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Fourth edition
© ISO 2017
ISO 2408:2017(E)
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vii
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative
Normative references...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and deinitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Requirements .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.1 Material ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.1.1 Wire............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.1.2 Core ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.1.3 Lubricant ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
4.2 Rope manufacture ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
4.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.2.2 Wire joints ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.2.3 Lubrication............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.2.4 Preformation and postformati postformation on....................................................................................................................... 3
4.2.5 Construction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.2.6 Grade .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2.7 Wire inish ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.2.8 Direction and type of lay ........................................................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Designation and classiication................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.4 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.4.1 Diameter ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.4.2 Lay length ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.4.3 Rope length ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.5 Breaking force.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.5.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.5.2 Ropes produced in series ......................................................................................................................................... 6
5 Veriication of requirements and test methods ................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Materials....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Rope manufacture ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.3 Test on rope for diameter .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.4 Test on rope for breaking force................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.4.1 Method 1: Measured breaking force, Fm ...................................................................................................... 8
5.4.2 Method 2: Calculated measured (post-spi (post-spin) n) breaking force ..................................................... 8
5.4.3 Method 3: Calculated measured (pre-spin) breaking force ........................................................ 9
5.4.4 Method 4: Measured aggregate breaking force, Fe.m ......................................................................... 9
6 Information for use............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
6.1 Certiicate .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.1.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.1.2 Test results ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Packaging and marking ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.2.1 Packaging ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.2.2 Marking................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Annex A (normative) Dimensional and mechanical properties of round wires (before
rope making)......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Annex B (normative) Sampling and acceptance criteria for type testing of ropes produced
in series....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Annex C (normative) Calculation of minimum breaking force for ropes in the tables of
Annex D and Annex H....................................................................................................................................................................................17
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Annex D (normative) Tables of minimum breaking forces for more common rope classes,
sizes and grades .................................................................................................................................................................................................20
ISO 2408:2017(E)
ISO (the International Organization
Organi zation for Standardization
Standardizat ion)) is a worldwide federation
federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardizatio
st andardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identiied during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO speciic terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
URL: www
This document was prepared by Technical Committee 105, Steel wire ropes.
Committ ee ISO/TC 105,
This fourth
revised withedition cancels main
the following and replaces
changes:the third edition (ISO 2408:2004), which has been technically
— general
general purposes and minimum have been
been deleted
deleted from the title;
— the deinit
ions of “calculated aggregate minimum breaki
ng force of core, F0” have been increased;
— in Table 1,
1, Rope grade 2160 has been increased to 2 360 MPa;
— in 4.2.2
4.2.2,, the sentence “Twisting for wires up to and including 0,4 mm, and brazing for wires over
0,4 mm,” has been deleted and has been replaced with “the minimum distance between wire joints
within one strand shall be 20 × d”;
— “type”
“ty pe” has been used to replace “duty
“duty”” in 4.2.3
4.2.3,, and the sentence “The purchaser should specify the
rope duty or any particular lubrication requirements” has been deleted;
— the requirement
requirement of
of measuring instrument
instr ument for diameter measurement
measurement in 5.3 has been increased;
ISO 2408:2017(E)
c) aft
er 80 % of the minimum breaking force has been applied, the force shall be increased at a
rate of not more than 0,5 % of the minimum
mi nimum breaking
breaki ng force per second”;
— in 6.1.1
6.1.1,, g) maximum wire diameter and h) metallic cross-sectional area have been added;
— in Annex D (previously Annex C), 6 × 19 M, 8 × 7, 18 × 19S, 18 × 19W, 36(M) × 7 have been added in
rope construction
constr uction and tables
t ables for 4 × 19
19 class, 4 × 36 class and K4 × 35N class have been added;
— rope grade equivalents has been changed to rope grade approximations
approximations in Annex G,
G, and a note
has been added;
ISO 2408:2017(E)
This document was developed in response to a worldwide demand for a speciication giving
requirements for steel wire ropes.
As in previous editions, this document speciies metric sizes and grades of rope for the more common
classes of rope; see Annex F.
F. A comparison of rope grades is provided in Annex G.
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved vii
ANDARD ISO 2408:20
1 Scope
This document speciies requirements for the manufacture, testing, acceptance, packing, marking and
issuing of a certiicate of quality of wire ropes. It is applicable to round strand ropes and compacted
strand ropes made from wires ropes that are uncoated (bright), zinc-coated or Zn-Al coated.
It is not applicable to ropes for
— mining purposes,
— aircraft contro
— lifts.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest
lat est edition
edit ion of the referenced document (including any amendments)
amendments) applies.
ISO 2232:1990, Round drawn wire for general purpose non-alloy steel wire ropes and for large diameter
steel wire ropes — Speciications
ISO 6892-
6 892-1,
1, Metallic materials — Tensile
Tensile testing
test ing — Part 1: Method of test at room temperature
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Elect
ropedia: available at http://
calculated aggregate minimum breaking force of core
value of the aggregate minimum breaking force obtained by calculation from the cross-sectional area
(based on nominal wire diameter) and tensile strength grade of each wire in the core, as given in the
manufacturer’s rope design
4 Requirements
4.1 Material
4.1.1 Wire
Before rope making, wires shall conform to the diameter, torsion and, where applicable, coating
requirements speciied in Annex A.
NOTE 1 Annex A is based on ISO 2232 but with extended wire sizes and wire tensile strength
st rength grades.
NOTE 2 For a given wire size and tensile strength grade, the torsional propertie
propertiess of the wires in
ISO 10425:2003, A.2 meet or exceed the values given in Annex A.
For those ropes where a rope grade is applicable, the tensile strength grades of the wires shall be
subject to the limits given in Table 1.
Table 1 — Tensile strength grades of wires (excluding centre and iller wires) for given rope
NOTE 3 The minimum breaking force values of those ropes of grades 1570, 1770, 1960 and 21602160 as covered by
Table D.1 to Table D.14 are calculated on the basis of rope grade and not individual wire tensile strength grades.
4.1.2 Core
Cores of single-layer stranded ropes shall normally be of steel or ibre, although other types such as
composites (e.g. steel plus ibre or steel
st eel plus polymer) or
or solid polymer may also be supplied.
Natural ibre cores shall be treated with an impregnating compound to inhibit rotting and decay.
Steel cores shall be either an independent wire rope (IWRC) or a wire strand (WSC).
Steel cores of single-layer stranded ropes larger than 12 mm diameter shall be an independent wire
rope (IWRC), unless speciied otherwise.
4.1.3 Lubricant
4.2.1 General
All the wires in a strand shall have the same direction of lay.
ISO 2408:2017(E)
The core, except for compacted (swaged) ropes, shall be designed (steel) or selected (ibre) so that in a
new rope under tension on the closing machine, there is clearance between the outer strands.
The completed rope shall be evenly laid and free from loose wires, distorted strands and other
Rope ends
the wire thatand
rope have no enditsittings
prevent shall, when necessary, be secured so as to maintain the integrity of
Wires over 0,4 mm in diameter shall, where necessary, have their ends joined by welding.
Wires up to and including 0,4 mm diameter shall, where necessary, be joined by brazing, welding or by
ends being simply inserted in the strand’s formation.
The minimum distance between wire joints within one strand shall be 20 × rope diameter ( d ).
4.2.3 Lubrication
The amount of lubrication and type of lubricant shall be appropriate to the rope type and its use.
Ropes shall be preformed and/or postformed unless speciied otherwise by the purchaser.
4.2.5 Construction
If the purchaser only speciies the rope classiication, the manufacturer should state the rope
construction clearly.
The purchaser should specify the rope construction or classiication.
4.2.6 Grade
The rope grades for the more common classes of ropes shall be as given in Table D.1 to Table D.22.
Other rope grades, including those as given in ISO 10425, may be supplied by agreement between the
purchaser and the manufacturer, providing all of the other requirements are met.
The inish of the wires shall be uncoated (bright), zinc-coated quality B, zinc coated quality A or Zn-
Al coated.
For ropes of bright wire inish, substitution of bright wires by zinc-coated wires shall be limited to
inner wires, centre wires, iller wires and core wires.
For ropes
ropes of zinc coated wire inish, all
a ll of the wires shall be zinc coated, including those of any steel core.
ISO 2408:2017(E)
The direction and type of rope lay shall be one of the following:
The direction and type of rope lay should be speciied by the purchaser.
Rope designation and classiication shall conform to the system requirements of ISO 17893.
4.4 Dimensions
4.4.1 Diameter General
The nominal diameter shall be the dimension by which the rope is designated. Tolerance
ISO 2408:2017(E)
+7 +9
0 0
+5 +7
8 ≤ d < 60
0 0
d ≥ 60 —
Compacted strand +5
d ≥ 10 —
rope 0
a For example, 6 × 24 FC-FC.
The difference between any two of the four measurements taken in accordance with 5.3 and expressed
as a percentage of the nominal rope diameter shall not exceed the values given in Table 3.
For single-layer ropes of 6 × 7 class, the length of lay of the inished rope shall not exceed 8 × d.
For other single-layer ropes with round strands (except those with three or four strands), parallel
closed ropes and rotation-resistant ropes with round strands or shaped strands, the length of lay of the
shed rope shall not exceed 7,5 × d.
For single-layer ropes with shaped strands, e.g. triangular strand, the length of lay of the inished rope
shall not exceed 10 × d.
ISO 2408:2017(E)
The length of rope supplied, under no load, shall be equivalent to the speciied length subject to the
following tolerances:
— ≤400 m: 0
+ 20
— >400 m and ≤1 000 m: 0
+ 2
— >1 000 m: 0
4.5.1 General
The minimum breaking force, Fmin , for a given rope diameter and construction shall be either
5.4.1,, the measured breaking force, Fm, shall be greater than or equal
When tested in accordance with 5.4.1
to the minimum breaking force, Fmin .
Type testing shall be repeated on any rope that has its design changed in any way which results in a
modiied (e.g. increased) breaking force. If the same design, apart from wire tensile strength grades,
is used for ropes of a lower grade or lower breaking force, or both, than the one which has successfully
passed the type testing requirements, it shall not be necessary to repeat the tests on those ropes
provided the breaking force is calculated with the same spinning loss.
Subsequent production lengths of ropes produced in series shall be deemed to conform to the breaking
force requirements when the manufacturer has satisfactorily completed, on a sample from every 20th
production length
a) the approp
riate ty
pe test
testss (see Annex B),
B), and
b) a periodic breaking force test in accordance with Method 1 (see or one of the alternative
methods, known as Method 2 (see 5.4.2
), Method 3 (see 5.4.3
5.4.3)) and Method 4 (see 5.4.4
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Over 60 mm Break ing force test in accordance with 5.4.1 (Method 1), 5.4.2 (Method
2), 5.4.3 (Method 3) or 5.4.4 (Method 4)on a sample from each production
length, or either of the following:
a) if produced
produced in series, ty
pe test
ing in accordance with B.2 plus periodic
breaking force test in accordance with 5.4.1 (Method 1), 5.4.2 (Method 2),
5.4.3 (Method 3) or 5.4.4 (Method 4) on a sample from every 20th
production length; or
b) if produced forfor supply as a set of
of ropes of
of the same design for a
speciic installation the alternative breaking force testing and sampling as
also given in B.2
NOTE Breaking force type testing demonstrates
demonstrates that a steel
steel wire rope
rope produced
produced in series and certiied by the
manufacturer as conforming to this document possesses the minimum breaking force stated by the manufacturer. The
purpose of these tests is to prove the design, material and method of manufacture.
5.1 Materials
Conformity with the wire, core and lubricant requirements shall be conirmed through a visual
veriication of the inspection documents supplied with the wire, core and lubricant, respectively.
For wire rope diameter ≤26 mm, the minimum scale value of the measuring instrument shall be
0,02 mm or less. For wire rope diameter from 26 mm to 100 mm, the minimum scale value of the
measuring instr
in strument
ument shall be 0,05 mm or less. For wire rope over 100
100 mm, the minimum
mini mum scale value of
the measuring instrument shall be 0,1 mm or less.
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Besides following regulations, the testing method and acceptance shall be in accordance with ISO 3108.
a) If the measured breaking force, Fm, reaches or exceeds the minimum breaking force, Fmin , the test
may be terminated without breaking the rope.
b) If in the irst tensile test, the measured break ing force, Fm, does not reach the minimum breaking
force, Fmin , it can be repeated three additional times. Once a test reaches or exceeds the Fmin , the
wire rope has met the minimum breaking force.
c) If the breaking is within the distance 6 times of wire rope diameter from the clamp or the ends, and
Fm less than Fmin , the testing shall be determined invalid, the invalid test is not counted as one of
four allowed tests.
5.4.2 Method 2: Calculated measured (post-spin) breaking force
Add together the measured breaking forces of all the individual wires after they have been removed
from the rope and multiply this value by either
The partial spinning loss factor used in the calculation shall be the lowest of the three values obtained
from type testing.
In the case
individu of triangular strand ropes, the triangular centre of the strand may be considered as an
al wire.
The wires shall be tested in accordance with the wire tensile test speciied in ISO 6892-1.
When this
thi s method (i.e. Method 2) is used for the
t he periodic test (see Table 4)
4) and the calculated measured
(post-spin) breaking force value is less than the intended minimum breaking force value, another test
using Method 1 shall be carried out.
ISO 2408:2017(E)
In such cases, the rope grade shall either be de-rated in line with the de-rated minimum breaking force
value or deleted from the rope designation.
Add together the measured breaking forces of all the individual wires before they are laid into the rope
and multiply this value by the total spinning loss factor obtained from the results of type testing. The
total spinning loss factor used in the calculation shall be the lowest value of the three values obtained
from type testing.
The wires shall be tested in accordance with the wire tensile test speciied in ISO 6892-1.
When this
thi s method (i.e. Method 3) is used for the periodic test (see
(see Table 4)
4) and the calculated measured
(pre-spin) breaking force value is less than the intended minimum breaking force value, another test
using Method 1 shall be carried out.
If the measured breaking force in this second test fails to meet the intended minimum breaking force
value, the minimum breaking force shall be de-rated to a value not exceeding the measured breaking
force value and type testing shall be repeated using Method 1. The wires from the rope shall be tested in accordance with the wire tensile test speciied in
ISO 6892 1. Add together the breaking forces of all individual wires if all wires tested. If partial wires are tested, the aggregate breaking force of wires is calculated by Formula (1):
F1, F 2, F 3… Fn is the sum of the measured breaking force of wires in the same construction, same
diameter strand and the calculated breaking force of wires not tested;
N1, N2, N3… Nn are the numbers of the same construction and same diameter strands of wire rope.
In such cases, the rope grade shall either be de-rated in line with the de-rated minimum breaking force
value or deleted from the rope designation.
6.1 Certiicate
6.1.1 General
A certiicate
certi icate shall conirm conformity
conformity with
w ith this docum
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Unless speciied otherwise by the purchaser, the certiicate shall give at least the following information:
a) certiicate
certi icate number;
c) quantity
quantit y and nominal length of
of rope (o
d) rope desig
ion (see ISO 17893
g) maximum
maxi mum wire diameter;
h) metall
ic cross-sect
ional area;
When test results are provided, the certiicate shall additionally give either a) or b) or both, as follows:
3) calculate
calculatedd measured (pre-spin) breaking force;
b) testss on wires:
3) measured breaki
ng force of wire;
4) tensile streng
th based on nominal diameter;
6.2.1 Packaging
6.2.2 Marking There should be a marker tape incorporated into the centre of the rope, so as to remain
recognizable despite soiling, soaking or discolora
tion during use.
ISO 2408:2017(E) Each coil or reel should have a label, which is irmly ixed in place, with the following
— construction;
— diameter;
— length;
— gross weight;
— net weight;
— reel/coil no.;
— manufacturer;
— origin;
— metallic cross-sect
ional area;
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Annex A
The diameter tolerances, minimum number of torsions and minimum masses of coating for wire
tensile strength
st rength grades 1370,
1370, 1570,
1570, 1770,
1770, 1960
1960 and 2160 shall be in accordance with
w ith the
t he values given in
Table A.2.
For intermediate wire tensile strength grades, the values for the next highest grade shall apply. The
value of wire exceeding the grades in the table should be agreed by the supplier and purchaser in
Annex A.
Table A.2 — Diameter tolerances, minimum number of torsions and minimum masses of zinc
for tensile strength grades 1370, 1570, 1770, 1960 and 2160
Minimum number of torsions based on test lengt h of 100x
mass of zinc
mm Bright and galvanized or Galvanized or Zn-Al
Zn-Al alloy alloy Galvanized or
Nominal diameter Zn-Al alloy
of wire Qu a l i t y B Qu a l i t y A
mm Tensile strength grade N/mm 2 g / m2
Bright and
Galv. or
galv. or
Zn-Al alloy
Zn-Al alloy 1370 1570 1770 1960 2160 1370 1570 1770 1960 B A
Quality A
Quality B
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Annex B
— over 24 mm up
up to and including
including 48 mm;
For each of the sub-groups representing the intended range and having the same construction, grade
and minimum breaking force factor, the manufacturer shall perform breaking force tests in accordance
with 5.4.1 on samples from each of three separate production lengths of rope of different nominal
If all three samples pass the test, all rope sizes within that sub-group of that particular rope
construction, grade and minimum breaking force factor shall be deemed to have satisied the
If all three samples pass the test, that diameter and construction having that particular minimum
breaking force factor shall be deemed to have satisied the breaking force type testing requirements.
If one of the samples fails the test, the tests shall be repeated until the measured breaking forces
of three consecutive production lengths of that rope diameter and construction meet or exceed the
minimum breaking force value.
If all three samples pass the test, that rope diameter and construction having that particular minimum
breaking force shall be deemed to have satisied the breaking force type testing requirements.
ISO 2408:2017(E)
If one sample fails the test, the tests shall be repeated until the measured breaking forces of three
consecutive production lengths of that rope diameter and construction meet or exceed the minimum
breaking force value.
The ropes shall be deemed to satisfy the requirement if the measured breaking forces, when tested
in accordance with 5.4.1 (Method 1), 5.4.2 (Method 2), 5.4.3 (Method 3) or 5.4.4 (Method 4), meet or
exceed the minimum value.
Only those ropes that pass the tests shall be deemed to have satisied the breaking force requirement.
16 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Annex C
Table C.1 summarizes the factors used in the calculation of the minimum breaking force for round
stranded ropes covered by Table D.1 to Table D.13.
Table C.2 summarizes the factors used in the calculation of the minimum breaking force for compacted
ropes covered by Table D.14 to Table D.22.
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 17
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Ro pes with ib
re co
re Ropes
Ropes with stee
steell co
re or wire stra
nd cen
Cross- Minimum Cross-
Type of Weight sectional breaking sectional
Class Weight factor breaking
rope factor metallic force metallic
force factor
area factor factor area factors
W1 C1 K1 W2 W3 C2 C3 K2 K3
6×7 0, 345 0, 369 0, 332 0,384 0, 396 0,432 0,441 0, 359 0, 388
6 × 19 0, 359 0, 384 0, 330 0,400 0,449 0, 356
6 × 24 0, 314 0, 329 0, 286
8×7 0, 327 0, 335 0, 291 0, 391 0,464 0,439 0, 520 0, 359 0,404
8 × 19 0, 340 0, 349 0,293 0,407 0,457 0, 356
8 × 36 0, 348 0, 357 0,293 0,417 0,468 0, 356
4 × 19
0,410 0,429 0, 360
4 × 36
Rotation- 18 × 7
resistant 0, 382 0,408 0, 328 0,401 0,433 0, 328
18 × 19
round steel
wire ropes 34(M) × 7 0, 390 0,424 0, 318 0,401 0,428 0, 318
35( W ) × 7 0,454 0,480
a Up to rope grade 1960.
b Rope grade over than 1960 up to 2160.
Ropes with ib
re cor
e Ropes
Ropes with ste
el co
re or wire stra
nd cen
sectional Cross-sectional
Type of Weight MBF
Class metallic Weight factor metallic area MBF factor
rope factor factor
area factor
W1 C1 K1 W2 W3 C2 C3 K2 K3
6 × K7 0,410 0,426 0, 375
Single layer 6 × K19
0,425 0,453 0, 373 0,477 0, 516 0,410
compacted 6 × K36
wire rope 8 × K19
0,405 0,400 0, 330 0,495 0,516 0,410
8 × K36
K4 × 35N 0,423 0,429 0, 375
Rotation- 15 × K7 0,490 0,528 0,410
compacted 18 × K7
0,427 0,449 0, 350 0,470 0,475 0, 370
wire rope 18 × K19
35( W ) × K7 0,510 0, 527 0,410
NOTE 1 The weight factor s and the cross-sect ional factors are only
only for reference.
NOTE 2 For calculation of weight,
weight, cross-sectional metallic area, and minimum breaking
breaking force using the factors in this
table, refer to ISO 17893.
ISO 2408:2017(E)
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Annex D
Table D.1 to Table D.22 give the minimum breaking forces for the more common classes, sizes and
grades of rope.
20 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
6 × 7-FC 6 × 7-IWR
C Rope Strand No. of outer layer wires
construction construction Tot al Per st rand
Typical cross section
6×7 1-6 36 6
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
No. of outer
Rope Strand layer wires
construction construction
6 × 24FC-FC Tot al Tot al
6 × 24FC FC-12/12 72 12
Typical cross section
6 × 24FC FC-9/15 90 15
Rope grade
Nominal Approximate weight
weig ht
1570 1770
diameter kg/100 m
mm Minimum breaking force, kN
8 20,1 28,7 32,4
9 25,4 36,4 41,0
10 31,4 44,9 50,6
11 38,0 54,3 61,3
12 45,2 64,7 72,9
13 53,1 75,9 85,6
14 61,5 88,0 99,2
15 70,7 101 114
16 80,4 115 130
18 102 145 164
20 126 180 202
22 152 217 245
24 181 259 292
26 212 304 342
28 246 352 397
30 283 404 456
32 322 460 518
36 407 582 656
40 502 718 810
44 608 869 980
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Table D.4 — Class 6 × 37 M
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
56 1 130 1 250 1 620 1 750 1 830 1 980 2 030 2 190 2 240 2 410
60 1 290 1 440 1 870 2 010 2 100 2 270 2 330 2 510 2 570 2 770
For small diameter ropes (6 mm to 8 mm) with wire strand core (WSC), K3 may be used for the calculation of
breaking forces. The values shown are for ropes with IWRC.
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 25
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
14 66,6 79,8 90,2 110 102 124 113 137 124 151
16 87,0 104 118 143 133 161
161 147
147 179 162 197
18 110 132 149 181 168 204 186 226 205 249
20 136 163 184 224 207 252 230 279 253 308
22 165 197 223 271 251 305 278 338 306 372
24 196 234 265 322 299 363 331 402 365 443
26 230 275 311 378 351 426 388 472 428 520
28 267 319 361 438 407 494 450 547 496 603
32 348 417
417 471 572 531 645 588 715 648 787
36 441 527 596 724 672 817 744 904 820 997
40 544 651 736 894 830 1 010 919 1 120 1 010 1 230
44 658 788 891 1 080 1 000 1 220 1 110 1 350 1 230 1 490
48 783 938 1 060 1 290 1 190 1 450 1 320 1 610 1 460 1 770
52 919 1 100 1 240 1 510 1 400 1 700 1 550 1 890 1 710 2 080
56 1 070 1 280 1 440 1 750 1 630 1 980 1 800 2 190 1 980 2 410
60 1 220 1 470 1 660 2 010 1 870 2 270 2 070 2 510 2 280 2 770
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
28 273 327 361 438 407 494 450 547 496 603
32 356 427 471 572 531 645 588 715 648 787
36 451 540 596 724 672 817 744 904 820 997
40 557 667 736 894 830 1 010 919 1 120 1 010 1 230
44 674
674 807 891 1 080 1 000 1 220 1 110 1 350 1 230 1 490
48 802 961 1 060 1 290 1 190 1 450 1 320 1 610 1 460 1 770
52 941 1 130 1 240 1 510 1 400 1 700 1 550 1 890 1 710 2 080
56 1 090 1 310 1 440 1 750 1 630 1 980 1 800 2 190 1 980 2 410
60 1 250 1 500 1 660 2 010 1 870 2 270 2 070 2 510 2 280 2 770
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Table D.11
D.11 — Class 34(M) × 7
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Table D.14
D.14 — Class 6 × K7 (compacted wire
wi re rope)
Typical construction
Rope Strand No. of outer layer wires
construction construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Table D.15 — Class 6 × K19 (compacted
(compacted wire
w ire rope)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Table D.16
D.16 — Class 6 × K36 (compacted wire
wir e rope)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Table D.17
D.17 — Class
Cla ss 8 × K19 (compacted
(compacted wire
w ire rope)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Table D.18
D.18 — Class 8 × K36 (compacted wire rope)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Table D.19
D.19 — Class
Cla ss 15 × K7
K 7 (compacted wire
wir e rope)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Typical construction
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Annex E
E.1 General
If tests on wires are required to be carried out, these are usually in respect of diameter, tensile strength
and torsions; and, when applicable, zinc coating.
For the purposes of evaluating the test results, the manufacturer should indicate the nominal
dimensions and tensile strength grades of the wires.
E.2 Sampling
If there are eight strands or less in each layer, one strand of each construction within that layer shall be
selected to test the wires. If there are more than eight strands of the same diameter and construction
in one layer, the wires from two strands of that diameter and construction shall be tested. If there are
more than 15 strands of the same diameter and construction in one layer, the wires from three strands
of that diameter and construction shall be tested.
Unless speciied otherwise, the samples of wires taken for tests shall not include iller or centre wires
and IWRC or WSC.
E.3.1 General
For each requirement, a maximum of 5 % of wires tested, rounded up to the nearest whole number of
wires, it shall be permitted to lie outside the values speciied.
When the same wire fails the test (e.g. torsion and tensile), this is counted as a failure for one wire.
E.3.4 Torsion
alternative 100d for
length of length thebetest
shall pieceatbetween
chosen the wiregrips is preferred.
manufacturer’s If this length
discretion. cannot
In this case, be
number an
torsions which the wire shall withstand shall be proportional to the numbers speciied for a test length
of 100d.
ISO 2408:2017(E)
For ropes with round strands, when tested in accordance with ISO 7800, as appropriate, the measured
values of round wires of 0,5 mm diameter and larger shall be at least 85 % of the values speciied in
Table A.2,
A.2, rounded down to the next whole number.
E.3.5 Knot
This test shall apply to wires smaller than 0,5 mm diameter in substitution of the torsion test stipulated
in E.3.4
Each single wire with one simple knot shall withstand without breaking a force of at least 45 % of the
force corresponding to the tensile strength grade.
Table E.1 — Permissible reduction of minimum mass of zinc coating of wires for stranded ropes
Annex F
Comparison between metric and imperial rope sizes
Diameters tolerance
Nominal diameters
Minimum Ma ximum
mm in mm mm
6,00a — 6 ,0 0 6, 36
6, 35 1/4 6, 35 6,73
7,00 — 7,00 7,42
7,94 5/16 7,94 8,42
8,00 — 8 ,0 0 8,40
9,00a — 9,00 9,45
9, 53 3/8 9, 53 10,0
10,00a — 10,0 10, 5
11,00a — 11,0 11,6
11,10 7/16 11,1 11,7
12,00a — 12,0 12,6
12,70 1/2 12,7 13, 3
13,00a — 13,0 13,7
14,00a — 14,0 14,7
14, 30 9/16 14, 3 15,0
15,90 5/8 15,9 16,7
16,00a — 16,0 16, 8
18,00a — 18,0 18,9
19,00a — 19,0 20,0
19,10 3/4 19,1 20,0
20,00a — 20,0 21,0
22,00a — 22,0 23,1
22, 20 7/8 22,2 23, 3
24,00a — 24,0 25, 2
25,40 1 25,4 26,7
26,00a — 26,0 27, 3
28,00a — 28,0 29,4
28,60 1–1/8 28,6 30,0
31, 80 1–1/4 31, 8 33, 3
32,00a — 32,0 33,6
34,90 1–3/8 34,9 36,7
35,00a — 35,0 36, 8
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Table F.1 (continued)
Diameters tolerance
Nominal diameters
Minimum Ma ximum
mm in mm mm
36,00a — 36,0 37, 8
38,00a — 3 8 ,0 39,9
38,10 1–1/2 38,1 40,0
40,00a — 40,0 42,0
41, 30 1–5/8 41, 3 43, 3
44,00a — 44,0 46, 2
44, 50 1–3/4 44, 5 46,7
45,00a — 45,0 47, 3
47,60 1–7/8 47,6 50,0
48,00a — 48, 0 50,4
50, 80 2 50, 8 53, 3
51,00 — 51,0 53,6
52,00a — 52,0 54,6
ISO 2408:2017(E)
Annex G