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Effects of exposure to literary narrative fiction: From book smart to street


Article in Scientific Study of Literature · November 2017

DOI: 10.1075/ssol.7.1.06dem


17 1,557

5 authors, including:

Hannah De Mulder Frank Hakemulder

Leiden University Utrecht University


Rianne van den Berghe Fayette Klaassen

Windesheim University 16 PUBLICATIONS 148 CITATIONS

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Please cite as:

De Mulder, H. N. M., Hakemulder, F., van den Berghe, R., Klaassen, F., & van Berkum, J. J.

(2017). Effects of exposure to literary narrative fiction. Scientific Study of Literature, 7(1),

129-169. https://doi.org/10.1075/ssol.7.1.06dem



Effects of exposure to literary narrative fiction: From book smart to street smart?

Hannah De Mulder1*, Frank Hakemulder2, Rianne van den Berghe1, Fayette Klaassen3 & Jos

van Berkum1
UiL OTS, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Department of Media and Culture, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Department of Methodology and Statistics, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

*Corresponding author

Van Wijkplaats 4

2311 BX Leiden

The Netherlands

Contact: h.n.m.de.mulder@hum.leidenuniv.nl

Hannah De Mulder is now at LUCL, Leiden University, The Netherlands


We would like to thank the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for its

financial support (Vici grant #277-89-001 and Gravitation grant #024.001.003 to JvB). We

are also very grateful to Herbert Hoijtink for his help with the statistical analyses, to Ella

Bosch and Marjan Bezemer for their assistance in conducting the study and to Chris van Run

for his help with programming the tasks.



Literary narrative fiction may be particularly effective in enhancing Theory of Mind (ToM),

as it requires readers to contemplate author and character intentions in filling the literary

‘gaps’ that have been suggested to characterise this fiction type. The current study

investigates direct and cumulative effects of reading literature on ToM using confirmatory

Bayesian analyses. Direct effects were assessed by comparing the ToM skills of participants

who read texts that were manipulated to differ in the amount of gap filling they required.

Cumulative effects were assessed by considering the relationship between lifetime literary

fiction exposure and ToM. Results showed no evidence for direct effects of reading literature

on ToM. However, lifetime literary fiction exposure was associated with higher ToM,

particularly cognitive ToM. Although reading a specific piece of literary fiction may thus not

have immediately measurable effects on ToM, lifetime exposure to this fiction type is

associated with more advanced ToM.

Keywords: literary narrative fiction, Theory of Mind, literary gaps, literariness, author

recognition test, Bayesian analyses


Effects of exposure to literary narrative fiction: From book smart to street smart?

Narrative Fiction and Understanding Others’ Mental States

“On the morning the last Lisbon daughter took her turn at suicide—it was Mary this

time, and sleeping pills, like Therese—the two paramedics arrived at the house knowing

exactly where the knife drawer was, and the gas oven, and the beam in the basement from

which it was possible to tie a rope.” (p. 1; Eugenides, 1993)

The quote above is the first sentence of Eugenides’ novel The virgin suicides and we

are immediately sucked in: Who are Mary and Therese? Who are these other daughters who

presumably died by stabbing, gassing and hanging themselves? And why on earth would

multiple daughters in one family all commit suicide? This example illustrates a hallmark of

narrative fiction: It is about autonomous intentional agents and their (inter)actions. If we are

to understand the story, we have to try to make sense of the characters’ social interactions,

that is, we must engage in advanced social-cognitive processing (Mar & Oatley, 2008;

Zunshine, 2006). Social-cognitive processing is thus necessary in order to be able to

appreciate narrative fiction (Barnes, 2012), but various researchers have suggested that this

link also works the other way round: Reading narrative fiction might actually enhance our

ability to engage in social-cognitive processing (Mar & Oatley, 2008; Oatley, 1999a, 1999b;

Oatley & Mar, 2005; Sugiyama, 2001; see Mumper & Gerrig, 2016 for a meta-analysis). The

idea is that narratives give us unique insights into the mental lives of the characters that

populate the story world. Furthermore, narratives provide us with the opportunity to live

through the social situations that the characters in the narrative go through as if we were there

experiencing them ourselves.


Reading fictional narratives is thought to enhance this experience further. The fiction

reader knows that there are no moral obligations to help anyone in the real world and that

there is no risk of experiencing any negative real life social consequences. This knowledge

likely enables the reader to relax her defences and freely indulge in thoughts and feelings that

may be triggered by the narrative (Hakemulder, 2000; Keen, 2007; Koopman, 2016a;

Koopman & Hakemulder, 2015). In this sense, then, our ability to understand others’ mental

states, our Theory of Mind (ToM) skills, may be deepened by reading narrative fiction.

In line with this idea, recent correlational studies have provided evidence that there is

a positive relationship between cumulative exposure to narrative fiction across the lifetime

and ToM in adults (Djikic, Oatley, & Moldoveanu, 2013; Fong, Mullin, & Mar, 2013; Mar,

Oatley, Hirsh, dela Paz, & Peterson, 2006; Mar, Oatley, & Peterson, 2009; Panero et al.,

2016; Stansfield & Bunce, 2014). Similar findings have also been reported for children (see

for instance Adrian, Clemente, Villanueva, & Rieffe, 2005; Aram & Aviram, 2009;

Gamannossi & Pinto, 2014; Ratner & Olver, 1998). Whilst these correlational studies cannot

be used to determine what the causal direction of the relationship is, various intervention

studies have suggested that exposure to narrative fiction improves mental state understanding.

For instance, reading a work of narrative fiction (as compared to reading a non-fiction text)

was found to increase the self-reported tendency to take others’ psychological viewpoint (at

least for those low in the personality trait openness, see Djikic et al., 2013). Furthermore,

various studies have demonstrated that performance on objective measures of mental state

understanding (i.e., measures that assess ToM ability directly instead of relying on self-

report) are also enhanced after exposure to narrative fiction as compared to exposure to non-

fiction (Black & Barnes, 2015; Kidd & Castano, 2013; Kidd, Ongis, & Castano, 2016; Pino

& Mazza, 2016).


What Are the ‘Active Ingredients’ of Narrative Fiction That Enhance ToM?

Previous research thus suggests that exposure to narrative fiction is beneficial for

ToM. What is not clear, however, is what exactly the ToM-enhancing ‘active ingredients’ in

narrative fiction might be. In their study, Fong et al. (2013) suggest that specific kinds of

narrative fiction may be more effective than others in enhancing ToM. They investigated the

relationship between exposure to various different narrative fiction genres (Domestic Fiction,

Romance, Science-Fiction/Fantasy and Suspense/Thriller) and ToM task performance.

Although the genres of Domestic Fiction, Romance and Suspense/Thriller were all related to

better ToM scores (and overall exposure to fiction was also positively related to ToM), only

exposure to Romance was still significantly correlated with ToM scores once relevant control

variables (e.g., age, gender and exposure to non-fiction) were taken into account. Potentially,

then, the fact that Romance fiction focuses so clearly on interpersonal relationships may

stimulate its readers to ponder on social interaction more generally and thereby come to a

greater understanding of other people’s mental states. Although this study suggests that

specific types of narrative fiction may be more clearly associated with ToM enhancement

than others, a limitation of this work is that it is correlational in nature. It is thus possible that

those who already have a better developed ToM prefer to read Romance fiction, instead of

exposure to Romance fiction being responsible for the ToM enhancement.

Kidd and Castano (2013) also investigate the possibility that specific kinds of

narrative fiction may be more effective than others in enhancing ToM. However, instead of

contrasting different kinds of genre fiction (as Fong et al., 2013, did), they considered

whether the literariness of a text could be linked to ToM enhancement. In their intervention

study, Kidd and Castano (2013) assessed the ToM abilities of groups of participants who had

either read literary narrative fiction, non-literary narrative fiction (popular fiction), expository

non-fiction or nothing immediately prior to a ToM assessment. The results suggest that


literary texts directly enhance ToM ability, whereas non-literary texts and expository non-

fiction texts do not. These results were replicated (and shown to hold for a new set of literary

and popular texts) in Kidd et al. (2016). Furthermore, a recent conceptual replication of this

study by Pino and Mazza (2016) found similar results and thus also suggests that the

literariness of the text is relevant in providing the reader with direct ToM gains. A

correlational study by Kidd and Castano (2016) also suggests that exposure to literary

narrative fiction over the lifetime is associated with higher ToM scores, whereas this was not

the case for exposure to popular narrative fiction. However, it should be noted that these

findings are debated in the literature. They are in contrast with the finding by Fong et al.

(2013) that Romance fiction is positively correlated with ToM (given that Romance is not

generally considered to be an instantiation of literary fiction). Furthermore, it is also not

entirely clear to what extent these findings can be replicated, as there are various intervention

studies that do not find a special relationship between exposure to literary narrative fiction

and ToM. For instance, both Panero et al. (2016) and Dijkstra et al. (2015) did not find direct

ToM enhancement for those participants who had read literary narrative fiction as compared

to readers of other text types. Dijkstra et al. (2015) focused on the comparison between

literary vs. non-literary narrative fiction and did not find any ToM differences. Panero et al.

(2016) compared literary texts with both non-literary narrative fiction and non-fiction and

similarly did not find any ToM differences between readers in the various conditions

(although Kidd & Castano, 2017, debate the validity of these conclusions in a commentary on

the paper by Panero et al., 2016, and provide a reanalysis of the data that suggests that the

Panero et al., 2016, findings are in fact in line with the results of Kidd and Castano, 2013).

There is thus debate in the literature on whether exposure to literary narrative fiction

leads to direct ToM gains in the reader. But if we assume for the moment that literariness is

indeed related to readers’ ability to understand others’ mental states, this raises the question


why specifically literary narrative fiction might be more effective than other types of

narrative fiction in enhancing our understanding of others. Potentially, literary narrative

fiction provides the reader with a particularly rigorous social-interaction training, as this type

of text requires deep psychological processing of authors’ intentions and the characters’

subjective experiences in order for full understanding to be achieved. Furthermore, literary

texts tend to be more ambiguous than expository or non-literary narrative texts (see Koopman

& Hakemulder, 2015). In contrast, non-literary narrative fiction is considered to provide a

more internally consistent and predictable portrayal of the context and characters (see Gerrig

& Rapp, 2004; Van Peer, 1986) and thus might not provide the reader with a ‘ToM workout’

that is rigorous enough to have immediately measurable effects (or, indeed, any effects at all).

It is likely, then, that reading literary narrative fiction requires more profound psychological

‘work’ on the part of the reader as compared to non-literary narrative fiction and thus

enhances ToM, both directly after exposure and as a cumulative effect of exposure over the

lifetime (see also Kidd & Castano, 2016, for discussion of this issue).

That this interpretation of previous findings may be correct is supported by a study

conducted by Peskin and Astington (2004) on the effects of narrative fiction exposure on the

ToM abilities of young children. Children who were read a book that portrayed many

situations in which an understanding of others’ mental states was relevant, but that did not

make these mental states explicit in the text itself, subsequently did better on measures of

ToM than those who were read a book with the same storyline, but with rich mental state

language. Likely then, children who were not exposed to explicit mental state language in the

text had to work harder in order to understand the storyline and hence came to a deeper

understanding of others’ mental states than those who had received more support from the

text itself. Having to engage in deep cognitive processing to be able to understand a given


story character’s mental states thus seems to be more beneficial in developing ToM than

being provided with the content of others’ mental states explicitly.

This process may not only apply to children, but to adults as well, as is suggested by

the work of Kidd and Castano (2016). In this study it was found that literary texts contain

more markers of reflective function than genre fiction texts. This characteristic of literary

texts was found to mediate the effect of literary fiction on ToM performance. In line with the

findings reported by Peskin and Astington (2004), these markers of reflective function do not

reduce to the presence of mental state terms in a text, but instead relate to how mental states

are discussed (e.g., although I was angry, now I am sad receives a relatively low reflective

function rating, as the speaker only reports his emotions at different times, an utterance like I

felt really angry and then it changed to sadness receives a much higher rating as the speaker

demonstrates an awareness of how their emotional response to something transformed over

time). Indeed, further analyses reported in Kidd and Castano (2016) demonstrated that there

was no difference between literary and genre fiction texts regarding the presence of words

related to social and cognitive processes and these variables were not found to mediate the

relationship between text type and ToM scores. There is thus some suggestion in the

literature that the level of psychological ‘work’ that a reader has to engage in, which is

typically higher in literary narrative fiction than popular fiction, may be important in

determining whether or not a text will enhance ToM both immediately after reading and after

extended exposure.

The current study aims to investigate whether it is indeed the case that exposure to

literary narrative fiction, given its potential as a particularly rigorous ToM workout, enhances

ToM in adults. This issue will be considered at the direct and the cumulative level,

investigating both how reading specific pieces of literary narrative fiction affects ToM (direct


effect) and how exposure to this type of narrative fiction over the lifetime relates to ToM

skills (cumulative effect).

Literary Narrative Fiction and ToM: The Relevance of ‘Gaps’

In investigating whether there are direct effects of literary narrative fiction on ToM

skills, the current study focusses on the presence of literary ‘gaps’ in a text (Iser, 1978, 1988).

In Iser’s conceptualization of information gaps it is assumed that these are characteristic of

literature. In literary texts, we find gaps that have to be (more or less) filled in order to allow

for a full (or fuller) comprehension of the narrative by the ‘ideal’ or implied reader. The text

invites, or appeals to, the reader to be creatively involved in filling in these gaps (cf. Iser,

1975). Time lapses, discontinued sub-plots and open endings are examples of narrative

devices that may give rise to literary gaps as they stimulate readers to fantasize about what

happened in the meantime and to postulate character behaviour on the basis of what they

already know about the character. Similarly, texts that provide conflicting perspectives of two

or more narrating characters also provide many gaps to be filled (regarding, for instance, the

narrators’ morality and reliability in their telling of events). Another example of gap filling

relates to the extent to which the social situation that readers are introduced to is clarified in

the text (cf. Van Peer, 1989). Readers in popular fiction are typically informed directly from

the start who is who (e.g., by referring to characters by naming them when introduced),

which thoughts and utterances are to be attributed to which character and explicitly defining

what the relationship between the characters is. However, content analysis of a corpus of

popular and literary narratives (Van Peer, 1989) suggests that in literary texts such aspects are

often left ‘open’ (as the opening sentence of the literary novel by Eugenides at the beginning

of this article illustrates). It is this latter type of gap filling that will be manipulated in the

current study, as gaps of this nature most clearly require readers to contemplate characters’


thoughts and social relationships in order to be able to make sense of the narrative. Following

Kidd and Castano (2013), who suggest that the presence of literary gaps in the narrative

structure may be important in explaining the relationship between literature and ToM, our

assumption is that exposure to a text that is rich in these kinds of gaps will have a more

pronounced direct effect on ToM than texts with fewer (or no) gaps. In order to investigate

whether this is indeed the case, in the current study readers were provided with a literary

narrative fiction text (one of the texts used in Kidd & Castano, 2013) or a non-fiction text.

The literary text was either read in its original form (for maximal levels of required gap-

filling) or in one of two adapted forms in which the amount of psychological work that was

required was either somewhat or considerably reduced. For instance, readers of the adapted

texts were immediately informed of the identity of one of the central figures in the story,

whereas the original text does not make this information clear until much later in the text (see

the Method section for more information on the text manipulations and further examples). A

final group of readers received an expository non-fiction text, such that effects of reading a

text for which literary gap filling was not required could also be assessed. After exposure to

one of these four texts, participants were given various ToM measures, such that ToM

differences between the groups could be determined.

Aside from assessing whether reading a specific piece of literary narrative fiction

would have a direct effect on ToM, the current study also investigated whether exposure to

literary narrative fiction over the lifetime would have a cumulative effect on ToM. Given that

previous correlational studies have found exposure to narrative fiction in general over the

readers’ lifetime to be associated with ToM (e.g., Panero et al., 2016) and that literary

narrative fiction in particular may be linked to higher ToM (e.g., Kidd & Castano, 2013,

2016; Kidd et al., 2016), our assumption was that more exposure to literary narrative fiction

over the lifetime would result in more advanced ToM skills. In order to investigate this


question participants were given a test that assessed their exposure to both literary and

popular narrative fiction (based on author recognition, see Method section). In this way, the

current study can assess the effects of literariness on ToM ability both in a direct sense

(depending on what particular text a participant has been exposed to) and cumulatively

(depending on the extent of lifetime literary narrative fiction exposure).

This design thus enables us to contribute to current knowledge on the relationship

between narrative fiction and ToM in various ways. In the first place, the study will provide

additional experimental evidence for the presence or absence of direct effects of reading

literary narrative fiction on ToM. Although some previous studies have found evidence for

this relationship (Kidd & Castano, 2013; Kidd et al., 2016; Pino & Mazza, 2016), other

studies have not (Dijkstra et al., 2015; Panero et al., 2016). Our study aims to add to this

debate not only by comparing the ToM skills of readers of literary narrative fiction vs. other

types of texts (as previous studies have done), but also by focusing on one particular

characteristic of literary narrative fiction, the presence of literary gaps, that is likely to be an

‘active ingredient’ in enabling direct ToM gains. Secondly, the current study investigates

whether cumulative ToM gains are present for those who have higher lifetime exposure to

literary narrative fiction. Whereas previous studies have often focused on cumulative ToM

effects related to general exposure to narrative fiction (e.g., Djikic et al., 2013; Mar et al.,

2006, 2009; Panero et al., 2016), the current study is one of the few studies (together with

Kidd & Castano, 2016) that assess whether this relationship might also hold for, or even be

specific to, literary narrative fiction.

Competing Hypotheses Regarding Effects of Narrative Fiction Exposure on ToM

The current study employs a confirmatory Bayesian approach of data analysis, which

entails that prior to data analysis various competing hypotheses regarding the possible


outcomes of the study are formulated in a very precise manner. Which specific competing

hypotheses are chosen is based on the outcomes of previous studies and on current theorising

on the matter (Hoijtink, 2012). The formulated hypotheses are then evaluated against the data

in order to determine which hypothesis receives the most support in the current dataset. The

Data Analysis section provides more information on this analysis approach and a more

precise formalisation of the hypotheses, but an overview of the hypotheses and the basic

assumptions behind them are detailed here.

To investigate direct effects of exposure to (literary) narrative fiction on ToM ability

four competing hypotheses were formulated. Our first hypothesis is based on Kidd and

Castano’s (2013) results and states that the more literary the text that the reader has been

exposed to, the greater its effect will be on ToM ability immediately after exposure. Reading

the original literary text will thus be associated with the highest ToM scores, followed by the

two adaptations (in order of literariness) and the expository non-fiction text. Our second

evaluated hypothesis is based on a more extreme interpretation of Kidd and Castano’s

findings. Given that only literary texts were found to enhance ToM ability in their study, it

could also be the case that any manipulation that decreases a text’s literariness immediately

‘devalues’ it to such an extent that it no longer qualifies as a literary text and thus no longer

has any immediately measurable effects on ToM ability. If this is indeed the case, then the

highest ToM scores will be obtained by the readers who were exposed to the original version

of the literary text, but there will be no difference in ToM scores for the readers who were

exposed to any of the other texts. Our third hypothesis is based on the body of literature that

has not made a specific distinction between different types of narrative fiction, but that

suggests that narrative fiction in general enhances ToM more than non-fiction (e.g., Mar et

al., 2006, 2009). Following this hypothesis, we would expect to see higher ToM scores for

the readers of the narrative fiction texts as compared to the expository non-fiction text, but no


differences between scores depending on the literariness of the narrative fiction text that had

been read. The final hypothesis that was formulated is based on the results of Panero et al.

(2016) and states that reading literary narrative fiction is not associated with direct ToM

gains, whatever the level of literariness of the text. If this is the case, we would not expect to

see any differences in ToM between the various reader groups in the study.

To investigate cumulative effects of exposure to (literary) narrative fiction on ToM

ability, the current study also formulated hypotheses regarding effects of lifetime exposure to

narrative fiction, both in general and as regards literary and popular narrative fiction in

particular. For general exposure to narrative fiction (i.e., exposure to literary and popular

narrative fiction combined), three competing hypotheses were formulated: Narrative fiction

exposure could be positively, negatively or not related to ToM ability. We expected there to

be a positive relationship between the two given results of previous studies (Djikic et al.,

2013; Mar et al., 2006, 2009; Panero et al., 2016). The two logical opposites of this

hypothesis were investigated in order to determine how well this hypothesis would fare

against them.

The final three competing hypotheses were formulated with regards to exposure to

literary narrative fiction over the lifetime. If literary narrative fiction is of primary

importance in enhancing ToM ability (as suggested by Kidd & Castano, 2013, 2016), we

would expect to see scores on lifetime literary narrative fiction exposure to be positively

correlated with ToM and more strongly so than lifetime exposure to popular narrative fiction.

To determine the strength of this hypothesis, we compared this hypothesis to two clear

counterhypotheses. The first of these two counterhypotheses evaluated the possibility that

lifetime literary and popular fiction exposure would not differ in their relation to ToM ability

(in line with what would be expected if the outcomes of the intervention studies by Dijkstra et

al., 2015, and Panero et al., 2016, also hold for lifetime exposure). The second, more extreme,


counterhypothesis evaluated the possibility that there would be no relation between lifetime

literary exposure and ToM at all (in direct contrast to the claims by Kidd & Castano, 2013,




121 participants (90 women), recruited from a large pool of participants at the

University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, took part in this study in exchange for a small fee (5

euros). Participants were non-dyslexic native speakers of Dutch between 18 and 30 years old

(M = 21;8, SD = 2.9). By far the most were students, but some participants indicated having

other occupations.


Four different texts were used (full translated versions of the texts can be found in the

Appendix): An original literary text, two adaptations of this same text (differing in the

amount of gap-filling they required) and an expository non-fiction text. The literary text that

was used was the short story A chameleon by Chekhov (1884/1978). This text was chosen as

it was also part of the study by Kidd and Castano (2013) and it had a Dutch translation

available (Chekhov, 1884/2014). The material was manipulated such that it would be possible

to assess to what extent the presence of literary gaps would be associated with ToM gains. A

characteristic of the story A chameleon is that it remains implicit which character is

responsible for the many instances of direct discourse that are present in the text. Figuring out

who said what is thus a crucial element of the original version of the story. Furthermore, the

story contains various instances of oblique reference (i.e., it is not immediately clear to

whom/what particular pronouns refer) and the social relations between characters are also not


always clarified in the text (see Table 1 for examples; changes are rendered in boldface). Our

assumption was thus that the original text would place a greater burden on readers to fill these

literary gaps and thereby provide them with a better ToM workout than manipulated versions

of this text in which some or most of these gaps had been filled.

The three literary text conditions consisted of the story A chameleon in its full original

form (consisting of 1216 words), in a version in which the text had been manipulated such

that only the prominent gaps in the story were filled (1233 words, limited manipulation

version) or in a version in which many more of the gaps were filled (1214 words, extensive

manipulation version). In the limited manipulation version instances of direct discourse were

provided with sources and initially oblique references were clarified immediately. The

extensive manipulation version contained all the changes present in the limited manipulation

version as well as further changes that were intended to make it even easier for readers to

understand the social situation of the story (and hence character motives and emotions) by

removing all possible obstacles to this understanding. In the first place, the story was adapted

such that it would fit in the modern Dutch context that was familiar to the participants instead

of the older Russian context of the original. This entailed that all Russian names were

changed to Dutch names, and that Dutch professions, authority figures and prototypical

hierarchical orders were used instead of Russian ones. We assumed that these ‘translations’ to

the more familiar context of the readers would entail that they would have to put less effort

into understanding who was who and how everyone was related to each other. Secondly,

parts of the text were deleted from the story if we thought that they may give rise to literary

gap-filling without being directly relevant for plot comprehension. To give an example: At

the beginning of the story a parcel is prominently introduced, but it plays no role in the rest of

the story. As readers might be inclined to spend psychological work on guessing what the

author’s intention might have been in introducing this parcel, this information was deleted


from the text. By manipulating the text in these ways, we assumed that readers of the

extensive manipulation version would be provided with fewer opportunities to engage in

psychological ‘work’ than readers of the original text and the limited manipulation version.

Table 1

Examples of the original text and the two manipulated versions

Text type Text example

Original “Shut your mouth!”

“No, that’s not the General’s dog,” says the policeman, with profound

conviction, “the General hasn’t got ones like that. His are mostly


“Do you know that for a fact?”

Limited manipulation “Shut your mouth!” Otsjoemelov orders.

“No, that’s not the General’s dog,” says policeman Jeldyrin with

profound conviction, “the General hasn’t got ones like that. His are

mostly setters.”

“Do you know that for a fact?” Otsjoemelov asks.

Extensive manipulation “Shut your mouth!” Jansen orders.

“No, that’s not the chief commissioner’s dog” says policeman De

Vries with profound conviction, “The chief commissioner hasn’t got

ones like that. His are mostly setters.”

“Do you know that for a fact?” Jansen asks.

Note. Differences as compared to original text are rendered in bold face.

The expository non-fiction text that was used was a slightly adapted version of an

article from the Dutch edition of the National Geographic magazine (Van Beem, 2015). This

article provided information on the biology and habitat of chameleons. Although the original


length of the expository non-fiction text was close to that of the literary fiction text, the

adapted version was somewhat shorter (985 words), as the more narrative and emotional

aspects of the text were filtered out such that the contrast between the two text types was as

great as possible.


Lifetime fiction exposure. Lifetime exposure to fiction was assessed using an Author

Recognition Test (ART, Stanovich & West, 1989) in which participants have to indicate

which author names they recognise from a large list of names. Although the ART does not

assess lifetime fiction exposure in a direct sense (by asking respondents directly about the

frequency and duration of their fiction reading habits), this measure is commonly interpreted

as a general measure for print exposure. It has been found to be a good predictor for other

measures related to print exposure such as reading skills (Mol & Bus, 2010) and exposure to

fiction (West, Stanovich, & Mitchell, 1993). Furthermore, this test has the added benefit that

it does not run the risk of obtaining socially desirable responses in answering direct questions

regarding reading frequency/duration. Attempts to assess general print exposure have

sometimes included more than just the names of fiction authors (e.g., magazine titles, see

West et al., 1993), but the current study employs a version of the ART created by Koopman

(2015a, 2015b, 2016b) that focuses specifically on exposure to narrative fiction authors.

Given this more targeted focus, we suggest that this version of the ART will be better capable

of providing us with information on lifetime exposure to narrative fiction than using a more

general ART. Furthermore, Koopman (2016a) found that avid readers of literature scored

significantly higher on her ART than a control group did. Moreover, it is important for the

present purpose that this ART has been specifically designed with Dutch participants in mind,

and that it allows for a distinction between recognizing literary and popular authors. (Authors


classified as literary had received critical acclaim and nominations for literary prizes; authors

in the popular category had written best-selling novels that are relatively easy to read.)

Although we acknowledge that we have no direct validation of the relationship

between recognition of literary vs. popular author names and actual exposure to literary vs.

popular narrative fiction, we note that the ART as a measurement tool has been found to

relate to actual narrative fiction exposure and that previous studies that apply factor analysis

to the ART find a two-factor solution that can be broken down into a literary and a popular

fiction factor (see Kidd & Castano, 2016; Moore & Gordon, 2015). We thus consider it to be

a reasonable assumption that the version of the ART that we use will be informative

regarding exposure to literary and popular narrative fiction in our Dutch sample.

Participants were given a list consisting of 42 names. Thirty of these names belonged

to actual authors, 12 of the names were foils. Of the 30 author names, 15 belonged to literary

fiction writers and 15 to popular fiction writers; in both categories national (i.e., Dutch) and

international author names were present. Participants could thus score a maximum of 30

points in total for the ART (reflecting general exposure to narrative fiction); the literary and

popular subcomponents of the ART (reflecting exposure to literary and popular narrative

fiction) were each worth 15 points. Participants were told that they did not have to have read

the work of the author themselves in order to check the name, they just had to be sure that the

name belonged to an actual author. Guessing was discouraged by informing participants that

there were also made-up names in the list.

ToM. Dutch versions of two different measures of ToM were employed: The Reading

the Mind in the Eyes Task (RMET, Baron‐Cohen, Wheelwright, Hill, Raste, & Plumb, 2001)

and the Yoni task (Shamay-Tsoory & Aharon-Peretz, 2007). We used these tasks as previous

work by Kidd and Castano (2013) has shown that performance on both of these tasks is


enhanced after reading literary narrative fiction. In the RMET task, participants are shown the

eye region of a series of 36 different faces and are required to choose from four possibilities

(e.g., irritated, sarcastic, worried or friendly) which option best conveys the mental state that

is being signalled. Although some of the response options refer to an understanding of

cognitive mental states (e.g., contemplative, thoughtful), by far the most of the response

options refer to affective mental states (e.g., hostile, anxious, affectionate). The RMET thus

primarily measures participants’ ability to attribute affective mental states to others (i.e., it

assesses knowledge about others’ feelings) and thus is primarily a test of affective ToM.

The Yoni task assesses ToM in a broader sense than the RMET, as understanding of

both cognitive and affective mental states is assessed in equal measure. Furthermore,

understanding of these two types of mental states is assessed at both the first and second

order level. In each trial, participants see a cartoon face called Yoni in the centre of the

screen, a picture in each corner of the screen and a sentence at the top of the screen. This

sentence expresses Yoni’s cognitive or affective mental state in relation to one of the four

other pictures on the screen. The participant’s goal is to determine to which of the four

pictures the sentence refers, given the verbal and visual clues to Yoni’s mental state that are

present in the stimulus. In the assessment of cognitive mental states (25 trials in total with 13

first order trials and 12 second order trialsi), the facial expressions of all characters in the

stimulus and the verbal cue are emotionally neutral. In the first order cognitive trials, the four

pictures in the corners of the screen are all of objects and the participant has to use Yoni’s eye

gaze direction in order to determine which of these objects Yoni is thinking about (example

stimulus sentence: Yoni is thinking of…). In the second order cognitive trials, the four pictures

each represent another character together with an object. For these trials, the participant has

to demonstrate understanding of Yoni’s beliefs about these other characters’ beliefs and

desires (e.g.,: Yoni is thinking of the toy that …wants). Cognitive trials thus assess


participants’ understanding of Yoni’s thoughts (in the first order trials) and Yoni’s thoughts

as related to others’ thoughts/desires (in the second order trials) in an emotionally neutral

context. In the affective trials (24 in total, with 12 first order and 12 second order trials), the

facial expressions of the characters and the verbal cue are affective in nature (either positive

or negative). In the first order trials, participants have to use this affective information to

determine Yoni’s feelings regarding a particular object (e.g.,: Yoni loves …). In the second

order affective trials, again, the four pictures consist of other characters together with objects

and the participant has to demonstrate an understanding of Yoni’s emotions in regard to the

other characters’ emotions in order to score points on the task (e.g.,: Yoni loves the toy that …

loves). Affective trials thus assess participants’ understanding of Yoni’s feelings (in the first

order trials) and Yoni’s feelings as related to others’ feelings (in the second order trials) in an

emotionally loaded context. These 49 trials, requiring first and second order understanding of

cognitive and affective mental states, are the core component of the Yoni task and were the

focus of the analysis in the current study. In addition to these 49 core items, participants also

received 49 additional trials that were not analysed for this studyii. These trials consisted of

items assessing understanding of Yoni’s physical states (e.g., Yoni is close to…) and items

that assessed understanding of emotions relating to the fortunes of others such as envy and

gloating (e.g., Yoni envies…; see Shamay-Tsoory, Tibi-Elhanany, & Aharon-Peretz, 2007, for

more information on these conditions).


Participants were tested individually in a testing booth with each session lasting

between 30-45 minutes. Upon arrival, each participant read and signed an informed consent

form that gave them general information about the study. On obtaining consent, participants

were given general instructions about the experimental procedure, and then started the


experimental session by reading the text that they had been assigned to (the text was provided

to them on paper). Participants were encouraged to take as much time as they wanted to read

the text and to reread it if necessary. After having read the text, participants were given the

RMET, the Yoni task and the ART to complete. Finally, the participants received a

questionnaire that asked them to report on their experience during the experiment as a whole

and whilst reading the text they had been assigned to. This questionnaire also served to

ensure that participants had paid sufficient attention to the text, as they were required to

answer three multiple choice text comprehension questions. If at least two out of these three

questions were not answered correctly, the participant’s data was removed from the analysis.

Participants were also asked whether they had read the text (or a text that was similar to the

text they had read) before, such that participants who were already familiar with the texts in

the study could be removed from analysis. After each task, the experiment leader entered the

booth to start the next task and to give instructions tailored to the upcoming task. After

completing the final questionnaire, the participant was paid and debriefed.

Data Analysis

The data analysis approach employed by this study relied on informative hypotheses

and Bayesian model selection (Hoijtink, 2012) using the software BIEMS (Mulder, Hoijtink,

& de Leeuw, 2012). A crucial aspect of this approach is that, prior to observation of the data,

various competing hypotheses are specified based on information obtained from previous

research and current theorising (Kluytmans, van de Schoot, Mulder, & Hoijtink, 2012; van de

Schoot et al., 2011; van de Schoot et al., 2014). These specific hypotheses are then compared

against each other (and not against the null hypothesis as is the case in classical frequentist

hypothesis testing, see Harlow, Mulaik, & Steiger, 1997). The Posterior Model Probability

(PMP) that is associated with each hypothesis is then used as an indication of the amount of


evidence that there is in the data for each particular hypothesis over other evaluated

hypotheses (see Results section more information on this concept).

Due to the fact that only pre-specified hypotheses are assessed, use of smaller sample

sizes is not generally problematic in this approach (whereas this can be a cause for concern in

classical hypothesis testing). That is, under a Bayesian approach, what is being evaluated is a

very specific set of questions: Is the data structured as specified under Hypothesis X, Y or Z?

Depending on the PMP values that are associated with each hypothesis, one hypothesis may

clearly be more supported than the others, or there may be no clear ‘winner’, in which case

the conclusion can be drawn that none of the specified hypotheses is any better than the

others in accounting for the data. The only way in which sample size is of influence is that

larger sample sizes may lead to stronger support for one of the hypotheses (but support can

still be computed for smaller sample sizes). This is in contrast with classical hypothesis

testing in which the underlying question is much broader: Are the values associated with the

variables of interest the same or do they differ in any of the multitude of possible ways in

which they could potentially differ from each other? In this case, a small sample size may

incorrectly lead to a non-rejection of the null hypothesis because the power is too low.

This confirmative approach thus allows for more precise testing of hypotheses even

with relatively small sample sizes, does not rely on arbitrary cut-off points and reduces the

chance of obtaining false positives and false negatives, and, as such, is the approach of choice

for this study.

Direct effects. Four competing hypotheses relating to the effect of text literariness on

ToM were devised (see also the Competing Hypotheses Regarding Effects of Narrative

Fiction Exposure on ToM section). Hypothesis 1-DE (i.e., the first Hypothesis regarding

Direct Effects) assumes that exposure to the original literary text will be associated with the


greatest gains in ToM and that decreasing the amount of psychological work necessary will

have a detrimental effect on these gainsiii:

Hypothesis 1-DE: Original > limited manipulation > extensive manipulation > non-fiction

Hypothesis 2-DE presents the more extreme version of Hypothesis 1-DE and states that only

exposure to the original literary text will enhance ToM, whereas any decrease in literariness

will no longer lead to ToM improvement:

Hypothesis 2-DE: Original > limited manipulation = extensive manipulation = non-fiction

Following Hypothesis 3-DE, exposure to any kind of narrative fiction text, be it manipulated

or not, will have a favourable effect on ToM scores:

Hypothesis 3-DE: Original = limited manipulation = extensive manipulation > non-fiction

The final hypothesis, Hypothesis 4-DE, formalises the notion that exposure to (literary)

narrative fiction texts is not related to ToM performance:

Hypothesis 4-DE: Original = limited manipulation = extensive manipulation = non-fiction

Cumulative effects. For the cumulative effects of exposure to general narrative

fiction over the lifetime three competing hypotheses were formalised (see Figure 1 for a

visualisation of the correlation procedure that is employed in these analyses). Hypothesis 1-

CE (i.e., the first Hypothesis regarding Cumulative Effects) postulates that there is a positive


correlation between exposure to narrative fiction and ToM. The other two hypotheses have

been formulated such that they counter this notion: Hypothesis 2-CE states that there is a

negative relationship and Hypothesis 3-CE claims that there is no relationship between

narrative fiction exposure and ToM.

Figure 1. Hypotheses cumulative effects for general narrative fiction exposure on ToM.

Note. + denotes a positive correlation, - a negative correlation and =0 denotes a lack of correlation between the

dependent and independent variables.

In addition to these three hypotheses relating to effects of cumulative exposure to

narrative fiction in a general sense, the final three hypotheses regarding cumulative effects

considered effects of exposure to popular and literary narrative fiction over the lifetime (see

Figure 2, for a visualisation of the regression procedure that is employed in these analyses).

Hypothesis 4-CE predicts that exposure to literary fiction will be positively related to ToM

(formalised as ß1 > 0 with ß1 denoting the standardised regression coefficient for literary

narrative fiction exposure in relation to ToM) and more strongly related to ToM than

exposure to popular narrative fiction (formalised as ß1 > ß2, with ß2 denoting the

standardised regression coefficient for popular narrative fiction in relation to ToM). This

hypothesis is contrasted with two hypotheses that go against this notion. Hypothesis 5-CE

specified the claim that literary narrative fiction exposure does not deserve a special status,

but instead that there is no difference between exposure to literary and popular narrative

fiction in their relation to ToM (formalised as ß1 = ß2). Finally, Hypothesis 6-CE states that

exposure to literary narrative fiction is unrelated to ToM (ß1 = 0).


Figure 2. Hypotheses cumulative effects literary vs. popular narrative fiction on ToM.

Note. ß1 and ß2 are standardised regression coefficients; ß1 denotes the relationship between exposure to literary

narrative fiction and Theory of Mind; ß2 denotes the relationship between exposure to popular narrative fiction

and Theory of Mind.


Descriptive Statistics and Correlations

Prior to data analysis, data from two participants was discarded. One of these two

participants had taken an excessively long time to read the text (taking more than twice the

time that the other participants needed on average) and complained of severe concentration

problems during the experiment in the final questionnaire. The other discarded participant

failed the exclusion criterion of answering at least two out of the three basic text

comprehension questions correctly (as posed in the final questionnaire)iv. All the analyses

reported below are thus based on the remaining set of 119 participants (all between 18 and 30

years old; M = 21;8, SD = 2.9; 89 women).

Table 2 provides the descriptive statistics of the scores on the ToM assessments and

the ART, both overall and broken down per text condition. Note that the cells above the

dashed border present the descriptive statistics that are relevant for the assessment of direct

effects on ToM, while the cells below this border relate to the cumulative effects. The ART

scores are broken down by text condition such that potential group differences in lifetime


exposure to narrative fiction can be considered. Although the popular ART scores are very

similar between groups, there are larger differences between groups for the ART literary

scores (and thus also the ART overall scores). This potential confound will be dealt with in

the analyses presented in the following sections.

It should be noted that only a very small number of foils was chosen in the ART (M =

0.24; SD = .58). By far the most of the participants (81.5%) checked zero foils (95.8% of

participants checked zero or one foil) and no more than three foils were checked by any

participant. Given that the number of foils checked was not part of our pre-specified

hypotheses and this inspection of the data did not provide a clear motivation for us to do so in

additional post-hoc analyses, this variable was not considered in further analyses.

Table 2

Descriptive statistics ToM (RMET and Yoni) and lifetime exposure to fiction (ART)

Note: M = Mean; SD = Standard Deviation; RMET = Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task; ART =

Author Recognition Task. Maximum values: RMET = 36; Yoni = 49; ART overall = 30; ART


literary/ART popular = 15. Cells above the dashed border relate to the assessment of direct effects on

ToM; cells below this border pertain to cumulative effects.

Table 3 provides the correlations between the ToM tasks and the lifetime exposure


Table 3

Correlations between ToM (RMET and Yoni) and lifetime exposure to fiction (ART)

RMET Yoni ART Overall ART Literary

Yoni .26

ART Overall .03 .12

ART Literary .03 .18 .92

ART Popular -.01 .05 .92 .71

Note. RMET = Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task; ART = Author Recognition Task.

Effects of Text Literariness: Direct Effects

In the interpretation of the results in the following sections the Posterior Model

Probability (PMP) will be used to determine which of the tested hypotheses is most

supportedv. The PMP gives the probability that a particular hypothesis is the most supported

by the data given all the specific hypotheses that are evaluated, taking into account the

complexity and the fit of the hypothesis. If a particular experimental hypothesis thus has a

PMP of, for example, 0.64, this entails that the probability is 64% that preferring this

hypothesis over other evaluated hypotheses is the right choicevi. Importantly, there should be

no rules regarding what constitutes a sufficient value. As Rosnow and Rosenthal (1989)


already stated regarding the .05 rule to decide whether a p-value is significant: “Surely, God

loves the .06 nearly as much as the .05” (p. 1277). Any rule for the interpretation of the size

of PMPs is subject to the same criticism. The results are thus summarised and reported in this

section and their interpretation is reflected upon in the discussion section.

Table 4 provides PMPs for Hypothesis 1-4-DE in relation to performance on the

RMET and Yoni task. The shaded cells represent the hypothesis with the highest PMP (i.e.,

the model that is most supported by the data). Aside from the PMP values of the specified

hypotheses (i.e., Hypotheses 1-4-DE which consist of pre-specified constraints), Table 4 also

provides PMP values for the unconstrained hypothesis. This hypothesis does not have any

formulated constraints (it formalises the notion something is going on, but I don’t know what)

and is generally considered in addition to the pre-specified hypotheses in order to get an

indication of the quality of the pre-specified hypotheses (Hoijtink, 2012). If the unconstrained

PMP value is high, this suggests that the constraints that have been specified are ill-chosen

(because evidently they are not supported better by the data than a hypothesis that does not

impose any constraints). As can be seen from this table and the other tables presenting the

results, this is not a concern in the current study, as the most supported hypotheses have

clearly higher PMPs than the unconstrained hypotheses.


Table 4

Direct effects of text condition on ToM (RMET and Yoni)

Hypothesis RMET PMP Yoni PMP

1-DE: More literary better ToM 0.01 0.05

2-DE: Original text better ToM 0.03 0.06

3-DE: Any literature better ToM 0.01 0.03

4-DE: No differences 0.83 0.81

Unconstrained 0.11 0.04

The results presented in Table 4 demonstrate that there is very little support in the

data to suggest that reading narrative fiction of any type is associated with better performance

on the ToM tasks. Indeed, the PMPs of Hypotheses 1-3-DE are very low, whereas Hypothesis

4-DE is very high both for the RMET and the Yoni task (the chance that Hypothesis 4-DE is

the right choice is 83% in relation to performance on the RMET task and 81% in relation to

performance on the Yoni task). The descriptive statistics presented in Table 2 also underscore

this conclusion: The differences in RMET and Yoni average scores between participants that

had read different text types are minimal. Reading a specific text type thus does not seem to

have any immediately measurable effects on RMET or Yoni performance.

It is important to clarify here what this outcome means given the Bayesian

confirmative approach that we apply. Although on the face of it this finding represents a null

effect, our approach allows us to quantify exactly what level of support there is in the data for

this ‘null’ hypothesis. That is, there is an 83% chance that preferring this hypothesis over the

other evaluated hypotheses is the right choice for the RMET analysis (and an 81% chance for

the Yoni analysis). It is thus not the case that we can only conclude that we cannot reject the

null hypothesis, but that we don’t really know whether the participants in the various text


conditions differ from each other or not (as would be the case in classical null hypothesis

testing). Instead, the results of this analysis show very clear support in favour of the

assumption that the participants in the various text conditions do not differ from each other in

their ToM scores.

Note, though, that the descriptive statistics presented in Table 2 suggest that there are

differences between groups regarding the exposure to literary narrative fiction over the

lifetime and, by consequence, in overall exposure to narrative fiction (i.e., ART literary

scores, and thus also ART overall scores, are lower for the extensive manipulation and the

non-fiction text groups than for the original and the limited manipulation text groups). As

these differences may have influenced the results regarding the direct effects of reading

different text types on ToM, post-hoc analyses were run to investigate this issue. These

analyses are identical to the ones reported above, but they also controlled for the ART literary

scoresvii. These analyses yielded essentially the same results as those presented above. That

is, the specific PMP values of the models change if the ART scores are added to the analyses,

but hypothesis 4-DE is still clearly the most supported by the data (see Table 5). There is thus

no interaction between the text condition that participants were placed in and scores on the



Table 5

Direct effects of text condition on ToM (RMET and Yoni) controlling for ART literary

Hypothesis RMET PMP Yoni PMP

1-DE: More literary better ToM 0.03 0.12

2-DE: Original text better ToM 0.07 0.13

3-DE: Any literature better ToM 0.03 0.08

4-DE: No differences 0.63 0.58

Unconstrained 0.24 0.09

Cumulative Effects: Narrative Fiction and ToM over the Lifetime

Table 6 shows the results for the first three hypotheses regarding effects of lifetime

exposure to general narrative fiction on ToM.

Table 6

Cumulative effects of general narrative fiction exposure on ToM (RMET and Yoni)

Hypothesis RMET PMP Yoni PMP

1-CE: + relationship 0.11 0.30

2-CE: - relationship 0.07 0.03

3-CE: No relationship 0.73 0.50

Unconstrained 0.09 0.17

These results demonstrate that for both ToM tasks, there is the most support in the

data for the claim that there is no relationship between lifetime exposure to general narrative

fiction and ToM. This is clearest for the RMET, given that there is a 73% chance that


preferring this hypothesis is the right choice. The results are somewhat less clear-cut for the

Yoni task. Although there is a 30% chance that the hypothesis that there is a positive

relationship between the two is correct, the hypothesis that is most supported (PMP of .50) is

the one that states that there is no relationship between ToM and exposure to general

narrative fiction. General exposure to narrative fiction thus does not seem to be correlated

positively with ToM.

Table 7 provides the analyses regarding the relation between exposure to literary and

popular narrative fiction and ToM.

Table 7

Cumulative effects of literary/popular fiction exposure on ToM (RMET and Yoni)

Hypothesis RMET PMP Yoni PMP

4-CE: Literary > 0 AND literary > popular 0.15 0.55

5-CE: Literary = popular 0.34 0.15

6-CE: Literary = 0 0.42 0.09

Unconstrained 0.09 0.21

Interestingly, the results suggest that there is a difference between the two tasks that

assess ToM in their relation to lifetime exposure to literary and popular narrative fiction.

Although for the RMET there is the most support in the data for Hypothesis 6-CE, according

to which there is no relationship between exposure to literary narrative fiction and ToM, for

the Yoni task Hypothesis 4-CE was most supported. That is, the data suggest that there is a

positive relationship between exposure to literary narrative fiction and Yoni task performance

and that this relationship is stronger than the relationship between exposure to popular

narrative fiction and Yoni task performance. These results are underscored by the correlations


(see Table 3): Although the correlation between the RMET and the recognition of both

literary and popular authors is close to zero, the Yoni task shows a dissociation between the

two categories. Whereas Yoni task performance is not correlated with recognition of popular

authors, this correlation is present (if relatively small, r = .18) for the recognition of literary

authors. The more participants recognise literary authors, the higher their scores on the Yoni

task, but higher recognition of popular authors does not have this effect on Yoni scores (and

note that this holds even though there is a high correlation, r = .71, between recognition of

popular and literary authors).

This dissociation between the RMET and the Yoni task with respect to the lifetime

exposure hypotheses was surprising. On the basis of previous studies it was expected that

scores on the ART in general and the literary ART in particular would be positively related to

both measures of ToM. However, the current results suggest that only performance on the

Yoni task is related to narrative fiction exposure and that this relationship is specific to

literary narrative fiction. Given the fact that the Yoni task is comprised of various

subcomponents, the following post-hoc analyses were aimed at investigating which of these

subcomponents is most closely related to exposure to literary narrative fiction. As detailed in

the Procedure section, the Yoni task assesses both understanding of cognitive and affective

mental states at both the first and the second order level. In Table 8, the correlations between

each of these subcomponents and the scores on the literary ART are provided (and, for

completeness’ sake, correlations with the popular ART score have also been added).


Table 8

Correlations ART Literary (and Popular) with Yoni subcomponents

These results demonstrate that it is the cognitive subcomponent of the Yoni task that

is most strongly correlated with ART literary scores. The affective subcomponents all have

correlations close to zero with the ART literary score, but the overall cognitive score (which

consists of the total score of the cognitive items measured at the first and second order level)

reaches the highest correlation (r = .21). This finding for the Yoni task is also in accord with

the classification of the RMET as a measure of affective ToM. Evidently, the ability to

attribute affective mental states to others (as indexed by the affective subcomponents of the

Yoni task and the RMET) does not seem to be related to lifetime exposure to literary

narrative fiction, but understanding of others’ cognitive mental states (as indexed by the

cognitive subcomponents of the Yoni task) is related to exposure to this type of fiction. Note,

though, that this finding only holds for lifetime exposure to narrative fiction in relation to

Yoni task performance. Reanalysis of the intervention data to consider only performance on

the cognitive subcomponent of the Yoni task as a function of text condition yielded the same

results as the analysis that considered full Yoni scores as a dependent variable (i.e., there was

still by far the most support in the data for the hypothesis that there was no difference

between text type groups in their performance on the Yoni task).



Direct Effects of Exposure to (Literary) Narrative Fiction on ToM

Although some studies have not found reading literary narrative fiction to be an

immediate ToM stimulant (Dijkstra et al., 2015; Panero et al., 2016), various other studies

have suggested that there is a positive relation between the two (Kidd & Castano, 2013; Kidd,

et al., 2016; Pino & Mazza, 2016). It is thus currently unclear whether reading literary

narrative fiction directly enhances ToM or not. Furthermore, given that the studies that have

found a direct effect of reading literature on ToM have generally selected works of literary

narrative fiction on the basis of critical acclaim, it is currently also unclear what the ‘active

ingredient’ (or ingredients) for ToM enhancement in literary narrative fiction might be. The

present study thus considered both whether evidence for a direct link between reading

literature and ToM would be found and whether the presence of literary ‘gaps’, as a marker

of literariness, would be relevant in explaining a potential positive association between the

two domains.

Results of the current study demonstrated that brief exposure to narrative fiction did

not directly enhance participants’ ToM scores, regardless of the text’s literariness. All

evaluated hypotheses that assumed that narrative fiction would be an effective ToM stimulant

(be it narrative fiction in a general sense or dependent on its level of literariness) failed to

gain any substantial support in the data. However, the data of the current study supported the

hypothesis that there were no differences in the ToM scores of the various groups of

participants. Given that a Bayesian confirmative approach was applied to the dataset, this

outcome should not be interpreted as a classical null effect. That is, it is not the case that we

simply cannot reject the null hypothesis, instead, the data show very clearly that there is

evidence in favour of the hypothesis that the groups do not differ. The current study thus did

not find evidence for direct effects of exposure to (literary) narrative fiction on ToM ability


and the presence of literary ‘gaps’ was not found to play a role in the relationship between

literary narrative fiction and ToM.

However, a number of caveats regarding this conclusion should be kept in mind. In

the first place, the current study only used one text (and two adapted versions of this text) to

act as a ToM stimulant. Regardless of the particular outcome, caution is needed in

generalising findings obtained from one text to (literary) narrative fiction in general.

Although this particular text was chosen because it was part of a set of texts that was found to

be effective in Kidd and Castano (2013), it is possible that this particular text in itself does

not lead to any ToM gains (in this respect it should also be noted that Kidd & Castano, 2016,

found this text to have a low reflective marker score, which suggests that it may not be a

prototypical example of literary narrative fiction). Furthermore, it is also possible that the

specific literary feature that characterised the text that we used (i.e., literary gaps regarding

the source of specific utterances and the social situation of characters) may not be an

important feature in stimulating ToM. Although the presence of gaps is a characteristic

feature of literature and, from a theoretical point of view, this feature can plausibly be

connected to ToM enhancement (Koopman & Hakemulder, 2015), it could be that this

feature (either the presence of gaps in general or as specifically operationalised in the current

study) is simply not directly relevant in providing readers with ToM gains.

Alternatively, it is possible that the literary text (and potentially one or both of its

adaptations) did have an immediate effect on the reader’s ToM, but it was too subtle to pick

up in our measures or with our sample size (although our measures and sample size were

similar to those used in Kidd & Castano, 2013). Studies that employ more texts and that

manipulate other types of gap filling may thus provide a different picture of the relationship

between literary gap-filling and direct ToM gains.


Future work might examine both text and reader variables to consider what factors

determine whether a particular work of narrative fiction has a direct effect on the reader’s

ToM. On the reader side, it may be that some readers are more likely to profit from exposure

to literary narrative fiction in terms of ToM gains. For instance, it may be the case that

readers who are more prone to being transported into fictional worlds (i.e., readers with high

levels of transportability) profit more from reading about complex others’ mental states (cf.

Bal & Veltkamp, 2013). On the text side, a deeper investigation into the function of gaps may

demonstrate that they are relevant after all. As argued above, literary gaps may occur in

various forms, so perhaps different gap forms may be more powerful than the ones

manipulated in the present study. Moreover, it is clear that there are many candidates for

further investigation, such as: Foregrounding, polyvalence (or multi-interpretability),

ambiguity, polyphony (the co-presence of different narratorial ‘voices’), characters’

roundness (e.g., having various contrasting traits), level of access to characters’ inner worlds,

the development of a character’s personality etcetera. These may all be taken into

consideration for future manipulation. Of course, none of these text qualities are unique to

literature, but they are often assumed to constitute the degree of ‘literariness’ and seem to be

dominantly found in literature, and less so in popular fiction. More importantly, it seems

plausible that they contribute to the development of readers’ ToM – if not after exposure to

one short story, then maybe cumulatively, after years of literary reading.

Cumulative Effects of Exposure to Narrative Fiction over the Lifetime on ToM

Our results suggest that there is no relationship between lifetime exposure to general

narrative fiction and ToM. Furthermore, the results of the analyses regarding literary

narrative fiction exposure across the lifetime and ToM were somewhat mixed. Performance

on the RMET (as a measure of affective ToM) was not related to exposure to literary


narrative fiction (in contrast to the findings reported in Kidd & Castano, 2016). However,

there was a positive relationship between Yoni task scores (as a measure of both cognitive

and affective ToM) and lifetime literary narrative fiction exposure and this relationship was

found to be stronger than that between lifetime popular narrative fiction exposure and Yoni

scores. Further analyses of the Yoni task results showed that the strongest positive correlation

was present between performance on the cognitive component of the Yoni task and literary

narrative fiction. These results thus suggest that lifetime exposure to literary narrative fiction

is associated with higher levels of cognitive ToM (understanding what other people are

thinking about), but not with affective ToM (understanding what other people are feeling). It

is relevant to note here that if scores on the literary ART measure simply indicated more

exposure to narrative fiction in general instead of being a specific indicator of exposure to

literary narrative fiction, we would expect both the general ART scores and the literary ART

scores to be related to ToM measures. As this is not the case (despite the high correlation

between literary and popular ART scores), this suggests that there is something specific to

exposure to literary narrative fiction that is responsible for this observed relationship.

Although the results initially seem to go against findings from previous studies that

suggest that there is a relationship between ToM and general narrative fiction lifetime

exposure (Djikic et al., 2013; Mar et al., 2006, 2009; Panero et al., 2016), the differences

between the current study and previous work may not be profound. Potentially, the positive

relation between general narrative fiction exposure and ToM that has been found in previous

studies actually boils down to a positive correlation between exposure to literary narrative

fiction and (cognitive) ToM. Given that previous studies on this topic have generally not

divided narrative fiction exposure into literary and popular categoriesviii (but see Kidd &

Castano, 2016, for an exception), they may have primarily been measuring exposure to

literary narrative fiction in their general narrative fiction exposure measure. The current study


may then not have found a positive correlation between general narrative fiction and ToM

because equal numbers of literary and popular authors were present in the ART. Overall

recognition scores could thus only be driven by literary narrative fiction exposure for

maximally fifty percent, whereas this percentage may be (much) higher in other studies.

Future research is needed to determine whether a distinction between literary and popular

narrative fiction in exposure measures will consistently demonstrate stronger relations

between literary narrative fiction and ToM as compared to popular narrative fiction.

Although we had expected lifetime exposure to literary narrative fiction to be

positively related to ToM, we did not predict that this result would only hold for the Yoni

task and not for the RMET, especially given that previous studies have found evidence for a

positive relationship between narrative fiction exposure and RMET performance (e.g., Djikic

et al., 2013; Panero et al., 2016) and even specifically between literary narrative fiction

exposure and RMET performance (Kidd & Castano, 2016). However, only for the Yoni task

did we find that the ToM scores were positively correlated with literary narrative fiction

exposure (and more strongly so than for popular narrative fiction exposure). Further analyses

demonstrated that this relationship was primarily driven by the cognitive subcomponent of

the Yoni task; correlations between literary narrative fiction exposure and the affective

subcomponent were close to zero. There is thus an internal consistency in the findings: Those

ToM measures that assess cognitive ToM (i.e., the cognitive subcomponents of the Yoni task)

are positively correlated with literary narrative fiction exposure, whereas those that assess

affective ToM (the affective subcomponents of the Yoni task and the RMET) are not. Our

data thus suggests that exposure to literary narrative fiction is related to knowledge about

others’ thoughts and not so much to knowledge about others’ emotions. Interestingly,

although our results contrast with those of Kidd and Castano (2016) who do find a positive

correlation between exposure to literary narrative fiction and RMET performance, the small


number of other studies that have also made a distinction between cognitive vs. affective

ToM in relation to (literary) narrative fiction exposure find similar results to the current

study. For instance, Pino and Mazza (2016) found that exposure to literary narrative fiction

positively affects mentalising (the ability to understand others’ mental states), but not

emotion sharing abilities (the capacity to emotionally resonate with others’ feelings). The

findings reported by Stansfield and Bunce (2014) also closely parallel the current results, as

they did find a positive correlation between exposure to narrative fiction and cognitive ToM

(as assessed using a questionnaire measuring perspective taking tendency), but did not find

evidence for a correlation between narrative fiction exposure and scores on the RMET.

These results thus suggest that there might be a special relationship between exposure

to (literary) narrative fiction and cognitive ToM. Indeed, it is known from the literature that

cognitive and affective ToM are dissociable and are sub-served by different neural networks

(Kalbe et al., 2010; Shamay-Tsoory & Aharon-Peretz, 2007; Shamay-Tsoory et al., 2007). In

principle, it is thus possible that reading literary narrative fiction is specifically stimulating

for readers’ ability to understand the thoughts of others, whilst it may not have any

demonstrable effects on their ability to understand others’ emotions. It is characteristic of

literature that its plotlines and character interactions are complex at the psychological level

(Gerrig & Rapp, 2004; Koopman & Hakemulder, 2015; Van Peer, 1986). Potentially, this

complexity pertains more to being able to fathom others’ thoughts (at both the author and

character level) than their emotions and thus exposure to literary narrative fiction is most

effective at stimulating our cognitive ToM, whilst affective ToM is not enhanced.

However, it should be noted that given the correlational nature of the relationship

between lifetime exposure to literary narrative fiction and cognitive ToM, it is not possible to

draw firm conclusions regarding the causal direction of this link. Exposure to literary

narrative fiction may have a beneficial effect on readers’ ability to understand others’


thoughts, but it is also possible that those readers who have a more advanced cognitive ToM

are those who feel particularly drawn to literary narrative fiction. Additional intervention

studies that assess the effects of literary narrative fiction specifically on cognitive vs.

affective ToM are needed in order for stronger conclusions to be drawn regarding the

relationship between exposure to literary narrative fiction and cognitive ToM.

In summary, although the results of the intervention component of the current study

suggest that there are no directly measurable ToM gains to be had from a one-off encounter

with a piece of literary narrative fiction (or at least not the short piece of literary narrative

fiction used in this study), there do seem to be interesting links between lifetime exposure to

literary narrative fiction and cognitive ToM. One short story by Chekhov might thus not get

you very far as mental state understanding goes, but, chances are, the book smarts you gain

from reading his collected works will spill over to your real world street smarts.



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Appendix: Texts

A Chameleon, original version (English version provided here, Dutch translation used)

The police superintendent Otsjoemelov is walking across the market square wearing a new

overcoat and carrying a parcel under his arm. A red-haired policeman strides after him with a

sieve filled to the rim with confiscated gooseberries. There is silence all around... Not a soul

in the square... The open doors of the shops and taverns appear disconsolately, like hungry

mouths into the wide world; there is not even a beggar near them.

“So you bite, you damned brute?” Otsjoemelov hears suddenly. “Lads, don’t let it go! Biting

is prohibited nowadays! Hold it! Ah... ah!”

There is the sound of a dog yelping. Otsjoemelov looks in the direction of the sound

and sees a dog, hopping on three legs and looking about it, run out of merchant Pitsjoegin’s

timber-yard. A man in a starched cotton shirt, with his waistcoat unbuttoned, is chasing it.

The man runs after the animal, and throwing his body forward falls down and seizes the dog

by its hind legs. Once more there is a yelping and a sound of “Don’t let go!” Sleepy

countenances are protruded from the shops, and soon a crowd, as if out of nowhere, is

gathered round the timber-yard.

“It looks like a row, your honour...” says the policeman.

Otsjoemelov makes half a turn to the left and strides towards the crowd. He sees the

aforementioned man in the unbuttoned waistcoat standing close by the gate of the timber-

yard, holding his right hand in the air and displaying a bleeding finger to the crowd. On his

half-drunken face there is plainly written: “I’ll pay you back, you rogue!” and indeed the very

finger has the look of a flag of victory. In this man Otsjoemelov recognises Chrjoekin, the

goldsmith. The culprit who has caused the sensation, a white borzoy puppy with a sharp

muzzle and a yellow patch on its back, is sitting on the ground with its fore-paws outstretched


in the middle of the crowd, trembling all over. There is an expression of misery and terror in

its tearful eyes.

“What’s it all about?” Otsjoemelov inquires, pushing his way through the crowd.

“What are you here for? Why are you waiving your finger?.. Who shouted?”

“I was walking along here, not interfering with anyone, your honour...” Chrjoekin

begins, coughing into his fist. “Because of firewood, with Mitri Mitritsj, this low brute for no

rhyme or reason bit my finger... You must excuse me, I am a working man... Mine is fine

work. I must have damages, for I shan’t be able to use this finger for a week, maybe... It’s not

even the law, your honour, that one should put up with it from a beast... If everyone is going

to be bitten, life on earth won’t be worth living...”

“Hm!.. Good...” says Otsjoemelov sternly, coughing and raising his eyebrows.

“Good... Whose dog is it? I won’t let this pass! I’ll teach you to let your dogs run all over the

place! It’s time these gentry were looked after, if they won’t obey the regulations! When he’s

fined, the blackguard, I’ll teach him what it means to keep dogs and such stray cattle! I’ll

give him a lesson!.. Jeldyrin,” says the superintendent, addressing the policeman, “find out

whose dog this is and draw up a report! And the dog must be destroyed. Without delay! It’s

sure to be mad... Whose dog is it? I ask!”

“I fancy it’s General Zjigalov’s,” says someone in the crowd.

“General Zjigalov’s? Hm!.. Help me off with my coat, Jeldyrin... it’s frightfully hot!

It must be a sign of rain... There’s one thing I can’t make out, how it came to bite you?”

Otsjoemelov asks Chrjoekin. “Surely he couldn’t reach your finger. He’s a little dog, and you

are a great hulking fellow! You must have scratched your finger with a nail, and then the idea

struck you to get damages for it. We all know... your sort! I know you devils!”

“He put a cigarette in its face, your honour, for a joke, but it had the sense to snap at

him... He is a nonsensical fellow, your honour!”


“That’s a lie, Squinteye! You didn’t see, so why tell lies about it? His honour is a wise

gentleman, and will see who is telling lies and who is telling the truth, as in God’s sight...

And if I am lying let the court decide. It’s written in the law... We are all equal nowadays.

My own brother is in the gendarmes... if you want to know...”

“Shut your mouth!”

“No, that’s not the General’s dog,” says the policeman, with profound conviction,

“the General hasn’t got ones like that. His are mostly setters.”

“Do you know that for a fact?”

“Yes, your honour.”

“I know it, too. The General has valuable dogs, thoroughbred, and this is goodness

knows what! No coat, no shape... a low creature... And to keep a dog like that?!... Where’s

the sense of it. If a dog like that were to turn up in Petersburg or Moscow, do you know what

would happen? They would not worry about the law, but at once – away with it! You’ve been

injured, Chrjoekin, and we can’t let the matter drop... We must give them a lesson! It is high


“Yet maybe it is the General’s...” says the policeman, thinking aloud. “It’s not written

on its face... I saw one like it the other day in his yard.”

“It’s the General’s, that’s certain!” says a voice in the crowd.

“Hm!.. help me on with my overcoat, Jeldyrin, my lad... The wind’s getting up... I am

shivering... Take the dog to the General, and inquire there. Say I found it and sent you... And

tell them not to let it out into the street... It may be a valuable dog, and if every swine goes

sticking a cigar to its nose, it will soon be ruined. A dog is a delicate animal... And you put

your hand down, you blockhead! It’s no use your displaying your fool of a finger! It’s your

own fault!....”


“Here comes the General’s cook, ask him... Hi, Prochor! Come here, my dear man!

Do you see that dog?... Is it yours?”

“Are you kidding? We have never had one like that!”

“There’s no need to waste time asking,” says Otsjoemelov. “It’s a stray dog! There’s

no need to waste time talking about it... If I say it’s a stray dog, a stray dog it is... It must be

destroyed, that’s all about it.”

“It is not our dog,” Prochor goes on. “It belongs to the General’s brother, who arrived

the other day. Our master does not care for hounds. But his honour is fond of them...”

“You don’t say his brother has arrived? Vladimir Ivanytsj?” inquires Otsjoemelov,

and his whole face beams with an ecstatic smile. “Well, I never! And I didn’t know! Has he

come on a visit?


“Well, I never... He was missing his brother... And there I didn’t know! So this is his

honour’s dog? Delighted to hear it... Take it... Good dog... A lively creature. . . . Snapped at

this fellow’s finger! Ha-ha-ha... Come on, why are you shivering? Grrr... Grrr... The rogue’s

angry... a nice little pup.”

Prochor calls the dog and walks away from the timber-yard with it. The crowd laughs

at Chrjoekin.

“I’ll get you!” Otsjoemelov threatens him, and wrapping himself in his greatcoat, goes

on his way across the square.


A Chameleon, limited manipulation version (English version provided here, Dutch

translation used; changes marked in boldface)

The police superintendent Otsjoemelov is walking across the market square wearing a new

overcoat and carrying a parcel under his arm. A The red-haired policeman Jeldyrin strides

after him with a sieve filled to the rim with confiscated gooseberries. There is silence all

around... Not a soul in the square... The open doors of the shops and taverns appear

disconsolately, like hungry mouths into the wide world; there is not even a beggar near them.

“So you bite, you damned brute?” Otsjoemelov hears suddenly. “Lads, don’t let it

that dog go! Biting is prohibited nowadays! Hold it! Ah... ah!”

There is the sound of a dog yelping. Otsjoemelov looks in the direction of the sound

and sees a dog, hopping on three legs and looking about it, run out of merchant Pitsjoegin’s

timber-yard. A man in a starched cotton shirt, with his waistcoat unbuttoned, is chasing it.

The man; it is the goldsmith Chrjoekin. Chrjoekin runs after the animal, and throwing his

body forward falls down and seizes the dog by its hind legs. Once more there is a yelping and

a sound of “Don’t let go!” Sleepy countenances are protruded from the shops, and soon a

crowd, as if out of nowhere, is gathered round the timber-yard.

“It looks like a row, your honour...” says the policeman Jeldyrin to Otsjoemelov.

Otsjoemelov makes half a turn to the left and strides towards the crowd. He sees the

aforementioned man in the unbuttoned waistcoat Chrjoekin standing close by the gate of the

timber-yard, holding his right hand in the air and displaying a bleeding finger to the crowd.

On his half-drunken face there is plainly written: “I’ll pay you back, you rogue!” and indeed

the very finger has the look of a flag of victory. In this man Otsjoemelov recognises

Chrjoekin, the goldsmith. The culprit who has caused the sensation, a white borzoy puppy

with a sharp muzzle and a yellow patch on its back, is sitting on the ground with its fore-paws


outstretched in the middle of the crowd, trembling all over. There is an expression of misery

and terror in its tearful eyes.

“What’s it all about?” Otsjoemelov inquires, pushing his way through the crowd.

“What are you here for? Why are you waiving your finger?.. Who shouted?”

“I was walking along here, not interfering with anyone, your honour...” Chrjoekin

begins, coughing into his fist. “Because of firewood, with Mitri Mitritsj, this low brute for no

rhyme or reason bit my finger... You must excuse me, I am a working man... Mine is fine

work. I must have damages, for I shan’t be able to use this finger for a week, maybe... It’s not

even the law, your honour, that one should put up with it from a beast... If everyone is going

to be bitten, life on earth won’t be worth living...”

“Hm!.. Good...” says Otsjoemelov sternly, coughing and raising his eyebrows.

“Good... Whose dog is it? I won’t let this pass! I’ll teach you to let their dogs run all over the

place! It’s time these gentry were looked after, if they won’t obey the regulations! When he’s

fined, the blackguard, I’ll teach him what it means to keep dogs and such stray cattle! I’ll

give him a lesson!.. Jeldyrin,” says the superintendent, addressing the policeman, “find out

whose dog this is and draw up a report! And the dog must be destroyed. Without delay! It’s

sure to be mad... Whose dog is it? I ask!”

“I fancy it’s General Zjigalov’s,” says someone in the crowd.

“General Zjigalov’s? Hm!.. Help me off with my coat, Jeldyrin... it’s frightfully hot!

It must be a sign of rain... There’s one thing I can’t make out, how it came to bite you?”

Otsjoemelov asks Chrjoekin. “Surely he couldn’t reach your finger. He’s a little dog, and you

are a great hulking fellow! You must have scratched your finger with a nail, and then the idea

struck you to get damages for it. We all know... your sort! I know you devils!”

“He put a cigarette in its face, your honour, for a joke,” says someone in the crowd.

“But but it had the sense to snap at him... He is a nonsensical fellow, your honour!”


“That’s a lie, Squinteye!” Chrjoekin calls out. “You didn’t see, so why tell lies about

it? His honour is a wise gentleman, and will see who is telling lies and who is telling the

truth, as in God’s sight... And if I am lying let the court decide. It’s written in the law... We

are all equal nowadays. My own brother is in the gendarmes... if you want to know...”

“Shut your mouth!” Otsjoemelov orders.

“No, that’s not the General’s dog,” says the policeman Jeldyrin, with profound

conviction, “the General hasn’t got ones like that. His are mostly setters.”

“Do you know that for a fact?” Otsjoemelov asks.

“Yes, your honour.”

“I know it, too.,” says Otsjoemelov. “The General has valuable dogs, thoroughbred,

and this is goodness knows what! No coat, no shape... a low creature... And to keep a dog like

that?!... Where’s the sense of it. If a dog like that were to turn up in Petersburg or Moscow,

do you know what would happen? They would not worry about the law, but at once – away

with it! You’ve been injured, Chrjoekin, and we can’t let the matter drop... We must give

them a lesson! It is high time...”

“Yet maybe it is the General’s...” says the policeman Jeldyrin, thinking aloud. “It’s

not written on its face... I saw one like it the other day in his yard.”

“It’s the General’s, that’s certain! “ says a voice in the crowd.

“Hm!.. help me on with my overcoat, Jeldyrin, my lad...” Otsjoemelov requests

Jeldyrin. “The wind’s getting up... I am shivering... Take the dog to the General, and inquire

there. Say I found it and sent you... And tell them not to let it out into the street... It may be a

valuable dog, and if every swine goes sticking a cigar to its nose, it will soon be ruined. A

dog is a delicate animal... And you Chrjoekin, put your hand down, you blockhead! It’s no

use your displaying your fool of a finger! It’s your own fault!....”


“Here comes the General’s cook, ask him...” Jeldyrin suggests. “Hi, Prochor! Come

here, my dear man! Do you see that dog?... Is it yours?”

“Are you kidding? We have never had one like that!” Prochor says.

“There’s no need to waste time asking,” says Otsjoemelov. “It’s a stray dog! There’s

no need to waste time talking about it... If I say it’s a stray dog, a stray dog it is... It must be

destroyed, that’s all about it.”

“It is not our dog,” Prochor goes on. “It belongs to the General’s brother, who arrived

the other day. Our master does not care for hounds. But his honour is fond of them...”

“You don’t say his brother has arrived? Vladimir Ivanytsj?” inquires Otsjoemelov,

and his whole face beams with an ecstatic smile. “Well, I never! And I didn’t know! Has he

come on a visit?

“Yes...” Prochor starts.

“Well, I never... He was missing his brother...” Otsjoemelov continues. “And there I

didn’t know! So this is his honour’s dog? Delighted to hear it... Take it... Good dog... A

lively creature. . . . Snapped at this fellow’s finger! Ha-ha-ha... Come on, why are you

shivering? Grrr... Grrr... The rogue’s angry... a nice little pup.”

Prochor calls the dog and walks away from the timber-yard with it. The crowd laughs

at Chrjoekin.

“I’ll get you!” Otsjoemelov threatens him, and wrapping himself in his greatcoat, goes

on his way across the square.


A Chameleon, extensive manipulation version (English version provided here, Dutch

translation used; changes marked in boldface)

The police superintendent Otsjoemelov Jansen is walking across the market square wearing a

new overcoat and carrying a parcel under his arm. A The red-haired policeman De Vries

strides after him with a sieve filled to the rim with confiscated gooseberries. There is silence

all around... Not a soul in the square... The open doors of the shops and taverns appear

disconsolately, like hungry mouths into the wide world; there is not even a beggar near them.

“So you bite, you damned brute?” Otsjoemelov Jansen hears goldsmith Tiggelaar

shout suddenly. “Lads, don’t let it that dog go! Biting is prohibited nowadays! Hold it! Ah...


There is the sound of a dog yelping. Otsjoemelov Jansen looks in the direction of the

sound and sees a dog, hopping on three legs and looking about it, run out of merchant

Pitsjoegin’s a timber-yard. A man The goldsmith Tiggelaar in a starched cotton shirt, with

his waistcoat unbuttoned, is chasing it. The man Tiggelaar runs after the animal, and

throwing his body forward falls down and seizes the dog by its hind legs. Once more there is

a yelping and a sound of “Don’t let go!” Sleepy countenances are protruded from the shops,

and soon a crowd, as if out of nowhere, is gathered round the timber-yard.

“It looks like a row, your honour boss!..” says the policeman De Vries.

Otsjoemelov Jansen makes half a turn to the left and strides towards the crowd. He

sees the aforementioned man in the unbuttoned waistcoat Tiggelaar standing close by the

gate of the timber-yard, holding his right hand in the air and displaying a bleeding finger to

the crowd. On his half-drunken face there is plainly written: “I’ll pay you back, you rogue!”

and indeed the very finger has the look of a flag of victory. In this man Otsjoemelov

recognises Chrjoekin, the goldsmith. The culprit who has caused the sensation, a white

borzoy puppy with a sharp muzzle and a yellow patch on its back, is sitting on the ground


with its fore-paws outstretched in the middle of the crowd, trembling all over. There is an

expression of misery and terror in its tearful eyes.

“What’s it all about?” Otsjoemelov Jansen inquires, pushing his way through the

crowd. “What are you here for? Why are you waiving your finger?.. Who shouted?”

“I was walking along here, not interfering with anyone, your honour inspector...”

Chrjoekin Tiggelaar begins, coughing into his fist. “Because of firewood, with Mitri Mitritsj,

this This low brute for no rhyme or reason bit my finger...!.. You must excuse me, I am a

working man... Mine is fine work. I must have damages, for I shan’t be able to use this finger

for a week, maybe... It’s not even the law, your honour inspector, that one should put up with

it from a beast... If everyone is going to be bitten, life on earth won’t be worth living...”

“Hm!.. Good...” says Otsjoemelov Jansen sternly, coughing and raising his eyebrows.

“Good... Whose dog is it? I won’t let this pass! I’ll teach you to let their dogs run all over the

place! It’s time these gentry were looked after, if they won’t obey the regulations! When he’s

fined, the blackguard, I’ll teach him what it means to keep dogs and such stray cattle! I’ll

give him a lesson!.. Jeldyrin De Vries,” says the superintendent, addressing the policeman,

“find out whose dog this is and draw up a report! And the dog must be destroyed. Without

delay! It’s sure to be mad... Whose dog is it? I ask!”

“I fancy it’s General Zjigalov’s chief inspector Jacobs’,” says someone in the crowd.

“General Zjigalov’s Chief inspector Jacobs’? Hm!.. Help me off with my coat,

Jeldyrin De Vries... it’s frightfully hot! It must be a sign of rain... There’s one thing I can’t

make out, how it came to bite you?” Oetsjoemelov Jansen asks Chrjoekin Tiggelaar.

“Surely he couldn’t reach your finger. He’s a little dog, and you are a great hulking fellow!

You must have scratched your finger with a nail, and then the idea struck you to get damages

for it. We all know... your sort! I know you devils!”


“He put a cigarette in its face, your honour inspector, for a joke,” says someone in

the crowd. “But but it had the sense to snap at him... He is a nonsensical fellow, your honour


“That’s a lie, Squinteye!” Tiggelaar calls out. “You didn’t see, so why tell lies about

it? His honour The inspector is a wise gentleman, and will see who is telling lies and who is

telling the truth, as in God’s sight... And if I am lying let the court decide. It’s written in the

law... We are all equal nowadays. My own brother is in the gendarmes... if you want to


“Shut your mouth!” Jansen orders.

“No, that’s not the General’s chief inspector’s dog,” says the policeman De Vries,

with profound conviction, “the General chief inspector hasn’t got ones like that. His are

mostly setters.”

“Do you know that for a fact?” Jansen asks.

“Yes, your honour boss.”

“I know it, too.,” says Jansen. “The chief inspector The General has valuable dogs,

thoroughbred, and this is goodness knows what! No coat, no shape... a low creature... And to

keep a dog like that?!... Where’s the sense of it. If a dog like that were to turn up in

Petersburg or Moscow, do you know what would happen? They would not worry about the

law, but at once – away with it! You’ve been injured, Chrjoekin Tiggelaar, and we can’t let

the matter drop... We must give them a lesson! It is high time...”

“Yet maybe it is the General’s chief inspector’s...” says the policeman De Vries,

thinking aloud. “It’s not written on its face... I saw one like it the other day in his yard.”

“It’s the General’s chief inspector’s, that’s certain! “ says a voice in the crowd.

“Hm!.. help me on with my overcoat, Jeldyrin De Vries, my lad...” Jansen requests

De Vries. “The wind’s getting up... I am shivering... Take the dog to the General’s chief


inspector, and inquire there. Say I found it and sent you... And tell them not to let it out into

the street... It may be a valuable dog, and if every swine goes sticking a cigar to its nose, it

will soon be ruined. A dog is a delicate animal... And you Tiggelaar, put your hand down,

you blockhead! It’s no use your displaying your fool of a finger! It’s your own fault!....”

“Here comes the General’s cook chief inspector’s gardener, ask him...” De Vries

remarks. “Hi, Prochor Nederhof! Come here, my dear man! Do you see that dog?... Is it


“Are you kidding? We have never had one like that!” says Nederhof.

“There’s no need to waste time asking,” says Otsjoemelov Jansen. “It’s a stray dog!

There’s no need to waste time talking about it... If I say it’s a stray dog, a stray dog it is... It

must be destroyed, that’s all about it.”

“It is not our dog,” Prochor Nederhof goes on. “It belongs to the General’s chief

inspector’s brother, who arrived the other day. Our master chief inspector does not care for

hounds. But his honour is fond of them...”

“You don’t say his brother has arrived? Vladimir Ivanytsj Cas Jacobs?” inquires

Otsjoemelov Jansen, and his whole face beams with an ecstatic smile. “Well, I never! And I

didn’t know! Has he come on a visit?

“Yes...” Nederhof starts.

“Well, I never... He was missing his brother...” Jansen continues. “And there I

didn’t know! So this is his honour’s dog? Delighted to hear it... Take it... Good dog... A

lively creature. . . . Snapped at this fellow’s finger! Ha-ha-ha... Come on, why are you

shivering? Grrr... Grrr... The rogue’s angry... a nice little pup.”

Prochor Nederhof calls the dog and walks away from the timber-yard with it. The

crowd laughs at Chrjoekin Tiggelaar.


“I’ll get you!” Otsjoemelov Jansen threatens him, and wrapping himself in his

greatcoat, goes on his way across the square.


True Colours, non-fictional text (English translation provided here, Dutch original used)

There are but few animals with such an extensive collection of anatomical curiosities as the

chameleon. It has a tongue that is longer than its body; with it, it can attack an insect in a

fraction of a second. It also has telescopic eyes in round sockets that can move independently.

It can use its toes as a pair of tweezers, has lumps on its forehead and snout, strange bulges

on its nose, and it has a skinfold in its neck that resembles the lace collar of a sixteenth

century nobleman.

Its most typical trait amazed people as far back as the days of Aristotle: its ability to

change colour. It is a widespread myth that the chameleon takes on the colour of everything it

touches. Sometimes such a change of colour does make him stand out less in his

environment, but in reality it is a physiological reaction that serves as a means of

communication. By means of colour, the lizard expresses everything it feels, like attraction,

rivalry, or threat from its environment.

At least, that is the current view. “Even though chameleons have interested people for

years, they are still surrounded by a lot of mystery”, says Christopher Anderson, biologist and

chameleon expert of Brown University in Rhode Island. “We still don’t know how their

mechanisms work” – from the rapid tongue movements to the changing skin colour.

In recent years, important discoveries have been made through observations of chameleons in

captivity. Their future in the wild is however highly uncertain.

According to the most recent Red List of the International Union for Conservation of

Nature (IUCN), that was published November last year, at least half of all chameleon species

are considered to be ‘endangered’ or ‘near endangered’. Anderson is part of the chameleon

work group of the IUCN, just as biologist Krystal Tolley. She does field work in the south of

Africa, where she has discovered new chameleon species and is mapping their disappearing



Approximately 40 percent of the over two hundred known chameleon species lives on

the island of Madagascar, most others in continental Africa. Over 20 percent of the known

species has only been discovered in the past fifteen years.

Anderson closely studies the feeding behaviour of the chameleon. Using a camera that

captures three thousand frames per second, he has shot 0.56 seconds of footage of a

chameleon eating a cricket. He has stretched out that footage to create an instruction video of

28 seconds, which shows exactly how the animal uses its tongue.

In its throat sac the chameleon has a tongue-bone surrounded by elastic connective tissue in a

tubular acceleration-muscle. As soon as the chameleon sees an insect, it sticks out its tongue

slightly, which causes the muscle to contract and the tongue to shoot out as if it is launched

by a catapult. The tip of the tongue functions as a suction cup that grabs onto the prey, after

which the tongue slides back inside.

But we are far from knowing everything about the mechanism of the tongue, says

Anderson. His research suggests that some chameleons can extend their tongue even faster

and farther than was previously thought.

Also with regards to the changing skin colour there are new insights – especially since

the publication earlier this year of the research of Michel Milinkovitch, evolutionary

geneticist and biophysicist at the Université de Genève. For a long time, the dominant theory

was that the chameleon changes its colour by effusing pigment cells in the skin through

paper-thin cell extensions. Milinkovitch does not buy this theory, because many green

chameleons don’t even have green pigments in their skin.

That is why he decided to “bring physics and biology together” in his team, he says.

Under a layer of skin with pigment cells they discovered another layer with cells that contain

nanocrystals, ordered in a triangular grid.


By exposing skin samples of chameleons to pressure and chemicals, the scientists

discovered that the pattern of crystals can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the distance

between the crystals. And that has an effect on the light that the crystals reflect. With an

increase of the distance between the crystals, the reflection of light changes from blue to

green, yellow, and orange and finally to red– the kaleidoscopic colour show that can be

clearly seen on some panther chameleons when a calm disposition changes to aggression or


According to a study from 2014, chameleons have also developed the ability to show

submission through the changing of their skin colour, because due to their “slow tempo they

are hardly capable of getting away quickly from dominant conspecifics”.

Although all chameleons change colour, some species do not do so in a way that is

spectacular enough to scare away their rivals. Fortunately the animals have another

intimidation technique: they can make themselves appear bigger. They make their body

longer and higher by expanding their ribcage. They can also make themselves more massive

by rolling up their tail and using their tongue to puff out their throat.

To escape the birds and snakes that hunt them, the chameleon has developed new

ways to make itself invisible. Most species live in trees; if they make themselves narrow they

can hide behind a branch. If species that live on the ground see a predator, they disguise

themselves as a leaf by contorting their body in such a way that they resemble crumpled

leaves on the forest floor.

But there are some dangers the chameleon cannot escape, for example when the forest

it lives in is burned down to make place for agriculture. According to the IUCN list, 9 species

are ‘critically endangered’, 37 ‘endangered’, 20 ‘vulnerable’ and 35 ‘near endangered’.

Since 2006, Tolley has discovered eleven new chameleon species in South Africa,

Mozambique, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. “If DNA research


confirms that it is indeed a new species, you feel like you are not just writing a scientific

article that no-one reads anyway”, Tolley says. “Then you have achieved something that


But then she immediately says: “At the same time you think: wow, this is amazing, it

strikes terror in me. Because I constantly imagine how those little chameleons clamp onto

their branches while the forest around them is destroyed.”

Hoarsely: “And then I wish we’d never found them. Because if this does not end, they

will soon be extinct.”

Unfortunately, experimenter error entailed that one first order cognitive trial too many was included. The

original version of the task thus has 12 first order cognition trials instead of 13.
It should be noted that the outcomes for these additional trials were not inspected at any point in the

preparation of this manuscript. In keeping with the Bayesian analysis approach, only those analyses were

conducted for which hypotheses had been specified prior to data analysis (deviations from this approach are

clearly marked as such in the Data Analysis section). The decision to include only the core Yoni trials in this

study was thus based only on the fact that these were the trials used in previous related research in which the

Yoni task was applied and on no other considerations.

Note that separate analyses were run for the two different ToM measures, but the predictions are the same for

both measures.
None of the participants indicated that they were already familiar with the texts that they had read, so none

were excluded on this basis.

For the unconstrained hypothesis a vague prior was used and the priors for the other hypotheses are derived

from this vague prior via truncation. Discussion of this issue is very technical in nature and beyond the scope of

this paper. However, the reader is referred to Mulder, Hoijtink & Klugkist (2009) and Mulder et al. (2009, 2012)

for further discussion.

It should be noted that the level of uncertainty that is present in the data is reflected in these PMP values. That

is, more uncertainty in the data leads to lower PMPs for the pre-specified hypotheses and makes it less likely


that one hypothesis will clearly come out as the ‘winner’. Giving an overview of the confidence intervals that

are associated with the data thus does not provide any additional insight above and beyond the PMPs.
The same analyses were also run controlling for ART Overall scores, but these differ only very minimally

from the analyses provided in Table 5, given that the differences lie in the ART Literary scores.
Instead, they have focused on including narrative fiction authors from various different genres, as well as

distinguishing fiction from non-fiction authors.


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