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Tamil Nadu


No. of Printed Pages : 15 3562 (NS)




Part - III
( udÌ ©ØÖ® B[Q» ÁÈ / Tamil & English Version)

Põ» AÍÄ : 3.00 ©o ÷|µ® ] [ ö©õzu ©v¨ö£sPÒ : 100

Time Allowed : 3.00 Hours ] [Maximum Marks : 100

AÔÄøµPÒ : (1) AøÚzx ÂÚõUPЮ \›¯õP Aa_¨ £vÁõQ EÒÍuõ GߣuøÚ

\›£õºzxU öPõÒÍÄ®. Aa_¨£vÂÀ SøÓPy¨¤ß AøÓU
PsPõo¨£õÍ›h® EhÚi¯õP öu›ÂUPÄ®.
(2) }»® AÀ»x P4¨¦ ø©PøÚ ©ik÷© GÊxÁuØS®
AiU÷PõikÁuØS® £¯ß£kzu ÷Ásk®. £h[PÒ ÁøµÁuØS
ö£ß]À £¯ß£kzuÄ®.
Instructions : (1) Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of
fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately.
(2) Use Blue or Black ink to write and underline and pencil to draw diagrams.

SÔ¨¦ : CÆÂÚõzuõÒ |õßS £SvPøÍ öPõshx.

Note : This question paper contains four parts.

£Sv & I / PART - I

SÔ¨¦ : (i) AøÚzx ÂÚõUPÐUS® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. 14x1=14

(ii) öPõkUP¨£ih |õßS ÂøhPÎÀ dPÄ® Hئøh¯ ÂøhPøÚ

÷uº¢öukzx SÔ±ikhß ÂøhPøÚ²® ÷\ºzx GÊuÄ®.
Note : (i) Answer all the questions.
(ii) Choose the most appropriate answer from the given four alternatives and
write the option code and the corresponding answer.

[ vy¨¦P / Turn over

3562 2

1. ©Ø-Ö®
A={1, 2}, B={1, 2, 3, 4}, C={5, 6} D={5, 6, 7, 8} GÛÀ R÷Ç öPõ-kU-P¨
-£ih-øÁ-P-ÎÀ Gx \›-¯õÚ TØÖ ?

(A) (A×C)  (B×D) (B) (B×D)  (A×C)

(C) (A×B)  (A×D) (D) (D×A)  (B×A)

If A={1, 2}, B={1, 2, 3, 4}, C={5, 6} and D={5, 6, 7, 8}, then state which of the following
statement is true ?

(a) (A×C)  (B×D) (b) (B×D)  (A×C)

(c) (A×B)  (A×D) (d) (D×A)  (B×A)

2. f (x)=x2−x GÛÀ, f (x−1)−f (x+1)=

(A) 4x (B) 2−2x (C) 2−4x (D) 4x−2

Let f (x)=x2−x, then f (x−1)−f (x+1) is :

(a) 4x (b) 2−2x (c) 2−4x (d) 4x−2

3. ³U-Î-iß ÁSz-uÀ xønz ÷uØ-Óz-øu¨ £¯ß-£-kzv, G¢u døP •Ê-Âß

PÚz-øu-²® 9 &BÀ ÁSU-S® ÷£õx QøhU-S® «v-PÒ :

(A) 0, 1, 8 (B) 1, 4, 8 (C) 0, 1, 3 (D) 1, 3, 5

Using Euclid’s division lemma, if the cube of any positive integer is divided by 9, then
the possible remainders are :

(a) 0, 1, 8 (b) 1, 4, 8 (c) 0, 1, 3 (d) 1, 3, 5


3 3562

4. A=2 65©Ø-Ö® B=2 64 +2 63 +2 62 +⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅+2 0 GÚU öPõ-kU-P¨-£i-kÒÍx.

¤ß-Á-y-Á-Ú-ÁØ-ÔÀ Gx Esø© ?

(A) B &BÚx A &ę Âh 264 Av-P®

(B) A ©Ø-Ö-® B \©®

(C) B &BÚ-x A &ę Âh 1 Av-P®

(D) A &B-Úx B &ę Âh 1 Av-P®

If A=265 and B=264+263+262+⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅+20, which of the following is true ?

(a) B is 264 more than A

(b) A and B are equal

(c) B is larger than A by 1

(d) A is larger than B by 1

5. a2 + b2
a − 2 &ß ©v¨¦ :
b −
2 2
b a

(A) a−b (B) a+b

(C) a2−b2 (D) 1

a2 + b2 =
2 2
a − b −a

(a) a−b (b) a+b

(c) a2−b2 (d) 1


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5 3562

6. Jy {µÀ Ao-Pß, {øµ {µÀ ©õØÖ Ao :

(A) A»S Ao (B) ‰ø»-Âih Ao
(C) {µÀ Ao (D) {øµ Ao
Transpose of a column matrix is :
(a) unit matrix (b) diagonal matrix
(c) column matrix (d) row matrix

7. ∆LMN &À L = 60°, M = 50° . ÷©¾® ∆LMN ~ ∆PQR GÛÀ &ß ©v¨¦ :
(A) 40° (B) 70° (C) 30° (D) 110°

In ∆LMN, L = 60°, M = 50° . If ∆LMN ~ ∆PQR, then the value of is :

(a) 40° (b) 70° (c) 30° (d) 110°

8. £hz-vÀ EÒÍ-ÁõÖ O &øÁ ø©¯-©õ-PU öPõsh Ái-hz-vß P &À öuõ-k-÷Põk


(A) 120° (B) 100° (C) 110° (D) 90°

In the figure, if PR is tangent to the circle at P and O is the centre of the circle, then
POQ is :

(a) 120° (b) 100° (c) 110° (d) 90°


3562 6

7 3562

9. x=11 GÚU öPõ-kU-P¨-£ih ÷|ºU-÷Põi-iß \©ß-£õ-hõ-Úx :

(A) x &Aa-_US Cøn

(B) y &Aa-_US Cøn

(C) Bv¨-¦Ò-Î ÁÈa-ö\À-¾®

(D) (0, 11) & GßÓ ¦ÒÎ ÁÈa-ö\À-¾®

The straight line given by the equation x=11 is :

(a) Parallel to x-axis

(b) Parallel to y-axis

(c) Passing through the origin

(d) Passing through the point (0, 11)

10. tan θ + cot θ = 2 GÛÀ tan2 θ+cot2 θ &ß ©v¨¦ :

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 4

If tan θ + cot θ = 2, then the value of tan2 θ+cot2 θ is :

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4

11. 24ö\.«. E¯-µ-•®, 6 ö\.«. Bµ-•® Eøh-¯ PÎ-©s-o-ÚõÀ ö\m-¯¨-

£ih Jy T®-¤øÚ Jy ]Öd ÷PõÍ-©õP ©õØ-Ô-ÚõÀ, ÷PõÍz-vß Bµ® :

(A) 24 ö\.«. (B) 12 ö\.«. (C) 6 ö\.«. (D) 48 ö\.«-.

A child reshapes a cone made up of clay of height 24 cm and radius 6 cm into a sphere,
then the radius of sphere is :

(a) 24 cm (b) 12 cm (c) 6 cm (d) 48 cm


[ vy¨¦P / Turn over

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9 3562

12. r1 A»-S-PÒ Bµ-•ÒÍ Jy ÷Põͨ-£¢x EyU-P¨-£ik r2 A»-S-PÒ Bµ-•-øh¯

8 \© ÷PõÍ £¢-x-PÍõP BU-P¨-£-k-Q-Óx GÛÀ r1 : r2 :

(A) 2:1 (B) 1:2 (C) 4:1 (D) 1:4

A spherical ball of radius r1 units is melted to make 8 new identical balls each of radius
r2 units. Then r1 : r2 is :

(a) 2:1 (b) 1:2 (c) 4:1 (d) 1:4

13. uµ-Ĩ ¦Ò-Î-P-Îß \µõ-\›

100 40 ©Ø-Ö® vi-h-Â-»U-P® 3 GÛÀ »U-P[-P-Îß
ÁºU-PU Tk-u-»õ-Úx :

(A) 40000 (B) 160900 (C) 160000 (D) 30000

The mean of 100 observations is 40 and their standard deviation is 3. The sum of
squares of all deviations is :

(a) 40000 (b) 160900 (c) 160000 (d) 30000

14. B[-Q» GÊz-xU-PÒ {a, b, c, ...., z} &P-¼-y¢x Kº GÊzx \©-Áõm¨¦

•øÓ-PÀ ÷uºÄ ö\m-¯¨-£-k-Q-Óx. A¢u GÊzx x &US •¢-øu¯ GÊz-xU-P-ÎÀ
Jß-ÓõP Cy¨-£-uØ-PõÚ {PÌ-u-PÄ :

12 1 23 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
26 26
13 13

If a letter is chosen at random from the English alphabets {a, b, c, ...., z}, then the
probability that the letters chosen precedes x, is :

(a) 12 1 23 3
(b) (c) 26 26
13 13

3562 1
1 3562

£Sv & II/PART - II

SÔ¨¦ : GøÁ÷¯Ý® 10 ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. ÂÚõ Gs 28 &US

Pihõ¯©õP Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. 10x2=20

Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory.

15. A×B={(3, 2) (3, 4) (5, 2) (5, 4)} GÛÀ, A ©Ø-Ö® B &ę Põs-
If A×B={(3, 2) (3, 4) (5, 2) (5, 4)}, then find A and B.

16. f : N  N GßÓ
\õº¦ f (m)=m2+m+3 GÚ Áøµ-¯-ÖU-P¨-£i-hõÀ Ax Jß-ÖUS
Jß-ÓõÚ \õº¦ GÚU Põi-k-P.

Show that the function f : N  N defined by f (m)=m2+m+3 is one-one function.

17. m ©Ø-Ö® n C¯À Gs-PÒ GÛÀ, G¢u m &ß ©v¨-¦-P-ÐUS 2n×5m GßÓ Gs
5 GßÓ C»U-Pz-øuU öPõsk •i-²® ?

If m, n are natural numbers, for what values of m, does 2n×5m end in 5 ?

18. Jy öuõ-hº Á›-ø\-Pß ö£õx EÖ¨¦ n ; n Jy JØøÓ Gs
a n =  2
 n ; n Jy Cµiøh Gs
GÛÀ 3 &Áx ©Ø-Ö® 4 &Áx EÖ¨-¦-P-øÍU Põs-P.

 n 2 if n is odd

Find the 3rd and 4th terms of a sequence, if an =  n .
 if n is even

[ vy¨¦P / Turn over


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1 3562

19. 12+22+32+ ...... +102 &ß ©v¨¦ PõsP. Cv-¼-y¢x 22+42+62+ ....+202 &ß
©v¨-¦ Põs-P.
Find the value of 12+22+32+ ...... +102 and hence deduce 22+42+62+....+202.

20. 9x2+3kx+4=0 GßÓCy-£-ia-\-©ß-£õi-iß ‰»[-PÒ ö©m ©Ø-Ö® \©® GÛÀ

k &ß ©v¨¦ Põs-P.
Find the value of k for which the equation 9x2+3kx+4=0 has real and equal roots.

7 −3 
 
21. A= 5 2  GÛÀ −A &Pß {øµ-{-µÀ ©õØÖ Ao-ø¯U Põs-P.
 
 −5 
 

7 −3 
 
If A = −5 2  then find the transpose of −A.
 
 −5 
 

22. ¤ß-Á-y-Á-Ú-ÁØ-ÔÀ ∆ABC &PÀ AD BÚx, A &Pß Cy-\-©-öÁii BS-©õ

GÚ ÷\õ-vU-P-Ä®.

AB=5 ö\.«., AC=10 ö\.«., BD=1.5 ö\.«. ©ØÖ® CD=3.5 ö\.«.

Check whether AD is bisector of A of ∆ABC in the following.

AB=5 cm, AC=10 cm, BD=1.5 cm and CD=3.5 cm.

23. (14, 10) ©Ø-Ö® (14, −6) BQ-¯ ¦Ò-Î-PøÍ CønU-S® ÷|ºU-÷Põi-iß
\õm-øÁU Põs-P.
Find the slope of a line joining the points (14, 10) and (14, −6).

3562 1

1 3562

1 + sinθ
24. {¹-¤U-P-Ä® : = secθ + tanθ
1 − sinθ

Prove 1 + sinθ = secθ + tanθ

1 − sinθ

25. Jy ÷PõÍz-vß ¦Ó¨-£-µ¨¦ 154 \.«. GÛÀ Auß Âi-h® Põs-P.

Find the diameter of a sphere whose surface area is 154 m2.

26. Jy vs© AøµU-÷PõÍz-vß Ai¨-£-µ¨¦ 1386 \.«. GÛÀ Auß

¦Ó¨-£-µ¨-¤-øÚU Põs-P.

If the base area of a hemispherical solid is 1386 sq. metres, then find its total surface

27. RÌU-Põ-q® uµ-Ä-P-ÐUS Ãa_ ©Ø-Ö® Ãa-_U öPÊ-øÁU Põs-P.

63, 89, 98, 125, 79, 108, 117, 68.

Find the range and coefficient of range of the data.

63, 89, 98, 125, 79, 108, 117, 68.

28. Kº EÒ-åhØÓ Ey-øÍ-Pß E-¯-µ®, Ei-¦Ó ©Ø-Ö® öÁΨ-¦Ó Bµ[-PÒ

•øÓ-÷¯ 9 ö\.«., 3 ö\.«. ©Ø-Ö® 5 ö\.«. BS®. Ey-øÍø¯ Ey-ÁõU-Pz
÷uøÁ¨-£-k® Cy®-¤ß PÚ AÍ-Â-øÚU Põs-P.

Find the volume of the iron used to make a hollow cylinder of height 9 cm and whose
internal and external radii are 3 cm and 5 cm respectively.

[ vy¨¦P / Turn over

3562 1
1 3562


SÔ¨¦ : GøÁ÷¯Ý® 10 ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. ÂÚõ Gs 42 &US

Pihõ¯©õP Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. 10x5=50

Note : Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory.

29. A Gß-£x 8 &ę Âh SøÓ-ÁõÚ C¯À Gs-P-Îß Pn®,

B Gß-£-x 8 &ę Âh SøÓ-ÁõÚ £Põ Gs-P-Îß Pn®,
©Ø-Ö® Gß-£-x Cµi-øh¨-£øh £-Põ Gs-P-Îß Pn® GÛÀ,
(AB)×C=(A×C)(B×C) \›-£õºU-P-Ä®.

Let A=The set of all natural numbers less than 8

B=The set of all prime numbers less than 8

C=The set of even prime number. Verify that (AB)×C=(A×C)(B×C).

30. ©Ø-Ö® B = {2, 5, 8, 11, 14} Gß-£Ú Cy Pn[-PÒ GßP.

A = {1, 2, 3, 4} f:AB
GÝ® \õº¦ f (x)=3x−1 GÚU öPõ-kU-P¨-£i-kÒÍx. Ca-\õº-¤øÚ,
(i) A®-¦U-S-Ô-£-h®
(ii) Ai-h-Á-øn
(iii) Á›ø\ ÷\õ-i-P-Îß Pn®
(iv) Áøµ-£-h®
BQ-¯-ÁØ-ÓõÀ S-ÔU-P-Ä®.
Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {2, 5, 8, 11, 14} be two sets. Let f : A  B be a function
given by f (x)=3x−1. Represent this function :

(i) by Arrow diagram

(ii) in a table form

(iii) as a set of ordered pairs

(iv) in a graphical form


3562 1
1 3562

31. 100 &U-S® 1000

&U-S® Cøh-÷¯ 11 &BÀ ÁS-£-k® AøÚzx C¯À
Gs-P-Îß Tk-uÀ Põs-P.

Find the sum of all natural numbers between 100 and 1000 which are divisible by 11.

32. ºUP : 6x + 2y − 5z = 13

3x + 3y − 2z = 13

7x + 5y − 3z = 26

Solve : 6x + 2y − 5z = 13

3x + 3y − 2z = 13

7x + 5y − 3z = 26

33. ¤ß-Á-y® £À-¾-Ö¨-¦U ÷Põ-øÁ-P-Îß «.ö£õ.Á. Põs-P.

x4+3x3−x−3, x3+x2−5x+3

Find the GCD of the polynomials, x4+3x3−x−3 and x3+x2−5x+3.

2 2
x 10x 10y y
34. 2
− + 27 − + GßÓ ÷Põ-øÁ-Pß ÁºU-P-‰-»® Põs-P.
y y x x

2 2
x 10x 10y y
Find the square root of the expression, − + 27 − +
2 2
y y x x

[ vy¨¦P / Turn over

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2 3562

1 2 1  2 −1 
35. 
 =   ©ØÖ® B = −1 4 GÛÀ (AB)T=BTAT Gß-£-øua \›-£õºU-P.
 
 2 −1 1
 0
 2 

1 2 1  2 −1 
If A =   and B = −1 4 show that (AB)T=BTAT.
 
 2 −1 1
 0 
 2 

36. ÷Põn Cy \©-öÁii ÷uØ-Óz-vøÚ GÊ-v {Ö-Ä-P.

State and prove Angle Bisector theorem.

37. ©ØÖ® (2, 3) BQ-¯-ÁØøÓ •øÚ-PÍõ-PU öPõsh

(−4, −2), (−3, k), (3, −2)
|õØ-P-µz-vß £µ¨-£ÍÄ 28 \.A-»-S-PÒ GÛÀ k &Pß ©v¨¦ Põs-P.

Find the value of k, if the area of a quadrilateral is 28 sq. units, whose vertices are
(−4, −2), (−3, k), (3, −2) and (2, 3).

38. 60 «. E¯-µ-•ÒÍ ÷Põ-¦-µz-vß Ea-]-P-¼-y¢x ö\[-Sz-uõP EÒÍ Jy

ÂÍU-SU P®-£z-vß Ea] ©Ø-Ö® Ai-Pß CÓU-PU ÷Põ-n[-PÒ •øÓ-÷¯
38° ©Ø-Ö® 60° GÛÀ, ÂÍU-SU P®-£z-vß E¯-µz-øuU PõsP.
(tan 38° = 0.7813, 3 = 1.732 )

From the top of a tower 60 m high, the angles of depression of the top and bottom of a
vertical lamp post are observed to be 38° and 60° respectively. Find the height of the
lamp post. (tan 38° = 3
= 1.732 )

3562 2

2 3562

39. Âi-h® 20 ö\.«. EÒÍ Kº EyøÍ Ái-ÁU Ps-nõi SÁ-øÍ-PÀ 9 ö\.«.

E¯-µz-vØS }º EÒÍx. Bµ® 5 ö\.«. ©Ø-Ö® E¯-µ® 4 ö\.«. Eøh-¯ Kº ]Ô¯
EÒ-å-hØÓ E÷»õP Ey-øÍ }›À •Ê-ø©-¯õP ‰Ì-S® ÷£õx HØ-£-k® }›ß
E¯º-øÁU PnU-Q-k-P.

A cylindrical glass with diameter 20 cm has water to a height of 9 cm. A small non-
hollow cylindrical metal of radius 5 cm and height 4 cm is immersed in it completely.
Calculate the rise of water in the glass.

40. 7 ÷£õi-i-P-ÎÀ Jy Q›U-öPi õº Gkzu Ki-h[-PÒ •øÓ-÷¯ 70, 80, 60,
50, 40, 90, 95. vih »U-P® Põs-P.

The scores of a cricketer in 7 matches are 70, 80, 60, 50, 40, 90, 95. Find the standard

41. Cµsk ^µõÚ £P-øh-PÒ •øÓ-¯õP J÷µ ÷|µz-vÀ Eyi-h¨-£-k-Q-Óx.

(i) Cµsk £P-øh-P-Î-¾® J÷µ •P©v¨¦ QøhU-P,

(ii) •P©v¨-¦-P-Îß ö£yU-PØ-£-»ß £Põ Gs-nõ-PU QøhU-P,

(iii) •P©v¨-¦-P-Îß Tk-uÀ £Põ Gs-nõ-PU QøhU-P,

(iv) •P©v¨-¦-P-Îß Tk-uÀ 1 &BP CyUP,


Two unbiased dice are rolled once. Find the probability of getting :

(i) a doublet (equal numbers on both dice)

(ii) the product as a prime number

(iii) the sum as a prime number

(iv) the sum as 1


[ vy¨¦P / Turn over

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2 3562

42. AB GßÓ ÷|ºU-÷Põk B¯ Aa-_-PøÍ A ©Ø-Ö® B ¦Ò-Î-P-ÎÀ öÁi-k-Q-Óx.

AB &ß |k¨-¦ÒÎ (2, 3) GÛÀ AB &ß \©ß-£õi-i-øÚU Põs-P.
A straight line AB cuts the co-ordinate axes at A and B. If the mid-point of AB is (2, 3),
find the equation of AB.

£Sv & IV/PART - IV

SÔ¨¦ : AøÚzx ÂÚõUPÐUS® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®. 2x8=16
Note : Answer the following questions.

43. (A) öPõ-kU-P¨-£ih •U-÷Põ-n® ABC &Pß Jzu £U-P[-P-Îß ÂQ-u® 6

 6
Aø©-²-©õÖ Jy Ái-öÁõzu •U-÷Põ-n® Áøµ-P. 
AÍÄ Põµo 5 
 
(B) 5 ö\.«. Bµ-•ÒÍ Ái-hz-vß ø©¯z-v-¼-y¢x 10 ö\.«. öuõ-ø»-Â-¾ÒÍ
¦Ò-Î-P-¼-y¢x Ái-hz-vØ-Sz öuõ-k-÷Põ-k-PÒ Áøµ-¯-Ä®. ÷©¾®
öuõ-k-÷PõkPÎß }Í[-PøÍU PnU-Q-k-P.
(a) Construct a triangle similar to a given triangle ABC with its sides equal to of
 6
the corresponding sides of the triangle ABC.  scale factor

 5

(b) Draw two tangents from a point which is 10 cm away from the centre of a circle
of radius 5 cm. Also measure the lengths of the tangents.
3562 2

2 3562

44. (A) GßÓ Cy-£-ia \©ß-£õi-iß Áøµ-£-h® Áøµ¢x º-Âß

uß-ø©-ø¯U TÖ-P.

(B) y=2x 2 −3x−5&Pß Áøµ-£-h® Áøµ¢x Au-øÚ¨ £¯ß-£-kzv
2x2−4x−6=0 GßÓ \©ß-£õi-i-øÚz ºU-P-Ä®.

(a) Graph the quadratic equation x2−8x+16=0 and state the nature of their


(b) Draw the graph of y=2x2−3x−5 and hence solve 2x2−4x−6=0.

[ vy¨¦P / Turn over

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