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Imam Ali

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The Government of Imam Ali (A.S.

The Western Government
Definition of Imam
“Imam” is an Arabic term that means
Leader. This term is used in Islam for
denoting a person with special
qualities relevant to Islam. The term
is used 7 times in singular and 5
times in plural (a'imma) in Qur’an-e-
Imam, a channel for Allah’s Grace
 The Imam is a channel for Allah’s grace irrespective of
weather or not they were chosen to rule and lead
Islamic society. Imamat and caliphate are inseparable
in just the same way that the governmental functions
of the messenger of God cannot be separated from his
prophetic office. Spiritual Islam and political Islam are
two parts of a one whole.

 Unfortunately, when we look at leadership in the west

today, it is everything but followers of the laws of Allah. It’s
a vivid demonstration of a power struggle, tyranny,
dictatorship, enriching the riches and weakening the weak.
Spirituality is unfound in today’s politics. In fact western
leaders are debating today whether prayers should be a part
of an school day opening.
Who else, but Imam Ali (A.S.)
 Today we are here to talk about such an Imam. No one
from this universe can claim to encompass, engulf,
recognize, or understand the attributes of Imam Ali
except Imam Mehdi (A.S.). The Holy Prophet said to
Imam Ali once, “Nobody has the maarifat of Allah
except me and you; and nobody has the maarifat of
me except Allah and you; and nobody has the maarifat
of you except Allah and me.”

 In contrast, the Western leaders also possess some attributes

that are hard to comprehend. The major difference is that
an ordinary man does not want to have those attributes as
they are neither recognized humane nor do they conform to
the laws of any rational religion.
Imam Ali, always a leader
 Immediately after the death of the Prophet, the tribes
began deserting Islam to go back to their old ways of
paganism. Imam Ali decided to bury the differences
and insisted that all the resources of the state must be
mobilized to face the new challenge threatening the
very foundation of Islam. Being the successor (wasi) of
the prophet and trustee of his knowledge and wisdom,
Imam Ali later on took the reigns of the government to
reestablish the golden era, which existed in the days
of the prophet.

 Western leaders on the other hand always talk about their

worldly heroes and claim to follow their footstep, specially
during the election campaigns, but as we have witnessed by
and by, they tend to do just the opposite of the moral,
ethical and social values that they claim to follow.
Just government by a Just Imam
 Imam Ali laid down the foundation of a just
government. According to the Holy Prophet, Imam Ali
had the most correct religion because he was Adil.
Jord Jordec, a labanese historian, in his book , “The
voice of human justice”, has mentioned that Imam Ali
was killed because he was strict on his Adalat and that
is so much true. People were not ready to tolerate
and digest the height of Adalat that Imam Ali
envisioned, instead wanted special favors.

 The journey to the rule in West begins with favors. Once the
candidate is elected, it is pay back time. Officials call it
contributions, but in fact they are anticipated bribes.
Bribery kills the very root of a justice system. It is thus
evident in today’s western society that very little gets done
for the welfare of an ordinary man and the law protects the
ones who have stakes in the government.
Successful Politics
 A person studying Islamic history may be asking
himself if Imam Ali was successful in politics? No one
can say Imam Ali did not know politics. According to a
widely narrated tradition, the Prophet said, ‘the best
judge among you is Ali. Whenever the Muslim
community got into trouble after the demise of the
Prophet, it was Imam Ali who was consulted to save
the day through his wise rulings and counsel.

 West on the other hand has given a total different meanings

to success in politics. In fact, it is enough to say here that
whenever we hear the words “politics” or “politician”, our
mind automatically relates them to deception, despair, lies,
and all those things that are detrimental to a just society.
Judiciary with Justice
 For the last hundreds centuries, Imam Ali’s four-year rule
in the Islamic World is a symbol of the best administration
of justice in the Muslim Society. Imam Ali's orders to the
judges and prosecutors to consider the fairness and
reasonableness as the procedures in each and every
judicial conduct are the main principle in all orders, which
is today the fundamental of the Bills of Human Rights. This
is Imam Ali's order, that all accused must be considered
innocent until proven guilty before impartial and
independent tribunal.

 In West, the justice system starts with favors where judges are
elected based on their party beliefs and not the record of just
verdicts. Even though the west is a big advocate of the same
notion of “innocent till proven guilty”, it has given the powers to
the lawyers who have made the judiciary system a cruel game.
Wrong doers are not getting punishments for decades while many
innocents who are sentenced are proven innocent decades later
with the scientific DNA evidence.
School of Economics
 Imam Ali was keen on seeing economic justice
dominating all aspects of life. For this purpose he
laid a plan to monitor the market in respect to
buying, selling, and the quality of the goods
offered for sale, so as to prevent shortfalls, price
fluctuation and cheating. He used to stop at each
market and call out to merchants to exercise
integrity and avoid making corruption on the

 It will be sufficient to say here that West has badly

failed in both of their economic systems, whether
Capitalism or Socialism. Under both the systems,
average human being is under tremendous financial
duress, but are unable to find a escape.
Clemency in Attendance
 The nation, as a whole, led by Amirul Momineen,
witnessed full examples of administrating its affairs
and caring for its welfare, in realizing its strength and
happiness. Owing to his anxious attempts to remove
the heaviness of poverty and injustice from the
people, Imam kept rigidly to his program throughout
his caliphate.

 Any one who stays informed about today’s western

capitalistic economy knows that legislative body constantly
enacts laws that help make rich get richer while poor is
becoming poorer every day. The polarity is growing in
western society thus giving way to evil activities such as
drinking, gambling, etc.
Selection on Merit
 All the official in Imam Ali’s administration were
selected purely on merit. Imam never allowed a
person to take the office based on relationship or

 Today in West political and economical influence determine

as to who will be in the administration. Campaign
contributions are given with the sole intention to earn back
every penny invested with 10 folds.
U. N. Charter
 It is very surprising to know that fourteen hundred years after Imam
Ali, his rules are still in the charter of none other than the United
Nations. From the point of view of their purport, there is no
difference between the rules laid down by Imam Ali and the charter
of the United Nations. The minor differences are due to the changes
that have taken place in the terminology during the course of time,
and is not basic or in principle. There is no chapter in the charter of
the U.N. which is not running parallel to the rules laid down by
Imam Ali.

 Today, when a western country with the veto power vetoes

any resolution of the U.N., they are in fact going against the
laws that are parallel to the ones laid out by one of the most
beloved human beings of Allah. It should not surprise any
one that the consequences of such irrational usage of powers
bring nothing but destruction, desperation, frustration and a
show of injustice and inequality. The recent example of the
United States not abiding by the declaration of the U.N., is
vivid enough in its aftermath.
Destination Heaven or Hell
 May Allah (SWT) give us the courage
and faith to follow the footsteps of
Imam Ali (A.S.) which guarantees our
destination to be the Heaven and
spare us from the evils of Western
influence, as this journey ends in the
darkness of Hell.

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