BAC5 Business Research Syllabus 1st Sem 2023 2024
BAC5 Business Research Syllabus 1st Sem 2023 2024
BAC5 Business Research Syllabus 1st Sem 2023 2024
BAC5: Business Research is a Business Administration Core Courses. A course that investigate the techniques of the research process as applied to business and economics.
Experience is gained in defining research problems, designing a research project, and in collecting, analyzing, recording, and interpreting data. Also, an analysis of pertinent
research literature in business and economics is conducted. The course requires the writing, presentation, publication and utilization of the research outputs within the context of
the locality of the college and beyond. To achieve this is an instructor-guided learning is employed where throughout the process the instructor take part as the guide of the learners
This course aims to:
Develop a right attitude towards business research.
Provide students with the basic skills in writing, presenting, publishing and utilizing the research outputs.
Undergo research paper writing, presenting, publishing and utilizing the research outputs.
At the end of the course, the student must be able to:
Teaching &
Time Intended Learning Content Learning Materials 4-Pronged Integration Learning Assessment
Allotment Outcomes (ILOs) Activities Tasks (ATs)
1. Justify the reason *Introduction 1. SPCMOI Student Core/related values: 1. Online 1. Submissions of
behind the studies of *Syllabus/ Course Handbook *integrity Recorded Research Matrix
Business Research in Orientation *obedience Lectures
the Philippine Settings *Philosophical 2. (Bell, Bryman and *compliance (Youtube) 2. Submission of
and the world considerations Harley 2019) Social Orientation: 2. Instructor’s Revised Research
RESEARCH MATRIX *Well-being demonstration- Matrix
2. Comply requirements 1) State of the Problem 3. (Schindler 2019) Across Discipline: Youtube
in the compliance in all 2) Hypothesis *Information (asynchronous) RUBRIC on
parts of the Research 3) Statistical Technique 4. (Sekaran and Management 3. Online Research Matrix
Week 1 & 2 Matrix 4) Schematic Diagram Bougie 2016) *Statistics discussion Assessment
(12 Hours) 5) Research Design 5. (Saunders, Lewis *Management through Google
6) Participants of the Study Philosophical anchor: Meet
and Thornhill 2019)
and Criteria for Selection Epistemological Reasons to (asynchronous)
6. (Ghauri, Study Business Research 4. Literature
Gronhaug and review
Strange 2020) 5. Other web-
based instruction
7. Youtube videos 6. Teacher-
published by Learner guided
Hermenio Jr. scheme
Cabusog see the link: 7. Video Conferencing
(St. Peter’s College of Misamis Oriental, Inc.
15 de Septiembre St., Barangay 2, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental
.com/channel/UCwN 8. Teacher-guided
xHTGATbnOgVXK learning in
U855DQQ Business
Research Writing
See Reference List 9) Classroom
for more Details of Lectures
the Reference 10) Consultations
Above and Coaching
11) Workshops
on Stat Software,
3. Demonstrate basic skills RESEARCH PAPER- Learning Materials Core/related values: Same with Week 1. Submissions of
in writing and presenting CHAPTER 1: is the same with the *Excellence 1&2 Chapter 1
Chapter 1 of a Research Introduction list in Week 1 & 2 Social Orientation:
Paper -Introduction must be in 1- *respect on intellectual 2. Submission of
2 pages, shortly narrating contribution to society Revised Chapter
the entire chapter 1 Across Discipline: 1
1.1 Background of the *Statistics
Study *Management RUBRIC on
Week 3 & 4 -This includes your Philosophical Anchor: Chapter
(12 hours) motivation/s and reason/s Epistemological Reasons to Assessment
of doing the study. Study Business Research
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Research Problem
-The research problem
must be at least 3-5
1.4 Null Hypothesis
1.5 Scope and
Delimitations of the Study
1.6 Theoretical
(St. Peter’s College of Misamis Oriental, Inc.
15 de Septiembre St., Barangay 2, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental
-Cite at least 1-3 theories
in business and marketing
that will support your
1.7 Conceptual Framework
-Show the relationship of
the variables involved in
the study
1.8 Definition of Terms
-Definition of terms must
be operational
4. Write and present RESEARCH PAPER- Learning Materials Core/related values: Same with Week 1. Submissions of
Chapter 2:Review of CHAPTER 2: Review of is the same with the *Persistence 1&2 Chapter 2
Related Literature of a Related Literature list in Week 1 & 2 *Integrity
Research Paper RRL Format per Research *Excellence 2. Submission of
Week 5 & 6 Variable/ Variable Social Orientation: Revised Chapter
(12 Hours) *Demonstrate basic Relationships *awareness on the utilization 2
knowledge in APA Style of 2.1 Concepts and Theories of Knowledge
Citation and Referencing 2.2 Measurement and Across Discipline: RUBRIC on
Practice *Knowledge Management Chapter 2
2.3 Research Gaps and Assessment
Development Philosophical Anchor:
Epistemology of Business
NOTE: Make sure to
include both Foreign and
Local Literatures, use APA
Style of Citation
5. Write and present RESEARCH PAPER- Learning Materials Core/related values: Same with Week 1. Submissions of
Chapter 3: Methodology of CHAPTER 3: is the same with the *integrity 1&2 Chapter 3
a Research Paper list in Week 1 & 2 *obedience
Week 7 & 8 3.1 Research Design *compliance 2. Submission of
(12 Hours) 3.2 Research Setting Social Orientation: Revised Chapter
(St. Peter’s College of Misamis Oriental, Inc.
15 de Septiembre St., Barangay 2, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental
3.3 Research Instrument *Optimism 3
3.4 Research Subject Across Discipline:
3.5 Sampling Design *Data Science RUBRIC on
3.6 Data: Nature, *Statistics Chapter 3
Collection Method and *Management Assessment
Problems Encountered Philosophical Anchor:
3.6.1 Nature Epistemology of Business
3.6.2 Collection Research
3.6.3 Problems
3.7 Data Analysis
6. Demonstrate proper SAMPLING & DATA Learning Materials Core/related values: Same with Week 1. Attendance and
Week 9 & 10 Sampling Procedures and GATHERING is the same with the *integrity 1&2 Participation to
(12 Hours) Data Gathering 1) Sampling Techniques list in Week 1 & 2 *obedience the Seminar
(Quan-Qual) *compliance Workshop on
7. Construct or Revise 2) Item Analysis Social Orientation: Sampling and
Research Instrument 3) Testing Validity and *Optimism Data Gathering
Reliability of Instruments Across Discipline:
4) Data Gathering *Data Science 2. Submission of
Procedures (Quan-Qual) *Statistics the copies of the
*Management data gathered
Philosophical Anchor:
Epistemology of Business *Attendance of
Research the Seminar-
Week 11 & 12 8. Write and present CHAPTER 4 & 5: Learning Materials Core/related values: Same with Week 1. Submissions of
(12 Hours) Chapter 4: Results/ Finding, RESULTS/ FINDINGS, is the same with the *integrity 1&2 Chapters 1 to 5
Conclusion & list in Week 1 & 2 *obedience
Recommendations 1) Data Organization *compliance 2. Submission of
(St. Peter’s College of Misamis Oriental, Inc.
15 de Septiembre St., Barangay 2, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental
2) Data Analysis Social Orientation: Revised Chapter
3) Data Interpretation *Optimism 1 to 5
4) Data Presentation Across Discipline:
*Data Science RUBRIC on
CONCLUSION & *Statistics Chapter 1-5
RECOMMENDATIONS *Management Assessment
Philosophical Anchor:
Epistemology of Business
Week 13 & 14 9. Present and defend PAPER DEFENSE & Learning Materials Core/related values: Same with Week 1. Research
(12 Hours) Research Paper with a Panel PRESENTATION is the same with the *integrity 1&2 Presentation and
of Experts list in Week 1 & 2 *obedience Paper Defense
Social Orientation: RUBRIC on
*Optimism Paper
Across Discipline: Presentation and
*Data Science Paper Defense
Philosophical Anchor:
Epistemology of Business
Week 15 & 16 10. Demonstrate Revised PAPER REVISION & Learning Materials Core/related values: Same with Week 1. Submissions of
(12 Hours) Paper and Book Bind PAPER BINDING is the same with the *integrity 1&2 the Bound
list in Week 1 & 2 *obedience Research paper
Social Orientation:
Across Discipline:
*Data Science
Philosophical Anchor:
Epistemology of Business
(St. Peter’s College of Misamis Oriental, Inc.
15 de Septiembre St., Barangay 2, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental
Week 17 & 18 11. Convert Research Paper CONVERSION TO Learning Materials Core/related values: Same with Week 1. Submissions of
(12 Hours) into Article Form ARTICLE FORM & is the same with the *integrity 1&2 the Research
12. Submit Article to SUBMISSION TO list in Week 1 & 2 *obedience Article Form to
Journal Publisher/s JOURNAL PUBLISHERS *compliance Journal Publishers
Social Orientation:
Across Discipline:
*Data Science
Philosophical Anchor:
Epistemology of Business
Course Requirements:
1. Completed Research Paper and submission of the Book Bound
2. Conversion of the Research paper to Journal Article Form and Submission to Journal Publishers
3. Research Presentation and Oral Defense
Completed Research Paper and Book Bind 50%
Conversion of the Research paper to Journal Article Form and
Submission to Journal Publishers 30%
(St. Peter’s College of Misamis Oriental, Inc.
15 de Septiembre St., Barangay 2, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental
Research Presentation and Oral Defense 20%
Bell, E., Bryman, A., & Harley, B. (2019). Business Research Methods, 5th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ghauri, P., Gronhaug, K., & Strange, R. (2020). Research Methods in Business Studies, 5th edition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Saunders, M. N., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2019). Research Methods for Business Methods. Harlow CM17 9SR: Pearson Educated Limited.
Schindler, P. S. (2019). Business Research Methods, 13th edition. New York: McGraw Hill/ irvin.
Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2016). Research Methods for Business, 7th edition. West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley.
Hermenio Jr. Cabusog Channel-
Quantitative Statistics with SPSS-
Qualitative Analysis-
Instructor OIC, Education Program Head
Date Submitted: _August 22, 2023 Approved by: DR. PEDRO R. ESTAÑO
College Dean