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Service Mesh For Dummies 2022

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These materials are © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
VMware 2nd Special Edition

by Niran Even-Chen, Oren Penso,

Sergio Pozo, and Susan Wu

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Service Mesh For Dummies®, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 1
About This Book.................................................................................... 1
Foolish Assumptions............................................................................. 2
Icons Used in This Book........................................................................ 2
Beyond the Book................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER 1: The Rise of Microservices and

Cloud-Native Architecture.................................................... 5
Recognizing the Need for Agility.......................................................... 5
Understanding That Application Architectures
Are Changing.......................................................................................... 6
Service-oriented architecture......................................................... 6
Microservices.................................................................................... 7
Seeing That Distributed Applications Require
a Reliable Network.............................................................................. 11
Looking at How Kubernetes and Microservices
Work Together..................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER 2: Service Mesh: A New Paradigm...................................... 13

Identifying Challenges in Microservices Architectures................... 13
Introducing Service Mesh................................................................... 15
Introducing Istio.................................................................................. 18

CHAPTER 3: Service Mesh Use Cases......................................................... 21

Service Discovery and Routing.......................................................... 21
Observability........................................................................................ 24
Metrics............................................................................................. 25
Distributed tracing......................................................................... 26
Availability and Resiliency.................................................................. 26
SLO definition and auto-remediation.......................................... 27
Retries............................................................................................. 27
Circuit breakers.............................................................................. 28
Rate limiting.................................................................................... 28
Traffic steering............................................................................... 29
Traffic-routing resiliency............................................................... 30
Security................................................................................................. 32
Service authentication and in-flight data encryption................ 33
Service authorization (auth-z)...................................................... 34

Table of Contents v

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CHAPTER 4: Introducing VMware Tanzu Service Mesh.............. 35
Exploring VMware Tanzu Service Mesh............................................ 35
Introducing Global Namespaces....................................................... 39
Service discovery............................................................................ 39
End-to-end mTLS............................................................................ 42
Application publishing and high availability............................... 42
Actionable SLOs (intelligent autoscaling).................................... 43
Traffic management (progressive upgrades)............................. 45
Access control policies.................................................................. 46
API operations and security.......................................................... 46
PII data leakage protection........................................................... 47
East–west threat detection........................................................... 48

CHAPTER 5: Ten Resources to Help you Get Started

with Service Mesh...................................................................... 51
Blogs..................................................................................................... 51
Books.................................................................................................... 52
Conferences and Meetups................................................................. 52
Documentation.................................................................................... 53
Discussion Groups.............................................................................. 53
Getting Started Guides....................................................................... 54
Hands-On Labs and Online Courses................................................. 54
Podcasts and User Stories................................................................. 55
Videos and Tutorials........................................................................... 56
VMware Products and Reference Designs....................................... 56

vi Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

These materials are © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
odern, cloud-native applications are composed of a col-
lection of microservices, each performing a specific
function. A typical modern application might consist of
hundreds or thousands of microservices, all of which need to
communicate with each other to give users what they want.

For services-to-services communications in modern applications

to work, developers would have to program the business logic for
their apps and manage the communication, security, and observ-
ability logic on top of that.

With hundreds or thousands of microservices, you can imagine

how much complexity and overhead this burden adds to applica-
tion development.

A service mesh is an abstraction that can provide a form of devel-

oper automation. By grouping and automating the repetitive logic
tasks into a Layer 7 Proxy and delegating the tasks to the service
mesh, the developer only needs to focus on writing the business

There’s a common myth that a service mesh is only for a microser-

vices architecture, but the truth is that a service mesh can ben-
efit any enterprise that uses service-to-service communications
in its application infrastructure — from traditional, monolithic
applications to modern, cloud-native apps built on a microser-
vices architecture.

About This Book

Service Mesh For Dummies consists of five chapters that explore

»» The evolution of microservices and cloud-native architecture

(Chapter 1)
»» The service mesh paradigm (Chapter 2)
»» Service mesh use cases (Chapter 3)
»» VMware Tanzu Service Mesh (Chapter 4)
»» Additional service mesh resources (Chapter 5)

Introduction 1

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Each chapter is written to stand on its own, so if you see a topic
that piques your interest, feel free to jump ahead to that chapter.
You can read this book in any order that suits you (though we
don’t recommend upside down or backward).

Foolish Assumptions
It’s been said that most assumptions have outlived their useless-
ness, but we assume a few things nonetheless!

Mainly, we assume that you work for an organization that is

interested in learning how service mesh can create an abstraction
layer for both your traditional and modern cloud-native appli-
cations, regardless of where the application resides — whether
on-premises or in a public cloud on virtual machines, containers,
or bare-metal servers.

We also assume that you’re either an application developer or

a platform operator who supports application development. We
assume you understand technology concepts such as cloud com-
puting, networking, virtualization, and containers. As such, this
book was written primarily for technical readers.

If any of these assumptions describes you, then this is the book

for you. If none of these assumptions describes you, keep reading
anyway. It’s a great book and when you finish reading it, you’ll
know quite a lot about modern cloud-native application architec-
tures and the service mesh.

Icons Used in This Book

Throughout this book, we occasionally use icons in the margin to
call attention to important information. Here’s what to expect:

This icon points out important information you should commit to

your nonvolatile memory, your gray matter, or your noggin!

If you seek to attain the seventh level of NERD-vana, perk up!

This icon explains the jargon beneath the jargon!

2 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

These materials are © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
Tips are appreciated, never expected — and we sure hope you’ll
appreciate these useful nuggets of information.

These alerts point out the stuff your mother warned you about.
Well, probably not, but they do offer practical advice to help you
avoid potentially costly or frustrating mistakes.

Beyond the Book

There’s only so much we can cover in 64 short pages, so if you
find yourself at the end of this book, thinking, “Gosh, this was
an amazing book, where can I learn more?,” just go to https://

Introduction 3

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»» Recognizing the need for business agility

»» Evolving from monolithic to service-

oriented architecture to microservices

»» Understanding the critical role of the


»» Looking at how containers and

Kubernetes have changed app

Chapter 1
The Rise of Microservices
and Cloud-Native

his chapter explores the need for business agility, how appli-
cation architectures are evolving, the increasing importance
of the network in modern cloud-native architectures, and the
rise of containers and Kubernetes.

Recognizing the Need for Agility

Digital transformation is driving the need for speed, and no mar-
ket vertical is exempt. Companies are under constant pressure
internally and externally to innovate faster and provide value
to the business. To differentiate their products and services and
achieve a competitive advantage, many businesses are building
their own custom software rather than buying the same commer-
cial, off-the-shelf applications used by their competitors.

CHAPTER 1 The Rise of Microservices and Cloud-Native Architecture 5

These materials are © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
Much of this transformation is achieved in software. Enterprises
are hiring a growing number of developers to turn innova-
tive ideas into reality. Today’s digital creators and revenue
generators — application developers — are evolving to achieve
not only faster development cycles, but also faster delivery times
and more frequent deployments.

Understanding That Application

Architectures Are Changing
Application architectures are constantly changing. Over the past
several years, the application space has evolved from monolithic
to service-oriented architecture (SOA) to microservices.

From a software development point of view, in a monolithic appli-

cation, all components that compile the application are packaged
and tested as a single unit. If, for example, the user interface (UI)
team needs to make a small change in the code, that small change
can have a ripple effect throughout the entire application stack,
requiring it to be recompiled and redeployed.

In a monolithic architecture, the architectural choices are fixed,

and the teams can’t choose their own programming languages
and tools. Plus, the entire software development team is stuck
using the same integrated development environment (IDE),
working on the same release, and using waterfall testing, in which
testing is separate from software development. In waterfall test-
ing, the development and testing teams may work separately, and
acceptance and regression testing are performed after software
development is completed.

Service-oriented architecture
SOA is a software architecture in which distinct components of
the application provide services to other components via a com-
munication protocol over a network. SOA integrates distributed,
separately maintained software components that communicate
with each other using an enterprise service bus (ESB) messaging
protocol over an Internet Protocol (IP) network.

SOA represents a middle phase between monolithic architectures

and microservices, in which the organization breaks out parts

6 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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of its applications and represents them in the network as web
services. There are two main roles in SOA:

»» Service provider: The provider layer consists of all the

services within the SOA.
»» Service consumer: The consumer layer is where the users
(humans, other components of the apps, or third parties)
interface with the SOA.

Using SOA, organizations can encourage component reuse to avoid

having to develop commonly used services like e-commerce shop-
ping carts and Short Message Service (SMS). Instead, ­organizations
can just publish these shared services in a service catalogue, and
applications can then consume them over the network.

SOA is still the most commonly used architecture with the adop-
tion of microservices growing fast.

Some advantages of SOA over monolithic architectures include:

»» Component reusability
»» Improved scalability and availability
»» Easy maintenance
The biggest limitation of the traditional implementation of SOA
is the ESB, which is a single point of failure that potentially
impacts the entire system. Every service communicates over the
ESB, so if one of the services slows down, the ESB can be bogged
down by requests for that service.

A microservice architecture implements a modern SOA architec-
ture that solves the challenges discussed in the preceding section.

Microservices can be thought of as the next evolution in applica-

tion architecture. Instead of integrating reusable components like
in SOA, services are created for specific business functions in a
microservices architecture.

Web or mobile applications are composed of a suite of indepen-

dent services, such as user management, user roles, e-commerce
cart, inventory, shipping, search engine, social media logins, and

CHAPTER 1 The Rise of Microservices and Cloud-Native Architecture 7

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more. The services are independent of each other, which means
that each service can be written in a different programming lan-
guage, use a different framework, and use different databases.

They can also be scaled and revised independently of another ser-

vice. Unlike SOA, which uses open standards and communicates
using an ESB messaging protocol to communicate between them-
selves, microservices use lightweight HyperText Transfer Proto-
col (HTTP), representational state transfer (REST), or application
programming interfaces (APIs) for communicating between
themselves (see Figure 1-1).

FIGURE 1-1: Comparing communications in SOA and microservices.

Table 1-1 summarizes the key differences between SOA and


To achieve even greater feature velocity and faster production

than SOA, a microservices architecture breaks up entire monoliths
into smaller units with smaller team sizes, each with indepen-
dent workflows, freedom to choose the appropriate architecture
components, and different governance models. Whereas an SOA
architecture breaks some of the application into smaller parts
that are published and consumed via an API over the network,
microservices take the same concept a step further. In a microser-
vices architecture, it’s not just parts of the application that are
broken up; the entire application is broken up into loosely cou-
pled services that can be developed, maintained, and run inde-
pendently from the other parts. After the app is rearchitected, all
the parts communicate over the network via APIs, in exactly the
same manner as SOA.

8 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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TABLE 1-1 Differences between SOA and Microservices
SOA Microservices

Maximizes component Decouples the monolithic app

reusability. into services.

DevOps and continuous delivery DevOps and continuous

(CD) are used, but not integration/continuous delivery
mainstream. (CI/CD) are used.

Focused on business functionality Focused on creating new

reuse. services.

Supports multiple messaging Uses lightweight protocols such

protocols. as HTTP, REST or Apache Thrift

Use of containers is less Prevalent use of containers.


SOA services share data storage. Each microservice can have

independent data storage.

Common platform for all services Application servers are not

deployed on it. typically used; instead, cloud
platforms are commonly used.

A microservices architecture has many advantages over SOA,

including the following:

»» Freedom to choose the right technologies for the right

job: In both SOA and microservices architectures, services
can be developed in different programming languages and
tools. Teams using either architecture can choose the most
appropriate technology for the problem they’re trying to
solve. However, in SOA, each team needs to know about the
common communication mechanism. With microservices,
the services can operate and be deployed independently of
other services. It’s far easier to deploy new services and scale
independently. In the case of a monolith, the architectural
choices are fixed and the teams can’t choose programming
languages and tools. They’re stuck to using the same IDE and
the same framework.
»» Independent workflow and full autonomy: SOA encour-
ages sharing of components, whereas microservices focus
on independent services with minimal dependencies.

CHAPTER 1 The Rise of Microservices and Cloud-Native Architecture 9

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Microservices give your team control over the full stack they
require to deliver a feature. The benefit of this separation is
a reduction in the amount of coordination required with
other teams. The workflow is independent from other
teams, and the risk of negatively affecting other teams is
minimized. As SOA relies on multiple services to fulfill a
business request, systems built on SOA are likely to be
slower than microservices and revised less frequently than
»» Independent scalability: With microservices, you can scale
each service according to its workload demands and
performance needs. However, in the case of a monolithic
application, scaling horizontally across more servers can lead
to overprovisioning and underutilization when the workload
demand drops.
»» Easier rollback: If each feature only requires a change to a
single microservice, then that feature can be rolled back
without affecting the workflows of other teams.
Microservices can also improve security by reducing the
attack surface of the application and increase reliability by
reducing the possibility of an outage due to a single fault.
»» Ability to release independently and more frequently:
Microservices limit the scope of changes and reduce the
amount of coordination required between teams. Teams can
release according to their own schedules instead of being
bound to the single cadence of a monolith. A showstopper
bug found in a monolith holds back the whole release,
whereas in microservices the individual services can be
released independently.
»» Independent communication: In microservices, services
communicate independently. If one of the services has a
memory fault, then only that microservice is affected. All the
other microservices will continue to handle requests without
»» Easier upgrade path: Upgrading the framework used by a
large application is nontrivial and can be risky, even under
the best of conditions. Upgrades are much harder when you
need to coordinate sweeping, interlinked changes across
multiple teams. Smaller, independent services give you the
option of only upgrading the services that require the update
or allowing you to perform a rolling upgrade for one service
at a time and/or one team at a time.

10 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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»» Protection from change: Monoliths have lines of code that
may be unchanged for months or even years. However,
some parts of the code require more maintenance than
other parts. The ability to separate the parts of the code that
frequently churn from the parts of the code that don’t
change can reduce the risk of accidental regressions.
»» Defined scope: An independent service is much easier to
define and understand, especially if the service is maintained
by the same team. Even if the service needs to be refactored
down the road, the same team can keep the design consis-
tent. A monolith may become inconsistent as the architec-
ture evolves, due to decisions made by the different teams
that maintain the application over time.

Seeing That Distributed Applications

Require a Reliable Network
The network is the glue that brings microservices together to
deliver an app. As you may imagine, microservices communi-
cate significantly over the network — it’s the connection between
your app’s microservices. Enterprise networks have traditionally
been designed and built to provide redundancy, but when you add
a network dependency to your application logic, the potential for
network — and thus, application — failures grows proportionally
with the number of connections that your applications depend

Some web companies have had to develop special frameworks

and libraries to alleviate some of the challenges of an unreliable
network. For example, Netflix created projects like Eureka, Hystrix,
and Ribbon to solve these types of problems. Facebook, Google,
and Twitter have all undertaken similar projects. However, adding
networking stacks to an app introduces additional challenges. For
example, when the framework is updated, the applications also
need to be updated.

CHAPTER 1 The Rise of Microservices and Cloud-Native Architecture 11

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Looking at How Kubernetes
and Microservices Work Together
The advent of Linux containers and container orchestration from
Kubernetes has fundamentally transformed the way applica-
tions are developed and vastly improved deployment velocity
by focusing on orchestrating containers through each stage of
a well-automated pipeline. Individual services can be packaged
as containers along with their dependencies (such as language-
specific frameworks and libraries) and deployed into Kubernetes,
thereby simplifying the path to production. Development teams
can now manage their pipelines independent of the language or
framework that runs inside the container. Kubernetes provides
application availability, elasticity, and overall management of
complex distributed, polyglot applications.

Microservices and Kubernetes go hand-in-hand. As organizations

modernize their applications and build container-based Kuber-
netes applications, they’re confronted by a lab-to-production gap
that challenges their ability to operationalize the applications.
There are many point solutions in the Kubernetes ecosystem
(see the CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape at https://
landscape.cncf.io) that they would have to stitch together.
Application teams can quickly develop and validate Kubernetes
applications in development environments, but a very differ-
ent set of connectivity, security, and operational considerations
await networking and operations teams that deploy the applica-
tions to production environments. Implementing a service mesh
can address the networking and security requirements to rapidly
bring applications to production.

12 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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»» Understanding microservices
architecture challenges

»» Addressing microservices challenges

with a service mesh

»» Finding out about Istio

Chapter 2
Service Mesh: A New

his chapter covers the challenges introduced by a microser-
vices architecture and how a service mesh solves these

Identifying Challenges in Microservices

The benefits of moving to a microservices architecture (discussed
in Chapter 1) are well understood. But breaking an application into
smaller components also introduces new challenges and com-
plexities, including the following (see Figure 2-1):

»» Distributed applications are running on multiple run times

and on multiple cloud providers creating application silos
»» Many endpoints to monitor, troubleshoot, scale, and secure,
which increases operational costs and hinders operational

CHAPTER 2 Service Mesh: A New Paradigm 13

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»» Many network connections to inspect and secure, which
increases network latency and operational costs and hinders
operational agility
»» Disjointed security, auditing, and compliance, which makes
achieving compliance a difficult and time-consuming task

FIGURE 2-1: Microservices can deliver the promise of agility, but it can also
introduce operational challenges.

Before service mesh architectures appeared, there were vari-

ous ways to address these challenges — and there still are. For
example, language-specific libraries address issues such as ser-
vice discovery, encryption, and resiliency; likewise, an application
programming interface (API) gateway — which sits in the path
from a client to the application — provides similar capabilities.

However, both approaches have their own challenges. Libraries,

for example, are language (for example, Java) and platform (for
example, Spring) specific, preventing developers from realizing
the promise of freedom, bloating their applications with unnec-
essary networking and security code, and tying the life cycle of
their applications to the life cycles of the libraries and frame-
works they’re using. A centralized solution such an API gateway
only provides a solution for traffic directed from a client to the
front end of an application, but not between the components of
the application.

14 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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Introducing Service Mesh
A service mesh is a modern connectivity and security run-time
platform that takes care of:

»» Service-to-service communication (service discovery and

»» Service-to-service security (authentication, authorization,
encryption, and traffic inspection)
»» Observability (monitoring and distributed tracing)
»» Resiliency (service-level objectives [SLOs], circuit breakers,
and retries)

The premise of the service mesh architecture is that microservices

should be all about business logic, and development teams should
focus solely on building business logic rather than dealing with
the connectivity and security requirements of the applications.
For example, if a microservice is a web server, it needs to fetch
data and present it. But a lot of maintenance or “housekeeping”
work is needed (see Figure 2-2) — things like service discovery
and connectivity details of the data endpoints. A microservice that
needs to communicate with other services needs to know how to
find them, how to define the connection details, whether the con-
nection is encrypted, how to authenticate and authorize the con-
nection, and so on. You also need to tell the service what to do in
case of connection errors or failures: Should it retry? If so, how
many times? Also, you need a way to detect latency and define
where to send latency information and what to do if latency is
too high.

However, none of this “housekeeping” work adds value to the

business, and it isn’t considered business logic. With a service
mesh, you can abstract these functions to a platform, which
enforces them through an entity called a proxy.

A proxy sits in front of each microservice, and all communications

traverse it, so the proxy virtually impersonates its companion
microservice in an architectural pattern known as a sidecar proxy.
Each proxy is responsible for managing the connectivity, provid-
ing observability, and enforcing reliability and security properties
required for its companion microservice. This proxy-to-proxy
communication creates the service mesh architectural pattern.

CHAPTER 2 Service Mesh: A New Paradigm 15

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Proxies behave both as forward and reverse proxies, depending on
the direction of the communication: a forward proxy impersonates
the caller service or client, while a reserve proxy impersonates the
receiver service or server.

FIGURE 2-2: Necessary maintenance functions in a microservices architecture.

In a Kubernetes application platform, containers run in pods. The

sidecar proxies are deployed as containers in the same pod, creat-
ing a true sidecar service that captures all traffic going in and out
of the microservice (see Figure 2-3).

FIGURE 2-3: A Layer 7 proxy, or sidecar, in a Kubernetes pod.

Service mesh projects like Consul, Istio, Kuma, and others have
gained momentum over the past several years. Istio, which was
initiated by Google, currently has the most momentum in the
open-source, cloud-native space, with more than 29,800 stars,
17,428 commits, and 780 contributors in the Istio GitHub repos-
itory and numerous companies building service mesh products
that are based on Istio, including Aspen Mesh, Cisco, F5, NGINX,

16 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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RedHat OpenShift, SUSE Rancher, Turfin Orca, Twistlock, and

Some of the most prominent multi-cloud service mesh commer-

cial products on the market that differentiate from open-source
service mesh projects beyond simplifying its usage include the

»» Cillium Service Mesh: Open-source and commercial

offerings with an Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF)
implementation instead of a sidecar proxy one.
»» Consul Service Mesh (HashiCorp): Open-source and
commercial offerings with a “bring your own” (BYO) proxy
data plane.
»» Kuma Service Mesh (Kong): Open-source and commercial
offerings with an Envoy-based unified data plane for
north–south API gateway and east–west sidecar traffic, and a
single control plane.
»» LinkerD Service Mesh: Open-source and commercial
offerings with a custom proxy implementation for the
data plane.
»» Tanzu Service Mesh (VMware): Commercial offering with
Envoy-based data plane, offering API-security capabilities
and reliability capabilities through SLO monitoring and

Projects like Consul, Istio, Kuma, and others add a control plane
to manage the sidecar proxies. In Istio, for example, you can apply
a configuration to the mesh with YAML (“YAML Ain’t Markup
Language”) files, using a declarative API. This means you can
provide an end-state definition rather than a series of steps.

This makes the configuration of the communication nonpropri-

etary and separated from the business logic perspective, making
it easier to manage the life cycle. The “housekeeping” code
required to handle communication, security, observability, and
resiliency — which is non-differentiating to the business — is
declared by application operators and enforced using the sidecar
proxy via the service mesh control plane. Developers can instead
focus on writing business logic that creates business value.

CHAPTER 2 Service Mesh: A New Paradigm 17

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Developer time is very expensive, so moving to a modern
connectivity and security run-time platform separated from the
application run time itself can save a lot of time and cost for the

Introducing Istio
Istio’s architecture is divided into two levels: the data plane, which
is based on the Envoy proxy, and a control plane to manage the
life cycle and configure the proxies. Istio injects the sidecar prox-
ies into all the Kubernetes pods forming the desired service mesh.

Istio also uses Envoy proxies to provide access in and out of the
mesh (with the function of ingressing and egressing traffic to and
from the mesh), thereby providing a very clear demarcation line
for the entry and exit points of the service mesh. Traffic coming
into the mesh or leaving it via an Envoy proxy — which acts as
an ingress or egress gateway (or both) where traffic originates
outside the service mesh and goes via the egress gateway — will
return via the ingress gateway.

Istio uses an extended version of the Envoy proxy. Envoy is a

high-performance proxy developed in C++ to mediate all inbound
and outbound traffic for all services in the service mesh. Envoy
proxies are the only Istio components that interact with data
plane traffic.

For example, a service running inside the service mesh (for

example, Service B) can originate traffic to external services (for
example, YouTube) internally (see Figure 2-4). You can easily
configure the service mesh to handle the way this traffic leaves
the service mesh via the egress gateway using a declarative defi-
nition (that is, an intended state).

FIGURE 2-4: Envoy proxies provide entry and exit points in the service mesh.

18 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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The Istio control plane (istiod) provides service discovery, con-
figuration, and certificate management (see Figure 2-5). Istiod
converts high-level routing rules that control traffic behavior into
Envoy-specific configurations, and propagates them to the side-
cars at run time.

FIGURE 2-5: The Istio architecture consists of the data plane and the service
mesh control plane.

CHAPTER 2 Service Mesh: A New Paradigm 19

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»» Managing communication

»» Enabling observability

»» Ensuring availability and resiliency

»» Providing security

Chapter 3
Service Mesh Use Cases

ervice mesh use cases tend to fall into four main areas:
service-to-service communication, observability, availabil-
ity and resiliency, and security. This chapter explores these
use cases.

Service Discovery and Routing

The ability to provide a service directory and ways for microser-
vices to register in it and pull the endpoints of other microservices
they need to communicate with (for example, the Domain Name
Server [DNS]) is provided by default by all service meshes — both
open-source projects and commercial products). The ability to
route traffic between microservices when they’re contained in
the same platform and administrative boundary (for example, a
single Kubernetes cluster) is also provided by default.

When an organization is starting with Kubernetes as its de facto

application platform, or when an organization is mature but its
development teams are still small or very fragmented, it will
tends to run development and test builds in the same Kubernetes
cluster. Small clusters may be assigned to each team or one big
cluster may be assigned to multiple teams. The tendency today

CHAPTER 3 Service Mesh Use Cases 21

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in more organizations is to have many small clusters rather than
a few big ones. At a minimum, most organizations separate their
nonproduction services from their production services by placing
them in different clusters. In more complex scenarios, organiza-
tions might choose multiple clusters to separate services across
tiers, locales, teams, or infrastructure providers. The most com-
mon reasons for separating clusters include the following:

»» Isolation and multi-tenancy: Separating the control plane

and data plane of services, primarily to improve reliability or
address security needs. Isolation usually comes up when
considering the following:

• Environment: More often than not, organizations run their

development, staging/test, and production services
across separate clusters, often running on different
networks and cloud projects.

• Workload tiering: Often, organizations that have many

complex applications tier their services, choosing to run
their more critical services on separate clusters from their
less critical ones.

• Reduced impact from failure: When organizations want to

limit the impacts of an operator mistake, cluster failure,
or related infrastructure failure, they can split their
services across multiple clusters.

• Upgrades: When organizations are concerned about

potential issues with upgrading in place (that is, upgrad-
ing automation failure, application flakiness, or the ability
to roll back), they can choose to deploy a copy of their
services in a new cluster.

• Security/regulatory compliance requirements: Organizations

can choose to isolate services for many reasons, including
keeping workloads that are subject to regulatory require-
ments separate from less-sensitive ones, or running
third-party (less-trusted) services on separate infrastruc-
ture from first-party (trusted) services (clusters).

• Jurisdiction/data regulatory compliance requirements: Data

residency and other jurisdictional processing require-
ments can require compute and storage to live within a
specific region, requiring infrastructure to be deployed in
multiple data centers or cloud providers.

22 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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»» Scale and availability: Placing services in specific locations
to address availability, latency, and locality needs. Location
usually comes up when considering the following:

• Latency: Certain services have latency requirements that

must be met by physically locating that workload in a
specific location (or geography). This need can occur if
upstream services or end users are sensitive to latency,
but it can also easily occur if the workload itself is
sensitive to downstream service latency.

• Availability: Running the same service across multiple

availability zones in a single cloud provider (or across
multiple providers) can provide higher overall availability.

• Data gravity: A large amount of data, or even certain

database instances, can be difficult, impossible, or even
inadvisable to consolidate in a single cloud provider or
region. Depending on the processing and service
requirements, an application might need to be deployed
close to its data.

• Legacy infrastructure/services: Just as data can be difficult

to move to the cloud, some legacy infrastructure is
difficult to move. Although these legacy services are
immobile, being able to modernize around them allows
organizations to increase development velocity.

• Local/edge compute needs: As organizations want to adopt

application modernization practices in more traditional
work environments, like warehouses, factory floors, retail
stores, and so on, this necessitates managing many more
workloads on many more pieces of infrastructure.
»» Eliminate vendor lock-in (see Figure 3-1): In addition to
compliance, there are other reasons organizations may need
to use different vendors. For example, their applications may
use application services or specialized features (beyond the
platform), like databases or artificial intelligence (AI), from a
specific cloud vendor. Or different cloud vendors in an
organization’s regions may offer different availability, cost,
security, and compliance features.
»» Developer choice: Organizations often benefit from being
able to provide developers choice in the cloud-managed
services that they consume. Generally, choice lets teams
move more quickly with tools that are best suited to their
needs at the expense of needing to manage additional
resources allocated in each provider.

CHAPTER 3 Service Mesh Use Cases 23

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FIGURE 3-1: Proxies send metrics to the Service Mesh Control Plane in a
service mesh.

As applications are becoming more distributed in nature in

multi-clouds, or as application dependencies are distributed
across multi-clouds, service meshes that can provide service dis-
covery, traffic routing, and some kind of traffic resiliency when
workloads are distributed across multiple clouds are becoming
more common.

Application observability is a diverse topic, and different
application teams may have different requirements, which
are generally related to troubleshooting (because something
doesn’t work, because it is not performant, and so on). At a
glance, developers and application operators need to use traf-
fic metrics and application programming interface (API) call
traces between the different microservices that compose their

24 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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To do this, application operators have to instrument microser-
vices and set up metric aggregators like Prometheus and dash-
boards like Grafana. There are different ways to instrument
microservices. With service meshes that follow the sidecar-proxy
architecture (see Chapter 2), the proxy automatically captures all
the traffic in and out of the microservices and exports the metrics
to the service mesh control plane, where developers and applica-
tion operators can check and use these metrics. Relying on Envoy
sidecars means that the observability instrumentation is trans-
parent to applications and automatically provided, not requir-
ing any code changes or application redeployments, regardless
of the programming language or frameworks used to build the

The four golden signals of metrics monitoring are latency, traffic,
errors, and saturation. If you can only measure four metrics of
your user-facing system, focus on these four to understand the
behavior of your application:

»» Latency: The time it takes to service a request, for both

successful and failed requests.
»» Traffic: How much demand is being placed on a microser-
vice (depending on the nature of the microservice, this could
be requests per second, input/output [I/O] rate, and so on).
»» Errors: The rate of requests that fail.
»» Saturation. How close your microservices are to the
maximum capacity (for example, memory they can use,
throughput they can provide, and so on).

In most commercial products, service graphs with service-to-

service relationships and golden metrics help developers and
application operators understand who connects to each service
and the service dependencies. The best service meshes provide
service graphs of different granularity, like applications dis-
tributed across clusters, concentrated within one single cluster,
within a namespace, for groups of services, and so on, allowing
developers and application operators to analyze relationships and
metrics for their applications, wherever they’re deployed.

Preconfigured metric dashboards and charts for individual

microservices are commonly used to analyze them with filtering

CHAPTER 3 Service Mesh Use Cases 25

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and breakdowns, including by destination service, source ser-
vice, metrics, and more. Operators should have dashboards for
full clusters, namespaces, groups of services, and so on. Ideally,
these dashboards should include golden metrics for microservices
and also metrics around the infrastructure that support those
microservices. This functionality helps platform operators to get
information on how the microservices are laid over the workload
nodes they run on and the different infrastructure performance
and health metrics like central processing unit (CPU), memory,
disk, and more. Through this relationship between infrastructure
and applications, platform operators can correlate microservices
problems with the infrastructure.

The four golden signals of metric monitoring are latency, traffic,

errors, and saturation.

Distributed tracing
Distributed tracing is a method used to profile and monitor appli-
cations to understand service dependencies and the sources of
latency within the composite application. The concept has existed
for many years, but it has been particularly difficult to achieve in
a distributed microservices application, because transactions flow
through a mesh of many services.

Distributed tracing is also implemented through sidecar prox-

ies, which automatically and transparently generate trace spans
on behalf of the application. The developer only needs to config-
ure the application to forward trace information to a data collec-
tor. When tracing is required for troubleshooting, the application
operator can configure a tracing tool — such as Jaeger, Zipkin,
or others — to present and analyze the tracing information and
identify the root cause of latency or errors in the application.

Availability and Resiliency

Applications commonly need to remediate different conditions
related to the four golden signals of monitoring (discussed ear-
lier in this chapter). For example, in Kubernetes, new pods are
scheduled by the platform when they’re unhealthy, and operators
can manually schedule new pods and kill existing ones. Appli-
cation operators can also scale up and scale down pods. Reme-
diations are generally manual tasks done after the fact — the
operators must watch the metrics and then remediate.

26 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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The breadth of remediation actions or preventive actions that a
service mesh provides to application operators depends entirely
on the service mesh implementation. However, there is a common
set (discussed in the following sections) that is found across the
most common open-source projects and commercial products.

SLO definition and auto-remediation

With service-level objectives (SLOs), application operators can
monitor the health of microservices and applications. Using the
different golden metrics that service meshes capture, application
operators can define error budgets to check how application health
is evolving over time. Operators can also define SLOs for individual
services or for groups of services. Finally, SLOs help application
operators make informed decisions around which parts of an appli-
cation need work and where feature development can be acceler-
ated, as well as helping them configure automated remediations.

Examples of automated remediations (discussed in the follow-

ing sections) include retries, circuit breakers, rate limiting, traf-
fic steering, and traffic routing resiliency. Although these are
resiliency functions that can be used independently, their value
increases when they can be automatically triggered from SLOs.

Service meshes are able to handle network failures on behalf of the
microservices of your application. The service mesh can be config-
ured to automatically and transparently retry failed requests within
the parameters set up by the application operators. They can define
the timeout budgets for retries and jitter thresholds to restrict
the impact of the increased traffic caused by retries on upstream

As an example, if there’s a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

“503 Service Unavailable” error because the server is completely
unavailable due to scheduled maintenance, the application oper-
ator would need to make sure that the application has retries
configured in the service mesh to handle the 503 errors returned
from the proxy.

One of the main benefits of offloading the retries to the proxy is

that you can define the application resiliency settings between
services independently of the programming language and outside
of the application.

CHAPTER 3 Service Mesh Use Cases 27

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Circuit breakers
A sudden and intense spike in traffic, such as a distributed denial-of-
service (DDoS) attack, can quickly overload a network. Microservices-
based distributed applications would struggle to process the backlog
of requests coming all at once due to the sudden spike in traffic.

In service meshes, an application operator can set a thresh-

old when a service is generating HTTP 503 errors to remove it
from the load balancer pool that handles traffic to the multiple
instances of the same microservice. New requests coming in will
not be routed to the unhealthy instances (see Figure 3-2). This is
known as circuit breaking and it’s configured by defining a con-
nection pool of concurrent Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
connections and pending HTTP requests.

FIGURE 3-2: Traffic is not routed to the unhealthy service.

The circuit-breaking functionality in service meshes is similar to

Kubernetes liveness and readiness checks where you can define
thresholds for load balancer ejection and readmission.

Rate limiting
Related to circuit breaking is rate limiting, a feature in service
meshes that allows application operators to enforce limits on
the rate of requests that match certain criteria. This feature can
be used to throttle traffic when it exceeds a rate of requests pre-
defined by the application operator.

Defining rate limits involves specifying which parameters to

count, their maximum values, and the window of time in which
to enforce the limit.

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Traffic steering
Traffic-steering rules enable application owners to control where
incoming traffic to a pool of instances of a microservice will be
sent. Rules are based on attributes such as authentication (send
Jason to Service A and send Linda to Service B), location (send
United Kingdom to Service A and send United States to Service B),
device (send watch to Service A and send mobile to Service B), or
anything else that is passed in the HTTP header. In Figure 3-3,
Android users are authenticating with Service B located on Pod 3,
whereas iPhone users are directed to authenticate with Service B
located on Pod 4.

FIGURE 3-3: A traffic-steering example.

CHAPTER 3 Service Mesh Use Cases 29

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Traffic steering has been accomplished in previous architectures
by hardcoding the rules into the application and using software
libraries. With service meshes, these rules are created by applica-
tion operators, with the life cycle managed independently of the
application, and enforced by the proxies.

Specific traffic-steering use cases include the following:

»» A/B testing of microservices: When testing web applica-

tions, application operators can test new features by sending
a subset of customer traffic to the instances hosting the new
features. They can then observe the telemetry and gain
insights into the user interactions — whether the users
prefer one feature over another or an implementation of
one service over another.
»» Canary releases: Canary releases are generally used to
deploy new versions of microservices that only contain
nonfunctional improvements. A canary release begins with a
“dark” deployment of the new service version, in which the
new service receives no traffic. If the service is observed to
start healthy, a small percentage of traffic (for example,
1 percent) is directed to it (see Figure 3-4). Errors are
continually monitored as continued health is rewarded with
increased traffic, until the new service is receiving
100 percent of the traffic. The old instances can then be
gracefully shut down.

Traffic-routing resiliency
There are normally two scenarios in which application operators
need to provide resiliency for routing traffic to services:

»» When application operators publish applications for external

consumers (like users or other applications) where there is
one “fronting” microservice
»» For the rest of microservices that compose an application
when they aren’t colocated in the same administrative
domain (for example, the same cluster)

Although these use cases may sound similar, there are funda-
mental differences from an architecture perspective.

30 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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FIGURE 3-4: An example of a canary release.

In the first use case, traffic is coming from outside the ser-
vice mesh (typically referred to as north–south traffic) and must
traverse the ingress gateway of the service mesh, as well as an
upstream load balancer. When two or more instances of the same
published microservice are available in different administrative
domains (for example, two or more clusters), the load balancer
can be programmed to route traffic to all instances, only to one
or to a group of instances, fail over to healthy instances (eject
the unhealthy ones), and so on, with different load-balancing
policies that can be configured by an application operator. Syn-
chronizing the configuration between the service mesh and the
external load balancer can be very painful because it’s basically
a manual process, or it can be automated using do-it-yourself
(DIY) tools.

Some service meshes can automate this process for you.

CHAPTER 3 Service Mesh Use Cases 31

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In the second use case, traffic is going across the different admin-
istrative domains within the service mesh (typically referred to as
east–west traffic) and traversing ingress and egress gateways of
the service meshes of each (for example, a cluster). Like the pre-
vious use case, the service mesh can be configured with different
load-balancing policies in the ingress gateways to route traffic to
different services or to all of them and so on. The main difference
from the previous use case is that, in this one, there is no exter-
nal load balancer and the routing function executes at the cluster
service mesh ingress gateways.

Application operators must follow security and compliance
guidelines to mitigate insider threats and reduce the risk of a
data breach. This is generally achieved by ensuring that all com-
munications between applications are encrypted and mutually
authenticated. There are more advanced use cases, but these two
are hard requirements necessary to comply with regulatory and
security governance measures.

To achieve service-to-service authentication and encryption,

application operators have to instrument security into their
microservices. Developers can satisfy these requirements in
middleware by setting up a mutual or one-way Transport Layer
Security (TLS) connection each time a microservice connects to
another (for east–west traffic) or a client connects to a microser-
vice (for north–south traffic). However, this approach poses new
challenges as security and compliance teams are increasingly
making development teams accountable for security and compli-
ance, which requires additional training and resources.

However, in service meshes that follow the sidecar-proxy

architecture, the proxy automatically and transparently instru-
ments the microservices and can enforce all the required security
functions for both east–west and north–south traffic patterns,
without requiring any code changes or application redeploy-
ments, regardless of the programming language or frameworks
used to build the applications.

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Service authentication and in-flight
data encryption
You may be familiar with TLS, which is used in the HTTP Secure
(HTTPS) protocol to allow browsers to trust web servers and
encrypt data that’s exchanged. When simple TLS is used, the
client determines that the server can be trusted by validating its
certificate. Mutual TLS (mTLS) is an implementation of TLS in
which both the client and the server present certificates to each
other and verify each other’s identities.

With mTLS, application operators can do the following:

»» Mitigate risk of replay or impersonation attacks that use

stolen credentials. Proxy-based service meshes rely on TLS
certificates to authenticate microservices rather than bearer
tokens such as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Web
Tokens (JWT) issued directly to users. Because TLS certifi-
cates are bound to the TLS channel, it is not possible for an
entity within an environment to impersonate another by
simply replaying the authentication token without access to
the private keys.
»» Ensure encryption of data in transit. Using mTLS also
ensures that all HTTP, Google Remote Procedure Call (gRPC),
and TCP communications are encrypted in transit, thereby
providing data confidentiality.

Service meshes provide a top-level (root) certificate authority

(CA) in the control plane, which provides a certificate to the CA
present in each workload cluster. This local-to-the-cluster CA
provides a certificate to each sidecar, which acts as the identity of
the workload. The CA automatically manages the life cycle of the
certificates. Often, this certificate follows the Secure Production
Identity Framework for Everyone (SPIFFE) standard, as in the
case of Istio, for example.

Some service meshes are not limited to single-cluster topolo-

gies and can seamlessly work across clusters, environments (on
premises and cloud), and different platform vendors (for example,
open-source Kubernetes, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid [TKG], Amazon
Elastic Kubernetes Service [EKS], Azure Kubernetes Service [AKS],
Google Kubernetes Engine [GKE], OpenShift Container Platform
[OCP], and so on). Requests between services in the mesh are

CHAPTER 3 Service Mesh Use Cases 33

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allowed by default. Authorization policies are applied in the side-
car proxy, which will determine if a request should be allowed or
denied based on the policies.

Service authorization (auth-z)

Service authorization is analogous to micro-segmentation at
Layer 7. Micro-segmentation is sometimes considered to be syn-
onymous with the security principle of Zero Trust, which means
that no traffic will be allowed that is not explicitly permitted
(Zero Trust) by inspecting every request for access.

Service authorization policies provides access control for the

services in the mesh. Service authorization provides namespace-
level, service-level, and method-level access control for services
in the mesh. The service mesh can segment the services based on
Layer 7 constructs.

Requests between services in the mesh are allowed by default.

Authorization policies are applied in the sidecar proxy, which will
determine if a request should be allowed or denied based on the

34 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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»» Learning the basics of VMware Tanzu
Service Mesh

»» Discovering global namespace policies

and capabilities

Chapter 4
Introducing VMware
Tanzu Service Mesh

service mesh addresses challenges associated with a
microservices architecture but also introduces new chal-
lenges (see Chapter 2). This chapter explains how VMware
Tanzu Service Mesh unleashes the real power of a service mesh
and addresses service mesh challenges.

Exploring VMware Tanzu Service Mesh

The real power of a service mesh extends beyond service-to-
service communication abstraction. Just like other abstractions,
you can build more value into it. Tanzu Service Mesh delivers
this value.

A service mesh, no matter which project or product you’re going

with, is quite challenging to operate at scale. You need to take care
of many moving parts to make it work in a large environment. In
addition, most service meshes don’t address multi-cluster service
mesh deployments, not to mention extending the service mesh
across different sites and clouds. The value in Tanzu Service Mesh
begins with simplifying operations.

CHAPTER 4 Introducing VMware Tanzu Service Mesh 35

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Tanzu Service Mesh takes the concept of a service mesh and
elevates it to more of a distributed application framework that
extends far beyond service-to-service communications and pro-
vides advanced security capabilities, resiliency, and automated
operations for the application — regardless of which clouds its
services are running on.

Tanzu Service Mesh differentiation starts with its architecture.

Instead of clustering and synchronizing control planes, Tanzu
uses a federated approach for multi–Kubernetes cluster and
multi-cloud deployments. This is a significant difference from
other service mesh offerings because it removes a dependency on
complicated architectures that can reduce availability.

Tanzu Service Mesh provides a three-tier architecture. The top

tier, referred to as the Global Controller, is delivered as a software-
as-a-service (SaaS) offering. The Global Controller sends control
operations in a federated manner to the local controllers, which
comprise the second tier. These local controllers are basically
a managed, curated, vanilla Istio control plane running on the
Kubernetes cluster. The third tier consists of the data plane prox-
ies. Tanzu Service Mesh utilizes the Envoy project as the data
plane proxies on Kubernetes (see Figure 4-1).

FIGURE 4-1: The Tanzu Service Mesh three-tier architecture.

Tanzu Service Mesh supports many popular Kubernetes plat-

forms, including Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS),
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Microsoft Azure Kubernetes
Service (AKS), Red Hat OpenShift, Upstream Kubernetes, VMware
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, and more.

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There are several reasons and use cases for an organization to
distribute an application’s services across multiple Kubernetes
clusters instead of using a single huge Kubernetes cluster, includ-
ing the following:

»» Difficulty updating large Kubernetes clusters: You need

to coordinate more activities between the applications and
the tenant — this complexity is the reason many organiza-
tions are moving from a monolith to microservices in the
first place. To avoid such a large “blast radius,” organizations
can limit the scope and size of their Kubernetes clusters.
However, this approach often requires placing an applica-
tion’s services in different clusters.
»» Isolation between multiple tenants: In Kubernetes, the
tenancy construct is the namespace, which is similar to a
folder (a binder, if you will) of logical constructs that are part
of the same application or tenant. However, namespaces are
not a good tenancy model because they provide limited
isolation between tenants. If true multi-tenancy is required,
you may need to utilize multiple Kubernetes clusters.
»» High availability: You may also want to distribute your
application components on multiple clusters for high
availability purposes. In this case, you could run your
application on multiple Kubernetes clusters in the same
region and have a local load balancer between them to
provide high availability, or you could deploy multiple
Kubernetes clusters across regions with a global load
balancer for disaster recovery and disaster avoidance.
»» Separating stateful and stateless services: Stateful
services (also referred to as data services) are usually handled
differently from stateless services and, therefore, may need
to be separated in multiple Kubernetes clusters with
different backup, disaster recovery, and upgrade plans.

A major component of Tanzu Service Mesh in the client clusters is

Istio. Upon onboarding a client Kubernetes cluster into the Tanzu
Service Mesh SaaS solution, a managed and curated version of
Istio will be deployed onto your client cluster (a client cluster is
your Kubernetes cluster where the application workloads are run-
ning). The Tanzu Service Mesh Global Controller uses Istio for
certain local control capabilities while also managing the life cycle
of that Istio deployment. Customers can choose to utilize this

CHAPTER 4 Introducing VMware Tanzu Service Mesh 37

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Istio deployment directly or utilize Tanzu Service Mesh’s applica-
tion programming interface (API) and create a global namespace
(discussed later in this chapter), which provides automated Istio
operations and adds additional layers of policy.

When it comes to multi-cluster/multi-cloud support, although

Istio itself supports multi–Kubernetes cluster deployments, it
requires control plane synchronization. This requirement adds
a dependency on complicated clustering topologies between the
Kubernetes cluster control planes.

With Tanzu Service Mesh, the top layer, the Global Controller,
manages and controls the local Istio control planes, programming
them and managing their life cycle (see Figure 4-2). The Istio
control planes on the client clusters are federated by the Global
Controller and only communicate back to the Global Controller —
never with one another.

FIGURE 4-2: The Tanzu Service Mesh federated three-tier architecture.

This federated design removes a major dependency (reliance

on replication of control planes) for multi–Kubernetes clus-
ter service mesh deployments and greatly simplifies operations
while increasing system availability. Data plane communication
between the application service proxies on the clusters don’t flow
through the SaaS Global Controller. Whether they run on one
Kubernetes cluster, multiple Kubernetes clusters, across sites, or

38 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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even across clouds, they communicate directly with one another
from proxy to proxy.

Introducing Global Namespaces

Global namespaces, as the name implies, are a logical construct
that exists in the Global Controller and logically ties together ser-
vices that need to communicate with one another. These services
can be part of a single application, part of a clustered data ser-
vice, or part of any other construct in which its workloads need
to communicate with one another and be secured as a unit. When
mapping services in different clusters and clouds into a global
namespace, you can apply policies to them by applying the policy
on that global namespace. The policies will then apply to the ser-
vices within it.

A global namespace is a unique concept in Tanzu Service Mesh.

A global namespace defines an application boundary. It connects
the resources and workloads that make up the application into
one virtual unit to provide consistent traffic routing, connectiv-
ity, resiliency, and security for applications across multiple clus-
ters and clouds. Each global namespace is an isolated domain that
provides automatic service discovery and manages service identi-
ties within that global namespace.

Tanzu Service Mesh supports an ever-growing number of con-

figurations and policies in a global namespace, which we discuss
in the following sections (see Figure 4-3).

Service discovery
Microservices brought the promise of agility to software devel-
opment. Applications are reduced to individual pieces called
microservices, and these microservices communicate using APIs.
Microservices enable continuous deployment and upgrade of
individual functionality separately and independently from the
other parts of the application.

But, as always, a new promise also brings new challenges. One

such challenge is how services now communicate with one
another. In monolithic apps, different functions are written in the
same code base and communicate through remote procedure calls

CHAPTER 4 Introducing VMware Tanzu Service Mesh 39

These materials are © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
(RPCs) in memory. Microservices communicate over the network,
which introduces overhead and complexity when developing
cloud-native applications in a distributed architecture, because
you must take care of things such as:

»» Ensuring services can find each other

»» Securing communications
»» Making applications resilient and highly available

FIGURE 4-3: Global namespace configurations and policies in Tanzu

Service Mesh.

The services in a microservices architecture talk with one

another using APIs, but reachability is based on Internet Protocol
(IP) addresses where Service A reaches out to the IP address of
Service B. At the same time, you don’t want your applications,
and ultimately your developers, to rely on IP addresses because IP
addresses are very infrastructure-specific and may not be directly
visible to the services (think, Network Address Translation [NAT]
boundaries). Also, in the cloud-native world, IP addresses are
ephemeral and constantly changing. Imagine having to update
your application every time a service changed its IP address — it
would be an operational nightmare and would defeat the whole
purpose of moving to distributed architectures in the first place.

40 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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So, how do services find each other if not based on IP addresses?
If Service A needs to communicate with Service B, how would
Service A “know” the IP address of the ingress point to Service
B? You may be thinking this is easy — the Domain Name System
(DNS). Since the dawn of IP addressing, the DNS has been the
“phone book” for IP networks. But with microservices, there’s
a big challenge — someone or something needs to update the
DNS records because IP addresses and service locations change

If you’re building your application in a single Kubernetes clus-

ter, the problem is easily solved with Kubernetes DNS. The cluster
“knows” about all the IP addresses of all the services that are
running on it automatically. The developers just have to refer to
the services by their “Kubernetes name.”

However, in a multi–Kubernetes cluster or multi-cloud environ-

ment, relying on the Kubernetes name and mechanisms is pretty
limiting, and it becomes more complicated because the different
Kubernetes clusters don’t exchange DNS information. With Istio
and other service mesh technologies, this is addressed by syn-
chronizing control plane information. With Tanzu Service Mesh
global namespaces, VMware Tanzu Service Mesh abstracts all
that complexity and apply a simple federated “service discovery”
mechanism. A service discovery domain name (for example, acme.
lab) is applied to the global namespace. After you map services
to the global namespace, it will automate the DNS entries in all
the clusters based on that domain name, so now Service A calls
Service B not by using its Kubernetes local name, but instead by
using the global namespace domain name (for example, B.acme.
lab). In this way, the service mesh will always know the ingress
IP address for Service B wherever it may be based in the global
namespace name. This eliminates any need for manual configu-
rations of DNS or any replications of data between clusters. Devel-
opers can simply specify the business logic name of each service
in the application and “inject” the service discovery domain of the
global namespace. The services communication will always work
without anyone needing to know or configure a single IP address.
This will work in a single Kubernetes cluster, multiple clusters,
and across clouds and vendors.

Service discovery is the first interaction with the mesh, and it’s
the only way developers should attach their applications to it.
Now you can start layering more sophisticated services on top.

CHAPTER 4 Introducing VMware Tanzu Service Mesh 41

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End-to-end mTLS
All service mesh technologies can attach a unique x509 certifi-
cate to each microservice. These certificates are then used by the
services to authenticate and establish Mutual Transport Layer
Security (mTLS) encryption and authorization access policies. But
for this to work, the certificates need to be part of the same trust
chain. It’s simpler to achieve trust when two services are running
on the same Kubernetes cluster using the same single certificate
authority (CA) in the cluster to issue certificates to the services.
But in a multi-cluster/multi-cloud deployment, it’s challenging
to create a trust between independent control planes.

Like service discovery, Tanzu Service Mesh takes a federated

approach to this challenge. When onboarding clusters, the Global
Controller will deploy a CA to each cluster and create a root CA
in the cloud, or connect them to the customer’s corporate CA as
root. In this way, the CAs on the Kubernetes clusters have the
same trust chain. Now you can authenticate and establish mTLS
between every service that is part of a global namespace, even
if they’re running on multiple clouds, thereby allowing you to
secure the communications and establish mTLS encryption with-
out virtual private networks (VPNs) or special gateways. The mTLS
encryption across a global namespace is from proxy to proxy with
no terminations, thereby preventing man-in-the-middle attacks.

Application publishing
and high availability
Most service mesh implementations are focused on service-to-
service communications, sometimes referred to as east–west
communications. Tanzu Service Mesh treats east–west and north–
south communications as attributes of the application that need
to be managed as part of the same mesh. For this purpose, Tanzu
Service Mesh is integrated with VMware NSX Advanced Load Bal-
ancer and Amazon Route 53 DNS services to control the north–
south policies as part of a global namespace.

After a service (or multiple services) in a global namespace is

published, Tanzu Service Mesh configures the integrated global
server load balancing (GSLB) service based on its policy, including
all health checks and load balancing algorithms. At this point,
the GSLB service automatically sends traffic anywhere the pub-
lished service exists and manages the external facing certificate

42 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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imported by the application operator on the ingress controller
of the clusters where that service exists. This provides users of
the application with access to the published service running in
the global namespace in a highly available manner. Also, when
deploying the published service in a new Kubernetes cluster or
cloud that’s part of the global namespace, the application auto-
matically expands by configuring the GSLB to point to the new
location without any human intervention or code change, thereby
saving time and resources for the business.

At this point, “localization abstraction” has been established. The

Tanzu Service Mesh Global Controller is automating the instan-
tiation of service discovery, identity (certificates), mTLS, and
load balancing of outbound access into the application. You can
now burst (expand) to any new cloud or scale to more clusters, or
contract automatically as needed, and all communications will be
securely established without needing to change a single line of
code in your applications.

Actionable SLOs
(intelligent autoscaling)
One of the challenges of ensuring a high quality of service is being
able to measure the factors that reflect the quality of user experi-
ence, such as latencies and error rates.

Tanzu Service Mesh provides these metrics out of the box, with-
out needing additional plug-ins or code changes. Metric levels are
displayed in real-time graphs in the Tanzu Service Mesh Console
user interface. Tanzu Service Mesh provides an interface where
you can configure service-level objective (SLO) targets and select
the service-level indicators (SLIs) that determine service health.

Tanzu Service Mesh SLO helps application operators make

informed decisions around which parts of the application may
need work and where feature development can be accelerated. It
also helps configure the Tanzu Service Mesh Service Autoscaler,
which further helps ensure that the SLO is met.

With Tanzu Service Mesh SLO, you can observe and monitor the
health of your services inside a global namespace or, for services
directly in their cluster namespaces, in the user interface, as well
as through the API.

CHAPTER 4 Introducing VMware Tanzu Service Mesh 43

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SLOs are offered in two ways in Tanzu Service Mesh:

»» Monitored SLOs: Monitored SLOs provide an indicator of the

performance of the services and whether these services meet the
target SLO condition based on the SLIs specified for the service.
The monitored SLO policies can be configured either for services
inside a global namespace (GNS-scoped SLOs) or for services
directly in the cluster (org-scoped SLOs). When configured for a
global namespace service, the SLO budget is depleted when any
of the service instances inside the global namespace, violates SLIs.
»» Actionable SLOs: Like monitored SLOs, actionable SLOs
provide an indicator of the health of the services and track
how well the services meet the defined SLO target. Unlike
monitored SLOs, each actionable SLO can only target a single
GNS-scoped service, and they can help influence the service
resiliency actions like autoscaling. The actionable SLO
policies can be configured for services inside a global
namespace. When configured for a global namespace
service, the SLO budget is depleted when any of the service
instances inside the global namespace violates SLIs.

Tanzu Service Mesh provides application resiliency and scaling

through global server load balancing (GLSB) for high availability
and failover, cloud bursting, and elastic scalability (see Figure 4-4).

FIGURE 4-4: Tanzu Service Mesh provides application resiliency, elastic

autoscaling, and cloud bursting.

44 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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You can configure monitored SLOs to monitor the behavior of one
or more services and inspect associated performance graphs. With
actionable SLOs, you can monitor and also influence autoscaler
decisions when SLIs are violated.

Traffic management
(progressive upgrades)
Traffic management has many use cases, including traffic shift-
ing based on user headers, resiliency features (such as circuit
breakers), and different upgrade strategies. With Tanzu Service
Mesh, you can use the native capabilities in Istio that make use of
YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) declarative manifests on
a cluster-by-cluster basis or, with Tanzu Service Mesh being a
multi–Kubernetes cluster multi-cloud solution, you can use these
capabilities in a scalable distributed cross-cloud manner. For the
purpose of operating and managing upgrades, Tanzu Service
Mesh has a capability known as progressive upgrades, which man-
ages canary and blue-green across clusters at scale.

When upgrading microservices through a canary or blue-green

upgrade, you introduce a new version of a service side-by-side
with the old version, and then move a small percentage of traf-
fic over to the new version and monitor it for Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP) errors and latency. If the new service is working
fine, you move some more traffic over until 100 percent of your
users are using the new version. At that point, you can decommis-
sion the old version of the service.

As described in Chapter 3, this type of upgrade can be performed

relatively easily with Istio using a simple YAML file that defines
the routing rules to send a percentage of traffic to the new service
(split traffic). However, when you need to perform hundreds of
such upgrades a day, it’s no longer such an easy task to monitor
them and make changes at scale.

With progressive upgrades, Tanzu Service Mesh allows you to

define a single upgrade or multiple service upgrades in a global
namespace. You can define the rules that determine how much
traffic to shift and the steps to take, as well as what to do in case
of errors or failures. And you can monitor all your upgrades from
a single dashboard.

CHAPTER 4 Introducing VMware Tanzu Service Mesh 45

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You can also test a version with Tanzu Service Mesh progressive
upgrades by simulating an upgrade without going “all in” and
switching out versions.

Access control policies

Access control policies (ACPs) provide granular access control
between microservices. With Tanzu Service Mesh, you can create
authorization policies (known as AuthZ) that are based on the fact
that all services, no matter where they reside (as long as they’re
a part of the same global namespace), can authenticate with one
another so you can apply policies that control access to them. This
means that a global namespace becomes an application security
zone, which the ACP is defined upon. In Tanzu Service Mesh,
access can be controlled based on Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) ports or HTTP requests — even as granular as to the specific
HTTP path. Tanzu Service Mesh’s dashboarding clearly shows the
security posture of each application and which services can access
which services (see Figure 4-5).

FIGURE 4-5: Access control policies in Tanzu Service Mesh.

API operations and security

Communication between microservices is done using API calls.
Every API call passes through the Tanzu Service Mesh data
plane. Tanzu Service Mesh can then provide certain capabilities

46 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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around operationalizing and securing the API calls, including the

»» Document: You can extract the API schema of your applica-

tion allowing teams to document their APIs and validate
them during application development. This is a significant
benefit because there are usually gaps in the API documen-
tation versus the actual APIs that are developed.
»» Analyze: You can perform analytics on your API calls and
extract important information about their behavior, includ-
ing information such as the performance of API calls,
location, usage, by whom, how much, and more. This allows
application operators to diagnose whether problems are
occurring due to the API calls, their use, or another layer, and
helps them generally pinpoint issues faster and better from
the API layer down.
»» Security: You can control exactly which API calls should be
allowed between microservices. Whereas access policies and
mTLS are foundational Zero Trust architecture capabilities,
API security would be considered an advanced Zero Trust
capability. API security allows you to secure the application
beyond access control whether a service allows a PUT call or
a GET call to another service and which parameters work.
This can be thought of as an advanced “API firewall.” An
organization that has microservices deployed in production
can also take the API schema captured during the develop-
ment process and use it as a baseline for an API security
policy in production. This means that if a service is perform-
ing an unauthorized API call, Tanzu Service Mesh will either
alert about the incident or block it depending on what it’s
programmed to do. This is the incarnation of Zero Trust.

PII data leakage protection

Tanzu Service Mesh not only takes care of service-to-service
communications, but also provides data security for personally
identifiable information (PII) including Social Security numbers
(SSNs), bank routing numbers, credit card information, and so on.
Tanzu Service Mesh can detect when such data is passing through
its data plane proxies based on defined policies and provide alerts
in the application views within a global namespace. Customers
can create PII data leakage policies to alert or block when data is
accessed inappropriately.

CHAPTER 4 Introducing VMware Tanzu Service Mesh 47

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For example, if Service A is compromised and credit card numbers
are being pulled in a way that violates the PII data policy, Tanzu
Service Mesh will either alert the security operators or block the
transaction, depending on how the policy is configured. Even if
this capability is used just to model where PII data is passing,
it’s very useful for organizations with regulatory requirements.
In Tanzu Service Mesh there are predefined rules to identify spe-
cific PII data patterns, and you can also create custom rules to
detect PII.

Figure 4-6 shows the security posture of the application in Tanzu

Service Mesh.

FIGURE 4-6: Tanzu Service Mesh provides zero trust security and PII data
leak protection.

East–west threat detection

Another Zero Trust capability in Tanzu Service Mesh is east–west
threat detection. Threat detection is usually done at the access
point to the network using web application firewalls or other
firewalls that can provide deep inspection capabilities. Threat
actors typically use numerous tactics, techniques, and procedures
(TTPs) to execute a successful attack. Given that many security
solutions that are designed to stop an attack are deployed at the
network perimeter, east–west traffic usually flows freely within
the network, enabling a threat actor to move laterally with ease
within your network.

48 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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Tanzu Service Mesh can apply threat detection for the Open
Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top Ten web appli-
cation security risks to east–west traffic. This means that every
proxy in the service mesh can detect and stop an OWASP 10
attack. You can also program custom attacks by importing
attack signatures.

CHAPTER 4 Introducing VMware Tanzu Service Mesh 49

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»» Exploring helpful blogs and books

»» Participating in conferences and


»» Digging into documentation

»» Joining discussion groups

»» Getting started with step-by-step guides

and hands-on labs

»» Checking out podcasts and user stories

»» Viewing videos and tutorials

»» Working with VMware resources

Chapter 5
Ten Resources to Help
you Get Started with
Service Mesh

eady to get started? We’ve put together the following list of
materials and tutorials to help you enhance your under-
standing of Istio and Tanzu Service Mesh.

The open-source projects and VMware publish numerous blogs
to help you familiarize yourself with service mesh use cases and
technology. Check out the following:

»» Istio: https://istio.io/latest/blog

CHAPTER 5 Ten Resources to Help you Get Started with Service Mesh 51

These materials are © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
»» Kuma: https://kuma.io/blog
»» Linkerd: https://linkerd.io/blog
»» Open Service Mesh: https://openservicemesh.io/blog
»» VMware Network and Security Virtualization: https://
»» VMware Tanzu: https://tanzu.vmware.com/blog

When you’re ready to take a deeper dive into service mesh, why
not get a blueprint from technical experts to help you understand
what’s going on “under the hood”? Here are some good places to

»» Getting Started with Istio Service Mesh: Manage Microservices in

Kubernetes by Rahul Sharma and Avinash Singh (Apress)
»» Istio in Action by Christian E. Posta and Rinor Maloku
»» Istio: Up & Running: Using a Service Mesh to Connect, Secure,
Control, and Observe by Lee Calcote and Zack Butcher
(O’Reilly Media)
»» Mastering Service Mesh by Anjali Khatri and Vikram Khatri
(Packt Publishing)
»» Istio Succinctly by Rahual Rai and Tarun Pabbi (Syncfusion)
»» Consul: Up & Running by Luke Kysow (O’Reilly)
»» Service Mesh Standard Requirements: Practical Tools for
Self-Assessment by Gerardus Blokdyk (5STARCooks)

Conferences and Meetups

Attend a conference or join a local Meetup group to learn from
your peers operating server meshes:

»» GOTO Conferences: Watch the Service Meshes: Istio,

Linkerd — or No Mesh at All? presentation at https://

52 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

These materials are © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
»» IstioCon 2022: The community conference for Istio service
mesh. Learn more at https://events.istio.io/
»» Meetup: Join a local meetup at www.meetup.com/topics/
service-mesh and engage in dialogue with the Istio user
community at www.meetup.com/topics/istio.
»» ServiceMeshCon: A vendor-neutral conference on service
mesh. Find out more at https://events.linuxfoundation.

The various open-source service mesh projects publish a wide
range of resources to help you get grounded on the projects and
info on how you can contribute. Check out the following resources:

»» Istio: https://istio.io
»» Kuma: https://kuma.io
»» Linkerd: https://linkerd.io
»» Open Service Mesh: https://release-v1-0.docs.

Although not a service mesh, documentation for related technol-

ogies include the following:

»» Envoy service proxy: www.envoyproxy.io

»» Multi-Vendor Service Mesh Interoperation: https://

Discussion Groups
Join a discussion group to post questions and actively contribute
to the various open-source service mesh projects and follow them
on Twitter:

»» Istio: https://discuss.istio.io
»» Istio on Twitter: https://twitter.com/istiomesh

CHAPTER 5 Ten Resources to Help you Get Started with Service Mesh 53

These materials are © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
»» Kuma on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kumamesh
»» Linkerd on Twitter: https://twitter.com/linkerd
»» Open Service Mesh on Twitter: https://twitter.com/

Getting Started Guides

These step-by-step guides will help you get started:

»» Istio: Getting Started: https://istio.io/latest/docs/

»» Istio: Platform Setup: https://istio.io/latest/docs/
»» Kuma: Getting Started with Kuma Service Mesh:
»» Linkerd: Getting Started: https://linkerd.io/2.11/
»» Open Service Mesh: Getting Started: https://release-

Hands-On Labs and Online Courses

Ready to go get some hands-on experience? Try these interactive
labs to get a virtual service mesh experience:

»» Katacoda: www.katacoda.com/courses/istio
»» Modern Apps Ninja: Tanzu for Kubernetes Operation:
»» VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations: https://
»» VMware: Tanzu Service Mesh Hands-on-Lab: https://

54 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

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Why not take a class to enrich your understanding of service
mesh? There are many free and low-cost options, including the

»» Coursera: www.coursera.org/search?query=service
»» DevOps School: https://devopsschool.com/courses/
»» edX: www.edx.org/course/introduction-to-service-
»» KodeKloud: https://kodekloud.com/courses/
»» LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/learning/
»» NobleProg: www.nobleprog.com/cc/istio and www.
»» Pluralsight: www.pluralsight.com/courses/
»» Udemy: www.udemy.com/topic/istio
»» Virtual Pair Programmers: www.virtualpairprogrammers

Podcasts and User Stories

Listen to podcasts on service mesh and Linkerd:

»» The InfoQ Podcast: www.infoq.com/ServiceMesh/

»» Buoyant: https://buoyant.io/media/podcasts

Many enterprise users have taken the journey from Kubernetes to

service mesh. Start your own journey by learning from others who
have deployed service mesh in production:

»» Istio case studies: https://istio.io/latest/about/

»» Linkerd case studies: https://linkerd.io/community/

CHAPTER 5 Ten Resources to Help you Get Started with Service Mesh 55

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Videos and Tutorials
Watch the following videos and tutorials from the Just Me and
Opensource YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/c/wenkatn-
justmeandopensource) to go in-depth with Istio:

»» Installing Istio in Kubernetes Cluster: https://youtu.

»» Deploying Istio Service Mesh in Kubernetes Using
Istioctl: https://youtu.be/wdusXMYeddg
»» Istio Deploying Sample Bookinfo Application: https://
»» Monitoring Istio Mesh Using Grafana: https://youtu.
»» Kiali – Visualize Your Istio Service Mesh: https://youtu.
»» Istio Traffic Management – Request Routing Part 1:
»» Istio Traffic Management – Request Routing Part 2:
»» Istio Demo with Kiali and Traffic Management: https://

VMware Products and Reference Designs

VMware offers a wide range of resources to help you understand
the enterprise requirements for service mesh. Visit the following
pages to learn more:

»» VMware Tanzu Service Mesh Documentation: https://

»» VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer Documentation:

56 Service Mesh For Dummies, VMware 2nd Special Edition

These materials are © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
»» VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations on VMware
Cloud on AWS Reference Design: https://docs.vmware.
»» VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations on vSphere
Reference Design: https://docs.vmware.com/en/
»» VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations on vSphere
with NSX-T Reference Design: https://docs.vmware.

CHAPTER 5 Ten Resources to Help you Get Started with Service Mesh 57

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