Pe 2110 Reviewer
Pe 2110 Reviewer
Pe 2110 Reviewer
-rectangle laid out with lines of 40mm The easiest way to learn the forehand
wide, preferably in white or yellow grip is to pretend you are shaking
color. Short Service Line – the line 6 1/2 ft. someone’s hand.
from and parallel to the net. A serve V-Shape
-the court dimensions for singles are
must land on or behind it to be legal.
13.40m in length and 5.18m in width. Forehand Grip is used for:
Basic Skills in Badminton
-the court dimensions for doubles are 1.2 Backhand
13.40m in length and 6.10m in width. • Badminton is a sport that is liked and
played by billions of people. It is a - to allow the racket to push through
• Baseline – also called back line; the air for greater speed and force.
beginner-friendly sport because
back boundary line at each end of the
anyone can go out and start playing - There’s only one slight difference –
end of the court parallel to the net and
this game obviously not professionally the placement of your fingers.
the doubles long service line.
but in a fun way.
However, if you want to play it well, you
need to learn the basics of badminton.
As you progress, you will learn more
The key to perform strong backhands 2. Body Stances / Positions enables you to hit powerful shots. It
depends on how you hold your also enables you to recover quickly
Defensive stance / Receiving stance
racquet. The true power of a after you perform your shot.
badminton backhand shot comes from In badminton you have stand with your
Whenever your opponent lifts or clear
the push of your thumb. legs slightly apart, knees slightly bent
the shuttle high up to you, move
to lower your center of gravity.
A backhand stroke requires you to towards the shuttle and adopt the
USE YOUR THUMB. The backhand To get into the defensive stance, attacking stance.
grip will look like you’re doing a
•Face your body to the front of the To get into the attacking stance,
‘thumbs up’.
• Turn your body facing the side of the
• Forehand clears, smashes and drops
•Feet width apart then bend your court.
• Forehand drives knees
• Place your racket leg behind; your
• Forehand lifts •Place your racket in front of you, non-racket leg forward.
around waist height, and pointing
• Forehand net shots • Both legs should be shoulder width
slightly forward.
A tight grip will also limit your ability to
For singles defense instance you have
generate control. • Raise your racket and non-racket arm
to have your racket outward little bit so
You should learn to switch quickly from that you can reach the shot if the shots Net stance
the forehand to backhand grip, and are away from you.
enables you to take the shuttle at the
vice versa. This enables you to quickly
For doubles your racket should be in highest point when you’re at the net.
prepare for your strokes and hit the
front of you staying flat because for When exchanging net shots make sure
Doubles games most people smash so you take the shuttle as early as
Tip: The key is to NOT hold your you might as well get ready with the possible.
racket too tightly. Relax your muscles racket lower already.
To get into the Net stance,
and hold your racket gently. Nothing is
Attacking stance
easy at the start. Practice makes • Place your racket foot forward; non-
perfect! racket foot at the back.
• Place your racket in front of your A forehand smash with a timed jump
body, slightly above waist height. added to it counts under jumping
Therefore, it’s important to know how
• Raise your non-racket arm for body to serve properly so that you will not
balance. lose a point after making a service. 5. Clear Shot
• Place your body weight slightly 4. Smash The clear/lob shot in Badminton can be
forward and get ready to pounce imagined as a shot with an inverted ‘U’
-Smash is the most powerful stroke in
forward. trajectory. It can also be executed by
badminton which naturally turns out to
both backhand and forehand. The idea
3. Badminton Service/Serve be the most familiar term to all. The
is to land it as near to the baseline.
shot is basically to hit the shuttle
-High Serve
towards the opponent’s body or 6. Drop Shot Badminton
This type of serve is usually executed downward on the court.
drop shots are delicate badminton
when you want the shuttle to land at
-Forehand Smash shots that can win you points that aim
the back end of the court. A good high
at scoring points in deception. Played
serve must have the shuttle dropping The forehand is an overhead smash
with both backhand and forehand,
steeply downwards at the back end of which is similar to the action of
these are used to move the opponent
the court. throwing a ball. You shouldn’t have a
to the frontcourt. This creates space in
problem playing this stroke if you can
-Low Serve the midcourt and backcourt
throw a ball well. This skill in
A good low serve will have the badminton acts as a game-changer for Rules and Regulations of the Game
shuttlecock flying just above the net. beginners.
1. Change of ends
Unlike high serve, the low serve aims
-Backhand Smash
to the front of the court. The objective 2. Service
is to let the shuttle fly just above the This is one of the toughest strokes in
3. Singles & Doubles
net landing in the front corner of the badminton, and even experts face
court. difficulty in playing the stroke 4. Fault
A WEAK serve often creates a chance -Jumping Smash 5. Lets
for your opponent to execute an
attacking shot. 1. CHANGE OF ENDS
• Players shall change ends: •9.1.4. some part of both feet of the underarm and below the server’s waist.
server and the receiver shall remain in An overarm serve is against the basic
8.1.1. at the end of the first game;
rules of badminton, and would be
•contact with the surface of the court in
8.1.2. at the end of the second game, if considered a fault.
a stationary position from the
there is to be a third game; and
Coin toss
•start of the service (Law 9.2) until the
8.1.3. in the third game when a side
service is delivered (Law 9.3); • The basic rules and regulations of
first scores 11 points
any badminton rally, either Olympics or
•9.1.5. the server’s racket shall initially
2. SERVICE leisurely with your family is that the
hit the base of the shuttle;
game always begins with a toss.
In a correct service, the flight of the
•9.1.6. the whole shuttle shall be below
shuttle shall be upwards from the • The next first serve depends on who
1.15 metres from the surface of the
server’s racket to pass over the net so wins the rally. If you win the first rally,
court at the instant of being hit by the
that, if not intercepted, it shall land in then the next game begins with your
server’s racket;
the receiver’s service court. serve.
•9.1.7. the movement of the server’s
•9.1.1. neither side shall cause undue Serving and receiving courts
racket shall continue forwards from the
delay to the delivery of the service
start of the service (Law 9.2) until the • 10.1.1. The players shall serve from,
once the server and the receiver are
service is delivered (Law 9.3); and receive in, their respective right
ready for the service.
service courts when the server has not
•9.1.8. in attempting to serve, the
•9.1.2. on completion of the backward scored or has scored an even number
server shall not miss the shuttle.
movement of the server’s racket head, of points in that game.
any delay in the start of the service The server shall not serve before the
• 10.1.2. The players shall serve from,
shall be considered to be an undue receiver is ready. However, the
and receive in, their respective left
delay; receiver shall be considered to have
service courts when the server has
been ready if a return of the service is
•9.1.3. the server and the receiver shall scored an odd number of points in that
stand within diagonally opposite game.
• One of the important rules of
•service courts without touching the
badminton is about the serve. The
boundary lines of these service courts.
serve should always be done
break can be taken when the leading • If you hit the shuttle but it passes
score reaches 11 points. underneath the net, it can be counted
Scoring and serving
as a fault.
3. Singles & Doubles
• 10.3.1. If the server wins a rally (Law
• When you hit the shuttle out of
7.3), the server shall score a point. The • 11.1.5. The players shall not change
bounds it is a major fault.
server shall then serve again from the their respective service courts until
alternate service court. they win a point when their side is • Touching the shuttle with your body or
serving. clothing. Even if the shuttle is
• 10.3.2. If the receiver wins a rally
accidentally touched by hand, it is still
(Law 7.3), the receiver shall score a • 11.1.6. Service in any turn of serving
a fault.
point. The receiver shall then become shall be delivered from the service
the new server. court corresponding to the serving The shuttlecock which is either served
side’s score. or hit should land inside the service
Scoring System
court. One side has only one attempt
In doubles, during the delivery of
• At the start of the game, the score is to retrieve the shuttle, either one of the
service the partners may take up any
(0-0). You cannot randomly choose players is going to hit the shuttle.
positions within their respective courts,
your side as you wish. This is one of
which do not unsightly the opposing FAULTS IN SERVICE
the basic badminton rules which needs
server or receiver.
to be followed for any rally. -putting the head of racket above the
Order of play and position on court waist
• A match consists of best-of-three
games to 21 points. At 20 all, the • After the service is returned, in a rally, -both feet should stay on the ground
server which gains a two-point lead the shuttle may be hit by either player (no lifting, moving), stepping the line
first wins the game. At 29 all, the side of the serving side and of the receiving (serving & receiving)
scoring the 30th point first wins that side alternately from any position.
- No multiple/two touches of the
game. A server in a new game will be
4.Faults shuttlecock (serving & during the
the winner of the previous one.
• A major fault as listed in the
• A two-minute break is allowed
badminton rules and regulations for -missed hit during service
between each game. A 60-second
singles is missing the shuttle while
swinging on the serve.
FAULTS During the Rally passing over the net is caught in the Shuttle not in Play
-racket should not cross over the A shuttle is not in play when: it strikes
net/opponent’s court • ‘14.2.4. during play, the shuttle the net or post and starts to fall
disintegrates, and the base completely towards the surface of the court on the
-touching the net using racket/body.
separates from the rest of the shuttle; striker’s side of the net; it hits the
- crossing your foot in opponent court surface of the court; or a ‘fault’ or a ‘let’
• 14.2.5. in the opinion of the umpire,
may be allow if you do not distract your has occurred.
play is disrupted, or a player of the
opponent intentionally.
opposing side is distracted by a coach;
-distracting your opponent in anyway
• 14.2.6. a line judge is unsighted, and
(shouting, trash talking, etc.)
the umpire or Instant Review System is
-Yellow card- warning, Red card- 1 pt. unable to decide; or
for opponent Black card- disqualified
• 14.2.7. any unforeseen or accidental
from the game/tournament.
situation has occurred. When a ‘let’
5. Lets occurs, play since the last service shall
not count and the player who served
‘Let’ shall be called by the umpire, or last shall serve again.
by a player (if there is no umpire), to
halt play. Service Court Errors