SAQ Ans 4
SAQ Ans 4
SAQ Ans 4
Answers to SAQs
Chapter 4 b Component of weight down slope
= 500sin30 = 250N
1 a force of parachute c The contact force of the slope is a normal
= 2000 N reaction, so it is at 90 to the slope.
d Friction; up the slope.
6 a Component of acceleration parallel to slope
weight of parachutist = 9.81sin25 = 4.1ms2
= 1000 N
b Net force down slope = 40 9.81 sin25 80
b Force upwards = 20001000 = 85.8
= 1000N upwards acceleration = 85.8
40 = 2.1 m s2
c She will accelerate upwards (i.e. decelerate).
7 a sum of clockwise =sum of anticlockwise
2 a Yes, the ship is in equilibrium, because it moments moments
travels at a constant velocity (not accelerating, 4000.20 = F1.20
so no resultant force acting onit). So force required is F = 4000.20
1.20 = 67N
b Upthrust is equal and opposite to weight of b sum of clockwise =sum of anticlockwise
boat, as it is floating, so = 1000kN moments moments
c Because the velocity is constant, we know 4000.20 = F0.50
that the drag is equal and opposite to the So force on legs of wheelbarrow is
force of the engines, so = 50kN F = 4000.20
0.50 = 160N
3 a Vertical component of force 8 a Remember that weight = mg, and that the
= weight upthrust acceleration g is the same for all the masses;
= 2.50.5 = 2.0N downwards in our moments equation, g cancels out from
Horizontal component of force = 1.5N both sides.
So resultant force is obtained from sum of clockwise =sum of anticlockwise
R2 = (2.0)2 + (1.5)2 = 6.25 moments moments
So R = 2.5N (10030) + (1045) = M20
Angle = tan1 1.5
2.0 = 37 to vertical. so mass M = 3000+450
20 = 172.5 173g
b No, there is a net force acting upon it. b By this method, weighing could be carried
out with a limited selection of relatively small
4 With rope horizontal, the force pulling the masses.
box is F. With the rope at an angle to
the horizontal, the horizontal component 9 a, b F1 = 0Nm
(=Fcos) is less, since cos is less than 1. F2 = 100.25 = 2.5Nm clockwise
F3 = 10sin300.50 = 2.5Nm clockwise
5 a contact force F4 = 51.0 = 5Nm anticlockwise
c Sum of clockwise moments = 2.5+2.5 = 5N
=sum of anticlockwise moments. So, yes, the
moments are balanced.
60 10 Torque = forceradius, so
torque 137 = 761N 760N
force = radius = 0.18
500 N