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Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865



Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenoses:

Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, Risk Factors
and Current Therapy Options
Marina Petrova Krasteva . Kui Kai Lau . Pasquale Mordasini .
Anderson Chun On Tsang . Mirjam Rachel Heldner

Received: January 23, 2020 / Published online: April 8, 2020

Ó The Author(s) 2020

ABSTRACT patients with ICAS. Current therapeutic

approaches concerning these patients include
Intracranial atherosclerotic stenoses (ICAS) are management of risk factors, best medical ther-
one of the most common causes of first and apy, potentially endovascular and rarely surgi-
recurrent cerebrovascular ischaemic events cal therapy. In our review, we elucidate the
worldwide, with highest prevalence in Asian, current epidemiology and evidence in evalua-
Hispanic and African populations. Clinical trials tion of risk factors and therapeutic options for
have improved the understanding of epidemi- providing favourable outcome for patients with
ology, risk factors and imaging characteristics of ICAS.


Enhanced Digital Features To view digital features for
this article go to https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare. Calcified vessels in the brain are one of the most
11950599. common causes of first or recurrent ischaemic
stroke or transient ischaemic attack worldwide,
M. P. Krasteva  M. R. Heldner (&) with highest occurrence in Asian, Hispanic and
Department of Neurology, Inselspital, University African populations. Clinical trials have
Hospital and University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
e-mail: mirjam.heldner@insel.ch
improved the understanding of this particular
disease. Current therapy includes management
P. Mordasini of risk factors, best medical therapy, potentially
Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional therapy with a wire and rarely surgical therapy.
Neuroradiology, Inselspital, University Hospital and
University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland In our review, we elucidate current knowledge
and recommendations.
K. K. Lau
Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine,
Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam, Hong Kong Keywords: Intracranial atherosclerotic
stenosis; Best medical therapy; Endovascular
A. C. O. Tsang
Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, therapy; Surgical therapy
Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam, Hong Kong
1830 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

15% in Hispanic populations and 5–10% in

Key Summary Points Caucasian populations [1–4]. The annual risk of
recurrent cerebrovascular ischaemic events in
Intracranial atherosclerotic stenoses are patients with ICAS varies from 4% to 40%
one of the most common causes of first according to different studies [5–9]. Risk factors
and recurrent cerebrovascular ischaemic for ICAS traditionally include arterial hyper-
events worldwide tension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia, over-
weight, physical inactivity and smoking. Age
Artery-to-artery embolism, obstruction of and ethnicity also seem to play an important
small penetrating arteries and impaired role [2, 10].
washout of emboli in hypoperfused Despite considerable rates of patients with
cerebral tissue with/without poor ICAS, there are still controversies as to what
collaterals are the most important extent best medical therapy improves outcome
cerebrovascular event mechanisms in and decreases rates of recurrent cerebrovascular
these patients ischaemic events, disability and mortality and
Current therapeutic approaches in these which patients might benefit from endovascular
patients include management of risk or from surgical therapy. Of note, ICAS is a
factors, best medical therapy, potentially heterogeneous disease, causing cerebrovascular
endovascular and rarely surgical therapy ischaemic events by several pathophysiological
mechanisms [11].
Novel, large-scale and high-power We aimed to present a comprehensive over-
randomised clinical trials investigating view on pathophysiology, epidemiology, risk
efficacy and safety of best medical therapy factors and current therapy options of patients
including modern treatment such as with ICAS by performing a systemic review of
proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin current available data.
type 9 (PSCK9) inhibitors and
endovascular therapy are urgently needed
in these patients METHOD
Careful patient selection for endovascular
Eligibility Criteria
therapy, related to the underlying
pathophysiological mechanism of
cerebrovascular ischaemic events, as well Eligible studies included all age and ethnic
as improved endovascular devices could patient groups with demographic, clinical, lab-
result in future better outcome oratory and imaging information on patients
with asymptomatic or symptomatic ICAS. We
excluded studies on patients with non-
atherosclerotic intracranial stenoses and
patients with extracranial atherosclerotic ste-
noses (ECAS) only, as well as case reports and
INTRODUCTION case series with less than five patients.

Intracranial atherosclerotic stenoses (ICAS) are Information Sources

one of the most common causes of cerebrovas-
cular ischaemic events worldwide. ICAS account
Data for this review was identified via a search
for around half of transient ischaemic attacks
on MEDLINE, PubMed and Scopus. Relevant
(TIAs) and ischaemic strokes in Asian popula-
articles were determined using the search terms
tions, for up to one-third in Black populations,
‘‘ICAS’’, OR ‘‘intracranial atherosclerotic
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865 1831

stenosis’’ OR ‘‘intracranial stenosis’’ AND/OR PATHOPHYSIOLOGY

‘‘ischaemic stroke’’ OR ‘‘TIA’’ OR ‘‘transient
ischaemic attack’’. Articles published in English
and German between 1 January 1985 and EVENTS RELATED
31 December 2019 were included. TO INTRACRANIAL
Study Selection
Modern neuroimaging techniques such as dif-
Citations were assessed against the predeter- fusion-weighted MR imaging (MRI), perfusion-
mined inclusion and exclusion criteria by MPK weighted CT/MRI, MRA, CTA and high-resolu-
and MRH. Full-text manuscripts were obtained tion vessel wall MRI have provided new insights
for all studies entering the review. Any uncer- into ICAS and into their mechanisms causing
tainties about including a specific manuscript cerebrovascular ischaemic events.
were resolved by consensus. Reasons for exclu- An autopsy study (n = 339 brains with
sion of publications were mainly lack of specific ischaemic brain infarcts, n = 80 controls with
data e.g. on precise location of atherosclerosis. intracerebral haemorrhages) showed ischaemic
Finally, several randomised, observational, non- stroke to be associated with greater than 30%
randomised controlled trials regarding patients ICAS in 27% vs. less than 30% ICAS in 15.5%
with ICAS met the inclusion criteria and are (p \ 0.05). In those where the stenotic plaques
elucidated in this review. were considered to be the cause of ischaemic
stroke (n = 15/259, 5.8%), because of superim-
posed clot or ulcerated plaques, higher-grade
Compliance with Ethics Guidelines
ICAS was more prevalent (73% vs. 27%;
p \ 0.0001, in greater than 75% vs. 30–75%
This article is based on previously conducted ICAS) [16]. Also, other studies have shown a
studies and does not contain any studies per- correlation of higher-grade ICAS and cere-
formed by any of the authors with human par- brovascular ischaemic events [7, 17, 18].
ticipants or animals. Artery-to-artery embolism, obstruction of
small penetrating arteries and impaired wash-
out of emboli in hypoperfused cerebral tissue
DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION with/without poor collaterals are the most
important cerebrovascular event mechanisms
Diagnostic evaluation of ICAS include tran-
in patients with ICAS. Rarer causes are hypo-
scranial Doppler (TCD) and colour-coded
perfusion with/without poor collaterals as such
duplex (TCCD) sonography, magnetic reso-
or local vessel occlusion. Recent advances in
nance angiography (MRA), computed tomog-
neuroimaging technologies allow one to deter-
raphy angiography (CTA) and digital
mine the underlying pathophysiological
subtraction angiography (DSA). Although TCD,
TCCD, MRA and CTA are non-invasive, safer
Artery-to-artery embolism is caused by a
and easier accessible modalities, DSA is still
thrombus carried to the distal territory by rup-
considered to be the gold standard technique
ture of the atherosclerotic plaque causing ICAS
for assessing ICAS [12].
with/without an additional thrombus. Turbu-
Since neuroimaging techniques have
lence of blood flow caused by the vessel nar-
become more and more available and advanced,
rowing, as well as fast velocity increase and
several studies related to ICAS have been pub-
shear stress on the endothelium encourage fis-
lished within recent years. However, there are
suring of the plaque. The latter may rupture and
still far more studies published in the field of
may lead to activation of platelets and clotting
ECAS [13–15].
factors. In the case of an ischaemic stroke
caused by this mechanism, typically, multiple,
1832 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

scattered, small infarcts are seen on diffusion- the case of embolism and hypoperfusion with/
weighted MRI (DWI) [19]. without poor collaterals combined [35].
Obstruction of small penetrating arteries In the WASID (Warfarin-Aspirin Symp-
(Fig. 1) is caused by atherosclerotic plaques tomatic Intracranial Disease) trial (Table 1), not
protruding into the orifice of perforators and all 70–99% ICAS were haemodynamically rele-
thus impairing blood flow. If an ischaemic vant and not all 50–69% ICAS were haemody-
stroke is caused by this mechanism, typically, namically irrelevant. Collaterals may be seen in
deep subcortical infarcts are seen on DWI [20]. present or regressed high-grade ICAS. Depend-
Intracranial atherosclerotic plaques can be ing on the overall haemodynamic status, col-
identified by high-resolution (HR) vessel wall laterals may develop in moderate ICAS as well.
MRI and by intravascular sonography, which Furthermore, collaterals may indicate the pres-
allow visualization not only of the vessel lumen ence of an emboligenic plaque, with past
but also of the vessel wall. Similar to more emboli having induced collateral flow. Also,
accessible extracranial plaques, intracranial competing antegrade vs. retrograde collateral
plaques with thin fibrous caps, large lipid cores, flow may cause slower flow at the ICAS location
high macrophage content, high microvessel rendering it more thrombogenic [17].
density and intraplaque haemorrhage are con-
sidered to be unstable and rupture prone due to
the increased risk of plaque destabilization ASYMPTOMATIC INTRACRANIAL
Hypoperfusion with/without poor collaterals
may be present in high-grade ICAS. Its typical Few studies have specifically investigated the
infarction shows a border zone location and prevalence, risk factors and prognosis of
pattern [31]. asymptomatic ICAS, such as the AsIA (Barcelona
In situ obstruction may possibly show mod- Asymptomatic Intracranial Atherosclerosis) and
erate to even large infarcts, especially if the the Rotterdam study (Table 1) [36, 37].
intracranial internal carotid artery, proximal A post hoc analysis of data from the WASID
middle cerebral artery or vertebrobasilar arteries trial showed coexisting asymptomatic ICAS in
are involved leading to an acute large vessel 18.9% (n = 14/74) of patients who underwent
occlusion. However, compared to patients with DSA and in 27.3% (n = 65/238) who underwent
cardiac embolism, infarct size is smaller in MRA. During follow-up, despite the high rate of
many patients with ICAS because of the well- coexisting symptomatic ICAS, the risk of recur-
developed collateral circulation due to the rent ischaemic stroke due to asymptomatic
chronic nature of the disease [19]. ICAS was low and only 5 (5.9%, 95% CI
Of note, a combination of more than one 2.1–12.3%) ischaemic strokes occurred in the
mechanism is also possible [32–34]. For exam- asymptomatic ICAS territory (risk at 1 year
ple, impaired washout of emboli may occur in 3.5%, 95% CI 0.8–9.0%) [40].

Fig. 1 High-resolution flat panel cone beam CT, DSA and MRI of a patient with high-grade ICAS of the basilar artery and
ischaemic stroke predominantly of a perforator-type pattern
Table 1 Most important studies investigating patients with ICAS
Study name Study type and period Regions in the Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint Follow-up time Included patients and findings
AsIA [37] Population-based, Spain, Europe Asymptomatic participants aged C 50 years underwent 7.17 years n = 933 (mean age 66.3 years, 36% women)
prospective, crossover, TCCD. ICAS severity classified according to
observational study, Baumgartner criteria. Participants with poor quality of
2007–2010 TCCD underwent MRA
Primary endpoint: vascular events (stroke, acute coronary 5 participants with poor quality of TCCD underwent
syndrome and/or vascular death) MRA, all with moderate to severe ICAS. The study
identified a prevalence of asymptomatic ICAS of any
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

degree of 8.6% (95% CI 6.8–10.4%) and of moderate

to severe degree of 3.3% (95% CI 2.1–4.4%). Arterial
hypertension (OR 1.78, 95% CI 1.02–3.13; p = 0.04)
and diabetes mellitus were found to be independent
risk factors for asymptomatic ICAS of any degree.
After 7.17 years of follow-up, there were 51 incident
cerebrovascular events (16 TIAs, 27 ischaemic, 8
haemorrhagic strokes), 63 coronary events and 23
vascular deaths. Asymptomatic ICAS was an
independent predictor for any vascular event (HR
1.83, 95% CI 1.10–3.03; p = 0.020) and moderate to
severe ICAS for ischaemic stroke (HR 2.66, 95% CI
1.02–6.94; p = 0.046)
CASSISS Randomised, prospective, China Patients with a recent ischaemic stroke or TIA caused by C3 years Final results are expected in 2020
[131] multicentre trial, C 70% ICAS, verified by DSA, randomised 1:1 to
2014–2017 best medical therapy with/without stenting using the
Wingspan stent system. Best medical therapy included
both aspirin 100 mg/day plus clopidogrel 75 mg/day
for 90 days (aspirin 100 mg/day alone thereafter) and
best medical therapy of risk factors. The latter
consisted of normalising LDL-C by statins (goal LDL-
C levels \ 2.6 mmol/l), blood pressure (\ 140/
90 mmHg), glucose (in diabetic patients checking of
HbA1c at enrolment and during each clinical visit
with a goal level of \ 6.5%), as well as of lifestyle
modification (defined as intensive therapy of
overweight, obesity, physical inactivity smoking)
Primary endpoint: any stroke or death within 30 days
after enrolment or after any revascularisation
procedure or stroke in the territory of the
symptomatic ICAS beyond 30 days
CHANCE Randomised, double-blind, China, 114 centres Patients with acute minor ischaemic stroke (NIHSS 90 days n = 1089, 481 patients with ICAS, mean age 66 years,
subgroup placebo-controlled study, score B 3) or TIA within 24 h of symptom onset and 37.4% women, 231 received an initial dosage of
analysis 2009–2012 benefit of short-term use of dual antiplatelet therapy 300 mg clopidogrel, followed by 75 mg/day for
[108] including clopidogrel plus aspirin over aspirin alone. 90 days plus aspirin 75 mg/day for the first 21 days,
All participants received open-label aspirin at a 250 placebo plus aspirin 75 mg/day for 90 days
clinician-determined dosage of 75–300 mg on day 1.
All patients had MRA
Table 1 continued

Study name Study type and period Regions in the Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint Follow-up time Included patients and findings

Primary endpoint: risk of any stroke Patients with ICAS had higher rates of recurrent
ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke (12.5% vs. 5.4%;
p \ 0.0001) than those without. There was no
statistically significant treatment by presence of ICAS
interaction on either the primary outcome of any
stroke (HR for clopidogrel plus aspirin vs. aspirin
alone: 0.79 (95% CI 0.47–1.32) vs. 1.12 (95% CI
0.56–2.25); interaction p = 0.522) or the safety
outcome of any bleeding event (interaction
p = 0.277)
CLAIR [106] Randomised, open-label, Hong Kong, Patients with an ischaemic stroke or TIA within 7 days 7 days n = 100, 46 (mean age of 59.2 years, 22% women)
blinded-endpoint study, Singapore, and presence in the symptomatic area of substantial received clopidogrel plus aspirin, 52 (mean age of
2003–2008 China, (C 50%) ECAS or ICAS of the internal carotid or 56.4 years, 23% women) aspirin monotherapy, 93 had
Thailand and middle cerebral artery, confirmed by TCD or MRA, ICAS
Malaysia randomly assigned within 7 days of symptom onset to
receive clopidogrel (300 mg for the first day, then
75 mg/day) plus aspirin (75–160 mg/day) or aspirin
alone (75–160 mg/day) for 7 days
Primary endpoint: proportion of patients who had At day 2, 14 patients in the dual therapy group and 27 in
microembolic signals on day 2 in TCD the monotherapy group had C 1 microembolic signal
on TCD (RRR 42.4%, 95% CI 4.6–65.2%;
p = 0.025). Adverse events were similar in both
groups. No patients had intracranial or severe systemic
haemorrhage, but 2 patients in the dual therapy group
had minor haemorrhages
EC-IC bypass Randomised, international USA, Japan, Patients with a recent ischaemic stroke, retinal Average follow- n = 1377, 663 (mean age of 56 years, 19% women) were
trial [139] trial, 1977–1982 Europe infarction, TIA, attributable to symptomatic up duration treated with EC-IC bypass surgery and best medical
extracranial carotid occlusion, distal carotid occlusive of therapy, 714 (mean age of 56 years, 18% women) with
disease or ICAS of the middle cerebral artery, 55.8 months best medical therapy alone
randomly assigned to either best medical therapy
(aspirin 1300 mg/day usually divided in four dosages)
or to the same regimen with the addition of bypass
surgery consisting of joining the superficial temporal
artery and the middle cerebral artery
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865
Table 1 continued
Study name Study type and period Regions in the Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint Follow-up time Included patients and findings

Primary endpoint: rate of stroke and stroke-related death In a total of 149 patients with severe (C 70%) carotid
among patients with symptomatic ICAS who siphon ICAS, ischaemic stroke rates were similar for
underwent anastomosis of the superficial temporal patients assigned to best medical therapy (36%) and
artery to the middle cerebral artery additional EC-IC bypass surgery (38%). However, in
109 patients with C 70% ICAS of the middle
cerebral artery, ischaemic stroke frequency was
significantly higher for patients who were treated
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

surgically (44%) compared to patients treated with

best medical therapy (24%). There was a bypass
patency rate of 96%, perioperative (within 30 days of
surgery) ischaemic stroke rate of 12.2% for
cerebrovascular or retinal events, ranging from non-
disabling to fatal strokes and a perioperative mortality
rate of 1.1%
GESICA [7] Prospective, multicentre, Europe, 21 centres Patients with a recent (\ 6 months) minor (non- 2 years (median n = 102 (mean age 63.3 ± 10.4 years, 28.5% women)
non-randomised study, disabling) ischaemic stroke or TIA, related to follow-up
1999–2003 a C 50% ICAS, identified either by DSA or TCCD. period
Medical therapy of risk factors and antithrombotic 23.4 months)
therapy were at the discretion of the local investigator.
Patients were eligible for endovascular therapy after
experiencing recurrent ischaemic stroke despite
medical therapy
Primary endpoint: rate of recurrent ischaemic The most common risk factors were arterial
cerebrovascular events among patients with hypertension (73.5%), history of smoking (70.5%) and
symptomatic ICAS hypercholesterolaemia (50%). After enrolment, 38.2%
of patients were treated with a single antiplatelet,
31.4% with an antiplatelet and an anticoagulant,
15.7% with an anticoagulant and 14.7% with other
antithrombotic combinations. 38.2% of patients
experienced a recurrent ischaemic stroke (13.7%) or
TIA (24.5%) in the territory of the stenotic
intracranial artery. 1 patient had an ischaemic stroke
and 1 a TIA in another vascular territory. 28 patients
underwent an endovascular procedure with a
neurologic periprocedural complication rate of 14.2%.
Coronary artery disease and peripheral artery disease
were present in more than 30% of patients at baseline.
There were acute coronary/peripheral artery events in
18.6% of patients. The overall vascular death rate was
8.8%. Among 20 patients who underwent angioplasty
there was 1 fatal haemorrhagic stroke, which occurred
2 months after the procedure
Table 1 continued

Study name Study type and period Regions in the Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint Follow-up time Included patients and findings

IRIS [65] Randomised, double-blind, USA Nondiabetic patients with an ischaemic stroke or TIA 5 years (median n = 3876, mean age 63 years, 35% women
clinical trial, 2005–2015 within 180 days and insulin resistance. Patients were follow-up of
randomly assigned to receive either pioglitazone 4.8 years)
(45 mg/day goal dosage) or placebo.
Primary endpoint: fatal or nonfatal stroke or myocardial The primary outcome of stroke or myocardial infarction
infarction occurred in 175 of 1939 patients (9.0%) in the
pioglitazone group, compared to 228 of 1937 (11.8%)
in the placebo group (HR 0.76; p = 0.007)
The Northern Population-based, USA Individuals aged C 20 years, who had resided in the area 4 years n = 714 (mean age 70.5 ± 14.0 years, 58% women)
Manhattan prospective, for C 3 months and suffered a first ischaemic stroke
study [3] epidemiological study, within the study time period
Primary endpoint: rates of first ischaemic stroke Arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
according to subtype for individuals living in one hypercholesterolaemia, heavy alcohol intake and
community current smoking were significantly more prevalent in
Hispanic and Black populations than in the
Caucasian population, whereas atrial fibrillation was
significantly more prevalent among Caucasian than
among Black and Hispanic populations
The annual age-adjusted incidence of first ischaemic
stroke per 100,000 was 88 (95% CI 75–101) in
Caucasian, 149 (95% CI 132–165) in Hispanic and
191 (95% CI 160–221) in Black populations. Among
the Black compared with the Caucasian population,
the relative rate of ICAS-related ischaemic stroke was
5.85 (95% CI 1.82–18.73), of ECAS-related stroke
3.18 (95% CI 1.42–7.13), of lacunar stroke 3.09 (95%
CI 1.86–5.11) and of cardioembolic stroke 1.58 (95%
CI 0.99–2.52). Among the Hispanic compared with
the Caucasian population, the relative rate of ICAS-
related stroke was 5.00 (95% CI 1.69–14.76), of ECAS
related stroke 1.71 (95% CI 0.80–3.63), of lacunar
stroke 2.32 (95% CI 1.48–3.63) and of cardioembolic
stroke 1.42 (95% CI 0.97–2.09)
PRASTRO-I Randomised, multicentre, Japan Patients aged 20–74 years with a non-cardioembolic 96–104 weeks n = 3747 (mean age 62.1 years, 21% women), 1885
[113] double-blind study, ischaemic stroke, within 1–26 weeks before received prasugrel, 1862 clopidogrel
2011–2015 randomisation to either prasugrel (3.75 mg/day) or
clopidogrel (75 mg/day) orally
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865
Table 1 continued
Study name Study type and period Regions in the Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint Follow-up time Included patients and findings

Primary endpoint: ischaemic stroke, myocardial 29% of enrolled patients had large artery atherosclerosis.
infarction and death from other vascular causes 4% of patients in both groups reached the primary
endpoint (RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.76–1.44). The
incidence of haemorrhages was not significantly
different between both groups; life-threatening
haemorrhages were observed in 1% of both groups
(RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.41–1.42)
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

Rotterdam Population-based cohort Netherlands, Ischaemic stroke-free persons aged [ 55 years. 6 years n = 2524, mean age 69.6 years
study [39] study, 2003–2006 Europe Intracranial internal carotid artery calcification
(ICAC) was measured with CTA, from the
horizontal segment of the petrous to the top of the
internal carotid artery. Scoring of calcification was
done without previous knowledge about risk factors
and semiautomatically
Primary endpoint: investigation of prevalence and risk 82.2% of participants had ICAC. Age was independently
factors associated with ICAC associated with a larger ICAC volume and severity
(p \ 0.001). Excessive alcohol intake (OR 1.74, 95%
CI 1.28–2.37; p \ 0.001) and smoking (OR 1.72,
95% CI 1.10–2.70; p = 0.017) were associated with
ICAC among men, whereas diabetes mellitus (OR
2.02, 95% CI 1.29–3.17; p = 0.002) and arterial
hypertension (OR 1.79, 95% CI 1.20-2.68; p = 0.004)
were associated with ICAC among women.
Furthermore, in women, obesity was inversely
associated with severe ICAC (OR 0.59, 95% CI
0.42–0.84; p = 0.004)
SAMMPRIS Randomised clinical trial, USA Patients with non-disabling ischaemic stroke or TIA 32.4 months n = 451, symptomatic B 30 (median 7) days, 227
[53] 2008–2011 caused by DSA-verified 70–99% ICAS of a major (median (mean age of 59.5 ± 11.8, 36.1% women) received
intracranial artery, randomised into either best duration) best medical therapy alone, 224 (mean age of
medical therapy alone or percutaneous transluminal 61.0 ± 10.7, 43.3% women) PTAS plus best medical
angioplasty and stenting (PTAS) plus best medical therapy
therapy. Best medical therapy consisted of aspirin
325 mg/day during the entire follow-up period,
clopidogrel 75 mg/day for 90 days after enrolment, as
well as of best risk factor therapy targeting
SBP \ 140 mmHg (\ 130 mmHg in diabetic
patients), LDL-cholesterol levels \ 1.8 mmol/l and
healthy lifestyle [including smoking cessation;
achieving body mass index (BMI) \ 25 kg/m2 if the
BMI at enrolment was 25–27 kg/m2 or 10% weight
loss if the BMI at enrolment was [ 27 kg/m2; and
moderate intensity exercise at least 3 times per week
for 30 min per session if patients were able to
Table 1 continued

Study name Study type and period Regions in the Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint Follow-up time Included patients and findings

Primary endpoint: any stroke or death within 30 days The study was discontinued earlier than scheduled
after enrolment or any stroke or death within 30 days because of the lower 30-day rate of any stroke or death
of any revascularisation procedure of the qualifying (13 patients, 5.8%) in the best medical therapy group
symptomatic intracranial artery done during follow-up (nonfatal stroke 5.3% and non-stroke-related death
or an ischaemic stroke in the territory of the 0.4%, p = 0.002), compared to the PTAS group,
symptomatic ICAS from day 31 after study entry to whose 30-day rate of any stroke or death was 14.7%
completion of follow-up (33 patients, nonfatal stroke 12.5% and fatal stroke
2.2%). A total of 19 ischaemic strokes (12 perforator-
type, 3 due to artery-to-artery embolism, 2 mixed and
2 due to stent occlusion) and 11 haemorrhagic strokes
(6 intracerebral and 5 subarachnoid) occurred within
30 days among the PTAS group patients. There were
a total of 25 strokes on the day of procedure. 5 (2.2%)
stroke-related deaths happened in the PTAS group
and 1 (0.4%) non-stroke-related death in the best
medical therapy group
Beyond 30 days, nonfatal ischaemic strokes in the
territory of the ICAS occurred in 13 (5.8%) patients in
each group. During a median follow-up of
32.4 months, there were 34 (15%) primary endpoint
events in the best medical therapy group and 52 (23%)
in the stenting group. The absolute differences in the
primary endpoints between the two groups were 8.9%
at 30 days and 9.0% at 3 years. Moreover, the long-
term efficacy of best medical therapy also was superior
to PTAS, with 1- and 2-year rates of any stroke of
14.9% and 17.2% in the best medical therapy group
compared to 21.9% and 23.3% in the PTAS group.
Rates of any death alone were 4.0% at 1 year and 4.5%
at 2 years in the best medical therapy group, compared
to 4.0% and 4.6%, respectively, in the PTAS group.
Rates of any major haemorrhage, defined as any
intracranial or systemic haemorrhage requiring
admission to hospital, blood transfusion or surgery
were 2.4% at 1 year and 3.5% at 2 years in the best
medical therapy group, compared to 9.8% and 13.1%
in the PTAS group
SOCRATES Randomised, multicentre, USA and Europe Patients aged C 40 years with a non-cardioembolic, 90 days n = 3081 with ipsilateral ICAS
subgroup international, double- non-severe acute ischaemic stroke or a high-risk TIA,
study [112] blind study, 2014–2015 randomised to ticagrelor (180 mg loading dosage on
day 1 followed by 90 mg twice daily for 90 days) or
aspirin (300 mg on day 1 followed by 100 mg/day for
90 days)
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865
Table 1 continued
Study name Study type and period Regions in the Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint Follow-up time Included patients and findings

Primary endpoint: time from randomisation to first Rates of recurrent ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke,
occurrence of any event from the composite of stroke myocardial infarction or death turned out to be lower
(ischaemic or haemorrhagic), myocardial infarction or in the ticagrelor group vs. in the aspirin group (6.7%
death vs. 9.6%, HR 0.68, 95% CI 0.53–0.88; p = 0.003).
There were no significant differences in the
proportion of life-threatening, major or minor
haemorrhages between both groups
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

SPARCL [75] Randomised, double- Europe, USA, Patients aged C 40 years within 24 h of symptom onset 4.9 years n = 4731
blinded, multicentre, Asia, Australia, of a mild ischaemic stroke (NIHSS score B 5) or Atorvastatin 80 mg/day reduced the incidence of fatal or
prospective, placebo- Central and high-risk TIA (ABCD2 score C 4) nonfatal stroke by 16%. A post hoc analysis
controlled clinical trial, South America
Primary endpoint: any nonfatal or fatal stroke investigating atorvastatin vs. placebo showed
atorvastatin 80 mg/day to be effective in reducing
recurrence risk of ischaemic stroke among patients
with atherosclerotic large vessel disease (HR 0.7, 95%
CI 0.49–1.02)
SSYLVIA Prospective, non- USA and Europe Patients with symptomatic C 50% ICAS or ECAS, 12 months n = 61 (mean age of 63.6 years, 18% women), 43
[120] randomised, detected by DSA, treated with the balloon-expandable patients with ICAS, 18 with ECAS
international trial, Neurolink stent system. Stent success was defined
2000–2001 as \ 50% ICAS and covering an area at maximum
length of the original lesion. Procedure success was
defined as stent success with no stroke or death before
Primary endpoint: rates of death or of any stroke within Success of stent deployment was achieved in 95% of
30 days of procedure patients, with no deaths and 6.6% any strokes at
30 days, 3 of which were ischaemic ipsilateral to the
stenotic vessel and 1 subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Strokes in the distribution of the target lesion
occurring beyond 30 days, but within 12 months were
seen in 7.3% of patients, among which 2 were in the
posterior circulation and 2 in the anterior circulation.
Restenoses occurred in 35% of patients, 61% were
TOSS-I [110] Multicentre, double-blind, Seoul, South Patients aged between 35 and 80 years, with an 6 months n = 135, mean age in the cilostazol group of
placebo-controlled trial, Korea ischaemic stroke, related to symptomatic ICAS in the 62.2 ± 10.4 years, 38.8% women and mean age in the
2000–2003 M1 segment of the middle cerebral or basilar artery, placebo group of 62.5 ± 9 years, 39.7% women
randomised within 2 weeks of symptom onset. Degree
of stenosis was assessed by MRA and TCD within
2 weeks after ischaemic stroke as well as 6 months
after starting study medication. Patients were
randomly given either cilostazol (100 mg twice daily)
or placebo. All participants received aspirin
100 mg/day during the study period
Table 1 continued

Study name Study type and period Regions in the Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint Follow-up time Included patients and findings

Primary endpoint: progression of symptomatic ICAS on There were lower rates of ICAS progression in the
MRA cilostazol group (6.7% vs. placebo group: 28.8%;
p = 0.008), even regression (24.4% vs. placebo group:
15.4%, p = 0.018). Furthermore, no ischaemic or
haemorrhagic stroke or TIA occurred in both groups
during the study period of 6 months
TOSS-II [52] Randomised, double-blind, 4 East Asian Patients with acute ischaemic stroke, aged C 35 years, 7 months n = 402, mean age in the cilostazol group of
multicentre clinical trial, countries with symptomatic C 50% ICAS within 2 weeks of 66.4 ± 11.3 (47.4% women) and mean age in the
2005–2008 (Hong Kong, symptom onset, related to ICAS in the M1 segment of clopidogrel group of 64.6 ± 11.1 (50.2% women)
Korea, the middle cerebral or basilar artery, confirmed by
Philippines, MRA and TCD
Cilostazol (100 mg twice daily) and aspirin (75–150 mg
once daily) were compared with clopidogrel (75 mg
once daily) and aspirin (75–150 mg once daily)
Primary endpoint: number of participants with ICAS There was a progression of ICAS in 52 (12.9%) patients.
progression Vascular events occurred in 6.4% of patients in the
cilostazol group and in 4.4% in the clopidogrel group
(p = 0.312). Cilostazol did not reduce the progression
of symptomatic ICAS compared to clopidogrel (OR
0.61; p = 0.092), although favourable changes in
serum lipoproteins were observed in the cilostazol
There were no significant differences between both
groups with respect to new ischaemic lesions (18.7% vs.
12.0%; p = 0.078) and major haemorrhagic
complications (0.9% vs. 2.6%; p = 0.163)
Major haemorrhagic complications were not significantly
different between both groups (p = 0.163). 1
participant in the clopidogrel group died after
symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage in the area of
the presenting ischaemic stroke. Gastrointestinal
haemorrhages occurred in 5 patients in the clopidogrel
group and in 1 patient in the cilostazol group
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865
Table 1 continued
Study name Study type and period Regions in the Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint Follow-up time Included patients and findings

VAST [129] Randomised, open-label Netherlands, Patients with symptomatic C 50% vertebral ICAS/ Median follow- n = 115, 58 (mean age of 66 years, 26% women)
trial, 2008–2013 Europe ECAS, randomised to stenting (with choice of stent at up 3 years received best medical therapy alone, 57 (mean age of
the discretion of the interventional neuroradiologist) 65 years, 26% women) stenting or PTA alone plus
or PTA alone if stent placement turned out not to be best medical therapy, 9 (16%) patients with ICAS in
feasible or contraindicated after the beginning of the the stenting group and 10 (17%) in the best medical
intervention) plus best medical therapy and best therapy group
medical therapy alone. Best medical therapy included
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

antithrombotic and antihypertensive drugs, as well as

cholesterol-lowering therapy
Primary endpoint: Composite of vascular death, The trial was stopped early because of new regulatory
myocardial infarction or any stroke within 30 days requirements, including the use of a few prespecified
after therapy initiation stent types and external monitoring, for which no
funding was available. 3 (5%) patients reached the
primary endpoint vs. 1 (2%) patient in the best
medical therapy group. During a median follow-up of
3 years, 7 (12%) patients in the stenting group and 4
(7%) in the best medical therapy group had a stroke in
the territory of the symptomatic vertebral artery, 11
(19%) patients in the stenting and 10 (17%) in the
medical therapy group experienced a vascular death,
myocardial infarction or any stroke. There were 60
serious adverse events (eight strokes) in the stenting
group and 56 (seven strokes) in the best medical
therapy group
VERiTAS Prospective, multicentre, USA and Canada Patients with posterior circulation ischaemic stroke or 12–24 months n = 72 (mean age of 65.6 ± 10.3 years, 44% women)
[54] blinded observational TIA within 60 days and with a C 50%
study, 2008–2013 vertebrobasilar ECAS or ICAS or occlusion, verified
by conventional DSA or CTA. All patients
underwent a quantitative MRA at enrolment, which
evaluated haemodynamic status as low or normal
based on a previously published algorithm defining
haemodynamic compromise as [ 20% reduction
below the normative limits of posterior circulation
Primary endpoint: fatal and nonfatal ischaemic stroke in 10 ischaemic strokes occurred in vertebrobasilar territory
the vertebrobasilar territory
VISSIT [109] Randomised, multicentre, USA, China, Patients with within 30 days symptomatic C 70% 12 months n = 112, mean age of 61.8 years in both groups, 53 (21
international study, Europe ICAS, randomised to best medical therapy alone or women) received best medical therapy, 58 best
2009–2012 additional percutaneous transluminal coronary medical therapy plus PTAS (17 women), mean time
angioplasty plus balloon-expandable-stenting with the of 15.2 vs. 12.3 days from the qualifying event to
Pharos stent system. Best medical therapy included randomisation in the best medical therapy vs. in the
clopidogrel 75 mg/day for the first 3 months, aspirin stenting group
81–325 mg/day for the entire study duration, as well
as best therapy of risk factors to keep
SBP \ 140 mmHg and LDL-C \ 2.6 mmol/l
Table 1 continued

Study name Study type and period Regions in the Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint Follow-up time Included patients and findings

Primary endpoint: ischaemic stroke in the ICAS territory The study was halted earlier than scheduled because of
within 12 months of randomisation or TIA in the the lower 30-day rate of any stroke in the best medical
same territory from day 2 to 12 months therapy group (9.4%; p = 0.05). The primary
outcome occurred in 8 patients (15.1%) in the best
medical therapy group and in 21 patients (36.2%) in
the stenting group [(risk difference, 21.1% (95% CI
5.4–36.8%; p = 0.02)]. Intracranial haemorrhage
within 30 days only occurred in patients in the
stenting group [5/58; 8.6% (95% CI 2.9–19.0%)] vs.
none (95% CI 0–5.5%; p = 0.06) in the best medical
therapy group
VIST [128] Prospective, randomised, UK, Europe Patients with symptomatic C 50% vertebral ICAS/ C1 year n = 182, ECAS in 83%, ICAS in 17% of patients, mean
open-blinded endpoint ECAS, comparing vertebral angioplasty and stenting (median time delay from symptom onset to procedure of
clinical trial, 2008–2015 (balloon-expandable or self-expandable stent) with follow-up 12.8 days
best medical therapy. No distal protection devices 3.5 years)
were used. Best medical therapy consisted of
antiplatelets or anticoagulation and control of risk
factors, without any specific drugs which had to be
mandated. The recommended antiplatelet therapy
during the procedure was clopidogrel and aspirin with
loading with clopidogrel at least 12 h before the
procedure (300–600 mg) if the patient was not
already taking clopidogrel. It was recommended to
continue clopidogrel and aspirin for at least 1 month
after the procedure, after which standard antiplatelet
therapy for stroke prevention was prescribed
Primary endpoint: fatal or nonfatal stroke in any arterial Of 91 patients (mean age of 68.3 years, 20% women)
territory (including periprocedural stroke) randomised to stenting, the procedure was not
performed in 30 (33.0%) because in 23 (76.7%)
patients, \ 50% ICAS was detected in DSA, 3 (10%)
refused allocated treatment, 1 (3.3%) did not want to
stop warfarin. In 2 (6.7%) patients, stenting was not
technically feasible and 1 (3.3%) patient deteriorated
clinically and was not suitable for stenting. Of the 61
patients stented, there was ECAS in 48 (78.7%),
ICAS in 13 (21.3%). A total of 58 (63.7%) patients
had a stent (56 balloon-expandable and 2 self-
expanding stents) placed and 3 patients had
angioplasty alone. During the stenting procedure there
were 2 major complications, both among patients
with ICAS. The first one was a subarachnoid
haemorrhage caused by vessel rupture and the second
one a nonfatal periprocedural brainstem stroke,
whereas in patients with ECAS only 1 stented patient
had a nonfatal stroke within 30 days of the procedure
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865
Table 1 continued
Study name Study type and period Regions in the Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint Follow-up time Included patients and findings

WASID [8] Randomised, double-blind, USA, 59 centres Non-disabling (mRS B 3) ischaemic stroke or TIA 1.8 years (mean n = 569, 289 (mean age of 62.8 ± 11.3; 40% women)
multicentre clinical trial, within 90 days before randomisation, attributable to duration) received aspirin 1300 mg/day (or placebo), 280 (mean
1999–2003 50–99% ICAS (intracranial carotid, middle cerebral, age of 64.3 ± 11.5, 37% male) warfarin (or placebo)
vertebral or basilar artery) verified by DSA, in patients
aged C 40 years
Patients randomly received either aspirin 1300 mg/day
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

(or placebo) or warfarin (or placebo), the latter with

an initial dosage of 5 mg/day and subsequent
adjustment according to the INR. INR goal was
Primary endpoint: ischaemic stroke, cerebral The trial was stopped early because of higher rates of
haemorrhage or death from vascular causes other than intracranial haemorrhage (3.2% in the aspirin vs. 8.3%
stroke in the warfarin group, HR 0.39; p = 0.01) and
mortality (4.3% vs. 9.7%; p = 0.02) in the warfarin
group. In patients whose INR was maintained within
the range 2.0–3.0, the risk of major (defined as
intracranial or systemic haemorrhage requiring
hospitalisation, blood transfusion or surgery)
haemorrhage was 3.5% (95% CI 1.6–6.6%) per year
compared to 15.2% (95% CI 6.6–30.0%) for those
whose INR ranged from 3.1 to 4.4. Recurrent
ischaemic stroke rates in any vascular territory (aspirin
20.4% vs. warfarin group 17%; p = 0.29) and in the
territory of the stenotic vessel (aspirin 15% vs.
warfarin group 12.1%; p = 0.31) were similar between
both groups as was the primary endpoint (aspirin
22.1% vs. warfarin group 21.8%; p = 0.83). The risk
of recurrent ischaemic stroke in the presence of
[ 50% ICAS was not influenced by the type of index
event (lacunar vs. non-lacunar) (n = 347, follow-up
1.8 years, 18% in the lacunar presentation group, 22%
in the non-lacunar presentation group). The only
subgroup with superiority for warfarin in univariate
analysis was symptomatic ICAS in the basilar territory
(n = 55, aspirin vs. warfarin HR 2.28, 95% CI
1.02–5.08; p = 0.044)
WEAVE On-label, prospective, USA Patients with symptomatic C 70% ICAS, Periprocedural n = 152 (mean age of 61.9 ± 10.5 years, 46.7% women)
[130] multicentre, postmarket mRS B 3, C 2 ischaemic strokes in the ICAS time window
surveillance trial, territory with C 1 ischaemic stroke while on medical of 72 h
2013–2017 therapy and stenting of ICAS C 8 days after the last
ischaemic stroke. Patients were placed on aspirin
(325 mg/day), clopidogrel (75 mg/day), a statin and
blood pressure medication, if indicated
1844 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

2.6% of patients suffered any stroke or death within the

patients, there was 1 patient who deteriorated to mRS

and ventricular haemorrhage, 1 patient suffered a large

Despite the reported prevalence and impact

deteriorated to mRS 2 due to intracerebral petechial

periprocedural time window of 72 h. Among these
of asymptomatic ICAS, the focus of our review is

reperfusion haemorrhage and 1 had a significant

on symptomatic ICAS.

recurrent ischaemic stroke, with subsequent

4 due to a pontine perforator stroke and 1

withdrawal of care by the family

Included patients and findings

Several studies have investigated conventional
risk factors for ICAS, mainly in the Asian pop-
ulations. They are traditionally divided into two
major groups: modifiable (arterial hypertension,
diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia, overweight,
physical inactivity, smoking, etc.) and non-
Follow-up time

modifiable (age, ethnicity, sex, family history of

vascular disease) [19, 41, 42].
Some studies investigating risk factors for
ICAS have shown differences between ICAS and
ECAS [43].
Better understanding of risk factors tradi-
tionally associated with ICAS may not only
explain the presence of ICAS and ethnic differ-
Primary endpoint: rate of stroke and death
Inclusion criteria and primary endpoint

ences but may also lead to improved outcome

in the case of best medical therapy. The fol-
lowing paragraphs focus on epidemiology and
on recommendations for treatment of most
prevalent modifiable risk factors in patients
with ICAS.

Arterial Hypertension

Arterial hypertension is one of the most

important risk factors for ICAS according to
Regions in the

autopsy as well as according to many clinical

studies [2, 32, 42, 44, 45]. Studies suggest that
Asian and African populations are more prone

to high-volume arterial hypertension due to

more sodium retention, whereas resistant arte-
rial hypertension is more frequent among Cau-
Study type and period

casian populations [46]. Arterial hypertension

has been reported to cause haemodynamic
stress, to accelerate atherosclerosis by injuring
vessel endothelium and increasing its perme-
Table 1 continued

ability for lipoproteins [47]. Intracranial arteries

are more prone to damage induced by arterial
hypertension than extracranial arteries. This
Study name

may be explained by the different architecture

of the vessel walls. Intracranial arteries consist
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865 1845

of a thinner media and adventitia, as well as of In the SAMMPRIS (Stenting and Aggressive
fewer elastic medial fibres than extracranial Medical Management for Preventing Recurrent
arteries [48]. Arterial hypertension has been stroke in Intracranial Stenosis) trial (Table 1),
demonstrated to be associated with occurrence three BP measurements were recorded and
of ICAS as such, with ICAS severity and pro- averaged at baseline and at each follow-up visit
gression [49]. throughout the study [53]. The frequency of BP
The WASID trial (Table 1) showed a higher data collection depended on achievement of
prevalence of recurrent ischaemic stroke among the SBP target. The normal schedule of follow-
patients with arterial hypertension. Two up visits was every 4 months after the adjust-
patients were excluded because of lack of ment of antihypertensive regimen according to
information about blood pressure. All patients the target SBP. A post hoc analysis of patients
had blood pressure measured at baseline and at included in the arm of best medical therapy
every 4-month visit. Data revealed the associa- only found that 53% of these patients had a
tion between arterial hypertension defined as at mean SBP within target (less than 140 mmHg)
least 160/90 mmHg vs. at least 140/90 mmHg during their participation in the study and that
and an increased risk of ischaemic stroke not they were significantly less likely to have a
only in the territory of the stenotic vessel recurrent ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarc-
(p = 0.0065/p \ 0.0001 vs. p = 0.015/p \ 0.0001 tion or vascular death (OR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1–1.7),
respectively) but also in other vascular territo- compared to those who did not reach those
ries (p \ 0.0001/p = 0.003 vs. p = 0.0003/ targets (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.2–4.0) [54].
p \ 0.0001). Furthermore, among patients with In the VERiTAS (Vertebrobasilar flow Evalu-
50–70% ICAS, BP of at least 140/90 mmHg was ation and Risk of Transient ischaemic Attack
associated with a greater risk of any ischaemic and Stroke) study (Table 1), among 10 subse-
stroke (p \ 0.0001, p = 0.003), as well as of quent vertebrobasilar territory strokes, seven
ischaemic stroke in the ICAS territory occurred in patients with BP less than
(p = 0.0002, p = 0.010), similar to the group at 140/90 mmHg compared to three in patients
large. Furthermore, during follow-up, 30.7% of with BP of at least 140/90 mmHg (p = 0.33).
patients with a mean SBP of at least 140 mmHg When subgroups were compared according to
suffered an ischaemic stroke, myocardial both BP and haemodynamic status, patients
infarction or vascular death, compared to 18.3% with both low flow and BP less than
of patients with a mean SBP less than 140/90 mmHg (n = 10) had the highest risk of
140 mmHg (p \ 0.0005) [50]. Multivariable subsequent ischaemic stroke (n = 4, HR 4.5,
analysis showed that SBP of at least 140 mmHg 95% CI 1.3–16.0; p = 0.02) when compared to
(HR 1.79, 95% CI 1.27–2.52; p = 0.0009) was all other subgroups combined. After adjustment
associated with an increased risk (40%) of a for the previously identified risk factors for
recurrent ischaemic cardio- or cerebrovascular stroke in this cohort, the low flow and BP less
event or vascular death [45]. In the WASID trial than 140/90 mmHg subgroup remained at sig-
(Table 1), elevated mean SBP at enrolment was nificantly higher risk (HR 7.3, 95% CI 1.4–37.9;
also found to be associated with presence vs. p = 0.02) [55].
absence of coexisting asymptomatic ICAS Based on the evidence from large ran-
(144.7 mmHg vs. 139.4 mmHg, p = 0.028) [40]. domised trials (WASID, SAMMPRIS), the Amer-
In the TOSS-II (Trial of cilOstazol in Symp- ican Heart Association (AHA)/American Stroke
tomatic intracranial arterial Stenosis II) study Association(ASA) guidelines of 2014 recom-
(Table 1), there turned out to be an association mend a BP target of less than 140 mmHg for
between mean SBP levels and progression of symptomatic 50% or higher ICAS of a major
ICAS. Patients with normal SBP levels (less than intracranial artery (class I; level of evidence B)
120 mmHg) had lowest rates of progression of [56]. Similarly, the European Society of Cardi-
ICAS (21.4%), whereas patients with levels of at ology (ESC)/European Atherosclerosis Society
least 160 mmHg showed highest rates of pro- (EAS) 2019 guidelines also recommend a BP
gression (38.9%) [51, 52]. target of less than 140/90 mmHg [57]. However,
1846 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

the subgroup of patients with ICAS and low CI 1.1–18.7) when compared to ECAS (OR 2.3,
flow might need higher target levels. 95% CI 0.6–9.1) and non-atherosclerosis (OR
2.4, 95% CI 1.7–3.3) related stroke [59].
Diabetes Mellitus The AsIA study (Table 1) identified diabetes
mellitus (OR 2.95, 95% CI 1.68–5.18; p \ 0.001)
Diabetes mellitus has consistently been identi- as the most relevant risk factor for asymp-
fied as an independent risk factor for ICAS tomatic ICAS of any degree and also for mod-
[2, 42, 44, 58, 59]. Diabetes mellitus has been erate to severe asymptomatic ICAS (OR 2.85,
shown to reduce antioxidant capacity and 95% CI 1.16–6.96; p = 0.02) [37]. Another study
increase oxidative stress, leading to endothelial among asymptomatic Chinese patients suffer-
dysfunction and inflammation [60]. ing from diabetes mellitus with ICAS of one
A couple of decades ago, an autopsy study (n = 185), both (n = 200) or no middle cerebral
with consecutive Hong Kong patients (n = 114) artery/arteries (n = 1492) examined patients
demonstrated a greater than 50% ICAS deter- with TCD. In 20.6% of patients with type 2
mined by morphometric measurement in diabetes mellitus there was evidence of ICAS of
autopsy in 31.4% of patients. The incidence of the middle cerebral artery on at least one side.
risk factors (ischaemic heart disease, arterial Severity of ICAS and increasing number of ste-
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, his- notic vessels were associated with serum glucose
tory of stroke) was obtained by reviewing clini- or glycated haemoglobin levels (HbA1c), dura-
cal history and interviewing patients’ relatives. tion of diabetes mellitus, as well as with age,
Results showed the association of diabetes higher SBP and LDL-C levels [62].
mellitus as well as of arterial hypertension and In prospective Korean studies, diabetes mel-
age with ICAS [61]. litus was found to be an independent risk factor
A case–control autopsy study in mostly for ICAS in female patients only after 50 years of
white consecutive stroke patients (n = 339) age and to show a relation with ICAS in poste-
reported that diabetes mellitus was the only rior but not in anterior circulation [32, 63].
modifiable risk factor associated not only with The SAMMPRIS and the WASID trials
intracranial atherosclerotic plaques but also (Table 1) studied the relationship between bet-
with ICAS, defined as a greater than 30% nar- ter diabetes mellitus control and risk of recur-
rowing of the lumen on the surface section of rent ischaemic stroke or vascular events in the
the arteries [16]. follow-up periods of both studies. The protocol
Diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome of the SAMMPIS trial required testing HbA1c
have been reported to be more important risk levels in diabetic patients every 6 months in
factors for ICAS than for ECAS and non- patients with glycaemic control in the target
atherosclerosis-related stroke (diabetes mellitus: levels and quarterly in patients who were out of
67% ICAS, 60% ECAS, 48% non-atherosclerotic the target levels. A post hoc analysis of patients
stroke, and 23% controls, p \ 0.05 ICAS vs. (n = 227) included in the best medical therapy
controls; metabolic syndrome: 62% ICAS, 40% arm of the study failed to demonstrate an
ECAS, 40% non-atherosclerotic stroke, and 35% association between better controlled HbA1c
controls, p \ 0.05 ICAS vs. controls), according levels (target less than 7.0%) and recurrence of
to the Northern Manhattan Stroke Study. In a ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarction and
multivariate analysis, diabetes mellitus con- vascular death of other cause (OR 2.0, 95% CI
ferred a higher risk for ischaemic stroke related 0.99–4.1) and with ischaemic stroke (OR 2.3,
to ICAS compared to non-atherosclerotic stroke 95% CI 1.0–5.0) at 3-year follow-up [54]. These
(OR 10.8, 95% CI 2.0–57 vs. OR 2.7, 95% CI findings are similar to the results of the WASID
1.9–3.9; p \ 0.05) and to ECAS-related stroke trial. In this study, the mean HbA1c level in
(OR 6.2, 95% CI 1.2–32). The metabolic syn- diabetic patients was 8.4%. A total of 91% of
drome also proved to be a risk factor for enrolled patients were prescribed insulin or an
ischaemic stroke related to ICAS (OR 4.6, 95% oral hypoglycaemic agent during follow-up.
However, results showed that poor control of
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865 1847

diabetes mellitus, defined as HbA1c greater than onset), which was caused by either ICAS
7.0%, was not significantly associated with a (n = 688), ECAS (n = 271) or tandem stenoses
higher risk of recurrent ischaemic stroke, (n = 41), evaluated by CTA, MRA or DSA, dys-
myocardial infarction or vascular death, nor lipidaemia was identified as the only modifiable
with recurrent ischaemic stroke alone during risk factor being more prevalent in ECAS (OR
follow-up. The risk of ischaemic stroke, 1.50, 95% CI 1.117–2.018, p = 0.007) compared
myocardial infarction or vascular death was to ICAS [32].
31% in diabetic patients with HbA1c greater Accumulation of LDL-cholesterol (C) in the
than 7.0% (n = 117) and 20% in diabetic intima initiates the development and progres-
patients with good HbA1c control (n = 59) [50]. sion of atherosclerosis and eventually leads to
Possible explanations for the failure of the the formation of a plaque. HDL-C plays an anti-
SAMMPRIS and the WASID trial to detect a atherosclerotic role by promoting cholesterol
significant benefit of better HbA1c control may efflux from macrophages, inhibiting oxidation
be either a true lack of benefit or a lack of power of LDL-C and migration of smooth muscle cells
to detect an effect. and aggregation of platelets [70]. However,
The benefit of better glucose control not intracranial arteries seem to have a specific
only in diabetic patients but also in patients glycocalyx composition on endothelial cells
with insulin resistance for lower recurrence of that might inhibit the trapping of very low
cardio- and cerebrovascular ischaemic events density lipoprotein resulting in reduction of
has been demonstrated by the IRIS (Insulin fatty depositions [71]. Ethnicity and environ-
Resistance Intervention after Stroke) trial mental factors may influence the effect of dys-
(Table 1). The possible explanation for the study lipidaemia on atherogenesis of intracranial
findings is that pioglitazone improves insulin arteries. Generally, compared to Caucasian
sensitivity, reduces plasma glucose, reduces populations, Asian and African populations
biomarkers of systemic inflammation and exhibit lower serum lipid levels, which may be
improves vasomotor reactivity. Also, it has one factor explaining the lower incidence of
favourable effects on lipid metabolism, blood extracranial and coronary atherosclerosis in
pressure and thrombosis. The conclusion drawn these populations [72]. Apolipoprotein (apo)-AI,
from this study was that pioglitazone was the major apolipoprotein in HDL-C, has
effective in secondary prevention of recurrent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects,
ischaemic stroke in non-diabetic patients with whereas apo-B represents the total number of
insulin resistance. The study did not analyse potentially atherogenic properties, generates
ischaemic stroke related to ICAS as such [65]. multiple proinflammatory products and aggra-
According to the ESC/EAS 2019 guidelines, vates atherogenesis within the vascular wall
HbA1c less than 7% is recommended for vas- through oxidation. López-Cancio et al.
cular disease prevention [57]. Although the demonstrated the association between triglyc-
AHA/ASA 2019 guidelines did not set any eride/HDL-C ratio and moderate to severe
specific target goals for HbA1c and serum glu- asymptomatic 50% or higher ICAS, although it
cose for patients with ICAS, they probably was not an independent predictor [37]. A posi-
should not differ from those recommended in tive correlation between the apo-B/apo-AI ratio
(atherosclerotic) vascular disease [66]. and the presence and severity of ICAS has been
shown, suggesting that the apo-B/apo-AI ratio
Dyslipidaemia may be a promising biomarker for predicting
the risk and severity of ICAS [73].
Dyslipidaemia is an important risk factor for The WASID trial (Table 1) found mean LDL-
ICAS, more even for ECAS [2, 42, 44, 67–69]. C levels of 3.2 mmol/l and mean HDL-C levels
In a prospective multicentre study with of 1.1 mmol/l at baseline. Among all patients
enrolment of 1000 Korean patients with acute enrolled, 61% were on a statin at baseline and
ischaemic stroke or TIA (less than 7 days after 82.4% took a statin at any time during the trial.
Univariate analysis for the association between
1848 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

dyslipidaemia and recurrent ischaemic stroke, continuous LDL-C and lower non-HDL-C levels
myocardial infarction or vascular death were associated with lower likelihood of recur-
demonstrated that total cholesterol levels of at rent ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarction or
least 5.2 mmol/l were associated with an vascular death, as well as of recurrent ischaemic
increased risk of a major recurrent vascular stroke alone until 3-year follow-up [54].
event (p = 0.0223). Furthermore, 25.0% of According to the SPARCL (Stroke Prevention
patients with LDL-C levels of at least 3.0 mmol/l by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels)
suffered an ischaemic stroke, myocardial trial (Table 1), which was not specific to patients
infarction or vascular death, compared to 18.5% with ICAS, reduction of LDL-C levels below
of patients with mean LDL-C levels less than 1.81 mmol/l was associated with a 28% reduc-
3.0 mmol/l (p = 0.029) over the same period. tion in risk of ischaemic stroke compared with a
Multivariable analysis showed that total level above 2.59 mmol/l [75]. A post hoc anal-
cholesterol level of at least 5.2 mmol/l (HR 1.44, ysis investigating atorvastatin vs. placebo
1.00–2.07; p = 0.048) was associated with an showed atorvastatin 80 mg/day to be effective
increased risk of ischaemic stroke, myocardial in reducing recurrence risk of ischaemic stroke
infarction or vascular death during the follow- among patients with atherosclerotic large vessel
up period. Also, the results revealed that disease. However, the SPARCL trial was under-
patients were more likely to suffer a recurrent powered for subgroup analyses.
ischaemic stroke if they had total cholesterol A randomised parallel-group event-driven
levels of at least 5.2 mmol/l (HR 2.06, study assigned a total of 2860 patients with a
p = 0.0006), LDL-C levels of at least 2.6 mmol/l recent (less than 3 months) ischaemic stroke or
(HR 1.72, p = 0.0326), non-HDL-C levels of at a TIA (less than 15 days) to a target LDL-C level
least 3.4 mmol/l (HR 1.94, p = 0.0109) and a of below 1.8 mmol/l (lower-target group,
ratio of total cholesterol/HDL-C levels of at least n = 1430) or to a target range of 2.3–2.8 mmol/l
4.4 (HR 1.89, p = 0.0043). Furthermore, a total (higher-target group, n = 1430) [76]. All patients
cholesterol of at least 5.2 mmol/l (HR 1.95, 95% enrolled had either ECAS, ICAS, atherosclerotic
CI 1.29–2.97; p = 0.002) among patients with plaques of the aortic arch (4 mm or larger) or a
SBP of at least 140 mmHg (HR 1.58, 1.07–2.32; known history of coronary artery disease. The
p = 0.02) was the most important predictor of a primary endpoint was defined as ischaemic
recurrent ischaemic stroke. History of dyslipi- stroke, myocardial infarction, new symptoms
daemia was independently associated with sev- leading to urgent coronary or carotid revascu-
ere ICAS (OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.09–2.42; p = 0.02). larisation or death from vascular causes during
Furthermore, patients with ICAS of the basilar the follow-up period of 3.5 years. Achieved LDL-
artery were most likely to have dyslipidaemia C targets of 1.8 mmol/l were related to a lower
(70.86% vs. 64.81% with intracranial ICAS of risk of major vascular events, compared to
the internal carotid artery, 57.71% with ICAS of higher LDL-C levels (n = 121, 8.5% in the lower-
the middle cerebral and 63.81% with ICAS of target group vs. n = 156, 10.9% in the higher-
the vertebral artery; p = 0.054) [45, 74]. target group [HR 0.78 (0.61–0.98), 95% CI,
The SAMMPRIS trial (Table 1) had LDL-C p = 0.04]).
levels below 1.8 mmol/l as a primary risk factor AHA/ASA 2019 guidelines recommend high-
target, as well as non-HDL-C levels below intensity statin therapy, independent of base-
2.6 mmol/l as a secondary target, with stan- line LDL-C levels, to reduce the risk of vascular
dardised measurements at baseline, 30 days and events for patients up to 75 years of age with
at 4 months, by using a central core lipid labo- cerebrovascular ischaemic events of atheroscle-
ratory. Among all patients enrolled in the best rotic origin and without contraindications.
medical therapy arm of the trial, a total of 47% Also, they recommend moderate intensity sta-
had a mean target of LDL-C levels below tin therapy for those over 75 years of age or for
1.8 mmol/l and 60% of non-HDL-C levels below those with conditions influencing statin safety
2.6 mmol/l. According to the post hoc analysis or a history of statin intolerance [66].
of the conservatively treated patients, lower
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865 1849

According to the ESC/EAS 2019 guidelines a slow cycling for at least 10 min at a time,
therapeutic regimen that achieves at least a 50% whereas vigorous exercise consisted of jogging
LDL-C reduction and a LDL-C goal of below or fast cycling for at least 20 min at a time.
1.4 mmol/l, non-HDL-C less than 2.2 mmol/l, Walking turned out to be the most common
triglycerides less than 1.7 mmol/l and apo-B less form of exercise at all time points, as measured
than 0.0013 mmol/l for very high risk patients by both the duration of exercise and the num-
is recommended for the management of dys- ber of patients performing the exercise. The
lipidaemia. Very high risk patients are defined mean duration of walking and other aerobic
as those with documented atherosclerotic car- activities increased significantly from baseline
diac disease, as well as those after a cerebrovas- to all other time points. Physical activity out of
cular event [57]. target was defined as a PACE score of 3 or less
Although there are no secondary prevention (3 = trying to do vigorous or moderate exercise
recommendations about target lipid levels in but not exercising regularly, 2 = no vigorous or
patients with ICAS, for patients with an moderate exercise but thinking of starting in
ischaemic stroke or TIA attributable to 50% or next 6 months, and 1 = no vigorous or moder-
higher stenosis of a major intracranial artery, ate exercise and no intention to start in next
high intensity statin therapy is recommended 6 months). Results from the post hoc analysis of
(class I; level of evidence B), according to AHA/ the patients enrolled in the best medical ther-
ASA 2014 guidelines [56]. apy arm only revealed that for the endpoint of
ischaemic stroke alone over the follow-up of
Overweight and Physical Inactivity 3 years, physical activity was the only risk factor
associated with fewer events (OR 0.5, 95% CI
Obesity, defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 0.4–0.7). Furthermore, participants who were
30 kg/m2 or higher is an established risk factor reaching the target for physical activity were
for stroke [77]. significantly less likely to have a recurrent vas-
BMI was recorded at every visit in the cular event over the follow-up period compared
SAMMPRIS trial (Table 1). Only 19% of patients to those who did not achieve those targets. The
enrolled in the best medical therapy arm of the conclusion was drawn that while arterial
study were in the BMI target (from baseline hypertension and dyslipidaemia may contribute
until adverse event or close-out), defined as BMI to the risk of recurrent vascular ischaemic
less than 25 kg/m2 for patients with initial BMI events, the independent effect of physical
between 25–27 kg/m2 and reduction of body activity was stronger for the prediction of vas-
weight by 10% for patients with initial BMI cular events. Notably, physically inactive
greater than 27 kg/m2. Results from the post patients had up to five times the likelihood of
hoc analysis demonstrated that control of BMI having an ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarc-
did not have a significant effect on the 3-year tion or vascular death, as well as a sixfold
rates of ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarction increased risk of an ischaemic stroke compared
or vascular death (OR 0.9, 95% CI 0.4–2.0), nor to physically active patients.
on the 3-year rate of ischaemic stroke alone (OR According to AHA/ASA 2014 guidelines all
0.9, 95% CI 0.4–2.1) [54]. patients with a cerebrovascular ischaemic event
Physical activity has been proven to be of should be screened for obesity with measure-
benefit, reducing risk factors and risk of stroke ment of BMI (class I; level of evidence C) [56].
[78]. Despite the shown beneficial effects of weight
Physical activity was assessed in the SAMM- loss on risk factors, the usefulness of weight loss
PRIS trial (Table 1) according to the 8-point among patients with a recent cerebrovascular
Physician-based Assessment and Counseling for ischaemic event and obesity is uncertain
Exercise (PACE) questionnaire, which the par- (class IIb; level of evidence C). Since the associ-
ticipants completed at each visit [79]. Moderate ation between obesity and increased risk for
exercise included activities like brisk walking or ischaemic stroke may be largely explained by
the intermediate risk factors, the consequences
1850 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

of obesity are controversial and not well estab- Furthermore, healthcare providers should
lished yet. strongly advise every patient who smokes to
AHA and ACC recommend that adults par- quit (class I; level of evidence C-EO) [66].
ticipate in 3–4 sessions of aerobic physical Although there are no secondary prevention
activity a week, lasting an average of 40 min and recommendations about smoking which are
involving moderate (e.g. brisk walking) or vig- specific to patients with ICAS, smoking cessa-
orous (e.g. jogging) intensity [80]. tion should be aimed for.
According to ESC/EAS 2019 guidelines a total
of 3.5–7 h moderately vigorous physical activity Healthy Lifestyle
per week or 30–60 min most days is the target
goal for vascular disease prevention [57]. Lifestyle modification is crucial for achievement
Although there are no secondary prevention of risk factors targets in patients with ICAS.
recommendations about physical activity SAMMPRIS was the first trial (Table 1) which
which are specific to patients with ICAS, these provided a commercially available telephonic
patients may also benefit from regular exercise, lifestyle modification program (INTERxVENT)
as mentioned above. However, it should be free of charge for all patients during study par-
taken into consideration that low flow patients ticipation. Lifestyle coaches provided individu-
should rather avoid intensive physical activity. alised risk factor advice twice a month for
6 months and monthly thereafter during the
Smoking follow-up period. Patients were divided into
compliant patients (n = 201), who had at least
Smoking is widely accepted as a major risk fac- 78.5% of calls and into noncompliant patients
tor, increasing the risk of ischaemic stroke two- with less than 78.5% of calls (n = 200). There
to fourfold. Pathophysiologically it increases was a significant difference between compliant
blood pressure, heart rate and oxidative stress vs. noncompliant patients in the change in
[81]. HbA1c from baseline to 6 months
It has been reported to play an important (- 0.7% ± 1.9%, n = 59 vs. 0.2% ± 2.7%,
role both in patients with ICAS [2] and in those n = 58; p = 0.04) and in the change in SBP from
with ECAS [82]. However, a randomised baseline to 24 months (- 18.4 ± 21.6 mmHg,
prospective study in patients (n = 989) with an n = 171 vs. - 11.2 ± 23.5 mmHg, n = 130;
acute ischaemic stroke or TIA and ICAS detected p = 0.006). They also differed in the change
by MRA concluded that smoking may be more from baseline to 36 months (0.3 ± 0.4 mmol/l,
strongly associated (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.07–3.16, n = 55 vs. 0.1 ± 0.3 mmol/l, n = 17; p = 0.03)
p = 0.026) with ICAS (32.9%) than with ECAS for HDL-C levels. However, there was no dif-
(28.2%) [83]. Smoking has been shown to cor- ference for BMI [86]. These results demonstrate
relate with ICAS progression and severity that healthy lifestyle leads to better control of
[84, 85]. several risk factors.
Although in the SAMMPRIS and WASID tri- Healthy living, including healthy diet and
als (Table 1) smoking was recorded at all study regular physical activity, has also been recom-
visits, post hoc analyses of both studies failed to mended by AHA/ASA 2019 guidelines for all
demonstrate the benefit of its control for patients after an acute ischaemic stroke [66].
reducing the rate of recurrent vascular events. Patients with ICAS should also aim at a
According to AHA/ASA 2014 guidelines, healthier lifestyle as part of secondary
smokers with a cerebrovascular event should prevention.
receive in-hospital initiation of high-intensity
behavioural interventions to promote smoking Age, Ethnicity and Genetics
cessation and for smokers with an acute
ischaemic stroke, nicotine replacement therapy Results of the AsIA study (Table 1) identified age
is recommended (class IA; level of evidence A). (OR 1.05, 95% CI 1.004–1.1; p = 0.03) to be
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865 1851

associated with moderate to severe asymp- Anticoagulants have empirically been used
tomatic ICAS [37]. for patients with severe occlusive disease in the
There is controversial data on studies on the vertebrobasilar arteries and in recurrent ischae-
prevalence of ICAS in patients at different age. mic stroke according to favourable results of
Autopsy and imaging studies have found that clinical trials several decades ago [94].
ICAS is more prevalent later in life than ECAS However, the WASID trial (Table 1) showed a
[16, 32]. One of the potential explanations is benefit of antiplatelet treatment over anticoag-
related to the greater antioxidant enzyme ulation in patients with non-disabling ischae-
activity at younger age in intracranial arteries, mic stroke or TIA within 90 days before
making them more resistant to atherosclerotic randomisation, attributable to 50–99% ICAS.
plaques [87]. This occurred even though the dosage of aspirin
Potential reasons for ethnic differences in was considerable (1300 mg/day). This high
the prevalence, severity and location, but also dosage of aspirin was prescribed because of its
in the pathogenesis and prognosis of ICAS may supposed better ability to decrease platelet
partially be explained by differences in risk resistance [95, 96], to diminish shear-induced
factor profiles [88]. For instance, higher rates of platelet aggregation [97] and to decrease the
obesity and hyperglycaemia as well as lower inflammatory component of atherothrombosis
rates of physical activity are more typical for [98–101].
Hispanic rather than for Caucasian populations Since non-vitamin K antagonist oral antico-
[89]. Also, studies demonstrated Asian popula- agulants (NOACs) have been shown to be safer
tions to have a higher prevalence of arterial than vitamin K antagonists (warfarin) in sec-
hypertension, smoking and visceral obesity, ondary stroke prevention [102–105], the ques-
associated with insulin resistance [90, 91]. tion arises whether NOACs would be effective
Also, polymorphisms such as for adipocy- and safe in patients with ICAS. There is a need
tokines, lipoprotein lipase and C-reactive pro- for clinical trials addressing NOACs in this
tein have been described to be present in specific patient group.
patients with ICAS but also ECAS [92]. The CLAIR (Clopidogrel plus Aspirin for
Moreover, the ring finger protein 213 Infarction Reduction) study (Table 1) investi-
(RNF213) has been shown to be a susceptibility gated dual antiplatelet therapy for reduction of
gene not only for moyamoya disease but also for microembolic signals (MES) detected by TCD
ICAS. In a meta-analysis (11 studies, 1778 [106]. MES have been described to be a surrogate
patients with ICAS), the variant RNF213 marker for higher risk of cerebrovascular
p.R4810K has been found to increase the risk of ischaemic events. All patients had at least 50%
ICAS in Chinese patients (OR 5.59, 95% CI symptomatic ECAS or ICAS of the internal car-
2.12–14.75; p = 0.001), with significantly lower otid artery or ICAS of the middle cerebral artery.
effect size than in Japanese and Korean patients Results from this study indicate that dual anti-
(OR 10.71 and 28.52, 95% CI 3.97–28.91 and platelet therapy for 7 days is more effective with
11.04–73.67, respectively). The variant RNF213 a comparable safety than aspirin alone for
p.R4810K is absent in non-Asian populations. reducing the number of MES in acute stroke or
Other variants of RNF213 have been identified TIA patients with ICAS, which might be related
to be associated with ICAS [93]. to a decreased risk of cerebrovascular ischaemic
Anticoagulation and Antithrombotics A substudy of the CHANCE (Clopidogrel in
High-risk patients with Acute Nondisabling
Blood thinning is of crucial importance in Cerebrovascular Events) trial (Table 1) analysed
therapy of patients with ICAS. Anticoagulation the efficacy of dual antiplatelet therapy among
interferes with the coagulation cascade, and symptomatic patients with ICAS, compared to
antithrombotics interfere with platelet activa- patients without ICAS. Results indicated higher
tion and aggregation. rates of recurrent ischaemic or haemorrhagic
stroke in minor ischaemic stroke or high-risk
1852 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

TIA patients with ICAS than in those without. haemorrhagic stroke or TIA occurred in both
However, there was no significant difference in groups during the study period of 6 months.
the response to and concerning safety of the However, the TOSS II study (Table 1) failed to
two antiplatelet regimes between patients with find a benefit of cilostazol (100 mg twice daily)
and without ICAS [107, 108]. and of aspirin (75–150 mg once daily) over
The GESICA (Groupe d’Etude des Sténoses clopidogrel (75 mg once daily) and aspirin
Intra-Crâniennes Athéromateuses symptoma- (75–150 mg once daily) in preventing progres-
tiques) trial (Table 1) evaluated the benefit of sion of ICAS and occurrence of new ischaemic
medical therapy in patients with minor ischae- lesions in the territory of ICAS in the follow-up
mic stroke or TIA within 6 months and related MRI at 7 months [52]. Safety assessment
to at least 50% ICAS [7]. Patients were treated revealed that major haemorrhagic complica-
with a single antiplatelet agent, with one anti- tions were not significantly different between
platelet and one anticoagulant, with one anti- both groups.
coagulant or with other antithrombotic Although both TOSS I and II studies have
combinations of antithrombotics and antico- limitations including evaluation of radiological
agulants. There was a considerable recurrence markers only but not of clinical events, Korean
rate of ischaemic stroke in the territory of the ethnicity of all included patients, short follow-
ICAS but also of other vascular events. Also, the up periods and small number of enrolled
study found an association between ICAS and patients, cilostazol is currently widely pre-
coronary artery and peripheral arterial disease. scribed in patients with ICAS, mostly in Asia.
Among 20 patients who underwent angioplasty Ticagrelor is another antiplatelet acting as a
there was one fatal haemorrhagic stroke, which platelet P2Y12 receptor antagonist which has
occurred 2 months after the procedure. been studied among patients with non-car-
In the SAMMPRIS trial (Table 1), including dioembolic minor ischaemic stroke or TIA in
patients with non-disabling ischaemic stroke or the SOCRATES (Acute Stroke Or Transient
TIA caused by 70–99% ICAS, lower rates of any isChaemic attack tReated with Aspirin or Tica-
stroke or death was found in the best medical grelor and patient outcomES) study [111].
therapy group compared to the percutaneous Patients were randomised to receive either
transluminal angioplasty and stenting (PTAS) ticagrelor (180 mg loading dosage on day 1 fol-
group. lowed by 90 mg twice daily for 90 days) or
The VISSIT (Vitesse Intracranial Stent Study aspirin (300 mg on day 1 followed by
for Ischaemic stroke Therapy) study (Table 1) 100 mg/day for 90 days). Although the trial
also supported the benefit of best medical failed to show superiority of ticagrelor over
therapy within 30 days in patients with symp- aspirin, it has been suggested e.g. to be pre-
tomatic 70% or higher ICAS [109]. scribed in carriers of loss-of-function alleles,
Cilostazol is an alternative antiplatelet hav- causing potential resistance to clopidogrel or in
ing been investigated in patients with ICAS. It is patients with recurrent cerebrovascular ischae-
a phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor with vasodilat- mic events.
ing, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic effects A substudy of SOCRATES (n = 3081) (Table 1)
and a low bleeding risk. The TOSS I (Trial of has focused on ischaemic strokes caused by
cilOstazol in Symptomatic intracranial arterial ipsilateral atherosclerotic disease. In this sub-
Stenosis) study (Table 1) randomised Korean study, ticagrelor was superior to aspirin in pre-
patients with symptomatic ICAS either to venting recurrent ischaemic or haemorrhagic
cilostazol (100 mg twice daily) or placebo. All stroke, myocardial infarction or death at
participants received aspirin 100 mg/day addi- 90 days in patients with acute ischaemic stroke
tionally [110]. Results demonstrated that or transient ischaemic attack when associated
cilostazol may not only prevent ICAS progres- with ipsilateral ICAS. There were no significant
sion, but may even potentiate regression of differences in the proportion of life-threaten-
ICAS. Furthermore, no ischaemic or ing, major or minor haemorrhages between
both groups [112].
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865 1853

Prasugrel, which is another antiplatelet and since considerable recurrence rates of cere-
platelet P2Y12 receptor antagonist, has been brovascular ischaemic events have been repor-
compared to clopidogrel among Japanese ted despite best medical therapy [114].
patients with non-cardioembolic ischaemic The small calibres of cerebral arteries, the
stroke (within up to 1–26 weeks before inclu- relative paucity of supporting medial and
sion) in the PRASTRO-I (PRAsugrel and clopi- adventitia layers, the presence of end-anasto-
dogrel in Japanese patients with ischemic mosing perforator branches and the vascular
STROke) study (Table 1) [113]. Patients were tortuosity demand specialized interventional
randomly assigned to either prasugrel skills and devices [11]. As a result of the diverse
(3.75 mg/day) or clopidogrel (75 mg/day) orally. stroke mechanisms of ICAS, careful patient
This study did not confirm non-inferiority of selection, according to the underlying patho-
prasugrel compared to clopidogrel for the pre- physiological pattern, and evaluation of the
vention of ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarc- indications and procedural risks and benefits are
tion and death from other vascular causes in crucial prior to deciding on endovascular pro-
Japanese patients with non-cardioembolic cedure. The treatment indications will likely
stroke. No safety concerns were identified. develop in parallel with future advancement of
Although a total of 29% of enrolled patients had endovascular techniques and better under-
large artery atherosclerosis, the specific location standing of ICAS.
was not described in this study. Various endovascular therapy strategies have
According to AHA/ASA 2019 guidelines, for been applied in patients with ICAS in recent
patients with non-cardioembolic acute ischae- years. The first and most simple endovascular
mic stroke the use of antithrombotics rather therapy initiated was the balloon angioplasty
than oral anticoagulation is recommended to alone. It dilated the calibre of the ICAS, leading
reduce risk of vascular events (class I; level of to increase of perfusion in the downstream ter-
evidence A) [66]. ritory. In 1980, two patients with frequent,
According to AHA/ASA 2014 guidelines, for severe, progressive symptoms despite anticoag-
patients with an ischaemic stroke or TIA asso- ulation and high-grade ICAS of the basilar
ciated with at least 50% ICAS of a major artery got treated by cerebral transluminal bal-
intracranial artery, aspirin 325 mg/day is rec- loon catheter dilatation [115]. The excellent
ommended in secondary prevention in prefer- angiographic and short-term clinical results in
ence to warfarin (class I; level of evidence B). In these two patients as well as the prevalence of
at least 70% ICAS, the AHA/ASA 2014 guidelines ICAS favoured further research of this approach.
state that the addition of clopidogrel 75 mg/day Unfortunately, arterial dissection with consec-
to aspirin 100 mg/day for 90 days might be utive thrombosis or rupture, residual stenosis
reasonable (class IIb; level of evidence B) [56]. due to sequestration or vessel recoiling and
According to AHA/ASA 2014 guidelines for acute or subacute vascular occlusion due to the
patients with ischaemic stroke or TIA formation of a wall haematoma were reported
attributable to a 50% or higher ICAS of a major as frequent complications in the next case series
intracranial artery, the data are insufficient to [116].
make a recommendation in secondary stroke In order to reduce periprocedural complica-
prevention regarding the usefulness of clopi- tions of angioplasty alone, the rigid coronary
dogrel alone, the combination of aspirin and Palmaz-Schatz stent was applied for the first
dipyridamole or cilostazol alone (class IIb; level time in 1996 in a patient with recurrent TIA due
of evidence C) [56]. to severe ICAS of the right carotid artery despite
antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy [117].
Deploying the stent led to a better angiographic
ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY result compared to angioplasty alone. The
patient was asymptomatic 4 months after the
The question arises whether endovascular ther- procedure. However, probably as a result of the
apy is safe and effective in patients with ICAS rigidness of the coronary stent a high rate of up
1854 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

Fig. 2 MRI of a patient with high-grade ICAS of the middle cerebral artery on the left side causing hypoperfusion
downstream and recurrent ischaemic stroke despite best medical therapy

to 30% procedure-related complications has (70.5%) or ECAS (29.5%) [120]. The study
been described in various case series [118]. showed that the Neurolink stent system was
In a retrospective single-centre trial in associated with a high rate of successful stent
patients (n = 120) with ischaemic stroke or TIA deployment.
attributable to 50% or higher ICAS measured by Thereafter, in 2005 the first self-expanding,
DSA, primary angioplasty was associated with a nitinol-composed Wingspan stent (Boston Sci-
combined periprocedural ischaemic stroke and entific, Fremont, CA, USA) was approved by the
death rate of 5.8%. In the mean follow-up per- US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for
iod of 42.3 months there were 6 (3.2%) patients patients with 50% or higher ICAS, symptomatic
with an ischaemic stroke in the territory of despite medical therapy.
treatment and 5 (4.4%) patients with ischaemic The first randomised trial assessing best
stroke outside the territory of the treated ste- medical therapy with/without the Wingspan
notic vessel [119]. stent system in patients with non-disabling
In 2004, the SSYLVIA (Stenting of SYmp- ischaemic stroke or TIA caused by 70–99% ICAS
tomatic Atherosclerotic Lesions in the Vertebral is the SAMMPRIS trial (Table 1) [53, 121]. Best
or Intracranial Arteries) trial (Table 1) was the medical therapy was superior to PTAS with the
first multicentre, non-randomised, prospective use of the Wingspan stent system, both because
study using the balloon-expandable Neurolink the risk of any early stroke after PTAS was high
stent system (Guidant, Indianapolis, IN, USA) in and because the risk of any stroke with best
patients with symptomatic 50% or higher ICAS
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865 1855

Fig. 3 DSA of a patient with ICAS-related acute large undergoing intra-arterial infusion of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
vessel occlusion of the middle cerebral artery on the left inhibitor and permanent deployment of a stent retriever
side and prompt reocclusion after initial reperfusion, then with angioplasty

medical therapy alone was lower than expected stent only in patients having suffered at least
[122]. two ischaemic strokes, attributable to 50% or
Major criticisms about the SAMMPRIS trial higher ICAS, while receiving antithrombotic
were as follows: experience of interventionalists therapy) [122]. Patients with only one ischaemic
was not optimal. Also, 35.3% of patients inclu- lesion attributable to 70% or lower ICAS and
ded in the PTAS group of the SAMMPRIS trial without MES detected on TCCD may benefit
had not previously failed antithrombotic ther- from the maximal-dosage dual antiplatelet
apy, which was contrary to the FDA criteria therapy, intensive risk factor control and rigor-
(deployment of the self-expanding Wingspan ous lifestyle management, including control of
1856 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

BMI, smoking cessation and regular physical underlying cerebrovascular ischaemic event
activity. However, patients with generalized mechanism into consideration. Also, high pro-
atherosclerotic disease, 70% or higher ICAS, fessional expertise of interventionalists and
who had recurrent cerebrovascular ischaemic application of different endovascular proce-
events due to underlying hypoperfusion with/ dures and different stents deployed might
without poor collaterals may benefit more from facilitate beneficial outcomes [11].
endovascular therapy. However, the SAMMPRIS Similar results as in SAMMPRIS have been
trial did not show a benefit in the subgroup of demonstrated by the VISSIT (Vitesse Intracra-
patients with cerebrovascular ischaemic events nial Stent Study for Ischaemic Stroke Therapy)
with underlying hypoperfusion with/without study (Table 1), which included patients with
poor collaterals [123, 124]. But, the small sam- symptomatic 70–99% ICAS and compared bal-
ple size of this subgroup analysis limits this loon-expandable stenting with the Pharos stent
finding. system plus best medical therapy and best
Most patients in the PTAS group were treated medical therapy alone [109]. In this study, the
in the acute or subacute stage with median time use of a balloon-expandable stent compared
from the qualifying event to randomisation of with best medical therapy resulted in an
7 days (interquartile range 4–16 days). In this increased 12-month risk of ischaemic stroke or
time period, atherosclerotic plaques of ICAS TIA in the same territory, and increased 30-day
might show a certain instability. These patients risk of any stroke or TIA. These findings did not
might benefit from endovascular therapy since support the use of a balloon-expandable stent
their plaques might not stabilize with best for patients with symptomatic ICAS.
medical therapy alone and cause recurrent Criticisms about the VISSIT trial were quite
artery-to-artery embolic strokes. Also, unsta- similar as in the SAMMPRIS trial. In particular
ble plaques might be dislodged into the orifice the heterogeneity of included patients and the
of perforators in endovascular therapy non-optimal experience of interventionalists
[125, 126]. Besides, stents might occlude orifices are comparable.
of perforators by themselves. Regarding atherosclerotic stenosis of verte-
Furthermore, among 224 patients in the bral arteries, the VIST (Vertebral artery Ischae-
PTAS group of the SAMMPRIS trial, 61.2% had mia Stenting Trial) trial compared vertebral
lesions in the anterior circulation and the angioplasty and stenting (balloon-expandable
remaining (38.8%) in the posterior circulation. or self-expandable stent) with best medical
Data from a systematic review including 31 therapy in patients with symptomatic 50% or
studies and 1177 symptomatic patients with at higher ECAS (mostly affecting the V1 segment)
least 70% ICAS receiving stenting demonstrated in 83% of patients and at least 50% ICAS in 17%
a significantly lower rate of occurrence of any of patients [128]. The study demonstrated safety
stroke or death in the anterior circulation of stenting for ECAS.
compared to the rate in posterior circulation Low periprocedural risk in stenting of 50% or
ICAS (6.6 vs. 12.1%, 95% CI 1.21–3.10; higher vertebral ECAS/ICAS has been revealed
p = 0.006). The small diameter and angulation in VAST (Vertebral Artery Stenting Trial)
of the vertebrobasilar arteries, which is associ- (Table 1). Patients were randomised to stenting
ated with a higher degree of technical com- (with choice of stent at the discretion of the
plexity, might have contributed to the interventionalist) or PTA alone if stent place-
increased periprocedural complication rates ment turned out not to be feasible or con-
observed in posterior circulation. Furthermore, traindicated after the beginning of the
the probability that a stent covers the ostia of intervention) plus best medical therapy and
perforators and thereby leads to a subsequent best medical therapy alone. There were 16% of
ischaemic stroke is higher in posterior circula- patients with ICAS in the stenting group and
tion than in anterior circulation [127]. 17% in the best medical therapy group.
So, it might be of importance to take the Endovascular therapy in this study was associ-
initial composition of ICAS and the precise ated with a major periprocedural vascular
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865 1857

complication in about one in 20 patients. In the Mori A—a short and concentric lesion with a
patients studied, the risk of any recurrent stroke short length (less than 5 mm); Mori B—a tubu-
under best medical treatment alone was low. It lar or extreme eccentric lesion, at most
should be pointed out that more than 80% of 3 months old, with intermediate length (be-
patients included in the study had ECAS [129]. tween 5 and 10 mm) and Mori C—a diffuse
The WEAVE (Wingspan stEnt system lesion, at least 3 months old, with a long length
postmArket surVEillance) trial (Table 1), which greater than 10 mm and angled more than 90°
enrolled patients with 70–99% ICAS, baseline [132]. Regarding these lesion characteristics
mRS score 3 or less, at least two ischaemic balloon-mounted stents may be more suit-
strokes (at least one of which while on best able for patients with smooth arterial access and
medical therapy) in the vascular territory of the Mori A ICAS, midbasilar artery ICAS and ICAS of
ICAS and stenting of the ICAS at least 8 days the distal M1 segment of the middle cerebral
after last ischaemic stroke, is the largest up to artery; self-expanding stents for patients with
date on-label trial for the self-expandable tortuous arterial access and Mori B or C ICAS
Wingspan stent system in patients with ICAS and balloon angioplasty alone for patients with
[130]. Results demonstrated safety of the tortuous arterial access with Mori A ICAS and a
Wingspan stent system. The rate of any stroke small target-vessel diameter of less than 2.5 mm
or death was lower than the target of 4% [133].
periprocedural safety set by the FDA. Since the According to AHA/ASA 2014 guidelines, for
design of the Wingspan stent has not substan- patients with an ischaemic stroke or TIA
tially changed since its introduction into the attributable to 70–99% ICAS of a major
market in 2005, the results of the WEAVE study intracranial artery, stenting with the Wingspan
have been explained by good experience of stent system is not recommended as an initial
interventionalists as well as by favourable treatment, even for patients who were taking an
selection of patients meeting the criteria for antithrombotic agent at the time of ischaemic
stenting by strictly following the on-label stroke or TIA (class III; level of evidence B).
indications. Furthermore, even for patients with 70–99%
CASSISS (China Angioplasty and Stenting for ICAS of a major intracranial artery and actively
Symptomatic Intracranial Severe Stenosis) is an progressing symptoms after institution of
ongoing study (Table 1), which aimed to enrol aspirin and clopidogrel therapy, the usefulness
380 patients with recent ischaemic stroke or TIA of angioplasty alone or placement of a Wing-
caused by 70–99% ICAS of a major intracranial span stent or other stents is unknown and still
vessel [131]. The recruitment was complete in considered investigational (class IIb; level of
November 2017. The study compares best evidence C) [56].
medical therapy with/without stenting using At present, we suggest that endovascular
the Wingspan stent system. It is noteworthy therapy may be considered as a treatment
that patients recruited in the CASSISS trial suf- option for patients with recurrent ischaemic
fered their last ischaemic stroke after more than stroke (Fig. 2) despite best medical therapy and
3 weeks in order to lower periprocedural risk of especially if pathophysiologically attributed to
stenting. Also, patients with perforator stroke hypoperfusion with/without bad collaterals.
without distal hypoperfusion with/without The most appropriate type of endovascular
poor collaterals or artery-to-artery embolism therapy should be performed for every patient
according to MRI were excluded from the study. individually according to the underlying
Length of ICAS, procedural arterial access pathophysiological cerebrovascular ischaemic
and diameter of culprit arteries and proximity event mechanism and according to character-
of the plaque and lenticulostriate perforators istics of ICAS. In future, better experience of
should also be considered before deciding on interventionalists and improved features of
the most accurate type of endovascular therapy. stents deployed are also expected to boost out-
According to the Mori classification, three dif- come of endovascular therapy in ICAS. The
ferent types of stenoses are subclassified: stent of the future should be more flexible and
1858 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

easier to manoeuvre, and the microwire and rescue therapy in patients with ICAS-related
guiding catheters should be appropriate to acute large vessel occlusion [134–137].
support the delivery of the stent system. Drug-
eluting stents or PTA balloons may be deployed
to decrease the rate of persisting ICAS and SURGICAL THERAPY
Another question arises whether endovascu- Another therapy option to be discussed in
lar therapy is safe and effective in patients with patients with ICAS is surgical therapy. Its
ICAS-related acute large vessel occlusion. Cur- effectiveness and safety remain unclear. Reper-
rently, temporary stent retriever thrombectomy fusion distal to ICAS can be achieved through
(SRT) and contact aspiration thrombectomy various bypass surgeries using different donors,
(CAT) are the most frequently applied recipient arteries and conduit vessels [138].
endovascular therapy strategies in this setting. The landmark international randomised EC-
Several studies have demonstrated comparable IC bypass trial performed in 1977 failed to
efficacy. However, evidence is limited since demonstrate improved outcome after direct
most data are from small retrospective case bypass versus best medical therapy among
series. For successful CAT, an optimal contact patients with recent ischaemic stroke, retinal
with the proximal surface of a thrombus is infarction or TIA attributable to symptomatic
crucial. However, this contact may be limited in extracranial carotid occlusion, distal carotid
patients with ICAS since ICAS tend to show an occlusive disease or ICAS of the middle cerebral
irregular shape. A stent retriever touches the full artery who were randomly assigned to either
thrombus length and shows a temporary best medical therapy (aspirin 1300 mg/day
restoration of flow facilitating endogenous usually divided in four dosages) or to the same
thrombolysis. Since large vessel occlusion in regimen with the addition of bypass surgery
ICAS is typically caused by in situ obstruction consisting of joining the superficial temporal
based on an unstable plaque, there remains a artery and the middle cerebral artery. Overall,
high risk of reocclusion by subsequent platelet the study findings did not support surgical
activation and thrombus formation. However, therapy in patients with ICAS on a regular basis,
an open artery is crucial for improving out- especially not in patients with at least 70% ICAS
come. Rescue therapy may be discussed after of the middle cerebral artery. One of the major
reocclusion. Rescue therapy at present includes criticisms that has been raised against the study
switching to another tool (SRT to CAT or vice was the lack of information about haemody-
versa), simultaneous use of both SRT and CAT, namic status of patients, which were enrolled
infusion of intra-arterial thrombolytics, of intra- on the basis of clinical symptoms and angio-
arterial or intravenous glycoprotein IIb/IIIa graphic findings only [139–141].
inhibitor and transiently or permanently A recent prospective study (n = 112) com-
deploying a stent or a stent retriever with or pared EC-IC bypass with/without best medical
without angioplasty (Fig. 3). Repeated passages therapy in patients with symptomatic steno-
of a microwire, a microcatheter and SRT may occlusive disease of the intracranial internal
further damage the unstable plaque and thus carotid artery or middle cerebral artery. Best
provoke more platelet activation or dissec- medical therapy consisted of adequate control
tion. Intracranial angioplasty with or without of diabetes mellitus (target HbA1c less than 7%),
permanently deploying a stent retriever bears blood pressure (below 140/90 mmHg), LDL-C
the risk of occlusion of perforators, vessel (less than 2.6 mmol/l) and single antiplatelet
injury, resulting in vasospasm, dissection and therapy (either aspirin 100 mg/day or clopido-
reocclusion. Infusion of thrombolytics or gly- grel 75 mg/day). Patients were selected using
coprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor elevates the risk of TCD sonography and cerebral vasodilatory
intracranial haemorrhage. Future studies are (CVR) assessment using breath-holding index
needed concerning endovascular first-line and (BHI). Patients with impaired BHI (less than
0.69) were further evaluated with
Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865 1859

acetazolamide-challenge technetium-99m hex- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

amethylpropyleneamine oxime (99mTc
HMPAO) SPECT. Bypass surgery was offered to
patients with impaired CVR on SPECT. Until Funding. This research received no specific
34 months, 13% vs. 45% in the surgery vs. in grant from any funding agency in the public,
the best medical therapy group developed commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
cerebrovascular ischaemic events. The best
medical therapy was, however, suboptimal, Authorship. All named authors meet the
lacking a lifestyle modification programme, best International Committee of Medical Journal
lipid-lowering as well as double antithrombotic Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this
therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel during the article, take responsibility for the integrity of
first 90 days after the index event [142]. the work as a whole, and have given their
According to AHA/ASA 2019 guidelines EC/ approval for this version to be published.
IC bypass has largely been abandoned as a
standard therapy for symptomatic ICAS. How- Disclosures. Marina Krasteva has received a
ever, surgical revascularisation may be consid- personal fee for a stroke research fellowship
ered as a treatment option for patients with from the Konstantin and Zenovia Katzarovi
recurrent ischaemic stroke despite best medical foundation. Kui Kai Lau has received research
therapy and pathophysiologically attributed to sponsorship from Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer,
hypoperfusion with/without bad collaterals, Sanofi and Eisai. He has served on the Advisory
especially if the vascular anatomy is unfavour- Board of Boehringer Ingelheim in 2019. Pas-
able for endovascular therapy [66]. quale Mordasini and Anderson Chun On Tsang
have nothing to disclose. Mirjam R. Heldner has
served on the Advisory Board of Amgen in 2017
CONCLUSION and in 2019.

Although understanding of ICAS has improved Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This
significantly in recent years, further research is article is based on previously conducted studies
warranted for these patients. First, high-quality and does not contain any studies with human
imaging techniques could further improve participants or animals performed by any of the
diagnostics and assessment of intracranial authors.
atherosclerotic plaques. Second, novel, large-
scale and high-power randomised clinical trials Open Access. This article is licensed under a
investigating efficacy and safety of best medical Creative Commons Attribution-Non-
therapy including modern treatment such as Commercial 4.0 International License, which
proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 permits any non-commercial use, sharing,
(PSCK9) inhibitors and endovascular therapy adaptation, distribution and reproduction in
are urgently needed. Importantly, careful any medium or format, as long as you give
patient selection for endovascular therapy, appropriate credit to the original author(s) and
related to the underlying pathophysiological the source, provide a link to the Creative
mechanism of cerebrovascular ischaemic Commons licence, and indicate if changes were
events, as well as improved endovascular devi- made. The images or other third party material
ces could result in better prognosis and out- in this article are included in the article’s
come. Finally, more attention should be paid to Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
screening and identification of patients with so otherwise in a credit line to the material. If
far asymptomatic ICAS in order to prevent material is not included in the article’s Creative
subsequent vascular events. Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the
permitted use, you will need to obtain permis-
sion directly from the copyright holder.To view
1860 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1829–1865

a copy of this licence, visit http:// Atherosclerosis (SONIA) Trial. Neurology. 2007;68:
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