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U.S. Patent Jan. 1, 1991 Sheet 1 of 7 4,981,687
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for energy comes from liver glycogen stores. With
COMPOSTIONS AND METHODS FOR prolonged exercise, liver glycogen stores are depleted
ACHEVING IMPROVED PHYSOLOGICAL and the rate of glucose production fails to keep pace
RESPONSE TO EXERCSE with glucose utilization, resulting in a fall in the blood
glucose concentration. The development of frank hypo
CROSS-REFERENCE TO A RELATED glycemia has been described in marathon runners
APPLICATION (Felig, P., A. Cherif, A. Minagawa et al. (1982) "Hypo
This application is a continuation-in-part of our co glycemia during prolonged exercise in normal men,' N.
pending application Ser. No. 226,027, filed July 29, 1988, Engl. J. Med. 306(15):895-900).
now abandoned. 10 Notable among the many physiological responses to
physical exertion are increased body temperature, per
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION spiration and pulse rate, a decrease in the blood volume,
In humans and other animals, strenuous exercise as and biochemical changes associated with the metabo
well as exposure to sunlight and heat can result in signif lism of compounds to produce energy.
icant physiological changes. Subjects exercising or 15
One metabolic change which is associated with con
working in the heat are at risk for developing heat re tinued physical exertion is a shifting of the type of com
lated injuries. Environmental heat illnesses include heat pound used as the primary energy source. In the ab
syncope, heat exhaustion, dehydration syndrome, and sence of physical exertion, the metabolism of fat is a
heat stroke. The potentially fatal clinical syndrome of primary energy source for the body. During times of
heat stroke has been described in marathon runners, 20 exertion, carbohydrates are increasingly used as a
military recruits, football players, and in hot industrial source of readily available energy. The body continues
environments. An epidemic appearance of heat stroke to utilize carbohydrates as a major source of energy
has been described during heat waves in urban areas during prolonged periods of exercise.
(Ferguson, M., and M. M. O'Brien (1960 "Heat Stroke 25 If, however, the exercise is particularly strenuous or
in New York City: Experience with 25 Cases,” N.Y. long in duration, the supply of readily available carbo
State J. Med. 60:2531-2538). hydrates may become depleted and the body is forced
The "dehydration syndrome” is characterized by loss to utilize another source of energy. The metabolism of
of appetite and limited capacity for work. Evidence of proteins fills the energy void caused by the depletion of
heat exhaustion becomes apparent with losses of 5% of carbohydrates. Unfortunately, the metabolism of pro
the body water, and at 7% disorientation and hallucina 30 tein is not an efficient source of energy for the exercis
tions occur. Losses of body water of 10% or greater are ing individual. Protein metabolism results in the utiliza
extremely hazardous and lead to heat stroke and death tion of amino acids. This amino acid utilization can
if not treated immediately. Heat stroke is accompanied result in the depletion of essential amino acids in the
by high body temperature (106-110' F.), deep coma, plasma. The loss of amino acids can detrimentally affect
and in most cases there is complete absence of sweating, 35 the person or animal in many ways. One detrimental
and failure of the major organ systems. effect of the depletion of amino acids is a reduction on
Three factors determine the thermal balance of the
body: metabolic heat production, heat exchange be the body's ability to repair tissue which is damaged in
tween the organism and its surroundings, and heat loss the course of the strenuous exercise.
by the evaporation of sweat (Knochel, J. P. (1980) Attempts have been made to counteract the adverse
"Clinical physiology of heat exposure,” In Clinical Dis effects of strenuous exertion. For example, the con
orders of Fluid and Electrolyte Metabolism, M. H. Max sumption of water helps to maintain body temperature
well and C. R. Kleeman, eds., McGraw-Hill, New and blood volume. This technique has met with very
York). For the subject exercising or working, particu limited success, however. Also, products have been
larly in a hot environment, the capacity to dissipate 45 developed recently which combine sugar and electro
metabolically produced heat depends for the most part lytes with water. One well known example of this type
on the subject's ability to form and vaporize sweat (Cos of product is GATORADE TM which contains 21 mil
till, D. L. and K. E. Sparks (1973) "Rapid fluid replace lequivalents per liter (21 meq/1) of sodium, 2 meq/1
ment following thermal dehydration,” J. Appl. Physiol. potassium, and 6% sucrose. The GATORADE TM
34(3):299-303; Greenleaf, J. E. (1979) “Hyperthermia 50 composition is described in British Patent No.
and exercise,” Int. Rev. Physiol. 20:157-208). 1,252,781, which issued to Bradley et al. Other such
During exercise in a hot environment, serious deficits compositions are known and are described, for example,
in effective circulating volume may occur. Muscular in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,042 and 4,322,407.
work, independent of environment, results in massive It is well known that glycerol (glycerin) can be in
shunting of blood to skeletal muscle, along with a sub 55 gested safely. Limited clinical studies have suggested
stantial loss of plasma volume into the working muscle. that glycerol, in solution with water, may be used to
Moreover, effective circulating volume is also dimin induce hyperhydration (Riedesel, M. L., D. Y. Allen,
ished by losses of sweat (Knochel (1980 supra). The G. T. Peake, and K. Al-Quattan (1987 "Hyperhydra
deficit in intravascular volume impedes the delivery of tion with glycerol solutions,' J. Appl. Physiol.
heated blood to the periphery for evaporative cooling. 60 63(6):2262-2268). The work of the Riedesel group
Thus, in the dehydrated exercising subject, there is a which was described in the 1987 publication has also
progressive increase in the core body temperature as been described, in part, in other places. In a 1985 ab
sweat losses accumulate. Indeed, salt and water deple stract and in a 1987 abstract, Riedesel and coworkers
tion are important predisposing factors to the develop reported that ingestion of an approximately 23% glyc
ment of heat-related illnesses. 65 erol solution in saline resulted in overhydration of the
Exercise is characterized by a marked increase in subjects. The two abstracts had conflicting result re
glucose utilization. The exercising muscle has a greatly garding whether sweat rates were increased (Lyons et
increased need for energy. Some of the glucose needed al. (1987 "Physiological Costs of Exercise Following
3 4.
Hyperhydration with Glycerol,” Temperature Regula has been established that the ingestion of massive
tion I (35-40), p. 323 abstract; Allen et al. 1985 Envi amounts of glycerol results in the retention of water
ron. Physiol. II 3713-3720 p. 1046 abstract). In a within the body, i.e., the rate of urine flow is decreased,
1987 report to the Air Force, Riedesel reported overhy this observation alone produces no information as to
dration of rats which were fed glycerol (Riedesel (1987) 5 whether the body's physiological responses to heat or
"Oral Glycerol Solutions as a Deterrent to Dehydration physical exertion have been enhanced. For example, a
During Heat Exposure,” Department of the Air Force large concentration of glycerol in the stomach or intes
Report, ADA118746). In a 1988 abstract Riedesel et al. tine can cause water to move across the gastrointestinal
again reported hyperhydration and decreased urine membranes into the digestive tract. This might cause
output after glycerolingestion (Meuliet al. 1988 Exer- 10 detrimental responses to physical exertion and heat
cise II (1309-1314 p.a521). exposure. Also, high concentrations of glycerol in the
Other researchers have also examined the effects of blood plasma can cause water to leave the cells and
glycerol ingestion. Maughan and Gleeson found that enter the plasma. Again, the resulting dehydration of
ingestion of large amounts of glycerol after a 36 hour the cells could have detrimental effects on the person or
fast did not significantly improve performance of exer- 15 animal.
cising subjects (Maughan et al. (1988. The Eur. J. Appl. Studies where large amounts of glycerol have been
Physiol. 57:570-576). In fact, for one of the control administered in short time periods have not shown ben
groups, exercise duration after glycerol ingestion was eficial physiological effects. The researchers have ob
lower than after wateringestion alone. This 1988 article served water retention, but none have demonstrated
confirms earlier work by Gleeson and Maughan which 20 any effect which would enhance endurance or lessen a
found that ingestion of large amounts of glycerol did persorn's discomfort. These studies do not establish any
not enhance exercise performance (Gleeson et al. 1986 relationship between the administration of glycerol and
The Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 55:645-653). actual physiological responses to exercise or heat expo
Researchers at Washington University School of sure. Also, no studies have examined the physiological
Medicine have also examined the effects of glycerol 25 effects of glycerol or related compounds in solution
ingestion. In 1981 the Washington University group with compounds other than water or saline.
reported that glycerol-fed rats had increased endur Thus, the focus of glycerol research in the past has
ance, apparently because glycerol protected against been primarily to achieve random generalized water
hypoglycemia (Terblanche et al. 1981.J. Appl. Physiol retention. By contrast, the research which has led to the
50(1):94-101). Significantly, however, two years later 30 subject invention concentrated on achieving appropri
the Washington group found that glycerol did not in ate water distribution within the body. This has led to
crease endurance in man when administered according the formulation of a novel composition which greatly
to their protocol (Miller et al. 1983 Medicine and enhances the physiological response to physical exer
Science in Sports and Exercise 15(3):237-242). These tion and heat exposure.
published reports on the effects of glycerol have re 35 Although GATORADE TM does help to combat
vealed that ingestion of large amounts of glycerol can some of the negative effects resulting from physical
result in decreased urine output and hyperhydration. exertion, long distance runners and other athletes who
Several studies have specifically looked at the effect of must endure long periods of strenuous exercise still
glycerol on endurance, and each of these studies has suffer the effects of decreased blood volume and a loss
found that glycerol in large doses does not appear to 40 of energy-providing carbohydrates.
increase endurance in man. The invention described here is a novel fluid compo
Much of the previous research has focused on the sition which surprisingly and advantageously maintains
ability of glycerol to cause water retention. However, blood volume at levels well above those observed in the
water retention alone has little or no correlation with absence of fluids or even with GATORADE TM. The
enhanced endurance or physiological performance. In 45 novel product has the additional advantage of provid
order to have a beneficial effect on endurance and per ing an energy source. Further, users of the product
formance, the water must be appropriately allocated report lower levels of perceived difficulty of exercise
throughout the body. It is not enough to simply reduce when the novel fluid composition is used.
urine output. Water must be available for sweating, cells BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
cannot be dehydrated, and plasma volume must be 50
maintained. Only if these physiological objectives are The subject invention relates to novel compositions
met can endurance and performance be enhanced. This and methods for ameliorating the adverse physiological
enhancement of the physiological response to exercise effects which can result from physical exertion and heat
and heat can be largely attributed to efficient cooling of exposure. The subject invention can be used with hu
the body. 55 mans and other animals. Described here is a novel fluid
Osmotic pressure is primarily responsible for the composition comprising
direction and rate of movement of water across mem (a) water;
branes in the body. The general concepts of osmosis and (b) electrolytic compound(s);
osmotic pressure are very well known chemical phe (c) sugar; and
nomena whereby water moves across a semipermeable (d) an additional compound which is characterized
membrane in such a way as to make its thermodynamic by:
activity uniform across the entire system. Thus, water (i) non-toxic to man or animals;
will move across a semipermeable membrane such that (ii) is rapidly absorbed through the gastrointestinal
the net flow of water will be across the membrane into tract;
the fluid which initially had the highest concentration 65 (iii) prevents the decrease of blood volume; and
of solutes. The allocation of water between digestive (iv) is an energy source
organs, blood plasma, and cells depends upon the rela wherein the concentration of said additional com
tive osmotic pressures between these sites. Although it pound(s) is from about 0.5% to about 10%.
4,981,687 6
One example of said additional compounds is glyc hyperthermia, increased rate of movement of electro
erol. The composition may also contain pyruvate, lytes across the gastrointestinal wall, reduction in the
which enhances the energy available for working mus breakdown of proteins and associated metabolism of
cles. The presence of pyruvate improves performance essential amino acids, and decreased time needed for
and helps to prevent the detrimental breaking down of 5 repair of body tissue following strenuous exercise.
protein as an energy source. When the fluid of the subject invention is adminis
Also described here are unique methods, involving tered, the body's physiological response to exercise or
the use of the novel fluid composition, for ameliorating environmental exposure is greatly enhanced compared
the adverse effects which can result from physical exer to the response when the body receives no fluids, re
tion, heat exposure, exposure to cold, and blood loss. 10 ceives only water, or receives fluid such as GATORA
DETM which contain electrolytes and a sugar source
in addition to water. Thus, the novel composition de
The invention can be better understood with refer scribed here can be used to ameliorate the adverse ef
ence to the following drawings in which: fects of physical exertion or environmental exposure.
FIG. 1 shows the changes in blood volume of three 15 As used herein, the term "ameliorating the adverse
trials of human subjects working at 75-80% of their effects of physical exertion or environmental exposure'
maximal rate of oxygen uptake on a bicycle ergometer. refers to the achievement of one or more of the follow
The trials are designated in the figure. One standard ing: prevention of plasma volume decrease, increased
erroris set off at each mean. This figure shows that only respiratory quotient, reduced rate of increase of rectal
the group which was given IQ II (15 minutes before 20 temperature, reduced pulse rate, or increased cardiac
initiation of exercise 200 ml, at 15 min, 45 min, and output; combined with either enhanced endurance or
every half hour thereafter) was able to maintain their performance, lower perceived difficulty of a physical
blood volume during the period of exercise. task, or an enhanced ability to withstand heat exposure
FIG. 2 shows that the pulse rate of the group receiv or chronic exposure to cold. The many advantages of
ing IQII was maintained at a lower value than the other 25 the novel fluid composition (designated IQ II) de
two trials during the course of exercise. The trials are scribed here are clearly shown in FIGS. 1 through 7.
the same as those shown in FIG. 1. One standard error The IQII which was administered to exercising individ
is set off at each mean. uals in order to achieve the results discussed below was
FIG. 3 shows the high level of cardiac output primarily water. In addition to the water, the composi-.
achieved in connection with the administration of IQ II. 30 tion comprised glucose (4%), potassium (2 meq/l), so
FIG. 4 shows the time required to reach a rectal dium (26 meq/l), phosphate (4 meq/l), and glycerol
temperature of 38' C. by the three trials shown in FIG. (3%).
1, as well as an additional group receiving nothing per One important advantage of IQ II is that it allows the
os (NPO) prior to the exercise. body to maintain the volume of blood at levels close to
FIG. 5 shows the mean rates of sweating of the same 35 the pre-exercise volume. Even where water or
four trials as in FIG. 3. GATORADETM are given to the exercising person,
FIG. 6 shows the respiratory quotient (CO2/O2) significant decreases in blood volume are observed. The
as a function of exercise time. Respiratory quotient is an blood volume comparisons are shown in FIG. 1. FIG.2
indication of the metabolic energy source being utilized. illustrates the ability of the novel fluid composition to
FIG. 7 shows the perceived difficulty (in arbitrary prevent the elevation of heart rate to the level of that
rating units) of the exercise as scored by observers dur observed for subjects receiving either water or
ing the exercise. GATORADE TM.
When the novel fluid composition is administered,
cardiac output is advantageously sustained at a high
INVENTION level, even over extended periods of exertion. FIG. 3
The invention described here is a novel composition illustrates this effect, Increases in body temperature
which has been shown to improve the physiological during exercise occur much more slowly when the
response in animals, including humans, to physical exer novel fluid composition is given than when no fluids are
cise and environmental exposure. Specifically, the in administered or when either water or traditional
vention comprises a fluid which contains, as one of the GATORADE TM are administered. FIG. 4 shows that,
ingredients, glycerol or an ester of glycerol, or any on the average, it takes more than 30% longer for rectal
other analog or derivative of glycerol which is non temperature to reach 38' C. when IQ II is used than
toxic to animals, can be rapidly absorbed through the when GATORADE TM is used. It is possible to exer
gastrointestinal tract, distributed into plasma and extra cise for well over 1 hour at 75-80% of maximal rate of
cellular fluid, but is not transferred, or is transferred 55 oxygen consumption without reaching a body tempera
poorly, into the brain. As used hereinafter, the term ture of 38 C. when IQ II is administered. Also, a
glycerol refers to glycerol itself and any ester, analog, marked decrease in the rate of sweating is observed for
or derivative which has the same function as glycerol in individuals given the novel fluid composition of the
the composition described here. Instead of glycerol, or subject invention. This decrease in sweat rate is shown
in addition to glycerol, the composition may contain 60 in FIG. 5. The decrease in sweat rate is significant be
pyruvate. Other compounds satisfying the aforemen cause this suggests that the body is being cooled more
tioned characteristics can be found in standard medical efficiently. This can be attributed to increased blood
or pharmacology reference books. volume which results in improved peripheral circula
The novel fluid's surprising and beneficial physiolog tion and movement of blood near the skin surface. This
ical effects on the body during exercise or environmen 65 surface circulation is very important in the effective
tal exposure include maintenance of blood volume and dissipation of body heat.
cardiac output, readily available energy source, in Further evidence suggests that the use of IQ II results
proved skin blood flow, prevention or delay of onset of in an increase in the proportion of energy derived from
4,981,687 8
carbohydrates as opposed to energy derived from the An additional important indicator of the novel fluid
metabolism of fat or protein. This unexpected and ad composition's effectiveness is illustrated in FIG. 7. This
vantageous result can be seen from FIG. 6 which shows figure shows a significant lowering of the perceived
the respiratory quotient as a function of time. Respira difficulty long term exercise among individuals to
tory quotient, which is defined as the ratio of carbon whom IQ II is administered. Although all individuals
dioxide output to oxygen input, is an indication of the naturally perceive an increase in difficulty of exercise as
type of compounds which are being metabolized as an the exercise is maintained for long periods of time, indi
energy source for the exercising person or animal. For viduals who were given IQ II showed a significantly
metabolism of carbohydrates, the respiratory quotient is reduced rate of increase in the perceived difficulty of
1.0. The respiratory quotient for metabolism of fats or O the exercise. The trial ingesting water showed the nor
proteins is less than 1.0. If fat is the primary source of mal perceived difficulty within 90 minutes of begining
energy, then the respiratory quotient is approximately exercise while in the trial receiving GATORADE TM
0.6. A respiratory quotient of approximately 0.8 can be reached the same level of perceived difficulty after 150
expected if the cells are burning half fat and half carbo 15 minutes of exercise. The trial receiving IQ. I reached
hydrates. Thus, the higher respiratory quotients shown this level after 180 minutes. The lower difficulty per
in FIG. 6 for IQ II indicate that these individuals are ceived by individuals receiving IQ II could lead to
utilizing a greater proportion of carbohydrates as their enhanced physical performance, especially when long
energy source. The increased use of carbohydrates can term exercise, such as marathons, are involved.
have important physiological advantages, especially The novel fluid composition of the subject invention
when strenuous exercise is maintained over a long per 20 can be used to improve the physiologic response of any
iod of time. For example, carbohydrate metabolism is animal undergoing exercise or being subjected to high
preferable to fat metabolism because it is a quicker and temperature conditions. For example, humans, horses,
more efficient source of immediate energy. Further, dogs, mules, oxen, camels, elephants, sheep, cows, and
carbohydrates are preferred as an energy source over 25 pigs are a few of the animals which can benefit from the
proteins because protein metabolism can cause the de administration of the novel fluid composition described
pletion of essential amino acids. The depletion of amino here. The fluid of the subject invention can also be used
acids can have adverse physiological effects including a to alleviate or prevent dehydration which is known to
reduction in the body's ability to repair muscle which is result from chronic exposure to cold temperatures,
damaged in the course of exercise. The fluid of the subject invention can be administered
30 to an animal orally, intravenously, or by any other
To further enhance the energy sources available to means of conveying said fluid into the tissues of the
cells, pyruvate may be added to the novel composition. animal.
It has also been found that by administering pyruvate, it Following are examples which illustrate materials,
is possible to maintain a relatively steady concentration methods and procedures, including the best mode, for
of pyruvate for use by cells as an energy source. Addi 35 practicing the invention. These examples are illustrative
tion of a small amount of pyruvate, given at frequent and should not be construed as limiting. Where concen
intervals, improves performance and endurance, appar trations are expressed as percentages, these percentages
ently because it enhances entrance of acetyl CoA into refer to weight ratios.
the Krebs cycle. The Krebs cycle is a well known, but
very complicated, biochemical pathway which pro EXAMPLE
vides a working muscle with its energy source. A de For use in humans or other animals which are about
tailed description of the Krebs cycle can be found in to undergo, are undergoing, or have recently under
most biochemistry textbooks, including Lehninger gone physical exercise, a novel fluid composition com
(Lehninger, A. J. Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of prising water, a sugar source, electrolytes, and glycerol
Cell Structure and Function, 2ed., Worth Publishers, 45 can be administered orally.
Inc.: New York, pp. 444-449, 1975). The composition, which is predominantly water, may
Pyruvate normally is formed from glucose but, dur contain between about 0.5% to about 5% glycerol.
ing vigorous exercise, pyruvate may not be formed fast Preferably, the composition may contain about 1% to
enough to keep up with cellular demand. Thus, the about 1.5% glycerol. The sugar of the composition may
concentration of pyruvate drops markedly. This loss of 50 be sucrose, glucose or other appropriate sugar con
available pyruvate noot only deprives cells of their pound. Specifically, the composition may have a glu
primary carbohydrates energy source, but also inhibits cose concentration of from about 2% to about 8%.
the metabolism of fats as an energy source. Fats enter Preferably, the glucose concentration may be about
the Krebs cycle as acetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA, which is 4%.
formed as a result of the breakdown of long chain fatty 55 The electrolytes of the composition can be selected,
acids, apparently does not enter in the Krebs cycle, it is for example, from the group consisting of sodium, po
converted to aceto-acetic acid, which does not act as a tassium, phosphate, bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, cal
ready energy source. Therefore, when pyruvate is cium, and magnesium. For example, the fluid may con
available in short supply, the cells are deprived of their tain from about 1 meq/1 to about 5 meq/ potassium and
primary carbohydrate source, and they cannot effec from about 15 meq/1 to about 30 meq/l sodium. Prefera
tively metabolize fats either. Thus, the cells can be bly, the composition may contain about 2 meq/l potas
forced to depend upon amino acid metabolism in order sium and about 26 meg/l sodium. Also, the composition
to derive energy. If the concentration of pyruvate falls may contain phosphate in concentrations varying from
during vigorous exercise, no fuel can enter the Krebs about 2 meg/l to about 8 meq/l. Specifically, the phos
cycle, and the cell, in effect, starves. By administering 65 phate concentration may be about 4 meq/l.
the novel composition described here, blood pyruvate is The novel fluid may also contain citric acid, citrate,
stabilized at a level sufficient to assure adequate energy preservatives, flavorings, artificial sweeteners, vitamins,
supplies. minerals, and other compounds appropriate in a bever
9 10
age of this type. The novel fluid may also be carbon the fluid to the tissues of the recipient animal. If the fluid
ated. is to be delivered orally, such a composition could con
EXAMPLE 2 tain flavoring which would make the fluid attractive to
the animal. For example, for horses, the fluid could be
In order to provide a readily available source of en flavored with an oat extract.
ergy for cells, the composition of the subject invention EXAMPLE 5
can contain pyruvate. It has been found that sufficient
concentrations of pyruvate are necessary for the proper To enhance the beneficial effects of the novel fluid
entrance of carbohydrates and fats into the Krebs cycle. composition described here, caffeine may be added.
During the course of strenuous exercise, the concentra 10 The concentration of caffeine may range from about 50
tion of pyruvate available to cells can decrease mark mg/1 to about 5000 mg/l.
edly. By ingesting pyruvate, it is possible to maintain EXAMPLE 6
sufficient plasma concentrations so that the cells are
able to utilize pyruvate as an energy source and so that The novel fluid composition described here may also
fats can be effectively metabolized. 15 be used to help maintain the weight and health of agri
When glycerol at about 1% and pyruvate at about cultural animals subjected to heat stress. Heat stress
1% are both added to an appropriate glucose-elec may occur, for example, on the open range, in zoos, and
trolyte solution so that the osmotic pressure of the solu during the transportation of animals.
tion does not exceed 400 milliosmol, performance and The fluid may be administered in any of the ways
endurance are enhanced. The level of enhancement 20 previously described. If administered orally, the fluid
achieved by the composition containing glucose, elec may be combined with appropriate flavorings to make it
trolytes, glycerol, and pyruvate is beyond the effect of attractive to the animals.
the glucose-electrolyte solution alone, the glucose-elec EXAMPLE 7
trolyte solution plus glycerol, or the glucose-electrolyte
solution plus pyruvate. Best performance is achieved if 25 The novel fluid composition described here may also
the solution is kept between 300 and 350 milliosmol. be used to alleviate the effects of volume depletion
which is a problem which has been observed in astro
The composition of the subject invention may be EXAMPLE 8
designed for intravenous use. Intravenous use may have 30
application in humans and in other animals. In the case The use of glycerol in a beverage could also be used
of humans, intravenous use may be necessary when, for in areas of cold environment where it would reduce
example, a person has fainted or otherwise become tissue damage due to frostbite and extreme cold. Such a
unconscious as a result of, for example, over-exertion glycerol beverage would allow distribution of the glyc
and/or overexposure to sunlight, heat, or hemorrhage 35 erol into the tissues, particularly in the extremities, fin
and loss of blood. gers and toes, which are affected most by crystallization
For intravenous application, no flavoring compounds in the tissues and by diminished blood flow. Glycerol
would be present. Also, a neutral pH would be needed, has been found to be distributed throughout the body in
therefore, no acidic compounds would be present in ten minutes after ingestion; thus, it could be used to
concentrations sufficient to significantly alter the pH of 40 rapidly provide protection from extreme cold. This
the saline solution. could be especially useful, for example, for football
The composition of the subject invention can also be players who must play in cold climates, but who cannot
used as a temporary substitute for blood. For example, or do not wish to wear gloves or other protective cov
in trauma cases where there has been a large loss of ering.
blood, this fluid can be given to replenish the blood 45 Also, it is well established that dehydration can be a
volume. Also, during heart surgery or other surgical serious problem which accompanies prolonged expo
procedures where a heart-lung machine is used, the sure to cold temperatures. Because the subject composi
novel composition can be used to prime the heart-lung tion can be utilized to achieve proper water allocation
machine, thereby helping the patient to maintain plasma and prevent blood plasma volume depletion, it can be
volume and to provide energy to help ameliorate the 50 used to ameliorate the effects of dehydration caused by
physiological trauma of surgery. Also, by maintaining exposure to cold temperatures. Thus, the novel compo
vascular volume, complications such as post-surgical sition can be used advantageously by skiers or by army
acute renal failure can be minimized. personnel in cold climates.
A fluid composition similar to that described in Ex The optimal rate of administration of the novel com
ample 1 may be administered to animals which are sub position described here can depend upon the physiolog
ject to strenuous exercise such as races and agricultural ical characteristics of the individual receiving the fluid,
work. The exact composition of the fluid as well as the the nature of the physical exertion or exposure, and the
concentrations of its components may depend upon environmental conditions. However, a standard rate of
what type of animal is receiving the treatment. The application would be approximately 170 to 260 ml of
teachings of this document combined with the expertise fluid every 15 to 20 minutes, starting approximately 15
of one skilled in the biological and medical sciences minutes before the exercise or exposure is commenced.
would enable the practitioner to adjust the composition If significant sweating is occurring, as would be ex
of the fluid in order to accommodate the needs of a 65 pected in hot environments or with physical exertion,
particular animal. the intake of fluid should be adjusted so that the volume
The administration of the novel fluid could be orally, ingested approximates the amount of fluid lost through
intravenously, or by other means capable of delivering sweating. When the fluid is ingested to alleviate the
4,981,687 12
dehydration accompanying prolonged exposure to cold 3. In a beverage comprising water, sugar, and electro
temperature, the quantity of fluid ingested may be less lytes, an improvement wherein said beverage further
than that which is necessary to achieve the desired comprises pyruvate.
effects in hot climates. 4. The beverage, according to claim 3, wherein the
The ratio of ingredients in the composition may also 5 concentration of said pyruvate is about 1.0%.
be adjusted for changing environmental or physiolog 5. In a beverage comprising water, sugar, and electro
ical conditions. For example, in cold weather, the com lytes, an improvement wherein said beverage further
position may contain a greater concentration of glyc comprises caffeine in a concentration of about 50 mg/1
erol and a reduced concentration of electrolytes. Also, to about 5000 mg/l.
for individuals who desire a lower calorie drink, the O 6. In a beverage comprising water, sugar, and electro
sugar may be replaced with an artifical sweetener such lytes, an improvement wherein said beverage further
as aspartame. For individuals who are concerned about comprises one or more of the following ingredients:
high blood pressure, the drink can contain reduced glycerol in a concentration of from about 0.5% to about
concentrations of sodium. 5.0%; pyruvate; and caffeine in a concentration of from
15 about 50 mg/l to about 5000 mg/l.
EXAMPLE 10 7. The beverage, according to claim 6, comprising the
The composition of the subject invention may also be following ingredients:
prepared in a dehydrated, powder, or concentrate form
for convenience of sale or shipment. When formulated 20 Ingredient Approximate Concentration
in this way, the product could be reconstituted by the potassium 2 meq/1
addition of water. The preparation of such a product in sodium 26 meg/1
the dehydrated, powder, or concentrate form is well glucose 4%
known to those skilled in the art. See for example, U.S. pyruvate
150 mg/
Pat. Nos. 4,042,684 and 4,322,407. 25 Water balance.
We claim:
1. In a beverage comprising water, sugar, and electro
lytes, an improvement wherein said beverage further 8. A method for ameliorating the effects of physical
comprises glycerol in a concentration of from about exertion, said method comprising the administration to
0.5% to about 5.0%. a person in need of such amelioration a composition of
2. The beverage, according to claim 1, wherein the 30 claim 7.
concentration of said glycerol is about 1.0%.