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Kat C5 09-18-2023 06.42

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Sri Chaitanya School ij, Techno Curriculum KAT LEVEL-I Y Max. Marks: SOM Time 6a SECTION-1 (10 with one corret answer type questions (+21) 1 Tener eyelet tiy gen 7= A060 rata Bade willbe 4 a B c a mom oat > me om we ta sank box marked“X°1o make the bull slow more 3 he ground. The wor o1 asa a ther ofthe poles ofa hase shoe magnet. The co 1) diverge outward «© converge inward 4) none of s. cian hols «test cad 50 cm behind patient. The patient then looks in the pane mor ay How faraway rom he pate eesis the image ofthe test card? © Scanned with OKEN Scanner + When we change the unit of measure 4) Ais falseand Bis tue lowing are comest? C he unit of measurement salle is numerical value ih Aand Bare fe {Qe Rasshown inthe quant, its mamercal value © Scanned with OKEN Scanner ion. Assertion and Reason type questions (42-1) 13, Assertion (A) Electric cll sa sours of elec energy anid supplies electrical eneny by owing cumen i) Reason (R): Elecite el has to terminal (4 positive and (-) negative, 2) Both A and Rare we and isthe eotet explanation ofA 1) Bouh Aan Rar tue and Rs not core explanation of A ©) Nis comrect and Ris incomes 1) Ais incorreat and R iscoret 14 Assertion (A): Th nits fal physi! quantities can be expressed as combination ofthe base vs coy Reason (R) : We nod only limited number of units fr expressing lhe physical quantities. 4) Both A and Rare ue and isthe corect explanation of A ‘Bosh A and Rare rue and R is not correct explanation of A 6) Ais comrect and is incorrect oF A) none of these 5. The numberof possibleine sgmens fom 8 non -collnar points is 4 936 pis 98 A) none of these SECTION -11 {(81CQ with more than one correct answer type questions (42-1) [6 Mand Nar two coprimes, ten among the follwing. comet statements 4 xN by HCE (MN) = 1 LEM (MN) ©) both and b either noe b >. Among the fllowing is arefex angles 4 3325" wy 179 20 aise atb 8. then the value of SF is ta wrx? ans composite number © that fats © Scanned with OKEN Scanner 9. Is? y = 1215, wher x yeN, ra] and ys then sy ta axes rysis oyss axeyes SECTION - IIL Statement type questions(+2,-1) 10, Statement(A) : Arnumber for which sum ofall factorsis equal to twice the number scale | perfect square. cd Statement(B) + Iftwo nunbers ace divisible by a numb, ten thet sum and ference ae ko divisible by that amber. 2) Both And Bae tue )Bowh A and B are false ©) Ais tre and Bi fale 4) Ais false and B iste 1 samt oseame one) () 6] ‘Statement (B) + 1fa=36, then the vale of a” —a"* is 0. 2) Both Aand B ae wae b) Both A and 8 ae false ©) Aistrveand Bis false 4) Ais fae and B iste 12 Statement(A) IF =0-% then x= 6 ta Statement (B) + 1f3-*=2000, then 10" 3°12 3 x 10 8) Both A and B are rue b) Both A and B are false 6) Ais ru and B is false 4) Ais false and B iste SECTION: IY: Assertion and Reason type questions (+21) 13, Assertion (A) + Inthe igure, AB = 32 em and AC = Sem thea BC = x =e Reason (R) Three ormorelines pasting hough he same pint recalled concumentlies, ‘The point icalled spon of concurrency 1) Both A and Rcomect and R isthe comet explanation of A bp Bath A and R cocect but Ris notte corect explanation of A ‘9 Alisconeet and Ris incorrect @) Ais incorect and Ris comert 14, Assertion (A) TF 0? 39 then Reason (R) + a" xaP=a™, ifs then m=n (where x41. x40) 4) Both A and R correct and is th corec explanation of A ‘) Bosh A ad Rcomect ba sno the core explanation of A ©) Ais comect and Ris incorrect 4) Ais incorect and Ris comet 15, Assertion (A) + Theratioof 4:2 is same as 14 t4 Reason (R) + Duplicate ratioofa: isa? 8) Both A snd Rcomect and isthe eomect explanation of A 1) Both A and R correct but Ris nt the omer explanation of A 6) Ais comect and R is incomect 4) Ais incorect and R iscoreet ® © Scanned with OKEN Scanner 16. Theratoof he 2litersto ISO is l 23:20 3:40 m3 40:3 17. Ravi and David vide the amount 72,000 nthe rato then he shar of Rast is 2) 40,000 1) £35.00 €) 825.000 ae32600 18, U3exsse:27,thenx= t 33 6 a ais 11, are postive integer, 20. Number of even divisors of 48 is t ae be oi an 21. Number of odd divisors 3615, t m4 3 26 oo remes sequal othe product of | number of ators ofthe given number) —| 1 1 © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Sri Chaitanya School ME Techno Curric . pcr tines eaon! comrened son oner mine aeeme KAT LEVEL -I (Cts: VI Subject: ChaT SECTION-1 (M1CQ with one correct answer type questions (+21 4) Winning © Scanned with OKEN Scanner igi sing ier is above statements encore © Scanned with OKEN Scanner ©) A iscometand Ris Observe the given bul change of mater rom one stat to another tat, and Back of erperature and pressure tc isclled “inter covers SECTION Passage type questions (42-1) lar from afl Substance Maltng point 217°C © Scanned with OKEN Scanner 2. 2s. 28, 25, Density 1 Volatile Sepaating of ere rom milk in dares involved eeigue ta Centrifugation —b) Boling ) Sedimentation d) Evaporation SECTION - VI Matehing type questions (42-1) Column 1 Column ‘Ammixturchaving same composition anda) Sedimentation ta properties throughout Armixtur diferent pars of which have) Supernatant gud ta and properties “The slid that sees when abeterogensoss Homogeneous mixture ta (© Scanned with OKEN Scanner © G E or a a e Gi a © Pa 0 o = Pe A a ar 2 oD a z . = P 5 P we = ml a : £ @ a Ga a = 2 zw Pe zw P z z @ = a a 5 7 oes oy ors 0 ies ss719 in o ® = 7 ® a ae 5 2 7 Pa = 3 = oF 7 a or Ba 3 a se © se 7 5 a me a © = 7 : fa 2 e 7 t ® z 7 z ? z « % 7 7 . : ow ors wy ows ww ors a9 = @ 5 G 2 « 7 G = a mae z a a ar Zz ® = z 2 = a a 7 5 © w = i 5 5 3 @ a m = € a wz a z a z a @ © © a 7 aw ows a oe ww owe 3500-10 ‘ABI SdO TAGOW Ld 1-13AT1 LV © Scanned with OKEN Scanner = % 2 oJ > or * é e a 3 i a a Pe z e or Pa 3 3 = ° o a 5 : ve = © P * 3 & P = > € P % 2 mr @ z 2 i 7 © P T sy ous soy ous oy ous, SSv10- HA, a a = oF > er ae 6 > a ED @ a a 3 5 = © 3 3 7 = P = P 5 P % P © @ * © @ P a ° © = ra e w = z ? 1 3 © 3 T ay ous sy ows, =v us, % e oF er a a er pae fi = Be 7 o 3a 2 ? 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