IMPRESS - Digital Presentation Class IX Unit 5: Multiple Choice Questions
IMPRESS - Digital Presentation Class IX Unit 5: Multiple Choice Questions
IMPRESS - Digital Presentation Class IX Unit 5: Multiple Choice Questions
Class IX Unit 5
Multiple choice Questions
• Which of the following features is used to create a new slide show with the current
slides but presented in a different order?
1. Rehearsal
2. Custom slide show
3. Slide show setup
4. Slide show view
• Which of the following features is used to progress the slide show automatically while
speaking on the topic?
1. Custom Animation
2. Rehearse Timing
3. Slide Transition
4. Either (a) or (b)
1. Master Slide is used to maintain consistency in design and colors in the presentation.
2. Slide Sorter view is used to view all the slides simultaneously.
3. File Menu is used to perform basic operations on the presentation.
4. Master page is used to modify the Base Architecture of the slide.
5. To create a new blanks presentation, use the key combination Ctrl+N.
6. In every presentation, first slide should be title Slide.
7. To save a presentation, we can use key combination ctrl+s.
8. In LibreOffice Impress, by default the presentation is saved with *.odp extension.
9. The keyboard shortcut key for slide show is F5.
10. The short cut key to close the LibreOffice impress is CTRL+w .
11. The short cut key to insert a new slide is CTRL+M.
12. The NORMAL view is used to apply animation on the content of slide.
13. A paper copy of presentation given to the audience is known as HANDOUTS.
14. To play a sound during transitions, select a sound from the SOUND list.
15. To play the sound repeatedly, the LOOP UNTILL NEXT SOUND is used.
Question Answer
Q1. What is Presentation?
Ans. Presentation is a program, which performs the task of opening the information in
Slides format with some multimedia features like Open, Create, Edit, Formatting, Share and
Print etc. Impress is also a part of Libre Office.
Ans:- Presentation allows the user to add movie clips to the presentation colorful and
meaningful. We can insert movies or You tube videos downloaded from the internet.
• Click on Movie option under Media clips group in the Insert tab.
• We can select the Movie from file….option to insert the movie clip.
Ans:- presentation software enables the user to add tables in the slides in order to represent
the statistical data meaningfully.
Ans:- Transition effects can help in increasing audience’s interest during a presentation. A
slide transition is the visual motion when one slide changes to the next during a presentation.
Most presentation software provides many different transition effects that you can use to liven
up your slide show.
Ans:- Fades and Dissolves, Wipes, Random, push and cover, stripes and wars.
Ans:- Animation are helpful way to make our slides look more dynamic. They are also great
way to reveal text or object on a slide one step at a time. To apply an animation, select the
Animate option available in Animations group under the Animation tab.
Ans:- Grouping can help when we want to move, rotate or resize multiple objects in a
presentation. We can group objects such as pictures, clip art, shapes and text box.
The three options available under group dropdown option are Group , Regroup, Ungroup.
Ans:- Speaker notes are notes added to Impress presentation slides as a reference for
the presenter. An area of a Impress slide that is hidden during the presentation is reserved
for notes for the speaker.