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Lecture Notes On Game Theory: (Revised June 2009)

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Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology

15.013 Industrial Economics for Strategic Decisions Professor Robert S. Pindyck

Lecture Notes on Game Theory

(Revised June 2009)
These lecture notes extend some of the basic ideas in game theory that were covered in 15.010. We will begin by discussing the War of Attrition, and what it means to play this game rationally. Then we will turn to models of duopolistic competition. We will rst consider the choice of strategic variable when duopolists compete in the sale of dierentiated products in particular, what are the implications of choosing quantities instead of prices. Next we will examine some of the issues that arise when there is asymmetric or imperfect information. In particular, we will see what happens when a rm has limited information about the costs of its competitor, or when both rms have limited information about market demand. Finally, we will discuss bargaining situations, and the Nash cooperative solution to a bargaining game.


The War of Attrition

Wars of attrition often arise in business (and in other settings as well). The game arises

when two (or more) rms compete with each other, each one losing money but hoping that the competitor will eventually give up and exit the industry. When playing the game, each rm must decide whether to cut its losses and exit, or alternatively, tough it out in the hope that the competitor will soon exit. An example of this game is the competition that took place in the U.K. in the late 1980s in the satellite television market. The competing rms were British Satellite Broadcasting

(BSB), a consortium, and Sky Television, which was part of Rupert Murdochs news corporation. Through October 1990, the two rms accumulated losses in excess of 1 billion as they fought for control of the satellite broadcasting business. The war ended in November 1990, when BSB and Sky announced that they would merge into a single rm, BSkyB, with control split evenly among the shareholders of the original entities. Another example of the War of Attrition is the building cascades that sometimes occur in new shopping malls or other urban settings. Each rm buys land or other property rights and starts construction, knowing that several other rms are doing the same thing, and that all of the rms will lose money unless some of them drop out. Sometimes some of the rms do drop out, but often there is over-building, and all of the rms end up with large losses. I am sure you can think of other examples of the War of Attrition. A Simple Example. To understand the War of Attrition, lets consider the following simple example. Suppose two companies, A and B, must decide each month whether to spend $10 million. If in the rst month one company spends the $10 million and the other does not, the game is over: the rst company becomes a monopolist worth $100 million, and the second company looks for something else to do. If neither company invests $10 million in the rst month, the game is likewise over, with neither company losing or making money. However, if both companies spend $10 million in the rst month, neither one wins anything. We then move to the second month, where again each company must decide whether to spend $10 million. If both companies again spend $10 million, we move to the third month, and so on. If, at the start of some month, one of the companies spends $10 million and the other does not, the rst company wins the $100 million prize. But of course many months (and much money) could go by before this happens. Suppose you are Company A, and one of your classmates is Company B. What should you do in this situation? Think carefully about the following questions: 1. Is it rational to spend $10 million in the rst round of this game? Why or why not? How would you decide whether or not to spend the $10 million? 2. Would it be rational to start playing the game with a plan to exit if, after three or four 2

rounds, your opponent has not yet exited? Why or why not? 3. Is there anything that you could say to your opponent, or that your opponent could say to you, that would aect your decision to start playing the game? Is there anything you or your opponent could say that would aect your decision to continue playing if, after two or three rounds, neither of you has dropped out? Again, think carefully about these questions. If the answers seem obvious, think harder.


Nash Equilibrium in Prices Versus Quantities

Recall the example of price competition with dierentiated products from Section 12.4

of Pindyck & Rubinfeld, M icroeconomics. Two duopolists have xed costs of $20, but zero variable costs, and they face the same demand curves: Q1 = 12 2P1 + P2 Q2 = 12 2P2 + P1 Note that the cross-price elasticities are positive, i.e., the two products are substitutes. Choosing Prices. In 15.010, you examined the Nash equilibrium that results when the two rms set their prices at the same time. It will help to begin by briey summarizing the derivation of that equilibrium. For Firm 1, prot is:
2 1 = P1 Q1 20 = 12P1 2P1 + P1 P2 20

(1a) (1b)

Taking P2 as xed, Firm 1s prot-maximizing price is given by: 1 = 12 4P1 + P2 = 0, P1 so Firm 1s reaction curve is given by:
P1 = 3 + 1 P2 4


Likewise for Firm 2:

P2 = 3 + 1 P1 4


Figure 1: Nash Equilibrium in Prices Solving for the Nash equilibrium, P1 = P2 = $4, so Q1 = Q2 = 8, and 1 = 2 = $12. Note that the collusive outcome is P1 = P2 = $6, so that Q1 = Q2 = 6, and 1 = 2 = $16. The reaction curves, Nash equilibrium, and collusive outcome are shown in Figure 1, which in Pindyck & Rubinfeld , 8th Edition, is Figure 12.6. Choosing Quantities. Now suppose the rms choose quantities instead of prices. Everything is the same as before, except that now each rm chooses its quantity, taking its competitors quantity as xed. To nd the Nash (Cournot) equilibrium, we must rst rewrite the demand curves (1a) and (1b) so that of each price is a function of the two quantities. Eqns. (1a) and (1b) can be rearranged as:
1 P1 = 6 2 Q 1 + 1 P2 2 1 P2 = 6 2 Q 2 + 1 P1 2

Combining these two equations and rearranging the terms, 4

Figure 2: Nash Equilibrium in Quantities

2 P1 = 12 3 Q1 1 Q2 3 2 P2 = 12 3 Q2 1 Q1 3

(3a) (3b)

Note that eqns. (3a) and (3b) represent the same demand curves as eqns. (1a) and (1b). We have simply rearranged the equations so that price is on the left side and the quantities are on the right side. Using eqn. (3a), the prot for Firm 1 can be written as: 1 = P1 Q1 20
2 1 = 12Q1 3 Q2 3 Q1 Q2 20 1

Maximize this prot with respect to Q1 , taking Q2 as xed: 1 1 = 12 4 Q1 3 Q2 = 0 3 Q1

1 Q = 9 4 Q2 1


1 Q = 9 4 Q1 2


The reaction curves (4a) and (4b) can be combined to nd the Nash equilibrium: Q1 = Q2 = 7 1 , so that P1 = P2 = 4 4 , and 1 = 2 = 14.56. The reaction curves and Nash equilibrium 5 5 are shown in Figure 2. Observe that compared to the Nash equilibrium with price as the strategic variable, both rms now make higher prots. All we have done is change the strategic variable from price to quantity, and yet the outcome is quite dierent. Now try to answer the following questions: (1) Why do the rms make higher prots when they choose quantities instead of prices? (2) Should the two rms agree to choose quantities rather than prices? (3) How does this relate to the problem you face each week in the Strategy Game? Asymmetric Choice of Strategic Variable. We have considered a situation in which both rms choose prices and compared it to the situation in which both rms choose quantities. Suppose, instead, that one rm chooses price and the other chooses quantity as the strategic variable. In particular, suppose that Firm 1 chooses price, but Firm 2 chooses quantity. What will happen in this case? Firm 1 takes P2 as xed, and thus has the reaction function:
1 P1 = 3 + 4 P2 .

Firm 2 takes Q1 as xed, and thus has the reaction function: Q = 9 1 Q1 . 2 4 From Eqn. (1a): Q1 = 12 2(3 + 1 P2 ) + P2 4 = 6 + 1 P2 2 Likewise, from Eqn. (3b):
2 1 P2 = 12 3 (9 1 Q1 ) 3 Q1 4

= 6 1 Q1 6 6

We can combine these two equations to solve for Q1 and P2 . Doing so, we nd that Q1 = 8.31 and P2 = $4.62. Now, use the reaction functions, to nd P and Q2 :
1 P1 = 3 + 4 (4.62) = $4.16 1 Q2 = 9 4 (8.31) = 6.92

We now know each rms price and quantity, and thus can calculate that the prots for the two rms are given by 1 = $14.57 and 2 = $11.97. We see that Firm 1 does better than Firm 2, and it makes approximately the same prot that it did when both rms used quantities as their strategic variables. Firm 2, however, does worse slightly worse than it did when both rms chose prices as their strategic variables. Suppose both rms are free to choose between price and quantity as the strategic variables. What outcome would you expect? What does this tell you about pricing and output decisions in the airline industry? The automobile industry? The Strategy Game you play every week?


Incomplete Information Bayesian Nash Equilibrium

In the real world, rms rarely have complete information about demand, their competi-

tors costs, or even their own costs. We now turn to the problems that arise when a rm has limited information about its competitors. To do this, we will extend the simple example of Cournot equilibrium that you examined in 15.010.

3.1 Cost Uncertainty.

Two rms produce a homogenous good, and face the following market demand curve: P = 30 Q The rms marginal costs are c1 and c2 . Each rm chooses its quantity, taking the quantity of its competitor as given. For Firm 1, revenue is

R1 = P Q1 = (30 Q1 Q2 )Q1 = 30Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 1 So its marginal revenue is RM1 = 30 2Q1 Q2 Setting RM1 = c1 gives the reaction curve for Firm 1:
1 Q = 15 2 Q2 1 c1 1 2


Likewise for Firm 2:

1 Q = 15 2 Q1 1 c2 2 2


1. Note that if c1 = c2 = 0, we get Q1 = Q2 = 10, = $10 and 1 = 2 = $100, a result you might recall from 15.010. 2. Suppose c1 = 0, but c2 = 6. Then:
1 Q = 15 2 Q2 1

Q = 12 1 Q1 2 2 You can check that in this case, Q1 = 12, Q2 = 6, P = $12, 1 = $144, and 2 = $36. Firm 2 has a higher marginal cost than Firm 1, and thus produces less and makes a smaller prot. 3. Now suppose that c1 = 0 and both rms know this. However, c2 is either 0 or 6. Firm 2 can observe its own cost and thus knows what c2 is, but Firm 1 doesnt. Firm 1 therefore assigns a probability of
1 2

to each possibility. What is the equilibrium in this

case? We will assume that each rm maximizes its expected prot the result is a Bayesian Nash equilibrium (BNE). Start with Firm 2. If c2 = 0, Firm 2 will have the reaction curve
1 Q (0) = 15 2 Q1 2


If instead c2 = 6, Firm 2 will have the reaction curve

1 Q (6) = 12 2 Q1 2


What is Firm 1s reaction curve? The answer depends on Firm 1s objective. We will assume that Firm 1 maximizes its expected prot. Firm 1 does not know Firm 2s reaction curve because it does not know c2 . There is a probability of
1 2

that Firm 2s
1 2

cost is zero so that its reaction curve is Q (0), and there is a probability of 2

that it is

6 so that Firm 2s reaction curve is Q (6). Thus, Firm 1s expected prot is: 2 E(1 ) =
1 [30 2

Q1 Q (0)]Q1 + 1 [30 Q1 Q (6)]Q1 2 2 2

1 = 30Q1 Q2 2 Q (0)Q1 1 Q (6)Q1 1 2 2 2

To maximize this expected prot, dierentiate with respect to Q1 , holding each possible Q xed , and set the derivative equal to zero: 2
1 1 30 2Q1 2 Q (0) 2 Q (6) = 0 2 2

1 1 Q = 15 4 Q (0) 4 Q (6) 2 2 1


To nd the equilibrium, solve (6a), (6b), and (6c) for Q1 , Q2 (0), and Q2 (6):

Q1 = 11,

1 Q2 (0) = 9 2 ,

Q2 (6) = 6 1 2

Compare this result to the case (1) where c2 = 0 and both rms know it, and case (2) where c2 = 6 and both rms know it. Note that Firm 2 does better (by having superior information) if c2 = 6, but it does worse if c2 = 0. Does this seem surprising? Think about the following: When c2 = 0, Firm 2 produces less when only it knows its cost than it does when Firm 1 also knows that c2 = 0. Why is this? And why does Firm 2 produce more when c2 = 6 and only it knows this than it does when its cost is common knowledge? 9

Suppose c2 = 0 and Firm 1 does not know this. Can Firm 2 do better by announcing its cost to Firm 1 ? Should Firm 1 believe Firm 2? What would you do if you were Firm 2? If you were Firm 1?

3.2 Demand Uncertainty.

We have already seen that having better information can sometimes make a rm better o, and sometimes make it worse o. The example above focused on uncertainty over one of the rms cost, but there could just as well be uncertainty over demand. Once again, more information may or may not make rms better o. By now, you should be able to understand this intuitively. To make sure you do, think through the following problem, which appeared a recent 15.013 Final Exam: Artic Cat and Yamaha Motors compete in the market for snowmobiles. Each company is concerned about the extent of cross-brand substitutability (i.e., the extent to which consumers would choose one brand over the other in response to a small price dierence). Neither rm knows the extent of substitutability, and each rm therefore operates under the assumption that the brands are moderately substitutable. In fact, the brands are highly substitutable, but only we know this not the rms. The rms compete by setting prices at the same time. (a) Suppose that both rms conduct statistical demand studies and learn the truth, i.e., that the brands are highly substitutable. Would this knowledge make the rms better o, i.e., lead to higher prots? Explain briey. (b) Suppose that the only Artic Cat conducts a study and learns that the brands are highly substitutable. Should it announce this nding to Yamaha? Explain briey. Are the answers obvious to you? In (a), if both rms learn that the brands are highly substitutable, they will both set lower prices. (Their reaction curves will shift because each rm gains more by undercutting its competitor.) Thus, both rms will be worse o. In (b), Artic Cat should not announce the ndings of its study to Yamaha. Artic Cat will lower its price, to the surprise of Yamaha, and earn greater prots. Of course these greater prots may not last long, as Yamaha eventually gures out what is going on. This example is fairly simple, and quite limited in its scope. But it makes the point once 10

again that having more information can make rms worse o. In the next section, we will examine the implications of imperfect or asymmetric information about demand in more detail.


Price Competition With Asymmetric Information

Consider a situation in which two rms compete by setting prices. For simplicity, we will

take the demand curves to be linear: Q1 = a10 a11 P1 + a12 P2 Q2 = a20 + a21 P1 a22 P2 (7a) (7b)

(Later we will see how with information about elasticities and equilibrium prices and quantities, the six parameters in the above equations can be estimated.) For the time being, suppose that each rm knows its demand curve and its competitors demand curve, and that prices are chosen simultaneously. It is then easy to compute the Nash equilibrium for this pricing problem. If we are dealing with the short run and variable costs are relatively small, we can focus on revenues. The revenue for Firm 1 is given by:
2 R1 = P1 Q1 = a10 P1 a11 P1 + a12 P1 P2

Maximizing this with respect to P1 gives: dR1 /dP1 = a10 2a11 P1 + a12 P2 = 0 Hence the reaction function for Firm 1 (i.e., its price as a function of Firm 2s price) is given by:
P1 (P2 ) =

a10 a12 + P2 2a11 2a11 a20 a21 + P1 2a22 2a22


Likewise for Firm 2:

P2 (P1 ) =


Since the rms are setting prices simultaneously, we can solve these two equations for P1 and P2 . Dening 4a11 a22 a12 a21 , the solution for prices will be: P1 = (2a10 a22 + a12 a20 )/ 11 (9a)

P2 = (2a20 a11 + a21 a10 )/


It will be helpful at this point to introduce a numerical example. Suppose that a10 = a20 = 12, a11 = a22 = 2, and a12 = a21 = 1. Then = 15, and P1 = P2 = $4, Q1 = Q2 = 8, and R1 = R2 = $32. Also note that because the demands are symmetric and information is symmetric, each rm will have a 50 percent market share. Incomplete Information. Now suppose that each rm knows its own demand curve, but does not know exactly how price-sensitive its competitors demand is. In particular, suppose that Firm 1 does not know the value of a22 , and Firm 2 does not know the value of a11 . Each rm instead relies on an estimate of this parameter of its competitors demand. Suppose that the true parameters are: a = a11 + 11 a = a22 + 22 Firm 1 knows
1, 1

2 1.

but not


Firm 2 knows


but not

The expected value of


Firm 1) is 0, and likewise for

The reaction functions are of the same form as before, except that now Firm i cannot predict its competitors reaction function Pj (Pi ). In other words, it does not know exactly what price its competitor will charge, even as a function of its own price. The reaction functions are now:
P1 = P2 =

a10 + a12 P2 2(a11 + 1 ) a20 + a21 P1 2(a22 + 2 )

(10a) (10b)

But, once again, Firm 1 is uncertain as to what P2 will be, and Firm 2 is uncertain as to what P1 will be. We now have a strategic pricing problem in which there is incomplete information, but no asymmetry of information, because each rm is equally in the dark about its competitor. A natural solution is for each rm i to assume that that
i j

= 0, and to assume that Firm j thinks

= 0. In eect, Firm 1 assumes that Firm 2s price will be given by Eqn. (9b), and 12

Firm 2 assumes that Firm 1s price will be given by Eqn. (9a). Substituting Eqn. (9b) into Eqn. (10a), and (9a) into (10b), we get the following solution for the rms prices: P1 = P2 = a10 + a12 (2a20 a11 + a21 a10 ) 2(a11 + 1 ) a20 + a21 (2a10 a22 + a12 a20 ) 2(a22 + 2 ) (11a)


Note that this is not a Bayesian Nash equilibrium. In a BNE, each rm sets its price to maximize its expected prot, using a probability distribution for its competitors have simplied matters by having each rm assume that
j j.


= 0.

As an example, suppose that a10 , a20 , etc., have the same values as before, and that

= 2. (Thus each rm will underestimate its competitors demand elasticity and

overestimate its competitors price.) Plugging in the numbers, we nd that in this case P1 = P2 = $2, Q1 = Q2 = 6, and R1 = R2 = $12. For comparison, if each rm knew that =2

for its competitor, the prices would be given by Eqns. (9a) and (9b), but with a11 = a22 = 4. In this case, P1 = P2 = $1.71. Likewise, Q1 = Q2 = 6.87, and R1 = R2 = $11.75. Thus the rms do better as a result of this (symmetric) lack of information. The reason is that it leads each rm to overestimate its competitors price, and thereby induces the rm to set a higher price than it would otherwise. Thus each rm is misled, but in a direction that helps both rms. Asymmetric Information. Now consider what happens when the information is asymmetric. Suppose, once again, that

= 2, but that this time Firm 1 knows that

= 2,

and hence knows that Firm 2 is going to charge $2, and not $1.71. What should Firm 1 do in this case? It should set price according to Eqn. (10a), with

= 2 and P2 = $2. Plugging

in the numbers, we can see that in this case Firm 1 will charge a price P1 = $1.75. Thus, it will undercut its competitor. Then the quantities sold will be: Q1 = 12 4(1.75) + 2 = 7 Q2 = 12 4(2) + 1.75 = 5.75 ,


and the revenues will be R1 = $12.25 and R2 = $11.50. Clearly this informational asymmetry gives Firm 1 an advantage. It obtains a larger market share than its competitor (even though the demand curves are completely symmetric), and it earns more revenue than its competitor. Now suppose that

= 1. In this case, each rm overestimates its competitors

elasticity of demand, and hence underestimates the price that its competitor will charge. Using Eqns. (11a) and (11b) as before, we nd that P1 = P2 = $8, Q1 = Q2 = 12, and R1 = R2 = $96. (The negative value for


means that demand is much less elastic,

so both rms can end up charging much higher prices and earning higher revenues.) For comparison, if each rm knew that = 1 for its competitor, the prices would be

given by equations (9a) and (9b), but now with a11 = a22 = 1. In this case, P1 = P2 = $12, Q1 = Q2 = 12, and R1 = R2 = $144. Thus in this case the rms do worse when they have a (symmetric) lack of information. Again, the reason is that it leads each rm to underestimate its competitors price, and thereby induces the rm to set a lower price than it would otherwise. As before, let us again consider what happens when the information is asymmetric. Suppose that

= 1, but that this time Firm 1 knows that

= 1 and hence knows

that Firm 2 is going to charge $8. Then, Firm 1 will price according to Eqn. (4a), with

= 1 and P2 = $8. In this case we can see that Firm 1 will charge a price P1 = $10, i.e.,

it will price above its competitors price. Then the quantity sold will be: Q1 = 12 1(10) + 1(8) = 10 Q2 = 12 1(8) + 1(10) = 14 , and the revenues will be R1 = $100 and R2 = $112. Now both rms do better than they did when they both lacked information (recall that then they both made revenues of $96), but Firm 2 does better than Firm 1, even though Firm 1 has more information. Why is this? The reason is that the lack of information leads Firm 2 to underestimate its competitors price, and thus set its own price at a level below that which it would otherwise. Firm 1 knows that Firm 2 will set this low price, and the best it can do in this situation is to set a somewhat higher price. 14

We have worked out this example for linear demand curves, but we could just as well have worked it out with, say, isoelastic demand curves (although the algebra would be a bit messier). Sticking with these linear curves, there are six parameters that must be determined if we wanted to t this model to data. Those parameters are a10 , a20 , a11 , a22 , a12 , and a21 . We can obtain all six parameters if we have estimates of the market elasticity of demand, the elasticity of demand for each rm, and the equilibrium prices and quantities. Suppose that the elasticity of market demand is 1. (This means that if P1 and P2 rise by 1 percent, Q1 and Q2 will fall by 1 percent.) This gives two conditions. Next, suppose that the own-price elasticity of demand for each rm is 3. (This means that if P1 rises by 1 percent and P2 remains xed, Q1 will fall by 3 percent, and likewise for a 1-percent rise in P2 .) This also provides two conditions. Finally, the equilibrium values of P1 and Q1 provide a condition, and the equilibrium values of P2 and Q2 provide a condition. Thus we can imagine building a simple spreadsheet model in which one inputs the elasticities and the equilibrium values of the prices and quantities, and the various parameter values aij are automatically calculated. We could likewise calculate a range for . For example, it might be reasonable to think that the actual market demand elasticity lies somewhere between 0.6 and 1.4, with an expected value of 1.0. Assuming symmetry, this implies a corresponding range for
2. 1


It is important to point out once again that the equilibria that we have calculated here are not Bayesian Nash equilibria. To obtain a Bayesian Nash equilibrium, we would want to nd the reaction function for Firm 1 corresponding to every possible value of Firm 2s

and likewise nd a reaction function for Firm 2 corresponding to every possible value

of Firm 1s

We would then calculate the expected revenue for each rm as a function

of the expected value of its competitors reaction functions. We would then pick a price to maximize this expected revenue. If


have simple distributions (e.g., uniform), this

would not be very dicult to do. Nonetheless, the equilibria that we have calculated above are much simpler, and are based on a simpler assumption each rm takes the expected value of its competitors

and nds an optimal price accordingly.



Nash Cooperative (Bargaining) Solution

The Nash bargaining solution -completely dierent from the Nash non-cooperative equi-

librium you studied in 15.010- is an important concept that can help us understand the kinds of outcomes that can result from bargaining by rational players. Te see how it works, consider a situation in which two individuals are trying to reach an agreement. For example, they might be bargaining over the division of a sum of money. We will assume that Player 1 gets utility u from the agreement, and Player 2 gets utility v. If there is no agreement, they get utilities u0 and v0 , respectively. This is called the threat point. It might be a Nash noncooperative equilibrium, or a maximin equilibrium, or it might be that both players get nothing if there is no agreement, in which case u0 = v0 = 0. John Nash demonstrated that there is a unique solution to this bargaining problem that satises certain axioms that one would reasonably think should hold when rational people are engaged in a bargaining situation. (The axioms are individual rationality, feasibility of the outcome, Pareto optimality, independence of irrelative alternatives, symmetry, and independence with respect to linear transformations of the set of payos.) Furthermore, the solution that Nash arrived at is quite simple; it maximizes the following function of the two players utilities: g(u, v) = (u u0 )(v v0 ) This is illustrated in Figure 3. Note that the Nash solution maximizes the area of the shaded rectangle. An example will help to illustrate this. Suppose two individuals are trying to divide $100. If they fail to reach an agreement, neither individual will receive any money. Player 1 is very poor, and starts with a utility of 0. Player 2, however, is rich; he has a fortune worth F >> $100. How will they divide the $100? Let x be the amount that Player 1 gets, so 100 x is the amount that Player 2 gets. We will assume that both players have the same utility function: the logarithm of their total wealth. Hence the utilities for the two players are as follows:


Figure 3: Nash Cooperative Solution


Player 1: Player 2:

u = log x,

u0 = 0

v = log(F + 100 x), v0 = log F

Given these utilities, the function g(u, v) is given by:

g(u, v) = (log x)[log(F + 100 x) log F ] = (log x) log F + 100 x F

Since F is large, (100 x)/F is small, and therefore, log 1 + 100 x F 100 x F

Hence the function g(u, v) can be approximated as: g(u, v) (log x) 100 x F

The Nash bargaining solution is the value of x that maximizes this function. Dierentiating with respect to x and setting the derivative equal to 0 gives: dg 1 100 x 1 = log x = 0 dx x F F or x log x + x 100 = 0 Solving this equation for x gives x = $24. Hence Player 1 would get $24, and Player 2 would get $76. Note that the wealthier individual walks away with the larger share of the pie. Do you see why this is? Do you expect this kind of outcome to occur in practice? Why or why not?


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