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Lab 1

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Lab #: 1

Date: January 18th, 2023

Title: Physical and Chemical Properties.
Objectives: To observe the physical and chemical properties of several substances.
To decide whether certain observed changes are physical or chemical.

To experience several methods of separating mixtures.

Materials and Apparatus:


1. 1 Retort stand 10. 100 mL beaker,

2. 1 Ring Clamp 11. 250 mL beaker
3. 1 Wire Gauze 12. Sand
4. 1 Bunsen Burner 13. Evaporating dish
5. 1 stirring rod 14. Splint
6. 1 spatula 15. Test tube holder
7. 1 filter paper, 16. 3 test tubes / rack
8. 1 funnel
9. Bar Magnet

Chemical Materials

1. 3 M Hydrochloric acid 6. Distilled water

2. 2 Cm Magnesium ribbon 7. Vinegar
3. 0.1m Silver Nitrate 8. Table Sugar (Sucrose)
4. 4g Iron fillings 9. Baking Soda (Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate)
5. 4g Sulfur 10. 2g Table Salt (Sodium Chloride)

1. 20 ml of vinegar was measured into a 25ml measuring cylinder. The vinegar was then
transferred into a 150ml beaker.

a) A bunsen burner was set up and a splint was retrieved.

b) One scoop of baking soda was measured then dropped into the vinegar.
c) The splint was lit and placed at the mouth of the beaker.
2. 4ml of 3 M HCL was measured then transferred to a test tube.

A piece of magnesium ribbon was measured then taken.

b. The 2cms of magnesium ribbon was placed into the hydrochloric acid test tube.

3. The test tube was emptied then cleaned and a boiling tube was retrieved.

a) A scoop of sucrose was added to each tube.

b) The test tube was filled with distilled water half way point. It was then shaken to mix the
sucrose into the water.
c) The Bunsen burner was lit then a boiling tube was placed over it for 10 seconds.

4. 1.51g of sand was measured and 1.71 g of table salt was measured. Both were
measured on a scale.

a) The 150 ml beaker was cleaned then dried.

b) 30 ml of tap water was measured in a 25 ml cylinder (25ml in the first and 5ml in the second).
c) The sand and table salt were put into the 150 ml beaker then the 30 ml of water was added.
d) The mixture was mixed and a piece of filter paper was retrieved then folded into a cone.
e) A ring funnel, ring support and ring stand were retrieved and put together.
f) A 150 ml was cleaned then place under the ring stand.
g) The cone was placed into the ring funnel and the water mixture was added to the funnel.
h) Once enough filtrate was retrieved 10ml was measured out into the 25 ml cylinder then the
funnel was removed. Then poured into an evaporating dish which was set on the ring support.
i) The Bunsen burner was turned on then placed under the funnel.
j) The results were recorded.

5. Using a dropper, a few drops of silver nitrate were extracted from the bottle.

a) 2 pieces of shredded paper were separated then 3 drops of silver nitrate were placed using the
b) One was placed on the railing outside in the sun and the other was placed inside the desk.

6. Using a scale 4g of iron fillings and sand were measured then put into a mortar and

a) The mixture was grounded together then spread onto a filter paper.
b) The color was recorded.
c) A magnet was held above the mixture and the results were recorded.


Experiment # Substances/Materials used Results
1 Vinegar, 150ml beaker, 25 ml When the baking soda was added to the
measuring cylinder and vinegar. vinegar bubbling was recorded as an
observation. When the on fire split was
introduced to the mouth of the beaker the
carbon dioxide released from the reaction
caused the flame to extinguish.
2 Test tube,25 ml cylinder The hydrochloric acid when sitting had no
hydrochloric acid, magnesium distinguishable effects until the magnesium
ribbon was added. Once added the
magnesium ribbon would form bubbles
around itself showing it starting to be
dissolved by the acid. The bubbling continues
until the magnesium ribbon was fully
3) Sucrose test tube distilled water. Sugar and distilled water had a physical
reaction. The sugar was completely dissolved
in the water.
3(ii) Sucrose and boiling tube Sugar and heat had a physical reaction which
gave off a sweet-smelling gas.
The white sugar crystals broke down and
melted into a brown liquid.
4(i) Sand, salt, 150 ml beaker The salt and water had a physical reaction
while the sand remained settle, the salt
dissolve in water.
4(ii) Ring stand, ring support, wire The filter paper separated the sand from the
gauze, funnel, petri dish, filter filtrate. Effervescence was present while the
paper filtrate was being heated. Salt crystals were
already present before all the water could be
evaporated. The sand remained in the filter
paper. A popping sound was heard while
heating the filtrate.
5 Typing sheet, pipette, silver The silver nitrate on the typing sheet in the
nitrate. drawer had a yellowish color to the center
.The silver nitrate on the typing sheet left
exposed and had a chemical reaction with
light, it turned black and stained the paper.
6 Iron, sulfur, mortar pestle, filter Yellow sulfur and iron filings were grinded into
paper, magnet. a heterogeneous mixture .A bar magnet
attracted the iron filing sand separated it from
the sulfur power. This was a physical reaction
Discussion: The lab was set up to show the differences in physical and chemical changes and was
mostly used to display these differences. We could see this with the many different differences with the
reaction. Mostly with the chemical changes who seemed to have another element to them compared to
just physical separation and mixing like the physical changes. Many of the chemical changes resorted in
fumes and other chemicals to be produced from the broken down materials.

1. This experiment showed 2 changes by having a physical change happen when the two chemical
reacted with each other and a chemical change when we were asked to introduce the splint to the
beaker mouth. The burning splint was simply used as a way to show that there is something else going
on that our eyes cannot see. That way we know that it is n change we can do physicals such as blowing
out the splint but something that caused it to expel itself. Which causes it to show the piece of the
change had a chemical change compared to physical. Chemical Formula: C2H4O2 + NaHCO3->
NaC2H3O2 + H2O + CO2.

2. The 2nd experiment showed a simple acidic reaction by using the HCL and putting the magnesium
strip in it. This displayed the physical reaction of dissolving by breaking down the magnesium strip. By
placing it in the acid we cannot tell any chemical change because we have no indicator. Our eyes only
tell us that the strip is fizzing and slowly shrinking till it disappears. Without nothing to use as an
indicator and no sense being alerted to a difference other than sight it is easy to tell it is a physical

3. This experiment showed us 2 ways of a chemical interacting. That is why we needed to separate the
tubes because if we didn’t the change would not be the same. The burning caused by the fire released
fumes and changed the odor of sugar signaling the chemical change. On the other hand, the water
simply mixing with the sugar showed the fact it is a dissolvable substance. These 2 ways show how being
put in another state would lead to a different observation. Chemical Formula: C12H22O11 + 12 O2-> 12
CO2 + 11 H2O

4. This experiment showed a simple way of showing solubility of different substances and simple
separation techniques. While both sand and salt were added with water the salt is the only one soluble
enough to dissolve. Unlike the sand which stayed solid al be it now wet. Then it came down to
separation which the 2 had separate ways. While a simple filter paper was enough to separate the water
and sand because of sand’s low solubility the salt had a longer process. The fact it was a solution means
we had to take a different approach and use evaporation to separate it.

5. The silver nitrate in this experiment showed the changes a chemicals sensitivity to the environment
can cause problems. It also reveals how to contain it safely. With the observation showing the need for
the Silver nitrate to be away from light we can tell it is needed to be in a dark place showing little change
in the drawer, compared to the sunlight affected one on the railing clearly showing a change and
showing how sensitive it is to light. As such we can come to the conclusion of the procedures to keep
the chemical protected and easy to handle. Chemical formula: AgNO3-> Ag2O + HNO3
6. This experiment was another one showing a form of physical separation but this time using a
technique not available to most mixtures or solutions. This magnet separation would never work with
sand floating in water or salt water. It is unique in the fact you need a magnetic substance to be able to
separate it. As such most of the time you would only be able to do said separation with metals. This all
comes up to it being a physical change caused by magnets with no chemical interference to the

Helmenstine, A. (2023, January 1). Sources of Error in Science Experiments. Science Notes and

Projects. https://sciencenotes.org/error-in-science/

Libretexts. (2022, July 25). 3.10: Writing and Balancing Chemical Equations. Chemistry




Physical & Chemical Properties/Changes

Organize & Present a complete report in a clear & logical form (2)
-Clear but not logical (1)
- Neither clear or logical (0)
Report Accurately & Concisely (2)
- Accurate but not concise (1)
- Neither accurate or concise (0)
Use past tense, third person, passive voice (2)
- 2 of 3 (1)
- wrong tense, person and voice (0)
All apparatus & materials listed (2)
- Any missing (1)
Procedure in logical sequence with appropriate language (2)
- Incorrect grammar & spelling (1)
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- Title in block capitals (1)
Total: (12)

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