2C1 Rubrics
2C1 Rubrics
2C1 Rubrics
Broad range of Good vocabulary range, Quite good vocabulary Limited vocabulary Very limited
language. without much conspicuous range. Occasional range. vocabulary range.
searching for words. misuse of specialized
Vocabulary/ vocabulary.
No relevant mistakes. Several mistakes.
Range Use of successful
strategies to avoid Tries to avoid repetition.
repetition. Repetition and difficulty
with formulation.
Wide range of grammar Good range of grammar Good grammatical Correct use of simple Many mistakes even in
structures. structures. control. grammar structures. simple grammar
Grammar /
structures hinder
Accuracy Very few grammar Quite accurate. Occasional Errors which do not Frequent mistakes communication.
mistakes. mistakes. hinder communication, when using complex
usually corrected. structures.
Short pauses and Quite easy to communication.
No effort required from hesitations when understand despite Too slow.
interlocutor. talking about some pauses and Pauses and slow pace.
specialized topics. hesitations.
Clear, coherent and In general, clear, Quite clear, coherent Limited / wrong use of Very limited / wrong
well-structured speech. coherent and well- and well-structured linkers and other use of linkers and other
structured speech. speech. cohesive devices on cohesive devices.
Text A variety of linkers and occasion.
other cohesive devices. Many linkers and other Not easy to
coherence Several linkers and
cohesive devices. Though general meaning
and cohesion other cohesive
No effort required from devices. is clear, some effort is
interlocutor. Easy to understand. required from
In general, easy to interlocutor.
Very fluent, flexible and Fluent, clear and Adapts well to register Conveys the general Inadequate register.
efficient use of language. convincing use of and context. idea, but has difficulty in
language. talking about details. Doesn’t follow set
Fluency and Task well done, Fulfills the task, conventions.
Task quite well done,
adequacy including all the including all the Performs the task with
including all the
required information. required information. required information. difficulty. Does not
include all the required
2C1 20 16 13 10 6 0
Broad range of Good vocabulary range, Quite good vocabulary Limited vocabulary Very limited
language. without much conspicuous range. Occasional range. vocabulary range.
searching for words. misuse of specialized
Vocabulary/ vocabulary.
No relevant mistakes. Several mistakes.
Range Use of successful
strategies to avoid Tries to avoid repetition.
repetition. Repetition and difficulty
with formulation.
Wide range of grammar Good range of grammar Good grammatical Correct use of simple Many mistakes even in
structures. structures. control. grammar structures. simple grammar
Grammar /
structures hinder
Accuracy Very few grammar Quite accurate. Occasional Errors which do not Frequent mistakes communication.
mistakes. mistakes. hinder communication, when using complex
usually corrected. structures.
Short pauses and Quite easy to communication.
No effort required from hesitations when understand despite Too slow.
interlocutor. talking about some pauses and Pauses and slow pace.
specialized topics. hesitations.
Clear, coherent and In general, clear, Quite clear, coherent Limited / wrong use of Very limited / wrong
well-structured speech. coherent and well- and well-structured linkers and other use of linkers and other
structured speech. speech. cohesive devices on cohesive devices.
Text A variety of linkers and occasion.
coherence other cohesive devices. Many linkers and other Several linkers and Not easy to
and cohesion cohesive devices. other cohesive Though general meaning understand.
No effort required from devices. is clear, some effort is
interlocutor. Easy to understand. required from
In general, easy to
Very fluent, flexible and Fluent, clear and Adapts well to register Conveys the general Inadequate register.
efficient use of language. convincing use of and context. idea, but has difficulty in
language. talking about details. Poor interaction.
Interaction, Remarkable interaction Quite good interaction.
Very good interaction. Limited interaction.
fluency and strategies. Doesn’t follow set
adequacy Task quite well done, Fulfills the task, Performs the task with conventions.
Task well done, including all the including all the difficulty. Does not
including all the required information. required information. include all the required
required information. information.
2C1 WRITING 30 24 20 15 9 0
Wide range of general and Quite good vocabulary Limited vocabulary Very basic range of
Excellent range of lexical complex vocabulary. range. Occasional range. vocabulary with too
Vocabulary/R Some paraphrasing to misuse of specialized Several mistakes. many mistakes.
ange Great command of avoid repetitions. vocabulary. Repetition and difficulty
idiomatic and colloquial with formulation.
expressions. Tries to avoid repetition.
Good range of grammar Good grammatical Correct use of simple Many mistakes even in
Wide range of grammar
structures. control. grammar structures. simple grammar
Occasional mistakes that structures.
Grammar / Few and not meaningful Frequent mistakes
Very few grammar don’t lead to
grammar mistakes. when using complex
Very clear, coherent Clear, fluent and well- Organised and consistent Some punctuation and Text difficult to
and well-structured organized text. text. cohesion mistakes that understand due to the
Text text. don’t interfere general lack of linkers,
Appropriate use of Controlled used of linkers
coherence and Wide range of linkers understanding. connectors and other
cohesion strategies. and text planning
cohesion and other cohesive cohesion strategies and
strategies. Difficulties to organize and
devices. Good organisation and devices.
structure the text in clear
Consistent and division in paragraphs. Some L1 influence.
adequate punctuation.
Use of mediation
summarizing, Very good
Good Quite good
Very limited
paraphrasing and
coherent and well- cohesive devices on use of linkers and
structured speech.
Text coherence occasion. other cohesive
A wide variety of Several linkers and
and cohesion devices.
linkers and other Many linkers and other other cohesive
cohesive devices. Though general
cohesive devices. devices. Not easy to
meaning is clear,
some effort is required understand.
No effort required Easy to understand. In general, easy to from interlocutor.
from interlocutor. understand.
Broad range of Good range, without Quite good range. Limited vocabulary Very limited range.
grammar structures, much conspicuous Occasional misuse of range.
searching for words. specialized
vocabulary, idioms Unidiomatic use of
and colloquial vocabulary. Several mistakes.
Some successful language.
expressions. strategies to avoid Some limitations
repetition. Some pauses. Mispronunciation
which do not hinder
No relevant mistakes. hinders
Range, fluency communication.
Quite clear and Quite correct scommunication.
and pronunciation Very clear and natural pronunciation but
Clear pronunciation
natural pronunciation, strong foreign Very strong foreign
even with a
pronunciation, rhythm and accent and some accent
noticeable foreign
rhythm and intonation even if a pronunciation
intonation. foreign accent is mistakes may Too slow.
evident. hinder
Good word and communication.
sentence stress.
2C1 WRITTEN 20 16 13 10 6 0
Use of mediation
summarizing, Very good
Good Quite good
Very limited
paraphrasing and