A guide for gaming groups ready to make the jump from
the introductory adventure Lost Mine of Phandelver to the
great campaign Out of the Abyss.
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Introduction ....................................................3 Chapter 3: The Descent .................................29
A Rough Start ......................................................3 Bowels of the Earth ............................................29
DM Duty ..............................................................3 Gnomic Salvation ...............................................31
To Raise and Lower ..............................................3 Into the Web of Lies ............................................32
The Thematic Array .............................................3 Chapter 4: After Velkynvelve .........................38
Scope and Duration .............................................4 Bloopidoop .........................................................38
Adventure Overview .............................................4 Grackslugh ........................................................38
Adventure Flowchart ............................................5 The Travelers’ Guild of Mantol-Derith .................38
Chapter 1: Drow in Phandalin ..........................6 Blingdenstone ....................................................38
Weaving Threads Together ....................................6 Mithral Hall........................................................38
Vanguard on Mithral Hall Sidebar .........................7 Phandalin ..........................................................38
Chapter 2: Northern March ............................11 The City of Spiders .............................................38
The Sword Mountains ........................................13 Appendices ....................................................39
The Savage Frontier ............................................13 Letter from Chal’irith Vandree ............................39
The Evermoors ...................................................14 Map of the Descent to the Underdark .................40
The Frost Hills....................................................14
Mithral Hall........................................................15
As the 5th Edition founding starter adventure,
Lost Mine of Phandelver is still the go-to gameplay
experience for brand new gaming groups as well The overall complexity of Out of the Abyss has
as for experienced folk, the simple yet exciting plot always been discussed, as it means that DMs
and the ready-to-deploy characters, encounters, running it will usually need more prep time per
and locations make it one of the greatest starting session when compared to other adventures.
points for a longer campaign. That’s when things Changing the structure to allow for a smoother
start to become more complex: what to do after transition from Lost Mine of Phandelver means that
the adventure ends and, most importantly, how on the earlier campaign chapters this prep time is
to smoothly translate the changes of tone and enlarged, but it also means that less counteracting
gameplay that would naturally come in a campaign measures will need to be taken in pressure points
with more experienced players? and that, eventually in the second half of the
Having been made on such an early point in campaign most things will be already sorted out.
the edition’s history, there isn’t any clear advice on This and other supplements by Rhodarin Press
how to continue the adventure further, something will ensure that the adaptations suggested in this
that changed only with subsequent adventure guide are easier to implement in detail.
books. The logical next step, especially for new
DMs, would be to line up Lost Mine of Phandelver
with another hardcover adventure, which means
that they can, theoretically, continue their learning TO RAISE AND LOWER
curve in a smooth way. Since that might not
always be the case, countless resources exist Besides being locked up and having to survive in
catering to a variety of combinations, ensuring the Underdark during a demonic invasion and
that the gaming experience goes as smoothly as some good intentions, it can be harder to bind
possible. the characters to the plot of Out of the Abyss right
This guide is meant for groups, especially out of the gate. The relationships created during
their DMs, who want ideas and suggestions on Lost Mine of Phandelver might help with that,
how to follow up their adventures in Lost Mine of guaranteeing that the NPCs they have come to like
Phandelver with the far-reaching adventure Out of are involved in that and can guide them towards
the Abyss, one of the earliest hardcover campaign their new adventure in a way that feels less forced
for 5E and to this day one that attracts many upon them.
players. Known for its grandeur, this adventure With that possibility you can raise or lower the
has a world-ending plot in a very enticing setting, stakes during the adventure in a way that is more
which makes it a very interesting adventure flexible and allows the characters either some well
overall. Out of the Abyss is, however, known for deserved rest or a rush of adrenaline when it is
its complexity and for some structural holes that truly needed, avoiding the tension fatigue that can
need to be addressed from time to time. This guide plague gaming groups playing this campaign.
will try to answer and help you with some of these
problems as well as presenting a smooth way your
gaming group can explore the Underdark after
their adventures in Phandalin.
Lost Mine of Phandelver and Out of the Abyss
are very different in plot, setting, and themes;
A ROUGH START which makes them interesting in terms of
variability, but also a challenge to wrap together in
As with many of the early 5th Edition hardcover a long-term campaign. Be aware of how the themes
adventures, Out of the Abyss offers quickstarting change throughout the campaign and make sure
options that are, in reality, quite deadly to such that the players are comfortable with that change.
early level characters (usually 1st and 2nd). In The Underdark brings much darker aspects of
this guide the adventures are adapted so that the plot to the game, which might be an exciting
the first ends at around 4th Level, a much more opportunity, but one that might not be for all at
manageable starting point for the Underdark as that moment. This guide organizes the transition
it is presented. Subsequent level adjustments are between the adventures and the chapters in them
necessary as the plot is scrambled in a new order so that there is a buffer zone (both in terms of
so that the scaling continues to work as intended time and space) between them and the themes can
and gaps or superpositions are sorted out. adapt more easily, organically transitioning to the
heavy plot that encompasses Out of the Abyss.
SCOPE AND DURATION can be run as written, but focus on the quests
directly related to the Black Spider.
This guide changes things on both adventures, Chapter 4: Wave Echo Cave. This chapter can
which means that scope and duration of both are be run as written.
Regarding Lost Mine of Phandelver, one can New Chapter
expect a slightly shorter adventure that focuses Chapter 1: The Northern March. This chapter
on the actions of Nezznar, the Black Spider, a expands on the physical transition between the
pivotal character for the bridge. Expect the starter Sword Mountains to Mithral Hall, and then to the
adventure to have at least one less session and the Underdark.
characters to finish it at between 3rd and 4th Level
rather than almost at 5th as it is commonly the Out of the Abyss
case. The buffer zone means that the characters Chapter 2: Into Darkness. This chapter serves
will spend a lot of time between defeating Nezznar as a quick introduction to the Underdark and its
and arriving at the Underdark and we don’t want environments, and will serve as reference many
them to level up too much in the meantime. times.
The journey from Phandalin to Mithral Hall Chapter 6: Blingdenstone. This chapter
can be summarized in one session with a lot of can be run as-written, with the plot changes
descriptions and roleplay as it would be the case desccribed in this supplement. Encounter
in many low-level adventures, or it can be actually difficulty might be balanced downwards for the
played through as a true journey in which case party’s level.
three to four sessions might be a good maximum Chapter 15: The City of Spiders. This chapter
(long journeys can be a challenge to maintain takes the characters into a premature incursion
interesting without diverging the plot). In this into the drow capital, which will show them the
document you can find information and material myriad of threats lurking in these tunnels and the
for both. Choose according to your gaming group’s urgency with which they must act. They will return
particular style and to the amount of gaming hours here later. Encounter difficulty might be balanced
you would like to develop on the surface before downwards for the party’s level.
delving underground. Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow. This
After exploring Mithral Hall, which on itself chapter explores the party’s capture by the drow
should take less than a session, the characters and their experience in Velkynvelve as written.
are ready to delve into the Underdark. After a Encounter difficulty should be balanced upwards
brief journey, which is also not supposed to last for the party’s level.
more than a session, they arrive at the region Chapter 3: The Darklake. This chapter can
surrounding Blingdenstone and the revised version be run as written. Encounter difficulty should be
of Out of the Abyss starts. balanced upwards for the party’s level.
In the Underdark proper you will find that Chapter 4: Gracklstugh. This chapter can be
timetables tend to continue the same as written, run as written. Encounter difficulty should be
with the exception of the addition of a trip to balanced upwards for the party’s level.
Menzoberranzan after Blingdenstone and before Chapter 5: Neverlight Grove. This chapter can
the capture by the drow, which can take, on be run as written. Encounter difficulty should be
average, from 2 to 5 sessions to play out. balenced upwards for the party’s level.
If you follow this guide and its supplementary Chapter 7: Escape from the Underdark.
content, expect some parts of the aventure, This chapter can be run as written. Encounter
such as the Chapters regarding Mantol Derith, difficulty should be balanced upwards for the
Menzoberranzan, and the return to the surface party’s level.
world to take longer, but also the journeying the Chapter 8: Audience in Gauntlgrym.
Underdark parts on the first and second half of the This chapter can be run as written, although
adventure to be significantly shorter. the location may be changed for Mithral Hall.
Encounter difficulty should be balanced upwards
for the party’s level.
Chapter 9: Mantol-Derith. This chapter can
ADVENTURE OVERVIEW be run as written, but alterations as suggested.
Encounter difficulty should be balanced upwards
This adventure mashup connects the storylines for the party’s level.
in the following manner: Chapter 10: Descent into the Depths,
Chapter 11: Gravenhollow, Chapter 12:
Lost Mine of Phandelver The Tower of Vengeance, Chapter 13: The
Chapter 1: Goblin Arrows. This chapter can Wormwrithings, Chapter 14: The Labyrinth,
be run as written. Chapter 16: The Fetid Wedding, and Chapter
Chapter 2: Phandalin. This chapter can be 17: Against the Demon Lords. These chapters
run as written, although you should be careful not can be run as written, with alterations regarding
the let the party explore all side-quests. only the cohesion of narrative and overall plot
Chapter 3: The Spider’s Web. This chapter preferences or interactions by the party.
During most of Lost Mine of Phandelver the party is NEZZNAR OF HOUSE VANDREE
interfacing in a way or another with the main villain:
Nezznar, the Black Spider. a drow mage searching Taking advantage of the unspecified origin
for the Forge of Spells through unscrupulous means. of Nezznar, this guide proposes House Vandree
This is the vital link between the starter adventure of Menzoberranzan as the Black Spider’s family.
and Out of the Abyss: through a decisive delve into Currently known as the Eighth House, the
drow lore that puts the Black Spider on the tail Vandrees have experienced a quick rise to power
end of a more intricate political hierarchy, the party in the last half century due to cunning alliances
acquires a lead that hints at some dark dealings and treaties, as well as commercial endeavors.
from the drow in Menzoberranzan. Right now the main branch of the family, the one
who helmed these successful machinations, was
allowed a seat on the Ruling Council of Eight,
WEAVING THREADS TOGETHER currently held by Matron Mother Fiirnel’ther
To guarantee the transition runs smoothly, it The sheer amount of wealth and influence
is very advisable to foreshadow the next adventure necessary to be at the Council has rippled
throughout the whole House, and even lower
by dropping hints (and even plot hooks) of what’s
branches, such as the one Nezznar is a part of, are
to come. In this section many suggestions are
now noteworthy. So called “Black Vandree” due to
made on how to do so, highlighting the differences
the color of their banner, this low noble branch is
between the written material and this new version.
ruled by Fiirnel’ther’s younger sister and Nezznar’s
mother: Chal’irith, a smart, but lackluster figure
DWARVISH ENTERPRISE within the House’s context.
First and foremost a retcon on the Rockseeker The Black Spider was allowed to attend Sorcere,
brothers should be put in place: while on the where he was able to develop arcane abilities, but
never really displayed much untapped potential.
original adventure they are independent agents
Growing up amidst successful figures such as his
working from Neverwinter (mainly), the version
aunt and his cousins, Nezznar inevitably developed
proposed in this guide assumes that they are
insecurities that led him to despise the City of
actually naturals from Mithral Hall, one of the
Spiders and propelled him to engage on frequent
northern dwarf strongholds.
excursions, especially ones that sought artifacts of
Their expedition is being funded by an
arcane power or relics from the ancient past.
organization called Chamber of the Ancient
Although Chal’irith continues to call these
Hearth, an important institution which gathers
adventures “feeble treasure hunts”, she finances
counselors from the government of Mithral
them in hopes that eventually her son will find
Hall, sages, merchants, nobles, craftspeople, something of value that could elevate the Black
and warriors to award funding to explorations Vandrees within the House’s ranks.
programs with the aim to uncover pieces of The exploits and machinations seen in Lost
dwarven past throughout the North. Mine of Phandelver were the last and most
The Rockseeker brothers are initially elaborate ones in a series of failed attempts in
reluctant to disclose this information as the many locations throughout the North (both in the
Chamber is a very discreet organization and its Surface and in the Underdark). As the characters
funded expeditions should be a secret until the explore Phandalin and unravel this plot, the Black
authenticity of the sites and relics are guaranteed Spider is in communication with his mother and
and officials can claim the site and protect it. the news that Nezznar was finally able to find
During the course of Lost Mine of Phandelver, you something is surprising.
might foreshadow the Chamber’s existence by Chal’irith’s last letter to her son can be found
making the dwarf brothers worried about money on the table that Nezznar used as his “study”
and about other people knowing about Wave on Dumathoin’s Temple (Area 19 of Wave Echo
Echo Cave. As the party helps the dwarves to Cave - p.49 LMOP), and its contents can be found
reclaim the mine, they will be increasingly more here and on the Appendix. Beware that his letter
comfortable and might be honest with them if the is fundamental for the link between Lost Mine
opportunity arises. If that does not happen during of Phandelver and Out of the Abyss, so make
the adventure, another good opportunity is the sure that the party finds it and that they can
uncovering of a suspicious letter from the Black decipher what it means. The letter is written in
Spider’s table, and in the last case if the brothers Elvish, although the written form definitely hints
keep the secret as long as they can, the party at a specific Underdark dialect, and some of the
should discover on its way to, or at Mithral Hall, contents reference dwarvish culture so if the party
where the Rockseekers are inevitably reporting to is not well versed on that topic they might be
the Chamber. helped by the Rockseeker brothers or sages they
might know.
The Triboar Trail lazily climbs through the You pass six days on the less traveled road,
rolling hills that mark the periphery of the Sword very close to the swamplands of the Evermoors.
Mountains. After only a couple days of march you Sometimes the path gets tangled in the pools of
stop seeing the ridge in the horizon and, murky water and revolving roots, but eventually it
unpreoccupied with goblins, bugbears, or the fate rises again to firmer ground. In one instance you
of the Rockseeker brothers, you advance into a find the ruins of a tower, leaning over the marsh. As
sea of grassy hills. you explore for forgotten riches or shelter, you are
Soon you arrive in Triboar itself, a trading attacked by a group of strange insect-like creatures
village that is a hub for merchants going up and that you later recognize as meenlocks. After slaying
down the dusty roads in the otherwise solitary these creatures, you eventually find some treasure
lands of the Savage Frontier. Caravans from the hidden in a rotting chest.
south bring some life to the village, enough to The trail finishes at Nesmé, a city you avoid
bring some rumors at the cozy Triboar Arms inn. since rumors in Yartar talked about it being
Your hear about the great Festival of the Seven dominated by the Many-Arrows. Although eager for
Coins, soon to be commencing on the nearby town the comfort of an inn or tavern on the inside of the
of Longsaddle; about the exile of Lord Neverember reinforced wooden walls, the clear militaristic nature
from Waterdeep and the appointment of Laeral of the settlement makes for an unwelcoming sight.
Silverhand as Open Lord; and even a lonely bard From that point onwards Gundren leads you
which claims to have come from a land beyond the through a series of backroads that, at least for you,
Spine of the World where the sun hasn’t breached seem to lead nowhere, but which he assures are
the horizon for the past month. leading directly to the stronghold. The trek through
After some time in town to resupply and the Frost Hills is a nice change of setting after the
exchange horses in the highly active ranches of somewhat stagnant and murky swamps, as you
Triboar you continue through the Evermoor Way, a are quickly brought to higher ground where the
well kept and busy road descending the Dessarin rural atmosphere intermingles with pine forests and
Valley. On the path you find a small hamlet where incredible valley vistas.
you stop for some rest, but are surprised by the The few villages you see in this part of the
action of thieves. Hopefully, your might and wit journey reminds you of the lone reaches of the
was enough to fend the bandits away and grant Sword Mountains, and not the great stories that
you some grace with the villagers. Gundren has been talking about in the last weeks.
The forested riverbanks halt when you How could a stronghold that large and impressive
approach the walled city of Yartar, a bustling burg be located in such isolation? On the fifteenth day of
much larger than Triboar. Here merchants are the journey you find yourselves in a valley at the foot
main force, shops, stalls, and caravans fill every of a great snowy mountain. The dwarf can’t contain
street, all under the protection of the Waterbaron his excitement as he proclaims you have arrived on
and the Lord’s Alliance, whose banner can be Forthpeak, the place where the river Surbin surfaces
seen on many buildings and fortifications. You and where the shield dwarves have built their
spend your time in Yartar at the One Foot in the greatest stronghold.
Boat, a crude, but notorious inn which is preferred As you ascend the mountain trail that is
by merchants and adventurers alike for its cleverly hidden on the rock slopes of the mountain,
affordability. only being able to do so by following Gundren’s
The nature of the inn is made clear on the unnatural, or rather incredibly natural, pace; you
first night, when a fight erupts in the main hall begin to discern some sections of the rock which are
between a bruly-looking woman and a middle- not natural, but rather worked on by masterfully
aged male halfling, who swears he did not steal skilled hands. More or less on the middle point
anything from her while she chucks him into the of the mountain you arrive at a cut-stone plateau
wall. Eventually the barkeep intervenes and they before a large stone gate engraved with geometric
find that indeed the halfling had taken a crude shapes depicting scenes of dwarven mythology.
silver medallion from the woman’s pack. As you approach, Gundren says that the might of
In the following day the city’s early risen the dwarves would be enough to lure the greatest
merchants awaken you to the next day of journey, dragons to pass through this marvelous gates, but
where you leave the burg behind with its fume that this would be the last thing the drakes would
lines ascending from the countless chimneys. see before finding their ends inside the stronghold.
The path ahead is the Surbin Trail, a shortcut When the party approaches the gate, a
Gundren confirms to be the best way to reach sourceless voice echoes throughout the small
the northern dwarven strongholds through the plateau, saying in Common: ‘Who are ye strangers
western border of the Evermoors rather than who approach the Surbin Gate?
cutting through them.
As the party camps on the outer rim of A caravan of merchants going to Yartar
the Neverwinter Wood they hear the welcomes the party to stay with them
3 howling of a wolf and later are surprised 2
for added protection and some chatting
by a pack of four wolves encircling their during the following days.
At the edge of the Dessarin Valley the
Following a trail of small pebble cairns the party stumbles upon an interesting rocky
party gets off the beaten path and arrives ridge overlooking the valley. As they
at a hill where a large oval stone inscribed explore the ruins within they find an
with faint runes stands. Touching 3 unusually large, but empty nest with some
the stone, a character with a Passive forgotten coins and other shiny items.
Perception of 12 or higher notices that As they investigate they are attacked
it appears to vibrate slightly. The Giant by the griffon who made the nest. (More
runes describe a rockslide and the death information - p.81 SKT)
of an important warrior, but there is not
much else to be found here.
In the Dessarin Valley the party finds crude
lodging in the hamlet of Vendelthrop, but
On their way east the party passes they notice the people seem awfully quiet
through Wyvern Tor and might have an and always on edge. After a while they notice
opportunity to deal with the band of 4 some people in the shadows appear to carry
5 weapons that denote something more than
plunderers led by Brughor Axe-Biter. simpletons. They are a band of bandits that
If the characters are not particularly keep the villagers hostage as a way to attract
perceptive the orcs from the Many Arrows travelers to be robbed. How will the party
face that situation
As the party peruse one of the several As the trail gets tangled between pools
market squares of Yartar they see a of murky water and revolving roots, the
5 merchant asking for help as his wife has party sees the outline of a stone tower on
fallen into a canal and is being taken by the Evermoors’ hazy morning. The swamp
the current. (More information - p.114 SKT) seems to be reclaiming the stones and
wood of the leaning structure, which can
During their stay at the Yartaran inn be explored by the characters. Inside
called One Foot in the Boat, a bruly- 4 they find remnants of what appears to be
looking woman accuses a middle-aged a wizard or alchemist’s study, filled with
male halfling of stealing from her. They jars used in experiments. The flora inside
6 seem to be strangely lively and colorful
get into a fist fight in the middle of the
main chamber, which ignites the crowd of and notes inside seem to relate to the
clients in joyful laughter and even betting. Feywild. As they explore and even get
What do the characters do? some good treasure, they are attacked by
three meenlock.
Stronghold of strongholds, ancestral home of
the famous Battlehammer clan, the great Mithral
Hall is known to be one of the greatest and most
secure dwarven cities in Faerûn. Mostly inhabited
by shield dwarves, some of which are part of clans
that can trace their ancestry for centuries and
centuries on end, to the very earliest dwarves in
the realm, this stronghold has passed through
periods of peace and prosperity, as well as times of
war and distrust. Even after the third abdication
of King Bruenor Battlehammer (who is now king
of the ancient stronghold of Gauntlgrym), the new
Queen Dagnabbet Waybeard is able to maintain
the relative stability that has marked the last half
century of the stronghold’s history.
Nowadays, the isolation of the Hall has
been broken as treaties with the Lords’ Alliance
strengthened ties between the realms and
enhanced cultural, mercantile, and military
cooperation for the city. Mithral Hall is also allied
with other dwarven strongholds, which now
share a mutual understanding of the necessity of
cooperation to deal with threats that range from
Uthgardt, Many Arrows, dragons from the Spine,
and even the drow.
The unfortunate proximity of Mithral Hall to
the great drow metropolis of Menzoberranzan has
made for a historical nemesis that lasts centuries Surbin Gate
on end without a clear conclusion. As the dwarves
dig downwards and the drow dig upwards, This is one of the entrances of Mithral Hall
countless encounters, battles, and even wars have and the first place where the party engages with
ensued, some which have continued for decades the locals. Gundren takes the lead speaking in
straining both cultures to a point of exhaustion. Dwarvish but there’s some guards who speak
After the War of the Vanguard about half a Common if the characters want to join the chat. As
century ago (reference the Vanguard on Mithral the party advances, not through the heavy granite
Hall sidebar), both settlements are cautious in doors but rather through a carved side passage
starting conflicts in the lands of the Underdark, only about 10 feet tall, they begin to traverse the
afraid to spark a new fully fledged war without tunnels of the Hall.
fully recovering from the last one first. Opening As they pass through the first line of defensive
to the Surface world, however, the Hall has been structures they finally begin to see dwarves in
quickly not only recovering, but also expanding metal armor, wielding heavy weapons, but greeting
and diversifying, which is catching the attention of the newcomers with some warmth. As they find
the City of Spiders. themselves in a sort of courtyard behind the gate,
In this great stronghold the party can find most read:
things available in the cities of the Coast, albeit
sometimes in a slightly different shape or style.
As Gundren engages in a casual chat with one
Inserted in a, up to this point, relatively isolated
of the guards in the middle of this large cavern
dwarven community, most characters are sure to
you hear hurried, heavy footsteps echoing through
be amazed by how different from the Surface world
a passage. Suddenly, emerging from a doorway,
the Hall still is.
you see a tall dwarven woman with pale skin
and fiery red beard and spiked hairstyle, clad
STAYING ON TASK? in a heavy scaled shirt and carrying a large
battlehammer. Her powerful voice announces a
The party is here on a mission: to help and
greeting in Dwarvish which you later discover
protect Gundren Rockseeker as he reports back means:’’Rockseeker, your sunburn does not lie: it
to his patrons from the Chamber of the Ancient was time to come back home.’ before she goes for
Hearth; but in the Hall there is no need to worry a hug with Gundren.
about the dwarf’s safety, so they are allowed to The duo happily chats for a while before
roam freely if they wish. The Chamber needs some Gundren introduces her as Vaelia Irontomb, an
time to assemble the board of speakers to listen to old friend who, to his surprise, has been made
Gundren’s report, so they have about a day in the Warden of the Surbin Gate in his absence from
Hall to explore and be marveled by the dwarven the stronghold. Her warm presence appears to fill
craftsmanship and society. Gundren with energy, and as you depart deeper
into the mountain he quickly assures that all
After the talk with the Chamber, however, they
of you will meet her tonight at a tavern, so that
notice that their time in the Hall might not be the you can tell the tales of your adventures on the
longest one. They are tasked with another mission, surface.
one that includes a descent into the Underdark
for more information, which is factually where Out
of the Abyss begins. Don’t shy away, however, of Vaelia and Gundren, as he can explain, have
letting the party enjoy some downtime in the Hall, been friends since childhood. She has always been
they have traveled a lot since Phandalin and this is the active, sporty type so it was not a surprise when
perhaps one of the last chances they will get to truly she decided to enter the city guard. Warmth and
rest. kindness are part of the Irontomb family ideals and
Allowing them to meet the people of Mithral she faithfully honors that. Their families have been
Hall, Gundren’s connection and culture, will surely very close for a century now, and Vaelia even had a
help them actually invest themselves in the quest fling with Nundro, but nothing came out of it and
ahead, as the protection of this stronghold relies on now they are all good friends.
their bravery and willpower in the Underdark in the As a figure of some importance in the city guard,
Vaelia listens to many rumors and is always in the
weeks that will follow.
lookout for information, especially regarding the
safety of Mithral Hall. She can surely talk more
GREAT HALLS about it when they find her in The Bottomless Well,
a traditional tavern that Vaelia and the Rockseekers
A number of natural caverns and grandiose
used to frequent in their youth. More information on
sculpted chambers outside the stronghold’s main
the Undercity’s Fifth Circle section.
core at the Undercity are collectively known as Great
As the characters leave the Surbin Gate they will
Halls. Some of them serve practical reasons (such as
soon find themselves in Garumn’s Gorge.
treasury or defensive mechanism) while others serve
a ceremonial or religious role (such as the reception
of foreign dignitaries).
Garumn’s Gorge Some guards can be found here, but the area
is not really of interest in the city’s day-to-day life.
This great hall would be the first the party sees Some activity can be found in the lower levels of
after entering through the Surbin Gate. Here they the chasm, where the waterfall known as Bruenor
can once again marvel at dwarven craftsmanship Falls creates a small subterranean lake that is
and get to know some pieces of lore. As they the source to the Surbin river. Dwarves can be
traverse the bridge, read: seen using the pond as well as others maintaining
the aqueduct that takes some of the water to the
Undercity. The river passage is well guarded to
After only a couple minutes walking, you
impede invaders, but other passages lead down to
see yourself standing on a stone bridge that
the Deepest Mines.
spans across a very deep chasm, illuminated by
a multitude of torches in cut stone fixings that
merge with the geometric sculpted reliefs that Hall of Dumathoin
resemble the fragments you remember from Wave
This great hall is the city’s main vault and
Echo Cave. As you marvel on the vertiginous
arsenal. Actually composed of an assortment of
thousand feet drop below, Gundren warns you
interconnected caverns, chambers, and niches; the
‘Beware companions, the last person to fall from
clergy of Dumathoin is responsible for managing
the bridge of Garumn’s Gorge was the legendary
and protecting this “secret under the mountain”.
king Bruenor Battlehammer, and his fall was only
cushioned by Shimmergloom, the dragon he was Apart from important dignitaries invited and
slaying.’ with a lively laughter at the end trusted by the monarch of the Hall, foreigners are
not allowed inside, and even locals should have
tells her about the possible drow threat she urges but also to present the characters to him. There
to take the message to him immediately, but the might be an opportunity for the party to buy or
Rockseeker dwarf prefers to pass this through the commission things from Thor. In this case you
Chamber of the Ancient Hearth first. can use him as some sort of enchanter or magic
item seller, besides all sorts of strange items and
Ragandom Workshop gadgets which are not necessarily magical.
If the characters mention that they might be
Thor Ragandom is a middle aged dwarf who heading to the Underdark (a good reason to come
was born with the spark of invention and the to the workshop to buy equipment), Thor might
abilities of a master craftsman. In a city with mention he would be interest in buying strange
hundreds of inventors, creators, and tinkerers, things they find deep down the Hall, ranging from
his unusual apparati and works allowed for a exotic ores (there are luminescent, floating, and
sect of faithful clients and the establishment of a even fluid types in the Underdark), magic items,
workshop. and even dwarven texts, tools, or relics.
During their young revelries, Vaelia and the
Rockseeker brothers would exist The Foaming Chamber of the Ancient Hearth
Mug drunk and up to no good. One night they
stumbled upon the Ragandom Workshop and This cloistered complex is the headquarters
decided to break into it to see the esoteric of the organization known as the Chamber of the
inventions of Ragandom. They weren’t expecting, Ancient Hearth, a group created for the discovery
however, that the place was guarded by Thor’s and safeguarding of dwarven ruins, artifacts,
inventions themselves, which animated as soon and heritage across the realm under the banner
as they breached the door. With some amount of of Mithral Hall. The organization currently
magic and technique, the young ruffians were collaborates with the government of Mithral Hall,
entrapped inside the workshop and when Thor clerics and sages, and its “benefactors” which are,
arrived to work the next day he was delighted in general, noble houses and merchants, as well as
to see the might of his new inventions and how with adventurers which have been renowned in the
they worked. As a jokester himself, Thor liberated past for their findings and contributions.
them in the condition that they helped him test For the safety of the projects undergoing at
some of his new inventions again, to which they the Chamber, very few members actually know
promptly agreed, fearing larger consequences. In everything going on at the same time, as well as
the following years they served as test subjects all the members. Each project has its own council
for a wide array of experiments, which proved to and, thus, everything related to it can be kept
be not only fun, but also quite interesting. In the secret more easily. The nature of the Chamber’s
end, when the tests began to diminish as their works requires some discretion, since having too
lives continued on with responsibilities, they had much attention on prospection sites filled with
become friends with the inventor and would come cultural significance, but also material wealth,
to chat rather than to the tests. might be a question of contention. As it should
While in town, Gundren will definitely pass be clear as the characters learn more about the
through the workshop to engage with his old friend Chamber, the dwarves of Mithral Hall should
not only worry about the competition with other where they advance through Wave Echo Cave.
dwarven strongholds, or surface-dwelling treasure Depending on your gaming group’s preferred styles
hunters, but also the action of the drow of you can make this a very complex and interesting
Menzoberranzan. roleplay scene , with detailed accounts of everything
As explained in Chapter 1, the Rockseeker that happened and the reactions by the party of the
brothers proposed the project to search and council, or do a brief version with some descriptions
reinstitute the Forge of Spells, which are accepted and basic details.
and funded according to the Chamber’s rules. For ease of reference, here are the most important
Following the proceedings, Gundren is back to topics and how the council reacts:
report what they found and what happened in
Wave Echo Cave. Additionally, he’s here to warn The Recovery of the Forge of Spells. The
the Chamber about the possibility of attacks in the Chamber is extremely happy with the successful
mines, the presence of a traitor among them, and identification and recovery of the mine and adjoining
also a greater threat lurking in the Underdark. structures. In memory of the late Tharden, the next
Right before reaching the Fourth Circle, five years of mine dividends will be redirected to
Gundren will make a quick stop here to announce Marca Rockseeker, his living mother, and a statue of
he is back and that the council for the project him will be commissioned and stationed at the mine,
should be assembled for a report. In the later commemorating his memory forever. Reinforcements
part of the following day, the party accompanies in the form of both mining, survey, and protection
Gundren as witness to the report and the findings. personnel will be sent to Phandalin immediately to
As they enter the chamber, read: aid Nundro Rockseeker. The documentation process
of the findings should start soon and the public
As you are led through a series of stone announcement should happen within the year.
corridors in this complex, you arrive in a circular, The Smaller Drow Threat. The Chamber is
domed chamber with geometric patterns and worried with the possibility of the drow knowing
runes adorning the ceiling. Five niches open to the about the Forge of Spells, which assures that the
chamber around 5 feet above the floor and in each personnel sent to protect and reinforce the mine will
you see a person sitting on a chair. As you enter be doubled.
the people stop chatting amongst themselves and Treason in the Hall. The possibility of a traitor
Gundren announces who he is, your names, and within the Chamber sends the council into complete
what you are all here to report. disarray, so much that the president has to ask the
In order, the people in the chairs announce who members to calm down and be rational about it. The
they are: the young female dwarf with midnight name Silverworth is easily recognized by the council
black hair and beautiful silk tunics is Sarla members and Tarion Weatherwell lets it slip that it
Peakthunder, from the Office of Antiquities; the was indeed strange that today’s call didn’t come from
middle-aged human male in leather armor and a him. The president reprehends the lack of caution
scar in his face is Tarion Weatherwell, a dungeon- of the human, but as the information is already in
delver with experience in the exploration of the plain view, she admits that Orvo Silverworth was
Sword Coast; the ancient male dwarf with the the Chamber member appointed as record keeper
mountain of books besides him is Garin Adaov, and overall secretary to this project, but that the
member of the Hall of Knowledge; the middle- organization was not able to contact him, which is
aged non-binary dwarf with a twisting silver tiara rather strange, even more now that his character
among their golden locks of hair is Mazir Iretor, has been put into question. The council will take
cleric from the Hearth of the Truesilver; and the this preoccupying information to the main board
elderly female dwarf with long, braided white hair of the Chamber, but the president assures that
is Votrakara Krieghammer, matriarch of House investigation on Orvo will begin immediately. If he is,
Krieghammer and president of this Council. indeed, responsible for the leaking of secret Chamber
The president greets the newcomers to the projects, he should be punished and the damage
Chamber, saying she expects Gundren to have assessed, the organization must understand what
briefed them with the organization’s rules, as projects are now vulnerable.
bringing them to the report meeting is the same The Greater Drow Threat. Although the
as vouching for them in the matters of what is party brings solid evidence and witnesses to what
discussed inside. happened, this is a menace that is much greater
When the formalities are taken care of, the than the Chamber. Something like another Vanguard
meeting finally begins. means a total reorganization of Mithral Hall, bringing
it right back to an earlier time of war and destruction
which the residents wish to leave behind. The council
At this point, you can guide the party into the is speechless, but quickly understands that this
meeting in the way you feel more comfortable. information must be investigated. Sarla Peakthunder,
Gundren should lead, recounting his perspective as an official member of government, quickly
and then introducing the characters as his saviors assures that she will bring the information to the
(depending on the plot hook used in LMOP there city and that she will send a message to Gundren
might be more information there), up to the point Rockseeker when updates are received, which should
be very soon.
If there aren’t any further things to discuss, the greatly diminishes the parts in which the brothers
session is finished and the counselors disband. The were in danger, but the part where the Black
party is led to the outside of the complex and must Spider comes into play, when he has to admit that
once again wait for word from the officials. A letter Tharden is no more. This is, of course, extremely
indeed comes for Gundren in the early morning, sad, and Gundren hugs his mother as a tear drops
summoning them to the Ironkeep, where their story from her eye. In true dwarven custom, however,
shall be listened to by Captain Dogrum Diggerforge, the melancholy stays little in the room, and Marca
the Warden of the Deep. announces that tomorrow the family shall go to
the Cairn of the Ancestors to honor Tharden’s
UNDERCITY’S FOURTH CIRCLE memory and pray for his eternal life in Dwarfhome.
Today, however, the family should rejoice on the
Rockseeker House safe return of Gundren and the continuous work of
Nundro down in Phandalin.
This is the residence of the Rockseeker family, a Family members will surely come to reconnect
small clan of miners that have recently specialized with Gundren, but he also should be allowed some
themselves as prospectors in the last century. The rest after such a long journey. His esteemed friends
modest house does not particularly stand out in and saviors are also invited to stay as long as they
the Hall’s setting, but it is comfortable enough for wish in the estate, even though their stature might
the family and its guests. As the characters arrive make them uncomfortable, the family shall try to
at the house, read: make the necessary arrangements to grant some
comfort with cushions and heavy fur blankets.
From this point onward Gundren, and the
The stone building in front of you has two
party if they want, shall use this as their base in
storeys and it is modestly decorated. Passing
Mithral Hall. If the party does not feel comfortable
through the entry porch you arrive in a courtyard
in the enclosed spaces and stone beds they might
to where many chambers seem to open. From
make their sojourn in Edeoulf’s Guesthouse and
one of the openings you see a short female dwarf
return here for meetings with Gundren or other
with a bright white leather jacket, she looks at
relevant points of the narrative.
Gundren and her eyes brighten up as she shouts
something in Dwarvish which you understand
as a joyful greeting. She runs from what appears Redforge Bank
to be a reception room to the courtyard, hugging
your guide with joy. After the two chat a little, This small building has a large queue of people
he presents you all to her. The young dwarf is exiting through the door. It is one of Mithral Hall’s
Mathilda Rockseeker, his cousin, and one of his most traditional banks and it is the only one
mother’s assistants. Mathilda greets you all and which not only exchanges foreign currency for
tells the group to make themselves comfortable Hall coins, but also guarantees safe long-distance
at the reception room while she calls Gundren’s transactions with institutions across the Sword
mother, Marca. Coast. The bank already has agencies in a few of
The girl disappears through the house’s the largest cities and is in frank expansion with
corridors while you advance to the room, where the opening of the Hall to foreigners. The bank
the architecture and furnishing are, albeit is in constant need for adventurers to engage in
beautiful, made to the dwarven scale, which quests of all sorts.
makes it difficult for most of you to be truly
comfortable. For now, you make do, but you begin Temple of the Silverbeard
to wonder how an entire people can feel cozy in
environments with so much rock and stone. This large temple to the god of battle
After about 15 minutes an older female Clangeddin Silverbeard was constructed during the
dwarf appears through the courtyard opening, war times of the Vanguard, when the population
very similar to Gundren in bone structure, of Mithral Hall felt the imminent despair of a drow
but displaying an impressive gray hair with attack and had to mobilize its full force. Prayers to
streaks of white and a refined beard, is Marca the cult of Silverbeard were followed by donations
Rockseeker. Her furred coat drags through the and soon they had a dowry for a new, grandiose
floor as she slowly walks to hug her son. As you temple which was done in the Fourth Circle.
are introduced she takes her seat on a beautiful Thankfully nowadays the temple is not used much,
armchair as you all sit and the conversation only on certain commemorative occasions. Warden
begins. Krokta Zivar is the high priestess of the temple.
These are the first areas beyond the Undercity’s Shimmergloom’s Lair
tunnels. Here the lower part of the foundries
can be seen. Large stone buildings have great One of the abandoned mines in the Veins of
courtyards in front of them where miners deposit the Mountain leads to the sealed and forgotten
their carts filled with ore. The carts are then rolled entrance to the cavern where, a few centuries
into the furnace-like maws of the buildings where ago, the shield dwarves discovered a portal to the
they begin their ascent to the refinement process. Shadowfell from which the great shadow dragon
This area is also heavily guarded. Shimmergloom emerged and conquered the
Veins of the Mountain As the characters explore these tunnels, or
perhaps by chance when trying to follow the map,
A large network of tunnels spread from the the party might end up in this cursed place. The
lower reaches of the Undercity into the mountain, dragon has been defeated long ago, but has its
connecting the metalworking core to a number of essence truly left this place? Or was the dragon
caves and mines with varying degrees of extraction the only thing that lurked beyond the portal?
activity currently happening. These “Veins of the
Mountain” are the Hall’s main source of wealth MAZE
and, thus, any foreigner here must have a very
good reason to be. Older tunnels have been This area, on the other side of Mithral Hall, is
converted to well-traveled thoroughfares with a series of interconnection tunnels that exist to
lights and cart rail, but meandering through the hinder any unwanted guest that makes their way
other tunnels one can quickly lose themselves in into the mountain from the Secret Door in Keeper’s
lightless abandoned mines where creatures might Dale. Passing through these tunnels without a
live. guide is impossible in a coherent amount of time,
so the characters should be warned about that if
Deep Gate they wish to continue. This area has some local
points of interest, but for this adventure they
Following the largest tunnel that exits the shouldn’t have reasons to engage with this mostly
Undercity for about 20 minutes one arrives at uninhabited buffer zone.
the Deep Gate, this is the most powerful line of
defense against the threats of the Underdark.
This gatehouse appears like a stark stronghold
since many reconstruction works and additions Stonedwarf.
were made in the times of the Vanguard and the WOTC
decades since. More than ever, as the Hall opens
its doors to the surface, the dwarves understand
that their enemies reside in the Underdark.
As the soldiers in the garrison might remind
the party, to venture past this point is to
understand that the Hall can’t guarantee your
safety anymore. In the dark tunnels ahead
dwarven patrols are sporadic in the “areas the
light touches”, meaning the areas with dwarven
torch sconces. In this area one can expect a
dwarf to appear once every day at minimum, but
otherwise one would be lucky to see any other
civilized creature.
When the characters pass through the heavy
reinforced gates they are officially out of Mithral
Hall and ready venture into the Underdark.
To enhance the table’s experience throughout
the campaign you can include connections,
foreshadowing, and lore. Some options include
delving a little deeper in the gnomish cosmology
(for reference use Rhodarin Press Stoneheart
Enclave Elementalist), the party might engage
with Kazook Pickshine (either as a merchant, an
adviser, in his relation with his brother, or even the
ores Thor Ragandom asked the characters about;
and lastly the absence of Yantha Coaxrock due to
her official visit to Mantol-Derith can be expanded
upon during later chapters either as written or as
adapted by this supplement and the upcoming
Rhodarin Press title The Travelers’ Guild of Mantol-
Drow priestess.
Demonium. As the characters advance
they see a tunnel with the leftovers of a brutal
encounter: blood, gore, and personal items such
as clothings and elven weapons can be seen
scattered. No corpses can be found, but characters
investigating can see that a giant lizard has been
here and other trails suggest a cart. The gnome
guide might suggest that the drow corpses were
recovered and taken to Menzoberranzan for
appropriate burial rites. The attackers can be
clearly identified by the battle remains. After
a while the characters find a Drow Demonic
Warning, which they can’t decipher but should
already be part of their Underdark knowledge. At
night when the characters are camping they are
ambushed by a babau. This might be a difficult
encounter which you should make dreadful as
to introduce what is to come for the party. After
the encounter (which the demon takes to the
bitter end) the gnome guide can relay that this is
definitely not an Underdark creature.
The Lilac Lake. In a low but wide cave a small
underground lake with a high concentration of
minerals appears to be the color of lilac flowers.
This impressive sight is complemented by a variety
of bioluminescent fungi that grows around it filled
by the nutritious, but acidic nature of the water.
Escape from Hell. A duo of ragged duergar
is fleeing their imprisonment as slaves in The Drow Demonic Warning Sign.
Menzoberranzan. They try their best to remain
hidden as the characters pass, but perceptive
adventurers might catch a glimpse of their hiding
place. Their stern and unrelenting demeanor
makes them reactive and wary, they are not
wasting their only chance to make their way back
home and the party better not stay in their way.
This is not necessarily a combat encounter, but the DC14 or the roll is lower the patrol can’t find
party should be careful on how to manage it. The anything and stops looking for someone after a few
duergar can exchange some resources (or safety) hours.
for some knowledge on the Dark Dominion and Insanity of the Abyss. In a lightless tunnel
information from Menzoberranzan in which case the characters see a small silhouette standing
you can reference later chapters to sprinkle facts completely still. As they approach they notice it
the duo might have heard from other people even is a goblin in fine clothings staring at a cave wall
though they weren’t allowed out of their masters’ completely unaware of its surroundings. One could
houses so much. Avoid names and obvious/ think he was paralyzed if not for the fact that he
important plot points, but feel free to foreshadow is blinking, breathing, and upon close inspection
the description of the consequences of the great it becomes clear that he is muttering something
catastrophic event. under his breath. For someone who understands
The Spiral. The labyrinthine nature of the Goblin he is saying: “The master’s will makes all
Dark Dominion is worsened by a large spiral ramp mortals kneel.” over and over again. He is suffering
that connects different levels of these winding from severe insanity of Graz’zt and has been
tunnels. This ramp, which appears almost made reverend essentially paralyzed and locked into this
by humanoid hand, is quite disorienting and even position of cyclical repetition. He can be cured by a
the drow prefer to stand clear of it. Parties passing greater restoration but it is unlikely that the party
through it might add half a day to their trip. possesses something like that currently. If left as is
Patrol. The characters stumble upon a glyph the goblin is devoured by a giant lizard on the next
of warding set to Explosive Rune with a DC17 day, already suffering from dehydration and on the
and 5d8 cold damage. If the glyph is activated, in verge of death. The goblin has in his pockets about
about 15 minutes a drow patrol consisting of three 10gp on Menzoberranzan coins and tools that
drow and a drow scout will begin tracking the suggest he is a woodcarver.
party. If the party continues normally without any
stealth alternatives, roll a d20, on a 10 or higher
the patrol finds the party at some point later in
the day. If they actually succeed on a stealth check
The information in this section is a summary
of what is happening in the City of Spiders,
so that you can have a general idea of what’s
going on, as well as how you will conduct the
game so that the party can discover and explore
those things. General ideas and suggestions are
described further down the supplement, and will
be expanded on in the upcoming Rhodarin Press
title: Spies in Menzoberranzan.