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Class - 9 Chapter 5

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Information Technology

NVEQF Level 1 (Subject Code- 402)

Prepared By – Mr. Devendra Bari

Chapter 5 Spreadsheet
A spreadsheet is a computer application for organization, analysis
and storage of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets were developed
as computerized analogs of paper accounting worksheets.
The program operates on data entered in cells of a table

A spreadsheet is an electronic document, very much like the way

your parents maintain an expense sheet in a diary.

The term spreadsheet was derived from a large piece of paper that
accountants used for business finances. The accountant would
spread information like costs, payments, taxes, income etc., out on
a single, big, oversized sheet of paper to get a complete financial

A spreadsheet provides much more flexibility, speed and accuracy,

as compared to a manual expense sheet. It also has many features
and functions built into it making it easy to use.
A spreadsheet or worksheet is a file made of rows and columns that help sort data, arrange
data easily, and calculate numerical data.

Spreadsheets are used for

• Maintaining records

• Analysing data

• Creating MIS (Management Information System) reports

• Generating graphs (for pictorial representation of data)

• Doing financial calculations

• Managing inventory

• Budgeting etc.
Some of the most popular spreadsheet software are:

• Google Documents or Google Sheets - (online and free).

• iWork Numbers - Apple Office Suite.

• LibreOffice -> Calc (free).

• Lotus 1-2-3 (discontinued).

• Lotus Symphony - Spreadsheets.

• Microsoft Excel.

• OpenOffice -> Calc (free).

• VisiCalc (discontinued).
Once you start MS-Excel, the following screen is displayed.
The components of the screen displayed are as shown in Figure
Some of the key components of a spreadsheet are:

• Worksheet: This is a grid of horizontal rows and vertical columns.

• Workbook: A workbook contains one or more worksheets.

• One workbook Contains three worksheets, each named Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3.
The Sheet Tab is pointing to Sheet2.

The current sheet shown in Sheet1.

• Row: A row is a horizontal arrangement of cells. The rows are named by numbers (1, 2, 3, 4,…).

• Columns: A column is a vertical arrangement of cells. The columns are named by alphabets (A,
B, C, ….., Y, Z, AA, AB, AC, …., AZ, BA, ….).
• Cell: A Cell is where the rows and columns intersect. Worksheet is also called an array of cells.
A cell may contain text, number, date or a formula.
A cell is the fundamental element of a worksheet. This is where numbers/text are entered.

A cell address in a spreadsheet identifies location of the cell.

It is a combination of column name and row number of the cell, such as A2 or B16 etc.

• Active Cell: This is the cell on which the cursor is currently placed. It is outlined by a dark
border. Data is always entered in the active cell.

• Formula Bar: This is located below the Ribbon. It displays the contents of the active cell. It can
also be used to enter and edit data.

• Scroll Bar: These helps to scroll through the content and body of the worksheet. There are two
scroll bars – horizontal and vertical.
a) Open: Start the spreadsheet as learnt in the previous exercise. When you create a
spreadsheet, a default name is given by the software.
MS-Excel names it Book1, whereas OpenOffice names it as Untitled1
When a new spreadsheet is opened in MS-Excel, it usually has three worksheets –
Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3.

b) Enter the data in the spreadsheet.

a. To go to cell B2, move cursor to the cell and then left click the mouse.
Now type the word Hello World and press enter key. You would notice that after pressing enter,
automatically cell B3 becomes the active cell.

b. You can move to cell B4 by using down arrow key of keyboard and type 423 and press enter.

c. Similarly enter 15-Aug-1947 in cell B6.

c) Save this workbook and give it the name --- First

There three different kinds of data we can enter in the spreadsheet.
These are:
• Text: The names of the students are treated as Text type of data.

• Number: The roll numbers are treated as Number type of data.

• Date: The date of birth is treated as Date type of data (notice the entry in the formula bar when
a cell with a date entry is active).

There is another kind of data which you can enter, which is called Formula.


A spreadsheet helps you do many mathematical calculations – e.g. addition.
Open a new spreadsheet and enter the data
Now to total the marks of each of the students, do the following:
• Go to cell G3. In the cell G3 enter: =c3+d3+e3+f3 and press Enter.
The total marks of Abhas appear in cell G3
In a similar way, we calculate the total marks of Anita.
• In cell G5 enter: =sum(C5.F5) and then press Enter.
This is another way of entering a formula for addition, when the cells to be added are adjacent
to each other. C5 is the address of the starting cell and F5 is the address of the last
cell C5 to F5 is also called a Range of cells.
In a similar way, calculate the total marks of Subbu, Priya and Gautam.
You have totaled the marks by entering formula in two different ways.
The cell does not display the formula, but it displays result of the calculation
i.e. the total marks in the above example. When G7 is made the active cell, you will see formula
displayed in formula bar.

Design a mark sheet for a student as shown in figure below:

a) Calculate percentage of marks in
each subject.
b) Calculate total marks and total
c) Depending on the total percentage
write the following in remarks
• Excellent – 90% or more
• Very Good – 80%-less than 90%,
• Good – 70%- less than 80%,
• Fair – 60%-less than 70%,
• Poor – less than 60%

Open new spreadsheet and enter data as shown in F

Now to calculate savings in each month:

Go to cell E3. Enter: =C3-D3.

Note that as you are entering the formulae in the cell
E3, the cells C3 and D3 automatically get highlighted.
The savings for January will be displayed in cell E3.
Now calculate savings for February.

you can copy a formula entered in one cell to many other cells, where you need to do
exactly the same calculation.
This feature of a spreadsheet is called copying formula.

To do so:
• Go to cell E3.
• While in the Home Tab, click on the icon for Copy.
• Go to cell E5 and click on the icon for Paste.
• The formula gets automatically pasted in the cell E5.
You can also observe in the Formula Bar that the address of the cells referred to in the formula
automatically changes when Copy – Paste function is used.

There is an alternate and easier way to paste formula: Copy – Click and Drag – Paste.


Another math function that is frequently used is multiplication and you will learn to multiply in a
spreadsheet. Create the spreadsheet shown in Figure
• You will need to use the Multiplication function here. It is used in the same way as addition and
The formula for calculating amount is: Unit Price * No. of Units Sold
To calculate the amount in cell G3, enter: =E3*F3
Use the Copy – Paste command to enter formula in all the other cells.
• Calculate the Total Sale Value in cell G14.
• Cells B14 to F14 have been merged and the contents centered.

Another basic mathematical function is Division.

Open the spreadsheet created as marks.xlsx and calculate
the percentage of marks obtained by each student.

You will need to use the Division function here.

It is used in the same way as addition, subtraction and multiplication.
• The formula for calculating % of marks is: (Total Marks) / (4 * 100)
• To apply the % symbol, use the % button under the Home tab, in the Number group,


a) Inserting a Column: You will add a column which has the Unit Value of each item, after column C
Position the cursor near the Column D, the cursor changes into an arrow shape.
Click the left button of your mouse. The entire column gets selected.
• Click the Right Button of your mouse. A menu box appears. Select the Insert option
• A blank column is inserted in this place. There is a ripple movement of data,
i.e. the contents of Column D move rightwards into Column E and so on.
• This is called inserting a column.
• You can now enter data in this column and update the worksheet.
The cell addresses in formulas have changed automatically.
b) Inserting a Row: Similarly a row can be inserted in a spreadsheet.
• Position the cursor on the Row number on the left hand side, where you want to insert a row.
• The whole row gets highlighted.
• Right click and insert a row!
• Add one more item in this spreadsheet by adding a row at row number 8


The information in a spreadsheet can be made more readable by formatting (bolding, shading, etc.)
a cell and its contents.

Open a new spreadsheet. Create the list of items in a stationery shop.

It shows the opening balance and closing balance for a month.

a) Wrap Text: The text in row does not completely fit in the cell, because the cell width is smaller
than the length of the text.

• Go to cell and press the left button of the mouse and drag the mouse till next cell and release
the left button.
You will see that both cells have been selected.

When a cell entry overlaps into adjacent cells and there is no entry there, the contents are visible.
However, the moment and entry is made in the adjacent cell, the text gets truncated,
i.e. It is there on the sheet but not visible. An alternate is to automatically make text appear on
multiple lines in a cell.
This means that you can format the cell so that the text wraps automatically using the Wrap Text
• Click on Home tab, and then Wrap Text in the Alignment group.
b) Change Font: You have learnt to use Bold, italics and Underline in a word processor.
The same functions are found in a spreadsheet too. The text in row number is Bold.

c) Change Column Width: The text in column number C does not fit into the width of the column.
The width of the column C can be increase to ensure that the entire text entered is visible.

The shape of the cursor changes to a +symbol.

Click the left button of the mouse and with the left button pressed, drag the + symbol to the right.

Once you have the desired width, release the left button of the mouse.
d) Cell Content Alignment:

• Go to cell A2. Press the left button of the mouse, keeping it pressed, drag the mouse till cell A11
and then release the left button. You will see that the cells A2 to A11 have been selected.

• Under the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click the symbol for Center alignment

• To align position of the contents of a cell, you need to select that cell or the group of cells and then
click on the appropriate symbol for Left, Center or Right alignment of text.

e) Create a Border: To achieve this effect, do the following:

• Select cells A1 to E11.Under the Home tab, in the Font group, click on down arrow next to the icon
for borders, A list of types of borders appears.

• From this list select the option for All Borders. You will observe that each of selected cells
get a border
A common usage of a spreadsheet is to maintain lists of items along with quantities.
A stock register is a good example of the same. You will create a simple stock register,
which is used to keep track of number of units of different items kept in a shop or a store.
Create the sample

• The formula for closing balance is: Opening Balance + Receipts - Sold
Enter the formula in cell G2, using a combination of Addition and Subtraction.
Use Copy – Paste to paste the formulas in all the cells. o Format the cells as
shown in the sample.
Change the name of the sheet to Stock. o Save the File as StockRegister.xlsx.
There is a limited amount of customization possible.
To customize the Quick Access Toolbar at upperleft corner of the screen.

The Ribbon, which is part of the user interface, is designed to help you quickly find the commands
that you need to complete a task.

Commands are organized in logical groups that are collected together under tabs. Because each
tab relates to a type of activity, such as writing or laying out a page, it is not possible to customize
the Ribbon without using XML and programming code.
Things you can’t do
• Add to or rearrange the commands on the Ribbon.
• Change or remove a command or group on the Ribbon.
• Add tabs to the Ribbon, unless you use programming code.
• Change the font or font size used on the Ribbon

Things you can do

• Minimize the Ribbon to make more space available on your screen.
• Move the Quick Access Toolbar to position it below or above the Ribbon.
• Customize the Quick Access Toolbar to add buttons that represent the commands that you
frequently use.

If you want to hide the Quick Access toolbar, you can right-click it and click Remove Quick Access

To know what a button is used for, you can position the mouse on it. A tool tip would appear.
Adding a Button to the Quick Access Toolbar

By default, the Quick Access toolbar is equipped with three buttons: Save, Undo, and Redo.

If you want to add more buttons or more options, you can right-click the Quick Access toolbar and
click Customize Quick Access Toolbar.

This would display the Excel Options dialog box.

When spreadsheets are used in accounting, we often need to show money and cash balances
using currency symbols.

The price given in this sample spreadsheet does not indicate whether it is in Dollars or Rupees or
in Euros.
If you want to display numbers as amounts, you need to format the numbers as currency.
A currency symbol can be inserted in two ways.
1. Use the Accounting Number Format button
The currency formatting option is available within the Accounting Number Format button under the
Home tab, in the Number group.

• Select Cell Where you want to insert Currency Symbol.

• Click on the down arrow next to the Accounting Number Format button
• A list appears showing some of the popular currency symbols. Select Rs. Option.

2. Use the right click

• Select the Cell in which currency symbol is to be applied
• Right click the mouse. A short cut menu
• Click on the option Format Cells. A Format Cells dialogue box
• From the Category list provided, choose Currency.
• Now click on the down arrow on the Symbol box.
Available currency symbols are displayed.
Choose the desired symbol.
This symbol will get displayed in the cell.



Like a word processor, you can check spelling mistakes

in a spreadsheet.

• Select the Review tab. In the Review tab there is

an option for Spelling,
• Click on this option and the spreadsheet software will
start checking the spellings. If it finds a spelling mistake,
it will show the Spelling: English dialogue box

• You can accept the suggestion by clicking on the Change option.

• Or, you can type in the correct spelling in the box on top in this dialogue box.

• To apply the borders to a particular cell of a group of cells, first select those cells and then apply
the border, using this option.
• Create a spreadsheet as shown in Figure
• Use formulas to calculate quarterly totals and profit

Use another method to border the cells, as given below:

• Select the cell of the group of cells (Range), on which you want to apply the Border.
• Right Click. A short cut menu appears.
• Choose the option Format Cells…
• Choose the tab for Border
• Select the appropriate border which you want to apply.
In case the file has large amount of data, which will get printed on multiple pages, then you can
adjust the Page Layout and Print settings, using the options available in Page Setup under the
Page Layout tab in the ribbon.

a) Margins: This option allows you to change the margin settings for Top, Bottom, Left and Right
Margins in the printed page.

b) Orientation: Using this option you can change the orientation of printing between Portrait and
Landscape. In portrait mode, the height of the paper is more than the width.

c) Size: This option allows you to change the size of the paper to be used for printing.
Most of the normal printing is done using either A4 or the Letter sized paper.
d) Print Area: This option is used, when you do not want to print the complete worksheet, but want
to print only a part of the worksheet.
In this case:
• First select the Range of cells from the worksheet which have to be printed.
• Select the option Print Area. Then Select the option Set Print Area.

b) Page Setup: The Page Setup dialog box can also be opened by clicking on the Dialog Box
Launcher symbol on the bottom right hand corner of the Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab.
Information Technology

Chapter 5. Spreadsheet

Please Complete All Exercises and Assessments Which are given in in Text Book
Thank you

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