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A uniform is a type of clothing worn by members of an organization while

participating in that institution’s activity. Uniform advocates propose several different

arguments. School Uniforms were required in many schools. School uniforms vary from a

standard issue T-shirt to rigorous requirements for many items of formal wear at private

schools. School uniforms are in place in many public schools as well. 5While the general

policy is that the wearing of a school uniform shall not be required in public schools (as

embodied in DepEd Order No. 45 s. 2008), it is necessary to provide guidance on what

constitutes proper school attire. A student’s attire should reflect respect for the school as

an institute of learning.

Most College students today desire that their physical appearance is attractive and

that they dress according to the latest social trends. However, the way the students act

toward the school's policies runs directly counter to the school's reputation for excellence.

Some students don't mind adhering to the guidelines because the school is in a rural area

and a neighborhood. Given that most students do not adhere to the management procedures

and policies that have been put in place, the school's uniform policy appears to be ignored.

One of the educational institutions in the province of Zamboanga Sibugay is the Aim High

Colleges Incorporated. The main objective of the study is to know the perspective of the

students about the proper wearing of School Uniform. Since the students nowadays are

more on following the new trends in fashion. This study aims to know the further reasons

behind why students don’t follow the implemented policy.

The conduct of this study will be a benefit to the school and to the students; opinions

of the students will be given a chance to be noticed by the school regarding the uniform

policy and the school will know the reasons why students doesn’t wear uniform and can

even planned to solve the problem.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers sought to discover the opinions of Bachelor of Technical-

Vocational Teacher Education students regarding the Uniform Policy of Aim High

Colleges Incorporated.

The following are the specific research problem question of the study:

1. What is School Uniform Policy?

2. What are the opinions of Senior High School Students about the School Uniform


3. What are the possible reasons behind their opinion?

4. How will the given opinion of Senior High School Students affect the implemented

policy of the school?

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study was to know the opinions of Senior High School

Students towards the School Uniform Policy. This study could help the people included in

the issue concerning the policy.

The following people were the beneficiaries of the study and the benefits they

received from the result of the study:

To the students, there will be a chance that their complaints about the uniform

policy will be addressed to the school. Their opinions can make alternative action towards

the school’s policy. And lastly, this can help them in understanding why there is a need to

have a school uniform.

To the school, they can make alternative action towards the student’s opinion. They

will know the students’ perception regarding the policy and the result may serve as their

guide in the implementation of the policy.

To the parents, there will be a less burden for their children’s clothing. They will

be enlightened about the school’s uniform policy and may serve as an eye opener to guide

more their children in this policy.

Scope and Delimitation

The study assessed the school uniform policy of Aim High Colleges Incorporated,

during the 2nd semester of the school year 2022-2023. The factors that were included in the

study were the school uniform policy itself, financial status, and the behavior of the

students towards the policy. Moreover, the respondents included only in the study are the

BTVTED students.

The first variable as enumerated was the School Uniform Policy. Its indicators were

the following: regular wearing of school uniform, complete set of uniform and exemption

during P.E classes.

As follows, the Financial Status of every student’s household. The indicators of

these variables were the economic state of the family whether in poor, average living, rich

living, employed parent, unemployed and self-employed.

And lastly, the behavior of students towards the school’s policy. Their behavior

may be based on what type of community they came from and peer influence. On how they

comply with the policy, their reaction and if they were mentally and physically prepared

for the policy.

The data gathered in the school Aim High Colleges Incorporated particularly

BTVTED students. The research was conducted during the process of data gathering and

when the respondents are available.

Operational Definition of Terms

The significant terms are hereby operationally defined to give the readers better and

clearer understanding of its concepts.

Academic engagement. This relates on task behaviors that signal a serious

psychological investment in class work.

BTVTED. This pertains to the one of the College Course offered in Aim High Colleges

Incorporated which is the Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education.

Factors. This refers to the influence that contributes problem in wearing school


Fashion Trend. This refers to the famous style of dress or clothing of generation Z.

Perception. This pertains to the belief of students regarding on school uniforms.

Prescribed. This pertains to specific and proper way of wearing school uniforms.

Policy. This deals to the plan of action and it is a way of management.

School Uniforms. In this study, this refers to distinctive garments worn by student; the

uniform that is compulsory for school children to wear.

Students. This refers to the BTVTED students of Aim High Colleges Incorporated

during the academic year 2022-2023.

Violation. This pertains to the violating the prescribed school uniform.

Review of Related Literature

According to School Dress Code by Thomson Reuters in Findlaw (2018), clothing

is the primary means from expressing ideas for students, yet school across the country

enforce strict dress code policies that may interfere with student’s right to self-expression.

The first school dress code law was established in 1969 by the U.S Supreme Court. The

case was known as Tinker vs Desmoines Independent School District; this involves Several

High School Students who wore black armbands to school in a planned protest the Vietnam

War. In a far-reaching decision the court essentially decided that school must limit student

expression such as enforcing Dress Code, if there is legitimate concern that such expression

will be discipline to the learning environment. Dress Code rules for students promote a

safe, disciplined school environment; prevent interference with schoolwork and encourage

uniformity of student dress. For instance, dress codes that prohibit clothing that is vulgar,

worn in a manner that disrupts school activity are generally permitted. The freedom of

speech and expression of the students may be prohibited in dress code policies if the

students’ choice in clothing draws attention away from the school’s learning environment.

Therefore, limits on dress codes have include the following: limit on gang-related

clothing, ban on suggestively themed T-Shirts, requirement to wear school colors only and

limits on skirt, shirt, and pants length, ban on clothing that depends sexually explicit or

indecent drug use strictly happened. In contrast in limiting dress code as a mean to provide

a safe environment, school dress codes in most cases cannot be used to prevent students

from expressing their religion beliefs. The freedom of religion issues state laws that protect

students’ right to wear religious attire in school.

The impact of school uniforms on academic achievement, social benefits, economic

benefits, and school safety is large as well to the schools’ benefit. The mandatory schools

led to the improvement in rates of attendance, graduation, and suspension but not in

academic proficiency or expulsion rates. Many researchers agree that school uniform

policy have the greatest impact on students’ achievement. An increase level of sense of

belonging amongst students has been attributed. Bodine (2018) and Stockton, Gullat and

Park (2022) reported a positive correlation between uniforms and students’ achievement.

Researchers also stated that uniforms bridge the social gap and level the playing field with

regards to student attire. Likewise, reports that uniforms have been linked to increased self-

esteem and confidence amongst students.

For economic benefits, school uniforms can be beneficial to all families by lowering

clothing cost. In a study designed to measure the impact of uniforms on gang activity within

schools, teachers reported lower levels of gang presence. Results from another study,

focused on principals of perception of violence within schools, showed that principals of

schools where uniforms are worn, reported lower levels of perceives violence within their

school. Similarly, reported anecdotal evidence from principals that uniforms reduce the

level of gang presence within schools. Researchers suggest that a school policy alone will

not prevent school violence; but that uniforms may help to contribute to a safe school

climate when included in a comprehensive school safety framework.

An essay written by Eau Claire entitled Unhappy in Uniform states a major

discomfort on the implementation of School Uniform Policy. Modern uniforms are

generally of neutral color and unflattering materials that are especially unpopular with

teenagers. The textiles themselves wouldn’t be so appalling if only they weren’t

constructed into garments such as culottes, turtlenecks, and unappealing designs.

According to DebronViadero in “Uniforms Effects”, school uniforms in the west emerged

greatly in 19th Century Britain to replace the chaotic, messy look that was common in

schools at the time. The big question for her is, do uniforms really have that big of an

impact on conduct and scholastics success in schools? And if there is a correlation between

the two, are those advantages worth their downfalls? Considering school uniforms

limitation on confidence and self-esteem, the small impact they have on violence and

behavioral issues.

Does wearing a school uniform improve student behavior? An article written by

Todd A. De Mitchell, states that in a growing number of school districts across the nation,

students must wear a uniform. According to the US Department of Education, wearing a

uniform can decrease the risk of violence and theft, instill discipline and help school

officials recognize intruders who came to the school. Research on the effects of school

uniforms is still nascent. And the findings on the impact of school uniforms on student

behavior, discipline, connection on the school, attendance and academic gains are at best

mixed. Schools claim that when students come in uniforms, it improves discipline and leads

to academic gains. The Bossier Parish School Board in Louisiana enacted a uniform policy

in 2001 to increase test scores and reduce disciplinary problems.

However, students allege such policies are unconstitutional, as they restrict their

freedom of expression. They protest their right5s due to what type of community they come

from and the influences of their friends.

Modernization is the current term for an old process⎯ the process of social change

whereby less developed societies acquires characteristics common to more developed

societies. This led to the progress and advancement of fashion trends, improved products

and unique mindsets of product being produced.

Pressures on teens to wear fashionable clothes are rising and want to wear the latest

fashions. Teens may feel pressure from an array of sources, such as friends, non-friend

peers and even the media to follow the current trends and wear fashionable clothes. Due to

peer pressure the students seldom disregard the implemented school uniform policy

because of the influence of other and within the social media.

Review of Related Studies

Foreign Studies

The study entitled “School discipline, School Uniforms and Academic

Performance” which was conducted by Chris Baumann and Hana Krskova, both from

Department of Marketing and Management in Macquarie University, in Sydney Australia

was purposely written to examine the role of school disciplined in achieving academic

performance. This study aims to clarify the role of permissive dis-a-vis authoritative

teaching style with an overarching hypothesis that better discipline leads to better

performance. The authors also prove whether uniformed student have better discipline.

The results demonstrate differences in school discipline across five geographic

clusters, with East Asia leading the way. It states here that peak-performing students have

the highest level of discipline. Students wearing uniform listened better with lower teacher

waiting times.

The findings of the study support that in general, implementing school uniforms at

schools might enhance discipline for better learning. In a similar study conducted by

Cameron (2016), it states that “Generally, School Discipline is defined as school policies

and action taken by school personnel with students to prevent or intervene with unwanted


In relation to our study, it explains that the school uniform has an effect on the

students in terms of academic. School uniform being more often tends to result to peak-

performing students who have the highest level of discipline where in students who listened

better gives a product to teachers who can be able to spend the exact allocated time in

teaching and the unity of students in terms of participation in the class.

The study entitled “Public School Uniforms: A case study of one’s school’s

experience” conducted by Mary Louise Murphy who personally experienced the study,

states that despite the limited amount of research available, poor quality of the research the

does exist and the difficulties of evaluating the impact of such policy, many parents and

teachers perceive that uniforms have a positive on students and learning environment, and

the number of schools participating continues to increase. Thus, given the nature of public

schools and the democratic ideals and individualism and diversity which are generality

thought and valued, mandating what students wear can be problematic.

To bring an insight to the larger questions being asked the school uniform

phenomenon will be explored in a real-life context by describing why and how one

elementary school implemented a school uniform policy. First is, to better explain and put

in context what happened at this school, there is a review and synthesis of the literature

that includes historical and legal information, as well as applicable research on the

sociological and psychological impact of clothing. Second, the decision making and

implementation process in a particular school as a policy requiring school uniform was

implemented. Multiple sources of data are used to analyze why and how uniform policy

was implemented and in what ways the school community was impacted. Third, the

academic and behavioral impact of uniforms at a certain school is compared to the results

from schools in four other districts that have implemented school uniform policy.

Theoretical Framework

There were a few theories that can be related to the proposed study and one of it

was the Rational Choice Theory by Gary Becker.

The Rational Choice Theory explains that human action and behavior were the

products of choices, then assumes that an individual has preferences among the available

choice alternatives that allow them to state which option they prefer. Preferences can take

different forms. A strict preference means that you prefer one choice over its alternative.

An individual acts rationally in pursuit of her own self-interest and not in the interests of

others. The self-preferences of every individual were the one being highly favored in

hierarchical preferences under the Rational Choice Theory. The person critically thinks of

choices and decisions that maximize their own happiness. These decisions provide the

people with the greatest benefit or satisfaction given the choices available and their highest

self-interest. The idea that you make better off was the basis of the theory of the Rational

Choice Theory.

In connection with this study, the students have their own preferences on what type

of clothing’s they want to wear. From observing the student’s behavior, the researchers

believe that the best theory why individuals make such decision was that they make choices

that were in their best self-interest which was called the “Rational Choice Theory”. By the

observation, the students most prefer to wear a civilian and comfortable type of clothing

rather than wearing the school’s uniform. Due to modernization that took place in society,

some students choose to fit in not only in the community but also in school when it comes

to fashion. The choices that they prefer give them the greatest benefit and satisfaction.

The Theory of Planned Behavior by IcekAjzen can also be related to the study. This

theory states that the attitude towards behavior, a subjective norm, and perceived

behavioral control can together shape an individual’s behavioral intentions and behavior.

It’s a theory that links one’s belief and behavior. The theory was used to predict an

individual’s intention to engage in a behavior at a specific time and place. The theory was

intended to explain all behaviors over which people could avert self-control. The key

component to this model is behavioral intent; behavioral intentions were influenced by the

attitude about the likelihood that the behavior has the expected outcome and the subjective

evaluation of the risk and benefits of that outcome. This theory helped the researchers to

understand how we can change the behavior of people. The TPB was a theory which

predicts deliberate behavior because behavior can be deliberative and planned. It is the

notion of the behavioral intention; a person’s intention of performing a given behavior was

the best predictor of whether if not the person will perform the behavior. It was based on

the premise that the best predictor of an actual behavior was the behavior a person intends

to do. There were three models used in the theory; Attitude towards the specific act or

behavior, the normative component, our belief about what valued others expects us to do

and perceived behavior control, which is the degree to which a person can control the


In connection with the study, the attitude that the student possesses reflects their

actions. This includes their behavioral intentions if they would follow their beliefs in

accordance with their likelihood- a like to prefer to prefer their personal interest in wearing

the school uniform or their chosen attire. Since behavioral intent is what matters the most

to an individual.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Bachelor of Technical-
Vocational Teacher
Education Students of Aim Wearing of Prescribed
High Colleges School Uniform

Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm

The conceptual framework is shown in figure 1. It shows the relationship between

the dependent variables and independent variables. The dependent variable presents the

BTVTED Students of Aim High Colleges Incorporated while the independent variable

presents the wearing of prescribed school uniform.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers sought to know the perspective of BTVTED students

about the School Uniform Policy. Due to the nature of the study, the researchers decided

to apply the phenomenological study design using survey questionnaires and interviews to

attain better insights from the respondents.

This phenomenological design focused on obtaining descriptions of the

respondents lived experiences either in writing or through interviews. Its goal was to

analyze the meaning behind the experiences of every subject, rather than generalizing it to

the general population. In gathering data for this topic, the researchers guaranteed that it

contains the characteristics of a phenomenological design wherein the presence of

bracketing was surely upheld as the researchers undergone this process of getting the

perspective of the respondents while setting aside personal expectations as researchers.

The researcher used the specific methods of survey questionnaire and interviews to

gather and obtain data and to have a better understanding about the opinions of Senior High

School Student about the School Uniform Policy.

Respondents of the Study

The coverage population of the study was the BTVTED Students who were

engaged in disregarding and abiding the implemented policy of school uniform.

Table 1. Population of BTVTED Students of ACHI

BTVTED Frequency Percentage

1st Year 10 33.33%

2nd Year 10 33.33%

3rd Year 10 33.33%

Total 30 100%

The table 1 shows the number of students of BTVTED, the researchers the right

respondents in conducting this survey. The samples were the selected who were engage in

abiding and disregarding the school policy regarding uniform with a sample size of 30. The

researchers came up with 30 respondents by using the Shott’s approach in determining the

sample size which states at least 10 percent of the population will be a sample as the

technique in getting the sample size as 30. With the 3-year level among BTVTED, the

researchers selected students in every year level based on Table No. 1. As the researchers

asked their perception, their opinion will reflect towards the whole population.

The researchers used the Purposive Method of Sampling. This type of sampling

method relies upon the researchers’ judgment in selecting the subjects of the study. The

researchers chose this kind of technique so that the research could choose the best

respondents of this study.

As the researchers rely on their judgment in selecting the sample of the study, the

researchers will observe first the behavior of the students regarding the policy. Second, is

that they will select target students who follow and do not to the policy of the school.

The qualifying criteria in selecting the respondents are those students who were

barely seen wearing school uniform and those students who really follow the school

uniform policy.

Instrument of the Study

The researchers used interview and questionnaire as a data gathering method while

interview guide and unstructured questionnaire as an instrument in data collection.

Interview, in common word, refers to a one-on-one conversation with one person acting in

the role of the interviewer and the other in the role of interviewee in which, the interviewer

asks questions and interviewee responds with participants taking turns talking. In the

conducted study of the researchers, they only include open-ended questions in their survey

questionnaires having the same questions that were asked on the conduct of interview.

First and foremost, the researchers used survey questionnaires because it was the

most common type of data gathering. It was also the easiest way of collecting information’s

where in the respondents can have leisure time thinking for their answers due to the open-

ended questions that were included in the survey questionnaires. On the other hand, the

researchers used interview as a data gathering method because through this the researchers

could get the perceptions of the students wherein, they were the primary source of the

information’s needed for the conduct of the study and also to give clarity on vague answers.

Using interview and survey questionnaires, the researchers could get accurate and reliable

sources of information.

All in all, the survey questionnaire was composed with three parts. On the first part,

the researchers included questions all about the respondent own knowledge regarding the

implemented school uniform policy. On the second part, the researchers focused on asking

their personal perceptions about the school uniform policy. And lastly, on the third part the

researchers included questions that tend to ask on what reason they was why arrived on

those perceptions. The major variable on this was the perceptions of students that tend to

answer the questions as the sub-variables that were included in the survey questionnaire

and are primarily found in the statement of the problem.

Validity of the Instrument

The instrument used by the researchers was survey and interview. Therefore, the

data collected was valid since the answer of the respondents relates to the questions and

majority of the answers were consistent. The content of the instrument was used to clarify

answers that are not clearly stated in the survey questionnaires that the researchers used.

In addition, the researchers also presented the letter of validation to respective

experts on asking permission to validate the questionnaire for the respondents to answer

and to rate the structured questionnaire before it was used for data gathering.

Data Gathering Procedure

1. The researchers got the validation from the respected experts.

2. The researcher asked permission to the school principal to begin gathering the data


3. After getting the permission, the researcher then distributed the validated self-made

questionnaires online for the respondents to answer to gather data.

4. After gathering the data needed, the researcher advanced to tally the gathered data and

determine the results.

Presentation and Analysis of Data

The tables presenting the data gathered from the respondents, analysis, making of

codes, categories, themes, and the discussion of the results were presentedin this section.

Table 2. Coding of School Uniform Definition

Question #1. For you, what is school uniform? CODES

1. Pampaganda ng tingnan ang estudyante CL&N
2. Uri ng pormal na kasuotang pang-paaralan ATC
3. Proper clothes used in school AGS
4. Serves as identity ng Isang estudyante SSI
5.Student wear this only for the school FOS


ATC- A type of clothing CL&N- Clean and Neat

FOS- Factor of studying SSI- School and Students Identification

AGS- Attire in going to school

Table 3. Tallying of School Uniform Definition

Codes Frequency Percentage

AGS 11 36.67%
SSI 7 23.33%
ATC 7 23.33%
CL&N 3 10%
FOS 2 6.67%

Among the 30 respondents, 36.67% define School Uniform as attire in going to

school with a frequency of 11, while 6.67% answered that it is one of the factors of

studying with a frequency of 2.

Table 4. Coding of School Uniform Policy familiarity on BTVTED Students

Question #2. Are you familiar with the term School Uniform CODES
1. No, it is not observed in our school, especially in our room N/NO
2.Oo, dahil paano ka matuto kung ano ang susuotin sa paaralan Y/AGS
3. Oo, the school provide these instruction Y/REQ
4. Oo, dahil obligasyon ko yun bilang estudyante Y/OAS
5. Yes, part of classroom rules and policies Y/PRR
6. Yes, to know that they are students Y/SSI
7. Yes, because before we enroll that policy is included in the form Y/PRR


Y/OAS- Yes. Obligation as student N/NO- Not observed

Y/REQ- Yes, required Y/PRR- Part of rules and regulation

Y/SSI- Yes, School and Student Identification Y/AGS- Attire in going to school

Table 5. Tally of School Uniform Policy familiarity on BTVTED Students


Y/REQ 9 30%
Y/PRR 9 30%
Y/OAS 6 20%
Y/SSI 2 6.67%
Y/AGS 2 6.67%
N/NO 2 6.67%

When it comes to the familiarity of School Uniform policy for the respondents,
30% with a frequency of 9 answered that they are familiar with it, and it is required for
all the school. It is also a part of the implemented rules and regulations. While 6.67% of
the respondents stated that it is their identity and attire and going to school and not
observed in the school with a frequency of 2.

Table 6. Coding of School Uniform’s affection on academic performance

Question #3. Based on your experience, how does school CODES
uniform affect your academic performance?
1. Teachers deduct some points when not in uniform DOG
2. Nakaka stress pag-inisip HAS
3. Makes me shy when not wearing uniform UNCOMF
4.Gave me confidence as a student MTV
5. Di nakakapag uniform minsan kasi walang pera kasi isa lang LOM
provided ni school.
6. Plus points pagnakauniform PLP
7. Comfortable at nagpapakita na responsible COMF
8. It doesn’t really affect my performance NA


DOG- Deduction on grades COMF- Comfortable

MTV- Motivation UNCOMF- Uncomfortable

HAS- Hassle PLP- Plus Points

NA- No affect LOM- Lack of Money

Table 7. Tally of School Uniform’s affection on academic performance


HAS 8 26.67%
NA 7 23.33%
DOG 3 10%
MTV 3 10%
COMF 3 10%
UNCOMF 3 10%
PLP 2 6.67%
LOM 1 3.33%

Table 7 reveals that students tend to find it a hassle if they will still think on what

to wear everyday without uniform with a frequency of 8 and percentage of 26.67. on

Table 8. Coding of Agree on Implementation of School Uniform Policy

Question #4. Based on your experience, do you agree with the CODES
implementation of School Uniform Policy? Why? Why not?
1.No , dapat ma porma para kay crush N/FSH
2.Yes, good to look at Y/GTLA
3.Opo, magandang tingan at respetado Y/RPF
4 Hindi , walang budget pambili sa dagdag na one set uniform N/LOM
5. Yes, necessary to a school Y/OAS
6.Yes, because we need it Y/REQ
7. Yes, classified as a true and correct student Y/SSI


Y/RPF- Yes, respectful N/FSH- No, fashion

Y/OAS- Yes. Obligation as student N/LOM- No, Lack of money

Y/GTLA- Yes, good to look at Y/REQ- Yes, required

Y/SSI- Yes, School and Student Identification

Table 9. Tally of Agree on Implementation of School Uniform Policy


Y/SSI 12 40%
Y/GTLA 10 33.33%
Y/RPF 3 10%
Y/OAS 2 6.67%
N/FSH 1 3.33%
N/LOM 1 3.33%
Y/REQ 1 3.33%

Table 9 shows that the BTVTED students agreed on the implementation of the

school uniform policy as student identification with a frequency and percentage of 12 and

40% respectively. On the other hand, three codes got the lowest frequency said yes because

it is record and no because of lack of money and no fashion with a frequency of 1 and

percentage of 3.33%

Table 10.Coding of School Uniform’s wearing influence

Question #5. Based on your experience, what/who influences CODES

you in wearing and/or not wearing our School Uniform?
1. Classmates CM
2. Friends FR
.3Adviser TCR
4. Parents PRN
5. No one. I don’t like wearing uniform NN/SP


CM- Classmates NN/SP- None/self-preference

FR- Friends TCR- Teachers

PRN- Parents

Table 11.Tally of School Uniform’s Wearing Influence
Codes Frequency Percentage
TCR 12 40%
CM 11 36.67%
NN/SP 10 33.33%
FR 8 26.67%
PRN 7 23.33%

Table 11 reveals that teachers give great influence on the students in wearing

prescribed school uniforms with a frequency of 12 and percentage of 40%. On the other

hand, parents give least influence on the students with a frequency of 7 and percentage of


Table 12. General Answers of Respondents

Questions Answers
1. For you, what is school uniform? Attire in going to school, A type of
clothing, School and Students
Identification, Clean and Neat, Factor of
2. Are you familiar with the term School Yes, required, Yes, parts of rules and
Uniform Policy? regulations, Yes, obligation as a student,
Yes, attire in going to school, Yes, school
and student identification, No, not
3. Based on your experience, how does Hassle, No Affect, deduction on grades,
school uniform affect your academic motivation, comfortable, uncomfortable,
performance? plus points, lack of money
4. Based on your experience, do you agree Yes, School and Student Identification,
with the implementation of School Yes, good to look at, Yes, respectful, Yes.
Uniform Policy? Why? Why not? Obligation as student, No, fashion, No,
Lack of money, Yes, required
5. Based on your experience, what/who None/self-preference, Classmates,
influences you in wearing and/or not Teachers, Friends, Parents,
wearing our School Uniform?

Table 13. Map Representation of Codes and Themesfrom Respondents Answers

Area of Focus Formula Categories/Themes

1. For you, what is school uniform? ATC+FOS+AGS Necessities
CL&N+SSI Modesty (
2. Are you familiar with the term School Y/OAS+Y/REQ+ Commands
Uniform Policy? Why? Why not? Y/PRR (
Y/SSI+Y/AGS Identification
3. Based on your experience, how does DOG+HAS+NA+ Discomfort
school uniform affect your academic UNCOMF+LOM (
performance? MTV+COMF+PLP Incentives (
4. Based on your experience, do you agree Y/RPF+Y/OAS+Y/ Responsibilities
with the implementation of School Uniform REQ (
Policy? Why? Why not? Y/GTLA+N/FSH Choice (
N/LOM Poverty (
5. Based on your experience, what/who CM+FR Peer (
influences you in wearing and/or not wearing PRN+TCR Catalyst (
our School Uniform? N/SP Preference (

Discussion of Results

School Uniform Policy

1.1.1 The Researchers came up with these themes from the answers given by the

respondents, BTVTED students.

1. Necessities

2. Modesty Necessities were something you must have or do, something that was necessary.

Respondent no. 5 said, “For me, school uniform is type of clothing worn and used

by students.”

Respondent no. 19 answered, “School Uniform is a type of clothing worn by

students in school.”

In the related literature, school uniform policy has the greatest impact on student’s

achievement. It implies on increase level sense of belonging among student and the school.

School uniform helps students to be classified as to what school they belong to and,

it gives them the energy to accomplish such works that were needed to be achieved by a

student. Modesty was the quality of behaving and especially dressing in ways that do not

attract sexual attraction, was decent and neat to look at.

Our 13th respondent states that “School Uniform makes you look beautiful. It makes

you neat and clean to look at.”

“Ito ay sinusuot pang araw-araw bilang isangestudyante at dito malalaman kung

ikaw ay isang estudyante” answered by Respondent no. 22.

(“It is worn every day as a student and identification as a student”)

In the related literature, legitimate concern that such expression was a discipline to

the learning environment. These dress code rules for students promote a safe, disciplined

school environment, prevent interference with schoolwork and encourage uniformity of

student dress.

This dress code in school helps students to be more disciplined in such a way that

with this policy, there would be uniformity, for the students to be formal, decent, and neat

to look at.

Familiarity with the term School Uniform Policy

2.1.1 With the response of the students, The Researchers came up with the themes:

1. Commands

2. Identification Command was an order to a person or someone to do something.

“It is one of the rules implemented in every school.”

Other respondent said “Oo, because the school provide or declare instructions or

policy about school uniform policy.”

Wearing school uniform was mandatory to most public and even private schools

since according to studies it leads to an improvement in rate of attendance and even

graduation. Identification was the act of identifying something or someone.

Respondent no. 28 said that “Paano ka matutukoy na isa kang estudyante kung

hindi ka mag susuot ng uniform?”

(“How can you be identified as a student if you’re not wearing uniform?”)

Respondent no. 12 answered “Yes, because it is the student to know that they are

studying as a student in the school and also the school has right to implement the policy

for the good sake of the school.”

A school with uniforms has their own identities and students seen wearing uniform

can easily be identified as students.

Experience on School Uniform Policy

3.1.1 The Researchers came up with these themes from the answers given by the

respondents, BTVTED students.

1. Discomfort

2. Incentives

24 Discomfort was the feeling of somewhat worried or unhappy.

Respondent no. 7 states that “School uniform doesn’t affect that much unless

teachers would make punishments for those who are not in uniform.”

” Sometimes, if not in uniform, teachers would not let students in the classroom or

else no plus points given.”

In the related literature, has an unappealing design. Considering school uniforms

limitation on confidence and self-esteem, the small impact they have on violence and

behavioral issues.

The school uniform policy made all students feel worried and unhappy. An example

was when the students couldn’t wear school uniform, teachers tended to deduct or punish

them. This results to a negative response in student’s emotion or discomforts. Incentives were something that encourages a person to do something or to work


One of the respondents said that “Based on my experience, if you’re in uniform,

you can have plus points from your adviser/ subject teacher during quizzes and exams.”

Other states that “Well, dahil sa school uniform, nagiging motivation ko ito para

maging Maganda ang resulta ng pag-eskwela”

(“Well, due to school uniform, it serves as a motivation for me to have a good result

in my studies.”)

In the related literature, school uniform policy as reported has a positive correlation

between uniforms and students’ achievement.

School Uniform Policy motivates other students. For them, it serves as their

inspiration to work eagerly because some teachers were giving plus factors to those who

were wearing school uniform. The other thing was that wearing uniform makes them feel

respected and gives them a good reputation in the society.

Opinion on Implementation of School Uniform Policy Towards School

4.1.1 The Researchers came up with these themes from the answers given by the

respondents, BTVTED students.

1. Responsibilities

2. Choice

3. Poverty Responsibility was a duty or task that you were required to do, morally right and

morally acquired.

Respondent no. 13 answered, “Yes because with this, you are then classified that

you are a certified true and correct student Aim High Colleges Incorporated.”

Respondent no. 24 stated “Yes because this policy is necessary, very necessary to

a school.”

School uniform policy was the responsibility of the students of course because it

was the code of the school. It was a policy followed by students to be recognized for what

you were studying and to be classified from outsiders of the school. Choice was the power to decide between two or more possibilities.

Respondent no. 10 answered “Sometimes, because I want to dress well for my


Respondent no. 27 said that “Yes, wearing school uniform is pretty good to look


In the related literature, due to fashion trends, improved products and unique

mindsets of product being produced, also to peer pressure the students seldom disregard

the implemented school uniform policy because of the influence of others and within the

social media.

Students have their own choice or preference when it comes to their clothing. Some

other students don’t like the design of the school uniform, so they tend to choose the new

fashion trends. In fashion, they express themselves confidently and freely but, in that

manner, they already disregard the implemented policy of the school. Poverty

“Some parents are hardly earning money, and sometimes the money earned are

just for primary needs which is food, that’s why we can’t force them to buy a uniform.”

answered by one of the respondents.

As to what the researchers read, the answer of the respondents was contradictory to

that of the related literature. School uniform was not expensive but since students were not

economically well-off and were underneath the average status of living, they couldn’t

provide a school uniform of their own.

Influences in Wearing and/or Not Wearing School Uniform.

5.1.1 The researchers came up with these themes from the answers given by the

respondents, BTVED students.

1. Peer

2. Catalyst

3. Preference

27 Peer was a person who belongs to the same group or social group as someone else.

It can be classmates or friends.

Respondent no. 16 answered, “My classmate.”

Respondent no. 27 states that “My crazy friends but not fakes”

Most of the students were influenced by their friends and classmates to wear

uniform since they were the one, they spent most of their time with. Catalyst is a person or event that quickly causes change or action.

Respondent no. 1 answered “My teacher and family”

Respondent no. 2 said “Yung pamilya, kaibigan at aking mga guro”

(“My family, friends and my teachers.”)

Parents and teachers were also the major influence of most students. They served

as the catalyst to their children and students to wear uniform if they don’t want to. Preference was a feeling of liking or wanting one person or thing more than another

person or thing.

Respondent no. 13 answered, “No one influences me other than myself because I

just want to.”

The 12th respondent said that “No one influences me in wearing uniform, I just

follow the policies that’s why I always wear uniform.”

Every individual has preferences among the available choice alternative that allows

them to state which option they prefer. Students prefer things that could benefit them the

most and based on their interests.

Summary of Findings

The study aimed to know the opinions of BTVTED Students about the

implementation of School Uniform Policy towards school. With all the questions answered

by our respondents, the researchers arrived at findings within factually states that not all

students agree on this policy. Due to the following main reasons; financially unstable,

discomforts, unflattering design, and they prefer fashion.

As to what the researchers read, the answer of the respondents was contradictory to

that of the related literature. School uniform was not expensive but since students were not

economically well-off and were underneath the average status of living, they couldn’t

provide a school uniform of their own. School uniform policy makes every student feel

worried and unhappy. An example was when the students couldn’t wear school uniform,

teachers tend to deduct or punish them. This results to a negative response in student’s

emotion or discomforts.

Other students tend to not wear the school uniform because it does have an

unflattering design and it is also stated in the related literature where school uniform has

an unappealing design. Considering school uniforms limitation on confidence and self-

esteem, the small impact they have on violence and behavioral issues.

Students have their own choice or preference when it comes to their clothing. Some

other students don’t like the design of the school uniform, so they tend to choose the new

fashion trends. In fashion, they express themselves confidently and freely but, in that

manner, they already disregard the implemented policy of the school.

Though other students are disregarding the School Uniform Policy, there are still

some who agreed having these following reasons; because it was a policy that should be

followed, school and student’s identity, neat and clean to look at, they feel respected and


School uniform policy was the responsibility of the students of course because it is

the code of the school. It was a policy that should be followed by students to be recognized

for studying and to be classified from outsiders of the school. A school with uniforms has

their own identities and students seen wearing uniform could easily be identified as


In the related literature, legitimate concern that such expression would be a

discipline to the learning environment. These dress code rules for students promote a safe,

disciplined school environment, prevent interference with schoolwork and encourage

uniformity of student dress. This dress code in school helped students to be more

disciplined in such a way that with this policy, students will have uniformity, for the

students to be formal, decent, and neat to look at.


With the conducted study and collected data from the respondents, the researchers

therefore conclude that all the BTVTED Students have their own uniforms provided by the

school but because it is only one set others may not wear uniform because of many factors

such as being financially unstable, unflattering uniform design, discomforts and they prefer

fashion trends than the school uniform. In contrary, some of the respondents believe that

wearing school uniform allowed them to have plus points during their exam and quizzes.

And instead of taking it negative, they looked at the brighter side where they could benefit

the most rather than complaining,

With all these conclusions, the researchers found out that most students agreed on

the policy, but they behave oppositely to it because of many factors that affect their desire

in wearing the school uniform regularly.

List of References

[1] A copy of the instrument was published in the Journal of the Statistical Society,

Volume 1, Issue 1, 1838, pages 5-13. “Fourth Annual Report of the Council of the

Statistical Society of London”. Retrieved from

[2] Black, Cyril E. 1966 The Dynamics of Modernization: A Study in Comparative

History. New York: Harper. Retrieved from



[3] Bodine, A (2003). School Uniforms, academic achievement, and uses of research.

Journal of Educational Research, 97 (2), 67-71. Retrieved from


[4] Chris Baumann, et. al (2012). School discipline, school uniform and academic

performance. Retrieved from


[5] DepEd Order: (No. 45, S. 2008) Retrieved from


[6] Erica Loop (2017). Pressure on Teens to wear fashionable clothes



[7] Eua Claire, 2010. Unhappy in Uniform.



[8] Merriam Webster Dictionary, Interview, Dictionary definition, retrieved February

16,2016. Retrieved from https://en.m.merriamwebster.org/wiki/interview

[9] Murphy, Mary Louise (1997). Public School Uniform: A case study of one’s school

experience. Education- Seattle [471]. Retrieved from


[10] Pratt, H. & Rafaeli, A. (1997). Organizational Dress as a Symbol of Multilayered

Social Identities. Academy of Management Journal, 40 (4): pp. 862-898 Retrieved

from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform

[11] Thomson Reuters (2018). School Dress Code – Students Right. Article page ( ).

Retrieved from http://education.findlaw.com/student-rights/school-dress-


[12] Todd A. Demitchell (December 15,2015). Does wearing a school uniform improve

behavior? Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/does-wearing-a-school-


Appendix A
Letter of Approval

Main Campus – Buluan, Ipil
Province of Zamboanga Sibugay

Campus Administrator
Aim High Colleges Incorporated

Dear Ma’am,
In connection with our Research Paper, we, the senior high school students of Aim High
Colleges Inc are presently working on our thesis study entitled: “BTVTED-FREQUENCY
INCORPORATED S.Y. 2022-2023”. With this, we would like to ask your permission to
conduct our research to gather the data needed.
In fulfilling opportunity for us as aspiring senior high school graduating students, we will
be greatly appreciating if you would give your approval regarding on this matter. Thank
you and God Bless.

Respectfully yours,
Clarence Jane Caspilan Jessille Ortizano
Ellen Marieth Patanao Erich Joy Detalla
Fea Mea Pasculado Aira Encarnacion
Marvie Talledo

Approved by: Noted by:

Research Adviser Campus Administrator

Appendix B
Letter of Validation

Main Campus – Buluan, Ipil
Province of Zamboanga Sibugay


This is to certify that the instrument of the study entitled: “BTVTED-FREQUENCY OF


INCORPORATED S.Y. 2022-2023” with attached questionnaire has been validated by the

undersigned for use in gathering the data needed.

Approved by:


College Instructor College Instructor

Campus Administrator

Appendix C
Research Questionnaire

Name (optional): ______________________________ Date: ___________

Grade and Section: ________________Gender: __________________Age: _____

Dear Respondents,
The researchers invite you to participate in a research study entitled, “BACHELOR OF
2022-2023” The researchers are currently enrolled in Aim High Colleges Incorporated. The purpose
of the research is to determine the BTVTED- FREQUENCY OF STUDENTS WEARING
PRESCRIBE UNIFORM IN AIM HIGH COLLEGES INC. Your participation in this research
project is completely voluntary. You may refuse the questions you don’twant to answer. Rest assured
that the information to be generated will be treated with the highest confidentiality and will be used
only for research purposes as intended. THANK YOU!

Respectfully yours,

Part 1: Knowing the Policy

1. For you, what is School Uniform?




2. Are you familiar with the term School Uniform Policy? Why? Why not?





Part 2: Perspective about the Policy
1. Based on your experience, how does School Uniform Policy affect your academic




2. Based on your experience, do you agree with the implementation of School

Uniform Policy towards our school? Why? Why not?





Part 3: Reasons behind why

1. Based on your experience, what or who influences you in wearing and/or not
wearing our School Uniform?



I……………………………………… voluntarily agree to participate in this research



Signature of Participant

Appendix D

Appendix E
Curriculum Vitae of the Authors

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name : Ellen Marieth Patanao

Date of Birth : October 16,2005

Place of Birth : Talisay, Cebu City

Present Address : Libertad, Tungawan Zamboanga Sibugay

Father's Name : Roger Patanao

Mother's Name : Arlyn Patanao

Address : Libertad, Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay

Educational Background

Senior High School : Aim High Colleges Incorporated


Junior High School : Tungawan National High School (JHS)

Year Graduated : 2020-2021

Elementary : Tungawan National High School

Year Graduated : 2016-2017

" There's always better than you but you can be a better version of yourself"

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name : Jessille G. Ortizano

Date of Birth : December 19, 2004

Place of Birth : Margosa Tubig, Zamboanga Del Sur

Present Address : Mabini, Malangas Zamboanga Sibugay

Father’s Name : Jessie A. Ortizano

Mother’s Name : Elemargie G. Ortizano

Address : Mabini, Malangas Zamboanga Sibugay

Educational Background

Senior High School : Aim High Colleges Incorporated


Junior High School : Malangas National High School

Year Graduated : 2020-2021

Elementary : Balamban Central Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2016-2017

"Learning is never done without errors and defeat."

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name : Erich Joy Detalla

Date of Birth : January 29, 2005

Place of Birth : Poblacion Siay Zamboanga Sibugay

Present address : Poblacion Siay Zamboanga Sibugay

Father's Name : Niel Ivan Rey Detalla

Mother's Name : Armida Emprestito

Address : Poblacion, Siay, Zamboanga Sibugay

Educational Background

Senior High School : Aim High Colleges Incorporated


Junior High School : Siay National High School

Year Graduated : 2020-2021

Elementary : F.V Dacanay Memorial Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2016-2017

"The past is your lesson, the present is your gift, the future is your motivation."

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name : Clarence Jane C. Capasilan

Date of Birth : March 25, 2005

Place of Birth : Calapan, Kabasalan Zamboanga Sibugay

Present Address : Purok 1 Buayan, Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay

Father’s Name : Romel D. Capasilan

Mother’s Name : Rassell C. Capasilan

Address : Purok 1, Buayan, Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay

Educational Background

Senior High School : Aim High Colleges Incorporated


Junior High School : Francisco Ramos National High School

Year Graduated : 2020-2021

Elementary : Buayan Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2016-2017

" When you learn how to turn pain into motivation everything changes"

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name : Marvie L Talledo

Date of Birth : December 23, 2005

Place of Birth : Sisay tungawan Zamboanga sibugay

Present Address : Sisay, tungawan Zamboanga sibugay

Father’s Name : Arnel A. Cartagena

Mother’s Name : Rosario T. Cartagena

Address : Sisay, Tungawan Zamboanga Sibugay

Educational Background

Senior High School : Aim High Colleges Incorporated


Junior High School : Sisay National High School

Year Graduated : 2020-2021

Elementary : Sisay Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2016-2017

"Through God, nothing is Impossible."

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name:Fea Mea Pasculado

Date of birth: July 12,2004

Place of birth: Batu,Siay,Zambo.Sibugay

Present address: libertad, tungawan Zamboanga sibugay

Father's name: Florencio Pasculado

Mother's name : Milky Pasculado

Address: libertad tungawan Zamboanga sibugay

Educational Background

Senior High School : Aim High Colleges Incorporated


Junior High School : Tungawan National High School

Year Graduated : 2020-2021

Elementary : Tungawan Central Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2016-2017

"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.”

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name : Aira Encarnacion

Date of Birth : September 29,2005

Place of Birth : Guilawa ,malangas Zamboanga sibugay

Present Address : Libertad, Tungawan Zamboanga sibugay

Father's Name : Armando Milan Encarnacion

Mother's Name : Loreta Sebido Encarnacion

Address : Libertad, Tungawan, Zamboanga sibugay

Educational Background

Senior High School : Aim High Colleges Incorporated


Junior High School : Tungawan National High School

Year Graduated : 2020-2021

Elementary : Tungawan Central Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2016-2017

“There’s no success without hard work and sacrifice.”


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