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Exercise Answers 14 Asal Physics WB

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may be different.

Workbook answers
Chapter 14 2 a–e

Exercise 14.1 How superposition
leads to stationary waves resultant
1 a, b   b
a B C
P and Q


c 1.0 m resultant
d B up, C up, D down Q

P and Q
3 a

Distance along Displacement of Displacement of Displacement of other

x-axis / cm stationary wave / cm progressive wave progressive wave / cm
shown / cm
0 +2.0 +1.0 +1.0
0.50   0 +1.0 −1.0
1.00 −2.0 −1.0 −1.0
1.50   0 −1.0 +1.0
2.00 +2.0 +1.0 +1.0

Exercise 14.2 Using stationary

b  odes at 0.5 cm, 1.5 cm, 2.5 cm, 3.5 cm,
4.5 cm and 5.5 cm wave patterns
c a ntinodes at 0, 1.0 cm, 2.0 cm, 3.0 cm, 1 a λA = 2.4 m
4.0 cm, 5.0 cm and 6.0 cm λB = 1.2 m
d 0.5 cm = λC = 0.8 m
b fB = 480 Hz
fC = 720 Hz

1 Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang & Jones © Cambridge University Press 2020

c NA = 1 progressive wave the phase changes

continuously along the wave.
NB = 2
g a mplitude at P and T the same >
NC = 3 amplitude at S > amplitude at Q >
d  he wire goes from the solid line to a flat
T amplitude at R
horizontal line joining P and Q to the h  he amplitude of points in a stationary
dotted line, back to a horizontal line and wave decreases from a maximum at an
finally back to the solid line. antinode to zero at a node and than
2 a 120 cm increases again as one moves towards the
next antinode. In a progressive wave the
b 12 000 cm s−1 amplitude of all points is the same – they
just have different phases.
3 a 0.48 m
i I n a stationary wave there is no
0.24 m
net transmission of energy but in
0.16 m a progressive wave there is a net
transmission of energy. In a stationary
b 208 Hz wave, there are two progressive waves
417 Hz carrying energy in both directions and so
there is no net flow of energy.
625 Hz
2 a  wo waves travelling in opposite directions
4 a  ovement elsewhere, at an antinode for
M with the same frequency produce a
example, will cause the particles to collect stationary wave. The waves reflect off the
where there is no movement, at a node. fixed ends of the guitar string and interfere
b λ = 10 cm; f = 3200 Hz (superpose) to form the stationary wave.
The distance between the two ends must
c ANAN or AN be a multiple of half the wavelength for
reflections at both ends to superpose in
Exercise 14.3 Using the correct the same way and form the stationary
terms to explain stationary waves
b  moves up and down at the frequency of
1 a a point on a stationary wave where the the progressive wave.
amplitude is a maximum
c  Q and R all have the same amplitude
b a point on a stationary wave where the as they are at antinodes. P and R are in
amplitude is zero phase and are out of phase with Q.
c four d Either of these two diagrams:
d Points Phase difference N N
between the points
P and Q 0
P and R 180° N N
P and S 180°
P and T 360° or 0 3 a  molecule moves backwards and
Q and R 180° forwards (longitudinally) along the tube
Q and S 180° with a maximum amplitude.
R and S 0 b  ound reflects off the closed end and the
two waves travelling in opposite directions
e  ll points between one node and the next
A with the same frequency interfere
have no phase difference. (superpose on one another). A node of
f I n a stationary wave the phase changes displacement is formed at the closed end
through 180° at each node but in a and an antinode at the open end.

2 Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang & Jones © Cambridge University Press 2020

c 10 cm speed of the wave is found using v = 2df.

d Repeat this measurement for different
tensions and plot a graph of speed against
2 a  lace the transmitter facing the metal
sheet. Move the detector probe along the
e λ = 13 cm
line from the transmitter to the sheet.
There will be a regular rise and fall in the
Exercise 14.4 Planning signal on the meter. A high signal at an
experiments on stationary waves antinode and no, or low, signal at a node.

1 a  djust the frequency of the generator

A b  he microwave is reflected by the
slowly until a stable pattern is seen on metal sheet. Along the line joining
the string. Look along the string: at some the transmitter and the sheet there are
positions the string is stationary (these two waves with opposite velocities and
are nodes) and at some positions the similar amplitudes. These superimpose or
movement up and down is at a maximum interfere to create a stationary wave.
(these are antinodes). Place a pin on a
c  easure the distance d between
cork and move it along the side of the
consecutive nodes. The wavelength of the
string to mark positions where there is no
microwaves is 2d and the frequency f of
up and down movement. c
the microwaves is .
b  easure the distance from one node
M 2d
to the next. The wavelength is twice Note this method can also be used to measure
this distance. For accuracy measure the wavelength of sound using a loudspeaker
the distance between as many nodes as a transmitter and a microphone as the
as possible, say n and then there are detector probe.
(n − 1) node-to-node distances in this 3 a antinode
measurement. The wavelength = 2d .
( n − 1) b node

c  btain a steady trace on the screen with
O c
as large a wave as possible, by adjusting 4
the Y-gain and time base controls. d Change the height of the air column by
Measure the number of divisions adding water slowly or removing the glass
(or distance) d along the horizontal axis cylinder slowly. A stationary wave forms
on the screen of one complete wave. Note when there is a loud sound from the air
the time base setting T (the number of column.
seconds per division). e
 ith a very small length of air column
period = dT slowly increase the length of the air
column. When there is the first and
frequency = second loud sound make a mark on the
dT side of the glass column (or if the level
d Change the tension in the string by
of water changes on the water container).
changing the number of weights hanging
Measure the two lengths l1 and l2 of the
on the string. The tension in the string
air column from the top of the column to
is found by measuring the mass hanging
the two marks.
on the string and multiplying by g
(acceleration due to gravity). Adjust At the smallest length l1 =
the frequency of the vibrator until a 4
stationary wave pattern appears on the 3λ
At the next length l2 =
string. Measure the distance d between 4
adjacent nodes and note the frequency
So, λ = 2(l2 − l1)
f of the signal provided by the signal
generator (a data logger can be attached
to the signal generator if necessary). The

3 Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang & Jones © Cambridge University Press 2020

f  he graph is a curve, as wavelength

T 1
g  graph of f against is a straight line
increases frequency decreases. The curve λ
with gradient v.
does not cross either of the axes.

4 Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang & Jones © Cambridge University Press 2020

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