Study 1
Study 1
Study 1
BIBLE STUDY NOTES HOLDING OUT THE WORD OF wick needs attention, or it is obscured because the glass is smoky. In verse 14
LIFE we read of two things that smoke up the glass, and in verses 15 and 16 of five
by Francis W. Dixon characteristics of the life that is shining for the Lord. How should we shine?
1. By not complaining, or muttering (verse 14). See Numbers 20:2 and 21:5,
and compare Acts 6:1 and 1 Corinthians 10:10. How easy it is to murmur!
Study 1 SHINING AS LIGHTS IN A DARK WORLD 2. By not arguing (verse 14). The thought here is of creating disaffection by
(Scripture Portion: Philippians 2:1-16) unwise gossip.
3. By being “blameless” (verse 15) – completely trustworthy (Daniel 6:4).
The theme of these studies is based upon a striking phrase in Philippians 2:16 4. By being pure (verse 15) – completely wholesome and sincere (John 1:47;
which speaks about holding out the word of life, and in this first study we shall 1 Peter 2:1). The special reference is to our motives.
consider the surrounding verses (14-18). First, it is important to notice that 5. By being “without fault” (verse 15) – living in such a way that we do not
Christians are spoken of as “children of God” (verse 15); we must emphasise have to be corrected or chastened by the Lord because of carelessness
the fact that while all people everywhere are the children of God in a creative and because of failure to judge ourselves (1 Corinthians 11:30-32).
sense, only real Christians are His children in a redemptive sense – look up and 6. By “holding out the word of life” (verse 16). This refers to our active witness
compare Malachi 2:10 and Acts 17:28-29 with John 1:12-14 and Galatians 3:26. in preaching the gospel and making known God’s salvation through faith in
The Apostle Paul tells us that as “sons of God” we are to “shine like stars” in a Christ. We do this by preaching, personal witness, informal meetings,
dark world. Just as the stars shine in the heavens so we, a heavenly people, letter-writing, and by many other ways. Above all, such “holding forth” must
are to shine for the Lord – compare Numbers 6:24-26 with Proverbs 4:18. We be accompanied by a consistent life as indicated in points 1 to 5 above.
7. By living in the light of “the day of Christ” (verse 16). The apostle refers to
are to shine as Moses did (Exodus 34:29); as the Lord Jesus did (Matthew
the Judgment Seat of Christ and reminds us that we are to live and labour
17:2); as John the Baptist did (John 5:35); as Stephen did (Acts 6:15) – now day by day in the light of this solemn time of reward or loss – look up
please look up Matthew 5:16. To shine for the Lord is the very essence of Romans 14:12; 1 Corinthians 3:13-15 and 2 Corinthians 5:9-10.
Christian service, and all can do it! – and a comparison of John 8:12 and
Matthew 5:14 makes it clear just how we may shine. 3. WHY ARE WE TO SHINE?
1. That God the Father may be glorified. Notice the last six words in
1. WHERE ARE WE TO SHINE? Matthew 5:16. There is only one life that will glorify Him, and that is the
1. “In the universe” (verse 15). This refers to the inhabited world in which Christ-filled, Spirit-controlled life that shines before men and commends
we live, but also to the world system – all that is opposed to Christ and Him to them.
that excludes Him and which we are forbidden to love (1 John 2:15-17). 2. That the Lord Jesus may be magnified. To magnify a thing is to make it
As Christians we are in the world, but we are not to be of it, as John appear bigger, and Christians by their shining witness are to make the
17:11 and 15 make clear. Lord Jesus appear “big” before the world. Just as lamps magnify the
2. “In a crooked and depraved generation” – compare Proverbs 2:13-15 light, so we are to magnify Him (Philippians 1:20).
and Isaiah 53:6. 3. That we may be lost sight of. A lamp does not attract to itself; it is the
What a dreadful spiritual and moral darkness engulfs this generation! On every light that attracts – look up John 3:30 and see how John the Baptist is
hand there is an appalling ignorance of God and of spiritual things, and God’s described in John 5:35. There can be no shining without burning, and
indictment against the human race, as recorded in Romans 1:21-32, is still up- burning means sacrifice. It is when we are willing to let self go that
to-date. Gross moral darkness covers the earth and sin abounds everywhere, Christ becomes all and in all – look up Matthew 16:24-25.
as is indicated by the increase in divorce, drink and drug addiction, gambling, 4. That sinners may be saved. We are to shine before men with the red
crime, sexual offences and corruption generally. Genesis 6:5 is true of this light of warning (Ezekiel 33:8-9); and we are constantly to show the
generation and should be read in conjunction with Matthew 24:37. It is in this green light, or the “all clear”, of a consistent and brightly burning life. By
crooked and depraved generation that we are to shine for the Lord – in public doing this we shall point sinners to the Saviour and will hear His “Well
(Matthew 5:14) and in private (Matthew 5:15) – socially and domestically. done!”, and we shall be rewarded “on the day of Christ” – see verse 16,
and compare Matthew 25:21 and 2 Corinthians 5:10.