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Camelot Corrupted

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A vengeance-driven adventure for players of the 17th

and 20th level. Note

Backstory This adventure is a gauntlet of sorts, both through the
character's history as well as their abilities. Encourage
the party to work together on party composition.
Camelot has fallen. After years of planning, Morgan Good synergy is vital in an adventure with so much
Le Fay has successfully corrupted the once-noble combat. Then, ask the party to prepare both 17th and
knights of Camelot, turning them against one 20th level character sheets, as they'll need both.
another. Merlin, Arthur's trusted Grand Wizard, is
the only remaining beacon of light. After King
Arthur's death, Merlin retreated to his tower and cast Plot Hooks
an all-powerful world spell to lock himself away from
Morgan's powers. This way, he'd have enough time to This adventure has two possible plot hooks. The
get more help. The Grand Wizard knew that were he adventure has minimal changes based on the chosen
to try to turn the time back and fix Camelot, Le Fay hook. These are the two possible hooks:
would counter his magic long enough for Mordred to
end him. He devised a plan to send Lancelot back in ●Arthurian Defenders. Though they are not quite the
time, but he too betrayed him at the last moment. Knights of the Round Table, the party is a strong band
Thus, only one other option remains: to recruit the of adventurers revered within Camelot. With the
strongest warriors he can think of and convince them Knights defeated, the party is the obvious line of
to help. They'll be able to do it. defense.
●Otherworldly Allies. The party has never seen
Adventure Camelot. They are from a different world altogether
but are Merlin's last chance.
Summary Whatever hook you choose, it won't influence the
story's flow.

After his final ally, Lancelot, falls to Morgan Le Fay's

corruption, Merlin decides he will no longer endure Chapter 1: The Last
this fight alone. He devises a plan to call upon
adventurers and take them into the past so they could Remnant
receive King Arthur's blessing. With this blessing,
they are to go forth and kill Morgan Le Fay in the
past when her plots have not yet doomed them all. In which the party meets Merlin.
After summoning the adventurers to his aid, having
already fought off some of the Corrupted Knights,
Merlin quickly explains his plan, asking them to help.
While Merlin completes the portal to the past, the
Before the Adventure
party fight off the remaining knights. Once enough
time has passed, Merlin shunts them into the portal. GM NOTE: If you are playing this adventure as a
The portal successfully brings them into the past, continuation of a long-running story, skip the first
two paragraphs and start with the "Read this"
where they are taken in by Agravain and Gawain,
two brothers with opposing personalities.When they
are brought before Arthur, they must side with one of First, if you are playing this adventure as a one-shot
the Brothers. After an interrogation, Arthur tests them or as the start ongoing campaign, ask each party
in combat by forcing them to fight an angel he member to describe themselves, their appearance,
summons. If they are pure of heart, they'll defeat it. and what they like to do in their off-time.
With the solar defeated, Arthur gives the party his
blessing, and they venture forth, defeating Mordred, Provided you feel you have the time, give each party
the only guardian of a weakened Le Fay who still member a small vignette of them doing activities in
their off-time, perhaps even introduce an interaction
hasn't seen her plan come to fruition.
to warm them up. Then, once everyone has
introduced themselves, you may proceed.
After the party agrees to help Merlin, he'll tell them to
Read this: be on guard, as he needs a little more time to prepare
the portal (he was distracted mid-spell by Lancelot
'It would seem adventure always comes when you attacking him). He'll point out Lancelot's body
least expect it, more specifically, when you would (location 2) and the body of Gaheris and Gareth
rather it didn't. It is your day off when you are at (location 3), asking the party to investigate them for
your most relaxed. The time has finally come for
you to take some time and fully heal all the injuries
you've gathered throughout your time. And that is
precisely when a large portal opens in front of you, The party can now investigate map 1 freely.
a skeleton shooting just past you and turning to
dust on the floor next to your feet. You look into
the portal and see an old man in weathered robes Keyed Locations
looking directly at you. Blood drips down his face,
and his hand seems to be conjuring up the portal.
"Please," he shouts. "You're my only hope. The
portal will fetch your best gear as you step 1. Merlin's Worldspell
through." Behind him, you can see the walls of a
large cave temple. As you do, he looks away from
you, his eyes widening at the sight of a monster Read this:
you can't see yourself. What do you do?'
'Although his breath seems heavy and he is
The party must now answer their call to adventure injured, Merlin is hard at work casting a spell
and walk through, meeting Merlin. older than time itself.'

Hazard: Temporal Instability. If a creature starts its

Meeting Merlin turn within 10 feet of Merlin, the temporal distortion
around the Grand Wizard affects its time flow. It
must roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the creature gains
After each party member enters the portal, read this: the benefits of the haste spell until the start of its next
'One after another, all of you step through a portal turn. On a 10 or lower, it is affected by the slow spell
into a large, underground structure. The ground is a until the start of its next turn.
mess of broken stone and blood, but the pillars
remain undamaged. Immediately behind you, you
notice a large magical swirl, most likely caused by the 2. Lancelot's Body
man in front of you, whose spellbook is blood-
spattered and laid out in front of it. He doesn't look
much better, drained and breathing heavily. Not too Read this:
far off, you notice a few bodies on the ground.'
'Fallen on the ground and scorched to a crisp is
Bring them to the Temporal Temple (map 1). They the body of a once noble knight and Arthur's
closest friend.'
meet Merlin (see "Merlin" sidebar), who is wounded
and tired. He'll quickly explain to the party that he is
Any party member can make a DC 18 Intelligence
the last survivor, having been betrayed by Lancelot at
(Investigation) check to inspect the burned corpse.
the last minute, who was going to head into the past
On a success, they notice Lancelot reaching for his
and warn Arthur of the incoming threat. Now, Merlin
face, trying to hide his beauty from the fire.
must keep the portal open, but there's no one to go
Additionally, they find Lancelot's mirror of philandry
through. The party must be the ones to do it.
and a lance of Camelot.

Merlin (LG human archmage) When a party member reaches for any of Lancelot's
Information: Merlin is now an old archmage, well items, they receive a vision of the thing that corrupted
into his 70s. His eyes have gone entirely radiant blue
with magic due to his exposure. His long white beard
and hair flow over robes of blue and purple while his
fingers jolt with arcane energy at every moment. Hazard: Corruption by Love. A creature touching
Roleplaying as Merlin: Merlin is a brilliant Lancelot's items has a vision of their truest love,
individual who devised a plan in the short minutes which is given to them by Morgan Le Fay. They must
after Lancelot's betrayal. Thus, he hasn't had time to succeed on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or take
flesh out all the details, but he'll trust the party. He is 4d10 psychic damage and have disadvantage on all
also deeply saddened by the knights he's killed, Wisdom checks and saving throws made for the next
weakening him physically and emotionally. hour.
3. Brother Knights' Bodies
Maps by CzePeku: Join their Patreon to access to
multiple variations of this map and more !
Read this:

'Next to Lancelot, you observe a roiling mass of MAP 1

arms, legs, and twin heads. You identify this as
what was once Gareth and Gaheris - two loving
brother knights. It seems the corruption turned
their cooperation into codependency.'

Any party member can make a DC 18 Intelligence

(Investigation) check to inspect the roiling corpses.
On a success, they notice the Brothers were trying to
hug in their final moments. As for gear, it seems the
mess of conjoined flesh absorbed it as well. A party
member can make a DC 18 Wisdom (Medicine)
check to look inside the body. On a success, they find
1 vial of unicorn's blood.

When a party member tries to open up the body,

they have visions of betrayal.

Hazard: Corruption by Trust. A creature opening up

the body has a vision of their friends betraying them.
They must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving
throw or take 4d10 psychic damage and become
charmed for 1 hour. While charmed in this way, they
behave normally but will follow the commands of
the corrupted knights (no action required) in combat.
Whenever a creature charmed in this way is dealt
damage, it may repeat the saving throw, ending the
effect on a success.

Fighting The Corruption

Once the party has investigated all locations on the
map, or once 9 minutes have passed, the party will
hear the sound of rumbling in the distance.

Read this:

'You wait with bated breath as you hear the earth

rumbling around you. More corrupted Knights of
the Round Table are coming. After shooting a
glance at Merlin, your suspicions are confirmed.
He nods. Then, the earth breaks open in half,
letting out a half-man, half-worm creature ridden
by a shadowy figure. Both look at you and Merlin
as the Grand Wizard shouts: "Not much longer,
defend me!"

Encounter: Corrupted Knights. The party must now

fight Lamorak, Fed by Battle, and Agravain, Thief
of Wits. The fight lasts 5 turns, regardless of if the
party is winning or losing.

Le Fay has corrupted both knights, but only one was

willing - Agravain. The two corrupted knights will
start attacking the party, telling Merlin they'll come
for him once these "pests" have been dealt with.
During the battle, Agravain attempts to distract Chapter 2: The
Merlin by heralding Le Fay's superiority. The beastly
Lamorak will say very little. King's Affirmation
GM NOTE: Villains are only as good as their In which the party returns to the past.
villainous dialogue, so lay it on thick. Have
Agravain taunt Merlin, laugh at the party, and use
Lamorak as a meat shield.
Arriving in the Past
At the start of the 1st round of combat, read this:
Read this:
'As the battle starts, you hear Merlin's chants
intensify as a wall of runic magic surrounds him. 'You get up from the ground and look around
He is seemingly defending himself from the you, only to find you are on top of a hill, far away
incoming battle.' from society, surrounded by nothing more than
trees. Everything looks quaint and unbothered,
At the start of the 3rd round of combat, read this: meaning the spell must've worked.'
'Slowly but surely, the sound of battle gets drowned
out by a reality-warping whirlwind. Looking behind Any party member can now make a DC 15
you at Merlin, you can see the temporal fabric Wisdom (Perception) check to look through the
trees. On a success, they see a castle in the
breaking open more and more. Soon, you'll be able to
distance, which has the banners of Camelot.
leap through and get to the past.' They've made it. They can begin heading in that
direction or choose to camp out here.

GM NOTE: If you want to make the encounter more

Additionally, any party member can make a DC 18
difficult, I suggest you make it as difficult a task as
possible to get into the portal and provide
Intelligence (Arcana) check to try and sense the
consequences for making it in late. One fun magical aura of the location. On a success, they feel it
drawback is that a character loses 1 character level has the same energy as the temple they were last in,
for each round past the 5th round of combat that meaning they are most likely right above the
they spent getting to the portal. underground temple.
If you want to keep the story as is, proceed normally.
If the party decides to camp here for the remainder of
the day (which they might, considering they've all
At the start of the 5th round of combat, decide been through brutal combat), allow them to have a
whether you want the party to be thrown into the long rest before proceeding to the next part of the
portal by Merlin or you want them to get there adventure.
themselves. Then, read this: If they choose to move toward the castle, describe the
'As you dig deep for more energy, you hear a lush surrounding area before moving on to the next
massive, sourceless explosion. The temporal portal is part of the adventure.
now fully opened. Your time is now.'

Either have Merlin throw the party into the portal or Meeting the Knights
have them run to it. Once every party member has
made it through the portal, read this:
'Within the swirling mass of energy and light, your Either as they rest or on their way to Camelot Castle,
head begins to spin unlike ever before. One can only the party will be intercepted by a few of the Knights
describe it as a mix of dizziness and complete they fought, this time uncorrupted. More specifically,
lucidity, but once it fades, the only thing remaining is they'll be met by Sir Agravain and Sir Gawain (see
the sound of birds and the smell of grass. You open "Sir Agravain" and "Sir Gawain" sidebars).
your eyes to look at the surrounding valleys. You've
made it. You are on a hill somewhere, unbothered.'

You may proceed to the next chapter.

Sir Agravain (CN human knight)
Information: Dark-haired and with armor painted in
shades of black and blue, Agravain looks to be the
gloomiest of the knights. His cruelty and vanity only
match his beauty, but he mostly hides those traits.
Though in the future, he'll be the first to betray
Arthur, currently, he is only a troubled young knight.
Roleplaying as Agravain: Agravain is a scheming
bully who doesn't want to take any risks. He'll be
distrustful of the party and want to kill them. Even if
he believes them, he'll be reluctant to bring them to
Arthur. A successful DC 18 Wisdom (Insight) check
reveals he has no intention of helping Arthur
prevent the threat.

Sir Gawain (LG human knight)

Information: Tall, redheaded, and with a large
beard, Gawain looks friendly to him, helped by his
warm smile. He prides himself on being a paragon of
knighthood. As the older brother of Agravain,
Gareth, and Gaheris, he is the leader of their family
and Arthur's most loyal knight, though not his best
Roleplaying as Gawain: In total opposition to
Agravain, Gawain will instantly warm up to the
party and want to bring them forth to Arthur. He'll
be open about sharing information and have no
restraint in aiding them.

Read this:

'Not too far off, you notice two horses galloping in

your direction. Both are carrying on their backs
large, armored figures. One seems to be dressed
in black, while the other has a green, almost moss-
like armor with a helmet that bears horns and
vines. Quickly, the two figures approach and
salute you, then get off their horses.'

As Agravain and Gawain get off their horses, Gawain

will be the one to talk, while Agravain will listen in
silence. They'll mention how Merlin told them to
come here to see the reason behind the temporal
distortion. The party can either deceive the knights
with a DC 20 Charisma (Deception) check or tell
them the truth and persuade them of it with a DC 18
Charisma (Persuasion) check. With a success on
either check, Gawain will ask the party members
back to the castle to speak with the King, while
Agravain will be hesitant initially but finally cave in.

Once the party has met the two knights and gotten a
good idea of their personalities, you can proceed.

Maps by CzePeku: Join their Patreon to access to

multiple variations of this map and more !

Return to Camelot Before the party may present their case, Gawain will
mention Agravain's reluctance to help. Agravain will
deny it, saying he only had the Kingdom's best
GM NOTE: On the path to Camelot, try to provide interest in mind. King Arthur will now turn to the
as much characterization for both knights as possible party to "set the record straight".
since it will play into the story shortly.
GM NOTE: Present the following choice as a critical,
While on the path, the party members can make a "The Walking Dead"-esque binary choice. The party
DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice Sir can side with Gawain, who has been chivalrous and
Agravain is troubled and annoyed by their presence. kind to them, or they can try to defend Agravain,
gaining his loyalty.
Read this:
If the party chooses to support Gawain's claim, King
'Alongside the two knights, you ride back to Arthur will call out Agravain, who'll storm off in
Camelot, overlooking hills and valleys of joyful anger. This will have implications later in the story.
farmers. This is a realm of order and goodness, If the party sides with Agravain, he'll thank them for
unlike the Camelot you last saw. When you reach defending his honor, while Gawain will back off,
the gates, you meet two twin knights with joyful apologizing to his brother. This will also have
smiles, Gareth and Gaheris. The thought of what implications later in the story.
they will eventually become if you fail troubles
you, but for now, you must stick to the plan. So, Once they solved the dispute, Arthur will ask the
first things first, you are led through the large gates
party to rest while he and Merlin deliberate on what
and into a stone keep, all the way to King Arthur.'
to do. The party can either take a long rest (if they
haven't already) or a short rest.
Brotherly Dispute
Before the Verdict
The party now meets King Arthur (see "King
Arthur" sidebar.) Merlin joins him (see "Past Merlin"
First, give the party some time to think. Then, once
sidebar). Gawain will introduce the party to King
they've discussed, the brother they've supported will
Arthur and Merlin.
come to speak with them.
If they seconded Gawain's claim, he thanks them and
King Arthur (LG human) offers them a potion of superior healing and a defender
Information: King Arthur is blonde and beautiful, sword.
with a trimmed beard and fantastic armor. His blade,
If they defended Agravain's honor, Argavain
Excalibur, is by his side, shining with bright light.
When seen, he creates a feeling of calm and power. apologizes and says they've gained his trust, granting
Roleplaying as Arthur: Arthur is a majestic monarch. them a potion of speed and a vorpal sword.
Very few are as charismatic and as powerful as him.
He'll ask questions with dignity, speak very little, GM NOTE: Make sure to give the party a sword
and do so in a firm yet welcoming tone. they can use. If the party doesn't have a single person
who likes two-handed weapons, there's no use in
Past Merlin (chaotic good human archmage) giving them a greatsword.
Information: Merlin has yet to learn how to weave
time magic because this is in the past, so he won't They can also seek out the other brother and attempt
outwardly believe the party when they tell him he to make peace with them. This requires a successful
sent them here. He'll be interested in the magic, DC 25 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Take note of
prompting his later experiments. how they left things off with each brother. It will
Roleplaying as Merlin: Merlin won't say anything to have an effect later in the story.
the party. Instead, he'll only whisper to Arthur. Use
this as both a way to help you navigate all the NPCs Then, King Arthur calls the party back. You may
and create intrigue. proceed.
Trial of Valor Chapter 3:
Read this:
Fighting Mordred
'You step within the throne room once more, met
by the welcoming smile of the monarch. He GM NOTE: Before continuing to this chapter, ensure
stands up and looks intently at you before each party member has properly leveled up to 20.
speaking. "I can't fully know if you're telling the You can either give them a short or a long rest, based
truth, but I know a creature that can." The King on how well you think they did on the last
then holds his blade up in prayer. You watch as encounter, and the resources you think they'll need
the heavens unlock, and from the sky descends a for the final battle. Then, proceed.
radiant solar with shining wings. It descends in
front of you with a stern face. Arthur continues:
"He will test your truth and your courage. If you
possess both, you'll gain my divine blessing, and
Reaching the Lair
you can go forth to defeat Morgan Le Fay.'
In the interest of keeping the adventure short, and
Bring the party to the Throne Room (map 2). because high-level combat takes very long, you can
recount the journey to Mordred and Le Fay's hiding
Encounter: The Solar's Test. The party must first tell spot in a short paragraph. If, however, you wish to
the truth about why they're here. Once they've all lengthen the journey, roll on the following table and
done so (and hopefully they all do), they must fight choose the difficulties the party must overcome:
the solar. Once the solar is below 40 hit points, it will
stop fighting and call them worthy.

When the fight is over, read this: Test of Knights. The party must prove
themselves against the collective effort of all
1 knights, either in fun puzzles and games such as
'King Arthur begins clapping with joy as he stands
chess or a battle. (For the Knights' statistics, check
up from his chair. "Very well," he says. "You've
out the Knights of the Round Table Compendium).
more than proven your worth. Now, the time has
come for you to do what my heart does not allow The Lake of Riddles. The party must overcome
me to - fight my family. From what Merlin tells 2
the riddles set out by the Lady of the Lake.
me, Morgan Le Fay is still weakened. Her only
defender is my nephew, Mordred. Defeat him, Fisher King's Approval. The party must seek out
and my knights will imprison her with ease.' the Fisher King in his swamped castle and dine
with him. If they tell him their stories and entertain
him, he'll tell them where the lair is hidden.
King Arthur will now give the party the holy grail. In
addition, each party member levels up to level 20. The Trolls of Avalon. The party must gain the
You may proceed to the next chapter. favor of 3 trolls, all hiding in different parts of the
realm and holding one key to Morgan's lair. Only
with all 3 keys can the party get inside.

GM NOTE: These encounters are "additional

content" and will probably lengthen the adventure to
an additional session, if not more.

Once the party has reached the lair, read this:

'You find yourself in front of a massive onyx door,

the likes of which you've never seen before. It
looks like a twisted mirror of the place you've been
in before. Then, you open it, and a dark chamber
lies in front of you. Weakened on an arachnid
throne, Morgan Le Fay sits and awaits your
arrival. Next to her, wearing armor as dark as the
void - Mordred. She extends her finger and
speaks, "Kill them, my beloved." Roll for initiative.'
Bring the party to Morgan's Throne (map 3). They
must now fight Mordred, the Kingslayer. If, when
they left, Galahad was not on friendly terms with
them, they have disadvantage on saving throws
against Mordred's Mark of Betrayal. If, when they
left, Agravain was not on friendly terms with them, Maps by CzePeku: Join their Patreon to access to
multiple variations of this map and more !
Mordred gains an additional Legendary Action each

Once Mordred is defeated, proceed to the next MAP 3


Defeating Mordred
When Mordred is defeated, his body will turn into a
flock of ravens. His corrupted existence has ended,
leaving behind a weakened Morgan Le Fay and
nothing else.

From her spider-like throne, Morgan Le Fay (see

"Morgan Le Fay" sidebar) will try to convince the
party to come to her side. Once the party has made
their choice, proceed to the next chapter.

Morgan Le Fay (CE human)

Information: A beautiful woman with pale skin,
dark hair, and blue eyes, Morgan Le Fay looks
skeletal and weakened due to her last battle with
Merlin. She was planning a return from the
darkness, but with Mordred dead, no one can
infiltrate the Knights for her and kill Arthur.
Roleplaying as Morgan: Morgan is evil beyond
imagination and promises rewards to those who aid
her. She'll lie about giving the party anything they
ask for. The party can see through these lies with a
successful DC 25 Wisdom (Insight) check.

The Endings
If the party chooses to apprehend Morgan Le Fay,
they correct history, and Camelot will stand. Merlin
will cast a spell and send the party back to their
proper place in time.

If the party chooses to align with Morgan Le Fay,

they'll become her new champions and be
instrumental in tearing down Camelot. When the
Merlin of the future teleports to the past to see what
has happened, they'll trick him and kill him.

Either way, bards will tell their story for the rest of

The End.
A big thank you to all of those who
follow and support me, without you I
couldn't have brought this project to

Cover art by Grand Failure, used with


Maps created by CzePeku on Patreon.

Take Care!

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