Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity Systems PDF
Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity Systems PDF
Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity Systems PDF
9) Xt6
April 2023
Continuity Systems
for the Construction Industry
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We are Leviat.
Leviat is the new name of
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companies worldwide.
Under the Leviat brand, we have united the
expertise, skills and resources of Ancon and its
sister companies to create a world leader in fixing,
connecting and anchoring technology.
sales in
60 30+ 3000
locations countries people worldwide
Eazistrip 4
Installation 8
On-site Cutting 9
Enquiry/Order Form 10
Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity Systems
Eazistrip Reinforcement
Continuity Systems Quality Assurance
The Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity This contributes to the acceleration of the Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity Systems
System is a quick and easy-to-install method construction process. As the bars remain are manufactured using CARES approved bar.
of maintaining continuity of reinforcement at enclosed within the casing until required, The type of reinforcement is selected by us to
construction joints in concrete. It consists of they are protected and the risk of injury from provide a suitable degree of ductility, ensuring
a galvanised steel casing with a dimpled projecting bars is minimised. Easy to use, the that it complies with the tensile requirements
surface to provide an effective concrete bond. system requires little on site training in order of BS4449: 2005 Grade B500C after
Pre-bent bars are housed within the casing to carry out installation. prefabrication and re-bending on site. The bars
and are enclosed by a protective heavy duty are bent in accordance with BS8666: 2005.
The Eazistrip system is potentially suitable
plasticised cardboard cover. Each end of for use in any construction joint in concrete, It is the designer’s responsibility to ensure
the unit is sealed with a polystyrene block in but the most commonly found applications reinforcement is adequately designed in
order to prevent the ingress of concrete. accordance with the code and detailed to
ensure anchorages and bearing stresses are
The complete unit is nailed to the formwork.
Alternatively it can be wired back to the main
• Floor slabs appropriate. Ancon Ltd trading as Leviat is a
cast. After striking the formwork, the cover is • Stairwells Ancon Eazistrip is approved by UK CARES.
removed and the bars are straightened, ready • Corbels
for lapping onto the main reinforcement, using • Diaphragm walls
an Eazistrip re-bending tool. • Jumpforms
30 30 30
80 110 110
30 30 30
Type 240
Notes: Units containing 16mm bars are nominally 50mm deep. On 16mm Ø Type U boxes, the stirrup may be
achieved using two shape code 21 bars. These are referenced DH.
Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity Systems
UK Range Dimensions
Part No. Box Width Box Rebar Dia Centres Stirrup Stirrup Leg
mm Length mm mm mm Height (h) mm Width (b) mm Length (l) mm Bars / Box
EZ 80H 10/200 80 1200 10 200 170 60 410 6
EZ 80H 12/150 80 1200 12 150 170 80 500 8
EZ 80H 12/200 80 1200 12 200 170 80 500 6
EZ 110U 10/150 110 1200 10 150 170 90 410 8
EZ 110U 10/200 110 1200 10 200 170 90 410 6
EZ 110U 12/200 110 1200 12 200 170 90 500 6
EZ 110H 16/150 110 1200 16 150 170 96 640 8
EZ 110H 16/200 110 1200 16 200 170 96 640 6
EZ 140U 10/150 140 1200 10 150 170 120 410 8
EZ 140U 10/200 140 1200 10 200 170 120 410 6
EZ 140U 12/150 140 1200 12 150 170 120 500 8
EZ 140U 12/200 140 1200 12 200 170 120 500 6
EZ 160U 10/150 160 1200 10 150 170 140 410 8
EZ 160U 10/200 160 1200 10 200 170 140 410 6
EZ 160U 12/150 160 1200 12 150 170 140 500 8
EZ 160U 12/200 160 1200 12 200 170 140 500 6
EZ 160DH 16/150 160 1200 16 150 170 140 640 16
EZ 160DH 16/200 160 1200 16 200 170 140 640 12
EZ 190U 10/150 190 1200 10 150 170 170 410 8
EZ 190U 10/200 190 1200 10 200 170 170 410 6
EZ 190U 12/150 190 1200 12 150 170 170 500 8
EZ 190U 12/200 190 1200 12 200 170 170 500 6
EZ 190DH 16/150 190 1200 16 150 170 170 650 16
EZ 190U 16/200 190 1200 16 200 170 170 650 6
EZ 240U 10/150 240 1200 10 150 170 220 410 8
EZ 240U 10/200 240 1200 10 200 170 220 410 6
EZ 240U 12/150 240 1200 12 150 170 220 500 8
EZ 240U 12/200 240 1200 12 200 170 220 500 6
EZ 240U 16/150 240 1200 16 150 170 220 650 8
EZ 240U 16/200 240 1200 16 200 170 220 650 6
Notes: Those sizes shown in bold are normally available from stock. Dimensions shown in the above table are nominal. Heights and lengths may typically vary by one bar
diameter. Maximum box length is 3m dependant upon weight. Boxes with a DH reference contain double hook bars rather than a single U bar.
Units containing 16mm bars are nominally 50mm deep (d).
Radiused Eazistrip
Many of the units detailed in the brochure are
available radiused. Please contact us with
your requirements.
Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity Systems
Nail the Eazistrip through the casing to the Straighten the bars using the appropriate
formwork or alternatively securely tie the sized Ancon Eazistrip re-bending tool for the
projecting anchorage reinforcing bars back size of bar. The bars should be straightened
to the main reinforcement. In both cases the only once. To avoid damage to adjacent
Eazistrip box should be securely fixed to concrete, it is prudent to allow a concrete
avoid displacement during concreting. The curing period of seven days. See ‘Bar
casing should be tight against the formwork. Straightening’ for more information.
Pour concrete.
Remove the cover to expose the The Eazistrip reinforcing bars should not be
pre-bent bars. straightened when the temperature of the
steel is below 5°C. Where straightening is
necessary below 5°C, indirect warming of the
steel to a temperature not exceeding 100°C
is permitted.
The use of scaffold tubes, or other
inappropriate tools will result in excessive
kinks in the region of the bar bend and result
in undesirable work hardening which may
damage the bar and affect the strength of
the bar. Re-bending must be undertaken
using only the Ancon Eazistrip re-bending
tool. Bending the bar in excess of the
Scan the code to watch recommendations will also result in work
an installation video. hardening of the rebar and should therefore
be avoided.
8 Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 www.ancon.co.uk
On-Site Cutting
Slide the protective cover from the box and remove the bars which pass over the cut location.
Replace the bars to face the opposite direction to their original position. Cut the cover to the
same lengths as the steel casing and replace to protect the bars. The ends of the boxes must
be sealed, using polystyrene blocks, to prevent the ingress of concrete.
Note: Protective gloves should be worn when removing covers, straightening bars, cutting boxes and during
general handling of Eazistrip.
Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity Systems
Enquiry/Order Form
Please photocopy this page and use it to detail your enquiry/order. Leviat can be contacted by fax on +44 (0) 114 238 1240 or by email on
h l h l h l h l
b b b
Type H Hook Type 2H Two Single Hooks used Type RU U Bar Type U U Bar/ DH Double Hook
(standard in 80mm box) for boxes wider than 240mm (not available in 80mm box) (not available in 80mm box)
h l h l h l h l
b b
Type S Straight Bar Type S2 Double Straight Bar Type SH Angle with leg in Type RA Angle
horizontal plane
h l h l h l h l
b b b
b c c b c b
Type RA1 Double Angle Type RA2 Double Angle Type RA3 Double Angle Type CS Closed Stirrup
Item Quantity Box Bar Dia Stirrup Stirrup Box Stirrup Stirrup Anchoring Stirrup
Width (1) 10, 12, 16 Spacing (2) Type Length (3) Width (4) Height Length Width (5)
b h l c
(mm) (mm) (mm) (see above) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Re-bending Tool
(1) Standard box widths 80, 110, 140, 160, 190 and 240mm.
(2) Variable stirrup spacing available. Standard spacing 150 and 200mm.
(3) Box lengths up to 3000mm available in certain sizes dependant upon weight. Standard length 1200mm.
(4) Stirrup width b is 20mm less than box width as standard. Special spacing for all types available on request.
(5) For types RA1, RA2 and RA3, please state dimension c.
Note: Bars must be straightened using an Eazistrip re-bending tool. Do not straighten bars more than once.
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