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Predictors of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Adult Patients On Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: An Observational Cohort Study

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Fletcher Sandersjöö et al.

Journal of Intensive Care (2017) 5:27

DOI 10.1186/s40560-017-0223-2

RESEARCH Open Access

Predictors of intracranial hemorrhage in

adult patients on extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation: an observational cohort study
Alexander Fletcher Sandersjöö1,2*, Jiri Bartek Jr.1,2,3, Eric Peter Thelin2,4, Anders Eriksson5, Adrian Elmi-Terander1,
Mikael Broman5,6 and Bo-Michael Bellander1,2

Background: Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is a recognized complication of adults treated with extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. However, the predictors
of ICH in this patient category are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to identify predictors of ICH in
ECMO-treated adult patients.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of adult patients (≥18 years) treated with ECMO at the Karolinska
University Hospital (Stockholm, Sweden) between September 2005 and June 2016, excluding patients with ICH
upon admission or those who were treated with ECMO for less than 12 h. In a comparative analysis, the primary
end-points were the difference in baseline characteristics and predictors of hemorrhage occurrence (ICH vs. non-
ICH cohorts). The secondary end-point was difference in mortality between groups. Paired testing and uni- and
multivariate regression models were applied.
Results: Two hundred and fifty-three patients were included, of which 54 (21%) experienced an ICH during ECMO
treatment. The mortality for patients with ICH was 81% at 1 month and 85% at 6 months, respectively, compared to 28
and 33% in patients who did not develop ICH. When comparing ICH vs. non-ICH cohorts, pre-admission antithrombotic
therapy (p = 0.018), high pre-cannulation Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) coagulation score (p = 0.015),
low platelet count (p < 0.001), and spontaneous extracranial hemorrhage (p = 0.045) were predictors of ICH. In
a multivariate regression model predicting ICH, pre-admission antithrombotic therapy and low platelet count
demonstrated independent risk association. When comparing the temporal trajectories for coagulation variables in the
days leading up to the detection of an ICH, plasma antithrombin significantly increased per patient over time (p = 0.014).
No other temporal trajectories were found.
Conclusions: ICH in adult ECMO patients is associated with a high mortality rate and independently associated with
pre-admission antithrombotic therapy and low platelet count, thus highlighting important areas of potential treatment
strategies to prevent ICH development.
Keywords: Intracranial hemorrhage, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, Adults, Predictors, Risk factors

* Correspondence: alexander.fletcher-sandersjoo@stud.ki.se
Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
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Fletcher Sandersjöö et al. Journal of Intensive Care (2017) 5:27 Page 2 of 10

Background Variables
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for re- Pre-cannulation data
spiratory and circulatory support—frequently used in Medical history and clinical charts were retrospectively
pediatric intensive care [1]—is increasingly being reviewed, and the following pre-cannulation data were
employed in adults [2–4]. In addition to the critical condi- collected: age, sex, comorbidities (including a calculation
tion of the patients treated, there is significant morbidity of the Charlson comorbidity index [16]), Sepsis-related
associated with the ECMO treatment itself [5]. A frequent Organ Failure Assessment (sometimes referred to as Se-
complication is bleeding, a result of the systemic effects of quential Organ Failure Assessment) (SOFA) scores [17],
cardiopulmonary bypass, causing platelet dysfunction, and an arterial blood gas analysis within 2 h before cannu-
platelet consumption, and hemodilution of clotting fac- lation. Ongoing antithrombotic therapy prior to admission
tors, in combination with the anticoagulation and an- (defined in our study as both antiplatelet and anticoagula-
tiplatelet therapy administered to reduce the risk of tion therapy), as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation at
circuit clotting [6]. In all probabilities, intracranial any point during hospitalization were also noted.
hemorrhage is the most devastating bleeding complica-
tion that can occur (ICH) [7] and has previously been ECMO data
associated with increased mortality in adults receiving ECMO data included the indication for ECMO treat-
ECMO treatment [8–10]. Despite this, the predictors of ment, the ECMO mode employed (VA or VV ECMO),
ICH in adult patients treated with ECMO are poorly and whether conversion (shifting from one mode to the
understood. other) was necessary. Common complications that oc-
So far, studies investigating the predictors of ICH in curred during the ECMO treatment were also registered,
ECMO patients have focused on the pediatric population including septic shock, dialysis, spontaneous extracranial
[11, 12] with only three studies looking into possible hemorrhage, and administered blood products post-
predictors in adults. In these studies, female sex, cannulation (plasma, platelets, and erythrocyte concen-
thrombocytopenia, use of heparin, dialysis, creatinine trate). We also noted the lowest recorded value during
>2,6 mg/dl (230 μmol/L), duration of ECMO treatment, the ECMO treatment for platelet count, fibrinogen con-
increased activated clotting time (ACT), spontaneous ex- centration, PvCO2 and axillary body temperature, as well
tracranial hemorrhage, renal failure upon intensive care as the highest recorded value for antithrombin concen-
unit (ICU) admission as well as rapid PaO2 increase and tration, international normalized ratio (INR), venous lac-
PaCO2 decrease upon ECMO initiation have been iden- tate concentration, venous pH, PvO2, and mean arterial
tified as predictors of ICH [13–15]. Generally, these blood pressure (MAP). By registering the highest/lowest
studies have been constrained by the limited number of values, as opposed to medians or means, we were able
patients included, making statistical modeling difficult. to catch temporary critical levels that could precipitate
In addition, only one of them included patients treated ICH development, for example, unexpected increases in
with both venoarterial (VA) and venovenous (VV) MAP or acute decreases in platelet count. For patients
ECMO. that developed an ICH, variables were only recorded
In this largest retrospective observational cohort study until the detection of the ICH, which in turn was deter-
to date, we explored possible predictors of ICH in ECMO- mined according to the time the CT scan was per-
treated adult patients. formed. Registered follow-up data were 1-month and 6-
month mortality. In addition, for patients with ICH, we
registered hemorrhage location, hemorrhage volume
Methods (calculated by multiplying the hemorrhage length ×
Patients width × height and dividing by two), and Fisher scale
All adult patients (≥18 years) treated with VA or VV [18]. We also registered the daily mean platelet count,
ECMO at the Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, antithrombin concentration, fibrinogen concentration,
Sweden, between September 2005 and June 2016 were eli- INR and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)
gible for inclusion. Patients with intracranial hemorrhage on the day the ICH was diagnosed as well as in the
upon admission were excluded. To reduce the influence 4 days preceding diagnosis—an arbitrary time frame we
of precipitating events, patients were required to have believe would incorporate any clinically important
been on ECMO support for at least 12 h prior to decannu- information.
lation or the development of an ICH. Medical records, in-
cluding clinical notes, laboratory analysis, monitoring Patient management during ECMO
reports, and brain imaging data were collected from pa- Patients with potentially reversible acute respiratory and/or
tient charts. The outcome variable was the presence of an cardiac failure were considered for ECMO treatment. In
ICH on a computed tomography (CT) scan. acute respiratory failure, a ratio of arterial oxygen partial
Fletcher Sandersjöö et al. Journal of Intensive Care (2017) 5:27 Page 3 of 10

pressure to fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2 ratio) coagulation variables of patients that developed an ICH, a
<80 mmHg (FiO2 1.0) was required. Other criteria in- paired t test was used. Moreover, a student’s t test was used
cluded peak inspiratory pressure >35 cmH2O (pressure to detect any statistically significant change in the coagula-
control), prolonged refractory hypercarbia with acidosis tion variables between the day of ICH diagnosis vs. 4 days
(pH < 7.10), and Murray score >3 [19]. In acute cardiac fail- prior. The statistical significance level was set to p < 0.05.
ure, the following criteria increased the chance of accept- The statistical program R was used, utilizing the interface
ance for ECMO treatment: central venous oxygen R-studio Version 1.0.136 [23].
saturation (ScvO2) <55%, cardiac index <2 L/min m2 [20],
acidaemia, lactatemia, or vasoactive-inotropic score >45– Results
50 μg/kg min−1 [21]. During the study period, 311 adults were admitted for
Anticoagulation was achieved by a continuous intraven- ECMO treatment. Of these, 24 were excluded from our
ous infusion of unfractionated heparin (UFH) targeting an study due to <12 h of ECMO treatment, four were ex-
APTT of 60–80 s, which was assessed three times daily. cluded due to the presence of an ICH upon admission
Hourly monitoring using arterial and/or venous blood gas and 30 were excluded because their ECMO treatment
analysis was performed (Radiometer, Copenhagen, was partially conducted at a different hospital. Two hun-
Denmark), including a separate assessment for activated dred and fifty-three patients were included in the study,
clotting time (ACT) (Hemochron Mini II, Helena Labora- 161 of whom were treated with VV ECMO and 92
tories, Beaumont, TX, USA, or Hemochron Junior, Scan- treated with VA ECMO, while 42 required conversion at
dinavian Medical Partner, Gothenburg, Sweden) with a least once. Pulmonary indications were by far the most
treatment target of 180–220 s. After arrival at our ICU, a common reason for ECMO treatment (n = 224, 89%).
tracheostomy was performed within 2 to 3 days, after The majority of patients (98.4%) received intravenous
which the patients’ sedation was reduced with the goal of heparin infusion to prevent clotting. The patients that
keeping the patient awake with analgosedation. The bed- did not receive heparin infusion did so because they had
side nurse and the physician in charge of the patient con- ongoing bleeding complications.
tinuously monitored the central nervous system through
serial neurological examinations. This included calculation ICH events and patient outcome
of the Glasgow Coma Scale [22], response to verbal direc- Fifty-four patients (21%) developed an ICH during their
tives or pain, brainstem reflexes, eye opening, and pupil ECMO treatment. Forty-one of these were intracerebral
examination. When an unexpected neurological event oc- hemorrhages (76%), 12 were subarachnoid hemorrhages
curred (e.g., seizures, mydriasis, anisocoria, delirium, con- (22%), and one was a subdural hemorrhage (2%). The
fusion, motor function deficits, or failure to wake up median hematoma volume for the intracerebral hemor-
following withdrawal of sedation), a cerebral CT scan was rhages was 22.8 mL, and the median Fisher scale for the
performed. Additional cerebral CT scans were also per- subarachnoid hemorrhages was grade 2 (Table 1). The
formed whenever the patient was referred for a thoracic median time to ICH development from ECMO initiation
or abdominal CT scan, even without any apparent clinical was 7 days (4.0–14.5) (Table 4). Compared to non-ICH
indication. A description of the ECMO pumps, oxygena- cohorts, ICH development was strongly associated with
tors, ventilators, cannulas and patients monitoring sys- increased 1-month mortality (81 vs. 28%, p < 0.001,
tems used is included in Additional file 1. pseudo-R2 = 0.258) and 6-month mortality (85 vs. 33%,
p < 0.001, pseudo-R2 = 0.248). There was no significant
Statistical analysis difference in ICH occurrence between VV and VA
For descriptive purposes, continuous data are presented as ECMO patients (19 and 27%, respectively, p = 0.283).
medians (interquartile range) and categorical data as num-
bers (proportion). Mann-Whitney U test and chi-square Table 1 ICH characteristics
test were used to compare continuous and categorical vari- Variables ICH cohort (n = 54)
ables, respectively. A univariate regression analysis was Intracerebral hemorrhage 41 (76%)
then used to correlate factors indicating a significant trend Hematoma volume (mL) a
22.8 (6.24–56.7)
(p < 0.1) between ICH and non-ICH cohorts (“lrm” func- Subdural hemorrhage 1 (2%)
tion in R, “rms”-package) [23]. In the univariate model, un- a
Hematoma volume (mL) 25.0 (range N/A)
imputed data were used. Nagelkerke’s pseudo-R2 was used
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 12 (22%)
to illustrate the pseudo explained variance, where “0” does
not explain and “1” fully explains the model. A multivariate Fisher grade 2 (2–4)
model, bias-adjusted for multiple parameters, was per- Values are expressed as median (interquartile range) or numbers (proportion)
Abbreviation: ICH intracranial hemorrhage
formed to determine independent risk factors for ICH. In a
Calculated by multiplying the length × width × height of the hemorrhage
order to detect significant temporal trajectories in the and dividing by two
Fletcher Sandersjöö et al. Journal of Intensive Care (2017) 5:27 Page 4 of 10

Predictors of ICH where a lower platelet count yields a higher score [17].
When comparing ICH with non-ICH cohorts, increased As expected, a strong co-variance between the pre-
risk of ICH was associated with the following: pre- cannulation SOFA coagulation score and low platelet
admission antithrombotic therapy (p = 0.018), high pre- count (pseudo-R2 = 0.156, data not shown) was also
cannulation SOFA coagulation score (p = 0.015) (Table 2), found, further supporting the removal of this variable
low platelet count (p < 0.001) (Table 3), spontaneous ex- from the regression analysis. Furthermore, due to a
tracranial hemorrhage (p = 0.045), amount of adminis- high degree of treatment intensity bias, we also disre-
tered platelets (p = 0.004), and amount of administered garded the variables concerning administered blood
erythrocyte concentrate (p = 0.014) (Table 4). products in the regression analysis. The univariate re-
gression analysis confirmed pre-admission antithrom-
Independent predictors of ICH botic therapy (p = 0.014), low platelet count (p < 0.001),
In the regression analysis, we included variables with p and spontaneous extracranial hemorrhage (p = 0.031) as
< 0.1. The pre-cannulation SOFA coagulation score was predictors of ICH. It also recognized septic shock (p =
not included because the data was missing in 50% of pa- 0.043) and dialysis (p = 0.020) as predictors. In the
tients (the parameter was not registered at our center multivariate analysis, pre-admission antithrombotic
prior to 2012), which would require a high degree of therapy (p = 0.011, R2 = 0.037) and low platelet count
imputation and weaken any conclusions. The SOFA co- (p = 0.035, R2 = 0.074) demonstrated independent risk
agulation score is determined by the platelet count, association (Table 5).

Table 2 ICH vs. non-ICH cohorts: demographics, pre-admission morbidity, pre-cannulation SOFA score, ECMO mode, and indication
Variable ICH cohort (n = 54) Non-ICH cohort (n = 199) p value
Age (years) 51.5 (40–61) 50 (32–60) 0.158
Male sex 35 (65%) 127 (64%) 1.000
Pre-admission morbidity
Hypertension 9 (17%) 36 (18%) 0.967
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 5 (9%) 22 (11%) 0.896
Chronic renal disease 2 (4%) 1 (1%) 0.116
Antithrombotic therapy 7 (13%) 7 (4%) 0.018
Charlson comorbidity index 0 (0–1) 0 (0–1) 0.373
Pre-cannulation SOFA score
Total 14 (10.8–16) (26 missing, 48%) 13 (10–15) (106 missing, 53%) 0.443
Respiration 4 (4–4) (25 missing, 46%) 4 (4–4) (95 missing, 48%) 0.340
Coagulation 2 (0–3) (26 missing, 48%) 1 (0–2) (100 missing, 50%) 0.015
Liver 1 (0–2) (26 missing, 48%) 1 (0–2) (102 missing, 51%) 0.960
Cardiovascular 4 (3–4) (25 missing, 46%) 4 (3–4) (95 missing, 48%) 0.742
Neurological 1 (0–2) (25 missing, 46%) 1 (0–2) (98 missing, 49%) 0.726
Renal 1.5 (1–4) (26 missing, 48%) 1 (0–4) (101 missing, 51%) 0.606
ECMO Indication
Pulmonary 48 (89%) 176 (88%)
Cardiac 2 (4%) 17 (9%)
ECPR 4 (7%) 6 (3%)
ECMO mode
Venovenous 31 (57%) 130 (65%) 0.361
Venoarterial 23 (43%) 69 (35%) 0.361
Values are expressed as median (interquartile range) or numbers (proportion)
Italicized text in the p value column indicates a statistically significant correlation (p < 0.05)
Pulmonary indications included pneumonia (n = 102), sepsis (n = 78), respiratory failure (n = 18), ARDS (n = 17), trauma (n = 6), and drowning (n = 3). Cardiac
indications included cardiogenic shock (n = 18) and pulmonary embolism (n = 1)
Abbreviations: SOFA Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (also known as Severity Organ Failure Assessment), ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, ICH
intracranial hemorrhage, ECPR extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Fletcher Sandersjöö et al. Journal of Intensive Care (2017) 5:27 Page 5 of 10

Table 3 ICH vs. non-ICH cohorts: laboratory variables

Variable ICH cohort (n = 54) Non-ICH cohort (n = 199) p value
Lab biochemistry
Platelet counta (×109/mL) 31 (17–46) 48 (27–84) <0.001
INR 1.5 (1.2–1.8) 1.4 (1.2–1.6) 0.147
Antithrombinb (kIU/L) 0.90 (0.78–1.06) 0.93 (0.82–1.09) 0.542
Fibrinogen (g/L) 2.8 (1.5–4.3) 2.7 (1.6–3.8) 0.814
v-Lactateb (mmol/L) 4.7 (3.0–9.7) (4 missing, 7%) 3.7 (2.7–7.7) (22 missing, 11%) 0.174
Blood gas analysis
a-pH 7.26 (7.18–7.33) (16 missing, 30%) 7.25 (7.16–7.34) (51 missing, 26%) 0.703
PaCO2 (kPa) 6.90 (6.10–7.65) (17 missing, 31%) 7.27 (6.00–9.90) (50 missing, 25%) 0.481
PaO2 (kPa) 7.39 (6.36–8.81) (16 missing, 30%) 7.34 (6.17–9.00) (50 missing, 25%) 0.661
v-pHa 7.22 (7.17–7.26) (4 missing, 7%) 7.23 (7.17–7.28) (22 missing, 11%) 0.184
PvCO2 (kPa)b 7.80 (7.38–8.95) (4 missing, 7%) 8.04 (7.25–9.00) (22 missing, 11%) 0.890
PvO2 (kPa) 4.30 (3.73–4.80) (4 missing, 7%) 4.46 (4.00–5.00) (22 missing, 11%) 0.105
Values are expressed as median (interquartile range) or numbers (proportion)
Italicized text in the p value column indicates a statistically significant correlation (p < 0.05)
Abbreviations: ICH intracranial hemorrhage, INR international normalized ratio
Lowest value during ECMO support and before ICH diagnosis (if applicable)
Highest value during ECMO support and before ICH diagnosis (if applicable)
Registered within 2 h before cannulation

Table 4 ICH vs. non-ICH cohorts: clinical variables

Variable ICH cohort (n = 54) Non-ICH cohort (n = 199) p value
Administered blood productsa
Plasma (mL) 2804 (1434–5674) (3 missing, 6%) 1873 (690–4887) (22 missing, 11%) 0.061
Platelets (mL) 1239 (275–3265) (3 missing, 6%) 370 (0–2072) (22 missing, 11%) 0.004
Erythrocyte concentrate (mL) 3576 (2155–6848) (3 missing, 6%) 2471 (1027–6531) (22 missing, 11%) 0.014
Mean arterial pressureb (mmHg) 99 (89–113) (1 missing, 2%) 100 (92–109) (16 missing, 8%) 0.791
Axillary temperature <36 °C 12 (23%) (1 missing, 2%) 53 (29%) (16 missing, 8%) 0.463
Spontaneous extracranial hemorrhagea 32 (59%) 85 (43%) 0.045
CPRc 11 (20%) 34 (17%) 0.719
Septic shocka 24 (44%) 59 (30%) 0.059
Dialysis 52 (96%) 171 (86%) 0.063
Converted 12 (22%) 30 (15%) 0.296
ECMO days at ICH diagnosis 7 (4.0–14.5) – –
Days on ECMO 12 (5–19) 7 (4.0–15) 0.057
1-month mortality 44 (81%) 52 (28%) (13 missing, 7%) <0.001
6-month mortality 46 (85%) 61 (33%) (13 missing, 7%) <0.001
Values are expressed as median (interquartile range) or numbers (proportion)
Italicized text in the p value column indicates a statistically significant correlation (p < 0.05)
Abbreviations: ICH intracranial hemorrhage, CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
During ECMO support and before ICH diagnosis (if applicable)
Highest value during ECMO support and before ICH diagnosis (if applicable)
During hospitalization and before ICH diagnosis (if applicable)
Fletcher Sandersjöö et al. Journal of Intensive Care (2017) 5:27 Page 6 of 10

Table 5 ICH risk factors: uni- and multivariate analysis Coagulation trajectories prior to ICH
Variable Univariate Nagelkerke’s Multivariate APTT, platelet count, INR, antithrombin, and fibrinogen
p value pseudo R2 p value concentration during the 4 days preceding the diagnosis of
Pre-admission antithrombotic 0.014 0.036 0.011 an ICH as well as on the day of ICH diagnosis were
therapy assessed. Figure 1 displays the daily means for each patient,
Platelet count <0.001 0.074 0.035 and Table 6 demonstrates the combined mean values on
Septic shock 0.043 0.025 0.280 the day of ICH diagnosis and 4 days prior to this. The re-
Dialysis 0.020 0.033 0.215 sults show that, on both an individual and group level, the
Spontaneous extracranial 0.031 0.028 0.221
APTT consistently stayed within the therapeutic range and
hemorrhage there was no significant change in APTT preceding ICH
Italicized text in the p value column indicates a statistically significant diagnosis (t test p = 0.289, paired t test p = 0.254, Fig. 1,
correlation (p < 0.05) Table 6). In the paired t test, the only parameter that sig-
Abbreviations: ICH intracranial hemorrhage, ECMO extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation
nificantly changed per patient over time preceding ICH
diagnosis was antithrombin (increasing levels) (p = 0.014).
Apart from this, no other significant temporal trajectories

Fig. 1 ICH cohort: temporal trajectories for coagulation variables prior to ICH diagnosis. Calculated using the daily means in the 4 days preceding
the diagnosis of an ICH as well as on the day of ICH diagnosis. The horizontal axis indicates the amount of days prior to detection of an ICH,
where “0” is the same day that the ICH was later detected. The horizontal blue lines represent the combined daily mean values for all patients,
and the gray area represents the corresponding 95% confidence interval. APTT activated partial thromboplastin time, INR international normalized ratio
Fletcher Sandersjöö et al. Journal of Intensive Care (2017) 5:27 Page 7 of 10

Table 6 ICH cohort: coagulation variables on the day of ICH diagnosis and 4 days prior
Variable 4 days prior to ICH diagnosis Day of ICH diagnosis t test p value Paired t test p value
APTT (s) 69 (57–89) 78 (60–95) 0.289 0.254
Platelet count (×109/mL) 76 (52–99) 54 (35–77) 0.156 0.263
Antithrombin (kIU/L) 0.70 (0.56–0.76) 0.71 (0.63–0.80) 0.374 0.014
Fibrinogen (g/L) 4.50 (2.80–6.13) 4.40 (2.70–6.00) 0.467 0.496
INR 1.13 (1.05–1.40) 1.20 (1.10–1.30) 0.816 0.054
Values are expressed as medians (interquartile range)
Italicized text in the p value column indicates a statistically significant correlation (p < 0.05)
Abbreviations: APTT activated partial thromboplastin time, INR international normalized ratio

were found and no significant difference on group level Twenty-one percent of our patients experienced an ICH
could be detected. during ECMO treatment. This is in the upper range of the
7–19% previously reported in similar studies [13–15].
However, in a number of cases, the ICHs we identified
Discussion were diagnosed using CT scans performed in the absence
In this observational cohort study, we sought to identify of neurological symptoms (i.e., a cerebral CT scan that
predictors of ICH in adult patients receiving ECMO treat- was performed at the same time as a CT scan of the
ment. Out of 253 patients, 54 (21%) developed an ICH. In thorax or abdomen). A previous study, conducted at our
patients that developed an ICH, the mortality was 81% at center, on adult and pediatric ECMO patients treated be-
1 month and 85% at 6 months, compared to 28 and 33%, tween 1994 and 2004 found that 24% of those with an
respectively, in patients without an ICH. We identified (i) intracranial pathology (defined as ICH, cerebral infarction,
pre-admission antithrombotic therapy, (ii) high pre- or general edema) presented with no clinical neurological
cannulation SOFA coagulation score, (iii) low platelet signs before performing the diagnostic CT, further sug-
count, (iv) septic shock, (v) dialysis, (vi) spontaneous ex- gesting that low utilization of neuroimaging contributed
tracranial hemorrhage, (vii) administered platelets, and to underreporting of ICH [25]. It is possible, therefore,
(viii) administered erythrocyte concentrate as predictors that our CT examination policy was a contributing factor
of ICH development. Of these, pre-admission antithrom- to the high diagnostic rate of ICH in our cohort. However,
botic therapy and low platelet count were independent in previous studies, the routine for performing cerebral
risk factors. Notably, this is the first time that pre- CT scans in the absence of neurological symptoms is
admission antithrombotic therapy, high pre-cannulation poorly described, making comparison difficult. With re-
SOFA coagulation score, and septic shock have been iden- spect to outcome, we found that the 1-month mortality
tified as predictors of ICH. In addition, when comparing rate for patients who experienced an ICH was 81%, com-
the temporal trajectories for coagulation variables in the pared to 28% in non-ICH patients, which is in accordance
days leading up to the detection of an ICH, there was a with current literature [8, 13–15]. Consequently, ICH was
significant per patient increase in antithrombin concentra- associated with a considerable risk for mortality in this
tion over time, while the means remained largely un- ECMO population, with a somewhat higher incidence of
changed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest ICH occurrence compared to previous studies.
study of ICH predictors in adult patients on ECMO and Pulmonary indications were the most common reasons
contributes new findings that are important for patient for ECMO treatment in this cohort (n = 224, 89%). Pre-
management and future study design. viously, other groups have tried to establish if the indica-
We included both VA and VV ECMO patients in our tion for ECMO was associated with a higher risk of ICH
study, contrary to one of the previous studies that ex- [13, 14] but were limited by few data points in several of
cluded VA patients on the basis of an increased risk of the subgroups, making statistical analysis unreliable.
systemic thromboembolism from thrombus formation Moreover, while we determined indications for ECMO
within the ECMO unit [15]. However, this complication treatment by denoting the most severely affected organ
is infrequent [24] due to the heparin infusion regimen as system, patients usually presented with failure of mul-
well as the bedside staffs’ continuous attentive observa- tiple organ systems, further confounding this param-
tion of the ECMO circuit for signs of clotting. Moreover, eter. Thus, we chose not to include this variable in
to the best of our knowledge, a comparison between VA further analysis.
and VV ECMO of the frequency of systemic thrombo- Prior to our study, pre-admission antithrombotic therapy
embolism has not been studied in the adult population as a predictor of ICH had not been assessed in ECMO-
and is thus only theoretical, further supporting the inclu- treated adults [7, 13–15]. We identified the parameter as
sion of both patient categories in the analysis. an independent predictor of ICH, with 50% of patients
Fletcher Sandersjöö et al. Journal of Intensive Care (2017) 5:27 Page 8 of 10

with pre-admission antithrombotic therapy who were ad- more difficult to determine the exact time of ictus. In
mitted for ECMO treatment developing an ICH. In theory, addition, the values were achieved by calculating the
long-term antithrombotic therapy could have rendered daily average of each patients’ platelet count, which
these patients hemostatically difficult to control using the meant that momentary decreases, which could have led
heparin infusion regimen. Alternatively, there could be a to hemorrhaging, did not show if the rest of the platelet
prolonged drug effect at play that is difficult to take into counts that day were normal. Hence, low platelet count,
account. However, we have not found any studies to guide both pre-cannulation and during ECMO treatment, was
us in this area. A limitation to the variable was that we did a predictor of ICH.
not differentiate between different forms of antithrombo- Spontaneous extracranial hemorrhage as a significant
tics. This could be important as they have different mecha- predictor of ICH in adult patients treated with ECMO
nisms of action, although differentiating and subgrouping has only been assessed once previously, with significant
the antithrombotics would yield extremely small subgroups results [14]. This can be attributed to the loss of platelets
and make statistical modeling difficult. For descriptive and coagulation factors that occur following major
purposes, a compilation of the different forms of pre- bleeding, or to the fact that patients who are hemostati-
admission antithrombotic therapy is included in Additional cally unstable are more likely to bleed. The most com-
file 2: Table S1. Our results imply that patients with pre- mon bleeding sites in our study were pulmonary,
admission antithrombotic therapy were at increased risk of cannula insertion sites, gastrointestinal tract, abdominal
developing an ICH during ECMO treatment, but its spe- cavity, and thoracic cavity. The amount of administered
cific role in different subgroups needs to be further erythrocyte concentrate was also identified as a predictor
evaluated. of ICH. However, since patients are administered
We further identified low platelet count, amount of erythrocyte concentrate transfusions following major
administered platelets, and high pre-cannulation SOFA bleeding, this parameter is probably an identification of
coagulation score as predictors of ICH. Low platelet the patients with extracranial hemorrhage rather than a
count, determined by the lowest platelet count recorded risk factor on its own, even if this remains unknown as
during the ECMO treatment, was identified as an inde- no prospective study addressing this exists. Hence, spon-
pendent predictor. Previously, Kasirajan et al. reported taneous extracranial hemorrhage is associated with an
that thrombocytopenia was an independent predictor of increased risk for ICH but the precise mechanism be-
ICH [13] but the results have not been confirmed by hind it needs to be further assessed.
others, possibly due to a high platelet count and/or due The risk of ICH was higher in patients who required
to the low incidence of ICH in the patient cohorts in dialysis, which is in accordance with previous studies;
similar studies [14, 15]. The impact of high pre- Kasirajan et al. showed that dialysis and hypercreatinine-
cannulation SOFA coagulation score has been assessed mia predicted ICH development [13], and Luyt et al.
once before, albeit not as a continuous variable, when showed a correlation between renal failure at ICU ad-
Luyt et al. distinguished patients with a SOFA coagula- mission and increased risk of ICH [15]. However, the
tion score >2, compared to those with a score ≤2, at precise mechanism of action needs to be further
ECMO initiation. However, in their cohort of 12 patients assessed. Evidence is also warranted to determine if the
with an ICH, only one met these criteria [15]. The total increased risk of ICH is a result of the dialysis treatment
amount of administered platelets was another predictor or the conditions that require dialysis. Overhydration
of ICH in our study and has been identified as such pre- was the main indication for dialysis at our ECMO center,
viously [14]. However, since patients are administered with acute kidney injury as the second most common in-
platelet transfusions to combat their low platelet count, dication, and the number of patients who received dialy-
thus introducing a potent treatment bias, this parameter sis was high in both ICH and non-ICH cohorts (96 and
can just as easily be interpreted as an identification of 86%, respectively).
patients with thrombocytopenia rather than acting a risk Finally, antithrombin significantly increased over time
factor on its own. Although this remains unknown, no in patients who developed an ICH, with INR increase
prospective study has been designed to address the issue. showing a trend towards significance. However, as
Clinically, if there were no signs of bleeding, we used shown in Fig. 1b, most ICH patients had antithrombin
platelet counts <25–30 × 109/mL as the arbitrary thresh- values within the reference range, making it difficult to
old for platelet transfusion. Lastly, in the temporal tra- draw conclusions based on the temporal trajectories
jectories of patients with ICH, there was no significant alone. One could hypothesize that the significant tem-
change in platelet levels in the days leading up to the de- poral trajectory found was due to a general improvement
tection of an ICH. This can be attributed to the fact that of hemostatically unstable patients’ coagulation ability
not all bleedings were detected following the develop- over time. Alternatively, it could be attributed to the fact
ment of a neurological symptom(s), which makes it that patients were, in some cases, administered
Fletcher Sandersjöö et al. Journal of Intensive Care (2017) 5:27 Page 9 of 10

antithrombin to combat heparin resistance, facilitate hep- warranted, as well as studies on management and predic-
arin effect, or reduce fibrin deposition in the ECMO cir- tors of outcome after the occurrence of an ICH.
cuit. However, the exact role of this correlation remains to
be determined. Moreover, there was no significant change Conclusions
in APTT (Table 6), indicating that this per patient trajec- ICH is a frequent complication in adult patients treated
tory probably played a minor role in the development of with ECMO and associated with increased mortality. We
ICH. The results also showed that the average patient had identified pre-admission antithrombotic therapy, low plate-
an APTT within the therapeutic range (Fig. 1a, Table 6). let count, high pre-cannulation SOFA coagulation score,
In the clinical setting, APTT is used to guide the heparin spontaneous extracranial hemorrhage, dialysis, and septic
infusion regimen. This therefore suggests that the bleed- shock as predictors of ICH during ECMO treatment, with
ings were not caused by heparin treatment errors (i.e., pre-admission antithrombotic therapy and low platelet
overdose). However, there are some solitary outliers in count identified as independent risk factors. In the clinical
Fig. 1a, which could be the result of incorrect heparin ad- setting, risk factor identification may help initiate steps to
ministration or repetitive contamination when conducting lower the risk of ICH in patients undergoing ECMO treat-
the laboratory measurements of APTT. APTT was not in- ment. Prospective trials are warranted to identify additional
cluded in the paired testing between ICH and non-ICH risk factors and their mechanisms of action.
cohorts due to the risk of bias, as APPT is controlled by
the amount of administered heparin and, accordingly, a
Additional files
non-therapeutic APTT also results in the physician adjust-
ing the heparin infusion. To conclude, antithrombin sig- Additional file 1: ECMO circuit. A description of the ECMO pumps,
nificantly increased over time in patients who developed oxygenators, ventilators, cannulas and patients monitoring system used
an ICH, but the clinical significance behind this is debat- for the patients included in the study. (DOCX 84 kb)
able. In addition, due to the lack of significant change in Additional file 2: Table S1. A compilation of the different forms of pre-
admission antithrombotic therapy in ICH vs. non-ICH cohorts. (DOCX 48 kb)
APTT in the days leading up to ICH diagnosis, coupled
with the fact that the average patients’ APTT was within
the therapeutic range, we concluded that the ICHs were Abbreviations
ACT: Activated clotting time; APTT: Activated partial thromboplastin time;
not the result of incorrect heparin administration. CT: Computed tomography; ECMO: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation;
ECPR: Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation; FiO2: Fraction of inspired
Clinical implications and future research oxygen; Fr: French; ICH: Intracranial hemorrhage; ICU: Intensive care unit;
INR: International normalized ratio; MAP: Mean arterial blood pressure;
Although this is a retrospective study, with its inherent PaO2: Arterial partial pressure of oxygen; PvCO2: Venous partial pressure of
limitations, our research highlights the importance of carbon dioxide; PvO2: Venous partial pressure of oxygen; ScvO2: Central venous
closely monitoring predictors of ICH. While we acknow- oxygen saturation; SOFA: Sepsis-related organ failure assessment;
UFH: Unfractionated heparin; VA ECMO: Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane
ledge that ECMO is a last resort treatment that is con- oxygenation; VV ECMO: Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
sidered only after great scrutiny, it is important to
identify the ICH predictors that can be targeted with in- Acknowledgements
Not applicable.
terventions or where earlier weaning from ECMO could
be attempted. Low platelet count can be combated by Funding
decreasing the threshold for platelet transfusion; this Eric Peter Thelin is funded by Swedish Society of Medicine (Grant No. SLS-
must however be balanced against the risk for throm- 587221). The funders had no role in the design of the study or preparation
of the manuscript.
bosis. Also, considering the fact that a number of pa-
tients developed ICH despite a normal mean platelet Availability of data and materials
count, as is highlighted in Fig. 1e, one should consider The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available
the value of performing “thrombocyte function tests” from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
(i.e., multiplate) on this patient group on a regular basis,
Authors’ contributions
as platelet dysfunction can lead to the development of AFS, JB, ET, AE, AET, and BB contributed to the study design. AFS and JB
ICH even in the absence of thrombocytopenia [26]. Pre- contributed to the data collection. ET contributed to the statistical analysis.
admission antithrombotic therapy, high pre-cannulation AFS, JB, ET, MB, and BB contributed to the data interpretation. AFS, JB, and
ET contributed to the draft of the manuscript. BB contributed to the study
SOFA coagulation score, septic shock, dialysis, and spon- supervision. All authors contributed to the revision and approval of the
taneous extracranial hemorrhage may help to identify the manuscript.
patients prone to ICH where more rigorous neurological
checks and earlier weaning from ECMO could be Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
attempted. Considering the high mortality associated with
an ICH in patients on ECMO, prospective studies evaluat- Consent for publication
ing risk factors for ICH in this patient group are Not applicable.
Fletcher Sandersjöö et al. Journal of Intensive Care (2017) 5:27 Page 10 of 10

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