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Chapter 1 2 Group 5 Getaruellas

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Impact of the Absence of a Parents Love to a Student’s Life

A Research Paper

Presented to

The Professional Academy of the Philippine

South Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu

In Partial Fulfillment

Of The Requirements of the Course

Practical Research 1


Hanna C. Cabugason

Stephanie F. Getaruellas

John Rel H. Panilag

Lhorely Sabellano

Christian Sabellano

June 2022
Chapter 1


This chapter discusses the Rationale of the study, Conceptual framework,

Statement of the problem, Assumption of the study, Scope and delimitation,

Significance of the study and, the Definition of terms.

Rationale of the Study

One of the most destructive things parents can do to their child's ego is

to pay little attention to them; this may harm the youngster both directly and

indirectly. A rise in problem-causing attitude is one of the repercussions of

parents neglecting to pay attention to their children. A youngster who lacks

appropriate attention at home is forced to seek it elsewhere, and what better

place to do it than at school. Parents sometimes overlook the most vital thing that

parents can provide their children: LOVE. According to several research, children

who lack parental warmth and love are more stressed, since their parents place

too much pressure on them to achieve without balancing it with care. This can

put children's health at danger. A child's life might be negatively impacted by their

parents' lack of affection. This study will tackle on the impact of the absence of

love to a student’s life. In this, we would like to know their effects and how they

able to handle it.

According to Chapman and Campbell (1997) they described love

languages into specific behavioral expressions, namely, physical touch, quality

time, gifts, acts of service, and words of affirmation. Children are behaviorally
motivated and they respond better when parents convey love concretely through

these actions. Chapman and Campbell (1997) said that “every child has an

emotional tank, a place of emotional strength that can fuel him through the

challenging days of childhood and adolescence”. Parents must fill their children’s

emotional tanks with unconditional love for them to operate as they should and

reach their potential. As stated also by Huttunen’s (1984) perception, parents

have knowledge about rearing but when applying it they experience insecurity

and need support, backing up and understanding in their parenthood.

Furthermore, Puroila (1996) points out that parents get plenty of information

about their children and the factors related to their development. This information

increases parents’ awareness of their own rights. On the other hand, the

received information may be inconsistent and cause uncertainty among parents.

Problems may arise to students who lacks parental love wherein they tend

to be rebellious and more inclined to their peers. However, it is being mentioned

by the authors that not only the students who will face problems but also the

parents wherein it could be a very challenging task for them raising their children.

They tend to be insecure sometimes on how they handle parenthood and in

giving love to their child. They also need to be well informed and understanding

in the process of parenthood. Also, they should be aware of the things needed by

their child not only in physical aspect but also emotionally.

Through this study this could serve as a guide to parents and students

who have this kind of problems in a family. Parents should establish a

connection and begin by listening. Recognize child's emotions, demonstrate that

they understand, and reassure them that parents will assist them with anything

they require. And parents should try to see things from their child’s perspective.

By showing affection and empathizing with their child, they will begin to foster

mutual respect. Students need structure and guidance as they grow and learn

about the world around them. Maintaining open lines of communication in order

to increase their abilities to socialize and manage their emotions.

Theoretical Frameworks

This study is anchored on the IPAR Theory (Interpersonal acceptance-

rejection theory) by Ronald P. Rohner. Human behavior may be anticipated with

accuracy. IPAR Theory categorizes issues into five groups and three subgroups.

Three of these are the personality subtheory, the coping subtheory, and the

model and subtheory of sociocultural systems. Individuals display three unique

forms of behavior across all groups, according to the personality subtheory. First,

regardless of differences in culture, race, language, gender, or other

distinguishing traits, children and people throughout the world understand being

cared for (i.e., accepted) or not cared for (i.e., rejected) in four ways. In a letter to

his psychology students, William James, the father of American psychology,

declared, "The basic principle of Human Nature is the CRAVING TO BE

Figure 1. Schematic Presentation of the IPAR Theory as applied in our study

“Impact of the Absence of Parents Love to a Student’s Life of the Grade 11

Students of Professional Academy of the Philippines.

Alternatively, children may perceive their parents to be unconcerned and

uncaring about them, or to have a restricted interest in their overall well-being.

Elements to the right of the slash marks in Figure 1 (affection, aggression, and

neglect) refer to observable behaviors that result when parents act on these

emotions. As noted in the Figure, affection can be shown physically (e.g.,

hugging, kissing, caressing, and comforting), verbally (e.g., praising,

complimenting, and saying nice things to or about the child), or symbolically in

some other way, as with the use of culturally specific gestures. These and many

other caring, nurturing, supportive, and loving behaviors help define the

behavioral expressions of parental acceptance. When parents act on feelings of

hostility, anger, resentment, or dis, the resulting behavior is generally called

aggression. As construed in IPARTheory, aggression is any behavior where

there is the intention of hurting someone, something, or oneself (physically or

emotionally). Figure 1 shows that parents may be physically aggressive (e.g.,

hitting, pushing, throwing things, and pinching) and verbally aggressive (e.g.,

sarcastic, cursing, mocking, shouting, saying thoughtless, humiliating, or

disparaging things to or about the child). Additionally, parents may use hurtful,

nonverbal symbolic gestures toward others.

The connection between indifference as an internal motivator and

neglect as a behavioral response is not as direct as the connection between

hostility and aggression. This is true because parents may neglect their children

for many reasons that have nothing to do with indifference. For example, it

sometimes happens that parents will neglect their children as a way of trying to
cope with their anger toward them. Neglect is not simply a matter of failing to

provide for the material and physical needs of children, however. It also pertains

to parents’ failure to attend appropriately to the social and emotional needs of the

child. Often, for example, neglecting parents pay little attention to their children’s

needs for comfort, solace, help, or attention; they may also remain physically as

well as psychologically unresponsive or even unavailable or inaccessible. All

these behaviors, real or perceived—individually and collectively—are likely to

induce children to feel unloved or rejected by their parents. Even in warm and

loving families, however, children are likely to occasionally experience a few of

these hurtful emotions and behaviors.

It's crucial to understand that interpersonal acceptance and rejection

may be seen and analyzed from two different viewpoints. That is, acceptance-

rejection can be investigated from two perspectives: as viewed or subjectively

experienced by the individual (phenomenological viewpoint) or as recorded by an

outside observer (descriptive perspective) (the behavioral perspective). The two

viewpoints usually, but not always, lead to identical results. However, according

to IPARTheory study, if the findings are extremely divergent, one should normally

believe the information acquired from a phenomenological perspective.

This is true because a person (for example, a youngster) may feel

unwanted (as in undifferentiated rejection), yet outside observers may miss any

obvious signs of rejection. Observers may see a lot of hostility or neglect, yet the

kid may not feel rejected. This happens frequently in reports of child abuse and

neglect. As a result, the so-called "objective" reports of abuse, rejection, and

neglect on the one hand, and children's views of parental acceptance-rejection

on the other, are simply problematic. Much of interpersonal acceptance and

rejection is, in fact, symbolic.

To comprehend why rejection has such a universal impact on infants

and adults, one must first comprehend its symbolic character. Certainly, if

researchers want to completely know the acceptance-rejection process in ethnic

and cross-cultural settings, they must seek to understand people's symbolic,

culturally-based interpretations of love-related actions. That is, while individuals

worldwide may communicate acceptance (warmth, affection, caring, concern)

and rejection (coldness, lack of affection, hostility, aggressiveness, apathy,

neglect), the manner in which they do so is very diverse and sometimes laden

with cultural or idiosyncratic meaning. Individuals everywhere may praise or

commend another person, but the manner in which they do it in one sociocultural

environment may have no significance (or a completely different meaning) in


As previously stated, the personality subtheory of IPARTheory aims to

anticipate and explain important personality or psychological—particularly mental

health-related—consequences of perceived interpersonal (particularly parental)

acceptance and rejection. The subtheory starts with the hypothesis that, through

the course of shared biocultural development, humans have acquired a

persistent, biologically-based emotional demand for positive responses from

those who matter most to them (Baumeister & Leary, 1995; Bjorklund &

Pellegrini, 2002; Leary, 1999; Rohner, 1975). An emotional need, want, or

yearning (whether consciously acknowledged or not) for comfort, support, care,

concern, nurturance, and the like is included in the need for positive response. In

adulthood, the need for intimacy, feeling close, and being valued by the people

with whom one has an affectional bond of attachment becomes more complex

and differentiated, including the desire (consciously recognized or unconsciously

recognized) for intimacy, feeling close, and being valued by the people with

whom one has an affectional bond of attachment.

Therefore, the goal of this study was to use the IPART to determine

several aspects that lead Professional Academy of the Philippines students to

investigate the negative effects of a lack of love.

Statement of the Problem

The study would like to know the impact of the absence of a parents love

to a student’s life. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following


1. What are the types of parental love that is experienced by the Grade 11

students of Professional Academy of the Philippines?

2. How does parents love affect the personalities of a grade 11 senior high

school students of Professional Academy of the Philippines?

3. What are the impact of the absence of a parents love to the life of the

grade 11 students of Professional Academy of the Philippines?

4. What interventions can be proposed for Grade 11 students to become

responsible for their actions so that it will not affect their studies?
Assumption of the study

In conducting the research on the Impact of the Absence of Parents

Love to Students Life the following assumptions are made:

1. Respondents will be honest in expressing their information. The

student researchers are assuming that they will give an honest feedback

or expressions of their knowledge in terms of lacking of parental love and

how it gives impact on the grade 11 student’s life.

2. The respondents will understand the interview questions completely.

This assumption means that upon asking them through interview the

informants are well-informed and provided with little explanation for them

to understand of what the questions is all about.

3. Respondents will be cooperative and accurate in their replies.

Cooperation and accuracy are very important in a study, hence, it is

assumed that they will respond with its best and give accurate answers

that will help the success of the study.

4. This research will give knowledge to the grade 11 student’s on how social

media gives impact to their academic performance.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The content of this study is all about the impact of on the absence of

parents love to a student’s life. It is all about conducting a research about the

different impact of lack of parents love to a student’s life whether it could give a

positive or negative impact. It is intent to know the impact of the absence of

parents love to a student’s life that they have experienced. By making guidelines

or strategy the students may be able to cope with such problems and parents

also can be aware of the affection that a student needs. They should always be

positive and have the determination to aim for betterment.

This research study is conducted on this month of May 2022 in

Professional Academy of the Philippines City of Naga, Cebu. This focuses on the

impact of the absence of parents love to a student’s life. This study is limited until

June 2022. For the constant process of this study researcher will work as quick

as possible before reaching the deadline and submission of this conducted study.

However, due to time constraint our time is only limited for us to finish the said

study but we are doing our very best to gather all informative data’s that is

needed in conducting the study. Also, the resources are to be considered since

we don’t have much resources especially money matters and computers but

being resourceful we can get through to the aim of our study.

Significance of the Study

This study is intended to determine the Impact of the Absence of Love to a

Student’s Life of Professional Academy of the Philippines. The research study

will benefit the following:

Researchers. Through this study, they will be able to demonstrate what

they have learnt from their research and produce an output that will benefit not

just others but also themselves as a result of their study. The knowledge gained

by the researcher can be applied in the researcher's daily life. Researchers will
have an instrument or a guide for their research in the near future as a result of

this study. They might get appropriate ideas for the study they intend to do by

using these methods. This can also be used as a starting point for more


Future Researchers. The study provides as a guidance for them to do

their research appropriately. This research will aid students in fully

comprehending what a research paper is. It also provides those insights, and

they will be more educated as a result. The findings of this study can be utilized

as a guide for future scholars who desire to perform similar research. They will

learn about the impact of the absence of love on students' overall personality.

Teachers. This type of research study will aid them as a source of our

information, particularly to our cherished professors. It's not just because they're

second parents, but also because they're passing on information that will aid with

the research. Furthermore, it is neither a deep emotion for them nor a feeling of

pride for their student for doing good research that recognizes all of their

sacrifices at the conclusion of the study. Teachers are also one of the

benefactors, because the students have learnt a lot from them and have helped

them become more successful instructors. They assist with the resolution of

specific issues that arise in the classroom or school. To connect with the

students and learn more about how to utilize it or where it may be found.

Increase their influence and voice in school and, more broadly, in their

Parents. The findings of this study can help parents understand their

child’s perspectives and provide affection to them. For parents to not neglect

what their child needs, which love and not material things. They will be the ones

to determine what is best for their children but not controlling their child’s entire

life instead they can provide guidance to their children. Parents should always be

there to help their children. This allows families to assist their children in

improving their personality while also keeping track of them. Be an excellent

example for their children.

Students. They will be aware of the effects of the Impact of the Absence

of Love and will be able to examine their selves on how their physical and mental

behavior be affected. It might be eye-opening for them to learn how to deal with

various family, peer, and interpersonal issues. They will get insight into how to

deal with anxiety, depression, and other forms of stress as a result of this. They

make themselves better.

Senior High School Department. The study is beneficial to the Senior

High School department since it may be used as a guide for all senior high

school students and instructors who want to do similar research on this topic. It

may also be used as a reference and guidance for future scholars who wish to

perform research in this area. Senior High School students are fortunate in that

they are now assessed and instructed on how to write a productive research

paper at a young age, when they are most likely to see research papers as a fun

activity rather than a chore. They can get additional knowledge and ideas, as well
as become better researchers. It will assist them in providing any necessary

components, such as facilities and instructional methods.

Library. The study benefits the library by maintaining it and transferring

the expertise of previous researchers to future scholars. For hopeful researchers,

it may be a location of fresh discoveries. They can assist students by providing

relevant information and references. It may provide insight into the researchers'

experiences. The truth about one's own experiences.

Professional Academy of the Philippines. The study is important to

the school since it might be used as a guide for students writing future research

papers. The information acquired by the researcher conducting the study will

assist the school and the research. They can also profit from the positive and

beneficial findings of this study. It is advantageous to the school since it is a

wonderful delight for them to be a part of this study, and they will be grateful

enough to be one who has the research performing a specific study, and it

increases the school's popularity.

Definition of Terms

The definition of terms serves as glossary where the keywords used in the

study has been defined conceptually and operationally for better understanding.

To give idea and more clarification of the words to the readers.


A state or condition in which something expected, wanted, or looked for is

not present or does not exist. On the other hand, the term is being defined in the
study as an emotional feeling that does not exist in someone’s life. It is also an

inattention to the present surroundings.


A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. A feeling of

warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. It is

being used in the study as to give care, to give support and to give guidance as

to whatever it takes for the sake of love.

Maternal Love

A mother's love needs to be given unconditionally to establish trust and

emotional intimacy in a child's life. A mom's love is all about being intentional. It

is being used in the study as "A mother's love is extremely important for the

healthy emotional outcome of her children, wherein in most cases, it is the mom

who is the primary caregiver, and how she loves her children greatly affects their


Paternal Love

Relating to a father offered his children some paternal advice paternal

responsibilities. It is also received or inherited from one's male parent lived and

worked. It is related through one's father paternal grandfather.

It is defined in our study as typically produces negative immediate effects

and leads to either antisocial or prosocial behavior, depending on the context of

subsequent interactions. It is also defined as the refusal to accept and support

something and a refusal to show someone love or kindness.

Personality sub theory

PAR Theory is divided into three subtheories. The personality

subtheory is concerned with a set of personality traits that are thought to define

rejected children and adults all over the world. Dependence, healthy

independence, and defensive independence, depending on the degree and form

of rejection; emotional unresponsiveness; hostility, aggression, passive

aggression, or problems managing hostility and aggression; negative self-

esteem, negative self-adequacy, negative worldview; and emotional instability

are some of these dispositions.

Phenomenological perspective

Individuals' personal judgments or subjective appraisals of their parents'

(or other attachment figures') accepting or rejecting behaviors are given more

weight in PARTheory than outsiders' (e.g., researchers') assessments of their

experiences. (See also human behavior indeterminacy; probability model.)

It can be used to represent events that occur across time. Don't misspell

piecemeal as "peacemeal," because it's about parts, not peace.When you say

something was piecemeal, you're implying that it was created or completed in

several phases rather than all at once. Some synonyms for piecemeal are

gradual, one piece at a time, piece by piece, bit by bit, fragmented, and piece by



Is a hypothesis or claim that is considered to be true without any

supporting evidence. The fundamental propositions used to prove further claims

known as theorems are known as postulates. A theorem can be used to prove

other theorems once it has been proved. From a few postulates, a full discipline

of mathematics can be constructed. Although "axiom" is sometimes used to refer

to an assumption that applies to all areas of mathematics, "postulate" is used to

refer to an assumption that is special to a particular theory or branch of



The adverb unmistakably improves the notions in a statement by

portraying them as clear and straightforward. In an unambiguous and obvious

manner. The word aequivocus derives from the Latin, which means "ambiguous."

By adding the prefix "un," the meaning is changed to "not equivocally." "All of the

great leaders have had one feature in common," stated economist John Kenneth
Galbraith, "it was the willingness to face squarely the primary fear of their people

in their day."

Chapter 2


This chapter the researcher discusses the research design, area of the

study population, sample or the population, sampling technique, instrument for

the data collection, validation or the questionnaire, administration of the

instrument and the method of data analysis.

Research Design

The qualitative technique was applied in this study, which is

more exploratory and heavily reliant on the gathering of verbal, behavioral, or

observational data. As stated by Morgan (1998), Qualitative research is a

structural way of collecting and analyzing data obtained from different sources. It

is used to boost understanding of an essential reason, opinions and situations.

On the other hand, qualitative method is generally more explorative and is very
dependent on the collection of verbal, behavioral or observational data that can

be interested in a subjective manner.

They want to know why and how something happened rather than just

what, where, and when it happened. Qualitative research, like any scientific

research, is a method for finding answers to questions and collecting data.

Qualitative researchers collect data using a variety of methods, including in-depth

qualitative interviews, participant and non-participant observation, field notes,

and focus groups.

Research Location

The research study will be conducted at Professional Academy of the

Philippines which is located along the South National Highway in Barangay south

Poblacion, City of Naga,Cebu. This institution offers Pre-school, Elementary,

Senior High school and five baccalaureate courses.

The Professional Academy of the Philippines (PAP) is located in the South

National Highway in Barangay South Poblacion, City of Naga, and province of

Cebu. It is a 5-minute walk from the form the Naga proper, 15 minutes away from

Minglanilla center, a 25 minutes ride from Talisay City, 30 minutes ride from

Carcar City and 45 minutes ride from Toledo City to reach the school.

The most convenient and affordable means of transportation available on

the vicinity are the public utility jeepneys, multicabs, tricycles, and motorcycles

locally known as habal-habal". There are also many public buses that ply the
route from the southern towns to the city and then back daily. There is no

extreme traffic along the area. Travel to and from the school is easy and

comfortable with the wide and concrete roads.

The Professional Academy of the Philippines (PAP) is situated along the

way of a Shell gasoline station a crossing road on the way to Toledo, south and

north. Also, before you can reach the school if coming from the north you can

pass by Savemore Supermarket and Metro Market. While if you are coming from

the south, you can pass by a bridge with a Price Gas company nearside road.
Figure 2. The vicinity map of Professional Academy of the Philippines
Research Informants

The participants of this study are the Grade 11 Senior High School

students of Professional Academy of the Philippines, in the City of Naga, Cebu.

To be more specific 10 Senior High School students will be asked and


In this data we are using convenience sampling in this study. Convenience

sampling is defined as a method adopted by researchers where they collect

market research data from a conveniently available pool of respondents. It is the

most commonly used sampling technique as it’s incredibly prompt,

uncomplicated, and economical. In many cases, members are readily

approachable to be a part of the sample. According to Sedgwick (2013),

convenience sampling is used to recruit the participant, which are close to the

hand. Expert judgment is not utilized to pick a representative sample of

components in convenience sampling, unlike purposive selection.

Research Instrument

We used a structured interview guide or schedule done by the

researchers. The questions in this interview guide are for students who have

experienced the consequences of a lack of love in their lives. This is the primary

method for acquiring significant information, facts, and data important to the topic

area. We asked them questions and documented their responses using a voice

recorder or video recorder. The researchers will also collect any pertinent
information for the study. During the interview, we will also observe those

informants, particularly their demeanor and intellectual abilities.

Interview guidelines, according to Mary Kennedy (2006), range from

highly planned to somewhat prerecorded, but they always have key

characteristics. They assist you in determining what questions to ask, in what

order to ask them, how to phrase your queries, and how to phrase follow-up

questions. After your interviewee has answered the last question, they will give

you advice on what to do or say next. A structured interview, on the other hand,

is a qualitative style of independent review that combines a pre-determined set of

open questions with the option for the interviewer to go further into particular

questions. The interview guide cannot be used by the researchers without them

being checked and reviewed by the experts to obtain validity and reliability.

As cited from Heale and Twycross (2015), Validity is defined as the extent

to which a concept is accurately measured in a quantitative study. For example,

a survey designed to explore depression but which actually measures anxiety

would not be considered valid. The second measure of quality in a quantitative

study is reliability, or the accuracy of an instrument. In other words, the extent to

which a research instrument consistently has the same results if it is used in the

same situation on repeated occasions. It's important to consider validity and

reliability of the data collection tools when either conducting or critiquing

research. According to Drost (2011), reliability is the extent to which

measurements are repeatable when different people perform the measurement

of different occasions, under different condition, supposedly with alternative

instruments which measure the construct or skill.

Data Gathering procedure

The process of gathering and measuring information related to study

variables in an established and systematic fashion that helps in answering

research questions, aid in testing hypotheses and evaluating outcomes. Below

are steps in gathering the data.

Step 1. The first thing the researchers will do is to craft an interview guide

based on the statement of the problem of this study.

Step 2. It shall be submitted for review and critique in order to obtain

approval from the panel members and adviser for validity and reliability.

Step 3. The informants will have a dry run to determine the dependability

of the researchers’ design self-administered interview guide to achieve the main

objective of the study.

Step 4. Write a formal letter to ask permission from the Principal so much

so with the informants, requesting permission to conduct the study through

personal interviews with requesting permission to conduct a study.

Step 5. Information will be distributed that there should be the title,

statement of the purpose, methodology, and confidentiality, especially to the

personal information of the informants so that they will not hesitate to answer our
questions as well as to answer are in the Informed Consent signed by the


Step 6. The last step that the researchers will do is to interview the 10

informants. It shall be a group activity in conducting this survey where all

Data Analysis

The first step in the data analysis after the data has been gathered from

the informants through the interview conducted in the thematic analysis by

identifying the themes of the informants’ answers. After having identified the

themes, the researchers need to assign codes to the themes that were identified.

Thematic analysis is a good approach to research where you’re trying to find out

something about people’s views, opinions, knowledge, experiences or values

from a set of qualitative data. According to Caulfield (2019), to answer any of

these questions, you would collect data from a group of relevant participants and

then analyze it. Thus, thematic analysis allows you a lot of flexibility in

interpreting the data, and allows you to approach large data sets more easily by

sorting them into broad themes. However, it also involves the risk of missing

nuances in the data. Thematic analysis is often quite subjective and relies on the

researcher’s judgment, so you have to reflect carefully on your own choices and


Coding is a process of identifying a passage in the text or other data items

(photograph, image), searching and identifying concepts and finding relations

between them. Coding is “how you define what the data you are analyzing are

about as stated by Gibbs G. (2007). While thematic analysis is a method of

analyzing qualitative data. It is usually applied to a set of texts, such as interview

transcripts. The researcher closely examines the data to identify

common themes – topics, ideas and patterns of meaning that come up

repeatedly. The answers of the informants about the Students Resiliency: A

Post-Typhoon Oddete As evidence of foregoing study, researchers will be

providing documentation pictures to surely prove our survey. Lastly, researchers

will narrate the results of this study.

According to Stone (1961), content analysis refers to any procedure for

assessing the relative extent to which specified references, attitudes, or themes

permeate a given message or document. Content analysis is a research tool

used to determine the presence of certain words, themes, or concepts within

some given qualitative data (i.e. text). Using content analysis, researchers can

quantify and analyze the presence, meanings, and relationships of such certain

words, themes, or concepts.

Ethical Consideration

As researchers, we will make sure that no-one act in such a way that is

harmful to society or an individual. It refrains people and organizations from

indulging vicious conduct. Thus, as the researchers also have gathered data in

our research, the researchers have recognized that there are some ethical

considerations to observe and comply.

I. Risk-Benefit Assessment
The researchers have understood that in doing the study it will undergo

inconvenience of informants in time limit and monetary considerations in

gathering of information about the study. The benefit of the study will be useful of

the professional Academy of the Philippines- Senior High School Department.


In conducting of this study, some risks are identified ahead by the researchers.

1. The researchers are aware that conducting the study will be inconvenient due

to lack of time and financial considerations in acquiring information for the


2. Loss of Informants confidentiality. Unless the researcher has the informants

express permission to do otherwise, the informant’s confidentiality of personally

identifiable information is presumed and must be maintained. Informants on the

other hand, have a right to be safe from injury and unauthorized invasions of their

privacy, as well as to have their personal dignity preserved.


1. This research could help the future Senior High School students and the whole

department in order to improve their research writing skills.

2. Students will be able to know Students Resiliency: A Post-Typhoon Oddete .

With these, they will be aware of what are those preparations they need, and will

serve as a guide in making their own research faster and easier.

3. After completing the study, the researcher will be able to form their thoughts in

order to become a professional researcher.

As a result, the benefits of this study clearly outweigh the risk and it is

recommended that this study is completed

I. Content and Documentation of Informed Consent

The researchers will secure the following considerations


The researchers conduct a study based on the three important aspects:

What are the types of parental love that is experienced by the Grade 11 students

of Professional Academy of the Philippines? Secondly, how does parents love

affect the personalities of a grade 11 senior high school students of Professional

Academy of the Philippines? Lastly, what are the impact of the absence of a

parents love to the life of the grade 11 students of Professional Academy of the


Documentation of Informed Consent

To ensure the validity of the study, the informants must have given their

consent to the researchers that they will actively and voluntarily participate in the

study by confidently answering the interview questions prepared and written in

the interview guide. The procedures that the informants need to know are that

they will be answering the researcher’s structured interview guide and that they

will be given enough time to answer the structured interview guide, preferably 20-

30 minutes to answer the structured interview guide then after it will be collected

back coding, analyzing and interpreting the data gathered. Another part of
informed consent is the voluntary participation of the informants. The informants

showed their commitment through answering the given questions voluntarily with

sincerity and honestly which made the realization of the research undertaking

possible. The researchers make sure that the informants are willingly accept our

request to conduct the interview and the informants have participated in their own

will and consent and the content that the researchers have been used in the

study are appropriate. Part of the informed consent are the procedures that the

informants need to know that they will be picture taking, analyzing, and

interpreting the data they will be given enough time and they preferably 15-20

minutes to answer the interview guide.

III. Authorized to Access to Private Information

In gathering the data the researchers will have to manage in avoiding to

access private information from the informants through allowing them to continue

or not if the study is crossing their privacy. The researchers have the

authorization to access to private information once the permission will be granted

used the needed information vital in the research undertaking provided that the

informants voluntarily answer the structured interviewed guide questions.

IV. Confidentiality Procedure

According to Baez, (2002) the convention of confidentiality is upheld as

means to protect the privacy of all persons, to build trust and rapport with study

participants, and to maintain ethical standards and the integrity of the research

process. The researchers need to ensure confidentiality of the responses of the

informants from their answers in the structured self-made interview guide after it
has been presented, analyzed and interpreted. The entire procedures that the

researchers do and acquire are treated as confidential. During the

implementation of the study, there’s no other person that is allowed to intervene

the researchers will know the process. The researchers conduct the study inside

the informants chosen classroom to secure privacy. After, the informants answer

the structured self-made interview guide, the researchers will collect it back and

get the result then, it will be set aside for safe keeping. It is in keeping guidelines

of IRB to justify our certificate of confidentiality.

V. Debriefing and Communication

In keeping the study to be informative and accurate, the researchers will

do a briefing to the informants for them to answer the structured self-made

interview guide and were answered and after it has been presented and

analyzed and interpreted the questions in all honesty and without reservation and

to understand the nature of the researchers undertaking open for comments and

feedback. The researchers will have some exchange information from the expert

of the study for the researchers to make it precise.

VI. Incentives, Compensations, and Conflict of Interest


In the conduct of the study there will be no prevision of incentives,

compensation, snacks or any form of incentives to the informants.


The researchers declared no conflict of inters for the study as well as the

Conflict of Interest

In a situations in which financial or other personal considerations may

compromise upon conducting this research or an investigator's professional

judgment in conducting or reporting in this research study.


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