World's Rising High Business Leaders Making A Mark in Middle East, 2023
World's Rising High Business Leaders Making A Mark in Middle East, 2023
World's Rising High Business Leaders Making A Mark in Middle East, 2023
Making a Mark in
Middle East, 2023
Founder & CEO
The Channel MENA
World's Rising High Business Leaders
Making a Mark in Middle East, 2023
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A Female Entrepreneur Redefining
Boundaries in the Advertising Industry
16 Ayman Baky
20 Christiana Maxion
30 Haifa Addas
36 Khalid Fagih
40 Meher Mirchandani
46 Nousheen Mukhtar
50 Prabhjeet Singh
54 Rasha Al Danhani
Hala Founder & CEO
The Channel MENA
08 | AUGUST 2023
tep into the world of Hala Tfayli, the
remarkable Founder and CEO of The
Channel MENA, whose career trajectory
defies convention. Breaking away from the
traditional path of advertising agency
founders, Hala brings a unique perspective
as a former client-side professional.
10 | AUGUST 2023
From Research to Retail
12 | AUGUST 2023
Journey of Entrepreneurial follow up on tasks, address any significant role in her personal and
Success issues, and refine processes to professional growth. The support and
enhance efficiency. She understands collaboration of this team have
Hala acknowledges that the greatest the importance of actively engaging influenced her perspective and
risk she has taken in her professional in the necessary actions, such as provided her with stronger
journey was leaving a stable job to making follow-up phone calls, to foundations on which to rely.
start her own agency. However, she ensure that everything is in place and
firmly believes that it has been the progress is made. By being surrounded by the right
best decision she has ever made. individuals, Hala has gained valuable
Since its inception in 2018, The The Power of a Cohesive Team insights and diverse perspectives that
Channel MENA has experienced have shaped her approach to various
consistent growth, positioning itself Hala recognizes that every leader situations. The collective strength
as the agency of choice for their starts with a foundation, but it's and capabilities of her team have
clients. crucial for them to acknowledge that helped her navigate challenges, make
mistakes will inevitably occur, and it informed decisions, and adapt when
The agency prioritizes working with is acceptable to make adjustments necessary. Ultimately, she
realistic clients who understand the along the way. She firmly believes understands the importance of
importance of key performance that having the right team building a cohesive and capable team
indicators (KPIs) and return on surrounding her has played a as a critical factor in her own growth
investment (ROI). Hala and her team as a leader.
provide valuable guidance to clients,
advising them on the most effective
tools and strategies to connect with
their target customers. By
emphasizing the importance of
efficiency and measurable results,
The Channel MENA strives to
deliver tangible value to their clients. | 13
Vision for Responsible Marketing
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Dr. Aishah
Al Yammahi
Using AI and Technology in the
Educational Sector to Inspire the
Next Generation for Learning | 27
Describe who you are as a person,
inside and outside the workplace. I hold a PhD in Education from The
British University of Dubai, in addition to
I strive to guide, mentor and support the a master's degree in Human Resources
Alef team and enhance the working Management from Massey University in
environment at work. I further assist in New Zealand, where I researched the
the development of efficient plans and effects of a positive work environment
strategies for our organisation and our on employee performance and
digital platforms. My work does not end productivity. Prior to joining Alef
at the end of my working day; at home, I Education, I served as the principal of the
am committed to supporting and caring first public school in the UAE to
for my husband and children. I am a implement Alef's ground-breaking
strong believer in the value of education, educational system, as well as the
which fueled my support for my husband Director for UNESCO in the UAE's
to obtain his PhD. As for interests, I National Commission for Education,
greatly enjoy reading, as it stimulates the Culture, and Science. Most recently, I
mind. I also encourage my children to was appointed at the Ministry of
read to help them broaden their outlook Education UAE, where I coordinated the
and shape their perspectives. Reading, in implementation of the Alef Platform in
my opinion, also enhances analytical and 57 public schools in Abu Dhabi.
critical thinking, both of which are
crucial for the development and growth As part of my efforts to redefine the
of students. learning ecosystem, I have travelled and
gained extensive knowledge of
Describe your background and what numerous educational systems
you did before you joined Alef worldwide, including those in Finland,
Education. Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, and the
USA. In addition, I have also participated
I have 27 years of experience in the in numerous conferences related to
educational sector, during which I have education all over the world, where I
harnessed a wealth of knowledge and gained insights into the newest
experience that I have utilised to the advancements in the industry and
best of my abilities to contribute to the networked with various professionals
advancement of this field. Over these from the education sector. In order to
years, I have assumed various roles and improve and inspire the next generation
responsibilities and embarked on of learners, I firmly believe that
numerous endeavours that have technology and artificial intelligence
positively influenced my career and must be utilized in the educational
enabled me to grow both professionally sector.
and personally. I have helped formulate a
curriculum for various academic levels
and classes, emphasizing technical
education and promoting the
professional development of teachers as
the two main pillars of the educational
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Fagih Fostering
and Sustainability
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T he role of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) holds immense
importance in any organization, as it entails significant
leadership responsibilities. CEOs bear the crucial task of
making strategic decisions, overseeing the overall operations of the
company, and propelling its growth and triumph. While the position
of a CEO offers fulfilling experiences, it also presents a multitude of
challenges and obligations. Khalid Fagih, the CEO of Red Sea
International Company, is one exemplary individual who embodies
these responsibilities.
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Rasha Al
Transforming Hospitality in the Middle East | 55
PappaRoti is a café brand known attention with its irresistible aroma.
for the signature coffee-caramel This encounter inspired her to start
buns. The café was introduced in her own venture.
the UAE in 2009 at the Dubai
Mall. Originated in Malaysia the Building a Beloved Brand in the
brand has gained immense UAE
popularity in the region.
Rasha had always known that she
PappaRoti has carved a niche for had a natural aptitude for business
itself in the market giving other and was eager to strike out on her
cafes a tough competition. The own entrepreneurial path.
brand has a loyal fan base that visit However, finding the right product
malls specially to sample the bun. or concept to launch proved to be a
The brand also contributes to challenge for her. Undeterred, she
strengthening the economy. The remained on the lookout for any
core values of the company are intriguing ideas or opportunities,
quality, customer service, attention with a particular focus on the food
to detail, maintaining a high level and beverage industry. After all,
of hospitality, implementing she firmly believed that few things
sustainable practices, making a have the power to bring people as
positive impact and being much happiness as good food.
It was during a family vacation
From Corporate Career to back in 2008 that Rasha's instincts
Entrepreneurship led her to stumble upon a small
kiosk located near a train station.
After completing various Intrigued by the tantalizing aroma
entrepreneurship programs such as wafting from the kiosk, she
"Performance Management" and decided to give the product a try.
"Team Leading," Rasha earned her As soon as she tasted it, she knew
business management degree from that she had discovered something
Dubai Women's College. She kick- truly special, something that the
started her career in prominent UAE had been missing. Driven by
companies like Emaar Properties her instincts and her belief in the
and the Dubai Development and product, Rasha wasted no time in
Investment Authority. Moreover, reaching out to the owner and
she gained valuable experience in negotiating to bring the brand to
both banking and real estate the Middle East.
industries before embarking on her
own entrepreneurial journey. Despite the challenges and
uncertainties involved in launching
Rasha was in search of a unique a new venture, Rasha remained
idea to introduce in the UAE. steadfast in her conviction that the
During her holiday trip to Malaysia PappaRoti brand would be a
in 2008, she stumbled upon success in the UAE.
PappaRoti, a small kiosk by the
metro station that caught her
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