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.177 (continued)

the rudder or aileron force limits specified in the table in 23.143 are reached, the aileron and rudder
force may lighten but may not reverse.

(5) Maximum allowable speed. Should be taken to mean V FE , V LE , V NE and V FC/MFC as


(6) Autopilot or Stability Augmentation Systems (SAS). If autopilot or SAS are of such a design
that they tend to increase the friction levels of the lateral and directional controls systems, then critical
lateral and directional tests should be conducted with those systems installed, but not operating.

b. Procedures

(1) Altitude. The tests should be conducted at the highest practical altitude considering engine
power and aerodynamic damping.

(2) Loading. The maximum allowable lateral imbalance should be maintained. Both low fuel and
full fuel loadings should be evaluated for possible effects of fuel movement.

(3) Directional. To check static directional stability with the aeroplane in the desired configuration
and stabilised on the trim speed, the aeroplane is slowly yawed in both directions keeping the wings
level with ailerons. When the rudder is released, the aeroplane should tend to return to straight flight.
See paragraph 63a for discussion of ground adjustable tabs.

(4) Lateral. To check lateral stability with a particular configuration and trim speed, conduct
sideslips at the trim speed by maintaining the aeroplane’s heading with rudder and banking with
ailerons. See paragraph 63a for discussion of ground adjustable tabs. Paragraph 23.177(b) requires
the slip angle to be appropriate to the type of aeroplane and the bank angle to be at least 10°. Some
aeroplanes cannot maintain a heading in a slip with a 10° bank angle. In those cases, the slip should
be performed with no less than a 10° bank and full opposite rudder and the heading allowed to vary.
When the ailerons are released, the low wing should tend to return to level. The pilot should not assist
the ailerons during this evaluation. The pilot should hold full rudder during the evaluation, (either up to
the deflection limit or to the force limit, whichever occurs first).

c. Data Acquisition. Data recorded should be sufficient for showing compliance.



a. Explanation – Longitudinal Dynamic Stability

(1) Short and Long Period Modes. Most normally­configured aeroplanes will exhibit two distinct
longitudinal modes of motion. The short period mode is the first response experienced after disturbing
the aeroplane from its trim condition with the elevator control. It involves a succession of pitch
acceleration, pitch rate, and pitch attitude changes which occur so rapidly that the airspeed does not
change significantly. Angle of attack will change in response to the pitching motions and produce
accompanying changes in normal acceleration. Vertical gusts and configuration changes such as
deploying flaps or speed brakes may also excite the short period mode. The influence of control
system springs/bob weights can be significant.

If the disturbance from the trim condition is sustained long enough for the airspeed to change
significantly, and if the pitch attitude excursions are not constrained by the pilot, the long period (or
phugoid) oscillation will be excited, with large but slower changes in pitch attitude, airspeed, and

(2) Damping. Both the short period and long period modes are normally oscillatory in nature.
However, the short period motion tends to be so heavily damped that no significant overshoot or
residual oscillations are perceptible to the pilot, a condition described qualitatively as ‘deadbeat’. If this

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.181 (continued)

is not the case, it should be determined that the motions do not interfere with performance of any
required manoeuvre or task.

The long period or phugoid oscillation is characteristically lightly damped, sometimes even unstable.
Mild levels of instability are acceptable as long as they do not significantly interfere with normal piloting
tasks such as trimming to a desired speed, holding altitude, or glide slope tracking. Useful guidelines
are that the oscillation should be near neutrally stable if the period is less than 15 sec., or, for motions
with longer period, the time to double amplitude should be greater than 55 sec.

b. Procedures – Longitudinal, Short Period

(1) General. The test for short period longitudinal dynamic stability is accomplished by a
movement or pulse of the longitudinal control at a rate and degree to obtain a short period pitch
response from the aeroplane. Initial inputs should be small and conservatively slow until more is
learned about the aeroplane's response. Gradually, the inputs can be made large enough to evaluate
more readily the aeroplane's oscillatory response and number of overshoots of the steady state

(2) The Doublet Input. The ‘doublet input’ excites the short period motion while suppressing the
phugoid. It is generally considered to be the optimum means of exciting the short period motion of any
aeroplane. The doublet input causes a deviation in pitch attitude in one direction (nose down), then
cancels it with a deviation in the other direction (nose up). The total deviation in pitch attitude from trim
at the end of a doublet is zero. Thus, the phugoid mode is suppressed. However, the short period
motion will be evident since the doublet generates deviations in pitch rate, normal acceleration, and
angle of attack at a constant airspeed. Short period characteristics may be determined from the
manner in which these parameters return to the original trimmed conditions. The doublet is performed
as follows:

(i) Flight Condition. Stabilise and trim carefully in the desired configuration at the desired flight

(ii) Control Inputs. With a smooth, but fairly rapid motion, apply aeroplane nose­down longitudinal
control to decrease pitch attitude a few degrees, then reverse the input to nose­up longitudinal control
to bring the pitch attitude back to trim. As pitch attitude reaches trim, return the longitudinal cockpit
control to trim and release it (controls­free short period) or restrain it in the trim position (controls­fixed
short period). Both methods should be utilised. At the end of the doublet input, pitch attitude should
be at the trim position (or oscillating about the trim position) and airspeed should be approximately trim

(iii) Short Period Data. Obtaining quantitative information on short period characteristics from
cockpit instruments is difficult and will be almost impossible if the motion is heavily damped. Short
period oscillations are often of very low amplitude. If the pilot cannot see enough of the motion to
measure and time a half­cycle amplitude ratio, the short period motion should be qualitatively
described as essentially deadbeat.

(iv) Input Frequency. The frequency with which the doublet input is applied depends on the
frequency and response characteristics of the aeroplane. The test pilot should adjust the doublet input
to the particular aeroplane. The maximum response amplitude will be generated when the time
interval for the complete doublet input is approximately the same as the period of the undamped short
period oscillation.

(v) Sequence of Control Inputs. The doublet input may be made by first applying aft stick, then
reversing to forward stick. However, this results in less than 1g normal acceleration at the completion
of the doublet and is more uncomfortable for the pilot.

(3) The Pulse Input. The pulse input also excites the short period nicely; however, it also tends to
excite the phugoid mode. This confuses data analysis since the response of the aeroplane through the
phugoid may be taken as a part of the short period response. This is particularly true for low

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.181 (continued)

frequency, slow­responding aeroplanes. Therefore, the pulse can usually only be utilised for high
frequency, quick­responding aeroplanes in which the short period motion subsides before the phugoid
response can develop. The pulse can always be used for a quick, qualitative look at the form of the
short period motion. It is performed as follows:

(i) Flight Condition. Stabilise and trim in the desired configuration at the desired flight condition.

(ii) Control Inputs. With a smooth, but fairly rapid motion, apply aeroplane nose­up longitudinal
control to generate pitch rate, normal acceleration, and angle of attack changes, then return the
longitudinal control stick to the trim position. The short period motion may then be observed while
restraining the control stick at the trim position (controls­fixed short period) or with the control stick free
(controls­free short period).

(iii) Sequence of Control Inputs. Pulses may also be performed by first applying aeroplane nose­
down longitudinal control.

(4) Conditions and Configurations. Short period dynamic longitudinal stability should be checked
under all the conditions and configurations that static longitudinal stability is checked; therefore, the
test pilot may find it convenient to test for both on the same flights. It is not intended nor required that
every point along a stick force curve be checked for dynamic stability; however, a sufficient number of
points should be checked in each configuration to ensure compliance at all operational speeds.

c. Procedures – Longitudinal Long Period (Phugoid) Dynamic Stability

(1) General. The test for the phugoid mode is accomplished by causing the aeroplane to depart a
significant amount from trim speed (about +10% should be sufficient) with an elevator input and then
allowing the ensuing oscillations in speed, rate of climb and descent, altitude, and pitch attitude to
proceed without attempting to constrain any of the variables as long as airspeed, load factor, or other
limitations are not exceeded.

(2) The Pulse Input. An appropriate control input for the phugoid test is a relatively slow elevator
pulse to cause the aeroplane to increase or decrease speed from the trim point. Once the speed
deviation is attained, the control is moved back to the original position and released.

(3) Conditions and Configurations. Long period dynamic stability should be checked under all of
the conditions and configurations for which longitudinal static stability is checked. As in the short
period case, it is not intended that every point along a stick force curve be checked for phugoid
damping; however, enough conditions should be checked to determine acceptable characteristics at all
operational speeds.

(4) Data. The phugoid motion proceeds slowly enough that it is reasonable to record minimum
and maximum airspeed excursions as a function of time and thus enable construction of an envelope
from which time to half double amplitude may be determined.

d. Explanation – Lateral/Directional Dynamic Stability. Characteristic lateral­directional motions

normally involve three modes: a highly­damped convergence called the roll mode, through which the
pilot controls roll rate and hence bank angle; a slow­acting mode called the spiral which may be stable,
but is often neutrally stable or even mildly divergent in roll and yaw; and an oscillatory mode called the
‘Dutch roll’ which involves combined rolling and yawing motions and which may be excited by either
rudder or aileron inputs or by gust encounters. In addition, short period yawing oscillations due to
rudder floating may sometimes be observed. The roll mode will almost always be satisfactory as
judged by the ability to precisely control bank angle and counter gust upsets unless the response is
slowed by high roll inertia or inadequate roll control power. Paragraph 23.181(b) requires that the
Dutch roll mode be investigated and determined to damp to 1/10 amplitude within 7 cycles. Also, any
short period yawing oscillation associated with rudder motions must be heavily damped.

e. Procedures – Lateral/Directional. Two of the methods that may be used are described below:

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

(1) Rudder Pulsing. The rudder pulsing technique excites the Dutch roll motion nicely, while
suppressing the spiral mode if performed correctly. In addition, this technique can be used to develop
a large amplitude oscillation which aids in data gathering and analysis, particularly if the Dutch roll is
heavily damped. It is performed as follows:

(i) Flight Condition. Stabilise and trim carefully in the desired configuration at the desired flight

(ii) Control Inputs. Smoothly apply alternating left and right rudder inputs in order to excite and
reinforce the Dutch roll motion. Restrain the lateral cockpit control at the trim condition or merely
release it. Continue the cyclic rudder pulsing until the desired magnitude of oscillatory motion is
attained, then smoothly return the rudder pedals to the trim position and release them (controls free) or
restrain them (controls fixed) in the trim position.

(iii) Input Frequency. The frequency with which the cyclic rudder inputs are applied depends on
the frequency and response characteristics of the aeroplane. The test pilot should adjust the
frequency of rudder pulsing to the particular aeroplane. The maximum Dutch roll response will be
generated when the rudder pulsing is in phase with the aeroplane motion, and the frequency of the
rudder pulses is approximately the same as the natural (undamped) frequency of the Dutch roll.

(iv) Spiral Motion. The test pilot should attempt to terminate the rudder pulsing so that the
aeroplane oscillates about a wings­level condition. This should effectively suppress the spiral motion.

(v) Data. Obtaining quantitative information on Dutch roll characteristics from cockpit instruments
and visual observations requires patience, particularly if the motion is heavily damped. If
instrumentation is available to record sideslip angle versus time, the dynamic characteristics of the
manoeuvre can readily be determined. The turn needle of the needle­ball instrument can also be used
to observe 1/10 amplitude damping and the damping period.

(2) Steady Sideslip. The steady sideslip release can also be used to excite the Dutch roll;
however, the difficulty in quickly returning the controls to trim and the influence of the spiral mode often
precludes the gathering of good quantitative results. Full rudder or a very large amplitude sideslip may
cause high loads on the aeroplane. The rudder pulsing technique usually produces better Dutch roll
data. The steady sideslip release technique is performed as follows:

(i) Flight Condition. Stabilise and trim carefully in the desired configuration at the desired flight

(ii) Control Input. Establish a steady heading sideslip of a sufficient magnitude to obtain sufficient
Dutch roll motion for analysis. Utilise maximum allowable sideslip, using rudder as required. Stabilise
the sideslip carefully. Quickly, but smoothly, return all cockpit controls to trim and release them
(controls­free Dutch roll) or restrain them at the trim position (controls­fixed Dutch roll). Both methods
should be utilised.

f. Stability Augmentation Systems (SAS). If the aeroplane is equipped with SAS, the
aeroplane's characteristics should be evaluated throughout the approved operating envelope, following
failures which affect the damping of the applicable mode. Following a SAS failure, if unsatisfactory
damping is confined to an avoidable flight area or configuration, and is controllable to return the
aeroplane to a satisfactory operational condition for continued safe flight, the lack of appreciable
positive damping may be acceptable. Control of the aeroplane, including recovery, should be
satisfactory using applicable control inputs. Following a critical failure, the degree of damping required
should depend on the effect the oscillation will have on pilot tasks, considering environmental
conditions. The capability to handle this condition should be demonstrated and evaluated. If a
satisfactory reduced operational envelope is developed, appropriate procedures, performance, and
limitations should be placed in the AFM. If a critical failure results in an unsafe condition, a redundant
SAS may be required.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.181 (continued)

g. Data Acquisition and Reduction. Data acquisition for this test should support a conclusion that
any short period oscillation is heavily damped and any Dutch roll is damped to 1/10 amplitude in
7 cycles.

h. Maximum allowable speed. Should be taken to mean V FE , V LE , V NE and V FC/MFC as



Section 7 STALLS


a. Explanation

(1) Stall. Paragraph 23.201(c) defines when the aeroplane can be considered stalled, for
aeroplane certification purposes. When one of three conditions occurs, whichever occurs first, the
aeroplane is stalled. The conditions are:

(i) Uncontrollable downward pitching motion;

(ii) Downward pitching motion which results from the activation of a device (e.g. Stick Pusher); or

(iii) The control reaches the stop.

The term ‘uncontrollable downward pitching motion’ is the point at which the pitching motion can no
longer be arrested by application of nose­up elevator and not necessarily the first indication of nose­
down pitch. Figure 17–1 shows a graphic representation of stall speed time histories for various

(2) Related Paragraphs. The stalled condition is a flight condition that comes within the scope of
23.49, 23.141, 23.143(b), 23.171 and 23.173(a). Paragraph 23.143(b) requires that it be possible to
effect a ‘smooth transition’ from a flying condition up to the stalled flight condition and return without
requiring an exceptional degree of skill, alertness, or strength. Any need for anticipated or rapid
control inputs exceeding that associated with average piloting skill, is considered unacceptable.

(3) Recovery. The flight tests include a determination that the aeroplane can be stalled and flight
control recovered, with normal use of the controls. Paragraph 23.201(a) requires that, it must be
possible to produce and correct roll by unreversed use of the roll control and to produce and correct
yaw by unreversed use of the directional control. The power used to regain level flight may not be
applied until flying control is regained. This is considered to mean not before a speed of 1.2 V S1 is
attained in the recovery dive.

(4) Power

(i) Power off. The propeller condition for the ‘power­off’ tests prescribed by 23.201(e)(4) should be the
same as the ‘throttles closed’ condition prescribed for the stalling speed tests of 23.49, that is, propellers in
the takeoff position, engine idling with throttles closed. The alternative of using sufficient power to produce
zero propeller thrust does not apply to stall characteristics demonstrations.

(ii) Power on. For the power­on tests according to 23.201(e)(4)(ii) an extreme nose up attitude is
normally considered to be a pitch attitude of more than 30°.

(5) Configurations. Stall characteristics should be evaluated:

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.201 (continued)

(i) At maximum to minimum weights at aft c.g. Aft light loadings may be the most critical in
aeroplanes with high thrust to weight ratios.

(ii) With the elevator up stop set to the maximum allowable deflection.

(iii) With maximum allowable lateral imbalance.

(iv) At or near maximum approved altitude.

Also, aeroplanes with de­rated engines should be evaluated up to the critical altitude of the engine and
at maximum altitude for which the aeroplane is to be certified. An aeroplane may be approved if it has
stick pusher operation in one configuration, such as power on, and has acceptable stall characteristics
for the remaining configurations.

b. Procedures

(1) Emergency Egress. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide adequate provision for
crew restraint, emergency egress and use of parachutes .

(2) Build­up. Generally, the stalls at more rearward c.g. positions are more critical than at the
forward c.g. position. For this reason, the stall characteristics at forward c.g. should be investigated
first. Altitude should be low enough to ensure capability of setting 75% power, but high enough to
accomplish a safe recovery. The 75% power requirement means 75% of the rated power adjusted to
the temperature and altitude test conditions. Reciprocating engine tests conducted on a hot day, for
example, would require higher manifold pressures to be set so that when chart brake horsepower is
adjusted for temperature, the result is 75% power.
(3) Pilot Determinations. During the entry and recovery, the test pilot should determine:

(i) That the stick force curve remains positive up to the stall (that is, a pull force is required the
control force may lighten slightly but not reverse).

(ii) That it is possible to produce and correct roll and yaw by unreversed use of the rolling and
directional control up to the stall.

(iii) The amount of roll or yaw encountered during the recovery.

(4) Speed Reduction Rate. Paragraph 23.201(b) requires the rate of speed reduction for entry
not exceed 0.5 m/s2 (one knot per second).

c. Data Acquisition and Reduction

(1) Instruments. The applicant should provide a recently calibrated sensitive altimeter, airspeed
indicator, accelerometer, outside air temperature gauge, and appropriate propulsion instruments such
as a torque meter or manifold pressure gauge and tachometer, a means to depict roll, pitch, and yaw
angles; and force gauges when necessary.

(2) Data Recording. Automatic data recording is desirable, but not required, for recording time
histories of instrumented parameters and such events as stall warning, altitude loss, and stall break.
The analysis should show the relationship of pitch, roll, and yaw with respect to various control surface
deflections. (See figure 17–1, stall speed determination.)

d. Stick Pusher. (RESERVED).

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 (continued)


a. Explanation

(1) Explanations 86a(2) and (4) for wings level stalls also apply to turning flight and accelerated
turning stalls.

(2) The only differences between the investigation required for turning flight and accelerated
turning stalls are in the speed reduction rate and the accepted roll off bank angles.

b. Procedures

(1) Procedure 86b(1) for wings level stalls applies to turning flight and accelerated turning stalls.

(2) During the manoeuvre, the test pilot should determine:

(i) That the stick force remains positive up to the stall.

(ii) That the altitude lost is not, in the test pilot’s opinion, excessive.

(iii) There is no undue pitchup.

(iv) That there are no uncontrollable spinning tendencies; i.e. while the aeroplane may have a
tendency to spin, a spin entry is readily preventable.

(v) That the test pilot can complete the recovery with normal use of the controls and average
piloting skill.

(vi) Roll does not exceed the value specified in the requirements.

(vii) For accelerated turning stalls, maximum speed or limit load factors were not exceeded.

(3) Paragraph 23.203(a) requires the rate of speed reduction for a turning flight stall not exceed
one knot per second; for an accelerated turning stall, 1.5 m/s2 to 2.6 m/s2 (3 to 5 knots per second)
with steadily increasing normal acceleration.

c. Data Acquisition. Same as for wings level stalls.



a. Explanation

(1) Purpose. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure an effective warning in sufficient time
to allow a pilot to recover from an approach to a stall without reaching the stall.

(2) Types of Warning. The effective warning may be from either aerodynamic disturbances or
from a reliable artificial stall warning device such as a horn or a stick shaker. The aerodynamic
warning is usually manifested by a buffet which vibrates or shakes the aeroplane. The type of warning
should be the same for all configurations.

(3) Artificial Stall Warning. Stall warning devices may be used in cases where there is inadequate
aerodynamic warning. The warning signal from the devices should be clear and distinctive and not
require the pilot's attention to be directed inside the aeroplane. A stall warning light by itself is not
acceptable. If a stick shaker is installed the warning should be unmistakable even if flying hands off.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.207 (continued)

b. Procedures. The stall warning tests should be conducted in conjunction with the stall tests
required by 23.201 and 23.203.


Section 8 SPINNING


a. Explanation

(1) Spin. A spin is a sustained auto rotation at angles of attack above stall. The rotary motions of
the spin may have oscillations in pitch, roll and yaw superimposed upon them. The fully­developed
spin is attained when the flight path has become vertical and the spin characteristics are approximately
repeatable from turn to turn. Some aeroplanes can autorotate for several turns, repeating the body
motions at some interval, and never stabilise. Most aeroplanes will not attain a fully­developed spin in
one turn.

(2) Category Spins. Paragraph 23.221 addresses three situations:

(i) Normal category spins.

(ii) Utility category spins.

(iii) Aerobatic category spins.

(3) Reserved.

(4) Utility Category Aeroplanes. Utility category is used for aeroplanes intended for limited
aerobatic operations in accordance with 23.3. Spins (if approved for the particular type of aeroplane)
are considered to be a limited aerobatic operation. This type of aeroplane may be approved in
accordance with 23.221(a), normal category, or with 23.221(c), aerobatic category.

b. Discussion and Procedures Applicable to Both Normal and Aerobatic Category Spins

(1) Weight and C.G. Envelope. See paragraph 7a of this FTG for discussion of weight and c.g.
envelope exploration.

(2) Moments of inertia. Moments of inertia should also be considered when evaluating the C.G.
envelope. Most general aviation aeroplanes have low inertias combined with high aerodynamic
damping and relatively similar moments of inertia along the wing and fuselage axis. However, designs
of modifications such as wingtip fuel tanks can change the spin recovery time and possibly the
recovery method. Applicants are encouraged to consider these effects and approach flight testing at
extreme mass distributions with caution.

(3) Control Deflections. Control surface deflections should be set to the critical side of the
allowable tolerances for the selected critical configurations. For example, a possible spin flight test
program could be to perform the spin matrix with the controls set at the nominal deflection values.
Analysis of the data will show the critical conditions for entry and recovery. Once the critical conditions
are defined and agreed by the Agency , these critical tests are repeated with the control deflections
set to the most critical tolerances. If satisfactory, these tests must be repeated with the antispin
system removed.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.221 (continued)

(4) Emergency Egress. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide adequate provision for
crew restraint, emergency egress and use of parachutes .

(5) Spin Recovery Parachutes

(i) Spin recovery parachutes should be installed on all aeroplanes requiring spin testing for

(ii) The anti­spin system installation should be carefully evaluated to determine its structural
integrity, reliability, susceptibility to inadvertent or unwanted deployment or jettison, and adequate or
redundant jettison capability. NASA recommendations should be referred to when evaluating the
design of the chute deployment and jettison systems. The chute type, diameter, porosity, riser length,
and lanyard length should be determined in accordance with NASA recommended practices to
maximise the probability the chute will be effective in spin recovery. Chute sizes and particularly riser
and lanyard lengths depend strongly on such aircraft variables as wing design, fuselage shape, tail
arm, and mass properties. The sizes and lengths shown in the referenced NASA reports are for
particular aircraft that were tested in the NASA Langley Spin Tunnel and will not necessarily be the
correct size to recover other aircraft, even if the aircraft layout is similar. Appropriate NASA
recommendations can be found in the following publications:

(A) NASA Technical Paper 1076, ‘Spin­Tunnel Investigation of the Spinning Characteristics of
Typical Single­Engine General Aviation Aeroplane Designs’, dated November 1977.

(B) NASA Technical Note D­6866, ‘Summary of Design Considerations for Aeroplane
Spin­Recovery Parachute Systems’.

(C) NASA Conference Paper, CP­2127, l4th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium, May 1980,
entitled, ‘A Spin­Recovery System for Light General Aviation Aeroplanes.’

The NASA documents are available from:

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, Virginia 22161

(iii) Final certification of the spin characteristics should be conducted with the external spin chute
removed unless it is determined that spin chute installation has no significant effect on spin

(6) Build­Up. When any doubt exists regarding the recovery characteristics of the test aeroplane,
a build­up technique should be employed consisting of spin entries and recoveries at various stages as
the manoeuvre develops. Excessive aerodynamic control wheel back pressure indicates a possibility
of unsatisfactory spin characteristics. Any control force lightening or reversal is an indication of
possible deep stall entry. See sub­paragraph c(7) for definition of excessive back pressure. A yaw
rate instrument is valuable in detecting progress toward a fully­developed spin condition or an
uncontrollable manoeuvre. Unusual application of power or controls has sometimes been found to
induce unrecoverable spins. Leading with elevator in recovery and cutting power as the aeroplane rolls
into a spin have been known to induce unrecoverable spins.

(7) Entry. Spins should be entered in the same manner as the stalls in 23.201 and 23.203 with
trim at 1.5 V S1 or as close as practical. As the aeroplane stalls, with ailerons neutral, apply full­up
elevator and full rudder in the direction of spin desired. Refer to paragraphs 100c and 100d for further
discussion of spin entries.

(8) Recovery. Recoveries should consist of throttle reduced to idle, ailerons neutralised, full
opposite rudder, followed by forward elevator control as required to get the wing out of stall and
recover to level flight. For aerobatic category spins, the manufacturer may establish additional
recovery procedures, provided he shows compliance for those procedures with this Paragraph.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.221 (continued)

(9) Trimmable Stabiliser. For aeroplanes that trim with the horizontal stabiliser, the critical
positions should be investigated.

(10) Altitude. The effect of altitude should be investigated.

(11) Initial Investigation. In all cases, the initial spin investigation should be accomplished at as
high an altitude above the ground as reasonably possible and a predetermined, pre­briefed ‘hard’
altitude established to be used as the emergency egress altitude. In other words, if the aeroplane
cannot be recovered by that altitude, all occupants should exit the aeroplane without hesitation. The
altitude selected should take into account the opening characteristics of the parachutes, the difficulty of
egress, the estimated number of turns to get out and the altitude loss per turn, the distance required to
clear the aeroplane before deploying the parachutes, etc.

(12) Power. The use of power for spin entry for both normal and abnormal control use is
recommended in order to determine the effects of power on spin characteristics and spin recovery
procedures. For power on normal category spins, the throttle can be reduced to idle after one turn.

c. Discussion and Procedures Applicable to Normal Category Spins

(1) Objective. The basic objective of normal category spin testing is to assure that the aeroplane
will not become uncontrollable within one turn (or 3 seconds, whichever takes longer) if a spin should
be encountered inadvertently and that recovery can be effected without exceeding the aeroplane
design limitations. Type certification testing requires recovery capability from a one­turn spin while
operating limitations prohibit intentional spins. This one­turn ‘margin of safety’ is designed to provide
adequate controllability when recovery from a stall is delayed. Paragraph 23.221(a) does not require
investigation of the controllability in a true spinning condition for a normal category aeroplane.
Essentially, the test is a check of the controllability in a delayed recovery from a stall.

(2) Recovery from Spins with Normal Control Usage During Entry and Recovery. Normal
category aeroplanes must recover from a spin in no more than one turn after the initiation of the first
control action for recovery. For example, if you are spinning left with ailerons neutral, recover by
reducing power to idle, if not already at idle, apply full right rudder followed by forward elevator. Start
the count (heading, ground reference, etc.) for recovery with the application of the first action, which
may be the reduction of power. See sub­paragraph c(5) for use of flaps. Spins from normal entries
using full up elevator and full rudder and accelerated entries from a 60° bank turn should be covered.

(3) Recovery from Spins Following Abnormal Control Usage. Abnormal control usage should be
evaluated during the spin to ensure that unrecoverable spins do not occur. The intent of these tests is
to induce all of the types of control usage, whether they are right or wrong, that might be used during
the operation of the aeroplane. The parameters which need to be investigated depend on the design
of the aeroplane as well as on the results of the Normal Spin Tests. These checks include, as a
minimum, the effect of ailerons with and against the spin, the effect of elevator applied before the
rudder at recovery, the effect of slow elevator release, the effect of entry attitude, the effect of power
on at the entry, and the effect of power left on during the spin. Ailerons with and against the spin
should be applied at entry and during spins. Elevator and rudder against the spin should be applied
during the spin. Spinning should continue for up to three seconds, or for one full turn, while the effects
of abnormal aerodynamic control inputs are observed. Apply normal recovery controls as outlined in
sub­paragraph c(2). Up to two turns for recovery is considered acceptable.

(4) Recovery with abnormal control usage during recovery. (Reserved)

(5) Spin Matrix. The effects of gear, flaps, power, accelerated entry and control abuse should be
investigated. A sample matrix for spin investigation is given in figure 100–1. It is the responsibility of
the applicant to explore all critical areas. It may be possible to eliminate the need to conduct some of
the additional conditions once the aeroplane responses are known.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.221 (continued)

(6) Flaps. Paragraph 23.221(a) specifies that for the flaps extended condition, the flaps may be
retracted during the recovery. Flap retraction should not be initiated until after aeroplane rotation has

(7) Aerodynamic Back Pressure. Excessive aerodynamic back pressure is cause for non­
compliance. Excessive aerodynamic back pressure is a judgement item and is defined as excessive
force required to pitch the aeroplane down in recovery. Back pressure should not be more than
normal elevator control forces and should not interfere with prompt and normal recovery.

d. Discussion and Procedures Applicable to Aerobatic Category Spins

(1) Objective. The basic objective of aerobatic category spin testing is to ensure that the
aeroplane will not become uncontrollable when a spin is intentionally entered and:

(i) The controls are used abnormally (as well as normally) during the entry and/or during the spin;
(ii) The aeroplane will recover in not more than 1½ turns after completing application of normal or
manufacturer­prescribed recovery controls; and

(iii) No aeroplane limitations are exceeded, including positive manoeuvring load factor and limit

(2) Pilot Training. It is assumed that the pilot of the aerobatic category aeroplane that spins for
six turns is doing so intentionally. If spinning is intentional, the pilot should have had proper instruction
and proficiency to effect a proper recovery. The pilot should be expected to follow the published
procedure to recover from this planned manoeuvre.

(3) Abnormal Control Usage. The discussion of ‘abnormal’ use of controls in paragraph 100c(3)
also applies to aerobatic category spins. Abnormal control usage should be evaluated at several
points throughout the spin to ensure that unrecoverable spins do not occur. These checks include, as
a minimum, the effect of ailerons with and against the spin, the effect of elevator applied before the
rudder at recovery, the effect of slow elevator release, the effect of entry attitude, the effect of power
on at the entry, and the effect of power left on during the spin. Spinning should continue for up to six
full turns while the effects of abnormal aerodynamic control inputs are observed. The effect of leaving
power on in the spin need only be examined by itself up to one full turn. Following abused control
usage, reversion to normal pro­spin controls for up to two turns is acceptable, prior to the normal
recovery control inputs, which must result in recovery in not more than two turns. In addition, going
directly from the control abuse condition to the normal recovery control condition should not render the
spin unrecoverable. For example, after evaluating the effect of relaxing the back stick input during the
spin, it would be reasonable to expect the pilot to apply normal recovery use of rudder and elevator
without first returning to full back stick.

(4) Flaps. If an aerobatic category aeroplane is placarded against intentional flaps down spins,
then only normal category procedures need be used for the flaps down configurations.

(5) Spin Matrix. The effects of gear, flaps, power, accelerated entry, and normal and abnormal
control use should be investigated. A sample matrix for spin investigation is given in figure 100–1. It is
the responsibility of the applicant to explore all critical areas. It is necessary to expand the matrix to
cover six­turn spins. The normal procedure is to continue the same process and add one additional
turn each time. It may be possible to eliminate the need to conduct some of the additional conditions
once the aeroplane responses are known.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.221 (continued)

Slow Elevator




Lateral C.G.





Repeat 17 Through 18 From Left & Right Turning Flight

Aft C.G.




Forward C.G.




Repeat 12 Through 18 From a Right Spin
Repeat 7 Through 12 From a Right Spin
Repeat 1 Through 6 from left and right turning flight
Power On


Power Off


Repeat 1 Through 6 from a right spin.

Cowl Flaps As


Cowl Flaps



Gear Down




Gear Up

Flaps Landing

Flaps Appch.

(As Approp.)

Flaps Up



Spin Number


Left Spin Aileron with

Tests with Abnormal
Test with Normal
Spins from Wing

Left Spin Aileron

Flight Condition

Level Altitude

Spin Controls

Spin Controls

12 Thru 18
7 Thru 12
Left Spin
1Thru 6



(6) Spiral Characteristics. The aerobatic spin requirement stipulates that for the flap retracted
six­turn spin, the spin may be discontinued after 3 seconds if spiral characteristics appear. This does
not mean that the spin test programme is discontinued. Each test point should stand alone and that
spin be discontinued only after a spiral has developed. Limit speed should not be exceeded in the
recovery. The aeroplane may be certificated as an aerobatic aeroplane whether or not it can spin a
minimum of six turns.

(7) Recovery Placard. Paragraph 23.1583(e)(4) requires that aerobatic aeroplanes have a
placard listing the use of controls required to recover from spinning manoeuvres. Utility category
aeroplanes approved for spins should also have such a placard. Recovery control inputs should be
conventional. If special sequences are employed, then they should not be so unique as to create a
recovery problem.

(8) Complex Instrumentation. When complex instrumentation is installed, such as wing tip booms
or a heavy telemetry system, the instrumentation may affect the recovery characteristics. Critical spin
tests should be repeated with the instrumentation removed.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

e. Data Acquisition. The test aeroplane should be equipped with a calibrated airspeed indicator,
accelerometer, and altimeter. Control of weight and balance and control deflections is essential.

f. Optional Equipment. In those cases where an aeroplane is to be certified with and without
optional equipment such as deicing boots, asymmetric radar pods, outer wing fuel tanks, or winglets,
sufficient tests should be conducted to ensure compliance in both configurations.

101–105 RESERVED



a. Explanation

(1) For land planes, 23.231(a) and 23.233 are companion requirements to 23.75.

(2) For float planes, 23.231(b) and 23.233 are companion requirements to 23.75.

(3) The requirements for both land planes and float planes apply to amphibians.

b. Procedures

(1) Land planes should be operated from all types of runways applicable to the type of aeroplane.
Taxi, takeoff, and landing operations should be evaluated for acceptable characteristics. This should
include idle power landings as well as landings and takeoffs with procedures used in 23.75 and 23.51.

(2) Float planes should be operated under as many different water conditions as practical up to
the maximum wave height appropriate to the type of aeroplane. Taxi (both displacement and step),
takeoff, and landing operations should be evaluated for acceptable characteristics. This includes idle
power landings as well as landings and takeoffs with procedures used under 23.75 and 23.51.

(3) Amphibians should be evaluated in accordance with both items (1) and (2) above.

c. Procedures – Twin­engine Aeroplanes. Evaluate all of the considerations contained in

paragraph 106(b), plus the effects of one engine loss during water operations.

d. Aeroplane Flight Manual (AFM). The AFM should include appropriate limitations plus
demonstrated wind and sea state conditions.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 (continued)


a. Explanation

(1) Crosswind. This regulation establishes the minimum value of crosswind that must be
demonstrated. Since the minimum required value may be far less than the actual capability of the
aeroplane, higher values may be tested at the option of the applicant. The highest 90° crosswind
component tested satisfactorily should be put in the AFM as performance information. If the
demonstrated crosswind is considered limiting, it should be introduced into Section 2 of the AFM.

(2) Ground Loops. Paragraph 23.233(a) does not preclude an aeroplane from having a tendency
to ground loop in crosswinds, providing the pilot can control the tendency using engine power, brakes,
and aerodynamic controls. The operating procedures should be placed in the AFM in accordance
with 23.1585(a).

(3) Controllability. Paragraph 23.233(b) is not related to the crosswind requirement of 23.233(a).
The demonstration of compliance with this requirement is accomplished into the wind. The test pilot is
searching for any unusual controllability problems during landing and must use judgement as to what
constitutes ‘satisfactorily controllable’ since, at some point in the landing rollout, the aerodynamic
controls may become ineffective.

(4) Taxi Controllability. Paragraph 23.233(c) requires the aeroplane to have adequate directional
controllability for taxi operations on land for land planes, on water for float planes, and on land and
water for amphibians.

b. Procedures

(1) Crosswind

(i) The aeroplane should be operated throughout its approved loading envelope at gradually
increasing values of crosswind component until a crosswind equivalent to 0.2 V SO is reached. All
approved takeoff and landing configurations should be evaluated. Higher crosswind values may be
evaluated at the discretion of the test pilot for AFM inclusion.

(ii) For float planes, the use of water rudders or the use of aeroplane attitude on the water to
control weathervaning should be described in the AFM.

(2) Controllability

(i) A land plane should demonstrate satisfactory controllability during power off (idle power)
landings through landing rollout. This may be conducted into the existing wind and should be evaluated
at all key loading envelope points.

(ii) Although power off landings are not expressly required for float planes under 23.233(b), it is
recommended they be evaluated.

(3) Taxi Controllability

(i) A land plane should have sufficient directional control available through the use of nose/tail
wheel steering, differential braking (if provided), differential power (twin­engine aeroplanes), and
aerodynamic control inputs to allow taxiing at its ‘maximum demonstrated crosswind’ value.

(ii) A float plane should have sufficient directional control available through the use of water
rudders, aeroplane attitude (displacement or plow), taxi technique (displacement or step), differential
power (twin­engine float planes) and aerodynamic control inputs to allow taxiing at its ‘maximum
demonstrated crosswind’ value. This is not intended to suggest that all of the above must be
evaluated at 0.2 V SO, but that accepted techniques using one or more of the above must allow
controllable taxiing.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.233 (continued)

(iii) Amphibians should exhibit suitable directional controllability on both land and water in
accordance with the preceding two paragraphs. In addition, amphibians should have suitable
directional controllability to taxi from the water to a land facility and vice­versa unless prohibited by the
operating limitations.

c. Data Acquisition and Reduction. The determination of compliance is primarily a qualitative

one. However, wind readings (velocity and direction) should be taken and compared to the wind
component chart (appendix 7) to determine that the minimum 90° crosswind component has been


a. Explanation. This requirement says the aeroplane landing gear shock absorbing mechanism
must function as intended throughout the expected operating envelope of the aeroplane.

b. Procedures. During the development and certification flight testing the aeroplane should be
operated on a variety of runways including those considered to be the worst (in terms of roughness)
appropriate to the type of aeroplane. There should be no evidence of damage to the aeroplane during
these operations.


Allowable water surface conditions should be established during the certification flight testing,
dependant on the type of a/c, to ensure safe operation and attainment of the published Takeoff and
landing performance.


a. Explanation. This rule is intended to ensure that any spray produced during water operation
does not excessively interfere with the pilot’s visibility nor damage beyond ‘normal wear­and­tear’ of
the aeroplane itself.

b. Procedures

(1) Taxi, takeoff, and landing operations should be conducted throughout the approved loading
envelope. Spray patterns should be specifically noted with respect to visibility and their contact areas
on the aeroplane. These areas should be monitored to assure compliance with the rule.

(2) Aeroplanes with reversing propellers should be demonstrated to comply at the highest reverse
power expected to be applicable to the aeroplane operation.

111–119 RESERVED



a. Explanation

(1) Flutter. The test required under this paragraph should not be confused with flutter tests which
are required under 23.629. No attempt is made to excite flutter, but this does not guarantee against
encountering it. Therefore, the test should be carefully planned and conducted.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.251(continued)

(2) Test Speeds. Prior to the test, the pilot should co­ordinate with the airframe engineer to
determine that the flutter requirements of 23.629 have been satisfied and to determine the most critical
weight and c.g. for the test. The flight test engineer and pilot should obtain from the airframe engineer
the dive equivalent airspeed and Mach number to which the test should be conducted. In the absence
of a well calibrated Mach meter, knowing the Mach number and equivalent airspeed, a schedule of pressure
altitude and indicated airspeed should be developed for the test.

(3) Airspeed Determination. Another major consideration is calibrated airspeed determination

during the test. In this regard, a calibrated, sensitive airspeed indicator should be installed to provide
accurate readability. Careful study of the aeroplane's airspeed position error/correction curve is
required with respect to the characteristics of the slope at the high speed end and how the airspeed
calibration was conducted. This is necessary to determine the adequacy of the airspeed position error
curve for extrapolating to V D/MD. Refer to appendix 7, figure 5, for compressibility corrections. An
expanded Mach No.­calibrated airspeed graph may be found in the Air Force ‘Flight Test Engineering
Handbook’ (see appendix 2, paragraph f(2) of this FTG).

(4) Springs. If the aeroplane incorporates spring devices in any of the control systems, the test
should be conducted with the spring devices connected and disconnected. Alternately, if satisfactory
spring reliability is shown in accordance with 23.687, tests with springs disconnected are not required.
Also see paragraph 45 of this FTG.

(5) Mach Limits. For those aeroplanes that are observing Mach limits, the tests should be
repeated at MD speed. Careful selection of the test altitude for both MD and V D tests will help cut down
on the number of repeat runs necessary to determine compliance. Attempting to combine the tests at
the knee of the airspeed/Mach curve should be approached cautiously since it can result in
overshooting the desired speed.

b. Procedures

(1) Configuration. In the clean configuration at the gross weight, most critical c.g. (probably most
aft) and the altitude selected for the start of the test, the aeroplane should be trimmed in level flight at
maximum continuous power. Speed is gained in a dive in gradual increments until V D/MD is attained.
The aeroplane should be trimmed if possible throughout the manoeuvre. Remain at the maximum
speed only long enough to determine the absence of excessive buffet, vibration, or controllability

(2) Flaps extended. With flaps extended and the aeroplane trimmed in level flight at a speed
below V FE , stabilise at V FE in a shallow dive and make the same determinations as listed above.


a. Explanation

(1) Related Paragraphs. The design dive speeds are established under the provisions of 23.335,
with the airspeed limits established under the provisions of 23.1505. There is distinction made in both
regulatory paragraphs for aeroplanes that accelerate quickly when upset. The high speed
characteristics in any case should be evaluated by flight demonstration. Paragraph 23.1303(a)(5)
gives the requirements for a speed warning device.

(2) Dynamic Pressure and Mach. In general, the same manoeuvres should be accomplished in
both the dynamic pressure (q) and Mach (M) critical ranges. All manoeuvres in either range should be
accomplished at thrust and trim points appropriate for the specific range being evaluated. It should be
realised that some manoeuvres in the Mach range may be more critical for some aeroplanes due to
drag rise characteristics.

(3) Flight Crew Duties. The aeroplane’s handling characteristics in the high speed range should
be investigated in terms of anticipated action on the part of the flight crew during normal and

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.253 (continued)

emergency conditions. Consideration should be given to their duties which not only involve piloting the
aeroplane, but also the operational and navigational duties having to do with traffic control and record
keeping necessary to the progress of safe flight.

(4) Upset Axes. The upset criteria of 23.335(b)(4)(i) is predicated on an upset in pitch while
operational evaluation of upsets expected to occur in service should cover pitch, roll, yaw, and critical
combinations of multi­axis upsets.

(5) Factors. The following factors are involved in the flight test investigation of high speed

(i) Effectiveness of longitudinal control at V MO/MMO and up to the demonstrated V D/MD speed.

(ii) Effect of any reasonably probable mis­trim on upset and recovery.

(iii) Dynamic and static stability.

(iv) The speed increase that may result from likely mass movement that occurs when trimmed at
any cruise speed to V MO/MMO.

(v) Trim changes resulting from compressibility effects. Evaluation should cover Mach tuck,
control reversal, or other phenomena associated with high speed.

(vi) Characteristics exhibited during recovery from inadvertent speed increase.

(vii) Upsets due to turbulence (vertical, horizontal, and combination gusts).

(viii) Effective and unmistakable aural speed warning at V MO plus 11,2 Km/h (6 kt), or MMO plus

(ix) Speed control during application of devices (power, speed brakes, high speed spoilers, etc.).

(x) Characteristics and controllability during and after failure or malfunction of any stability
augmentation system.

(6) Type of Warning. Operational experience has revealed that an important and effective
deterrent to inadvertent overspeeding is an aural warning device, which is distinctively different from
aural warning used for other purposes. Aerodynamic buffeting is influenced by, and is similar to, the
effects of turbulence at high speed and is not normally considered to be suitable as an overspeed

(7) Speed Margins. Once it is established whether the aeroplane limits will be V NE or V MO,
appropriate speed margins and markings may be evaluated. The factors outlined in 23.335 have been
considered in establishing minimum speed margins during past type certification programs for the
appropriate speeds. The factors to be considered are:

(i) Increment allowance for gusts (0.02M).

(ii) Increment allowance for penetration of jet stream or cold front (0.015M).

(iii) Increment allowance for production differences of airspeed systems (0.005M), unless larger
tolerances or errors are found to exist.

(iv) Increment allowance for production tolerances of overspeed warning errors (0.01M), unless
larger tolerances or errors are found to exist.
(v) Increment allowance DM, due to speed overshoot from MMO established by upset during flight
tests in accordance with 23.253, should be added to the values for production differences and
equipment tolerances, and the minimum acceptable combined value should not be less than that

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CS–23 BOOK 2

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.253 (continued)

required by 23.335(b)(4) between MMO and MD. The value of MMO should not be greater than the
lowest value obtained from each of the following equations and from 23.1505:

MMO = MD – DM – .005M – .01M

or MMO = MD – the Mach increment required by 23.335(b)(4)

(vi) Altitudes where q is limiting, the allowances of items (i) and (ii) are applicable and the Mach
increment is converted to the units used for the limits.

(vii) At altitudes where q is limiting, the increment allowance for production differences of airspeed
systems and production tolerances of overspeed warning errors are 5,6 and 11 km/h (3 and 6 kt),
respectively, unless larger differences or errors are found to exist.

(viii) Increment allowance DV, due to speed overshoot from V MO established by upset during flight
tests in accordance with 23.253, should be added to the values for production differences and
equipment tolerances. The value of V MO should not be greater than the lowest obtained from the

V MO = V D – DV – 5,6 km/h (3 kt) (prod. diff.) – 11 km/h (6 kt) (equip. tol.)

or for V NO aeroplanes:

V NO = V D – DV – 5,6 km/h (3 kt) (prod. diff.) – 11 km/h (6 kt) (equip. tol.)

b. Procedures. Using the V MO/V NO, MMO, or the associated design or demonstrated dive speeds
determined in accordance with 23.251, 23.335, and 23.1505, the aeroplane should be shown to
comply with the high speed characteristics of 23.253 and that adequate speed margins exist. The
aeroplane characteristics should be investigated at any speed up to and including V NO, V MO/MMO or
V D/MD as required by 23.253; and the recovery procedures used should be those selected by the
applicant, except that the normal acceleration during recovery should not exceed 1.5g (total).

(1) Centre­of­Gravity Shift. The aeroplane should be upset by the centre­of­gravity shift
corresponding to the forward movement of a representative number of passengers depending upon
the aeroplane interior configuration. The aeroplane should be allowed to accelerate for 3 seconds
after the overspeed indication or warning occurs before recovery is initiated. Note the maximum
airspeed. Do not exceed V D/MD.

(2) Inadvertent Control Movement. Simulate an evasive control application when trimmed at
V MO/MMO by applying sufficient forward force to the elevator control to produce 0.5g (total) for a period
of 5 seconds, after which recovery should be effected at not more than 1.5g (total). Care should be
taken not to exceed V D/MD during the entry manoeuvre.

(3) Gust Upset

(i) Lateral Upset. With the aeroplane trimmed at any likely cruise speed up to V MO/MMO in wings
level flight, perform a lateral upset to the same angle as that for auto pilot approval, or to a maximum
bank angle appropriate to the aeroplane, whichever is critical. Operationally, it has been determined
that the maximum bank angle appropriate for the aeroplane should not be less than 45°, need not be
greater than 60° and should depend upon aeroplane stability and inertia characteristics. The lower and
upper limits should be used for aeroplanes with low and high manoeuvrability, respectively. Following
this, with the controls free, the evaluation should be conducted for a minimum of 3 seconds after the
calibrated value of V MO/MMO (not overspeed warning) or 10 seconds, whichever occurs first.

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

BOOK 2 CS–23

Chapter 2 Paragraph 23.253 (continued)

(ii) Longitudinal Upset. Perform a longitudinal upset as follows:

(A) Trim at V MO/MMO using power required for level flight but with not more than maximum
continuous power. If the aeroplane will not reach V MO/MMO at maximum continuous power, push over
to V MO/MMO and trim.

(B) If descending to achieve V MO/MMO, return to level flight without changing trim.

(C) Perform a longitudinal upset from normal cruise by displacing the attitude of the aeroplane in
the range between 6–12°, which has been determined from service experience to be an optimum
range. The value of displacement should be appropriate to the aeroplane type and should depend
upon aeroplane stability and inertia characteristics. The lower and upper limits should be used for
aeroplanes with low and high manoeuvrability, respectively.

(D) The aeroplane should be permitted to accelerate until 3 seconds after the calibrated value of
V MO/MMO (not overspeed warning).

(iii) Two­Axis Upset. Perform a 2­axis upset consisting of a longitudinal upset combined with a
lateral upset. Perform a longitudinal upset by displacing the attitude of the aeroplane as in the
previous paragraph, and simultaneously perform lateral upset by rolling the aeroplane to the 15–25°
bank angle range, which was determined to be operationally representative. The values of
displacement should be appropriate to the aeroplane type and should depend upon aeroplane stability
and inertia characteristics. The lower and upper limits should be used for aeroplanes with low and high
manoeuvrability, respectively. The established attitude should be maintained until the overspeed
warning occurs. The aeroplane should be permitted to accelerate until 3 seconds after the calibrated
value of V MO/MMO (not overspeed warning).

(4) Levelling Off From Climb. Perform transition from climb to level flight without reducing power
below the maximum value permitted for climb until the overspeed warning has occurred. Recovery
should be accomplished by applying not more than 1.5g (total).

(5) Descent From Mach to Airspeed Limit Altitude. A descent should be initiated at MMO and
performed at the airspeed schedule defined in MMO until the overspeed warning occurs. The aeroplane
should be permitted to descend into the airspeed limit altitude where recovery should be accomplished
after overspeed warning occurs by applying not more than 1.5g (total). The manoeuvre should be
completed without exceeding V D.

122–131 RESERVED

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS­23 BOOK 2


Section 1 GENERAL

132 PARAGRAPH 23.629 FLUTTER. This subject is covered in AC 23.629–1A.

133–137 RESERVED






a. Qualitative Evaluation. Trim should be qualitatively evaluated during all phases of the flight
test program. Cockpit control trim devices should be evaluated for smoothness, sense of motion, and
ease of operation, accessibility, and visibility of the trim tab indicators (both day and night). Ease in
establishing and maintaining a trim condition should be evaluated.

b. Electric Trim Background. Electrically­actuated, manually­controlled trim systems have been

certificated in several ways, depending on systems design. The simpler systems are tested for failure
in flight. More sophisticated systems, which generally incorporate a dual­wire, split­actuating switches,
may require a dual failure to produce a runaway. Analysis of these systems discloses that one switch
could fail closed and remain undetected until a failure occurred in the other switch or circuit to produce
a runaway. This is still considered acceptable if the applicant provided a pre­flight test procedure that
will detect such a dormant failure. Service experience dictates that evaluation of fail­safe trim systems
by analysis alone is not acceptable and flight testing is required.

c. Explanation

(1) Fault Analysis. A fault analysis should be evaluated for each trim system.

(2) Single Failure and Backup System. For a system in which the fault analysis indicates a single
failure will cause runaway, flight tests should be conducted. For a system with backup features, or a
redundant system where multiple failures would be required for runaway, the certification team should
determine the extent of the flight tests necessary after consideration of the fault analysis and
determination of the probability and effect of runaway. In all cases, flight test evaluations should be
conducted to determine functional system/aeroplane compatibility in accordance with § 23.1301.

(3) Failure. For the purpose of a fault analysis, a failure is the first fault obviously detectable by
the pilot and should follow probable combinations of undetectable failures assumed as latent failures
existing at the occurrence of the detectable failure. When an initial failure also causes other failures,
the initial failure and the subsequent other failures are considered to constitute a single failure for
purposes of fault analysis; that is, only independent failures may be introduced into the fault analysis to
show multiple failure integrity.

(4) Failure Warning. The first indication a pilot has of a trim runaway is a deviation from the
intended flight path, abnormal control movements, or a warning from a reliable failure warning system.
The following time delays after pilot recognition are considered appropriate:

(i) Takeoff, approach, landing – 1 second.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R


(ii) Climb, cruise, descent – 3 seconds.

(5) Second Set of Controls. If a set of controls and instruments are provided for a second crew
member, multi­function systems disconnect or quick­disconnect/interrupt switches, as appropriate,
should be provided for both crew members regardless of minimum crew.

d. Definitions

(1) Disconnect Switch. A switch which is located within immediate reach and readily accessible
to the pilot, which has the primary purpose of stopping all movement of the electric trim system. A
circuit breaker is not considered to be a disconnect switch.

(2) Quick­Disconnect/Interrupt Switch. A switch or device that momentarily interrupts all

movement of the electric trim system, which is located on the control wheel on the side opposite the
throttles, or on the stick control, that can be operated without moving the hand from its normal position
on the control. The primary purpose of the switch is to stop all movement of the electric trim system.

e. Procedures

(1) Quick­Disconnect or Interrupt Switch. With a quick­disconnect or interrupt switch, disconnect

may be initiated after the delay times given in paragraph 139c(4).

(2) Disconnect Switch. With a disconnect switch, the time delays given in paragraph 139c(4)
should be applied prior to corrective action by use of primary controls. In addition to these time delays,
an appropriate reaction time to disconnect the systems should be added. When there are other
switches in the immediate area of the quick­disconnect, a time increment should be added to account
for identifying the switch.

(3) Loads. The loads experienced as a result of the malfunction should normally not exceed an
envelope of 0 to +2 g. The positive limit may be increased if analysis has shown that neither the
malfunction nor subsequent corrective action would result in a load beyond limit load. In this case,
careful consideration should be given to the delay time applied, since it may be more difficult for the
pilot to reach the disconnect switch.

(4) High Speed Malfunctions. When high speed malfunctions are introduced at V NE or V MO/MMO,
whichever is appropriate, the speed excursion, using the primary controls and any speed reduction
controls/devices, should not exceed the demonstrated upset speed established under § 23.253 for
aeroplanes with a V MO/MMO speed limitation and a speed midway between V NE and V D or those
aeroplanes certified with a V NE limitation.

(5) Speed Limitations. The use of a reduction of V NE /V MO/MMO in complying with paragraph e(4) is
not considered acceptable, unless these new speeds represent limitations for the overall operation of
the aeroplane.

(6) Forces. The forces encountered in the tests should conform to the requirements of § 23.143
for temporary and prolonged application. Also, see paragraph 45 of this FTG.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS­23 BOOK 2

Chapter 3 (continued)

140 PARAGRAPH 23.679 CONTROL SYSTEM LOCKS. This subject is covered in AC 23­17.




143 PARAGRAPH 23.701 FLAP INTERCONNECTION.. This subject is covered in AC 23–17.

144–153 RESERVED.


subject is covered in AC 23–17.


156–160 RESERVED




a. Pilot Position and View. For all evaluations, the pilot(s) should be seated at the intended
design eye level as determined by an installed guide, if established. If an intended design eye level is
not provided, the normal seating position should be used. The field of view that should remain clear
should include the area specified in § 23.775(e).

b. External View. The external vision should be evaluated in all lighting and environmental
conditions (day and night) with the aeroplane in all attitudes normally encountered. Attention to
windshield distortion or refraction should especially be given to the view toward the approach and
runway lights and the runway markings. Since glare and reflection often differ with the sun’s
inclination, consideration should be given to evaluating the cockpit at midday and in early morning or
late afternoon. If the windshield is heated, evaluations should be conducted with heat on and off.
Distortion and refraction should be so low as to prevent any unsafe condition, unusual eye strain or
fatigue. ‘Safe operation’, as used in § 23.773(a)(1) includes the ability to conduct straight ahead and
circling approaches under all approved operating conditions, including operations in high humidity and
icing conditions (if appropriate).

c. Night Approval. If night approval is requested, all lighting, both internal and external, should
be evaluated in likely combinations and under expected flight conditions. Instrument lighting should be
evaluated at night under a variety of ambient conditions, including night IFR. Windshield/side window
reflections that distract from traffic avoidance, landing approach and landing are not acceptable.
Landing lights, strobes, beacons, and recognition lights should be evaluated to ensure no adverse
reflections or direct impingement into the cockpit.

d. Defog/Defrost/Deice. The adequacy of the defog/defrost/deice systems should be evaluated

under the following conditions:

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R


Chapter 3 Paragraph 23.773 (continued)

(1) Extended cold soak at maximum altitudes and minimum temperatures. The aeroplane should
be exposed to a cold environment appropriate to minimum expected temperatures. The aeroplane
should be also evaluated after remaining outside on a cold night.

(2) The aeroplane should be exposed to cold temperatures (cold soaked) and then descended
into a warmer, more moist air mass to assess ability to maintain a clear field of view. To properly
evaluate internal fogging, the test aeroplane should be flown at night at high altitude for at least two
hours (or until the windshield temperature stabilises). Then, using proposed AFM procedures, the
aeroplane should be rapidly descended to an approach and landing in a high humidity area
(recommend dewpoint of least 21°C). If manual clearing by the pilot(s) is required, it should be ‘easily’
accomplished by an average pilot. The applicant should provide any special equipment required to
accomplish the manual clearing. Repeated immediate clearing after manually wiping the windshield
would not seem to fit the ‘easily cleared’ requirements. The ‘easily cleared’ aspects should also be
evaluated considering the fact that the fogged windshield could frost under certain conditions. If
manual clearing is required, pilot workload should be carefully evaluated if IFR approval is sought.

(3) Evaluations should be conducted in moderate rain, day and night (if approval is sought),
takeoffs, landings, and taxi.

e. Two Pilot Aeroplanes. It is recommended that two pilot aeroplanes have pilot visibility in
accordance with Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Aerospace Standard AS 580B, ‘Pilot Visibility
from the Flight Deck Design Objectives for Commercial Transport Aircraft’.

f. Cockpit Camera. An evaluation and documentation of the cockpit using a binocular camera is
highly desirable.


For commuter category aeroplanes it has to be shown that assuming loss of vision through any one
panel in front of the pilot(s), side panels and/or co­pilot panels may be used, provided it can be shown
that continued safe flight and landing is possible using these panels only, whilst remaining seated at a
pilot(s) station. For aircraft to be certified for IFR it has to be shown that a safe landing can be
demonstrated with IFR certified minimum visibility conditions.



a. Explanation. This subpart requires an approved seat for each occupant.

b. Procedures. Confirm that when approved production seats are in place, that the seats can be
easily adjusted and will remain in a locked position.

164 PARAGRAPH 23.803 EMERGENCY EVACUATION. This subject is covered in AC 20–


165 PARAGRAPH 23.807 EMERGENCY EXITS. AC 23­17 addresses this subject.


a. Explanation. This subpart requires the Carbon monoxide concentration not to exceed one part
in 20 000 parts of air, which is 0∙005 of 1% or 50 ppm. A sample Matrix for CO­concentration is given
with Fig. 166–1.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS­23 BOOK 2

Chapter 3 Paragraph 23.831 (continued)

b. Procedures

Test for Carbon Monoxide –

(1) Aeroplane may be at any convenient weight and CG position.

(2) Using a ‘CO’ indicator reading instrument, record the values for the following tests:

* for Twin­engine aeroplanes Climb * Cruise ** Approach

Single­engine climb only M.C. Power or Full 75% M.C. Power Configuration
Throttle Speed V Ref Mixture Power: Approach
** may be deleted for Twin­ Mixture Full Rich /Idle Speed V Ref
engined aeroplanes
Windows and/or Vents
Partly Closed Partly Closed Partly Closed
open open open
a. Maximum Reading (Cockpit):
(1) Along Floor
(2) Front of Pilots Face
b. Maximum Reading (cabin):
(1) Front
(2) Centre
(3) Rear



Installed? No Yes Installed? No Yes

c. With Tester Directly in Front
of Unit While Unit is Operating


167–175 RESERVED


176 PARAGRAPH 23.841 PRESSURISED CABINS. AC 23–17 addresses this subject.


178–188 RESERVED.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2


Section 1 GENERAL



a. Explanation:

(1) Automatic Propeller Feathering Systems. All parts of the feathering device which are integral
with the propeller or attached to it in a manner that may affect propeller airworthiness should be
considered. The determination of airworthiness should be made on the following basis:

(i) The automatic propeller feathering system should not adversely affect normal propeller
operation and should function properly under all temperatures, altitudes, airspeeds, vibrations,
accelerations, and other conditions to be expected in formal ground and flight operation.

(ii) The automatic device should be demonstrated to be free from malfunctioning which may
cause feathering under any conditions other than those under which it is intended to operate. For
example, it should not cause feathering during:

(A) Momentary loss of power.

(B) Approaches with reduced throttle settings.

(iii) The automatic propeller feathering system should be capable of operating in its intended
manner whenever the throttle control is in the normal position to provide takeoff power. No special
operations at the time of engine failure should be necessary on the part of the crew in order to make
the automatic feathering system operative.


(v) The automatic propeller feathering installation should be such that normal operation may be
regained after the propeller has begun to feather automatically.

(vi) The automatic propeller feathering installation should incorporate a switch or equivalent
means to make the system inoperative. (Also see §§ 23.67 and 23.1501.)

(vii) If performance credit is given for the automatic propeller feathering system, there should be
means provided to satisfactorily pre-flight check the system.

(viii) Some turbopropeller aeroplanes are equipped with some type of engine ignition system
intended for use during flight in heavy precipitation conditions and for takeoff/landing on wet or slush-
covered runways. The engine ignition system may be either automatic or continuous. The purpose
of this system is to prevent or minimise the possibility of an engine flameout due to water ingestion.
Compatibility with auto-feather systems should be ensured.

(2) Negative Torque Sensing Systems. (RESERVED).

b. Procedures

(1) Automatic and Manual Propeller Feathering System Operational Tests

(i) Tests should be conducted to determine the time required for the propeller to change from
windmilling (with the propeller controls set for takeoff) to the feathered position at the takeoff speed
determined in § 23.51.
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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.903 (continued)

(ii) The propeller feathering system should be tested at one engine inoperative climb airspeed.
The configuration should be:

(A) Critical engine inoperative.

(B) Wing flaps retracted.

(C) Landing gear retracted.

(D) Cowl flaps closed.

If the feathered propeller has a residual rotation, this has to be considered for aircraft performance.

(iii) The propeller should be tested in the actual configuration for an emergency descent. A
sufficient speed range should be covered to assure that any propeller rotation is not hazardous. In
addition, the propeller should not inadvertently unfeather during these tests.

(iv) In order to demonstrate that the feathering system operates satisfactorily, propeller feather
should be demonstrated throughout both the airspeed and the altitude envelope since engine failure
may occur at any time. Propeller unfeathering manually or automatically need only be demonstrated
up to the maximum one-engine-inoperative service ceiling or maximum airstart altitude, whichever is
higher. Satisfactory propeller unfeathering should also be demonstrated after a 30-minute cold soak.

(2) Continued Rotation of Turbine Engines

(i) Means should be provided to completely stop the rotation of turbine engines if continued
rotation would cause a hazard to the aeroplane. Devices such as feathering propellers, brakes,
doors, or other means may be used to stop turbine engine rotation.

(ii) If engine induction air duct doors or other types of brakes are provided to control engine
rotation, no single fault or failure of the system controlling engine rotation should cause the
inadvertent travel of the doors toward the closed position or the inadvertent energising of braking
means, unless compensating features are provided to ensure that engine failure or a critical
operating condition will not occur. Such provisions should be of a high order of reliability, and the
probability should be remote that doors or brakes will not function normally on demand.

(3) Engine Operation with Automatic Propeller Control System Installed

(i) When an automatic control system for simultaneous r.p.m. control of all propellers is
installed, it should be shown that no single failure or malfunction in this system or in an engine
controlling this system will:

(A) Cause the allowable engine overspeed for this condition to be exceeded at any time.

(B) Cause a loss of thrust which will cause the aeroplane to fail to meet the requirements of §§
23.51 through 23.77 if such system is certificated for use during takeoff and climb. This should be
shown for all weights and altitudes for which certification is desired. A period of 5 seconds should be
allowed from the time the malfunction occurs to the initial motion of the cockpit control for corrective
action taken by the crew.

(ii) Compliance with this policy may be shown by analysis, flight demonstration, or a combination

c. Restart Envelope

(1) Explanation. The applicant should propose a practicable airstart envelope wherein
satisfactory inflight engine restarts may be accomplished as required by the code. Airstarts should

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.903 (continued)

be accomplished satisfactorily at critical combinations of airspeed and altitude. During these tests,
normally time history data showing airspeed, altitude, r.p.m., exhaust temperature, etc., are obtained
for inclusion in the Type Inspection Report.

The airstart envelope should be included in the limitations section of the AFM, the procedures used to
restart the engine(s) should be contained in the emergency or abnormal procedures section of the

Results of restart tests completed by the engine manufacturer on the same type of engine in an
altitude test facility or flying test bed, if available, and the experience accumulated in other aircraft
with the same engine and engine installation, may be taken into account, if justified.

(2) Procedures. To establish the required envelope of altitude and airspeed sufficient flight tests
should be made.

i. From sea-level to the maximum declared restarting altitude in all appropriate configurations
likely to affect restarting, including the emergency descent configuration.

ii. From the minimum to the maximum declared airspeed at all altitudes up to the maximum
declared engine restarting altitude. The airspeed range of the declared restart envelope normally
should cover at least 56 km/h (30 kt), but should be adapted to the type of aeroplane.

The tests should include the effect on engine restarting performance of delay periods between engine
shut-down and restarting of

iii. up to two minutes, and

iv. at least until the engine oil temperature is stabilised at its approximate cold soak value.

191 PARAGRAPH 23.905 PROPELLERS. Included in § 23.903 material. See paragraph 190 of this

192 PARAGRAPH 23.909 TURBO SUPERCHARGERS. AMC 23.909(d)(1) addresses this


[Amdt No: 23/2]



a. Explanation. This regulation requires that propellers and other components of the complete
engine installation such as oil cooling inlets, generator cooling inlets, etc., function satisfactorily and
operate properly without an appreciable and unacceptable loss of power when the applicant requests
approval for flight in icing conditions. A unacceptable loss of power may depend on the kind of
aircraft and the power available. For details see AC 23.1419–2. See § 23.1093 for induction system
ice protection requirements.

b. Procedures. Each propeller and other components of the complete installation that is to be
approved for flight in icing conditions should be evaluated under the icing conditions specified in Part
25, appendix C. If the propellers are equipped with fluid-type deicers, the flow test should be
conducted starting with a full tank of fluid and operated at maximum flow for a time period found
operationally suitable. The operation should be checked at all engine speeds and powers.


a. Explanation. Self-explanatory.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.933 (continued)

b. Procedures. Reversing systems installations may be approved provided the following is


(1) Exceptional pilot skill should not be required in taxiing or any condition in which reverse
thrust is to be used.

(2) Necessary operating procedures, operating limitations, and placards are established.

(3) The aeroplane control characteristics are satisfactory with regard to control forces
encountered, and buffeting should not cause structural damage.

(4) The directional control is adequate using normal piloting skill.

(5) A determination is made that no dangerous condition is encountered in the event of sudden
failure of one engine in any likely operating condition.

(6) The operating procedures and aeroplane configuration are such as to provide reasonable
safeguards against serious structural damage to parts of the aeroplane due to the reverse airflow.

(7) It is determined that the pilot's vision is not dangerously obscured under normal operating
conditions on dusty or wet runways and where light snow is on the runway.

(8) It is determined that the pilot's vision is not dangerously obscured by spray due to reverse
airflow under normal water operating conditions with seaplanes.

(9) The procedure and mechanisms for reversing should provide a reverse idle setting such that
without requiring exceptional piloting skill at least the following conditions are met:

(i) Sufficient power is maintained to keep the engine running at an adequate speed to prevent
engine stalling during and after the propeller reversing operation.

(ii) The propeller/engine does not overspeed during and after the propeller reversing operation.

(10) The engine cooling characteristics should be satisfactory in any likely operating condition.

(11) If using ground idle for disking drag credit on landing distance, the ground idle position of the
power levers should be identified with a gate or a detent with satisfactory tactile feel (reference
paragraph 27a(7) of this FTG).

(12) If compliance with 23.933(a)(1)(ii) is intended to be shown by flight tests, any possible
position of any one thrust reverser has to be assumed.


a. Explanation. Self-explanatory.

b. Procedures

(1) Stall, Surge, Flameout Tests. For turbine engines, tests should be conducted to determine
that stall, surge, and flameout will not occur, to a hazardous degree, on any engine during
acceleration and deceleration throughout the normal flight envelope of the aeroplane. This would
include tests throughout the approved altitude range and throughout the airspeed range from VS to
VMO/MMO using sideslip angles appropriate to the individual aeroplane. For normal category twin-
engine aeroplanes, an appropriate sideslip angle is generally considered to be approximately one ball
width on a standard slip-skid indicator. The low airspeed tests should be accomplished at light
weight and with gear and flaps extended to further reduce the stall speed. Tests need not be
accomplished with gear and flaps extended at airspeeds above which extension is prohibited in the

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.939 (continued)

AFM. At the conditions mentioned above, the effects of engine bleed air off and on and engine ice
protection systems off and on should be investigated

(2) Throttle Techniques. With the engine stabilised at maximum continuous power, rapidly retard
the throttle to the flight idle position. Before the engine reaches idle power or r.p.m., rapidly advance
the throttle to maximum continuous power. Repeat this process except begin with the engine
stabilised at flight idle power. Rapid throttle movement is generally defined as one which results in
the throttle moving from maximum continuous power to flight idle, or vice versa, in not more than
0.5 seconds.


a. Explanation. Tests should be conducted to show that no hazardous malfunction occurs

under negative accelerations within the flight envelope. A hazardous malfunction in this case usually
is considered to be one which causes a loss or sustained malfunction of the engine, or improper
operation of the engine accessories or systems.

b. Procedures

(1) Tests. Critical points of negative acceleration may be determined through tests.
Consideration should be given to the possibility of critical level of fuel and oil.

(2) Normal, Utility and Aerobatic Category Aeroplanes. With engines operating at maximum
continuous power, the aeroplane is flown at a critical negative acceleration within the prescribed flight
envelope. Normally a duration of the negative acceleration in separate tests of –0.2 g for 5 seconds,
–0.3 g for 4 seconds, –0.4 g for 3 seconds, and –0.5 g for 2 seconds should reveal any existing
hazardous malfunctioning of the engine. Alternately, –0.5 g for 5 seconds may be used.

(3) Aerobatic Category Aeroplanes. In addition for aerobatic category aeroplanes, for which
certification is requested for inverted flight or for negative g-manoeuvres, the aeroplane should be
subjected to the maximum value and time of negative acceleration for which approval is requested.

(4) Commuter Category Aeroplanes. For Commuter Category Aeroplanes one continuous period
of at least 5 seconds at –0.5 g, and separately a period containing at least two excursions to –0·5 g in
rapid succession, in which the total time at less than zero g is at least 5 seconds has to be shown
without any existing hazardous malfunctioning of the engine.

(5) In addition, it may be necessary to consider other points within the flight envelope at other
levels of fuel with shorter applications of accelerations. In all cases, the accelerations are measured
as near as practicable to the c.g. of the aeroplane.

197–206 RESERVED

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 (continued)

Section 2. FUEL SYSTEM

207 PARAGRAPH 23.959 UNUSABLE FUEL SUPPLY. This subject is covered in

AMC 23.959(a).

[Amdt No: 23/2]

208 PARAGRAPH 23.961 FUEL SYSTEM HOT WEATHER OPERATION. This subject is covered
in AMC 23.961.

[Amdt No: 23/2]

209–220 RESERVED



a. Explanation. The basic purpose of these tests is to determine that the required amount of fuel
may be safely jettisoned under reasonably anticipated operating conditions within the prescribed time
limit without danger from fire, explosion, or adverse effects on the flying qualities. The applicant
should have made sufficient jettisoning tests to prove the safety of the jettisoning system.

b. Procedures

(1) Fire Hazard

(i) Fuel in liquid or vapour form should not impinge upon any external surface of the aeroplane
during or after jettisoning. Coloured fuel, or surfaces so treated that liquid or vaporous fuel changes
the appearance of the aeroplane surface, may be used for detection purposes. Other equivalent
methods for detection may be acceptable.

(ii) Fuel in liquid or vapour form should not enter any portion of the aeroplane during or after
jettisoning. The fuel may be detected by its scent, combustible mixture detector, or by visual
inspection. In pressurised aeroplanes, the presence of liquid or vaporous fuel should be checked with
the aeroplane unpressurised.

(iii) There should be no evidence of fuel valve leakage after it is closed.

(iv) If there is any evidence that wing flap (slats/slots) positions other than that used for the test
may adversely affect the flow pattern, the aeroplane should be placarded ‘Fuel should not be
jettisoned except when flaps (slats/slots) are set at ___ degrees’.

(v) The applicant should select, for demonstration, the tanks or tank combinations which are
critical for demonstrating the flow rate during jettisoning.

(vi) Fuel jettisoning flow pattern should be demonstrated from all normally used tank or tank
combinations on both sides of the aeroplane whether or not both sides are symmetrical.

(vii) Fuel jettisoning rate may be demonstrated from only one side of symmetrical tank or tank
combinations which are critical for flow rate.

(viii) Fuel jettisoning rate and flow pattern should be demonstrated when jettisoning from full tanks
using fuel.

(2) Control

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CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.1001 (continued)

(i) Changes in the aeroplane control forces during the fuel jettisoning tests should be noted.

(ii) The capability to shut off the fuel jettisoning system should be demonstrated in flight.
(3) Residual Fuel. The residual fuel should be measured by draining the tanks from which fuel
has been jettisoned in flight, measuring the total drained fuel, and subtracting from the total the
unusable fuel quantity for each tank to determine if there is sufficient reserve fuel after jettisoning to
meet the requirements of this paragraph. This may be a ground test.

222–237 RESERVED

Section 4 OIL SYSTEM

238 PARAGRAPH 23.1027 PROPELLER FEATHERING SYSTEM. Included in § 23.903

material. See paragraph 190 of this FTG.

239–244 RESERVED

Section 5. COOLING

245 PARAGRAPH 23.1041 GENERAL. See paragraphs 246, 247 and 248 of this FTG.


a. Explanation. Paragraphs 247 and 248 of this FTG provide details on reciprocating engine
and turbine engine cooling tests. Additional procedures for certification of winterisation equipment
are given below.

b. Weight and C.G. Forward c.g. at maximum gross weight is usually the most critical condition.
For reciprocating engine-powered aeroplanes of more than 2722 kg (6000 lb) maximum weight and
for turbine engine-powered aeroplanes, the take-off weight need not exceed that at which compliance
with 23.63(c)(1) has been shown. If engine cooling is critical at high altitude it may not be possible to
achieve the critical point with the maximum weight, in which case a lower weight may represent the
most critical weight condition.

c. Winterisation Equipment Procedures. The following procedures should be applied when

certificating winterisation equipment:

(1) Other Than a 38°C (100°F) Day. Cooling test results for winterisation installations may be
corrected to any temperature desired by the applicant rather than the conventional 38°C (100°F) hot-
day. For example, an applicant may choose to demonstrate cooling to comply with requirements for a
10°C or 16°C (50°F or 60°F) day with winterisation equipment installed. This temperature becomes a
limitation to be shown in the AFM. In such a case, the sea level temperature for correction purposes
should be considered to be the value elected by the applicant with a rate of temperature drop of 2°C
(3.6°F) per 305 m (1000 ft) above sea level.

(2) Tests. Cooling tests and temperature correction methods should be the same as for
conventional cooling tests.

(3) Limit Temperature. The AFM should clearly indicate that winterisation equipment should be
removed whenever the temperature reaches the limit for which adequate cooling has been
demonstrated. The cockpit should be placarded accordingly.

(4) Equipment Marking. If practical, winterisation equipment, such as baffles for oil radiators or
for engine cooling air openings, should be marked clearly to indicate the limiting temperature at which
this equipment should be removed.

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.1001 (continued)

(5) Installation Instructions. Since winterisation equipment is often supplied in kit form,
accompanied by instructions for its installation, manufacturers should provide suitable information
regarding temperature limitations in the installation instructions.



a. Explanation

(1) Purpose. Cooling tests are conducted to determine the ability of the powerplant cooling
provisions to maintain the temperatures of powerplant components and engine fluids within the
temperature limits for which they have been certificated. These limits will normally be specified on
the TC data sheet.

(2) Components With Time/Temperature Limits. The conventional method of approving engine
components is to establish a temperature limit that will ensure satisfactory operation during the
overhaul life of the engine. However, a component that exceeds the temperature limit can be
approved at the elevated temperature for a specific period of time. To ensure that a component
having a time/temperature limit will operate within the established limitation, a means should be
provided to record the time and temperature of an excessive temperature and warn the pilot
accordingly. The method of recording elapsed time and temperature should be automatic or activated
by the pilot with a simple operation. Operating limitations requiring the pilot to detect a critical
aeroplane operating condition and record the elapsed time in the aeroplane logs would not be
acceptable due to the other pilot duties during the critical aeroplane operating condition.

(3) Altitude. Cooling tests should be conducted under critical ground and flight operating
conditions to the maximum altitude for which approval is requested.

b. Test Procedures Applicable to Both Single-Engine and Twin-Engine Aeroplanes

(1) Performance and Configuration. Refer to § 23.45, which have performance requirements
related to engine cooling.

(2) Moisture. The tests should be conducted in air free of visible moisture.

(4) Oil Quantity. The critical condition should be tested.

(5) Thermostat. Aeroplanes which incorporate a thermostat in the engine oil system may have
the thermostat retained, removed, or blocked in such a manner as to pass all engine oil through the
oil cooler. If the thermostat is retained, the oil temperature readings obtained on a cooler day
corrected to hot-day conditions may therefore be greater than those obtained under actual hot-day
conditions. Caution should be exercised when operating an aeroplane with the thermostat removed
or blocked during cold weather to prevent failure of the lubricating system components.

(6) Instrumentation. Accurate and calibrated temperature-measuring devices should be used,

along with acceptable thermocouples or temperature-pickup devices. The proper pickup should be
located at critical engine positions.

(7) Generator. The alternator/generator should be electrically loaded to the rated capacity for
the engine/accessory cooling tests.

(8) Temperature Limitations. For cooling tests, a maximum anticipated temperature (hot-day
conditions) of at least 38°C (100°F) at sea level m ust be used. Temperatures at higher altitudes
assume a change at 2°C (3 .6°F) per 305 m (1000 feet) of altitude, up to –56.5 °C (–69 .7°F). The
maximum ambient temperature selected and demonstrated satisfactorily becomes an aeroplane
operating limitation per the requirements of § 23.1521(e).

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CS-23 BOOK 2

(9) Temperature Stabilisation. For the cooling tests, a temperature is considered stabilised when
its observed rate of change is less than 1°C (2°F) per minute.

(10) Altitude. The cooling tests should be started at the lowest practical altitude, usually below
914 m (3000 feet) MSL, to provide a test data point reasonably close to sea level.

(11) Temperature Correction for Ground Operation. Recorded ground temperatures should be
corrected to the maximum ambient temperature selected, without consideration of the altitude
temperature lapse rate. For example, if an auxiliary power unit is being tested for ground cooling
margins, the cooling margin should be determined from the recorded ground temperature, without
regard to the test site altitude.

c. Test Procedures for Single-Engine, Turbine-Powered Aeroplanes

(1) A normal engine start should be made and all systems checked out. The engine should be
run at ground idle and temperatures and other pertinent data should be recorded.

(2) Taxi aeroplane for approximately 2 km (1 mile) to simulate normal taxi operations. Record
cooling data at 1-minute intervals.

(3) For hull-type seaplanes operating on water, taxi tests should be conducted such that spray
characteristics do not bias the cooling characteristics. Engine cooling during water taxiing should be
checked by taxiing downwind at a speed approximately 9.3 km/h (5 knots) above the step speed for a
minimum of 10 minutes continuous. Record cooling data at 1-minute intervals.

(4) Establish a pre-takeoff holding condition on the taxiway (crosswind) for 20 minutes minimum
or until temperatures stabilise. Record cooling data at 5-minute intervals.

(5) On the runway, set takeoff power and record cooling data.

(6) Takeoff as prescribed in § 23.53 and climb to pattern altitude. Record cooling data upon
reaching pattern altitude or at 1-minute intervals if it takes more than 1-minute to reach pattern

(7) Retract flaps, if down and continue climb with maximum continuous power at the speed
selected to meet the requirements of § 23.65(b). Climb to the maximum approved altitude, recording
cooling data at 1-minute intervals.

(8) Cruise at maximum continuous power (or VMO/MMO, if limiting) at maximum operating altitude
until temperatures stabilise. Record cooling data at 1-minute intervals. For many components, this
will be the critical temperature operating condition.

(9) Conduct a normal descent at VMO/MMO to holding altitude and hold until temperatures
stabilise. Record cooling data at 1-minute intervals.

(10) Conduct a normal approach to landing. Record cooling data at 1-minute intervals.

(11) From not less than 61 m (200 feet) above the ground, perform a balked landing go-around in
accordance with § 23.77. Record cooling data at 1-minute intervals during a traffic pattern circuit.

(12) Climb to pattern altitude, perform a normal approach and landing in accordance with the
applicable portion of § 23.75. Record cooling data at 1-minute intervals.

(13) Taxi back to ramp. Shut down engines. Allow engine to heat-soak. Record temperature
data at 1-minute intervals until 5 minutes after temperatures peak.

d. Test Procedures for Twin-Engine, Turbine-Powered Aeroplanes. A twin-engine aeroplane

should conduct the same profile as the single-engine aeroplane, in an all-engine configuration. On
completion of the all-engine profile, conduct the applicable one-engine-inoperative cooling climb test
recording data at 1-minute intervals. Shut down critical engine and with its propeller (if applicable) in
Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.1045 (continued)

the minimum drag position, the remaining engine(s) at not more than maximum continuous power, or
thrust, landing gear retracted, and wing flaps in the most favourable position. Climb at the speed
used to show compliance with § 23.67. Continue until 5 minutes after temperatures peak.

e. Data Acquisition. The following data should be recorded at the time intervals specified in the
particular test program. The data may be manually recorded unless the quantity and frequency
necessitate automatic or semi-automatic means:

(1) Outside air temperature (OAT).

(2) Altitude.

(3) Airspeed km/h (kt).

(4) Gas generator r.p.m.

(5) Engine torque.

(6) Time.

(7) Propeller r.p.m.

(8) Engine oil temperature.

(9) Pertinent engine temperature.

(10) Pertinent nacelle and component temperatures.

f. Data Reduction

(1) Limitations. A maximum anticipated temperature (hot-day conditions) of at least 38°C

(100°F) at sea level must be used. The assumed tem perature lapse rate is 2°C (3 .6°F) per 305 m
(1 000 feet) altitude up to the altitude at which a temperature of –56,5°C (–69 .7°F) is reached, above
which altitude the temperature is constant at –56,5°C (–69 .7°F). On turbine engine-powered
aeroplanes, the maximum ambient temperature selected becomes an aeroplane operating limitation
in accordance with the requirements of § 23.1521(e). On turbine-powered aeroplanes, the applicant
should correct the engine temperatures to as high a value as possible in order to not be limited.

(2) Correction Factors. Unless a more rational method applies, a correction factor of 1.0 is
applied to the temperature data as follows:

corrected temperature = true temperature + 1.0 [100 – 0.0036 (Hp) – true OAT].

Sample Calculation

True Temperature 300°F

True OAT 15°F
Hp 5 000 ft.

The corrected temperature = 300 + 1.0 [100 – 0.0036 (5 000) – 15] = 367°F.

The corrected temperature is then compared with the maximum permissible temperature to determine
compliance with the cooling requirements.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 (continued)



a. Procedures

(1) Additional Procedures. The procedures of paragraph 247b(1) through 247b(6) of this FTG
also apply to reciprocating engines.

(2) Altitude. Engine cooling tests for reciprocating engine aeroplanes are normally initiated
below 610 m (2 000 ft) pressure altitude. Service experience indicates that engine cooling tests
started above 1524 m (5 000 ft) may not assure adequate cooling margins when the aeroplane is
operated at sea level. If an applicant elects not to take the aeroplane to a low altitude test site,
additional cooling margins have been found acceptable. If engine cooling tests cannot be
commenced below 610 m (2 000 ft) pressure altitude, the temperature margin should be increased by
17°C (30°F) at 2134 m (7 000 ft) for cylinder heads and 33°C (60°F) for both engine oil and cylinder
barrels with a straight line variation from sea level to 2134 m (7 000 ft) unless the applicant
demonstrates that some other correction margin is more applicable.

(3) Hull-Type Seaplanes. Cooling tests on hull-type seaplanes should include, after
temperatures stabilise, a downwind taxi for 10 minutes at 9.3 km/h (5 kt) above the step speed,
recording cooling data at 1-minute intervals.

(4) Test Termination. If at any time during the test, temperatures exceed the manufacturer’s
specified limits, the test is to be terminated.

(5) Climb Transition. At the beginning of the cooling climb, caution should be used in depleting
the kinetic energy of the aeroplane while establishing the climb speed. The climb should not be
started by ‘zooming’ into the climb. The power may be momentarily reduced provided that the
stabilised temperatures are not allowed to drop excessively. This means that a minimum of time
should be used in slowing the aeroplane from the high cruise speed to the selected cooling climb
speed. This may be accomplished by manoeuvre loading the aeroplane or any other means that
provide minimum slow-down time.

(6) Component Cooling. Accessories or components on the engine or in the engine

compartment which have temperature limits should be tested and should be at the maximum
anticipated operating conditions during the cooling tests; for example, generators should be at
maximum anticipated loads.

(7) Superchargers. Superchargers and turbo-superchargers should be used as described in the

AFM. Engine cooling should be evaluated in the cruise condition at the maximum operating altitude,
since this may be a more critical point than in climb. Also, turbo-charged engines sometimes give a
false peak and the climb should be continued long enough to be sure that the temperatures do not
begin to increase again.

(8) Single-Engine Aeroplanes. The cooling tests for single-engine aeroplanes should be
conducted as follows:

(i) At the lowest practical altitude, establish a level flight condition at not less than 75%
maximum continuous power until temperatures stabilise. Record cooling data.

(ii) Increase engine power to takeoff rating and climb at a speed corresponding to the applicable
performance data given in the AFM/POH, which are criteria relative to cooling. Maintain takeoff
power for 1 minute. Record cooling data.

(iii) At the end of 1 minute, reduce engine power to maximum continuous and continue climb for
at least 5 minutes after temperatures peak or the maximum operating altitude is reached. Record
cooling data at 1-minute intervals. If a leaning schedule is furnished to the pilot, it should be used.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.1047 (continued)

(9) Twin-Engine Aeroplanes. For twin-engine-powered aeroplanes that meet the minimum one-
engine-inoperative climb performance specified in § 23.67 with the aeroplane in the configuration
used in establishing critical one-engine-inoperative climb performance:

(i) At the lower altitude of 305 m (1 000 ft) below engine critical altitude or 305 m (1 000 ft)
below the altitude at which the minimum one-engine-inoperative climb gradient is 1·5%, or at the
lowest practical altitude (when applicable), stabilise temperatures of the test engine in level flight at
not less than 75% maximum continuous power. Record cooling data.

(ii) After temperatures stabilise, initiate a climb at a speed not more than the highest speed at
which compliance with the climb requirement of § 23.67 is shown. With the test engine at maximum
continuous power (or full throttle), continue climb until 5 minutes after temperatures peak or the
maximum operating altitude is reached. Record cooling data at 1-minute intervals.

(10) Performance Limited Twin-Engine Aeroplanes. For twin-engine aeroplanes that cannot meet
the minimum one-engine-inoperative performance specified in § 23.67 is shown:

(i) Set zero thrust on the planned ‘inoperative’ engine and determine an approximate rate of sink
(or climb). A minimum safe test altitude should then be established.

(ii) Stabilise temperatures in level flight with engines operating at no less than 75% maximum
continuous power and as near sea level as practicable or the minimum safe test altitude.

(iii) After temperatures stabilise, initiate a climb at a speed not more than the highest speed at
which compliance with the climb requirements of § 23.67 is shown, with one engine inoperative and
remaining engine(s) at maximum continuous power. Continue for at least 5 minutes after
temperatures peak. Record cooling data at 1-minute intervals.

b. Data Acquisition. The following data should be recorded at the time intervals specified in the
applicable test programs and may be manually recorded unless the quantity and frequency
necessitate automatic or semi-automatic means:

(1) Time.

(2) Hottest cylinder head temperature.

(3) Hottest cylinder barrel temperature (only if a limitation).

(4) Engine oil inlet temperature.

(5) Outside air temperature.

(6) Indicated airspeed km/h (kt).

(7) Pressure altitude.

(8) Engine r.p.m.

(9) Propeller r.p.m.

(10) Manifold pressure.

(11) Carburettor air temperature.

(12) Mixture setting.

(13) Throttle setting.

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.1047 (continued)

(14) Temperatures of components or accessories which have established limits that may be
affected by powerplant heat generation.

c. To Correct Cylinder Barrel Temperature to Anticipated Hot-Day Conditions

(1) Corrected cylinder barrel temperature = true observed cylinder barrel temperature + 0.7
[100 – 0.0036 (pressure altitude) – true OAT].

(2) For example:

True observed maximum cylinder barrel temperature 244°F.

Pressure Altitude 8 330 ft.
True OAT +55°F.

(3) Corrected cylinder barrel temperature = 244 + 0.7 [100 – 0.0036 (8 330) – 55] = 255°F.

(4) The corrected temperatures are then compared with the maximum permissible temperatures
to determine compliance with cooling requirements.

d. To Correct Cylinder Head or Other Temperatures to Anticipated Hot-Day Conditions

(1) Corrected temperature = true temperature + 1.0 [100 – 0.0036 (pressure altitude) – true
outside air temperature].

(2) For example:

True maximum cylinder head temperature 406°F.

Pressure Altitude 8 330 ft.
True OAT +55°F.

(3) Corrected cylinder head temperature = 406 + 1.0 [100 – 0.0036 (8 330) – 55] = 421°F.

(4) The corrected temperatures are then compared with the maximum permissible temperatures
to determine compliance with cooling requirements.

e. Liquid Cooled Engines. (RESERVED).

249–254 RESERVED.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 (continued)



AC 20–124 covers the turbine engine water ingestion aspects of this requirement.


a. Explanation

(1) Purpose. Tests of engine induction system icing protection provisions are conducted to
ensure that the engine is able to operate throughout its flight power range without adverse effect on
engine operation. Reciprocating engines utilise a preheater or a sheltered alternate air source to
provide adequate heat rise to prevent or eliminate ice formation in the engine induction system. The
adequacy of this heat rise is evaluated during the test. The amount of heat available is determined
by measuring the intake heat rise by temperature measurements of the air before it enters the
carburettor. Turbine engine inlet ducts must be protected to prevent the accumulation of ice as
specified in § 23.1093(b)(1).

(2) Reciprocating Sea Level Engine Configurations

(i) Venturi Carburettor. Paragraph 23.1093(a)(1) requires a 50°C (90°F) he at rise at 75%
maximum continuous power at -1°C (30°F) OAT.

(ii) Single-Engine Aeroplanes With a Carburettor Tending to Prevent Icing (Pressure

Carburettor). Paragraph 23.1093(a)(5) requires an alternate air source with a temperature equal to
that of the air downstream of the cylinders.

(iii) Twin-Engine Aeroplane With Carburettor Tending to Prevent Icing (Pressure Carburettor).
Paragraph 23.1093(a)(5) requires a 50°C (90°F) heat rise at 75% maximum continuous power at -
1°C (30°F) OAT.

(iv) Fuel Injection With Ram Air Tubes. A heat rise of 50°C (90°F) at 75% maximum continu ous
power is recommended.

(v) Fuel Injection Without Projections Into the Induction Air Flow. An alternate air source with a
temperature not less than the cylinder downstream air is recommended.

(3) Reciprocating Altitude Engine Configurations

(i) Venturi Carburettor. Paragraph 23.1093(a)(2) requires a 67°C (120°F) h eat rise at 75%
maximum continuous power at -1°C (30°F) OAT.

(ii) Carburettors Tending to Prevent Icing (Pressure Carburettor). Paragraph 23.1093(a)(3)

requires a heat rise of 56°C (100°F) at 60% maximum continuous power at -1°C (30°F) OAT or 22°C
(40°F) heat rise if an approved fluid deicing syste m is used.

(iii) Fuel Injection. Same as for sea level fuel injected engines.

(4) Turbine Engines. Paragraph 23.1093(b) requires turbine engines to be capable of operating
without adverse effects on operation or serious loss of power or thrust under the icing conditions
specified in Part 25, appendix C. The powerplant should be protected from ice at all times, whether
or not the aeroplane is certificated for flight into known icing conditions.

b. Reciprocating Engine Test Considerations

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.1093 (continued)

(1) Visible Moisture. The tests should be conducted in air free of visible moisture.

(2) Instrumentation. All instruments used during the test should be calibrated and all calibration
curves made part of the Type Inspection Report. Calibrations should be made of complete systems
as installed and shall cover the temperature range expected during the tests.

(3) Heat Rise. All carburettor air heat rise requirements should be met at an outside air
temperature of -1°C (30°F). If the test cannot be conducted in an atmosphere with an ambient air
temperature of -1°C (30°F), it will normally be flo wn at low, intermediate, and high altitudes. If a -1°C
(30°F) day exists at an altitude where 75% of rated power is available, only one test is necessary.

(4) Intake Air. Care should be exercised to assure that the method of measuring the temperature
of the air will give an indication of the average temperature of the airflow through the intake and not
just a stratum of air. This may be accomplished by temperature measurements of the intake air at
several points. Usually, the temperature probe is placed at the carburettor deck; however, test data
may be obtained with the pickup at other locations. A carburettor throat temperature pickup in lieu of
carburettor air box temperature instrumentation will not suffice for accurate readings unless
calibration data is made available to correlate carburettor throat temperatures to actual air inlet

c. Test Procedures for Reciprocating Engine Aeroplanes

(1) At low altitude, stabilise aeroplane with full throttle or, if the engine is supercharged, with
maximum continuous power on the test engine. With carburettor air heat control in the ‘cold’ position
record data. Manually operated turbochargers should be off. For integrally turbocharged engines,
heat rise data should be taken at lowest altitude conditions, where the turbo is providing minimum

(2) Apply carburettor heat and after condition stabilises, record data.

(3) Reduce airspeed to 90% of that attained under item (1). With carburettor air heat control in
the ‘cold’ position and condition stabilised, record data.

(4) Apply carburettor heat and after condition stabilises, record data.

(5) Reduce airspeed to 80% of that attained under item (1). With carburettor air heat control in
the ‘cold’ position and condition stabilised, record data.

(6) Apply carburettor heat and after condition stabilises, record data.

(7) At the intermediate altitude, repeat steps (1) through (6).

(8) At high altitude, repeat steps (1) through (6). Data to be recorded.

(i) Altitude m (feet).

(ii) Airspeed (IAS) km/h (Knots).

(iii) Ambient air temperature °C (°F).

(iv) Carburettor air temperature °C (°F).

(v) Carburettor heat control position.

(vi) Engine r.p.m.

(vii) Engine manifold pressure hPa (in Hg).

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.1093 (continued)

(viii) Throttle position.

d. Data Reduction. Figures 256–1 and 256–2 show sample carburettor air heat rise

e. Test Procedures for Turbine Engine-Powered Aeroplanes. Tests to determine the capability
of the turbine engine to operate throughout its flight power range without adverse effect on engine
operation or serious loss of power or thrust should be conducted to encompass the icing conditions
specified in CS 1, appendix C. Each aeroplane should be evaluated for compliance. Thermodynamic
exercises and dry air tests alone are not usually adequate, and actual icing encounters or wind tunnel
testing are necessary.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.1093 (continued)

at only one altitude
if O.A.T. of 30o F is Full Throttle or 90%IAS of 80% IAS of Full Throttle of 90% IAS of 80% IAS of Full Throttle or 90% IAS of 80% IAS of
Available MC Power* Colums #1 Column #1 MC Power* Column #1 Column #1 MC Power* Column #1 Column #1

Carburettor Air Heat C N C N C N C N C N C N C N C N C N

Control Position

Pressure Altitude
1500 1500 8000

O.A.T. (F) 83 83 83 83 83 83 72 72 72 72 72 72 60 60 60 60 60 60

C.A.T. (F) 84 215 84 205 84 200 73 201 73 189 73 184 61 190 61 185 61 176

Heat Rise 132 122 117 129 117 112 130 125 116

I.A.S. (M.P.H.) 105 99 95 92 84 82 96 88 87 78 77 70 90 80 82 75 72 67

R.P.M. 2850 2730 2690 2590 2430 2310 2800 2640 2555 2400 2410 2280 2770 2525 2665 2480 2525 2310

M.P. (In. Hg.) 26·4 25·7 24·0 23·5 22·0 21·3 23·5 22·8 19·6 19·3 19·0 18·5 21·2 20·4 19·9 19·4 18·0 17·2

Indicated B.H.P. 144 132 120 112 105 99 125 114 92 85 76 72 113 100 101 90 73 65

Std. Temperature
for Pressure 54 41 30
Altitude (F)

Temperature ·974 ·872 ·972 ·879 ·972 ·882 ·970 ·870 ·970 ·879 ·970 ·882 ·970 ·868 ·970 ·871 ·970 ·878
Correction Factor
(See note 1)

Actual B.H.P. 140 115 117 98·4 102 87·4 121 99·2 89 74·7 74 63·5 110 86·8 98 78·4 71 57·1

% Rated B.H.P. 100 82·2 83·5 70·2 72·8 62·4 86·4 71·0 63·5 53·4 52·8 45·3 78·5 62·1 70 56·0 50·6 40·8
(See note 2)
Throttle Position FT FT P P P P FT FT P P P P Ft Ft P P P P

*Supercharged Engines Only

Note 1: std temp( o F) + 460

Temperature Correction Factor =
CAT( o F) + 460

Note 2: Rated BHP = 140

Note 3: Bold numbers indicate data plotted on figure 256-1

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2
Chapter 4 Paragraph 23.1093 (continued)


Press. Alt. - 1500 FT.

Press. Alt. - 5000 FT.


Press. Alt. - 8000 FT.

Percent of rated BHP

75% BHP





Outside air temperature - F



140 oF carb. air

50 heat rise at 30 oF
outside air temp.




110 120 130 140 150

Caburator air heat rise - o F


Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 4 (continued)

257–265 RESERVED



a. Explanation. Powerplant controls for each powerplant function will be grouped for each
engine allowing simultaneous or independent operation as desired. Each control will be clearly
marked as to function and control position. (Also see § 23.777). Controls are required to maintain
any position set by the pilot without tendency to creep due to vibration or control loads.

b. Procedures. None.



a. Explanation. If the propeller pitch or speed control lever also controls the propeller feathering
control, some means are required to prevent inadvertent movement to the feathering position.

b. Procedures. None.

269–278 RESERVED



a. Explanation The location and operation of any required shutoff means is substantiated by
analysis of design data, inspection, or test. The location and guarding of the control (switch), the
location and clarity of any required indicators and the ability to operate the controls with the shoulder
harnesses locked (if applicable) should be evaluated.

b. Procedures. Control locations and guarding and indicator effectiveness should be part of the
complete cockpit evaluation. Check the shutoff means function by performing an after-flight engine
shutdown using the fuel shutoff.

280–285 RESERVED

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Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2


Section 1 GENERAL



a. Explanation. Paragraph 23.1301 gives specific installation requirements. Particular attention

should be given to those installations where an external piece of equipment could affect the flight
characteristics. All installations of this nature should be evaluated by the flight test pilot to verify that
the equipment functions properly when installed.

b. Avionics Test

(1) Very High Frequency VHF Communication Systems See AC 20–67B. AC 20–67B reference
Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) document DO–186 DO–186, paragraph
speaks to ground facility coverage area. FAA Order 6050.32, appendix 2, shows the coverage limits
for various facility parameters.

(2) High Frequency (HF) Communication Systems

(i) Ground Station Contacts. Acceptable communication should be demonstrated by contacting

a ground station on as wide a range of frequencies as HF propagation conditions allow. Distances
may vary from 185 (100) to several hundred km (nautical miles). The system should perform
satisfactorily in its design modes.

(ii) Precipitation Static. It should be demonstrated that precipitation static is not excessive when
the aeroplane is flying at cruise speed (in areas of high electrical activity, including clouds and rain if
possible). Use the minimum amount of installed dischargers for which approval is sought.

(iii) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Electromagnetic compatibility tests should be

conducted on the ground and in flight at 1·0 Mhz intervals. Any electromagnetic interference (EMI)
noted on the ground should be repeated in flight at the frequency at which the EMI occurred on the
ground. Since squat switches may isolate some systems from operation on the ground (i.e. air data
system, pressurisation etc.), EMI should be evaluated with all systems operating in flight to verify that
no adverse effects are present in the engine, fuel control computer, brake antiskid, etc. systems.

(3) Very High Frequency Omnirange (VOR) Systems

(i) Antenna Radiation Patterns. These flight tests may be reduced if adequate antenna radiation
pattern studies have been made and these studies show the patterns to be without significant holes
(with the aeroplane configuration used in flight; that is, flaps, landing gear, etc.). Particular note
should be made in recognition that certain propeller r.p.m. settings may cause modulation of the
course deviation indication (prop-modulation). This information should be made a part of the AFM.

(A) Reception. The airborne VOR system should operate normally with warning flags out of view
at all headings of the aeroplane (wings level) throughout the standard service volumes depicted in the
Airman’s Information Manual (AIM) up to the maximum altitude for which the aeroplane is certified.

(B) Accuracy. The accuracy determination should be made such that the indicated reciprocal
agrees within 2°. Tests should be conducted over a t least two known points on the ground such that
data are obtained in each quadrant. Data should correlate with the ground calibration and in no case
should the absolute error exceed ±6°. There should be no excessive fluctuation in the course
deviation indications.

(ii) En-Route Reception. Fly from a VOR facility rated for high altitude along a radial at an
altitude of 90% of the aeroplane's maximum certificated altitude to the standard service volume
range. The VOR warning flag should not come into view, nor should there be deterioration of the
Amendment 3
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CS-23 BOOK 2

station identification signal. The course width should be 20° ±5° (10° either side at the selected
radial). The tests should be flown along published route segments to preclude ground station
anomalies. If practical, perform an en-route segment on a doppler VOR station to verify the
compatibility of the airborne unit. Large errors have been found when incompatibility exists.

(iii) Low-Angle Reception. Perform a 360° right and 360° left turn at a ban k angle of at least 10°
at an altitude just above the lowest edge of the standard service volume and at the maximum service
volume distance. Signal dropout should not occur as evidenced by the warning flag appearance.
Dropouts that are relieved by a reduction of bank angle at the same relative heading to the station are
satisfactory. The VOR identification should be satisfactory during the left and right turns.

(iv) High-Angle Reception. Repeat the turns described in (iii) above, but at a distance of
93-130 km (50–70 n.m.) (37-56 km (20–30 n.m.) for aeroplanes not to be operated above 5486 m
(18 000 ft)) from the VOR facility and at an altitude of at least 90% of the maximum certificated
altitude of the aeroplane.

(v) En-Route Station Passage. Verify that the to-from indicator correctly changes as the
aeroplane passes through the cone of confusion above a VOR facility.

(vi) VOR Approach. Conduct VOR approaches with gear and flaps down. With the facility
22-28 km (12–15 n.m.) behind the aeroplane, use sufficient manoeuvring in the approach to ensure
the signal reception is maintained during beam tracking.

(vii) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating in flight, verify by
observation, that no adverse effects are present in the required flight systems.

(4) Localiser Systems

(i) Antenna Radiation Patterns. Flight test requirements should be modified to allow for
adequate antenna radiation pattern measurements as discussed in VOR systems, subparagraph

(A) Signal Strength. The input to the receiver, presented by the antenna system, should be of
sufficient strength to keep the malfunction indicator out of view when the aeroplane is in the approach
configuration (landing gear extended – approach flaps) and within the normal limits of localiser
coverage shown in the Airman’s Information Manual (AIM). This signal should be received for 360° of
the aeroplane heading at all bank angles up to 10° left or right at all normal pitch attitudes and at an
altitude of approximately 610 m (2 000 feet) (see RTCA Document D-102).

(B) Bank Angles. Satisfactory results should also be obtained at bank angles up to 30° when the
aeroplane heading is within 60° of the inbound loca liser course. Satisfactory results should result
with bank angles up to 15° on headings from 60° to 90° of the localiser inbound course and up to 10°
bank angle on headings for 90° to 180° from the loc aliser inbound course.

(C) Course Deviation Indicator (CDI). The deviation indicator should properly direct the
aeroplane back to course when the aeroplane is right or left of course.

(D) Station Identification. The station identification signal should be of adequate strength and
sufficiently free from interference to provide positive station identification, and voice signals should
be intelligible with all electric equipment operating and pulse equipment transmitting.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 5 Paragraph 23.1301 (continued)

(ii) Localiser Intercept. In the approach configuration and at a distance of at least 33 km (18
n.m.) from the localiser facility, fly toward the localiser front course, inbound, at an angle of at least
50°. Perform this manoeuvre from both left and rig ht of the localiser beam. No flags should appear
during the time the deviation indicator moves from full deflection to on-course.

(iii) Localiser Tracking. While flying the localiser inbound and not more than 9 km (5 ml) before
reaching the outer marker, change the heading of the aeroplane to obtain full needle deflection.
Then fly the aeroplane to establish localiser on-course operation. The localiser deviation indicators
should direct the aeroplane to the localiser on-course. Perform this manoeuvre with both a left and a
right needle deflection. Continue tracking the localiser until over the transmitter. Acceptable front
course and back course approaches should be conducted to 61 m (200 ft) or published minimums.

(iv) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating in flight, verify by
observation, that no adverse effects are present in the required flight system.

(5) Glide Slope Systems

(i) Signal Strength. The signal input to the receiver should be of sufficient strength to keep the
warning flags out of view at all distances to 19 km (10 n.m.) from the facility. This performance
should be demonstrated at all aeroplane headings between 30° right and left of the localiser course
(see RTCA Document DO–1010). The deviation indicator should properly direct the aeroplane back
to path when the aeroplane is above or below the path. Interference with the navigation operation,
within 19 km (10 n.m.) of the facility, should not occur with all aeroplane equipment operating and all
pulse equipment transmitting. There should be no interference with other equipment as a result of
glide slope operation.

(ii) Glide Slope Tracking. While tracking the glide slope, manoeuvre the aeroplane through
normal pitch and roll attitudes. The glide slope deviation indicator should show proper operation with
no flags. Acceptable approaches to 61 m (200 ft) or less above threshold should be conducted.

(iii) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating in flight, verify by
observation, that no adverse effects are present in the required flight systems.

(6) Marker Beacon System

(i) Flight Test

(A) In low sensitivity, the marker beacon annunciator light should be illuminated for a distance of
610 to 914 m (2 000 to 3 000 feet) when flying at an altitude of 305 m (1 000 ft) AGL on the localiser
centreline in all flap and gear configurations.

(B) An acceptable test to determine distances of 610 to 914 m (2 000 to 3 000 ft) is to fly at a
ground speed listed in table 1 and time the marker beacon light duration.


Altitude = 305 m (1000 ft) (AGL)

Ground Speed Light Time (Seconds)

Km/h (Knots) 610 m (2 000 914 m (3 000

ft) ft)

167 (90) 13 20
204 (110) 11 16
241 (130) 9 14
278 (150) 8 12

(C) For ground speeds other than table values, the following formulas may be used:

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 5 Paragraph 23.1301 (continued)

Upper limit 3287 (1 775)

Ground Speed in km/h (Knots)

Lower limit 2191 (1 183)

Ground Speed in km/h (Knots)

(D) In high sensitivity, the marker beacon annunciator light and audio will remain on longer than
when in low sensitivity.

(E) The audio signal should be of adequate strength and sufficiently free from interference to
provide positive identification.

(F) As an alternate procedure, cross the outer marker at normal ILS approach altitudes and
determine adequate marker aural and visual indication.

(ii) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating in flight, verify by
observation, that no adverse effects are present in the required flight system.

(7) Automatic Direction Finding (ADF) Equipment

(i) Range and Accuracy. The ADF system installed in the aeroplane should provide operation
with errors not exceeding 5°, and the aural signal should be clearly audible up to the distance listed
for any one of the following types of radio beacons:

(A) 139 km (75 n.m.) from an HH facility.

(B) 93 km (50 n.m.) from an H facility. Caution – service ranges of individual facilities may be
less than 93 km (50 n.m.)

(C) 46 km (25 n.m.) from an MH facility.

(D) 28 km (15 n.m.) from a compass locator.

(ii) Needle Reversal. The ADF indicator needle should make only one 180° reversal when the
aeroplane flies over a radio beacon. This test should be made with and without the landing gear

(iii) Indicator Response. When switching stations with relative bearings differing by 180° ± 5°,
the indicator should indicate the new bearing within ± 5° in not more than 10 seconds.

(iv) Antenna Mutual Interaction. For dual installations, there should not be excessive coupling
between the antennas.

(v) Technique

(A) Range and Accuracy. Tune in a number of radio beacons spaced throughout the 190–
535 kHz range and located at distances near the maximum range for the beacon. The identification
signals should be understandable and the ADF should indicate the approximate direction to the
stations. Beginning at a distance of at least 28 km (15 n.m.) from a compass locator in the approach
configuration (landing gear extended, approach flaps), fly inbound on the localiser front course and
make a normal ILS approach. Evaluate the aural identification signal for strength and clarity and the
ADF for proper performance with the receiver in the ADF mode. All electrical equipment on the
aeroplane should be operating and all pulse equipment should be transmitting. Fly over a ground or
appropriately established checkpoint with relative bearings to the facility of 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180 °,
225°, 270°, and 315°. The indicated bearings to th e station should correlate within 5°. The effects of

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 5 Paragraph 23.1301 (continued)

the landing gear on bearing accuracy should be determined. (A calibration placard should be
provided, if appropriate.)

(B) Needle Reversal. Fly the aeroplane over an H, MH, or compass locator facility at an altitude
305 to 610 m (1 000 to 2 000 ft) above ground level. Partial reversals which lead or lag the main
reversal are permissible.

(C) Indicator Response. With the ADF indicating station dead ahead, switch to a station having a
relative bearing of 175°. The indicator should ind icate within ± 5° of the bearing in not more than
10 seconds.

(D) Antenna Mutual Interaction

(1) If the ADF installation being tested is dual, check for coupling between the antenna by using
the following procedure.

(2) With #1 ADF receiver tuned to a station near the low end of the ADF band, tune the #2
receiver slowly throughout the frequency range of all bands and determine whether the #1 ADF
indicator is adversely affected.

(3) Repeat (2) with the #1 ADF receiver tuned to a station near the high end of the ADF band.

(vi) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating in flight, verify by
observation, that no adverse effects are present in the required flight systems.

(8) Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)

(i) Tracking Performances. The DME system should continue to track without dropouts when
the aeroplane is manoeuvred throughout the airspace within the standard service volume of the
VORTAC/DME station and at altitudes above the lower edge of the standard service volume to the
maximum operating altitude. This tracking standard should be met with the aeroplane:

(A) In cruise configuration.

(B) At bank angle up to 10°.

(C) Climbing and descending at normal maximum climb and descent attitude.

(D) Orbiting a DME facility.

(E) Provide clearly readable identification of the DME facility.

(ii) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating in flight, verify by
observations that no adverse effects are present in the required flight systems.

(iii) Climb and Maximum Distance. Determine that there is no mutual interference between the
DME system and other equipment aboard the aeroplane. Beginning at a distance of at least 19 km
(10 n.m.) from a DME facility and at an altitude of 610 m (2 000 ft) above the DME facility, fly the
aeroplane on a heading so that the aeroplane will pass over the facility. At a distance of 9-19 km (5–
10 n.m.) beyond the DME facility, operate the aeroplane at its normal maximum climb attitude up to
90% of the maximum operating altitude, maintaining the aeroplane on a station radial (within 5°). The
DME should continue to track with no unlocks to the range of the standard service volume.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 5 Paragraph 23.1301 (continued)

(iv) Long-Range Reception

(A) Perform two 360° turns, one to the right and on e to the left, at a bank angle of at least 10° at
the maximum service volume distance of the DME facility and at an altitude of at least 90% of the
maximum operating altitude.

(B) Unlocks may occur and are acceptable if they do not interfere with the intended flight path of
the aeroplane or are relieved by a reduction of bank angle at the same relative heading to the station.

(v) High-Angle Reception. Repeat the flight pattern and observations of (iii) above at a distance
of 93-130 km (50–70 n.m.) 37-56 km ((20–30 n.m.) for aeroplanes not to be operated above 5486 m
(18 000 feet)) from the DME facility and at an altitude of at least 90% of the maximum operating

(vi) Penetration. From 90% of the maximum operating altitude, perform a letdown directly toward
the ground station using normal maximum rate of descent procedures to a DME facility so as to reach
an altitude of 1524 m (5 000 feet) above the DME facility 9-19 km (5–10 n.m.) before reaching the
DME facility. The DME should continue to track during the manoeuvre with no unlocks.

(vii) Orbiting. At an altitude of 610 m (2 000 ft) above the terrain, at holding pattern speeds
appropriate for the type of aeroplane and with the landing gear extended, fly at least 15° sectors of
left and right 65 km (35 n.m.) orbital patterns around the DME facility. The DME should continue to
track with no more than one unlock, not to exceed one search cycle, in any 9 km (5 miles) of orbited

(viii) Approach. Make a normal approach at an actual or simulated field with a DME. The DME
should track without an unlock (station passage expected).

(ix) DME Hold. With the DME tracking, activate the DME hold function. Change the channel
selector to a localiser frequency. The DME should continue to track on the original station.

(9) Transponder Equipment

(i) Signal Strength. The ATC transponder system should furnish a strong and stable return
signal to the interrogating radar facility when the aeroplane is flown in straight and level flight
throughout the airspace within 296 km (160 n.m.) of the radar station from radio line of sight to within
90% of the maximum altitude for which the aeroplane is certificated or to the maximum operating
altitude. Aeroplanes to be operated at altitudes not exceeding 5486 m (18 000 feet) should meet the
above requirements to only 148 km (80 n.m.)

(ii) Single Site Tracking. Special arrangements should be made for single-site tracking. ATC
coverage includes remote stations and unless single-site is utilised, the data may be invalid.

(iii) Dropout Times. When the aeroplane is flown within the airspace described above, the
dropout time should not exceed 20 seconds in the following manoeuvres:

(A) In turns at bank angles up to 10°.

(B) Climbing and descending at normal maximum climb and descent attitude.

(C) Orbiting a radar facility.

(iv) Climb and Distance Coverage

(A) Beginning at a distance of at least 19 km (10 n.m.) from and at an altitude of 610 m (2 000 ft)
above that of the radar facility and using a transponder code assigned by the ARTCC, fly on a
heading that will pass the aeroplane over the facility. Operate the aeroplane at its normal maximum
climb attitude up to within 90% of the maximum altitude for which the aeroplane is certificated,

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

maintaining the aeroplane at a heading within 5° fr om the radar facility. After reaching the maximum
altitude for which the aeroplane is certificated, fly level at the maximum altitude to 296 (or 148) km
(160 (or 80) n.m.) from the radar facility.

(B) Communicate with the ground radar personnel for evidence of transponder dropout. During
the flight, check the ‘ident’ mode of the ATC transponder to ensure that it is performing its intended
function. Determine that the transponder system does not interfere with other systems aboard the
aeroplane and that other equipment does not interfere with the operation of the transponder system.
There should be no dropouts for two or more sweeps.

(v) Long-Range Reception. Perform two 360° turns, one to the right and one to the left, at bank
angles of at least 10° with the flight pattern at l east 296 (or 148) km (160 (or 80) n.m.) from the radar
facility. During these turns, the radar display should be monitored and there should be no signal
dropouts (two or more sweeps).

(vi) High-Angle Reception. Repeat the flight pattern and observations of (iv) above at a distance
of 93 to 130 km (50 to 70 n.m.) from the radar facility and at an altitude of at least 90% of the
maximum operating altitude. There should be no dropout (two or more sweeps). Switch the
transponder to a code not selected by the ground controller. The aeroplane secondary return should
disappear from the scope. The controller should then change his control box to a common system
and a single slash should appear on the scope at the aeroplane’s position.

(vii) High-Altitude Cruise. Fly the aeroplane within 90% of its maximum certificated altitude or its
maximum operating altitude beginning at a point 296 (or 148) km (160 (or 80) n.m.) from the radar
facility on a course which will pass over the radar facility. There should be no transponder dropout
(two or more sweeps) or ‘ring-around.’

(viii) Holding and Orbiting Patterns

(A) At an altitude of 610 m (2 000 feet) or minimum obstruction clearance altitude (whichever is
greater) above the radar antenna and at holding pattern speeds, flaps and gear extended, fly one
each standard rate 360° turn right and left at a di stance of approximately 19 km (10 n.m.) from the
ARSR facility. There should be no signal dropout (two or more sweeps).

(B) At an altitude of 610 m (2 000 feet) or minimum obstruction clearance altitude (whichever is
greater) above the radar antenna and at holding pattern speeds appropriate for the type of aeroplane,
fly 45° sectors of left and right 19 km (10 n.m.) o rbital patterns around a radar facility with gear and
flaps extended. There should be no signal dropout (two or more sweeps).

(ix) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating in flight, verify by
observation, that no adverse effects are present in the required flight systems.

(10) Weather Radar

(i) Bearing Accuracy. The indicated bearing of objects shown on the display should be within
±10° of their actual relative bearing. Verify that as aeroplane turns to right or left of target, the
indicated display moves in the opposite direction. Fly under conditions which allow visual
identification of a target, such as an island, a river, or a lake, at a range of approximately 80% of the
maximum range of the radar. When flying toward the target, select a course that will pass over a
reference point from which the bearing to the target is known. When flying a course from the
reference point to the target, determine the error in displayed bearing to the target on all range
settings. Change heading in increments of 10° and determine the error in the displayed bearing to
the target.

(ii) Distance of Operation. The radar should be capable of displaying distinct and identifiable
targets throughout the angular range of the display and at approximately 80% of the maximum range.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 5 Paragraph 23.1301 (continued)

(iii) Beam Tilting. The radar antenna should be installed so that its beam is adjustable to any
position between 10° above and below the plane of r otation of the antenna. Tilt calibration should be

(iv) Contour Display (Iso Echo)

(A) If heavy cloud formations or rainstorms are reported within a reasonable distance from the
test base, select the contour display mode. The radar should differentiate between heavy and light

(B) In the absence of the above weather conditions, determine the effectiveness of the contour
display function by switching from normal to contour display while observing large objects of varying
brightness on the indicator. The brightest object should become the darkest when switching from
normal to contour mode.

(v) Antenna Stabilisation, When Installed. While in level flight at 3048 m (10 000 ft) or higher,
adjust the tilt approximately 2–3° above the point where ground return was eliminated. Roll right and
left approximately 15°, then pitch down approximate ly 10° (or within design limits). No ground return
should be present.

(vi) Ground Mapping. Fly over areas containing large, easily identifiable landmarks such as
rivers, towns, islands, coastlines, etc. Compare the form of these objects on the indicator with their
actual shape as visually observed from the cockpit.

(vii) Mutual Interference. Determine that no objectionable interference is present on the radar
indicator from any electrical or radio/navigational equipment when operating and that the radar
installation does not interfere with the operation of any of the aeroplane’s radio/navigational systems.

(viii) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating in flight, verify by
observation, that no adverse effects are present in the required flight systems.

(ix) Light Conditions. The display should be evaluated during all lighting conditions, including
night and direct sunlight.

(11) Area Navigation

(i) Advisory Circular 90–45A. This AC is the basic criteria for evaluating an area navigation
system, including acceptable means of compliance to the FAR.

(ii) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating in flight, verify by
observation, that no adverse effects are present in the required flight systems.

(12) Inertial Navigation

(i) Basic Criteria. Advisory Circular 25–4 is the basic criteria for the engineering evaluation of
an inertial navigation system (INS) and offers acceptable means of compliance with the applicable
CS. The engineering evaluation of an INS should also include an awareness of AC 121–13 which
presents criteria to be met before an applicant can get operational approval. For flights up to
10 hours, the radial error should not exceed 4 km (2 n.m.) per hour of operation on a 95% statistical
basis. For flights longer than 10 hours, the error should not exceed +/- 37 km (±20 n.m.) cross-track
or +/- 46 km ( ±25 n.m.) along-track error. A 4 km (2 n.m.) radial error is represented by circle, having
a radius of 4 km (2 n.m.), centred on the selected destination point.

(ii) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating in flight, verify by
observation, that no adverse effects are present in the required flight systems.

(13) Doppler Navigation

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 5 Section 23.1301 (continued)

(i) Doppler navigation system installed performance should be evaluated in accordance with AC

(ii) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating in flight, verify by
observation, that no adverse effects are present in the required flight systems.

(14) Audio Interphone Systems

(i) Acceptable communications should be demonstrated for all audio equipment including
microphones, speakers, headsets, and interphone amplifiers. All modes of operation should be
tested, including operation during emergency conditions (that is, emergency descent, and oxygen
masks) with all engines running, all pulse equipment transmitting and all electrical equipment
operating. If aural warning systems are installed, they should be evaluated, including distinguishing
aural warnings when using headphones and with high air noise levels.

(ii) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). With all systems operating during flight, verify by
observation, that no adverse effects are present in the required flight systems.

(15) Electronic Flight Instrument Systems. See AC 23.1311–1.

(16) V LF /Omega Navigation Systems. See ACs 20–101B, 90–79, 120–31A, and 120–37.

(17) LORAN C Navigation Systems. See AC 20–121A.

(18) Microwave Landing Systems. (RESERVED).



a. Free Air Temperature (FAT). Paragraph 23.1303(a)(4) requires that reciprocating engine
powered aeroplanes of more than 2722 kg (6 000 lb) maximum weight and turbine engine-powered
aeroplanes have a free air temperature indicator or an air temperature indicator that provides
indications that are convertible to free air. The temperature pickup can be calibrated against a test
pickup of known characteristics, or by flying at various speeds at constant altitude, or by tower fly-by.
This calibration is frequently done in conjunction with one or more of the airspeed calibration methods
described in paragraph 302 of this FTG.

b. Speed Warning Device. The production tolerances of the Speed Warning Device required
with 23.1303(a)(5) must be set to minimise nuisance warnings. In considering this requirement
manufacturers should endeavour to reduce, lessen, or diminish such an occurrence to the least
practical amount with current technology and materials. The least practical amount is that point at
which the effort to further reduce a hazard significantly exceeds any benefit, in terms of safety,
derived from that reduction. Additional efforts would not result in any significant improvements in


a. Explanation. Paragraph 23.1305 is specific as to the powerplant instruments required for

each type of installation. The requirement for specific instruments on specific aeroplanes should be
determined by analysis of type design data prior to certification flight test.
b. Procedures. Verify proper functioning of each required instrument/indicator installed. If the
creation of a required malfunction would require establishing a potentially hazardous condition in
flight, proper functioning of these indicators may be verified by ground test.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 5 Paragraph 23.1301 (continued)

c. Fuel Flowmeters. Advisory Circular (AC) 23.1305–1 covers the installation of fuel flowmeters
in aeroplanes with continuous-flow fuel injection reciprocating engines.



293–299 RESERVED.



covered in AC 23.1311–1.




a. Explanation

(1) Airspeed Indicator. An airspeed indicator is usually a pressure gauge that measures the
difference between free stream total pressure and static pressure and is usually marked in knots.
Pitot tubes for duplicate airspeed indicators are usually located on opposite sides of an aircraft
fuselage but may be situated on the same side provided that they are separated by at least 30 cm.

(2) Air Data Computer Systems. (RESERVED).

(3) Definitions. Paragraph 1.1 of CS-1 defines indicated airspeed (IAS), calibrated airspeed
(CAS), equivalent airspeed (EAS), true air-speed (TAS), and Mach number. These definitions include
the terms position error, instrument error, and system error, which may need further explanation.

(i) Position Error. Position error is the total-pressure (pitot) and static-pressure errors of the
pilot-static installation. By proper design, the total pressure error may be reduced to the point where
it is insignificant for most flight conditions. NASA Reference Publication 1046 (see subparagraph g)
gives various design considerations. The static pressure error is more difficult to measure and can
be quite large.

(ii) Instrument Error. Instrument errors are errors inherent in the instrument for mechanical
instruments. These errors are the result of manufacturing tolerances, hysteresis, temperature
changes, friction, and inertia of moving parts. For electronic instruments, these errors are due to
errors in the electronic element which convert pitot-static pressures into electronic signals.
Instrument errors are determined for inflight conditions in steady state conditions. Ground run system
calibrations may require the consideration of internal instrument dynamics as would be affected by
takeoff acceleration.

(iii) System Error. System error is the combination of position error and instrument error.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 5 Paragraph 23.1325

23.1323 (continued)

(4) Temperatures. Static air temperature (SAT) and total air temperature (TAT) are not defined
in paragraph 1.1 of CS-1 but may be significant in accurate calibration of airspeed systems. For
stabilised values of pressure altitude and calibrated airspeed, TAS is a function of static air
temperature. Reference f (2) of appendix 2 discusses the heating effect of the airflow on the
temperature sensor and shows how to determine the recovery factor of the sensor. Figure 7 of
appendix 7 gives temperature ram rise, if the sensor recovery factor is known.

(5) System Calibration. The airspeed system is calibrated to determine compliance with the
requirements of § 23.1323, and to establish an airspeed reference which is used in demonstrating
compliance with other applicable regulations. The airspeed system may be calibrated using the
speed course method, pacer aeroplane method, trailing bomb and/or airspeed boom method, tower
flyby method, or trailing cone method. The method used will depend on the speed range of the
aeroplane tested, the configuration, and the equipment available. System calibration of the airspeed
system is usually determined at altitudes below 3048 m (10 000 ft). For aeroplanes approved for
flight above 9449 m (31 000 ft), it is appropriate to verify validity of position errors at the higher
operating altitudes. For aeroplanes where the static ports are located in close proximity to the
propeller plane, it should be verified that sudden changes in power do not appreciably change the
airspeed calibration. Additionally, for commuter category aeroplanes, § 23.1323(c) requires an
airspeed calibration for use during the accelerate-takeoff ground run.

(6) Instrument Calibration. All instruments used during the test should be calibrated and all
calibration curves included in the Type Inspection Report.

b. Speed Course Method. The speed course method consists of using a ground reference to
determine variations between indicated airspeed and ground speed of the aeroplane. See
appendix 9 for test procedures and a sample data reduction.

c. Trailing Bomb and/or Airspeed Boom Method. See appendix 9 for procedures, test
conditions, and a sample data reduction.

d. Pace Aeroplane Method. See appendix 9 for test procedures.

e. Tower Flyby. See paragraph 304 for explanation.

f. Ground Run Airspeed System Calibration. The airspeed system is calibrated to show
compliance with commuter category requirements of § 23.1323(c) during the accelerate-takeoff
ground run, and is used to determine IAS values for various V1 and VR speeds. See appendix 9 for
definitions, test procedures, and sample data reductions.

g. Other Methods. Other methods of airspeed calibration are described in NASA Reference
Publication 1046, ‘Measurement of Aircraft Speed and Altitude’, by W. Gracey, May 1980.


a. Definitions. Paragraph 302 defines several of the terms associated with the pitot-static
systems. Others may need further explanation.

(1) Altimeter. An altimeter is a pressure gauge that measures the difference between a sea level
barometer pressure set on the instrument and static pressure, and indicates in units of feet.

(2) Static Error (error in pressure altitude). The error which results from the difference between
the actual ambient pressure and the static pressure measured at the aeroplane static pressure
source is called static error. Static error causes the altimeter to indicate an altitude which is different
than actual altitude. It may also affect the errors in the airspeed indicating system.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 5 Paragraph 23.1325 (continued)

b. Static System Calibration. The static system is calibrated to determine compliance with the
requirements of § 23.1325. The static system may be calibrated by utilising a trailing bomb, cone, or
tower flyby method. Alternately, for properly designed pitot systems, the pitot has minimal effects on
the airspeed position error (dVc), as determined for § 23.1323. For these systems, static error (dh)
may be calculated by the following equation:

 2
( )   Vc  
dh = ⋅ 08865 dVc 1 + ⋅2  
 Vc 
 , ft.
  661⋅5   σ

where Vc = calibrated airspeed, knots

σ = ambient air density ratio
dVc = airspeed position error

c. Test Methods. The methods specified for calibration of the airspeed indicating systems,
including test conditions and procedures apply equally for determining static error and error in
indicated pressure altitude, and are usually determined from the same tests and data.

d. Tower Flyby. The tower flyby method is one of the methods which results in a direct
determination of static error in indicated pressure altitude without the need for calculating from
airspeed position error.

e. Procedures and Test Conditions for Tower Flyby

(1) Air Quality. Smooth, stable air is needed for determining the error in pressure altitude.

(2) Weight and C.G. Same as for calibrations of the airspeed indicating system.

(3) Speed Range. The calibration should range from 1.3 VSO to 1.8 VS1. Higher speeds up to
VMO or VNE are usually investigated so that errors can be included in the AFM for a full range of

(4) Test Procedures

(i) Stabilise the aeroplane in level flight at a height which is level with the cab of a tower, or
along a runway while maintaining a constant height of 15 to 30 m (50 to 100 ft) by use of a radio
altimeter. A ground observer should be stationed in the tower, or on the runway with an altimeter of
known instrument error. Pressure altitude is recorded on the ground and in the aeroplane at the
instant the aeroplane passes the ground observer.

(ii) Repeat step (i) at various airspeeds in increments sufficient to cover the required range and
at each required flap setting.

(5) Data Acquisition. Data to be recorded at each test point:

(i) Aeroplane IAS.

(ii) Aeroplane indicated pressure altitude.

(iii) Ground observer indicated pressure altitude.

(iv) Radar altimeter indication (if flown along a runway).

(v) Wing flap position.

(vi) Landing gear position.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

(6) Data Reduction

(i) Method

(A) Correct indicated pressure altitude values for instrument error associated with each

(B) To obtain test pressure altitude, adjust the ground observed pressure altitude by the height
read from the radar altimeter. No adjustment is required if the aeroplane was essentially the same
level as the ground operator (tower cab). Static errors may be adjusted from test pressure altitude to
sea level by the following:

dh (S.L.) = dh (TEST) } {σ(TEST)}
Where: dh(TEST) = Difference in test pressure altitude and aeroplane pressure altitude with
associated instrument errors removed.

σ(TEST) = ambient air density ratio.

(ii) Plotting. Static error at sea level (dh(S.L.) ) should be plotted vs. test calibrated airspeeds.

(7) Required Accuracy. Paragraph 23.1325(e) requires that the error in pressure altitude at sea
level (with instrument error removed) must fall within a band of +/- 9 m (±30 ft) at 185 Km/h (100 kt) or
less, with linear variation of +/- 5 m per 100 km/h (± 30 ft per 100 knots) at higher speeds. These
limits apply for all flap settings and airspeeds from 1.3 VSO up to 1.8 VS1. For commuter category
aeroplanes. The altimeter system calibration should be shown in the AFM.



307 PARAGRAPH 23.1329 AUTOMATIC PILOT SYSTEM. This subject is covered in AC 23.17B.

[Amdt No: 23/2]



Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 5 (continued)


a. Explanation

(1) Fuel Quantity Indicator. The indicator should be legible and easily readable without
excessive head movement. The calibration units and the scale graduations should be readily
apparent. Units should be consistent with AFM procedures and performance data.

(2) Auxiliary Tanks. A fuel quantity indicator is not required for a small auxiliary tank that is used
only to transfer fuel to another tank if the relative size of the tank, the rate of fuel flow, and operating
instructions are adequate. The requirement for a separate quantity indicator should be determined by
analysis of design data prior to flight test. The relative size of the tanks, intended use of the auxiliary
tanks, complexity of the fuel system, etc., should be considered in determining the need for a fuel
quantity indicator. If an indicator is not installed, flight manual procedures should ensure that once
transfer of fuel is started, all fuel from the selected auxiliary tank can be transferred to the main tank
without overflow or overpressure.

b. Procedures. Evaluate indicators for clarity and legibility. Review AFM for consistency of
units and validity of procedures.

311–318 RESERVED




a. Explanation. When ascertaining that the installed aeroplane battery capacity is adequate for
compliance with 23.1353(h) account should be taken of any services or equipment essential for the
continued safe flight and landing of the particular aeroplane in accordance with the approved
emergency procedures and in any approved condition of operation. Account should also be taken of
those services which cannot readily be shed. In order to ensure that services will function adequately
for the prescribed period, the duration of battery supply should normally be based on a battery
capacity of 72% of the nameplate rated capacity at the one hour rate. This figure takes into
consideration the battery state of charge, the minimum capacity permitted during service life and the
battery efficiency and is based on a battery capacity of 80% of the nameplate rated capacity, at the
one hour rate, and a 90% state of charge. Recognition time may depend on the kind of warning

b. Procedures. None.


322 PARAGRAPH 23.1361 MASTER SWITCH ARRANGEMENT. This subpart requires a master
switch arrangement to be installed. Confirm that the master switch arrangement is prominently
located and marked. The master switch in accordance with 23.1355(e)(2) is considered to be an
emergency control and should be coloured red.


324–328 RESERVED

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS-23 BOOK 2

Chapter 5 (continued)

Paragraph 4. LIGHTS



331–335 RESERVED





339 PARAGRAPH 23.1419 ICE PROTECTION. See AC 23.1419–2.

340–349 RESERVED


349 PARAGRAPH 23.1431 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. §23.1431(e) requires that the flight
crew members will receive all aural warnings when any headset is being used. For those installations
where not all warnings are provided through the radio/audio equipment, the manufacturers should
demonstrate that all warnings will be heard and recognised when noise cancelling headsets are used.








357–364 RESERVED.

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


Section 1 GENERAL


a. Explanation

(1) Flight Crew Information. This paragraph establishes the obligation to inform the
flight crew of the aeroplane's limitations and other information necessary for the safe
operation of the aeroplane. The information is presented in the form of placards, markings,
and an approved AFM. Appendix 4 can be used to assist in determining which methods of
presentation are required.

(2) Minimum Limitations. Paragraphs 23.1505 thru 23.1527 prescribe the minimum
limitations to be determined. Additional limitations may be required.

(3) Information Presentation. Paragraphs 23.1541 thru 23.1589 prescribe how the
information should be made available to the flight crew.

b. Procedures. None.


a. Explanation. This paragraph establishes the operational speed limitations which

establish safe margins below design speeds. For reciprocating engine­powered
aeroplanes there is an option. They may either establish a never­exceed speed (VNE) and
a maximum structural cruising speed (VNO) or they may be tested in accordance with §
23.335(b)(4) in which case the aeroplane is operated under a maximum operating speed
concept (VMO/MMO). For turbine­powered aeroplanes, a VMO/MMO should be established.
Tests associated with establishing these speeds are discussed under § 23.253, High
Speed Characteristics.

b. Procedures. None.

367 PARAGRAPH 23.1507 MANOEUVRING SPEED. This regulation is self explanatory.

368 PARAGRAPH 23.1511 FLAP EXTENDED SPEED. This regulation is self­explanatory.

369 PARAGRAPH 23.1513 MINIMUM CONTROL SPEED. This regulation is self­explanatory.

370 PARAGRAPH 23.1519 WEIGHT AND CENTRE OF GRAVITY. This regulation is self­



2–FTG–6–1 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2
Chapter 6 (continued)


a. Discussion. The following should be considered in determining minimum flight crew.

(1) Basic Workload Functions. The following basic workload functions should be

(i) Flight path control.

(ii) Collision avoidance.

(iii) Navigation.

(iv) Communications.

(v) Operation and monitoring of aircraft controls.

(vi) Command decisions.

(vii) Accessibility and ease of operation of necessary controls.

(2) Workload Factors. The following workload factors are considered significant when
analysing and demonstrating workload for minimum flight crew determination:

(i) The impact of basic aeroplane flight characteristics on stability and ease of flight
path control. Some factors such as trimmability, coupling, response to turbulence, damping
characteristics, control breakout forces and control force gradients should be considered in
assessing suitability of flight path control. The essential elements are the physical effort,
mental effort and time required to track and analyse flight path control features and the
interaction with other workload functions.

(ii) The accessibility, ease, and simplicity of operation of all necessary flight, power, and
equipment controls, including emergency fuel shutoff valves, electrical controls, electronic
controls, pressurisation system controls, and engine controls.

(iii) The accessibility and conspicuity of all necessary instruments and failure warning
devices such as fire warning, electrical system malfunction, and other failure or caution
indicators. The extent to which such instruments or devices direct the proper corrective
action is also considered.

(iv) For reciprocating­engine­powered aeroplanes, the complexity and difficulty of

operation of the fuel system with particular consideration given to the required fuel
management schedule necessitated by centre of gravity, structural, or other airworthiness
considerations. Additionally, the ability of each engine to operate continuously from a
single tank or source which is automatically replenished from other tanks if the total fuel
supply is stored in more than one tank.

(v) The degree and duration of concentrated mental and physical effort involved in
normal operation and in diagnosing and coping with malfunctions and emergencies,
including accomplishment of checklist, and location and accessibility of switches and

2–FTG–6–2 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2
Chapter 6 Paragraph 23.1523 (continued)

(vi) The extent of required monitoring of the fuel, hydraulic, pressurisation, electrical,
electronic, deicing, and other systems while en route. Also, recording of engine readings,

(vii) The degree of automation provided in the event of a failure or malfunction in any of
the aircraft systems. Such automation should ensure continuous operation of the system
by providing automatic crossover or isolation of difficulties and minimise the need for flight
crew action.

(viii) The communications and navigation workload.

(ix) The possibility of increased workload associated with any emergency that may lead
to other emergencies.

(x) Passenger problems.

(3) Kinds of Operation Authorised. During minimum crew determination, consideration

should be given to the kinds of operation authorised under § 23.1525. Inoperative
equipment could result in added workload that would affect minimum crew. It may be
determined that due to minimum crew workload considerations, certain equipment must be
operative for a specific kind of operation.

b. Acceptable Techniques

(1) General

(i) A systematic evaluation and test plan should be developed for any new or modified
aeroplane. The methods for showing compliance should emphasise the use of acceptable
analytical and flight test techniques. The crew complement should be studied through a
logical process of estimating, measuring, and then demonstrating the workload imposed by
a particular flight deck design.

(ii) The analytical measurements should be conducted by the manufacturer early in the
aeroplane design process. The analytical process which a given manufacturer uses for
determining crew workload may vary depending on flight deck configuration, availability of a
suitable reference, original design or modification, etc.

(2) Analytical Approach

(i) A basis for deciding that a new design is acceptable is a comparison of a new
design with a previous design proven in operational service. By making specific
evaluations and comparing new designs to a known baseline, it is possible to proceed in
confidence that the changes incorporated in the new designs accomplish the intended
result. When the new flight deck is considered, certain components may be proposed as
replacements for conventional items, and some degree of rearrangement may be
contemplated. New avionics systems may need to be fitted into existing panels, and newly
automated systems may replace current indicators and controls. As a result of this
evolutionary characteristic of the flight deck design process, there is frequently a reference
flight deck design, which is usually a conventional aeroplane that has been through the test
of operational usage. If the new design represents an evolution, improvement attempt, or
other deviation from this reference flight deck, the potential exists to make direct
comparisons. While the available workload measurement techniques do not provide the
capacity to place precise numbers on all the relevant design features in reference to error
or accident potential, these techniques do provide a means for comparing the new proposal
2–FTG–6–3 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2
Chapter 6 Paragraph 23.1523 (continued)

to a known quantity. Service experience should be researched to assure that any existing
problems are understood and not perpetuated.

(ii) After studying a new component or arrangement and exercising it in practical flight
scenarios, a test pilot may not be able to grade that design in finer workload units than
‘better’ or ‘worse than’. If the pilot can say with reliability and confidence that it is or is not
easier to see a display or to use an augmented control system than to use a functionally
similar unit of a reference design, then these ‘better’ or ‘worse than’ judgements, if
corroborated by a reasonable sample of qualified pilots over various assumed flight
regimes, provide substantial evidence that workload is or is not reduced by the innovation.

(A) If an early subjective analysis by EASA flight test personnel shows that workload
levels may be substantially increased, a more in­depth evaluation of flight testing may be
required to prove acceptability of the increased workload. In this case, there should be
available workload latitude in the basic flight deck design to accommodate the increase.

(B) If the new design represents a ‘revolutionary’ change in level of automation or pilot
duties, analytic comparison to a reference design may have lessened value. Without a firm
data base on the time required to accomplish both normally required and contingency
duties, more complete and realistic simulation and flight testing will be required.

(3) Testing

(i) In the case of the minimum crew determination, the final decision is reserved until
the aeroplane has been flown by a panel of experienced pilots, trained and qualified in the
aeroplane. The training should be essentially that required for a type rating. When single
pilot approval is sought by the applicant, the evaluation pilots should be experienced and
proficient in single pilot operations. Paragraph 23.1523 contains the criteria for determining
the minimum flight crew. These criteria contain basic workload functions and workload

(ii) The workload factors are those factors which should be considered when evaluating
the basic workload functions. It is important to keep in mind the key terms basic workload
and minimum cues when analysing and demonstrating workload. For example, an
evaluation of communications workload should include the basic workload required to
properly operate the aeroplane in the environment for which approval is sought. The goal
of evaluating crew complement during realistic operating conditions is important to keep in
mind if a consistent evaluation of minimum flight crew is to be accomplished.

(iii) The flight test program for showing compliance should be proposed by the applicant
and should be structured to address the following factors:

(A) Route. The routes should be constructed to simulate a typical area that is likely to
provide some adverse weather and Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC), as well as
a representative mix of navigation aids and Air Traffic Control (ATC) services.

(B) Weather. The aeroplane should be test flown in a geographical area that is likely to
provide some adverse weather such as a turbulence and IMC conditions during both day
and night operations.

(C) Crew Work Schedule. The crew should be assigned to a daily working schedule
representative of the type of operations intended, including attention to passenger cabin
potential problems. The programme should include the duration of the working day and the

2–FTG–6–4 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2
Chapter 6 Paragraph 23.1523 (continued)

maximum expected number of departures and arrivals. Specific tests for crew fatigue are
not required.

(D) Minimum Equipment Test. Pre­planned dispatch­inoperative items that could result
in added workload should be incorporated in the flight test program. Critical items and
reasonable combinations of inoperative items should be considered in dispatching the

(E) Traffic Density. The aeroplane should be operated on routes that would adequately
sample high density areas, but should also include precision and non­precision
approaches, holdings, missed approaches, and diversion to alternate airports.

(F) System Failures. Consequences of changes from normal to failed modes of

operation should be included in the programme. Both primary and secondary systems
should be considered.

(G) Emergency Procedures. A sampling of various emergencies should be established

in the test program to show their effect on the crew workload.

NOTE: Prior to selecting the system failure and emergency procedures that will be evaluated in the flight test program,
analytical studies of proposed abnormal and emergency procedures should be conducted. The acceptability of all
procedures should be verified and the crew workload distribution during the execution of these procedures understood to
assure selection of appropriate failure cases.

(4) Determining Compliance

(i) The type certification team that serves as pilots and observers should be equipped
with flight cards or other means that allow for record keeping of comments addressing the
basic workload functions. These records should be accumulated for each flight or series of
flights in a given day. In addition, the certification team should record the accuracy of using
operational checklists. For the purposes of this data gathering, the aeroplane should be
configured to allow the team evaluators to observe all crew activities and hear all
communications both externally and internally.

(ii) Each sub­paragraph of paragraph 373a summarises an observation of pilot

performance that is to be made. Judgement by the certification team members should be
that each of these tasks has been accomplished within reasonable pre­established
workload standards during the test flights. A holistic pilot evaluation rationale is needed in
view of the wide variety of possible designs and crew configurations that makes it
unfeasible to assume that ratings are made against every alternative and against some
optimum choices. The regulatory criteria for determining minimum flight crew do not adapt
well to finely­scaled measurements. Specific feature and activity pass­fail judgements
should be made. Pass means that the aeroplane meets the minimum requirements.


This regulation is self­explanatory.


a. Explanation

(1) Required Equipment. See discussion under § 23.1583(h), paragraph 411 of this
FTG, concerning required equipment for each certificated kind of operation.
2–FTG–6–5 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

(2) Icing. With respect to operations in icing conditions, it is important that operating
limitations be established in order to specify the required equipment in § 23.1583(h) and to
provide the proper placard required by § 23.1559 (flight in icing approved or prohibited).

2–FTG–6–6 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


a. Explanation

(1) Safe Operation. Paragraph 23.1527 requires the establishment of a maximum

operating altitude for all turbine, turbosupercharged, and pressurised aeroplanes based on
operation limited by flight, structural, powerplant, functional or equipment characteristics.
Paragraph 23.1501(a) requires limitations necessary for safe operation be established.
Thus, if an unsafe condition occurs beyond a particular operating altitude for any
aeroplane, that altitude should be established as a limitation under § 23.1501(a).

(2) Windshields and Windows. As stated in § 23.1527(a), pressurised aeroplanes are

limited to 7620 m (25,000 ft) unless the windshield/window provisions of § 23.775 are met.

(3) Factors. The maximum operating altitude listed in the AFM should be predicated on
one of the following:

(i) The maximum altitude evaluated.

(ii) The restrictions, as a result of unsatisfactory structures, propulsion, systems, and/or

flight characteristics.
(iii) Consideration of 23.775 for pressurised aeroplanes.

b. Procedures. Assuming that the structure has been properly substantiated, the flight
evaluation should consist of at least the following:

(1) Stall characteristics per §§ 23.201 and 23.203 with wing flaps up, gear retracted,
and power at the maximum power that can be attained at the maximum altitude, not to
exceed 75% maximum continuous.

(2) Stall warning, cruise configuration only (§ 23.207).

(3) Longitudinal stability, cruise configuration only (§§ 23.173 and 23.175).

(4) Lateral and directional stability, cruise configuration only (§§ 23.177 and 23.181).

(5) Upsets, if required (§ 23.253).

(6) Systems operation, including icing system, if installed.

(7) Propulsion operation, including stall, surge, and flameout tests throughout the speed
range from near stall to maximum level flight speed.

377–386 RESERVED



2–FTG–6–7 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2
Chapter 6 Paragraph 23.1541 (continued)

a. Required Markings and Placards. The rule specifies which markings and placards
must be displayed. Note that § 23.1541(a)(2) requires any additional information, placards,
or markings required for safe operation. Some placard requirements are obscurely placed
in other requirements. For example, § 23.1583(e)(4) requires a placard for aerobatic
category aeroplanes concerning spin recovery. A checklist is provided in appendix 4 which
may assist in determination of placards and markings required.

b. Multiple Categories. For aeroplanes certified in more than one category, §

23.1541(c)(2) requires all of the placard and marking information to be furnished in the
AFM. This practice is encouraged for all aeroplanes.

c. Powerplant Instruments. Advisory Circular (AC) 20–88A provides additional

guidance on the marking of powerplant instruments.


20–88A provides guidance on the marking of powerplant instruments.

389 PARAGRAPH 23.1545 AIRSPEED INDICATOR. This regulation is self­explanatory.

390 PARAGRAPH 23.1547 MAGNETIC DIRECTION INDICATOR. This regulation is self­


391 PARAGRAPH 23.1549 POWERPLANT INSTRUMENTS. This subject is covered in AC





a. Examples of Emergency Controls. Examples for Emergency Controls are:

(i) Reciprocating engine mixture controls and turbine engine condition levers
incorporating fuel stopcocks or fuel stopcocks itself are considered to be emergency
controls, since they provide an immediate means to stop engine combustion.

(ii) Quick­disconnect/Interrupt Switch of an electric trim system

b. Requirements. Paragraph 23.1555(e)(2) covers the requirements for emergency



396 PARAGRAPH 23.1559 OPERATING LIMITATIONS PLACARD. This regulation is self­


2–FTG–6–8 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


a. Examples of Safety Equipment. Safety equipment includes such items as life rafts,
flares, fire extinguishers, and emergency signalling devices.

b. Requirements. Paragraphs 23.1411 thru 23.1419 cover the requirements for safety

398 PARAGRAPH 23.1563 AIRSPEED PLACARDS. This regulation is self­explanatory.

399 PARAGRAPH 23.1567 FLIGHT MANOEUVRE PLACARD. This regulation is self­


400–409 RESERVED



a. GAMA Specification No. 1. General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA)

Specification No. 1, Revision No. 1, dated September 1, 1984, provides broad guidance for
contents of a Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH) which will fulfil the requirements of an AFM
if the POH meets all of the requirements of §§ 23.1581 thru 23.1589. There is no objection
to the tile, ‘Pilot’s Operating Handbook’, if the title page also includes a statement indicating
that the document is the required AFM and is approved by the Agency.

b. Optional Presentations. Beginning with amendment 23–21, applicants are provided

with an option for the presentation of the required procedures, performance, and loading
information. The regulatory requirements of the two options are given in §§ 23.1581(b)(1)
and 23.1581(b)(2). The options are as follows:

(1) Paragraph 23.1581(b)(1). The AFM must have approved limitations, procedures,
performance, and loading sections. These approved sections must be segregated,
identified, and clearly distinguished from unapproved information furnished by the applicant
if any unapproved information is furnished. Normally, Agency approval is indicated by the
signature of the Agency , or his representative, on the cover page and a page effectivity
table so that it is clear to the operational pilot exactly which pages are applicable and the
date of approval.

(2) Paragraph 23.1581(b)(2). The AFM must have an approved limitations section and
this approved section must contain only limitations (no procedures, performance, or loading
information allowed). The limitations section must be identified and clearly distinguished
from other parts of the AFM. The remainder of the manual may contain a mixture of
approved and unapproved information, without segregation or identification. However, the
other required material (procedures, performance, and loading information) must be
determined in accordance with the applicable requirements of CS 23. The meaning of
‘acceptable’, as used in § 23.1581(b)(2)(ii), is as follows:

2–FTG–6–9 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2
Chapter 6 Paragraph 23.1581 (continued)

‘In finding that a manual is acceptable, the Agency would review the manual to
determine that the required information is complete and accurate. The manual would also
be reviewed to ensure that any additional information provided by the applicant is not in
conflict with required information or contrary to the applicable airworthiness requirements.’

The indication of approval for the approved section should be as discussed in the
preceding paragraph. GAMA Specification No. 1 has been found to comply with the
provisions of
§ 23.1581(b)(2).

c. Noise Limitations and/or Procedures

(1) If the applicant chooses the § 23.1581(b)(1) option, operating limitations required by
the essential requirements for environmental protection as prescribed by article 6 of the
EASA Regulation and/or associated implementing rules, should be placed in the Operating
Limitations portion of the AFM. Any procedures should be placed in the Operating
Procedures portion of the AFM.

(2) If the applicant chooses the § 23.1581(b)(2) option, the approved AFM should
contain the following approved, but separate, portions:

(i) Operating limitations prescribed in § 23.1583. Note that § 23.1581(b)(2)(i) limits the
information in this portion to that prescribed in § 23.1583. Since the present noise
limitation is a weight limitation, the noise limitation may be included.

(ii) Operating procedures prescribed by the essential requirements for environmental

protection as prescribed by article 6 of the EASA Regulation and/or associated
implementing rules. Paragraph 23.1581(a) requires noise procedures to be approved.

d. STC Procedures. ( Reserved)


a. Limitations Section. The purpose of the Limitations Section is to present the

limitations applicable to the aeroplane model by serial number, if applicable, as established
in the course of the type certification process in determining compliance with CS 23 and the
essential requirements for environmental protection as prescribed by article 6 of the EASA
Regulation and/or associated implementing rules . The limitations should be presented
without explanation other than those explanations prescribed in CS 23 and the essential
requirements for environmental protection as prescribed by article 6 of the EASA
Regulation and/or associated implementing rules. The operating limitations contained in
the Limitations Section (including any noise limited weights) should be expressed in
mandatory, not permissive, language, the terminology used in the AFM should be
consistent with the relevant regulatory language.

b. GAMA Specification. GAMA Specification No. 1, Revision No. 1 dated September

1, 1984, section 2, provides guidance for the contents of the limitations section. Additional
guidance is provided below for ‘Kinds of Operation’, ‘Fuel Limitations’, and ‘Commuter

c. Kinds of Operation Equipment List (KOEL). The KOEL is to be placed in the

limitations section of the AFM since the KOEL items form part of the limitations applicable
to aeroplane operation. The sample KOEL given in appendix 6 lists systems and

2–FTG–6–10 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2
Chapter 6 Paragraph 23.1583 (continued)

equipment for a specific aeroplane in an acceptable format. Although the sample KOEL
may contain items that are not applicable to all aeroplanes, it may be used as a guide.

Although there is no specific format required for the KOEL, we recommend, in the interest
of standardisation, that the KOEL be columned and each item of equipment required for a
specific type of operation for which the aeroplane is approved be noted in the appropriate
column. Regardless of the format used, the KOEL should provide for:

(1) The kinds of operation for which the aeroplane was type certificated (that is, day or
night Visual Flight Rules (VFR), day or night Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), and icing

(2) The identity of the systems and equipment upon which type certification for each
kind of operation was predicated and must be installed and operable for the particular kind
of operation indicated. Systems and equipment necessary for certification include those:

(i) required under the basic airworthiness requirements,

(ii) required by the operating rules,

(iii) required by special conditions,

(iv) required to substantiate equivalent safety findings,

(v) required by airworthiness directives (AD), and

(vi) items of equipment and/or systems not specifically required under items (i) thru (v)
of this paragraph but used by the applicant in order to show compliance with the

The KOEL should not:

(1) Contain those obvious components required for the aeroplane to be airworthy such
as wings, empennage, engines, landing gear, brakes, etc.

(2) Contain an exceptions column.

d. Fuel Limitations. The fuel limitations discussion in GAMA Specification 1 may not
be applicable depending on the aeroplane certification basis.

e. Commuter Category Aeroplanes. For those performance weight limits which may
vary with runway length, altitude, temperature, and other variables, the variation in weight
limitation may be presented as graphs in the Performance Section of the manual and
included as limitations by specific reference in the Limitations Section of the AFM.


a. Explanation. See GAMA Specification 1.

b. Electronic Checklist Displays

(1) Background. Checklists, both hard copy and electronic displays, are a method used
by manufacturers to provide (in part) the normal and emergency operating procedures

2–FTG–6–11 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

required by § 23.1585. Paragraph 23.1581 is also applicable for the manner and format of

(2) Display Content. For those aeroplanes with approved AFMs, the side variety of
configurations and corresponding flight manual supplements within a single model may
establish a virtually unique set of checklist procedures for each individual aeroplane. The
responsibility for electronic checklist display contents rests with the operator. A hard copy
of the AFM should be available to the operator for reference.

(3) AFM Changes. Incorporation of STCs could necessitate changes to the flight
manual, flight manual supplements, or addition of new supplements. These supplements
could require revision to the checklist for that particular aeroplane. Such changes should
be made by the operator.

(4) Operator Revisions. Although it is not necessary for equipment manufacturers to

store electronic checklist data in such a manner that it cannot be changed in the field, some
equipment manufacturers have chosen to programme checklist data in a manner that
prevents field alternation. The operator would be responsible for ensuring the checklist
data is revised as necessary upon installation of new/different equipment.

(5) Disclaimers. Electronic checklists are usually displayed on the same cathode­ray
tube (CRT) as other electronic displays. Certain disclaimer statements may be appropriate.
Presentation of a disclaimer statement each time the equipment is turned on will provide
adequate notification to the pilot. This disclaimer should include statements that clearly

(i) Contents of the checklists are the responsibility of the operator.

(ii) The approved AFM takes precedence in case of conflicting checklist information.

(6) Automatic Display. Automatic display of appropriate checklists during conditions of

engine failure, generator failure, etc., will require a review based upon the specific
application involved. Approval of the checklist content, malfunction prioritisation, and
operation is required.


a. Performance Information. This paragraph contains the airworthiness performance

information necessary for operation in compliance with applicable performance
requirements of CS 23, applicable special conditions, and data required by the essential
requirements for environmental protection as prescribed by article 6 of the EASA
Regulation and/or associated implementing rules. Additional information and data essential
for implementing special operational requirements may be included. Performance
information and data should be presented for the range of weight, altitude, temperature,
aeroplane configurations, thrust rating, and any other operational variables stated for the

b. Normal, Utility, and Acrobatic Category Aeroplanes. See GAMA Specification 1.

c. Commuter Category Aeroplanes

(1) General. Include all descriptive information necessary to identify the precise
configuration and conditions for which the performance data are applicable. Such
2–FTG–6–12 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2
Chapter 6 Paragraph 23.1585 (continued)

information should include the complete model designations of aeroplane and engines, the
approved flap, sweep, or canard settings, definition of installed aeroplane features and
equipment that affect performance, together with the operative status thereof (e.g. anti­skid
devices, automatic spoilers, etc.). This section should also include definitions of terms
used in the Performance Section (e.g. IAS, CAS, ISA, configuration, net take­off flight path,
icing conditions, etc.), plus calibration data for airspeed (flight and ground), Mach number,
altimeter, ambient air temperature, and other pertinent information.

(2) Performance Procedures. The procedures, techniques, and other conditions

associated with attainment of the flight manual performance data should be included.
Performance procedures may be presented as a performance subsection or in connection
with a particular performance graph. In the latter case, a comprehensive listing of the
conditions associated with the particular performance may serve the objective of
‘procedures’ if sufficiently complete.

(3) Thrust or Power Setting. Thrust or power settings should be provided for at least
take­off and maximum continuous and the methods required to obtain the performance
shown in the AFM. If appropriate, these data may be required to be shown for more than
one thrust setting parameter.

(4) Take­off Speeds. The operational take­off speeds V1, VR, and V2 should be
presented together with associated conditions. Paragraph 23.1587(d)(6) requires the
speeds be given in CAS. Since the aircrew flies IAS, the airspeeds should also be
presented in IAS. The V1 and VR speeds should be based upon ‘ground effect’ calibration
data; the V2 speeds should be based upon ‘free air’ calibration data.

(5) Take­off Distance. Take­off distance should be shown in compliance with § 23.59.

(6) Climb Limited Take­off Weight. The climb limited take­off weight which is the most
limiting weight showing compliance with § 23.67 should be provided.

(7) Miscellaneous Take­off Weight Limits. Take­off weight limits, for any equipment or
characteristic of the aeroplane configuration which imposes an additional take­off weight
restriction, should be shown (e.g. tyre speed limitations, brake energy limitations, etc.).

(8) Take­off Climb Performance. For the prescribed take­off climb aeroplane
configurations, the climb gradients should be presented together with associated
conditions. The scheduled climb speed(s) should be included.

(9) Take­off Flight Path Data. The take­off flight paths of § 23.61 or performance
information necessary to enable construction of such paths, together with associated
conditions (e.g. procedures, speed schedules), should be presented for the configurations
and flight path segments existing between the end of the prescribed take­off distance and
the point of attaining the en route climb configuration airspeed or 457 m (1500 ft),
whichever is higher.

(10) En Route Climb Data. The climb gradients prescribed in § 23.67 should be
presented together with associated conditions, including the speed schedule used.

(11) Balked Landing Climb Limited Landing Weight. The climb limited landing weight
which is the most limiting weight showing compliance with § 23.77.

2–FTG–6–13 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2
Chapter 6 Paragraph 23.1587 (continued)

(12) Approach Climb Limited Landing Weight. The climb gradient determined in
§ 23.67(e)(3) should be presented. The required climb gradient may limit the landing

(13) Landing Approach Speeds. The scheduled speeds associated with the approved
landing distances should be presented together with associated conditions.

(14) Landing Distance. The landing distance from a height of 15 m (50 ft) should be
presented together with associated ambient temperature, altitude, wind conditions, and
weights up to the maximum landing weight. Operational landing distance data should be
presented for smooth, dry, and hard­surfaced runways. With concurrence by the Agency,
additional data may be presented for wet or contaminated runways, and for other than
smooth, hard­surfaced runways.

414 PARAGRAPH 23.1589 LOADING INFORMATION. See GAMA Specification 1.

415–424 RESERVED

2–FTG–6–14 Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


1 GENERAL. The purpose of this appendix is to provide guidance regarding the power
considerations for various kinds of powerplants. The power output of each airplane/engine
configuration requires special considerations when determining test day performance corrections and
providing the performance expansions for the AFM. The types of powerplants discussed in this
appendix are:

a. Reciprocating Engines.

(1) Normally aspirated engine with a fixed pitch propeller;

(2) normally aspirated engine with a constant speed propeller; and

(3) turbocharged engine with a constant speed propeller.

b. Turbopropeller Engines.


a. Power Charts. The horsepower being developed by reciprocating engines is usually identified
by horsepower charts which are provided by the engine manufacturer. These charts are developed
from results of ground runs using a brake­type dynamometer in a test facility and may have no direct
correlation to any particular aeroplane or flight condition. The variations of power with altitude and
temperature are the result of theoretical relationships involving air density, fuel/air ratios, etc. These
charts nearly always assume a ‘best power’ fuel to air ratio which can rarely be consistently used in
service under normal operating conditions. Many installations, for example, intentionally use fuel to air
ratios which are on the fuel­rich side of best power so that the engine will not overheat. Providing
sufficient cooling air flow over each cylinder to ensure adequate cooling may be more difficult than
cooling with a rich fuel mixture. These horsepower charts were also developed while maintaining a
constant temperature on each cylinder. This is not possible in service. The charts are developed
assuming the following:

(1) there is no ram airflow due to movement through the air or;

(2) there are no losses due to pressure drops resulting from intake and air filter design; or

(3) there are no accessory losses.

b. Chart Assumptions. Regardless of the test stand conditions which are not duplicated in
service, it is necessary to assume that each given pressure altitude temperature, engine speed, and
manifold pressure combination will result in horsepowers which can be determined from the engine
power chart. To accomplish this requires certain procedures and considerations.

c. Tolerances. Each engine power chart specifies a horsepower tolerance from rated
horsepower. These are commonly ±2½%, +5%, –2%; or +5%, –0%. This means that with all the
variables affecting power being held constant (i.e. constant manifold pressure, engine speed,
temperature, and fuel to air ratio), the power could vary this much from engine to engine. For this
reason, it is appropriate to account for these variations. Calibration of the test engine(s) by the engine
manufacturer is one way of accomplishing this. During engine calibration, the test engine is run on a
test stand at the engine manufacturer’s facility to identify how it compares with the power output at
conditions under which it was rated. The result is a single point comparison to the rated horsepower.

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2–FTG App 1–1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

d. Test Day Power

(1) Calibrated Engines. If an engine, for example, is rated at 200 BHP, the calibration results
might show the particular serial numbered engine to develop 198.6 BHP. This is 0.7% below the rated
power. For this engine, each of the horsepower values obtained from the engine manufacturer's chart
should be adjusted downward by 0.7% to obtain test day horsepower.

(2) Uncalibrated Engines. If the engine is not calibrated, an acceptable method of accounting for
the unknown factors is to assume that the test engine is putting out rated horsepower plus the plus
tolerance. For example, if the rated horsepower was 350 and the tolerance was ±2½%, test day sea
level chart horsepower would be assumed to be 350 + 0.025 (350), or 358.8.

(3) Humidity. Paragraph 23.45(d) requires performance to be based on 80% relative humidity on
a standard day. Experience has shown that conditions such as 80% relative humidity on a standard
day at sea level have a very small effect on engine power because this condition results in a very low
specific humidity. The engine is affected directly by specific humidity (grams of water per grams of air)
rather than relative humidity. For test day power, dry air should be assumed unless the applicant has
an approved method for measuring and determining the effect of humidity.

e. Chart Brake Horsepower. A chart brake horsepower (BHPc) should be determined for
expansion of the flight test data in the AFM. BHPc is the horsepower at a particular pressure altitude,
manifold pressure and r.p.m. Appropriate inlet temperature corrections should be applied, in
accordance with the manufacturer’s engine power chart. An 80% relative humidity correction should
be applied if the engine manufacturer has an acceptable method and the correction is significant.

f. Variation in Methods. Peculiarities of the various types of reciprocating engines require

special considerations or procedures to determine installed power. These procedures are discussed
in subsequent paragraphs.


a. Manifold Pressure Versus Altitude. As a first step to determine installed horsepower, flight
tests should be conducted to determine manifold pressure versus pressure altitude for the engine
installation. The test manifold pressures would be compared to the engine manufacturer's chart
values, as shown on figure 1. Figure 1 shows an example of test manifold pressure and chart
manifold pressures versus pressure altitude. In this example, the observed manifold pressures are
lower than the chart values. This means that the induction system pressure losses exceed the ram
pressure rise. An induction system in which manifold pressures exceed the zero ram chart values
would reflect an efficient induction system. The term chart brake horsepower indicates that the
horsepower values have yet to be corrected for inlet temperature conditions.

b. Example Calculation. The overall corrections to determine installed test day brake
horsepower and chart brake horsepower (BHPc) to be used in the expansion of performance would be
as follows (refer to figure 1):

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 1–2

Full throttle manifold

pressure altitude

Full throttle, test manifold pressures

at VY
(Obtained from cooling climb or climb Full throttle installed
performance data) chart brake horsepower
2650 RPM

Full throttle zero ram

Full throttle zero ram chart
chart manifold pressure
brake horsepower 2650
2650 RPM

2–FTG App 1–3

CS–23 BOOK 2


18 20 22 24 26 28 30 240 280 320 360 400


Manifold pressure ­ IN.Hg. Brake horsepower ­ BHPc

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Known: Pressure Altitude – 4 000 feet

Manifold Pressure – 24.9 in. Hg.
Outside Air Temperature – +55°F
Inlet Temperature – +63°F
Engine Speed – 2 650 R.P.M.
Engine Calibration – –0.7%
Engine Tolerance – ±2½%

Calculated Test Day BHP for a Calibrated Engine:

Standard Temperature @ 4 000 ft. – 44.7°F

Installed Chart Brake Horsepower (from figure 1) – 335 BHP
Engine Calibration Correction = (335) (– 0.007) – –2.3 BHP
Correcting for Inlet Temperature –
460 + 44×7
Test Day BHP = (335 – 2.3) – 326.8 BHP
460 + 63

Calculated Test Day BHP for an Uncalibrated Engine:

Standard Temperature @ 4 000 ft. – 44.7°F

Installed Chart Brake Horsepower (from figure 1) – 335 BHP

Test Day BHP = [335 + 0.025(335)] 460 + 44×7 – 337.3 BHP

460 + 63

Calculated BHPc for Test Day Density Altitude (Hd):

Hd at 4 000 ft. and 55°F – 4 670 ft.

Installed BHPc (from figure 1) – 326 BHP
Standard Temperature at 4 670 ft. – 42°F
Correcting for Inlet Temperature Rise –
460 + 42
BHPc = 326 – 323.4 BHP
460 + 42 + 8

Calculated Test Day BHPc for the AFM Expansion:

For the Same Conditions as Test Day, – 335 BHP

BHP (from figure 1) – 335 BHP
Correcting for Inlet Temperature, expansion –

BHP = 335 460 + 44×7 – 329.1 BHP

460 + 63


a. Manifold Pressure Versus Altitude. From flight tests, it is appropriate to plot manifold pressure
versus pressure altitude used to demonstrate satisfactory cooling and climb performance
demonstrations. The engine manufacturer’s chart brake kilowatts (horsepower) should be entered at
these manifold pressure values. The result is the chart brake kilowatts (horsepower) to be utilised in
data expansion. For some installations, the manifold pressure and fuel flows are limited by the
airplane manufacturer’s designed schedule. For these, the full throttle values should be identified.
Whenever the manifold pressures and fuel flows should be manually set to a schedule, corresponding
limitations should be established.

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 1–4
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

b. Horsepower. Refer to figure 2 for an illustration of manifold pressure and horsepower versus
pressure altitude. It is rare for the horsepower values to be constant below the critical altitude. The
horsepower ratings are not necessarily limited and it is common to observe chart horsepower values
at the intermediate altitudes higher than rated power. As with normally aspirated engines, the term
chart brake horsepower indicates that the horsepower values have yet to be corrected for inlet
temperature conditions. The corrections for temperature are usually greater for turbocharged than
normally aspirated. A 1% decrease in power for each 10°F increase in temperature above standard
temperature conditions at a constant specific fuel consumption (SFC) is common. The apparent
effects for a particular installation could be more or less than this. Manufacturer’s data for the
particular engine should be used.

c. Example Calculation. The overall corrections to determine installed test brake horsepower
and brake horsepower to be used in the expansion of performance would be as follows (refer to figure

Known: Pressure Altitude – 9 500 feet

Manifold Pressure – 44.3 in. Hg.
Outside Air Temperature – 53.0°F
Compressor Inlet Temperature – 67°F
Engine Speed – 2 575 R.P.M.
Engine Calibration – +1.7%
Engine Tolerance – ±2½%

Calculated Test Day BHP for a Calibrated Engine:

Standard Temperature @ 9 500 ft. – 25.1°F

Power Correction Due to Temperature at
– –6.98%
1%/10°F (temperature rise = 67° –25.1°F)
Installed Chart Brake Horsepower (from figure 2) – 351 BHP
Engine Calibration Correction (351)(0.017) – +5.97 BHP
Test BHP = (351 + 5.97) – (0.0698) (356.97) – 332.1 BHP

Calibrated Test Day BHP for an Uncalibrated Engine:

Standard Temperature @ 9 500 ft. – 25.1°F

Power Correction at 1%/10°F – –6.98%
Installed Chart Brake Horsepower (from figure 2) – 351

Test BHP = 351 – (351)(.0698) + 351(0.025) ­ 335.3

Calculated BHPc for Test Day Density Altitude (Hd):

Hd at 9 500 ft. and 53°F – 11 280 ft.

Installed BHPc (from figure 2) – 350 BHP
Power Correction Due to Inlet Temperature Rise
– –2.33%
at 1%/10°F (temperature rise = 14°F)
BHPc = 350 – (350)(0.0233) – 341.8 BHP

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 1–5
Manifold pressure VS Pressure altitude Brake horsepower VS Pressure altitude

Installed chart brake
horsepower 2575 RPM
Full throttle



Manifold pressure observed
during cooling climbs and
performance climbs



2–FTG App 1–6

CS–23 BOOK 2



t eef ­ eduti tl a er usser P




36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360

Manifold pressure ­ In.Hg. Brake horsepower ­ BHPc

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Calculated BHPc for the AFM Expansion:

For the Same Conditions as Test Day, BHPc ­ 351.BHP

(from figure 2)
Temperature Correction to BHPc ­ 326.5 BHP
= 351 – (0.0698)(351)



a. Power Measurement. Turbopropeller engines (turboprops) are gas turbine engines which
drive a propeller. Power output is a function of the gas turbine air flow, pressure, and temperature.
Power measurement is made by measurement of the propeller shaft speed and torque, from which the
shaft horsepower can be obtained by a simple calculation. Torque is measured by an integral device
which may be mechanical, hydraulic, or electrical and connects to the indicator required by CS
23.1305(m). Shaft horsepower is the same as brake horsepower i.e. the power developed at the
propeller shaft. The total thrust horsepower, or equivalent shaft horsepower (e.s.h.p.) is the sum of
the shaft horsepower and the nominal horsepower equivalent of the net exhaust thrust.

b. Power Available. The prediction of power available is obtained from the engine manufacturer
as a computer program. Each installation should be evaluated to identify:

Generator Loads (all engine and one engine inoperative)

Bleed Air Extractions (with and without ice protection)
Accessory Pad Extractions
Engine Air Inlet Efficiency (with and without ice protection)
Engine Exhaust Efficiency
Effect of Specific Humidity

With these values as input to the computer program, installed power available and fuel flows at
various airspeeds, temperatures, and altitudes can be calculated.

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 1–7
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


1 DRAG POLAR METHOD. This is one method to develop the airplane's drag polar equation
directly from climb flight test data. It is a simplified method which assumes climb speeds where the
compressibility drag is negligible (usually Mach numbers below 0.6), climb angles of less than 15°,
and no propeller slipstream effects on the wing lift and drag characteristics.

a. Cautions. Propeller airplanes are susceptible to slipstream drag and all airplanes are
susceptible to trim drag. This is most noticeable on airplanes with wing­mounted engines and when
one engine is inoperative. Care should be given so that drag results are not extended from one flight
condition to another. Examples of this are:

(1) Drag obtained in level cruise configuration cannot be extended to a climb configuration.

(2) Two­engine climb data cannot be extended to the one­engine­inoperative case.

In summary, the power and trim conditions should remain very close to those existing for the actual
test conditions. Drag results are only as accurate as the available power information and propeller
efficiency information. The cooling airflow through the engine is also a factor.

b. Calculation of CD and CL. Flight test data for various climb airspeeds, weights and altitudes
should be used to calculate CD and CL. The equations are as follows:

é (AF )(R/C WT )ù é 96 209 σù

ê BHPT (η p ) -
CD = úê ú
êë TAS 33 000 úû ë (V S)

é σ TAT ù
295 (WT ) 1- ê (AF) R/CO ú
ëê (101× 27Vc ) TAS úû
CL =
(Ve )2 S

Where: BHP T = test day horsepower (see appendix 1)

hp = propeller efficiency (obtain from propeller manufacturer or may be estimated)

TAT = test air temperature – °Kelvin

TAS = standard air temperature – °Kelvin

R/CO = observed rate of climb – feet/minute

WT = airplane test weight – pounds

Ve = equivalent airspeed – knots

S = wing area – square feet

s = atmospheric density ratio (see appendix 7, figure 1)

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 2–1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

(1+ 0×2M2 ) 3×5 - 1 2

AF = 2 2× 5
- 0 ×133M + 1
(1+ 0×2M )

Where : M = Mach number

V C is constant,
altitude below 36 089 feet

c. Data Plotting. Once CD and CL are calculated from various climb tests at many altitudes,
weights, and airspeeds, a plot is made of CD versus CL2. This choice of parameters reduces the
parabolic drag polar (CL vs. CD) to a straight line relationship. These procedures should be used to
establish CDP and e for each configuration that climb data is obtained.




.05 CDP

0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6


From this plot the profile drag coefficient (CDP ) can be determined graphically and Oswald's efficiency
factor (e) can be calculated.

CL 2
e = 2
or e =
æ ö æ b2 ö
(CD - CDP ) 3 ×1416 çç b
÷ 3 ×1416 ç ÷
èSø çS÷
è ø

Where: b = wing span – feet

S = wing area – square feet

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 2–2
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

d. Standard Day Correction. Since the CL2 vs. CD data was developed from test day conditions
of weight, altitude, temperature, and power, calculations will be required to determine standard day

(THP A - THPR ) 33 000

R/C =
WC (AF )

Where: THPA = thrust horsepower available

THP R = thrust horsepower required

WC = aircraft weight to which correction is to be made (pounds)

AF = acceleration factor (see paragraph b)

THPA = BHPc hp

Where: BHPc = chart brake horsepower at test day density altitude (see appendix 1)

hp = propeller efficiency

σ VT( ) 3
D p
(0 × 2883)( WC ) 2

THP R = + 2
96 209 eσ b VT

Where: s = atmospheric density ratio

VT = true airspeed – knots

CDP = profile drag coefficient

S = wing area – square feet

e = efficiency factor

b = wing span – feet

WC = aircraft weight to which correction is to be made – pounds

e. Expansion to Non­Standard Conditions. The methods in paragraph d can be used to expand

the climb data by choosing weight, altitude, temperature, and the corresponding power available.

f. References. The following references may be of assistance in cases where compressibility

drag is a factor, climb angles are greater than 15°, or if the reader wishes to review the basic
derivations of the drag polar method:

(1) ‘Airplane Aerodynamics and Performance’ by C. Edward Lan and Jan Roskam. Published and
sold by:

Roskam Aviation and Engineering Corporation

Route 4, Box 274
Ottawa, Kansas 66067

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 2–3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

(2) Air Force Technical Report No. 6273, ‘Flight Test Engineering Handbook,’ by Russell M
Herrington, et. al., dated May 1951. Corrected and revised June 1964­January 1966. Refer to NTIS
No. AD 636.392. Available from:

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, Virginia 22161

2 DENSITY ALTITUDE METHOD. This method is an alternate to the Drag Polar Method. The
Density Altitude Method is subject to the same cautions as the Drag Polar Method. Item numbers 1, 2,
6, 9, 12, 17, 18, and 19 are observed during flight tests and the remaining items are calculated.

Item No. Item

1 Pressure Altitude (Hp) – feet

2 Outside Air Temperature – °F

3 Atmospheric Density Ratio – s

4 Density Altitude (Hd) – feet. Hd = 145 539 1 - s [ ( ) ×4699

5 Std. Temp. @ Hp (Ts ) – °F + 460
6 IAS – knots

7 CAS – knots

o 7

8 TAS =
9 Observed rate of climb – ft./min.


TS ç
T ç 2 + 460


è ø

11 Actual R/C = 9 ´ 10

12 Test Weight, w – lbs.

æ 12 ö
ç ÷
13 DR/CD W = 11 ç 1- ÷
ç WC ÷
ç ÷
è ø
where W c = aircraft weight to which correction is to be made

14 qP e b 2 = o7 2
Pe b2

where b = wing span in feet

e= Oswald’s efficiency factor (0.8 may be used if a
more exact value cannot be determined)

WC2 - 12
DDi = ç

15 ÷
ç ÷
ç 14 ÷
è ø

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 2–4
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

16 D (R / C )DDi = oo
101× 27 15

17 Calibrated RPM (reciprocating engine)

18 Calibrated MP (reciprocating engine)

19 Inlet air temperature

20 Test day BHP corrected for temperature from appendix 1 at Hd

h P propeller efficiency (obtain from propeller

manufacturer or may be estimated)

23 DTHP = 22
o oo æ
21 - 20

24 o
D (R / C )Dp =
23 ´ 33 000

oo o o
R / Cstd = 11 - 13 - 16 + 24

Items 4, 7, and 25 are used to plot figure 25­2.

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 2–5
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


1 GENERAL. The purpose of this appendix is to identify one method of extrapolating minimum
control speeds (VMC) observed during flight tests, to sea level, standard temperature conditions.
There is a geometrical relationship between the yawing moment about the centre of gravity caused by
the operating engine, and the rudder deflection necessary to offset this tendency and cause an

2 CALCULATION METHOD. This method involves calculating a geometric constant (C2) for
each observed test value, averaging the results, and calculating a sea level V MC. The equations are
as follows:

V MC = [(C ) ( s )(THP)]
1/ 3

C2 =
( s )(THP)
Where: C2 = a geometric constant

Ös = the square root of the density ratio

THP = thrust horsepower (test shaft horsepower or brake horsepower

times propeller efficiency)

3 CAUTIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS. This method has the following associated cautions and

a. This method is limited to airplanes with a VMC due to lack of directional control. Each test
value of V MC must be observed with full rudder deflection. If, for example, the test conditions result in
reaching the force limit (150 pounds rudder force) prior to achieving full rudder deflection, then
observed V MC values would require special consideration.

b. The effects of wing lift in the 5° bank angle are ignored.

c. Do not use this method for fixed­pitch or windmilling propellers.

d. Any altitude effects which may result from drag on a rotating feathered propeller on the
inoperative engine are ignored.

e. Computing a V MC value at sea level involves raising to the power of 1/3 (use 0.33333333).
The number of significant digits used affects the resulting computations. For this reason, use at least
8 significant digits.

f. Propeller efficiencies should be reasonable. They may be obtained from propeller efficiency
charts provided by the propeller manufacturer, or from other acceptable sources.

4 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS. Test data from two­engine turbopropeller airplanes have been
used for illustration. Observations for one takeoff flap setting are presented. The procedures should
be repeated for each additional approved takeoff flap setting. Table 1 presents five data points for
which data were collected at various altitude and temperature conditions, and the resulting C2 values
which were calculated. For these tests, the inoperative propeller was feathered (auto­feather

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 3–1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2




(FT­LB) s

1 3 500 86.3 3 219 1 700 91.2 .9142439 1 041.95 .590 1 349. 657
2 4 200 88.3 3 219 1 700 91.2 .900795 1 041.95 .585 1 381. 516
3 4 800 87.3 3 219 1 700 90.7 .8915881 1 041.95 .580 1 384. 786
4 5 500 85.2 3 219 1 700 90.7 .881668 1 041.95 .575 1 412. 544
5 6 300 83.2 3 219 1 700 90.7 .8700833 1 041.95 .570 1 443. 907

(1) Calculated from observed torque and propeller r.p.m.

(2) Obtained from propeller manufacturer.

The propeller efficiencies were obtained from a power coefficient versus advance ratio map which was
obtained from the propeller manufacturer. The 4­blade propellers were assumed for these
calculations to have an activity factor = 80; and an integrated lift coefficient = 0.700.

The five C2 values from table 1 were averaged as 1 394.482. The sea level, standard temperature
maximum shaft horsepower was 1 050. At low speeds, the propeller efficiency changes fairly
significantly with speed. For this reason, it is appropriate to determine propeller efficiencies at several
speeds near the estimated sea level V MC value. Table 2 presents the thrust horsepower values
determined for calibrated airspeeds of 90, 95, 100, and 105 knots and the V MC values calculated using
these thrust horsepower values and the average C2 (1 394.482).

Figure 1 illustrates the plot of airspeed versus thrust horsepower. One curve is of thrust horsepower
available versus airspeed. The other represents the calculated V MC values versus thrust horsepower
available at sea level. The intersection of the two curves represents the V MC value associated with
sea level, standard temperature conditions. These calculations resulted in a final V MC value of
98.8 knots calibrated airspeed.



AVAILABLE AT C2 = 1 394.482

90 1 050 .610 640.5 96.3

95 1 050 .640 672.0 97.9

100 1 050 .665 698.25 99.1

105 1 050 .688 722.4 100.2

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 3–2
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


Sea level STD day V


VMC values
­ knots


Thrust horsepower
available at sea level

620 640 660 680 700 120 140

Thrust horsepower at sea level


Amendment 3
2–FTG App 3–3
CS–23 BOOK 2 Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R


Primary CS Support CS Description Manual Mark Placard Sign

23.25(a)(2) 23.1557(b) Occupant weight less than 170 lb (normal and commuter) or 190 lb (utility and ü
23.31(a) 23.1557(a) Marking for placement of removable ballast. ü
23.31(b) Ballast content and weight limitations. ü ü ü
23.373(a) Placard for maximum speed for extended speed control devices. ü
23.415(c) Maximum weight for tie­down. ü
23.671(b) Identification of controls. ü
23.672(c)(2) Practicable operational flight envelope after system failure. ü
23.677(a) Direction of movement and position of trim device. ü
23.685(d) Marking of control system elements. ü
23.733(b) Marking of specially constructed tyres. ü
23.777(a) 23.1555(a) Identification of cockpit controls. ü
23.777(h)1) 23.995 Indication of selected position for mechanical fuel selector. ü
23.777(h)(2) 23.995 Indication of tank or function selected for electronic fuel selector. Closed position ü
indicated in red.
23.777(h)(3) 23.995 Red marking of OFF position of fuel valve selector. ü
23.783(c)(3)­(4) 23.811 Marking of means of opening external doors. ü
23.785(h) Placard for seats in utility and aerobatic aeroplanes which won't accommodate an ü
occupant wearing a parachute.
23.787(a)(1) Placard for maximum weight capacity of baggage or cargo compartment. ü
23.X791 Passenger information signs required for commuter category aeroplanes if flight crew ü
cannot observe other seats.
23.807(b)(3) Marking of emergency exit location and operation. ü
23.811(a) External marking of means of opening doors and exits. ü ü
23.811(b) Internal sign for exits and doors for commuter category aeroplanes. ü
23.841(b)(7) W arning placard if maximum differential cabin pressure and landing loads exceed limit. ü
23.853(c),(c)(2) Placard or illuminated sign prohibiting smoking if/when applicable. ü ü
23.853(d)(1) ‘No cigarette disposal’ placard on/near each disposal receptacle door for commuter ü
23.853(d)(2) ‘No smoking’ placards required for lavatories for commuter category. ü
23.903(d) 23.1581(a)(2) Marking or placard for piston engine start techniques and limitations. ü ü
This Appendix is provided as a brief guide; the requirements in CS–23 take precedence in case of error or omission.

2–FTG App 4–1 Amendment 3

CS–23 BOOK 2 Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

Primary CS Support CS Description Manual Mark Placard Sign

23.903(e)(1) 23.1581(a)(2) Marking or placard for turbine engine start techniques and limitations. ü ü
23.903(e)(3) 23.1581(a)(4) Marking or placard for turbine engine in­flight restart techniques and limitations. ü ü
23.905(f) Marking such that pusher propeller disk is conspicuous. ü
23.909(e) 23.1581(a)(2) Turbocharger operating procedures and limitations. ü
23.955(d)(2) 23.1555(c)(3) Placard for operating instructions for use of auxiliary fuel tank. ü
23.973(a) 23.1557(c) Marking of fuel tank filler. ü
23.1001(g) Placard for fuel jettisoning means if prohibited in some aerodynamic configurations. ü
23.1013(c) 23.1557(c) Marking oil filler tank connections. ü
23.1045(a) 23.1041 Compliance with 23.1041 must be shown for all flight phases with the procedures ü
established in AFM (turbines).
23.1047 23.1041 Compliance with 23.1041 must be shown for the climb/descent with the procedures ü
established in AFM (pistons).
23.1061(c) Marking coolant tank filler connections. ü
23.1141(a) 23.1555(a) Marking of powerplant controls. ü
23.1301(b) Labelling of equipment as to its identification, function and/or operating limitations. ü
23.1311(a)(7) Instrument markings on electronic displays. ü
23.1325(b)(3) 23.1541(a)(2) Provision of alternate static correction card, if required. ü
23.1327(b) 23.1547(e) Placard for magnetic indicator deviations of more than 10°. ü
23.1329(d) Marking of direction of motion of autopilot controls. ü
23.1337(b) Marking of appropriate units on fuel quantity indicator. ü
23.1357(d) Marking of essential circuit breakers and fuses. ü
23.1367(d) Marking of switches as to operation and circuit controlled. ü
23.1419(a) 23.1585(a) Recommended procedures for use of ice protection equipment. ü
23.1450(c) Placard for oxygen flow, duration and warning of hot generator element. ü
23.1501 23.1541­ Operating limitations and other information necessary for safe operation should be ü
23.1589 established and furnished to the crew.
23.1541(a)(1) 23.1545­ Markings and placards specified by 23.1545­23.1567. ü ü
23.1541(a)(2) Additional information, markings and placards required for safe operation. ü ü ü

This Appendix is provided as a brief guide; the requirements in CS–23 take precedence in case of error or omission.

2–FTG App 4–2 Amendment 3

CS–23 BOOK 2 Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

Primary CS Support CS Description Manual Mark Placard Sign

23.1541(b) Specifies characteristics of markings and placards. ü ü

23.1541(c)(1) Select one category for basis for markings and placards for multi­category aeroplanes. ü ü ü
23.1541(c)(2) Placards and marking information for all certified categories must be furnished in the ü ü ü
23.1543 Alignment and visibility of instrument markings. ü
23.1545(a) Marking of speeds on ASI. ü
23.1545(b) Marking of VNE, caution range, flap operating range, OEI en­route climb/descent speed ü
for pistons less than 2 730 kg (6 000 lb), VMC for pistons less than 2 730 kg (6 000 lb).
23.1545(c) Indication of variation of VNE or VNO with altitude. ü
23.1545(d) Indication of variation of VMO/MMO with altitude or lowest value. ü
23.1547(a) Marking of conditions for, and calibration of, magnetic direction indicator. ü ü
23.1549(a) Marking of powerplant instruments ­ red radial line for maximum and minimum operating ü
23.1549(b) Marking of powerplant instruments ­ green arc for normal range. ü
23.1549(c) Marking of powerplant instruments ­ yellow arc for caution and take­off range. ü
23.1549(c) Marking of powerplant instruments ­ red arc for restricted vibration range. ü
23.1551 Marking of oil quantity indicator. ü
23.1553 23.1337(b)(1) Red radial marking at specified zero reading. ü
23.1555(a) Marking of cockpit control as to function and method of operation. ü
23.1555(b) Marking of secondary controls. ü
23.1555(c)(1) Marking of powerplant fuel controls ­ fuel selector position. ü
23.1555(c)(2) Marking of powerplant fuel controls ­ fuel tank sequence. ü
23.1555(c)(3) 23.955(d)(2) Placard stating conditions under which maximum usable fuel may be used from ü
restricted usage tank.
23.1555(c)(4) Marking of powerplant fuel controls ­ multi­engine fuel selector position. ü
23.1555(d)(1) Marking of usable fuel at indicator, if applicable. ü
23.1555(d)(2) Marking of usable fuel at selector, if applicable. ü
23.1555(e)(1) Marking of landing gear position indicator. ü
23.1555(e)(2) Marking of emergency controls red and of method of operation. ü
23.1557(a) Placard for baggage, cargo and ballast for weight and content. ü

This Appendix is provided as a brief guide; the requirements in CS–23 take precedence in case of error or omission.

2–FTG App 4–3 Amendment 3

CS–23 BOOK 2 Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

Primary CS Support CS Description Manual Mark Placard Sign

23.1557(b) 23.25(c)(2) Placard for seats not capable of carrying more than 170 lb. ü
23.1557(c)(1)(i) 23.973(a) Marking of fuel filler openings (piston). ü
23.1557(c)(1)(ii) 23.973(a) Marking of fuel filler openings (turbine) and AFM requirement. ü ü
23.1557(c)(2) Marking of oil filler openings and AFM requirement. ü ü
23.1557(c)(3) Marking of coolant filler openings. ü
23.1557(d) Placard for emergency exits and controls. ü
23.1557(e) Marking of system voltage of each DC installation. ü
23.1559(a)(1) Placard stating that aeroplane must be operated in accordance with AFM. ü
23.1559(a)(2) Placard stating the certificated category to which placards apply. ü
23.1559(b) For multicategory aeroplanes, a placard stating that other limitations are contained in ü
the AFM.
23.1559(c) 23.1525 Placard specifying the kinds of operation. ü
23.1561(a) Marking of safety equipment as to method of operation. ü
23.1561(b) Marking of stowage provisions for safety equipment. ü
23.1563(a) Placard of VA close to ASI. ü
23.1563(b) Placard of VLO close to ASI. ü
23.1563(c) Placard of VMC close to ASI for pistons greater than 2 730 kg (6 000 lb) and turbines. ü
23.1567(a) Placard prohibiting aerobatic manoeuvres, including spins, for normal category ü
23.1567(b)(1) Placard listing approved aerobatic manoeuvres for utility category aeroplanes. ü
23.1567(b)(2) Placard stating ‘spins prohibited’ for utility category aeroplanes that do not meet the ü
aerobatic spin requirements.
23.1567(c) Placard listing approved aerobatic manoeuvres and recommended entry airspeed; also ü
stating if inverted manoeuvres are not allowed.
23.1567(d) Placard listing conditions and control actions for recovery from a spin. ü
23.1581(a) 23.1583­ Requires AFM be submitted to the Agency. AFM must contain information required by ü
23.1589 23.1583 ­ 23.1589, other information necessary for safe operation and information
necessary to comply with the operating rules.
23.1581(b)(1) 23.1583­ Information required by 23.1583 ­ 23.1589 must be approved and segregated from ü
23.1589 unapproved information.

This Appendix is provided as a brief guide; the requirements in CS–23 take precedence in case of error or omission.

2–FTG App 4–4 Amendment 3

CS–23 BOOK 2 Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

Primary CS Support CS Description Manual Mark Placard Sign

23.1581(b)(2)(i) 23.1583 Operating limitations must be approved and clearly distinguished from other parts of the AFM ü
(does not apply to pistons less than or equal to 2 730 kg (6 000 lb)).
23.1581(b)(2)(ii) 23.1585­ Procedures, performance and loading information must be presented in a manner acceptable to ü
23.1589 the Agency (does not apply to pistons less than or equal to 2 730 kg (6 000 lb)).
23.1581(c) Units in the AFM must be the same as those marked on the appropriate instruments and ü ü
23.1581(d) All AFM operational airspeeds must, unless otherwise specified, be presented as indicated ü
23.1581(e) Provisions must be made for stowing the AFM in a suitable fixed container readily accessible to ü
the pilot.
23.1581(f) Each AFM must contain a means for recording the incorporation of revisions and/or amendments. ü
23.1583 Each AFM must contain operating limitations, including the following: ü ü
23.1583(a)(1) 23.1545 Information necessary for the marking of airspeed limits as required in 23.1545. ü ü
23.1583(a)(2) The speeds VMC, VA, VLE and VLO and their significance. ü
23.1583(a)(3)(i) VMO/MMO and a statement that this speed must not be deliberately exceeded without ü
authorisation (for turbine powered commuters).
23.1583(a)(3)(ii) If an airspeed limitation is based on compressibility effects, a statement to this effect, further ü
information and the recommended recovery procedure (for turbine powered commuters).
23.1583(a)(3)(iii) The airspeed limits must be shown in terms of VMO/MMO for (turbine powered commuters). ü
23.1583(b)(1),(2) 23.1521 Powerplant limitations required by 23.1521 and explanations, when appropriate. ü
23.1583(b)(3) 23.1549­ Information necessary for marking powerplant instruments required in 23.1549 to 23.1553. ü
23.1583(c)(1) Maximum weight. ü
23.1583(c)(2) Maximum landing weight (if less than maximum weight). ü
23.1583(c)(3) 23.63(c)1) MTOW for each aerodrome altitude and temperature selected by the applicant at which the ü
aeroplane complies with 23.63(c)(1) (not for pistons less than 2 730 kg (6 000 lb) and
23.1583(c)(4) 23.63(d)(1), For commuter aeroplanes, the MTOW for each aerodrome altitude and temperature selected by ü
23.55, 23.59(a), the applicant at which the aeroplane complies with the climb requirements of 23.63(d)(1), the
23.59(b) accelerate­stop distance determined in 23.55 is acceptable, the take­off distance determined in
23.59(a) is acceptable and, optionally, the take­off run determined in 23.59(b) is acceptable.
23.1583(c)(5) 23.63(d)(2), For commuter aeroplanes, the maximum landing weight for each aerodrome altitude ü
23.75, 23.343 selected by the applicant at which the aeroplane complies with the climb requirements
of 23.63(d)(2), the landing distance determined in 23.75 is acceptable and the maximum
zero wing fuel weight established in 23.343.
23.1583(d) The established centre of gravity limits. ü

2–FTG App 4–5 Amendment 3

CS–23 BOOK 2 Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

This Appendix is provided as a brief guide; the requirements in CS–23 take precedence in case of error or omission.
Primary CS Support CS Description Manual Mark Placard Sign

23.1583(e) 23.221(c) Authorised manoeuvres, appropriate airspeed limitations, recommended entry speeds, ü
spin recovery procedures and unauthorised manoeuvres according to category.
23.1583(f) Positive limit load factors and, for aerobatic aeroplanes, the negative limit load factors. ü
23.1583(g) 23.1523 Number and functions of the minimum flight crew. ü
23.1583(h) 23.1525 Lists of kinds of operation according to 23.1525, installed equipment affecting any ü
operating limitation and identification as to equipment's required operational status.
23.1583(i) 23.1527 Maximum operating altitude. ü
23.1583(j) Maximum passenger seating configuration. ü
23.1583(k) Maximum allowable lateral fuel loading differential, if less than the maximum possible. ü
23.1583(l) Maximum allowable load and maximum intensity of loading for baggage and cargo ü
compartments or zones.
23.1583(m) Any limitations on the use of aeroplane systems and equipment. ü
23.1583(n) Where appropriate, maximum and minimum ambient temperatures for operation. ü
23.1583(o) Any restrictions on smoking in the aeroplane. ü
23.1583(p) 23.45(g), Types of surface on which operation may be conducted (see 23.45(g) and ü
23.1587(a)(5) 23.1587(a)(5)).
23.1585(a) Information concerning normal, abnormal and emergency procedures and other ü
information necessary for safe operation and achievement of scheduled performance;
23.1585(a)(1) Explanation of significant or unusual flight or ground handling characteristics. ü
23.1585(a)(2) Maximum demonstrated values of crosswind for take­off and landing and associated ü
23.1585(a)(3) A recommended speed for flight in rough air. ü
23.1585(a)(4) 23.903(f) Procedures for restarting any engine in flight, including the effects of altitude. ü
23.1585(a)(5) 23.73, 23.75 Procedures, speeds and configurations for making a normal approach and landing in ü
accordance with 23.73 and 23.75 and a transition to the balked landing condition.
23.1585(b) 23.71 For all single­engined aeroplanes, procedures, speeds and configurations for a glide ü
following engine failure and the subsequent forced landing.
23.1585(c)(1) For all twin­engined aeroplanes, procedures, speeds and configurations for making an ü
approach and landing with one engine inoperative.
23.1585(c)(2) For all twin­engined aeroplanes, procedures, speeds and configurations for making a ü
go­around with one engine inoperative, the conditions under which it can be performed
safely or a warning against attempting a go­around.

This Appendix is provided as a brief guide; the requirements in CS–23 take precedence in case of error or omission.

2–FTG App 4–6 Amendment 3

CS–23 BOOK 2 Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

Primary CS Support CS Description Manual Mark Placard Sign

23.1585(d)(1) 23.51(a),(b), For all normal, utility and aerobatic aeroplanes, procedures, speeds and configurations ü
23.53(a),(b), for making a normal take­off (23.51(a),(b) 23.53(a),(b)) and the subsequent climb
23.65, 23.69(a) (23.65, 23.69(a)).
23.1585(d)(2) For all normal, utility and aerobatic aeroplanes, procedures for abandoning a take­off. ü
23.1585(e)(1) For all normal, utility and aerobatic twin­engined aeroplanes, procedures and speeds for ü
continuing a take­off following engine failure, the conditions under which it can be
performed safely or a warning against continuing the take­off.
23.1585(e)(2) 23.67, 23.69(b) For all normal, utility and aerobatic twin­engined aeroplanes, procedures and speeds for ü
continuing a climb following engine failure after take­off (23.67) or en­route (23.69(b)).
23.1585(f)(1) For commuter category aeroplanes, procedures, speeds and configurations for making ü
a normal take­off.
23.1585(f)(2) 23.55 For commuter category aeroplanes, procedures and speeds for carrying out an ü
23.1585(f)(3) 23.57, For commuter category aeroplanes, procedures and speeds for continuing a take­off ü
23.59(a)(1), following engine failure (23.59(a)(1)) and for following the flight path (23.57, 23.61(a)).
23.1585(g) 23.953 For twin­engined aeroplanes, information and instructions regarding fuel supply ü
23.1585(h) 23.1353(g)(2)2 For each aeroplane showing compliance with 23.1353(g)(2) or (g)(3), the procedures for ü
3.1353(g)(3) disconnecting the battery from its charging source.
23.1585(i) Information on the total quantity of usable fuel for each tank and the effect pump failure. ü
23.1585(j) Procedures for the safe operation of the aeroplane's systems and equipment, in normal ü
use and in the event of malfunction.
23.1587 23.45(b) Unless otherwise presented, performance information must be provided over the ü
altitude and temperature ranges required by 23.45(b).
23.1587(a)(1) 23.49 Stalling speeds VS0 and VS1 at maximum weight with landing gear and wing flaps ü
retracted and the effect on these stalling speeds of bank angles up to 60°.
23.1587(a)(2) 23.69(a) Steady rate and gradient of climb with all engines operating. ü
23.1587(a)(3) 23.75 The landing distance for each aerodrome altitude and standard temperature and the ü
type of surface for which it is valid.
23.1587(a)(4) 23.45(g) The effect on landing distance of operation on other than smooth hard surfaces, when ü
23.1587(a)(5) The effect on landing distance of runway slope, 50% of the headwind component and ü
150% of the tailwind component.

This Appendix is provided as a brief guide; the requirements in CS–23 take precedence in case of error or omission.

2–FTG App 4–7 Amendment 3

CS–23 BOOK 2 Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

Primary CS Support CS Description Manual Mark Placard Sign

23.1587(b) 23.77(a) For normal, utility and aerobatic piston aeroplanes of 2 730 kg (6 000 lb) or less, the ü
steady angle of climb/descent.
23.1587(c)(1) 23.53 For normal, utility and aerobatic aeroplanes, the take­off distance and the type of ü
surface for which it is valid.
23.1587(c)(2) 23.45(g) The effect on take­off distance of operation on other than smooth hard surfaces, when dry. ü
23.1587(c)(3) The effect on take­off distance of runway slope, 50% of the headwind component and ü
150% of the tailwind component.
23.1587(c)(4) 23.66 For twin piston aeroplanes of more than 2 730 kg (6 000 lb) MTOW and turbine ü
aeroplanes, the one­engine­inoperative take­off climb/descent gradient.
23.1587(c)(5) 23.69(b) For twin­engined aeroplanes, the en­route rate and gradient of climb/descent with one­ ü
engine inoperative.
23.1587(c)(6) 23.71 For single­engined aeroplanes, the glide performance. ü
23.1587(d)(1) 23.55 For commuter aeroplanes, the accelerate­stop distance. ü
23.1587(d)(2) 23.59(a) For commuter aeroplanes, the take­off distance. ü
23.1587(d)(3) 23.59(b) For commuter aeroplanes, the take­off run at the applicant's option. ü
23.1587(d)(4) 23.45(g) For commuter aeroplanes, the effect on accelerate­stop distance, take­off distance and, ü
if determined, take­off run of operation on other than smooth hard surfaces, when dry.
23.1587(d)(5) For commuter aeroplanes, the effect on accelerate­stop distance, take­off distance and, ü
if determined, take­off run of runway slope, 50% of the headwind component and 150%
of the tailwind component.
23.1587(d)(6) 23.61(b) For commuter aeroplanes, the net take­off path. ü
23.1587(d)(7) 23.69(b) For commuter aeroplanes, the en­route gradient of climb/descent with one engine ü
23.1587(d)(8) For commuter aeroplanes, the effect on the net take­off path and the en­route gradient ü
of climb/descent with one engine inoperative, of 50% of the headwind component and
150% of the tailwind component.
23.1587(d)(9) 23.63(d)(2), 75 For commuter aeroplanes, overweight landing performance information (the maximum ü
weight at which the aeroplane complies with 23.63(d)(2) and the landing distance
determined in 23.75).
23.1587(d)(10) 23.1323(b),(c) For commuter aeroplanes, the relationship between IAS and CAS. ü
23.1587(d)(11) 23.1325(e) For commuter aeroplanes, the altimeter system calibration. ü
23.1587(d)(7) 23.69(b) For commuter aeroplanes, the en­route gradient of climb/descent with one engine ü
23.1589(a) 23.25 The weight and location of each item of equipment that can be easily removed and was ü
installed when the aeroplane was weighed.
23.1589(b) 23.23, 23.25 Appropriate loading instructions for each permissible loading condition of weight and cg. ü
App. G23­2,3,4 23.1529 Instructions for continued airworthiness. ü
This Appendix is provided as a brief guide; the requirements in CS–23 take precedence in case of error or omission.

2–FTG App 4–8 Amendment 3

Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


Amendment 3
2–FTG App 5–1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


This aeroplane may be operated in day or night VFR, day or night IFR, and known or forecast icing
conditions when the appropriate equipment is installed and operable.

The following equipment list identifies the systems and equipment upon which type certification for
each kind of operation was predicated. The following systems and items of equipment must be
installed and operable for the particular kind of operation indicated.

The ATA numbers refer to equipment classifications of Air Transport Association Specification Code 100.

Communications (ATA­23)

1. Communication Radio (VHF) 0 0 1 1 1

Electrical Power (ATA­24)

1. Battery 1 1 1 1 1
2. D.C. Generator 2 2 2 2 2
3. D.C. Loadmeter 2 2 2 2 2
4. D.C. Generator Warning Light 2 2 2 2 2
5. Inverter 2 2 2 2 2
6. Inverter Warning Light 1 1 1 1 1
7. Feeder Limiter Warning Light 1 1 1 1 1
8. Battery Monitor system 1 1 1 1 1
9. AC Volt Meter 1 1 1 1 1

Equipment/Furnishings (ATA­25)

1. Exit Signs – Self­Illuminated 4 4 4 4 4

Fire Protection (ATA­26)

1. Engine Fire Detector System 2 2 2 2 2

2. Firewall Fuel Shutoff System 2 2 2 2 2

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 6–1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Flight Controls (ATA­27)

1. Flap System 1 1 1 1 1
2. Flap Position Indicator 1 1 1 1 1
3. Horizontal Stabiliser Trim System – Main 1 1 1 1 1
4. Horizontal Stabiliser Trim System – Standby 1 1 1 1 1
5. Stabiliser out­of­trim Aural Warning Indicator 1 1 1 1 1
6. Trim­in­Motion Aural Indicator 1 1 1 1 1
7. Horizontal Stabiliser Position Indicator 1 1 1 1 1
8. Stall Warning Horn 1 1 1 1 1
9. Trim Tab Indicator – Rudder 1 1 1 1 1
10.Trim Tab Indicator Aileron 1 1 1 1 1

Fuel (ATA­28)

1. Fuel Boost Pumps (4 are installed) PER AFM Limitations

2. Fuel Quantity Indicator 2 2 2 2 2
3. Fuel Quantity Gauge Selector Switch 1 1 1 1 1
4. Nacelle Not­Full Warning Light 2 2 2 2 2
5. Crossfeed Light 1 1 1 1 1
6. Fuel Boost Pump Low Pressure Warning Light 2 2 2 2 2
7. Fuel Flow Indicator 2 2 2 2 2
8. Jet Transfer Pump 2 2 2 2 2

Ice and Rain Protection (ATA­30)

1. Engine Inlet Scoop Deicer Boot 2 2 2 2 2

2. Indicator – Propeller/Inlet Deicer 1 1 1 1 1
3. Engine Inertial Anti­Icing System 2 2 2 2 2
4. Pitot Heat 0 0 2 2 2
5. Alternate Static Air Source 0 0 1 1 1
6. Engine Auto­Ignition system (if installed) 2 2 2 2 2
7. Propeller Deicer System 0 0 0 0 1
8. Windshield Heat (Left) 0 0 0 0 1
9. Surface Deicer System 0 0 0 0 1
10.Stall Warning Mounting Plate Heater 0 0 0 0 1
11.Wing Ice Light (Left) 0 0 0 0 1
12. Windshield Wiper (Left) 1 1 1 1 1

Instruments (ATA­31)

1. Clock 0 0 1 1 1

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 6–2
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


Landing Gear (ATA­32)

1. Landing Gear Position Indicator Lights 3 3 3 3 3

2. Flap­Controlled Landing Gear Aural Warning 1 1 1 1 1
3. Nose Steering Disconnect Actuator 1 1 1 1 1
4. Landing Gear Hydraulic Pump 1 1 1 1 1

Lights (ATA­33)

1. Cockpit and Instrument (Required Illumination) 0 1 0 1 0

2. Anti­Collision 0 2 0 2 0
3. Landing Light 0 2 0 2 0
4. Position Lights 0 3 0 3 0
5. Cabin Door Warning Light (Note) 1 1 1 1 1
6. Baggage Door Warning Light (Note)

Note: Where combined into one cabin/baggage annunciator – one (1) is required for all conditions.

Navigation (ATA­34)

1. Altimeter 1 1 1 1 1
2. Airspeed 1 1 1 1 1
3. Magnetic Compass 1 1 1 1 1
4. Outside Air Temperature 1 1 1 1 1
5. Attitude Indicator (Gyro stabilised) 0 0 1 1 1
6. Directional Indicator (Gyro stabilised) 0 0 1 1 1
7. Sensitive Altimeter 0 0 1 1 1
8. Turn and Bank Indicator or Turn Co­ordinator 0 0 1 1 1
9. Vertical Speed Indicator 0 0 1 1 1
10.Navigation Radio (VHF) 0 0 1 1 1

Vacuum System

1. Suction or Pressure Gauge 1 1 1 1 1

2. Instrument Air System 1 1 1 1 1

Propeller (ATA­61)

1. Autofeather System 2 2 2 2 2
2. Low Pitch Light 2 2 2 2 2
3. Do Not Reverse Warning Light 1 1 1 1 1
4. Propeller Reversing 2 2 2 2 2

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 6–3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


Engine Indicating (ATA­77)

1. Tachometer Indicator (Propeller) 2 2 2 2 2

2. Tachometer Indicator (Gas Generator) 2 2 2 2 2
3. ITT Indicator 2 2 2 2 2
4. Torque Indicator 2 2 2 2 2

Engine Oil (ATA­79)

1. Oil Temperature Indicator 2 2 2 2 2

2. Oil Pressure Indicator 2 2 2 2 2
3. Low Oil Pressure Light 2 2 2 2 2
4. Engine Chip Detector System 2 2 2 2 2

Note 1: The zeros (0) used in the above list mean that the equipment and/or system was not required
for type certification for that kind of operation.

Note 2: The above system and equipment list is predicated on a crew of one pilot.

Note 3: Equipment and/or systems in addition to those listed above may be required by the operating

Note 4: Further information may be drawn from an approved Minimum Equipment List (MEL), if

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 6–4
CS–23 BOOK 2 Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R


Geopotential Temp∙ Temp∙ Ratio Press∙ Press∙ Ratio Density Density Ratio Speed of
Altitude Sound
h T q p d r s Va
ft °F °R °C psi slug/ft 3 ft/sec

0 59∙0 518∙7 15∙0 1∙000 14∙70 1∙000 2∙3768x10–3 1∙000 1 116∙4

1 000 55∙4 515∙1 13∙0 ∙9932 14∙17 ∙9644 2∙3081 ∙97106 1 112∙6
2 000 51∙9 511∙5 11∙0 ∙9863 13∙66 ∙9298 2∙2409 ∙94277 1 108∙7
3 000 48∙3 508∙0 9∙1 ∙9794 13∙17 ∙8962 2∙1751 ∙91512 1 104∙9
4 000 44∙7 504∙4 7∙1 ∙9725 12∙69 ∙8637 2∙1109 ∙88809 1 101∙0
5 000 41∙2 500∙8 5∙1 ∙9657 12∙23 ∙8320 2∙0481 ∙86167 1 097∙1

6 000 37∙6 497∙3 3∙1 ∙9588 11∙78 ∙8014 1∙9868 ∙83586 1 093∙2
7 000 34∙0 493∙7 1∙1 ∙9519 11∙34 ∙7716 1∙9268 ∙81064 1 089∙2
8 000 30∙5 490∙1 –0∙9 ∙9450 10∙92 ∙7428 1∙8683 ∙78602 1 085∙3
9 000 26∙9 486∙6 –2∙8 ∙9382 10∙50 ∙7148 1∙8111 ∙76196 1 081∙4
10 000 23∙3 483∙0 –4∙8 ∙9313 10∙11 ∙6877 1∙7553 ∙73848 1 077∙4

11 000 19∙8 479∙4 –6∙8 ∙9244 9∙720 ∙6614 1∙7008 ∙71555 1 073∙4
12 000 16∙2 475∙9 –8∙8 ∙9175 9∙346 ∙6360 1∙6476 ∙69317 1 069∙4
13 000 12∙6 472∙3 –10∙8 ∙9107 8∙984 ∙6113 1∙5957 ∙67133 1 065∙4
14 000 9∙1 468∙7 –12∙7 ∙9038 8∙633 ∙5875 1∙5451 ∙65003 1 061∙4
15 000 5∙5 465∙2 –14∙7 ∙8969 8∙294 ∙5643 1∙4956 ∙62924 1 057∙3

16 000 1∙9 461∙6 –16∙7 ∙8900 7∙965 ∙5420 1∙4474 ∙60896 1 053∙2
17 000 –1∙6 458∙0 –18∙7 ∙8831 7∙647 ∙5203 1∙4004 ∙58919 1 049∙2
18 000 –5∙2 454∙5 –20∙7 ∙8763 7∙339 ∙4994 1∙3546 ∙56991 1 045∙1
19 000 –8∙8 450∙9 –22∙6 ∙8694 7∙041 ∙4791 1∙3100 ∙55112 1 041∙0
20 000 –12∙3 447∙3 –24∙6 ∙8625 6∙754 ∙4595 1∙2664 ∙53281 1 036∙8

21 000 –15∙9 443∙8 –26∙6 ∙8556 6∙475 ∙4406 1∙2240 ∙51497 1 032∙7
22 000 –19∙5 440∙2 –28∙6 ∙8488 6∙207 ∙4223 1∙1827 ∙49758 1 028∙5
23 000 –23∙0 436∙6 –30∙6 ∙8419 5∙947 ∙4046 1∙1425 ∙48065 1 024∙4
24 000 –26∙6 433∙1 –32∙5 ∙8350 5∙696 ∙3876 1∙1033 ∙46417 1 020∙2
25 000 –30∙2 429∙5 –34∙5 ∙8281 5∙454 ∙3711 1∙0651 ∙44812 1 016∙0

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 7–1
CS–23 BOOK 2 Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R


Geopotential Temp∙ Temp∙ Ratio Press∙ Press∙ Ratio Density Density Ratio Speed of
Altitude Sound
h T q p d r s Va
ft °F °R °C psi Slug/ft 3 ft/sec

26000 –33∙7 426∙0 –36∙6 ∙8213 5∙220 ∙3552 1∙0280 ∙43250 1 011∙7
27000 –37∙3 422∙4 –38∙5 ∙8144 4∙994 ∙3398 ∙9919 ∙41730 1 007∙5
28000 –40∙9 418∙8 –40∙5 ∙8075 4∙777 ∙3250 ∙9567 ∙40251 1 003∙2
29000 –44∙4 415∙3 –42∙5 ∙8006 4∙567 ∙3107 ∙9225 ∙38812 999∙0
30000 –48∙0 411∙7 –44∙4 ∙7938 4∙364 ∙2970 ∙8893 ∙37413 994∙7

31000 –51∙6 408∙1 –46∙4 ∙7869 4∙169 ∙2837 ∙8569 ∙36053 990∙3
32000 –55∙1 404∙6 –48∙4 ∙7800 3∙981 ∙2709 ∙8255 ∙34731 986∙0
33000 –58∙7 401∙0 –50∙4 ∙7731 3∙800 ∙2586 ∙7950 ∙33447 981∙6
34000 –62∙2 397∙4 –52∙4 ∙7663 3∙626 ∙2467 ∙7653 ∙32199 977∙3
35000 –65∙8 393∙9 –54∙3 ∙7594 3∙458 ∙2353 ∙7365 ∙30987 972∙9

36000 –69∙4 390∙3 –56∙4 ∙7525 3∙297 ∙2243 ∙7086 ∙29811 968∙5
37000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 3∙142 ∙2138 ∙6759 ∙28435 968∙1
38000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 2∙994 ∙2038 ∙6442 ∙27101 968∙1
39000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 2∙854 ∙1942 ∙6139 ∙25829 968∙1

40000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 2∙720 ∙1851 ∙5851 ∙24617 968∙1
41000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 2∙592 ∙1764 ∙5577 ∙23462 968∙1
42000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 2∙471 ∙1681 ∙5315 ∙22361 968∙1
43000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 2∙355 ∙1602 ∙5065 ∙21311 968∙1
44000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 2∙244 ∙1527 ∙4828 ∙20311 968∙1

45000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 2∙139 ∙1455 ∙4601 ∙19358 968∙1
46000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 2∙039 ∙1387 ∙4385 ∙18450 968∙1
47000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 1∙943 ∙1322 ∙4180 ∙17584 968∙1
48000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 1∙852 ∙1260 ∙3983 ∙16759 968∙1
49000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 1∙765 ∙1201 ∙3796 ∙15972 968∙1

50000 –69∙7 390∙0 –56∙5 ∙7519 1∙682 ∙1145 ∙3618 ∙15223 968∙1
°Rankine = °F + 459∙7°
°Kelvin = °C + 273∙2°

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 7–2
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

80 250

70 240

60 110 230

10 50 220

40 100 210

30 200

20 190
10 180
C o
F 80
0 170
­10 160

­20 150

­30 60 140

­40 ­40 130

­50 50 120

­50 ­60 110

­70 100
­80 90


Amendment 3
2–FTG–App 7–3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Determination of air temperature in relation

to international standard atmosphere



Altitude ­ 1000 Feet






+ 50









10 O

­ 10

­ 20


­ 30

­ 40


­ 50

­ 60



­60 ­40 ­20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Air temperature ­ O F

Figure 3

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

­20 ­10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 oF

1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 r/r O

16000 00 16000
0 110


15000 00 15000
0 100
14000 16 14000

13000 15
0 13000

0 800
12000 00 12000





10000 600 10000
0 00
9000 500
0 9000
8000 11 0 8000

Density altitude­feet
7000 00 7000
Density altitude­feet

10 0
6000 6000
90 0
5000 5000
80 0
4000 100 4000

mete 3000

de ­ ” Hg
2000 00 itu 2 2000
e Alt ­29.9 ­1 0
su ing
1000 res sett 1000
00 P 00
50 ­2 0
0 0
4 00 300
­1000 ­ ­1000
00 00
­2000 30 ­4 0 ­2000

­3000 00 00 ­3000
20 ­5 0

­4000 ­4000
00 00
10 ­6 0
­5000 ­5000
­20 ­10 0 10 20 90 100 oF
30 40 50 60 70 80
440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 oF ABS
­30 ­20 ­10 0 10 20 oC
30 40


Amendment 3
2–FTG–App 7–5
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2
Compressibility correction to obtain Ve (Equivalent airspeed)

00 T.
d ure


00 0

4 1 e ­F



0 0 00 00

a lt r e s s
11 30 28



Ve = Vc ~ Vc 24

i tu
10 22











8 0

Vc ~ knots

Vc ~ knots


12 0
100 0
8 00
2 60 00

4 00 0
0 S.L.

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320

Vc (Calibrated airspeed) ~ knots

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS­23 BOOK 2


140 2.5
dh 0.08865 Vc
[ (
1+.2 Vc 2



130 dVc o std 661.5

Assumes no error in total


120 pressure head and airspeed

position error less than 10 knots

0 00
100 0F
dh 90 FT
dVc 25
80 FT
0 000
( FT
0 FT
0 FT
50 5000
40 SEA




0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440

Calibrated airspeed ~ KT

Amendment 3
2–FTG–App 7–7
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2
Indicated Temp. ( oK) Mach number
= 1 + ( recovery factor)
Outside Air Temp. ( oK) 5

Outside air temperature

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
180 190o 200 210 220 230 240 250o 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 (oK )
o o 20o 30o
­90o ­80o ­70 o ­60o ­50 o ­40o ­30o ­20 ­10o 0o 10 40o 50 o 60o (oC )





­1 0
















1.18 =
K 95
0 . 90
0. 85
1.16 0. 80
Ratio indicated temp.to outside air temp.








­1 0





­8 0





Indicated temperature ( oC)

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Mach number, M
Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS­23 BOOK 2
Stalling speed as a function of angle of bank ­ Ø
15o 30o
10 20o 40o 45o 50o



Stall speed ­ 0 angle of bank



Figure 8


Stalling speed as a
90 function of angle of
bank ­ ø
Vstall Ø = Vstall at 0
cos Ø


50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230

Stall speed at bank angle Ø

Amendment 3
2–FTG–App 7–9
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

Vectorial acceleration versus angle of bank


L 1
g = =
Vectorial acceleration ­ g’s

W cos Ø
Where Ø = angle of bank

Figure 9



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Bank angle ­ degrees

Amendment 3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS­23 BOOK 2

14% 8 12% 6o10% 9% 5o 8.0% 7.0% 4o 6.0% 5.5%

800 5.0%



Rate of climb­ feet/min


400 2.5%

300 o

200 b ­de t
of clim percen
le t ­
Ang gradien 1.0%


40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Figure 10

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 7–11
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS­23 BOOK 2

4.0% 3.5 % 2 o 3.0%


700 2.5%



500 ent 1
Ate of climb ­ feet/min

t ­ perc
b gra s
Clim degree
­ 1.5%
400 e of cli




160 180 200 220 240 260 280

Flight path velocity ­ knots (TAS)

Figure 10 (continued)

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 7–12
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS­23 BOOK 2

Flight path
runway centerline Takeoff and landing crosswind component

0 10 o
20 o
50 o

W 6
in 0 k
d n
ve ot

Head component ~ knots


50 o

30 40 o
s 60
g le,

20 W
70 o

10 80 o

0 90 o

­10 100

180 o
160 o o o o
150 140 130 120 110o
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Crosswind component ~ knots

Figure 11

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 7–13
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2



Multiply By To Obtain

Centimetres 0∙3937 Inches

0∙03281 Feet
0∙01 Meters

Kilometres 3 281 Feet

0∙6214 Miles
0∙5399 Nautical Miles
1 093∙6 Yards

Meters 39∙37 Inches

3∙281 Feet
1∙0936 Yards

Statute Miles 5 280 Feet

0∙8690 Nautical Miles
1 760 Yards

Nautical Miles 6076∙1 Feet

1∙1508 Statute Miles


Multiply By To Obtain

Grams 0∙03527 Ounces

0∙002205 Pounds
1 000 Milligrams
0∙001 Kilograms

Kilograms 2∙205 Pounds

35∙27 Ounces
1 000 Grams


Multiply By To Obtain

Cubic Centimetres 10–3 Litres

0∙0610 Cubic Inches

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 8–1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

VOLUME (Continued)

Multiply By To Obtain

Cubic Feet 28 317 Cubic Centimetres

1 728 Cubic Inches
0∙03704 Cubic Yards
7∙4805 Gallons (U.S.)
28∙32 Litres

Cubic Inches 4∙329 x 10–3 Gallons (U.S.)

0∙01732 Quarts (U.S.)
0∙0164 Litres

Cubic Meters 61 023 Cubic Inches

35∙31 Cubic Feet
264∙17 Gallons (U.S.)
1∙308 Cubic Yards

Gallons Imperial 277∙4 Cubic Inches

1∙201 Gallons (U.S.)
4∙546 Litres

Gallons, U.S. 231 Cubic Inches

0∙1337 Cubic Feet
3∙785 Litres
0∙8327 Imperial Gallons
128 Fluid Ounces U.S.

Fluid Ounces U.S. 29∙59 Cubic Centimetres

1∙805 Cubic Inches

Litres 61∙02 Cubic Inches

0∙2642 Gallons (U.S.)
1∙057 Quarts (U.S.)


Multiply By To Obtain

Square Centimetres 0∙1550 Square Inches

0∙001076 Square Feet

Square Feet 144 Square Inches

0∙1111 Square Yards

Square Inches 645∙16 Square Millimetres

Square Kilometres 0∙3861 Square Statute Miles

Square Meters 10∙76 Square Feet

1∙196 Square Yards

Square Statute Miles 2∙590 Square Kilometres

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 8–2
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


Multiply By To Obtain

Feet per Minute 0∙01136 Miles Per Hour

0∙01829 Kilometres Per Hour
0∙5080 Centimetres Per Second
0∙01667 Feet Per Second

Feet Per Second 0∙6818 Miles Per Hour

1∙097 Kilometres Per Hour
30∙48 Centimetres Per Second
0∙3048 Meters Per Second
0∙5921 Knots

Knots 1∙0 Nautical Miles Per Hour

1∙6878 Feet Per Second
1∙1508 Miles Per Hour
1∙852 Kilometres Per hour
0∙5148 Meters Per Second

Meters Per Second 3∙281 Feet Per Second

2∙237 Miles Per Hour
3∙600 Kilometres Per Hour

Miles Per Hour 1∙467 Feet Per Second

0∙4470 Meters Per Second
1∙609 Kilometres Per Hour
0∙8690 Knots

Radians Per Second 57∙296 Degrees Per Second

0∙1592 Revolutions Per Second
9∙549 Revolutions Per Minute


Multiply By To Obtain

Atmospheres 29∙921 Inches of Mercury

14∙696 Pounds Per Square Inch
2 116∙2 Pounds Per Square Foot

Inches of Mercury 0∙03342 Atmospheres

0∙4912 Pounds Per Square Inch
70∙727 Pounds Per Square Foot

Inches of Water 0∙00246 Atmospheres

(at 4°C) 0∙07355 Inches of Mercury
0∙03613 Pounds Per Square Inch
5∙204 Pounds Per square Foot

Pounds Per Square Inch 6∙895 Kilo Pascals

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 8–3
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


Multiply By To Obtain

BTU Per Minute 12∙96 Foot Pounds Per Second

0∙02356 Horsepower

Horsepower 33 000 Foot Pounds Per Minute

550 Foot Pounds Per Second
0∙7457 Kilowatts


Degrees Kelvin = Degrees Celsium Plus 273.2

Degrees Rankine = Degrees Fahrenheit Plus 459.7

Multiply By To Obtain

Fahrenheit 5/9 (F–32) Celsius

Celsius 9/5 C+32 Fahrenheit


Multiply By To Obtain

Degrees 1∙745 x 10–2 Radians

Radians 57∙3 Degrees


Multiply By To Obtain

Pounds 4∙448 Newtons

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 8–4
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2



The airspeed and altimeter systems on an aircraft depend upon accurate measurements of ambient
static pressure and total pitot pressure. Static and pitot pressures are sensed by the pitot static tube
which gives true readings in an undisturbed freestream when aligned with the flow streamlines,
however, when attached to the aircraft, which generates a pressure when flying, the pitot and the
static reading will be affected by the aircraft pressure field and the flow angularity. The errors caused
by the pressure field and by flow angularity are called position errors due to the fact that the sign and
magnitude of the errors are a function of the position of the pitot­static probe on the aircraft. The
position errors are a function of aircraft angle of attack and Mach number and are determined from
flight test.

In this text corrections are used rather than errors. Normally errors are subtracted and corrections are
added with the result that the position error correction (PEC) are added to the aircraft pitot­static data
to get to the ambient conditions of static and pitot pressures. The ambient static pressure is defined
as P Sref and the ambient pitot pressure is defined as P sA/C f. The position error correction of the static
source DP s is defined as
ΔPs = Psref - PsA\C

and ΔPp the position error correction for the pitot pressure is defined as

ΔPp = PPref - PPA\C

The total position error correction for a pitot static system to be used for an airspeed system is ΔPd where

ΔPd = Pp - Ps

General Discussion of the Various Flight Test Techniques

Each of the flight test techniques (FTT’s) that are described in this appendix have certain limitations
and instrumentation accuracy criteria that should be considered prior to selecting a flight test

The speed course method calibrates the airspeed indicator and considers the position error correction for
both the static and pitot pressures. Use of the speed course data to calibrate the altimeter makes the
assumption that the total position errors of both the pitot and the static sources are in the static source
only. This assumption may not be correct. The main source of error in the ground course FTT is in
timing since a stop watch is used to record the time. Figure A, shows the effect of aircraft airspeed on
airspeed error with various length ground courses due to a 0.5 sec timing error. Obviously, if the
maximum error is limited to one knot then the maximum speed for a three mile ground course would be
about 120 kts. Essentially the ground course method is suitable for slow moving aircraft.

Airspeed error ( kts)

il e e
2 m ou rs
0.5 2
il ec
timing 3m
ile co u
1 5m

50 100 150 200
Airspeed (kts)
Figure A Error Analysis of Ground Course Method
Amendment 3
2–FTG App 9–1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

The trailing bomb method only calibrates the aircraft static source. The bomb should be stable when
flying below and behind the aircraft, any oscillations will make the reference static pressure invalid. At
high speeds the bomb tends to rise up into the wake of the aircraft which causes bomb oscillations,
therefore the trailing bomb has an upper airspeed limit. The trailing bomb is useful for most speeds up
to approximately 200 kts and is particularly useful for helicopters. The trailing bomb deployed behind
and below helicopters tends to keep the bomb and the attaching tube clear of the tail rotor, however,
care should be taken when expanding the speed envelope.

The trailing cone method is capable of a much higher speed range than the trailing bomb and is a
favorite method with the large aircraft manufacturers. The trailing bomb can also be used down to
stall speeds. The trailing cone method only calibrates the aircraft static pressure system.

The pace aircraft technique for pitot static calibration is often the initial calibration method for the first
flight of a new aircraft or the first flights of extensively modified aircraft. The problem with the pace
aircraft method is the accuracy of reading both the altimeter and airspeed indicators in both aircraft
simultaneously and the fact that any errors in the pace aircraft are transferred to the test aircraft.

The pitot­static boom method is a standard for small aircraft, however, prior to use it should be
established that the boom static source is outside the pressure field of the aircraft and the pitot tube is
unaffected by the flow angularity at the boom.

The tower fly­by method only calibrates the aircraft static source and if the data are used to calibrate
the airspeed systems, the assumption is that the pitot has no errors. Accuracy problems exist with the
tower fly­by method if altimeters are used in the tower and in the aircraft. The reading accuracy of an
altimeter is generally ±10 ft. therefore the combined error of both altimeters could be ±20 ft. which is
very close to the FAR/CS limits of ±30 ft. per 100 kts. The use of sensitive pressure transducers in the
tower and the aircraft considerably improve the reading accuracy. An additional improvement in
accuracy can be obtained by taking aircraft ground block data at the base of the fly­by tower i.e.
record the altimeter and temperature and compare the tower data taking into consideration the height
of the tower. The tower fly­by method is also useful is measuring the recovery factor of temperature
measuring systems. The serious limitations of the tower­fly­by method are; the requirement for an
instrumented tower and a fly­by line, the hazard of flying near the stall speeds and the Mach limits of
the aircraft close to the ground and the time consuming procedure of one data point per aircraft circuit.

The GPS Method requires a certified GPS system or a differential GPS system in the local area. Care
should be taken during the runs directly into and out of the prevailing wind that the aircraft is not
drifting. A potential source of error is that the wind velocity may not be the same when the aircraft is
flying in the reciprocal heading. This problem with changes in wind direction and velocity also applies
to the ground course FTT.

A summary of the speed ranges for various PEC flight test techniques is shown in figure B.

GPS Methods

Pacer Aircraft ( assuming similar aircraft perfomance)

Training Cone 9M

Trailing Bomb

Ground course
FW & RW 3 mi course
Helicopter pacer car 1/2 sec T Tower Fly­by
calibrated 5 th wheel .95 M

­100 0 100 200 300 400

V i (kts)

Figure B Summary of PEC Test Methods

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2–FTG App 9–2
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The speed course method consists of using a ground reference to determine variations between indicated
airspeed and ground speed of the airplane. An accurately measured ground course is required. The
course distance should be selected to be compatible with the airspeeds being flown. Excessively long
times to traverse the course will degrade the test results.

Generally, airspeeds above 250 knots should be flown over a 5­mile course. Below 100 knots, limit
the course to 1 mile. Perpendicular ‘end lines’ (roads, powerlines, etc.) should be long enough to
allow for drift and accurate sighting of end line passage. One­second error at 200 k is 6 k on a 2­mile

a. Test Conditions

(1) Air Quality. The air should be as smooth as possible with a minimum of turbulence and wind.
The wind velocity, while conducting the test, should not exceed approximately 10 knots.

(2) Weight and cg. Airspeed calibrations are usually not cg sensitive but may be weight sensitive
especially at low airspeeds (higher angles of attack). Initial airspeed calibration tests should be
conducted with the airplane loaded at or near maximum takeoff gross weight. Additional tests should
be conducted at near minimum weight and at low airspeeds to spot check the maximum weight
airspeed calibration results. If differences exist, an airspeed system calibration should be
accomplished at minimum weight.

(3) Altitude. When using a visual reference on the airplane for timing, the altitude throughout the
test run should be as low as practical but should be maintained at least one and one­half wing span
above the highest ground elevation so that the airplane remains out of ground effect. When conditions
permit using the airplane shadow for timing, speed course altitudes of 500–2 000 feet AGL can be
used. All run pairs should be conducted at the same altitude.

(4) Speed Range. The speed should range from 1.3 V S1 to the maximum level flight speed, to
extrapolate to V D. Compressibility effects may be considerable in the extrapolation to V D.

(5) Run Direction. Reciprocal runs should be made at each speed to eliminate wind effects and
the ground speed obtained in each direction should be averaged to eliminate wind effects. Do not
average the time flown in each direction.

(6) Heading. The heading should be maintained constant and parallel to the speed course
throughout the run, allowing the airplane to ‘drift’, if necessary, so that the effect of crosswinds can be

(7) Configuration. The airspeed system should be calibrated in each landing gear and wing flap
configuration required in 23.45 thru 23.77. This normally consists of gear up/flaps up, gear up/flaps
takeoff and gear down/flaps down.

b. Test Procedures

(1) Stabilize airplane in level flight at test speed, with gear and flaps in the desired configuration,
prior to entering the speed course.

(2) Maintain constant speed, altitude, and heading through speed course. Record data.
(3) Repeat steps (1) and (2) of this paragraph on the reciprocal speed run.

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(4) Repeat steps (1) thru (2) of this paragraph at sufficient increments (minimum of five) to
provide an adequate calibration curve for each of the configurations.

c. Data Acquisition and Reduction. Data to be recorded during each run:

(1) Time to make run.

(2) Pressure altitude.
(3) Total air temperature (airplane indicator) corrected to static air temperature (SAT).
(4) Indicated airspeed.
(5) Wing flap position.
(6) Landing gear position.
(7) Direction of run.

d. Sample Speed Course Data reduction

Dis tance
Speed =

6 076 × 1 ft/NM
1 knot = =1∙6878 ft/sec
3 600 sec/hr

10 560 × 5925( 10 560 )

Ground Speed = = = 132∙8 kts
( 1×6878 )( 47×1 ) ( 47×1 )

132 × 8 + 125 × 6
GS ave(TAS) = =129∙2 kts

Sample Speed Course Data and Data Reduction

a. Weigh cg
b. Course Distance 10 560 ft.
c. Pressure Altitude 1 600 ft. (Altimeter set to 1 013 m.b.)

Observed Data Error Knots

flap gear time IAS Pressure SAT Ground Average Factor Calibrated Average Airspeed Instrument Position
position position Altitude Speed Ground Airspeed IAS System
1 013m.b Speed
(°) (up/down) (sec) (kts) (ft) (°F) (kts) (kts) – (kts) (kts) – – –
0° fixed 47∙1 128 1 610 55 132∙8 129∙2 0∙975 126 128∙5 2∙5 1 1∙5
49∙8 129 1 600 55 125∙6
44∙5 135 1 600 55 140∙5 136∙7 0∙975 133∙3 136 2∙7 0 2∙7
47∙1 137 1 600 55 132∙8
40∙5 148 1 600 55 154∙2 149∙3 0∙975 145∙6 148 2∙4 –1 3∙4
43∙3 148 1 600 55 144∙3

Figure 1 Sample Speed Course Data and Data Reduction

C x Course Distance (ft)
Ground Speed =
Time (sec )
C = 0∙5925 (kts) for course speed
or use C = 0∙6818 for MPH

ρ Observed Pressure (In.Hg.)

Factor = = 4×16 (or read from °F chart)
ρo 559 × 7 + Observed Temperature

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(1) Density Altitude. TAS is greater than CAS if density altitude is above sea level. For density
altitudes below 5 000 feet and calibrated airspeeds below 200 knots, it is considered acceptable to
use the term CAS = EAS = TAS r . In this case, density altitude is obtained from figure 4 in

appendix 7. At 1 600 ft pressure altitude and SAT 55°F we read a density altitude of about 1 700 feet.
This density altitude intercepts at a value of 0∙975 CAS = 129∙2 (0∙975) = 126∙0 knots.

Average GS CAS IAS System = Instrument + Position
TAS (CAS – IAS) + (Vinst) (V pos )
129∙2 126 128∙5 + 2∙5 +1 + 1∙5

(2) Required Accuracy. Instrument error is determined by applying standard pitot and static pressures
to the airspeed instrument and developing a calibration curve. IAS corrected for +1 knot instrument error =
127.5 knots. The position of the static source is causing +1.5 knot error. Paragraph 23.1323(b) requires
the system error, including position error, but excluding instrument error, not to exceed 3% of CAS or 5
knots whichever is greater, in the designated speed range.

(3) Compressibility. For many years CAS was used for design airspeeds. However, as speeds and
altitudes increased, a compressibility correction became necessary because airflow produces a total
pressure on the pitot head which is greater than if the flow were incompressible. We now use EAS as a
basis for design airspeeds (23.235). Values of CAS vs. EAS may be calculated or you may use the chart in
appendix 7, figure 5, to convert knots CAS to EAS.

2 Trailing Bomb and Trailing Cone Method

A trailing bomb or cone as depicted in figure 2 is used to measure the static pressure of the ambient
air about the aircraft. The trailing bomb is sufficiently behind and below the aircraft and the trailing
cone is sufficiently far behind the aircraft to be unaffected by the pressure field around the aircraft and
can therefore be referred to as the reference static pressure (P sref).

Figure 2 Sketches of Trailing Static Bomb and the Trailing Static Cone (not to scale)
A trailing bomb or cone can be used to calibrate the aircraft static source or to determine the Position
Error Correction (PEC’s) for the altimeter. The use of the reference static sources to calibrate the
airspeed systems, assumes that the errors in the total head (pitot tube) are zero. The reference static
sources could be connected to the altimeter which would read the pressure altitude of the aircraft.
The difference between the reference altitude from the trailing cone or bomb and the aircraft altitude,
both corrected for instrument errors would be the position error correction for the altimeter DHpec for a
particular aircraft configuration and speed.

DHpec = (Href + DHic ) – (HiA/C + DHic )

Where Href is Reference altitude

DHic is the instrument correction to the altimeter
HiA/C is the indicated aircraft altitude

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The above altimeter method is simple but suffers from the difficulty of accurately reading an altimeter,
with altimeter calibration errors and hysterisis. Hysterisis is the difference in altimeter calibration with
the altitude increasing and decreasing.

A more accurate technique is to connect the trailing static source and the aircraft static source to a
pressure differential gauge so that the pressure difference DPs can be read directly, i.e.,

DP s = Psref – PsA/C

where P sref is the reference static pressure and

P sA/C is the aircraft static source pressure

Note that the (DPs ) as expressed above is a correction which should be added to the aircraft static
pressure (P s ) to get the reference static pressure. The (DP s ) data in lb/ft2 can be converted to DHpec
data in feet by the use of the pressure static equation:

DP s = – rgDHpec or DHpec = –

Units DP s in lb/ft2
H in ft
r in slugs/ft3

Where g is the gravitational constant 32.2 ft/sec2 and r is the density of the air in which the
aircraft is flying. DHpec can be determined throughout the speed range of the aircraft in all
configurations and plotted as shown in figure 3:


FAR/JAR limits

Vic= (Vi + Vic )kts

100 200
T/O flaps Flaps 0

­30 Land flaps


Figure 3 Typical Position Error Correction Data for an Aircraft

The FAR/CS 23.1325 limits of ±30 ft per 100 kts are also shown on fig 3.

The Trailing Static bomb and cone can be used to calibrate the airspeed systems, if it is assumed that
the total head (pitot tube) has no errors. The total position error correction for a pitot­static system is
defined as DP d where

DP d = DP p – DP s

where DP p is the pressure correction for the total head due to flow angularity

DP p P pref – P PA/C

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If DP p is assumed to be zero, then

æ M2 M4 ö æ Mic M4 ö
DP d = – DPs = 1 ro VC2 çç1 + C + C + .... ÷÷ - 1 ro Vic2 ç1 + + ic + ....÷
2 4 40 2 ç 4 40 ÷
è ø è ø

where Vc and Vic are in ft/sec.

For low speed aircraft that fly at speeds of less than 200 kts and at altitudes less than 10,000 ft the
compressibility corrections can be ignored and the above equation reduces to:

DP d = – DPs = 1
ro Vc2 - Vic2 )
Where V ic is the indicated airspeed of the aircraft corrected for instrument errors and V c is the
calibrated airspeed corrected for instrument and position errors.

DV pec = Vc – Vic

Knowing the Dps for each indicated speed of the aircraft (V i ), then plots of position error
corrections for the airspeed system can be generated as shown in figure 4.

FAR/JAR limits

Vic= (Vi + Vic )kts

V pec
T/O flaps Flaps 0O
­5 Land flaps

Figure 4 Typical Position Error Corrections Data for an Aircraft

The FAR/CS 23.1323 limits of ±5 kts or ±3% whichever is greater are also shown in fig 4.

a. Test Conditions

(1) Air Quality. Smooth, stable air is needed for calibrating the airspeed indicating system using a
trailing bomb or trailing cone.

(2) Weight and cg. Same as speed course method.

(3) Speed Range. The calibration should range from 1.2 V stall to VMO/VNE or maximum level flight
speed whichever is greater. If the trailing bomb becomes unstable at high airspeed, the higher
airspeed range may be calibrated using another accepted method; that is, trailing cone or speed

(4) Use of Bomb. Care should be exercised in deploying the bomb and flying the test to ensure
that no structural damage or control interference is caused by the bomb or the cable. At higher
speeds, the bomb may become unstable and porpoise or oscillate. A means for a quick release of the
trailing bomb should be provided, in the event an emergency arises. Flight tests using a bomb should
be conducted over open (unpopulated) areas.

(5) Free Stream Air. The bomb hose should be of adequate length to assure bomb operations in
free stream air. This should include consideration of all airplane test configurations which could

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possibly impart body interference upon the bomb. It will usually require that the bomb be at least one­
half wing span away from the airplane.

(6) Qualifications for Use. Under stabilized flight conditions at constant airspeed and altitude,
trailing cones and airspeed bombs are considered excellent airspeed reference systems. See
paragraph 17b of this F.T.G. for additional discussion.

b. Test Procedures

(1) Stabilize airplane in level flight approximately 30 seconds just above stall with flaps and gear
retracted. Record data.

(2) Repeat step (1) at sufficient increments to provide an adequate calibration curve for each of the

c. Data Acquisition (Data to be recorded at each test point)

Altimeter Method Pressure Differential Method

1. Airplane airspeed (V i ) 1. Airplane Airspeed (V i )
2. Airplane indicated altitude (HiA/C) 2. Airplane indicated altitude (HiA/C)
3. Trailing Cone/Bomb altitude (Hiref) 3. Pressure Differential Dps = Psref – PsA/C
4. Flap position 4. Flap position
5. Landing gear position 5. Landing gear position
6. Fuel used 6. Fuel used.

d. Data analysis. The data are analyzed according to the methods and equations presented
above. The data could be presented in the form as shown in figures 3 and 4. Data that fall outside
the FAR/CS limits fail the airworthiness codes.


An airplane whose pitot static systems have been calibrated by an acceptable flight test method is
used to calibrate the pitot static systems of a test aircraft.

a. Test conditions. Smooth ambient flight conditions

b. Test Procedures. The pace airplane is flown in formation with the test airplane at the same
altitude and speed. The aircraft should be close enough to ensure that the relative velocity is zero yet
far enough away so that the pressure fields of the two airplanes do not interact. Readings are
coordinated by radio.

c. Data to be recorded

1. Test Airplane airspeed (V iT) kts

2. Test Airplane Pressure Altitude (HiT) ft
3. Pace Airplane airspeed (V ip) kts
4. Pace Airplane Pressure Altitude (Hip) ft.
5. Configuration for both airplanes.
6. Fuel used in both airplanes.
d. Data Reduction. Correct all the instrument readings for instrument errors and the pace
aircraft readings for the known position error.

DV pecT = (Vip + DVicp + DV pec ) – (ViT + DV icT) kts

DHpec T = (Hip + DHicp + DHpec ) – (HiT + DHicT) ft

Calculate DV pecT and DHpecT for all data points in each configuration and plot in a manner similar to
figure 3 and figure 4.

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 9–8
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If a flight test Pitot­Static boom is mounted on an airplane such that the pitot tube (total head) is not
affected by flow angularity and the static source is outside the pressure field of the aircraft, then it can
be assumed that the boom data is without position errors. The boom data can then be taken as the
pace data.

(a) (b) (c) paragraphs are the same as in Paragraph (3) Pace Airplane Method

d. Data reduction

DV pect = (ViB + DV icB + DVpec ) – (V iT + DVicT) kts

DHpect = (HiB + DHicB + DV pec ) – (HiT + DHicT) ft

DV pecT and DHpecT are calculated throughout the speed range in each configuration and plotted as
shown in figures 3 and 4.


The tower flyby method is one of the methods which results in a direct determination of static error in
indicated pressure altitude.

Since the altimeter and airspeed system use the same static source, it is possible to correlate the
altimeter position error directly to the airspeed error. This correlation assumes that there is no error in
the total head system.


Ground reference line

Figure 5 Tower Fly­By Method

Procedures and Test Conditions for Tower Flyby

(1) Air Quality. Smooth, stable air is needed for determining the error in pressure altitude.

(2) Weight and cg. Same as for calibrations of the airspeed indicating system.

(3) Speed Range. The calibration should range from 1.3 VS0 to 1.8 V S1. Higher speeds up to V M0
or V NE are usually investigated so that errors can be included in the AFM for a full range of airspeeds.

(4) Test Procedures

(i) The test technique is to fly the aircraft along a ground reference line, past the tower, in
stabilized flight at a constant airspeed and at the approximate height of the tower. The primary
piloting task is to maintain a constant indicated altitude during the run. The tower is equipped with a
sensitive altimeter and a means of determining the relative angle (q) of the aircraft. The data recorded
during each run are the indicated pressure altitude of the tower, (Hitower), the angle q, and the aircraft’s

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2–FTG App 9–9
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indicated pressure altitude, airspeed and temperature (HiA/C, V iA/C, and TiA/C) as it passes the tower.
Note that the tower altimeter should be at the zero grid line position in the tower.

(ii) Repeat step (i) at various airspeeds in increments sufficient to cover the required range at
each flap setting.

(5) Data Acquisition. Data to be recorded at each test point:

(i) Airplane Airspeed V iA/C kts

(ii) Airplane indicated pressure attitude. HiA/C kts
(iii) Tower observer indicated pressure altitude. Hitower
(iv) Angle q of aircraft above the tower.
(v) Wing flap position.
(vi) Landing gear position.
(vii) Fuel used in airplane.
(viii) TiA/C and Titower.

Data Reduction. The actual pressure altitude of the aircraft is Hcref where
Hcref = (Hitower + DHictower) + D tan q

Where Ts is the standard day absolute temperature at the test altitude and Tt is the test day
temperature in absolute units.

The temperature correction is to convert the geometric height of the aircraft above the reference
zero grid line in the tower (D tan q) to a pressure height that can be added to the pressure altitude of
the tower Hctower. The difference between the actual reference pressure altitude of the aircraft and the
aircraft’s instrument­corrected pressure altitude is the position error correction.

DHpec = Hcref – (HiA/C + DHicA/C)

= [ (Hitower + DHictower) + D tan q ] – (HiA/C + DHicA/C)

DHpec is calculated for every speed and aircraft configuration flown past the tower and the data are
plotted as per fig 3.

The airspeed system position error corrections can be obtained from the tower fly­by method if it is
assumed that the pitot tube (total head) errors are zero.

The hydrostatic equilibrium equation states that the pressure error correction at the static source is
Dps = – rgDHpec
and from Paragraph 3.
æ 2 4 ö æ 2 4 ö
Dpd = Dpp – Dps = 1
ro Vc2 ç 1 + Mc + Mc + ....÷ - 1 roVic2 ç1 + Mic + Mic + ....÷
ç 4 40 ÷ 2 ç 4 40 ÷
è ø è ø

Since it is assumed that Dpp = 0 and for lowspeed aircraft, compressibility effects can be ignored then

Dpd = –Dps = 1
ro Vc2 - Vic2 )
The above equation is used to calculate V c at every test point, then DV pec = V c – Vic. The data are then
plotted as per figure 4.

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2–FTG App 9–10
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The airspeed system is calibrated to show compliance with commuter category requirements of
23.1323(c) during the accelerate­takeoff ground run, and is used to determine IAS values for various
V 1 and V R speeds. The airspeed system error during the accelerate­takeoff ground run may be
determined using a trapped static source reference, or a distance measuring unit which provides
readouts of ground speed which can be converted into CAS.

a. Definitions

(1) Ground Run System Error. System error during the accelerate­takeoff ground run is the
combination of position error, instrument error, and the dynamic effects, such as lag, which may be
caused by acceleration on the runway.

(2) Trapped Static Source. An airtight bottle with sufficient internal volume so as to be infinite when
compared to an airspeed indicator’s internal changes in volume while sensing various airspeeds. The
bottle should be insulated to minimize internal bottle temperature changes as testing is in progress. For
short periods of time, it can be assumed that the bottle will reflect true static ambient pressure to the test

(3) Production Airspeed Indicator. An airspeed indicator which conforms to the type certification
design standards. The indicator should be installed in the approved instrument panel location since these
tests involve the dynamic effects of the indicator which may result from acceleration.

(4) Test Airspeed Indicator. A mechanical airspeed indicator with known dynamic characteristics
during acceleration or an electronic transducer which can provide airspeed information.

(5) Test Reference Altimeter. An altimeter which indicates the altitude of the air trapped in the
bottle or local ambient static air if the valve is opened.

(6) Ground Run Position Error. Ground run position error is the static­pressure error of the
production static source during ground runs with any ground effects included. Any contributions to
error due to the total­pressure (pitot) are ignored.

(7) Instrument Error. See paragraph 302a(3)(ii).

(8) Dynamic Effects on Airspeed Indicator. The dynamic effects on airspeed indicators occur as a
result of acceleration and rapid change in airspeed during takeoff. This causes many airspeed
indicators to indicate an airspeed lower than the actual airspeed.

NOTE: It is possible for electronic airspeed indicators driven by an air data computer to also have errors due to
dynamic acceleration effects because of characteristics inherent in the basic design.

(9) Distance Measuring Unit. An instrumentation system normally used to record takeoff distance
measurements. One output of these systems provides the ground speed vs. time as the airplane
accelerates during the accelerate­takeoff ground run. Ground speed may be converted into a
corresponding CAS value by applying wind and air density corrections at intervals during acceleration
where the ship’s airspeed indications have been recorded.

b. Trapped Static Source Method

The trapped static source method consists of comparing instantaneous readings of airspeed, as
indicated on a test airspeed indicator, with readings on a production airspeed indicator while
accelerating on the runway. Readings may be recorded by film or video cameras for mechanical
airspeed indicators or by electronic means if a transducer type device is being utilized. See figure 6 for
system schematic.

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(1) Test Conditions

(i) Air Quality. The surface winds should be light with a minimum of gusting.

(ii) Weight and cg. Ground run calibrations are not sensitive to cg. The dynamic effects of
acceleration may be affected by weight. Test weight variations should be sufficient to account for any
measurable effects due to weight.

(iii) Speed Range. The speeds should range from 0.8 of the minimum V 1 to 1.2 times the
maximum V1, unless higher values up to V R are required for expansion of takeoff data.

(iv) Configuration. The airspeed system should be calibrated during the accelerate­takeoff ground
run for each approved takeoff flap setting.

(2) Test Procedures

(i) Align the airplane with the runway.

(ii) With idle engine power and with the cabin door open, open the valve to expose the bottle to
static ambient conditions, then close the valve. Record the test altimeter reading.

(iii) Close the cabin door.

(iv) Conduct a takeoff acceleration using normal takeoff procedures. The camera should be
recording speeds from the two airspeed indicators in increments sufficient to cover the required
airspeed range.

To ship’s pilot source

Production ship’s Test airspeed indicator

airspeed indicator (or electronic device, i.e., transducer)

Production Test reference

rate­of­climb altimeter

Openable Open to ambient static

Valve air conditions

To ship’s To trapped
static source static source

Figure 6 Trapped Static Source Schematic

(v) The takeoff run should be continued, if possible, until beyond the maximum required speed
then aborted. When at rest with engines idling, open valve again and observe the test altimeter. Any
significant jumps or changes in indicated altitude may indicate a system leak, too much runway
gradient or other factors which will invalidate the results of the run.

(vi) Repeat steps (i) thru (v) of this paragraph until there are sufficient runs to provide adequate
calibration curves for the required configurations.

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(3) Data Acquisition and Reduction. Read the recorded data (film or video) at increments of
airspeed arbitrarily selected within the required range. See figure 7 for a sample data reduction.
Record and perform the following:

Time Trapped (1) TS Corrected Ship’s IAS (1) Ship’s Corrected (2) Airspeed
Static IAS Airspeed TS IAS (kts) Airspeed Ship’s IAS Position Error
(kts) Instrument Instrument Correction
Correction Correction
7:41:45 50∙7 0 50∙7 49 0 49 + 1∙7
:46 56∙1 | 56∙1 54 | 54 + 2∙1
:47 61∙4 | 61∙4 61 | 61 + 0∙4
:48 66∙9 | 66∙9 66 | 66 + 0∙9
:49 71∙9 | 71∙9 72 | 72 – 0∙1
:50 76∙7 | 76∙7 77 | 77 – 0∙3
:51 82∙1 | 82∙1 83 | 83 – 0∙9
:52 86∙8 | 86∙8 88 | 88 – 1∙2
:53 91∙5 | 91∙5 91 | 91 + 0∙5
:54 96∙5 | 96∙5 99 | 99 – 2∙5
:55 100∙9 | 100∙9 102 | 102 – 1∙1
:56 105∙2 | 105∙2 107 | 107 – 1∙8
:57 110∙1 | 110∙1 113 | 113 – 2∙9
:58 114∙4 | 114∙4 119 | 119 – 4∙6
:59 118∙2 | 118∙2 123 | 123 – 4∙8
7:42:00 122∙9 V 122∙9 128 V 128 – 5∙1
Notes: 1. Obtain from instrument calibration.
2. Corrected trapped static IAS minus corrected ship’s IAS.
3. Corrections are added.
Figure 7 Trapped Static (TS) Data Reduction

(i) Production indicated airspeed, test indicated airspeed, and configuration.

(ii) Correct the test indicated airspeed for instrument error and in the case of electronic devices,
any known dynamic effects. Static pressure in the bottle is assumed to result in no position error.
These corrected airspeed values may be assumed to be CAS.

(iii) Calculate the amount of system error correction (difference between corrected trapped static
indicated airspeed and production indicated airspeed).

(iv) Plot IAS vs CAS within the required range of speeds. See figure 8 for a sample plot.

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2–FTG App 9–13
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100 Calibration

CAS (kts)






40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
IAS (kts)

Figure 8 Ground Airspeed Calibration

c. Distance Measuring Unit Method

The distance measuring unit method consists of utilizing the readouts of ground speed to obtain CAS
values within the required range of speeds. These values are compared with readings at the same
instant on a production airspeed indicator. Airspeed indicator readings may be recorded by film or
video cameras for mechanical airspeed indicators or by electronic means if a transducer type device is
being utilized. There should be a method of correlating recorded airspeeds with the CAS values
obtained from the distance measuring unit system.

(1) Test Conditions

(i) Air Quality. The surface wind velocity should be steady, as low as possible, and not exceed
10 knots. The wind direction should be as near as possible to the runway heading.

(ii) Weight and cg. Same as for the trapped static source method.

(iii) Speed Range. Same as for the trapped static source method.
(2) Test Procedures

(i) Align the airplane with the runway.

(ii) Conduct a takeoff acceleration using normal takeoff procedures. The distance measuring unit
should be recording/determining the ground speeds. The camera should be recording speeds from
the production airspeed indicator and the time or counting device utilised to correlate speeds.

(iii) The takeoff may continue or be aborted when beyond the maximum required speed.

(iv) Record surface wind velocity and direction; surface air temperature and runway pressure
altitude for each run.

(v) Repeat steps (i) thru (iv) of this paragraph until there are sufficient runs to provide adequate
calibration curves for the required configurations.

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 9–14
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

(3) Data Acquisition and Reduction. Read the recorded data (film or video) at increments of
airspeed arbitrarily selected within the required range. For these same increments, determine the
ground speeds from the distance measuring unit system. See figure 9 for a sample data reduction.
Record and perform the following:

Time DMU Wind TAS (1) CAS Ship’s (2) Ship’s Corrected (3) Ground
Ground Component (kts) (kts) IAS (kts) Airspeed Ship’s IAS Airspeed
Speed Down the Instrument Position
(kts) Runway Correction Error
7:00:09 48 3 51 50∙1 49 0 49 + 1∙1
:10 52∙8 | 55∙8 54∙8 54 | 54 + 0∙8
:11 56∙8 | 59∙8 58∙7 59 | 59 – 0∙3
:12 61 | 64 62∙8 63 | 63 – 0∙2
:13 64∙2 | 67∙2 66 68 | 68 –2
:14 67∙3 | 70∙3 69 71 | 71 –2
:15 70∙9 | 73∙9 72∙5 75 | 75 – 2∙5
:16 74 | 77 75∙6 78 | 78 – 2∙4
:17 77∙2 | 80∙2 78∙7 82 | 82 – 3∙3
:18 80∙7 | 83∙7 82∙2 83 | 83 – 0∙8
:19 83∙9 | 86∙9 85∙3 87 | 87 – 1∙7
:20 87 | 90 88∙3 89 | 89 – 0∙7
:21 90∙6 | 93∙6 91∙9 92 | 92 – 0∙1
:22 93∙8 | 96∙8 95∙1 95 | 95 + 0∙1
:23 96∙9 | 99∙9 98∙1 101 | 101 – 2∙9
:24 100∙3 | 103∙3 101∙4 103 | 103 – 1∙6
:25 103∙6 | 106∙6 104∙7 106 | 106 – 1∙3
:26 106∙6 V 109∙6 107∙6 110 V 110 – 2∙4
Test Conditions: NOTE:
Pressure Altitude = 1 240 ft. Runway 1 1. CAS = TAS x s
Temperature = 52°F Wind 350/3 2. Obtain from instrument calibration
σ = 0∙982 3. CAS minus corrected Ship’s IAS
4. Corrections should be added

Figure 9 Sample Ground Airspeed Calibration Using a Distance Measuring Unit

(i) Production indicated airspeed, ground speed, surface air temperature, runway pressure
altitude, wind velocity and wind direction with respect to runway heading.

(ii) Compute a CAS value for each data point. This is accomplished by identifying the wind
component parallel to the runway; computing the corresponding true airspeed; computing the air
density ratio; then computing the calibrated airspeed.

(iii) Calculate the amount of system error correction (difference between CAS and production
indicated airspeed).

(iv) Plot IAS vs. CAS within the required range of speeds. See figure 8 for a sample plot.


The GPS method consists of using a GPS to determine ground speed. This is basically the same
technique as the speed course with the exception that the GPS determines the ground speed rather
than timing over a measured ground distance. The GPS should be a certified Time, Space, Position,
Information (TSPI) system.

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 9–15
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2

a. Test Conditions

(1) Air quality. The air should be a smooth as possible with a minimum of turbulence and wind.
The wind velocity, while conducting the test, should be as constant as possible.

(2) Weight and cg. Same as the speed course method.

(3) Altitude. The altitude is not critical, but it should be chosen where the air is smooth and the
winds are constant.

(4) Speed Range. Same as the speed course method.

(5) Run Direction. Reciprocal runs over the same geographical location should be made at each
speed directly into and away from the wind. Record the ground speed in each direction.

(6) Heading. The heading should be maintained constant and directly into the wind or directly

(7) Configuration. Same as the speed course method.

b. Test Procedures

(1) Stabilise the airplane in level flight at test speed with the gear and flaps in the desired
configuration, prior to starting the GPS run.

(2) Note the track on the GPS and the heading on the compass. If the track is to the left of the
heading, turn to the right until track and heading are equal. If the track is right of the heading, turn to
the left until track and heading are equal. The amount of the turn is a function of the wind velocity,
direction and the speed of the aircraft. Once the aircraft is headed directly into the wind, maintain the
speed constant for at least 20 seconds. Take a time weighted average of the ground speed.

(3) Repeat steps (1) and (2) of this paragraph on the reciprocal heading of that flown in step (2).

(4) Repeat steps (1) through (3) of this paragraph at sufficient increments (minimum of five) to
provide an adequate calibration curve for each of the configurations.

c. Data Acquisition and Reduction. Data to be recorded during each run.

(1) Ground speed.

(2) Indicated pressure altitude.

(3) Total air temperature (airplane indicator) corrected to static air temperature (SAT).

(4) Indicated airspeed.

(5) Wing flap position.

(6) Landing gear position.

(7) Heading.

d. Sample GPS Data Reduction. This is the same as the speed course method with the
exception that you enter the calculations with the ground speed in each direction as
determined from the GPS.

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 9–16
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


(not applicable to aeroplanes of more than 2722 kg (6 000 lbs) maximum weight and for turbine
engine­powered airplanes)

1. INTRODUCTION. Paragraph 23.1587 requires certain performance information to be included

in the AFM. These include the climb requirements and rate of climb information as specified by 23.69,
and 23.77. Additionally some turbine powered airplanes may have the maximum weight of 23.1583(c)
limited by climb performance. If an airplane is modified externally (and/or an engine change) and the
changes are deemed significant enough to produce measurable effects, any appropriate requirements
and information should be determined for inclusion in the AFM supplement.

2. GENERAL. Supplemental type certificates involve modifications to in service airplanes which

may, for one reason or other, not exactly match type design climb performance data which was
determined and published in the AFM. These effects can be the result of engine power deteriorations,
added antennae, exterior surfaces not polished or smooth, propeller nicks, or a variety of other
reasons. In addition, it is difficult and costly to obtain calibrations of engine power output which may
have been available during the original certification process. The extent of performance degradation
observed after incorporating external modifications could be partially due to deficiencies present in the
airplane prior to modification. In other instances, the results of performance measurements indicate
that there is little or no effect from the modification and the test airplane closely matches the values
contained in the basic AFM, even though analysis indicates some degradation. For either of these
situations, the actual loss in performance could be skewed or masked by these other variables. For
these reasons, any climb performance measurements conducted as part of an STC modification
should be conducted such that the actual effects of the modification are identified. One effective
means of accomplishing this is to measure the performance of the unmodified airplane, then repeat
the same tests with the external modifications incorporated. Any variations from the basic performance
predictions due to engine power or other variables will be minimised or eliminated.


The conditions to be evaluated should be identified from a review of the applicable regulations and
related to the modifications to be incorporated. The instruments which are to be involved in the flight
tests should have recent calibrations. The airspeed system should be verified to be in agreement with
the basic airplane calibrations.

Prior to modifications, conduct a series of climbs utilising the general procedures and information
presented in paragraphs 25, 26 and 28 of this FTG. Test speeds and other conditions may be
abbreviated to those which are presented in the AFM. The AFM can also be utilised as a guide to
identify how climb performance is predicted to vary with altitude and other conditions. Results should
be corrected to some standard in accordance with appendix 2, or some other acceptable method. The
before and after tests should be conducted, as nearly as possible, at the same airplane weight.

After the modification, the series of climbs conducted above should be repeated. Apply the same
procedures and corrections as before. Corrected results of climbs before and after the modification
should be compared by plotting the combined results. The performance in the AFM is useful in
identifying how climb performance was predicted to change with altitude and temperature. It is likely
that there will be some scatter and variations in the final results. With a limited amount of testing, the
effects of the modification should be determined conservatively and identified in a manner suitable for
presentation in the AFM supplement.

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 10–1
Annex to ED Decision 2012/012/R

CS–23 BOOK 2


Often, there are circumstances where the full range of performance tests before and after the STC
modification are not warranted. These might include:

a. A limited effectively such as a one only modification.

b. An excessively conservative reduction in published climb performance which would not limit
normal operations of the airplane and limitations are not affected.

The conditions to be evaluated should be identified from a review of the applicable regulations and
related to the modifications to be incorporated. The instruments which are to be involved in the flight
tests should have recent calibrations. The airspeed system should be verified to be in agreement with
the basic airplane calibrations.

If the reduction in climb performance is not limiting, then it may be acceptable to conduct tests of the
modified airplane only and provide analysis which could be used to support and compare with the
tests. Values of climb degradation should be selected which are sufficiently conservative to overcome
any variations or discrepancies which may have been present. This should not involve any
requirements of 23.1583. The information required by 23.1587, however, could be excessively
conservative without degrading normal operations of the airplane in service.

For example, analysis predicts that a particular modification will reduce the one engine inoperative
climb performance by 0.25 m/s (50 feet per minute), and limited testing shows a reduction of 0.15 m/s
(30 feet per minute). In order to overcome the introductory considerations and variables, a degradation
in climb performance should be obviously conservative. The higher of the two rate of climb
degradation values could be doubled to achieve this objective. For this example, the AFM supplement
would reflect a degradation in one engine inoperative climb performance of 0.50 m/s (100 feet per

Amendment 3
2–FTG App 10–2

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