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Pathway 4 Unit 2

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Micro-curricular planning of didactic unit

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Didactic unit Unit 2 – Coordination and Body Movement
Objective of the unit To recognize the basic aspects of the structure and functioning of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous system in the body in order to apply measures of
promotion, protection and prevention of integral health.

Evaluation criteria To propose actions for comprehensive health (a balanced diet, physical activity and hygiene standards) from the understanding and investigation of the
structure and function of the skeletal and nervous systems, relating them to the harmful effects of stimulant, depressant and hallucinogenic drugs in
your body.

How and how to evaluate?

What will they learn? How will they learn? Evaluation
Skills with performance Learning activities Resources Evaluation
criteria (methodological strategies) Evaluation indicators techniques and
To identify and describe Anticipation  Large poster paper To describe, with the Technique:
 Identify the parts of the body and its systems by playing a game. Divide the class  Foam organs support of models, the Test
the structures of the in five groups. Paste around the class five large pieces of poster paper in which structure and function of
 Glue
skeletal system and their there must be a silhouette of a boy/girl and assign a system to each paper  Notebook the skeletal system and Instrument:
functions. (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, and skeletal systems). Give  Markers/pencil promote its care. Written
children foam organs from the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, and crayons
Identify and describe skeletal systems; they must be mixed up. Ask children to place each organ in the  Pencil
the structures of the corresponding system on each large paper. When all the organs have been  Eraser
skeletal system and placed, review together and check if the organs were correctly placed.
 Student’s book
 Develop critical thinking by asking students: “What actions do you need to take in
their functions order to have good heath?”
 Teacher’s book
 Computer
 Internet
Construction  Projector
 Infer the meaning of the word “internal” by looking at the pictures of the boy and  Board
the doctor from the “Connecting” section in the student book, page 38. Encourage
students to describe what happened to the boy and what did the doctor do. Ask
them to define what an X-ray is. Finally, prompt them to answer the questions
from the same activity and to identify bones and recognize their function. Take
into account the information given on the “Clarifying concepts” section in the
teacher’s guide, page 46.
 Identify the skeletal system and its functions by watching the video: “Your Super
Skeleton!” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRuh9aBwUdM). Ask students the
following questions: What would happen to your body if you did not have bones?
Can you give an example of how your skeleton is a protective shield for your
organs? How many bones do you have as a baby and how many as an adult?
Why does this happen?
 Recognize the skeletal system by looking at skeleton in the student book, page 39
and reading the concepts given on the same page. Discuss the importance of
calcium in forming bone tissue by referring to the “In 5 minutes” section in the
teacher’s guide, page 47. After reading the concepts with the children, help them
to understand better the function of “joints” by taking into consideration the
“Possible difficulties” section in the teacher’s guide, page 47. Finally, ask students
Spot’s question to reinforce the concept and function of “joints”. Follow the advice
given in the “Clarifying information” section in the teacher’s guide, page 47.
 Name the functions of the skeletal system by referring to the video previously
watched (Your Super Skeleton!). Encourage students to say aloud the functions
of the skeletal system. After that, read together the text in the student book, page
40. Take into account the explanation given in “Possible difficulties” section in the
teacher’s guide, page 48. Finally, ask children if they remember how many bones
they have when they were babies and how many will they have when they
become adults. Share with them the detailed information given in the “In 5
minutes” section in the teacher’s guide, page 48. During this activity, make sure
you include the words from the “Language focus” section in the teacher’s guide,
page 48.
 Revise knowledge by brainstorming on the board the components of the skeletal
system (bones and joints) and their characteristics. Ask students to complete the
diagram in the student’s book, page 41. Follow the advice given in the “Clarifying
Concepts” section in the teacher’s guide, page 49.

 Assess knowledge asking students to describe the functions of the skeletal
system by looking at pictures that represent such functions,. Encourage them to
give examples of their own and describe them. Finally, ask them to complete
question 4 of the “Practicing” section in the student’s book, page 41. Finally,
complete together the “Summarizing” section in the student’s book, page 41.

To identify and describe Anticipation  Large poster paper To describe, with the Technique:
 List some of the bones the skeletal system by watching again the video: “Your  Foam organs support of models, the Test
the structures of the Super Skeleton!” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRuh9aBwUdM). Make sure structure and function of
 Glue
skeletal system and their you emphasize the part when the speaker details the strongest, biggest, longest,  Notebook the skeletal system and Instrument:
functions. and heaviest bone (the femur) and when she talks about the smallest bone (the  Markers/pencil promote its care. Written
stapes), detail the functions of these bones. Complement the information by crayons
Identify and watching the video “Bones” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywDOiNEdJVc),  Pencil
where it is named the different bones of the body.  Eraser
 Develop critical thinking by asking students to name good practices they can do in  Student’s book
order to have healthy bones.
 Teacher’s book
 Computer
Construction  Internet
 Identify and name bones by looking at the image in the student’s book, page 42  Projector
while pointing at them. Encourage students to repeat after you. Take into account  Board
the “Clarifying Concepts” section in the teacher’s guide, page 50. Take advantage
of the previous video to explain the “fuse” concept.  Activity Card 3
 Differentiate the types of bones by touching the bones in their wrists, hands, and
face. Then, read together the text in the student’s book, page 43. Take into
account the information given in the “Clarifying Concepts” section in the teacher’s
guide, page 51.
 Classify bones according to their shape and length by sorting out different
pictures of bones. First, display on the board different pictures of bones and ask
students to name aloud the four types of bones; write them on the board, making
sure to leave space between them. After this, have various pictures of bones
inside a box and ask each student to pick up a picture and put it under each
category. Finally, ask students to do activity 1 of the “Practicing” section in the
student’s book, page 43. Make sure to follow the grammar tip given on the same
 Play “Simon says” to point out the parts of the body that move thanks to joints.
For example, ask children to move their knees, arms, forearms, hands, wrists,
fingers and so on. Then, tell them that these parts move because of joints and
explain that these are moveable joints, but there are also other types of joints; ask
them Kiki’s question on the student’s book, page 44. Finally, read the text in the
student’s book, page 44. Follow the “Language Focus,” “Clarifying Concepts,” and
“Common Mistakes” sections in the teacher’s guide, page 52 to explain better this
 Identify the types of joints by answering exercise 1 of the “Practicing” section in
the student book, page 45. Follow the advice given on the “Possible Difficulties”
section in the teacher’s guide, page 53.
 Explain the function of joints by answering exercise 2 of the “Practicing” section in
the student book, page 45. Take into consideration the information in the
“Clarifying Concepts” section in the teacher’s guide, page 53. Finally, do the
“Summarizing” section in the student book, page 45.

 Assess knowledge by asking students to perform the Activity Card 3 and put
together the model of the skeletal system. They will have to identify the function of
the bones by coloring according to the instructions given in the activity. In
addition, students will explain the function of the skeletal system by answering
question b in the student book, page 45.
 Assess knowledge by asking students what joints they use for certain sports.
Follow the instructions given in “Language Extension” section in the teacher’s
guide, page 53 to do this activity.

To explain body Anticipation  Board To describe, with the Technique:

movement and describe  Remember the vocabulary words learn from the previous section by asking  Notebook support of models, the Observation
the benefits of physical students to move according to your instructions. Tell them to contract and expand  Markers/pencil structure and function of
activity for the their arms and their legs, act as if they were riding a bicycle and kicking a ball, crayons the muscular system and Instrument:
musculoskeletal system. and wave their hands to say hello. Make them realize that they are able to control  Pencil promote its care. Checklist
those movements.  Eraser
 Develop critical thinking by asking students: “Can other actions can you control  Student’s book
with your body?”  Teacher’s book
 Large poster paper
 Describe muscles and tendons by reading the text from the student book, page
46. Take into account the advice given in the “Clarifying Concepts” section in the
teacher’s guide, page 54.
 Differentiate voluntary and involuntary muscles by answering Spot’s question and
identifying the muscles that students can control and the ones they cannot, such
as their heart, stomach, lungs, etc. Read the text in the student book, page 46,
and paying attention to the “Staying Healthy” note on the same page. Take into
account the information given in the “In 5 Minutes” section in the teacher’s guide,
page 55.
 List the main voluntary muscles by carefully observing the image displayed in the
student book, page 48. Ask students to repeat the names aloud while trying to
identify these muscles in their body. Take into account the advice given in the
“Clarifying Concepts” section in the teacher’s guide, page 56.
 Reinforce knowledge by performing the activity provided in the “Language
Extension” section in the teacher’s guide, page 57.
 Explain body movement and describe the benefits of physical by performing
actions where bones and muscles move together. Ask students to think about the
movement of their muscles and skeleton together and read the text in the
“Connecting” section of the student book, page 50, make sure you read Spot’s
comment. Take into consideration the information given in the “Clarifying
Concepts” section in the teacher’s guide, page 57.
 Discover the function of joints, muscles, and bones within their own body by
moving their legs and hips. Read the text in the student book, page 51, and
complete the information provided in the “In 5 Minutes” section in the teacher’s
guide, page 59.

 Asses knowledge by asking students to identify, relate, and describe the name of
muscles, its type, and function by completing the exercises of the “Practicing”
section in the student book, page 49. Ask students to verbally complete the
“Summarizing” section on the same page and after that register their answers on
the student book.

CN.3.2.7. To recognise Anticipation  Board I.CN.3.5.2. To promote Technique:

the importance of  Remember the parts of the skeletal system that work to move parts of the body.  Notebook prevention and care Observation
physical activity in Likewise, remember parts of the muscular system that allow movement.  Markers/pencil measures (physical
puberty.  Develop critical thinking by asking students: “How can you keep healthy muscles crayons activity) towards the Instrument:
and bones?”  Pencil body. Checklist
 Eraser
Construction  Student’s book
 Differentiate and connect knowledge by watching the video “Muscular system”  Teacher’s book
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6u0u_59UDc). Make sure you emphasize  Computer
on the movements where two muscles work together to perform one movement.  Internet
 Ask students to do the “Practicing” and “Summarizing” sections in the student  Projector
book, page 51. Follow the advice given in the “Clarifying Concepts” section in the
teacher’s guide, page 59.
 Infer the benefits of physical activity by asking students how their body feels when
practicing a sport. Ask Kiki’s question to promote students’ own answers.
 Recognize the importance of physical activity by asking students to imagine what
would happen to the body if it was not active. Ask them to develop a comparison
table of an active body vs. an inactive body.

 Assess knowledge by asking students to perform the “Language Extension”
activity described in the teacher’s book, page 59.

CN.3.2.7. To recognise Anticipation  Notebook

the importance of  Recognize how their muscles and bones work together by drawing actions that  Markers/pencil
physical activity in involve movement (with their body). Motivate students to describe these actions. crayons
puberty.  Develop critical thinking by asking students: “How do these activities help your  Pencil
body?”  Eraser
 Student’s book
Construction  Teacher’s book
 Connect knowledge by reading the text in the “Connecting” section of the student  Scientific Research
book, page 52. Take into consideration the information given in the “In 5 Minutes” Skills Foldout
section in the teacher’s guide, page 60.  Activity Card 4
 Reinforce knowledge by doing the “Practicing” and “Summarizing” sections in the
student book, page 53.
 Carry out the experiment described in the “Science Lab” section of the student
book, page 54. Remind students about the Scientific Research Skills Foldout,
explained in the “Scientific Research Skills Foldout” section of the teacher’s guide,
page 62. Ask students to use the Activity Card 4 to perform the Experimental
Procedure. Ask students to complete the “Result” section in the student book,
page 55.
 Recognize the importance of physical activity in puberty by doing the activity
describe in the “Language Extension” section in the section of the teacher’s guide,
page 63.

 Assess knowledge by asking students to complete the “Quiz Yourself” section in
the student book, page 53.
 Ask students to complete the activities from the “Let’s check” section of the
student book, pages 56 and 57.

CN.3.2.5. To investigate Anticipation  Board To establish a Technique:

the structure and function  Recognize how their muscles and bones work together by miming several actions  Notebook Observation
of the nervous system. such as dancing, swimming, jumping, kicking a ball, etc. relationship between the
 Markers/pencil
 Develop critical thinking by asking students: “What do you need in order to crayons skeletal, muscular, and
perform a movement?”  Pencil Instrument:
 Eraser nervous systems.
Construction  Student’s book
 Identify the nervous system by asking students to compare an old computer with  Teacher’s book
a new one. Make emphasis on how they process and respond to information.  Poster paper
Explain to them that the nervous system controls our body functions, such as  Index cards
moving when we exercise (reminding them of the actions they mimed before).  Tape
Read the text provided in the “Connecting” section of the student book, page 58.
Make sure students recognize the parts of the nervous system by looking at the
image and repeat them aloud. Take into consideration the advice given in the
“Clarifying Concepts” section in the teacher’s guide, page 66.
 Associate knowledge by reminding students of their sense organs and encourage
them to describe how each sense organ works by providing examples. Ask
students to look at the image on the student book, page 59 and orally explain the
situation and how the sense organs work there. Then, read with them the text
provided on this page.
 Investigate and describe the structure and function of the nervous system by
doing the activities of the “Practicing” and “Summarizing” sections of the student
book, page 59. Take into account, the advice given in the “Possible Difficulties”
section in the teacher’s guide, page 67.

 Assess knowledge by asking students to do the “Language Extension” activity in
the teacher’s guide, page 67.

CN.3.2.5. To investigate Anticipation  Notebook To establish a

the structure and function  Identify the organs of the nervous system by encouraging students to name aloud  Markers/pencil
of the nervous system. the ones seen before on the student book, page 59. Ask them to describe each crayons relationship between the
To explain its importance organ.  Pencil skeletal, muscular, and
for the reception of stimuli  Develop critical thinking by asking students: “How does your body know how to  Eraser nervous systems.
in the environment and move or what action to make?”  Student’s book
the production of  Teacher’s book
Construction  Poster paper
 Recognize the organs of the nervous system by reading the information given in  Index cards
the “Connecting” section of the student book, page 60. Take into consideration  Tape
the information provided in the “Clarifying Concepts” section in the teacher’s
guide, page 68.
 Investigate and recognize the structure and function of the organs of the nervous
system by reading the text of the student book, page 61. Take into account the
information from the “Possible Difficulties” section in the teacher’s guide, page 69.
 Lead to a discussion by reflecting on physical disabilities. Take as guidance the
“Education Through Values” section in the teacher’s guide, page 69.
 Associate knowledge by asking students to do the “Challenge” provided in the
student book, page 61.
 Reinforce knowledge by doing the “Language Extension” activity in the teacher’s
guide, page 69.
 Relate knowledge by asking students to do the “Practicing” and “Summarizing”
sections in the student book, page 62. Take into consideration the information
given in the “Common Mistakes” and “Clarifying Concepts” sections in the
teacher’s guide, page 70.

 Assess knowledge by asking students to complete the “Quiz Yourself” section in
the student book, page 63. Take into account the information given in the
“Possible Difficulties” section in the teacher’s guide, page 71.
 Ask students to do the “Language Extension” activity from the teacher’s guide,
page 71.

CN.3.2.9. To learn about Anticipation  Board I.CN.3.5.2. To promote Technique:

the noxious effects of  Classify habits that are good and bad for their body by organizing information.  Notebook prevention and care Observation
drugs -stimulants, Make a diagram on a large poster paper where you can differentiate “Healthy  Markers/pencil measures (physical
depressants and Habits” and “Unhealthy Habits”. Ask students to cut pictures from magazines that crayons activity) towards the Instrument:
hallucinogens. represent such habits and classify them accordingly.  Pencil body, knowing the Checklist
 Develop critical thinking by asking students: “What actions do you need to prevent  Eraser damage that can be
doing in order to have good health?”  Student’s book caused by the
consumption of harmful
 Teacher’s book
Construction  Magazines
 Interpret and predict information by reading the chart and doing activity 1 from the  Scissors
“Connecting” section of the student book, page 64.  Glue
 Learn about the noxious effects of drugs -stimulants, depressants and  Large poster paper
hallucinogens, and Identify alcohol as a drug by reading the text in the student
book, page 64, making an emphasis on the “Word Focus” section and Kiki’s tip.
Also, include the information from the “In 5 Minutes” section in the teacher’s
guide, page 72. Make sure you include the vocabulary from the “Language Focus”
section in the teacher’s guide, page 72.
 Learn about the effects of alcohol by reading the text from the student book, page
65. Take into consideration the information given in the “Common Mistakes”
section in the teacher’s guide, page 73.
 Explain and describe the effects of alcohol by answering the questions of the
“Practicing” section of the student book, page 65. Complete the activity by doing
the “Summarizing” section on the same page.

 Assess knowledge by asking students to perform a short where it can be seen the
healthy and unhealthy habits that they had been able to identify. Divide the class
in groups of 5 people and encourage them to create their own examples.

CN.3.2.9. To learn about Anticipation  Board I.CN.3.5.2. To promote Technique:

the noxious effects of  Remember information by asking students to name organs of their body that they  Notebook prevention and care Test
drugs -stimulants, think could be affected by alcohol. Give them cards showing healthy and  Markers/pencil measures (physical
depressants and unhealthy habits to play a memory game. Each time students get a card they crayons activity) towards the Instrument:
hallucinogens. To must say “This is a healthy/unhealthy habit.”  Pencil body, knowing the Oral
analyse practices applied  Develop critical thinking by asking students: “How do you think the organs of your  Eraser damage that can be
to eradicate its body can be affected by alcohol consumption?”  Student’s book caused by the
consumption.  Teacher’s book consumption of harmful
Construction substances.

 Infer knowledge by reading the text from the “Connecting” section in the student  Cutout 5
book, page 66. Make sure you include the information provided in the “In 5  Activity Card 5
Minutes” and “Clarifying Concepts” sections in the teacher’s guide, page 74. Also,
motivate students to use vocabulary from the “Language Focus” section in the
teacher’s guide, page 74.
 Expand knowledge by reading the information from the student book, page 67.
Take into consideration the information given in the “Clarifying Concepts” section
in the teacher’s guide, page 75.
 Reinforce knowledge by doing the activity provided in the “Language Extension”
section, page 75.
 Analyze practices to eradicate the consumption of alcohol by differentiating
healthy habits from unhealthy ones and asking students to name activities that
can be done in order to prevent alcohol consumption. Later, check with students
the activities shown in the student book, page 68 and see the ones that matched
to the ones proposed by them. Include the information given in the “A Healthy
Lifestyle” section in the teacher’s guide, page 76. Finally, complement with the
“Practicing” and “Summarizing” activities of the student book, page 69.
 Practice “imperatives” by doing the activity provided in the “Language Extension”
section in the teacher’s guide, page 77.

 Assess knowledge by asking students to do the “Quiz Yourself” section in the
student book, page 69.
 Ask students to give an oral presentation of their work.
 Ask students to do the “What Did You Learn?” section of the student book, pages
70 and 71. Make sure you follow guidance from the teacher’s guide, pages 78
and 79.

Curricular adaptations: In this section, curricular actions must be developed for all students with special educational needs associated or not with disability.
Specification of the adaptation to be applied
Specification of the Evaluation
educational need Skills with performance
Learning activities Resources Evaluation techniques
criteria Unit evaluation indicators
and instruments

Produced by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Teacher: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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