bp344 Sum
bp344 Sum
bp344 Sum
o Classification of Occupancy (based on Section 701 of NBCP):
o Category I – Residential (Group A & party Group B of NBCP)
o Category II – Commercial and Industrial
o Category III – Educational and Industrial
o Category IV – Agricultural
o Category V – Ancillary
o Architectural Features and Facilities
o Architectural featues and facilities – (A) stairs; (B) walkways; (C) corridors; (D) doors and
entrances; (E) washrooms and toilets; (F) lifts and elevators; (G) ramps; (H) parking areas; (I)
switches, controls and buzzers; (J) handrails; (K) thresholds; (L) floor finishes; (M) drinking
fountains; (N) public telephones; (O) seating accommodations
o Category I – Residential (only those government-owned buildings)
o Single-Detached – 10% of the total units shall be accessible & barrier-free (ABCDEGHIJKL)
o Duplexes – 10% of the total units shall be accessible and barrier-free (ABCDEGHIJKL)
o Company or School Staff Housing Units – 1 unit for 26 to 50 units & 1 additional unit for every
100 units thereafter shall be accessible and barrier-free (ABCDEGHIJKL)
o Multiple dwelling units or high-rise residential condominiums or tenement houses – 1 unit for 26
to 50 units & 1 additional unit for every 100 units thereafter shall be accessible and barrier -free;
all units shall be at ingress level if no elevator provided (ABCDEFGHIJKLM required)
o Category II – Commercial and Industrial (both public and privately-owned)
o Group B (units are rented)
▪ accessories, tenement houses or row houses, apartment houses, townhouses – 1 unit
per 50-150 units and 1 per 100 additional thereafter shall be barrier-free
▪ hotels, motels, inns, pension houses and/or apartments – 1 unit per 50-150 units shall
be barrier-free and 1 per 100 units additional thereafter shall be at ingress level (if no
elevator, provide at least 1 unit at ingress level) (ABCDEFGHIJKLMN required)
▪ private or off-campus dormitories - 1 unit per 50-150 units shall be barrier-free and 1 per
100 units additional thereafter shall be at ingress level (ABCDEFGHIJKLMN required)
o Group C
▪ amusement halls and parlor; concert halls and opera houses; coliseum, stadium and
sports complexes – ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO
▪ massage and sauna parlors – ABCDEFGHIJKLM
o Group F – dairies and creameries; factories and workshops using incombustible or non-
explosive materials; breweries, bottling plants, canneries and tanneries – ABCDEGHIJKLM
o Group G-3 – wood working establishments, lumber and timber yards; pulp, paper and paper
board factories; textile and fiber spinning mills; garment and undergarment factories -
o Category III – Educational and Institutional
o Group C – Educational institutions (including school auditoriums, gymnasium, reviewing stands,
little theaters and concert halls); libraries, museum, exhibition halls and art galleries; civil
centers; clubhouses lodges – ABCDEGHJKLMNO required
o Group D-1 – Mental hospitals, mental sanitaria, mental asylums; jails, prisons, reformatories,
correctional institutions; rehabilitation centers; leprosaria – ABCDEGHIJKLM required
o Group D-2 – Homes for the Aged; Hospitals and Sanitaria – ABCDEGHIJKLM required
o Group D-3 – Nursing Homes for Ambulatory Patients; Orphanages – ABCDEGHIJKLM required
o Group E-7 – police and fire stations – ABCDEGHIJKLM required
o Group H – churches, tempels, chapels and similar places of worship – ABCDEGHIJKLMO
o Category IV – Agricultural Buildings – ABCDGHIJKL required
o Standard of Accessibility for Special Type of Facilities
o Auditoriums, assembly halls, theaters and related facilities
▪ PWD seating and toilet facilities shall be accessible from the main lobby to primary
▪ Required PWD spaces in all assembly places:
• 4 to 50 capacity – 2 wheelchair space
• 51 to 300 capacity – 4 wheelchair space
• 301 to 500 – 6 wheelchair space
• 501 and above – 1 additional for every 100 seats
▪ Readily removable seats can be used instead of spaces
o Computation of Accessible Units – greater than 0.5 is considered as 1 unit; absolute minimum is 1
accessible unit
o Application of Barrier-free Facilities and Features
o graphic signs shall be bold and conspiciously installed in every access from point of entry to
connecting destination
o walkways shall be provided with adequate passageway
o width of corridors and circulation system integrating both and vertical access to ingress/egress
level of the building
o doors and entrances provided herein used as entry points at entrance lobbies as local points of
congregation shall be designed to open easily or accessible from floor to floor or to any point of
o washroom and toilets shall be accessible and with adequate turning space
o minimum requirements for elevators shall be followed when provided
o ramps shall be provided as means of access to level of change going to entry points and
entrances, lobbies influenced by condition of location or use
o parking areas shall be provided with sufficient space for the disabled persons to allow easy
transfer from carpark to ingress/egress levels
o height above the floor or switches and controls shall be in accordance with the provisions
o handrails shall be provided at both sides of ramps
o floors provided for wheelchair route shall be non-skid material
o install water fountains as required
o Curbed Cut-Outs – only allowed if not causing obstruction and does not reduce walkway width
▪ minimum width of curb cut-out – 0.90m
▪ maximum gradient – 1:12
o Walkways
▪ shall be kept level as possible and with slip-resistant material
▪ maximum gradient of walkways – 1:20 or 5%
▪ minimum width of walkways – 1.20m
▪ if possible, no gratings along walkways; if not possible, maximum grating openings is
13mm x 13mm and maximum height of 6.5mm above or below the walkway level (also
applies to cracks and breaks)
▪ In longer and busier walkways, rest stop or turning space for wheelchair shall be
provided at 12m maximum interval (minimum dimension is 1.5m x 1.5m)
▪ To guide the blind, straight forward walkways and right angle turns are recommended
▪ avoid obstructions to walkways such as street furniture, bollards, sign posts or column
o Handrails
▪ shall be installed at both sides of ramps and stairs and the outer edges of dropped
curbes at crossings
▪ shall be installed at 0.90m and 0.70m above steps or ramps; for higher levels/floors,
handrails can be 1.00 to 1.06m for safety
▪ provide 0.30m handrail extension at start and end of ramps and stairs
▪ full grip handrails shall be 30cm to 50cm with 50mm minimum wall clearance or 40mm
clearance above ledges
o Open Spaces
▪ To prevent disorientation of blind people, provide a walkway with defined edges in open
spaces using planters with dwarf walls, grass verge or similar and with texture different
from the path
o Signages
▪ locate directional and informational signs so easily seen by person on a wheelchair
▪ signs should be simple and easy to understand; with contrasting colors and gray values
for easy detection and reading
▪ use the International Symbol for Access for designating accessible facilities and routes
▪ if protruding a walkway, maintain the minimum 2.0m headroom clearance
▪ signs on walls and doors should be 1.40m (minimum height) to 1.60m (maximum)
▪ signages labeling public rooms and places should have raised symbols, letters or
numbers with a minimum height of 1mm; braille symbols should be included in signs
indicating public spaces and safety routes
▪ texts on signboards shall be of a dimension that people with less than normal visual
acuity can read at a certain distance
o Crossings
▪ To reduce exposure to vehicles, all at grade crossing should:
• perpendicular as possible to the carriageway
• located at the narrowest, most convenient part of the carriageway
• have central refuge spaces (1.5m minimum depth, 2.0m preferred width)
provided as mid-crossing shelter, where the width of carriageway exceeds 10m
▪ All crossings should be located close/contiguous with the normal pedestrian desire line
▪ Provide tactile blocks in immediate vicinity for the blind; tactile blocks must be high
enough to be felt the shoe sole but not too high to trip or affect mobility; brushed or
grooved concrete surfaces are not enough
▪ Light controlled crossings with pedestrian phases and audible signals are recommended
▪ Audible signals used for crossins should be easily distinguished from other sounds
▪ Provide sufficient time for crossing – 0.90m/s instead of 1.20m/s should be considered;
minimum crossing period of 6.0 seconds or the crossing distance times the crossing
speed (0.90m/s) whichever is greater
o Parking Requirements
o Parking Areas
▪ spaces should allow transfer from vehicle to wheelchair
▪ accessible parking spaces located as close as possible to the entrances
▪ perpendicular or angle parking spaces are recommended
▪ accessible parking slots should have minimum of 3.70m width
▪ provide 1.20m walkway between the front end of parked cars
▪ provide dropped curbs or curb cut-outs if access walkways are raised
▪ pavement markings, signs or other means shall be provided for delineating parking
spaces for the handicapped
▪ parking space should be level, not located in ramped or sloping areas
o Inside Buildings and Structures
o Entrances
▪ provide at least one accessible entrance and exit of the building
▪ one entance level should be provided where elevators are accessible
▪ provide ramps if entrance level is not same level with site arrival grade
▪ entrances with vestibules shall have level area of 1.50m width and 1.80m depth
o Ramps
▪ Changes in level require a ramp except when served by dropped curb, elevator or other
▪ Ramps shall have minimum clear width of 1.20m, maximum gradient of 1:12
▪ If gradient is 1:12, maximum length is 6.0m with landings not less than 1.50m depth min.
▪ Provide level area at the top and bottom of ramp with 1.80m minimum depth
▪ Provide handrails both sides at 0.70m and 0.90m from the ramp level
▪ provide protection from doors that swing into corridors
▪ provide outswinging doors at storage rooms, closets and accessible restroom stalls
▪ latching or non-latching hardware should not require wrist action or fine finger
▪ doorknobs and hardware should located 0.82 to 1.06m AFF (0.90m preferred)
▪ vertical pull handles at 1.06 AFF are preferred than horizontal pull for swing doors or
doors with locking devices
▪ provide kickplates on doors along major circulation routes (durable, 0.30m to 0.4m high)
o Thresholds
▪ shall be kept to a minimum; maximum height for thresholds and sliding track is 25mm
and preferably ramped
o Switches
▪ manual switches positioned 1.20m to 1.30m AFF and maximum of 0.20m from the latch
side of the door
▪ Maximum height of water closets should 0.45m; flush control height is 1.20m maximum
▪ Maximum height of lavatories – 0.80m with knee recess of 0.60-0.70m vertical
clearance and 0.50m depth
▪ Urinals should have an elongated lip or trough-type; maximum height of the lip should be
o Stairs
▪ tread surfaces should be slip-resistant material with slip-resistant strips as nosings
▪ slanted nosings are preferred to protruding nosings and closed stringers are preferred
than open stringers (to prevent difficulty for people using crutches or braces)
▪ the leading edge of each step of runner and rise shall be painted or with colored non-
skid material (use color that contrasts with the rest of the stairs)
▪ provide well-mounted tactile strip 0.30m wide before hazardous areas (i.e. changes in
floor levels at top and bottom of stairs)
o Elevators
▪ Accessible elevators should be located 30m from the entrance; easily located with signs
▪ Accessible elevators minimum dimension of 1.10m x 1.40m
▪ Control panels and emergency systems of accessible elevators shall be within reach of a
seated person – top most bottons shall be 0.90m to 1.20m from the floor
▪ Button controls shall be provided with braille signs to indicate floor level; provide braille
signs at the door frames of elevator doors so blind persons can discern the floor level
▪ Button sizes at elevator control panels shall have minimum diameter of 20mm and
maximum depression depth of 1mm
o Water Fountains
▪ 1 unit per 2,000sqm of floor area; minimum of 1 unit per floor
▪ water spouts shall be at the front and push-button controlled
▪ if wall-mounted, maximum height shall be 0.85m floor to rim; if higher than 0.85m,
provide paper cups or lower fountain
o Public Telephones
▪ provide a clear, unobstructed space of 1.50m x 1.50m in front of wall-mounted and free-
standing units and telephones mounted at the rear wall of alcoves or recesses
▪ telephone booth openings minimum clear width of 0.80m and must be outswinging,
folding or sliding doors; coin slots, dialing controls, receivers and instructional signs shall
be placed at 1.0m maximum above the floor
o Places of Assembly – use Section 7 of Rule III for the number of requried wheelchair
o Safety
o Fencing for Roadworks and Footworks
▪ Note: All excavations on the road or footways shall be protected or fenced-in to protect
pedestrians and disabled persons; fencing should have follow these requirements:
• top rail should be at least 1.0m above the adjacent surface
• railing should have tapping rail maximum of 0.35m above the adjacent surface
• fence or railing should be strong enough for resistance
• no gaps are allowed between adjoining fence lengths
▪ Minimum dimensions at obstructions – no obstructions shall reduce the effective
minimum width of footways which is 1.20m
o signs should be located on verges or similar whenever these are available
o signs should not reduce the available footway width to less than 1.20m
o Location of Emergency Exits
o wall mounted or free standing tablets with an embossed configuration of the building which
would also indicate locations of lobbies, washrooms and emergency exits (through the use of
different textures to symbolize the spaces) should be provided at the main lobby of each floor or
other strategic locations; the markings on this tablet should be readable by both the blind and
the fully sighted
o Flashing light directional signs indicating the location(s) of fire exits shall be provided at every
change in direction with sufficient power provided in accordance with the provisions for
emergency lighting under Section 3.410 of PD 1185 (Fire Code of the Philippines)
o Annex B-2