Hydrology 08 00157
Hydrology 08 00157
Hydrology 08 00157
Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Water Balance of a
Mediterranean Watershed Using SWAT+
Giuseppe Pulighe 1, * , Flavio Lupia 1 , Huajin Chen 2 and Hailong Yin 3
1 CREA-Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy, 00198 Rome, Italy; flavio.lupia@crea.gov.it
2 Bayer CropScience, 700 Chesterfield Parkway West, Chesterfield, MO 63017, USA; jessica-h.chen@bayer.com
3 College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, No 1239, Siping Road,
Shanghai 200092, China; 03158@tongji.edu.cn
* Correspondence: giuseppe.pulighe@crea.gov.it
Abstract: The consequences of climate change on food security in arid and semi-arid regions can
be serious. Understanding climate change impacts on water balance is critical to assess future crop
performance and develop sustainable adaptation strategies. This paper presents a climate change
impact study on the water balance components of an agricultural watershed in the Mediterranean
region. The restructured version of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+) model was used to
simulate the hydrological components in the Sulcis watershed (Sardinia, Italy) for the baseline period
and compared to future climate projections at the end of the 21st century. The model was forced using
data from two Regional Climate Models under the representative concentration pathways RCP4.5
and RCP8.5 scenarios developed at a high resolution over the European domain. River discharge
data were used to calibrate and validate the SWAT+ model for the baseline period, while the future
hydrological response was evaluated for the mid-century (2006–2050) and late-century (2051–2098).
The model simulations indicated a future increase in temperature, decrease in precipitation, and
Citation: Pulighe, G.; Lupia, F.; Chen, consequently increase in potential evapotranspiration in both RCP scenarios. Results show that
H.; Yin, H. Modeling Climate Change these changes will significantly decrease water yield, surface runoff, groundwater recharge, and
Impacts on Water Balance of a baseflow. These results highlight how hydrological components alteration by climate change can
Mediterranean Watershed Using benefit from modelling high-resolution future scenarios that are useful for planning mitigation
SWAT+. Hydrology 2021, 8, 157.
measures in agricultural semi-arid Mediterranean regions.
Keywords: Watershed modeling; hydrological impacts; simulation; agriculture; regional climate model
The Mediterranean area is particularly exposed to the effects of climate change and
consequent alterations in the hydrological regime [7,8]. It was projected that future winters
will become wetter and summers drier [9], exacerbating the magnitude and frequency of
the extreme weather events experienced in the last decades [10,11].
In recent years, the use of General Circulation Models (GCMs) and Regional Climate
Models (RCMs) allows performing reliable and accurate future projections for a range of
climate variables at high resolution in time and space. For instance, Leta and Bauwens [12]
assessed the impact of future climate change on the hydrological extremes in a river basin
in Belgium using statistically downscaled time series data. Similarly, Brouziyne et al. [13]
modeled flow regime alterations under projected climate change in a Mediterranean basin
forcing the eco-hydrological SWAT model with data from one climate model under two
emission scenarios. In the same vein, Vezzoli et al. [14] investigated river discharge in the
Po River basin using the TOPKAPI model and regional climate model projections under
two different representative concentration pathways (RCPs) [15]. In another study, Fonseca
and Santos [16] assessed projected climate change impacts on hydrologic flows applying
the HSPF model and a climatic dataset by an ensemble of five different GCM-RCM model
chains under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
All the above studies suggest a rising interest in modeling accurately internal water-
shed processes and in simulating reliable scenarios under future climate conditions. In this
sense, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is one of the widely used hydrological
models that simulate the watershed processes, water quality, pesticide fate and transport,
and the nutrient cycles under various climates and conditions [17–19].
SWAT+ is the restructured version of the SWAT model [20,21], allowing a more
realistic simulation of river basins and water cycle compared to the previous version [18].
Although extensive research has been conducted using SWAT for modeling the effects
of climate change on hydrology [22], to date, few studies have investigated the use of
SWAT+ for representing hydrological consequences of climate change. In this study, we
test the ability of SWAT+ to model current and future effects of climate change on water
balance in a catchment in the Sulcis area (Italy). The specific objectives of this study were:
(i) to calibrate and validate the model to adequately represent the hydrological cycle in
the current scenario; (ii) to assess the projected changes in terms of climate patterns and
water balance under different RCP scenarios; (iii) to discuss potential consequences of these
changes in terms of suitable adaptation strategies. To the best of the authors’ knowledge,
there is no such study in the Mediterranean region that has assessed the impacts of climate
change on water balance on agricultural watersheds using the SWAT+ and RCMs at a
higher resolution.
Figure Locationof
location of the gauge station.
location of the gauge station.
2.2. Experimental
2.2. Experimental Setup
2.2.1. SWAT+
2.2.1. SWAT+Model
SWAT semi-distributedeco-hydrological
eco-hydrological model
model usedused
to to simulate
simulate thethe hydrologi-
cycle and and
cal cycle sediment transport
sediment at theatwatershed
transport scale. scale.
the watershed The SWAT model model
The SWAT delineated a water-a
shed and sub-watersheds
watershed and sub-watershedsinto Hydrologic
into HydrologicResponse Units (HRUs)
Response that are
Units (HRUs) homogenous
that are homog-
spatial units with
enous spatial unitsa unique combination
with a unique of landof
combination use,landsoil,
use,and slope.
soil, and Soil water
slope. Soil balance
water bal-is
determined within the
ance is determined HRUs.
within theThe
HRUs. modelThewas extensively
model used worldwide
was extensively in the past
used worldwide at
in the
different scales forscales
past at different ecohydrological modelingmodeling
for ecohydrological during different
during climate
differentconditions and with
climate conditions
future climate projections [23–26].
and with future climate projections [24–27].
SWAT+ is is
a restructured
a restructured version of of
version SWAT
SWAT thatthat
more flexible
is more in terms
flexible of watershed
in terms of watershed discretization, configuration,
discretization, and spatial
configuration, representation
and spatial represen-
of processes,
tation as wellas
of processes, aswell
in defining management
as in defining schedules
management and operations,
schedules and database
and operations, and da-
maintaining. Advantages include improved anthropogenic water
tabase maintaining. Advantages include improved anthropogenic water use and manage- use and management,
flexibility in management
ment, flexibility schedules
in management and operations,
schedules easier printing
and operations, of outputs,
easier printing and rapid
of outputs, and
model calibration. Finally, SWAT+ has a free-file format that can be
rapid model calibration. Finally, SWAT+ has a free-file format that can be easily managed easily managed into
a spreadsheet. See See
Bieger et al.
Bieger et [21] forfor
al. [22] more details
more details and
explanationson onnew
functions, improvements, and advantages.
functions, improvements, and advantages.
SWAT+models modelsthe thehydrologic
hydrologiccycle cycleusing
SWt=i = ∑ R−day𝑄 i − Q−sur𝐸 f −i −𝑊Ea − −W𝑄seep i)− Qgw i
𝑆𝑊SW+0 i +(𝑅 (1)
i =1
Hydrology 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 14
Hydrology 2021, 8, 157 4 of 14
where SWt i is the final soil water content (mm) on day i, SW0 i is the initial soil water
whereon SWday
t i isi the
(mm),finalt soil
is the timecontent
water (days),(mm) Rday oni isday
the i,amount
SW0 i isof theprecipitation on day i
initial soil water
(mm), Qsurfon
content i isday
thei (mm),
amount t isofthesurface runoffRon
time (days), day iday i (mm),
is the amount Eaofi is the amount
precipitation onofdayevapo-
i (mm), Qsurf
transpiration oni dayis the amount
i (mm), of isurface
Wseep runoff on
is the amount ofday
wateri (mm), Ea i the
entering is the amount
vadose zone of from
soil profile on day oni day
(mm), i (mm),
and W Qseep i isthe
gw i is theamount
amount of of water
flow onthe vadose
day i (mm) zone [24].
from the soil profile on day
The work has been organized in the gwi (mm), and Q is the
i amount of return flow on day ,
way. First, baseline model simulation [23].
The work has been organized in the following way. First, baseline model simulation is
is conducted through a four-step procedure (see Figure 2): i) delineation of the watershed;
conducted through a four-step procedure (see Figure 2): (i) delineation of the watershed;
ii) creation of the HRU; iii) editing of inputs and run of the model; iv) visualization of the
(ii) creation of the HRU; (iii) editing of inputs and run of the model; (iv) visualization of the
results. Second,
results. Second,the themodel
model is iscalibrated
calibrated and and validated
validated usingusing discharge
discharge data measured
data measured in the in
from one one gauge
gauge station
station (Figure
(Figure 1). Finally,
1). Finally, climateclimate
change change
projections projections
are computed are com-
puted forcing
forcing the validated
the validated SWAT+SWAT+ model by model
data (dailyby data (daily and
minimum minimum
maximum andtemperatures
maximum tem-
peratures and precipitation)
and precipitation) from two from RCM twounder RCM RCP4.5 underand RCP4.5 and RCP8.5
RCP8.5 scenarios. scenarios
In this study, the . In this
study, was delineated
the watershed using the SWAT+
was delineated using the plugin withinplugin
within[27].QGIS 3.16 [28].
2. The2. main steps
The main for for
steps setting-up
theSWAT+ model,conducting
SWAT+ model, conducting calibration/validation,
calibration/validation, and climate
and climate changechange scenar-
2.2.2. Dataset
The geospatial data required by the SWAT+ model include (Table 1): Digital Elevation
2.2.2. Dataset
Model (DEM), land use/cover data, soil data, and river network. The DEM was used to
The geospatial data required by the SWAT+ model include (Table 1): Digital Eleva-
generate stream networks, the catchment and sub-basin delineation. Land use/cover, soil
Model (DEM), land
and elevations wereuse/cover
jointly useddata, soil data,
to delineate and river
HRUs. network.
The dataset The DEM
is available fromwas
the used
to generate
web-portal stream
of the networks,
Autonomous theRegion
catchment and sub-basin
of Sardinia (RAS) [28].delineation.
The original Land
and elevations were jointly
and ingested used
in a grid to delineate
format HRUs.
at a 10-meter The dataset is available from
Step 1 uses
the web-portal of the 10-meter
Autonomous DEM and stream
Region network to(RAS)
of Sardinia derive[29].
the watershed,
The originallandscape
spatial data
wereunits and sub-basins.
converted In Stepin2,awe
and ingested used
grid a landatuse
format map (scale
a 10-meter 1:25,000) and a soil map
1 uses thewith10-meter
21 and 32DEM map units, respectively.
and stream These
network to data provide
derive specific soilland-
the watershed,
properties (e.g., sand, silt, and clay contents, the available water capacity of soil layers) and
scape units and sub-basins. In Step 2, we used a land use map (scale 1:25,000) and a soil
crop types required for the creation of the HRUs. The dataset provided by RAS is validated
map (scale 1:50,000) with 21 and 32 map units, respectively. These data provide specific
in terms of consistency, accuracy, and reliability.
soil properties (e.g.,
In Step 3, sand,
climate silt,
data and
for theclay contents,
period thewere
1979–2005 available
used towater capacity
set up of soil
the baseline layers)
types required fortime
a reasonable the span
the HRUs.
periodsThe dataset Climate
simulations. provided by RAS is
include in terms
daily of consistency,
maximum and minimum accuracy, and reliability.
temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, relative
In Step and
humidity, 3, climate data obtained
wind speed for the period
from the1979-2005 were used
Climate Forecast to set
System up the baseline
Reanalysis [29]. In sce-
nario covering a reasonable time span before future periods simulations. Climate varia-
bles include daily maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation, solar radiation,
relative humidity, and wind speed obtained from the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis
[30]. In this step, prior to the simulation starts, the warm-up period of three years was set
Hydrology 2021, 8, 157 5 of 14
this step, prior to the simulation starts, the warm-up period of three years was set along
with other attributes such as the curve number (a function of the soil moisture) and the
water routing as a variable storage method.
Table 1. Dataset used for modeling water balance under the baseline period.
at 4.5 W/m2 (approximately 650 ppm CO2 -equivalent) [42], while the RCP8.5 is a very
high emission scenario leading to 8.5 W/m2 in the year 2100 (approximately 1370 ppm
CO2 -equivalent) [43]. Radiative forcing measures the combined effect of greenhouse-gas
emissions and other factors (e.g., aerosols, methane, nitrous oxide, other gases) on climate
warming [44].
Gridded dataset for two meteorological parameters (maximum and minimum tem-
perature, precipitation) available as network Common Data Form (netCDF) files were
converted into text format at each grid point to be ingested as weather stations in the
SWAT+ model.
Table 3. Calibration and validation performance of the SWAT+ model at the Flumentepido river
gauge station.
This effect was also reported in the literature for arid and semi-arid environments
in Mediterranean climates [13,45]. The underestimation of major peak flow events could
be explained by some errors in the meteorological data not uniformly distributed across
the study area, as well as model limitations on reproducing complex processes that drive
climate variability. Another possible explanation for prediction uncertainty is the com-
plex geomorphology of the area and the proximity to the sea, which can limit both the
performance of both baseline and climate projections performances.
The sensitivity analysis performed with the SWAT+ Toolbox showed that the most
sensitive parameters that affect the simulation are: the baseflow recession constant (alpha);
percolation coefficient (perco); minimum aquifer storage to allow return flow (flo_min);
available water capacity of the soil layer (awc).
Table 4. Precipitation and temperature under baseline and future climate projections for the
RACMO22E regional climate model under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios.
Table 5. Precipitation and temperature under baseline and future climate projections for the COSMO-
CLM regional climate model under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios.
4. Monthly evolution
4. Monthly ofofthe
evolution themean
mean temperature for:
temperature for: (a)(a) RACMO22E
RACMO22E under
under the RCP4.5
the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5;
and RCP8.5; (B) COSMO-
CLM under
RCP4.5 and RCP8.5.
and RCP8.5.
Hydrology 2021, 8, 157 9 of 14
Temperatures for the COSMO-CLM model showed an increase during the late-century
for both emission scenarios, with a maximum of 1.9 ◦ C for the RCP8.5 as compared to the
historically observed values. On a monthly scale, August is the warmest month with a mean
temperature and max temperature of 28.7 ◦ C and 33.1 ◦ C, respectively, under the RCP8.5
during the late-century (Table S3). Overall, in contrast to predicted precipitation, both
RCMs showed an increasing trend in temperatures, confirming general warming expected
in Italy for the end of the century [34]. Simulations are not so large for median values,
although the COSMO-CLM model tends to underestimate temperature, as suggested by
other studies [33]. As suggested above for the baseline results, climate projections can be
biased in areas with heterogeneous land cover, complex terrain, as well as with irregular
coastlines [33]. Other researchers (see [46,47]) suggested that multiscale relations between
climate phenomena and the streamflow could be rigorously analyzed in the future by the
cross-wavelet analysis.
5. Monthly
Figure evolution
Figure 5. Monthly of evolution of precipitation,
precipitation, actual evapotranspiration,
actual evapotranspiration, and potential evapotran-
and potential evapotranspiration for: RACMO22
under the RCP4.5 (a) and RCP8.5 (b); COSMO-CLM under the RCP4.5 (c) and RCP8.5 (d).
spiration for: RACMO22E under the RCP4.5 (a) and RCP8.5 (b); COSMO-CLM under the RCP4.5
(c) and RCP8.5 (d).
The total mean annual ET and PET for the COSMO-CLM model showed an in
At the basin scale,
during thethe simulatedfor
late-century water
emissionwas projectedUnder
scenarios. to decrease for both
the RCP4.5 scenario, PE
scenarios due to increasing
projected temperatures
a further increaseand
up the consequent
to 2,382 amount
and 2,563 of water
mm/year lossthe
under in the
atmosphere. Significant
late-century,decreases are projected
respectively. for totalincrease
A less evident annual streamflow leaving
for the RCP8.5 the compa
watershed (WYLD), surface runoff (SURQ), percolation (PERC), and lateral flow (LATQ)
(Tables 6 and 7). For the RACMO22E model, SURQ was projected with a marked reduction
of 26.7 mm/year under the RCP4.5 scenario (decrease by −50% compared to the baseline
period (54.3 mm/year), while the reduction under the RCP8.5 scenario is close to −40%
compared to baseline period). Similarly, the COSMO-CLM model showed a decrease for
SURQ of about 34 mm/year, a decrease of around −37% compared to the baseline period.
4. Conclusions
This study assesses the impacts of climate change on the hydrologic regime of a semi-
arid Mediterranean watershed located in Sardinia (Italy) by using the restructured version
of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model. Simulation of the hydrological cycle was
carried out by forcing the model with two RCMs for two emission scenarios (RCP4.5 and
RCP8.5). The results show that by the end of the 21st century, climate change is projected to
significantly affect water balance (i.e., water yield, groundwater recharge, baseflow, surface
runoff). Therefore, these climate change effects on the hydrological regime might pose
Hydrology 2021, 8, 157 11 of 14
great challenges and further stress on agricultural crops in the study area, e.g., jeopardizing
land use and irrigation practices.
Despite some inherent limitations of climate projections (e.g., accuracy, uncertainty)
and specific methodological assumptions of the study (e.g., constant land use, constant
agricultural management practices, and their role in the future flowrate conditions), the
findings of this work can contribute to highlight possible consequences of future climate
changes under the Mediterranean regions, as well as helping in designing high-resolution
transformative adaptation on suitable water management, by providing insights for policy-
makers and decision-makers. From a further research perspective, the results of this study
can be used to develop set-up detailed crop models and to define climate-smart agriculture
practices and improved resources management.
List of abbreviation: GCMs, General Circulation Models; RCMs, Regional Climate Models;
SWAT, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model; TOPKAPI, the TOPographic Kinematic APproxi-
mation and Integration model; RCPs, representative concentration pathways; HSPF, the Hydrological
Simulation Program FORTRAN model; HRUs, Hydrologic Response Units; DEM, Digital Eleva-
tion Model; RAS, Autonomous Region of Sardinia; NSE, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency; MSE, the mean
square error; RMSE, the ratio of the root mean square error to the standard deviation; PBIAS, the
percent of model bias; netCDF, network Common Data Form; COSMO-CLM, the climate model
of the Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici; RACMO22E, the climate model of
the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute; netCDF, Network Common Data Form file; CMIP5
CNRM-CM5, the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project of the National Centre for Meteorological
Research; EURO-CORDEX, the European branch of the international CORDEX initiative; PET, poten-
tial evapotranspiration; ET, actual evapotranspiration. WYLD, water yield; SURQ, surface runoff;
PERC, percolation; LATQ lateral flow.
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