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Class 9 Lesson 1 - Communication Skills

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Class 9 – Lesson 1 Communication Skills

Q. What is Communication?
Answer – The act of giving, receiving, and sharing information is known as communication.
Signs and signals provide information. Communication can take the form of speaking,
writing, or any other medium.
The word ‘Communication’ comes from the Latin word communicare, which means ‘to

Q. How many types of Communication methods?

Answer – There are main three types of communication methods –
 Verbal communication
 Non-verbal communication
 Visual communication

Q. What are various elements of a communication cycle?

Answer – The various elements of a communication cycle are –
Sender: the person beginning the communication.
Message: the information that the sender wants to convey.
Channel: the means by which the information is sent.
Receiver: the person to whom the message is sent.
Feedback: the receiver’s acknowledgement and response to the message.

Q. What are the seven elements that influence the communication skills?
Answer – There are seven different factors which affecting Perspectives in communication –
1. Language
2. Environment
3. Visual Perception
4. Culture
5. Prejudice
6. Feelings
7. Past Experience

Q. What is effective communication?

Answer – There are 7 C’s effective communication which are applicable for both written as
well as oral communication. These are as follows –
a. Clear – Always say clearly, what you want to say.
b. Concise – Always use simple language and say only what is required.
c. Concrete – Always use proper words and phrases in the sentences.
d. Correct – Always use correct spelling and grammar in the sentences.
e. Coherent – Your word should be related to the main topic and your word should make
f. Complete – Your message should be complete and have all the needed information.
g. Courteous – Be honest, respectful and friendly with others.
Q. What is verbal communication and its type?
Answer – Sounds, words, language, and speech are all examples of verbal communication.
Speaking is one of the most effective and often used in verbal communication methods.
a. Interpersonal Communication –
b. Written Communication –
c. Small Group Communication –
d. Public Communication –

Q. What are the advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication?

Answer – Advantage of verbal communication are –
a. Time Saving – We can express our thoughts easily and quickly and it is an easier form of
b. Quick Feedback – We can get a quick response from the listener.
Disadvantages of verbal communication
a. Cultural Difference – The cultural difference is the main disadvantage of verbal
b. Language barriers – Difficult to share thoughts or ideas in different languages.

Q. What is non-verbal communication?

Answer – Without using word if you are sending some information to others is known as
non- verbal communication, Some of the non – verbal communication’s are –
a. Eye contact
b. Gestures
c. Expressions
d. Posture
e. Space
f. Para Language
g. Touch

Q. What is feedback in communication skills?

Answer – The communication cycle is incomplete without feedback. It is essential for the
effective communication that the sender receives confirmation from the receiver that the
message was received.
The receiver provides feedback on the received message while the transmitter sends
Feedback can be positive or negative. A good feedback is always
• Specific
• Helpful
• Kind
Q. What are the Barriers of Effective Communication?
Answer – Barriers of the Effective Communication are –
a. Physical Barriers – The environmental and natural conditions that operate as a barrier in
communication when conveying messages from sender to receiver are referred to as
physical barriers.
b. Linguistic Barriers – A language barrier to communication is the inability to
communicate using a language. The most common communication barriers are language
barriers, which lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations between people.
c. Interpersonal Barriers – When a sender’s message is received differently than intended,
it creates barriers to interpersonal contact. It’s also tough to communicate with someone who
refuses to converse or express their emotions or opinions.
d. Organizational Barriers – Formal hierarchical structures are used to create organizations
that adhere to performance standards, rules & regulations, processes, policies, and
behavioral norms, among other things.
e. Cultural Barriers – When people from different cultures are unable to understand each
other’s languages, it causes problems and inconveniences.

Q. What are Written Skills? How to improve writing skills.

Answer – If you are sending any message or instruction through writing is known as written
communication. Written communication is important because it communicates the message
with clarity and ease.
Areas to improve writing skills
a. Improve your Vocabulary
b. Capitalization Rules
c. Punctuation
d. Basic parts of speech

Q. What is the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication? Explain

with examples.
Answer – Difference between Verbal Communication And Non verbal

1)Verbal communication is the exchange of 1) Non -Verbal communication is the

information by words. exchange of information without words.
2) It is less time consuming process. 2) It is more time consuming process.
3) It is easy to understand. 3) It is difficult to understand.
4) Less possibility of distortion of information. 4) High possibility of distortion of information.
5) Verbal Communication begins and ends with 5) Non-verbal communication continue until the
words. purpose is achieved.
6) Verbal communication gives a less and 6) Non-verbal communication gives a lot of
delayed feedback. feedbacks.
7) By verbal communication, we can reach to a 7) By non-verbal communication, it is not
final result. compulsory to reach to a final result.

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