Digital Transformation in Entrepreneurship Education: The Use of A Digital Tool KABADA and Entrepreneurial Intention of Generation Z
Digital Transformation in Entrepreneurship Education: The Use of A Digital Tool KABADA and Entrepreneurial Intention of Generation Z
Digital Transformation in Entrepreneurship Education: The Use of A Digital Tool KABADA and Entrepreneurial Intention of Generation Z
Digital Transformation in Entrepreneurship Education: The Use
of a Digital Tool KABADA and Entrepreneurial Intention of
Generation Z
Kristaps Lesinskis 1, * , Inese Mavlutova 2 , Aivars Spilbergs 2 and Janis Hermanis 2
Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the impact of using the business planning digital tool
KABADA in a study process on entrepreneurial intentions in Generation Z, based on the study
conducted in selected Central and Eastern European countries and Southern European countries. The
authors developed a literature review on digital transformation and digital tools in entrepreneurship
education and their role in increasing entrepreneurial intentions in the context of sustainability. In
the empirical part, the authors conducted a quasi-experiment, tested the digital entrepreneurship
education tool KABADA among students with the analysis of sequentially obtained statistical data,
using descriptive statistics, statistical tests of eight hypotheses, as well as the effect size test. The
study reveals a mostly positive effect of the digital tool KABADA on the entrepreneurial intention of
Generation Z, thus confirming the effectiveness of digitalization-based entrepreneurial education
in promoting entrepreneurial intention. However, this effect is not statistically significant for some
components forming intention, as proven by hypothesis testing. The study contributes to the role
Citation: Lesinskis, K.; Mavlutova, I.; of the digital transformation of entrepreneurial education and the use of digital tools with built-
Spilbergs, A.; Hermanis, J. Digital in artificial intelligence algorithms in improving the effectiveness of education in terms of raising
Transformation in Entrepreneurship
entrepreneurial intentions.
Education: The Use of a Digital Tool
KABADA and Entrepreneurial
Keywords: digital transformation; sustainability; digital tools; entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurial
Intention of Generation Z.
intention; Generation Z; business planning; artificial intelligence
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10135.
adds to existing theories and practices related to the use of ICT and artificial intelligence (AI)
in entrepreneurship education and sustainability [3]. Digital transformation in scientific
research is usually related to the complexity of adapting digital technologies and has mostly
been studied as a process that takes place in different sectors, e.g., in finance, mechanical
engineering, but it is not learned enough in higher education. According to research, most
universities still lack a strategy related to digital transformation in the educational process,
including business education [4]. Alenezi [5] believes that digital transformation has gained
momentum and contemporary higher education institutions (HEI) have been embracing
new technologies and transforming their practices, business models and processes.
Research in the field of EE has a growing trend. Sreenivasan and Suresh [6] have
identified 2185 research publications in prominent journals in this field. The most pop-
ular topics developed from the co-occurrence network are the Determinants of Student
Entrepreneurial Intentions in Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship in the Class-
room, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education. EE is studied by Kuratko [7],
Pittaway and Cope [8], Fayolle and Gailly [9], Lackéus [10], among others.
Research devoted to the EE effect on EI reveals controversial outcomes. Asimakopou-
los et al. [11], Cera et al. [12], Iwu et al. [13], Wang et al. [14] and others find a posi-
tive impact from EE on EI, while Reissova et al. [15], Draksler and Sirec [16], Martínez-
Gregorio et al. [17] do not agree or even find a negative effect of EE on EI.
Armitage, Conner and Mason [18,19] believe that behavioral performance deter-
mines students’ intention to engage in it, including the fact that it is also applicable
to entrepreneurship.
The study of Ashari et al. [20] aims to apply the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to
analyze the effect of an entrepreneurship course on EI of the engineering students and states
that entrepreneurship behavior can’t be inculcated by traditional entrepreneurship courses.
As remote learning practice is spreading in higher education (HI), AI is increasingly
playing a role in improving the online education process. Ouyang et al. [21] studied
434 articles on AI applications in online education, from 2011 to 2020, which led to the
suggestion of an empirical study to test the actual impact of AI applications on online
education in universities. The application of digital tools specifically in EE is recently
studied by Boissin, Sousa, Jardim, Cassol [22–25], and these studies reveal a gap within the
in-depth research of this issue. Therefore, this study analyzes whether the use of the digital
tool developed by the authors for EE workshop in the era of digital transformation (DT) is
effective and able to provide better results in terms of EI than traditional teaching.
The study is also dedicated to a specific age group, Generation Z, sometimes called
“digital natives”, who are currently entering higher education and is choosing a professional
career path. The main finding of the Generational Theory by Karl Manheim is that people
are greatly influenced by the socio-historical environment of their youth which is essential
in analyzing the characteristics and behavior of Generation Z [26].
Most scientists believe that Generation Z includes people born after 1995. However,
some researchers consider Generation Z as people born between 1997 and the second
decade of the 21st century. The third stream believes that Generation Z was born between
1996 and 2010 [27]. However, a consensus exists that virtual reality for the Generation Z has
become as real as the physical world in their lives, and they have not seen the world without
modern internet technologies. Generation Z views the world in a global perspective, they
have a tolerance to diversity thanks to the development of the Internet, social platforms
and digital opinion leaders [28]. Scholz and Rennig [29] indicate that despite the important
common characteristic of Generation Z relating the usage of IT tools, notable differences
can be found among representatives of Generation Z in different world regions, among
European countries, and even within a single country.
Unlike Generation X, which preceded Generation Z, this generation has several unique
characteristics: ability to understand and use the opportunities provided by both virtual
and real worlds, good skills in finding and disseminating information quickly (although
the quality of the information could often be a question), the use of social media in commu-
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10135 3 of 20
nication [30], multitasking skills, hardship with sorting information, expects immediate
satisfaction and presence from society [31]. These characteristics should be taken into
account considering teaching methods as they influence Generation Z learning strategies
and approach, making EE methods with use of digital tools more effective.
Regarding EI, it should be noted that Generation Z is cautious, hard-working and
wants to build a career in a stable environment [1].
Given the importance of digital transformation in sustainable development efforts, the
authors conducted a study with the purpose to investigate the effect of using the business
planning digital tool KABADA in EE workshops on the EI among students of Generation
Z from different European regions. KABADA is an abbreviation for Knowledge Alliance
of Business Idea Assessment: Digital Approach, and this tool was developed with the
support of the Erasmus+ project. Previous studies on EE have mostly been conducted in
one university or country or involving countries from one region [32,33]. The current study
includes a groups of students from Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries (Latvia,
Lithuania, Czech Republic and Slovakia) and major Southern European (SE) countries (Italy,
Spain, Portugal) with different historical backgrounds, which allows for fully assessing the
effect of using a digital tool on students’ EI.
The paper consists of a literature review on the digital transformation of education, the
use of digital tools and artificial intelligence in EE, followed by the research methodology
and analysis of the results of the experiment conducted in CAE and SE universities, finalized
by a discussion, conclusions, the significance of the research and recommendations.
out a bibliometric analysis of the titles DT and higher education, analyzed 643 articles in
Scopus and found an increase in research, especially in computer science, followed by
social science, engineering, as well as entrepreneurship and management.
Benavides et al. [45] indicate how HEI have been permeated by the technological
advancement that the Industrial Revolution 4.0 brings with it, and forces institutions to
deal with a digital transformation in all dimensions. According to Brdesee [46], with the
aim of achieving a global ranking and academic distinction, a large number of universi-
ties have decided to focus on competition and greater academic quality in which digital
transformation enables the use of electronic systems in the teaching process.
Research results by Rodríguez-Abitia and Bribiesca-Correa [47] show that universities
fall behind other sectors in their digital transformation processes, probably due to a lack
of effective leadership and changes in culture. This is complemented negatively by an
insufficient degree of innovation and financial support. Akour and Alenezi [48] note
that a significant number of educational stakeholders are concerned about the issue of
digitalization in higher educational institutions, indicating that digital skills are becoming
more pertinent throughout every context, particularly in the workplace. As a result,
one of the key purposes for universities has shifted to preparing future managers and
entrepreneurs, strengthening their information literacy as a vital set of skills.
Ratten and Usmanij [49] highlighted the current trends in EE by linking them to
emerging employment trends such as the gig economy and the digital transformation of
the workplace. In today’s EE, it is important to develop a digital entrepreneurship based
solely on the use of a digital platform.
As a result of an extensive literature analysis, five essential factors that determine the
implementation of digitalization in EE can be systematized (see Table 1).
Pucciarelli and Kaplan [64] believe a weak response to changes in business is a weak-
ness that threatens HE and its relevance is related to the use of ICT.
With digitalization in HE institutions, huge funding is spent on technology with the
aim to reduce costs and to improve educational outcomes [70,75]. Distance learning using
digital tools can be an important factor of cost reduction.
As availability of modern technologies increases, digital tools are increasingly involved
in the educational process [76].
The application of digital tools specifically in EE is recently studied by Garcez, Giuggi-
oli and Pellegrini, Hammoda, Wibowo and Narmaditya, Almeida, Heubeck [77–82]. Pires
and Fortes [83] believe that digital tools have a positive effect on increasing students’ EI,
Panoutsopoulos et al. [84] note considerable increase in interest for digital game-based
learning. Based on an assessment of the extent to which digital tools replicate the en-
trepreneurial experience in a science context, Blankesteijn et al. [85] offer solutions to
optimize the use of digital tools in EE.
AI solutions are rapidly entering the education sector. In the 1950s, interest in the
potential of automation emerged as it could help professionals to speed up their work by
helping them analyze, calculate, and process data. In the 1960s, many studies focused
on Bayesian statistics, a method used mainly in machine learning [81,86]. As education
technology evolves as a new standard, all the stakeholders involved in education must
deploy AI to obtain the basic education goals, i.e., it must be individualized, effective,
transformative, output based, integrative and long lasting [87].
The AI uses and combines machine learning (the usage of computer systems to
perform specific tasks efficiently without relying on clearly programmed instructions),
smart machines (devices that are embedded with machine networking and/or cognitive
computing technologies and able to make their own decisions without requiring human
contribution) and other data analysis techniques to achieve AI capabilities such as big data
analysis, is able to justify the situation (deductively and inductively) and draw conclusions
based on the situation; able to communicate in different languages; able to analyse and
solve complex problems [88]. The Figure 1 describes the components and characteristics of
an artificial intelligence.
As Figure 1 shows, for AI to perform its mission, specific software and hardware,
tools, applications and programming languages are required. Given the complexity and
aims of AI, it should be human centred, secure, monitorable and explainable, as well as
reproducible and unbiased.
AI based learning tools have been in existence and are being abundantly used in educa-
tion for quite a long time, however, now they affect students, teachers and all stakeholders
in the education space like never before [89]. Researchers hold the belief that AI based
intelligent tutoring system is going to rule the world of education [90,91]. Introduction of
AI in education is seen as a game changer where students will be provided with unimag-
inably more information that would have been possibly provided to them by a solitary
teacher [92].
Given the changes in technology, it is necessary to gradually transform the traditional
teaching mode into a new type of teaching that is more innovative, practical, inclusive and
in line with entrepreneurship education [93].
Personal characteristics and self-analysis shape entrepreneurial intent as well as em-
phasizes the relationship between career choice and entrepreneurial intent [94]. Kasler et al. [95]
found a strong relation between hope, grit and self-perceived employability.
Lim et al. [96] emphasizes the moderating role of self-efficacy in professional de-
velopment results. Lesinskis et al. [97], Davey et al. [98] write about differences among
representatives of Genaration Z in different global regions, countries, or even within a
single country, underlying that young people from developing countries are more willing
to engage in entrepreneurship than those from developed countries.
Sustainability 2023,
Sustainability 2023, 15,
x FOR PEER REVIEW 66 of 21
of 20
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Components and characteristics
characteristics of
of artificial
artificial intelligence.
intelligence. Source:
Source: compiled by the authors.
Given the of changes
technology, (TPB) is the most
it is necessary topopular
gradually model for understanding,
transform the traditional
teaching mode andinto
changing individual
a new type socialthat
of teaching behaviour [99]. If an individual
is more innovative, evaluates
practical, inclusive anda
suggested behavior as positive (attitude),
in line with entrepreneurship education [93]. and if he or she believes significant others want
the person
Personalto perform the behavior
characteristics (subjective norm),
and self-analysis the intention to perform
shape entrepreneurial intent asthewellbehavior
as em-
will be greater and the individual will be more likely to perform
phasizes the relationship between career choice and entrepreneurial intent [94]. Kasler the behavior. Attitudes andet
al. [95] foundnorms are highly
a strong relationcorrelated
between with
grit and intention,
self-perceived and behavioral
is correlated
Lim et al. with
[96]actual behavior
emphasizes the[100]. According
moderating role toof Vamvaka
self-efficacy et al. [101], TPB looks
in professional at
entrepreneurship controlled and planned behaviour that is inherently
opment results. Lesinskis et al. [97], Davey et al. [98] write about differences among rep- intentional rather
than instinctive
resentatives where individuals
of Genaration acquire
Z in different entrepreneurial
global intentions
regions, countries, or over
even the timeabefore
within single
creation of ventures and making the decision on entry.
country, underlying that young people from developing countries are more willing to en-
gageAnalysing the entrepreneurial
in entrepreneurship than thoseintentions,
from developed the recent literature review leads to an ag-
gregation of studies related to TPB and reveals important
Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is the most popular model constructs to look at in empirical
for understanding,
predicting,to analyse entrepreneurial
and changing perceptions
individual [102]. Cheung
social behaviour [99]. [103]
If anbelieves
it is impor- a
tant to facilitate entrepreneurial thinking in early stages of life to
suggested behavior as positive (attitude), and if he or she believes significant others want increase individual’s EI.
the person to performthetheresearch,
behavior the(subjective
effect of entrepreneurship
norm), the intention education
to perform onthe EI behav-
is still
controversial. Asimakopoulos et al. [11], Cera et al. [12], Iwu
ior will be greater and the individual will be more likely to perform the behavior. Atti- et al. [13], Wang et al. [14],
Pan et al. [104] findings indicate entrepreneurial education is positively associated with
tudes and subjective norms are highly correlated with behavioral intention, and behav-
the intention to undertake entrepreneurship. Akpoviroro et al. [105] find that there is
ioral intention is correlated with actual behavior [100]. According to Vamvaka et al. [101],
a significant relationship between the explanation of the role of the business model in
TPB looks at entrepreneurship controlled and planned behaviour that is inherently inten-
the UI study process and entrepreneurial intention. Carvalho et al. [106] and Wibowo
tional rather than instinctive where individuals acquire entrepreneurial intentions over
and Narmaditya [77] focuses their studies specifically on digital EE and concluded that
the time before creation of ventures and making the decision on entry.
it promotes students’ digital entrepreneurship intentions. On the contrary, studies of
Analysing the entrepreneurial intentions, the recent literature review leads to an ag-
Reissová et al. [15], Draksler and Sirec [16], Martínez-Gregorio et al. [17] question or limit
gregation of studies related to TPB and reveals important constructs to look at in empirical
the positive effect of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial intention.
studies to analyse entrepreneurial perceptions [102]. Cheung [103] believes that it is important
The object of the research is Generation Z students of various study levels from
to facilitate entrepreneurial thinking in early stages of life to increase individual’s EI.
different study directions.
of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial intention.
The object of the research is Generation Z students of various study levels from dif-
ferent study directions.
Each generation is influenced by the social factors of its time, global development,
technology and demographics, and that each generation brings with it talents, individu-
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10135 7 of 20
ality and insights that can support society as a whole [107]. Differences in perceptions
between individuals of different generations with opposite worldviews are shaped by ex-
periences influenced by technology, as well as social and cultural expectations of certain
Each generation
populations born at theissameinfluenced
time. by the social factors of its time, global development,
technology and demographics, and that each
Generation Z, like other generations, generationby
is influenced brings with
various it talents,
events individuality
throughout their
and insights that can support society as a whole [107]. Differences in
lives, especially during their teenage years. it’s ae socio-economic and political forces perceptions between
of a
generation of different generations
can affect with intelligence
their actions, opposite worldviews
and generalarepersonality
shaped by traits,
ing by technology,
it different from previous as well as social and
generations. cultural
Knowing theexpectations of certain populations
general characteristics of Gener-
born at the same time.
ation Z is extremely important in order to be able to live with and adapt to them, to un-
other generations,
relationships is influenced
[108]. by various events throughout their
lives, especially during their teenage years. it’s ae socio-economic and political forces of a
3. Conceptual phase can affect and
Framework theirHypotheses
actions, intelligence and general personality traits, making
it different from previous generations. Knowing the general characteristics of Generation Z
Based onimportant
is extremely the literature review,
in order to bethe authors
able to livehave
withcreated the to
and adapt conceptual framework
them, to understand
of the research. Figure 2 shows the
motives and interpret relationships [108]. considered variables into a conceptual framework and
presents visually the hypothesised relationship between them.
The conceptual
3. Conceptual framework
Framework in Figure 2 predicts the influence of the independent var-
and Hypotheses
iable Based
(EE) ononthe
the literature review, the(EI
dependent variables and others),
authors assuming
have created the that the TPBframework
conceptual antecedents of
are casual factors (mediators), but the EE process is moderated
the research. Figure 2 shows the considered variables into a conceptual frameworkby two types of EE work-
presents visually the workshop and workshop
hypothesised relationship which uses the
between digital tool KABADA.
Figure 2.
Figure Conceptual framework
2. Conceptual framework of
of the
the research.
The conceptual
Based framework
on the literature in Figure
analysis, 2 predictstwo
the following the main
influence of the independent
hypothesis vari-
and several sub-
able (EE) on the dependent
hypotheses are developed: variables (EI and others), assuming that the TPB antecedents are
casual factors (mediators), but the EE process is moderated by two types of EE workshops—
traditional workshop and workshop which uses the digital tool KABADA.
Based on the literature analysis, the following two main hypothesis and several sub-
hypotheses are developed:
H1. The use of the digital tool KABADA in EE workshop has a positive effect on the EI of Generation Z.
H2. The positive effect on EI of Generation Z is stronger when the digital tool KABADA is used in
EE workshop, compared to traditional EE workshop.
H2a. The positive effect on the knowledge of entrepreneurship of Generation Z is stronger when the
digital tool KABADA is used in EE workshop, compared to traditional EE workshop.
H2b. The positive effect on the feeling of being interested when imagining becoming an entrepreneur
in Generation Z is stronger when the digital tool KABADA is used in EE workshop, compared to
EE traditional workshop.
H2c. The positive effect on the feeling of being inspired when imagining becoming an entrepreneur
in Generation Z is stronger when the digital tool KABADA is used in EE workshop, compared to
traditional EE workshop.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10135 8 of 20
H2d. The positive effect on the approval of the idea that entrepreneurship could fulfil his or her life
in Generation Z is stronger when the digital tool KABADA is used in EE workshop, compared to
traditional EE workshop.
H2e. The positive effect on the interest in entrepreneurship in Generation Z is stronger when the
digital tool KABADA is used in EE workshop, compared to traditional EE workshop.
H2f. The positive effect on the consideration to start an entrepreneurship within the next 5 years
in Generation Z is stronger when the digital tool KABADA is used in EE workshop, compared to
traditional EE workshop.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10135 and financial projections [106]. The Figure 3 visually depicts the structural design of9the
of 20
KABADA tool and the sequence in which its user moves through the platform.
both the experimental and control groups were surveyed before and after the workshop to
find out how their EI had changed after the workshop. All workshops were held remotely.
Before starting the experiment, a test workshop was also held in order to better prepare for
the experiment.
As Figure 3 shows, in total, the sample consists of 808 respondents—students born
between 1995 and 2012 which are considered to be a Generation Z [115] from CEE countries
(Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia), and SE countries (Portugal, Italy, Spain). In
each session, its participants were surveyed both before and after workshops, including
in the second questionnaire a series of the same questions related to EI, knowledge of
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial emotions as before the session, but not only. In total,
18 questions were included in the pre-workshop questionnaire, and 33 questions in the
post-workshop questionnaire. The questions were designed in such a way to find out
the EI of the respondents, and related assessments regarding entrepreneurial knowledge,
interest in entrepreneurship and others. The selection of both experimental and control
group members can be considered to be random, and their composition is similar in terms
of geography, education, occupation and other characteristics.
In the survey of the respondents before and after the KABADA and traditional work-
shops, the evaluation of the dependent variables was carried out using a Likert scale from
1–7. A Likert scale is considered to be a very useful device for the research measuring
intention and other sensual things like interest, inspiration etc., as they build in a degree of
sensitivity and differentiation of response while still generating numbers [116,117].
According to several previous researches [12], EE can have an important positive effect
on students with low initial entrepreneurial intent, so the authors have conducted a quasi-
experiment on teaching entrepreneurship to students from several study directions—both
business and non-business students [118].
Table 2 summarizes information on respondents’ distribution by age, gender, study
level and entrepreneurship experience before and after workshop with digital tool KABADA
and a traditional workshop.
Before conducting the above formulated hypothesis tests, the assumptions were eval-
uated to ensure an appropriate and reliable comparison. In order to evaluate statistical
significance of the respondent’s distribution by age, gender, region, study level and experi-
ence in entrepreneurship before and after teaching in workshop with digital tool KABADA
and teaching in traditional workshop, the authors use chi-squared test applying formula:
(Oi − Ei )2
χ2 = ∑ Ei
i =1
Table 3. Chi-square statistics and p-values according to the distribution of respondents by age, gender,
study level and experience in entrepreneurship.
KABADA Workshop
KABADA Workshop Traditional Workshop
after vs. Traditional
Characteristics before vs. after before vs. after
Workshop after
χ2 p-Value χ2 p-Value χ2 p-Value
Age 0.511 0.775 1.987 0.370 1.358 0.507
Gender 0.252 0.616 0.002 0.963 0.142 0.706
Region 0.010 0.921 0.097 0.756 0.058 0.810
Study level 0.474 0.925 3.637 0.303 2.228 0.526
Experience in
1.989 0.575 0.816 0.846 1.497 0.683
Source: Calculated by the authors based on survey data.
Table 4 summarizes descriptive statistics for dependent variables before (B) and
after (A) teaching workshop with digital tool KABADA (K) application and traditional
workshop (W).
The Table 4 shows the average indicators of respondents’ answers regarding EI before
and after the workshops, as well as the calculated deviation indicators.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10135 12 of 20
Table 4. Descriptive statistics for dependent variables before (B) and after (A) teaching using the
digital tool KABADA (K) and traditional workshop (W).
Table 5. Shapiro–Wilk test statistic and p-values of normality test for dependent variables.
Variable Type of Teaching (K, W), before (B) or after (A) n SW-Statistics p-Value
BK 248 0.928 <0.001
AK 193 0.912 <0.001
AK 193 0.912 <0.001
AW 174 0.932 <0.001
AK 193 0.923 <0.001
AW 174 0.905 <0.001
AK 193 0.888 <0.001
AW 174 0.928 <0.001
AK 193 0.915 <0.001
AW 174 0.928 <0.001
AK 193 0.912 <0.001
AW 174 0.930 <0.001
AK 193 0.900 <0.001
AW 174 0.922 <0.001
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10135 13 of 20
Table 5. Cont.
Variable Type of Teaching (K, W), before (B) or after (A) n SW-Statistics p-Value
AK 193 0.910 <0.001
AW 174 0.931 <0.001
Source: Calculated by the authors based on survey data.
As indicated in Table 5, Shapiro–Wilk test p-values for all dependent variables in com-
parable groups are <0.05, indicating that dependent variables are not normally distributed.
Given that the Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test has some limitations, the authors addi-
tionally use a permutation test based on Brunner–Munzel’s student rank statistic [120]. This
function performs the Brunner–Munzel test for stochastic equality of two samples, which
is also known as the Generalized Wilcoxon Test. Table 7 summarizes Brunner–Munzel test
statistics (BM), p-values, 95% confidence intervals and difference in the probability of Y
being greater than X and the probability of X being greater than Y of dependent variables.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10135 14 of 20
Table 7. Brunner–Munzel test statistic for dependent variables, p-values and hypothesis test results.
Variable Tool BM-Statistics df p-Value LCL UCL P(X < Y) − P(X > Y) Hypothesis Test Result
INTE K 2.398 438 0.0169 0.023 0.233 0.128 H1 supported
INTE KW 2.744 357 0.0064 0.045 0.274 0.160 H2 supported
KNSA KW 0.558 362 0.5774 −0.083 0.149 0.033 H2a not supported
IINT KW 2.620 364 0.0092 0.038 0.269 0.154 H2b supported
IINS KW 1.286 361 0.1991 −0.040 0.193 0.076 H2c not supported
ESFL KW 2.486 365 0.0134 0.030 0.259 0.145 H2d supported
ESIT KW 2.540 353 0.0115 0.034 0.265 0.149 H2e supported
ES5Y KW 3.394 364 0.0008 0.083 0.313 0.198 H2f supported
Source: Calculated by the authors based on survey data.
As can be seen in Table 7, the results of the Brunner–Munzel test are the same to the
results of the Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test.
The practical significance of differences in the distributions of the dependent variables
can be demonstrated by measures of effect size—the standardized U statistic divided by
the total number of observations or Rosenthal’s correlation coefficient (r) [121].
Table 8 summarizes Wilcoxon Effect Size test statistics, the number of respondents in
comparable groups and 1000 bootstrap 95% confidence intervals of Effect size-values.
As it can be seen in Table 8, all Wilcoxon effect size estimates are statistically signifi-
cant at the 95% confidence level, indicating that after EE workshops with the digital tool
KABADA, the main tendencies of all dependent variables are higher than before. The
strength of the relationship is greater for the following variables—intention to become an
entrepreneur after EE workshop with digital tool KABADA, compared with traditional EE
workshop (0.141), feeling of being interested when imagining becoming an entrepreneur
after EE workshop with digital tool KABADA, compared with traditional EE workshop
(0.135), consideration to start an entrepreneurship within the next 5 years after EE work-
shop with digital tool KABADA, compared with traditional EE workshop (0.173), related
respectively to hypothesis H2, H2b and H2f.
Table 8. Wilcoxon effect size statistic and confidence intervals for dependent variables.
At the heart of the research problem is the question of the extent to which EE can
influence EI. In this study, this issue is specifically focused on Generation Z and the
involvement of a digital tool in the EE process. This study goes along with the opinion
of several authors [11–14] who indicate that EE has a positive effect on entrepreneurial
intention, which is proved by supporting H1, H2, H2B, H2d, H2e and H2f. At the same
time, taking into account studies that contain some doubts about the impact of EE on
entrepreneurial intention [15–17] it should be recognized that their reasoning also exists
because H2a and H2c were not supported.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10135 15 of 20
Hammoda [80] believes that in EE, students’ willingness to act was most positively
influenced by all technologies, along with practical competencies such as “overcoming
ambiguity, uncertainty and risk” and “learning through experience” Studies on the effects of
digital platforms on learning outcomes before pandemics have produced conflicting results,
the current study finds that EE with digital tools on digital platforms improves learning
outcomes, the same findings were demonstrated by Alshammary and Alhalafawy [76].
Wibowo & Narmaditya [77] investigated how the direct effect of digital EE on dig-
ital entrepreneurship intentions and reveal the mediating role of knowledge and en-
trepreneurial inspiration. The findings remarked that digital EE could promote students’
digital entrepreneurship intentions. This study provided insights related to psychological
aspects in the form of entrepreneurial inspiration as one of the predictor variables and
mediators for increasing digital entrepreneurship intentions.
The research stream is in line with Pan and Lu [104], Wibowo and Narmaditya [77] who
believe that EE in colleges and universities affects students’ entrepreneurial intention and
entrepreneurial self-efficacy. This research also confirmed that entrepreneurial knowledge
plays a role as a mediator for digital EI.
‘The authors’ approach coincides with that of Almeida [81] who studied the EI of
students, taking into account students’ heterogeneous backgrounds or different profiles
and work experiences, which allows to study the role of EI.
His findings confirm that understanding EI requires a multidimensional model that
includes attitudes toward entrepreneurship, perceived entrepreneurial abilities, and en-
trepreneurship education, however other researchers [12] indicate that despite the impor-
tant common characteristic of Generation Z—the usage of IT tools, notable differences can
be found among them in different world regions, European countries, and even within a
single country.
This study supports the notion that the use of digital technologies contributes to
increased effectiveness in the performance of their academic tasks, the greater the students’
motivation to use them [83].
Several authors [109–111] believe that students should understand the importance
of creating a business plan based on their own business idea. Akpoviroro et al. [105]
and Dasgupta [110] reveal there is a significant relationship between business planning
activities and entrepreneurial intention and its antecedents as it was found that the digital
tool KABADA helps to perform these tasks.
6. Conclusions
In the latest scientific literature, consensus that EE has a positive effect on EI does
not exist, so the approach of this study is to assess whether the use of a digital tool with
an AI algorithm on EE affects students’ EI in the digital age, and whether this effect
is stronger compared to traditional teaching, especially considering that students now
represent Generation Z, which is heavily influenced by digital technologies.
This study contributes to the deepening of knowledge in the study of the effectiveness
of modern EE, taking into account the processes of digital transformation. The research
helps understand how to create and use digital tools and organize EE workshops to promote
EI among students with diverse backgrounds. The results of the study are also useful for
academics to explore the latest trends in digital transformation in HEIs, and the use of
digital tools for business planning in EE workshops to increase the EI of students from
different fields of study.
Universities, overwhelmed by technological advances and struggling to create and
develop their digital transformation strategy to be more sustainable, are forced to address
digital transformation and the use of AI in all areas, including EE. Since innovative teaching
methods in EE are related to the use of digital tools with AI algorithms and big data analysis
components, the authors have developed the digital tool KABADA for business planning.
The sample used in the empirical part of the study and the methodology of its analysis
ensures representativeness and demonstrates its external validity so that it can be applied
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10135 16 of 20
to a wider population, proving that the use of a digital tool is effective regardless of the
chosen student audience.
This research allows for the conclusion that, in general, the use of a digital tool
with built-in AI algorithms (on the example of the KABADA tool) in EE has a positive
effect on the EI of Generation Z, and that the positive impact on EI of Generation Z is
stronger when the workshop with the digital tool KABADA is applied, compared to the
traditional workshop.
The results of the study did not reveal a statistically significant effect from the use of
the digital tool KABADA in EE workshop on the knowledge of entrepreneurship and on
the feeling of being inspired when imagining becoming an entrepreneur in Generation Z,
compared to a traditional EE workshop.
A study of how subjective norms and behavior influence entrepreneurial intentions,
and an in-depth study of the differences in the EE of Generation Z students of different
regions and nationalities and the specifics of the factors influencing their EI are beyond the
scope of the current research.
For further research, it would be important not only to study regional and national
differences in the EI of Generation Z, but also to determine how the use of artificial-
intelligence-specific functionalities within the EE process affect its results.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, I.M. and K.L.; methodology, I.M., K.L. and A.S.; software,
A.S. and J.H.; validation, A.S.; formal analysis, K.L. and A.S.; investigation, I.M. and K.L.; resources,
K.L. and J.H.; data curation, A.S. and J.H.; writing original draft preparation, K.L. and A.S.; writing
review and editing, I.M.; visualization, I.M. and J.H.; supervision, I.M.; project administration, K.L.;
funding acquisition, J.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the KABADA, Erasmus+ KA2 Knowledge Alliances program
(project number: 612542-EPP-1-2019-1-LV-EPPKA2-KA).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data can be requested via correspondence contacts.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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